Wagensville SEPT05

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September 2005 Volume 51 • Number 5

VW l a n o i t a N

t e e M p a Swnday October 2nd > Su



Inside > this issue Paul’s Ramblings Calendar of Events General Meeting Auctions Puffing Billy Cruise VWCV AGM VW Herbie Rides Again For Sale VWCV 4 Day Tour Membership Discounts Membership Application

6 8 11 12 14 16 18 21 28 29

Wagensville News is the monthly newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to: The Editor 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au Phone: 9484 8953 Deadline for the next issue: Friday 30th September 2005


Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc ABN 73 091 008 987 Address: GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Web Site: vwclub.com.au Phone: 0401 310 704

General Meetings Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Clubrooms (Henty Room), 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club magazine. Albury Wodonga members meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Biralee Tavern, Melrose Drive, Wodonga.

Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership: $40 • Additional Family Membership: $20 • Joining Fee: $10 To join the club, please complete the membership form in this newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.

Disclaimer All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.




President - Paul Kinsey 03 9876 1463 • paulkinsey@optusnet.com.au

Vice - President - Richard Graham 0418 527 862

Secretary - Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 • cheryle@melbpc.org.au

Treasurer - Andrew Donnelly 0417 506 766 • adonelly@edlyn.com.au

Additional Committee Members - Eric Roberts 03 5367 2757

Public Officer - Jon Edsell 03 9844 3420 • jon.Edsell@holden.com.au

Restoration & Technical Sessions - Paul Blacker Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley 0401 310 704 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

Pointscore Officer - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au

Technical Officers - Bill Malkoutzis • 03 9439 5904 Gary Collis • 03 9370 3100


Motorsport & Group 5 - Jon Edsell 03 9844 3420 • jon.edsell@gm.com

Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley 03 9735 9386 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

VW Cruises - Nathan Leversha 0419 340 250 • leversha@eisa.net.au

Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au

Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild 0431 160 097 • jenlittlechild@optushome.com.au

Club Historian - Dave Evans 03 9808 6044

Cruise &YumCha Sunday September 25th

Cruise... Meet at Como Park by the Yarra at 11am for an 1130am departure. Cruise down Chapel Street, around Albert Park Lake, down Beaconsfield Parade, then up Bay Street to Spencer Street. Park the cars at Wilson Parking Melb Convention Centre ($& per car) and then...

...Feast The Dragon Boat Restaurant overlooking the Yarra, (lower level, Holiday Inn) is one of Melbourne's leading Chinese restaurants. It specializes in quality Cantonese and Szechuan cooking.

Phone Jen Littlechild on 0431 160 097 to book. Please phone ASAP so numbers can be confirmed. 5

Paul’s Ramblings > Paul Kinsey - VWCV Club President

Welcome to the September edition of the Wagensville News. An event to remember which occurred on Sunday 28th August was the cruise to Puffing Billy. This event was the brainchild of Matt Gardner who is a volunteer on the Puffing Billy railway and was the guard on our train. Thanks very much Matt for organising the day, which was full on and very enjoyable for all those who attended. The good news for this month is that after many months of trying by our Motor Sport co-ordinator, Jon Edsell, to get assistance in organising these events, we have a volunteer, John Farlow. Thanks very much for your assistance John and I hope you will find the role rewarding. Both Jon and John will be looking after motor sport for our Club. September will be a very busy month for events with the Winery Tour planned for Sunday 11th, the Cruise and Yum Cha scheduled on Sunday 25th. Also, we are less than a month away from the National VW Swap Meet on Sunday the 2nd October at the Bacchus Marsh Secondary College. This event is being organised by committee member Eric


Roberts. The number of sites booked thus far is less than for the same period last year, so if you want a site for this year, remember that if you book early, you save money. The event is always a very popular with all VW enthusiasts. As this month is the last as my period as President, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all committee members for their efforts during the year. Without their efforts and dedication, we would not have been able to bring to you a vast range of events over the year. I believe the Club is in a very sound financial position and ready for the new committee. For all those members interested in becoming involved in the committee, nomination forms are included in this month’s magazine. This leads me to our next meeting, which is the Annual General Meeting on the 20th September. We have some surprises for the meeting so the evening will be of interest to all. I’ll see you there on Tuesday 20th September. •

> Bunny Beetle - photo courtesy of Paul Blacker.


what’s on


Sunday 11th September*

VWCV Winery Tour Depart from: Smorgy’s at the corner of Maroondah Hwy and Oban Road. Time: Depart at 10.30am sharp. Details: Arrive at Domaine Chandon at 11am to have a tour of the winery followed by a tasting of their sparkling wines ($7.50 per person) with complimentary cheese plate. After that we’re off to Domonique Portet Winery, 5km down the highway for a casual lunch and tasting (sauvignon blanc, rose, shiraz and cabernet) with a game of petanque (French bowl game) to enjoy the afternoon. Lunch will be approximately $20 per person composed of antipasto plates. Contact: Ring Jen Littlechild on 0431 160 097 for more information.

Tuesday 20th September* VWCV Annual General Meeting - NEW RACV Club Venue: 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Time: Meeting commences 8pm.

Sunday 25th September*

VWCV Cruise and Yum Cha Venue: The Dragon Boat Restaurant, overlooking the Yarra River, is one of Melbourne's leading Chinese restaurants. It specialises in quality Cantonese and Szechuan cooking. Lower Level Holiday Inn, corner Spencer and Flinders Street, Melbourne 3000 - across the Yarra from Jeff's Shed (phone 03 9639 8388). Wilsons Parking Melbourne Convention Centre, corner Flinders and Sidderley Street - weekend fees $7. Details: Meet Como Park by the Yarra at 11am for a 11.30am take off, cruise down Chapel Street, around Albert Park Lake, down to Beaconsfield Parade, then up Bay St to Spencer Street. Park the cars and then feast. A very cruisy Sunday. Contact: Ring Jen on 0431 160 097 to give an idea of how many to book for.

Sunday 25th September*

Spring 2005 Swap Meet Organised by Veteran Car Club of Aust (Tas) Inc. Northern Section. Venue: Cimitiere Street Council Car Park, Launceston, Tasmania. Entrance via Cameron Street gate. Time: Start time - 9am. $10 per site. Contact: Ken Watts phone 0411 404 560 AH.

Turn to the centre pages to nominate for the VWCV Committee NOW! 8

Tuesday 18th October* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Saturday October 22nd*

> October Sunday 2nd October* VWCV Swap Meet. Bacchus Marsh College Corner Griffith and Franklin St’s. Melway Ref. 219 G5. Entry $5, Sites (generous size) $25 on the day or $20 paid by September 17th. All types of VW related vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia, Porsche. Food available on site and in the vicinity. Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites. This is a must not miss for the avid restorer. For information, please call Eric on 03 5367 2757.

VWCV Tech Day. We will demonstrate how a VAS Engineer conducts a noise test, lay out a torsion rigidity and beaming test, display the equipment for testing a modified braking system and show how an engineer collects data from a modified engine to demonstrate compliance with emission regulations. More information next issue. Contact Paul Blacker on 0418 256 381. Saturday October 29th to Tuesday November 1st* VWCV Around Victoria 4 Day Cruise. Travel to Corryong, Tawonga and Lakes Entrance. Fantastic scenic drives along the Murray, Lake Hume, the Alpine Country and Gippsland. For information contact: Ross Woolley or Jenny Littlechild (see page 4 for contact details).

> November Tuesday 15th November* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Sunday 27th November* VWCV presents the 2005 Day of the Volkswagen. See advertisement on page 10.

> December Tuesday 13th December* Christmas General Meeting RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Please note: *These events marked attract club points.




General Meeting Mini Auctions > By Andrew Ermel Every General Meeting from now on will feature a ‘mini’ auction after the first break. Those who came to the last General Meeting had the opportunity to buy some very desirable VW bits and pieces on offer. These items included an oval Beetle steering wheel, hard to obtain books, car models and some rare memorabilia. The idea of the mini auction is to give you the opportunity to sell items to club members rather than having to advertise them. You can view the items during the break and speak to the potential sellers and buyers. Because it is an auction, it gives everyone a fair go at buying items. Also the club benefits if the item exceeds the seller’s reserve price. How does it work? If you have any bits and pieces that you want to sell, bring them along to the general meeting. The items must be small enough to be carried, reasonable condition and above all, clean. There will be a maximum of six items per mini auction. If more than six items are to be auctioned, the auction will be limited to one item per seller. You set the price you want for the item, and this becomes the reserve - and what you receive from the sale. The item is then auctioned to the members during the meeting. If the item fails to reach the reserve, it is withdrawn

from sale. If the item exceeds the reserve price, you get the reserve amount and the club get the remainder as a form of a donation. Also you may have something of value that you wish to donate to the club for auction, and the club would be most appreciative. So get those surplus items and make yourself some money. Remember the items can be of anything of interest to other club members. •

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 11

Puffing Billy Cruise > By Jen Littechild I’d forgotten how much fun it was to go on Puffing Billy until we had our club cruise on the 28th of August to Emerald and then all aboard the Puffing Billy to Gembrook. It was a brilliant day with a fantastic turnout of dubbs as always. Thank you so much to Matt Gardner for arranging the carriage and making sure everything went well for us all. What a conscientious Train Guard we had! It wasn’t hard for us all to see Matt’s other love in his life besides his Volkswagens. How lucky were we? The sun was shining for the first weekend in I don’t know how long, which just made the cruise and the ride on the train that much better. We arrived at Gembrook where they were holding their monthly country market. Luckily for our purses we had to head straight over to the heavily booked Gembrook pub for lunch as soon as we arrived. Thirty-two of us feasted a couple of hours away before heading off for a wander and then back to the train. One of us, namely me, made a snap last minute purchase before being last back on the train. OK - I can’t help myself, and my Wilma Flintstone handbag/doorstop/ planter/jewellery box/finger crusher… did give everyone a good laugh - I can take it. We are such a quick lot; I couldn’t believe the number of wacky ideas and innuendos that were thought of. Ross - I hope your fingers are OK now.


Not everyone went on Puffing Billy, some made their own way after chatting at the cars and having a wonder around Emerald. Some joined us at the pub. The Dandenong’s are such a picture right now with the spring flowers everywhere and so many great places to cruise to. It’s so nice to see new veedubbs at every cruise we have, and new people interested in joining our club. Don’t forget to look at the club calendar for our next cruise dates and come along for a run with us. •

> Scenes from the VWCV Puffing Billy Cruise. Top to bottom: Waiting patiently at Emerald for the train, and Jen with her novelty timber hand bag (and train fare); happy campers on the train; while the Volkswagen’s spend the day resting in the sun at Emerald. Photos courtesy of Paul Kinsey, Jen Littlechild and Brian Reed.


VWCV AGM > Notice of Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Incorporated will be held at 8pm on Tuesday 20th September, in the Henty Room, RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street Melbourne, 3000. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please note only current financial members are eligible to vote. Agenda:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Social Secretary Wagensville News Editor Membership Secretary Club Clothing Technical Officer (2 positions) Restoration and Technical Sessions Officer g. Motorsport & Group 5 h. Pointscore Officer i. Club Historian j. Public Officer

1. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 17th August 2004.

6. To consider any changes to the membership fee structure.

2. To receive from the committee, reports upon the activities of the VWCV during 2004/2005.

7. To consider any special business of which due notice has been given in accordance with the Rules of Association.

3. To receive and consider: a. Income and expenditure of the VWCV during the 2004/2005 financial year. b. The assets and liabilities of VWCV for the year ending June 2005.

By order of the VWCV Committee Paul Kinsey - President, 5th September, 2005

4. To conduct elections for the following officers bearers to the VWCV Committee: a. President* b. Vice President* c. Treasurer* d. Secretary* e. Additional committee members (2 positions)*

Note: *Nominations for the above positions must be sent to the Secretary, two weeks before the Annual General Meeting using the attached nomination form. VWCV Secretary GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 The club needs new blood – your interest would be greatly appreciated. •

5. To conduct elections for the following ex officio members to the VWVC committee:

Please fill out the form on the next page > 14

VWCV Committee Nomination Re the position of - __________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Re the position of - __________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Re the position of - __________________________________________________________________________________ I, (proposer – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ nominate (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seconded (seconder – write name and sign) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nomination accepted (nominee) > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


VW Herbie Rides Again > From ‘The Whitehorse Leader’ August 2005 Xavier Larkin bought his beloved Volkswagen Beetle when he was just 13 years old. Now aged 17 and on his learner plates, the Surrey Hills lad has spent the past four years restoring it into a replica of the Volkswagen in the popular ‘Herbie’ films. Mary Larkin said her son’s eyes lit up every time he clamped his eyes on his car. “He can’t wait until he turns 18 so he doesn’t need to have his mother in the passenger seat,” Mrs Larkin laughed. Xavier’s passion was ignited at the age of three when he saw a movie with the famous Volkswagen Beetle up to its antics. Mrs Larkin said Xavier watched the film “hundreds of times.” Xavier was in the Royal Children’s Hospital for treatment for cystic fibrosis when he found his “dream car” on the internet. The owner waited until Xavier was discharged from hospital before selling him the car.

After the 40 year old car broke down on the way home, Mrs Larkin invested in a manual, and Xavier discovered he could do most of the work himself. “Over the next couple of years he set out to restore it,” she said. Xavier wanted to have his car completed by the time the latest ‘Herbie’ film, ‘Herbie: Fully Loaded’ was screened at the Dromana drive-in cinema. He was discharged from hospital three days before the screening and still had the racing stripes to put on. Mrs Larkin said her son was thrilled when six guys from the Volkswagen Club of Victoria, of which Xavier is the youngest active member, came around to help him finish the job. Xavier’s next challenge will be a 1963 Kombie bus. •

New European Number Plates... VicRoads has recently released a new type of number plate called 'Euro Plate.’ These plates have a similar layout and dimensions to the number plates made in Europe thereby making them ideal for European cars such as the ones owned by VWCV members. These plates complete your cars European feel, especially since the plate dimensions suit the car design. To mark the release of the 'Euro Plate' a special offer has been prepared for VWCV members. This promotion provides a 10% discount for all members who order the Euro-Plates through your club. This would mean that a standard Euro Plate would cost $355.50 (normally $395) and a personalised Euro Plate would cost $625.50 (normally $695). Contact VicRoads for details... •



> For Sale

for sale

For Sale

Please Note:

• All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details WILL NOT be published.

• Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period, please contact the Editor(s). Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: Volkswagen 1972 Superbug. Partly restored car, great interior, needs some mechanical work. Could be a great car or used for parts. Exterior canary yellow, interior black. Pioneer CD player, 6 x 9 inch speakers, custom checker plate on dash, new upholstery on seats and roof, slimline white/black number plates - rego. LET 356. Price: $800 ONO Contact: Jo on 0438 581 585

>For Sale: Volkswagen 1975 Twin Cab Kombi, rego. SWR 669. Near new engine, 11 months rego. Price: $5,000 as is or $6,000 with roadworthy. Contact: Geoff Wakeling on 03 5595 4414 - Cobden

> For Sale >For Sale: Volkswagen 1965 Beetle - imported from Germany. Rego. JG 447. Runs well, good condition. Reg. until March 2006. Price: $3,000 Contact: Carol on 0412 007 496


> For Sale >For Sale: Volkswagen 1970 Beetle, orange, good condition, FM Radio/cassette deck, new tyres, roof rack, reg. until 12/2005. Rego. PEF 859 (NSW) Price: $1,900 ONO Contact: 0412 246 330 (Sydney)

>For Sale: My beloved Herbie! Volkswagen 1971 Superbug. All brakes done November 2004. Rego til 29/7/2005 - Rego no. KYW 502. In driving/working order. Suitable for rebuilding or possibly rebuild for me by negotiation. Open for swap for another VW Beetle or barter. I know there is an angel out there who will answer my prayer. Call and discuss. Price: $1,000 Contact: Elfie on 03 9337 9381 before 10am or after 6pm. I prefer landlines not mobiles.

> For Sale >For Sale: Rare factory Karmann Convertible, 1600CC motor, very good condition, some very minor rust spots, drives well, solid and straight. Club member. American delivery with extensive history and a lot of receipts. Some parts. Runs very well, regularly serviced. Could be used as an everyday driver. A delight to see!!! Becoming rarer by the year. Great for the warm weather!!! No RWC, however would not take much to roadworthy. Was RWC'd less than six months ago. Includes custom plates "VWKRMN" Must see, reluctant sale!!! I need a new home!!! Chassis number: 1542293264. Price: $12,500 ONO Contact: Paul on 0418 969 449 or 03 9870 3290 or email pauljturner@bigpond.com

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: Volkswagen Campmobile 1977 2L, fully reco engine, new heads, Green, 12 months reg, RWC, great mechanical condition, very reliable, functional factory camper, rego. FSR 260. Price: Best offer above $4,500. Contact: Email rrohrbach@optusnet.com.au

>For Sale: Volkswagen Crew Cab 1972, complete, seats 6, most rust removed, easy restoration chassis no 26222352675. Price: $1,000 ONO Contact: 0418 501 770 or email peter@veal.com.au

> For Sale

>For Sale: Volkswagen early ‘60s Type 3 on ‘72 floor pan, disassembled, chassis number 316290101. Price: $500 ONO Contact: Leigh on 03 9836 2717

>For Sale: 2000 Hyundai Excel Twin Cam, 4 Speed Automatic Transmission, 6 Months Factory Warranty, Rego till March 2006 Full Service History, RWC, 63,000 Kms, CD Player, Amplifier, Remote Central Locking, Engine Immobilizer Factory Spoiler, 14’ Mags, rego. QBV 402 Price: $10,000 ONO Contact: Kim after 6pm on 0431 361 544

> For Sale

> For Sale

> For Sale >For Sale: 1970 VW Beetle. 70,000 miles only. Original not restored. Minor body work only required. Rego. KVK 871. Contact: Peter after midday on 0419 897 199.

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW Caravelle, 1990, 7 seat, 5 speed, 2.1 litre, good condition, rego. RVE 904, 277.000km, located at Healsville Price: $9000 ONO Contact: 03 5962 1367

> For Sale >For Sale: Volkswagen Campmobile 1977 2L, fully reco engine, new heads, Green, 12 months reg, RWC, great mechanical condition, very reliable, functional factory camper, FSR 260. Price: $6,500 ONO Contact: 0418 501 770 or email peter@veal.com.au

>For Sale: 1973 VW Beetle Turbo Sports Sedan. Log Book # V3467. Purpose modified to compete in hillclimbs and sprints. Chassis car with full tube and aluminium clad frame under a very light VW body. All bolt on panels manufactured from fibreglass, plastic windows, and lightweight competition seat and wide 5 point harness. Suspension specially fabricated with adjustable sway bars, coilover shockers and 4 wheel disc brakes. 3 piece alloy/steel wheels complete with hillclimb avon slicks as well as a full set of mounted

hillclimb avon wets on 3 piece rims. Engine is quad cam RS Subaru Legacy Turbo with an effective capacity of 3,427cc, (development engine for the WRX). Modifications include 0.5mm overbore, arias forged pistons with total seal tings, accurate balance, special Avo Turbo operating at 22psi boost feeding through a liquid to air intercooler produces an easy 300 bhp at rear slicks - has potential to produce heaps more if needed. EMS fuel and ignition system with data log facility and hand controller. Upgraded WRX radiator and intercooler heat exchanger at the front of the car (does not overheat). VW chrome moly flywheel mated to Subaru billet crankshaft flange, feramic clutch, heavily modified VW Kombi transaxle with special gear ratios and fabricated Detroit locker differential. Spares include turbo heads complete with cams, valves etc. Moulds for bonnet, bootlid, mudguards and bumpers. Registered two wheel car trailer. This car is awesome to drive and has proven to be extremely competitive at all of the hillclimb circuits that it has competed at and regularly finishes very high in the outright places. It cannot be road registered, unfortunately!!! Price: $20,000 negotiable. Contact: John Spinks on 0417 454 402.

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 19

> For Sale >For Sale: Volkswagen1956 Oval Window Beetle, excellent W-lid, front bonnet, tail lights and complete interior. Requires complete restoration, no reg. or RWC, VIN:1096196. Price: $1,500 Contact: Stuart on mobile 0409 691 360

> For Sale >For Sale: Volkswagen Superbug 1600S, 1973 model, white, manual, VGC inside/out, reg. 05/06 - LMU520, RWC, muchloved and seeking good home, (East Brunswick) Price: $2,800 Contact: Shane and Marissa on 03 9387 7441 or 0417 308 751

> For Sale >For Sale: 2002 New Beetle, Volkscoupe, auto, silver colour and 18000 km. June 2006 rego. It has a sunroof and has only ever been kept under cover. RQB 050 VIN no.WUWZZZ9CZZM615244 Price: $26,250 Contact: Harald on 03 9398 4181 or 0417 052 835


29 -




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005 BER 1 2


From last year the very popular ….. so we’re doing it again!! Lakes Entrance RSL Glenara Motel Phone: 03 5155 1555 • Fax: 03 5155 2872 221 Esplanade Lakes Entrance $54.00 per Double • $15.00 extra person Cooked Breakfast $9.00 • 3 Course Dinner $16.00 Tell them if wanting this dinner when booking so they can prepare

MOTELS Please note that these are popular areas and it is a long weekend - last year all accomodation in the area was fully booked out - so please book early! OK - Corryong has a Melbourne Cup event which books everything out in the area. Book accommodation as soon as you get this magazine!! SATURDAY 29TH OCTOBER Corryong Country Inn - 4 rooms only held for us short term Contact: Mick 7-11 Towong Road Corryong VIC 3707 Phone: 02 6076 1333 • Fax: 02 6076 1905 Email: info@corryongcountryinn.com.au Double $88.00 • Single $71.00 Family Room (1) 2 persons $87 + $14 per extra person SUNDAY 30TH OCTOBER Mountain Creek Motel Contact: Jacques & Heather Mountain Creek Road Tawonga, VIC, 3697 (near Mt Beauty) Tel: 03 5754 4247 • Fax: 03 5754 4860 Double rooms $86.00 per night • Single $76.00 Extra person charge $15 Multi-share rooms are $35 - $40 per night per person for a minimum of 4 persons per room, including linen (subject to availability) Continental Breakfast $8.00


CARAVAN PARKS SATURDAY 29TH OCTOBER Mt Mittamatite Caravan Park Contact: Ron & Laurice Kennett 1km W of PO Murray Valley Hwy, Corryong VIC 3707 Phone 02 6076 1152 • Fax 02 6076 1848 Email parker@dragnet.com.au On Site Van - 2 2 Persons $26.00 • Extra Adult $6.00 Child $3.00 SUNDAY 30TH OCTOBER Tawonga Caravan Park Contact: Bill & Nola Turnbull Mountain Creek Road, Tawonga Telephone/Fax (03) 5754 4428 Email: tcp@mtbeauty.albury.net.au On-Site Vans - 12 $38.00 DBLE • $5.50 Extra Person Powered Site $18.00

B O O K I N G O U T FA S T ! ! P L E A S E B O O K YO U R AC C O M O DAT I O N A S A P ! ! !


005 BER 1 2

R E G I S T R AT I O N FO R M The Volkswagen Club of Victoria invites you to participate in our 4 Day Victorian Tour. The tour will cover approximately 1150 km, taking in some of Victoria’s best landmarks such as Lake Hume, The Murray River and The Alpine National Park including Mount Beauty, Falls Creek and the Great Alpine Road. Whether you are participating in the entire event or joining us for only part of the tour, we would love for you to be a part of this memorial journey across our great state. Registration Fee: $20.00 per person - children under 12 y/o no charge. Please make cheque or money order payable to the: Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Name/s: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Post Code:________ Contact Number/s: Home: _____________________________Mobile: __________________________ Emergency Contact: _____________________________ Email: _______________________________ Vehicle Details:___________________________ Make: ________________ Model: _______________ Registration No: __________________________ Please tick days attending:

❏ Saturday 29th November ❏ Monday 31st October

❏ ❏

Sunday 30th October Tuesday 1st November

Office use only:

Registration Number: __________________Vehicle No: _______ Payment Received: $ ____________

Please return registration form and payment to the following address ASAP thank you. VWCV 4 Day Tour - PO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001







Australian VW Performance Centre

10/25 Lusher Road CROYDON • P: 03 9725 5366 Contact Mick for trade pricing typically 10% off retail on most parts and services (up to value of $100). Dyno tuning at $60 per hour.

Camberwell Volkswagen 675 Burwood Road HAWTHORN • P: 03 9811 1888 Contact Dane Kelly and ask for member discount.

Imported Car Wreckers 9 Booloora Road SPRINGVALE • P: 03 9547 2169 Contact Mark for 15% discount.

Technical Bookshop

295 Swanston Street MELBOURNE • P: 03 9663 3951 10% discount - does not apply to lower margin items such as magazines, some videos and sale/discount items.


4 Macquarie Place BORONIA • P: 03 9729 9281 Contact Michael Clark for 10% discount on parts (maximum discount $50). Does not include genuine or special orders.

Volkspower 12 Florence Street BURWOOD • P: 03 9808 6777 Contact Dean for 10% discount on parts and servicing.

Wolfsburg Automotive 966 Mt Alexander Road ESSENDON • P: 03 9370 3100 Contact Gary for club member prices.

U Drive

Mark Pring • P: 9217 8866 U Drive is offering a 10% discount on all courses to all members of car clubs. This applies to all our Formula Ford drive days & gift vouchers - www.udrive.com.au

Volkshome Automotive 16 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN • P: 03 9464 0366 Contact John for club member prices.


Thank You The VWCV would like to thank the following businesses for their support of the 2004 Day of the Volkswagen: • Camberwell Volkswagen • Shannons Insurance • Australian VW Performance Centre • Volkshome Automotive • Wolfsburg Automotive • Classic Vee Dub Supplies • Vintage Vee Dub Supplies • Volkscare • KDF Werks • MIB Global (Models) • Mercwreck and Volksparts • Technical Bookshop

Membership Application Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer • GPO Box1215K MELBOURNE VIC 3001 • Phone 0401 310 704

Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ State: ________ Post Code: ________ Telephone: (H) ______________________ (M) _____________________ Occupation:______________________ (W) _________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Competition Licence: Yes ❏ No ❏ (please tick)

• Vehicles - VWs only Model(s)/Year(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Capacity: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Number(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

• I am interested in the following events/activities/functions: Being on the Committee

Car Shows/Concourse

Modifications Organising Events

(please circle)

CH Registration


Fuel Economy Runs



Social Events

Technical Sessions

Other Events:_______________________________________________________________________________________

• Club Membership Fees Single Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*

$50 per applicant

$ __________

$50 plus $20 per extra member

$ __________

Family Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*

*Membership Application Fee for first year members only


$ __________

• Please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.


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