Voice of Choices Magazine

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The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Universal Mind Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. May Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart Divine Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May God/dess return to Earth. From the center where the Will of God/ess is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men. The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Monthly Magazine

Monthly V OICE OF CHOICES Publisher: Kathy Lowden info@voiceofchoices.org 1-877-236-4080 206-715-2824 1520 Marine Dr NE Tulalip, WA 98271 Copy Editor - Jim Bacon www.voiceofchoices.org Whether you define ‘spirit’ as enthusiasm or spirituality, Voice of Choices supports you in exploring the many options for creating and enjoying your life! We feature articles on alternative healing, personal development, spirituality and a wide range of topics focused on spirited living. Giving voice to the myriad of choices available in every moment, information is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or prescription regarding disease, illness or injury. We recommend you see a licensed health practitioner if you have concerns about your health. Voice of Choices is not responsible for any situations arising from participation in or application of anything written or advertised in this publication. We welcome your contribution of articles and artwork, to be published on approval as space permits. Articles do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Subscriptions to are $25.00 per year / 12 issues (U.S. - inquire for International rates) We accept MC/Visa. money orders and personal checks. Thank you for all your good work. Blessings in all your choices. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Voice of Choices Celebrating Life... With Spirit!

December 2008

Online at www .V oiceOfChoices.org www.V .VoiceOfChoices.org

Features 4 Joy-Just Joy! Kathy ‘Whyte Wynde’ Lowden 5 Mystical, Magical Christmas Mother Clare Watts 6 Casual Cruelty Are You Speaking From Your Heart? Kasara D’Elene 7 What is Important? Paul Figueora 8 Human Angels Echo Bodine 9 Drumming the Path to Non-Ordinary Reality Jim Pathfinder Ewing 10 November Astrological Influences Carol Barbeau 11 Knowing Your Real Self Ken Lloyd Russell 12 Practical Spirituality From the Abstract to the Conscious Mind John Barazzuol 15 The Joy of Unity Suzan Caroll, PhD

Cover Art by Eve

‘T roubled Times” ‘Troubled

Angel Art by Eve Berniat page 8

Subscribe Voice of Choices Delivered to your door- page 13

- The Lord’s Prayer O Cosmic Birther of all radiance and light! Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your presence can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and to share what each being needs to grow and flourish. Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes. Let us not be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment for you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment as all is gathered and made whole once again.

Blessings in all Your Choices Thank You for Supporting Our Advertisers page 3

Voice of Choices December 2008

ublisher Blessings FFrom rom The P Publisher Joy-Just Joy! Blessings! Welcome to Voice of Choices. It is December already and many of us continue to comment on how the experience of time seems to be shifting. With electronic technology allowing us to witness audio and video from around the planet within moments of events taking place, a week can ‘feel’ more like a month with the sheer volume of information. I’ve spoken about this often, bear with me as I do my best to share it in writing. As we live in ‘the moment’ the ‘now’- and open ourselves to accepting that which we cannot change our mental and emotional bodies begin to interpret our experience of time in a new way. If it is our decision, we can immerse ourselves in the energy created by events happening ‘outside ourselves’ and in the farthest reaches of our world. With cell phones and laptop computers for internet access we can ‘tune in’ to the physical world’s ‘news’ anytime... or all the time. My question is this: do you spend some time each day ‘tuning’ in to your own world? The world within yourself. That sacred space inside which connects you to Creator and celebrates the Joy, Love and Peace of your eternal being? While visiting a local shop, a conversation with an old friend I had not seen in years brought up some interesting concepts. We shared ideas about the heightened awarenesses and insights that are becoming more common on a daily basis. We spoke of dreamwork bringing information from our guides and angels and how that avenue of teaching is relevant on a personal basis. The term ‘Wannabe’ came up. Now keep in mind, I live on an Indian Reservation. My cottage sits at the East entrance of a Medicine Wheel built by the previous owner of the property, Bright Owl. She stewarded the land and followed the teachings of Sun Bear. A stand of old growth cedar trees form a natural cathedral on the far side of this land. AND I am white. My claim to being a Native American lies in the truth that I was born on this continent. When my friend made the comment about ‘Wannabes’ the immediate response finding it’s way through my voice was this: We are each a spark of Spirit’s divinity. Connecting with Higher Power assist in discovering that which is true for us. There is no way to be a ‘Wannabe’ - we are each the perfection of who we are, an expression of light in human form. Over the years I have often sought out a teacher. My belief was that it was necessary for wisdom to ‘come through’ a human voice. There was a woman who had agreed to teach me the way of the Chanupa. Within a short period of time it was clear this would not happen, yet the reference materials she directed me to were of great help. One of the books she suggested was the story of a woman pipe carrier and her walk as she found deeper meaning in her spirituality. I will never forget the chapter in which she approached the Medicine Man almost begging to be taught. His response was this: “No One can teach you”. Your pipe will teach you what you need to know. It was 1993 when I moved to Sedona, AZ. Almost as if drawn by some force beyond my control, the high mountain desert was call-

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ing me. The path which would teach me much that no mentor could was unfolding perfectly. Finding employment with a jeep tour company, it was months of prayers before I was trained to share the traditions of the Medicine Wheel. We would drive through the magnificent red rocks to one of Sedona’s powerful vortices. It was there that I began adding a brief, yet powerful transmission of Reiki energy to the clearing ceremony before entering the wheel. I had no physical world teacher telling me how it should be done. It was my faith in Spirit working through me that gave me the courage to incorporate ‘Eastern’ based Reiki with Native American based wisdom. The result was an incredible blending of Universal Life Force Energy not written about in any books at that time. And now I live with a sacred hoop in my front yard. I learn more each day as I honor the directions, the wisdom of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers and hearing their voices as I travel through dreamtime. A ‘Wannabe’? In the opinion of some - probably. Is it my truth? Yes! If it is my truth then how can I possibly be a ‘Wannabe’ for I AM THAT I AM. And you, my friend are who you are - the unique and original physical embodiment of Love, Light and Life! Please, as this powerful time of year brings you the opportunities to celebrate your own truth, take that time to honor Spirit’s expression within and through you. Whether it be in a church, synagogue, meeting hall, medicine wheel or wherever you find sacred space - honor the Divine nature of yourself with whatever ceremony or prayers come through your heart. Expressing our gratitude and blessing our lives can help us to create the peace within even when the world around us seems to be spinning at a pace beyond comfort. As we devote a part of our day to spirituality we often find more and more mini-miracles and synchronicities supporting our highest and greatest good. As we feel more balanced and supported- that is the reality that becomes everyday life and gives us the strength to accept that which we cannot change or control. So, as we move into the time when darkness fills more hours than light, may you be blessed with finding that strength and grace within that empowers you to be and express the Love, Light and Joy of Life

Happy Holidays Blessings in all your choices, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and Mahalo, Kathy “Whyte Wynde’Lowden

Mystical, Magical Christmas Mother Clare Watts Have you felt that your Christmas celebrations are lacking in real meaning in recent years? Have you wondered what Christmas is really about or why it matters? And have you wished for a more meaningful way to celebrate this coming Christmas? One option which might bring you a significant and rewarding experience this holiday season is to approach Christmas from the mystical perspective. Every world religion has its own mystics. They have in common a preference for direct and real experiences of the divine, over dogma and theological beliefs. Therefore in whatever tradition they participate, they will approach the scriptures and teachings of that tradition by seeking out an inner meaning, one that gives an experience of what is being told, within their own beings. Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross are all well known Christian mystics, and they have been an inspiration for many ever since their days on earth. If you want to make this Christmas season more meaningful you can start several Sundays before Christmas, which is the preChristmas season called Advent. You can have a wreath ready with four candles. On those Sunday evenings sit with your family or your spiritual friends and light the candles on the wreath. Before starting to eat your meal, have a reading by candle light of an important part of the pre-Christmas story. I recommend, depending how many Sundays you have before Christmas, that you read about Mother Mary and Joseph’s betrothal, about the Angel Gabriel coming to Mary and announcing that she was chosen to bear the

Messiah; Mary’s visit with her cousin Elizabeth; and on the last Sunday before Christmas, of Mary and Joseph’s voyage to Bethlehem and what preceded the actual birth-of-Jesus story. When this is done by candlelight for several Sundays in Advent, the symbolism of the increase of the light is illustrative of the readings of the nearing of the Great Light, and everyone can feel it and meditate on its meaning and the feelings it brings up in us. Then, on Christmas Eve, you can choose to make that evening all about the birth of the Light, instead of about the materialism of gift giving. The gift giving can occur the next day. But Christmas Eve you can either attend a Christmas Service, or meditate quietly on your own, or join with others to pray for peace on earth. You can read the story of the birth of Jesus out loud and meditate on its beauty. During the weeks of Advent, if you tune into the feelings you get in meditation versus the feelings all around you in the outer world, you will likely feel how inside of you the light is increasing even though outside every day is shorter and every night longer. So when you tune into the inner world you will feel the increase of joy and spiritual presence, while if you tune into the outside world you will feel the ever growing desperation of shopping and the depression of the darkening days. In your meditations feel inside your being what Mother Mary represents inside of you; who is Jesus within your being; who are Joseph, the shepherds, the angels, God. What does the stable represent, what the star, and the animals in the stable. Every element of the story is also present within you and has much to tell you about the inner journey toward union with God. Let these meditations guide you into a deeper awareness of the inner truths of Christmas and the joyful mystery of the coming of the Light. Recommended texts for the story of Christmas, other than the Bible: Maria Valtorta’s “Poem of the Man-God”, Volume 1, and Anne Catherine Emmerich’s “The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Both women were Christian mystics and have beautiful writings about the Christmas story. Mother Clare Watts is the co-director of a mystical Christian school and Order. She is an ordained Master Teacher and Priest and the author of Giving Birth to God, A Woman’s Path to Enlightenment. For information about Mother Clare and our new Center of Light, Seattle, visit www.seattle.centersoflight.org.

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Voice of Choices December 2008

way. It might be how we are truly feeling underneath but we are afraid to say, except in ‘jest.’ It might be because we are afraid of silence around others and feel we need to say something, anything to connect, so instead of just smiling and being present in the moment with the person we care about, we say something “jokingly” but subtly cruel. Does this come from our own wounding, from our mouth not connecting to our brain at the moment, being conditioned from the 20th century media tools, or because someone else said something in the same frequency to us, and we are just passing it on (so we don’t have to hang onto it energetically anymore).

Kasara D’Elene We all know people that talk this way; in fact, maybe you talk this way yourself. You say something, in jest of course, like “hey dork” to your best friend. We don’t really mean it, right? It’s all a joke, right? A joke is defined in the dictionary as “an object of laughter”. Is it really that funny to say mean things to others in jest? What is the energy frequency we are sending? Our words all have power, so what type of power are we sending out when we say things like this? We only do it around people we really care about right? “Many a true word hath been spoken in jest...” From “Wise Words and Wives’ Tales: The Origins, Meanings and Time-Honored Wisdom of Proverbs and Folk Sayings Olde and New” by Stuart Flexner and Doris Flexner (Avon Books, New York, 1993). I wonder how much truth there is in the words we are saying this

Some might say, “I am just making light of something, I don’t mean any harm.” But, energetically are we really making light of something or taking light “off of something” – when really it undercuts the person energetically? Sounds like a barbaric way to control people if you ask me – keep cutting them down so they feel bad about themselves consistently, but in a joking, subtle way. Mmmmmm. Maybe this all started in the 1980’s when Michael Jackson changed the word “bad” to mean a good thing. I am not sure, but it has become common place in many conversations. We don’t really say it intentionally do we? So why do we say it at all? Isn’t there another way we can laugh and have fun in a positive way without cutting someone down? It doesn’t stop here. Our kids pick it up and pass it around schools. We say these things to ourselves, but in a subtle way, with our negative self-talk. How does this really help any of us? Don’t get me wrong, I have a great sense of humor, and humor is an incredible tool for so many positive reasons. And I am not trying to describe a Polly-Anna world where we are all positive robots, without freely using our minds to think individually. What I am trying to do is to make us aware. Aware of what we say to others, aware of what we say to ourselves. Is there a better choice we can make on this level so that it doesn’t go to the next level, as things sometimes do in language evolution over time? Is there a way we can joke in a positive way to encourage people energetically at all levels. Do we have the words for this yet? Does the vocabulary exist in our minds and our expressions? Are we able to tap into love at that level of depth within ourselves? This all started for me when I jokingly called my son “butt-head,” remembering Beavis and Butt-Head from the TV show in the 90’s. Of course he never saw the show and told me he was offended by the term of endearment and asked me not to call him that again. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but at that point I became more aware of what I was saying to him, to myself and to others. I agreed with Wikipedia’s definition that “Most terms of endearment are concrete nouns that have favorable associations…” dork and butt-head definitely aren’t favorable words. Some people take the next step of making these subtle actions into a judgment, albeit an unspoken one, which can then grow into more assumptions about others without ever discovering what the real truth is. It has become so distorted at that point that no one remembers where or why it was started in the first place. This is what my original point was - to be aware. Aware of what is really happening with communication in your world. Are you speaking someone else’s truth, or your own. Are you telling others how you really feel or making jokes on the surface to help make you feel good so you don’t have to look at

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your buried feelings. Are you becoming aware and yet afraid of your own places where you are wounded; finding it easier to share this pain with others without really addressing it effectively? They love you, right, so they don’t mind. Or are you working hard to connect with those that mean the most to you at a deeper level and laughing at the truly funny things in life. Some truths, too painful or too likely to provoke, can be spoken only when the listener has been disarmed by laughter. A proverbial truth known for centuries, this notion was apparently first recorded by Chaucer with the line, ‘A man may seye full sooth (truth) in game and pley,’ from ‘Canterbury Tales’ (c. 1387). So now, as we prepare for our holiday celebrations with those we love, can we promise ourselves to be ‘present’ in love, silent in acceptance, or vocal in truthful, positive communication that opens our own hearts to connect with the true holiday spirit. Happy Holidays to you and your family! Kasara D’Elene is an intuitive Master Herbalist available for consultations at TruHealth, 18001 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell, WA 98012 – www.truhealth.com – 425-415-8410

Happy Holidays. As the time is upon us, I wanted to drop a note and give you some food for thought. Especially during this time of year, we can get caught up in the “Way things are ‘supposed’ to be or how things ought to look.” By this I mean that families are supposed to be both mom and dad, around a christmas ham or holiday dinner and everyone is supposed to get along great. There is no tension, all is well. You know, a Norman Rockwell type season.

Echo Bodine Reflect back on your life and look for the angels God has put on your path. Who nudged you to be a better person? Who called you on self-destructive behavior? Who made a comment that changed your life? God speaks through all of us. We can touch people’s lives without being aware of it. My students often tell me about things I’ve said that shifted them out of fear or that answered questions they didn’t even know how to formulate. When this happens, I Know that God has spoken to them through me. Recognizing these connections to God helps us grow spiritually, so make a list of your human ‘Angels’. Then think about whose’Angel’ you have been. Have you evener heard wise words coming out of your mouth and wondered where they were coming from? Has a friend ever told you later that your words or actions had been important to them in ways you hadn’t imagined? And has a person many considered ‘bad’ ever had a positive effect on you? White down these incidents and experiences and you’ll see angels in action. Echo Bodine is the author of ‘Look for the Good and You’ll Find God’ published by New World Library www.NewWorldLibrary.com

What I wanted to suggest is for you to consider: Is this the real meaning of family to you? It’s easy to get caught up in what is “supposed” to be; to cook for 8 hours - so long YOU are to tired to enjoy the meal; saying yes to EVERYTHING so that by the end of the season you need a vacation; how this holiday season NEEDS to look a certain way or be with certain people to be perfect.

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a He nd al H th ol F ai s t i ir c s


One idea might be for you to decide what is important to you so that you can paint the right picture for you this holiday season. What a gift! Best, Paul Figueroa - ManagerPeace Enforcement LLC www.PeaceEnforcement.com

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Voice of Choices December 2008

Shamanic Healing No Need for Drugs

Jim Pathfinder Ewing The healing aspect of shamanism, and as a guide for personal spiritual development, uses a natural, non-drug induced, altered state of consciousness brought on by rhythmic percussion and ritual to facilitate health in self and others. One does not need drugs of any kind to achieve the shamanic state, it’s natural, as natural as dreaming at night or day dreaming. All the “chemicals” one needs are already in our bodies, as Candace Pert, the neuroscientist who discovered the opiate receptor, the cellular bonding site for endorphins in the brain, and others have proven. Indeed, outside chemicals only interfere, either by blocking access to the sensitivity needed to “see.” Or, in the case of strong psychotropic drugs, ‘blowing off the doors’ of the ability to discern reality from nonreality. People come to me who have had experiences with shamans in Central and South America who use psychotropic drugs in their traditional rituals, and have lost the ability of discernment. It is usually either the result of someone who took part in one of these rituals without proper guidance, or lacked the proper training to keep balance. There should be great caution here. In recent years, taking ayahuasca (Quechua, pronounced aye-yah-waska), a psychoactive brew prepared from the Banisteriopsis vine native to the Amazon, has become quite popular among some groups, particularly young people, who believe they can be magically transformed into becoming “shamans” by taking the drug. As a shamanic practitioner of nearly 40 years, I can attest that it is inappropriate and dangerous because not only is the informing/ balancing/grounding context of the ritual missing — which is a way of life — but also the plant is not native; therefore, people outside the area where it grows may have no affinity for it or relationship with it. It is a Western way of thinking, like taking a vitamin C pill rather than eating an orange, that shamanism can be learned by simply taking a drug. Even with vitamins, we now understand that their context, the food, is important to the way the vitamin works, and that isolating the “active ingredient” is misguided. For example, as with ayahuasca and its proper and carefully controlled use among South American shamans, in the Native American Church, where peyote is taken as a sacrament, the context within which the drug is taken very nearly negates it as a drug per se. It becomes instead an enhancement of the spiritual vitality and force of the ceremonial prayer in the context of honoring the Earth and all beings. Peyote in this context is a spiritual being who joins in the ceremony and allows a deeper experience of song and prayer. Without the church ceremony, the songs, the leaders and the communal gathering, or the sacred context, if you will, taking peyote would be simply abusing a drug. Discernment is the first rule of shamanism, being able to discern who, what and how things are around you, and how you fit within the energetic scheme, knowing exactly where your energy — seen and unseen — is going. It’s a constant test. Discernment can be seen as a very definition of shamanism, one who can see in nonordinary reality but cannot cope in what is considered ordinary reality is not a shaman but a lunatic. One must be able to “walk between the worlds” with ease, able to ground fully and use five-sense perceptions in the 3-D world and step into nonordinary reality and back again in order to truly master the craft of shamanism. Use of drugs to obtain the shamanic state can destroy this ability of keeping discernment and maintaining harmony and balance that mark the shaman, though it may be regained, with great effort.

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Many young people have come to me after taking drugs thinking it would enhance their perception, turn them into shamans, but they have had to learn the rudiments of grounding, centering and shielding from the beginning, starting all over again just to regain normal functioning. It’s a long and arduous process to rebuild the foundations of perception that can be shattered so easily by ill-advised use of drugs. Using drugs to attain a “shamanic” state can also become a crutch that limits shamanic ability — the freedom to choose that comes from discernment, unfettered by attachments to the material world, in this case, physical or psychological addiction to a drug. It can prevent those just starting out from developing their own personal power and limit their ability to explore various avenues of perception that are available only by being fully aware and unclouded by physical and psychological effects. Through use of the drum or in nightly dreaming, shamanic ability is naturally obtained and sustainable without the use of any outside drug. The essential technology of shamanic healing is the drum, which allows the practitioner to enter nonordinary reality and effect healing. It does so by circumventing the rational mind. Even how the drum accomplishes that fact remains a mystery. It’s certain that the rhythmic beating of the drum — about 70 beats per minute — can induce a trance state. That’s the rational mind speaking. But matters of the heart lack force and power when filtered through the rational mind and things aren’t always what they seem. Often, what seems true is only partially true. We do know that the ability to see nonordinary reality has been around for thousands of years and somehow that ability has been discounted or all but lost. “Inducing a trance state” doesn’t come close to explaining the power of the drum or the ability to enter nonordinary reality. Ancient humans knew there were many ways to access the divine, or at least get a glimpse that transcended the repetitive chatter of the rational mind (the left brain, or rational portion), the “little mind,” to perceive that which is greater, or the Great Mind of God. Today, we know that chakras or energy centers in the body do exist because they can be scientifically measured. Three thousand years ago, in Eastern cultures, it was a reality because those who could ascertain the vortices of energy emanating from the human body could perceive them by techniques that circumvented the chattering mind. Those techniques, or ancient technologies, are available to us today. And many of them are still being practiced on the American continent by people who have retained this knowledge for thousands of years, despite centuries of persecution. Shamans still practice and are important parts of their communities in South and Central America, often in remote regions. The closest we can come to shamanism in its purest form in North America is through the philosophy of traditional Native Americans in general and the practices of medicine men and women in particular. It is a powerful teaching and way of looking at the world equal to any of the ancient cultures in China, Egypt, India, Tibet or, other parts of the world. In fact, the indigenous people of the preColumbian Americas were among the few peoples of the Earth who had a civilization that ancient Buddhists in Tibet considered enlightened. In The Tibetan Book of the Dead, devout Buddhists were taught more than 1,000 years ago how to choose a body for reincarnation. These choices were divined by seers adept at spiritual body travel and only a very few places were listed as suitable for reincarnation. Although most of the world according to these seers was not recommended for soul recycling, a few geographical locations were listed as areas where souls could find peace, long life and comfortable prosperity, including China, Egypt, Asia, the Mideast and the Indian subcontinent. These seers also described the Americas, which they named “Kuru,” as having “lakes” of “cattle,” that were, no doubt, buffalo dotting the Great Plains, and“evergreens,” probably referring to the land of the Eastern Woodland Indians, possibly the land of the Iroquois and Cherokee. Europe 1,000 years ago

Angel Art By Eve Does anyone remember the Power Macintosh 7200/75? That was the very first computer I used to do angel art. My journey began by doing a series of angel scenes appearing in the Bible in the early 1990’s. After that for a period of about 3 years the angel art stopped. During that lapse in time, my direction was Bible study and writings on various Bible topics. was not recommended.

Becoming renewed and refreshed in the Word of God, I started doing angel art again in 1998. I was moved to do a series of angels around the world through the eyes of several cultures. Frequently, I will get a glimpse of an art piece finished on my computer before starting it.

There was a reason for the suitability of being reborn in the Americas in the thinking of these seers, as distinguished from European societies. Native Americans were adept at right-brain thinking, as were pre-and early Christian societies in the Mid east — the type of consciousness that accommodates shamanism. They were able to tap into what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious, the archetypes of dreams and actually perceive (if not enter) that non-ordinary reality.

I will see angels in an event or place in night visions and take a spiritual eye photo retaining it to memory, which later becomes an art piece. I believe every angel art piece in the gallery is a message or prophetic. I continue to do angel art because the Spirit moves me. I believe we should always follow the heart when it reveals Love. The Angel Art by Eve collection is ‘art that speaks to the heart’. There is a breath of ‘mystery’ about each angel picture. What makes each art piece unique? It is ‘living art’. Being in the Word of God is my training as an artist. God grabs our attention by the things we can see and by that which we experience. There are hundreds of testimonies that when viewing the angel art, it is uplifting, inspiring, heals, and soothes the soul.

Shamanic journeying, using the drum, is nothing more than dreaming, except it is directed by the mind and more easily retained than in the nighttime dream state. It is available to everyone and as natural as sleeping — or, perhaps more accurately, maintaining that state between full waking and slipping into sleep. Jim Pathfinder Ewing (Nvnehi Awatisgi) is a Reiki Master teacher who also teachers shamanism in Lena, Mississippi, where he lives with his wife, Annette Waya Ewing. He travels extensively, giving workshops, classes, and lectures. He is the author of several books on shamanism and the Native American traditions. www.findhornpress.com

Over the years, the angel art has developed an ever-growing international following. Several pieces of art have graced the covers of books, Doreen Virtue’s “Messages From Your Angels” cards, and greeting cards with the Leanin Tree Company at www.leanintree.com. I have a new book out this year called, “Angel Art by Eve.” The art book has 45 art pieces and inspirational one-liners at www.amazon.com or can be purchased at my website www.angelartbyeve.com. Merry Christmas! Eve Berniat

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Voice of Choices December 2008

assist humanity) and Pisces (dream the vision of what could be and become it) and with PLUTO now in Capricorn we are seeing the dream become the Reality over this last 30 days aren’t we?

Happy birthday To all you wonderful Sagittarius and Capricorn people, having your birthday this month. Happy December to all of you December was originally named for the 10th month in the Roman calendar. Vesta the Goddess of virtue, purity and the mystical fire is the Goddess honored during this time. Ceres, (unconditional love) Pallas Athene, (Intellect) , are also honored female energy from ancient times. Vesta is moving backwards (retrograde until 12/15) this month in the sign of Taurus trying to reconnect us to our most sacred desires within our hearts and maybe reconnect us to Source. GEMSTONES for this time are turquoise, the stone of prosperity and healing. Ruby the stone of passion and said to banish sadness and vices. Zircon which was highly prized in Europe in the 14th century. This stone was said to protect from disease and assist with sleep. With December being the 12th month of a number 1 year it seems appropriate that the number 4 is relating to home, family, God, country and security and this is our energy as we end 2008 and move forward into 2009 which will be an 11 master spiritual relationship year. The Sun in Sagittarius until the 21st is asking us to light the way for our truth. On the 21st which is the Winter Solstice the sun enters the Earth sign of Capricorn and then the real building time begins. When the sun enters Capricorn we will have a clearer vision of what we need to be building and maybe more energy to get it going. December begins with no planets retrograde but many of us are still reeling from major planetary transits and planets moving forward in November which have forever changed our world as we know it. We are now in The time of Capricorn (Be the best you can be to assist everyone) Aquarius (be unique and originally you as you

Much of last month’s heaviness began to dissipate on November 16th and this month it if full steam ahead with Jupiter finish- ing up in Capricorn and getting ready to move to Aquarius in January for the first time in 12 years. Venus (love and what we want) in Capricorn until the 7th when it moves to Aquarius and we begin to really broaden our scope of what we desire. The energy of Aquarius is here strongly with the North Node (what we need to do) Chiron (the wounded healer) and Neptune (intuition) in this sign. Soon to be joined by Jupiter in January 2009. Breaking the bonds which hold us from seeing and knowing who we really are and what we really can accomplish is Aquarius’s job. Mercury (communication and ideas) in Sagittarius until that full moon on the 12th when it moves to Capricorn is going to push us into some realms of thought where we may have never traveled before. The Full moon on the 12th is a powerful mix with a day full of many aspects makes this one of the busiest days in this month. Full moons call for balance and for us to release and let go, and with the sun in Sagittarius asking for truth and the Moon in Gemini wanting more information this surely will be a lively 2 weeks until that New moon (bringing in time) December 27th. Winter Solstice or Yule is the completion of the old year, and is the longest night of the year. Honor the great wheel as it turns and the sun returns to the point from which it was reborn to the world. December 21st as the sun moves into Capricorn we begin in truth the real ending of an era on this planet and the bringing in of a new time for us all. Hanukkah begins on December 22nd with a lighting of the light of hope within us all. I truly do believe that we can take what-ever is going on and make it better and believing this truly will make it so if we can JUST believe. The New Moon on December 27th in Capricorn seems to tighten down some of our (all over the place) energy and really assist us focus. The 3 days before this New Moon are Balsamic moon or Dark of the moon magic wishing days and so Christmas eve, Christmas day and the 26th are magical energy this year. Look for your dream during this time and ask for your next step to come to you easily and gently. Mars which is action and Passion is in the sign of Sagittarius further heightening optimism and brings a more cheerful energy into being. On the 26th when Mars moves to Capricorn, we are tweaked into perhaps beginning to manifest our destiny. IT is now time to review and rethink some of our plans and also to reassess our own desires and what has motivated us. Have we been tricked into believing that we need MORE to be MORE? Saturn (Discipline) Retrograde December 31st until May 2005 in the sign of Virgo. Asks us even further to redefine our own goals and make some inner rules for ourselves as it says LESS can be more . Please, let go of what cannot be changed, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.. This is my wish for us all over this wonderful and bright Holiday season. The truth of life is that we so often look at what we have lost that we walk right by what we could have that would be even better. Open your eyes and know ‘better’ is there for us all. Namaste Carol Barbeau... and please subscribe to my free daily astrology with stones and colors by e mailing me at carolastro@carolbarbeau.com and read the article on Balsamic moon as well as the information of the new and full moons of 2009 at www.carolbarbeau.com Happy HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR

Voice of Choices December 2008

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As to method, there is only one— you must come to know yourself— both what you appear to be and what you are.” Nisargadatta Maharaj, “I Am That”, This is as concise and accurate a description of the spiritual path as you will find. Maharaj doesn’t simply repeat the oft quoted “know thyself”. He revitalizes it by pointing out the major pitfall to knowing yourself, providing a crucial insight as to how you might actually accomplish knowing yourself. What, in fact, prevents you from knowing yourself is the belief that you are “what you appear to be”. It is in taking “what you appear to be” to be “what you [actually] are” that is the problem. When this happens you become so embroiled in the daily problems of living through this “what you appear to be” that you forget the real basis of your life — the “what you are”. The key to truly knowing yourself is the unmasking of the pseudo-self, the “what you appear to be”. This “what you appear to be” is what prevents you from knowing yourself. It is false. It is an accident of your personal history; what country and religion you were born into, what parents you had, how they brought you up, your family’s socio-economic status, etc. It is something that is layered over what you really are. As long as you are focused on this pseudo-you, your true nature is inaccessible. Not only is it unavailable to you, you may not even know it is there. What you really are has been described in many different ways; Buddhanature, Christ-consciousness, soul, the Tao. These are just words used to signify something unimaginably great, some-thing far vaster than our ordinary experience of ourselves, something of the deepest worth. This “what you are” is always there, it is impossible to lose it. It does not matter what you believe yourself to be or what your life experience is. This “what you are” is the foundation of your existence. However, superimposed over it is what we have been told we are. We are born at one with our true nature, but then are told what we are by parents and other agents of society— teachers, friends, the media, etc. You may be told you are good or bad, intelligent or dumb, likeable or difficult, destined to be successful or to fail. There are thousands of societal descriptors that are given to us, and from those we weave the pseudo-being that we come to believe ourselves to be. It is by living through this pseudo-being that we experience our problems. The more that we buy into this “what you appear to be” the more we will lose out on life. Sometimes it is very obvious that a grievous mistake has been made, for we suffer consciously and experience a weird sense of failure no matter what we do or how “successful” our lives appear to be.

Ken Lloyd Russell stroy it. The personality, of itself, is not the problem. It is our attachment to it that blinds us to what we really are. It is this valuing of the unreal that is the obstacle. We just need to put it into proper perspective. That this “who we appear to be” is but one facet of Being, and is not equivalent to who we really are. Then our attention goes towards what is real. When we are rooted in our true Being, life is deeply fulfilling. Then we no longer experience the agony of “personal” problems. Ken Lloyd Russell, a teacher and mystic with 42 yrs experience of helping people, has created a unique approach to spiritual transformation. The Way of Seeing (R) a very simple, yet highly practical way that can be used in everyday life. Full info and free articles are at www.thewayofseeing.com ©Copyright Ken Lloyd Russell. All rights reserved.

Yet, there are other people who seem to enjoy their lives. However, if we look carefully, these people achieve their satisfaction by a diminution or attenuation of what they are expecting or hoping for out of life. And, generally, they are not conscious of this. They have no sense of what their possibilities are. They may settle for the apparent success of relative wealth, public acclaim, a good marriage, the respect of others, etc. However, they are unaware that they are missing out on the real joy of being alive, an aliveness which comes from the depths of our Being. The whole thrust of the spiritual path is to shift our center of gravity from the socially formed and conditioned self to the real Self. When the shift is complete, we know who we are, and understand that the personality is just a tool, a play of accidental factors. The spiritual path is a device to awaken us from the dream (or nightmare) of what we “appear to be” and to bring us back to the indescribable richness of what we are, and have always been. We need not destroy the personality, for it is necessary to live in this world. Once we truly know who we are, the personality readjusts to reality and becomes a servant of Being rather than the master of it. We see that this “what you appear to be” is not us, but merely a device to live among other humans, much like legs are devices to move us from one location to another. The way to know the real self is to fully expose the workings of the personality. We observe how it has its own agenda, which, generally, does not coincide with our best interests. We come to this understanding by being continuously aware of it. This understanding, which comes through awareness, will burn away our attachment to our personality. There is no need to de-

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Voice of Choices December 2008

Practical Spirituality

From the Abstract to the Conscious Mind John Barazzuol What is Direct Knowing?

out of the mental realm and experience it? How can you transform it into direct knowing, which allows you to use it as a practical, concrete action or step?

Direct Knowing is direct. It is the straight conduit from the spirit mind, the super conscious mind, to the conscious mind. This knowing also passes directly through the mental body (no pictures, thoughts or words are necessary) and directly through the astral body (no emotions are used), directly through the Crown Chakra at the top of the head, into the physical body. In other words, knowledge from books or other thought sources is not necessary. The information coming in from each of the five senses is not used. The spirit mind or super conscious mind has a telepathic rapport with the conscious mind before it is dressed in words. Intuition is a kind of direct knowing —— Direct knowing is very important in the field of spirit. With it, the field makes sense and has a practical use and reality. Without direct knowledge, the field of spirit is very impractical, abstract and fantasylike, with little or no use as a reality in your daily life.

Step 1: Be sure you have intellectually grasped the concept or information. Do not get stuck in the contemplation, which is only the first step. Step 2: Have the intention to convert this concept or information into direct knowing. Step 3: Relax your body and bathe in your being. Step 4: Allow a clear, simple image of the concept to arise in your mind. Do not try to create the image. Allow it to come from your being.

HOW TO GENERATE DIRECT KNOWING You have a concept or some information that is abstract and theoretical to you. It exists only in your mental body. You want to understand this concept directly. How can you get this concept

Step 5: Plant the image in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind must accept the idea. Here are some ways to plant the image: a) Visualization method: the easiest way to plant an idea is to visualize it. See it vividly as if it were alive and full of energy. b) Affirmation method: affirm or repeat your intention to manifest the concept. “I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.” c) Make a lullaby: turn your intention into a short phrase. Before falling asleep, repeat the concept continuously to yourself. Use whatever method works to get the intention energized and planted in the subconscious mind. Sing, dance, shout, draw, walk—do whatever it takes. Step 6: Wait in your being for the direct knowing. Wait for the words of the concept to be replaced by the energy of the concept. As you wait in your being, your subconscious mind sends the image or intention to your super conscious or spirit mind. The super conscious mind then sends back the direct knowing directly to the conscious mind. When this happens, the words that create the concept dissolve into the feeling of the concept as it manifests in your body and on the earth. With the feeling, the idea becomes a practical living reality – the knowing is now direct and experiential. Step 7: Take the step: allow the concept to become a concrete action.

Voice of Choices December 2008

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As you contemplate how to know a concept directly, you learn how to create wisdom. Wisdom comes from direct knowing and understanding. The actual creation of wisdom is done in the spirit dimension and then it comes to you on the physical plane. The physical world does not create wisdom; it only receives it from the higher dimensions. You must be able to access your own wisdom as part of your journey to unification with your spirit. Acquiring wisdom does not require the thinking mind; rather, it requires an ability to dive into the depths of your being, to wait in these depths, and then allow what is to come, to come.

When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If each of us sends just one card think how many greetings will go to these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much. When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue,NW Washington,D.C. 20307-5001

Excerpted from Spiritpower, published by Trafford, 2008.

------------------------------------------------------------ASTROL OG Y ------------------------------------------------------------ASTROLOG OGY John Barazzuol, a former Buddhist monk, facilitates seminars based on his book, Spiritpower. The seminars are designed to help people unite with their spirit and spirit power. For more information, visit www.spiritpowerseminars.com John is speaking at East West Bookshop on Dec. 8, 78:30pm. His subject is Grounded Spirituality: Everyday Life As Spiritual Path.

Soul Centered Astrology - Carol Barbeau

Hand Cast Astrology Charts Relationship - Solar Return - Monthly - Relocation - Children’s Charts Tarot - Runes - Color Therapy - Chakra Work - Numerology



-----------------------------------------------------------------Wellness ------------------------------------------------------------------W






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Voice of Choices December


page 14

The Joy of Unity Suzanne Carroll, PhD Can you imagine the joy of feeling that unity in your daily life? In fact, please take a moment to imagine living in unity with all life. In your dreams and meditations, while you are on hold on the phone, stuck in traffic, or doing the dishes, look around at your reality and imagine how it will be—how it is NOW—to constantly live in the joy, unity and unconditional love of the fifth dimension. Are you surprised to find that, despite all that has recently changed, what you love is relatively constant? Yes, my earthlings, you shall lose nothing and no one with whom you are bonded by love. Love is the unifying force of the Universe and YOU are the creator of your reality. Consequentially, you will continue to create and maintain what you love. Fortunately, fifth dimensional Earth does not have the harsh boundaries of separation and the resulting fear that are a major component of third/fourth dimensional reality. Since YOU are the creator of your life, even while you maintain your third dimensional form, you can release the illusions of separation and fear and choose to focus solely on unity and unconditional love. In this manner, your consciousness will constantly calibrate and re-calibrate your attention to the fifth dimension and beyond. Remember, the reality you choose to perceive is the reality you choose to live. Most of you are already experiencing the fifth dimensional qualities of unity and unconditional love in some areas of your life. Holding a constant feeling of thanksgiving for these fifth dimensional components of your life will maintain and expand unity and unconditional love in your daily life. As awakened ones, your on-going challenge is to remain in the fifth dimensional consciousness while still holding a third dimen-

sional earth vessel. Simultaneously, I ask you to release all judgment of those who are still struggling with the limitations and beliefs that they are victims and that others have powerover them. That which you judge you will experience, as judgment requires your attention. Remember, when you resonate to the fifth dimension everything to which you give your attention instantly manifests. We, people and planet, have had a long run of the “3D play.” In fact, there were many other third and fourth dimensional realities about which your scientific world is still unaware. However, the past is no longer your concern, nor is the future. Instead, in preparation for your new experience of life in the fifth dimension, practice being in the NOW. Will third dimensional earth still be here? Are the rocks still there when you look into the sky? Of course they are. Expanding your consciousness into the fifth dimension does not mean that you will lose anything or anyone. Instead, fifth dimensional consciousness will allow you to more easily perceive, experience and travel into even higher dimensions while, simultaneously, remaining in constant connection with the physical plane. As you expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be able to perceive more and more realities within in the NOW of the ONE. Hence, you will be able to simultaneously perceive your fifth, fourth and third dimensional reality. Each of you will choose the manner in which you manifest your fifth dimensional Earth, for YOU are the creator of your reality. visit www.multidimensions.com for more resources.

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Voice of Choices December 2008

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