Wagensville march 2015

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Mar .Vol .61 ss. 02 2015 I


I ce Cr eam R un- R epor t New O nl ine Cl ub Dat a Base M ech anic’ s R ambl ings

The Official Magazine of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria www. vwcl ub. com. au Fi nd us on f acebook

Vol kswagen cl ub ofVi ct ori a

60Year si n

t hemaki ng

.61 Mar . Vol ss.02 2015 I


The Of f i ci alMagazi ne of t he Vol kswagen Cl ub ofVi ct ori a

Pr esi dent Vi cePr esi dent Secr et ar y Tr easur er Edi t or WebMast er Cl ubHi st or i an Techni calOf f i cer Member shi pSecr et ar y Cl ubPl at eSchemeOf f i cer Cr ui seandEvent sCoor di nat or Const i t ut i on&Associ at i onMat t er s

endarofEvent s 4 Cal U p c o mi n g E v e n t D et ai l s 5 esi dent ’ sRepor t 6 Pr cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t 7 Vi goi cecr eam r un 8 Bendi astf r om t hepast 10 Bl tRi ver 12 Kennet i nedat abas-Upt odat e 13 New onl t y‘ n’Rat t y 14 Fat csr umbl i ngs 18 Mechani quaymot orshow r epor t 20 Tor st or i an’ scor ner 22 Hi st or i ani nSanMexi co 23 Hi D u b s i n t h e S q u a r e 24 shi pFor m 25 Member

:pr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au :vi cepr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au :secr et ar y@vwcl ub. com. au :t r easur er @vwcl ub. com. au :edi t or @vwcl ub. com. au :webmast er @vwcl ub. com. au :hi st or i an@vwcl ub. com. aup:0417593573 :t echni cal @vwcl ub. com. aup:0394640366 :member shi ps@vwcl ub. com. au :chpl at es@vwcl ub. com. aup:0413355850 :event s@vwcl ub. com. au :const i t ut i on@vwcl ub. com. au

Calendar of Events

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Upcomi ngEventDet ai l s VWCVGener alMeet i ng-Thur sdayt he19t hofMar ch TheAust r i anCl ubMel bour ne-90SheehanRoad,Hei del ber gWest3081 Meal saval abl ef r om 6pm wi t ht hemeet i ngst ar t i ngat8pm. Br i ngyourVW andmakeuseoft hel ar gepar ki ngar ea.

Mont hyCof f eeRun Sat ur day21stofMar ch Headondownt oDakDakCaf ef or f ant ast i cf ood,cof f eeandcompany . Seeaddr ess bel ow

Unit2 1-3 Bignell Rd Moorabbin VIC 3189 Open 7am-3pm Mon-Sat Lunch from 11:00 weekdays Saturday is all day breakfast menu Wagensvi l l e5

President’s Report Hit her e,f el l ow VW nut t er s! Wel lt heyearhasst ar t edwi t habang! Ourf i r stgener almeet i ng,hel datt heAust r i anCl ub,wasver ysuccessf ul ,and member senj oyedt heset t i ngandr easonabl ypr i cedf oodanddr i nks. Wer eal i set hi svenuei sabi tofachangef ormember s,buthopet hatyou wi l lappr eci at enothavi ngt odr i vei nt ot heci t y ,t oget herwi t ht hespaci ous f aci l i t i esandgoodcat er i ngar r angement s.Wecanuset heout doorf aci l i t i es i ngoodweat herf orevent sandmeet i ngs,and,f ort hoseofyoui nsout heast er n subur bs,don' tf or gett hemont hl ycof f eegat her i ngsatt heDakDakCaf ei n Moor abbi n.Lucki l y ,t heRi ngRoadgi veseasyaccesst ot he Hei del ber gar ea.Asyouwi l lal lr eal i se,wher everwehol dt he meet i ngs,somepeopl ewi l lf i ndi tmor econveni entt hanot her s. SundayFebr uar y8saw manymember sat t end t heeventatTor quay ,wi t h ourcl ub t aki ng outsever al awar ds.Thesameweekendwast heBat hur stt wel vehourevent .Mymechani cs/ sonsagai nwont heLi qui Mol ycompet i t i onandenj oyedbei ngi nt hecor por at et entatt hi sevent .Chr i sandDeanwer epl eased,as par toft hepr i ze,t obeabl et odoahotl apwi t hpr of essi onaldr i verJohnBowe,whi l ePet erdi dal apwi t h Davi dBr abham andJor danwi t hPet erEdwar ds. Imadet hef at almi st akeofgoi ngt ot heBal l ar atSwapmeet .Formanyyear s,t hi shasbeenagoodevent . However ,i thasbecomeappar entt hatt r adi ngoneBayhashadt heef f ectt hatt her e' sonl ydr egsl ef tf or suchswapmeet s.Iwal kedf ormi l eswi t hagoodmat ewhoi snoti nt oVW,andwhi l ei twasgr eatt ocat ch upwi t hhi m,t her ewasr eal l ynot hi ngbei ngsol dwhi chi nt er est edus.Idon' tknow i fI ' l lbot hernextyear . SundayMar ch1saw uscooki ngbr eakf asti nt hepar katBendi gof orourBendi gocount er par t s,pr i ort o t hei rI ceCr eam Runt oEchuca.Sever alofourmember sdr oveupont heSat ur dayaf t er noon,hadasoci al eveni ng t oget her ,st ayi ng att hecar avan par k,t hen wer eatt hesuper mar ketver year l yon Sundayt o pur chaset hemandat or ybaconandeggs,et c.I twasabeaut i f ulaut umnmor ni ngi nt hepar k,andJohn St evens,asusual ,of f i ci at edatt hebar becue,assi st edbyLynandmysel f .Chr i sJef f esandChar mai n,and Mi chaelCr oni ncamel i mpi ngi nanhourorsol at er ,havi ngi ndul gedi next r emepar t yi ngt heni ghtbef or e. Asyouwoul dhaver eadel sewher ei nt hi smag,ourMar chGener alMeet i ng,onMar ch19,wi l lbeatt he Aust r i anCl ub,wi t hapr esent at i onont hechangest ot heCHpl at esscheme.Seet hewebsi t eandFacebook f orf ul ldet ai l sofpl ansf ort hi smeet i ng. Don' tf or gett hatt heJambour eeatCar i bbeanGar dens,whi chIal waysenj oy ,i sonSunday22Mar ch,and t heKennet tRi verCampout ,whi chget sbi ggerandbet t erever yyear ,i sont heweekendof28,29Mar ch. Ther e' l lbeawi neand cheeseeveni ng att heLi f eSavi ng Cl ub on t heSat ur day-$10perhead f ort he eveni ng,wi t ht heCl ub pr ovi di ng t hedr i nksand ni bbl es,and pr oceedsgoi ng t ot heLi f eSavi ng Cl ub, t oget herwi t ht hef undsr ai sedatWi l l i amst ownbyt her af f l eofAndyRyan' sf ant ast i cpi ct ur e.I fyoupl an t oat t endt heKRevent ,youneedt obookASAP.Iknowwecanr el yonmember sandguest st obehavewel l i nsuchaset t i ng.( I npr evi ousyear swehavehadcompl ai nt swhensomei ndi vi dual s'behavi ourhasbeen outofor der ,upset t i ngot herpar kr esi dent s. ) TheannualEast erf est i valwi l lagai nbehel di nBendi go,wi t ht heusualcardi spl aybei nghel donSat ur day 4Mar ch.Docomeal ong,ast hi si saver ypl easantgat her i ngi ngener al l yl ovel yAut umnweat her . Hopet oseeyouatt heGM att heAust r i anCl ubonThur sday19Mar ch.I twi l lbewor t ht het r i p. Fr om yourr ecal ci t r antPr esi dent Ll oydDavi es

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Vi cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t Show of f !

Ther eseemst obel i t t l eexcuset onotshow yourcarof fatt he moment .Carshowsar eever ywher eandt heyseem t obe gr owi ng!I ndaysgonebyyouwoul dhavehadyourmaj or showsl i keDayoft heVol kswagen,VW Cr ui ser sJambor eeand af ew ot hermi xedmakeshowst hatt hecl ubwoul dat t end eachyearl i kePi cni catHangi ngRock. Now t her eseemst obeasur geofshowsbei ngcr eat ed andr un. Each weekend now t her ehavet o beatl eastf i veorsi xdi f f er entshowsyou coul d at t endwi t hyourr i de.Manyr unont heusualSat ur dayorSundaybutl at el yt he“i n” t hi ngseemst obeFr i dayni ght sdownatt hel ocalBunni ng’ s/Mast er scarpar k.Whi l st t heseshowsar emor eofacasualdi spl ayt hanashowandshi ne,t her ear eaf ewpr i zes gi vent ocar st hatst andoutf ort her i ghtr easons.Thet ur nout st ot heseshowsar e amazi ngt oowi t hsomet i mesoverahundr edcar sormor eondi spl ay .Al lyouhavet o doi sbasi cal l yshow upandpar kyourcar .Thecarpar ksar el ar geenought ohol d manyhundr edsofcar sandar eal soadequat el yl i twi t hst r eetl i ght swhi chl ookgr eat agai nstsomehi ghgl osspai ntj obsont heseshow poni es! Theevent sar ear esul tofFacebookmost l y .Wi t hmostoft hewor l dbei ngpar toft he Facebookcol l ect i vet hesedays,manycarent husi ast sar emember sofgr oupswi t h peopl e ofsi mi l ari nt er est s,j ustl i ke t he way we use ourown Facebook page f or or gani si ng/pr omot i ngevent s. I tonl yt akesoneper sont opostabouthavi ngaget t oget hert hi sFr i dayni ghtand basi cal l yanyonewho can at t end usual l ywi l l . And bef or el ong,nextt hi ngyouknow youhavet went ypeopl eal leagert ocomeal ongand gi vet hei rpr i deandj oysomet i meawayf r om t hegar age.Thent hemoment um st ar t s upandnextweekf or t ypeopl eshow upandsoon.Bef or el ong,Fr i dayni ght satt he har dwar est or ear emor eaboutst eeland r ubberand l essaboutwood and ki t chen si nks. Thi si saver ycl everi deat hough.Wi t ht i mest hewayt heyar esomepeopl ej ustdon’ t havet het i met oenj oyt hei rcar satt heweekendl i ket heyusedt o.Wor ki ngf i vedays aweekormor e,ki dspl ayi ngspor t sorot herf ami l ycommi t ment scani nt er f er ewi t h anyf r eet i meyoumi ghthave. Af t eral ongweekcommut i ngonbuses,t r ai nsorwor k vehi cl es,manypeopl ej ustwantt oescape.Sot heFr i dayni ghtpr ovi desawayt ot ake your4wheelf r i endoutf orsomeoneononet i mewi t houteat i ngi nt of ami l yt i meor homemai nt enance.I t ’ st heper f ectexcuset owasht hecar ,pumpsomeoi lt hr ough t heengi neandchar get hebat t er y .Tosomeoft heol dergener at i oni tpr obabl ybr i ngs youbackt oyourt eenagedays,meet i ngupwi t hyourmat esatt hel ocalhangoutand checki ngt hei rcar sout . Sokeepal ookoutf orwher et henextmeeti s. I nvi t eyourmat esandr el i ve/ cr eat e somegr eatt i mes! Ri char dGr aham Wagensville 7

Vol kscl ubBendi go’ sI ceCr eam Runt oEchuca

Thef i r stSundayofMar chi st het r adi t i onaldat ef orVol kscl ubBendi go’ sI ceCr eam Runt o Echuca.Af t erl astyear ’ spost ponementduet o40cpl ust emper at ur es,i twaspl easi ngt o seemuchmi l dert emper at ur espr edi ct ed.Af t erheavyr ai nover ni ghtonSat ur day( enough t ost r andsomemember satal ocalwat er i nghol ef oranext r ahourort wo) ,Sundayt ur ned outt obeaper f ectsunnyday . Af t eraf abul ousbr eakf astsuppl i edandcookedbyt heVWCVsome50vehi cl esmadet he j our neyt ohi st or i cEchuca.Her et heywer edi spl ayedal ongt heEspl anadeamongstt heol d bui l di ngsandhor seandcar r i ager i des.Thi swasagr eatl ocat i onasi tal l owedmany t our i st sandl ocal st ogetupcl oset ot hevehi cl es. Af t erl unchandawal kar oundt hel ocalshopspeopl esl owl ymadet hei rwayhome enj oyi ngt hebeaut i f ulcount r ysi deandl i t t l et ownsenr out e. Speci alt hankst ot hosemember swhocookedt hebr eakf astandt oRhet tf r om t he Vol kscl ubBendi gof orassi st i ngi nr epai r i ngamember ’ sgener at oronSat ur dayaf t er noon. Chr i sJef f es Event sCoor di nat or

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Bl astf r om t hepast Member ’ sphot os

Thi sweekourwebmast erputacal loutf orphot osofmember ’ s Vol kswagens.Hedi dt hi sexpect i ngt oseecur r entphot osof Member ’ sdai l ydr i venwat ercool edcar s,ort hei rweekendai r cool edt r easur est uckedaway.Whathedi dn’ texpectwasa Facebookf ol l owert opr oduceamazi ngcol orphot osf r om hi s chi l dhoodshowi ngof fhi sf at her ’ smanyvol kswagens.

Gl ennJones’ sf at herwasadr i vi ngi nst r uct orwhor epl acedhi s Vol kswagenever y40, 000kmsf ort henew model .Thesephot os show manyoft hef ami l yhol i daysabr oad. Wagensville 10

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Thef ut ur eVWCVPr esi dent ,Ll oydDavi es,checki ngout t hesur fatt heKennet tRi verBeachi nMar ch1971 Ladi esandgent l emen,yest heKennet tRi verCampouti sonagai nf ort het wel f t hyeari nar ow.Weal waysst ay att heKennet tRi verHol i dayPar ksi t uat ed164kmsf r om Mel bour neandr i ghtont hemagni f i centGr eatOcean Road.Asmostofusknow,t hedr i vet ogett her ef r om Tor quayi sononeoft hewor l d’ sgr eatsceni cr oadsandt he vi ewsar et ot al l ybr eat ht aki ng. TheVWCVdoesnotr unagr oupcr ui sedownt oKennet tRi verasmember sgener al l ychooset oar r i veatdi f f er ent t i mesont heFr i day ,butsomegett her easear l yast heTuesdayorWednesdayoft hepr ecedi ngweek.Theusual f or matoft heweekendi sar r i vewhenyouwant ,setupcamp,openacanofl emonadeandr el axf ort hebal anceof yourst ay .Weusual l ygetbet ween20t o30si t esf ul lofVWsandt hei rowner sandf r i ends.Thel ongr angesur f f or ecastl ookspar t i cul ar l yf avour abl esodonotf or getyourf avour i t eboar d. Wehavemadeapr ovi si onalr eser vat i onatt hepar kf oral ar gegr oupofpower edcampsi t esf ort hecl ubf orFr i day andSat ur dayni ght s.I fyoui nt endt ogopl easecont actt hepar kdi r ect l yon1300664417,t el lt hem youar ewi t h t heVol kswagenCl ubandmakeabooki ngASAPast hi si sschoolhol i dayt i me. Thi si sat r ul ygr eatandi coni cVWCVeventandi sonet hatmustnotbemi ssed.JanandIhavebeent her ef oral l t heel even( 1 1)pr evi ousKRsandwewoul dnotmi sst hi sf orqui ds. Seeyout her e. JohnSt evens

Wagensville 12

New Dat aBase Thi si saf r i endl yl i t t l er emi nder t o al lmember st o keep your cl ub i nf or mat i onupt odat e.Thi sal l owsust omakesur eyourmagazi ne,and al lr el evantcl ubpaper wor k/ emai l sendupgoi ngt ot her i ghtpl ace. Now t hankst oournew websi t eandonl i nedat abase,youcankeepus updat edofyouremai landaddr esschanges.

Usi ng t hel ogi n but t on att het op ofourwebsi t ehomepageent eryour member shi pnumber ,asshownonyourmember shi pcar d.Bydef aul tt he passwor di syourmember shi pnumberal so,andyouwi l lbeabl et ochange t hat . Once l ogged i n cl i ck t he ‘ My account ’but t on and you’ l lbe abl et o change/ conf i r m yourdet ai l s. Pl easemakesur et hati fyour ecei veyour magazi nebysnai lmai l ,oremai lt hatt her el evantdat ai scor r ectandupt o dat e,oryou’ l lmi ssout ! Younow al sohavet heopt i onofhow youwantyourmagazi ne: Emai li st hepaperf r i endl ychoi ce! Themagazi nel ooksgr eatonat abl et ! Onceyourdet ai l sar eupt odat e,st i ckar oundandbr owsesomeoft henew f eat ur esourwebsi t ehast oof f er .Ther ewi l lbenew pagesaddedr egul ar l y

www. vwcl ub. com. au Wagensville 13

Wor dsandPhot osbyJor danBevacqua

Kel l iandJoshhavequi ckl y becomesomeoft heVol kswagen Cl ub’ smostact i vemember s. They’ veal sobecomeVW hoar der s now owni ngt hr eecl assi cexampl es. Todaywe’ r echat t i ngwi t hKel l iandJosh. How di dyouguysgeti nt oVol kswagen? Kel l i“I t ’ sal lmyf aul t .Iwassi ckofcooki ngand sewi ngandwant edsomet hi ngt odo.I thadt obe Vol kswagensbecauseIl ovet hesound.Sot wo weeksaf t erment i oni ngi tt oJosh,weboughtone. ” Sot hi s1972superbeet l ewasyourf i r st .How di dyou comet oowni t ? “Weboughti ti nCol dst r eam f r om af ar mer ,who boughti tf orhi ssonwhoneverwant edi t .I tbecame af ar m vehi cl e,sur vi vi ngt he‘ Bl ackSat ur day’f i r es. Fl ameswentovert hecarcr i spi ngt her i ghtguar d andbur ni ngdownt heshedandhi shousebutl ef t t her estoft hecarunt ouched.Af t ert hel ossofhi s dai r yf ar mt hef ew i t emshecoul dsel lhedi d. ”

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Si nceowni ngi twhatwor khaveyoudonet ot hecar ? “Thel ower i ngt ookconvi nci ng,becauseIwant edi t t or emai nor i gi nal .Wer emovedt heengi net o r epl acet her earmai nsealandt i dyaf ew t hi ngsup. Thei nt er i orwascl eanedt hr oughout .ThenwhenI st ar t eddr i vi ngi tIdi scover edhow ‘ f l oat y’i t ’ sr i de was,sot hat ’ swhenJoshconvi ncedmet ol oweri t . Amongsthi sot hersuggest i onswer esomet hatI wasn’ tkeenon,soIsai d‘ gobuyyourownbl oody beet l e! ’Andhedi d. ”

Joshyou’ r eknownt obeacarman,wi t han i nt er esti nAmer i cancar s,now owni ngabeet l eat Kel l i ’ ssuggest i on.Di dyouuseyournewl y l ower edbeet l et oconvi nceKel l it of ol l ow sui t ? “She’ sonl ybeeni ni tonce,f oraboutt hr ee mi nut es. ” “Idon’ tl i keJosh’ s.Il i kei tf orwhati ti sbuti t ’ s notmyi deaofVol kswagen. ” “Shel i kest hem or i gi nal ” Whathaveyoudonet ocr eat et hi smeangr een machi ne? Lower edi t ,r ebui l tal lt hemechani cal s.Andl ef t al lt he‘ St andar dbeet l e’goodnessi npl ace. Andt hef ut ur ef orbot ht hesecar s? “Mi ne’ sf orsal e,soast of undanot herpr oj ect ” “Mi ne’ sakeeper ,f orawhi l eanyway.I tj ustneeds abi tmor ebl i ngandmaybeapai ntt ouchup” Formei t ’ smor et hanj ustt hecar ,i t ’ st hecl ub; t hesoci alaspectt hat ’ swhatIl i ke.Joshhas al waysbeenmechani cal .Bef or et hecl ubIdi dn’ t know whatIwascapabl eof ,butIl i ket ohavea t i nker .Thet echdayswer egoodbecauset he guysi nt hecl ubwantt oshar et hei rknowl edge, notwi t hhol di t .Youcanaskanyquest i onandget asensi bl eanswer ,amongstal lt hef unand f r i vol i t y.Youbecomepar toft hecl ubandt he f un. ” Andyouj ustgotdr aggedal ong? “Yup,pr et t ymuch” “Tayl or( ourdaught er )hascl ai medournew pr oj ect ,sot hi sal lcont i nues”

Wagensvi l l e17

Rumbl i ngsf r om anol dmechani c Soyoudon' tl i ket henew VWs!Yousayt her e' st oomuch pl ast i candt heyar et oocompl i cat ed.Andwhydoesn' t someonesel lacheapcarwi t hnof r i l l s? Thesi mpl eansweri s,suchacarwoul dnotsel l ,mai nl y becausepeopl et odayexpectal otf r om evenacheapcar . Forexampl e,whowoul dbuyacarwi t hwi ndupwi ndows? Ther e' sagener at i onofchi l dr enwhodon' tknow what wi ndupwi ndowsar e.Wai tunt i lpeopl est ar tt obuypur el y el ect r i cvehi cl es.Thef actt hatt heywon' thaveadequat e heat i ngorcool i ngwi l ll i mi tt hei rr angeandwi l ll i mi tt hem i nt hemar ket pl acei nnot i me.MostAust r al i answoul dbe unwi l l i ngt omaket hi scompr omi se,anddeal er swoul df i nd t hem har dt osel lonahotorcol dday .Somemanuf act ur er sar econsi der i ngr el yi ngon heat edseat sast hepr i mar ysour ceofheat i ng.I ti shar dt oi magi nepeopl eput t i ngup wi t hwar m backsi desandcol dhands!If oronel ovet ohaveawar m,cosyat mospher eon acol dday . Thet r ut hi s,andt hi si scomi ngf r om someonewhor unsawor kshop,t hatcar st odayar e i ncr edi bl yr el i abl e.WhenIwasyoungt hehomet el evi si onwast hemostcompl i cat ed t hi ngmostf ami l i esowned.Nowadays,i ti syourcar .Youmaywel lask' Whataboutmy ki ckar secomput er ?'Andt heansweri st hatevenmi dr angecar shaveanaver ageoft hi r t ycomput ersyst emsonboar d.Over al l ,consi der i ngt hequant i t yofel ect r oni csandmovi ngpar t s,t hesecar sar eext r aor di nar i l yr el i abl e.Al lcar sneedpar t sandmoneyt obe t hr ownatt hem i nt hecour seoft hei rwor ki ngl i ves.AsIhavesai dbef or e,t her ei sno cheapwayt odr i ve. Al mostal lmoder ncar shavet hef tpr oofsyst ems( i mmobi l i ser s)andasi st hecasewi t h mostcomponent snow,youneedt obeabl et or ecodet hesyst em t oacceptt henew par t . Forexampl e,whenyour epl aceabat t er yi naTouar egorQ7,youneedt ol ett hecarknow t hatt hebat t er yhasbeenchanged,andwhatt ypei ti s.Ot her wi se,somef aul tcodel i ght s mayappearont hedash.Al so,whi l stont hesubj ect ,i ti sext r emel yi mpor t antt obuya qual i t ybat t er y .Acheapaut opar t sshopbat t er ywi l lcausemor epr obl emst hani twi l lf i x.

Eveni ft hecardevel opsacommonpr obl em,wi t hf orexampl e,anel ect r i calorel ect r oni ccomponent , t hemanuf act ur erwi l lber i ghtont ot hi sandwi l lr ect i f yt hepr obl em wi t hanupgr adedcomponent whi chwi l lt henbei nst al l eddur i ngmanuf act ur e,orwi l lbeavai l abl easaspar epar t ,whi chwi l lunf or t unat el ybeatyourexpensei ft hecari soutofwar r ant y.Hencemyadvi ce-neverbuyt hef i r stmodel ofanyt hi ng,i ncl udi ngphonesandTVs.Qui t eof t en,beancount er swi l lt r yt odesi gnpar t st of ai lout si deofwar r ant y,becausespar epar t skeept hecari ndust r yal i ve. Whenwast hel astt i meyouhear dofsomeonehavi ngamot orr econdi t i oned? I tdoesn' thappenany mor eonmoder ncar s.Amot orwoul donl yber epl acedi fi tr anoutofoi lorwat er ,or ,asi snow becomi ngcommon,becauseofl ackofmai nt enance.Unf or t unat el y,orf or t unat el y,dependi ngonyour posi t i on,amoder ncarwi l lof t enr unj ustaswel l ,eveni fi ti s20, 000kmsover duef orser vi ce. However ,l ongt er m damagecanoccur ,wi t houtyourknowl edge,i ft hemot ori sget t i ngonabi tand hydr ocar bonsbui l dup,par t i cul ar l yi nhydr aul i cl i f t er s,et c.Nowadays,t hemoder nmechani chast o beat echni calspeci al i sti nonemakeofcar .Ther ef or e,bei ngabl et odi agnosewhatappeart obedi f f i cul tpr obl emswi t hl i t t l eef f or ti shi ghl yval uedandt hi si swhatyoushoul dexpectf r om suchspeci al i st s. Acommonpr obl em aspeci al i stcanadvi seyouabouti sdoorl at ches,par t i cul ar l yonGol f sand Passat s.Ahar dwor ki ngl at ch/ act uat orwi l lgi vewar ni ngsi gnsofi mmi nentf ai l ur e,suchasf ai l i ngt o l ockandunl ockr el i abl yever yt i me.I ft hi shappenst oyourcar ,dogeti tr epl acedbef or ei tl ocksf ul l y andbecomesext r emel ydi f f i cul tt oopenatal l ,t husmaki ngt her epl acementpr ocessmor eexpensi ve,nott oment i ondanger ousi nt hecaseofanacci dent . Anot heri ssuei st hequal i t yofbr akes.Af t ermar ketbr akest hatar enotf r om Ger manycancause noi se,poorbr aki ngef f ectorsever eshudder i ng.WhatIam r eal l ysayi ngher ei s-al waysuseor i gi nal equi pment( OE)component s.I nbusi ness,wecoul dal waysusel esserqual i t ypar t satasl i ght l y cheaperpr i ce,butt her i sksar enotwor t hi t .Manuf act ur er swi l lgener al l yuset hr eeorsodi f f er ent suppl i er sf ort hesamepar t( i ncaseonef act or ybur nsdownorgoesoutofbusi ness) .Thesemanuf act ur er swi l lof t enr el easeaf t ermar ketpar t st ot hepubl i cvi adi st r i but i onnet wor ksatcompet i t i ve pr i ces.Thesepar t sar eor i gi nalqual i t yandar equi t eaccept abl et ousewi t ht heknowl edgeoft hi s qual i t y.( Remembert hatVol kswagen-andot hercarcompani es-basi cal l ymaket hebodyshel l ,r el yi ngonmanyout si desuppl i er st opr ovi deal lt heel ect r i calandbodycomponent s.I nt heend,t her el i abi l i t yofacarcomesdownt owhet herornotanaf t ermar ketsuppl i erwasf or cedt ocutcor ner st o mai nt ai nt hecont r act . ) I nmyf or t ypl usyear sofexper i ence,af ai rpr opor t i onoft hemechani cal / el ect r i calpr obl emsar e causedbysever alf act or s-hel pf ulr el at i ves,al ar mi nst al l er s,poorqual i t ypar t sf i t t edbyhel pf ulr el at i ves,af t ermar ketbat t er yi nst al l er sandf i nal l y,j ustpl ai nownerabuse,f orexampl el endi ngt hecart o anyoneandnotadher i ngt or ecommendedmai nt enanceschedul es.( Ihavet estdr i venwi t hcust omer sandi tsoonbecomesappar entf r om t hewayt heydr i vewhysomehavemul t i pl ef ai l ur es. )MaybeI am l ucky,andIhaveownedmanyVW andAudipr oduct s,butIhavenotexper i encedanyt hi ngl i ke t hef aul t sweseei nt hewor kshop,andt ot hi sdat eIhavenevercomehomeonat ow t r uck.Thi s coul dofcour seal lchange,butIdobel i evei nschedul edandpr event at i vemai nt enance. Yourr ant i ngol dmechani c Ll oyd

Wagensvi l l e19

Tor quayMot orShow OnSunday8t hFebr uar ysome35VWst r avel l edf r om Mel bour net o t hemeet i ngpoi nti nTor quaywher et heywer ej oi nedbyanot her15 orsol ocal s.Fr om her ei twasashor tconvoyt ot heTor quayf or eshor ef ort heshow. Thi syear ’ sshow wasat t endedbysome400car swi t hagr eat showi ngofover50VWs.Af ant ast i cef f or tconsi der i ngt heday st ar t edoutgr eyandover cast .Byt heaf t er noont hesunwasout andt het r ophi eswer ebei nghandedout .Onceagai nt heVWCVr ecei vedbestcl ubdi spl ay,whi chmakest woyear si nar ow.Best Sur fVehi cl ewaswonbya13Wi ndow Spl i t t yandbestTr ades Vehi cl ewaswonbyaSpl i t t ySi ngl eCabut e.Anot herwi nnerwas Tayl orHandi cot tf orbestpushbi ke.Wel ldonet oal lwhoat t ended. Thi shast obeoneoft hebestcarshowsar oundwi t hgr eatpeopl e andf ant ast i ccar si nabeaut i f ull ocat i onont hebeach. Hopet oseeyoual lagai nnextyear .

Wagensvi l l e20

Wagensville 21

Vol kswagenPoi nt er( TheVW -For d) Oneoft hemosti nt er est i ngVWsIsawi nMexi cowast heVol kswagenPoi nt erwhi chwasasmal lf ami l y carsol dbyVol kswagent oBr azi li nSout hAmer i caf r om 1994t o1997andi nt r oducedi nMexi coi n spr i ng1998.I twasder i vedf r om ar ebadgedmodelbasedont heFor dEscor tMkV.ThePoi nt erwas or i gi nal l yavai l abl easaf i vedoorhat chback,andt het wodoorcoupéver si on,cal l edt heVol kswagen Logus,wassol df r om 1993t o1996i nBr azi l . I twasbasedont heEur opeanver si onoft heFor dEscor t ,bei ngt her esul tofVol kswagenGr oup' s Aut oLat i naj oi ntvent ur ewi t ht heFor d Mot orCompany,whi ch al so saw t heVol kswagen Sant ana r ebadgedast heFor dVer sai l l es.Af t erl ooki ngatt hePoi nt erandl at erchecki ngoutpi ct ur esoft he Escor t ,Icoul d onl yseesmal lsheetmet aldi f f er encesand agr eei tl ooksl i keaFor dr at hert han Vol kswagen.The namepl at er emai ned i n use af t er t he Escor t based modelwas r et i r ed f r om pr oduct i on,ast heBr azi l i anmanuf act ur edVol kswagenGolwasmar ket edast heVol kswagenPoi nt er i nMexi co,andal soi nRussi a,Ukr ai neandEgypt .Theonl yext r acostopt i onavai l abl ewasapackage combi ni ngai rcondi t i oni ngandpowerst eer i ng. TheEscor tMkVpl at f or m( andMar kI I IOr i onsal oon)ar r i vedi nSept ember1990wi t hanal l new body shel landasi mpl i f i edt or si onbeam r earsuspensi on( i nst eadoft heMar kI I I ' sf ul l yi ndependentl ayout ) . I ni t i al l yt he1. 3LHCS,1. 4Land1. 6LCVHpet r oland1. 8Ldi eseluni t swer ecar r i edoverf r om t heol d model .I n1992anal lnew Zet ec16val veengi newasl aunchedbr i ngi ngi mpr oveddr i veabi l i t y,whi l e al somar ki ngt her et ur noft heXR3iwhi chwasavai l abl ewi t ht wover si onsoft he1. 8LZet ecengi ne. TheVol kswagenPoi nt erf i vedoorhat chbackwasdevel opedont hesameFor dEscor tMkVpl at f or m ast heVol kswagenLogus,pr esent edi n1993i nOct ober .I nt het hemeoft hi syear ,t hel astPoi nt er pr oduced,ahat chbackGTImodel ,wassentt oVol kswagen' sf act or ymuseum i nWol f sbur g,Ger many. Hi ghl i ght soft heGTICar ’ sHi st or yi nSout hAmer i ca 1994Di gi t alMul t i poi ntI nj ect i onFor dEECI V onGTIi mpr ovedper f or mance,l evelofnoi seandf uel consumpt i on. 1995of f er edopt i onofcol our edbumper s. 1996GTIhadnew r oadwheel sandi nt er i oruphol st er y. 1996wasal sot hel astyearofpr oduct i oni nBr azi l ,duet ot heAut oLat i napar t ner shi pf al l i ngapar t . Thi scarwasi nt r oducedi nMexi coi nspr i ng1998ast heVol kswagenPoi nt er( anamepr evi ousl yused i nLat i nAmer i caf ort hePoi nt er / Logus) .Theonl yver si onf ort hi syearwasat hr eedoorhat chbackwi t h a1. 8l i t r e98hpengi neandaf i vespeedmanualgear box.For1999af i vedoorest at ever si on,t he Br azi l i anPar at i( cal l edt hePoi nt erSt at i onWagoni nMexi co)andt heSavei r o( cal l edt hePoi nt erPi ck Up)wer eadded.Theywer emar ket edi nt hr eet r i ml evel s:Base,Comf or t( A/ Candpowerst eer i ng)and Luxe( 14"al l oywheel s,powerwi ndowsandr emot econt r olcent r al i zeddoorl ocks,A/ C andpower st eer i ng) .For2000t hePoi nt err ecei vedt hesamef acel i f tasi nBr azi landaspor t yPoi nt erGTIbased ont heBr azi l i anGolGTIwasi nt r oduced.I twasat hr eedoorhat chbackwi t ha2. 0l i t r e122hpengi ne. I thadAM/ FM/ Casset t er adi o,al l oywheel s,al lar ounddi scbr akes,andspor t ybl ackseat sasst andar d equi pment . I n2002abasi cPoi nt erCi t yver si onwasi nt r oduced,t hef or merComf or tver si onwasr enamedt he Tr endl i ne,andt heLuxevar i antast heComf or t l i ne.I n2005t hePoi nt erSt at i onWagonandt hePoi nt er GTIwer edi scont i nuedandt hef or merPoi nt ert r i mswer er epl acedbyanew Poi nt erMiver si on. Thet r i ml evelont hePoi nt erIsaw ont hest r eet soft hePor tofManzani l l awoul dsuggesti twasa Tr endl i neast het r i m wasf ai r l ybasi cal t hought hemodell ookedf ai r l ynew,byMexi canst andar ds.I t i si nt er est i nghow t heMexi canshavecapt ur edaf or mul at hathaswor kedwel lel sewher eandbeen successf ul( f r om t heyear si npr oduct i on) ,i nt hei rownenvi r onment .I fyouwoul dl i ket oknow mor e aboutMexi canorot herover seasVWs,dr opmeal i neorcont actmedur i ngacl ubevent ;i twoul dbe gr eatt ogetyouri nput . Your si nt oMexi canVol kswagens, Chr i sScane

Wagensvi l l e22

Hi st or i ani nMexi co Hi st or i ani nMexi co Fol l owi ngt hef i r sti nst al mentofmyt r i pt ot heAmer i cas,t heI sl andPr i ncesswasboar ded andt hef i r stpor tofcal lwasManzani l l oci t y,i nt heMexi canst at eofCol i ma.Theci t y, l ocat edont hePaci f i cOcean,cont ai nsoneofMexi co' sbusi estpor t sandhandl est our i st shi ps.Manzani l l owast het hi r dpor tcr eat edbyt heSpani shi nt hePaci f i cdur i ngt heNew Spai nper i od.I ti st hel ar gestmuni ci pal i t ywi t hi nt hebusi ness,spor tf i shi ngandt our i sm sect oroft hest at eofCol i maandwi del yknowni nMexi coast he‘ Sai l f i shCapi t aloft he Wor l d’ . I twasher et hatIf oundar i chcul t ur eofVol kswagensi nt hecommuni t yandal t hough manywer enoti nexact l ypr i st i necondi t i on,t heyar eal lst i l lenj oyedbyt hei rowner sas val ueddai l ydr i ver s.Oneoft hef i r stai rcool edBeet l esIdi scover edwasa1980sType1 t hatl ookedl i kei thaddoneal otoff ami l ymi l esandmayhavebeeni nt hesamef ami l yal l i t sl i f e!I thaddad,mum andabout34ki dsi nt hebackandnotaseatbel ti nsi ght !I tal so hadal otofhi st or ybyt hel ookoft hepai nt ’ sl ackofsheen,ahomespr ayj obandan ear l i ermodelengi nel i dasar epl acementf ort heor i gi nal .Fol l owi ngsomeshot sofi t get t i ngaboutt hepor t ,Igotashotofi tpar kedneart hel ocalshopsmi nusi t sowner s. Thenextl otofBeet l esIf oundwer ecr ui si ngandpar kedcl oset ot hepor tandoneoft he bestwasar edBeet l ewi t haf t er mar ketal l oywheel sandspor t i ngabr i ghtshi nypai ntj ob!I coul dt el lhehadgr eatpr i dei nhi scarbyt henumbert i meshewasseencr ui si ngar ound t hepor tar ea,maybeshowi ngi tt ot het our i st sbuyi ngsouveni r s.Anot herpar kedBeet l e ( bl ue)di dnotl ooksogoodwi t hmanyr emi nder sofcl oseencount er smaybewi t hot her Mexi canmot or i st s.Fi nal l yt hel astBugwasaBl ackBaj at hatl ookedl i kei thadnotmoved f ormanymont hs( maybeyear s! ) .Ther adi owasmi ssi ng( onl ywi r esf r om t hedashwer e l ef t ) ,t hemot orwascover edwi t hapl ast i cbagandt heexhaustpl uggedwi t hacup. Thewat er cool edscenei nManzani l l oi sj ustasst r ongwi t hanumberofol dwat er pumper sst i l lgr aci ngt hest r eet sandkeepi ngt heseMexi cansont hemove.Oneoft he ol destwasaMar k1r edCar i be( Gol f )wi t hdi st i nct i ver ect angul arheadl ampsandaf ew col l i si oni nj ur i est hatpr ovedsomet est amentt oi t sage.1980saw t hi scarr ecei ve r ect angul arheadl ampsaswel lassomenew col our s.I n1981t heCar i bechangedt o i ncl udemanyf eat ur esf r om t heAmer i can1981Rabbi t( anal t er nat enamef ort heGol f ) .I n t hef ol l owi ngyear s,t hef i nanci alcr i si si nMexi cosaw t het r i msr at i onal i seddownt oC andGLwi t hnew dashboar dsf r om t he1980Eur opeanGol f .1984saw t hedi eselCar i beC gone,butt heCar i beGT( Gol fGTIRoot s)wi t ha1. 8l i t r eengi newi t h85hp( 63kW)and i ncl udedacar bur et t ori nst eadofi nj ect or s.Thel i ghtbl ueMar k2Isaw haddoneal otof mi l eagebutwasasur vi vort oi t scr edi ti napr et t yt oughenvi r onment !Thenumberof scr apesont hewheelar chesandnongenui newheelt r i mswasr ef l ect i veofl ot sofdi r ect cont actwi t ht heMexi canst r eet scape. Fi nal l yacoupl eofgr eenJet t aswer espot t ed,onepar kedi nt het ownandt heot heran est at ecarpar keddownneart hepor t .Theywer espot t edaswewer el eavi ngMexi coand t heyl ookedi nf ai r l ygoodcondi t i onbei ngoneoft hemor emoder ncar sbyl ocal st andar ds.I twassoont i mef oral lofust ogetbackont heshi pandheadsout ht ot he nextpor tandhopef ul l ysomemor eVol kswagens! Your si nt oMexi canVol kswagens, Chr i sScane Wagensvi l l e23

Forsal e Col ouror i gi nalMtBl ue. Pur chasedbymyf at heri n1968andal waysgar aged.St r ai ght ,nor ust .Di f f er ent i al over haul edabout1970,engi neover haul edwi t hnew cam shaf tandover si zed r i ngsi n 1978. Recent l ynew cl ut ch,br akesandaxl eboot s.I nt er i orneedsf ul lr est or at i on.Doorhi nges andwi ndow r ubber swor n.Thi r dgearwor n.Carwi l lcl i mbf r om Mont r oset oOl i ndai n t opgearandi sst i l lcapabl eof70MPH.Ihaveagoodmai nt enancer ecor d. RoofRack.Dur al umi noral umi ni um.Rest sonf ourr ubberpadssuppor t edbyst ai nl ess st eelpl at esembossedwi t ht hewor d" Her cul es" .Thesear ebal lj oi nt ed soast of i tt he r oofshape.Ei ght eenwoodensl at sf or mt hebase.Fourcl i pst i ght enedbyAl l enKey at t acht ogut t er .Theseneedr econdi t i oni ng.Amostat t r act i veandf unct i onalVW accessor y ,t hel i keofwhi chIhaveneverseen. Cont actEvanph97511991

ForSal e 40hpengi ne;r unni ngcondi t i on-unknown Boughti n 1981f r om Pound mot or si n Mel bour neasa r epl acementf ora1961beet l e.Thecarhassi ncebeen wr ecked.Iwast ol di t ’ donl ydone300mi l essi ncenew. Engi nei scompl et e,mi nust hef l ywheelandcl ut ch. Woul dneednew muf f l er( canbesuppl i edatext r acost ) . $500 pi ckuponl y . Cal lJor danon0458486114

PLEASENOTE:Al lent r i esi nt hi ss ec t i onMUSTi nc l udeei t herr egi s t r at i onnumber ,engi nenumberorVI N number .Adv er t i s ement swi t hout t hes edet ai l sWI LLNOTbepubl i s hed.Adv er t i s ement swi l lbel i mi t edt oaper i odoft hr eemont hs .I fy ouwi s ht oc ont i nuey ouradv er t i s ement bey ondt hei ni t i al t hr eemont hper i od,ory ouri t em/ c arhasbeenSOLD,pl eas ec ont ac tt heEdi t ors ot hes pac ec anbeal l oc at edt oNEW Ads .

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The Official Magazine of t h e Vo l k s w a g e n C l u b o f Victoria

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