Voice of Choices Magazine

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The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Universal Mind Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. May Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart Divine Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May God/dess return to Earth. From the center where the Will of God/ess is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men. The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Monthly VOICE OF CHOICES Magazine

Publisher: Kathy Lowden info@voiceofchoices.org 1-877-236-4080 206-715-2824 Copy Editor - Jim Bacon

www.voiceofchoices.org Whether you define ‘spirit’ as enthusiasm or spirituality, Voice of Choices supports you in exploring the many options for creating and enjoying your life! We feature articles on alternative healing, personal development, spirituality and a wide range of topics focused on spirited living. Giving voice to the myriad of choices available in every moment, information is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or prescription regarding disease, illness or injury. We recommend you see a licensed health practitioner if you have concerns about your health.

Voice of Choices Celebrating Life... With Spirit!

October 2008

Online at www .V oiceOfChoices.org www.V .VoiceOfChoices.org

Features 4 5 6 7

Advice on Advice Kerry Patterson Ride the Wind - Soar Beyond Your Dreams Isha Health: Choosing Your Perspective Kasara D’Elene Challenge = Opportunity Saying No To Guilt Shame and Blame ZARA 8 Aligning Your Subtle Energy System Erik Laurentz 9 Stepping Into More Light Norma Gentile 10 October Astrological Influences Carol Barbeau 11 Water - The Movie Cate Montana 12 Indigo Insights - ‘Magic’ Is for Everyone Rainbow Ice Bear

Cover Art ‘Owl and Raven’ by Francene Hart www .F ranceneHart.com www.F .FranceneHart.com Subscribe Voice of Choices Delivered to your door- page 13

Voice of Choices is not responsible for any situations arising from participation in or application of anything written or advertised in this publication. We welcome your contribution of articles and artwork, to be published on approval as space permits. Articles do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Subscriptions to are available for $25.00 per year / 12 issues (U.S. - inquire for International rates) We accept MC/Visa. money orders and personal checks. Thank you for all your good work. Blessings in all your choices. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

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Voice of Choices October 2008

Welcome to Voice of Choices! Instead of the usual ‘Blessings from the Publisher’ the wisdom of Kerry Patterson seems most relevant right now. In some ways we might all be ‘children’ opening the door and finding situations beyond what we know how to appropriately respond to. We are not born with ‘social interaction scripts’ downloaded and ready to access - they are learned, through observation, practice, feedback/communication, trust, respect and patience. Blessings in all your choices.

Kerry Patterson

Advice on Advice

The doorbell rang and I jumped to my feet as a flash of pink tennis shoes sped by me in a race to the front door. Becca, my sevenyear-old daughter, skidded up to the door, opened it, and found her best friend Crystal standing there. “Can you come out and play?” Crystal asked. “No!” Becca abruptly responded. And then our sweet, sensitive, and normally thoughtful daughter slammed the door in Crystal’s face. I was mortified. How could this have happened? When had Becca become so rude? I asked her what was going on. “I’d like to play with Crystal,” Becca explained, “But Mom says I have to clean my room first.” “Do you have any idea how Crystal felt when you slammed the door in her face?” I asked. And now for the revealing part of this incident. “No,” Becca said as she blinked her eyes in confusion. “Well,” I uttered with a snarky tone, “let’s take a look!” With that threat hanging in the air I marched Becca upstairs and looked out the window where the two of us spotted Crystal walking back to her house with a gate and demeanor that said “My best friend just rejected me.” “It looks like she feels bad,” Becca commented. “Why do you think that is?” I asked. “I don’t know,” she answered. “You just implied that you didn’t want to play with her and then you slammed the door in her face. That can hurt.” “Oh,” Becca responded with a frown. “What could you have done instead?” “I don’t know,” Becca offered with a weak smile. At first I thought Becca was trying to avoid a scolding by claiming ignorance, but I quickly realized that she wasn’t playing a game. She really didn’t have a way of thinking about what had just taken place. She didn’t have a clue. And why is that? Because as a member of the human species, Becca was born with a tabula rasa—or “blank slate.” Her brain didn’t come hard-wired with all sorts of knowledge as is the case with other creatures. She certainly wasn’t born with the knowledge of how to handle a peer’s request to play with her when she already had conflicting orders from her mother. Contrast my daughter’s blank slate with, say, your typical guppy. When baby guppies or “fry” (talk about a bummer of a nickname) are first born they immediately swim to a piece of plant-life. Then they undulate next to the plant in perfect synchronization as the plant moves in the current. They do this in order to appear to be part of the plant and not a new-born fish. Guppy fry disguise themselves in this manner because they are born to parents who don’t nurture and protect them. Guppy parents hunt down their young and eat them. The bad news: tough parenting. The good news: guppy parents imbue their offspring with knowledge before birth that serves them the rest of their lives. The second they are born, guppy fry know how to hide themselves, swim to perfection, feed themselves, etc. They are in effect born teenagers. Humans aren’t born with such instincts. This gives them the invaluable ability to make choices. However, this ability comes at a

Voice of Choices October 2008

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heavy cost. Humans’ tabula rasa makes them both ignorant and vulnerable. Humans aren’t born street-wise like the leery guppy. They also have no fangs, claws, or poison glands to protect themselves. The ugly truth is that human beings burst into the circle of life as helpless, ignorant, tasty morsels. In order to survive, human parents have to protect their young for a long time. In fact, to survive their complete ignorance and horrific vulnerability, humans are given what has been labeled an “extended” childhood. They are treated as tots for much longer than any other living creature. (And with the advent of the inhome theater, big-screen TV, and Wii Game System, human childhood now often extends into the 30s. But that’s another issue.) I mention this whole tabula rasa deal because as a parent, I often expect my own children to know things that they have no way of knowing. Becca didn’t know the polite and effective way of saying “I can’t play right now.” She wasn’t born with this knowledge and she hadn’t learned that particular script from people she had observed. And yet somehow I expected her to know it. Fortunately I caught myself before I chastised Becca and decided to teach her how to better handle the situation—to fill in some of the space on that big and mostly empty slate in her head. “Let’s role-play,” I suggested to Becca who looked back at me with suspicion. “I’ll go outside, ring the doorbell, and ask you to come out and play. Now, what could you say to me that wouldn’t hurt my feelings?” Once again Becca peered up and shyly admitted, “I don’t know.” I kept forgetting. She’s human. She’s not born with scripts. I’d have to help her out a bit. “How about this?” I suggest. “You say: ‘I’d like to play with you, but Mom says I have to clean my room first. Afterward I’ll come over and get you.’ This lets Crystal know that you’re excited to see her but have to do something first.” I step outside and ring our doorbell. Becca opens the door and I cheerfully inquire, “Can you come out and play?” Becca says, “I’d like to play with you, but Mom says I have to clean my room first. Afterward I’ll come over and get you.” She says the exact words I said. She’s on the right track. Unfortunately, she said the right words, but in sort of an abrupt tone. “Try it again, I suggest. This time, smile when you say it.” So she tries it again. “Now, this time, emphasize the word ‘like.’” She tries the interaction one more time and nails it. I took a moment to teach my daughter a social-interaction script. I didn’t wait for her to pick it up from the street or awkwardly fashion one of her own. I didn’t talk about it in the abstract. Instead I used what is known as deliberate practice. I suggested a specific set of actions and words. I live-modeled the actions. Becca then tried the actions on her own and I gave her immediate feedback. She tried again and I gave her more feedback. Only after she mastered the script—both words and delivery—did I stop. Right now, tens of thousands of people are attending workshops and seminars that teach leadership, parenting, and other humaninteraction skills. Participants frequently attend these courses with the expectation that they’ll learn how to better perform as a leader or parent. But this isn’t likely to happen. Most training participants will only be taught how to think like a leader or parent. They’ll be treated exclusively from the neck up. There will be no scripts or practice. There will be no feedback. People attending traditional classes will learn theories. They will not master new behaviors. Exclusively cognitive (as opposed to cognitive and behavioral) instructional methods continue to remain popular despite the fact that much of what should be taught is behavioral in nature. Leaders and parents do a lot of behaving, and just like my daughter who needed deliberate practice in order to master the door script, they require instructional methods to master the leadership and parental scripts they’ll need to survive. The reason behaviorally starved seminars and classes continue to thrive is, to be frank, most people attend seminars in hopes that Continued on page 11

Riding the Wind

Soar Beyond Your Dreams Isha The Isha System is designed to help us find unconditional love of self, through the use of the facets I have created, that vibrate on an enlightened level of being, along with six other components. Over the last ten years, I have dedicated my life to sharing this extraordinary system with humanity. In this world of duality, we all feel different from one another. We meet thousands of people, from many races, with varying physical conditions, of different ages, contrasting religions, and opposing political beliefs, philosophies, convictions, and ideals. We perceive separation and injustice everywhere, in a world of extreme contrast and variance, a world of untold possibilities. Within this experience of separation, we search endlessly for union. We strive to heal the planet, we create programs for conflict resolution, we march for peace, trying desperately to get humanity to see beyond its differences and live in harmony. We do this in our personal lives too, putting all our energy into trying to create balance in our surroundings. We search for the perfect partner, but when we think we have finally found our soul mate, we try to change and control them so they will fit into our ideal. We search for groups of people who will make us feel accepted by supporting us in our convictions, our opinions, our beliefs. We join churches, political parties, self-help groups, and corporations in our search to heal the separation in our surroundings, to find the place where we belong. But in this search, we are vainly trying to accommodate the beliefs and opinions of the intellect. When someone disagrees with how we perceive the world, we avoid him or her. Like butterflies, we flit from one experience to another, our minds never fully satisfied, on an endless quest to find what feels like home. The mind will never feel satisfied. Wherever it goes, it will find disagreement. Even within groups that appear to be united, there is separation — religions branch off into countless factions; political parties disagree among themselves; football teams argue about tactics; even the Beatles split up. Everywhere we look, there is separation, divergence, duality. The only way to experience world peace is to elevate love-consciousness – the underlying union that sustains everything. Until we realize that we are all one, we will continue to witness destruction and conflict, in a society based in fear. When I embrace every aspect of myself, the judgments I have made about myself dissolve. My external world becomes a reflection of how I perceive myself. I stop noticing all of its divisions, separations, inadequacies. Instead, I see its glory. We are what we choose. Choose for the love. Going with the flow I was flying my hawk yesterday. Watching her swoop down in the evening half-light is like a dream. Sat is a Harris Hawk, majestic and strong. After lovingly raising and training her, she knows to come when I call; I am her source of food and protection. I let her go, then I whistle for her to return. Yesterday, as she was about to take off on her journey back to the glove, a strong wind came up between us. She’s hungry; she wants to fly to the glove, but the wind is very strong. I watched, as Sat took off into the air, her focus never straying from the glove. The wind takes her right off in the opposite direction, but to my surprise, she doesn’t fight against it. She just goes with the wind. She never loses sight of her goal, but she doesn’t have an attachment to how she’s going to get there. She’s willing to flow. She soars majestically with the current, riding

Isha and Harris Hawk ‘Sat’

the ever-shifting breeze. She waits calmly for the wind to change, and when it does, she returns to me, and claims her prize. This scene struck me as a perfect illustration of the wisdom of nature. Nature flows. As humans, we have lost this ability. We cling to the idea of what we want, and fight against the current of life, because our ideas are so rigid that we’re not open to let go. No wonder we’re not always in joy, not always in peace; we’re fighting against our present reality. We think that what we want is what is going to make us happy, but that’s not the truth. Our happiness depends upon the choices we make in each moment. Am I choosing to be happy, or am I fighting for what I want? Am I attached to an idea or am I willing to flow? Am I opening myself to appreciate the beauty and wonder that surrounds me right now, in this moment? Or am I waiting for happiness to arrive in the future? The unpredictable mystery of life is what brings color and fantasy to the human condition. But this can only be fully appreciated when we let go of our limited perspective; our preconditioned ideas of what we think we want. We all have wings, but if we fight against the wind, we cannot fly. We can’t experience the full magnitude of who we are. We all have unlimited potential, but when we cling to our fears and limitations, we’re not open to experience life in its fullness. Life is an experience. That’s all it is. Embrace your human experience, in all its colors, in all its complexities; in its ever-changing currents. The more you flow, and choose for the joy that is present in every moment, the greater your creation will be. Choose for love, and you will find the true majesty of self. An exercise to try The next time you find yourself fighting to maintain a position, let go. Just try it, and see what happens. When you do, you will experience for yourself the peace that comes. In an instant, when you choose to let go, peace rushes in. Resistance cannot bring peace. It is through surrender that calm is to be found. When you fight, you lose; when you let go, you always win. Anchor in the moment, and focus on the unconditional love, or love-consciousness, that is within you. Then ask yourself one simple question? What is wrong in this moment? Is there anything actually wrong, or am I just attaching to an idea? Isha is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, and the creator of the Isha System, which is explained in her new book “Why Walk When You Can Fly?”, published by New World Library. www.isha.com

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Voice of Choices October 2008

When did all this start? Allopathic medicine has been around for less than 200 years. And since that time the programming of our population, is amazing. What did people do before that? Before that, people didn’t have the tools that we have today to help them get better from the inside out, healing not only their illness, but the underlying emotions and negative energy patterns that are holding them back from optimum health. How did we go downhill so fast and let our power be taken away as individuals? Unfortunately in addition to the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors – the media is good as making us feel powerless and Kasara D’Elene programmed to fall into what is considered the “norm”. Deprogramming When did health become about being sick, instead ourselves from this of being healthy. As a society, it is amazing how Health: concept is difficult. we have been conditioned about going to docI remember when I tors, taking medicine and how we see ourselves The condition of being sound in body, was sick many and others in terms of health. The definition of mind, or spirit; especially freedom years ago, and I got health in the Webster’s dictionary is “The condiover many of my illtion of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; from physical disease or pain. nesses with natural especially: freedom from physical disease or pain.” Webster’s Dictionary food, supplements Wow if that is the case, how many truly healthy and emotional people do you know? It seems that everyone has work. Then several some sort of illness in their body and/or mind and that most are years later I broke my foot, and then got a bone spur. I fell right taking a variety of prescription and over the counter medications. back into the helpless mode and had surgery on my foot to reHow is that healthy? move the bone spurs. Now I didn’t go under anesthesia, they This is a hard concept to break free from. We are so conditioned by gave me a local anesthesia in my foot,(yes it hurt) and I didn’t take the media and society that we have to go to the doctor; we have to any pain killers afterwards as it healed quickly with supplements I take something to “get better”. We are so disconnected from our was taking. However, after I had it done I called my herbalist and bodies that we aren’t really paying attention when they try to talk she said “Why did you have surgery when you could have disto us. We just keep telling our body to shut up over and over solved the bone spurs with supplements?” again with more drugs and bad food; and with the media and the doctors giving us what really amounts to marketing about why we It shocked me back to reality and I was appalled that I had moved need to listen to them instead of our own bodies. When was the into this old pattern of being powerless. For me, this isn’t somelast time you actually listened to what your body was telling you? thing I want to happen again. This doesn’t mean that I won’t get And when was the last time you actually did what it asked you to some sort of illness in the future, and it doesn’t mean that I won’t let others help me if I am hurt. It does mean that I don’t want to do, ie; rest, take a bath, take a walk, drink more water, etc.? create illness, and that I can most likely fix the majority of issues I have seen many articles about how over prescribed anti-biotics with natural techniques and health products, and only use alloare. People feel sick, so they go to the doctor (since their insur- pathic tools when absolutely necessary. ance pays for it) and the doctor insists that they take a pill to get There is almost always a natural option that will work just as well better. if not better – and if you aren’t aware of this – I recommend that you do something about it. We aren’t aspirin or drug deficient, so why then do we take all these drugs. And why do give all of our personal health power to the doctor and place them in a “God-like” position. Now don’t get me wrong –– I think if a drug is used as a tool to help solve a problem, then great. But they are so over abused now; they become such a crutch in people’s lives preventing them from getting to the real core of their health issue. Unfortunately that doesn’t just affect their daily health, but it affects the health of others around them as well. In Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book The Lost Language of Plants, he talks about how we are polluting our environment with the pharmaceuticals that Western medicine has developed to heal us. We are ingesting Prozac, Premarin, and antibiotics whether we want to or not.” His book looks at the deep ecological interactions of plant chemicals as one specific language of plant communication and how the drugs are now affecting this communication. For people that do take medicine, and even for those that think they don’t take medicines, I highly recommend this book. I am often asked “should I never use allopathic medicine?” Of course the answer is NO. For example, I had a friend that went sky diving and broke her back. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital she called to see if she should take the pain killers. YES, take the pain killers. That is what they are for, later we can work on detoxing them out of your system. She recovered in record time Continued on page 13 with several energy healings, proper Voice of Choices October


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Saying NO to Guilt, Shame and Blame

Challenge = Opportunity ZARA Since late June, I have been discovering that virtually everyone seems to be going through huge changes in their personal lives. Caused by events beyond our control, just about everyone has been hurled into extremely challenging situations concerning issues, which until recently had remained hidden, covered up, or just beyond reach. Now, these issues are right here in front of our faces, and because they are immediate and intense, they are often very difficult to handle. What is actually happening is that secrets that prevented us from knowing what was really going on for a very long time are rapidly coming to the surface and becoming obvious. The reason for the revealing of secrets is that, in order to enlighten us, the angels and masters have been sending a huge amount of blue-spectrum God energy into our planetary atmosphere, and this energy is causing dark-force energies to be exposed, while concurrently, those on the side of light are obviously demonstrating honor, courage and commitment to the good. With all this blue-spectrum energy flowing in, great spiritual challenges are naturally taking place, forcing everyone on the planet to choose between the light and the dark, and, unfortunately, not everyone is ready to choose the light. As this time of separating the wheat from the chaff is upon us, it’s important to consciously choose to do what’s right in your daily life. As there is less gray area, standing up for what’s right is becoming even more important. Now everybody has made mistakes in their past, and everybody has plenty of opportunity to make more mistakes in their near future. Everyone has temptations to take the easy way out of a situation, just as everyone has temptations to do something to make the wrong choice, from time to time. For people dedicated to the light, if you find that you have given in to an inappropriate temptation or made a mistake, STOP and reflect on what just happened. Decide what the proper action would have been and then mentally rehearse doing that in future situations. If anyone was hurt or injured by your actions, make amends. This may require the assistance of a competent Spiritual Counselor. Then move on. No guilt. No shame No blame. Just move on knowing you will do it right next time. Please recognize that at this particular time, anyone who does not consciously choose the light when tested, either wittingly or unwittingly chooses the dark. So for instance, if a person is given the opportunity to stand up for goodness and fails to do so because of fear, laziness, lack of faith, or whatever, they aid the dark side. Then, even though they may think of themselves as a “good” person, they fail that particular spiritual test. At that point, unless they quickly recognize their error and change their ways, they may actually become an unwitting lackey of the dark side. Bad behavior when repeated can become a bad habit. Do not blame yourself for the failing of your friends and relatives. They are making the best choices they know how to make with their current knowledge and spiritual level. Pray for them. Be there for them. Model appropriate behavior for them. Call them on their bad behavior.Don’t let them drag you down into their problems. And don’t loan them your money. And, most importantly, be aware that you are not responsible for decisions that other grown people make. You are only responsible for yourself. You cannot force others to choose the light; you can only choose it for yourself. Then as long as you believe in your-

self, and trust in the guidance you receive from God and the Angels, making adjustments where necessary, you will be not only helpful in the cause of light, you yourself will be able to get through the shift with flying colors. While in the past, many of us on the side of light may not have fully recognized a dark tendency in some of the friends, relatives and associates around us, now, with all these spiritual tests going on, it is becoming so clear, we cannot miss it. Of course the angels always knew who was who and what was what, and it was only we humans in the flesh for whom it was not so clear. Now we’re seeing it too, and that realization can be heartrending, sad or even shocking. So while the information derived from the current energy shift is awesome and the opportunities coming as a direct result are invaluable—still, just to be able to keep our feet on the ground and maintain our sanity during this shift, we need effective ways to deal with the outflow of spiritual energies. And as always, in order to do so, I recommend seeking help from the angels. To give you additional clarity about how the recent energy shifts may be affecting you personally, here are examples of some of the changes that are taking place: · People finding out that they have been lied to and even swindled by “friends” and family members · People finding out that so-called friends are treacherous behind their backs · People finding out that jobs and trusted employers are not as stable or as honest as they thought In addition, you may be noticing mental, emotional and physical changes in yourself as well. These stress induced changes are temporary. They are caused by the current intense energy-shift. · Feeling spacey and unable to focus · Having trouble remembering things · Mentally and emotionally reliving past problems · Muscle aches and stiffness · Mental, emotional and physical fatigue Many of these conditions will become better over the next several months. Meanwhile, here is what you can do to feel better, stay spiritually focused, and effectively deal with the changes taking place: · Stay centered and in the light through regular daily meditation, prayer, and getting messages from Angels · Visit your Spiritual Counselor for assistance in handling problems · Surround yourself with good angelic people · Be loving and kind to yourself · Get plenty of daily exercise · Take baths with the soothing healing fragrance of lavender and emotionally uplifting peppermint essential oils · Get a massage or go for crystal healing, reiki, or an acupuncture session

ZARA writes and speaks throughout the Northwest on Angel Awareness. A popular Trance-channel medium, and Angel Reader, ZARA fulfills the role assigned to her by Archangel Michael with classes and Psychic Readings. To schedule a private Reading with ZARA call: 425.741.9752 zara@zarasangels.com zarasangels.com page 7

Voice of Choices October 2008

Living Without Masks

Aligning Your Subtle Energy System Erik Laurentz In The Undefended Self1 , Susan Thesenga discusses the possibility of living without masks. You’ll recognize them: love mask, power mask, and serenity mask. In love mask, we’re caught in our emotions. We act nicer than we really feel towards someone. In power mask, we ignore emotions and pain—both our own and the emotions and pain of others. In serenity mask, we place ourselves above the mundane, messy aspects of life. These masks are distortions of our subtle energy system. Through increased awareness, you can learn to feel your energy shift and distort as you move into mask behaviors. Just for a moment, before the distortion solidifies into a full-fledged mask, you can choose. You can allow the mask to solidify for a variety of reasons, or you can call the energy back into alignment. You can find neutral. From neutral, you work with wild abandon and stop to care for my body, so you don’t wear out. From neutral, I will listen to your story with exactly as much interest as I feel and you will feel a greater sense of intimacy than with the best love mask I could ever muster. From neutral, I experience the wonder and the sanctity of simply being alive. Our chakras are connected to a pipe-like structure that runs from the perineum to the top of the head. Chakras in the front of the body are paired with chakras in the back of your body. When there is an even flow of energy top and bottom, front and back, you’re in neutral. You can balance the front and back flow by centering the pipeline between the front and back chakras. You have a chakra at the bottom and top of the pipeline too. You can balance the top to bottom flow by keeping your head energetically connected to your body. If you’re interested, try this exercise:


2. 3. 4. 5.



Charge all of your chakras by spinning them in a clockwise direction. Take care to spin them slowly. a. Spinning too fast overcharges the chakra and often produces nausea, hot flashes, dizziness, and/or panic. [More is not better.] b. Beginners let the back chakras begin to charge on their own, as the front chakras spin. Set your intent to center the pipeline between the front and back chakras. Imagine/feel an equal amount of energy filling the pipeline from front and back. Imagine/feel that there is a free flow of energy from top and bottom. Take a full 2-3 minutes to really imagine/feel what it’s like to experience this free flow of energy. It’s important to take this time, to create a baseline of experience. Now, pull this pipeline of energy forward in your body. Imagine/feel the front chakras expanding to handle the increased flow of energy. Take 23 minutes to really feel the changes that occur. a. You’ve deliberately shifted your field into love mask. b. If you normally hang out in love mask, this will feel normal. Otherwise, you’ll feel sensations and emotions more intensely than usual. c. Release love mask and return to neutral for 2-3 minutes. Now, push the pipeline of energy towards the back of your body. Imagine/feel the back chakras expanding to handle the increased flow of energy. Take 2-3 minutes to really feel the changes that occur.



You’ve deliberately shifted your field into power mask. b. If you normally hang out in power mask, this will feel normal. Otherwise, you’ll experience a hardening sensation and a decrease in physical sensations and emotions. c. Release power mask and return to neutral for 2-3 minutes. Now, cut the flow of energy in the pipeline at the neck. Imagine/feel the throat and head chakras expanding to handle the increased flow of energy. You might feel yourself beginning to drift up, above your body. Take 2-3 minutes to really feel the changes that occur. a. You’ve deliberately shifted your field into serenity mask. b. If you normally hang out in serenity mask, this will feel normal. Otherwise, you’ll experience something between spacey and spiritual. [In a culture that creates a static duality by denying the physical or the spiritual experience of life, serenity mask is often mistaken for spiritual success.] c. Release serenity mask and return to neutral for 2-3 minutes.

There are many techniques that support a neutral, undistorted state. Find one that makes sense to you and practice until you find the strength, the gentleness, and the peace that found only in neutral. Beware of practices that actually strengthen your masks while promising to set you free. Practices that teach you to rise above life and promote out-of-body experiences strengthen your serenity mask. Practices that teach you to “buck up” and push, through pain strengthen the power mask. Practices that promote loving others more than you really feel strengthen your love mask. 1

Susan Thesenga, The Undefended Self, Pathwork Press, © 1994. © Erik Laurentz, 2008 Erik Laurentz is co-founder of Dynamic Duality, Center for Energy Healing. Dynamic Duality leads students to spiritual healing on the Western path of enlightenment. Dynamic Duality students learn to use their physical bodies as exquisite spiritual tools to experience the Divine within. Find us at www.dynamicduality.com.

Voice of Choices October 2008

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Stepping Into More Light Norma Gentile The other day I was waiting for a client to arrive. As I stood in the hallway, I noticed the sunlight pouring in a window it seldom shines through. The sunbeams slide underneath a couch, glinting off of the beautiful natural wood floor, and illuminating a pile of cat vomit. Yes, a fur-ball. And yes, there is a spiritual message here. I sighed very deeply. I had just cleaned. And I had missed it. Totally missed it. Until the setting sun was at just the right angle to reach all the way underneath the couch, I had no clue it was there. It was nice and dry. It probably dated from a few weeks earlier, when I had heard that infamous sound of a cat releasing a fuzzy fur-ball. Upon hearing the cat’s cough, I had dutifully pulled myself out of a sound sleep. I walked through every room of the house. Turning on all of the lights, I searched for the inevitable warm slippery pile of kitty fur and dinner remains. For me, the one thing worse than cleaning up a fur-ball at 3am is finding it with my bare feet during my morning somnabulance. And yes, I wanted to check on my kitty, to make sure he was comfortable. As I gazed at the now setting sun and what it illuminated underneath the couch the doorbell rang. I didn’t have time to fetch the hairball, as my client had arrived. The sun was setting, and I knew that within a few minutes the area under the couch would no longer be visible. I made a mental note to move the little couch later, and give the floor a good cleaning.

Know that whatever you are noticing and addressing now in your life comes because you are ready. Not just to change yourself, but also to give a gift. Every time we change, we offer that change to the pattern or situation itself.

cycle of evolution or involution. All That Is is learning from itself. When we change, we also set free the energies of that same pattern which were in our bodies or energy field to continue on their own journey. When we release these patterns onto their own sacred path, we experience an uplift ourselves. This is the healing sigh that often comes just after a sound healing. Just as we desire to grow, so do all energy patterns desire to move into their next step of growth. If you want to read more about this healing process, please see my article Escorting Energies Homeward on my website. My best to each of you, Norma Norma Gentile, sound shaman, holds a masters in Voice, has recorded four solo CDs of healing chants. She has been writing and verbally channeling Archangel Michael and the Hathors since 1991. please see her website. www.healingchants.com

Why share this story? Besides giving away that I am a cat person and perhaps not the Martha Stewart of housekeeping, I mean to point out an opportunity we are given each year with the arrival of a special Light. Each year the Sirius stars provide our solar system with a surge of energy. From about July 23-September 17 there is an influx of Sacred Masculine energies into our planet from Sirius. These energies build and peak in the middle and third week of August, slowly fading away by the end of September. While we are bathed in these energies, they provide us with an abundant amount of Light that reveals what other Light does not let us see. Just as I could not see the cat’s fur-ball under the couch with regular lighting, there are personal issues which the Sirius energy illuminates for us that we normally cannot feel or see. For this reason, I invite you to consider what you have noticed is most ‘up’ for you recently. What issue or issues do you feel like you are tripping over? Pay particular attention, my Hathor guide Atamira says, to ‘whatever you don’t want to deal with, because you already dealt with it.’ It’s like having to do again something that you feel you just did. I felt a great, deep sigh of resignation about having to clean under the couch, again, when I thought I was done cleaning. So too, we often address an issue, go as far as we can with it, and assume we are done. It’s hard, especially for some of us (like me) to remember that it isn’t a failure on our part when an issue reappears. It means that we worked the issue or situation as far as we could with the tools and experience we had at the time. The re-emergence of an old pattern into our lives means that we are allowing the Light to shine even more brightly. And we can now see more than we could before. It also means that this is an issue or situation our soul is choosing to change. Our personality may or may not want to change it. Know that whatever you are noticing and addressing now in your life comes because you are ready. Not just to change yourself, but also to give a gift. Every time we change, we offer that change to the pattern or situation itself. Every time you or I change, the energy that makes up that pattern is freed from its form and can itself change. Every energy is in a

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Voice of Choices October 2008

Mercury retrograde is not the best time for marriages, (remarriage is wonderful) or new ventures, (redo is super) but this Mercury retrograde surely does carry the seeds for some of the most powerful inner work I have ever seen. Mercury retrograde can be a good thing if used properly. Slow down and Use your head or use your feet as my Grandmother would say. Like the flowers, some things must die and go away in order for others to come to us. So, be willing to cut it away next month. October 2008 Happy Birthday Libra and Scorpio Sun signs and for the rest of us welcome to that energy within our inner life being opened up. This 10th month of a number 1 year of new beginnings is the magical numerology number of 11 which is a master relationship spiritual number. Look for new connections and realize that all relationships exist as our teachers and are sacred within their own realms. For Romance and creativity this month use the colors of blues and pinks . October Sacred stones associated with the energy of Libra and Scorpio are Opals and Tourmaline. Opals are said to be the stone of Libra. IF this is your birthstone Libras this is a talisman of hope and embodies the colors of all precious stones. The mercurial color shifts of Opals resonate with the Air sign of Libra and the mercurial qualities of that sign. Tourmaline is the lucky stone for Scorpio (Or the house or area within your chart where you have this energy) Tourmalines are many colored but whatever color you choose this stone balances the polarity of its wearer. Green for healing, Blue to more clearly communicate, pink for love and so on. Tourmalines are said to deflect negative energy and many healers have wands made of this wonderful stone. So, let use Opals or pink tourmaline with the sun in Libra until the 23rd and then, when the Sun enters Scorpio switch to the dramatic, red, black, cobalt blue colors and stones of a more colorful nature like agates, and sapphires to assist you in the processes of inner balance which are available from the universe. I always advise that for fall we bring in a great deal of black tourmaline, and obsidian to help us create sacred and safe space. With so many earth changes in place right now, Use the energy of nature this month and find herbs, and stones which feel good to you and use them to create a magical energy around and within yourself. Mercury the planet of communication moved retrograde in the relationship sign of Libra on September 24th and will move direct October 15th. Mercury retrograde always opens doorways into the unconscious mind and asks that we look deeply within ourselves. This mercury retrograde it will be much easier to look to our difficulties with others than look within with the Libra (partnership) energy so strong. So, Please Do not rush madly into getting rid of others in your life or making major changes in your outer world during this time, rather think, meditate, ponder and watch the magical energy within you grow.




a He nd al H th ol F ai s t i ir c s


Kent 1st Sat. Monthly Kent Commons 525 4th Ave N. 4th And James. Mill Creek/Bothell 2nd Sat

Corner of Seattle Hill Rd and 35th Ave SE From I-5 - East on 164th follow until it crosses 35th

Bel-Red Overlake 3rd Sat. Maitreya Education Foundation

2260 152nd Ave. NE Redmond, 98052


Mars the planet of action and passion moves into intense and Passionate Scorpio on the 3rd further heating up whatever issues we have with passions or anger. So, breathe deeply and slow down and use this to be an inner searcher rather than an outer doer this month. On October 7th use care in dealing with issues of control. The moon in Capricorn that day is encountering many energies of rebellion so, laying low this day and seeing what happens would be a very wise idea. Yom Kippur on the 9th opens a 10 day window which I always look forward to each year. This is a time of atonement, connections to angels, and a time when forgiveness of others truly will come back to you. I always attempt to use these 10 days to let go of the past and be open To recognizing the human factor of everyone on this planet. (just an idea) WE have a very magical and mystical weekend the 10th, and 11th with Neptune the energy of dreams, and magical spiritual love touching the moon in Pisces. Reality may not be Close at hand, but dreams can come true if you believe they can. The full moon with the moon at 22 degrees of Aries (about self and motivation, bravery and courage) and the sun at 22 degrees of Libra (about balance and others) really works into The theme of Mercury retrograde during this time. Let go of doubts, and again, look at yourself, look in the mirror and recognize inner change in self often creates outer changes in others. Mercury moving direct on the 15th will still have another 14 Days in the Shadow. It went retrograde at 22 Degrees of Libra and will not again be back at that spot until October 29th. So, this time we are still processing our dealings with others and looking at who made the cut this mercury retrograde and who is no longer on our team. October 18th as Venus the planet of love moves to Sagittarius things lighten up A bit and freedom becomes more important. On the 22nd as the SUN (the light) moves into Scorpio we begin to really feel the energy of fall and begin to be more willing to look at our stuff and less likely to perhaps feel it is “not us” but “Them” which is the real danger of this Mercury retrograde. But now you know better, right? The Dark of the moon is a magical energy this month on the 26th 27th and until 4:14pm on the 28th when we have our October new Moon at 6 Degrees of Scorpio New moons are time of GROWTH and a time when things happen more easily normally. Please visit my website http://www.carolbarbeau.com for more free articles on mercury retrograde, and other planets and events. Isn’t it wonderful that we choose to be a part of this tremendously powerful energy and how are you utilizing it with your own personal tools? Meanwhile the message of all of the above is that divine spiritual connection time is here if we are willing to do the work within and now without also. Right now we now have more tools than we have ever had before to clear the past and plant seeds for our new future., Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you believe it is NOW your time. I wish you all you desire and abundance in all the wonderful things in life, Namaste Carol Barbeau carolastro@carolbarbeau.com

Check web for maps - Private Readings Anytime

New Website www.nwpsychicfairs.com 425-562-4777 Voice of Choices October 2008

Page 10

We fill our coffee mugs and sports bottles, hot tubs and swimming pools with it. We use it in manufacturing, rely on it for hydropower, and for cooling nuclear reactors. We wash the car, the house, the dog, and the dishes with it. Water is so common it falls from the sky, annoying us when it ruins our vacations. We treat it as an expendable commodity. And yet, go three days without drinking it in some form, and see what happens. Go for a week and you might not live to tell the tale. Water is the most important, mysterious, and vital substance on Earth. But it’s obvious from the way we treat it that human beings don’t really understand this. However, that’s about to change. The documentary film Water is about to help wake humanity up to the true value of this deeply exploited resource. Through a series of interviews with leading water researchers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Israel, the USA, Britain, Austria, Japan, Argentina, China and Tibet, Water brings the extraordinary properties and life-enhancing qualities of H2O to life. It also provides cogent proof that water is a living substance itself. Water has life force — an energy that shows up in Kirlean photography and in other spectrographic analyses. And its energy can be destroyed, not only through pollution, but also through the way we treat and deliver it. Forcing water through metal and plastic pipes breaks down its life force because it curtails water’s natural eddying, spiraling flow. Distillation, ozonation, reverse osmosis, chlorine and other processes destroy the life-giving properties of water. The “purified” water that flows from factories into those plastic bottles that line grocery store shelves is essentially dead. Plants watered only with processed bottled water will eventually wither away and die. Scientists and theologians alike have puzzled for centuries over water’s mysterious qualities — why it responds to heat and cold in exactly the opposite way of every other known substance, and how it can exist in three distinct states, liquid, solid and gas. The film examines water’s mysterious physical properties, and chronicles the latest research into water’s solvent capacities. For on top of everything else, water is unparalleled as a solvent. The documentary goes behind the scenes, examining research that at long last gives scientific credibility to such deeply criticized healing modalities as homeopathy. It also highlights the work

Kerry Patterson from pg 4 they’ll be entertained and maybe learn an idea or two. They don’t expect to be taught how to actually do something. Imagine if people took this attitude when learning how to figure skate. Suppose that you’re a gifted skater and a potential student asks you to coach her, but with the following request. “I want to learn how to be a master figure skater, but please don’t demonstrate what I need to do. If you do demonstrate, don’t ask me to watch. If you do ask me to watch you do something, don’t ask me to do it. If you do ask me to do it, don’t give me feedback. And finally, if you do give me feedback, wait a long time—and then make it vague.”

Cate Montana of people like Aloise Gruber, Chzan Guohua, and Masaru Emoto, who have been researching water’s ability to absorb energetic impressions from a wide variety of sources, such as words, prayer, meditation, or electronic frequencies. Water expounds upon water’s usefulness, challenges historical assumptions, and unveils enlightened information that will transform humanity’s use of water in every field of endeavor. The applications of structured water in agriculture, for example, or the use of impressed water in treatment for the most serious of human diseases are but a few technological potentials that Water reveals. The film even cites research that suggests that water has the ability to convey messages faster than light, perhaps linking water with the realms of the Absolute. One of the most important documentaries of our time, Water is a must-see for anyone who is the slightest bit concerned about health, quality of life, and the future of water on planet Earth. ‘Water’ the .DVD is available now at www.intentionmediainc.com or www.bleepstore.com or ask for it at your favorite bookstore.

sensitive and caring adult. She did. It’s just, what would the world be like if adults, parent, leaders, and training designers alike didn’t merely offer up heaps of generic advice or clever lectures on changing behaviors, but instead actually taught and coached effective behaviors? One can only imagine. Kerry Patterson is co-author of the NY Times Best Seller ‘Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High”. Visit www.vitalsmarts.com to sign up for the Vital Smarts newsletter

As we learn from this example, if you want to learn how to do something—from giving a speech to running a meeting to disciplining an employee—you must observe prototypes, practice what you observed, receive detailed and clear feedback, practice again, and receive more feedback. Anything short of this and you’re tinkering, not learning. You’re looking to be entertained, not turned into a master. So I got it right that morning with Becca. I recognized that she didn’t know how to handle the door script. She hadn’t been born with the idea firmly wired into her brain and after watching others in action her tabula was still pretty rasa. I didn’t lecture Becca about what to do. Instead, we engaged in deliberate practice. I wish I had done more of that—not that Becca didn’t grow into a

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Voice of Choices October 2008

‘Magic’ Is For Everyone Rainbow Bear Lately, spirit has brought to my attention how often we hear voices which tell us that magic is only for a select group of people, that only certain people are “special enough” or “talented enough” to qualify. First of all, what is magic? Keep in mind that volumes have been written about this very subject. I’m going to keep it simple. Magic is about transformation: change. Specifically changing one thing into another or changing nothing into something. If you are able to boil water, draw a circle or tell a story, you can do magic. Let’s talk about boiling water. Scientific terms are not my forte, so bear with me. We take a liquid at room temperature and place it into a kettle. The temperature of the water changes, getting hotter, as well as the form, part of which we see escaping as steam. Magic. We have changed one thing, the water, into another thing, steam. Drawing a circle, we are changing nothing into something. When we take a blank piece of paper and draw a circle on it, we have created a wondrous shape which magicians fondly cherish. The circle, is a shape which has been used for centuries by magicians for protection of themselves and others. Telling a story, is also an example of changing nothing into something. In a room full of children, who are looking around, fiddling

with their shoelaces, passing notes, or giggling, the teacher starts a story and all eyes are suddenly glued to him or her. The teacher casts a web, spins a story and creates a mood. What will happen next, the children wonder. What would I do if I were that character? I bet I could do that too! How can we meet that animal, person, insect or tree? For a few minutes, the teacher has created a different world and the listeners are imagining themselves as part of the story. For a few minutes they are part of a different land of possibilities, full of wonder. If you are not a child, then imagine I am talking to the part of you that is still a child inside. Remember back to a time when someone you loved and who loved you , shared a story. Remember how safe you felt with this person. What was your favorite story and how did it make you feel when you heard it? What is your favorite story now? There is magic in that story or stories for you. In our society, people who do magic are sometimes referred to as psychics, healers, or shaman. These are just a few of the many names we may encounter. Over and over, I hear folks refer to psychic skills as somehow “special” or “different”. For many people, this word brings to mind a person, who somehow falls outside the norm , a person who we may or may not be able to compare to ourselves. I like to use the word “intuitive” instead of “psychic”. Most of us are comfortable with this word and it somehow takes some of the fear away. When we understand something, then it becomes something we know and are comfortable experiencing. When we experience this same thing over and over, then we learn not to fear it. Have you ever had an intuition about something? Ever know who is on the other end of the telephone before if rings? Have you ever heard a small voice which says: walk in a certain direction and later you find out if you had taken that original route, you would be in sad shape? How about people? Ever have a feeling about that new teacher that there was something you could not trust or knew this subject in school was not where you are best suited? Ever decided to stay away from a certain kid or adult because they just seemed “mean”? These are all examples of intuition. Perhaps you are more intuitive than you had at first thought. Perhaps you have more magic in your life than you once believed. Everyone has intuition of one sort or another. Whether we choose to honor our intuition or not is a different story altogether. The truth is that we all have these skills, which are quite commonplace, as it happens. The healer, reader or magician you choose to visit for help has developed his or her skills to a greater level. Does this mean a healer is any different or better than you? Of course not. This person simply has many years of training. Since most of us have at least a little practice boiling water, let’s take the opportunity to practice drawing a special protective circle. The Magic Circle: 1)Choose a place that is going to be your private place of worship, your temple or altar space. 2)Stand in front of the area and put your index fingers and your thumbs together so that the thumbs point out away from your body. You make a triangle with your fingers. 3)Then form the circle by making a circle in the air like you are touching the edge of the circle. Your index fingers together will be pointing toward your belly/abdomen to start and will end together on the opposite side of the circle. Make a circle 3 times starting

Voice of Choices October 2008

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with your belly. Important: index fingers and thumbs must always connect at the start and finish of each circle. 4)Put your left hand under the right hand, palms up. 5)Step back one step with your right foot first, then your left. 6)Move your hands out to the side so that they are approximately 2 feet away from your body on each side with your fingers pointing down toward the floor. Then step back again with your right foot first. This is the laying down of the Elemental platform. Where your hands were, pointing down, there are two light pillars going down into the earth and going all the way up to the origin of Light. You may feel these light pillars vibrate when touched.

You are now finished making the Circle. The Circle will be there forever and you never have to make it again. (A word of advice: Place the pillars somewhere easy to remember such as a doorway. Otherwise it is easy to loose track of them. )If the above circle is too difficult, simple draw a circle with chalk, corn meal or herbs to mark your special space. In most cases, the people around you can boil water or draw a circle. So can you. Magic is not a special club to which only a few belong. Everyone you see is a magician. They just don’t know it yet. Maybe you could help teach them. Tell that person the story about transformation: how boiling water makes a magical cloud of steam. Share your favorite story and perhaps you can take that person to a different place filled with wonder, while you’re standing at the bus stop. Step into a circle drawn with brightly colored chalk on the sidewalk.

Healthy Perspectives from pg 6 nutrition, exercise and appropriate supplements to help heal her body. Use the medicine as a tool, just as you can use the supplements as a tool. Don’t take too much, or too little, find out what your body needs via blood work, hair analysis, muscle testing or whatever other modality you prefer to find where your body is deficient. Take the proper amount for your body at that time, and then when the deficiency is met, you can take less and then eventually stop taking the items. Take what your body needs when it needs it. If your plant was sick, you might take it to a plant doctor and find out what is defi-

cient in the soil . Once you know what you need to put in the soil, the plant gets better, once the deficiency is met, your plant can now thrive. You don’t want to give too much to the plant, or too little. Give just the right amount, and once the deficiency is met, you no longer need to give it to the plant. Think of taking supplements and foods the same way. Kasara D’Elene is a nutritional counselor, a master herbalist, an intuitive herbalist, wellness coach and President of Tru-Health,Inc 1803 Bothell-Everett Hwy Ste. L, Bothell, Wash., a health food store specializing in all natural products. Visit her website at www.truhealth.com

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Hand Cast Astrology Charts Relationship - Solar Return - Monthly - Relocation - Children’s Charts Tarot - Runes - Color Therapy - Chakra Work - Numerology



-----------------------------------------------------------------Wellness ------------------------------------------------------------------W

Rainbow Ice Bear is a shamanic practitioner, currently teaching drum circles and other classes for Indigo Children and their parents. As student and practitioner of metaphysics for the past 25 years, she directs Inner Technology. She is a Celtic Shaman and Ceremonial Master. You may reach her at: (425948-4555 or (877)885-9531 or rainbowicebear@gmail.com






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monthly Kent Commons - 4th & James. MILL CREEK - BOTHELL 2nd Sat monthly at Grange Hall corner of 35th Ave. SE & Seattle Hill Rd. From 1-5 head east on 164th St. SW follow til it crosses 35th. BEL-REDOVERLAKE 3rd Sat. monthly. Maitreya Education Foundation 2260 152nd Ave. NE. Redmond 98052Call 425-562-4777 for more information or directions.

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ISHA - A CAPTIVATING TEACHER who has inspired profound inner change for thousands, author of ‘Why Walk When You Can Fly?’ Vancouver, BC Public Library/Banyen BooksMon. Nov 10, East West BookShop – Seattle – Friday Nov. 14, Portland, OR – Renaissance Books Monday Nov 17. Visit www.isha.com or call 646-688-5232 for more information.

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