VOA E - Paper 06-05-20

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Serving Harris, Fort Bend and Surrounding Counties for over 30 years

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020 l Published Weekly From Houston Vol. 34 • No. 23 • 16 Pages • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Momentous turnout at March for former Houstonian George Floyd

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner speaks to the media before a march in honor of George Floyd on June 2, 2020 in Houston. Members of George Floyd's family participated in a march that went from Discovery Green to City Hall with support from the local chapter of Black Lives Matter. (Sergio Flores/Getty Images/AFP). Attendees at the march in honor of George Floyd on June 2, 2020 in Houston, Texas. (Twitter image courtesy Nick Natario @NickABC13)


OUSTON, June 2, 2020 - During Tuesday's march for George Floyd, more than 60,000 people crowded in front of City Hall as city leaders gave speeches in memory of George Floyd. Some of the best moments from the march included thousands marching through the streets of downtown Houston carrying signs and chanting, and Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo taking a knee of solidarity. During the march, there was a moment of silence as thousands held their fists in the air. In the middle of all of this, Lakewood Pastor Joel Osteen also led a A group prayed with the HPD Chief Art Acevedo and HPD officers at prayer with members of Floyd's Discovery Green before the march and rally for George Floyd in Houston family. (KTRK) on June 2, 2020. (Image courtesy HPD twitter)

COVID-19 Relief efforts by Hindus of Greater Houston

HGH held a virtual meeting on May 23, 2020 with its Board of Trustees, Advisors and other community

leaders to share views on COVID-19 efforts.

George Floyd's funeral to be held June 9 in Texas


ASHINGTON | AFP | 6/1/2020 A funeral for George Floyd, the black man who died in US police custody after a Minneapolis officer knelt on his neck, will be held

Crump, speaking at a press conference in Minneapolis to report the findings of an independent autopsy. "On Saturday, there will be a June 9 in Houston, the family's lawyer said Monday. memorial service in North Caro"In Minneapolis, there will be lina, where he was born, at 1:00 a memorial here Thursday, at to 3:00. And then on Tuesday, 1:00 to 3:00," said attorney Ben Continued on Page 7

by Manu Shah


OUSTON - Since the early days of the pandemic, Hindus of Greater Houston (HGH) have been routing their combined resources into multiple food drives, distribution of PPE’s and actively fundrais-

23 and moderated by Secretary of Meenakshi Temple Parthasarthy Krishnaswamy, HGH Board of Trustees, Advisors and other community leaders once again got together virtually to share In a meeting organized on May updates and the way forward.

ing to help Houstonians impacted by the financial fallout. About $100,000 has been raised by HGH to date for Sewa International and other organizations for their relief efforts.

Continued on Page 5

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Page 2 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)


FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

COMMUNITY Second Front Page

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140

Publisher's Note

A New Era The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but in building the new. ~Socrates

Koshy Thomas Publisher & CEO, Voice of Asia


he changes that have occurred in a short 30+ years since we began publishing Voice of Asia are heady. We’ve gone from expressing ideas in eloquent prose to reducing ideas, both thoughtful and inane, to 240 characters – not words, mind you, but 240 characters as one of the primary means of communications. In a world where tweeting is no longer the sole province of birds, how do we keep pace? We at Voice of Asia have decided the best way to keep pace with rapidly changing metrics is to wholeheartedly embrace the global trek towards a digital medium in terms of how news is both dispensed and consumed.

This means that those of you cannot countenance reading news without the smudge of print ink on your fingers or your coffee cup will have some adjusting to do. The rest of you who have grown up in an age with your head resolutely down, facing your telephone screen working your thumbs into numbness, not much will change. As part of these changing dynamics, Voice of Asia is in the planning phases of taking this newspaper solely online at www.voiceofasia.news. We will no longer have a print edition. This will be the last print edition of Voice of Asia. Our plan is to include the Voice of Asia newspaper and HealthLine, our health magazine, in our online format. One of the key areas we hope and plan to include in our online forums is addressing the needs of all our first generation senior citizens. The Corona virus pandemic has fully changed the world order of medical services, especially to the most vulnerable

in our community: our senior citizens. My personal goal is to help open up opportunities for our community and serve our most vulnerable in new and innovative ways. Although our medium will change to a digital one, Voice of Asia’s commitment to presenting original perspectives and dedication to respectful discourse will not change. The only aspect that will change is the form in which you continue to receive news of local, state, national and global concerns, and most importantly, the issues that matter to you. Voice of Asia’s purpose and mission has always been about providing information. Reliable information knits communities together, inspires hope or conveys dismay, sets the record straight, and shines the light of truth. How we consume information has indeed changed dramatically in these past thirty years, but why we need to consume information remains the same, as will our mission to reliably inform our community.

As the publisher and CEO of Voice of Asia, my family and I thank each and every one of you whether you are individuals or businesses who have wholeheartedly supported us and helped us in ways too numerous to count over the last 33 years. A special thanks to the staff of Voice of Asia, especially our esteemed editor, Ms. Shobana Muratee. You have been, and will continue to be a part of our success. Koshy Thomas Publisher


Page 3 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

OP-ED/COMMENTARY/ANALYSIS IBM scientist Rajiv Joshi bags N EW YORK | PTI | 26 May 2020 - Inventor Rajiv Joshi has bagged the prestigious Inventor of the Year award in recognition of his pioneering work in advancing the electronic industry and improving artificial intelligence capabilities.

Inventor of the Year Award for improving AI capabilities

Dr. Joshi, who is a master inventor with more than 250 Dr Rajiv Joshi is a master inventor with more than 250 patented inventions in the patented inventions in the US, US, and works at the IBM Thomson Watson Research Center in New York. works at the IBM Thomson Watson Research Center in New York. and inventions really shaped his thought process and helped deHe was presented with the velop an interest in science and prestigious annual award by the technology. New York Intellectual Property Law Association early this In his acceptance speech, Dr. month during a virtual awards Joshi said that cloud, artificial ceremony. intelligence, and quantum computing not only remain the buzzAn IIT Mumbai alumnus, words, but their utility, wideJoshi has an MS degree from the spread usage is advancing with Massachusetts Institute of Techleaps and bounds. nology (MIT) and a PhD in mechanical/electrical engineering “All these areas are very exfrom Columbia University, New citing and I have been dabbling York. further in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing,” His invention span from novel he said. interconnect structures and processes for more scaling, machine Quantum computing, which learning techniques for predichas offered tremendous opportive failure analytics, high bandtunities, also faces challenges, width, high performance and he noted, adding that he is inlow power integrated circuits volved in advancing technology, and memories and their usage improving memory structures in hardware accelerators, meant and solutions and their usage in for artificial intelligence applicaAI and contributing to quantum tions. computing to advance the science. Many of these structures exist in processors, supercomputers, Rajiv Joshi is an IIT Mumbai alumnus. (Image: IBM) laptops, smartphones, handheld, and variable gadgets and many other electronic items. His innovations have advanced day-today life, global communication, health sciences and medical fields impacting the world.

Congressman Al Green stands in solidarity with Floyd family, attends ‘A Salute to George’ rally and march

“Necessity and curiosity inspire me,” Dr. Joshi told PTI in a recent interview, adding that the identification of a problem and providing out of the box solution as well as observe and think help him immensely to generate ideas. Joshi said that while growing up, his parents always told him stories about great, renowned inOUSTON - On Tuesday, ventors like Guglielmo Marconi, June 2, 2020, CongressMadame Curie, Right Brothers, man Al Green released James watt, Alexander Bell, the following statement: Thomas Edison, and other great “I am both proud and humbled stalwarts. Their success stories to attend this peaceful demonstration in honor of George Floyd, who tragically died on


Mayor Turner and Sen. John Whitmire issue joint statement following the tragic death of former Houston resident George Floyd while in Minneapolis Police custody


OUSTON - The following is a joint statement from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Senator John Whitmire, Dean of the Texas Senate and Chair of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

"As public servants, we have a responsibility to interact and engage the general public in a manner that is consistent with our oath of office. It is important for us as public servants to maintain the trust and support of the community we serve. "The actions of the police officer placing his knee on the neck of George Floyd, keeping it there and applying pressure for nearly nine minutes while other police officers failed to intervene, but rather stood by as enablers, cannot be excused. "Regardless of what Mr. Floyd may or may not have done leading up to the time he was forced to the ground cannot justify the subsequent actions of the police officers whether the incident occurred in Minneapolis or Houston or any other city. From all

Mayor Sylvester Turner

indications, his death was clearly avoidable. "What happened in Minneapolis amplifies the events surrounding any loss of life of a person involving police officers anywhere in the country and further damages the relationship between the police and the community, and specifically communities of color. "That is why we must uniformly speak out against what occurred in Minneapolis as totally

Senator John Whitmire

unjust and unacceptable. "We must constantly work to train our officers, utilize best practices, review our procedures and actions, and hold everyone accountable. Only then can we gain and maintain the trust and confidence of the public we serve. "It is in the best interest of everyone, from law enforcement and the community, to work together for the good of all."

May 25, 2020 after a Minneapolis police officer mercilessly kneeled on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds,” said Congressman Al Green. “This inhumane and unjust action was an example of cruel and unusual punishment. It was a human rights violation – the right to life – and for that, the involved officers should be prosecuted and punished by the court of law.” Congressman Green – whose vocal advocacy for civil rights predates his presidency over the NAACP Houston Branch decades ago – added, “Our mes-

sage to these officers in Minneapolis and law enforcement agents across the length and breadth of our nation who dare engage in such hate-filled, violent behavior is simple: Being fired is not enough; you must be prosecuted and punished. While I offer my sympathies to this grieving family during this time of tragedy and tumult, I felt it my duty to be physically present in support of the pursuit of justice for their loved one – George Floyd. His life mattered, and the public response to his demise is the supreme personification that Black lives matter.”

Page 4 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

Family Health

Section 1

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Nine in 10 smokers start before they are 18 years old, warns WHO


EW YORK, 29 May 2020 - Tobacco products continue to kill eight million people a year who get hooked via a $9 billion a year marketing strategy. That’s the warning from the UN World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday, which has said that even during a global pandemic, the tobacco and nicotine industry has continued to promote products that limit people’s ability to fight new coronavirus and recover from the disease.

For this year’s World No Tobacco Day – marked on 31 May – the agency is focusing on protecting teenagers, who are a key target sector. More than 40 million young people today aged 13-15, have already started to use tobacco, it estimates. Smoking suffocates the lungs and other organs, starving them of the oxygen they need to develop and function properly, the WHO warned in a statement. “Educating youth is vital because nearly nine out of 10 smokers start before age 18. We want to provide young people with the knowledge to speak out against tobacco industry manipulation”, said Ruediger Krech, Director for Health Promotion at WHO.

E-cigarettes are harmful It points out that smoking e-cigarettes and hookah pipes – marketed as “safer” alternatives to conventional cigarettes - is harmful, addictive, and increases the risk of developing heart and lung disease. The WHO also notes that most of the 15,000 flavours on offer – such as bubble-gum and candy - are there to attract youngsters who at least double their chance of smoking cigarettes later in life. Other marketing strategies during the COVID-19 have included the offer of free branded masks and a home delivery service during quarantine.

The tobacco industry has also lobbied for its products to be listed as “essential”, the health In a bid to help prevent addic- agency noted. tion among 13-17-year-olds, the And in its call to all sectors, agency has highlighted commonly used tactics to watch out including film studios, to keep children and young people out for.


Tel: 713-774-5140

Ways to Cover Vision Coverage for Seniors The risk of developing vision problems drastically increases as you age. Over 91% of people age 55+ use some form of vision correction, so having access to quality vision care is critical as you get older. Issues with vision can increase the risk of falls, driving incidents, and impacting quality of life.

Medicare plans cover a wide variety of services including doctor visits, home health care, and a range of preventive screenings and treatments, but when it comes to vision coverage, benof the industry’s reach, the WHO eficiaries’ options are extremely points out that the streamed hit limited. So, what are the availyouth series, Stranger Things, able options when you retire? has almost twice the number Original Medicare (Part A and of tobacco product placements (182) than cult tv show, The Part B) Walking Dead. Vision coverage through Original Medicare is limited to most#TobaccoExposed quiz ly preventive and emergency To reach more young peo- services. Original Medicare genple and amplify its message, erally doesn’t cover routine eye WHO has also launched the exams for eyeglasses or contact #TobaccoExposed challenge on lenses. Medicare Part A covers popular youth online platform medical emergency related to TikTok, and welcomed social your vision if you are admitted media partnerships with other to the hospital and Medicare Part platforms including Pinterest B covers preventive treatments and YouTube. and screening related to diseases affecting your vision. WHO has also launched a classroom activities kit that puts Medicare Part B covers annual the students in the shoes of the glaucoma test for at-risk individtobacco industry to make them uals which includes those with aware of how the industry tries diabetes, Annual exams to test to manipulate them into using for diabetic retinopathy among their products. diabetics, diagnostic tests and screenings for macular degenerFor more information on ation, cataract surgery and one where to find the school kit, go pair of post-surgery eyeglasses to who.int and search for World or contact lenses are also covNo Tobacco Day. ered. Medicare will only pay for contact lenses or eyeglasses from a supplier enrolled in Medicare. For each of these services, the out-of-pocket costs is the 20%

Medicare-approved amount, and Part B deductible. Medicare Advantage (Part C) One of the easiest options for vision coverage when you retire is Medicare Part C. Part C includes the same emergency and preventive benefits included with Original Medicare, but some Part C plans may also offer additional benefits that include a yearly eye exam, eyeglass frames and lenses, or contact lenses. The cost and coverage for these services vary from plan to plan. The best way to find a Medicare Advantage plan that covers all the services you need is to compare plans and we can help to do so. Vision Programs Enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan to receive vision coverage is not necessarily the best option for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you should not be able to get adequate vision coverage. There are national and local programs available that can provide vision care for little to no cost, but there may be additional requirements to participate and resources may be limited.

Sudhir Mathuria HEALTHLIFE 360 713-771-2900

• Vision USA, a program of the American Optometric Association and Mission Cataract USA both offer vision services for those without insurance including Medicare or Medicaid. Vision USA provides free eye exams for low-income Americans and Mission Cataract USA offers free cataract surgery to those who qualify. As you begin to research your Medicare options keep in mind the enhanced services you may need to maintain, or maybe even improve your quality of life. Having yearly eye exams and updated prescriptions or dental cleanings and fillings may not be the things you consider when choosing a Medicare plan, but they should be.

To get help discovering a plan that covers your needs you can contact us. You can also contact your local State Health Assistance Insurance Program (SHIP) for access to federally-funded Medicare counseling from trained staff members. Source: • Local Lions’ Club Medicare Matters chapters often have programs to To choose right Medicare assist those with severe vision impairment. Local chapters will Advantage Plan that covers be able to provide more informa- Dental, Vision etc. or Medicare Supplement Plans, or Medicare tion on how to get assistance. Prescription Drug Plan contact Sudhir Mathuria 713-771-2900 • EyeCare America®, a service from the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, provides free eye exams and up to one year of care for low-income individuals who qualify.

Immunotherapy, steroids had Pharma chiefs see coronapositive outcomes in children with COVID-related multi-sys- virus vaccine by year-end, but challenges ‘daunting’ tem inflammatory syndrome


ALLAS, May 18, 2020 — Treatment with antibodies purified from donated blood – immune globulin therapy – and steroids restored heart function in the majority of children with COVID-related multi-system inflammatory syndrome, according to new research published yesterday in Circulation, the flagship journal of the American Heart Association.

Physicians around the world have recently noted that a small number of children exposed to COVID-19 have an emerging condition with features overlapping toxic shock syndrome and similar to a heart condition known as Kawasaki disease, together with cardiac inflammation. The symptoms most commonly observed are high-spiking fever, unusual lethargy over several days (asthenia), digestive signs including severe abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes (adenopathy) and skin rash. In this small study, “Acute heart failure in multisymptom inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS0-C) in the context of global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” researchers in France and Switzerland retrospectively collected and analyzed clinical, biological, therapeutic and early outcome data for children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit from March 22 to April 30, 2020, with fever, cardiogenic shock or acute left ventricular dysfunction with inflammatory state. This analysis included 35 children (ages 2 to 16; median age of 10 years). Thirty-one (88.5%) children tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and none of the children had underlying cardiovascular disease. Secondary conditions were limited, and 17% of patients were overweight (n=6). All patients presented with fever and unusu-

by Nina Larson al lethargy (asthenia) lasting ap- atypical Kawasaki disease, but proximately 2 days, and 83% of prominent clinical signs are patients (n=29) presented with largely different. gastrointestinal symptoms. Myocardial involvement with Left ventricular systolic dys- acute heart failure is likely due function was present in all pa- to myocardial stunning or edetients in association with low ma rather than to inflammatory systolic blood pressure. Almost myocardial damage. all patients required respiraWhereas the initial presentatory assistance (n= 33). Left ventricular function recovered tion may be severe with some in the majority of patients dis- patients requiring circulatory charged from the intensive care and respiratory mechanical asunit (n=25). Ten patients treat- sistance, rapid recovery with the ed with ECMO (extracorporeal use of immune globulin and stemembrane oxygenation) for 3-6 roids is currently observed. days were successfully weaned. Early diagnosis and manage(ECMO is a process whereby ment appear to lead to favorable the blood is sent through a machine to increase the amount of outcome using classical theraoxygen in the blood. The oxy- pies. gen-rich blood is then returned Additional study is needed to to the body.) determine the full spectrum of The majority of patients re- the illness and whether longceived intravenous immune term cardiac complications may globulin treatment (n=25), and arise. 12 patients were treated with Authors are Zahra Belhadjer, intravenous steroids. Three children were treated with an inter- M.D.; Mathilde Méot, M.D.; leukin 1 receptor antagonist due Fanny Bajolle, M.D., Ph.D.; to persistent severe inflammato- Diala Khraiche, M.D.; Antoine ry state. 23 patients were treated Legendre, M.D.; Samya Abakwith a therapeutic dose of hep- ka, M.D.; Johanne Auriau, M.D., arin. No deaths were observed. Ph.D.; Marion Grimaud, M.D.; Mehdi Oualha, M.D., Ph.D.; “The majority of patients re- Maurice Beghetti, M.D., Ph.D.; covered within a few days fol- Julie Wacker, M.D.; Caroline lowing intravenous immune Ovaert, M.D., Ph.D.; Sebastien globulin, with adjunctive ste- Hascoet, M.D.; Maëlle Selegny, roid therapy used in one third. M.D.; Sophie Malekzadeh-MiTreatment with immune glob- lani, M.D.; Alice Maltret, M.D.; ulin appears to be associated Gilles Bosser, M.D., Ph.D.; with recovery of left ventricular Nathan Giroux, M.D.; Lausystolic function,” researchers rent Bonnemains, M.D., Ph.D.; Jeanne Bordet, M.D., Ph.D.; reported. Sylvie Di Filippo, M.D., Ph.D.; Pierre Mauran, M.D., Ph.D; The researchers’ key findings are: Sylvie Falcon-Eicher, M.D.; Jean-Benoît Thambo, M.D., Multi-System Inflammatory Ph.D.; Bruno Lefort, M.D., Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Ph.D.; Pamela Moceri, M.D., is a new syndrome that appears Ph.D.; Lucile Houyel, M.D., to be temporally related to pre- Ph.D.; Sylvain Renolleau, M.D., vious exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Ph.D.; and Damien Bonnet, M.D., Ph.D. The authors have MIS-C shares similarities with no disclosures


ENEVA, Switzerland | AFP | Thursday 5/28/2020 - Pharmaceutical company executives said Thursday that one or several COVID-19 vaccines could begin rolling out before 2021, but warned the challenges would be “daunting” as it was estimated that 15 billion doses would be needed to halt the pandemic.

Well over 100 labs around the world are scrambling to come up with a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, including 10 that have made it to the clinical trial stage. “The hope of many people is that we will have a vaccine, hopefully several, by the end of this year,” Pascal Soriot, head of AstraZeneca, told a virtual briefing. His company is partnering with the University of Oxford to develop and distribute a vaccine being trialled in Britain. Albert Bourla, head of Pfizer, meanwhile said that his company, which is conducting clinical trials with German firm Biontech on several possible vaccines in Europe and the United States, also believed one would be ready before the end of the year. “If things go well, and the stars are aligned, we will have enough evidence of safety and efficacy so that we can... have a vaccine around the end of October,” he said. It can take years for a new vaccine to be licensed for general use, but in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, experimental vaccines shown to be safe and effective against the novel coronavirus could likely win approval for emergency use. The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), which organised Thursday’s briefing, highlighted the “daunting” challenges facing the indus-

Cells containing the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are seen through a microscope (AFP Photo/Ben Stansall).

try in the push for a vaccine. - ‘Running against time’ One challenge, which may seem counterintuitive, is that transmission rates are rapidly declining in Europe where some of the trials are taking place. Soon they will be too low to properly conduct clinical vaccine trials in a natural setting, Soriot said, adding that so-called “human challenge” studies in which people are intentionally exposed to the virus to test efficacy, were not considered ethically acceptable with COVID-19. “We are running against time,” he said. The novel coronavirus has killed more than 355,000 people and infected at least 5.7 million worldwide in a matter of months. IFPMA director Thomas Cueni pointed to estimates that the world will need some 15 billion doses to stop the virus, posing massive logistical challenges. He stressed that the industry was committed to ensuring equitable access to a future vaccine,

but acknowledged that “we will not have sufficient quantities as from day one, even with the best efforts.” Once a working vaccine is developed, one of the biggest obstacles to putting out the amount needed could surprisingly be that there are not enough glass vials to store the doses in. “There are not enough vials in the world,” Soriot said, adding that AstraZeneca, like a number of other firms, was looking into the possibility of putting multiple doses in each vial. - IP ‘fundamental’ Paul Stoffels, vice chairman and chief scientific officer at Johnson and Johnson, meanwhile said that if 15 billion doses were needed, a number of different vaccines would be necessary to satisfy the initial demand. “Not all vaccine candidates could go all over the world depending on features, so somewhere between five and 10 will definitely be needed to serve the whole world,” he said.

Page 5 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020


Covid 19 relief efforts by Hindus of Greater Houston

Pujya Bhaktivardhandas Swami of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Houston appreciated HGH efforts. Continued from front page

HGH Chairman Dev Mahajan apprised the gathering about the commendable work done by the Hindu Worship Society, Arya Samaj and VPSS with respect to food drives and the blood donation camp. VPSS was going to “targeted communities” to distribute food instead of requiring them to come to the temple. Sanjay Jain from the Arya Samaj and Rajinder Soni from the Hindu Worship Society filled in more details about the events. On May 31th, a blood donation drive will be held at the Arya Samaj School building from 9:00 am to 1.30 pm in collaboration with the Gulf Coast Blood Center. Sanjay Jain, who is spearheading this drive, appealed to all Indo Americans to register and donate blood. COVID testing is not required. However, donors should not have traveled to India in the last one year. Those who come in between 9-10:30 am will receive a free pack of 5 cloth masks. Groceries will be distributed between 12-1:00 pm Patanjali Yogpeeth President Shekhar Agrawal stated that preparations for Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev’s visit to Houston for the International Day of Yoga on June 21 has been shelved. A virtual two hour program has been planned instead to mark the day and will be live streamed from India House. Swami Ramdev will join the session from India and yoga enthusiasts can follow Swami Ramdev’s yoga routine from their homes. Member of the Hindu Heritage Youth Camp Committee Bharat Pallod regretfully reported that for the first time in 35 years, HGH may not be hosting its

annual camp for children. He further clarified “we are still working towards making a final decision on HHYC 2020. A traditional 5 day, 125 person camp is likely not possible and we are working towards a creative solution.” Sewa International, which swung into action as soon as the first tremors of COVID-19 were felt, has been making a strong and positive impact in Houston. President Gitesh Desai, who joined the meeting in the midst of two food drives organized by the Gujarati Samaj of Houston and VPSS providing food for a combined number of 550 families, shared additional information about the relief efforts. He also added that the much sought after internships with Sewa will be available in a week’s time. Kantibhai Patel and HGH President Thara Narasimhan from Voice of Sanatan Hinduism are offering free airtime for food and blood drive announcements. Tune into their program on Masala Radio from 12-2 pm every Sunday. Houston’s top cardiologist Dr. Randeep Suneja offered a much needed dose of optimism on the medical strides for COVID-19 treatments. As cities are emerging from lockdown, he warned everyone to continue social distancing measures and avoid unnecessary exposure especially the vulnerable elderly population. Statistical analysis expect the number of hospitalizations to drop by the end of June. Doctors are learning to better manage the disease with hydroxychloroquine and blood thinners. These medications are being administered to patients and are found to be effective in the first 72 hours.

The world’s most brilliant minds are collaborating on a vaccine at a speed that “has never before been seen in the history of mankind.” Seven to ten projects show great promise and there should be a vaccine by September/October. India, he mentioned, is playing a key role and will supply millions of doses of the vaccine to countries around the world including the US. India is at the forefront of yet another successful endeavor. Durga Bari’s Past President Parthasarathi Chatterjee highlighted the creation of the National Digital Library that is being put together by the IIT’s and will be the biggest data base of information on COVID-19 from testing to research. A virtual online concert featuring singers like Kailash Kher, Shreya Ghoshal and Usha Uthap is also being organized to raise funds for the recent cyclone that has devastated Kolkata. A few temples have cautiously opened their doors to devotees such as the Meenakshi Temple, VPSS and the Hindu Worship Society. Parathasarathy Krishnaswamy from MTS drew attention to some of the best practices that have been implemented to minimize the risk of infections. Only one entrance/exit is open, temperature screenings will be conducted, offerings of only milk/flowers are permitted and masks are mandatory. The temple is fumigated every 2 days while door knobs are sanitized every hour. The kitchen is open for takeout only. Functions are permitted at 25% capacity. Earlier in the teleconference, Pujya Bhaktivardhandas Swami, from the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Houston, appreciated the good work being done by volunteer leaders of HGH to support and counsel their members in these challenging times. As inspiration for the attendees own approach to leadership, Swamiji shared excerpts of a speech given by His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, on 21 May 1950, on the day he was appointed as president of the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha at the young age of 28. A humble sense of servant leadership and genuine wish to attribute every success to the blessings of his Gurus, that characterized his life and mission, were evident in this historic address.

G.O.D USA: Serving both humanity and divinity during the COVID-19 crisis

6th International Day of Yoga celebrations to be held virtual by Manu Shah


new twist will mark the 6th International Day of Yoga celebrations this


Instead of the wide open spaces, huge crowds, green lawns and blue skies that characterized the past five IDY’s, the celebrations this year will be held virtually due to the pandemic. The Consulate General of India, Houston in collaboration with several supporting organizations, is organizing a virtual session of yoga from India House which will be live streamed on the Consulate General of India Houston Facebook page (Facebook.com/IndiainHouston) as File photo :Swami Ramdev during his visit to India House in Houston well as the Facebook page of in 2008. India House (Facebook.com/indiahouse) House, Houston on July 16th Yoga enthusiasts from Arkansas, The two hour Live Program 2008 and expressed his delight Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, from 10 am to 12 noon on June that “he would again be visit- Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla21, 2020 will commence with ing India House on June 21st, homa & Texas on June 21. a brief opening ceremony and though virtually” . remarks by the Consul General San Antonio will celebrate of India, Houston Aseem MahaPatanjali Yogpeeth USA Presi- IDY on June 20 in a widespread jan. This will be followed by the dent Shekhar Agrawal is encour- and well organized all day event. practice of the Common Yoga aging people to join the yoga iDoYoga San Antonio, in collabProtocol with postures (asanas), session especially during these oration with all 10 City Council breathing techniques (pranaya- turbulent times. In a statement, Districts and local yoga studios, ma) and meditation led by none he said “Life has dramatically is organizing an all-day YOGother than the global face of changed for everyone. These ATHON with Free Yoga Comyoga – Yogrishi Swami Ramdev. techniques are a powerful tool to munity Classes streamed live help people tap into their inner throughout the day. The session For the past three decades, calm as they deal with isolation, will begin at 6 am in the morning Swami Ramdev has been guid- anxiety and stress due to the pan- and culminate with their flagship ing legions of people to take demic.” class at Rivercenter Mall at 6 charge of their health with the pm the same evening. All classpractice of yoga. He has millions Event coordinator and es will be streamed live on the of followers and his YouTube Swayamsevak Sharad Amin IDY YouTube channel located videos on how to keep the coro- stated that this year’s IDY will on their website. na virus at bay with herbal reme- be dedicated to the Corona Wardies and breathing techniques to riors – our heroic front liners and iDoYoga San Antonio is also strengthen the respiratory system first responders who put their raising $15,000 for yoga teachare garnering thousands of hits. lives on the line every day so ers impacted by the pandemic. An indirect result of COVID-19 they can save the lives of those The funds will be used to award is that with more time on their affected by the deadly virus. grants of $500 to 30 local yoga hands, many people are explorteachers who make their living ing yoga’s ancient and proven The pandemic has provided teaching yoga. practices to boost their immune an opportunity for several cities For more information, visit system and attain peace of mind. to come together on one virtual platform to celebrate IDY. Yogadayoftexas.org or email tic. Col Vipin Kumar, Executive Houston will be joined by Aus- houston@mea.gov.in Director India House recalled tin, Dallas, The Woodlands and Swami Ramdev’s visit to India

Online Summer Camp by Sunday School of ASGH


ven before the current school year 2019-20 came to an end on Sunday 24th May, the Sunday School of Arya Samaj Houston - the DAV Sanskriti School - decided to organize its Online Summer Camp.

The Sanskriti School listened to the needs of the concerned parents and went into overdrive to prepare for its first ever online offering of the summer camp. Its Director Acharya (Dr.) Kavita Vachaknavee describes the salient features as: age 5-15, Monday to Friday one hour each 4-5 pm, June 22 to July 24, each day during the week devoted to one subject each and even some options on certain days, and two age groups for certain subjects. The camp flyer is attached for your kind perusal. Keeping in mind the requests of the parents and the children, this camp will have subjects ranging from Dharma Shiksha, Bharatiya Itihas (Indian History), Yogasan, Indian Folk Art, Bhajans to Dancercise, Vedic Math etc. Our aim is to provide our children a flavor of the regular Sanskriti school along with fun extra curricular activities to

keep all students actively engaged at home during the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Our teachers and volunteers are extremely excited to keep our association strong even during the summer vacations.

aryasamajhouston.org/summercamp. Enrollment for the Online Summer Camp as well as the next year 2020-21 are now open. For details write to davss@aryasamajhouston.org or call 832-819-4546.

Registrations are now open at a Please share this with anyone nominal fee of $100/student for who you feel may benefit from the whole duration of the camp. this camp. Please feel free to call or email if you have any quesWe request everyone to make tions. the maximum use of this opportunity for their children to have Our school's Annual Video fun and also stay connected to which has some memories of the their Indian roots at the same year that went by, (https://www. time. More details can be ob- youtube.com/watch?v=QN_ tained on our website at davss. iEWobyIY).

Love to Share Foundation America volunteers from 12 US cities sewed about 5000 masks over the course of 2 months.


umanity and Divinity are inseparable, says His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji of Chennai, India. A humane person is indeed divine, and a truly divine person cannot but be humane. Humanity is nourished and strengthened by Divinity within and without; a divinity that is universal and common to all of us without any difference, just like selfless humanitarian service sees no distinction between people.

Under the guidance of Sri Swamiji, Global Organization for Divinity USA (G.O.D.) and Love to Share Foundation America (LTSFA), both of which have active Houston chapters located in Pearland/Manvel area, have been serving the divine and humane aspects of human life

in our communities for over a decade. In the current crisis situation also, both organizations stepped up to serve thousands of people across the USA by helping the cause of both outer safety and physical service as well as inner sanity, strength, and happiness. For the past 2.5 months ever since the stay-home initiatives began around the country, Global Organization for Divinity has been conducting prayers, satsangs and discourses every single day continuously, without fail. Nationwide programs are broadcast daily via Zoom and YouTube from Namadwaar Houston, and include morning Mahamantra meditation, evening prayers, bhajans, and discourses led by Sri Ramanujamji

and about the basics of Hinduism, and much much more. For the devotees who have been listening to these discourses every day – in their own words – the COVID situation indeed became one of Govinda protecting them from the harsh storm in the outside world with His presence. All the talks by Sri Ramaswamyji and Sri Ramanujamji are available on Namadwaar Houston’s For more than 70 days, devo- YouTube channel - https://www. tees’ hearts are being uplifted, youtube.com/c/Namadwaartheir faith reinforced, and minds Houston. strengthened by discourses on a variety of subjects - divine BhakOn the side of humanity, volta charitrams, sagas of surrender unteers of Love to Share Founand highest prema bhakti, expo- dation America from 12 US sition of deepest Vedantic phi- cities sewed about 5000 masks losophy, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, over the course of 2 months Srimad Ramayanam, Srimad for healthcare workers and first Bhagavatam, non-religious dis- responders around the nation, cussions on Intelligent Living, including for MD Anderson Q & A about living intelligently Cancer Center, St. Luke’s Uniand Sri Ramaswamyji, disciples of Sri Swamiji. Hundreds of devotees from the Houston area, all around USA/Canada, and also from other countries like India, Australia, Singapore, Muscat, UK, etc. are being benefited by these extremely inspiring and insightful talks by Sri Swamiji’s disciples.

versity Health Network, Baylor, Scott and White, Bassett Medical Center Warehouse, Tenet Healthcare, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, Kennestone Hospital, Piedmont Atlanta Hospitals, Emory Midtown Hospital, and many others. On May 17, LTSFA conducted a nationwide Interfaith Harmony Prayer for healthcare professionals and first responders. Sri Swamiji himself attended the event from India, and it also brought together five faith leaders; six congressmen, senators and officials; over 300 healthcare professionals; 30 volunteers, artists and musicians; and 200 participants from all around the world. From Houston, Texas Congressman Pete Olson, Manvel Mayor Debra Davison, and Sikh faith leader Bhai Sahib Bhupinder

Singh Paras ji also attended this event. In the past few weeks, LTSFA also conducted sessions on Sound Mind Meditation and Work/Life Balance for organizations including MD Anderson Cancer Center, Google, Microsoft, and Eton School, helping physicians, employees, teachers, and parents find ways to positively reinforce their lives in these significantly changing times. To follow current events and happenings at G.O.D. and LTSFA, please visit their Facebook pages at GOD Namadwaar Houston, Global Organization for Divinity USA, and Love to Share Foundation America. To reach out, call 281-402-6585 or houston.god@godivinity.org.

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FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

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FRIDAY, June 5, 2020


Section 2

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Police stun Americans -- by taking a knee with protesters


US astronatus board space station on landmark SpaceX mission

Tel: 713-774-5140

Taj Mahal damaged in deadly India thunderstorm

Workers stand on a railing of the Taj Mahal after parts of the complex were damaged in a heavy thunderstorm on Friday (AFP Photo/Pawan Sharma) Police officers kneel during a rally in Coral Gables, Florida on May 30, 2020 in response to the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died after being pinned to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer (AFP Photo/Eva Marie Uzcategui)

by Daniel Woolls


ASHINGTON | AFP | Tuesday 6/2/2020 - They are images that surprised and moved Americans: police officers taking a knee alongside protesters in the most widespread civil unrest to rock the nation in decades -- and in doing so embracing an anti-racism gesture denounced by President Donald Trump.

As Trump pushes for a crackdown on often violent protests over the death of George Floyd, police officers from New York to Los Angeles to Houston are making gestures of solidarity with demonstrators incensed at the latest case of an unarmed black man dying while in police custody. "I took off the helmet and laid the batons down. Where do you want to walk? We'll walk all night," Chris Swanson, the white sheriff in Flint, Michigan, shouted to a group of protesters on Saturday. Then Swanson did just that, setting off walking with them, to cheers. He even posed for a selfie with a young black protester, and gave the thumbs up sign. In Des Moines, Iowa, police chief Dana Wingert took a knee before a crowd of demonstrators along with other officers and explained it this way: "Us joining them in a symbolic way, that's the least we can do." Anti-racism demonstrators across the country have embraced the gesture made famous by former quarterback Colin Kaepernick who began kneeling during pre-game renditions of the national anthem in 2016, to protest police brutality against blacks and other minorities. Kaepernick was ostracized by the NFL over his kneeling protest, which earned him and likeminded athletes condemnation and insults from conservatives including Trump. Now, the police are emulating the protesters emulating the quarterback turned civil rights activist. In an intense scene captured on camera Monday in New York, the city's white police chief Terence Monahan knelt and clenched hands with protest leaders, arms raised high, as a way to show support and shared outrage at Floyd's death. "Moments like that are how I know we will find a way through," tweeted the city's mayor, Bill de Blasio, in response. Similar scenes have played out in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia -- as well as in the capital Washington. Leading politicians have adopted the gesture, from Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden to the mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, who dropped to a knee along with a line of officers as they mingled with demonstrators near city hall on Tuesday. - 'We are here with you' The nationwide protests over Floyd's death on May 25 have seen police charge against and fire tear gas or rubber bullets at protesters -- a minority of whom have engaged in looting and vandalism in the most widespread racial unrest to hit America in decades. In some cases, the police outreach appears wholly genuine -- a case of individuals pledging

their solidarity with the anti-racism cause, and seeking an absolution of sorts for police abuses past. At other times, the kneeling has served to defuse soaring tensions -- raising the question of whether it is more of a de-escalation tactic. Outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington on Monday evening, for instance, a line of police standing nose to nose with protesters took a knee as they were heckled by the screaming crowd. In Los Angeles also, a line officers were being shouted at by protesters before finally taking a knee, one by one, some of them smiling as they got to the ground. "You want to take a knee? We'll take a knee with you because we are here with you," the leader of the unit says. As he rises he shakes hands with a protester and urges the group to refrain from violence to protect the city. In Washington, a police spokesman told AFP the decision to kneel outside the Trump hotel was "organic in the moment and was not a scripted technique." He also said police were "not facing disciplinary action" for embracing what is seen by many as a gesture of defiance to authority -- even if video footage from a day earlier appeared to show one officer yanking a kneeling subordinate back to his feet.

George Floyd's funeral to be held June 9 in Houston...

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken (R) and Doug Hurley (L) are veterans of two space shuttle missions each (AFP Photo/Joe Raedle)


ASHINGTON | AFP | 5/31/2020 - NASA astronauts entered the International Space Station on Sunday after a landmark 19hour journey on the first crewed US spacecraft in nearly a decade, a triumph for SpaceX and private enterprise.

glad to be on board this magnificent complex,” replied Hurley, who commanded the Crew Dragon capsule called “Endeavor.” During their stay Behnken and Hurley will continue to perform more checks on Endeavor in order to sign-off on its readiness.

The hatch opened at 1:02 pm Eastern Time (1702 GMT) as They will also provide support Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to the three other crew members carried out final close out pro- on board the ISS. cedures, crossing the threshold Hurley added that he hoped about twenty minutes later. the mission would inspire Wearing black polo shirts and Americans at a time when the khaki pants, Behnken entered world is beset by the coronavifirst, followed by Hurley. rus pandemic. They were greeted by fellow US astronaut Chris Cassidy, as well as cosmonauts Anatoli Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, all in the blue jumpsuits of the space station, which was launched in 1998 and first inhabited in 2000.

One of the New Seven Wonders of the World, India’s top tourist attraction has been shut since mid-March as part of measures to try and combat the coronavirus pandemic. AFP images showed workers assessing the railing of the main mausoleum, after the storm on Friday night battered Agra city in northern Uttar Pradesh state.


NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine spoke to the crew Asked by a lawmaker how from mission control in Houston. the Crew Dragon’s handling compared to that of the Space “Welcome to Bob and Doug,” Shuttle, which was shuttered said Bridenstine. “I will tell you in 2011, Behknen indicated the the whole world saw this mis- new ship was a rougher ride. sion, and we are so so proud of everything you have done for “Dragon was huffing and puffour country.” ing all the way into orbit, and we were definitely driving or “It’s great to get the United riding a dragon all the way up,” States back in the crewed launch he said. business and we’re just really

India evacuates 10,000 from homes, virus hospital ahead of cyclone

“One sandstone railing which was a part of the original structure has been damaged,” Superintending Archaeologist of the Archaeological Survey of India, Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, told AFP. “One marble railing which was a later addition, a false ceiling in the tourist holding area and the base stone of the main gate has also been damaged.” He added there was no damage to the main structure of the monument to love -- built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth in 1631.

India expels Pakistan embassy officials for alleged spying

“This was just one effort that we can show for the ages in this dark time that we’ve had over EW DELHI | AFP | the past several months to kind 5/31/2020 - Two offiof inspire, especially the young cials at the Pakistan High people in the United States, to Commission in New Delhi were reach for these lofty goals,” he being expelled for “indulging in said. espionage activities”, India’s for-

eign ministry said late Sunday, with tensions already heightened between the nuclear-armed rivals.

The South Asian neighbours have a long-running dispute over Kashmir, which was split between them in 1947 when they gained independence from Britain. “The government has declared both these officials persona non grata for indulging in activities incompatible with their status as members of a diplomatic mission,” the ministry said in a statement. The pair had to leave the country “within 24 hours” and Pakistan’s Charge de Affaires was issued with a “strong protest” over the alleged activities of the pair, the ministry said.

The expulsions came weeks after an Indian national was set to stand trial in Germany, accused of spying on Sikh and Kashmiri communities for New Delhi’s secret service. India and Pakistan have fought three wars against each other since independence, including two over Kashmir. Kashmir has become a bigger source of tension in the relations between the regional powers after New Delhi last year scrapped the restive Muslim-majority Himalayan region’s semi-autonomous status and imposed a curfew to quell unrest. Rebel groups in Indian-administered Kashmir have battled for decades for the region’s independence or its merger with Pakistan and enjoy broad popular support. The fighting has left tens of thousands dead, mostly civilians, since 1989.

Coronavirus claims Bollywood composer Wajid Khan at 42


UMBAI | AFP | 6/1/2020 - Wajid Khan, one of the top composers of Bollywood dance songs, has died at the age of 42 after contracting coronavirus, media reports said Monday.

Continued from front page

June the ninth, the funeral will take place in Houston, Texas at 11:00 am," said Crump,who is representing the Floyd family. George Floyd died on May 27 after a policeman knelt on the 46-year-old man's neck for almost nine minutes. Floyd became unresponsive after almost three minutes. His death, captured on mobile phone footage, reignited longfelt anger over police killings of African Americans, and echoed high-profile cases that spurred the Black Lives Matter movement such as the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the July 2014 choking of Eric Garner in New York. Nationwide uproar sparked over police brutality, and protests and rioting -- many that turned violent -- erupted in more than 140 cities over the weekend. Crump announced the results of an autopsy arranged by Floyd's family that shows he was suffocated by a Minneapolis police officer rather than dying from pre-existing heart problems as claimed by the official ruling.


GRA, India | AFP | 5/31/2020 - A deadly thunderstorm that rolled across parts of northern India damaged sections of the Taj Mahal complex, including the main gate and a railing running below its five lofty domes, officials said Sunday.

Cyclone Nisarga will be the first such storm to threaten Mumbai in more than 70 years. (AFP File photo)


UMBAI | AFP | 6/2/2020 - More than 10,000 people, including some coronavirus patients, were moved to safer locations Tuesday as India's west coast braced for a cyclone, the first such storm to threaten Mumbai in more than 70 years.

Authorities in India's financial capital, which is struggling to contain the pandemic, evacuated nearly 150 COVID-19 patients from a recently built field hospital to a facility with a concrete roof as a precautionary measure, officials said. The chief minister of Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai is the capital, said people living in flimsy homes near the shore were being moved to safer places before Cyclone Nisarga makes its scheduled landfall on Wednesday afternoon or evening.

"Slum-dwellers... in low-lying areas have been instructed to evacuate," Uddhav Thackeray said in a message posted by his office on Twitter. Mumbai has rarely faced the brunt of cyclones -- the last severe storm to hit the city struck in 1948, killing 12 people and injuring more than 100. Indian meteorologists have warned of heavy rainfall -- with winds of 100-110 kilometres (60-70 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 120 kph -- causing damage to thatched huts, power lines and one to two metre-high (three to 6.5 feet) storm surges inundating low-lying areas of Maharashtra. Nisarga is also expected to hit neighbouring Gujarat state and the coastal region of Daman, where authorities evacuated more than 10,000 people.

Khan, who had been suffering from a kidney ailment, passed away in Mumbai on Sunday after suffering cardiac arrest, his brother told Press Trust of India news agency, adding that he had tested positive for the virus. The first death in Bollywood to be attributed to the pandemic sent shockwaves through the industry, which is still reeling from the loss of two luminaries, Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor, in April. Khan was part of the musical duo Sajid-Wajid who got their Bollywood break in 1998 when they composed the songs for superstar Salman Khan's hit film "Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya" ("Why Fear Anything if You are in Love"). They became his favoured composers, collaborating on films such as the 2007 comedy "Partner", the 2009 action blockbuster "Wanted" and 2010's top grosser "Dabangg" ("Fearless"). The superstar was among a string of Bollywood names who paid tribute to the composer, tweeting that he would "always love, respect, remember n miss u as a person n ur talent".

Wajid Khan

Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan said he was "shocked at the passing of Wajid Khan" and hailed his "bright smiling talent". Top actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas tweeted: "The one thing I will always remember is Wajid bhai's laugh. Always smiling. Gone too soon." Sajid-Wajid's foot-tapping numbers like "Munni badnaam hui" ("Munni lost her reputation") and "Do you wanna partner" became a staple of Indian wedding parties. The duo also appeared on TV talent shows, where they mentored aspiring performers.

Fort Bend View

Page 8 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

Sugar Land, Katy, Stafford, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg and Meadows Place Email: voiceasia@aol.com


Fort Bend County Judge KP George launches Covid-19 survey The COVID-19 survey will help in driving the decision making process in Fort Bend County


ORT BEND COUNTY Fort Bend County Judge KP George, former Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, & Director of the Kinder Institute Bill Fulton announced the COVID-19 Survey for Fort Bend County residents. The full video of the announcement can be found here.

The COVID-19 Registry is a community registry designed to track the health and economic impacts of COVID-19, with a focus on the Houston region, and provide government officials with real-time information on the virus’s spread across time and across neighborhoods, who is being affected and how. “I encourage all Fort Bend residents to take a few minutes out of their schedules to fill out the COVID-19 survey. As I have always said, data will drive our decision making and your feedback is valuable in this process,” said County Judge KP George. “I’m proud to launch this effort in Fort Bend County with the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University.” “The impact of the coronavirus will last long after the media attention has faded away. It is important, therefore, for residents to give as much information as possible to local officials so they can continue to provide services and prepare for future pandemics. The COVID-19 registry is your opportunity to contribute to a better recovery and a safer future,” said former Harris County Judge Ed Emmett.

edu/covid-19-registry Key findings will be available online as they come in. As of 4/20/2020, ~2,100 Texas residents have joined the registry and taken the survey, the vast majority of whom live in the Houston

region. Respondents are not representative of the population at large. More respondents are filling out the registry survey every day and follow-up surveys will be conducted every two weeks. This Public Summary Report will be updated periodically.

Judge KP George announces COVID-19 Rental, Mortgage, and Utilities Assistance Program


ORT BEND COUNTY County Judge KP George, Social Services Director Anna Gonzales, and County Auditor Ed Sturdivant announced today a program to assist county residents with rental, mortgage, and utility needs. During the May 19th Commissioners Court meeting, the Court passed a budget on how to spend $134.3 million in federal funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The COVID-19 Rental, Mortgage, and Utilities Assistance Program is funded by the recently passed budget.

times. Please visit fortbendcountytx.gov to start the process.” Residents may apply to receive rental, mortgage and utility assistance, during all three phases of the program. Phase 1 applications will be accepted from June 1 - June 12, 2020 or until the funds are expended, whichever comes first. The approved funding will be implemented in three phases: • Phase 1: June-July $6,500,000 • Phase 2: August-September $6,500,000 • Phase 3: October-November $6,500,000 Information for Interested Applicants: Online Applications Begin June 1st at 8:00 a.m.

“Funds from this program will go a long way to help our county residents that are in financial hardship. The program is designed to provide needed assistance ranging from utility, mortgage and rental relief,” stated Fort Bend County Judge KP To learn more about the proGeorge. “I hope that through this gram please call (281) 238-2273 program we can help as many The COVID-19 Registry can residents as possible navigate or visit www.fortbendcountytx. be found at https://kinder.rice. through these very tumultuous gov. You can also find the flyers here.

What you need to know about getting a mammogram during COVID-19


UGAR LAND—(June 1, 2020) — Over the last few months, we've all primarily focused on "flattening the curve" and keeping ourselves and loved ones safe from COVID-19. And even though coronavirus cases are stabilizing in our community, we must continue to stay committed to preventing the spread of this new virus.

“But, as we begin to settle into our ‘new normal’ — knowing that the new coronavirus will be with us for some time — we should start thinking about our overall health and wellness again. According to the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Breast Imag- Houston Methodist Breast Care Center at Sugar Land ing (SBI) , women should start getting their annual mammogram at age 40,” said Amy SeEarly detection of breast canbastian-Deutsch, DNP, APRN, quired for a screening mammogram. cer starts with an annual mamCNS, AOCNS. mogram A diagnostic mammogram is "Many of us spent the last Identifying breast cancer early two months putting our person- different from a screening mammogram. It's used if palpable is an incredibly important tool, al health care on hold, but now it's time to re- focus on our total lumps are felt or other clinical as we know that early detection health. Early detection of breast symptoms appear. Your doctor improves a woman's overall cancer with annual mammogra- will help you understand which prognosis and often results in less aggressive treatment opphy remains our most powerful one is right for you. tions. One in eight women will tool in the fight against breast We're taking every precaution develop invasive breast cancer cancer in women." to keep you safe over the course of their lifetime. Here are three things Sebas"We have turned our full Making time for a mammotian-Deutsch would like women scope of mammogram services gram every year is an important to know about getting their an- back on, with an abundance of part of maintaining your overall nual mammogram in the time of caution," Sebastian-Deutsch wellness and protecting yourself COVID-19. explained. "As always, we're from breast cancer. We're offering routine screen- putting patient safety at the fore"Houston Methodist Breast ing mammograms and diagnos- front." Care Center at Sugar Land is tic mammograms Our Breast Care Center is tak- pleased to offer the best tech"Now that our COVID-19 pa- ing every precaution to keep you nology to our patients, such as 3D mammograms, which help tient population has stabilized safe, including: us evaluate dense breast tissue. and statewide restrictions have • Requiring all patients, In addition, we offer molecular been lifted, we're resuming care visitors and employees to wear breast imaging, dedicated breast and offering both routine screen- masks ultrasound, breast MRI and ing mammograms and diagnosoutpatient image-guided breast tic mammograms." • Screening patients and biopsy," Sebastian-Deutsch addemployees upon arrival to our ed. "We hope you stay well and As stated earlier, a screening care centers visit us soon. We look forward mammogram is recommended to partnering with you in keepannually for women starting at • Practicing social dis- ing your health care a priority." age 40 (ACR & SBI). This type tancing in our waiting rooms of mammogram is a yearly, rouFor the latest news, events and tine check for breast cancer in • Increasing housekeepwomen who have no symptoms ing and vigilance in our disin- information, visit houstonmethodist.org/sugarland or our Faceor lumps. At Houston Methodist fection protocols book page at fb.com/methodistSugar Land, an order is not resugarland.

Prayer and pledge in Commissioners Court in honor of Deputy Caleb Rule of Precinct 4

Tel: 713-774-5140

Katy ISD appoints two new Principals for 2020-21 academic year


ATY [May 26, 2020] – During tonight’s Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees confirmed the appointment of two new leaders for Shafer and Bear Creek elementary schools. Stephanie McElroy has been named the principal of Bear Creek Elementary, and Shannon Smith was announced as the new principal for Shafer Elementary. Both individuals will begin their new leadership roles in the upcoming weeks.

remained there until 2015. At that time, she became the principal at Navarro Middle School in the Lamar Consolidated School District. Ms. McElroy received her Bachelor’s Degree from Sam Houston State University and her Master’s Degree from University of Houston in Clear Lake. Ms. Shannon Smith began her teaching career at Berry Middle School in 2005 in Mesquite, Texas. In 2009, she became the

Fort Bend County Deputy Con-

stable Caleb Rule. Credit Fort Bend County

On May 29th, Fort Bend County Deputy Constable Caleb Rule of Precinct 4 was killed in the line of duty by friendly fire. Fort Bend County Commissioner Ken R. DeMerchant invited Constable Trever Nehls to join him at Commissioners Court to honor Deputy Rule. Commissioners Court prayer was led by Pastor Neil Clendon of Grand Parkway Baptist Church, followed by Constable Trever Nehls who recited the pledge. “I wanted to honor Deputy Constable Caleb Rule whose untimely death has touched Precinct 4, I hope the family finds comfort in knowing that we share in their loss and that they are not alone ” DeMerchant stated. A Deputy Caleb Rule Memorial Fund is available for anyone wishing to donate. Fort Bend Constable Pct 4 @fortbendpct4 Final Arrangements for Fort Bend Precinct 4 Deputy Constable Caleb Rule: Public Visitation: Wednesday, June 3, 2020. 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Funeral: Family and Law Enforcement Only Thursday, June 4, 2020. 1:00 p.m. Venue: Carmel Church 2405 Richmond St. Needville, TX

Stephanie McElroy Shannon Smith Principal of Bear Creek Elemen- Principal of Shafer Elementary tary

Ms. Stephanie McElroy began her teaching career in Katy ISD in 1998 as a fifth grade teacher where she taught Reading. In 2006, Ms. McElroy made a career move to Sealy Independent School District to become a high school assistant principal at Selman Intermediate School. Shortly afterwards, her leadership skills and love for education lead her to become the principal at that same school. In 2009, Ms. McElroy continued her administrative duties, this time as the Associate Principal of Curriculum and Development for Fort Bend Independent School District at Sartartia Middle School. She

Testing Coordinator at the same campus. A year later, Smith was named the Assistant Principal at Sherman High School in Sherman, Texas. She remained in that position until 2012, when she relocated to the Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District, where she returned to teaching. In 2015, Smith joined Katy ISD to take on the role of Assistant Principal at Exley Elementary. Three years later, Smith joined the Taylor Mustangs as their assistant principal. Ms. Smith received her Bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and her Master’s Degree from Texas A&M Commerce.

Results In for 2020 Missouri City Community Survey: Shows Gains In Public Safety ǀ Solid Waste ǀ Parks & Recreation; Emergency Preparedness ǀ Shows Decline In Communications


ISSOURI CITY, TX At the Monday, May 4 Special Meeting, City Council and Staff were presented the results of the 2020 Citizens Survey, which was conducted by ETC Institute. The survey was mailed to a random sample of 3,000 of Missouri City’s 75,000 households earlier this year and the goal was to achieve participation citywide.

Approximately 420 responses were received and the City improved in several key areas compared to the 2018 survey. Gains include: • 91 percent of respondents listed Missouri City as a good or excellent place to live, up five percentage points from 2018 • 85 percent of respondents listed Missouri City as a good or excellent place to raise children, up five percentage points from 2018 • 61 percent of respondents listed Missouri City as a good or excellent place to work, up seven percentage points from 2018 “Our goal as a City is to continue moving forward, to ensure that all of our residents are satisfied with the community,” said Mayor Yolanda Ford. “Knowing what our residents want plays a significant role in how we decide Council strategic priorities and these findings will help guide the future of our City.” The major categories of City services that had the highest levels of satisfaction, based upon the combined percentage of “very satisfied” and “satisfied” responses among residents who had an opinion, rated: • 90 percent for the overall quality of police and fire services

Courtesy of ETC Institute (2020 Survey Findings)

• 82 percent for the overall quality of trash and yard waste services • 77 percent for the overall quality of parks and recreation programs and facilities • 69 percent for the overall efforts by city government in your area to ensure community is prepared for emergencies “Participating in these surveys every two years is a proactive way for the City to stay informed about what matters to residents,” said Interim City Manager Bill Atkinson. “The results provide us with valuable guidance as we work to better serve the community.” The survey also included a component called “Importance-Satisfaction (I-S) analysis” which examined the importance residents placed on each City service and the level of satisfaction with each service, to help the City identify investment priorities for the next two years. Based on the results of this analysis, the major services

that are recommended as the top priorities for investment over the next two years in order to raise the City’s overall satisfaction rating are: • Overall maintenance of city streets, sidewalks, and infrastructure • Overall effectiveness of communication by City government • Overall flow of traffic & congestion management on streets in the City • Overall efforts by city government in your area to ensure community is prepared for emergencies “We will continue to rely on strategic planning and maintenance for roadways through the City’s Pavement Maintenance and Management Program to improve mobility along major corridors and to increase safety along trails and sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists,” said Shashi Kumar, Director of Public Works and City Engineer.

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Section 2

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020



Damages You Can Recover From Herniated Disc Injuries Caused By An Auto Accident

by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer Email at srichardslaw@aol.com


how much is earned on average. Mala Sharma

If you or a dear one has been involved in a traumatic auto or trucking accident or slip and fall due to the negligence of another, you may have developed spinal injuries including a bulging or herniated disc. These injuries cause tremendous neck and back pain. It is imperative that those suffering from these serious injuries get compensated for their damages if caused by the negligence of another! Not only is it important to recover all costs for these injuries to make the injured party “whole” again, it is also important to hold those negligent parties responsible and accountable for the harm they have caused so they do not continue to harm the community. Types of Damages Awarded:

Medical Expenses (Past and Future): All medical expenses for treatment received by the injured party, including past and future expenses, for spinal cord injuries are fully recoverable. Lost Income: If the bulging disc also prevented the Plaintiff from working now or in the future, he or she may receive lost income or loss of earning capacity. Lost income is proven with a doctor’s report or work-excuse letter indicating how many days missed, Plaintiff’s W-2 or tax returns, and letter from employer stating

Tel: 713-774-5140



often settled outside of Court and are on average valued at Property Damage: A Plaintiff $300,000.00. Don’t settle for may also recover damages to less and get representation! their vehicle in an auto or trucking accident. If the vehicle is a About the Author: total loss, the fair market value Mala Sharma has been pracof the vehicle is recoverable. ticing family law and personPain and Suffering: Physical al injury with her family at pain and mental anguish is the the Law Offices of Sharma & correct legal term explaining Associates, founded in 1997. “pain and suffering” and is re- Mala has been appointed leadcoverable for all the hardship ership roles for the American and burden. Bar Association GP Solo and GP Solo YLD division, is Loss of enjoyment of life: If Board member of the Housthe herniated or bulging disc ton Trial Lawyers Association, also caused difficulty with daily Past President of the Houston activities, the injured Plaintiff Northwest Bar Association, may recover for this loss. and prior board member of the South Asian Bar AssociaLoss of Consortium: Texas tion. She is also a member of law offers damages for injuries the Houston Bar Association. affecting a personal relationship. Mala Sharma has been selected to the 2019 Texas Rising Emotional distress: For very Stars by Super Lawyers. Mala traumatic and serious accidents, has also been selected as 10 an injured party may also re- Best Attorneys by the Americover damages for their fears, can Institute of Personal Injury anxiety, loss of sleep, and other Attorney for 2018-2019, Top psychological effects caused by 40 under 40 by the National the accident. Trial Lawyers for 2018-2019, Punitive Damages: Addition- and Texas Top 10 Personal Inally, if the negligent party acted jury Attorney by Attorney and with extreme negligence, inten- Practice Magazine for 2019. tional, or egregious behavior, a Court will also award punitive damages as well as compensaDisclaimer: tory damages, to punish the negligent party for their outrageous This material is available behavior. for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of If you or a loved one has suf- providing legal advice. If you fered from a herniated or bulg- require advice on any particing disc from a negligent party, ular legal question, you may don’t hesitate to contact an ex- contact Sharma & Associates perienced attorney to make sure at 281-893-8644 or by email the negligent driver does not at mala@sharmalaws.net to escape and is held accountable schedule a free consultation to for all damages suffered! Her- discuss your case. niated disc lawsuits are most

Sharlene Sharmila Richards

have been expunged. Being untruthful could be a reason to deny Q: I am interested to apply your application for lacking good for Naturalization to become moral character. a US Citizen. I have been a Q: My brother was placed on permanent resident for at least probation for a conviction and he 5 years. What Form for I use? What is the filing fee for the completed the sentence 2 years ago but it is still within the 5-year application? statutory period. Can he apply for A: The Form to use is Form citizenship now? N-400 Application for NatuA: If an applicant has been on ralization. You may obtain this Form from the USCIS website probation, parole or had a susat www.uscis.gov. Go to the pended sentence during all or part link ‘Forms’ and you will be of the required 5-year statutory able to find this Form. You may period, the applicant may still apprint and download the Form ply for naturalization. However, to complete and submit or you the immigration officer has the may do the application for on- discretion to use that probation, line submission. The filing fee parole or suspended sentence to for the N-400 Application for determine whether the applicant Naturalization is $640.00 in- possesses good moral character cluding an additional $85.00 for the requisite 5-year statutory for biometrics. The total fee period. Clearly this will depend payable to USCIS will be on the nature of the offence and $725.00. Applicants 75 years perhaps if he had previously comof age or older do not need to mitted a similar type of offence pay a biometric fee. They only before. I suggest that he contact need to pay the $640 filing fee. an immigration lawyer to review the conviction records to deterQ: I have an old conviction mine whether he should wait beand it is outside the 5 year stat- fore submitting his naturalization utory period for Naturalization. application. Do I need to worry about it? Q: I received my permanent resA: When there is a conviction ident status through a self-petition at any time, it is wise to be care- as a battered spouse. How long do ful. Because there are so many I need to wait before I become elidifferent levels of convictions gible to file for naturalization? for a whole hosts of different A: You may file your applicaoffences, some of them more serious than the others, it is tion for Naturalization three years advisable to contact an immi- after having received your permagration lawyer to review the nent residence. USCIS will accept conviction records for deter- your application if filed within 60 mination that it will not affect days before the three-year periyour naturalization application od. In the N-400 Application for in any way or worse still, result Naturalization, on page 1 under in you being place in removal ‘Eligibility’, check Box E for ‘Other’ and indicate that you reproceedings. ceived permanent residence thru Q: I had my conviction ex- self-petition as battered spouse punged. Do I have to disclose under VAWA. this conviction in my NaturalQ: I became a permanent resization application? ident 5 years ago thru marriage. A: You will need to be truth- My wife and I are now divorced. ful about all your arrests and We divorced last year. I wish to convictions even those that file for my naturalization. However, I am concerned about filing

now because while still married to my wife, I had an extra marital affair and my mistress conceived a child. This caused my marriage to end in divorce. My son is now two years old. Do I have anything to be worried about? What is your advice? A: I advise that you give yourself at least a 5 year wait period from the time your child was conceived before filing your naturalization application. It is very likely that the immigration officer will see your extra marital affair which resulted in your child being conceived as bad moral character for the 5 years period and will deny your application based on discretion. If you wish to apply now, you may still do so but just be aware that most likely your application will not be approved for this reason.

Disclaimer Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case.

My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration Lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. If you require advice or assistance, you may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@aol.com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

AALDEF Statement on Justice for George Floyd


he Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) stands in solidarity with communities across the country protesting against police violence and the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.

For too many decades, communities of color have been the targets of racist violence. Structural racism has laid the foundation for police brutality, corruption, and bias, and it now lays bare the ideology of white supremacy that undervalues and divides our communities. Peaceful protesters across the country have joined in unified calls for racial justice and police accountability. Some individuals unrelated to these protests have engaged in looting and proper-

ty damage, such as smashing windows and burning wooden stalls outside small businesses in Manhattan's Chinatown. These indefensible actions must not divert our attention from seeking justice for George Floyd and the prosecution of all four officers responsible for his death.

in the head by NYPD officers. Too many Black, Latinx, and Asian Americans have lost their lives because of police misconduct, and this must change now.

Black Lives Matter, and Asian Americans will remain part of the collective fight to end racist and illegal policing practices One of AALDEF’s earliest that harm our communities. cases in 1975 was the defense of protesters beaten by NYPD The Asian American Legal officers as they rallied to sup- Defense and Education Fund port Peter Yew, an innocent by- (AALDEF), founded in 1974, stander who had complained to is a New York-based nationpolice about their mishandling al organization that protects of a minor traffic accident in and promotes the civil rights of Chinatown. Since then, we have Asian Americans. By combining won lawsuits on behalf of Viet- litigation, advocacy, education, namese, Chinese, and Pakistani and organizing, AALDEF works New Yorkers who were victims with Asian American communiof police brutality and secured ties across the country to secure a settlement for the family of a human rights for all. Chinese American teenager in Brooklyn who was fatally shot

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FRIDAY, June 5, 2020


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Week of June 5, 2020 21 March to 20 April Communication could be a key issue this week as the sun and sultry retrograde Venus continue in your sector of talk and thought. A lot of what takes place hints at mixed messages and some confusion. If you need to reach an agreement or talk through a deal, feelings could interfere with the smooth flow of conversation.

21 April to 20 May Clarity is the one thing that’s needed when dealing with money affairs, but this week you might need even more discernment when handling such matters. Someone you have financial dealings with could make a mistake, or there could be confusion regarding a transaction. Don’t accept anything at face value. Be ready to pick through the details.

21 May to 20 June What do you want and where are you going? This week’s lineup could find you pondering such ideas and hoping to come up with some answers. Feisty Mars is in Pisces and a prominent zone, so you might be motivated by altruism or creative or imaginative plans, especially if your work involves caring for others or the media.

21 June to 22 July Chatty Mercury in your sign could find you eager to express yourself and share your thoughts and ideas with others. Has it been hard to discuss your feelings? It could be much easier over the coming weeks. Plus, with luscious Venus and the sun in a sensitive zone, the coming week.

23 July to 22 August While talking things over can be a good way to resolve a social crisis, you might find it hard to put some of your feelings into words. Perhaps they’re too personal or talking about them leaves you feeling too vulnerable. This could be due to fiery Mars in a more intense zone stirring up emotions and triggering old wounds.

23 August to 22 Sept You have the potential to make a positive contribution, especially with the sun in the topmost sector of your chart. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and showcase your skills and abilities. At the same time, with convivial Venus angling toward Mars, someone may try to undermine your plans.

23 September to 22 Oct A long-distance romance may need a little extra care over this week, when a busy schedule could make it difficult to keep in touch. Besides, with sweet Venus rewinding and linking with the sun, a more objective stance could lead to you making some important decisions. If something no longer works, it might be time to let it go.

23 October to 21 Nov A focus on an emotional sector encourages you not to ignore your feelings, especially those that seem to intrude on your everyday life. As a Scorpio, the temptation may be to suppress them and keep them under control, but doing so could work against you this week.

22 November to 21 Dec


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When you find some time, READ!

There’s a lot you could say, but choosing the right words might mean the difference between reaching an agreement with someone or experiencing a disconnect. As the sun links with lovely Venus midweek, it can highlight someone’s motives. Whether you agree with them or not, you’ll begin to understand more about them.

22 December to 20 Jan A personality clash could make it difficult to get on with something and mar the progress of a project. Unless one of you is prepared to compromise, it might be difficult to agree on what the next steps should be. The sun’s merger with retrograde Venus encourages you to be the flexible one.

21 January to 19 Feb You may be loving the chance to get more deeply involved in various hobbies and pastimes, but what about the financial side of things? Shopaholic Venus angles toward warrior Mars in your money zone, so it might be time to look at ways you can still enjoy yourself without it costing too much.

20 February to 20 Mar There could be a clash between what you want and what your family wants, and unless you can find a way to resolve this, the early part of the week could highlight simmering tensions. The sun’s merger with retrograde Venus could come to the rescue, though. Resolve to talk about it.

READ DAILY! 15 - 30 minutes of reading daily helps your brain focus better. Grab a novel! A Community message from Voice of Asia Group

Page 11 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020

"Willy, Nanayakkara and Associates remains in full operation during this global health event. Attorneys, legal assistants and support staff will be available via phone and / or video conferencing between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM CST. Thursday free consultations can also be scheduled by phone and video. Please contact us at (281)265-2522 or visit our website at www.grwpc.com for more information."

Page 12 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, June 5, 2020


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