wagensvillenews Volume 53 Number 1 June 2007
The Official Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
CHRISTMAS in JULY St Andrews Hotel, St Andrews. Sunday July 22nd Due to the incredible response last year, the VWCV has decided to once again organise a ‘Christmas in July’ cruise and luncheon. Come along and enjoy a scenic cruise followed by a traditional 3-course Christmas luncheon.
A Cruise will meet at 10am for a 10.30am departure outside Safeway supermarket, Bundoora Square Shopping Centre, Plenty Road (Mel Ref 9 J11). The cruise will travel north to the quaint township of Whittlesea, from Whittlesea, we shall use the Yea Road (C725) for about four kilometres, then turn right onto Humevale Road winding through the picturesque Sherwin Ranges before rejoining the Yea Road again to Whittlesea-Kinglake Road (C724). Heidelberg-Kinglake Road (C746) will get us to the St Andrews Hotel. Cruise distance between Bundoora and St Andrews approx. 65 kilometres (90 minutes), arrival time at the St Andrews Hotel around noon. If you wish to attend, confirm your booking fast with a $10 per person deposit on or before July 17. VWCV has reserved seating for 50 people. Complete the coupon on page 3 with a cheque/money order to the Club address or see Kingsley at a Club event or meeting up until July 17. Looking forward to seeing you all on the day.
3-course luncheon will consist of the following: ENTREE Soup of the day (Minestrone) Crusty bread rolls for all MAIN (Choice) 1. Roast Turkey with ham and stuffing, with roasted vegetables and cranberry gravy or 2. Fish of the day (barramundi fillets or similar) grilled, topped with lemon butter sauce, with seasonal vegetables DESSERT (Choice) 1. Traditional HOT plum pudding with brandy custard and ice-cream or 2. Hot sticky date pudding with caramel sauce and ice-cream Continuous self serve tea and coffee. The cost will be $38 per person.
Gifts from Santa! Door Prizes and Prize for the best decorated person and/or car on the day! President’s Report Michael Cronin, VWCV President Hello one and all, and welcome to the Presidents Report for May, only a short report this month, so straight into what we have been up to. The Pre Concourse Dinner at Hunchbacks was enjoyed by all who attended, luckily we were not close to the stage and therefore not targeted for embarrassment. The Concourse was well attended with a good selection of cars to judge.
Where are all the split screen kombis coming from, there seems to be more each time we have an event?
By the time you receive your newsletter the Drag Racing at Heathcote will be over so more on that next month.
This will involve a leisurely cruise on the Saturday stopping at one of the wineries for lunch and staying overnight in the caravan park at Shepparton, so we can get an early start looking for bargains.
A big thank you to all those that helped with the organisation and cooking, there seemed to be plenty for everyone to eat and everyone had a good time. I would also like to thank Lloyd and John for sponsoring the event and organising the judging, a thankless task as you can’t satisfy everyone but I think on a whole the results were well received.
Don’t forget the weekend away to Echuca and Moama on the 23rd – 24th June, unfortunately I cant make it due to See you next month. work (I will be in the US, may be I’ll find a splitty at last). Also a reminder that we will be doing Christmas in July again so come along and meet Santa. To finish up, for all those who like swap meets I am planning a trip to the Shepparton Swap meet in September.
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Calendar of Events
June 23rd - 24th Echuca/Moama Weekend. See Ad for details.
JULY July 17th Club Meeting RACV Club. 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Entertainment: Bring and Brag Night, bring along your favourite VW related item and tell us all about it. DOTVW 2007 Presentation. July 22nd Christmas in July. St Andrews Hotel, St Andrews. See Ad for full details.
AUGUST August 21st Club Meeting RACV Club. 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. August 26th Train Trip. Cruise to Queenscliff and take the historic steam train to Drysdale and return to Queenscliff for lunch. See July issue for full details.
SEPTEMBER September 18th Club Meeting RACV Club. 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.
OCTOBER October 20th Oktoberfest. Join the VWCV for Oktoberfest celebrations at the Hofbrauhaus (specialising in German and Bavarian cuisine). 18 Market Lane Melbourne From 7pm. See July issue for full details.
VWCV 2007 Concourse Arthur’s Seat
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June 19th Club Meeting RACV Club. 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Entertainment: Talk on Road Worthy Certificates, Club Permits and buying VW’s
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June 17th Rob Roy Hill Climb. Inter Club Challenge. See Ad for details.
The day started off cold and rain was threatening but this did not stop about 50 cars meeting at Brandon Park for the annual VWCV concourse.
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After a quick briefing, the cruise left with Redbus in the lead and the Hawaiian bus bringing up the tail. The day was starting to clear and the drive was easy, winding up the hill to the museum at the top of the lookout. The cruise arrived around lunchtime to find an urn boiling and tea and coffee waiting. Lloyd and his sons, Peter and Chris had the concourse registrations in hand while the rest of us prepared our cars for judging. We had a couple of new judges for the show which was very much appreciated by Lloyd and the judging team. The judging criteria used was a new format for judging standard cars. This format was being trialled and will be the new criteria for judging standard cars at the 2007 DOTVW. Due to the water restrictions, cars were not penalised for outside cleanliness or road grime. Charlie’s museum was filled with lots of rare and beautifully restored cars including a very rare Tatura. Amongst all the memorabilia were the odd VW signs and VW parts. A couple of large dealership lights caught the eye of many an enthusiast. The club provided a free BBQ for all members. This was ably cooked by Chris Antonello, John Stevens, Matt Kinsey, Sue Craven, Bernd Wacks and Cheryl Ermel. About 80 people joined in the feast of sausages, hamburgers, chicken sticks and salad. While everyone ate, Lloyd and his team judged the cars. The standard of cars this year was very high and a couple of the cars could have easily won the day. Thanks to all who participated in the concourse and congratulations to all the winners. A special thank you to Volkwerke (Lloyd Davies) and Volkshome (John Goodison) for sponsoring the day and organising the judging.
Winners Club Concourse 2007 Best Beetle up to 1957 Best Beetle 1958 to 1967 Best Beetle 1968 on Best Type 3 and 4 Best Kombi T1 1950 to 1967 Best Kombi T2 1968 onwards Best T3 and T4 Transporter Best Karmann Ghia Best Mk1 and Mk2 Golf Best Mk3 and Mk4 Golf Best Early Water Cooled Best New Water Cooled Best New Beetle Best Modified Volkswagen Car of Concourse Judges choice
Ben McKinnon Paul Kinsey Dee Gray Frances Webb Stuart Ermel Adam Koniaras Brian Reed Jono Wright Paul Blacker No prize awarded Chris Antonello Tracey Williams Michael Glover Bruce Argaet Matt Brinsden
World Wide Day of the VW Beetle On the date of June 22nd 1934, the contract for the development of the VW-Beetle was signed, this being the starting point of this charming car´s “life”. In early 1995 this date was confirmed by Dr. Bernd Wiersch, (Director of the Auto Museum Volkswagen in Wolfsburg) and the introduction of a WORLD-WIDE DAY OF THE VW-BEETLE was born. From that day onward the 22nd of June was dedicated to pay homage to the object of appreciation by the enthusiasts of the VW Beetle all over the world. We rely on the collaboration of everybody to divulge this date to their friends, VW clubs, associates and friends to embrace the World Wide Day of the VW Beetle and to drive your VW Beetle on June 22 every year.
Weekend of June 23 and 24
ECHUCA MOAMA Further information contact Kingsley on T 03 9484 8953 or see May Wagensville issue for full details on the weekend. Hope to see you on June 23.
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Those wishing to cruise to Echuca for the June 23 Weekend, please meet at the corner of Sunbury Road and Oaklands Road (Mel Ref 177 H10) from 7.30am for 8am departure.
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Visit to the historic twin towns of Echuca/Moama this June with the VWCV.
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David Evans The members of the Volkswagen club of Victoria regret the passing of our life member David. An Active member since 1956 and long held the position of Club Historian.
PLEASE NOTE: All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details WILL NOT be published. Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period or your Ad has been SOLD in the first month of Advertising, please contact the Editor(s) so the Advertising space can be updated for NEW Ads.
David was a passionate VW enthusiast who was known worldwide. David will be sadly missed by all in the VW fraternity.
Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: VWCV Editor GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com
Committee and members, Volkswagen Club of Victoria.
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Christmas in July Payment Name No. of people attending Enclosed $10 deposit per person. $
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For more information contact Chris VWCV Motorsports Co-ordinator 0407 309 244
Enclosed Full payment $38 per person.
Payment made (date) Please make cheque payable to: Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Post to: Volkswagen Club of Victoria Christmas in July GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001
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VWCV General Meetings
Membership Application
Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Club (Henty Room), 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club Newsletter.
Membership Application also available at the VWCV website www.vwclub.com.au
WVCV Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership $40 • Additional Family Membership $20 • Joining Fee $10 To join the Club, please complete the membership form inside this Newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Phone 0401 310 704 Name(s)
Wagensville News is a monthly Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to:
Address State
Post Code
VWCV Editor
Telephone (h)
GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com
Occupation No
(please tick)
Vehicles - VWs only Model(s)/Year(s)
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Competition Licence Yes
DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Friday 22nd June 2007
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VWCV Committee
President Michael Cronin 0419 684 181 Vice-President Dean Holden 0412 500 588 Secretary Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 AndrewE@brimbank.vic.gov.au Treasurer John Farlow 0418 357 416 farlowj@internex.net.au Additional Committee Members John Stevens and Paul Kinsey Public Officer John Stevens john.stevens@justice.vic.gov.au Restorations & Tech Sessions Vince Zito 0418 137 855 Motorsports Co-ordinator Chris Antonello 0407 309 244 Social Secretary Kingsley Morrison 03 9484 8953 Membership Secretary Xavier Larkin 03 9836 7607 vwcvmembership@yahoo.com.au Points Score Officer Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 Technical Officer 1 Bill Malkoutzis 03 9439 5904 Technical Officer 2 Garry Collis Club Merchandise Dean Holden 0412 500 588 VW Cruises Anthony Surie 0414 344 331 Editor Tony Albers 0408 330 894 wagensville@hotmail.com Advertising Manager Dean Holden 0412 500 588
Registration Number(s)
I am interested in the following events/activities/functions (please tick) Being on the Committee
Car Shows/Concourse
CH Registration
Fuel Economy Runs
Organising Events
Social Events
Technical Sessions
Other Events
Club Membership Fees Single Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee* $50 per applicant Family Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee* $50 plus $20 per extra member *Membership Application Fee for first year members only.
$ $ TOTAL $
PAY MEMBERSHIP and RENEWAL ON LINE! www.vwclub.com.au/membership.php Is your Membership renewal due? Don’t mess around with cheques or money orders, why not pay online?
Or please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.
The Volkswagen Club of Victoria website now has an online payment facility to make renewing your membership even easier. Ensure your place in the club by paying with either Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal.
All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
wagensvillenews If not received please return to: VOLKSWAGEN CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Print Post Approved PP326342/00052