Arts World Clube . March 2021

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Alla Pugacheva Russian singer Alla Pugacheva, in full Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, (born April 15, 1949, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Russian popular singer known for her unique combination of Slavic musical sensibility and Western musical aesthetics. Pugacheva was a student at a music school in Moscow when she launched her popularmusic career in 1965 with “Robot,” a rock song that proved a modest success. Disappointed with similarly styled songs that were written for her, Pugacheva traveled through the Soviet Union in search of a singing style that would both move audiences and make use of her vocal finesse and engaging stage presence. While performing in obscurity over the next decade, she developed a versatile pop style that was coloured by Western influences but quintessentially Slavic in its dramatic and emotional appeal. In 1975 Pugacheva won the grand prize at the Golden Orpheus Song Festival in Bulgaria with her rendition of “Arlekino” ("The Harlequin"). Her performance of the song, which was broadcast on Soviet television and recorded a short time later for Melodiya, the Soviet record monopoly, finally brought her success and public recognition. Thereafter, hit followed hit, her concerts were sellouts, and she rapidly became every Russian’s favourite performer. During the late 1970s and the 1980s, Pugacheva not only performed regularly at European song festivals but also began to appear in films—such as Jenschina, Kotoraya poet (1977;

"The Woman Who Sings") and Prishla i govoryo (1985; "Came to Say")—and television productions throughout Europe. In 1981 she earned a degree from the Lunacharsky State Institute of Theatre Arts (later renamed the Russian University of Theatre Arts), Moscow, and in 1988 she was named artistic director of a Moscow studio theatre, the Theatre of Song. That same year she toured the United States for the first time. Pugacheva was proclaimed National Artist of the U.S.S.R. in 1991 by Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev.

By 1997 Pugacheva had reportedly sold as many as 250 million records, and that year she released a 13-volume set of her recordings titled Kollektsiya ("Collection"). Pugacheva found it difficult to attract an audience for her music outside the Russian-speaking area, however, and after a lukewarm reception at the 1997 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, she began to branch into other, nonmusical artistic activities. She launched a line of clothing and a perfume and developed a collection of footwear, which was received positively by the press and enthusiastically by her legions of Russian-speaking fans. Her subsequent albums include Zhivi spokoyno, strana! (2003; “Live Peacefully, Country!”) and Priglasheniye na zakat (2008; “Invitation to a Sunset”).

Music entered the life of Alla Borisovna before she entered school - in 1954. When Pugacheva was only 5 years old, her mother invited a music teacher to visit her, who discovered the girl's perfect musical abilities. From that day the future People's Artist had piano lessons that lasted 3 hours a day at Moscow music school No. 31. Persistent studies on the musical instrument had borne fruit in few months - five-yearold Alla went to the stage of the column hall of the House of Unions and took part in a large concert of Soviet musicians.

In 1956 Pugacheva went to school. She differed from her classmates by a very wayward character and often received remarks from teachers for bad behavior, but this did not stop the future singer from being almost the best pupil. It was easy and simple for a smart girl to study music. Teachers promised her bright future of the pianist, but Alla Borisovna was sure that she would become a singer.

First songs By the time she finished the eighth grade of the secondary school No. 496, Pugacheva has already graduated from a music school in the piano class. The young singer did not imagine her future life without music, therefore, without hesitation, she entered the music school of Ippolitov-Ivanov for the conductor-choir Faculty. Already in the second year of her studies the future Diva participated in her first tour as a part of the Mosesstrada program.

After the first tour Pugacheva recorded her first song "Robot", which was presented in the program "Good morning". Alla Borisovna's debut was accompanied by great success and she was noticed by musical composers who began to offer collaboration to the singer. Among all proposals Pugacheva chose a little-known at that time composer Vladimir Shainsky. He wrote for her such compositions as "Do not argue with me" and "How I should not fall in love", which received "Songs of the Month" awards and took Alla Borisovna to the first place on the air of the AllUnion Radio.

The next few years, Pugacheva as a part of the "Youth" toured in the Far North and the Arctic. She sang "Just really love", "The King, the Flower Girl and the Fool" and "The Only Waltz" before drillers, oil workers and geologists. These tours negatively affected her studies in the music school. Pugacheva didn’t pass final exams, as a result she didn’t get a diploma. As a punishment, the student was sent to work as a music teacher in Moscow school No. 621. After a six-month internship, Alla Borisovna, who was nicknamed "Alka-Krychalka" for her loud voice, managed to pass state exams and to get the diploma of "Choir Conductor". Having received the diploma, Pugacheva didn’t want to become a conductor of the choir - she got a job as a singer in a circus. She toured in villages, entertaining local workers with circus and musical numbers. In 1969 the singer left the circus and tried herself as a singer of the musical group "New Electron". In 1.5 years, Pugacheva moved to the group "Muscovites", and after a while came to the group "Funny Guys". As a part of "Funny Guys" the singer received Grand Prix for the legendary composition "Harlekino" at the festival "Golden Orpheus".

On the wave of success in 1976, Alla Pugacheva attended various international festivals. She visited Cannes music festival MIDEM; GDR, where she took part in many German programs and recorded the first single "Harlekino"; Czechoslovakia, where she was invited as an honorary guest at the festival "Bratislava Lira"; and Poland, where she performed at the concert of the international festival "Sopot-76". The other participants of "Funny guys" didn’t like such a tremendous success of Pugacheva, because they actually became the accompanists of Alla Borisovna. Pavel Slobodkin, the head of the group, also expressed his dissatisfaction on this matter. After their conflict Pugacheva left the group. At the end of 1976, Primadonna finally decided to start her solo career and became a singer of Mosconcert. In the same year for the first time she became a laureate of "Song of the Year-76" and took part in the New Year's concert "Blue Light" with the song "Very Good."

A year later Alla Pugacheva gave a big solo concert in Luzhniki and received an honorary "red line" from Moskontsert, which gave the right to tour with solo concerts not only on the territory of the USSR, but also abroad. In the same period, the singer successfully entered the Soviet cinema - firstly she was invited to the New Year's film "The Irony of Fate" as a singer, and then was offered the main role in the film "The Woman Who Sings". The background music was written by Alla Borisovna.

For the role of Anna Streltsova in "The Woman Who Sings" Pugacheva received the award "Best Actress of the Year", and her free dress, in which the singer appeared on television, became a distinguishing feature of the legendary singer. In 1978 Alla Pugacheva recorded her first solo album "The Mirror of the Soul". Famous composers Alexander Zatsepin, Boris Rachkov and the primadonna under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos worked on this album. Alla Borisovna's debut album became the most sold album on the territory of the whole Union, therefore it was decided to release several export versions of the album in different languages, which brought world success to the singer.

In early 80's Alla Pugacheva released two more albums "Be Beyond a Fuss of Life" and "Something's Still to Come." Then she met Raymond Pauls and Ilya Reznik, who wrote for Alla Borisovna the immortal hits "Maestro", "Delu vremya" and "Millions of scarlet roses". These songs brought tremendous success to Pugacheva – they were sold as mini-album in 6 million copies around the world and gave the singer the status of "soviet superstar". The next decade in Pugacheva's career was associated with music and success. Endless tours around the world, the release of hits "Iceberg", "Without Me", "Two Stars", "Hey, you there on the top" were accompanied by a change in Alla Borisovna's image. Pugacheva began to position herself in the style of a rock singer, who allowed her to shine even in New York's Carnegie Hall.

In 1988 the legend of the Soviet stage decided to found her own "Song Theater", in which she invited all the promising singers. After that she created an annual song festival called "Christmas Songs", where the singers of the Diva could demonstrate their achievements. In December 1991, the day before the collapse of the USSR, Alla Pugacheva was awarded the title People's Artist of the USSR and became the last person in the Union, who received this honorary title. After the country joined the new era, cardinal changes followed in Pugacheva's career. She decided to try herself in business – she launched the brand of footwear, the perfume and the magazine "Alla", edited by the singer.

In 1995 Alla Pugacheva said that she was going on a vacation and invited everyone to take her place on the stage. She recorded the final solo album of her singing career "Do not hurt me, ladies and gentlemen," which included such hits as "Love Like a Dream", "True Colonel" and "Mary." Two years later, the Primadonna decided to return to the stage and participate in the international song contest "Eurovision-97".

The history of getting into the contest is not so simple. Initially, ORT channel chose among all the contenders the sweet-voiced Valeryi Meladze, for whom Alla Borisovna wrote the song "Primadonna". But right before the contest Meladze fell ill, and the channel's management decided to send Alla Pugacheva to the Eurovision Song Contest, where she took 15th place. After participation in Eurovision the singer decided to return to the big stage - she prepared two big solo concerts "Izbrannoe" and "Da!". Then she went on a big tour around the world. Pugacheva gave more than 150 concerts in Russia, CIS countries, as well as in Germany, Israel, Greece, the United States and Britain. In addition to her concert activities, she also revived the project "Christmas Meetings". Having not the easiest life, Alla Borisovna achieved her goal. She is respected, appreciated, imitated. In 2005, she became the organizer of the most popular at that time music festival "Song of the Year" along with Igor Krutoy, as well as no less significant musical show in Jurmala - "New Wave".

In 2007 Pugacheva became artistic director of the radio station "Alla". Alla Borisovna chose the repertoire carefully, and she also hosted the programs on air. In a short time "Alla" radio station became very popular and more than million people listened to it. But after the death of Alexander Varin, the ideological inspirer of the project, Pugacheva did not find a common language with the new leadership of the radio station, and in 2011 “Alla” Radiostation stopped broadcasting. In addition, the Primadonna created her own musical award "The Golden Star of Alla". She allocated 50 thousand dollars from personal funds for the development of the singers and the participants of the 5th season of the "Star Factory". Three new albums were released and. Alla Pugacheva's achievements in the musical field were marked by a number of prestigious awards, among which there is a medal of the Cambridge Center "2000 outstanding musicians of the XX century" and the "Ovation" award in the nomination "The Singer of the Decade".

On March 5, 2009 Alla Pugacheva announced the termination of her tours and went on a farewell tour "Dreams of Love", in which she gave 37 concerts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, the US and 8 other countries. Since that moment, the Diva keeps her word and doesn’t perform on the stage, although she has recorded several new songs. In addition, the singer is a frequent guest on Russian TV - she is looking for talented singers for "New Wave" and "Factor A", participates in many TV projects and hosts the program "Morning Mail" along with Maxim Galkin. In 2014 Alla Pugacheva took part in the show "Toch-v-Toch" as a judge, and in early 2015 she opened a children's center "Family club", which includes a trilingual kindergarten, a children's development group, a school for pregnant women and a professional school of children creative development. The Primadonna is not only the organizer and artistic director of the center, but also its teacher.

After leaving the big stage, Alla Pugacheva became interested in politics. In 2005 she joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation as a representative of all -Russian associations. The Primadonna also received membership in the Commission of Social Development, but in two years she visited only few meetings.

n 2011, the "Queen of the stage" noticed the party "Right cause" (the leader of the party businessman Mikhail Prokhorov). She saw in him a man who is really ready and can do a lot of useful things for the country. But after Prokhorov's dismissal from the post of the party leader Pugacheva also left it. In 2012, Alla Pugacheva became a member of the civil committee of the party "Civil Platform". Mikhail Prokhorov was also a member of the party. Three years later, the legend of Russian show business left the "Civil Platform" as well as the businessman.

Personal life Personal life of Alla Pugacheva is no less interesting than her solo career. People are watching her personal life even after she stopped singing. For the first time Pugacheva married in 1969 to a circus man from Lithuania Mykolas Orbakas. After the marriage, Pugacheva took the name Orbakene, but performed under her old name. The Diva gave birth to her daughter Christina Orbakaite in 1971. Two years after the birth of her daughter, the couple broke up. But that didn’t break the star, which was left with a little daughter.

In 1977 Alla Pugacheva married for the second time to a film director Alexander Stefanovich. Their marriage also lasted only 4 years. The reason for the divorce of the couple was the career of the Diva, in which there was no place for personal life.

In 1985, Alla Borisovna opened her heart to a new man - he was Roskoncert's program director Yevgeny Boldin, who became the producer of the singer for the next 8 years. They divorced because of Pugacheva’s relations with Vladimir Kuzmin, who at that time was her partner on the stage. People said that Alla Borisovna had relations with Raymond Pauls, Alexander Rosenbaum, Igor Talkov and Sergei Chelobanov, who remain the "mysterious" part of Pugacheva's personal life.

It is known that in the third marriage, Primadonna had a chance to become a mother for the second time, but decided to terminate the pregnancy because of her career. This decision became fatal for the singer - she lost the opportunity to have children. For that she blames herself till this time In 1994 the "Queen of the stage" released the hit "Love, like a dream" and devoted it to Philip Kirkorov, who at that time was the main favorite of the singer. The new "love" chapter of Pugacheva's personal life begins on March 15, 1994. 45-year-old Primadonna married to 28-year-old singer. Their marriage was registered by the Mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak.

The wedding of Pugacheva and Kirkorov was very modest, but the development of their relationship did not bore their fans, since musicians have always been surrounded by conflicts of a "non-creative" nature. Many called their marriage a producer project of the Diva, who was famous for her patronage over the young artists of the Russian show business. Despite everything the happy union of Pugacheva and Kirkorov "lived" more than 10 years, after which rumors began spreading about the divorce of the star couple. In 2005, the singers officially divorced without advertising the true reasons for the separation. Friends of the artist are sure that Alla Borisovna and Kirkorov divorced because of Philip's debts on the failed musical "Chicago", in which he invested $ 5 million. On December 23, 2011 Alla Pugacheva married to a famous humorist Maxim Galkin, whom she met in 2000. Pugacheva admitted that she began her romantic relationship with Galkin in 2001 and since 2005 they have been living a civil marriage, and only 10 years after the meeting they decided to get married.

The love story of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin and is now widely discussed among their fansMany people are sure that the humorist has become another "project" of the queen of the Russian stage. Nevertheless, this does not prevent the couple sincerely love each other. According to the friends of the Primadonna, Alla Borisovna felt herself like a real woman with Maxim for the first time in her life, and not just a pop star. Despite the 27-year-old age difference, the couple became really close to each other and have a lot in common. Moreover, Maxim Galkin became the first husband of Alla Borisovna, who invited her to live in his house - the couple has a very cozy family "nest" in a country castle in the village Gryaz on the Istra water storage, which was built by a humorist.

Children On September 18, 2013 in the family of Galkin and Pugacheva there was a big event - the twins Harry and Elizabeth were born. According to Alla Borisovna, the surrogate mother carried the kids, but the blood of Alla and Maxim flows in their veins. As it turned out, the singer took care of her future children 12 years ago and went through the procedure of freezing her eggs. The Children were born in the village Lapino in the clinic of Mark Kutser "Mother and Child" and became a real copy of their "biological" parents.

Harry and Lisa are brought up in a family fairy tale and surrounded by the love of their parents – the children have their own floors in the house that are equipped according to all canons of the present day, and have personal babysitters who take care of the children. The Prima Donna pays special attention to the upbringing of her children. Pugacheva develops creative talents in Liza and Harry, thanks to which the "star" children are already perfectly dancing and singing. Alla Pugacheva calls herself a crazy mother and admits that she always keeps her hand on the pulse in the upbringing of twins. She calls Lisa and Harry the main happiness of her life.

In 2016 Alla Pugacheva's children were three years old. They already have many achievements, including the study of French in an elite kindergarten. Young Lisa for her musical successes already has a nickname Pugachevochka. According to Alla Borisovna, she will become a thunderstorm for all domestic singers.

Awards and titles Alla Pugacheva was awarded a lot of state and music awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the state award of the Russian Federation in the field of pop art, the highest award of Armenia "The Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots", the prize of the Belarusian president "Through art - to peace and mutual understanding. " In addition to prizes and awards, the Diva is named "the great woman of the 20th century" and one of the 100 most influential women in Russia. She also takes the 4th place in the rating of the smartest women in Russia. In Finland, in 1985, in honor of Alla Pugacheva, a ferry was named, and also she has several name plates and stars Yalta, Vitebsk and Atakrs. In the Russian capital on the Arbat street near the store "Econika", in which the shoe brand of the Diva is sold, there is a bronze plate on which there is an imprint of the singer's foot.

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