Voice of Asia Newsweekly e paper September 16 2016

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VOICE OF ASIA 28years yearsof ofdedicated dedicatedservice serviceto tothe thecommunity community 29

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Now is the time for an annual Medicare checkup Read on Page 16 or Call 832-806-1000

Vol. 29 No. 38 Friday, September 16, 2016 • Published Weekly from Houston • 713-774-5140 20 Pages ( 2 sections) 50 cents E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

‘Goodbye Ganpati Bappa’ Ganesh Utsav concludes at Shiv Shakti Temple on Hilcroft

IACCGH 17th Annual Gala - A Night of Awards and Achievements by Manu Shah


OUSTON - (Sep 9, 2016) - A record turnout of 750 of Houston’s business elites marked the 17th Annual IACCGH Gala held at the Hilton Americas on 9th September. Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray and elected officials joined businessmen, entrepreneurs and professionals including for the first time, a 30 member delegation of executives from public sector companies in India to celebrate the Chamber’s accomplishments and honor outstanding members of the community. Continued on page 7

Bruce Culpepper, President Shell USA delivering his Keynote address at the IACCGH gala on September. 9, 2016. Photo credit Bijay Dixit.

Huge crowds walk in procession with the enormous Lord Ganesha idol on Hillcroft. Read report on Page

HGH Grand 2016 Janmashtami

“We particularly enjoyed dressing up our 1 year old daughter, Milana, for the children’s costume contest. Houston is an incredibly diverse city with 92 different consul generals and over 100 languages spoked daily. Since our family has a mixed heritage (American, Indian and Swiss), it’s important for us to preserve the cultural norms for the next generation.” - Chris Brown, City of Houston Controller


Chris Brown,City of Houston Controller with wife Divya and daughter Milana in front of the spectacular Rangoli by Sangeeta Bhutada at Janmashtami celebrations on Sep. 10, 2016.

L-R: Jagdip Ahluwalia, Joya Shukla, Judge Ed Emmett, Awardees:Abeezar Tyebji, Marvin Odum, Revati Puranik, Malisha Patel, Bruce Culpepper, President Shell USA Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray and wife Amit Goldberg, MD. Photo credit Bijay Dixit.

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Term-limits in elected office is key to success and stability of democracy

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Chandra K. Mittal, Ph.D by Chandra K. Mittal, s the world grapples with political instability, economic chaos, religious strife, and human misery, the political class responsible for these seem to thrive everywhere. Unfortunately, the public has no ability or control to improve the situation within the established governing structures and the supporting institutions. As a result there is gross dissatisfaction with public governance regardless of countries or continents including in the United States which is world’s oldest democracy. Citizens in almost all countries with democratic system of government feel disenfranchised and dispossessed without any control of their own destiny. The primary source of this desperation and frustration is governing systems’ inability to bring in change because its “custodians” (i.e. elected representatives) want to remain in-charge of the “system” on a perpetual basis. While US has had democratic institutions that have been evolving over two centuries, the country is yet to become a perfect union as was envisioned by the Founding Fathers and leaders from to time. It has continued to suffer from political antagonism, social polarization, failures of public policy, and


- The Publisher

dissatisfaction with the ruling class of America regardless of their political affiliations. In the end all political parties look alike, insensitive to people’s needs and aspirations. United States became a sovereign nation in 1776 by declaring its independence from Britain primarily due to exploitative selfish policies of its king who was suppressing and subjugating the citizens of American colony to enrich himself. This conduct was considered morally reprehensible and unacceptable by the American Founding Fathers resorting them to revolt and secede from the British kingdom. Their sentiments of protest, revolt and rationale for independence are vividly described in the American Declaration of Independence document. In creating the United States of America, Founding Father were quite cognizant of the exploitative tendencies and tyrant mindset of the “ruling class”, which they did not want emulated or repeated in their new country. With this overriding concern of tyranny they made “people” the principal focus and purpose of the government rather than preserving or enriching the ruling class. They emphasized that ruling class was only meant to serve the people at their “will” through periodic elections, and considered the rotation of the elected representatives an absolute necessity for survival and success of American democracy. To avoid the domination by any particular group of people, US Constitution also created a system of “checks and balances” among various governing institutions. Of various provisions made

to create the perfect union, most consideration was given to “Term-Limits” on all elected offices in the United States. In this context, the most memorable thoughts came from Thomas Jefferson, one of the influential Founding Fathers who stated “A government by representatives elected by the people at short periods was our object, and our maxim... was, ‘where annual election ends, tyranny begins;’ nor have our departures from it been sanctioned by the happiness of their effects.” In other words, Thomas Jefferson did not have career-politicians in mind to run the government. These thoughts are most telling today in America where the intent, philosophy and the spirit of Founding Fathers is being blatantly violated by both political parties as their members seek elected office repeatedly and aspire for life-time political career. One has to only look at the present day composition of State Houses, US House of Representatives or the US Senate where many legislators are serving for a long time without any term-limits. The generally forwarded rationale and justification for lack of term-limits is either the preference for a particular political party or the candidate’s quality. Both of these reasons were rejected by the Founding Fathers in favor of “public” interest being the prime concern rather than the interest of party or the candidate. They did not want the governance of their new country to have any semblance with the monarchy that they had recently exited. Their views on governance were always driven by the long-term interest of the nation rather than a short-term

view of individuals or the political parties. Today, it is vividly clear that lack of term-limit on elected legislators has a detrimental effect on the governance of the country at all levels. This is so because elected members become entrenched in a system that they are unable to change partly because of lack of objectivity and partly due to “I owe you’ that develops towards the “special interests’ over time. Longer they serve in the elected office more ineffective they become. This is best reflected by the lowest popularly of US Congress among the US citizens. Politicians are perceived to be only self-serving and selfenriching in the elected office they hold. United States needs the system of strict term-limits for all elected legislators at all levels of government to create a more vibrant and stable democracy that is responsive to the needs of all citizens and not just a few. An elected office should not be a means to becoming a career politician at public expense. It is through monetary disincentive in the elected office that a country can create citizenlegislators, the original intent of the US Founders. This will also create stability in the American democratic institutions leading to a perfect union as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Dr. Chandra Mittal is Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Houston Community College, and Co-Founder of Indo-American Association (IAA) Houston. He can be contact at drckmittal@yahoo.com or Twitter @drchandramittal.

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Early in 1932 Gandhi wanted to meet the new Viceroy, Lord Willlingdon, but the Viceroy made it clear that the days of negotiations were over. Gandhi informed the authorities that he was again starting a civil disobedience movement. The Viceroy thought it was a threat and had Gandhi arrested and lodged in Yeravada Central Jail. Several other leaders and many followers of Gandhi were also arrested and jailed. Now read on: At home Gandhi found that the Government had returned to the policy of repression. There were widespread arrests and the Government seized the properties and bank balances of people and organizations who were hostile to their interests. Early in 1932 Gandhi wanted to meet the new Viceroy, Lord Willingdon, but the Viceroy made it clear that the days of negotiation were over. Gandhi informed the authorities that he was again starting a civil disobedience campaign. The Viceroy thought it was a threat. He had Gandhi arrested and imprisoned in Yeravda Central Jail. Several other leaders and many of Gandhi’s followers were also arrested and sent to jail. In March the struggle entered a new phase. Gandhi had always insisted that the untouchables were a part of the Hindus and must be treated as Hindus. Now, however, it was announced that the British proposed to set up separate voting for the untouchables. That meant that untouchables could vote only for members of their own caste. Gandhi regarded the Hindu religion as one and indivisible. He saw the game the British were playing. It was an attempt to weaken Hindu society. “Separate treatment of untouchables cannot be allowed,” Gandhi declared. “Here is an attempt to make untouchability last

Great Summer Project For children! Enter Mahatma Gandhi Week 2016 Essay, I-Tribute, Poster and Speech contests. Visit gandhilibrary.org for registration and more information. All school going children can participate! These contests are being organized to create higher awareness of the inspiring life and work of Mahatma Gandhi to promote universal values of Truth, Non-Violence, Love and Service. Call 713-785-3900 or visit www.mahatmagandhilibrary.org were opened to untouchables and meetings were held all over India urging the removal of untouchability. Outside the jail political activity came to a boil. Leaders of upper case Hindus and untouchables met and discussed various measures to try to arrive at a compromise that would satisfy Gandhi. Proposals and counterproposals were made and considered.

forever. Unless untouchability is destroyed we can never have self-government.” “But what can you do about this election law now?” asked a friend. “I can die,” was his prompt reply. “I will resist this evil provision with my life.” Gandhi announced that he would soon start a fast unto death unless the plan for separate electorates was changed. The public announcement of his intention threw the country into panic. The Indian leaders were shocked at Gandhi’s decision. Even Jawaharlal Nehru thought that Gandhi was taking a drastic step on a side issue. During the time between the announcement and the day when Gandhi’s fast was to begin, streams of visitors arrived at Yeravada jail. The authorities, anxious to avoid any tragedy, allowed everyone to have free access to Gandhi. But all efforts to dissuade him from fasting unto death were of no avail. The die was cast. Gandhi was going to fast. Rabindranath Tagore sent a telegram: “It is worth sacrificing precious life for the sake of India’s unity and her social integrity. Our sorrowing hearts will follow your sublime penance with reverence and love.” Gandhi started his fast on September 20, 1932. The first day of the fast was observed all over India as a day of prayer and fasting. Many temples

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the most powerful leader of the untouchables, met Gandhi and assured him that he would try his best to find a just solution. On the third day of the fast, Gandhi’s condition caused anxiety to all his friends. He was very weak and had to be carried to bathroom on a stretcher. His voice was feeble, his blood pressure was rising. The authorities grew panicky. They sent for Kasturba and allowed all his friends and followers to be with him in jail. On the fifth day of the fast, Hindu leaders finally reached an agreement and signed a pact that would do away with the separate electorates. Gandhi, however, would not accept the pact unless it had been ratified by the British rulers. News came that the British had approved the pact; but still Gandhi would not break his fast until he had seen the text of the approval. The official document of the British government’s approval to the pact came and Gandhi accepted it. Gandhi was released from prison in early 1933. Shortly thereafter he suspended the mass civil disobedience movement but sanctioned individual civil resistance to the government’s policy of repression. For the next seven years, Gandhi worked hard for the social and spiritual awakening of the people. Many lead-

ers, including Nehru, did not approve of many of Gandhi’s activities. “But,” said Nehru, “how can I presume to advise a magician?” Sabarmati Ashram had been seized by the government during the salt satyagraha. SO Gandhi established a little retreat at Sevagram near Wardha in Maharashtra. This became his headquarters. New reforms sponsored by the government got little support from the people. However, many people, including Congress workers, wanted to try them out as a means of furthering the Swaraj movement. In 1939, the Second World War broke out. England and France declared was on Nazi Germany. Without consulting Indian leaders, Britain declared India

also to be at war on the side of the allies. Though Gandhi’s sympathies lay with the British, he believed that all violence was evil and therefore he would have nothing to do with the war effort. The Indian National Congress wanted to help Britain and fight on the side of the allies, but only as a free nation. But to grant India independence seemed ridiculous to Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his government. They had no intention of letting India go by default. Britain refused to accept the cooperation offered by the Congress. As a protest, all the Congress ministries in the provinces resigned. The government took over the administration and they too all measures that would help the was effort. Acting on the goodwill

and restraint taught by Gandhi, the Indian leaders showed no reaction. However, events in Europe were having repercussions in India. The Congress Working Committee found itself unable to accept in its entirety Gandhi’s attitude to the war. In particular, they would not accept his view that the defense of India should not depend on the armed forces. Congress leaders met several times in Gandhi’s room at Sevagram and talked of their desire to start some action. Finally a proposal was put forward that all provincial governments should join with the British authorities in the defence of India, but the British rejected the offer. — To be Continued

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Gandhi fights British attempt to divide Hindus


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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Second Front Page

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140


The Journey to the Ultimate Success

Swami Mukundananda ji delivering his message at the India House at the LTP program.

The progressive realization of a worthy goal is success. Hence, enjoy the journey; do not develop a destination disease,” expounded Swami Mukundananda ji in the Life Transformation Program (LTP) 2016 - Grow from Within to Succeed in Life. It was a free, 7-day community program from 20th August1 to 26th August 2016 at India House. In this LTP 2016 program, Swamiji took us on an ecstatic and heart-searching inner journey! While diving deep into the scriptures on one hand and drawing examples from con-

temporary real-life situations on the other, Swamiji explained how true knowledge creates the paradigm with which we perceive the world and determine the parameter for success. “Each day I listened to Swamiji, something clicked within me and I experienced a major breakthrough!” exclaims Champa Sriram. “He has given me some practical tools to use in this journey. My sincere gratitude to Swamiji and the wonderful team of volunteers for putting this program together,” she adds. Accentuating that all of us wish to grow, and that “it is an auto script God has installed

within each of us,” Swamiji unraveled the code of this Godgiven script, which leads us to the ultimate success. Success is not the last step; success begins with every step, as long as our goal is meaningful. In this ‘age of the half-read page,’ do not become one of those processionary caterpillars that march in a circle until they perish with exhaustion and starvation, although their food is only a few inches away, warned Swamiji. The key to success is deciding on a meaningful goal. Therefore, “decisions are the nodal points in the journey of life.” We make decisions based on our value system - the way

Participants of Life Transformation Program doing yoga exercises. Accentuating twe value family, money, God, conscience, others’ happiness, etc. So, it is imperative we get our values in order first, he emphasized. Our values depend on our beliefs. There is no one under the sun who is bereft of beliefs. While one believes in one’s senses and intellect that are prone to imperfections, another chooses to believe in the authority of the divine scriptures and saints. These beliefs are the ones that determine the course of our life, so it is of paramount importance to install and cultivate these beliefs based on good knowledge. Thus, knowledge determines the paradigm of success. In his 7-day discourse,

Swamiji presented that knowledge - the paradigm of how inner growth leads to success – illuminating the path to inner victories! He handed off pragmatic techniques on how to: • Unleash the power hidden within us • Manifest the God-given potential • Be proactive not reactive, and take charge of our life • Master the art of building healthy relationships • Face hardships with serenity and faith in God’s wisdom • Focus on self-growth to attract favorable circumstances in our life Besides the enlightening discourses, the relaxing yoga and meditation sessions, the melodious kirtans of the Lord, and the blissful company of Swamiji left us all with big smiles on our faces and with a sense of calm and serenity. Swami Mukundananda will be re-visiting Houston for 1 day on October 18th. For more details visit JKYog.org or call 281-6305982 or 832-377-6070.

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016


The People’s Lawyer

Answers to your Immigration Questions by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer Email at srichardslaw@aol.com



Richard M. Alderman Interim Dean of the Law Center

Sharlene Sharmila Richards

Power of attorney is not a substitute for a will Q. I am unmarried and have three daughters. I want one daughter to receive my home after my death. Can I give her a durable power of attorney so that she can simply transfer title into her name after I die? I do not have a will. A. A power of attorney, even a durable power of attorney, is not a substitute for a will. A durable power of attorney assigns only the power to do what you may be capable of doing yourself. Because the power is “durable” it continues even if you become incapacitated, for example, due to Alzheimer’s disease. Once you die, however, the authority granted by any power of attorney ends. If you do not want to transfer title until after your death, you must do so through a provision in a will. I should point out that in Texas, probating a will is not necessarily a complicated procedure and, depending on the estate, can be very simple and inexpensive. I suggest you speak with a local wills and probate attorney about preparing a will, or, look at some online will packages, such as LegalZoom. Without a will, all your children will share your estate, including your home. Q. I have almost paid off my car note. I owe only five more payments. I was a few days late with my last payment and they told me they are going to repossess my car if it happens again. I

am worried about losing the car. Can they do this if I am only a few days late? Will I get notice so I can pay whatever I owe? A. As far as the law is concerned, the lender usually has the right to repossess if you are even a few days late on one payment. It depends on your loan agreement. Unless the agreement says otherwise, you do not get a grace period to pay. Although most lenders will not repossess immediately, they may a legal right to do so. You also will not receive any notice before the car is repossessed. In the event your car is repossessed, you may have to pay the full amount remaining on your note, plus a substantial amount for the costs of the repossession to get the car returned. In my opinion, your best option is to not be late with the remaining payments. In fact, you may want to get a payoff amount from the lender and make one final payment to avoid any future problems. Q. I am having issues of getting my deposit back from my former apartment. What can I do to get it back? I keep getting lame excuses of why it hasn’t been sent to me. A. Look at the landlord tenant section on my website, www.peopleslawyer. net. Texas has a pretty good security deposit law. Assuming you gave proper notice and a forwarding address, you could be entitled to three times the deposit, plus an additional $100. A certified let-

ter to the landlord usually gets results. You also should consider filing a complaint with the Texas Consumer Complaint Center,www. texasccc.com. Register now for the “People’s Law School” Once again, it is time for the “People’s Law School,” the oldest and most successful law program for the layperson in the country! This is your chance to learn more about your legal rights, and have fun at the same time. Best of all, it is absolutely free. On Saturday, October 1st, the Center for Consumer Law at the University of Houston Law Center, will host more than forty volunteer lawyers, judges, and law professors, teaching courses in fifteen different areas of law. Classes will be held from 9 a.m. until noon on the main campus of the University of Houston Law Center. There will be classes in business, bankruptcy, employment, insurance, health insurance, consumer, credit and debt collection, wills, social security, landlord tenant, immigration and family law. There also are classes in how to use small claims court and how to deal with an attorney, as well as a class on how you can find the law on the Internet. Each person may choose three classes to attend. For more information or to register, visit www.peopleslawyer.net

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A: The E-2 Treaty Investor visa is a non-immigrant visa for foreign nationals who are citizens from Treaty countries who wish to live in the United States to invest, develop and manage the operations of a new or existing business. For a complete list of E-2 Treaty Investor countries, please go to http:// travel.state.gov/content/ visas/english/fees/treaty. html. Q: What are the requirements for an E-2 Treaty Investor visa? A: In order to be eligible for the E-2 Treaty Investor visa, the alien must satisfy certain requirements: Be a national of a treaty country; must have invested a substantial amount of capital into a US business; owns at least 50% of the business; the investment amount must come from legal sources; the business must be shown to be one which is nonmarginal; and the investor must seek to develop and direct the business. Q: How much do I need to invest in the business to be eligible for the E- visa? Do I need to invest $1 million and hire at least 10 employees to qualify for this visa? A: No, the $1 million and 10 employee requirement applies to the EB-5 Investor Visa which is an immigrant visa category for permanent residence (Green Card). In contrast to the EB-5 Investor Visa category, the E-2 nonimmigrant visa does not require a specific amount of investment or a specific number of employees. For the E-2 visa, while there is no specific investment amount or minimum amount, a significant investment sufficient to establish the business as well as to provide the business with working capital will satisfy the substantiality criteria. The amount of the investment will depend on the type of the business. For example, a manufacturing type business will certainly require a larger


Sharlene Sharmila Richards

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Q: What is the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa?

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Other types of cases such as Removal of Condition, L, E, H-1B, O, P visas, PERM Labor, Appeals, Waivers etc, all are reasonably priced.

sum of investment than an airconditioning repair or convenience store business. Q: What is the nonmarginality rule? Does the business need to have any employees? Can some of these workers be independent contractors? A: In order to satisfy the non-marginality rule, the business should not be set up for the sole purpose of supporting the E-2 Treaty Investor and his or her family. Successful E-2 petitions typically are those that are able to demonstrate that the business has hired employees or independent contractors or will be doing so in the near future. These workers must be US Citizens, Permanent Residents or those who are authorized to work. Q: I am looking at starting my own business and applying for the E-2 visa. I was informed that I will need a 5 year business plan. A: I strongly suggest that you have one prepared as it essential for a successful E-2 petition. The business plan must show projected growth prospects for the business and the intent to hire employees for the next 5 years. Q: My two brothers and I share the same nationality and we wish to set up a convenience store. Can I partner with one brother to own the convenience store and then employ the other brother as an essential employee? What kind of investment amount do you think we will need for this kind of business? A: It is possible to have this kind of set up for E-2. Each partner in the business must own at least 50% of the business and each must invest a substantial amount in the business. In other words, each of the two partners must on his own satisfy the substantiality of investment rule. Each of you might need to invest at least $50,000 to $60,000 in the business will be my guess. As for the third brother who will be the essential employee, the business will need to demonstrate that he possesses unique or specialized skills that are essential to the success of the E-2 enterprise. In a convenience store setting, this may be quite difficult to

show. Generally, if may be easier to demonstrate that the employee who has the specialized skills are important and necessary for a temporary period of time and it can become more difficult to show that his skills remain essential in the long term. It is expected that the essential employee will train a US worker to replace him or her in the long term. Q: What status will my wife and children get if I have the E-2 visa? Can they work in the US? A: Your wife and children under 21 years of age will get the E-2 visa as your derivatives. Your wife will be eligible to work if she applies and is granted the Employment Authorization Document. Q: Do I need to hire an immigration lawyer to assist in the preparation of the E-2 Treaty Investor petition? A: Yes, I recommend that you do so. The E-2 visa requirements are fairly extensive and the specific requirements for this visa must all be met in order for your petition to be successful.

Disclaimer: Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case. My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. You may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@ aol.com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.


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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Free Health and Wellness Expo at Stafford Centre on Sep 17 Hosted by HealthLine Magazine and Voice of Asia News Group


TAFFORD, TEXAS — Voice of Asia News Group, publishers of Voice of Asia newspaper and HealthLine magazine, will be hosting their 1st annual Wellness Expo at the 20,000 sq.ft hall in Stafford Center at 10505 Cash Rd., Stafford, TX starting at 10 AM and ending at 4 PM. This expo is backed by leading hospitals, physicians and medical professionals who are in it for the single purpose - to upkeep the wellbeing of seniors, men, women and children. This is a free event with plenty of free parking. HealthLine Wellness Expo benefits families through health care providers, charitable health

organizations which help support the healthcare needs of the Senior population and families here in Houston and neighboring cities. Over 2,000 Houstonians are expected to attend the day– long Wellness Expo. HealthLine Wellness Expo is an endeavor and effort of HealthLine magazine, a publication by the Voice of Asia News Group to give back to the community that has supported it for 29 years making it a leading community newspaper in Texas. INAUGURAL The inaugural of the expo will be at 10 AM. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Hardeep

Singh. Two guest speakers are Dr. Lovell Jones and Dr. Steve Le, who is also Council Member to District F, for the City of Houston. There will be a speaker’s series on health issues after 11 AM throughout the day till 4 PM. TALKS on HEALTH Speakers for health issues in order starting from 11 AM include Chris Noble from The Rose on Breast Health care; Payal Patani and Lauren Ibekwe from the Fort Bend Regional Council on Drug Trends among youth and what parents need to know; Judy Blake talks on Judy’s World - dealing with children who have special needs; Dr. Abraham Thomas

‘Goodbye Ganpati Bappa’ Ganesh Utsav concludes at Shiv Shakti Temple on Hilcroft

Temple volunteers inside Shiv Shakti Temple on Hilcroft in Houston by Runmee Barbara n the last day of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, a big ritual ceremony is performed every year by devotees of the Indian community in Houston. This year also enthusiastic religious followers assembled to celebrate and bid adieu to Lord Ganesha at Shiv Shakti Temple on Hilcroft. Devotees from in an around Houston came with their Lord Ganesha idols of different sizes and shapes to immerse and to be a part of the community ceremony. The ritualistic worship started with an intellectual speech by the temple founder Sh. Virat Mehta. This was followed by reciting mantras, devotional songs and then aarti by temple priest Sh. Prakash bhai and Sh. Hardik bhai and devotees which led to the start of the procession. People huddled in groups for the procession to perform the final rituals of the Ganesh Visarjan (immersion of idols). Under a bright and beautiful sunlit sky, chants of Ganpati Bappa Morya reverberated through the air. Men, women and children danced enthusiastically to loud music and the beating of the dhols (drums). Bursts of gulal(powder colours) streamed up in quick successions, infusing the devout with the spirit of the occasion. Ganpati idols were accompanied by hundreds of people who marched to the beats of dhols and nagadas. Bollywood songs, bhajans and live music bands playing foot tapping numbers vied for attention. The grandeur and excitement of Ganpati Visarjan was simply overwhelming. The cultural evening started around 6.45 pm at the temple premises. The sight of the open air stage was scintillating, the mood contagious and the evening twilight with light breeze was a perfect start for the show. Deva shri Ganesha dance charged up the air on a mystical mode with Lezium beats, followed by devotional classical dance forms of Bharatnatyam and Kathak. An enlightening


short skit was also preformed based on the “Life of Ganesha”. The characters, dialogues and the powerful presentation along with the colourful costume display left the audience enchanted and applauding. At the end of the skit, Lord Ganesha along with Shiv and Parvati sat on a pedestal that was set on stage. Maha Aarti and prasad was distributed to everyone making it a happy and sweet end to the celebrations. The mastermind behind this wonderful creative construction of the cultural show was Ms. Kusum Sharma. The entire cultural show was presented by her students from Shri Natraj School of Dance (www.shrinatraj.com) along with Kalakriti Performing Arts Foundation (www.kalakritiusa.org), a nonprofit supporting Indian culture, values and heritage. Sound and music was covered by Darshak Thakkar & team from Krishna Sounds. The Photography was covered by Ravi Grover of Kanha arts. The decorations were provided by Mandap creations. A huge undertaking like this could not have been possible without the help of volunteers. Many thanks to Hardik Raval, Prakash bhai Adhavaryu, Haresh bhai , Jaydeep bhai, Vijay bhai, Gopal bhai, Alpesh bhai, Anil bhail, Atul bhai, Jasu bhai, Amit bhai , Nishita, Urvashi Ben and Ripendra Ben. The Prasad was offered by Deep foods,Shiv Sagar, Bhojan,Chandrika Masala and Masala Munchies. The temple trustees Dhiru bhai, Ashok bhai and Rajan bhai worked really hard to make sure that the program was successful. Celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi as a religious festival has been seen since time immemorial. The process of Visarjan teaches us detachment and to replenish our spiritual reserve. It reminds us that material wealth is transitory and that it is futile. Using Religious festivals as a platform to unite Indians in a home away from home gives everyone an opportunity to celebrate and continue to value the richness of our grand culture. The celebrations are over but Ganpati will

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still be gracing at the entrances of temples and homes. The imbibed spirit remains in the hearts of the devotees and enriches their lives. We look forward to this frenzied and energetic festival to return soon and refill our lives with blissful moments and blessings. Kalakriti Performing Arts Foundation signature event Ramleela 2016 is on October 9th, tickets can be purchased online @ www.ramleelahouston.org or by calling Vipin Sharma at 832-202-9877.

talks on Stroke Awareness, Dr. Harpreet Singh talks on keeping a vital checklist for Weight Loss; Rebecca Kramer from the LUPUS Foundation talks on Awareness on LUPUS; Sudhir Mathuria talks on What the public should know about Medicare; Dr. Pushan Jani talks on Lung Cancer Screening; Andrei Lorilla with United Healthcare talks about the Ins and Outs of Medicaid and Medicare; Dr. Hanh Trinh from the Houston Hospice talks about Hospice care in the final months of life; and Dr. Jordan Owens talks about Sleep Hygiene on getting good rest ending at 4 PM. DOOR PRIZES Door prizes valued between $25 and $500 plus Tickets to

the Texas Renaissance Festival will be given away every twenty-five minutes at the Expo. HealthLine magazine thanks these businesses for donating door prizes: Amzer, Beauty Pro-clip Hair Salon, Britannia, Deep Foods, Dream Dinners, Escalante’s Sugar Land Restaurant, Greatwood smiles, Nex Gen Radio, Prime Laser Center, Swasth Yoga and Whole Foods. SPONSORS Sponsors participating in the expo provide guests with health education, limited free screening services, medical care consultations, access to mental health counseling, health degree education and job training opportunities. Major sponsors

include: Kelsey Seybold Clinic, Aetna, Texas Caregiver, India Caregiver, Ace Pain Management, Medwin Family Medicine & Rehab, NOVA Asset Management, Krishna Sounds, Radio Dabang, Shining Nightingale, Indian Doctors and Indian Nurses Association. Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian food vendors will be present at the event. A portion of the proceeds raised for this expo will help H.O.P.E., (Heaven’s Own Precious Eyes) a non-profit organization that helps autistic children live better lives. Everyone is invited to the Wellness Expo. To read issues of HealthLine magazine online, please visit: www.healthlinemag.com/magazine

Grand Vinayaka Chaturthi celebrations at Sri Meenakshi Temple by M.K.Sriram PEARLAND - Ganesha, Ganapathy, Vinayaka and known by many many other names was given a huge “birthday” party by His devotees, last week at Sri Meenakshi Temple. Lord Ganesha’s birthday falls on Chaturthi day, in the waxing phase of the moon or Shukla Paksha in the Tamil month of Avany. Sri Meenakshi Temple takes great pride in conducting the pujas and festivals in the most authentic and traditional way, literally transporting the devotees thousands of miles across the globe to Bharatha desa. This is a miracle that happens every single time and leaves an indelible memory in the minds of the hundreds and hundreds of bhakta janas. This event was observed on Monday, September 5th, the actual Chaturthi day, as well as celebrated again on Sunday, September 12. September 5th being Labor Day, offered many people to partake in the event. The puja started early morning at the Maha Ganapathi sanctum in the southwest corner mantapam. Abhishekam was performed with the chanting of the Veda Sukthas and Sri Rudram bringing delight to the hearts of the devotees. Sri Maha Ganapathi was then adorned with alankarams and arathi was performed. The main function took place at the recently renovated Ganesh Temple that had been beautifully decorated for the event. The devotees gathered there for the Sankalpam to initiate the puja. This was followed by Punyahavachanam and Kalasa puja. This was followed by homam when the priests chanted Ganesh mantras and offered the special

Vinayaka Pooja being conducted by the priests at MTS. dravyas to the Agni or Fire god. The significance is that by this offering we pray for the peace and prosperity of the community. The finale of the homam is the purnahuthi, which is the final offering. The priests then performed abhishekam for Sri Prasanna Vinayaka, the very first deity of Sri Meenakshi Temple for whom the people hold a very special affection. The waters from the

kalashas sanctified by the Vedic mantras were poured on Lord Ganesha, and one could not help experiencing the warmth and love of the Son of Parvathi shower on them. The utsava vigraha and the moola vigraha were then decorated beautifully while bhajans were sung. The final arathi was spectacular and brought tears to the eyes of the ardent devotees, when they felt they were one with Lord Ganesha. The utsava Moorthy was taken on a procession around the temple on the Mooshika Vahanam. Prasadam distribution was done at the main temple. A delicious lunch contributed in part as annadhanam by devotees supplemented by the temple kitchen staff, was enjoyed by all who attended. Devotees who missed the Monday event got another chance to celebrate on Sunday the 12th. This was also very well attended. This day also marked the 37th anniversary of the temple, so there was a special 108 kalasa puja and abhishekam. The devotees had the unique fortune to individually carry the kalasam to the Ganesh sanctum. After the beautiful abhishkekam accompanied by Vedic chantings, Prasanna Ganapathy and utsava Moorthy were beautifully decorated and decked in flower garlands. The priests then performed the final arathi. Lord Ganesha was then taken on a procession in the grand ratham around the temple. Prasadam distribution was done at the main temple. Another grand lunch was served to the devotees. The Visarjan function took place in the afternoon. Sri Meenakshi Temple that caters to the needs of people with different traditions and practices has been performing this for the last few years, The clay idols sponsored by devotees are immersed in the temple pond symbolizing a ritual see-off of the Lord in his journey towards his abode in Kailash while taking away with him the misfortunes of his devotees. All in all, this was a truly grand two day festival at Sri Meenakshi Temple. Priests Sri Manicka Bhattar, Sri Kalyanasundaram, Sri Balaji and Sri Pavan Kumar performed the rituals with great devotion. MTS under the leadership of Chairman Sri Narayanan and Religious Activities committee members Smt Padmini Nathan and Smt Sheila Sriram with event coordinators Sri Tupil Narasiman, Sri Padma Golla and Sri Dorairajan did an outstanding job with countless hours of hard work and support by the temple silpis and administrative staff.


FRIDAY, September 16, 2016








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• Weight loss. Obesity is the mother of other diseases. • Awareness on Lupus. • How to live a healthy life. • Hospice Care - healthcare for final days of life. • Sleep hygiene is very Important, but neglected.

Win Door Prizes Every 25 Minutes - Up to $500 Stafford Fire Department Safety Display Meet and Greet Houston Police Department

• Kelsey-Seybold Clinic

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• K J Herbs

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• Houston Community College

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• Houston Police Department

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• Home Instead Senior Care

• Lupus Foundation of America

• Chemmanur Jewelers

• Houston Hospice

• Madhavan Pillai CPA

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• Houston Institute of Neurology for Kids

• Mahavastu Houston


• NOVA Asset Management

• IBN SINA Foundation

• OakBend Medical Center

• ICON Bank

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• Indian Doctors Association

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• Amzer • Beauty Pro-clip Hair Salon Gift cards • Britannia • Deep Foods • Dream Dinners • Escalante’s Sugar Land Restaurant • Greatwood Smiles • Nex Gen Radio • Prime Laser Center • Swasth Yoga • Whole Foods

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• DGN Factory • Distinctive Life Cremation • Evolutionary Eye Care • Fort Bend Corrective Center • Ft. Bend Regional Council • Grand Canyon University • HBA Medical Station


We thank these businesses for donating door prizes!

• New York Life

Krishna Sounds

• Smiles on Greatwood • Texas Caregiver • The Medical Resort • The Rose • The Vitamin Shoppe • Trusted Senior Specialists • TTI Home Health Care • United Healthcare • Universal Bakery & Snacks • US Citrus • Wellcare • Wells Fargo • West Houston Rehab and Healthcare Center

Partnering with Indian Doctors Association

Indian Nurses Association of Greater Houston




FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

IACCGH 17th Annual Gala - A Night of Awards and Achievements

IACCGH President Joya Shukla giving an overview of the Chamber’s activities and initiatives. Photo by Bijay Dixit. Continued from Page 1 The presence of several elected officials from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Congressman Pete Olson, Secretary of State Carlos Cascos, State Representative Gene Wu, Judge Ed Emmett, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Council member Jack Christie, District Clerk Chris Daniel to City Controller Chris Brown was a standout as was the high level of networking that took place during the social hour. An excellent rendition of the American and Indian National Anthems by Ishya Kachru and Amiya Ghosh got the program rolling. Welcoming the gathering, Executive Director Jagdip Ahluwalia thanked the roomful of “decision makers and policy makers” for supporting the organization and validating the work the Chamber does in promoting Houston’s economic growth. He also apologized for the sound system not being up to par for reasons beyond their control. Mistress of Ceremonies, abc13 reporter, Pooja Lodhia invited CEO Asif Dakri from Wallis State Bank and Gala underwriters, to address the gathering. Stating that Wallis State Bank was the number one SBA Lender in the Houston region for the last two years, he credited part of their success to partnering with organizations like the Chamber.

President Joya Shukla spotlighted the Chamber’s launching of its International Student Summer Internship program which was Past President Sanjay Ramabhadran’s brainchild and stewarded by the Chamber’s youngest Board member Narayan Bhargava. Two local University of Houston students interned at Shell and JSW Steel in India during the 2016 summer. The program’s success, she stated, is measured by not only a request for more interns, but more global companies such as Technip already committed for 2017. The launch of the Business of Medicine Series with a Keynote by CHI St. Luke’s CEO Michael Covert was, in her words, a “breakthrough” and the Chamber will focus on building bridges of Healthcare between the largest medical center in the world and India catalyzed by the new Consul General’s passion given his training as a physician. Speaking about the growing alliance between the US and India, Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray quipped that “it’s a good time to be a diplomat in the US.” This, he continued, is evident from the fact that a few days ago, on the same day, the US Secretary of State was in India and the Indian Defense Minister was in Washington conferring on issues of defense cooperation, cybersecurity and trade. He added that India and the US are similar for upholding values like diversity, inclu-

City of Houston Mayor, Sylvester Turner addressing the audience at the IACCGH gala. Photo by Bijay Dixit.

Consul General of India, Dr. Anupam Ray addressing the audience at the IACCGH gala. Photo by Bijay Dixit.

sion, competition, meritocracy and rule of law and business with India is essentially “doing business with a country that is more like the US than many countries in the world.” Lauding the Chamber’s role in driving Houston’s economic growth, Harris County Judge Ed Emmett stated that he looked forward to more trade missions to India and Indian delegations to Houston as well as “seeing cultures and beliefs of India woven into the fabric of American life.” Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Congressman Pete Olson and Mayor Turner strongly endorsed the diversity that the Indo American presence in Houston provided while describing the Chamber as “dynamic, an engine of opportunity and diversity personified.” Keynote Speaker Bruce Culpepper, President Shell USA termed the longstanding relationship between the Chamber and Shell “symbiotic” characterized by mutual need and mutual benefit. Shell, he continued, looked for opportunities to be actively engaged with the community, to learn and transform those learnings back into Shell creating, in the process, a “positive ripple” across the organization. Stressing that Shell has deep ties with India, he highlighted the soon to be completed Shell Technical Center in Bengaluru and a Business operations Center in




Keynote Speaker Bruce Culpepper presenting the Woman Entrepreneur Award to Revati Puranik, (3rd from left) as Joy Shukla and Jagdip Ahluwalia look on.. Phot credit Bijay Dixit. Chennai which has become the backbone of Shell’s global finance and business processing capability. He concluded by stating that Shell intends to be a partner with the Government of India and the people of India to address India’s energy needs and provide energy solutions. The Chamber also recognized the outstanding professional and public service achievements of community members. Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to Marvin Odum Past President

Shell, Dr. John Mendelsohn Past President MD Anderson Cancer Institute and Richard Huebner Past President HMSDC. 2016 awards for the Business Person Award went to Bhavesh Patel CEO LyondellBasell, the Entrepreneur Award to Founder of Shipcom Wireless Abeezar Tyebji, the Woman Entrepreneur Award to Revati Puranik, Global CFO Worldwide Oilfield Machines and the Young Professional Award to Malisha Patel, COO of Memorial Hermann, Sugar Land. Emphasizing the power of

diversity and the role it plays in success, President Elect Allen Richards promised to continue the Chamber’s mission of bringing together “a diversity of skills, businesses and cultures” and foster strong community relationships. The evening capped off with Board member Rajiv Bhavsar winning a Rolex watch given by Karat 22 in a Raffle draw which he donated to the Chamber to be auctioned. The proceeds from the sale of tickets and the auction go to support the Chamber’s International Internship Program.

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Hindus of Greater Houston (HGH) Grand 2016 Janmashtami

estivals are great unifiers and the spectacular 27th Janamastami celebration at the George Brown Convention center on 10th September was no exception. With around 65 organizations supporting this event, the Hindus of Greater Houston lived up to its mission of bringing Hindus together to celebrate festivals collectively. Many senior members of the community were also present thanks to a bus sponsored every year by HGH.


ISKCON devotees welcomed the attendees with Chandan Tilak. Limca Book record holder Sangita Bhutada’s Rangoli themed on the Raas Leela at the entrance and created singlehandedly in 10 hours once again garnered a great deal of attention and praise. A giant sized baby Krishna formed a fitting backdrop on the stage – a gift by Gopal Agarwal and decorated tastefully by Mandap Creations. After a traditional procession with Sri Meenakshi temple provided Garuda Vahana accompanied by the chenda melum drummers by Ganesh Rajamani, an invocatory song in 12 different Indian languages was performed by 25 musicians from the Houston Krishna Gana Sudha. Nearly 100 children came dressed as Krishna or Radha for a costume contest organized painstakingly by Shital Rathi while others displayed their talent in the Jhanki (a group depiction with props).

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Acharya Dr. David Frawley (center) was the Chief Guest and Speaker. Seen with HGH President Partha Krishnaswamy (r) and Yogini Shambhavi.

HGH team of with Chief guest Dr. David Frawley.

City Controller Chris Brown was also present with wife Divya. The couple said that they enjoyed dressing up their 1 year old daughter, Milana, for the costume contest and emphasized the need to preserve the cultural norms for the next generation. The Ashtalakshmi temple presented a short video on their plans for the 1000th year celebrations of Ramanuja Acharya followed by an interesting cultural program with multiple styles of dances of India presented by the professional dance schools of Houston. “An American born well-read scholar on the various aspects of Hinduism and a recipient of the civilian award of “Padma Bhushan” from the Government of India in 2015 for his distinguished work of highest order to the nation through his work and writings as a Vedic teacher” was the introduction given for the Chief Guest of the evening – Acharya Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastry). In his address, Acharya Frawley stated many relevant ideas to overcome ignorance and awaken the inner spirit of love and power that is embodied in each one of us. He also encouraged all Hindus in Houston, whether as individuals, families, groups or temples, to join in and support the crucial work of Hindus of Greater Houston to “keep the Hindu community vibrant, relevant and a power for positive change for all humanity.” A special tribute was also paid to His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj whose inspiration, guidance and mentoring has taken the BAPS worldwide. An audio visual presentation by the BAPS Mandir of Houston highlighted his achievements. 2016’s Lifetime Achievement Service Award was presented to Sam Kannapan, a community leader who was monumental in spearheading the Sri. Meenakshi temple in Pearland and Dilip Mehta, a founder member of the Hindus of Greater Houston who

100 children participated in the costume contest dresses as Sri Krishna or Radha Rani. Photos by Vijay Pallod WINNERS Group A : First place - Agrima Gupta Second place - Aria Babbar Third place - Viraaj Surya Group B : First place - Ananthan Nair Second place - Nitin Surya Third place - Amrita Bharat

Group C : First place - Shreyas Bharat Second place - Tammaipriya Kurusamy Third place - Navya Surya And Beautiful Zhanki * Aghasur vadh Leela, KrishnaSudama Milan, and Ram Darbaar

has a strong affinity for Sanatan Dharma and is also associated with the Hindu Mahasabha of North America. The Akhil Chopra “Unsung Heroes” Award given in memory of Akhil Chopra, was presented to Vivek Sharda who is actively involved with the Hindu Yuwa chapter of the University of Houston and has been supporting and volunteering for several Indian organizations This year, HGH felicitated community leaders Jugal Malani and Ramesh Bhutada and thanked them for their generosity and sustained support for the Janmastami celebrations. They were both presented with Philanthropy Awards. The moon walk, art contest, Matki Phod,

Read these stories and more community stories Visit us online www. voiceofasiaonline.com Email your story to voiceasia@aol.com Dear Devotees, Hari Om..

After the sudden demise of Bramhasri Udayakumar Gullapalli, I, Pandit Sridharkumar Ramayanam, as his torch bearer take the responsibility of serving the Houston community for any kind of Vedic/Hindu poojas at your door step or in the temple. Kindly contact me for all kind of poojas naming few as follows, Gruhapravesham, Sathyanarayana vratham, Namakaram, Upanayanam, marriage, all kinds of homas, new business or shop openings, Shradha karmas, etc.... Feel free to contact me on:

• 713-933-8821/9359 • 832-833-5662 • 720-421-6031 Kindly support the temple and family by giving me the opportunity to serve you all. Hari Om!

cotton candy, face painting kept the children entertained while allowing their parents to enjoy the program and browse through the several booths. Delicious vegetarian snacks & juices proved popular with the crowds. Immediately following the Arati, the youngsters took to the floor dancing nimbly to the pulsating beats of Darshak Thacker’s energetic drumming which blended with the traditional

Dandiya songs by Kashmira Nayak. It didn’t take long for their parents to follow suit. HGH President Partha Krishnaswamy and event coordinator for the past 9 years said that he was extremely satisfied with the creativity and quality of the event delivered by the highly dedicated HGH team and the positive feedback from many of the attendees to the event.



FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Grandeur of Ganeshotsav celebration by Houston Marathi Mandal (HMM)!

Lord Ganesha being carried out in a procession by -Ameya Wakde


OUSTON - “Bappa Morya” – a heartfelt call to Lord Ganesh ran in the air. It was that time of the year when houses of most

of the Indian families came alive to the sound of festive preparation. Kids and elders indulged themselves in preparation of a clay idol adorned creatively with colors and jewelry and the homes filled with

Dhol and Dandia Ras during the procession

HMM members dressed in traditional Maharastrian attaire for the celebrations. aroma of scrumptious food. Like every year, this year too HMM (Houston Marathi Mandal - www.hmmhouston.org) celebrated Ganeshotsav festival with full enthusiasm on Sep 10th at VPSS Hall, 11715 Bellfort Village Dr. Houston, TX. It was a sold-out event with more than 700 people in attendance. Preparations started 2 months in advance of the festival where almost 100 participants and volunteers worked hard to make the celebration eventful. The event was telecasted live with viewers from all over US, UK and India. The celebration started sharp 3.30 pm with miravnuk which is a procession to welcome Lord Ganesh. This procession was led by Dhol-Tasha (percussion instruments) group and Lezim (musical instrument with jingling cymbals) group who went all the way to give a grand welcome to their favorite Ganapati Bappa with their energetic performances. HMM president Megha Ozarker welcomed everyone with her speech with more information on Marathi Shala and Vaastu. This was followed with a

Marathi drama (Directed By Chaitrali Gokhale Thote) with dance performances that walked us through some of the important life events of Lord Ganesh. The young ones were simply phenomenal and fluent in Marathi - well-groomed by their parents and teachers from Houston’s Marathi school. Towards the end we had Ganesh aarti (prayer) where everyone in the audience stood up and collectively chanted in reverence of the Lord. This was followed by scrumptious Maharashtrian food with Modak and Amras being the most indispensable dishes. HMM extends its heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors, participants and wonderful audience for their generous support. HMM is a non-profit organization that has been organizing Maharashtrian cultural events, encouraging Maharashtrian arts and promoting the Marathi language in the Houston area since 1976. The next event in the HMM calendar is the “Diwali Dhamaka” details of the same can be found on HMM website.

The celebrations had dance and drama depicting Maharashtraian culture.



FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Pentagon push to tap tech talent in ‘weird’ Texas city


ASHINGTON, | AFP | 9/14/2016 - Pentagon chief Ashton Carter on Wednesday announced the creation of a new defense innovation center in Austin, Texas -- the latest expansion in an ongoing effort to connect with some of America’s hippest tech communities. Carter’s project, called Defense Innovation Unit Experimental, or DIUx, already has offices in Silicon Valley and in the Boston area, home to Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Pentagon has a long history of collaboration with the tech community that has yielded or advanced new technologies including GPS and the internet. Austin, the state capital of Texas, has long been known for being “weird,” as it is fiercely liberal and attracts hipsters from around the country in an otherwise largely conservative southern state. It also has become a tech hub, and is home to dozens of established tech firms and startups. “I not only want to keep Austin weird; I’m counting on it,” Carter said in prepared remarks delivered in the city. “Because the creative thinking that happens in places like Austin is part of what makes our country so innovative and our economy so vibrant and strong.”

Friday, September 30, 2016, 7:00pm

Carter, a physicist and former Harvard University professor who delights in the US military’s innovation in hightech areas, has made repeated trips to tech firms -- mainly on the West Coast -- in recent months. The Pentagon chief also praised Austin’s “commitment to innovation, access to talent and academia, as well as the department’s longstanding ties to Texas.”


The Lone Star State also hosts an array of established defense firms that manufacture equipment, such as Marine Corps attack helicopters and the military’s most advanced stealth fighter jet, the F-35 Lightning II.

Mayor, Greater Houston Partnership Plan Trade Mission to Cuba


OUSTON - Mayor Sylvester Turner and the Greater Houston Partnership will lead a historic trade mission to Cuba later this month. The trip comes in advance of the start of nonstop commercial flights to Cuba from Houston’s Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) before the end of the year.

The President & Board Of Directors of IACF along with Honorary Chairs Anant & Girija Patel of Karat 22 Jewelers welcome you to join us for an exciting evening at our annual Gala! The evening includes dinner, entertainment & dancing as well as recognizing our Friends Of Charity Honorees & for the first time ever a show stopping Angels Of Charity Couples Fashion Show!

“We must promote Houston as the preferred U.S. gateway for travel to Cuba,” said Mayor Turner. “I also believe there are new opportunities to be explored under the more relaxed relationship with Cuba approved by the Obama Administration. We can’t truly be an international city if we are not reaching out internationally.” United Airlines received final approval to begin service to Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport from IAH and Newark, New Jersey last week. The flight from Houston will depart every Saturday, beginning November 29. Tickets are already on sale for the once-a-week, nonstop flights. This will be Mayor Turner’s first trade mission. Several more are in the planning stages to key Houston markets for later in 2016 and 2017. Recognized by “Trusted Traveler Network” as one of the most international-friendly points of entry for foreign travelers, IAH is a gateway to Latin America. The airport provides departures to nearly 200 nonstop destinations and serves nearly 43 million passengers annually.

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Vol. 29 No. 38



Section 2

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140

Vera Wang serves up dark mystery for powerful women


EW YORK - Designer to the stars Vera Wang perfected the latest trend for structured fashion Tuesday by sending down the runway wool peplums, evening wear decorated with glass pearls and airy ruched skirts.

the catwalk this season at Zac Posen, Jenny Packham and Vicky Zhang. Wang told AFP that she used peplum and all kinds of tailoring tricks to hold the clothes up. Paired with strict blazers and the distinctive peplums that looked like belts or micro skirts, were long, airy skirts of ruched georgette, plus spookily long sleeves and vertiginous stilettos.

Most famous for her A-list wedding and red carpet gowns favored by the likes of Chelsea Clinton and Hollywood royalty, the veteran New York designer nonetheless prefers black and white on the catwalk. The spring/summer 2017 collection was all about power, craft and mystery she told AFP after the show, which was watched by Tony-winning actress Cynthia Erivo and suspended Russian tennis ace Maria Sharapova from the front row. The effect was a blend of French country romanticism, Chanel and classic American sports slouch that only someone of Wang’s pedigree could pull off after nearly 30 years as a designer.

She described the sleeve as “almost like a new kind of glove.” “It fell down and it just trailed so it’s part of the romance I think of the collection and its darkness and the movement but mostly powerful,” she said. Fashion from the Vera Wang Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week, Tuesday Sept. 13, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews). “I wanted a very powerful woman,” she explained. “The second thing was the craft,” she said. “I want to feel as though they

were very, very beautifully executed.” “The third thing was a sense of mystery -- it is dark, no question, dark and light, but mostly dark.

“I think that sense of mystery -- I’m very well known for -- but I think this year it had a very different spine.” Structured gowns have been seen on

The evening dress was perhaps a bit more wearable: black and white dresses and skirts covered in hand-made glass pearls that rustled beautifully when the model walked the runway. “Maybe I was thinking of Chanel and I didn’t realize! I was looking at the clothes, and I said ‘black, white, noir, blanc and des perles’ -- that’s Chanel.”

BMW wheelchairs, high-tech bikes: life in the Paralympic fast lane by Sebastian Smith


IO DE JANEIRO, Brazil | AFP | Monday 9/11/2016 A wheelchair made by BMW and a prototype bike so valuable it must be kept under guard are two of the new weapons in Rio Paralympians’ unending race for a competitive advantage. High-tech has never been more important than in Rio and inevitably athletes from rich countries are benefiting most, using cutting-edge gear to escape ever further from the limitations of their disabled bodies.

The machine, created by BMW’s California-based firm Designworks and customized to fit each athlete, is made from carbon fiber. Long, low and triangular, it looks very little like a traditional wheelchair. Meanwhile, titanium, carbon fiber and other space age materials are making the Flex-Foot Cheetah and other prostheses used by amputees ever lighter, stronger -- and controversial. Running blades, which cost thousands of dollars, work so well that they are now considered by some to be a competitive threat to able-bodied athletes. German paralympic long-jump champion Markus Rehm, who is missing one leg, was barred from entering the Rio Olympics this year on the grounds that he could not prove his carbon-fiber prosthesis doesn’t give an unfair advantage. His personal best jump has in fact surpassed the winning distance in the 2012 London Olym-

The machine, created by BMW’s California-based firm Designworks and customized to fit each athlete, is made from carbon fiber (AFP Photo/Mike Stobe). pics. - ‘Guarded around the clock’ -Then there are the bikes. US athlete Jamie Whitmore, from California, rides a prototype Felt bicycle that was made just for her and her particular needs after suffering partial paralysis of her left leg from cancer. In an apparently unique innovation, Felt also moved the drive train -- the chain and gearing -- to the left side, not the right as on every other bike, to create more efficiency on anti-clockwise race tracks.

the bike is worth $80,000 and “has to be chaperoned wherever it goes.” “There’s a person with it all the time,” he said. Do these expensive gadgets really make a difference? Yes, athletes say -- but very little. “Fractions of a second,” Cardenas said of gains from the Felt bike. Australian wheelchair basketball player Jannik Blair explained: “Everything is already top of the line. Now it’s things like minute changes in the types of metal we use.”

“I love it,” Whitmore, a former professional mountain biker who has so far won one silver in Rio, told AFP. “I want to go home and speak to Mr Felt and see if I can be riding that next year.”

Where the real care in wheelchair design goes, his teammate Tom O’NeillThorne said, is in customizing the rig to the athlete’s shape and physical problems.

Her husband Courtney Cardenas, a triathlete and sports announcer, said

“What matters is the customability and the ability to talk face to face


German paralympic long-jump champion Markus Rehm (pictured) was barred from entering the Rio Olympics this year on the grounds that he could not prove his carbon-fiber prosthesis doesn’t give an unfair advantage (AFP Photo). with the person building the chair,” he said. - Tech gulf -That need for painstaking and costly attention to detail might help explain why despite huge expansion of the Paralympics, the Games are still broadly dominated by athletes from Australia, China, Europe, North America and other economic powerhouses. “It’s about wheels, helmets, everything -- and definitely the countries that have more investment are very strong on the track,” Whitmore said. “I’d like to see more Latino women.... It comes down to whom you get deals with and whom your being sponsored by.” Para-cyclist Jose Frank Rodriguez, from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean, can only dream of customized fittings and all the back office sup-

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port that rich country athletes enjoy. “I’m alone. I have no mechanic, no physio -- just my coach and me,” he said glumly, still pouring with sweat from his last race in the 4,000m individual pursuit. His Canadian-made Cervelo bike is good quality, but certainly wasn’t made for him and is probably already three or four years old, he said. With its worn-looking handlebars and chipped paint, it could be older. “We have talent but we need more support for the team,” he said. Whitmore was sympathetic. In the end, though, desire and muscle power, not fancy equipment, makes champions, she said. “You still have to have an engine,” she said with a smile. “You can’t sit on a couch and expect to win.”



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At the track and field stadium, four US athletes are riding what BMW calls “the world’s fastest wheelchair,” the US team told AFP.



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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

US, Argentine films frontrunners Air China magazine apologises over ‘racist’ article for Venice’s Golden Lion by Becky Davis

by Ella IDE

EIJING, China | AFP | Thursday 9/8/2016 - The publisher of Chinese national carrier Air China’s in-flight magazine apologised Thursday for allegedly “racist” travel advice offered to passengers visiting London, as mainland social media users rushed to defend the controversial tips.



ENICE, Italy | AFP - From a dazzling musical to a biting comedy, films from the US and Argentina are tipped as favourites to win this year’s Golden Lion award at the Venice film festival, due to be announced Saturday. American musical “La La Land”, directed by Damien Chazelle and starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, kicked off the world’s oldest film festival and immediately brought the house down. Top international film critics, gathered on the glamorous Lido di Venezia for the 10-day fest, cheered the quirky tale of a struggling jazz pianist and his actress girlfriend in Los Angeles, a joyful tribute to the Golden Age of American musicals.

The latest issue of “Wings of China” ran an article detailing safety tips to travellers based on the race and nationality of local residents. “London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people,” the article said in English translation below a Chinese text, according to a photograph published by CNBC.


Fellow front-runner “Jackie”, Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larrain’s potrayal of the days following US president JFK’s assassination, wowed thanks largely to a stellar performance from Natalie Portman as Jacqueline Kennedy.

“We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling,” it added.

“I felt like it was the most dangerous film I’ve ever done, because everyone knows what Jackie looked like, sounded like, walked like,” Portman admitted to press at the star-studded festival, where A-listers arrived by water taxi.

The Chinese version was worded slightly differently, stating that such neighbourhoods were “comparatively more chaotic” -- an adjective often used to describe dangerous areas.

- Oscar hungry Terrence Malick’s long-awaited “Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey”, a documentary on the life and death of the universe, moved critics and the public alike with its use of stunning special effects and real-life images of earth’s most breathtaking creations.

Philippine director Lav Diaz’s “The Woman Who Left” (AFP Photo)

But these glossy, US heavyweights are being challenged by Argentinian directors Gaston Duprat and Mariano Cohn with their comedy “The Distinguished Citizen”, about a Nobel Prizewinning author who returns to his village for the first time in 40 years.

Spooking and stirring in equal part, with arresting performances from US stars Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal as lovers gone awry, the film tells a story within a story about self-harm, love, betrayal and revenge.

Also hot on their heels is Philippine director Lav Diaz’s “The Woman Who Left”, an acclaimed black and white tale about a wrongly convicted schoolteacher plotting her revenge against the ex-boyfriend who framed her. The awards ceremony is set to begin at 1700 GMT. Venice has strengthened its reputation in recent years as a launch-pad for

the Oscars -- with “Gravity”, “Birdman” and “Spotlight” all premiering here -- and former fashion designer Tom Ford’s offering “Nocturnal Animals” may follow suit.

The Best Actor award is tipped to go either to Oscar Martinez, who plays the cynical novelist in “The Distinguished Citizen”, or Gosling, for his tap-dancing, crooning character in “La La Land”. - Sexy tentacles Amy Adams is in the running for the Best Actress not only for “Nocturnal Animals” but also “Arrival”, where her character is all that stands between

a group of civilised aliens and the leaders of the world powers, eager to reach for the nuclear button. Should the jury, lead by British film director Sam Mendes, have a penchant for such tentacled creatures, Mexico’s “The Untamed” by Amat Escalante may be in with a shot, with its take on an extraterrestrial who sexually pleasures the brave and foolhardy. A total of 20 films are competing, including Ana Lily Amirpour’s second film “Bad Batch”, a cannibal love story with Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves about a young girl who ends up on the menu in a futuristic United States. The beautiful “A Woman’s Life”, by French director Stephane Brize, is tipped to snap up the Silver Lion for Best Direction. The rich period drama, set in 19th century France, tells the tale of a childlike baroness tormented by a rakish local viscount.

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“I am shocked and appalled that even today some people would see it as acceptable to write such blatantly untrue and racist statements,” he said in an online statement.

Another queried: “There are more rapists and robbers there anyway -– why is saying this discriminatory?” Many said they felt the advice was valuable. “We can’t satisfy everyone, but we certainly must put Chinese people’s safety first,” one user stated. Discussion and public awareness of racism in China is notoriously low -often resulting in viral scandals that spark global outrage beyond the Great Firewall but cause nary a whimper of concern within the mainland. In May, an ad by a Chinese detergent maker depicting a black man stuffed into a washing machine and transformed into a fair-skinned Asian stoked outcry abroad, initially dismissed by the company as overly sensitive. - ‘Politically correct’ -China often portrays itself as the victim of discrimination at the hands of foreign media, and many on Weibo expressed indignation at what they saw as hypocritical finger-pointing from those in the West. “We don’t owe black people, Indians or Pakistanis anything; we never trafficked slaves or colonised India and Pakistan,” wrote one user, adding: “So go die, all you politically correct people.” The controversy comes during a period of tension between Beijing and London.

“I have raised this issue with the Chinese ambassador, and requested that he ensures an apology is swiftly forthcoming from Air China, and the magazine is removed from circulation immediately,” Sharma said.

British Prime Minister Theresa May returned to London this week from the G20 summit hosted by China, where she defended her decision to delay giving the go-ahead to a nuclear power project in which Beijing has substantial investment.

In a Chinese-language statement Thursday, the publisher attributed the “inappropriate descriptions” to editorial errors, stating that they were at odds with the “original intention to actively promote the beautiful scenery of London”.

China has a one-third stake in the plan to build Britain’s first nuclear plant in decades at Hinkley Point in southwest England, along with French company EDF.

It described itself as a third-party organisation, although Air China’s own website describes the magazine as “an authoritative information resource of Air China Group and Air China”. The publisher apologised that the text had “misled” a number of media outlets and readers and damaged Air China’s brand image. But on Chinese social media, most commenters expressed bafflement at the backlash. In a common refrain, one user of

May unexpectedly delayed the project in July after EDF gave it a green light, saying on Sunday she would make a decision this month. China’s ambassador to Britain, Liu Xiaoming, warned last month relations were at a “crucial historical juncture” between the two countries. One commenter on the Air China magazine incident had their own solution to the controversy, saying: “In the future, just don’t translate this stuff into English. It’s enough that we get the message amongst ourselves -- foreigners wouldn’t understand.”

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The festival has featured dozens of world premiers out of competition, including Italian master Paolo Sorrentino’s first TV series “The Young Pope”, featuring a brilliantly Machiavellian Jude Law as the Catholic Church’s first ever American pope.

The English translation prompted London MP Virendra Sharma, who emigrated from India to Britain in the 1960s, to complain to the Chinese government.

China’s Twitter-like Weibo platform asked: “This is just stating the truth -what is there to apologise about?”

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016


Section 2

Young Life

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Indian-American children recite poem at White House

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Tel: 713-774-5140

The Power of a Strong Presentation by Varsha Vasu and Piya Malhan


creech! Flinching at the sound of the microphone, we all turned towards the podium to find a man, whose intentionally clumsy gait, and bright blue sweatshirt stood out in the crowd of blacksuits and formal dresses at the Youth Leadership Development Program (YLDP) Class of 2016 - 2017’s ori-

the members in the audience were briefly reintroduced to Mr. Chuck Hinkle, a professional presentations coach. Casting his bright blue sweatshirt aside and thereby exposing his formal attire, Mr. Hinkle started to explain the importance of a first impression. We, as a group of eager teenagers, started to feel at ease with his conversational tone, which held our attention until the very end. Mr.

how to exhibit a strong sense of vocal authority. Our freshly acquired knowledge paves the way for our personal development, as we are able to reconsider previous conceptions on presentations, and view the topic in a unique light. This allows us to apply our knowledge in various settings, including in school and future endeavors.

US First Lady Michelle Obama laughs with the fifth annual class of the National Student Poets Program, from L to R, Maya Salameh, Joey Reisberg,Obama, Gopal Raman, Maya Eashwaran and Stella Binion, at the White House in Washington, DC. Photo credit: The Hindu


ASHINGTON (PTI) : An Indian-American girl attracted a sizeable audience at the White House when she narrated a poem that shared her experience as an immigrant and how it was painful to replace her mother tongue Tamil with English. Among the audience were the First Lady, Michelle Obama, who felicitated Maya Eashwaran and four others including another Indian-American Gopal Raman with the prestigious National Students Poet in recognition of their poetry skills. “I have lost more than I have ever lost in sixteen years. I have started shedding ethnicity like hair: Mother, I fear I’ll go bald,” Maya, 17, concluded reading her poetry. “Ma, I haven’t spoken (Tamil) in three years” amidst applause from the audience. She even received a shout out from the First Lady in her speech. “Maya -- where’s Maya? You put it best. These are your words, I’m told: “On the stage, there is no way to leave unnoticed. Did you say that?” the First Lady asked.

PTI after her White House event. “The poem that I actually read at the White House linguistics is based on experience of losing my mother tongue and kind of replacing it with another, which is very painful thing to imagine to go through,” she said, adding when she was in the middle school she stared getting interested in poetry. Gopal, 17, the other Indian-American budding poet who received national attention lives in Dallas and is a high school student. His parents - father from Chennai and mother from Kerala - moved to the US in the 1980s. He was born here. “It (love with poetry) started in seventh grade. I had a really great English teacher. He really pushed me in writing in more creative way. I choose poetry as my avenue of writing,” he said. “I am super honoured to meet the First Lady,” he said. “I also want to plan for pre-med. My dream job right now is some sort of medical doctor” he added.

Maya, born in the US to Tamil parents, nodded.

At the event, Gopal read out the poem “This Apple”.

“My family is Tamil. I was born here. I write a lot of my poems based on my culture, my heritage,” she told

The other three poets honoured at the White House are Stella Binion from Chicago, Joey Reisberg from Towson in Maryland and Maya Salameh from

YLDP Class of 2016 during an orientation on August 27th, at the India House entation on August 27th, 2016. As the man struggled to get his PowerPoint presentation to work, the anxious audience resisted distractions and tried to maintain the energetic atmosphere of the conference room in India House. Unexpectedly, the speaker stood up straight, and exclaimed, “THIS is exactly what one should NOT do prior to beginning a presentation.” Fumbling for their pens and paper, San Diego in California. Since its inception in 2011, the National Student Poets Program has showcased the essential role of writing and the arts in academic and personal success for audiences across the country. “This is the last time that we’re go-

Hinkle effectively communicated and explained to us the essential to-dos of making a powerful presentation. By conveying to us the importance of never apologizing, the potency of using only images on slides, and the effect of a poised delivery, Mr. Hinkle stayed true to his profession and successfully coached a group of previously reserved teenagers into commanding presenters who now know

With his confidence and enthusiastic approach, Mr. Chuck Hinkle expertly imparted valuable lessons on delivering spectacular presentations to a group of passionate teenagers. His presentation left us yearning for more information on this topic, for his ability to adequately inform his audience about his purpose is something that we, the next generation, strive to attain.

ing to have the pleasure of welcoming a class of National Student Poets to the White House, at least under this administration. So I’m feeling a little melancholy here, because this has truly been an honour and a privilege and a joy,” Michelle said.

Recollecting how it all started, she said when they came here, they wanted to use “this incredible platform of the White House to inspire young people to dream really big for themselves, to think about what their lives could look like beyond what their everyday existence is like”.


Section 2

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Bollywood Masala

Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com

Tel: 713-774-5140

Jay Z in debut India performance for anti-poverty gig


UMBAI, India | AFP | 9/12/2016 - Rap megastar Jay Z will make his debut performance in India at a music festival to raise awareness about poverty, event organisers said Monday.

“The line-up for November’s performance includes Coldplay, Jay Z and various Indian artists including Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan among others,” Sabbas Joseph from Wizcraft event management company told journalists.

The Global Citizen Festival, established in 2012, is intended to highlight the major challenges facing India including sanitation facilities in rural areas and the provision of elementary education.

Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin serves as the creative director of the Global Citizen Festival and is responsible for the concert line-up, he added.

Tidal has received around a hundred payment default records since rapper Jay-Z bought the company for $56 million in March 2015, Norwegian business daily Dagens Naeringsliv reports (AFP Photo/Guillaume Baptiste).

Amitabh Bachchan still the big boss of Bollywood at 74 by Peter Hutchison Udita Jhunjhunwala UMBAI, India | AFP | Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan turns 74 next month but he says he’s still hungry for new challenges after his latest movie about sexual violence against women left him deeply moved. In an interview at his sumptuous Mumbai office, the Hindi film legend of almost half a century said courtroom drama “Pink”, to be released on September 16, would challenge attitudes in conservative India. “During the course of the film there will be substance that will talk about women, society and how morality views them,” Bachchan said of the thriller set in India’s capital. “Delhi has been chosen deliberately as many of these cases have been occurring in Delhi,” he added, a reference to several high-profile attacks that have shone a global spotlight on frightening levels of violence against women in India. Rape and sexual assault occur regularly, with incidents hitting the headlines on an almost daily basis, despite tough new laws following the fatal


© AFP / by Udita Jhunjhunwala, Peter Hutchison | Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan says his new film, a courtroom drama called “Pink” will challenge attitudes in conservative India. gang-rape of a Delhi student in December 2012. “Pink”, which sees Bachchan play an ageing lawyer with bipolar disorder, centres on three women in their 20s who are molested one night by a group of drunk, socially influential men. However, it’s the women who end up on trial. A short trailer released by the production company shows one of them being accused of defamation and another of soliciting while a policeman appears unsympathetic to their plight.

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“It was a very emotional experience having to enact the circumstances that women go through, what they feel or how society should look at them,” said Bachchan, wearing a lime green Nehru jacket. The actor affectionately known as “Big B”, a reference to his decades-long command over Bollywood as well as his six foot one inch frame, was so moved that he penned an open letter to his two granddaughters this week. - India’s ‘angry young man’ -In it he urged them and all

of India’s granddaughters to make their own choices and “don’t let anyone make you believe the length of your skirt is a measure of your character”. His experiences shooting “Pink”, which is directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, “became a source of inspiration to write that letter”, Bachchan explained to AFP in his famous, deep baritone voice. The 73-year-old, whose birthday on October 11 will see hoards of fans gather outside his home, shot to stardom in the early 1970s on the back of powerful roles in hits “Zanjeer” and “Sholay”. He was dubbed India’s “angry young man” due to his portrayal of violent heroes fighting against an unjust system as Bollywood movies, which had previously been polite romances, added a new aggressive element. Bachchan quickly became Bollywood’s most internationally-recognised star due to a string of starring roles. He is married to former leading heroine of Hindi cinema Jaya Bhaduri and hosts the Indian version of TV quiz show “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire”. His son Abhishek is also an actor while his daughter-inlaw Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a former Miss World and leading Hindi film actress. Bachchan, whose father was

The gig will take place in Mumbai with nearly 80 percent

of tickets given away, the organization announced during the launch event that was attended by Hindi screen legend Bachchan and Nelson Mandela’s grandson Kweku Mandela. Bollywood actors Farhan Akhtar, Katrina Kaif and Oscar-winning musician AR Rahman will also perform at the charity event. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared at the festival in 2014 to lend his support to its goals.

Jackie Shroff to play villain in Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Sarkar 3’

File photo of Jackie Shroff at his residence.


UMBAI, PTI| Actor Jackie Shroff will reportedly be seen playing the role of the villain in megastar Amitabh Bachchan-starrer ‘Sarkar 3’. Director Ram Gopal Varma is re-visiting his ‘Sarkar’ franchise. He has begun work on the third installment of the film and has already got Bachchan on board once again as Subhash Nagre. a renowned poet, said dealing with the adoration of millions throughout his career had been easy because it was the only life he had ever known. “I was born in fame. I was always recognized and known.

“The director is now in talks with Jackie Shroff for ‘Sarkar 3’. He (Jackie) has been approached for the role of a villain. He has liked his role but he is yet to sign the film as the dates and other formalities are being worked out,” sources said. It would be for the first time after Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s ‘Eklavya’ that Big B and Jackie would be teaming up for a film. Personally I feel normal about it,” he insisted. “I don’t know how others think about me, but if I have to walk the streets, I will, and if I need to stand in a queue at the airport, that’s ok.

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016


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Exercise may offset health risks of drinking: study

Now is the time for an annual Medicare check-up

Paris, France | AFP | Wednesday 9/7/2016 - Heavy drinkers who exercise are less likely to die from alcoholrelated diseases than those who don’t, a study suggested Thursday, although its authors were cautious about the implications of their data.

This is the time of year when everyone on Medicare can reevaluate features of their contracts to see if they’re getting the best coverage at the best price

Researchers used British population data between 1994 and 2006, comparing health outcomes with self-reported alcohol intake and exercise levels of more than 36,000 people.

Just like it’s a good idea to have an annual check-up for your health, it’s smart to have a Medicare check-up to make sure the coverage will work when folks need it, and not break the bank. The best time of year for everyone in Medicare to have that check-up is in the fall during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, which is fast approaching.

Alcohol use categories ranged from “never drunk” to “harmful”, while exercise included everything from light gardening or walking to vigorous sport. The data showed that “the association between alcohol intake and mortality risk was moderated by PA (physical activity),” the team reported in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Previous research has linked high alcohol intake to a heightened risk of death from heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. Of the study respondents, 14.6 percent reported not drinking, while 13.3 percent exceeded the British recommended weekly maximum of 14 units for women and 21 for men. A unit is the equivalent of about a glass of wine, a small beer, or a shot of hard liquor.

Photo: The Straits Times About one in four respondents said they did no physical activity at all, while a similar percentage were highly active. The team did say that their study could not draw any firm conclusions about cause and effect -- whether exercise actively lowers the risks associated with alcohol. But the results “provide an additional argument for the role of PA as a means to promote the health of the population even in the presence of other less healthy behaviours,” they wrote. Experts not involved in the study

pointed out that the apparent link may be caused by unrelated factors. “It is important to consider alternative explanations for the findings,” Matt Field of the University of Liverpool told the Science Media Centre in London. “For example, people who are already ill may be less active than those who are healthy.” Kevin McConway of The Open University, said differences in diet of people who exercise and those who do not may also be a factor, rather than the level of activity itself.

Lung Cancer Awareness Seminar at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital UGAR LAND—(October 1, 2016) – November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is joining health care organizations and professionals around the world to help overcome the myths and misconceptions surrounding this serious disease.


“Because smoking rates have fallen in recent decades, many people assume that lung cancer is no longer a major health concern,” said Sindhu Nair, M.D., a board-certified oncologist with Houston Methodist Oncology Partners at Sugar Land. “But lung cancer remains the deadliest of all cancers. More Americans die each year from lung cancer than from colon, breast and prostate cancer combined, even though most lung cancers are easily preventable. Lung Cancer Awareness Month gives us an opportunity to educate and inform people as well as increase the number of individuals who are screened early.” One of the most persistent misconceptions about lung cancer, especially among long-term smokers, is that it is “too late” to stop. But Nair says that quitting smoking at anytime not only can reduce the risk of cancer but also provides a wealth of other health benefits, including improved circulation and heart and lung function. “A smoker can cut his or her risk of lung cancer by as much as 50 percent

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by quitting,” Nair said. “It’s never too late to gain some benefit, and of course, the earlier one quits, the better.” Another common myth is that only smokers get lung cancer. While smoking is by far the No. 1 cause, approximately 20 percent of lung cancers occur in patients who have never smoked. Some of those cases are the result of genetic mutations; others are caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to asbestos or radon, a naturally occurring gas that can sometimes be trapped in houses. Regardless of the underlying cause, early detection is critical to survival rates. In recent years, lung cancer patients have benefited from a range of new, targeted therapies, but finding cancer early is critical. The development of low-dose radiation CT scanning for high-risk patients is helping make a difference. “In the past, most patients didn’t realize they had lung cancer until it was in an advanced stage,” said Clive Shkedy, M.D., radiation oncologist at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital. “Screening with CT gives us the opportunity to detect lung cancer long before it becomes symptomatic or spreads outside the lungs. And early detection is one of the keys to successful treatment.” Individuals 55 to 77 years of age who currently smoke or have quit

smoking in the past 15 years, have a tobacco smoking history of at least 30 “pack years” (an average of one pack a day for 30 years, two packs a day for 15 years, etc.), and receive a written order from a physician are eligible for low-dose CT lung screening. If you think you are eligible, or want more information, please call the Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital nurse navigator at 281.276.8549. Learn more at houstonmethodist.org/ lung-screening, or visit our Facebook page at fb.com/methodistsugarland for the latest news, events and information. FREE LUNG CANCER SEMINAR As part of its recognition of Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is hosting an informative seminar featuring specialists who will discuss risk factors, the value of early detection through low-dose radiation CT screening and various treatment options, as well as answer questions from the audience. The event is scheduled for November 9, 2016 in the Brazos Pavilion Conference Center on the Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital campus. Registration required.

The Annual Enrollment Period cycle starts Saturday, Oct. 15 and ends Wednesday, Dec. 7. Coverage goes into effect Jan. 1. This is the time of year when everyone on Medicare can reevaluate features of their contracts to see if they’re getting the best coverage at the best price for their Medicare Part C and D plans. Ninety to 95% of beneficiaries overspend on Medicare. Those are startling statistics. The most common reason beneficiaries overspend is they purchase Medicare Part C (Advantage) and Part D (prescription drug) plans that do not meet their individual health care needs. People tend to buy based on premium and overlook the benefits they use. Couples often purchase the same plan when they would be better off with different plans. Individuals may not realize what the full cost to them is until the new plan year has started and then it is too late to make a change. All plans announce new pricing and benefits every fall. Cost increases are more likely to be hidden in other out-ofpocket costs, such as increasing deductibles, medications being placed in higher more expensive drug tiers and greater use of co-insurance as opposed to co-payments. It’s particularly important for all Medicare beneficiaries to perform their annual Medicare check-up if any of the following have happened this past year: • Prescription medications have changed • Major health conditions have been diagnosed • Medicare premiums and out-ofpocket costs have creeped up over time • Customer service has been poor • Carrier has discontinued the Medicare Part C or D plan • Legal residence has changed If any of these events have happened, then a Medicare check-up is in order. September is a perfect time for clients and caregivers to pull some information together to

Sudhir Mathuria Licensed Professional Health Life 360 6776 Southwest Freeway Suite # 178 Houston TX 77074 713-771-2900 www.MyMedicarePlanning.com make the task easier when new plan information becomes available Saturday, Oct. 15. Here is a helpful checklist to help people get organized. • Put together a detailed list of medications. Use the exact spelling and dosage of the medication on the prescription container. Pictures can be surprisingly helpful. • Collect a thorough list of health care providers’ names, addresses and phone numbers. Make sure to include all health care providers such as physical therapists, medical equipment suppliers, laboratories, etc. • Read the new plan benefit summary the insurance company sends each beneficiary in the end of September. Look at more than just the premium. See if co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles and other plan features will increase next year; call the company or go online to find if all of the medications will be covered this next year and at what costs. Plans are allowed to discontinue coverage of specific medications as well as increasing the cost; do the same for doctors and other health care providers. Ask the health care providers if they expect to continue to participate in the plan. • Don’t assume that a better plan is not available. • Don’t wait until the last minute to shop: Enrollment systems tend to bog down; People who enroll near the end of the Annual Enrollment Period usually start the new year without their new insurance card in hand, making it hard for them to get the care they need. Right about now you might be thinking that the Medicare checkup can be challenging and certainly time-consuming. While both are true, just like holiday shopping it is easier if you get organized and start early. Yes we can help you. For a free Medicare check up contact Sudhir Mathuria @ 713-771-2900.

For more information or to register, visit events.houstonmethodist.org/sllungseminar or call 281.274.7500.










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Embattled Wells Fargo revises employee pay system by John BIERS


EW YORK | AFP | 9/13/2016 - Wells Fargo pledged Tuesday to eliminate product sales goals in retail banking as it faced mounting criticism over its bogus accounts scandal, including from Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. Lew slammed Wells Fargo after it was fined $185 million and charged last week by a federal consumer watchdog with secretly opening accounts without customers’ knowledge. “It’s unacceptable behavior and it’s the kind of behavior that we need to be able to catch and stop,” Lew said at an investor conference hosted by the CNBC network. Lew’s remarks came as Wells Fargo announced that employees would no longer have product sales goals starting January 1. Regulators with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Wells Fargo employees engaged in the chicanery because

their compensation was tied to opening up new accounts. “Our objective has always been and continues to be to meet our customers’ financial needs and drive customer satisfaction,” said Wells Fargo chief executive John Stumpf. “We are eliminating product sales goals because we want to make certain our customers have full confidence that our retail bankers are always focused on the best interests of customers.” On September 8, the CFPB denounced Wells Fargo for “widespread” illegal activity tied to its cross selling of credit and bank products to customers. By Wells Fargo’s own figures, the bank opened roughly 1.5 million deposit accounts and 565,000 credit card accounts that may not have been authorized by consumers, the CFPB said. Wells Fargo has apologized and said it fired 5,300 employ-

ees tied to the illegal conduct. The US Senate Banking Committee has scheduled a hearing on Well Fargo for next week at which Stumpf is expected to testify. The hearing is expected to focus at least in part on whether the bank should demand the return of bonuses from top executives. Wells Fargo is the biggest private mortgage lender in the United States and has been the largest bank by market capitalization. However, shares have been hit by the scandal, leaving its market capitalization slightly below that of JPMorgan Chase Tuesday. At midday, shares of Wells Fargo were down 3.4 percent at $46.91. Though the scandal does not involve huge amounts of money, it has tarnished the image of Wells Fargo after it emerged from the subprime housing bust comparatively unscathed. Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hatha-

FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

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Cairn India shareholders agree merger with Vedanta Limited

way is the biggest shareholder in the bank with more than nine percent. Morningstar called the conduct “beyond the pale.” “Unfortunately, it’s not surprising that numerous employees took advantage of an incentive system designed to spur cross-selling,” Morningstar said. “The financial services sector has seen many similar instances of poorly designed bonus programs, including a wide variety of excesses leading to the subprime crisis.” Lew said the crackdown vindicated the creation of the CFPB under the 2010 DoddFrank financial reform law, which was enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis. “When I hear people say we want to roll back the statute that created the consumer protection bureau, this is another proof point it was the right thing to create,” he said.


UMBAI, India | AFP | Monday 9/12/2016 Oil and gas giant Cairn India said on Monday that its shareholders had approved a merger with Vedanta Limited, the country’s biggest producer of aluminium and copper. The tie-up will help create an Indian natural resources group that is able to rival the BritishAustralian multinational Rio Tinto or mining giant BHP Billiton. Indian billionaire Anil Agarwal, owner of London-listed conglomerate and parent company Vedanta Resources, announced a plan to merge the two units in June last year in a move aimed at streamlining debt. “I am pleased that the shareholders of Cairn India have approved the merger of Cairn India with Vedanta Limited,” Navin Agarwal, chairman of Cairn India, said in the statement. “We are confident that the fi-

nancial strength and diversified portfolio of Tier-I assets of the merged company, with strong growth potential, will provide de-risked earnings and stable cash flows and drive long-term value,” he added. The deal has to be approved by Indian courts but is expected to be cleared by the end of the financial year, Cairn added in the statement. When announcing the plan last year, Anil Agarwal said the move was a “significant step” towards simplifying Vedanta Resources’ structure and creating “long term sustainable value”. Vedanta Limited chief executive Tom Albanese said at the time that it would move the companies closer to building an Indian integrated resources group that could take on the likes of BHP Billiton or Brazilian mining company Vale. Vedanta Resources paid more than $8 billion to UK-based energy giant Cairn in 2011 for a majority stake in Cairn India.

US challenges $100 bn in China rice, cereal subsidies


ASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama launched legal action against “unfair” Chinese rice, wheat and corn subsidies at the World Trade Organization on Tuesday, setting up a culturally sensitive multi-billion-dollar trade spat. The United States alleges that China doled out $100 billion in “market price support” for the grains, above levels agreed at the Geneva-based WTO. “When other countries flout the rules to try and undercut American workers and farmers, we hold them accountable,” Obama said in a statement announcing the action. China is the world’s largest producer of wheat and rice, holding significant sway over world markets.

as many as 45 million people. Today, China’s government has put a premium on agricultural self-sufficiency and safeguarding supply, much to Washington’s ire. It believes that Chinese state aid lowers production costs for the country’s farmers, making them more competitive around the world. The US government estimates that its own rice, wheat and corn industry is worth an estimated $20 billion a year and accounts for 200,000 American jobs. Many of those jobs are in states like Iowa and Kansas which, because of peculiarities of the US electoral system, have an outsized role in deciding presidential elections.

Rice, in particular, is a food staple, with important cultural and political significance.

In a nod to that reality, Obama’s statement had a distinctly political edge.

Just six decades ago, Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward -- a drive to industrialize China -spurred mass famine that killed

“China?s government has set prices for wheat, corn, and rice well above market levels, which has led to unfair govern-

ment subsidies that are in violation of WTO rules,” Obama said. “These unfairly distorted prices on important crops lead to overproduction in China and disadvantage American farmers who export these same crops around the world.” The 2016 election race has seen Republican and Democratic presidential candidates take a much more protectionist line on trade. China has been the target of particularly tough campaign rhetoric. Republican nominee Donald Trump has skewered China for stealing US trade secrets and called Beijing “the greatest currency manipulators ever.” Obama’s administration has made a bet that binding China into international rules, like those at the WTO, will ultimately serve US interests better than sanctions. But the White House is quick to point out that it will hold

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Beijing to account. “This is the 14th WTO case we’ve launched against China since I took office,” Obama said. “And we’ve won every case that’s been decided.” “We’re confident the case we’re bringing today will be no different,” he added. “It should bring an end to China’s illegal subsidies, remove significant barriers on American exports, and level the playing field for American farmers and their families who rely on the rice, wheat, and corn industries and the hundreds of thousands of jobs they help support.”

© AFP/File | The United States alleges that China doled out $100 billion in “market price support” for rice and cereals, above levels agreed at the Geneva-based WTO

Facebook Messenger allows for direct merchant sales


AN FRANCISCO | AFP | Monday 9/12/2016 - Facebook announced Monday a new online payment system that will allow businesses to sell directly to consumers on its Messenger application.

The announcement suggests Facebook may be able to monetize its free messaging application, which is used by over a billion people, by making it an e-commerce platform.

“We’re kicking off the beginning of messages with payments that will allow businesses to sell products and services directly to customers in Messenger,” the huge social network said in a statement.

Facebook earlier this year opened up Messenger to developers to create new applications and “bots” which can interact with users. These bots can provide information but consumers who wanted to make a purchase had to be directed to an external website.

“Customers can check out with a few easy clicks, without ever leaving the Messenger app.”

The company said developers have created more than 30,000 bots for Messenger, and many

more developers are working on applications. “We believe the potential for the Messenger platform is huge, and we continue to invest in making it better for developers to build and create,” the statement said. “Moving forward, we are also simplifying the payment and checkout experience in order to reduce the overall friction between wanting something and getting it. People can use their payment information already stored on Messenger and Facebook to check out faster in Messenger threads.”

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

Your Horoscope for the Week of September 16, 2016 READ YOUR COMPLETE HOROSCOPE

by Hardik Vyas, Astrologer Cell : 832-298-9950


Libra (R,T) 23 Sept to 22 Oct

Aries (A,L,E) 21 March to 20 April

You may have slight headache, it’s time to check the numbers of your eye glasses. Your temperament should be controlled in A.M. hours. At times, you may feel like it’s all work and no rewards. The glitch that occurs may have to do with future plans for travel or just plain having fun. As for that hard work, regard it as money in the bank, because there may be a raise in your future. Try to negotiate the best deal you can.

Don’t allow your mood to be dependent on your surroundings or events occur this week. You may find it very difficult to concentrate. Changes may be afoot on the home scene. Do your best to stay on an even course, plan to spend some time unwinding. In this situation, the best way to nurture yourself is to nurture others. You will be able to speak tenderly. Sharp words should not be exchanged. You may also get a call from a friend who needs some emotional or financial support or guidence.

Taurus (B,V,U) 21 April to 20 May

Scorpio (N,Y) 23 Oct to 21 Nov

You may feel, A bit of a conflict over your various responsibilities. A big project at work could keep you working after hours and your mate may not be too pleased at a break in the normal schedule. Perhaps they may not be as adaptable as you are. Smooth things out, try not to talk about money concerns, if possible. Better days are ahead. You are sharp as a tack, but try not to be too sharp. Watch what you say to co-workers, because you may offend someone.

You will get ready for the new project related to your work. You could quickly get all the background information you need. If it isn’t work that occupies you, it may be a hunt for bargains in the house and property market. You may be a bit anxious about the thought of a big move, remembering past experiences. With plenty of lead-time and advance planning, it needn’t be the chore it appears to be right now.

Sagittarius (BH,F,DH,TH) 22 Nov to 21 Dec

Gemini (K,CHH,GH) 21 May to 20 June The magnetism of your personality & Alone it could be a force to be reckoned with, however you’ll be sharp in the job arena. A long hoped for raise could come through, or at least an acknowledgement by a boss or other higher-up that you are worth more. You are also in a mood to improvise. Your spur-of-the-moment creations really fill the bill. You’ll feel like celebrating.

Unusual ventures, unexpected events which create the need for considerable adjustmYou will start thinking differently, as relatively small matter that you would normally pass off as “things happen”. But this one will send you to the edge. One cause may be a recent, rather impractical move on the part of your mate or partner. Though you may be tempted to pick up the phone and tell them off, you are likely to be far too busy to start conflict. Save your venting for a quieter time, when you could let the state of your checkbook tell the story.

Capricorn (KH,J) 22 Dec to 20 Jan

Cancer (D,H) 21 June to 22 July Heaving to let go of something or someone. It will be clear to you, however, that the usefulness or viability of what you give up, has gone. You’ll be in the mood for romance, with someone new, someone old, or with that very special person who is always there for you. No tears or regrets, just be glad that whatever it was is now over. Because you are in overdrive, an emotional explosion could be a decisive and constructive action on a long-term work project that you are now determined to bring to a head and complete.

Your mind will be very creative & you will be eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly. Good time to make new friends, meet new people. Your creativity will flow along with communication with other people.

Aquarius (G,S,SH) 21 Jan to 19 Feb

Leo (M) 23 July to 22 August Your public or professional image will shine, as you will get recognition for your good work. Though your ambition may be keen, others could be in the same frame of mind as you. If an obvious power play on someone’s part disturbs you, act as if it has nothing to do with you. It doesn’t, really. The problem is that you may have seen it coming, and now that it has come to a head, you find yourself annoyed. Just keep moving steadily along. Do not push for any unscheduled meetings or conversations.

Virgo (P) 23 August to 22 September You will be ruled by extreme sensitivity to whatever environment you find yourself in. As you pick up the vibes, be sure to separate what’s real from what is simply your imagination. What is definitely true you are, is that your mate is eager to see you and should be in an excellent frame of mind. Give him or her your best, too. Don’t harp on small things. Isn’t it great to feel totally at ease? Your work should go well, but soon, you will be ready for a change of pace.


Your ideas will lead Your ambition & your honest approach. You may surprise everyone by becoming a bit of a chatterbox. Try to confine what you say to the work at hand. Not everyone has to know your personal business. You may be called on to supervise some people. If you are not used to being the boss, you could learn much through this experience. One cardinal rule is not to expect of anyone else what you would not expect of yourself.

Pisces (D,CH,Z) 20 Feb to 20 March There is a chance of some gainful contact with influential person, which may figure big in your future success. It may be a new relationship or perhaps it is business progress that is at issue. Whatever your situation, put some feeling into the encounter to show that this is not just another meeting. Be sure to follow up, whether the issue is personal or professional. You’ll be glad you did it. You are intensely curious about something. You may have heard rumors & now is the time to check them out. Y of happiness.



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When You’re Annoyed by a Colleague, Take a Look in the Mirror Sometimes you work with someone you just don’t like. Maybe your colleague rubs you the wrong way, disagrees with you constantly, or is arrogant and entitled. Before you start pointing fingers, take a look in the mirror. Consider how you might be contributing to the problem, and try to objectively assess what you may have done to escalate the issue. Or ask a trusted colleague for their perspective. The goal is to test your assumptions. You may think it’s all the other person’s fault, but that’s rarely the case. What you’re reacting to may have little to do with the other person, and more to do with your own history. It’s possible that the person reminds you of an obnoxious sibling or an old rival. Or maybe you can be a bit of a control freak, and your frustration comes from being unable to call all the shots. If you can understand what you’re bringing to the situation, you’ll know better how to address it. Source: Adapted from the HBR Guide to Office Politics, by Karen Dillon WWW.HBR.ORG

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FRIDAY, September 16, 2016

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