Fall '23 Issue #1 - W27 Newspaper

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Our students give insight on the fashion and culture going on around our beloved NYC.

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Take a break from the serious news coverage that W27 provides each month and indulge in some fun stories by our writers.






N e w s pa p e r

The Voice of FIT.

The Fashion Institute’s Student-run Newspaper

FIT, to the World & Us

By Alice Liu (Interior Design ‘27) Photographed by Tiffany Hoang (Intl. Trade and Marketing ‘25) To be perceived, is inescapable and inevitable, especially with today’s hyperconnected digital space. While it is only natural to be colored by the perceiving eyes of others, the internet enables a platform of mass judgment and stereotypes. FIT students have always maintained a strong presence on social media. Yet, to go viral and take on the spotlight of the digital stage comes with a cost. In the last week of August, a video uploaded by Peichen Liu (Menswear, ’22, ITM, ’24), captioned “What students are wearing at my fashion school for the first day” went viral on Instagram, Tiktok, and X. A cursory glance at the posts presents us with a stream of comments, some nice, some nasty. A particularly popular retweet by user @ aero_wulf is captioned, “zoomers have gone insane.” Another comment from user @lueshi42 on Instagram writes, “First day of clown college.” While it’s easy to be consumed by the hate of the commenters, there are also others who applaud students for expressing themselves through their outfits. In the midst of the crossfire of social media comment wars, how do the


FIT students feel about the labels society has placed on them? Tiffany Hoang (ITM, ‘25) and I bounced around campus to interview a couple of our fellow students. When asked about the common misconceptions about FIT students, Heer Sharma (FBM, ‘27) and Anshika Singh (FBM, ‘27) noted the flippant attitude directed towards students, “[They think] that we just show up to class to be a fashionista and then we go back to our dorm and sleep…that we’re just here to have fun, dress up, and apply makeup.” Sharma and Singh push back on those stereotypes by shedding light on the reality of attending FIT.

study. But the stereotype that is specific to FIT is that fashion is the sole subject taught. In an interview with Julie Gonzalez (IDM, ‘27), she explains, “Fashion is definitely a huge part of FIT, but the school offers way more than just that. I study interior design here which is definitely an intense major with a lot of work, and there are some cool majors that no one talks about like shoe design and toy design.” While the fashion aspect of the Fashion Institute of Technology certainly overshadows its lesser known majors, there are other creative disciplines that deserve much more appreciation from the public.

experience daily: it’s not always glamorous or easy—the five-hour classes, the allnighters for projects, and lugging heavy bags of materials through the subway. To further demystify the choice of unconventional outfits by FIT students, Deine says, “A lot of the outfits are like trial and error. People are finding themselves here. They’re trying to invent new things. This is where fashion starts. And I think it’s important that you don’t just follow the rules because then nothing new will be made.”

Ciara Deine (FBM, ‘27) thinks FIT students “But actually, the students here…are pretty receive so many hate comments because hard-working. They have a lot of stuff to “[they] put on a character for the cameras. do, especially the design students. And we But you don’t understand that students don’t dress to impress; it’s are putting in hours of just for ourselves….We do research into their studies work. We study. We have a “We don’t dress to and making clothes. It’s career goal in mind.” impress; it’s just for just that everybody takes ourselves” things at surface level but Perhaps the reason FIT is doesn’t really take the time not actively accepted as an educational or consideration to think deeper.” institution in the public’s eye is not exclusive to FIT itself; perhaps it’s due to The overly-curated world of social media the blanket label placed on art schools— certainly paints a narrative that is starkly that art is not a legitimate career or field of different from the reality FIT students


Read about our new building and the tribulations behind the architecture. What does this new building have? Read about it here.



Step into the dynamic world of Primadonna, a Gen-Z focused Zine founded by FIT students and garnered the attention of Nike.



It’s hard enough for people in their late 20s and early 30s to find a partner, where’s the hope for college students? Dive into the NYC dating scene and the challenges it comes with.


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