August 2006 Volume 52 • Number 3
Cruise & Train Trip
to Maldon > Sunday 27th August
Inside > this issue
5 What’s On 6 Christmas in July Cruise 9 VWCV AGM 14 VW Adventure to Red Centre 16 Christmas in July Cruise 18 For Sale 20 Membership Mumbo 21 Electrons in the Car 24 Membership Discounts 26 Membership Application 27 Paul’s Ramblings
Wagensville News is the monthly newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of
Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to: The Editor 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: Phone: (03) 9484 8953 Deadline for the next issue: Friday 1st September 2006
Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. ABN 73 091 008 987 Address: GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Web Site: Phone: 0401 310 704
General Meetings
Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Club (Henty Room), 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club magazine.
Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership: $40 • Additional Family Membership: $20 • Joining Fee: $10
To join the Club, please complete the membership form in this
newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the
author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors
of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the
onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements.
Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid
officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests
of the club and it’s members.Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
1 S T
Australia’s BIGGEST SWAP for Volkswagen•Karmann•Porsche • Entry $5.00 • Sites (generous size) $25 on the day or $20 paid by September 16th. • All types of VW related vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia and Porsche. • Food available on site and in the vicinity. • Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. • Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites.
Bacchus Marsh Secondary College Corner Griffith and Franklin Streets • Melway Ref 219 G5
For more information contact Eric on (03) 5367 2757 3
President - Paul Kinsey 03 9876 1463 •
Vice-President - Michael Cronin 0419 684 181
Secretary - Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 •
Treasurer - Andrew Donelly 0407 506 766 •
Additional Committee Members John Stevens & Kingsley Morrison Public Officer - Malcolm Thompson
Restoration & Technical Sessions - Vince Zito 0418 137 855
Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley 0401 310 704 •
Pointscore Officer - Position Vacant Technical Officer - Bill Malkoutzis 03 9439 5904 Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley 03 9735 9386 •
VW Cruises - Anthony Surie 0414 344 331 •
Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 •
Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild 0431 160 097 •
Club Historian - Dave Evans 03 9808 6044
VWCV August General Meeting > What’s On >VWCV Mini Auction: Looking for hard to obtain parts, books, car models or some rare memorabilia? You never know what could be on offer at the VWCV’s monthly mini-auctions. >VW DVD: See another exciting VW DVD... >Plus: all the usual news, goss and reports... >VWCV July General Meeting: Tuesday 15th of August from 8pm RACV Club, Henty Room 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Paul’s Ramblings > Paul Kinsey - VWCV Club President Welcome to the August edition of the Wagensville News. Firstly, as the result of the unexpected increase in the parking fees at our last General Meeting at the RACV Club, a temporary arrangement has been put into place up until the end of October. A voucher will be issued by our Club on the meeting night, which, when inserted into the pay machine after the originally issued ticket, will adjust the price to $5.00. (Further details on these arrangements can be found in this month’s magazine). Permanent arrangements on the cost of car parking are currently being negotiated with the RACV Club. My good news is that I am recovering from my operation and am now able to drive again. Thanks to all the well wishes. I was also able to attend the July committee meeting with my daughter Belinda as my driver and it was great to see the committee again. They have done a great job in my absence. Thanks guys. A very successful event last month was the Christmas in July cruise to the Coach and Horses Inn at Clarkefield. The event was booked out early and was a great success with great food and fires, which created an ambience of a northern hemisphere Christmas. I’m sure all those who attended enjoyed themselves and would join with me in congratulating the organiser, Kingsley Morrison, on a job well done. It was also pleasing to see so many new members in attendance. Our next event is the cruise to Castlemaine on the 27th August which follows the very successful cruise to Puffing Billy held last year. The Club has reserved the Tambo
Parlor Car at the end of the train so we will have a great time all together. Details are also included in this issue. Also, don’t forget the National Swap Meet at Bacchus Marsh on the 1st October. This event, which is the brainchild of Eric Roberts, is very popular both with local VW enthusiasts and those from interstate. The annual Day of the Volkswagen (DOVW), which this year will be held at the Cranbourne Racecourse on the 26th November is being organised by Michael Cronin and Andrew Ermel, both of whom will be seeking keen helpers from the Club to assist on the day. More about this at our next meeting. These two events are the major fundraisers for the Club and are not to be missed. We are fast approaching the time for the election of the committee for the next 12 months. This will take place at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 19th of September. Details are shown in this month’s magazine. If you are interested in joining the committee and having a more direct say in the functioning of the Club, please follow the directions to nominate. If you wish to get a better understanding of the positions on the committee, please either talk to myself or any committee member. We will be only too willing to assist See you at the next General Meeting on August the 15th. •
> September Tuesday 19th September*
what’s on
Tuesday 15th August*
VWCV General Meeting Venue: RACV Club, Henty Room, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Time: Meeting commences 8pm.
Sunday 27th August*
VWCV Cruise to Castlemaine then Steam train to Maldon Time: Meet at the Mobil Service Centre Western Ring Road Ardeer on the North Bound side at 8.45am for a 9.15am departure. We will cruise to Castlemaine where we will board the Victorian Goldfields Train at 11.20am for a trip to historic Maldon where we will enjoy lunch and a wander around the town before returning to Castlemaine on the 3.30pm train. See advertisement on page 8 for information. Contact: Jen Littlechild on 0431 160 097.
Annual General Meeting RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Sunday 24th September* VWCV Cruise to Eildon for the inaugural VWCV Teddy Bears BBQ. This drive will take us through Lilydale, Healesville, up and over the Black Spur, then through Narbethong, Buxton, Thornton and then finally Eildon. Meet at Eastland Ringwood car park at 9.30am for a 10am departure. The total distance back to Ringwood is around 220km. BYO teddy, food for a BBQ (Club supplied). Put your fishing gear in your VW if you want to catch your lunch. Prizes will be awarded for certain teddy categories. Contact John or Jan for information on 03 9890 2548 AH. Sunday 24th September Spring 2006 Swap Meet Organised by Veteran Car Club of Aust (Tas) Inc. Northern section. Venue - Cimitiere St Council Car Park, Launceston Tasmania. Start time - 9am. Entrance via Cameron Street gate. $10 per site. Further information contact - Ken Watts. Phone 0411 404 560 after hours.
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 6
VWCV Teddy Bears BBQ at Eildon > Sunday 24th September Meet at Eastland Ringwood car park at 9.30am for a 10am departure. BYO teddy, food for a BBQ (Club supplied). Put your fishing gear in your VW if you want to catch your lunch. Prizes will be awarded for certain teddy categories. Contact John or Jan for information on 03 9890 2548 AH.
> October
> December
Sunday 1st October*
Tuesday 12th December*
VWCV Swap Meet. Bacchus Marsh College Corner Griffith and Franklin Sts. Melway Ref. 219 G5. All types of VW related vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia, Porsche. Food available on site and in the vicinity. Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites. This is a must not miss for the avid restorer. See ad on page 3.
General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
> January > November
Tuesday 16th January* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
Tuesday 21st November* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
Tuesday 17th October*
Saturday 26th November*
General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
VWCV Day of the Volkswagen. See advertisement on page 23.
Please note: *These events marked attract club points.
what’s on
MALDON S u nday
2 7 th
A u g u st
Cruise to Castlemaine then Steam Train ride to Maldon for lunch. Running through the Goldfields of Central Victoria, the Victorian Goldfields Railway brings to you the experience of Steam Railway Travel. Linking the historic towns of Castlemaine and Maldon, your train takes you through Box-Iron Bark forest in a region that saw some of the richest gold mining in Australia. T I M E S Meet at the Mobil Service Centre Western Ring Road Ardeer on the North Bound side at 8.45am for a 9.15am departure. We will cruise to Castlemaine where we will board the Victorian Goldfields Train at 11.20am for a trip to historic Maldon where we will enjoy lunch and a wonder around the town before returning to Castlemaine on the 3.30pm train. Founded in 1853, Maldon is the best preserved of all the goldfields towns in the region. There are candle light tours at Carman’s Gold Mine running hourly, which is only a 2km walk from town, for anyone feeling like being a little active. P R I C E S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N If possible we would like to travel as a group in the Tambo Parlor Car. Prices to travel in the Tambo are: Return - Adult $34 and Child $16 or One Way - Adult $29 and Child $13. Standard First Class prices are: Return - Adult $22 and Child $12 or One Way - Adult $17 and Child $8. Please ring Jen on 0431 160 097 or 03 8711 3246 any time after 7pm to confirm your attendance as we only have a tentative booking for the Tambo Parlor Car at this stage.
Car Parking at the RACV Club A temporary arrangement up to the end of October has been negotiated with the Club, which will mean your car parking will cost $5.00. Park in the car park as normal taking your ticket on entry. Bring your ticket to confirm parking and the Club will issue you with a discount voucher. When you present your original docket into the pay machine it will show parking fee of $10 is required. Then insert the discount voucher into the machine, which will then show a fee of $5.00 is required. Pay the $5.00 as normal. Discount vouchers can only be used once on the night of the meeting. •
C astlemaine to M aldon on the V ictorian G oldfields R ailway - S unday 2 7 th A ugust -
T ic k et P u rchase Name/s_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tambo Parlor Car No. ____________
Return Adult @ $34.00 each
No. ____________
Return Child @ $16.00 each
No. ____________
One Way Adult @ $29.00 each
No. ____________
One Way @ $13.00 each
Standard 1st Class Carriage No. ____________
Return Adult @ $22.00 each
No. ____________
Return Child @ $11.00 each
No. ____________
One Way Adult @ $17.00 each
No. ____________
One Way @ $8.00 each
• Full Payment at the next General Meeting at the RACV 15th August or by post to reach us before the 15th August to Social Secretary - GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001. • Make any cheques payable to Volkswagen Club of Victoria. • Receipts will be issued on payment and Tickets will be available at Castlemaine on the day.
38TH NATIONAL BUG-IN EASTER 2007 Presented by the Volkswagen Association of Tasmania
2007 TA
6-9 A pril 2007 Welcome BBQ – Friday • Competition and River Cruise – Saturday Show & Shine and Presentation Dinner – Sunday • Farewell Cruise – Monday Extended Tour Tuesday 10 April – Friday 13 April 2007 For more information contact Peter Curran (03) 6249 2735 or
38TH NATIONAL BUG-IN – EASTER 2007 Presented by the Volkswagen Association of Tasmania 6 – 9 APRIL 2007 PROPOSED ITINERARY Friday, 6 April
Book in to accommodation Registration and Welcome BBQ, Montrose Bay Yacht Club
Saturday, 7 April
Motorkhana/Khanacross, Baskerville Meeting to be conducted by the Hobart Sporting Car Club for Volkswagen Association of Tasmania Evening: Dinner/River Cruise
Sunday, 8 April
Show & Shine, Princes Wharf No. 1/Parliament House Lawns Evening: Presentation Dinner, Lindisfarne Rowing Club
Monday, 9 April
Farewell Drive to Richmond. Lunch at Belmont Winery
EXTENDED TOUR (amended 12 May 06)
Tuesday, 10 April -
An extended tour for interested participants Hobart to Devonport via the East Coast staying at Port Arthur, Coles Bay, St Helens and West Tamar region.
Saturday, 14 April
For further information on Bug-In or Extended Tour please contact Patricia or Peter Curran Phone: (03) 6249 2735 Mobile: 0419 538 759 Email: Club website: to download Bug-In Registration Forms when available
Jackson Motor Company
38th National Bug-In – Easter 2007
SPIRIT OF TASMANIA I & II BOOKINGS Bulk booking Thursday, 5 April 07, from Melbourne – variable return. Please phone Tasmanian Travel & Information Centre on 1800 990 440 or email and quote "VW CLUB " for your discount and allocated group vehicle space. Pensioners/Seniors pay published rates.
SPIRIT OF TASMANIA III BOOKINGS For bulk booking details Sydney to Devonport contact Patricia Curran (03) 6249 2735 or
Suggested for your convenience. Prices may vary. Charges apply for additional ppl in cabins & powered sites. RIVERFRONT MOTEL & VILLAS, 897 Brooker Hwy, Berriedale, Tas 7011 Offering great deals for Bug-In. Motel standard rooms from $83.00 Dbl or (03) 6272 6721 ELWICK CABIN & TOURIST PARK, 19 Goodwood Rd, Goodwood, Tas 7010 Limited power sites $20. S/C cabins from $85 Dbl For groups - 2 x houses sleep up to 9, 2 houses sleep up to 6 or (03) 6272 7115 TREASURE ISLAND CARAVAN PARK, 671 Main Road, Berriedale, Tas 7011 Standard Cabin $72 Dbl & Deluxe Cabin $80 Dbl - sleep up to 5 On-site Vans $48 Dbl, powered sites $25 Dbl and tent sites. (03) 6249 2379 COSY CABINS, BOWEN, 673 East Derwent Highway, Risdon, Tas 7017 Self contained cabins sleep up to 6 in 2 rooms. Limited power sites. or 1800 352 249
ACCOMMODATION – EXTENDED TOUR, 10-14 April 2007 Book your accommodation now if you're coming on the escorted extended tour.
10/4/07 - PORT ARTHUR CARAVAN & CABIN PARK, Garden Point, Port Arthur, Tas 7182 S/C Park Cabins from $90 Dbl – sleeps up to 5, Powered Sites from $20 or (03) 6250 2340 11/04/07 - ILUKA HOLIDAY CENTRE, Esplanade, Coles Bay, Tas 7215 S/C Park Cabins $85 Dbl – 2 b/r sleeps 6, On-site Vans $65 Dbl ($5 linen) Power sites $25 Dbl or 1800 786 512 or (03) 62570115 12/04/07 - ST HELENS CARAVAN PARK, Penelope Street, St Helens, Tas 7216 Budget Cabin $89 Dbl – sleeps 6, Standard $115 Dbl, Powered sites $27 Dbl or (03) 6376 1290 13/04/07 - KELSO SANDS HOLIDAY PARK, Paranaple Road, Kelso, Tas 7270 Ensuite Cabins $100 Dbl, On-site Vans $60 Dbl, Powered Sites $25 Dbl or 1800 039 139
VWCV AGM > Notice of Annual General Meeting Your committee advises that the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 19th commencing at 8pm. A tentative agenda for the evening is as follows: 1. Consider and amend/adopt the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Consider and amend/adopt the financial report. 3. Hear reports on the operation of the Club from officers of the Club. 4. Consider and amend/adopt any recommended fee structure alteration. 6.
Vote on nominations as required for the following positions: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Two additional committee members Public Officer Motor Sports Co-ordinator Restorations Officer Membership Officer Point Score Officer Social Secretary Club Clothing Manager Editor/s
The positions of Technical Officers are specialised positions filled by appointment of the committee. Nominations must be received by the Secretary at least seven (7) days before the election. A candidate may nominate for only one position. Any item of special business desired to be raised must reach the Secretary 30 days before the AGM to enable that person to notify all members of the item 23 days before the meeting. Proxies may be lodged on the prescribed form and must reach the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting. Nominees, proposers and seconders must be financial members of the Club. These rules are government imposed and, should you require details, please contact the Secretary on 03 9369 1360 or for purposes of mailing: VWCV Secretary GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 The Club needs new blood - your interest would be greatly appreciated. •
Please fill out the form on the next page > 14
VWCV Committee Nomination Re the position of - ___________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Re the position of - ___________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Re the position of - ___________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder - write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
VW Adventure to the Red Centre > By John Stevens... stances, over 21 days and come away without any incidents whatsoever, was a monumental achievement.
On this 21 day adventure we had 11 cars transporting 22 people just short of 6000 kms. We had 3 Beetles, 4 Transporters and 4 Bay-window Kombies. We travelled from Melbourne up through Adelaide, Port Augusta, Coober Pedy, Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Yulara, Ayers Rock, the Olgas and then back down the road calling in at Woomera and Wilpena Pound before re-joining the Western Highway that took us back to home in Melbourne and Geelong. The trip was a huge success thanks to the way that the cars behaved themselves and the effort put in by everyone to get on with each other. To virtually live with 21 other people, in sometimes testing circum-
On the Road 11 cars each travelled up to 6000kms without any major problems. The only hiccups were: a couple of starter motors that played up a bit towards the end; fly-wheel ring gear became worn on one car that required easy but constant push starts; a small petrol tank leak that was fixed on site; rear wheel spindle replaced after a bit of an additional scenic 400 km drive and a voltage regulator wire came loose and fixed on the spot. We compared road speeds and odometer readings at several points during the trip and as we had some very late model cars, and some more mature cars, the collective variation between all the cars was surprising. We came away with no real “yardstick� of which were the most accurate readings. Most interesting. Average speed over the 6000 km was between 100 to 105 kms/hour, on some days 110 kms/hour. Remarkable when you consider that one of the cars was an early 1600cc Beetle, fully laden inside and with a full roof rack on top including a car fridge that was always full of beer. Top petrol price was $1.79 per litre. Premium petrol was scarce at a few places. At fuel stops the petrol consumption of the Bay-window Kombies was really consistent, mostly between 2 to 3 litres, between cars, variation over up to 275 kms.
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 16
The cars were the centre of attention at most petrol stops and caravan parks. Herbie was the most famous. A little girl in the car park at Ayers Rock wanted him to wink at her. She was told he was too tired from coming a long way up from Melbourne. She said that she understood. We used the UHF radios heaps and quite a few 4WD cars towing vans etc told us, over the radios, that they were amazed that they had been passed by a convoy of VWs. They said that they would not tell their mates back home. A major accident was narrowly avoided only by the skilful driving of Ron Hodgetts, who was travelling solo back to the Ayers Rock Resort with a car full of passengers. On rounding a bend in the road they observed a naked woman lying on the bonnet of a 4WD with a photographer taking her photo with Ayers Rock as a backdrop. Well done Ron. Saw heaps of wedgetailed eagles, camels, kangaroos, wallabies, emus, brumbies, dingoes and cattle, mostly on unfenced roads. On the Personal Front Richard was so overcome by the emotion generated on the trip that he went down on his knee and proposed to Kim on Anzac Hill in Alice Springs. Kim was equally overcome and she accepted. All 22 people made it there and back without any health problems, apart from a few cases of flu and coughing. Everyone made a really great effort to get along really well and there was a terrific positive attitude over the whole 21 days we were together. We collectively shot in excess of 25 hours of video footage. Thousands of electronic and print images were captured. Will produce a DVD for showing at a future club meeting. Photos will be posted on the club website ASAP. We had temperatures that ranged from -4 to +22. We had constant blue skies, no clouds and millions of stars every night. Magnificent We had: a 250 km round trip 4WD tour out to Palm Valley west of Alice Springs; climbed
381 metres to the summit of Ayers Rock (and raised a makeshift VW flag); walked the 7km Kings Canyon Rim; walked the 9km Valley of the Winds Walk at the Olgas; had a half day tour of Coober Pedy led by a colourful local opal miner; and bush walked at the magnificent Flinders Ranges. Several people took helicopter flights over Ayers Rock/Kings Canyon and fixed wing flights over Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges. We had a Hippie Night at Kings Canyon where we stopped the show at the resort Tavern when we walked in full hippie regalia including wigs, tie-dye t-shirts and other 1960’s clothing. The band called us the Refugees From Nimbin. We also had a Curry Night to warm us up at the beautiful but chilly Flinders Ranges and finished the trip up at an authentic Spanish Theme night at Horsham. Zorro, paella and castanets were amongst those in attendance. Three members of the group formed a semi-indigenous didgeridoo ensemble named Da Brudders and gave a number of impromptu performances at Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Yulara and Flinders Ranges that were well received. Two of the group members actually gave a live solo on stage public concert performances at the Sounds of Starlight Theatre at Alice Springs. Final Comments From a personal perspective it was, by a long shot, the most successful and rewarding group event that I have organised over the last 35 years. It far exceeded my highest hopes. Thanks to all concerned, including our trustworthy VWs. •
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 17
Christmas in July Cruise > By Kingsley Morrison...
> Scenes from the VWCV Christmas in July Cruise. Photos courtesy of Andrew Mengyel and Ian Armstrong.
A fantastic day was definitely had by all who attended the ‘Christmas in July’ cruise and luncheon on Sunday, July 23. Morning sunshine began to disperse through the break-up of cloud upon leaving home around 9.30. I was rather disappointed because I wanted overcast, wet and chilly weather to compliment the theme of the day. However, whilst travelling to the departure point at Deer Park the weather actually changed. Darker clouds rapidly accumulated and light rain began to fall - what a terrific start to the day! Arriving at Deer Park the rain had ceased but the skies still looked ominous. Some fellow members had already arrived and were showing each other their decorated vehicles. Many Kombi owners in particular had gone to a great deal of trouble to totally transform their vehicles into a magical winter Christmas wonderland. What an exceptional effort - well done to those people! By 10.30 everyone had gathered and after a short spiel an array of 19 VW vehicles and 47 people were ready for departure.
Travelling along the Western Highway brought us to Bacchus Marsh where 3 other VWs and 5 extra group members were waiting for us. Countryside views were sensational through the Great Dividing Range on route to Gisborne. Just after Gisborne, my 1962 Beetle clocked over to 00000 for the first time on the odometer according to historical documentation. The car can now be regarded as new as it begins its second life! On arrival at Clarkfield, most decided to quickly retreat into the tavern to escape the cool elements. Once inside, many opted to hover around the two open fires for a while. Once seated, the soup was served which was delicious and very warming. The main was excellent and featured customary Christmas trimmings. When eaten, not one but two Santas arrived to give out a small gift to each person. One Santa also kindly assisted in drawing the four Christmas related door prizes which were generously donated by the VW Club. An additional prize was also awarded to the Armstrong family for the work they put into decorating their Kombi. Plum pudding and apple pie was then served which completed a superb meal.
Social chatter followed before the storm set in. Many had an extremely wet drive home, some even experiencing small hail stones. In the end, the weather really did play its part in achieving a realistic winter Christmas! Thanks to all those who participated in the event. Feedback has been extremely positive, so the Club will probably run such an event again next July. Stay tuned to book early! •
> For Sale
for sale
For Sale July
Please Note:
• All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details WILL NOT be published.
• Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period, please contact the Editor(s). Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email:
> For Sale
>For Sale: VW Kombi engine 1800cc. Reconditioned in 1999 and serviced every 6 months. Car body damaged in accident but engine in excellent condition. Buyer will need to remove engine. Other parts also available. Engine number AP024445 Price: $500 ONO Contact: Jeanette on 0402 019 753
>For Sale: Annex to suit 1976 Kombi campervan. Never used. It attaches to the rear hatch door of all older style Kombi campervans. Price: $150 ONO Contact: Phillip on 0425 754 957
>For Sale: Numberplate ‘KOMBI’. Contact: Simon on 0412 662 864
> For Sale
>For Sale: VW 1954 Oval Window Beetle, in excellent condition, totally restored, British racing green colour, cream interior. Rego. VDUB 54. Price: Make on offer. Contact: Chantelle on 03 5222 9340 or 0429 405 566
> For Sale
> For Sale
> For Sale
>For Sale: VW 1970 Beetle, pale blue, genuine 23,000 miles, excellent condition. Volkspower serviced, 12 months rego, been garaged constantly. Rego. KPN 984. Price: $25,000 ONO Contact: George on 03 9885 2550 (Ashburton)
> For Sale
>For Sale: VW 1958 Beetle, light blue, slight work required on body. Interior in good condition. Car all original. Needs RWC. Rego. EYR 593. Contact: 0418 351 955
>For Sale: VW Kombi Campervan 1973, German built (louvred side windows and titling lift up roof), biege colour. Good condition with new upholstery. No RWC. We have had this Kombi in the family for 23 years. Rego. EEQ 651. Price: $3,500 ONO Contact: Mrs Robinson on 03 9879 3129
Membership Mumbo > Ross Woolley VWCV Memberships Current total memberships for the Volkswagen Club of Victoria: 460 New Members The following people joined the VWCV in July 2006 Mictchell Lovell Peter Colliver Debbie Cadby Meagan Clark
John Brewster James Colliver Anthony Cantwell Sean Hester
David Parkins Stuart Riley Martin Barnard Kerren Abbott
Colin Danby Peter Cadby Allan Briotti Hans Gropper
Welcome and thank you on behalf of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria. Rejoining Members The following members rejoined the Volkswagen Club of Victoria in July 2006 Julie Clark Andrew Mengyel Syd Walton John Penning Dorothy Stevenson Andrew Donelly John Butterworth David Hill David Coker Vaughan de Lautour Cheryl Ermel Carl Barnard Sabine Bolick John Hayton Rob Picone Greg Cash Thank you on behalf of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria. Current Membership Renewals The following memberships are due in the month of August 2006 Dean Cook Stephen Craven Mathew Kinsey Elizabeth Thompson Trevor Bassett
Tim Hosie Susan Craven Jonathon O’Donnell-Young Alex Ramm Noelene Bassett
Simon Martin Richard Harris Jodie McGrath Peter Kuchenmeister
Ray Carlton Paul Kinsey Malcolm Thompson Peter James
Membership Renewal Reminder Reminder for the following members of your membership renewal thanks. Eden Freeman Lisa Kearns Reger Wallace Jane Wallace Dougie Phillips Malcorm Kerr Tara Monahan Sam Monahan John Price Susan Price Zolton Krakowsky Kathy Krakowsky Kevin Payet Matthew Pex Peter McCormack Sharon McCormack Bruce Joynes Stephen Fellows Everard Hoffman Ashok Kumer Mandie Hawkins Allan Liversidgo Scott Thomson Nino Ulaan Bruce Argaet Peter Rankine Mark Krapp
Jeremy Fish Jorge Cerutti Bill Pizzy Peter Vash Ben Stewart Damien Rundel George Economou Elizabeth McCormack Jackie Farlow Franz Franken Denio O’Keefe Chris Morris Rien Merbis
Bradley Wallace Trudy White Martin Pizzy Grant Phillips Clinton Bugg Elly Summer Payet Greg Cash Jack McCormack John Farlow Steven Cooper Glenn Ramage Tina Ahmed Evan Davies
Please note, If your membership renewal has been paid after the 18th July 2006 please disregard the above reminder.
Electrons in the Car > By Bernd Wachs... Everything that is made up of matter in the Universe is made of atoms which comprise of a combination Protons and Neutrons in the centre and electrons circulating the outer. It is these electrons travelling from one atom to another in a conducting material, such as copper, that we know as electricity. The force, equivalent to the pressure of water coming out of hose from a Dam is known as Voltage. If you have a Dam in the bottom of a valley the pressure coming out of the hose will squirt water a certain distance whilst the Dam higher up the side of the valley will squirt the water a larger distance from the same size hose. As an example you will generally hear that cars normally work with 12 Volts whilst Trucks work with with 24 Volts. The amount of electrons “current� that travel through a wire in a second is measured in Amperes which is equivalent to the amount of water coming out of a hose which is calculated in liters per minute. So if you have two different wire sizes
coming out from the same battery each will be able to supply different amounts of current. UHF Radio Channel Allocations This month I will not be talking about an electronic component of the month instead I thought I would talk about another topic, UHF radio channel allocations. The reason I am going to talk about this is because of the VWCV 3 week Central Australian trip where we changed channels from 32 to 40 whilst we were travelling to Alice Springs as we were told that channel 32 is a repeater channel. I was curious about how each channel is being used and why so I did a bit of an investigation. The results are as follows: Under the Federal Radiocommunications Act Nationally certain channels have been reserved for certain uses by general agreement. Channels may be used locally for other purposes but are not legislated.
Used for Channel Repeaters 1 to 8 and 31 to 38 Law
Description These channels are used for repeaters which allow messages to be transmitted over a longer distance. As an example a message received on Channel 1 will be retransmitted out on Channel 31 to the next radio.
Emergency 5 and 35 Law
Should only be used in an Emergency situation. Channel 35 is used to retransmit the message to another radio if in listening range.
Calling 11 Law
To call another party / channel after which they must switch to one of the conversation channels.
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Used for Channel Data transmissions Law 22 and 23
Conversations Law
General use
9, 10, 12 to 21 24 to 30, 39
No voice transmissions are permitted on these channels as they are used for Telemetry and Telecommand data.
Highway 40 Legally Recommended
Mainly used by Truck divers and other Highway users.
Caravaners and Campers Generally accepted 18
Holiday makers communications channel
4WDrivers 11 Generally accepted
Used by 4WD enthusiasts, clubs etc.
Hopefully this information will be used in determining the channels used by the VWCV and other interested parties at future events. •
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25 2
> Please support the following businesses who regularly support the VWCV...
Antique Tyres
134 McEwan Road WEST HEIDELBERG • P: 03 9458 4433 Australia’s Largest Range of Veteran Vintage, Classic and Hot Rod Tyres.
Australian VW Performance Centre
10/25 Lusher Road Croydon • P: 03 9725 5366 Contact Mick for trade pricing typically 10% off retail on most parts and services (up to value of $100). Dyno tuning at $60 per hour.
Camberwell Volkswagen 675 Burwood Road HAWTHORN • P: 03 9811 1888 Contact Dane Kelly and ask for member discount.
The VWCV would like to
South Yarra Volkswagen
thank the following
93 Commercial Road South Yarra • P: 03 8866 6888 Proud sponsor of the 2006 Day of the Volkswagen.
businesses for their
Unit 1/171 Para Road GREENSBOROUGH• P: 03 9435 1868 Specialists in Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Mercedes.
support of the 2005 Day of the Volkswagen:
Vollkommen Art
Unit 2/2 Meriton Place CLAYTON SOUTH • P: 03 9543 7804 Speed and Style.
4 Macquarie Place Boronia • P: 03 9729 9281 Contact Michael Clark for 10% discount on parts (maximum discount $50). Does not include genuine or special orders.
Volkshome Automotive 16 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN • P: 03 9464 0366 Contact John for club member prices.
Wolfsburg Automotive Unit 2, 290 Old Geelong Road HOPPERS CROSSING • P: 1300 370 310 Contact Gary for club member prices.
Thank You
• Classic VW • Vintage VW • Volkscare • KDF Werks • ACE 30 oil made by QPL • Volkshome • Antique Tyres • Wolfsburg Automotive • Volksparts
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