Voice of Choices Celebrating Life... With Spirit!
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Universal Mind Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. May Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart Divine Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May God/dess return to Earth. From the center where the Will of God/ess is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men. The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Monthly VOICE OF CHOICES Magazine
Publisher: Kathy Lowden info@voiceofchoices.org 1-877-236-4080 206-715-2824 Copy Editor - Jim Bacon Maui Distribution - Russ Reina
Whether you define spirit as enthusiasm or spirituality, Voice of Choices supports you in exploring the many options for creating and enjoying your life! We feature articles on alternative healing, personal development, spirituality and a wide range of topics focused on spirited living. Giving voice to the myriad of choices available in every moment, information is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or prescription regarding disease, illness or injury. We recommend you see a licensed health practitioner if you have concerns about your health. Voice of Choices is not responsible for any situations arising from participation in or application of anything written or advertised in this publication. We welcome your contribution of articles and artwork, to be published on approval as space permits. Articles do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.
February 2008
4 Comet Holmes Fulfilling Hopi Prophecy? Angelika S. Whitecliff 7 The Rose Within Sandy Brewer 8 The Energy of Relationships Master Stephen Co 9 The Yoga of Jesus 10 Fire Up Your Passion - Eclipses 2008 Carol Barbeau 12 Feminine Health - Support Your Cycle Kasara D Elene 14 The Blessings of Love Walks With Thunder 15 Energy Healing Growing Alternative Healthcare Field Gloria Two-Feathers 17 Soul Retrieval - Taking Your Life Back Amy Elkins 20 Fine Tuning Your Dating Game
Monthly Treasures
6 Blessings From the Publisher 16 February Astrological Influences
Cover Art
Kathy Lowden Carol Barbeau
Indian Maiden #15
As an example that sprituality is everywhere..... this month s cover image came to a dear friend in a meditation. The image spoke to her, sharing her name and a special message of love and support. Imagine my friend s surprise when, at a truck stop as she looked through the gifts for sale..... there was Sonata - Indian Maiden #15 without even a reference to the artist. Our gifts our plentiful and everywhere.
Voice of Choices Delivered to your door- page 21
The Lord s Prayer - Translated from Aramaic O Cosmic Birther of all radiance and light! Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your presence can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and to share what each being needs to grow and flourish. Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes. Let us not be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment for you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment as all is gathered and made whole once again.
Subscriptions to are available for $25.00 per year / 12 issues (U.S. - inquire for International rates) We accept MC/Visa. money orders and personal checks. Thank you for all your good work. Blessings in all your choices. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Comet Holmes
Fulfilling Hopi Prophecy? Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff
The integration of our multidimensional selves is at hand. Many people intuitively feel a transformative connection between recent remarkable cosmological events taking place within our solar system and rising consciousness. The Hopi Elders talk of two worlds, the old one that is our current home and the new one that appears at the proper time, ushered in by the appearance of the Blue Kachina or blue sun in our sky. This foretold event has taken place with the explosion of Comet Holmes over the last several months. Scientists are puzzled as to how or why this comet is able to radiate a field (bright blue plasma) over four times the size of our own sun! Comet Holmes has been recognized as the prophesized Blue Kachina, and has been visible to the naked eye this last November and December near the constellation of Perseus. Today, between Mars and Jupiter, it continues to grow and radiate its electrical pulsation as it travels outward from the sun. The new world is an evolutionary step, a home for those who are called to it because it represents the manifestation of a world that embodies peace, love and harmony (Christ-Self awareness). But the new world must be chosen within each of us first. We must shed the old other choices bravely and without wavering in order to transform ourselves. This is how we first chose the new Earth,
Comet Holmes (left) from the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii telescope on Mauna Kea showing the coma at 869,900 miles (1.4 million kilometers) in diameter. The white star near the center of the coma is in fact the dust-shrouded nucleus of the comet.The sun and the planet Saturn are shown at the same scale for comparison. Credit: University of Hawaii/CFHT (comet); NASA/Voyager (Saturn); NASA/ESA/SOHO (sun)
and then the process continues to anchor us deeper and deeper into our choice until it is realized. ?? Contradictions are everywhere at this juncture for most people and across the globe. This discordance comes from within and creates the world that is experienced. How many times have you ignored your heart and spirit for the comfort of the known or because of other s expectations of you? How much do you take responsibility for the fact that you are the creator of your own experience? Each soul has a destiny but most people do not feel connected to its profound majesty. Everyone is being called to be themselves, but their authentic selves, not just what the personality self deems comfortable and easy. A good indication of the true self being pushed aside is those dreams still held in the heart that has been abandoned by the head. Now the energies are making it impossible for us to stay disconnected from those pieces inside that are meant to come out. This is what stands before most people now, nose-to-nose, to be acknowledged, understood and chosen instead of cast aside. We are entering into a new energy plane of a higher frequency that is representative of the union between the conscious and subconscious minds. This new frequency completely supports an integrated self and not a self at odds within. This is the gift UNIFICATION & HARMONY. It is the beginning of the end of discord! And the good news is that the galactic and cosmic energy pulsations assist the entire planet and all of its inhabitants to become aware as a refinement of consciousness takes place. Like the blue sun , it is time for us all to defy boundaries and to boldly shine brighter than was ever thought possible. Gratitude is the best tool to break free from the old patterns and to empower a new way of creating. ?? Exercise: Every day spend 20 minutes thinking of those things you are most grateful for in your life and feel the gratitude you have in your heart. We create most potently from what we feel, not from what we think. Strong feelings set up strong fields of attraction for manifestation. Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff is a multidimensional researcher involved in the study of consciousness, multidimensional communications and humanity s extraterrestrial connection. She is an international speaker and director for the Exopolitics Institute. For her latest seminar (Divine Feminine & Dolphins) info visit: www.EarthTransformation.com
Voice of Choices February 2008
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Amazing Grace
Blessings From the Publisher Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!! What a glorious life with so many choices. I m glad you ve chosen to pick up Voice of Choices. This month features some great articles with awesome practical application tools you may find helpful as you create your bless d life! This Valentine s Day my intention is to let those I love know how important they are to me. I cherish the love, connecting to that part of my heart which creates joy. Amazing Grace streaming from source straight to the heart. Grace that empowers with acceptance, forgiveness and support through all experiences. In 1993 I chose to explore life in Sedona, AZ. While family wondered at this decision, there was nothing that could stop me from following through. Several months working for a tour company gave me the opportunity to train for the position of guide/driver on the Medicine Wheel and Vortex tours. Freshly attuned to first level Reiki, I included brief energy sessions in the smudgings as we walked the sacred land. It wasn t long bef ore I began making prayer fans, crystal wands and other power pieces... guided soley (souly?) by intuition and the creativity which continued to increase as I spent time in some of nature s most incredible power spots. By 1996 I was a Reiki Master passing attunements to my students.... at Sedona s vortices. Returning to the Pacific NW in 1997 - it would be 4 years working in mainstream employment before my prayers were answered and I was allowed to do what I feel I came here to do . The stone circle in Duvall contained rocks and crystals signifying the energies of the four directions. The old massage table was perfect - set in the very center of the wheel, our reiki circle was a bit unique... never mind the neighbor who showed up with a black cat and the comment it must be yours . More power pieces, unique transformational tools honoring and employing the energies of the tree, mineral, animal and bird kingdoms innately and intuitively infused with sacred intention found their way into being. My time was shared with my daughter and beloved Shelties. Then it was off to Maui - sounds almost like a vacation doesn t it? And connecting the dots continued. Amazing Grace allowing or might I say forcing shifts in my perception. Old attitudes, no longer of service to my highest good needed to be reworked. And it came to pass. (no where in the Bible does it ever say it came to stay). Two and a half years of ... growth... much of it you read about here. Then back to Washington and a speed course in relocation including more practice than I would have preferred has put me back in paradise. Sedona? Maui? Ahhhh, you must remember how much I love my daughter - and she is here, in Everett. Paradise? An amazing 4.5 acre property just outside Marysville. A place that equals the spiritual energy and power of Sedona, and matches Maui s Manna with a grounded strength which is creating a response within me I could not have imagined. The circle outside my door is awesome. A garden ringed by stones allowing me once again to celebrate the Amazing Grace of Spirit - through energy sessions, transformational tools, Medicine Wheel Readings and Sacred Journeys. And then there s the Sacred Cedar Grove.....right Here at home . It s been an incredible journey. Thank you to so many who have played such important parts, I am truly blessed and grateful. In each moment I honor my connection to Spirit - and am excited as Voice of Choices grows ever stronger reaching more minds hungry for inspiration.
And thank you to Carolyn . Her gener-
ous contribution to Voice of Choices funded the laptop computer which is now the business hub for VoC. The desktop computer decided it wanted a long winters nap and Thanks to Carolyn - I was able to stand strong at the time of challenge and accept the situation Blessings, blessings, blessings!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Voice of Choices February 2008
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Kathy Whyte Wynde Lowden
The Rose Within Sandy Brewer Love is in the air, and not just because it s February, although how could that hurt? Romance, valentines, sweet kisses and moonlit nights. Yet, wonderful as these experiences can be, true love can t be based on external things not even on chocolate, Hallmark cards, or a dozen roses.
That day can be today. The good news is the spring of our potential is not limited to the calendar. On the other hand, often our personal winters are not limited to three short months. But working for the experience of healing, rebirth, and renewal is more than worth the wait and the effort. We are all so very worth our own effort. When we change our point of view, our reality quickly follows suit. And then, oh yes, then comes spring
Allow a new mantra to form. The fulfillment of our dreams is magnetizing its way toward us. That which we are looking for is looking for us! In the Mind of God, it s already a done deal. Begin the new mantra and then repeat and repeat it. For every thought there is a corresponding factor. That which I am seeking is seekEverything external is ultimately finite; true love is forever. It being me. The law of attraction in action! gins in a place deep within us. And, yes, it can involve a flower a gorgeous red one with fragrant petals, if you choose but it In my own life, the flower of my spring time the ultimate love of my external life blossomed lusciously in my 39th year after much begins inside with a metaphoric one. personal work and countless mantra repetitions. My husband, Bette Midler wrote and sang it best in the The Rose. For, espeJohn, and I, living out a romance that has never faded, will celcially when we re having trouble finding the greater possibilities ebrate our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary this May. in our lives, when things seem their gloomiest, it is essential that we know there is a seed buried so deep within us that even during The calendar tells us now that we are rapidly moving through the starkest winter snows it can and it will survive and then thrive. winter, rushing headlong into spring once again. Embrace it the melting snows of the North, the tropical colors of the Islands, the But it needs a little help from us. midnight jasmine of the Southwest. The blue skies and the reWe have, after all, free will. With our determination and conscious newed vitality. And if there is, for whatever reason, a cloud darkintent, with our refusal to never give up, and with our stubborn- ening the heart of your burgeoning spring, remember there is a ness to stay with it until we have healed our ideas of lack and power within you greater than the dark, greater than the problem. limitation, this seedling essence of us will blossom to its fullest. If For even in the appearance of the darkest winter day, the seed of we stay with our dream long enough and refuse to get lost in the rose that holds your dreams and hopes is rising to the surface, appearance, doubt, and old stories, we will ultimately be changed just waiting to be recognized. Just waiting to blossom into the by the warmth of the sun s love in the spring thaw. If we choose to fulfillment of the love that you are both internally and externally! remember it, the unending Spirit of love within which we all dwell that magnificent core which joins us together as a Universal family Sandy Brewer is the author of Pursuit of Light, An Extraordinary Jourof one will not be denied. This seed of us and our potentials, ney. She can be contacted at www.PursuitOfLight.com. She ll be presenting Six Steps to Mastering the Art of Healing , an all day workshop forever nurtured by the core of love that we are, can one day March 15 on Maui. Check her website for details on free presentations at become the rose. It can one day blossom into the promise and the Rotary club and other locations. Order your tickets for the workshop at 760-230-8123 or online. fulfillment of us.
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Voice of Choices February 2008
-Empowering Relationships-
Compliment the Positive An Interview with Master Stephen Co by Jason Williams All relationships are based on life-force energy. Since PRANIC HEALING uses our life-force energy to heal, it can heal relationships as well as bodies. Positive relationships reflect intimacy in every aspect of togetherness: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely. Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields donât blend and flow. They actually clash and repel, manifesting as even more painful friction. PRANIC HEALING uses cleansing of the negative thoughts and
emotions of couples to promote a more loving, positive relationship. Cleansing empowers individuals to react less to negative energies, while promoting good and positive energy to flow freely between both partners in a relationship. Cleansing is also helpful in dealing with self-anger because it helps guard against projecting negative energy toward a loved one over problems that actually have nothing to do with them, such as frustration from a harried workday. Couples often fail to understand that intimacy is about more than sex. When intimacy exists only in the physical body, it tends to fade when the physical body changes. Thus, it s important to be conscious of the state of our intimacy on all levels and nurture it. An effective way to create physical intimacy is to develop a proper physical contact for example, holding hands. To build emotional intimacy, you can focus on another person s positive qualities. Here s a simple PRANIC HEALING technique that helps build emotional intimacy: You simply take each positive quality and visualize it, affirm it and nurture the other person with it. For example, if your mate has several faults, but is good at keeping a checkbook, compliment that trait. The thoughts we project onto others truly have power. Most people don t even realize that projecting bad thoughts towards someone, even without saying a word, can make that person weaker. On the other hand, thinking thoughts of health and love about the same person can help develop positive traits. We should remember that this is true of the thoughts we think about ourselves too. Our auras absorb all thoughts directed toward them, positive or negative. We exchange energy with everyone with whom we come into contact, not only our significant others. Thus, to create a positive, more loving relationship with everyone - spouse, significant other, relatives, friends, business partners - the PRANIC HEALING formula remains the same. When we project love, love is projected back to us. We literally manipulate energy to create positive effects and invoke healing. Remember to project love from your heart and crown chakras and you ll see friendships or business relationships become closer. You can even do this with people who don t like you and create positive results. Jason Williams is a writer/producer for www.oneworldlive.com and wrote this article from an interview with Master Stephen Co, U.S. Pranic Healing senior facilitator.Master Stephen Co will be presenting evening classes and a workshop in Seattle and Phoenix during March and April 2008. See ad on back cover or go to Master Co s website, yourhandscanhealyou. com.
Voice of Choices February 2008
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The Yoga of Jesus Widely regarded today as one of the preeminent spiritual figures of our time, Paramahansa Yogananda is author of the best-selling classic Autobiography of a Yogi. Born on January 5, 1893, in Gorakhpur , India , Sri Yogananda came to the United States as a young man in 1920, when he was invited to serve as a delegate to the International Congress of Religious Liberals convening in Boston . That same year he founded Self-Realization Fellowship to disseminate worldwide his teachings on India s ancient philosophy of Yoga and its time-honored science of meditation. The following excerpt is from the new book by Paramahansa Yogananda, entitled, The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels Divine Love: Highest Goal of Religion and of Life Outward attempts to apply Jesus teaching usually yield only minimal external satisfaction, not God-realization. But there is an inner meaning to the exhortation to love God with all one s heart, mind, soul, and strength. Jesus used these simple scriptural terms, but projected his understanding that in them is the whole science of yoga, the transcendental way of divine union through meditation. In India , where spiritual understanding had developed for thousands of years before the time of Jesus, God-knowing sages elaborated these concepts as a comprehensive spiritual philosophy to guide devotees systematically on the path to liberation.
of meditation. To love God with all the soul requires the complete stillness of transcendent interiorization. This cannot be achieved while praying aloud, moving the hands this way and that, singing or chanting, or doing anything else that activates the sensory-muscular apparatus of the body. Just as in deep sleep the body and senses become inert, that inner withdrawal is characteristic also of superconscious ecstasy only ecstasy is much deeper than sleep. Ten million sleeps do not describe the joy of it. That is the state in which one can know the soul, and with that true Self wholly adore Him who is Love itself. The fulfillment of the divine command to love God with all one s heart, mind, and soul is made possible by the science that enables the devotee to love God with all thy strength. Yoga teaches that science. When one sleeps, the conscious mind is inactive; the strength is withdrawn from the sensory-motor apparatus of the brain and from the muscles and nerves and is concentrated in the faculties of the subconscious mind. One cannot go into the sleep state of subconsciousness unless, usually passively, the life force has been switched off from the conscious sensory and motor nervous system; and one cannot go into the superconscious state, transcending the subconsciousness, without consciously switching off the life energy from the senses and muscles. This excerpt is from: The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels by Paramahansa Yogananda © 2007, Self-Realization Fellowship, www.srfbooks.com
When a person makes the effort in meditation to know God, using the sincerity of his heart and deepest feelings, and the intuition of his soul, and all the powers of concentration of his mind, and all his interiorized life energy, or strength, he will surely succeed. That system of spiritual culture whereby one learns to love God with all your heart is known in India as Bhakti Yoga union with God through unconditional love and devotion. The bhakta realizes that whatever is in a person s heart, that is where his concentration is on the thing he loves. As the lover s heart is on the beloved and the drunkard s is on his drink, so the devotee s heart is continuously absorbed in love for his Divine Beloved. To love God with all your mind means with focused concentration. India has specialized in the science of concentrating the mind one-pointedly through definite techniques, so that during the time of worship the devotee is able to keep his whole attention on God. If while offering prayerful devotions the mind is constantly flitting to thoughts of work or food or bodily sensations or other diversions, that is not loving God with all the mind. The Bible teaches: Pray without ceasing ; India s yoga science gives the actual methodology to worship God with that fully concentrated mind. To love God with all your soul means to enter the state of superconscious ecstasy, direct perception of the soul and its oneness with God. When no thoughts cross the mind, but there is a conscious all-knowingness, when one knows through intuitive realization that he can do anything just by so ordering it, then one is in the expanded state of superconsciousness. It is the realization of the soul as the reflection of God, the soul s connection with the consciousness of God. It is a state of exceeding joy: the soul s crystalline perception of the omnipresent Spirit reflected as the joy
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Fire Up Your Passion Eclipses 2008 8 0 t 0 a 2 uary 6, h the sun and moonand r b e F e s lip wit ign Solar Ecew moon in Seattlequarius is an airivsidual so A n d . t the in gly high7:44pm es of Aquarius , not jus n e 18 Degr good of the all eration are stro Node in e rth p o o th o N t c u e d th abo ation an 18 months with for the world to ic n u m m o t d co ex what we ver the n lighted o as we are asked ce. la s, Aquariu planet a better p g the is th is blockin and e k it d ma n a e ls s lar eclip ds at too is is a so to look backwar trograde with th r e b m you Reme cury re more powallowing ries Mer now and This eclipse car wing us another isdom of o w . abilities n of Aquarius all ise and ancient w ig s e it in the gy to access th r erful ene hiron, .. ls u o ptune , C ithin s e N our , ta s are all w node, Ve e North e sun and moon nd where is th te a d th On this etrograde and rius. A g to be a r in Aqua in Mercury s of each other rt? THIS is go shifts in e a ge e h r u c g h e t th d c e 10 expe ur bir o d y n a in s t. (see th a s Aquariu hange, new ide et with this shif e end of c th n place of ness on the pla s and planets at s u id o io r c cons e aste s of thes function ) e all that le nd becom e world a this artic te la p e th p up to th ment of me to ste and the better the better. ti w o n or It is self for your ies for Change f you are g r e n e these and use
There are 2 types of eclipses - Lunar and Solar. Always occurring within 2 weeks of each other and happening twice each year, I believe that knowing where these eclipses will happen in our birth chart is one of the greatest tools we can use. Knowing that, for a few weeks each year, we are highly activated in a certain part of our astrology chart can give us a heads up on timing and much more.
just look at these eclipse dates as doors opening (Lunar eclipse) into the Now and Solar eclipse (into the past) In order for us to learn - choosing not to roll around in what if s and should have beens. First, lets look at a Lunar eclipse. For many of us the full moon is a time to think of romance, love and yearn for far off places. This energy of the Full moon Lunar eclipse happens 2 times per year with a bang as the earth delivers us a full moon lunar eclipse. Eclipses eclipse the energy (planet and sign) they are using. As in a lunar eclipse we are allowed to eclipse the past, (the moon) to block the energy of the past and with the energy of a full moon release the past and move forward into a brave new world. Astronomy wise the Lunar eclipse can only occur at the full Moon as the moon passes through some portion of the Shadow of Planet earth. We have the earth blocking the sun s rays from reaching the moon So as Mother Earth creates a Shadow that the moon can pass through we have a lunar eclipse. These eclipses can be partial or total depending on longititude and latitude and what part of the world you are residing in and experiencing the eclipse. Eclipses are the wild card, they were the portents or omens of what the future would hold In olden times as Kings and Princes consulted astrologers for the omens of the eclipse patterns. Countries rose and fell, wars were fought and much more on the omens which were predicted from eclipse patterns. In your life I can tell you that where the Lunar eclipses happen you have the opportunity to move forward and eclipse that past if you choose. Lunar eclipses allow us to clearly see what is going on right now and oftentimes allow us to make decisions from that clear vision.
Eclipses often reverberate for at least 6 months and throughout the next year. Eclipse spots really are powerful houses or areas of change for yourself. The General rule is no surgery or major events for a week before and a week after an eclipse. If you cannot avoid this 2 week Window. Please try and avoid a day or 2 before or after the eclipse for anything major like surgery or signing contracts. Remember, NO FEAR. It is just that the universe is not behaving normally. People may have problems sleeping and things may not go as smoothly as we might like..as we are eclipsing energy which normally flows to us in order to create change. Eclipses have happened in clusters of 2 per year for as long as this planet has been here so there is truly nothing to worry about,
Voice of Choices February 2008
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Lunar Eclipse Full moon February 20, 2008 7:30pm in Seattle. With the Sun at 2 degrees of Pisces and the Moon at 2 degrees of Virgo we balance intuition, faith and trust with the facts and what is important to US, our values and our sense of service as well as being willing to let go are of paramount importance. Saturn retrograde at 5 degrees of Virgo the planet of accountability allows us to rethink our patterns of organization and time. We are asked to dream the Pisces dream of what is possible with Pallas Athena, Uranus, Vesta, and the Sun in Pisces. And at the same time Balance that dream and vision with Saturn in Virgo asking us to get our acts together and pare down our lives. (remember we are now blocking the past until the next set of eclipses and allowing ourselves for the next 6 months to be fully in the now with the dream of Pisces and the practicality of Virgo)
Solar Eclipses are When the moon (the past) covers more and more of the sun (the now) as it moves across the sun and blocks it from view. Solar eclipses seem to block the now and allow us to process information gleaned from past experiences in order to learn from the past and make new decisions. Solar eclipses are spots in your astrology chart where you are going to be getting a Great deal of Learning. The intention of a SOLAR eclipse is that we look at the past only in order to learn and then move forward with the information and not get caught in the past in any way. Solar eclipses happen at the new moon and often are the most powerful energy of the 2 types of eclipses. On both these eclipses I tell clients what do you want to eclipse in your life? We have an opportunity to magically wipe away certain things and isn t that a gift? Since Eclipses are easily predicted and have been a part of prediction for thousands of years on this planet there are patterns and regularities in all eclipses. The eclipse cycle generally happens in the same sign which contains the North and South nodes and pulls the North node (where we need to be going) and the South node (our past) into the energy of Eclipses.
SOLAR ECLIPSES are NEW MOON days and are highly charged with new beginnings. LUNAR ECLIPSES ARE FULL MOON days and carry the energy of endings andletting go of what we must so at the next new moon we have room and space to bring in more of what we need in our lives Mercury is Communication, Venus is what we love and how, Vesta is sacred commitment, South node is the past, North node is the future, Pluto is transformation, Saturn accountability and time, Neptune Intuition, Chiron the wounded healer, Pallas Athena Pure intellect and Uranus Change. There are more planets and asteroids and please visit my website at www.carolbarbeau.com for articles and to learn more about Astrology
Solar Eclipse New Moon August 1, 2008 3:13am in Seattle. The sun and moon sitting at 10 Degrees of Leo joining with the South node, Venus, Transpluto all in the sign of Leo in the sky. We are asked, what is your joy, what did you do in the past which if you brought it back would make you happy? Leo is the sign of the ego, (ego is a good thing) Ego allows us to realize that we have gifts, talents and abilities and this New moon asks us to dig deeply into ourselves and find that joy and bring it forward to give to the world This eclipse pushes us very much towards self-discovery and Joy. Lunar Eclipse Full Moon August 16, 2008 2:16pm here in Seattle with the sun at 24 degrees of Leo with the south node and Transpluto in Leo. And the moon at 24 Degrees of Aquarius across the sky sitting with Neptune, The North Node, And Chiron in Aquarius. This Eclipse allows us to see what thoughts and ideas (Aquarius) we need to get rid of (full moon) in order to access that Leo pride and joyfulness and become more truly in alignment with who we are and who we want to be. Joyful energy is part of this eclipse The theme of Leo is You are what you think you are! What do you think you are? and the further theme of these eclipses is you are so much more than you think you are and the Universe is going to open you to that magnificence (Leo energy) and your part is only to shift thinking patterns that are not working for you. (Aquarius) Focus on what you want (Virgo) Be open to dream (Pisces) The themes of 2008 are change, change and help the world. The outer signs are about being part of the whole and We do need to find our passion and our joy (Leo) and do the work (Virgo) to get this happening for ourselves don t we? Expect thinking outside the box to become normal for yourself and those around you and accept that being open to new ideas and philosophies will be a huge part of this time. So Enjoy these eclipses, take some time off to look at what needs to be released in your life at each Lunar eclipse and be open to bring new things in with the Solar eclipses and let s CHANGE THE WORLD In 2008. The sun is the light and now. The moon is the past and emotions,
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Feminine Health Support Your Cycle Kasara D Elene I work with women of all ages on menstrual issues. Unfortunately it is a big problem that is only getting worse because of the typical American diet, and all the toxins it contain. Being a woman, and having overcome many menstrual issues in the past has helped me to help others effectively. Your menstrual cycle is important. Your body has this system for procreation (obviously) and also as a mechanism to eliminate toxins. It is important to keep this system working for you instead of against you. It is the way we were created and as women are lucky we have this extra elimination system to help us flush unwanted material out with our normal cycle flow. If you want to stay young looking, do your best to keep your menstrual cycle flow going as long as possible. My mentor, who is in her 70 s, still has approximately 3 periods a year. I know it is a hassle, but it is a very valuable aging secret. Each woman s cycle can vary from month to month and from the cycles of other women. Typically our cycles are; Day 1 to 6 is when we have our actual menstrual flow (Day 1 being the day our actual period starts). Day 7-14 is when our body is preparing for ovulation. Day 15-16 is when we ovulate Day 17 28 is when our body is preparing for our next menstrual flow. It is important as women to keep track of these cycles to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and also to make sure this important body system is working optimally for us. If your cycle is off, if you have any endometriosis, excessive cramps, bleed excessively, have infertility issues, or if you are experiencing menopause issues, your body is trying to communicate with you. There is something going on internally that needs to be fixed and paying attention to your cycle is a clue to help you know that something is wrong. There are some basic things we recommend for turning many of these issues around. It typically takes 90 days. That doesn t mean you won t see results sooner, but to get your body on the new cycle, it can take 90 days. It can also take longer depending on previous medication, age and other individual factors.
Voice of Choices February 2008
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Just like if you were to start the birth control pill, the recommendation is to use some other form of birth control the first 90 days to because it can take 90 days or 3 period cycles to make sure it is working optimally for you.
Issues to address Emotions As with all illness and imbalances in the body, there are ALWAYS underlying emotional issues. These should at least be acknowledged at some level via a therapist, a book, for example Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman or something that will help utilize emotional energies effectively instead of allowing them to continue to harm their body. This can be a balancing act, because as people use other healing techniques such as diet, and herbs, they hopefully will get more in touch with their bodies. Working through to health by going at this via both ends of the spectrum allows them to address the underlying issues more completely which can help them more in the long run. I encourage you to delve into this area as it will benefit you in more ways than just this one in the long term.
As with all illness and imbalances in the body there are always underlying emotional issues. These should at least be acknowledged at some level. Bowels If your bowels are not moving, it is like a trash can in your home that no one empties. This attracts organisms such as parasites, fungus, virus and bacteria, all of which can affect how your menstrual cycle works. Drinking quality water, eating 70% vegetables, fruits, essential fatty acids, magnesium and at least 30-35 milligrams of fiber a day can help to naturally cleanse the bowels. Sometimes women need additional herbs to help or colonics to move the main debris within the colon. But this should not be a constant remedy, but rather they should work the colon muscle so that it is helping them keep their body clean, and not become a home for toxins or unwanted guests. If your colon is working for you, it will help you maintain health, instead of causing illness. Organisms There are all kinds of organisms that can cause problems with our glandular system. Bacteria, virus, fungus and parasite all can cause infections, cysts, tumors and irregularities. These organisms have been around a lot longer than us and are very good at finding homes inside of us. If we keep our mind in a negative state, continue to eat junk, and not take care of ourselves overall, we make a great environment for them to live. Why would they want to leave if they are getting what they want?
Diet Fixing your diet can help your bowels move more effectively, can help to stop feeding organisms, and it can also obviously help your overall health and immune system as well. Pulling out significant amounts of meat, dairy, sugar, wheat and junk food of your diet is a start. These foods are mostly toxic, acidic, and clog up your intestinal tract causing all kinds of health issues, especially menstrual problems. Instead you should be eating mostly vegetables and fruits, whole grains, nuts & seeds, and some organic meats. We have seen so many women change their diets and not only does it help their menstrual issues, but most of the time they lose weight, sleep better and have more energy. Liver If your colon is backed up, or if you are eating poorly, your liver is working over-time to effectively clean your blood. Which is a never ending process with a lot of toxins inside. That means that the hormones that your liver is supposed to be producing for you can be considered a lower priority as the body makes decisions to clean rather than to balance hormones. This is very common with menopause issues. The ovaries start to shut down, then the adrenals are called in to help, and most women are exhausted so their adrenals aren t much help, so then the task falls to the liver, which is already overworked and undernourished. Many times doing liver cleanses in addition to colon cleanses can help clear up many menstrual issues. If other elimination systems are supported and working optimally, such as the kidneys, lymph and lungs this can also help the body take pressure off the liver.
This is a common problem in the US. As reported in Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can t Live Without It by Dr. David Brownstein. Herbs such as Kelp, black walnut and dulse are high in iodine. Many women can benefit from taking an iodine source they get from their naturopathic doctor. Iodine often creates successful results, not only for menstrual issues but of other women s health issues as well. Regardless of what you choose to help yourself with your menstrual issues; know that you always have options and you are the only one that has to live with the results. Kasara D Elene is a licensed traditional naturopath and president of TruHealth Inc. 18003 Bothell-Everett Hwy Ste L, Bothell, Wash., a healthfood store specializing in all-natural products. Visit her website at www.truhealth.com
Excessive bleeding Many women experience excessive bleeding. In each case I ve worked with there was another elimination system that was not being optimally supported. It is different for each person, and what I ve seen has been that when the lymph, kidney and lungs are fully supported and functioning properly the excessive bleeding stops. Diet can help. There are also herbs to take that help stop bleeding; yarrow, shepherd s purse, and capsicum are all herbs that stop bleeding. Some formula s have all of these which help effectively for most women in the meantime till they get the other elimination systems working optimally Herbs There are a plethora of herbs that can help in this area. It is best to work with a trained herbalist to find the best herbs to take for your body and at one time in your cycle. Herbs fall into so many categories, uterine tonics, pelvic decongestants, hormone balancers, antispasmodics, estrogenic herbs, progesterone balancers, astringents, and so on. Knowing what to take at specific times in your cycle can give you the best results. Cramps There are many herbs that can help with cramps. Herbs called antispasmodics relieve cramping. They include Cramp Bark, Magnesium, Red Raspberry, kava kava, hops and lavender oil topically are the most popular. Also eating 1 Tbsp of chia seeds daily has helped many women eliminate cramps. Most likely because of the fiber, the omega s and sugar balancing properties they have. Chia seeds are also beneficial for helping to regulate menstrual cycles in most women that are still having periods. Iodine Many women with menstrual issues are also deficient in iodine.
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Voice of Choices February 2008
The Blessings of Love Walks With Thunder
good. Don t we all wish we could have that sort of a problem? My answer: Another blessing to feel worthy and have the spirits that love them help them make good decisions that allow them to be together in a good way. It s good to be Shaman.
I love this time of year Love is in the air. It s own magic indeed. Valentine s Day is a happy day for some. Those who are in love (or think they are) celebrate this day. Those of us that want to be in love or who ve just come out of a relationship maybe wish we were (in love) and feel just a little left out.
So magic isn t limited to Love Potion #9 or my own brand of what I call being a good asker Those darn Fairies are at it again. I ve been seeing so many more of them lately that I wonder at my own darn self While I walk my Dis Dog, they flash, glow, and sometimes sparkle at us. I Suppose it s a big energy build up for this coming year.
I met a wonderful person two months ago. This Kabala Kutie wanted my help changing the way men viewed her. Despite her natural sweetness, no one asked her to dance at her dance class. Even worse, no one asked her out. Every now and then I see a situation where logic and reason just don t make sense OK, way more than every now and then. This young lady is very cute and visually appealing in a sweet sort of way- in my expert opinion. Still, I gave her a blessing to have many dance partners and advised her to make a list (and check it more than twice) for what she wanted in a lover/partner- keeping in mind that she should raise the bar on her relationships. Actually, let me be perfectly honest here. I told her she should shoot for the stars and if she only hit the mountain tops it s still a long way from the subterranean area where she found her last partner. We set a time limit of 5 months.
Validation that it s not just me, my pal and colleague Terri Clement, a gifted tarot reader, has also noticed an increase in Fairy Energy. Usually Terri doesn t see Fairies in the classic Disney kind of way, but she recently had an encounter with a new Fairy. Seems she picked up this Tinkerbelle-like Fairy at her sister s house in December and when Terri noticed someone touching her eyelashes, she asked the Fairy her name. Voila- Kaeleen. Perhaps it s the blessing I gave her to see them and talk to them more clearly... Or maybe it s just her natural talent coming through with a new boost. Stranger things have happened. Seems Kaeleen was also very happy to see that more people are interested in the Fairy realm these days Could there be a Love-Fairy connection going on here? Is that why the energy has been building all these months?
Much to my surprise and delight, she contacted me two months later to say that the blessing I gave her is working amazingly well! She got dance partners right away and five weeks later met a man that makes her life so happy that as she put it It s like that song on your phone (Everything by Michael Buble)! I wanted someone to love me like that and he does! Back to Kutie. Since that was going so well, I had to wonder what she needed to see me about now. Ah yes- she was having feelings that this was too good to be true and that they might not deserve each other (i.e., it might not last). She had been in a relationship that did not meet her needs and now that she found herself in a relationship that did it was a bit too
I wonder why anyone would anyone settle for less than what they want and deserve? This problem is epic (no poetic pun intended). A friend of mine was recently reading Eat Pray Love where Elizabeth Gilbert explained it this way: I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man, rather than with the man himself, and then I have hung on to the relationship for a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times in romance I have been a victim of my own optimism. That s what I call settling. Watch out for that- especially this month when some are so desperate to be in love. Me? I want the song. I want everything. Someone who s my spiritual and intellectual equal, a good communicator that can listen well too, beautiful and sweet-natured, even-tempered with good humor (like mine, of course), a talented and committed professional, and a great parent who can also be my lover and best friend- the ultimate partner in all things big and small. Sounds impossible? Not so much. And I guarantee there is match for the kind of love you want out there just waiting for you find them. It s not as hard as you may think when you re clear about what you want. Now I do have some experience with this, so when I say you can have it all I mean it. Here s how you ask: Step One: Define what you want in your life partner or lover. Step Two: Ask. Ask for them to come in a good and gentle way and ask the spirits to give you what you need (and should have asked for but didn t) and set a time limit for this to happen. Step Three: Forget about it. Put a note on the calendar so you check-in with yourself next month and let things move along as they should. Sometimes the spirits will just attract the right person to you. It s not something you have to work for to earn or a blessing you have to ask for- It s a gift.
Voice of Choices February 2008
I love getting a gift from the universe! Some of us have had that one relationship that is the measure for all others Be it a fairytale dream or an actual faulty memory, doesn t matter. It s still the measure we use and we have the ability to power what we want with our free will and intent. Continued bottom next page page 14
Even as we watch energy medicine making its way into integrative medicine clinics and teaching hospitals, it is becoming a part of a new paradigm based on the premise of achieving wholeness. My sense is that the younger physicians entering medicine will have already been exposed to the alternative and complementary approaches through both their cultural experiences, perhaps their individual exploration, and in certain cases, through medical school teaching programs. These doctors will clearly be more open towards energetic approaches then those who ve come before.
Energy Healing is one of the fastest growing fields of study in alternative healthcare. Both scientific research and anecdotal accounts tell us that the gentle giant we know as energy medicine has potential in every aspect of our being- from fighting addictions to healing trauma to balancing emotions and spirit. It can create structural change, and it can heal the oldest of psychic wounds. It gives only what you need, and its lessons can last a lifetime.
Gloria Two-Feathers, Founder and Director of Earth Walk School of Energy Healing will be presenting free Interactive Lectures and an Introductory Workshops on Energy Healing throughout Feb. Please see ad in Calendar section for details. www.EarthWalkSchool.com email gloria@earthwalkschool.com
Gloria Two-Feathers
a He nd al Ho th l F ai s t i ir c s
Growing Alternative Healthcare Field
Dr Gustafson in her Georgia clinic said, Were I to measure it from the request, reactions, and healing of my patients, I would say that nothing can stop it.
Energy Healing
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Dr Brain Dailey at Rochester General Hospital in New York says, I can t keep up with the demand. Dailey has incorporated energy medicine into his practice, especially in the emergency room, as well as with cancer and hospice patients. Aromatherapy, sound, and hands on energy healing as well as guided imagery are just some of the tools he makes available to his patients. Daily says the hunger for energy medicine is phenomenal . He optimistically believes the battles to bring energy medicine into traditional medical paradigm has already been won. We are doing it now, he says. In addition to quietly making its way into a variety of health settings like spas and hospitals, energy medicine has benefited from the endorsement of professional athletes who have opened a door of acceptance. The use of energy medicine in the athletic community is really proving how valuable it is. Lance Armstrong has no problem sharing the fact that his chiropractor/trainer uses energy therapies for treating him and the rest of the team. Who was it that said - If we think it s impossible, it is. And whether we think we can or not- we re right. ?I d add that if we don t think we deserve any better, we re right again. Guess I ve gone and outed myself. Who would ve thought it an old curmudgeon like me is a romantic? Might as well spill all the beans while I m at it. Call it romanticism, occupational hazard, or perk but I believe being a non-traditional Shaman gives me the license to tell folks I love them any day of the year. And (hold your breath on this one ) It s OK. Add to that- I think flowers are for any time, just because you re special. And yes it s true, I give loved ones I m happy to see you presents even if it s not their birthday or a holiday. I guess I believe in spreading magic. May love, fairies, and magic surround you And may Cupid along with all the angels and spirits bless you with all that you need and more than what you ask for. Walks With Thunder www.walkswiththunder.com
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Voice of Choices February 2008
On top of this Mercury is retrograde until the 18th in Aquarius bringing back the past and allowing us to revisit some things in our lives. On the 18th when Mercury moves direct you will more clearly see what there is to be revealed in your life and on the public scene. Happy February 2008 Happy birthday Aquarius and Pisces Sun Signs. February was named from the Latin word Februare, a word that the Latin s borrowed from the Sabines and it means TO PURIFY Mercury retrograde, Eclipses, and MORE will help us with the purification process this month as we move into a number 3 month of learning s. The energy in the sky surely is on top of this task as it helps us with that task of getting up off our Fannies and getting moving. We roll into this month with 6 major planetary players in the innovative and inventive Air sign of Aquarius. AND change is in the air, water and in our minds very strongly right now isn t it? Colors for February are traditionally Silvers and blues for cleansing and clearing. Flowers are Snowdrops and wood anemone. Stones held sacred in ancient times were the Peridot and coral. January 20th 2004 to Feb 18th is the rest and Cleansing Moon, Aquarius; people born under this moon are Otter people. Their plant is the quaking aspen tree, their color is silver and their mineral is silver and amethyst. Their elemental clan is the butterfly clan . During this time it is said that a silver cord that holds our souls to our body in energized during this time. Using silver, water, candles and anything, which aids your own internal perception and will help your emotions to flow properly works well during this time. Generating new ideas and looking at what has worked, and what is not working in our lives is our task for right now.. With the sun in the sign of Aquarius until the 18th we are asked to ponder deeply the meaning of life and create new visions of ourselves and how we connect to others. February 2nd I shall predict that the Groundhog will not see his shadow and we have a bit more of the winter energy coming for us. We have very powerful wishing Dark of the moon days this month on the 3rd, 4th and 5th before that 6th New moon Solar Eclipse. Use these days to plan, to build and to look at what projects you wish to create. Pluto is now in the sign of Capricorn and with the moon in Capricorn on the 3rd and 4th we have a powerful creation opening to build and the 5th brings in Aquarius energy so that we can tweak our plans and find new solutions to old problems. There has been nothing like this for 260 years. February 6th we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for this is A mans secret motives are being publically unmasked Quite an interesting eclipse degree for an election isn t it? Solar eclipses allow the past to flow forward so expect some fireworks around this time with all these planets in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. Remember New moons are Growth and seed planting times and this New moon eclipse is going to shift many of our ideas.
Voice of Choices February 2008
February 7th we enter the Chinese New year of the Earth Rat. Earth Rat years are years when we need to work at what we wish to grow. This will be a year when many of you will get married, get new jobs, launch a product or project. Rat years are not speedy growth years, but anything you are willing to put time and energy into will grow. Patience is the theme of Earth Rat years and with A GRAND TRINE OF planets in Earth energy this year seems to continue that theme of Earth building and growth. Slow and steady wins the race. Earth energy in American Indian tradition is TURTLE energy. On the 18th when the Sun enters the watery and psychic land of Pisces.. Those visions become much more real, and the ability to touch, smell, feel and really connect with more than you could dream possible becomes stronger. This energy will work in relationships, business and your inner world. Since Mercury in the air sign of Aquarius which is quite innovate moves direct on this day also expect that you will really feel a significant shift in your energy and perhaps some blockages to dissolve now. Saturn which is accountability in the Analytical sign of Virgo is retrograde all month asking us to reprocess the details to find out what is working and what needs to be eliminated. Elimination and paring down our life is the theme of this time February 19th through March 18th is the Big Winds moon. (Pisces) Water element. People born during this time are Cougar people. Their plant is the plantain, their color is blue-green, mineral is turquoise and elemental clan is Frog Clan. February 20th we have a full moon lunar eclipse which is now showing us where we are and where we need to move forward. This Eclipse carries the strong energy of allowing us to let go of the past if we utilize it. The eclipse has the sun at 2 degrees of Pisces and the moon at 2 Virgo. the energy of this Full moon with the sun in Pisces asking us to realize we are all truly one, and the moon in Virgo asking us to look practically at our next step. With Saturn retrograde here in Virgo also the energy of accountability and looking at the expenditures of our time and energy seem very powerful. IF it does not work and has not worked, you will find this eclipse will gently and easily allow you to let it go and move on. Perhaps the hardest thing to do during this time will be to stay in the box, Hold onto the status quo and Not move forward. And for many of us, we just could possibly realize that there never was a box, that it was all in our heads and it disappears when we change our thinking and that Unlimited Possibilities are here as old structures disappear and we begin to create our Own lives, our own way. Namaste, Carol Barbeau Contact carol for her free daily astrology online, at www.carolbarbeau.com carolastro@carolbarbeau.com
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Amy Elkins
Soul Retrieval: Taking Back Your Life
Soul retrieval is an ancient art, based on the concept of soul loss as a cause of sickness and unhappiness. The belief is that parts of ourselves sometimes split off during traumas such as accidents, loss, or injury, and become stuck in time and space. Those parts can be retrieved and reintegrating, allowing for us to have greater energy, wholeness, and wellness return to our lives. Soul parts can also get split off and stuck in the past with people in our lives who are trying to control us, consciously or unconsciouly, and these too can be retrieved with a little negotiating.
After the healing, my client s shoulder stops hurting, she is smiling like a little kid, and she has an uncontrollable urge to let her arms float up beside her body and over her head. She asks me why.
Sound like science fiction? Many of us have left bits of ourselves behind; at graveyards, in hospitals, accidents, with exes after breakups, with parents we spent a lifetime trying to please and then tried to please after their death. We abandon our goals in the name of practicality and a piece of ourself is still back there in time and space, asking for that career or work we abandoned. We bury a parent, partner or child and a piece of us is These parts which are split off can still standing by the grave feeling we can t look like parts of our bodies, orgo on without them. We experience a trauPick an age or event, and picture yourself gans or limbs, or they can look like matic event and a piece of ourself splits off at that age. younger aspects of ourselves, and won t come back into our body for fear complete with voices and personTell the you of that age that it is safe to of being hurt again. My job is to fetch these alities, or they can look like come back now. parts, negotiate with them, cajole heal and bundles of light energy. Tell him/her you are sorry she was hurt, comfort them, tell them it s safe to come back, neglected or disappointed. A middle-aged woman comes to and ask them what they need in order to be Tell her how your life is different now and me complaining of a 20 year hisable to stay. What makes my work joyful is tory of migraines. She has tried that you can protect her. getting to watch the change in people s lives everything; diet, acupuncture, when they get more access to their own enInvite her into your heart. naturopathy, homeopathy. I go ergy. Ask her what she wants to do, then do it into meditation and see a black (within reason). There are things you can do to engage in cord from her throat chakra into If you feel a partner or parent has pieces of this process without getting a formal soul the earth. Under the earth is a blue you, visualize going to them and asking for retrieval from someone else. You know box locked up tight, held onto by them back. Don t do this in anger, but in what circumstances or events separated you her mother. I ask the box what it strength. Offer them a ball of light in from your power. Pick one age or event, and contains. Her childhood hopes picture yourself at that age. Tell the you of exchange. and dreams . It is obvious that the that age that it is safe to come back now. Tell Watch your life change in unexpected ways. mother is keeping these closed to him/her you are sorry she was hurt, neglected her, and also obvious hwere the or disappointed. Tell her how your life is difheadaches and lack of will to carry ferent now and that you can protect her. Inout her vision of artwork comes from.` vite her into your heart. Ask her what she wants to do, then do I ask the mother for the box, after cutting and burning the cord. I it(within reason). If you feel a partner or parent has pieces of you, make a ball of light to hand the mother in exchange; I tell her that visualize going to them and asking for them back. Don t do this in her daughter has given her enough. I tell her that she has grand- anger, but in strength. Offer them a ball of light in exchange. Watch children if she needs to feel she s accomplished something. She your life change in unexpected ways. lets go of the box. I open it, take the energy of hopes and dreams inside and deliver it to my client s higher self to use as it sees fit. Usually the split-off pieces are chatty. Dialogue with them. They often want to play. Or draw. Or write. Or make money. Whatever On the way home, my client buys herself a new sketchpad, after they were originally denied. They always want to be heard. They not having drawn for several years. A few months later, I run into may want you to promise to stay away from a perpetrator or diffiher, and she has not had a migraine since, although they were cult ex or parent. If it is possible, do it. monthly, and she is excited about drawing again. She is trying to I do this work because I have to and because I love it. I encourage convince someone else with migraines to come see me. you to explore these things in your own meditation, or to contact a Another woman askes for a soul retrieval. She tells me her shoul- practitioner if that is more comfortable for you. The healing exder and neck hurt constantly, and ask me if that s related. I tell her tends across generations and throughout families, whether you I have no idea. On my journey, I see her as a young woman are separated from that family or not, whether the people who you kneeling in front of her mother, while her mother holds her tightly, left your parts with are living or dead. pinning her arms to her side. Her animal guide tells me not to Amy Elkins is an LMP, Reiki Master, clairvoyant, and trance medium. She negotiate with this mother, that he will knock her over and I should has trained with teachers in the Bay Area and Seattle, most recently learning take the soul part and run. So I do, again doing some healing on soul retrieval from spirit and from Joan Casey, among others. She gives that piece and blowing it into the client s body this time with healings, teaches psychic development, and does massage in West Seattle. and can be contacted at amystt5@aol.com or 206-933-0407. drumming, rattling, and smudging.
Voice of Choices February 2008
Voice of Choices February 2008
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Venus Moon Jeannie K. Keyes is Creating Community in Renton It s been quite a journey for Jeannie Keyes. Her tiny little hole in the wall shop in Renton was barely big enough to showcase the variety of items and services she wanted to provide. When the seed is planted, and the prayer sent out there is a response from the cosmos. The New Venus Moon - located at 226 Main Ave S in Renton is truly the answer to that prayer. With at least four times the space, Venus Moon now has room to grow into a full service center. Relaxing meditation area, a Tea Room, space available for readers, massage therapists and energy workers all are becoming a reality as the spirit of Venus Moon expands to serve more purposes. The feeling as I walked into the shop was delightful. An open air spaciousness complete with private areas inviting healing, relaxation and peace of mind. Beautiful gifts for the Love of Your Life ... and those you love. The book nook not only offers variety in reading materials, it provides a comfortable space to preview your purchase and know that the wisdom within is what you are looking for. Plans for the tea room are in process, and there s a great spot in front of the shop with table and chairs for the warmer days to come. Classes, workshops, readings, healing sessions - what more could you ask for? And there is no sweeter soul than Jeannie to steward your journey. You can contact her at 425-271-3373 for more information. If you re looking for a location with space to offer your services give her a call - she s looking for you too.
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Learning, Sharing and Growth Fine Tuning Your Focus for The Dating Game It s Friday. You have a 7 p.m. date scheduled with someone you ve had your eye on for a while he s smart, good-looking, and funny. Just for kicks you visit a fortuneteller for the inside scoop on your future with this guy. At first, the seer s words lull you into what feels like eternal bliss: this date has great potential. But she doesn t stop there, and your steadily growing excitement is suddenly crushed like that scary bug you saw on the bathroom floor the night before. Apparently, after two years of relationship paradise, something will shift. Eventually, you will go your separate ways. Your once fluttering heart drops like a stone through your body. Unfortunately for many singles, if someone could give us a damage/risk assessment for every possible date, we d probably choose to remain at home alone in front of the TV instead of going out with anyone. Lurking behind the innocent question Do you want to go for coffee? lies the hope that this date will turn out to be a soul mate, that you will be compatible, and that you will build a future together.
Dating has spiritual value
Our culture s obsession with marriage only furthers the idea that dating should be for the sake of marriage. This view of dating can easily make us forget that dating has spiritual value in and of itself. We need to stop focusing on its potential for marriage and accept its temporary nature. Dating can help us to grow spiritually if we allow it to. While it is not quite friendship and not quite marriage, dating shares similar qualities with both types of relationships. Through all of these relationships we learn about other people, and in turn about ourselves, who we are, what we like and dislike, and what it means to be in a good or not-so-good relationship. The spark of intimacy that turns a dinner with a friend into a date is the same spark that holds the seeds of spiritual possibility.
Divine Intimacy
Countless theologians and spiritual figures understand setting out on a spiritual path as waking up to the possibility of divine intimacy, an experience sparked in much the same way our inter-
Voice of Choices February 2008
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est in dating another person begins. Upon discovering God, Methodism founder John Wesley described his heart as strangely warmed, Catholic theologian Bernard Lonergan talked of suddenly falling in love and seeing the world anew, and the Persian poet Kahlil Gibran, urges that when love beckons to you, follow him. Hafiz, the fourteenth-century Sufi master and poet, described loving God as if a game of tag. In playing, God flirtatiously tags us as It. As with divine love, going out on a date is like an invitation to mystery As with divine love, going out on a date is like an invitation to mystery: the mystery being both the other person, as well as the depths within ourselves we have yet to discover. Dating encourages us to take leaps of faith into the unknown, to invest ourselves, even for a short time, in the idea of a relationship, in opening ourselves up to someone new, and in presenting ourselves in our best form. There s no denying that heartbreak is part of the deal, as it is with any relationship marital, friendly, and even divine. No relationship comes with a guarantee, not even a godly one. A broken heart is not an indication that God is punishing us; it is the very human experience of knowing that we have loved, an experience foundational to spiritual growth, one that can lead to a deepening relationship with the divine, and a growing understanding within ourselves of what it means to love another. Forget the need to know the future If we allow it to, dating can encourage self-transcendence, asking of us that we forget the constant need to know the future, encouraging us instead to see another person as an end in themselves. Our contemporary dating sensibilities too often make us forget about the person before us in favor of the aisle we hope to walk down some time in the future. Rather than seeing our date as a person worth at least an hour of conversation, we instead subject them to our respective checklists and interview them as a means to another end: for the job as our future mate, forgetting the tried and true religious teaching of treating someone else as we would wish to be treated, as worthy of an investment of our time. -So, when 7 p.m. rolls around and your date comes by, reconsider your approach to the man or woman knocking on the door. We would do well to take the advice of that fourteenth century Sufi poet, and bask in the idea that at least for the night, we ve been tagged as It. We are free to learn, share, and grow, whether it lasts the evening, or a lifetime. When submitting your articles for consideration please include your name, email address and a phone number in the word document you send to voiceofchoicesnews@yahoo.com
Soul Centered Astrology - Carol Barbeau
Hand Cast Astrology Charts
Relationship - Solar Return - Monthly - Relocation - ChildrenÂ’s Charts Tarot - Runes - Color Therapy - Chakra Work - Numerology
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Voice of Choices February 2008
Gloria Two-Feathers, Founder and Director of EarthWalk School of Energy Healing. Your mind is not confined to your brain. Come stretch your mind and increase your knowledge to create new realities in your life. Stonehouse Bookstore February 1st, 2008 7-8:30pm. Stargazers Bookstore February 15th7-8:30pm. East West Books Seattle February 19 7-8:30pm Free Introductory Workshop. Feel and see what it s like to be a Energy Healer! You will learn to give and receive energy. EarthWalk School of Energy Healing in Woodinville, February 12th, 2008 6-9pm March 11th, 2008 6-9pm Please call for more information and to register! 425-788-9523 email Gloria@earthwalkschool.com www.earthwalkschool.com
Shinoda Bolen, Ferron, Sobonfu Somé, Nicki Scully, Carolyn Brandy, plus many experiential workshops. Weekend passes or individually priced events. North Seattle Community College. www.womenofwisdom.org
Gnostic Psychology & Meditation
Ongoing transformative classes
The Seattle Gnostic Center 2427 NE 143rd St, North Seattle Information & registration at www.gnosticcenter.com 206-365-0826 All classes offered on donation basis
PSYCHIC SPECTRUM EXPO Feb 22-24 DoubleTree Hilton - Seattle Airport. George Noory, Richard C Hoagland, Dannion Brinkley, Glynis McCants, Jenny Cockell, Dr. James Wanless, Dr. Robin Falkov and Michael Tsarion...... -51 free lectures, vendors and more! www. psychicspectrum.com 253-941-3355 BEPC SPRING EXPO MARCH 29
Mark your calendar - Reserve your booth space. Boeing Employees Parapsychology Fair - Free admission - Dynamic speakers, Alternative Healing Therapists, Psychic Readers, Metaphysical Arts and Crafts, Door Prizes! www.bepcweb.org/expos.htm 9am - 5pm at Kent Commons - 525- 4th ave N, Kent WA 98032
i i a Haw
Island, Hawaii. 11 International Speakers, Keynote Banquet, Music, Guided Meditations & More. Contact: 808 323 3400. Website: www.EarthTransformation.com
CLASSES & WORKSHOPS MAGICK 101 -15 WK COMPREHENSIVE CLASS- Intro to Alchemy - Aquarian Taber-
nacle Church classes - All starting soon at Moonflower Magicks - 1618 Hewitt, Everett, WA .Call 425-259-6010 to sign up and get more details.Join the Everett Pagan Meet-up group 1 Fri per month.
and inspire others through serious play with Tarot cards. Learn about the various systems and uses of Tarot, and develop trust in yourself and your own wisdom.Info: www.mycreativetherapy.com inquire @mycreativetherapy.com 206.229.6300. 2/8
Fairs: Bellingham March 2 and Everett March 30. To participate: please visit http://friends andfellowship.byregion.net for information and then call Frances at 206-679-0316.
Voice of Choices February
page 22
heart-connecting power of group meditation via telephone from the comfort of your own home. Direct the energy of soul-clearing transmissions to heal yourself, others and the planet. www.TeleMeditation Retreats.com 1-800-617-6314.
PSYCHIC & HOLISTIC HEALTH FAIRS Free admission 10-5pm. KENT: First Sat.
monthly New Woman Books 213 W. Meeker St. MILL CREEK - BOTHELL 2nd Sat monthly at Grange Hall corner of 35th Ave. SE & Seattle Hill Rd. From 1-5 head east on 164th St. SW follow til it crosses 35th. BEL-REDOVERLAKE 3rd Sat. monthly. Maitreya Education Foundation 2260 152nd Ave. NE. Redmond 98052Call 425-562-4777 for more information or directions.
CREATIVE EXPRESSION CIRCLES. Express yourself! Explore your experience of yourself and the world through spontaneous art, writing, drama, and meditation activities. Appreciate your journey and your many voices in a fun and supportive space. Info: w w w. m y c r e a t i v e t h e r a p y. c o m i n q u i r e @ mycreativetherapy.com 206.229.6300. 2/8
SERVICES & PRODUCTS THE UNDEFENDED HEART IN LOVE & LIFE - Low Libido, difficult childhood, doubt, conflict hurting your relation-ship(s), dating, self-esteem? Counseling, Insight, Support and Solutions with ALEXANDRIA O SHEA, MA, LMHC. 20 years experience; insurance - out of network; Seattle office; and long distance telephone session Individuals, Couples, Women s Group. For a therapist you can trust, call 206-729-7284.
Classified & Calendar Ad Listings $20 for 30 words Pay for 3 months receive an extra month FREE! 1-877-236-4080 info@voiceofchoices.org
WESTWOOD HEALING ARTS provides clairvoyant reading and healing, trance mediumship, soul retrieval, therapeutic massage, and Reiki. With compassion, tact, skill, caring and directness. Most services $60/hr. Amy Elkins, LMP 206-933-0407
in the new paradigm. Take advantage of this powerful energy by learning how to live a soul centered life. I would love to guide you in this process. Call Alana Kay, Spiritual Intuitive Teacher 808-276-9407. Visit www.Nahokulani.com for info on private spa tours on Maui. Accepting all major credit cards.
Homeopathic Pharmacy : single remedies and kits, Gurudas flower and gem remedies, Chakra Balancing Tools, Ayurvedic sprays and oils, medicinal teas www.iandeorganic.com 619-501-7968
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Alternative Health Fairs. Great opportunity to network and show your Products and Services to the Public. Call Lori at 425-562-4777
ON WINGS OF LIGHT ~ Shamanic, Medicine Wheel, Earth based Spirituality. Drumming, Journey Circles, Vision Quests, Weekend Encampments, Soul Retrievals, Healing & Rituals. Please visit our Trading Post for your supplies and gifts. www.onwingsoflight.com email Tana Hamiter info@onwings oflight.com 360-856-1428 (78))
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OPPORTUNITY! Assist with Voice of Choices distribution in the Tacoma. Internet access, reliable transportation and comittment to monthly delivery required. Earn advertising credit to promote your business. 206-715-2824 1-877-236-4080
PUBLICATIONS NEW SPIRIT JOURNAL: A COMMUNITY publication for people interested in self empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful earth stewardship. Free at selected locations in the Puget Sound area. Writer s guidelines and advertising rates available at www.new spirit journal.com. Published by Krysta Gibson, founder and former publisher of The New Times newspaper. 425-356-7237.
NEEDING A READING? PSYCHIC READINGS from master fortune teller, The ILLUMINATED MESSAGES FROM ASPalmistry Lady . Specializing in Eastern & CENDED MASTER SANANDA available Western methods of palmistry, numerology, and tarot. $2.00 per minute. Visa/MC accepted. 360-799-2420 www.thepalmistrylady.com
through the channel Karen Lee. Readings $45, group channeling in the Phoenix area $20 individualdonation. www.connecting2thedivine. com or call 480 -219-9286
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Voice of Choices February 2008