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THIS WAS DIFFICULT. A few months ago, we asked Volume One readers to nominate local kids aged 10 years or younger for a special feature. Our goal was not to find “the best” kids in the area, but to discover outstanding examples of what Chippewa Valley youth can accomplish. We were looking for kids with passion and creativity. Kids with big ideas. Kids who dive in. Kids who care about their families and their communities. We asked you to submit diverse nominees in terms of age, ability, interests, and culture. And we were overwhelmed by your response. Selecting the 10 kids you see in the following pages was no easy feat. It was a moving experience to read through your applications, and we’re so proud to live amongst so many phenomenal young citizens. The 10 individuals to featured here aren’t the “winners.” They’re simply a band of kids who demonstrate some of what’s great about growing up in the Chippewa Valley. We believe their stories are inspiring – for kids and grown-ups alike. Check it out online at VolumeOne.org/10under10

Words and design : sawyer hoff
Photos: andrea paulseth