5 minute read
Faith Walk: The Physician's Touch
Every word that God speaks can sustain us beyond measure. In 2015, I went for what seemed to be a routine woman's wellness exam when suddenly, the doctor handed me a series of alarming reports. The doctor ordered further testing to rule out cancer of the cervix.
Waiting a couple of weeks for a biopsy test result to come back is like waiting for an eternity. The feeling you get when you are in an unknown zone is indescribable. It didn't help that I began having excruciating abdominal pains that came out of nowhere a day later. Since I could barely hold any food down, I immediately watched my weight plummet rapidly.
Being a woman of prayer, I asked the Lord what was going on. Then, amid the bombardment of the voice of the enemy telling me how I was on my way to dying, I heard a whisper of the Holy Spirit say, “I am with you, do not fear.” In my mind, I almost replied, “Do not fear? That’s easy for you to say, Lord.” But I knew better, and I chose to believe.
Several doctor visits and more tests later, no one could figure out what was wrong. I had already lost over 35 pounds within a few short weeks. On one of those days, after leading my weekly payer call, I crawled into bed with barely any energy left, not sure how I had made it through.
I glanced at my Bible on my bedstand and felt compelled to read a scripture. I opened to Jeremiah 30:17 (NLT) I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the Lord. For you are called an outcast, Jerusalem for whom no one cares. There it was, it stood out to me, my promise.
“I believe, I believe; I receive Lord, it's for me,” I cried out. That was my medicine, and I held on to it for dear life. I must have declared that promise a thousand times.
Any time we read the Word, it builds our faith and gives us life and healing. However, once you believe and stand on God's Word, don't be surprised if everything in your life stands opposite and contrary to this truth. Your finances may not be where they need to be; the kids may be sick here and there, and your relationship is in dire need of being rescued from the brink of disaster. Yet God says His Word is sure, and He honors His Word above His very name.
I have often asked myself what causes me to come back time and time again to God's Word, even during terrible circumstances. It's a conscious choice we make daily to walk by faith and never to look back at what seems like a defeat, but look forward to better, bigger, and more exceedingly. If God never fails and we truly believe He doesn't, then the only other option is to know that our situations cannot win.
Each day as I confessed the Word over my life, I began seeing a few changes for the better. I would love to say that it was instant, but in this case, it was a journey. I will never forget the turning point, though. It was when the phone rang from the doctor's office, and what a relief when I heard my biopsy came back negative for cancer. I didn't have to go through a hysterectomy after all. All glory to God.
Still holding on to God's Word and prayers, I began making dietary changes. After two years of the ordeal of abdominal pain and having lost over 65 pounds,
I was completely delivered, and my health restored to the glory of God; hallelujah! As you trust and take the Father at His Word, no matter the diagnosis or circumstance or length of the illness, God's life-giving Word has the power to heal and deliver you. Whichever way God chooses to work, know that the Great Physician – Jesus! – will bring you through all challenges. You will smile, laugh, and testify, for you are an overcomer through Christ Jesus. Only faith in His Word can empower you to live again.
Dr. Chidi Kalu has taught in the areas of Management, Customer Service and Leadership Development for many years. Also, the Founder of Women of Distinction and God's VIP Inc. On a regular basis, she delivers a message of encouragement, hope, love and faith by empowering and equipping women of all walks of life to a new and powerful beginning after a significant life event. As a prolific speaker, Chidi ministers to the secular and non-secular world with a strong cutting-edge word. She is an Author, Empowerment Coach and Corporate Trainer and committed to the ministry of the Gospel with a heart and passion to see all of God's children live a fulfilling life centered on Jesus Christ. She currently serves as a leader and consultant to her local church in Atlanta GA. She is a leader and board member with Women World Leaders where she loves to pray and encourage Women to live a purposeful life of faith by God's design.