Step ashore at
If you have 2-4 hours… Welcome to Dover and the County of Kent
2-4 hours
We can promise you wonderful hospitality, rich heritage and fantastic attractions to make your visit a pleasurable and memorable experience.
Dover Castle
Dover Castle No fortress in England boasts a longer history than Dover Castle.With its strategic position high on the iconic white cliffs, it has protected England's shores since Roman times. Enjoy an exciting new experience in the Secret Wartime Tunnels as the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk in May 1940 is vividly brought to life in the very tunnels where the daring rescue mission was planned. Immerse yourself in the medieval world of King Henry II's Great Tower as you explore richly dressed chambers and meet costumed characters from his royal court. Discover centuries of history both above and below ground in this fascinating fortress known as 'the Key to England'. Schloss Dover Keine Festung Englands weist eine längere Geschichte auf als Dover Castle. Dank ihrer strategischen Lage hoch über den symbolträchtigen weißen Klippen von Dover hat sie die Küsten Englands seit der Römerzeit geschützt.Werden Sie in den geheimen Tunneln aus Kriegszeiten Zeuge einer spannenden neuen Erfahrung, denn die Evakuierung der Truppen von Dünkirchen fand hier mit der Planung der waghalsigen Rettungsaktion im Mai 1940 in eben genau diesen Tunneln ihren Anfang. Sie haben auch die Gelegenheit, in die mittelalterliche Welt des Great Tower von König Heinrich II. einzutauchen, indem Sie die prächtig ausstaffierten Gemächer erkunden können und kostümierte Personen des Königshofes treffen. Erleben Sie in dieser als „der Schlüssel zu England" bekannten faszinierenden Festung sowohl über- als auch unterirdisch mehrere Jahrhunderte der Geschichte.
Castello di Dover Nessun’altra fortezza in Inghilterra vanta una storia più antica del Dover Castle. Grazie alla sua posizione strategica sulle famose bianche scogliere, essa ha protetto le spiagge inglesi sin dai tempi dei Romani. Sperimentate nuove sensazioni passando nei tunnel segreti risalenti alla guerra mondiale scorsa e che servirono per portare in salvo le truppe da Dunkerque nel maggio 1940. Il ricordo di quanto accadde è riportato alla mente proprio dai quei tunnel in cui si programmò la missione di salvataggio. Immergetevi inoltre nel mondo medievale della Great Tower del Re Enrico II che vi offrirà lo spettacolo di stanze riccamente arredate e personaggi della sua corte con l’abbigliamento dell’epoca. Scoprite secoli di storia sia in superficie, sia nei sotterranei di questa affascinante fortezza conosciuta con il nome di ‘La chiave per l’Inghilterra’. Le château de Douvres Nulle autre forteresse en Angleterre ne peut s'enorgueillir d’une aussi longue histoire que le château de Douvres. Depuis sa position stratégique au sommet des iconiques falaises blanches, il a protégé les côtes anglaises depuis l’époque romaine.Venez vivre une expérience passionnante à l’époque des tunnels secrets de la guerre: l'évacuation des troupes de Dunkerque de mai 1940 a été recréée d’une manière très vivante dans les tunnels mêmes où l'audacieuse mission de sauvetage fut organisée. Plongez-vous aussi dans le monde médiéval de la Grande Tour du roi Henri II, explorez les chambres richement décorées et rencontrez des personnes costumées comme à l’époque de sa cour royale. Découvrez des siècles d'histoire tant au-dessus qu’en dessous du sol dans cette fascinante forteresse connue comme «la clé de l'Angleterre.
Visit Kent If you have 2-4 hours…
Dover Bronze Age Boat
The Roman Painted House They came, they saw, they painted;An exceptionally well-preserved Roman building with original under floor heating and ancient wall paintings. The Roman Painted House (Das römische bemalte Haus).Sie kamen, sie sahen, sie malten; ein außergewöhnlich gut erhaltenes römisches Gebäude mit echter Bodenheizung und alten Wandbemalungen. The Roman Painted House (la casa romana affrescata).Vennero, videro e dipinsero; un edificio romano straordinariamente ben conservato, con il suo originale riscaldamento sotto il pavimento e antichi affreschi. The Roman Painted House (La maison peinte par les romains). "Ils sont venus, ils ont observé, ils ont peint." - Un bâtiment exceptionnellement bien préservé d'origine romaine, avec chauffage originel par le sol et fresques anciennes. Dover Museum and Bronze Age Boat This fascinating museum includes an award-winning bronze-age boat from 3,500 years ago. Not to be missed. Das Dover Museum und die Bronzezeitboot-Galerie In diesem preisgekrönten Museum befindet sich das älteste Hochseeboot der Welt, das auf das Jahr 1550 v. Chr. zurückgeht. Das dürfen Sie nicht verpassen!
2-4 hours
De Bradelei Wharf
Museo di Dover e Galleria della nave dell’età del bronzo Questo premiato museo contiene la più antica nave d’altura del mondo, che risale al 1550 a.C. Da non perdere. Musée de Dover et le bateau de l’âge du bronze Ce fascinant musée expose un bateau primé, de l’âge du bronze, construit il y a 3 500 ans : à ne pas manquer. De Bradelei Wharf and Shopping Enjoy shopping at De Bradelei Designer outlet in a superb maritime setting, selling fashion, furnishings and gifts with up to 70% discount.There are plenty of other shopping opportunities in town from major national chains, indoor arcades and individual quirky outlets. De Bradelei Wharf und Shoppen Genießen Sie das Shoppen im De Bradelei Designer Outlet in fantastischer maritimer Lage. Mode, Einrichtungsmöbel und Geschenkartikel werden mit bis zu 70% Rabatt verkauft. Es gibt noch weitere zahlreiche Einkaufsmöglichkeiten in der Stadt – von großen inländischen Handelsketten, Indoor-Arkaden bis zu einzelnen, originellen Läden. De Bradelei Wharf and Shopping Divertitevi a fare lo shopping al de Bradelei, un punto vendita in ambientazione marittima che raccoglie le più importanti marche di design di moda, arredamento e articoli da regalo, con sconti fino al 70%. La città
Visit Kent If you have 2-4 hours…
Crabble Corn Mill
offre anche un'ampia scelta di acquisti presso le più importanti catene di negozi nazionali, gallerie e punti di vendita originali e specializzati. De Bradelei Wharf and Shopping (docks et shopping De Bradelei) Venez faire du shopping dans l’atelier du designer De Bradelei et dans un cadre maritime magnifique. Il vous propose des articles de mode, des meubles et des souvenirs à 70 % de réduction.Vous pourrez profiter de la ville et de ses opportunités et notamment des plus grandes chaînes nationales de magasins, des arcades d’intérieur ainsi que de ses magasins détaillants. Crabble Corn Mill Catch a Number 66 bus and visit Crabble Corn Mill, classed as the finest Georgian working watermill in Europe. Crabble Corn Mill (Crabble Getreidemühle) Nehmen Sie die Buslinie 66 und besuchen Sie die Crabble Corn Mill (Getreidemühle). Diese georgische Wassermühle ist als die beste funktionierende georgische Wassermühle Europas ausgezeichnet. Crabble Corn Mill (Mulino di granturco) Prendete il bus numero 66 e visitate il Crabble Corn Mill, considerato come uno tra i più bei mulini ad acqua ell'età georgiana ancora funzionanti in Europa. Crabble Corn Mill (le moulin à blé de Crabble) Prenez le bus numéro 66 et visitez le moulin à blé de Crabble. Il est considéré être le plus beau
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South Foreland Lighthouse
moulin géorgien à eau d’Europe encore en fonctionnement. White Cliffs of Dover The Gateway Visitor Centre introduces the visitor to the internationally famous White Cliffs of Dover with its 5 miles of beautiful coast and rolling countryside.The views of the English Channel and Port of Dover are spectacular and on a clear day you can even see France.An exhilarating but rewarding walk from the promenade leads up to the famous white cliffs.The white cliffs need to be explored on foot to appreciate the outstanding vistas across the channel and along the coastline.Walkers will also appreciate their beauty and diversity and offer fantastic walking opportunities for the more active. White Cliffs of Dover (Die Weißen Klippen von Dover) Das Gateway Visitor Centre (Gateway Besucherzentrum) präsentiert dem Besucher die international berühmten White Cliffs of Dover mitsamt ihrer 8 km langen wunderschönen Küste und hügeligen Landschaft. Die Ausblicke auf den Ärmelkanal und den Hafen von Dover sind atemberaubend und an einem klaren Tag kann man sogar Frankreich sehen. White Cliffs of Dover (Le scogliere bianche di Dover) Il Gateway Visitor Centre (Centro Turistico) presenta ai visitatori le White Cliffs of Dover, famose a livello internazionale, con le loro 5 miglia di costa splendida e di campagna ondulata. I panorami sull'English Channel e sul Port of Dover sono meravigliosi e durante le
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Walking The White Cliffs
giornate di cielo limpido si riesce perfino a vedere la Francia. E’ piacevole fare una passeggiata vivificante dalla Promenade su verso le famose scogliere bianche. Queste devono essere esplorate a piedi per apprezzare i panorami eccezionali che si aprono sulla Manica e lungo la costa. Chi fa la passeggiata può anche apprezzare la bellezza e la diversità delle scogliere, con camminate fantastiche per i più impegnati. White Cliffs of Dover (les falaises blanches de Dover). Le Gateway Visitor Center (Centre de tourisme) présente aux visiteurs ses falaises blanches de Dover et ses 7,7 Km de côte et de belle campagne vallonnée. Les points de vue sur la Manche et le port de Dover sont spectaculaires et par temps clair, vous pourrez même apercevoir la France. Une promenade enivrante et fructueuse vous entraine en direction des fameuses falaises blanches. Les falaises blanches doivent être découvertes à pied si l’on désire profiter des différents points de vue sur la Manche et la côte. Les promeneurs apprécieront la beauté mais aussi la diversité qu’offrent aux plus actifs ses occasions fantastiques de balades. Explore the Western Heights of Dover Standing guard over the English Channel,The Western Heights is a warren of tunnels, secret rooms and defences carved deep into the famous cliffs. It is one of the largest and strongest fortresses in the country. Discover the history of the unique triple stairway or explore the wildlife on one of the clearly marked circular walks.
4 hours +
Western Heights
Erforschen Sie die Western Heights von Dover Ein anregender aber belohnender Weg führt von der Promenade zu den berühmten White Cliffs. Die White Cliffs müssen zu Fuß erkundet werden, damit man die hervorragende Aussicht über die Tunnel und den Küstenstreifen genießen kann.Wanderer werden ebenso ihre Schönheit und Vielfalt zu schätzen wissen, und für die Aktiveren gibt es hier fantastische Wandermöglichkeiten. Esplorate le Western Heights of Dover (le Cime occidentali di Dover). Le Western Heights of Dover si ergono sopra il canale della Manica e rappresentano un labirinto di gallerie, stanze segrete e luoghi protetti, scavati all'interno delle famose scogliere. Sono una delle più immense e possenti fortezze dell’intero paese. Scoprite la storia della particolare scalinata tripla o esplorate flora e fauna naturale lungo una delle passeggiate circolari, che è contrassegnata con chiarezza. Explorez les Western Heights de Dover (fortifications de Dover). Gardiennes de la Manche, les Western Heights sont un dédale de tunnels, chambres secrètes et de positions défensives, creusées dans les fameuses falaises. Elles représentent l'une des plus grandes et des plus solides fortifications du pays. Découvrez l'histoire de l'unique triple escalier ou explorez la faune en empruntant l'une des promenades circulaires parfaitement indiquées.
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Leeds Castle
Leeds Castle Set in 500 acres of beautiful Kent parkland, Leeds Castle is the perfect backdrop to your day out.The 900 year old historic castle, glorious gardens and attractions awaits every visitor. During your visit explore the gardens and grounds, get lost in the maze, watch a falconry display or enjoy a leisurely punt on the moat. Enjoy lunch in the Fairfax Restaurant or visit one of our shops.Telephone 01622 765400 or visit Leeds Castle (Schloss Leeds). Auf 200 ha in der wunderschönen Parklandschaft von Kent gelegen finden Sie mit Leeds Castle die perfekte Kulisse für Ihren Ausflug. Den Besucher erwarten das 900 Jahre alte historische Wasserschloss, die prächtigen Gärten und weitere Attraktionen. Erkunden Sie während Ihres Besuches die Gärten und Anlagen, verschwinden einfach in dem Labyrinth, erfreuen sich an der Falkenvorführung oder machen eine Fahrt mit der Black Swan Fähre. Genießen Sie Ihren Lunch in dem Fairfax Restaurant oder besuchen einen unserer Shops mit den zahlreichen außergewöhnlichen Geschenken und Souvenirs.Telefon: 01622 765400, oder besuchen Sie Leeds Castle (il Castello di Leeds) Ubicato in un meraviglioso parco di 200 ettari in Kent, il Castello di Leeds è una meta perfetta per un’escursione di un giorno. Oltre allo storico castello costruito 900 anni fa, i visitatori possono esplorare gli stupendi giardini e le attrazioni, tra cui il labirinto, l’esibizione di falconeria e il lago a bordo del Black Swan Ferry Boat. Il Fairfax Restaurant è il luogo ideale per una pausa pranzo mentre nei nostri vari negozi è possibile acquistare una vasta gamma di regali o
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oggetti insoliti da tenere come souvenir dell’escursione.Telefono 01622 765400 oppure visitare Leeds Castle (Châteaux de Leeds) Situé dans un magnifique parc du Kent de plus de 200 hectares, Leeds Castle (le château de Leeds) est l’endroit parfait pour une excursion. Le château historique vieux de 900 ans, les splendides jardins et les attractions vous attendent. Lors de votre visite, explorez les jardins et le parc, perdez-vous dans le labyrinthe, regardez un spectacle de fauconnerie ou faites un tour en bateau sur le Black Swan Ferry.Vous pourrez aussi vous régaler au restaurant Fairfax ou bien visiter l’une de nos boutiques, dans lesquelles vous trouverez une grande sélection de cadeaux insolites et où vous pourrez acheter un souvenir de votre journée.Appelez le 01622 765400 ou visitez 7 miles east of Maidstone, junction 8 of the M20 motorway, 45 minutes from the Cruise Terminal, and 30 minutes from the Channel Tunnel. Clearly sign posted from all routes – follow the brown and white tourist signs (if you are using a satellite navigation system use the postcode ME17 1PB which will take you to the main gate, if not please follow the brown and white tourist signs once you reach the A20). By Train: A regular train service runs from Dover Priory to Bearsted (Maidstone), with a change at Ashford International. Journey time just over 1 hour. Mon-Fri 45 mins and 58 mins past every hour. Sat/Sun 45 mins past the hour. Shuttle Service: A regular coach shuttle service is run daily from Bearsted Station to Leeds Castle. Adults £5 return, Children (5-15 yrs) £3 return, Under 5’s Free. Summer Shuttle Timings (April-September) To Leeds Castle (Mon-Sun) 10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10 Return to Bearsted Station (Mon-Sat) 13:50, 14:50, 16:50, 17:50 Return to Bearsted Station (Sun) 13:40, 14:40, 15:40, 16:40
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral Just 30 minutes by train and surrounded by massive medieval walls, Canterbury with its narrow cobbled streets and historic buildings is steeped in history and legend.At the centre is the magnificent Cathedral, which since the murder of St Thomas Becket in 1170 has over the centuries welcomed thousands of pilgrims. Modern day visitors enjoy its gothic architecture and stunning medieval stained glass windows.The Cathedral, the tranquil ruins of St Augustine’s Abbey and ancient St Martin’s Church form one of Britain’s rare World Heritage Sites. The street cafes, restaurants, shopping centre and specialist shops bring the ‘Canterbury experience’ right up to date. ++44 (0)1227 762862. Canterbury Cathedral (Kathedrale von Canterbury) In nur 30 Minuten mit dem Zug zu erreichen, und von gewaltigen mittelalterlichen Mauern umgeben, ist Canterbury mit seinen engen gepflasterten Straßen und historischen Gebäuden von Geschichte und Legende durchdrungen. Im Zentrum liegt die überwältigende Kathedrale, die seit der Ermordung von St.Thomas Becket im Jahre 1170 über die Jahrhunderte hinweg,Tausende von Pilgern willkommen hieß. Die heutigen Besucher bestaunen die gotische Architektur und das atemberaubende mittelalterliche, bunte Fensterglas. Die Kathedrale, die beschaulichen Ruinen der St.Augustine’s Abbey (St.Augustinsabtei) und die altertümliche St. Martin’s Church (St. Martinskirche) machen eine der seltenen Weltkulturerbestätten Großbritanniens aus. Die Straßencafés, Restaurants, das Einkaufszentrum und die Fachgeschäfte lassen das “Canterbury-Erlebnis" hochmodern werden. ++44 (0)1227 762862.
4 hours +
Canterbury Cathedral (Cattedrale di Canterbury) A soli 30 minuti di treno, circondata da possenti mura medievali, si trova Canterbury, immersa nella storia e nelle leggende, con i suoi vicoli acciottolati e gli edifici storici.Al centro della cittadina si trova la stupenda Cattedrale, che dal 1170, anno dell'assassinio di San Thomas Becket, accoglie migliaia di pellegrini. I visitatori odierni apprezzano l'architettura gotica della cattedrale e le magnifiche vetrate medioevali. La Cattedrale, le tranquille rovine della St.Augustine's Abbey (l'Abbazia di Sant'Agostino) e l'antica St. Martin's Church (Chiesa di San Martino) fanno parte del Patrimonio dell'Umanità in Inghilterra. I bar per le strade, i ristoranti, il centro commerciale e negozi specializzati rendono Canterbury una località di interesse non solo per le sue risorse storiche. ++44 (0)1227 762862. Canterbury Cathedral (La Cathédrale de Canterbury) À seulement 30 minutes en train et entourée d’immenses murs médiévaux, Canterbury et ses étroites rues pavées et édifices historiques, est ancrée dans l'histoire et la légende.Au centre siège la sublime cathédrale qui, depuis le meurtre de St Thomas Becket en 1170, a accueilli des milliers de pèlerins au cours des siècles. Les visiteurs actuels profitent de son architecture gothique et de ses sensationnels vitraux. La Cathédrale, les ruines paisibles de l’abbaye de St.Augustin et l’ancienne St. Martin’s Church forment l'un des rares sites internationaux du patrimoine de Grande Bretagne. Les cafés de rue, les restaurants, le centre commercial et les magasins spécialisés font de Canterbury une ville tout à propos. ++44 (0)1227 762862.
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Canterbury Tales
Canterbury Tales Ever wondered what it would be like to step back in time and experience the sights, sounds and smells of a bygone era? You can do just that at The Canterbury Tales, one of Kent’s most popular attractions, with its stunning reconstruction of 14th century England. Canterbury Tales Haben sie sich jemals gefragt, wie wohl ein Besuch in der Vergangenheit wäre, und sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Klänge und Geruche einer längst vergangenen ära entdecken könnten? Dann besuchen sie einfach die Canterbury Tales mit ihren beeindruckenden Rekonstruktionen aus dem England des 14. Jahrhunderts, einer der populärsten Attraktionen von Kent. Canterbury Tales Avete mai pensato l’effetto che farebbe andare indietro nel tempo e sperimentare l luoghi,i suoni e gli odori di un tempo che fu? Tutto ciò sarà possibile visitando le Canterbury Tales, una delle attrazioni più popolari del Kent grazie all’icredibile ricostruzione dell’lnghilterra del XIV secolo. Canterbury Tales Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à quoi ressemblerait un retour dans le passé, avec les vues, les sons et les odeurs d’une époque révolue? Une visite aux »Canterbury Tales« s’impose: il s’agit de l’une des attractions les plus populaires du Kent, avec ses reconstitutions renversantes de l’Angleterre du 14e siècle. The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury The Beaney is a brand new Art Museum situated in the heart of the historic city of Canterbury.The
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The Beaney House
fabulous new facility provides state of the art exhibition galleries, a brand new library, excellent learning facilities and a varied programme of events and activities for all ages. The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge (Haus der Kunst und des Wissens), Canterbury Das Beaney ist ein ganz neues Kunstmuseum, das im Herzen der historischen Stadt Canterbury liegt. Diese großartige neue Einrichtung bietet hochmoderne Ausstellungsgalerien, eine brandneue Bibliothek, hervorragende Lernhilfen und ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten für alle Altersgruppen. The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury "Beaney" è un nuovo Museo d’Arte situato nel cuore della storica città di Canterbury. Questa nuova favolosa struttura ospita le più innovative gallerie d’arte, una nuova biblioteca, eccellenti servizi educativi e un ampio programma di eventi e attività per cittadini di tutte le età. The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge (Maison de l’Art et de Savoir), Canterbury Beaney est tout nouveau musée d’art situé dans le quartier historique de Canterbury. Cet fabuleux nouvel établissement présente des galéries d’exposition de l’art les plus modernes et avant gardistes, toute nouvelle bibliothéque, d’excellents équipements pour l’apprentissage et un programme varié des événements et des activités pour tous les âges.
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Canterbury Heritage Museum
Roman Museum, Canterbury Descend 100 years with each step or by lift to Canterbury’s Roman street level stroll through the marketplace, look inside recreated Roman rooms, and discover amazing finds including a hoard of hidden treasure. Roman Museum, Canterbury Steigen Sie mit jedem Schritt 100 Jahre oder per Fahrstuhl hinab zu Canterburys römischen Straßen. Schlendern Sie über den Marktplatz, blicken Sie in nachgebaute römische Zimmer und entdecken Sie erstaunliche Funde einschließlich eines Vorrats eines versteckten Schatzes. Roman Museum, Canterbury Torna indietro di 100 anni ad ogni scalino o in ascensore fino al livello della strada romana di Canterbury. Fai un giro al mercato, curiosa all’interno di stanze romane ricostruite e scopri incredibili reperti come una parte di un tesoro nascosto. Roman Museum (Musée Romain), Canterbury Descendez 100 années en marchant ou par l’ascenseur au niveau de la rue romaine de Canterbury. Promenez vous à travers le marché, regardez les chambres recrées de l’époque romaine, et découvrez des trouvailles incroyables y compris des multitudes des trésors cachés. Canterbury Heritage Museum Discover Canterbury’s history, from millions of years ago to the present, explored through interactive displays in an amazing medieval building. Includes Anglo-Saxon treasures, Oliver Postgate’s Thomas
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Artists impression Canterbury circa AD300
Becket story, the Tudors, Joseph Conrad’s study, the Blitz gallery, Stephenson’s original Invicta railway engine, Rupert Bear and the real Bagpuss. Canterbury Heritage Museum Erleben Sie in einem fantastischen mittelalterlichen Gebäude und mithilfe interaktiver Ausstellungen über Jahrmillionen bis zur Gegenwart die Geschichte Canterburys. Gezeigt werden auch die angelsächsischen Schätze, Oliver Postgates Geschichte über Thomas Becket, die Tudors, das Arbeitszimmer von Joseph Conrad, die Blitz Gallery, Stephensons ursprüngliche Invicta Lokomotive, Rupert Bear und der echte Kater Bagpuss. Canterbury Heritage Museum (Museo storico di Canterbury) Scoprite la storia di Canterbury, da milioni di anni fa al giorno d’oggi, in un meraviglioso edificio medievale grazie a display interattivi tra cui i tesori degli Anglosassoni, la storia di Thomas Becket di Oliver Postgate, i Tudor, lo studio di Joseph Conrad, la galleria del Blitz, l’originale locomotiva Invicta di Stephenson, Rupert Bear e il vero Bagpuss. Canterbury Heritage Museum (Musée du Patrimoine de Canterbury) Dans un étonnant bâtiment médiéval, découvrez l’histoire de Canterbury, depuis plusieurs millions d’années en arrière jusqu’aux temps présents, grâce à des présentations interactives. Le musée présente des trésors Anglo-Saxons, l’histoire de Thomas Becket écrite par Oliver Postgate, les Tudors, l’étude de Joseph Conrad, une galerie du bombardement aérien
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Walmer Castle
4 hours +
Deal Castle
de la deuxième guerre mondiale, la locomotive Invicta originale de Stephenson, Rupert Bear (l’Ourson Rupert) et le véritable Bagpuss.
another of Henry VIII’s coastal fortresses and the Time Ball Tower, originally built in 1855 to signal accurate time to ships in the English Channel.
Walmer Castle and Gardens One of Henry VIII’s circular coastal defences, it is now an elegant stately home with beautiful gardens. Can be reached either by taxi or by catching the number 15 Deal bus.
Deal Mit dem Zug sind Sie in zwanzig Minuten in der Stadt Deal, die reich an maritimer Geschichte ist. Besuchen Sie das Deal Castle (Schloss Deal), eine der küstennahen Festungen von Heinrich VIII und den Time Ball Tower, 1855 erbaut, um den Schiffen im Ärmelkanal die genaue Uhrzeit anzugeben.
Walmer Castle (Schloss Walmer) und Gärten Eine weitere kreisförmige Verteidigungsanlage von Heinrich VIII. Heute ist es ein vornehmer Herrensitz mit wunderschönen Gärten. Kann entweder mit dem Taxi oder mit dem Nr. 15 Deal-Bus erreicht werden. Walmer Castle and Gardens (Castello e Giardini di Walmer) Un'altra delle fortezze circolari lungo la costa, eretta da Enrico VIII, attualmente un elegante palazzo monumentale con splendidi giardini. Può essere raggiunto con un taxi o con l’autobus n. 15 a Deal. Walmer Castle and Gardens (Château et Jardins Walmer) Une autre des défenses côtières circulaires de Henry VIII ; désormais une élégante maison imposante et ses magnifiques jardins. Il est possible de s’y rendre en taxi ou en prenant le bus n°15 pour Deal. Il est possible de s’y rendre en taxi ou en prenant le bus n°15 pour Deal. Deal Twenty minutes by train will take you to the town of Deal, rich in maritime history. Visit Deal Castle,
Deal In venti minuti di treno arriverete nella cittadina di Deal, ricca di storia marittima.Visitate il Deal Castle (Castello di Deal), una delle fortezze costiere di Enrico VIII e la Time Ball Tower (Torre con la ‘Time Ball’), originariamente costruita nel 1855 per segnalare l'ora esatta alle navi che si trovavano nell'English Channel. Deal En vingt minutes en train vous arriverez dans la ville de Deal, riche de son histoire maritime.Visitez Deal Castle (le château de Deal), l’une des forteresses côtières d’Henri VIII et la Time Ball Tower, à l'origine construite en 1855 pour indiquer l'heure exacte aux navires qui se trouvaient dans la Manche. Goodnestone Park Gardens, Nr Canterbury Visitors are always surprised to discover such a haven of beauty and tranquility hidden away in south-east Kent.The 14 acres of 18th century parkland are resplendent with rhododendrons, azaleas and camelias. A favourite haunt of Jane Austen.
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Goodnestone Park Gardens nahe Canterbury Besucher sind immer wieder überrascht, eine solche Oase der Schönheit und Ruhe ganz versteckt in Südost Kent zu entdecken. Die über fünfeinhalb Hektar des aus dem 18. Jahrhundert stammenden Parkgeländes sind übersäht mit Rhododendren,Azaleen und Kamelien. Ein Lieblingsplatz von Jane Austen. Goodnestone Park Gardens (I giardini del Parco Goodnestone, vicino a Canterbury) I visitatori sempre sono sorpresi di scoprire questo rifugio di bellezza e tranquillità nascosto nel sud-est del Kent. I 14 acri di parco del secolo XVIII, sono splendidi con i loro rododendri, azalee e camelie. Uno dei luoghi preferiti di Jane Austen. Goodnestone Park Gardens (les jardins du parc de Goodnestone) Les visiteurs sont toujours surpris de découvrir un tel havre de beauté et de tranquillité dissimulé au fin fond du sud-est du Kent. Les cinquante sept mille mètres carrés d’espace vert du 18ème siècle resplendissent de leurs rhododendrons, de leurs azalées et de leurs camélias. Le lieu de prédilection de Jane Austen. Sandwich Once one of England’s oldest and busiest ports but now a long way from the sea.You can follow the historic town trail through cobbled lanes and beside tree-lined canals in this achingly beautiful and well-preserved medieval town. Discover how the Earl of Sandwich invented the “sandwich” here and see Tom Paine’s cottage, a remarkable revolutionary political writer of the 18th Century who helped foster the ideas for the
4 hours +
Sandwich Quay
American Declaration of Independence.The Salutation Garden, also known as The Secret Gardens, will enchant garden lovers and nearby Richborough Roman Fort will give an insight into Kent’s importance in Roman times. Sandwich Es war einst einer der ältesten und belebtesten Häfen Englands, jetzt aber ist er weit vom Meer entfernt. Sie können dem geschichtsträchtigem Pfad der Stadt auf gepflasterten Gassen und neben den von Bäumen umsäumten Kanälen in diese gut erhaltene mittelalterliche Stadt folgen, die so schön ist, dass es beinahe weh tut. Entdecken Sie wie der Graf von Sandwich das „Sandwich" hier erfand und sehen Sie sich das Tom Paines Cottage (Häuschen von Tom Paine) an. Ein bemerkenswerter revolutionärer politischer Schriftsteller des 18. Jahrhunderts, der dabei mithalf die Ideen der amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung zu fördern. Die beeindruckenden Ruinen von Richborough Roman Fort (Römische Festung von Richborough) sind nur eine Taxifahrt entfernt. Sandwich Un tempo uno dei più antichi e trafficati porti dell’Inghilterra si trova ora lontano dal mare. E' possibile seguire lo storico percorso nella città attraverso i vicoli acciottolati, che corrono lungo canali con filari di alberi ai lati, in questa bellissima cittadina medievale che è stata ben conservata nel tempo. Scoprite come l’Earl of Sandwich (il Conte di Sandwich) inventò qui il "sandwich"(tramezzino) e visitate il cottage di Tom Paine, un importante scrittore rivoluzionario del diciottesimo secolo, che
Visit Kent If you have more than 4 hours.
Sunset in Margate
contribuì alla promozione delle idee della Dichiarazione di Indipendenza americana. Le magnifiche rovine del Richborough Roman Fort (Forte romano) sono facilmente raggiungibili con un taxi. Sandwich Sandwich se trouve aujourd’hui très loin de la mer mais la ville était autrefois l’un des ports les plus animés et les plus vieux d’Angleterre.Vous pourrez suivre le sentier historique de la ville à travers ses ruelles pavées en côtoyant les canaux bordés d’arbres de cette belle ville médiévale très bien conservée. Découvrez comment le comte de Sandwich a inventé ici-même le sandwich et visitez Tom Paine’s cottage. Paine était un écrivain politique et révolutionnaire du dix-huitième siècle ayant contribué aux principes de la Déclaration d’Indépendance des États-Unis. Les impressionnantes ruines du fort romain de Richmond Roman Fort (Richmond Roman Fort) sont à portée de taxi. Turner Contemporary. Margate Just a short walk from Margate’s Old Town and beach is the Turner Contemporary International art gallery.A spectacular gallery designed by award-winning architect David Chipperfield, with a programme of exhibitions by leading British and international artists along with work by the great artist JMW Turner from whom the gallery takes its name.Watch the setting sun, as Turner described as "the skies over Thanet are the loveliest in all Europe". Turner Contemporary. Margate Nur einen kurzen Weg von der Altstadt Margates und dem Strand entfernt befindet sich die neue Turner
4 hours +
The Turner Contemporary
Contemporary Kunstgalerie. Sie ist eine eindrucksvolle, von dem preisgekrönten Architekten David Chipperfield gestaltete Galerie und zeigt neben den Werken des großartigen Künstlers J.M.W.Turner, von der sie ihren Namen erhalten hat, ein Ausstellungsprogramm der bekanntesten britischen und internationalen Künstler. Beobachten Sie den Sonnenuntergang auf die von Turner als „der Himmel über Thanet ist der schönste in ganz Europa" beschriebene Weise. Turner Contemporary. Margate A pochi passi dalla città vecchia di Margate e dalla spiaggia si trova la nuova Galleria d’arte contemporanea di Margate. Si tratta di una spettacolare galleria progettata dal premiato architetto David Chipperfield e che presenta un programma di esposizioni dei maggiori artisti britannici e internazionali oltre che del lavoro del grande artista JMW Turner dal quale la galleria prende il nome. Ammirate il tramonto che fu così descritto da Turner: "Il cielo di Thanet è il più bello di tutta Europa". Galerie d’Art Contemporain Turner. Margate A quelques pas du centre historique de Margate et de la plage se trouve la nouvelle galerie d’art contemporain Turner. Cette galerie spectaculaire, conçue par l’architecte primé David Chipperfield, offre un programme d'expositions d’artistes britanniques et internationaux de renom ainsi que les travaux du grand artiste JMW Turner qui a donné son nom à la galerie. Regardez le soleil couchant, décrit par Turner comme "les cieux de Thanet sont les plus beaux de toute l'Europe".
Getting around
taxi & bus
Taxi Companies There is a taxi rank operating at the Cruise Terminals on all cruise call days. These licensed taxis can be identified by a “Taxi” sign on their roof and an orange sticker in their windscreen with the letters “CDT”. If you require fur ther details please ask at the Cruise Welcome Information Desk or the Cruise Terminal Reception Desk. • Premier Taxis 0800 032 1765 www.premier • Kings Ferr y Chauffeur Car & Coach Hire Ser vice 01634 377577 • Train information 08457 484950 • National Express Coaches 08705 808080 Cruise Transfer Bus For Dover Town Centre the Classic Omnibus operates a shuttle bus ser vice from the Cruise Terminals regularly from 08.30 throughout the day to Dover Town Centre and Dover Castle returning regularly until 17.00. Fares: Return £3/$5/C = 4. Single journey and child fares also available on request. Bus operates on most Por t of Call days. Cruise Visitor Bus (Cruise Besucherbus) Für die Dover Innenstadt, betreibt das Classic Omnibus Unternehmen einen Shuttle-Bus-Ser vice, der von den Cruise Terminals in die Dover Innenstadt und das Dover Castle (Schloss Dover) den ganzen Tag über von 08:30 bis 17:00 regelmäßig hin- und zurückfähr t. Fahrpreise: Hin- und Zurück £3/$5/C = 4. Auf Anfrage sind auch Einzelpreise und Kinderpreise erhältlich. Die Busse sind an den meisten Hafenanlauftagen in Betrieb. Cruise Visitor Bus (Bus per chi viaggia in traghetto) Nel Dover Town Centre (centro della cittadina di Dover) il Classic Omnibus mette a disposizione un bus shuttle dall'Imbarco traghetti al centro di Dover e al Dover Castle con corse regolari durante l'intera giornata dalle 8:30 alle 17:00. Tariffe: Andata e ritorno £3/$5/C = 4. Sono anche disponibili tariffe di sola andata e per bambini, su richiesta. Il bus è garantito nella maggior par te dei por ti nei giorni in cui par tono traghetti.
Dover Cruise Terminal
Shuttle Bus To the Town Centre & Dover Castle
Buses from Cruise Terminals 08.30-17.00
£ $
Small charge payable in Sterling, Euros or US Dollars
No need to book… …just pay the driver! • 00 44 (0)7810 186641
A True English Pub Experience The White Horse Inn is reputed to be one of the town’s oldest residences, dating from 1365. It was built during the reign of Edward III as a dwelling for the Churchwarden of St James’ church, the remains of which can be seen next to the pub. In 1574 it became home to Dover’s “Ale Taster” and for the next 55 years was the home of successive post holders whose duties included checking on the quality of ale and on unlawful measures. They also had the responsibility of reporting anyone who kept a disorderly house! In the 18th century named the “City of Edinburgh”, it became the meeting place of actors and players of the Dover Theatre. In 1818 the name of the inn was changed to The White Horse and it was about this time that inquests were held there, mainly on bodies washed up from the sea. These are said to have been stored in what used to be the dining area to the rear of the property. Today The White Horse is a traditional English local pub with a good selection of real ales, lagers, wines and spirits. It also provides good food for those with a healthy appetite. Fresh beer battered cod and chips and Sunday roasts are especially recommended. The White Horse is known throughout the world as the Channel Swimmers pub with the interior walls of the pub adorned with the names, dates and times of successful Channel swimmers from all over the world. So if you want to sample the friendly welcoming atmosphere of a genuine English pub, enjoy fish and chips at its best and quaff good English beer then a visit to The White Horse is a must.
The White Horse A Country Pub in Town Why not take time to visit Dover’s Oldest Pub, a 14th Century Oak Beamed Inn on the route to Dover Castle Real Ales from local breweries… freshly brewed coffee and great wines from around the world, ensure there’s something for everyone. If you’re hungry, we serve good, home-cooked food… Our Traditional Sunday Roast and Fish & Chips must be tried! Enoy the olde world ambience of the oak beamed bar or relax in our patio garden. We are only 200 metres from Dover seafront.
St James Street, Dover CT16 1QF 0044 (0)1304 213066
Fully Licensed
Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner
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Come and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere… Enjoy freshly ground coffee and great tasting food in our restaurant, or al fesco on our pavement patio Traditional English Breakfasts served from 7am Dover’s only Café / Bar serving Coffee
16 Market Square, Dover 00044 (0) 1304 211565 • Illy Dover
14/04/2014 14:15
Mean Bean Coffee Shop A Family Run Coffee Shop making Fine Coffee using beans from Nicaragua Our guest coffees are made from selected beans from different countries ranging from South America to India and our Belgian Hot Chocolate is delicious and very popular! A small selection of Beers and Wines is always available We serve freshly made baguettes, paninis and sandwiches as well as pastries and homemade cakes
Visit our small 1st Floor Art Gallery FREE
80-81 Biggin Street Dover 01304 207050
Oriental Mini-Mart
Mabuhay… Selamat Datang… …Yin-dee-ton-rab …Yin-dee-ton-rab
Stockist of Chinese, Filipino, Thai and other Oriental Groceries Spices, Prawn Crackers, Dimsum, Noodles, Sauces, Curry Pastes, American Soft Drinks, A&W Root Beer, Mountain Dew, Asian Crisps and Snacks
Top Up Here!! 41 HIGH STREET, DOVER CT16 1EB 01304 242226
We are here Town Hall
Bus Station Market Square
A Traditional English pub in the heart of town, serving great Real English Ales from local independent breweries, and homecooked food, freshly prepared to order Traditional Beer Battered Fish & Chips our speciality LARGE SELECTION OF ALES, LAGERS, CIDERS, WINES AND SPIRITS PLUS FRESH, BEAN-TO-CUP COFFEE Live Entertainment… Live Live Football Football on on Sky Sky TV TVand andBT BTSports… Sports… Live Entertainment… Open 9.30am-Midnight. Fri/Satto9.30am-1am Open from midday Tuesday Sunday
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14/04/2014 14:36
THE HOME OF HOMECOOKED ENGLISH FOOD IN DOVER • Freshly Cooked English Breakfast • Morning Coffee • Home Cooked English Lunches • Afternoon Teas • Homemade Scones and Cakes
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sunday-Tuesday 8.00am-4.30pm Open ‘til late Friday & Saturday Evenings
Traditional Home Cooked English Roasts Served 12 noon-3.00pm
(off Market Square) 01304
LOCAL BUS TIMETABLE Monday to Saturday from Dover, Pencester Road to: Dover Castle (No. 15) 0712 0729 0755 0834 thereafter 34 mins past the hour until: 1434 1507 1534 1646 1746 1816 Deal (No’s. 15/15A) 0712 0729 0755 0834 0900 0934 thereafter 04 and 34 mins past the hour until: 1434 1507 1534 1604 1646 1716 1746 1816
Sandwich (No’s. 87/88/88A) 0656 0728 (schooldays only) 1110 1210 1246 1410
0858 1550
1010 1713
Canterbury (No. 15/15A/15B) 0613 0638 0710 0725 0746 (not Sats) 0750 (schooldays only) 0800 0818 (not Sats) 0838 0853 0906 0923 0940 0953 thereafter 10, 23, 40 and 53 mins past the hour until: 1510 1523 1548 1553 1610 1628 1655 1705 (not Sats) 1720 1740 1847 1945 2045 2145 2255
DOVER EUROCHANGE Bureau de Change • Discount Ferry Tickets Currencies bought and sold on demand Best exchange rates Phone cards & free phone booths Money Transfer LOOK OUT FOR OUR EXCHANGE BUREAU IN THE CRUISE TERMINAL
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 0800hrs - 1800hrs DOVER EUROCHANGE, TOWNWALL STREET, DOVER Telephone: 01304 210949 •
Sunday times from Dover are: Dover Castle and Deal (No. 15) 0905 1105 1305 1505 Sandwich (No. 88) No Sunday service Canterbury (No. 15) 0830 1030 1230 1430
ENQUIRIES TELEPHONE: 08712 00 22 33 (Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)
TRAIN TIMES FROM DOVER Highspeed train to London Dover to Folkestone, Ashford, Ebbsfleet, Stratford International and London St Pancras at 44 mins past the hour every hour from 08.44. Travel time 1 hr 9 mins. Regular services Dover to Canterbury Mon-Fri 05 mins and 45 mins past the Hour (then onto Medway Towns and London Victoria 2 hrs). Dover to London Charing Cross Mon-Fri 24 mins and 57 mins from 08.00 stopping at Folkestone, Ashford, Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, London Bridge, London Waterloo and Charing Cross, Travel time 2 hours. Dover to Deal, Sandwich, Ramsgate, (change at Ramsgate for Margate) 34 mins past the hour Mon-Fri. Travel time Ramsgate 40 mins – Margate 1 hour. The times are different at weekends and with engineering works, times should always be checked if possible in advance. Saturday High speed service to London from Dover 44 mins past the hour. Charing Cross 24 mins past the hour . Ramsgate 02 mins past the hour. Victoria via Canterbury East 05 and 45 mins past the hour. Sunday High speed service to London from Dover 44 mins past the hour. Charing Cross 24 mins past the hour. Ramsgate 02 mins past the hour, but need to be checked every Saturday and Sunday subject to engineering works. Victoria 34 mins past the hour.
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20 18 17
24 16 23
11 13
14 Visitor Information Centre Dover Museum, Market Square, Dover, Kent CT16 1PB Tel: 01304 201066 email:
A pleasant walk via the seafront and marina into the town centre, Dover Castle or the White Cliffs is a great way to see Dover… Dover Town Centre 25 minutes Dover Castle (slight incline for the last half mile) 45 minutes The White Cliffs National Trust Area (incline for the last mile) 60 minutes Times are approximate and are non stop… you may wish to take longer and enjoy some of the glorious sights en-route, or stop for refreshments.
Published by: What Where When (Kent) Ltd 01303 863050
Supported by: The Cruise Partnership, Dover Cruise Port, Visit Kent, Canterbury Cathedral, Leeds Castle, Dover District Council, English Heritage, Kent County Council and The Kings Ferry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
• Classic Om
• A pleasant the cen
DE BRADELEI WHARF Outlet shopping centre. DOVER MUSEUM AND BRONZE AGE BOAT GALLERY The world’s oldest seagoing boat. DOVER DISCOVERY CENTRE AND LIBRARY Internet access (Internet access also available at Miles & Bar Café in Market Square. ROMAN PAINTED HOUSE Museum. WHITE CLIFFS BOAT TOURS DOVER CASTLE AND SECRET WAR TIME TUNNELS THE WHITE CLIFFS National Trust area and café on top of the White Cliffs of Dover with spectacular views and walks. BUS STATION Regular buses to Dover Castle and connections to London. DOVER PRIORY RAILWAY STATION POLICE STATION CULLINS YARD Restaurant & Bistro DOVER MARINA HOTEL DOVER SEA SAFARI Discover a different Dover from the sea. HYTHE BAY SEAFOOD RESTAURANT & BAR MEAN BEAN Coffee Shop LLY CAFÉ Coffee Shop & Restaurant LA SALLE VERTE Coffee Lounge EIGHT BELLS Pub PRINCE ALBERT Traditional Pub BOOTS THE CHEMIST ORIENTAL MINIMART NEW MOONFLOWER Chinese Restaurant WHITE HORSE Traditional Pub CHAPLINS Café/Restaurant DOVER EUROCHANGE HOW TO GET TO DOVER TOWN CENTRE assic Omnibus operates a shuttle service from the cruise terminals to the town centre and Dover Castle on most Port of Call dates • Taxis run from both cruise terminals. leasant 15 minute walk along the promenade by the seafront will take you into the centre of Dover. Follow the suggested pedestrian route shown on the map.
Chicken Chicken & Rib Combo
Hand-battered Fish & Chips
Chicken breast, a half rack of Chicken breast‌ BBQ pork ribs,
Whole fillet of sustainable Cod
BBQ sauce, fresh coleslaw, six beer battered Onion rings & chips.
Hand-battered in our own recipe crispy golden batter, with tartare sauce and peas or mushy peas
Traditional Breakfast Fried egg, bacon sausage, baked beans, hash browns, half a grilled tomato and a slice of toast Breakfast available 8am-midday
5-9 BURGATE, CANTERBURY TEL: 01227 463339
1-3 NORTH LANE, CANTERBURY TEL: 01227 464329
19 CANNON STREET, DOVER TEL: 01304 205030
18/20 QUEEN STREET, DEAL TEL: 01304 382930
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14/04/2014 14:45