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As we know from mathematical diagrams, the hyperbolic paraboloid is a ruled surface, which means that we can create it using only straight lines even though it is curved. Fig. 9.1 shows our models of a hyperbolic paraboloid made of fifteen straight 30cm and 90cm long wood elements. First, we created an equilateral triangle using three elements of our straight timbers. Then we used this triangle as a template to form two skewers at a 60-degree angle, completing 2/3 of another equilateral triangle. Connecting the first triangle by one skewer to the second triangle, created together a regular tetrahedron shape. Further, we marked the edges of the tetrahedron in regular 4 cm intervals to connect the skewers between the marks. Then we connected a skewer to the first marks on each of the edges. In another step, we created another layer of skewers so that they would overlap. We kept connecting skewers by moving one interval mark on each edge. The overlap got greater each time. To reach the goal we had to use two of the other edges to form the other ruling lines.

Fig. 9.1. Hyperbolic Paraboloid Model (Shawkat, 2021)
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Other books by Sabah Shawkat
1. Design of reinforced concrete members (2000) 2. Železobetónové konštrukčné sústavy (2002) 3. Deformation behaviour of reinforced concrete beams (2011) 4. Konštrukčné projekty (2014) 5. Structural design I (2014) 6. Structural design II (2015) 7. Architektonika (2015) 8. Structural design III (2015) 9. Structural projects (2016) 10. Element design to shape a structure I. (2016) 11. Element design to shap e a structure II. (2017) 12. Inžinierske drevené konštrukcie (2017) 13. The art of structural design (2017) 14. Lightweight steel structures (2018) 15. The art and engineering of Lightweight Structures (2019) 16. Art in/of Nature (2020) 17. Application of structural system in building design (2020) 18. Structural icons for architects (2021) 19. Construction in architecture (2022) 20. Lightweight structures from the perspective of formfinding geometry (2022) 21. Free Form Geometry in Architecture (2022)