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wagensvillenews Volume 54 Number 10 April 2009

The Official Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.

Concourse 09

Sunday 31st May

Everyone is welcome to attend. Concourse vehicle entry is reserved for VWCV members only.

Williamstown Maritime Association 28 Nelson Place Williamstown (Melway Ref 56 E9).

Vehicle Entry $10

of swappers. Record numbers of VW’s of all types were in attendance, congratulations to Nathan Leversha and Anthony Surie on another successful Jambo. We will include a full report in the May Wagensville Deluxe.

President’s Report Dean Holden, VWCV President Hi all and I hope you enjoy the April edition of the Wagensville news. The VW Club of Victoria has had a very busy time over the March/April period. On the 14th and the 15th of March our club was again involved with the Shannons Walk classic car display at the 2009 Philip Island Classic. Two words cover the clubs experience at this year’s event. Fantastic but very, very Wet!! Once again a great selection of classic VW’s were on display over the weekend. We did however have one casualty, our club dome, in the very wild weather it decided that it wanted to take off and fly to Tassie, unfortunately it’s days for club events are now over.

Fully Licensed “Pirates Tavern” on site serving hot and cold drinks and food.

10am - 2pm. Judging 11am - 12noon.

Moving into April and the biggest event on the VW activity calendar for the month was with out a doubt the 2009 Bug-In held over the Easter Long weekend in Bendigo. Over the 4 days events included dinners, show and shine, motorkhana and a VW parade kept all VW folk occupied. The weather gods were very favourable and all who attended the various Bug-In events over the long weekend enjoyed these in warm sunny conditions. There were plenty of non VW based activities to keep loved ones accompanying VW enthusiasts entertained with Bendigo’s fantastic Easter Festival program offering something of interest to all. The 2009 Bug-In formed part of the Bendigo Festival with the show and shine included as part of the Easter Festival program with 12 of the best VW’s at the Bug-In forming part of the Easter Parade on Easter Monday.

Later in March the VW Cruisers in association with Melburg Luft presented the 8th VW Jamboree at Caribbean Tuesday kicked off the Bug In Extended Gardens. This excellent event was Tour with John and Jan leading a group very well attended again this year with of VW’s off on a 4 day, 1460 kilometre perfect weather, live band and plenty trek across Victoria. Safe travels guys.

A massive thank you must be passed on our 2009 Bug-In major sponsors, Volkswagen Group Australia, Symes Motors Bendigo, Volkswagen Magazine Australia and Shannons. Thank you also to Volksclub Bendigo our co Bug-In host, 2009 Bug-In Supporters, the Bug-In Organising Committee and the host of volunteers whose combined efforts made the 2009 Bug-In a huge success on many levels. Special thanks also to the many interstaters who made the trek from SA, WA, Tassie, NSW and Qld. We hope that you enjoyed yourselves over the Bug-In weekend and had a safe journey home. We have now passed the Bug-In baton on to the Volkswagen Club of Queensland who will host the event 2010. Look for the full report on the Bug-In 2009 in the next issue, May Wagensville Deluxe. Last bit of great news on the 2009 Bug-In is advising that due to the generous support of our Bug-In sponsors and supporters, proceeds from raffles, tin rattling, auctions, etc we were able to make an operating profit on the event. We are very pleased to be able to pass this profit on, in the form of a $3000 charitable donation onto the Bendigo Health Sanctuary for Kids, the nominated Bug-In charity.

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Don’t forget that we have a special guest attending our April general meeting at Bells on Tuesday the 28th. A representative from CTEK will be presenting the CTEK range of battery chargers. CTEK claim that they manufacture the smartest battery chargers in the world, so its well worth coming along and listen to what they have to say. One of the biggest events on the VW activity calendar in May would be the 22nd VW Nationals hosted by Club VW Sydney. This 2 day event held over the 23rd and 24th of May this year includes a Super Sprint at Wakefield Park on Saturday the 23rd and a Show and Shine at the Fairfield Show Grounds on Sunday the 24th. There will be a number of members from the VW Club of Victoria making the trek over to the VW Nationals this year. Stay safe, keep those VeeDubs cruising and see you all at the general meeting.

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Sorry, No BYO Alcohol or dogs.


Calendar of Events

SHANNONS WALK 09 APRIL April 28th VWCV General Meeting Bell’s Hotel at 8pm. 157 Moray St, South Melbourne. CTEK Presentation. Maximise the service life of your battery and say ‘Goodbye’ to flat batteries. See CTEK article for details.

SEPTEMBER September 20th VWCV Swap Meet See Ad for full event details.

MOTORSPORT EVENTS For information on Motorsports Events contact Michael Clark VWCV Motorsports Co ordinator on 9878 1554

On the weekend of the 14th and 15th of March, the VW Club of Victoria was please to be part of the Shannons Walk 2009 classic car club display at Philip Island. Our club had been allocated a 10 car display area and as the VWCV was the winner of the Best Presented Car Club at the 2008 event we were keen to put our best foot forward and try for back to back awards.

Our club display was beautifully repaired. The whole display area was supported with club dome and banners. quite muddy due to traffic coming in, but most clubs including ours got set By about 11.00am we were all set up with out incident. up and getting a few race meeting attendees visiting our stand. It was about then that the weather started to change. Angry storm clouds forming out at sea rolled in bringing torrential rain and a serious drop in temperature that only those who have spent time down at the Island in winter would understand.

The Saturday morning was over cast and warm as classic cars of all makes and models congregated to set up to set up their club displays. Our allocated area was right beside the new purpose built Shannons display building, a little out of the way, but as things turned out, not all bad.

The historic racing was postponed for a few hours and everyone made use of the new Shannons building to take shelter. Die hards hung around till mid afternoon, but many decided to call it a day and head to somewhere warmer.

Our collection of VW’s on display consisted of 3 Split Window Kombis, 2 Type 34 Ghia’s, 1 Split Window Beetle, an early Karmann Cabriolet, a late Karmann Cabriolet, a Mark 2 Golf and 2 early Beetles a 58 and a 67.

The Sunday dawned cold but thankfully no more rain. We arrived at the Philip Island race track to comments from traffic directors that our club dome had not survived the night well. Despite best efforts it could not be

Sunday 20th September

Williamstown Maritime Association 28 Nelson Place Williamstown (Melway Ref 56 E9)

Public entry and Buyers 9.00am sharp. Entry fee $5, children under 12 FREE Fully Licensed “Pirates Tavern” on site serving hot & cold drinks and food. For further information contact Andrew Ermel on 0419 513 749 or visit vwclub.com.au

A great weekend event and well worth going along for a look for any classic car enthusiast. We will support the Shannons Walk again next year if the club is invited. Big thanks to the club members who provided their VW’s for display and assisted with the set up and pull down of the club display. Dean Holden, VWCV President

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Sunday was a big day with lots of classic car racing and a very full Shannons Walk. We noticed on the Sunday that the standard of displays from many Victorian car clubs was much higher than previous years. Consequently we did not win the Best Presented Car Club this year. Good to know that the VWCV raised the bar for this award.


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• Volkswagen parts, cars, accessories and memorabilia. • Over 40 undercover swap sites and 40 outdoor sites. • All swap sites $30 payable on the day and admits 2 sellers. • Swapper’s site entry from 8.00am sharp. (Strictly sellers only). • Cars for Sale $15 - Entry from 9.00am.

Please note: No BYO Alcohol & No dogs permitted!

May 31st VWCV Concourse See Ad for full event details.

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Say “Goodbye” to flat batteries! Volkswagen Club of Victoria General Meeting Bell’s Hotel April 28th at 8pm. 157 Moray St, South Melbourne.

CTEK Presentation As the number of electrical and computer systems in our cars increases, so does the strain on our batteries. Battery maintenance has become as important as checking your oil and water and routine battery maintenance helps ensure the reliability and proper functioning of your car.

CTEK will be joining us at the Melbourne club meeting on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 at Bell’s Hotel to make a presentation on battery maintenance and how the CTEK battery chargers can help you maintain the reliability and performance of your Volkswagen.

CTEK SWEDEN AB designs and develops a unique series of battery chargers for all types of lead-acid batteries for both personal and professional use.

The presentation will include:

CTEK chargers can be used across a wide range of vehicles, including vintage models with 6V batteries, sports cars, trucks and campervans, amongst others. CTEK chargers are the best-selling battery charger in Europe and have been voted ‘Best in Test’ three-years-running. Ferrari, Porsche, Maybach and Lamborghini are the latest in a growing list of manufacturers to endorse CTEK as their charger of choice.

The importance of caring for your car battery to ensure the car remains in good condition Ways to maintain your battery and reduce expensive maintenance costs Choosing the right charger for your car There will also be giveaways and there will be CTEK chargers up for auction on the night, so join us and find out how you can maximise the service life of your battery and say ‘goodbye’ to flat batteries. Visit CTEK at www.ctek.com. CTEK chargers are available at all Repco stores.

PLEASE NOTE: All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details WILL NOT be published. Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period or your Ad has been SOLD in the first month of Advertising, please contact the Editor(s) so the Advertising space can be updated for NEW Ads. Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: VWCV Editor GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com

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VWCV General Meetings

Membership Application

Melbourne Club meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of every month at 8pm at Bell’s Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club Newsletter.

Membership Application also available at the VWCV website www.vwclub.com.au


WVCV Annual Membership Fees • Single One Year Full Membership $55 • Single 3 Year Full Membership $150 • Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member). • Membership Joining Fee $10 (first year members only). To join the Club, please complete the membership form inside this Newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.

Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Phone 0420 967 948 Name(s)

VWCV membership also available on line www.vwclub.com.au

Address State

Post Code

Wagensville News is a monthly Newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to:

Telephone (h)



VWCV Editor



Competition Licence Yes


GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Email wagensville@hotmail.com DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE April 24th 2009

(please tick)

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Vehicles - VWs only



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VWCV Committee

Registration Number(s)

President Dean Holden 0412 500 588 Vice-President Brian Reed 9481 5673 breed@bigpond.net.au Secretary Michael Cronin 0419 684 181 Treasurer John Farlow 0418 357 416 farlowj@internex.net.au Additional Committee Members John Stevens & Richard Graham Public Officer John Stevens john.stevens@justice.vic.gov.au Motorsports Co-ordinator Michael Clark 9878 1554 clark1954@optusnet.com.au Social Secretary Richard Graham 0418 527 862 rgraham8@bigpond.net.au Membership Secretary Andrew Mengyel 0420 967 948 vwcvmembership@yahoo.com.au Technical Officer Bill Malkoutzis & Andrew Ermel Editor Tony Albers 0408 330 894 wagensville@hotmail.com Assistant Editor Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 AndrewE@brimbank.vic.gov.au Web Master David Holinger david.holinger@rmit.edu.au Advertising Manager Dean Holden 0412 500 588 Club Historian Chris Scane 0417 593 573 historian@vwclub.com.au

I would like to receive my monthly Magazine/Newsletter via (please tick) Post


email address

I am interested in the following events/activities/functions (please tick) Being on the Committee

Car Shows/Concourse

CH Registration



Fuel Economy Runs



Organising Events

Social Events

Technical Sessions

Other Events

Club Membership Fees Single One Year Full Membership $55


Single 3 Year Full Membership $150


Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member).


Membership Joining Fee $10 (first year members only).




PAY MEMBERSHIP and RENEWAL ON LINE! www.vwclub.com.au/membership.php

Is your Membership renewal due? Don’t mess around with cheques or money orders, why not pay online? The Volkswagen Club of Victoria website now has an online payment facility to make renewing your membership even easier. Ensure your place in the club by paying with either Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal. or please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.

All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.

wagensvillenews If not received please return to: VOLKSWAGEN CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Print Post Approved PP326342/00052



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