VRWorldTech Magazine: Issue 6

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N e w s ,

f e a t u r e s

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a n a l y s i s

f o r

i m m e r s i v e

t e c h

a n d

e n t e r p r i s e

m a g a z i n e

w w w. v r w o r l d t e c h . c o m

Immersive VR Education A game changer for learning

University of Nottingham Educators and learners have to try virtual reality


The education sector’s intelligent transformation


Crucial tools in the future

Study aid or class clown?

It’s more complicated than that T H E





Deadline: 01/04/2021

Publication date: 12/04/2021


Immersive technology hardware is undergoing rapid development, with new headsets and peripherals hitting the market every day. Enterprises need to know their headsets from their smart glasses, their haptics from their holographic displays. What do they need and why?

Mark Dugdale, Editor editor@vrworldtech.com

Jonathan Savage, Publisher jonsavage@vrworldtech.com

VRWorldTech Magazine

N e w s ,

f e a t u r e s

a n d

a n a l y s i s

f o r

i m m e r s i v e

t e c h

a n d

e n t e r p r i s e

m a g a z i n e Published by: Premeditated Media Group Ltd 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9JQ

w w w. v r w o r l d t e c h . c o m


Immersive VR Education

Mark Dugdale

University of Nottingham

A game changer for learning

Educators and learners have to try virtual reality



The education sector’s intelligent transformation



Crucial tools in the future

Jonathan Savage

Study aid or class clown?


It’s more complicated than that

Editorial board


Jan Pflueger, advisXR





Sophia Moshasha

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© 2021 Premeditated Media Group Ltd. All rights in and relating to this publication are expressly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in VRWorldTech Magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. While the publisher has taken every care in compiling this publication to ensure accuracy at the time of going to press, it does not accept liability or responsibility for errors or omissions therein, however caused.


February 2021


Deadline: 01/10/2021

Publication date: 11/10/2021

Entertainment Issue

Immersive movies, games and experiences are becoming big business, online and in the real world. They can be found in homes as headsets become cheaper for consumers, in museums as guests demand more immersion, and at venues as operators seek new ways to attract customers.

Mark Dugdale, Editor editor@vrworldtech.com

Jonathan Savage, Publisher jonsavage@vrworldtech.com

Editor’s Note

Welcome to VRWorldTech Magazine 2.0 New Year, new subscription


appy—if a little

a bird’s-eye view of what’s available

years, and all of our readers for their


rather than zooming in on any one

support. Immersive technology really is

Year to each and

industry or sector. Stay tuned for those,

a truly amazing industry to work in and

every reader of

because we’ve got some exciting content

write about.


up our sleeves.

Magazine. This new decade continues

That’s all from me. I promise I’ll write a

to challenge and try us, in unexpected

And of course, if you’re reading this,

longer editor’s note in future issues and

and unwelcome ways. But optimism is

you’ve paid to do so, either up front or

try to shine a little off-the-record light

emerging with the arrival of numerous

via one of our competitive subscription

on what I’m learning about immersive

vaccines and their potential to reunite us

options. Thank you for doing so. Your

technology for enterprise. Until then,

all once again. It’s probably going to get

support will help make VRWorldTech

please enjoy this issue, and, as ever,

harder for many, but, hopefully, not for

Magazine even better, allowing us to hire

please do let us know what you think via

too much longer.

freelance writers to support Jon and I,

social media or

and reinvest in the website and magazine,


This issue of VRWorldTech Magazine,

this platform dedicated to immersive

our first of 2021, is the one of six

technology for enterprise.

scheduled for release this year. We decided to expand from quarterly to

Do visit vrworldtech.com/vrworldtech-

bimonthly so we can cover more of

magazine-2021 to find out more about

the impressive work being done in

subscribing to VRWorldTech Magazine if

immersive technology for enterprise,

you haven’t picked up a print or digital

beyond the industries and sectors

subscription yet. They could save you

of location-based entertainment,

money and ensure you receive a copy

healthcare, retail, automotive, and

in the mail or via email, as soon as

military and defence where we’ve

they’re published and before anyone else.

already shone a light.

We’re also working on some subscriber

Mark has been a business-to-business

exclusives to make subscribing all the

journalist for a decade. He has edited and

This issue focuses on education, a

more compelling. Stay tuned for lots of

written for websites within financial services

sector in need of support as remote

news on those.

and law. He graduated from the University of Leeds with a BA in creative writing.

learning becomes the norm. We’ll look at hardware in April, then architecture,

I want to take this opportunity to thank

engineering and construction, software,

our editorial board (which we are

entertainment, and manufacturing. The

working to expand, I promise!), every

hardware and software issues will take

single contributor over the past two

Mark Dugdale Editor VRWorldTech


February 2021



In this issue


A round up of the biggest stories tracked over the past two months. This issues features Physna, SenseGlove, Vuzix, Rokid, PrecisionOS and Victory Square Technologies


Education / Editor’s comment


Important lessons are

Education / Immersive VR Education

being learned about

If virtual reality is a game

immersive technology’s

changer for education,

future role in education

then Engage and its users are the winners


February 2021



Education / University of Nottingham As the University of Nottingham shows, for educators and learners to embrace virtual reality, they have to try it first



Education / MindFuel MindFuel prizes student engagement and believes augmented and virtual


reality will become crucial

Education / Lenovo

tools in the future

Lenovo is aiding the education sector’s intelligent transformation with VR Classroom 2


Meet Dominica Jamir, who is using virtual reality as a tool to enhance current teaching and learning methods

Dominica Jamir vrworldtech.com

February 2021


VRWorldTech is a must-read resource if you want to stay up-to-date on progress within immersive technology for enterprise. Our content sits between the technology’s creators and developers and the business leaders who can benefit from its use and application. We cover the stories that make immersive technology a reality.

A round up of the biggest stories tracked in The Reality Wire over the past two months.

Thangs.com creator Physna lands $20 million in funding


hysna, the geometric deep-

Using complex mathematical

In addition to Physna’s enterprise

learning and 3D search

analyses and advanced geometric

solution, the company powers a free

solutions company, has

deep learning technology, Physna

search engine for consumers called

raised $20 million in series

codifies 3D models into detailed data


B funding.

that can be understood by software. Thangs is an easy-to-use search

The round was led by Sequoia

This approach enables an entirely

tool for physical object and 3D

Capital with participation from Drive

new era of software. Physna allows

model search, allowing users to

Capital, which led Physna’s Series A

designers, engineers, supply chain

search with models directly rather

round in 2019.

professionals and field workers

than relying on text.

to quickly find new 3D models The funds will be used to grow

by searching with predefined 3D

Since launching in August 2020,

the company’s team and increase

objects, partial models, geometric

hundreds of thousands of people

development to meet growing

measurements, or actual model data.

have used Thangs to improve

demand for its solutions.

their workflow in everything from Shaun Maguire, partner at Sequoia,

product design to 3D printing, with

Sequoia partner Shaun Maguire joins

says: “Paul [Powers] and the Physna

virtual and augmented reality model

the board of directors with the latest

team have developed a breakthrough

compatibility soon to follow.

round, which brings Physna’s total

platform that enables intuitive search

funding to $29 million.

of 3D models for the first time.”

Physna was founded in 2016

“With the amount of 3D data in the

announcement of significant updates

on the principle that computers

world about to explode, Physna will

to Thangs, including support for

can be taught to ‘think’ in three

be the way this data is organised and

more complex content types beyond

dimensions, and accurately

accessed—ultimately, becoming the

the simple 3D models that are

describe the physical world.

GitHub for 3D models.”

currently searchable.

The Physna team continues to add features at a fast pace with the


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /The-Reality-Wire

Thangs now supports assembly files from virtually any platform, allowing users to upload massive assemblies alongside their subassemblies and components. Users can see how all the parts go together, and through Thangs’s light version of Physna’s core algorithms, see alternative ways to build the model. This latest update brings Physna one step closer to making 3D models accessible and useful to everyone—regardless of their background. Customers relying on Thangs as well as Physna’s enterprise software include the Department of Defense and a host of Fortune 100 companies in the aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, medical and robotics industries, among others.

SenseGlove launches new haptic gloves for virtual reality training


enseGlove, a developer of force and haptic feedback gloves, has launched a new version of its haptic force-feedback gloves designed specifically for professional virtual reality training purposes.

SenseGlove Nova features an updated flexible form-factor in combination with haptic technologies and smooth

Paul Powers, chief executive officer and founder

hand tracking that enables users to feel shapes, textures,

of Physna, comments: “Physna has enabled a

stiffness, impacts and resistance in virtual reality easier

quantum leap in technology by allowing software

than ever before.

to truly understand physical 3D data. By merging the physical with the digital, we have unlocked

The gloves’ level of usability and touch-enabling

massive and ever-growing opportunities in

technology will help upscale all kinds of virtual reality

everything from geometric search to 3D machine

training programmes, such as training to handle

learning and predictions.”

hazardous materials, carrying out complex tasks with multiple tools and objects, or learning to design and test

“Having both Sequoia and Drive endorse this next-

physical prototypes.

generation of search and machine learning helps Physna empower even more technical innovations

Gijs den Butter, chief executive officer of SenseGlove, says:

for our customers and the market as a whole.”

“Unlike research applications, VR training projects are all


February 2021


TRW about quick implementation. We

virtual reality training: motion-tracking,

a wide variety of virtual objects, from

created SenseGlove Nova—a new

force feedback, vibrotactile feedback,

robust engines to fragile light bulbs.

glove using stretchable, easy-to-put-on

and an updated form-factor that

material—specifically for VR training,

enables the user to easily and quickly

For the vibrotactile feedback of

based on direct customer feedback.”

put on and take off the gloves.

SenseGlove Nova, SenseGlove has embedded an advanced voice coil

Den Butter continues: “The ability

Malte Hedemann, a referent digital

actuator technology that allows the

to experience digital worlds through

realities (virtual and augmented

Nova to render the feeling of realistic

intuitive real-world behaviors coupled

reality) expert at the Volkswagen

button clicks and impact simulations,

with a low $5,000 price make the

Group, says: “The next big step

which are crucial for virtual reality

SenseGlove Nova the most accessible

towards truly immersive VR training is

training with tools and dashboards.

device for the future of work and a new

to have haptic interactions. Therefore,

sense in VR training.”

Volkswagen collaborates with

Both the thumb and the index finger

SenseGlove to make this vision of

have their own vibrotactile actuator,

scalable haptic VR training a reality.”

while the voice coil actuator is

Research has shown that the presence of realistic haptic interactions and feedback is an

How they work

integral part of creating compelling

located in the hub of the glove. The unique force-and vibrotactile

and useful immersive virtual

SenseGlove’s patented force

feedback is incorporated into a user-

environments, where both kinesthetic

feedback technology enables

friendly flexible glove, whose haptic

and cutaneous feedback convey

lifelike interactions, which is crucial

features along with advanced motion

unique information critical to object

for complex task training. The

tracking, compatibility with the latest

handling and manipulation.

SenseGlove exoskeleton is inspired

standalone headsets and scalable

by the human tendon muscle system.

pricing make SenseGlove Nova the

Famous for its exoskeleton cyberpunk

By applying resistance through its

new standard in professional virtual

design, the current version of

magnetic friction brakes, SenseGlove

reality interactions.

SenseGlove (DK1) is used for virtual

emulates the feeling of object density

reality research and has been on the

and size.

market since 2018.

SenseGlove showcased the working prototype of SenseGlove Nova at CES

The SenseGlove Nova incorporates

2021 and plans to ship the first pairs

It has since been purchased

four brakes dedicated to each finger

of gloves in March 2021.

and applied by more than 100

from thumb to ring finger. Each brake

corporations and institutions,

delivers up to 20N of force, which

SenseGlove Nova is currently

including Volkswagen, Airbus,

is equivalent to the weight of a 2kg

available for pre-order at an

Scania, Honda, Procter & Gamble,

brick on each finger and makes for

introductory price of $5,000 for a set

Siemens, the University of

unparalleled force feedback.

of two gloves. Visit the SenseGlove

Cambridge, and Fraunhofer.

website to find out more. The different amounts of force,

Developed in collaboration with

transferred to the fingertips through

Bulk orders of 10 or more Nova

research customers, SenseGlove Nova

mechanical wires, allows SenseGlove

gloves are available at a discounted

possesses the features required for

to enhance training simulations with

rate of $3,500 per set of gloves.


February 2021


TRW requires a low-power and highresolution display. Dr Qiming Li, chief executive officer and founder of Jade Bird Display, says: “We are very pleased to

Vuzix partners with Jade Bird Display to develop next-gen AR smart glasses


collaborate and have this joint-supply relationship with Vuzix, who is a longtime leader in optics, display technology and augmented reality products that are a perfect fit to operate with Jade Bird Display’s unique microLED technology. Vuzix and Jade Bird are respective

uzix Corporation,

Both monochrome and RGB

industry leaders, and we look

a supplier of smart

microLED display solutions are

forward to a long and strong

glasses and augmented

actively being developed for use by

partnership with Vuzix.”

reality technology and

Vuzix in its next generation smart

products, is working

glasses and for customers of Jade

Paul Travers, president and

Bird Display.

chief executive officer of Vuzix,

with Jade Bird Display, a Chinabased leader in microLED displays,

comments: “We are very excited

on the co-development and cross-

These solutions are expected to

about our collaboration with Jade

supply of solutions incorporating

be the world’s smallest microLED

Bird Display, who has demonstrated

their superbright microLED display

display engines when commercially

leading highly efficient microLED

engines and waveguides.

released and will utilise Vuzix’s latest

technology and production

‘monolithic’ single layer waveguides,

capabilities in microLED displays.”

Under their multi-year agreement,

with both glass and plastic options

Jade Bird Display will provide

expected to be available.

“This relationship with Jade Bird

microLED displays and Vuzix will

Display advances Vuzix’s products

provide newly developed proprietary

For these next generation products,

and serves to further our leadership

waveguides and display engine

the entire microLED engine

position in the supply of next

optics to work with these displays.

(monochrome and RGB) should allow

generation waveguides and display

next-generation augmented reality

engine technologies and also

The complete solutions and

smart glasses to have a virtually

supports and helps to grow Jade Bird

components will be sold by both

indistinguishable look and feel from

Display’s markets with fully functional

Vuzix and Jade Bird Display to their

normal eyeglasses.

solutions that each of us can sell.”

These solutions are being developed

“We look forward to showing these

Vuzix and Jade Bird Display have

for smart glasses and sighting

solutions to the world and seeing

agreed to supply to each other on a

systems, simple viewfinders, and

them in action come the second half

priority allocation basis.

just about any near-eye device that

of 2021.”

respective customers.


February 2021


TRW PrecisionOS receives investment from Parvizi Surgical Innovation


arvizi Surgical Innovation

our medical device and institutional

(PSI) has invested in

partner network.”

and partnered with

'A proven model for success' Dr Javad Parvizi, founder and chief

PrecisionOS, the clinically

“Re-imagining surgical education has

executive officer of PSI, says: “The

validated software

been at the forefront of our highly

PrecisionOS platform optimises

company providing relevant medical-

advanced and innovative approach

surgical education through cutting-

grade, interactive and industry-

to improve patient outcomes."

edge gaming and simulation

recognised virtual reality and

capabilities while providing endless

augmented reality experiences for

He adds: "We are excited to

growth opportunities for industry-

surgical training and education.

introduce our partnership with PSI,

wide surgical advancement.”

which shares a similar patient-centric Founded by Dr Danny Goel,

vision and values.”

an orthopedic surgeon with a

“The technology offers a proven model for success given its robust

passion and commitment for novel

PSI is comprised of nearly 100

clinical validation from two recent,

educational approaches toward

clinicians located across top

randomised controlled trials and

surgical mastery, PrecisionOS brings

educational university institutions

the support of its experienced and

together a groundbreaking team of

globally. The organisation collectively

diverse surgeon advisory board.”

industry experts intersecting surgical

brings together industry-leading

education, gaming, and film with

surgical experts focused on

“We look forward to aligning

simulation and haptics.

transforming the efforts of enhanced,

ourselves with PrecisionOS as they

novel technologies.

continue to pave a strong path

Goel, founder and chief executive

forward for supporting surgeons

officer of PrecisionOS, says: “This

Prioritising healthcare providers and

within our operating rooms, as well

is a significant milestone for our

patients’ experiences, PSI continues

as researchers, industry leaders,

company, which has provided world-

to drive the industry forward in

and all other parties involved in

class teaching experiences across

devoting its ongoing investment

providing elevated and modernised

25 countries in over 300 cities within

toward long-term quality care.

surgical experiences.”


February 2021


Deadline: 2 6 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 1 Public a tion da te: 0 6 / 1 2 / 2 0 2 1

Manufacturing Issue Designers are at the forefront of virtual reality, creating and refining ever impressive products, machines and buildings, without having to leave their studio and on much grander scales, while augmented reality is being utilised to redefine traditional spaces and bring 3D models alive, in the real world.

Mark Dugdale, Editor editor@vrworldtech.com

Jonathan Savage, Publisher jonsavage@vrworldtech.com


Rokid unveils Vision 2 mixed reality glasses


mmersive technology startup

Furthermore, Rokid Vision 2's

Rokid has unveiled its latest

hands-free voice control interface

multimodal interactive

mixed reality binocular

with dual microphones can

technology, real-time

glasses, Rokid Vision 2.

accurately detect voice commands

navigation, and multimedia

in any environment.

engine to create an

Combining augmented reality and

Holographic Cinema: Using

immersive 4D IMAX theater-

artificial intelligence capabilities,

Through producing the Vision

like experience, including

Rokid Vision 2 integrates mixed

series, Rokid has concluded

2D, 3D, and 360° panoramic

reality with the real world to improve

several standards for mixed reality


productivity and provide immersive

hardware products.

experiences for users.

Virtual City: Adopts six degrees of freedom simultaneous

Du Hui, head of the hardware

localisation and mapping,

The 4G and 5G device is designed

department at Rokid, says

voice, and other technologies

for cultural tourism, exhibition/

these standards are high optical

based on a single RGB

museums, healthcare, industrial

transmittance, large unobstructed

camera, in which users are

uses, and several other industries.

FoV, ultra-long exit pupil distance,

allowed to move freely around

multi-platform accessibility,

the virtual space.

Hardware features

multimodal interaction, and a multiexternal perception capability.

Rokid Vision 2 is lightweight and can be folded like an ordinary pair

Software updates and new apps

Over the past year, Rokid has been developing the software ecosystem around the glasses.

of glasses. The display uses the world’s leading diffractive optical

Rokid Vision 2 is equipped with

Rokid released SXR SDK, which

waveguide technology with a light

brand new apps that support spatial

provided technologies and services

transmittance of 85% and 40° field

interaction. They include:

that developers can work with on

of view (FoV), equivalent to viewing

Android and Unity.

a 120in TV that is 4m away.


Fantasy World: A 360-degree immersive space created using stereo rendering technology

The Rokid software system also

The dual directional speakers create

and natural multimodal

supports several mainstream

a top-quality immersive experience

interaction (voice, head control,

hardware platforms, including

for users.

and gestures).

HiSilcon, Amlogic and Qualcomm.

February 2021


TRW Victory Square hires Dooner to lead new Immersive Tech location-based VR experience In the future, Rokid plans to support its software on more hardware devices in order to build an ecosystem with a host of partners and developers.

Rokid plans to target broader market


ictory Square

Tim Bieber, chief executive officer

Technologies portfolio

of Immersive Tech, says: “Steven

company Immersive

Dooner is an exceptional executive

Tech has hired Steven

with a sincere drive for innovation

Dooner, a former senior

and progressing the location-based

executive at location-based

entertainment industry forward.”

entertainment provider The VOID, to lead its new franchise.

“With experience spanning over 40 years, from the inception of

With more than 40 years of

Chuck E. Cheese franchise scale

location-based entertainment

in the mid-70s to senior positions

“Rokid is not only a company

experience, Dooner will play a

launching many of Disney’s

that creates products but also an

pivotal role in fulfilling Immersive

location-based entertainment

interactive platform that integrates

Tech’s goal of leading this

initiatives, including a $1.5 billion

human, virtual and real worlds,”

application of virtual reality to

Tokyo Disney park expansion, he is

explains Mingming Zhu, founder and

new heights.

a literal guru in the industry and we

chief executive officer of Rokid.

couldn’t be more thrilled to have At The VOID, he was in charge

“XR is the next-generation platform

of development and location

that can perfectly integrate human-


Dooner says: “Having spent my

computer interaction through voice, vision, and display."

him on our team.”

entire career in this industry, I Dooner joins the Immersive

have seen a variety of innovative

Tech executive team as director

concepts come to market. In some

"It completely changes the ways we

of franchise development with

cases, an existing concept is

work, live, learn, and entertain.”

aggressive goals of launching the

enhanced and refined to the point

company’s Uncontained location-

where it sets itself apart from the

Zhu adds: “Rokid will continue to

based virtual reality attractions to

rest. The Uncontained experience

enable partners through innovative

the entertainment market.

is one such concept.”

products to reach more industries

Uncontained is a riveting, realistic

“Not only do they encompass the

and consumers, ultimately reaching

attraction that offers a captivating

latest and best technology, but

our mission to ‘Leave Nobody

virtual reality experience inside a

they have successfully addressed


Covid-safe shipping container. It

many of the capital and logistical

will launch in North America.

concerns of the operator.”

user interfaces and advanced


February 2021


Education / Editor’s comment

Important lessons are being learned about immersive technology’s future role in education

Study aid or class clown? It’s more complicated than that

By Mark Dugdale


he education sector

and are receiving their education

higher education. By delivering “the

has been hit harder

from home.

best education in the world … at a

than most during the

fraction of the cost”, the untapped

Covid-19 pandemic.

This forgets two key groups—those

potential of young people around

With campuses

without access to the appropriate

the world can be realised, bringing

regularly opening and closing their

technology and those whose

both benefits to them and the

doors, learners across age groups

education can only be delivered

society to which they belong.

and the educators charged with

in-person—but their needs ask

overseeing their learning have had to

questions that technology isn’t best

That’s a bold ambition, but far from

adapt in unexpected and trying ways.

placed to answer.

unrealistic if we accept that, in the future, education can be delivered on-

Technology’s role was crucial to

For learners and educators who

demand, much in the same way that

managing the global shift to remote

face an immediate and possibly

entertainment and shopping are today.

learning. Indeed, without computers

distant future of remote learning,

and mobile devices, the internet,

immersive technology also has an

By tearing down traditional barriers

and basic video conferencing

important role to play.

and institutions, learning will no

solutions, the situation would have been untenable.

longer be held back by available Immersive VR Education’s David

resources. The only barrier will be the

Whelen tells me that the ENGAGE

talent and ingenuity of educators.

Thankfully, the majority of learners

virtual communications tool for

of all ages, from young children

learning, collaboration and events,

And make no mistake, the world

to higher education students and

and others like it, can broaden

is lucky to have its current crop of

adults undergoing training, could

access to prohibitively expensive

educators. Faced with a new normal


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /Education

Education / Editor’s comment

that was anything but, they rose to the

in this, according to Cassy Weber,

is difficult, but the one currently

challenge, and continue to do so.

chief executive officer of MindFuel.

underway in the education and other sectors requires all

One educator, Professor Gary Burnett,

She says that if young people

stakeholders to listen to one

from the Human Factors Research

are not engaged, “they’re not

another and work together to

Group at the University of Nottingham

developing the meaning behind the

manage the process.

in the UK, believes that immersive

subject they’re learning”.

technologies of every kind represent a

As Rich Henderson, director of

possible future for education, as long

In the absence of in-person learning

global education solutions at

as they deliver an “extremely positive

or in a world where they split their

Lenovo, tells me, educators,

experience for students”.

time between home and school,

learners, schools, colleges,

students must be inspired to

universities, and even corporates

That experience must go above

develop coding skills, learn about a

need to be able to go at their own

and beyond 2D video conferencing,

boring subject such as the weather,

pace, particularly as they manage

where educator and learner are

or visit strange places.

the existing challenges brought

clearly separated, and the digital

about by the pandemic.

self isn’t maximised to improve

Digital technologies, particularly

communication and interaction.

immersive ones, can and must meet

It’s down to partners such as

these needs.

Lenovo to advise and educate the

Above all, learners must be

sector on the potential of immersive

engaged while at home and in

There are also questions for

technology, ensuring that when it is

school, and augmented and virtual

immersive technology providers,

used, it’s done so for the benefit of

reality can play a significant role

like Lenovo. Any transformation

everyone involved.


February 2021


Education / Immersive VR Education

On-demand learning If virtual reality is a game changer for education, then Engage and its users are the winners


hen it

ENGAGE’s revenue and user base

comes to

are up by 550% and more than


700%, respectively, and the tool


now accounts for more than 40%


of the company’s revenues, up from

enterprise, not least education,

9% the previous year.

few are as established or valued by their customers as Ireland-

What’s more, Immersive VR

headquartered Immersive

Education believes that, by 2025,

VR Education, the company

ENGAGE can reach the €10 million

behind the ENGAGE virtual

annual revenue milestone, as well

communications tool for learning,

as 500 active enterprise customers

collaboration and events, as well

and 100,000 monthly users.

as content such as the Apollo 11 virtual reality experience.

over the past year, since the As David Whelan, chief executive

outbreak of Covid-19, that

officer of Immersive VR Education,

businesses see the tool as ideal

Immersive VR Education’s latest

puts it: “We’re down in the trenches,

for remote team collaboration and

financial projections back up these

generating revenue, and we have

meetings. Whelan says two events

claims. During the company’s 2020

clients with real use cases.”

in particular turned the attention of

financial year, it expects to earn

schools, colleges and universities

approximately €1.42 million in

Learning remains a primary

towards ENGAGE, where dozens

revenue, up 38% on the prior year’s

use case for ENGAGE, even as

of learners can simultaneously

€1.02 million.

Immersive VR Education discovered

enter a virtual world, through and


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /Education

Education / Immersive VR Education

Credit: Immersive VR Education

in multiple devices and modalities,

major event. Whelan explains:

teach learners remotely in virtual

to walk on the surface of Mars,

“Virtual reality headsets are

reality with PC-tethered headsets.

through the human body or with

becoming very affordable, often

“The hardware alone would be

dinosaurs, to name but three

less than the cost of iPad, and

an investment of a few thousand.

experiences that the platform

they’re easy to set up and provide

That was a really difficult sell for

makes possible.

an excellent immersive experience.”

educational institutions.”

The increasing affordability of

Until the arrival of affordable,

The second major event, of course,

virtual reality headsets such as

sophisticated mobile headsets,

was the outbreak of Covid-19.

Oculus Quest 1 and 2 was one

educational institutions could only

When schools, colleges and


February 2021


Education / Immersive VR Education

We’re down in the trenches, generating revenue, and we have clients with real use cases.”

David Whelan Chief executive officer of Immersive VR Education

universities around the world were

video conferencing solutions. For

appears to not be paying attention

forced to close and move students

a start, the tool provides an entire

during a class, the educator can

to remote learning, many turned to

virtual environment to interact

‘nudge’ them virtually and produce

video conferencing solutions.

within, and a full-body avatar for

a haptic feedback response,”

every user.

Whelan explains.

Microsoft Teams, are less effective

These features alone elevate

Content and quality are king

when a large number of users are

ENGAGE above a video

logged on.

conferencing solution such as

The benefits of ENGAGE as an

Zoom, because educator and

educational tool continue beyond

They also only utilise a presenter-

learner are both ‘present’ as they

mere advantages over video

audience format, with little

might be in reality, standing next

conferencing solutions.

interaction and engagement. As a

to one another and interacting—

replacement for in-person learning


These tools, such as Zoom or

and teaching, video conferencing tools have been found wanting.

ENGAGE offers a library of more than 1,200 3D models and special

It’s even possible, as long as

and audio effects, meaning

educators and learners are logged

educators are able to exploit the

ENGAGE served as a viable

into ENGAGE using a virtual reality

virtual nature of the tool and deliver

alternative for educational

headset such as Oculus Quest

a lesson they wouldn’t be able to in

institutions whose educators and

2, to interact physically via the

the real world, in virtual locations

learners quickly became jaded with

controllers’ haptics. “If a learner

ranging from traditional meeting


February 2021


Education / Immersive VR Education rooms and lecture halls to the

Notable examples of content

This facility was no longer

surfaces of other planets.

creators include Oxford University,

usable due to the pandemic, so

Stanford University and Tokyo

Tokyo Global Gateway began

An example Whelan uses is

Global Gateway, an English

using ENGAGE to deliver its

the 2020 HTC Vive Ecosystem

language school in Japan. They

English classes virtually. Once

Conference, which was held in

have all developed content within

its environments were recreated

ENGAGE last March. While the

and for teaching and learning

on ENGAGE, its learners could

Taiwanese technology company’s

through ENGAGE.

continue the in-situ role playing

executives delivered their speeches

that was so vital to their education.

on the virtual stage, jet aircraft flew

Tokyo Global Gateway is an

overhead, while trains burst from

excellent example to consider

Whelan adds here that up to

screens. Whelan says: “You can do

further, because the school turned

100,000 learners visit Tokyo Global

so much in virtual reality that you

to ENGAGE after the pandemic

Gateway’s physical facility every

can’t in the real world.”

affected in-person learning.

year. With ENGAGE, the school believes that number will increase

Content goes much further than

The school runs a facility in Tokyo

ENGAGE’s own library. Whelan

that contains physical recreations

through a virtual option.

says the tool is quickly becoming

of airport and hotel lobbies,

ENGAGE also comes with a

a “virtual venue” and Immersive

restaurants, and other locations

spatial recording tool that takes

VR Education is encouraging

where its learners, typically

it beyond a live communications

educators to create their own

university students and business

tool. Educators can record a lesson

models, videos and experiences

professionals, would speak English

or demonstration and publish

for learners.

when abroad.

that content for their learners to consume on-demand. This also brings the added benefit of increasing one-on-one time, so an educator can publish content for a group of learners and then spend more time with individuals. Whelan says: “We see ENGAGE as a creation tool like Unity, for educators who have no programming or animation skills." "The process is simply drag and drop, click on a button, and publish.” As online learning becomes the norm, the effectiveness

2020 HTC Vive Ecosystem Conference. Credit: Immersive VR Education

of immersive technologies


February 2021


Education / Immersive VR Education

as educational tools is becoming

examples of the immersive technology’s

increasingly clear, at Immersive VR

first movers.

Education and elsewhere. He explains: “Virtual reality isn’t a new One example from last year saw a large-

technology when it comes to learning

scale programme to introduce immersive

and training. It’s been around for at least

education at West Coast University

40 years commercially, but was generally

resulting in improved test scores among

too expensive for most enterprise users,

participating students.

except NASA and the US military, which used it to train astronauts and pilots.”

West Coast University partnered with Microsoft and medical visualisation

“NASA and the US military wouldn’t

company Medivis in 2018 to bring

have used virtual reality for at least 40

HoloLens and AnatomyX, an augmented

years if it didn’t have a proven record in

reality tool for anatomy education, into

learning and training.”

its curriculum. Build it and they will learn Initial research from pilot institutions showed several positive results, including

Immersive VR Education’s most

15% higher student performance on

recent work on ENGAGE has been

standardised assessments.

in broadening access to the tool— something that Whelan is extremely

Since then, there was between a

passionate about.

one- or two-letter grade improvement from pre-test to post-test scores for

Virtual reality isn’t quite affordable

participating students.

enough for many schools, colleges and universities around the world,

For ENGAGE and virtual reality,

so the ENGAGE team developed a

Immersive VR Education has seen some

mobile version to work on tablets and

promising results.

smartphones over the course of last year.

One study carried out in China found

ENGAGE is now widely available on

that learners who had used ENGAGE in

Android and iOS devices, meaning the

virtual reality had a 16% better retention

tool now has no user requirement for a

rate than those who had learned in a

virtual reality headset.

standard classroom. Three weeks later, that retention rate increased to 30%.

Immersive VR Education expects this to increase the tool’s attractiveness for

Whelan says that educators wary

events in particular, but it’s clear that

of virtual reality should look to the

educational institutions will be far more


February 2021


Tokyo Global Gateway is using ENGAGE to deliver

Credit: Immersive VR Education

inclined to use ENGAGE if it works with

Whelan hopes that “the best education

existing hardware.

in the world can be available at a fraction of the cost”.

Whelan says: “We need to make

its English classes. Credit: Immersive VR Education

sure that ENGAGE is available on a

He explains: “There’s no reason why

wide variety of devices, so no matter

a young person couldn’t wake up in

who wants to, regardless of what

the morning and decide to attend an

smartphone they have or headset they

Oxford University English literature

prefer, they can access ENGAGE in

class, then move onto physics at MIT

some way or another.”

in the afternoon.”

With this in mind, Whelan says

This level of accessibility would

Immersive VR Education is looking to

drastically enhance the potential

bring ENGAGE to augmented reality-

of every young person, according

capable smart glasses and other devices

to Whelan, because the traditional

in the future, once they are affordable

limitations of education—the school they

and widely available.

attend, the teachers they learn from— would be removed.

Ultimately, Whelan has high hopes for ENGAGE as an educational tool.

Whelan continues: “There are a lot of kids out there today who are every bit

He believes that ENGAGE and other

as bright as Einstein, who have never

tools like it can broaden access

had the opportunity to fulfill their

to prohibitively expensive higher


education, ideally to the point where lessons are available on-demand, like

"That’s something I hope we can remedy

retail and entertainment.

in the future.”


February 2021


Education / University of Nottingham


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /Education

Nottopia Class of 2020. Credit: Professor Gary Burnett

The power of experience As the University of Nottingham shows, for educators and learners to embrace virtual reality, they have to try it first


ntil virtual reality

it in their homes, workplaces,

many university students over

headsets are in

and even schools, colleges and

the course of 2020. Rather than

widespread use,


use video conferencing solutions,

the immersive technology’s

which he believes have several Professor Gary Burnett, from the

disadvantages for learning and

presence in enterprise settings

Human Factors Research Group

teaching, Professor Burnett came

will continue to be limited.

at the University of Nottingham in

up with a new way of delivering

Beyond affordability—and even

the UK, attempted to address this

this particular module. Of course,

that is getting better—one of the

issue when faced with the prospect

that was virtual reality.

barriers currently preventing major

of having to deliver the Simulation,

adoption is exposure.

VR and Advanced Human-Machine

Above all, Professor Burnett

Interface course toward the end of

wanted to expose his students to

Much of society has never

2020 for 50 final-year undergraduate

virtual reality. Many of them are

experienced virtual reality in

and masters’ students on several

prospective product designers

its purest sense. So without

engineering degrees.

and mechanical engineers,

witnessing its benefits for

roles in which they are likely to

themselves, how are they ever

Multiple lockdowns in the UK put

increasingly use this immersive

going to be convinced to adopt

a stop to in-person learning for

technology on a daily basis.


February 2021


Mozilla Hubs can be accessed via a desktop or laptop computer, as well as various headsets. Credit: Professor Gary Burnett

He says: “A key reason I wanted

students would want or be able

conclusions, working out

to do this was because I was

to use them,” he explains. Virtual

limitations, students’ and his own

conscious that my students,

reality-induced sickness would

requirements, and testing different

when they go into their jobs, will

prevent some from using the

available platforms.

have more and more exposure to

technology, while he himself

virtual reality. So, they need to

identified several drawbacks that

He landed on Mozilla Hubs, the

understand the implications of the

would prevent their effective use

social virtual reality solution

technology, its advantages and

in education.

accessible via a web browser,

disadvantages, and how it can help them to do their jobs better.”

after a recommendation from a For example, a user is unable to

colleague who had helped organise

easily multitask while wearing a

the IEEE Computer Society

The problem was, Professor

virtual reality headset: “You can’t

Conference on Virtual Reality and

Burnett says, he knew only a few

engage with the outside world, to

3D User Interfaces last year.

of his students would have their

read notes or check on something

own headsets, and he wasn’t going

in a different device. This was an

Mozilla Hubs can be accessed

to be able to immediately secure

issue when I wanted to deliver a

via a desktop or laptop computer,

the funding to purchase enough

lecture in virtual reality, as I had

as well as various headsets,

of them on their behalf. There was

to memorise all the content before

including the Oculus Quest 2

also an accessibility problem.

putting on the headset.”

Professor Burnett used, and provided many benefits over

“Even if I had enough virtual

Professor Burnett spent the

standard video conferencing

reality headsets, not all of my

summer of 2020 drawing these



February 2021


Education / University of Nottingham

Students studied and solved human-centred design problems on (and inside) a driverless ‘robotaxi’. Credit: Professor Gary Burnett

Welcome to Nottopia To deliver the course, Professor

based experiences that allowed

Professor Burnett used Nottopia

them to examine and scale

and this course to expose his

complex, 3D objects.

students to virtual reality, but

Burnett created a Mozilla Hubs

also to find out what makes a

virtual island called Nottopia,

One seminar saw students view

more social and immersive online

consisting of a gathering hall,

a huge 3D model of a jet engine

learning experience, particularly

several breakout rooms, and a

from the air. They were able to

at a time when the pandemic has

space for Q&As. Split into several

climb inside to find out how it

forced a move to remote learning,

groups, 50 students per week

works. Another seminar focused

a situation that could continue for

were able to wear a virtual reality

on advanced in-car interfaces,

some time.

headset or use their computer

giving students the chance to

to access Nottopia—a fully

study and solve human-centred

Crucial to the success of Nottopia

customisable virtual environment

design problems on (and inside) a

was that it served as a shared space.

with live chat, personalised

driverless ‘robotaxi’.

avatars, and selfies and a ‘pin

Professor Burnett says that this is

board’ where they can be posted—

Topics covered in the course

one significant advantage virtual

and traverse the island.

include fidelity and validity

reality technology has over video

of simulators, virtual reality

conferencing: “There is no sense

Students used artwork hung on

technologies, space perception,

that you're occupying the same

walls as portals to ‘travel’ to other

immersion and presence,

space on Zoom or Microsoft

spaces or walked through walls to

avatar design, natural language

Teams—whereas, in Nottopia, my

get about more quickly to task-

interfaces, and sickness.

students really had the sense that


February 2021


Education / University of Nottingham they were going to this virtual island every week.” The students felt this so strongly that they frequently visited outside of their scheduled classes with each other. This could never be true of a generic lecture hall on their university campus, and the fantastical nature of Nottopia, which they could personalise, reinforced an added sense of ownership for the space. This virtual environment, even though not true ‘virtual reality’ unless experienced through a

Credit: Professor Gary Burnett

headset, provided a platform to share, explore and interact with 3D content. For the engineers on

Mozilla Hubs provided the kind

students to consider designing

Professor Burnett’s human factors

of natural social movements that

their own and to analyse their

course, this was vital.

were missing from many other

designs when considering

platforms he tried, Professor

what representation might be

Burnett says.

appropriate for different situations.

very much a 3D world, where

By that, he means simply

He says: “It’s all about identity. They

objects can be seen from different

splitting up into groups and

can create an avatar that may or may

angles, inspected and resized.

occupying different spaces

not reflect themselves physically or

The experience is very natural and

in the environment. Spatial

psychologically. They can also hide

beneficial compared to the 2D

audio enables two or more

behind the avatar to some degree.

experience you get with traditional

groups of people to hold

For a lot of the students, it gave

video conferencing.”

separate conversations without

them confidence to speak up in class

interruption. He says: “That really

and express themselves.”

He says: “Nottopia, even without a virtual reality headset, is still

The potential of identity

helped. It made Nottopia feel like

and anonymity

a really natural environment.”

Professor Burnett discovered

Equally important were the

or over video conferencing found

several other benefits to delivering

customisable avatars available in

themselves able to in Nottopia.

this course in Nottopia, all of

Mozilla Hubs. Professor Burnett

which added to the social and

incorporated this into the course

The environment also lent itself to

immersive learning experience.

curriculum, to encourage his

more and better communication,

Indeed, students who usually preferred not to speak up in class


February 2021


Education / University of Nottingham

In virtual reality, you can fly, defy gravity, change the world on the fly—all of these magical interactions that aren’t possible in the real world.” Professor Gary Burnett Human Factors Research Group at the University of Nottingham

enabling users to draw on walls or

expressions for avatars, and even

He was able to run several

issue post-it notes expressing their

enhanced gesticulation.

different kinds of sessions, from

thoughts and ideas.

pre-prepared talks to treasure All the usual physical cues

hunts, and introduce content and

Professor Burnett says: “The

inherent in a standard social

experiences, such as the driverless

power of the virtual world lets

interaction are missing. Even

robotaxi, that cannot be replicated

them express themselves in

pointing to an object in Mozilla

in the real world.

different ways, while the avatar

Hubs is impossible, unless the

gives them the potential of

user is accessing the environment

“We were able to bring in that 3D

individual expression and a sense

via a headset, which bestows its

model of the driverless car and

of anonymity. They don’t feel

wearer’s avatar with hands. “To

sit inside and discuss the design

the centre of attention as they

be able to express yourself more,

and the implications of adding or

might do in a traditional face-to-

particularly with your face, will be

taking away features. In virtual

face class or when using video

really interesting to see develop,”

reality, you can fly, defy gravity,

conferencing platforms.”

Professor Burnett says.

change the world on the fly—all

He adds here that a future

Finally, Professor Burnett believes

improvement in virtual reality

that the “potential for magical

that will increase the immersive

interactions” elevates virtual reality

Professor Burnett concludes:

technology’s usefulness in

above even traditionally delivered

“All of these things, the sense of

education is natural facial

and received education.

shared space, 3D content, natural

of these magical interactions that aren’t possible in the real world.”


February 2021


Education / University of Nottingham social movements, the power

felt their motivation to

of the avatar and the potential

participate in classroom

agreed with the statement,

for magical interactions, come

activities increased/somewhat

“in Nottopia I felt comfortable

together to create an extremely positive experience for students.”

increased. •

And the students’ feedback speaks for itself. One of the students who took this course is dedicating her

100% agreed/somewhat

interacting with lecturers”. •

85% agreed/somewhat agreed

agreed with the statement,

with statement, “In Nottopia,

“Nottopia allowed for social

I felt comfortable expressing

interaction” •

89% agreed/somewhat

93% agreed/somewhat agreed

myself”. •

74% agreed/somewhat agreed

master’s project to the subject.

with statement, “Nottopia

with statement, “Nottopia

Her closed-question survey of

represents the future of how

helped relieve social isolation

participants revealed several

universities could teach

caused by the pandemic”.

promising results, including:


100% viewed their experience

96% agreed/somewhat

Professor Burnett will use this

in Nottopia as positive or

agreed with statement, “In

feedback to fine-tune the course in

somewhat positive.

Nottopia, I felt comfortable

the future.

In comparison to a traditional

communicating with other

classroom setting, 85%


He comments: “We can definitely make a case of this being how this course should always be done going forward.” He envisions adopting a hybrid model whereby he introduces himself in-person to students during the first week, then delivers the course via Nottopia. This format would be interspersed with visits to the University of Nottingham’s various onsite simulation centres, all “forms of virtual reality”, Professor Burnett argues, as they cannot be accessed remotely.

Credit: Professor Gary Burnett


February 2021


T h i s

i s

a n

i m m e r s i v e

w o r l d

The Reality Wire tracks the latest press releases from across immersive technology. If you have a new product, an important update, vital funding or plans to partner, we want to hear from you.

H a v e


s t o r y

t o

t e l l ?

S u b m i t

i t

n o w :

e d i t o r @ v r w o r l d t e c h . c o m

Education / Lenovo

A partner to play Lenovo is aiding the education sector’s intelligent transformation with VR Classroom 2


he “intelligent

out this intelligent transformation, but

transformation” occurring

embrace it.

within large swathes of business and society

A significant proportion of the education

right now requires

sector, specifically middle and high

capable partners to help those affected

schools (primary and secondary school),

through its severest consequences.

as well as higher education, is arguably less prepared—and inclined—to manage

This transformation, powered by the

this process.

internet of things, artificial intelligence and immersive technologies, among

Lenovo experienced this first-hand in

others, demands well laid plans

early 2020 when, right before the release

alongside the flexibility to adjust them

of VR Classroom 2, the technology

when external forces necessitate.

company’s virtual reality education solution powered by its ThinkReality

Few organisations will be able to do

platform, the Covid-19 outbreak forced

this on their own, whether due to a

many locations in the US to lock down.

lack of expertise, budget or capability, so technology companies such as

“It’s been a challenging year” for VR

Lenovo aim to stay ahead of the curve

Classroom 2, says Rich Henderson,

and provide the necessary hardware,

director of global education solutions

software and services to not only ride

at Lenovo, because middle and high


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /Education

Education / Lenovo Credit: Lenovo

schools in the US, the solution’s initial release market, didn’t want to prioritise virtual reality technology at the height of enforced remote learning. As a result, Lenovo has secured around 100 customers for VR Classroom 2 so far, a healthy number but below prepandemic expectations. The aim for Lenovo, however, remains to help the education sector through its own intelligent transformation, which has undoubtedly been quickened by the global pandemic and the subsequent shift to remote learning. Henderson says: “Virtual reality has been really important in education for a long time. It fits right in where, overall, Lenovo is investing in technology for this sector.” “Our goal is to build smarter technology that empowers learners and educators through personalised education solutions.” Expanding lessons beyond the classroom VR Classroom 2 delivers on this goal by providing an immersive experience that


February 2021


Education / Lenovo

The solution expands the lesson beyond books and outside of the traditional classroom.” engages every kind of learner. Henderson says: “The solution expands the lesson beyond books and outside of the traditional classroom, providing hardware, software and device management for ease, simplicity and efficacy.” “The result is a solution through which administrators and IT support staff can easily manage devices and content, either in school or over the cloud, and educators can hold classes for rooms full of learners, or individuals who join remotely.” VR Classroom 2 uses classroom management software LanSchool to enable educators to confidently deploy virtual reality in their classes. And the solution is built on ThinkReality, which delivers scale and remote access via the cloud. For hardware, Lenovo developed the Mirage VR S3, a lightweight, easy-to-use 3DoF (three degrees of freedom) headset that Henderson says is perfect for the learning and training use cases. It’s a mobile headset, so no high-end laptop or desktop computers are required, and 3DoF is more than capable of supporting virtual reality


February 2021


Rich Henderson Director of global education solutions at Lenovo

Education / Lenovo

The Mirage VR S3. Credit: Lenovo

experiences that necessitate the

vocational) colleges, is where

the solution was designed to be

user be stationary, either standing

Lenovo has seen the most demand

used by entire classes, it’s flexible

or sitting down.

for VR Classroom 2 since the

enough to meet the needs of one

outbreak of Covid-19.

person at a time.

back of the head rather than in

These colleges are less inclined

This trend has been best reflected

the front. This means the headset

to deploy the solution to teach

in the content available on VR

is balanced and applies less

entire classes in virtual reality.

Classroom 2.

pressure to the face, head and

Instead, they are using it for more

neck, so it’s comfortable enough

specific and specialised types of

At launch, Lenovo focused

to wear for longer periods of time.

education, as well as research and

on science, technology,

Henderson says: “The Lenovo

for the creation of content and

engineering, and maths, with

Mirage VR S3 is ideal for these

experiences that can be shared

formative assessments and other

use cases, whether it’s in middle

with other learners.

learning activities included.

The battery is also placed at the

or high school classroom, or higher education.”

There were also career tools Henderson says it has been

that featured experiences such

exciting to see the interest in

as vir tual job shadowing. These

Higher education, particularly

VR Classroom 2 from the higher

weren’t as popular as Lenovo

community and technical (or

education market, because while

had hoped, however, given that


February 2021


Education / Lenovo

Credit: Lenovo

middle and high schools weren’t

Henderson says: “Uptale has been

training new teachers, suggesting

in a position to focus on vir tual

a great partner for us, because

a strong future in the corporate

reality during a year of lockdowns

they allow VR Classroom 2 users

training market for VR Classroom 2.

and remote learning.

to capture their own experiences and create 360° content, which

Despite the rise in user-generated

Henderson says: “As interest

can be enhanced with instructional

content, Henderson believes that

emerged from higher education,

bubbles and quizzes.”

third-party creators are “critical” to

our focus has shifted to helping

the future of VR Classroom 2 and

learners and educators create their

This has been applied particularly

virtual reality’s role in education in

own content.”

well in medical education, where

the future.

educators and learners have One example is Lenovo’s

created walkthroughs of operating

Lenovo has struck partnerships

partnership with Uptale, the

rooms, for example.

with several third-party creators

developer of an immersive learning

since the release of VR Classroom

platform dedicated to creating 360°

This kind of content is also proving

2, including, most recently,

and virtual reality experiences.

beneficial to instructing and

immersive learning solutions


February 2021


Education / Lenovo

Third-party creators need to focus

be used in a range of settings and

their efforts on developing virtual

situations, and that the company

reality educational content that

is uniquely positioned to aid

closes the “social and emotional

educators, learners and educational

learning gap” that has formed as a

institutions as they navigate the

result, according to Henderson.

intelligent transformation occurring within the wider sector.

With this in mind, Lenovo developed New Realities, a

He says: “As they realise the

series of 10 360° films that

efficacy that can be gained

enables learners to see the world

through virtual reality, including

through the eyes of young women

higher knowledge transfer and

who are demanding action on

engagement, as well as a more

education, poverty, social justice,

thorough understanding of and

technological literacy, and equality

interaction with complex topics,

around the world.

use of this immersive technology will continue to grow within

provider Veative Labs. This

New Realities was developed for

partnership brought 550 interactive

VR Classroom 2 last year and made

science and maths modules to VR

widely available in October.

Classroom 2.

education globally.” And as Lenovo has shown, educators, learners, schools,

They need to go at their own pace The modules promote a deeper

colleges, universities, and even corporates need to be able to go at

understanding of complex concepts

The primary focus for Lenovo this

their own pace, particularly as they

and provide data analytics reports for

year is to launch VR Classroom 2

manage the existing challenges

educators to track learner progress.

in more markets around the world,

brought about by the pandemic.

beyond the initial location of the The biggest challenge facing

US, as well as the UK and Japan.

education right now, and why

It’s down to partners such as Lenovo to advise and educate

content is so important, is the

Henderson says the lessons

the sector on the technology’s

loss of educator and learner

Lenovo has learned over the

potential, ensuring that when it is

interactions, with each other and

past year demonstrate that VR

used, it’s done so for the benefit of

their peers, due to Covid-19.

Classroom 2 is flexible enough to

everyone involved.


February 2021


Education / MindFuel


February 2021


Do you want to know more? Visit: /Education

Education / MindFuel Cassy Weber Chief executive officer of MindFuel

There’s no school like the new school MindFuel prizes student engagement and believes augmented and virtual reality will become crucial tools in the future


he sharp rise in

Covid-19 and lockdown changed

that a particular platform, in this

online learning

that. “Nothing motivates people

case MindFuel’s, could meet their

among young

like necessity,” says Weber.

needs for reliability, accuracy and,

students since the outbreak of Covid-19

crucially, student engagement. MindFuel saw an average 207%

last year reflects the unwavering

increase in Canadian users of its

It’s this last piece of the puzzle that

dedication and innovation of

science, technology, engineering

has continued to challenge teachers

teachers, who faced a Herculean

and maths resources between

since online learning became the

task when lockdowns around the

March and May 2020.

norm for the majority of students.

The total number of virtual

When students are at home and

“In the past, we’ve seen a little

classrooms the organisation

overseeing their own learning, how

bit of hesitation from teachers

supported during the learn-from-

do teachers get them to respond?

and schools to embrace online

home period last year exceeded

learning,” says Cassy Weber, chief


world forced schools to close.

Weber says: “Teachers across

executive officer of MindFuel, the

the US and Canada are asking

Canadian non-profit that provides

Despite the pandemic being the

for resources that drive student

interactive learning resources for

clear driver, those teachers who

engagement when students are at

elementary, middle and high school

had reservations about online

home, because that face-to-face

(primary and secondary) students.

learning still had to be convinced

interaction is missing.”


February 2021


Education / MindFuel

MindFuel teamed up with Agents of Discovery to add interactive augmented reality content to its lesson plans. Credit: MindFuel

Prepare to be engaged MindFuel prizes student

Challenge in Canada with students

race for the best outcome. It’s one

competing against one another

of our most popular resources.”

across three challenges.

engagement and has filled its

MindFuel has identified virtual and

Wonderville platform, which

Delivered via MindFuel’s signature

augmented reality as technologies

teachers use to support their lesson

coding platform, Codingville,

capable of delivering significant

plans, with game-based interactive

participants are able to learn the

student engagement. The

content that inspires students’

foundational skills of coding and

organisation’s focus on content

competitive spirit and makes boring

build their very own app or game

in these two areas are relatively

subjects more accessible.

while competing for prizes.

recent, but demonstrate their potential to support the future of

Two excellent examples make

Raging Skies, meanwhile, uses

coding more competitive and the

data simulation to recreate

scientific subject of weather more

weather systems and conditions.

interesting, all for the benefit of student engagement.

online learning. Although still in the research phase, MindFuel worked with a

Students have to move through

class of students aged 11 and

the core competencies in order to

12 in Nunavut, Canada, and an

For coding, MindFuel has

advance. Weber says: “The game

academic partner to develop

introduced the Crack the Code

is a kind of student-versus-nature

virtual reality content focused


February 2021


Education / MindFuel on the diverse ecosystems of the local area. Nunavut is located in Northern Canada, right on the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, so it’s home to “some amazing ecosystems”, Weber explains. MindFuel developed educational resources to support the virtual reality experience that allows students to explore and learn about these ecosystems. The vision is to allow this regionally localised experience to

Raging Skies uses data simulation to recreate weather systems and conditions. Credit: MindFuel

be shared with students around the world who are unfamiliar with or unable to visit this part of the world, so that they can understand its ecosystems as a part of a science curriculum. MindFuel’s work in bringing augmented reality into the learning experience is more established. In 2018, the organisation teamed up with educational teaching platform Agents of Discovery to add interactive augmented reality content to its lesson plans. Teachers are able to activate links in their lesson plans and select an activity relevant to a particular subject unit, then choose images that trigger the augmented reality content. Students use mobile devices to scan images and begin

MindFuel developed educational resources to support a virtual reality experience that allows students to explore and learn about local ecosystems. Credit: MindFuel

the activity.


February 2021


Education / MindFuel Weber says: “The augmented

She adds that “we do need to be

online learning on teachers and

reality activities are knowledge

more cautious and aware” about

whether they have the tools they

assessment tools, so students

the impact of online learning

need to “embrace the opportunity

can demonstrate what they’ve

on students, ensuring that

of game-based learning and these

learned. Students love it because

appropriate safeguards are in

emerging modalities, including

it gets them away from their desks

place for monitoring, while giving

virtual and augmented reality”,

and moving around. They are

parents the tools they need to

Weber says.

immersed in the subject matter.”

understand what their children are doing.

Teachers are expected to develop

She adds: “Learning in this way is

a digitally literate student

important for student engagement.

population, but economical

If they are not engaged, they’re not developing the meaning behind the subject they’re learning.” A hybrid model will emerge That process, engaging, learning and understanding, will be essential in the future when a hybrid education model emerges where students learn in-person and online, according to Weber. She says: “I don’t think this is going to go away when we move out of this crisis period. What will emerge is a hybrid model that

I don’t think this is going to go away when we move out of this crisis period.”

sources of equipment are currently scarce, and there is a lack of professional development necessary to bring teachers up to speed on its use and benefits. Where virtual reality is concerned, Weber would like to see programmes established that provide students and their families with access to the immersive technology. Students deserve credit for their patience and flexibility over the past year, teachers for their dedication and innovation, and

teachers, parents and students are

organisations such as MindFuel

much more comfortable with.”

for supporting both groups in the widespread, unexpected move to

Going forward, parents will be less

online learning.

worried about the quality of an

With young people spending more

education delivered online, while

time online than ever before,

As the use of immersive and other

teachers and schools will be better

thought needs to be given to

digital technologies increases in

placed to provide the necessary

the impact of less real-world

education, it will be interesting

technology and processes.

interaction, the absence of school

to see what trends emerge, how

as an outlet for those with difficult

accessibility is tackled, and just

Weber comments: “This really

home lives, and the effects of

what the future holds for learning

is the age of online, virtual,

hyperstimulation. There is also a

in the elementary, middle and high

distributed education.”

need to consider the impact of

school age brackets, and beyond.


February 2021


Deadline: 06/08/2021 Publication date: 16/08/2021

Software Issue

Computer-generated content creation solutions abound, offering enterprises plenty of ways of building engaging and thoughtful immersive content for whatever the purpose. But should they use third-party developers or build their own content and software in-house? And what tools should developers and studios use to serve the enterprise market and why? Mark Dugdale, Editor editor@vrworldtech.com

Jonathan Savage, Publisher jonsavage@vrworldtech.com


Dominica Jamir Meet Dominica Jamir, who is using virtual reality as a tool to enhance current teaching and learning methods VRWT: Tell us about yourself… Dominica Jamir: My name is Dominica Jamir. This is the shorter version of my traditional Northeast Indian birth name, Bendangtoshi Tiajungla Dominica Jamir. I was born in Kolkata, (originally Calcutta), the former capital of British-India. While growing up, I was naturally artistic and creative, and soon discovered that using computers,

Dominica Jamir New York Institute of Technology

Do you want to know more? Visit: /Meet

Developer / Dominica Jamir

Virtual reality is a vital educational tool that enhances 3D experience learning and memory recall"

gaming, and related technology was

(UX/UI) arena. To enable that

These modules were aimed at

mentally stimulating, engaging and

trajectory, I chose to earn a master

enhancing learning by creating an

rather easy to grasp.

of arts degree in UX/UI design

immersive experience of selected

and development at the New York

course content.

It seemed destined for me to go on

Institute of Technology (NYIT). I

to earn a bachelor of engineering

graduate in May 2021 with a 4.0

VRWT: What is the potential of

degree in computer science and

grade point average.

virtual reality as an educational tool?

engineering at the renowned

And what do you think it can achieve

Dayananda Sagar College of

In the autumn of 2019, while working

Engineering, Bengaluru (formerly

on NYIT’s campus as a graduate

Bangalore), India, also known as

assistant at the HIVE, in Manhattan,

Dominica Jamir: Educators know

‘India’s Silicon Valley’.

I became involved with virtual reality

that the learning process should be

and spent a lot of time exploring this

all about creativity and interaction.

exciting technology.

While they do not necessarily need

Being a forward thinker, nonconformist and naturally curious,

for both learners and educators?

to recruit all learners into science,

I became interested in how the

My thesis professor, Kevin Park,

for example, their goal is to get them

back-end would connect to the

upon noticing my enthusiasm

interested in the subject. That is

front-end for users to have the best

and extraordinary capabilities,

where virtual reality could be a boon

experience of new products.

encouraged me to accept an NYIT

to education.

project to work on for my thesis. New York City was the next logical

For learners, virtual reality is a vital

step to help expand my horizons

I would be combining my computer

educational tool that enhances 3D

and challenge myself to achieve

engineering background with virtual

experience learning and memory

extraordinary levels of excellence

reality technology to create web-

recall. Immersing in virtual reality

in the augmented and virtual reality,

based virtual reality modules for

can help learners organise and

user experience and interface

use in internal enhanced education.

remember information spatially. For


February 2021


Developer / Dominica Jamir

Students get to experience a molecule in-depth, and visualise the professor’s lesson taught earlier. Credit: Dominica Jamir

many, this makes virtual reality more

based experiences. In addition

effective than traditional methods of

to the limits of studying subjects

virtual reality into a school

teaching and learning.

from books or videos, virtual reality

setting—the benefits outweigh

affords the learner the experience of

the negatives and I believe it

Imagine when traditional educational

immersing oneself and interacting

genuinely can help students.”

methods, enhanced by virtual reality,

up close, with otherwise impossible

ensues in improved comprehension,

subjects to fathom and comprehend.

becomes more accessible

retention of subject matter, and

Interactive visualisation of miniscule

and affordable, it will open

superior test results.

objects brings them to life in front of

opportunities in learning,

one’s eyes.

creating projects and

Enhanced virtual reality learning

“It is a great idea to implement

“Once virtual reality

discovering new career paths.”

via remote technology can also

Just look at what surveyed

reduce possible strain and stress

experienced academia and students

It’s also worth noting that

from pandemic-related, socially

with knowledge of the subject

academic institutions, when

distant education.

matter have said:

implementing teaching and learning

“Virtual reality would be great

enhancements, could raise their own

The technology also enhances

for medical students to examine

rankings and global standing. This in

one’s ability to teach and learn

anatomy especially when they

turn, could attract learners seeking

through immersive and activity-

don’t want to dissect.”

a quality education. A win-win for all!


February 2021


Developer / Dominica Jamir VRWT: The video presentation

depth, and visualise the professor’s

my virtual reality project! I am ever

synopsis for your master’s project

lesson taught earlier.

thankful to him for allowing me to

won the ‘Best Practitioner Poster

use his A-Frame GUI for the quiz.

Proposal’ award at the International

Each ‘lesson’ comes with its own

Conference of the Immersive

set of multiple-choice questions.

The goal of my research is to

Learning Research Network last

Each optional choice answer has a

measure students’ memory

year. What does your project entail

button which records responses and

retention and learning performance,

and what do you hope to find out?

provides a total score at the end of

ie, comparing virtual reality/3D

the quiz.

visualisation of molecules with

Dominica Jamir: My project,

traditional 2D learning materials in a

Intellect VR: Learning in VR; The

Upon completion of a lesson and

VR Experience in the Classroom,

quiz, the student can choose to

was approached with the intention

continue to the next lesson or opt to

of using virtual reality as a tool

‘look around’ the virtual reality space

to enhance current teaching and

to see what lessons are available.

learning methods through immersive and activity-based experiences.

classroom. VRWT: What is the next step? Dominica Jamir: My vision is to improve this virtual reality learning

The student will then see rotating

experience and make it accessible

molecules with respective lesson

to students with different physical

Professors, in addition to their

names below them to choose from—

abilities and learning styles.

traditional teaching methods of

if they wish to take another lesson

subject matter/lesson plans, use a

and quiz.

Although this experience is designed

web-based virtual reality platform

initially for self-paced learning, I am

to enhance lessons by adding 3D

Kudos to Roland Dubois, my

cognisant of the need for further

experiences in the system. Students

encouraging mentor, for helping with

development for potential use in

in turn, after logging in, can immerse themselves in virtual reality experiences on subjects/topics such as learning molecule structures.

Professors use a web-based VR platform to enhance lessons by adding 3D experiences in the system. Credit: Dominica Jamir

In virtual reality, a molecule can be viewed as a larger-than-life 3D model. Minute details are enlarged for clarity and certain sections of the subject molecule are clickable to obtain additional information on that topic. The molecule can be rotated in virtual reality to provide students with 360° views. Students, immersed in virtual reality, get to experience a molecule in-


February 2021


Developer / Dominica Jamir a social learning environment as

one’s own content or repurpose

and training organisations, and show

demand increases.

existing content.

them how my web-based virtual reality learning enhancements and

The extraordinary, engaging,

Web-based virtual reality enhanced

experiences can help open valuable

experiential, learning experience

learning can be promoted as an

development opportunities for

that I have developed for molecules

excellent student recruitment tool.

global learning.

in biochemistry was created in

The inclusion of this technology can

collaboration and consultation with

raise an educational institution’s

VRWT: How can interested parties

NYIT professors.

visibility, rating, and credibility.

get in touch?

In a nutshell, this virtual reality

Using innovative technology in

Dominica Jamir: They may contact

process can be reconstructed based

classrooms that is user-friendly

me via

on new lesson plans from teachers

and inclusive for students of


of other subjects.

different abilities and learner styles

on Instagram at @dominicajamir_ux

can inspire and promote quality

or Twitter at @JamirDominica.

The system can be applied to


multiple disciplines and subjects. Content will be modular and

I intend to engage with and promote

adaptable; it will be possible to build

to interested educational institutions


February 2021


Deadline: 0 4 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 1

Publication date: 1 4 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 1

Architecture, Engineering And Construction Issue Designers are at the forefront of virtual reality, creating and refining ever impressive products, machines and buildings, without having to leave their studio and on much grander scales, while augmented reality is being utilised to redefine traditional spaces and bring 3D models alive, in the real world.

Mark Dugdale, Editor editor@vrworldtech.com

Jonathan Savage, Publisher jonsavage@vrworldtech.com

VRWorldTech is a must-read resource if you want to stay up-to-date on progress within immersive technology for enterprise. Our content sits between the technology’s creators and developers and the business leaders who can benefit from its use and application. We cover the stories that make immersive technology a reality.

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