Wagensville June 08

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wagensvillenews Volume 54 Number 1 June 2008

The Official Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.


Cruise to Dayelsford Sunday June 22nd Cruise to Dayelsford to maybe spend some time aboard the vintage railway, enjoy a natural and relaxing spa, or perhaps visit the multitude of antique shops, galleries and cafes of the surrounding area. VWCV meet at the Deer Park BP Service Station (Western Hwy, Deer Park - Melway Ref 358 K6) at 9.00am for a 9.30am departure.

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Contact Kingsley for any further information on 03 9484 8953.


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Meals & Drinks available at ClubHouse prices prior to the meeting. So come along and enjoy the atmosphere and Volkswagen entertainment. Studley Park BoatHouse, Boathouse Rd. Kew (Mel. Ref. 2D E8) or visit www.studleyparkboathouse.com.au for full venue details.

Andrew, Dean and myself went and checked it out on Friday. Like the old RACV club you can eat during the meeting and the food is reasonably priced, $15.00 for a monster burger and chips so you won’t be hungry, also they brew their own beer for those connoisseurs among us. Don’t forget the June meeting is at the Studley Park BoatHouse. Coming up is President’s Report the cruise to Dayelsford, if you are still Michael Cronin, VWCV President to decide on whether to come I can tell you it has one of the best Sunday markets in Victoria. The market is at the Finally we have found a new home for railway station and has good parking our general meetings and this time it’s not a false alarm. From July the General with lots of treasures, trash and fresh produce, this will be the first stop for Meetings will be held on the fourth those interested and while there you Tuesday of the month, at Bells Hotel, can also take a train ride to Bullarto, the 157 Moray St, South Melbourne. The Hotel caters for a lot of car club meeting round trip takes about an hour. If the and Paul the manager was very helpful. weather is good bring a picnic lunch

or there are a lot of cafes for all those Latte lovers, although parking is scares in the main street. At the market I met the owner of a very unusual Kombi, it is done up like a Gypsy Caravan, literally even down to the wood burning stove and herbs growing on the roof, if the owner brought it to the DOTVW, Surf Bus would be given a run for its money, you have to believe it to see it. I don’t normally do For Sale Ads here but being a soft touch for a hard luck story I would like to help this fellow VW enthusiast. The owner has a 74 Kombi Camper which she needs to sell to keep her going. So have a look at her page at www.myspace.com/ok_gypsy the link to the Ad is a bit hard to find but if all is true it could be a good buy for someone.

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It would be worth going to Dayelsford just to see this unique vehicle. To finish of once again congratulations must go out to Matt and Kingsley for finding an excellent venue for the 2008 Concourse, good food, good weather and a large turnout, another success. For Sale Kombi 74 Pop Top RWC ready to be lived in, everything including the kitchen sink, cooker, solar lights, fridge, dual batt, new head lining, new canvas, leopard upholstering, mech good. 0414 444 755 $6900.00

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Calendar of Events


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JUNE June 17th VWCV General Meeting. Studley Park BoatHouse at 8pm. Meals and drinks available at ClubHouse prices prior to the meeting. See Ad for details. June 22nd Dayelsford Cruise. See Ad for details.

JULY July 22nd VWCV General Meeting. Bells Hotel at 8pm. 157 Moray St, South Melbourne. Meals and drinks available at Hotel prices. See July issue for full details.

VALLA 2008 Volkswagen Spectacular July 31-August 4 2008 All bookings via web. www.volkswagenspectacular.com

MOTORSPORT EVENTS Contact Chris Antonello VWCV Motorsports Co ordinator for full event details. 0407 309 244 See Ad for details.

Concourse 2008 Forest Edge Restaurant Gembrook

The day dawned brightly as we left home to assemble at the Croydon Hotel where we compared vehicles, grabbed a cup of coffee from the fast food outlet nearby, caught up on all the VW news and made our selves ready for the 2008 VW Concourse. Kingsley organised the Forest Edge Restaurant at Gembrook for this year’s event and you could not ask for a better venue for this years Concourse. The weather was outstanding and the cruise to the mountains was even better. The parade of Volkswagens set off along the Maroondah Highway, through Lilydale, down the Warburton Highway to Launching Place and then turned right and had a very enjoyable drive through Hoddles Creek to the Forest Edge restaurant. We arranged the cars on a slightly inclined lawn right outside the restaurant with commanding views over the Warburton Ranges. Some had brought picnic lunches and they found a quite spot with wonderful views to enjoy their lunches whilst the remainder moved in side the restaurant and enjoyed lunch and glass of wine or beer. We had estimated that we would have 40 people for lunch, but soon our reserved spots were full so restaurant had to set up more tables on the terrace outside, no one missed out and an enjoyable afternoon was had by all. The judges again this year were Lloyd Davies and John Goodison and they had a touch job in selecting the class winners and Car of the Show. The Club would like to thank both Lloyd and John for their efforts. Incidentally Lloyd only arrived home after an overseas trip the day prior to the event. With the listing of the winners this year we are also publishing the points score out of a maximum of 62. I noticed that in my case, although I was lucky enough to win my class, I still have a lot of improvement required to get close to the perfect score. I need to get cleaning and polishing everywhere. The Club would like to thank Kingsley, once again for his tremendous effort in organizing this year event. Every event just gets better and better with this cruise and venue really showing us all what a wonderful place Victoria is. By Paul Kinsey

Car of the Concourse Colin Hyett - 61 Split Microbus Deluxe

POINT SCORE Score out of a potential 62 points

BEST Mk3 and Mk4 GOLF Norm Mauger - 49 Points 96 Mk3 Golf BEST EARLY WATER COOLED Bill Malkoutzis - 47 Points Seat BEST NEW WATER COOLED Jason Hopkinson - 48 Points MkV Golf

BEST BEETLE 1958-1967 Paul Kinsey - 41 Points 58 Beetle BEST BEETLE 1968 onwards Lyn Davies - 49 Points 72 Superbug

BEST KOMBI T2 1998 onwards Matt Gardiner - 42 Points 76 Kombi BEST T3 and T4 TRANSPORTER John Goodison - 41 Points T4 Camper BEST KARMANN GHIA Colin Hyett - 43 Points 61 Karmann Ghia BEST Mk1 and Mk2 GOLF John Hopkinson - 41 Points 77 Mk1 SPECIAL MENTION Stuart Ermel - 50 Points 67 Microbus Second highest score for the day.

Motorsport Calendar 2008 G




BEST MODIFIED VOLKSWAGEN Andrew Hosking - 42 Points White Spyder Replica

BEST KOMBI T1 1950-1967 Colin Hyett - 52 Points 61 Split Microbus Deluxe


BEST NEW BEETLE Kim Graham - 48 Points Green Beetle

BEST TYPE 3 and 4 Mark Krapp - 26 Points 67 Notchback


CAR OF THE CONCOURSE Colin Hyett - 52 Points 61 Split Microbus Deluxe



To make all our Motorsports successfully in 2008, we need club members to participate as competitors and spectators.

Wanted Competitors and Officials! The club needs people and their cars to attend the following events.

PLEASE NOTE: All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details WILL NOT be published. Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period or your Ad has been SOLD in the first month of Advertising, please contact the Editor(s) so the Advertising space can be updated for NEW Ads. Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: VWCV Editor GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com

1 June Bendigo Car Club Motorkhana/Khanacross Bagshot

15 June Interclub Challenge Hillclimb - Rob Roy

29 June Group 5

Motorkhana - Werribee

1 July Group 5

Sprint - Phillip Island

13 July Group 5 Sprint - Sandown

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27 July Group 5 Motorkhana - Werribee You don't need to have a modified cars to complete in the Hillclimb, MotorkhanaKhanacross and Sprint events. All you need is the appropriate CAMS license. I have all the details and can assist anyone in applying for the right CAMs license. If you are interested in coming to any of the Motorsports event, please contact Chris Antonello VWCV Motorsports Co-ordinator 0407 309 244.

Don't forget, it's only safe if it's sideways. See you at the track!

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VWCV General Meetings

Membership Application

Melbourne Club meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of every month at 8pm at Bells Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club Newsletter.

Membership Application also available at the VWCV website www.vwclub.com.au


WVCV Annual Membership Fees • Single One Year Full Membership $55 • Single 3 Year Full Membership $150 • Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member). • Membership Joining Fee $10 (first year members only). To join the Club, please complete the membership form inside this Newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.

Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Phone 0401 310 704 Name(s)

VWCV membership also available on line www.vwclub.com.au

Address State

Post Code

Wagensville News is a monthly Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to:

Telephone (h)



VWCV Editor



Competition Licence Yes


GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE 29th July 2008

(please tick)

Vehicles - VWs only ������ �


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Registration Number(s)

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VWCV Committee President Michael Cronin 0419 684 181 Vice-President Dean Holden 0412 500 588 Secretary Matt Kinsey 9484 8953 mkinsey@bigpond.net.au Treasurer John Farlow 0418 357 416 farlowj@internex.net.au Additional Committee Members John Stevens & Paul Kinsey Public Officer John Stevens john.stevens@justice.vic.gov.au Motorsports Co-ordinator Chris Antonello 0407 309 244 Social Secretary Kingsley Morrison 03 9484 8953 Membership Secretary Xavier Larkin 03 9836 7607 vwcvmembership@yahoo.com.au Technical Officer Bill Malkoutzis & Michael Clark Editor Tony Albers 0408 330 894 wagensville@hotmail.com Assistant Editor Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 AndrewE@brimbank.vic.gov.au Web Master David Holinger david.holinger@rmit.edu.au Advertising Manager Dean Holden 0412 500 588 Club Historian Chris Scane 0417 593 573 sjscane@unimelb.edu.au

I would like to receive my monthly Magazine/Newsletter via (please tick) Post


email address

I am interested in the following events/activities/functions (please tick) Being on the Committee

Car Shows/Concourse

CH Registration



Fuel Economy Runs



Organising Events

Social Events

Technical Sessions

Other Events

Club Membership Fees Single One Year Full Membership $55


Single 3 Year Full Membership $150


Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member).


Membership Joining Fee $10 (first year members only).




PAY MEMBERSHIP and RENEWAL ON LINE! www.vwclub.com.au/membership.php

Is your Membership renewal due? Don’t mess around with cheques or money orders, why not pay online? The Volkswagen Club of Victoria website now has an online payment facility to make renewing your membership even easier. Ensure your place in the club by paying with either Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal. or please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.

All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.

wagensvillenews If not received please return to: VOLKSWAGEN CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Print Post Approved PP326342/00052



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