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Views from Around Our Mountain State Bluefield Lodge #269 The members of the Bluefield Lodge held their mortgage burning ceremony during March of 2022 and had the honor of hosting our WV State Elks President, Dennis Hayes and our First Lady, Louise Hayes during the ceremony. Past State Presidents Randy Stevens and Jackie Barlow both from the Bluefield Lodge assisted with the Burning Ceremony. Congratulations to all the Sisters and Brothers of #269, well earned and well deserved.
Wheeling Lodge #28 Held their annual Mother's Day program and as always was a touching and lovely event. E.R. Mitch presided and his first lady Cate handed out chocolate covered pretzels to those in attendance. “Seeing how the lodge members pitch in to make these events memorable is one of my favorite things about being part of the Elks.” Stated Rachel Lynn a member of Wheeling Lodge #28