Summer 2022 Issue

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Growth & Potential WOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 2022JULY•$4.95 WOMEN 2 WOMEN MICHIGAN MAGAZINE The Power Self-Discoveryof Suzanne Young Curiosity Leads to Adventure Mimi Matthews Turn Regret Into Possibility Tina Nies Deborah St. Hilaire My Body Mind Spirit W2W Complimentary

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Tarnesa Martin writes about choosing to live our purpose on page 26. Michelle in Trend Tea, page 14, gives us great ideas for making a beautiful outdoor space. Debra Loader helps us bring back our energy, vibrancy, and best self on page 9. Do you have regrets? Read page 23 by Tina Nies. These are just a few of our amazing articles that will help you live your best life! Oh, and I am excited to introduce you to a member of my family, Itty Bitty the Camper, on page 18. She is definitely fun, and helps my family find great Debraadventures.andIwish for you many wonderful times with friends and family and as Deb, our cover girl tells us, we hope you are able to make and find moments of joy.

their business, expertise and related activities. Women2Women

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Dear friends, Summer is flying by, and our women are busy! I know that you are too, but we hope you will have a chance to check out the wisdom included in this issue. As the editor, I love the diversity of background and experience that our writers bring to us. They write from their own perspective, and always keep our articles fresh and enlightening.


Women Inspiring Women for Good!




From Our Publisher

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Our Mission: Women2Women Michigan was created to connect women with women for good to encourage, support, have fun, do business and provide links for women’s DOresources.YOUKNOW WOMAN SHOULD FEATURE? stories online at Article guidelines are under the make the majority of purchasing decisions. They buy goods and services for their homes, gardens, businesses, entertainment, health and nutrition, the list is endless. They want to be informed and connected in their communities. Event-driven marketing makes education fun and rewarding. You can reach these women in a heartwarming environment at Women2Women Michigan events and through READERSHIPmagazine. is distributed to subscribers via US mail. It is also available at every Women2Women Michigan event, chamber events, and women’s organizations. It is professionally delivered to various locations throughout the area including restaurants, hospitals, retail locations and medical offices in southeastern Michigan. Interested in hosting a distribution location? Email us at online or email us at is published All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced whole or in part without the express written consent of the Office@w2wmichigan.compublisher.• inform others about Michigan is not aware of, and makes no representation as to, the truth or accuracy of such and, therefore, makes no warranties of any kind, with respect to the same. Accordingly, are solely responsible for the accuracy contents of own and for damages whatsoever, directly or indirectly, that may emanate there from.

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The Power Self-Discoveryof 10 Suzanne Young Curiosity Leads to Adventure 19 Mimi Matthews Turn Regret Into Possibility 23 Tina Nies 4 MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN • Contents Cover: Deborah St. Hilaire • • • Deborah St.Hilaire is a unifier, enlightener and catalyst for change in the way women are treated and treat each other. Author, speaker, transformational coach and teacher, Deb, the founder of, is dedicated to enriching lives through selfcare, meditation, movement, thought and journaling. 6 Departments • • • Features • • • Cover Articles • • • Armchair Psychology Lends to Emotional Obtusity 12 Go From Out-Bore to Out-Score this Summer in Your Own Backyard 14 Itty Bitty the Camper 18 Step 1: Make an Invitation Onto Your Higher Self 22 Pets & Distracted Driving 24 5 Family Staycation Ideas that Won’t Break Your Budget 27 From Our Publisher & Editor 3 Cover DeborahStorySt.Hilaire 6 She Means Business Deborah St. Hilaire 7 Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle,Healthy PossibilitiesMindset 9 ARecipeSweet Superfruit for Summer Meals 17 Sparkle & Shine Curiosity Leads to Adventure 19 Body Mind Spirit Empathetic Encouragement 20 She Means Business Sherry Schmidt 21 Shades of Health Live Your Purpose, On Purpose 26

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 5 Subscribe to Save! Blessings COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 20195Issue10Vol.3.95 What's Love Got To Do With It? W2W WOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE Charter Health CareThemselvesTheyTrainingCallBlessed Kim Hytinen DeAnne Joy The Last Love Letter CountBlessingsYour Katina Love Never miss an issue of your favorite magazine! Head to our website, click the "Subscribe to Magazine"!Michiganinspiringwomenforgood,forfun,forencouragement,andforsupport.Wepublishamonthlymagazinefilledwithgreatinformationforwomen.Ourgoalisprovideourreadershipwitharticlesthatmotivateandempower.Weareanevent-drivenbusinessthatproducesweekendgetaways,expos,shoppingtrips,networknights,seminars,workshops,roadtrips,retreats,andothereventmarketing. Contributing Writers Deborah St. Hilaire • Kim Hytinen • Suzanne Young • Tina Nies • Jennie Bouteiller • Michelle Shook Tarnesa Martin • Mimi Matthews • Debra Loader • jay.m.chross • Kim Salerno Jennifer Gardner Creative Director Debra K. Collins Publisher Mimi Matthews Editor

Since grade school I’ve been bothered by the way girls/women judge and treat each other. My special gift is getting to the root of my client’s insecurities, learned behaviors, and negative self-image. My magic is guiding them to search inside for the power that has always been there…just waiting for them.

WHO HAS BEEN AN INFLUENCE IN YOUR LIFE? Inyanla Vanzant’s books and teachings helped me to overcome a very painful time in my life. My favorite teachers have been Dr. Wayne Dyer, Bruce Lipton, Greg Brayden, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Andrew Weil.

Deborah St. Hilaire




DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? A quote I like from Dr. Dyer is, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” There’s also a saying about dandelions: Some see weeds, others see wishes. I say, “Choose wishes.” Deb is available for speaking engagements and would love to share her experience and wisdom. To find out more about Deb St. Hilaire, read our “She Means Business” that features her.

Cover Story • • •

I’ve been through some very rough times. I made it, somehow. The lessons taught me. WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?

HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO DO IT? I get my strength from inside and the fact that everything is temporary. I ask for guidance from the Universe, and oftentimes I depend on a few friends’ and family’s unconditional love. HOW DID YOU GET INTO IT? Way too much to write…but I’ve given purpose to my pain by reaching out, being there, and listening to women with similar experiences.

What I do, guiding women to find and make time for themselves, to live a joy-filled life, is my purpose and my mission. I wish I could help every woman who suffers. That’s why I coach, write, and the reason I founded www. My passion is to learn and experience all I can in order to guide women to their desired results with empathy, love and compassion.

The major and most difficult lesson I’ve learned is that we are responsible for our own happiness. If you seek joy it will find you, if you focus only on the bad, that’s all you’ll see. Choose the good, feel the joy, make every day a good one. Wire your brain to be optimistic!


One of Deb’s favorite quotes is by Wayne Dyer: “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.” Most times you can find something positive in your day. Train your brain to have more fun! It is up to you. She acknowledged that yes; we can’t always be happy and joyful every second. Often, life situations can be challenging. But you can take steps to experience more Joy. Train your brain to seek joy.

ody, Mind, Spirit is Deb’s newest project. The name came to her as she was meditating. While, she has always been focused on women’s issues, she was inspired to develop this content out of requests from her coaching clients. She kept hearing that they were not happy with their body, their business, or relationships. Many women were looking for more of a spiritual guidance and exploration.

THIS MONTH WE ARE CATCHING UP WITH ONE OF OUR FAVORITE COACHES, ASKING HOW SHE IS AND WHAT SHE IS CURRENTLY DOING. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will ~Waynechange.Dyer

Some courses offered at

podcast is called “Joyful July”. She explained that when attending her granddaughter’s birthday party recently, she noticed how the children were playing with such abandonment with a swimming pool, slide, and water balloons. They were laughing, tumbling, with legs up in the air, just enjoying the moment. As adults many of us have forgotten how to play and how good it feels. She picked up a water balloon and threw it at her sister. They joined in the fun with the Summertimekids. offers many opportunities--with fireworks, family gatherings, picnics, and fun--tooutdoorletgo!Dosomething you have never done. So often we say, “When I have more time, or when I get that new job, or when I have more money, I will be happy then.” Deb says, “There is too much focus on exterior situations or excuses resulting in us delaying our joy, always putting our joy on hold until things change. You can learn how to ‘fill’ yourself with joy now. Decide today to become a more joyful person.”


Deb’s focus is to guide women to be healthier and happier, to learn to balance all three areas of their health, and to offer a community Women’swomenlike-mindedofstrivingtodothesame.needs have changed since Covid and Deborah was able to pivot and adjust her programs to focus on those needs.

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 7...continued on page 10 She Means Business • • •


Deb’s experience as an entrepreneur expands many years beginning with her Real Estate career. She launched her Radio Network and wrote her first book, “The Divalution”, in 2012. She says, “As an entrepreneur you are always evolving and adjusting as the business grows. Lucky I am open to learning new things!” Class offerings are changing and evolving to remain relevant. Her female-focused business model was born out of a desire to unite and lift Herwomen.current

8 MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN • Get more, go digital. View W2W Michigan Magazine at or subscribe to receive a printed copy mailed to you. Let the digital edition of W2W Michigan Magazine inspire you anytime. Read it anytime, anywhere! COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! $•2017•5Issue8Vol.3.95 Synchronicity/Passion W2WWOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE ForceThe Friendshipof Finding Your “True Heart” Mimi Matthews The Power of Passion Deborah St.Hilaire

What’s possible for you when you have energy, when you’re vibrant, when you are your best self? Remember - when you feel healthy and vibrant, ANYTHING else in your life is POSSIBLE!

SECRET #3 I added some easy ways to move (maybe a dance party in the kitchen!)

 Debra Loader is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and she works with women who are exhausted from doing it all. She can be reached for private or group coaching at or 810.287.4096.

I would like to share 4 secrets to bring back your energy, bring back your vibrancy, bring back your best self.


Asking for and receiving support (yes, you are worthy to receive) They’re not hard, you just need to keep them on your mind and start implementing them. These have helped me make my wellbeing a priority and they can work for you too.

Possibilities 9 MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN • Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Mindset • • •


First, I want to ask you if you have ever found yourself past exhaustion, sick, burned out, putting your work before yourself and your family? Oh – you would never say it out loud – my work is more important than my family or my own health, but that is how you are living. You’ve always been the one to “be there” for everyone else, but secretly you sometimes feel lonely and wish you had a go-to of your own, because you’ve felt so depleted lately. If this sounds like you, I want you to know you’re not alone. In fact, there was a time when that was my story. I loved taking care of everyone else, I loved my job and enjoyed the success I worked so hard for – but I didn’t realize that by always putting others first I was draining myself to the point that I had almost nothing left to give. But I pushed myself harder and harder all the time. I had pushed myself past the point of exhaustion, to sickness, to burn out. How could I be the go-to now? I needed a go-to. I had a big wake up call with my health and wellbeing that forced me to change. I learned how to make my wellbeing a top priority, and when I did, it seemed to have a ripple effect in almost every area of my life. And it’s not what you think – not the typical advice you find all over the internet. What I found were 4 little known secrets that actually had the biggest impact. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym, hire a private chef, or quit your job. What are those 4 secrets that turned my life around?

SECRET #2 I use fun and simple ways to nourish my body and mind. Water - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and taking a few minutes to breathe (I mean really breathe)

SECRET #1 Each morning I ask myself 2 questions: What am I grateful for today? And what is my intention for the day?

The Power of Self-Discovery of

S elf-discovery wasn’t anything I ever thought about when I was busy raising my four children. My husband was a verbally abusive, alcoholic man who was not interested in helping me take care of the children. In fact, he was like having a fifth child because I did everything I could to try to keep him happy in hopes that the abuse would stop. I did the cooking, cleaning, the shopping, and taking care of the kids. I mowed the lawn, I took out the garbage, and at the end of the day when I was exhausted from all my other responsibilities, I even had sex with him when I didn’t want to, just to keep him happy. When I asked my parents for advice on my situation they made it perfectly clear that divorce was not an option until all my children were grown and out of the house. I believed all “good” daughters took their parent’s advice. I believed they were telling me the truth and spent many more years of my life thinking I needed to suffer and sacrifice my own happiness in order to be viewed as a loving and responsible mom. In 1981 I unexpectedly got a phone call from a loyal and loving girlfriend that I hadn’t talked to in 2 years. As soon as I answered the phone she said Suzanne, “I couldn’t wait to call you and let you know how much my life has changed since you moved away”. She went on to tell me that she’d been selling UndercoverWear lingerie at home parties and she thought that I might want to sell this lingerie too because she knew in her heart, “with my fun personality and the fact that I love getting out with the girls,” I was bound to be successful. I doubted her enthusiasm about this because I knew nothing about sales nor lingerie, but most importantly I also knew my biggest fear was having to ask my verbally abusive husband for the money to start this endeavor. When I did ask him, his negativity did not surprise me. He was really against it because he knew it meant he would have to stop going to the bar after work and come home to watch the children. He told me he thought I would fail and that I was too fat to be successful. He knew it would be a waste of time and money to do something like this. I was used to his verbal abuse, so despite his criticism, I found the courage to try it simply because my girlfriend loved and believed in me, like no one else ever had.



Attraction • • •

You too, might find yourself on your way to manifesting a life of peace and joy and success, just like I did.


If I hadn’t picked up the phone that day, I imagine I would still be stuck thinking I was a victim of circumstances and that there was nothing I could do to change my miserable life. By taking this risk, I began to discover so much more about myself that I never would have known otherwise. Within a few short months of joining UndercoverWear, I built a successful team of women and became a manager. I was then asked if I would be willing to model some of our lingerie on a very popular 1980s talk show called the Phil Donahue show. This was totally out of my comfort zone but I faced my fear and said yes. As I allowed myself to keep experiencing new things, I kept learning more about myself. My self-esteem and self-confidence grew. I learned that over time our beliefs can change. I discovered the beliefs that “I could not be a good sales person” or that I had to “suffer and sacrifice to be considered a good mom” were both false. Within three years I began making as much money as my husband! The good news is, that within five years I was able to get a divorce and stop exposing my children and myself to verbal abuse. All of the new things I discovered about myself enabled me to move forward and raise my four children as a single parent for my remaining 25 year career in UndercoverWear.

If you feel stuck in a rut with no way out, I encourage you to step out of your own comfort zone and start your own journey of self-discovery. If you’re wondering where to begin, I invite you explore the many selfempowering ideas I used to change my life, here:

 Suzanne Young is an intuitive life coach. She specializes in the Law of Attraction and empowering others by helping them learn how to reconnect with their Inner Guidance. She is also an inspirational speaker, author, and co-owner of Personal Success Programs, since 2007, with her husband Kevin Young. You can email her at and their website is Her office number is 248.349.6225.


A friend recently shared this meme: Switch your mentality from “I’m broken and helpless” to “I’m growing and healing” and watch how fast your life changes for the better. And it triggered me. Partly because I have had a non-stop avalanche of challenging situations and events throughout my life, and I loathe the thought that I come off as a victim and complainer. On one hand, people’s opinions of me are none of my business, but also, I believe we are responsible for the energy we bring and I don’t want to be a psychic vampire. It's actually the second part of the meme that I have an issue with. Just change your mindset and your life will magically get better. That’s unrealistic and misleading even with its grain of truth. Mindset is hugely important to changing trajectory and it’s vital to peace, joy, and success. But we must mindfully practice mindset. We are emotional beings who are inclined to react first and contemplate later. It is with practice that we learn to be adaptive rather than reactive, and through this shift, we have a positive effect on ourselves and others.

I nternet armchair psychology is an interesting phenomenon. Posts that appear helpful and upbeat are often low-key shaming and blaming. Sometimes the intent is an authentic view into a person’s own journey with a nugget of truth they’ve found useful, and other times positivity is actually a toxic, humble brag about one’s own enlightenment or circumstance. In living, we cannot escape the human experience of life and all the joys, pleasures, sorrows, boredoms and such that accompany being alive, nor should we want to.

 Kim Hytinen is a Michigan native, freelance writer, dreamer, and lover of interesting vintage and antique goods. As a former small business owner, college administrator, and the mom of three teens -- one of whom is special needs -- Kim's experience adjudicates her propensity to writing on a variety of topics. This article is found on her website:

Rather than tossing out a meme that tells people to do better to be better, we do better. We take a moment to connect with them. And if we must post some internet psychology, we make sure it is actually helpful and not superiority cloaked as wisdom. There’s a real world out there beyond our keyboards, more than the neatly packaged memes we share. We owe it to ourselves and one another to return to our core in search of empathy, humility, and humanity. Those of us who are feeling well and experiencing the joys and gifts of life rather than the hardships can help by doing some of the lifting, and by doing so, the benefits are shared by all.

Armchair Psychology LENDS TO Emotional Obtusity

If you believe in magnetism, you’ll offer that like attracts like. So, be happy and the Universe will respond, right? Well, kinda. And yes, manifestation is real, but it’s not magic. Bad things happen … to all of us. How we respond has a definite impact on our over all experience and recovery during difficult times. But we are allowed to feel. We are allowed to share that load. And let’s be honest – some folks seem to have a peculiar amount of turbulence and recurring trauma in their journey. If they’re vocal about it, we tend to view them as whiners and attentionseekers, or that their toll is somehow karmically justified or self-imposed. And boy, if they just did this or that, then their life would be better. That smacks of emotional obtusity.

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 13 Are you a Landscaper? Do Driveways or Roofing? What about Windows? Place your message here with us and when you sponsor us 12 times, your first month is FREE! Please contact us today at 810.444.6566 to find out if we are a good fit!

14 MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN • Go from OUT-BORE TO OUT-SCORE thisinSummerYourOwn Backyard

T he pandemic has forced many of us to refresh and really enjoy our outdoor living spaces. This year’s hottest trends have been inspired by nature and low-maintenance living. The looks are unlike anything we have seen before so it’s a great time to plan a minor refresh of your décor or a major overhaul of your outdoor space.

MOVIES UNDER THE STARS. The resurgence of alfresco movie going is one of the biggest backyard trends this year. With the luxuries of streaming services, Wi-Fi, a projector/ screen and some great Bluetooth speakers, you can set up your own “movie night” experience under the stars for the whole family to enjoy. All you need to do is grab the popcorn! You can easily refresh or reimagine your outdoor space with these top patio trends for 2022. If your patio or deck is ready for something new, try recovering your patio cushions, adding neutral colors with outdoor throw pillows, or jumping right into creating a beautiful vertical garden. Whatever you do, we know it will be beautiful!

 Meet Michelle Shook –Trend Tea’s brainchild. She’s an award winning, influential marketing and branding guru with expertise in retail, fashion, real estate, home remodeling and home décor. Her day job consists of managing Birch Run Premium Outlets and she has all the scoop on the best deals.

LIGHT UP THE NIGHT. Whether you have the neighbor kids over for s’mores or adult peeps over for a glass of wine on a breezy summer evening, you need good lighting. One of the most popular outdoor decor trends this season is exterior lighting--and we aren’t talking about those annoying, zappy bug lights. Stringing bulb lights along posts or a pergola will set the mood and create a great atmosphere for enjoying your space at night. Rope lighting placed along a staircase adds ambiance that will make your guests swoon. Lighting is a costeffective way to transform just about any outdoor space.



Simple, clean lines and natural colors are popular for this summer’s outdoor space. They give a relaxing vibe to an outdoor space and allow the natural greens and bright colors of your flowers to pop in your landscaping and surroundings. If you like color in your space, add a few pops of it with outdoor pillows and umbrellas so you can stay true to the minimalistic design, and accent the natural hues.

MODULAR FURNITURE HAS TAKEN OVER THE OUTDOORS. Fun, quirky, mobile furniture has moved outdoors. Modular pieces like cube ottomans, egg chairs, and custom patio cushion replacements make it easy to change up the look of your outdoor living space. To create a minimalistic design, look for furniture and outdoor decor that have natural-looking features such as wood, eco-friendly poly-rattan, and macrame.

The most popular entertainment features, the right moveable furniture, soothing natural colors, and cool lighting make up this year’s hottest outdoor trends. It’s time to think about transforming your space into a relaxing haven that will make you the talk of the neighborhood.

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1 tablespoon olive oil, divided

F rom backyard barbecues and family picnics to a bright addition to seasonal recipes, sweet cherries not only provide a boost of flavor but also pack a punch when it comes to nutrition, helping keep you and your family healthy during busy summer months. Cherries can help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure as well as relieve stress and gout, and can improve sleep quality.

Heat oven to 350 F.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images (Cherry Sauce)

1 teaspoon grated lime peel

CHERRY SAUCE Servings: 16 3/4 cup water 3/4 cup maple syrup 4 cups fresh Northwest-grown sweet cherries

1 1/2 cups pitted Northwest fresh sweet cherries, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup chopped cilantro

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

3 tablespoons citrus zest (optional) black pepper (optional) fresh herbs (optional) raspberries (optional) In medium saucepot, add water, syrup and sweet cherries. Bring to simmer, stirring occasionally and more frequently as sauce begins to form. Add cranberries; continue stirring. Once reduced, remove from heat and add fresh ginger, citrus zest, black pepper, fresh herbs and raspberries, if desired.

2 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese

1 tablespoon thinly sliced fresh basil


2 tablespoons lime juice

Arrange baguette slices on cookie sheet and toast one side 5 minutes. Turn slices, brush with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and bake 5 Combineminutes.cherries, cilantro, sweet pepper, green onions, lime juice, lime peel, garlic salt, pepper and remaining olive oil; mix well.

The perfect time to take advantage of the goodness of Northwest-grown sweet cherries is through August. Eat fresh cherries straight out of hand as a snack, bake them into a pie or pair with ice cream for a sweet summertime treat.

Top each baguette with thin slice cheese, 1 tablespoon cherry mixture and sprinkle of basil. Serve warm or cold.

Photo courtesy of Northwest Cherry Growers (Cherry Bruschetta) (Family Features)

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

The rich fruitiness of sweet cherries helps blunt the sharp edge of dried fruit in a quick and easy Cherry Sauce recipe. Low in sugar and versatile, this sauce can be used as a base ingredient for cocktails, a glaze for meats, a spread for sandwiches, a topping for yogurt and more. Add some ginger or orange peel to complement your A

4 cups dried cranberries

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 17 Recipe • • •

2 tablespoons finely chopped green onions

Cool 30 minutes-1 hour before transferring to wider, shallow pan for speed cooling. Once cooled, store refrigerated in airtight container up to 2 weeks.

Sweet Superfruit for Summer Meals menu and you may have a new, nutritious summer favorite. Or, for a sweet, simple snack, use cherries to make an appetizer like Cherry FindBruschetta.morerecipes and ways to use cherries at

4 peels (2 inches each) fresh ginger (optional)

6 18 slices (1/2-inch thick) small baguette-style bread

1/4 cup diced yellow sweet pepper


amping and traveling was forged into my blood since my elementary days. Being the most inexpensive way to travel in the 1960s, camping was how we took our vacations. Our small camper was painted red and white and mama made red gingham curtains for both it and the 1965 navy blue station wagon that pulled it. Quite the patriotic sight, we Fast-forwardwere!four decades to where I am now a single mom of two adopted children with disabilities. I am fifty-eight years old and yearning to take my children on adventures like I had. However, I was broke. And I wanted to camp so we could enjoy and explore outdoors. I knew almost nothing about pulling a camper but I decided to investigate anyway. Wondering where to start, I felt like I should check Craigslist. Sure enough, this tiny vintage camper was for sale! The owner had just posted it. By financing through my credit union I was able to purchase it. After installing a hitch on my van I headed downstate Michigan to bring it home. The owner, who had refurbished it some, made sure I could turn corners with it. However, he forgot to tell me about putting my van into a lower gear. I didn’t dare go over 50 mph on the highway because my van growled so much! That was in 2010 and Itty Bitty the Camper became a member of our family. She’s a 1974 Sprite. Ten feet long and basically beds on wheels. My daughter was on a feeding pump that had to be hung and my body was too old to sleep on the ground. This tiny trailer was perfect for us. I could haul it and set it up myself. We have been as far north as Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and as far south as Lexington Kentucky.


Itty Bitty has been in several photo shoots—summer, Christmas, and Mother’s Day at our church. She’s an excellent model! Because she’s a seventies lady, I tried to decorate her in gypsy/hippie style. I hope you enjoy her happy vibes!

IttyCampertheBitty  Mimi Matthews

Itty Bitty has her own Instagram account: www. where you can see pictures of her inside.

Google doesn’t give you quite the same effect!) Have you ever wondered what your community looked like from a bird’s eye view? You haven’t? Well, I guess you need to click on Google maps, type in your address, click on the satellite view and see what your neighbors are hiding in their backyards. Besides going on vacations with my family every summer, where my sense of travel and longing to see new places was deeply imprinted in me, I went on many adventures by reading. During the summer months especially I’d consume as many books as I could carry home from the library. I learned so much about our world, history, people, ideas, and places by reading so much. These days I love crime mysteries that keep my mind sharp. Sometimes I even guess who did it before the end of the book.

These are just a few ways that being curious has allowed me to engage in adventures. Maybe you’d like to cultivate your own curiosity by asking several questions and tracking down the answers. Or create a “curiosity journal” where you jot down things you wonder about as you go through your day. Of course you have to notice things in order to do that. So, live your life with eyes wide open, wonder in your heart, and a curious spirit. It’s a great way to live!


Thus “Itty Bitty” entered our lives and we have had great adventures these last twelve years, trying to discover somewhere new each year.

It was while we were in the Upper Peninsula that I took one of my most favorite photographs of my children. I passed an interesting road off into the woods and voiced aloud, “I wonder what’s down there?” After backing up and unloading my children I directed them to walk down the road and hold hands. My daughter asked if we’d get in trouble. I told her I didn’t know but I doubted it. I treasure that picture so much! You just have to be curious. One of these days I want to travel to the factories that make things. I want to see lipstick, toothpicks, crayons, and many other things made!! As a child my family visited the Hershey factory and the Kellogg’s factory and I never have forgotten. While it was really great to learn how those things were made (did you know that in the summer Hershey used to put some kind of wax in their candy to keep it from melting in the heat? Hmmmm, I wonder if they still do?) my curiosity about things has only grown! I’ve become entranced with Google maps where a person can click on the satellite view and see all kinds of things! One of the things I loved about my bungee jump (which became a huge swinging arc across the Six Flags amusement park) was being able to see all of that way up high. Now I can get the same kind of view by looking at satellite images. (I still want to bungee jump again, though!

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 19 Sparkle & Shine • • •

’ve never outgrown the four-yearold “why?” stage (along with the “who” and “how” stages)— always curious, always asking questions. I’m sure it used to drive my family nuts. Being adventurous isn’t limited to doing things. Being adventurous has a lot to do with your heart and whether you are curious and imaginative and full of wonder (with a bit of confidence thrown in). My kids and I go camping in a tiny 1974 ten foot camper that I pull, park, and set up myself, because my adventurous spirit hollered at me one day and I just HAD to find a way to camp with them. As a single mom in the late-fifties age range, I needed something I could handle on my own.

 Mimi Matthews is in the workshopSheinspiregreetingbyofbusiness”“encouragementastheownerEmpowordmentCardsMimi,whichfeaturescardsthatandencourage.isalsoaspeaker,leader,writer, and our editor. Visit her shop at,EmPOWordmentCards,

EncouragementEmpathetic Body Mind Spirit • • •


3 Make a plan to reach your intention. Both of you should agree on the method and duration used.

Remind yourself and your partner why you’re doing this by keeping your end results in mind. It’s like dangling a carrot!

2 Set and share your personal goals with each other. Commit to them by writing them down. Make certain that both are attainable and within the same timeframe.

8 Enjoy the journey. Look at it as a treat or an escape. Something you do for you! It may become a healthy habit/ritual. Make it fun for your partner as well. Example: Take different routs if walking. Stop for a water or at a juice bar after. Walk through a park or at the beach, breath in the beauty.

Good luck! Let me know how you do!

It’s why I got into coaching! I’m an encourager!! You can be one too! Here’s how it works:


Congratulate each other frequently! Pats on the back raise your endorphin level making your actions more pleasurable and likely to be repeated.

Only positive self talk! This is the best way to encourage yourself. By becoming your own advocate for change you will acquire a renewed sense of self, greater resilience and increased confidence.


I have! Countless times…except when there is a person encouraging me. Reminding me of my why, telling me “you can do this,” expecting more than I thought possible and believing in me when I didn’t. It worked! I surpassed my “competition” every year. In fact, it worked so well that I set up an encouragement plan with my sons. Chores were done in time, without complaining and we all shared in the reward!

consideration, I finally landed on my motivator…it was…and still is…working toward a personal goal as someone encourages me, holds me accountable and supports me on the way. The main driver being encouragement. How many times have you set a goal and failed?

4 Hold your partner accountable by your encouraging words and actions! Example: “you’ve got this! I’m so proud of you!”



1 Find a partner with the the same personal goal and a similar why. An example would be: you both want to get into better physical condition. Your why might be because you’ve gained a few pounds, theirs because of a planned hiking vacation.

t’s funny how people can be motivated so differently. I never realized this until I was in real estate. A woman in my office was totally obsessed with competition. Our manager would compare our stats and if I was ahead she would work twice as hard. Checking, comparing and tracking each transaction made. The manager tried the same approach with me, causing alienation and hard feelings, because it didn’t work. She was unsure of how to propel me into a successful career. She thought she was failing. All she needed was a different method. She asked me what I needed …so I thought about it for two Afterweeks.careful

Don’t beat yourself up or get mad at your partner if one of you stop. Instead, offer encouraging words to begin again! No judgment, only support. Lastly… feel the after affects. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, FEEL the difference. Picture the results, how you’ll feel as you bask in the future you. Do it first thing in morning and last thing at night. Envisioning your future puts you in charge of it. I’ve shared this method with much success but only after experimenting on myself and my sons…I can see them rolling their eyes still…it works! Use it over and over Makeagain.anintention, know your why, plan, implement your plan, stay positive and committed with the end result in your mind and heart. Feel it! Celebrate!

Example: Walk (together or separately) for 30 minutes 5 times per week.

Much love, Coach Deb  Deborah St.Hilaire is a unifier, enlightener and catalyst for change in the way women are treated and treat each other. Author, speaker, transformational coach and teacher, Deb, the founder of MyBodyMindSpirit. com, is dedicated to enriching lives through selfcare, meditation, movement, thought and journaling. She can be reached at 989.450.4200 or


 Written by jay.m.chross, a Michigan native who learned to write poems and prose pieces from an inner turmoil that could only be expressed and felt before releasing. She hopes that, despite any of your daily fears and anxieties, that you, too, will have the courage to look at the woman in the mirror and invite her to speak to you.

itmaybewasthe full moon itmaybewasthe reverberationsechoesstrewn about the air from the screaming match catching fire two apartments down maybe it was the instinctive way she turned her head and gaze far beyond the homeless man, as if to say—you do not exist. it was all clear as angel bells punitive thoughts of hell self-inflicted whispersandlingering musings of garbage monsters calling out to any wild fear with open ears: yes, i promise you’ll be safe down here with me just barely making it and maybe it was nothing or maybe it was something or even some of everything she couldn’t decide the trigger but it was there, growing big growing bigger [let me out] and she made up her mind ran shouting to the mirror looked hard but fierce at the confined, sublime woman standing there Who are you? Whoare you? the terror pierced her and from the thick-tongued black came the bellows not to listen not to ask that anything but that! yet she stayed her eyes on the one reflected and let her heart crack heard the tiniest of vibrations flutter up from within her aching, crested breast I AM You. I AM Love. I AM Home. And I welcome You, That Which Is Me. I see You. I see the Invitation being made. It was for this very thing, that I have prayed and prayed. and at long last, the reflection smiled puffy lips, as tears poured forth all the while andhomehome.home.home.again.somehowin the moment inner heart fast soaring those other voices of the deep untrue did not find themselves anew step 1: make an Invitation onto your higher self

Instead, imagine the possibilities you could create for yourself and take action on making to making Here’s an idea: Today, take a moment to write down some of the things that you’d like to let go of… regrets, what-if’s that didn’t happen, and things you’ve been holding on to. Then tear it up or burn it as you imagine yourself really letting it go, at least for today. Next, write down things you’re grateful for in your life, EVEN if you’re not feeling very grateful at the moment. Jot down even the tiniest things like if you just bought your favorite food at the grocery store or the things that seem everyday, like walking the dog or driving to work listening to your favorite song. Let those things sink in, let yourself feel good about something.

 Tina Nies is a Certified Life Coach and a Vision Board Coach. Her passion is building and strengthening self-love as a foundation for success. She is an author and is known as the “Empress of Love”. Facebook/40daylovefest and

Do you

ever “whatthink,if…?”

A change in location or moving to a new city, state, or country might also take a bit of planning to make that possibility an actual choice and Possibilitiesreality.don’t often magically appear. They often take thought, planning, letting go, and other practices. Don’t discourage or sell yourself short just because you might be feeling “stuck” in your current situation.


Turn Regret Into POSSIBILITY

Tomorrow, take a moment, daydream, think about the possibilities you’d like to create in your life. Write them down, even if you have only one “what if” possibility to list!

Give yourself the possibility of looking at “what ifs” with hope.

They can become overwhelming if we let ourselves fall into the regret trap of questioning our choices. It’s okay to think about those things, but if we’re not careful, we can slide down the rabbit hole of regret. That is notBut,helpful.those regretful “what ifs” can remind us that we have the opportunity to consider a more positive “what if” about our future. We can consider what possibilities exist for us in the moment and what possibilities we can nurture and develop for our


You’d chosen a different career path? You’d gotten married at a different age or not gotten married?

There are a lot of “what ifs” in life, aren’t there?

You’d made a different choice in the past?


When we hear the term “distracted driving,” most of us think of the obvious culprits - eating, putting on makeup, talking on the phone, texting, or rummaging for a dropped object on the car floor. However, few of us consider the driving distraction leaving our furry friends unsecured can cause. This fact is underscored by a Kurgo and AAA survey of people who frequently drive with their pets. The survey found that, while 64 percent of drivers admitted to engaging in a potentially distracting pet-related activity, and 29 percent admitted to actually being distracted by their pets, a full 84 percent allowed their pets to ride unrestrained.

It’s easy to see how an unrestrained pet could be distracting. An anxious dog may cry uncontrollably, pace, or seek comfort from its owner. A dog or cat who becomes suddenly frightened might jump or run around unpredictably. A curious dog might burst into the front seat to get a better view of something interesting he spotted from the back window. A small dog or cat might try to burrow under your seat, or worse-into your lap.

Pets You Need To Know

In the survey, drivers admitted to doing everything from petting their dogs, carrying them on their laps, to playing with them and even giving them treats while driving. Three percent of drivers admitted to taking photos of their dogs as they Restrainingdrove. pets in vehicles isn’t just about pets causing distracted driving.

 Kim Salerno is the President & Founder of

It’s about what can happen during an accident. Unrestrained pets can be seriously injured or killed if they are thrown from a vehicle. Pets carried on drivers’ laps can be crushed by the impact of an airbag. Frightened pets have been known to escape vehicles and run away in shock after accidents. And unsecured pets can actually put everyone in the car in danger; during an accident, a 60-pound dog can suddenly become the equivalent of a 2,700-pound projectile. Keeping your pet and human passengers safe and secure is as easy as using the right safety restraint. From pet seat belts or pet car seats, to crates or front seat pet barriers, there is an option out there that will suit your pet and your vehicle. Taking the time to find it may save you the hassle and danger of driving distracted. It may make trips with your pets more fun and worry-free. And it just may save the life your pet - or your own.

& Distracted Driving: What

ou know that saying, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”? That’s Sherry Schmidt! When I walked in, she was setting up a design board with her assistant. Her energy was contagious. Dressed in eclectic business casual, she was giving instructions that ended with “you know what to do.” I was impressed. She later told me that she “trusts her team to back her up.” You can’t help but notice her smile, enthusiasm and love for all things tactile. She has surrounded herself in a business that is perfect for her because she’s artsy and cares about people. She wants people to feel good in their space. That’s why she is hands-on from beginning to end. She’s the kind of person that truly cares about the process and outcome. It all started 1998 when she took her first interior design class. She discovered that it involved her passions: art, psychology and people. She was hired and mentored by a large company of good people and progressed into a business owner after receiving her BS in Interior Design from CMU in 2011. Sherry definitely knows her business, from working in corporate for fourteen years, to working for a more intimate company--Form & Function--to buying the business in 2020. She is involved in small- and large-scale home renovation as well as huge commercial projects. She does it all! She has no fear. “Fear take a back seat, I’m driving” she said. She’s a busy lady that knows how to stay happy. That's what I admire most about her. Her passion is “to live a life that I enjoy. That involves art, travel, and good food. Why wait?” She does just that, attributing her love of travel to her father and grandfather. She and her husband often enjoy adventures together and recently bought their dream house in Bay City. Sherry is an active woman who enjoys being on the move! She was heading off to an art class after our interview and had played tennis that morning. She boasts that her home only has original art work but leaves out the part that most of them are her own. She is not a bragger, a name dropper or conceited in any way. She’s Sherry Schmidt. What is her mission? “I want people to live a better life through my artwork of design.”

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 25 She Means Business • • •


Sherry shared a piece of wisdom with us: "I’m teaching myself to have reservations about the way I react. I take a step back, count to ten, and respond from a place of love. I don’t react. It’s the right thing to do.” That’s a good lesson for all of us! She loves her work and her play, makes time for both, and has a dream to own a boutique hotel in Greece someday. It will be absolutely gorgeously unique and so much fun! Let’s go visit!

There’s nothing "cookie cutter" about her. She designs to make her client feel at home. Another cool thing is, she waits until everything is in before she starts…so it’s just like on television. How fun is that? She’s driven, but not by money. She’s definitely driving, she knows what she wants and needs…like an “occasional guilt free day on the couch.” She’s smart, fun, sincere and so talented. A woman any of us would like to know.


Sherry can be reached at Form & Function 989.895.0909. She is located at 800 Washington Avenue, Suite 101 in Bay City. Check out her website at

 Deborah St.Hilaire is a unifier, enlightener and catalyst for change in the way women are treated and treat each other. Author, speaker, transformational coach and teacher, Deb, the founder of, is dedicated to enriching lives through selfcare, meditation, movement, thought and journaling. She can be reached at 989.450.4200 or

What have we done for ourselves mentally to become a better and healthier version of ourselves? Have we realized that we are just as important as everyone else and all our obligations? It’s time to activate our HealthCare Power and sincerely put in the work to become who our creator has created us to be without apology or compromise. It’s time to reconnect to our purpose, slow down and enjoy the rest of life with purpose for purpose. Now! I may be the only woman that has felt like they missed their purpose a time or two because of some unhealthy decisions, relationships, jobs Knowingetc.

I have a question for us—busy, always-onthe-go individuals, always caring for others with a smile, working countless hours to fulfill company’s obligation, rushing to appointments, and always apologizing for being a few minutes late etc.

 Shades of Health written to educate, empower and encourage individuals to become a better version of themselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Well-being is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Tarnesa D. Martin, RN, BSN AKA “Nurse T” Community Advocate, Health Navigator, Certified Life Coach, Writer, Speaker, Founder of Women of Radical Praise, 810.579.6550

Health • • •

Shades of Health is not a topic, it’s a lifestyle that connects us to us.

T his month’s topics focuses on Empowering & Possibilities which is why I thought it was appropriate to talk about our mental health and what we do as individuals to take care of ourselves. For years as I child, I heard you have to take care of yourself, eat right, drink plenty of water, and go to the gym so that you can be healthy and live a great life. Since most of the focus was on my physical, I never really paid attention to my mental.

On PurposeLive Your Purpose Shades of

For some odd reason, nobody talked about keeping my mental health intact and how important it was going to be for me to learn how to manage stress and balance the day to day of being a mom, grandma, a divorced woman at the age of fifty-two, a community advocate, health navigator and certified life coach, writer, and speaker. And the list goes on and on. I’m sure many of you have the same kind of responsibilities if not more.

your purpose adds focus to your life and gives you permission to say “No” to everything that has been keeping you too busy, fatigued and mentally and emotionally drained. I’m encouraging you to reconnect to your dreams and say “Yes” to the Shade of Health that keeps you cool, calm and mentally happy. Our attitudes and how we learn to positively look at things is what shifts us from traumas to triumphs.

 Find more tips and tricks for enjoying family time together at

Consider these staycation ideas to take advantage of your local area’s attractions and prove you don’t have to go far to spend quality time together. Visit local landmarks. Just because it’s not a traditional vacation doesn’t mean you can’t pretend to be tourists. Start by visiting the places you recommend to friends and family from out of town or pick up a city guidebook to uncover hidden spots you may not even know exist. Make a plan to seek out historic sites, visit local landmarks like museums or try an out-of-the-way restaurant (or two) you’ve never eaten at Campbefore.out in the backyard. Camping doesn’t have to be done far from home. In fact, it can be done right in your own backyard. Pitch a tent to sleep under the stars and plan a night full of traditional camping activities like roasting s’mores, telling spooky stories by flashlight and trying to identify stars and constellations. Set up a picnic in the park. Pack a basket with sandwiches, fruit and other treats and head to the park. You can enjoy a casual meal then take advantage of the open space for a family walk or game of tag before retreating to the playground to let the little ones expel any leftover energy. Have a home spa day. If you’re looking for some relaxation but don’t want to splurge on the full spa treatment, plan an at-home oasis instead. Light some candles, run a bubble bath and break out the facial masks and fingernail polish. Visit an amusement park. No matter where you live, there’s probably an amusement or water park within driving distance. A quick online search before you arrive can help prepare a strategy for hitting the most popular thrill rides and waterslides while skipping those that may not provide quite the same entertainment value.

F amily vacations are a great way to bond and take a step back from the hectic schedules that accompany everyday life, but sometimes time or money (or both) make planning an elaborate trip a non-starter.

However, a staycation – a vacation you take right in your hometown (or nearby) – can be much less expensive and fit into nearly any amount of available time with the added bonus of skipping out on potentially stressful travel.

MICHIGANWOMEN2WOMEN•2022July 27 Billboard Space Waiting for you! You can showcase your message here! We can even design it for you. Sponsor today to getone month Free! Get seen by our growing readership! Call us TODAY to claim your spot! 810.444.6566 5 FAMILY STAYCATION IDEAS THAT WON’T BREAK YOUR BUDGET

COMPLIMENTARY2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen 2016IssueVol.3.95 MonicaSholar UtopiaYourFinding 5 Keys to Having PainlessaPeriod Hurley’s Breast Health Nurse Navigator Women’sExpoNov19&20 COMPLIMENTARY2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen RourkeStacey Blessings/Appreciations Hello People! YourArePrioritiesAskew! Have Attitudean Gratitudeof The Gift I NeededKnewNever 2015March/April3.95 COMPLIMENTARY2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen SelowMarieLisa Charisma: Your AdvantageNot-So-Secret Friends Who Dream Together, Dare Together COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN CONNECTING WITH WOMEN FOR GOOD!2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen Mary Ellen Jones Go for Your Dreams State of the Art Marginprobe Technology for Advanced Breast Lump Removal Surgeries HURLEY Medical Center Award BusinessYour What’s In Your Closet? Guides to Organizing Your Closet and Your Life COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen Blessing/Appreciations StephanieShannonJ. PositivethePaintingTown theAppreciatingObvious theCreatingClosetofYourDreams COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 2017IssueVol.3.95 Optimism/Confidence W2WWOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE SuzanneYoung MotivationPositivePositiveTalkto Living My Life of Joy Laws of Attraction SmallPlayingStop Do AffirmationsReallyWork? ChangesLifeat50 Growth & Potential WOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! WOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE TransformPhoenix Emily Cowen's Story A Season for Growth Debra Loader Deria Brown Growth Means Success W2W Possibilities COMPLIMENTARY 2019Issue10Vol.3.95 W2W WOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE Endless Possibilities Suzanne Young A LoveDaughter's Helen Hicks FitzmauriceBrenda A Garden Gem in our BackyardOwn Burnie Nelson Unmasking Pain Min. Tarnesa Martin COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! Miracles/Empowerment W2WWOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE DawleyJudy & withPhilanthropyJudyDawley Color of Sucess She MeansStaceyBusinessKeller Holiday Gift Guide COMPLIMENTARY 3.952017IssueVol. Synchronicity/Passion W2WWOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE ForceThe Friendshipof Finding Your “True Heart” Mimi Matthews The Power of Passion Deborah St.Hilaire COMPLIMENTARY 2018IssueVol.3.95 Life is Short,Wear Your Party Pants! W2WWOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE GouldVicki Traditions&Change Deborah St.Hilaire Our NeedGirlsUs! Deria Brown Let Your Joy Lead You to Healing Julietta Chevalier 2014 Women’s Expo’s Flint ~ Sept. 5&6 Saginaw ~ Nov. 7&8 2014July/Aug. COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN CONNECTING WITH WOMEN FOR GOOD!2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen Building BusinessesBetterOne By One Dawn Drozd: Don’t Pull Your Hair out: Here are 5 Tips to Help You Write a CollegeBetterEssay Selfie Adventures COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 2 MICHIGAN WomenWomen 100 Years Applewoodof Resolutions/NewHealthierGoalsHealthyBeginningsforaYou RobinettKristyALifeYouDesire Allowing Her Light to Shine Blessings COMPLIMENTARYWOMEN INSPIRING WOMEN FOR GOOD! 2019Issue10Vol.3.95 What's Love Got To Do With It? W2W WOMEN 2 MICHIGANWOMENMAGAZINE Charter Health CareThemselvesTheyTrainingCallBlessed Kim Hytinen DeAnne Joy The Last Love Letter CountBlessingsYour Katina Love Try FREEitfor30days START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY AT W2WMICHIGAN.COM ENCOURAGE | SUPPORT | CELEBRATE

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