Welcome to dover cruise guide2017

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Welcome to


Shopping Restaurants Cafes Pubs Things to See & Do Getting Around

DeSigner BranDS at DiSCoUnt PriCeS. Discover massive savings at De Bradelei Wharf shopping outlet in the beautiful setting of Dover marina.

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viSit US! At De Bradelei Wharf Shopping outlet in Dover, Kent you’ll find your favourite

brands at up to 75% less, all year round. There’s something for everyone, within our beautiful waterfront setting you’ll find our café with a children’s play area and plenty of boutiques. Our wide range of stores include fashion brands such as Pavers, Klass and Tog24. De BraDelei WharF CamBriDge roaD, Dover Kent Ct17 9BY


2 Welcome to Dover

monDaY-SatUrDaY 9:30am-5:00pm

SUnDaY & BanK holiDaYS 10:30am-4:30pm

Welcome to Dover. Here you will find wonderful hospitality, spectacular scenery and amazing history. Benvenuti a Dover. Qui troverete accoglienza meravigliosa, paesaggi spettacolari e storia incredibile.

Willkommen in Dover. Hier werden Sie wunderbare Gastfreundschaft, eindrucksvolle Landschaften und eine erstaunliche Geschichte vorfinden.

Bienvenue à Douvres. Venez découvrir cette ville accueillante et chaleureuse, dont le patrimoine historique et les paysages spectaculaires ne manqueront pas de vous séduire.


istory abounds in White Cliffs Country, Dover Castle, Deal & Walmer Castles, Richborough Fort and the Western Heights are all open to visitors and many of them feature living history exhibits and colourful re-enactments throughout the summer months. The iconic Dover Castle dominates the skyline and is a must see for all visitors. Dover Museum houses the world’s oldest sea going boat thought to be 3500 years old, amongst other local artefacts, and The Roman Painted House is an exceptionally well preserved example of a Roman building built about 200 AD. The Secret Wartime Tunnels, buried in the White Cliffs at Dover Castle, offer a rare glimpse into life during the Second World War, The Western Heights is one of the most impressive fortifications in Britain. With a series of forts and ditches, they were designed to protect the country from invasion during the Napoleonic war with France.


hite Cliffs Country, la terra delle bianche scogliere, è ricca di storia. I castelli di Dover, di Deal e di Walmer, il forte di Richborough e le Western Heights sono tutti aperti al pubblico e molti offrono esposizioni storiche e pittoresche rievocazioni durante tutti i mesi estivi. L’emblematico Castello di Dover domina l’orizzonte ed è una meta obbligatoria per tutti i visitatori. Il Museo di Dover ospita, tra gli altri manufatti locali, il vascello d’alto mare più antico del mondo, che si ritiene risalga a 3500 anni fa, mentre la Roman Painted House (casa romana dipinta) è un esempio di edificio romano costruito intorno al 200 AD in un eccellente stato di conservazione. I Secret Wartime Tunnels (tunnel di guerra segreti), scavati nelle Bianche Scogliere presso il Castello di Dover, offrono un raro scorcio di vita durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Western Heights è una delle più imponenti fortificazioni in Gran Bretagna. Comprendente una serie di forti e fossati, Western Heights fu progettata per proteggere il paese dall’invasione durante le guerre napoleoniche con la Francia.


hite Cliffs Country, das Land der weißen Klippen, hat eine reiche Geschichte. Dover Castle, Deal & Walmer Castles, das Kastell von Richborough und die Western Heights sind alle für Besucher geöffnet und viele von ihnen

stellen in den Sommermonaten lebende Ausstellungsobjekte und farbreiche Wiederaufführungen der Geschichte dar. Die Ikone Dover Castle beherrscht den Horizont und diese sollten alle Besucher unbedingt sehen. Im Dover Museum ist zusammen mit anderen lokalen Artefakten das weltweit älteste seetüchtige Boot untergebracht, das wahrscheinlich 3500 Jahre alt ist, und das römische „Painted House“ (Haus mit Wandmalereien) ist ein außergewöhnliches gut erhaltenes Muster eines römischen Gebäudes, das ungefähr 200 n. Chr. erbaut wurde. The Secret Wartime Tunnels (Geheimtunnel aus Kriegszeiten), gegraben in die Kreidefelsen bei Dover Castle, bieten einen seltenen Blick in das Leben während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die Western Heights sind eine der eindrucksvollsten Befestigungsanlagen in Großbritannien. Zusammen mit einer Reihe von Kastellen und Gräben wurden sie entworfen, um das Land vor Einfällen während des napoleonischen Kriegs mit Frankreich zu schützen.


ppelée « White Cliffs Country » outre-Manche, la région des falaises de craie blanche est un lieu plein d’histoire. Proposant des animations et des reconstitutions historiques hautes en couleur durant la saison estivale, les nombreux monuments historiques de Douvres (tels, entre autres, les châteaux de Douvres, Deal et Walmer, le fort de Richborough et les fortifications Western Heights) accueillent les visiteurs à bras ouverts. Ne manquez pas de visiter le célèbre château de Douvres, surplombant la ville. Le musée de Douvres abrite le navire de mer le plus ancien au monde (âgé de près de 3 500 ans) ainsi que de nombreux objets anciens retrouvés dans les environs. À voir également, la Roman Painted House, une maison romaine construite vers 200 apr. J.-C., où l’on peut découvrir des peintures murales exceptionnellement bien préservées. Creusés dans les falaises blanches, en dessous du château de Douvres, les tunnels de guerre secrets offrent un aperçu de la vie à l’époque de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les fortifications Western Heights sont particulièrement impressionnantes et font partie des plus importantes de Grande-Bretagne. Composées de plusieurs forts et fossés, elles ont été construites pour protéger le pays des invasions lors des guerres napoléoniennes avec la France. Welcome to Dover 3

disponibile intorno a Dover offre un modo interessante e alternativo di esplorare la città e tutto ciò che questa zona ha da offrire -il percorso dalle Bianche Scogliere a St Margaret’s Bay, il sentiero Frontline Britain Trail, le passeggiate lungo le scogliere, il Samphire Hoe, il percorso Bluebird Heritage Walk e molti altri.



must for all visitors is a visit to the White Cliffs either by bus or taxi, or for the more able visitor, a walk up from the promenade. The views are breath-taking, especially seeing the coast of France on a clear day across the English Channel. We are fortunate to have a large number of walking routes around Dover, all providing an exciting and alternative way of seeing Dover and all it has to offer - White Cliffs to St Margaret’s Bay, Frontline Britain Trail, Cliff Top Walks, Samphire Hoe, Bluebird Heritage Walk and many more can all be experienced.


n bus, in taxi oppure, per i visitatori più attivi, a piedi partendo dal lungomare, una visita alle bianche scogliere è un’escursione imperdibile. Il panorama è mozzafiato, soprattutto nelle giornate limpide, quando si vede la costa della Francia oltre il canale della Manica. L’ottima rete di sentieri

lle Besucher sollten den Kreidefelsen entweder mit dem Bus oder Taxi unbedingt einen Besuch abstatten oder Besucher, die noch gut zu Fuß sind, können von der Promenade aus hochgehen. Die Aussichten sind atemberaubend, insbesondere der Blick auf die Küste von Frankreich auf der anderen Seite des Ärmelkanals an einem klaren Tag. Glücklicherweise haben wir viele Wanderwege um Dover herum, die alle spannende und alternative Möglichkeiten bieten, Dover und alles, was es zu bieten hat, zu sehen – von den Kreidefelsen bis St Margaret‘s Bay, Frontline Britain Trail, Wanderungen auf den Felskuppen, Samphire Hoe, Bluebird Heritage Walk und vieles andere kann man erleben.


es falaises blanches restent l’une des attractions préférées des visiteurs qui peuvent y accéder en bus, en taxi ou, pour les plus actifs, à pied, le long de la promenade. La vue est à couper le souffle et, par beau temps, il est possible d’apercevoir le littoral français de l’autre côté de la Manche. Douvres bénéficie d’un réseau étendu d’itinéraires de randonnée, menant tous à des destinations aussi diverses que fascinantes. Que vous préfériez rejoindre St Margaret’s Bay en partant des falaises blanches, longer le littoral britannique en suivant l’itinéraire « Frontline Britain Trail », faire une randonnée au sommet des falaises de craie, traverser la réserve naturelle de Samphire Hoe ou emprunter Bluebird Heritage Walk (l’itinéraire historique), vous ne manquerez pas de choix.

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 0800hrs - 1800hrs

Bureau de Change • Discount Ferry Tickets

• • • •

Currencies bought & sold on demand Best exchange rates Phone cards

Money Transfer


122 Snargate Street Dover 01304 210949

& Dover South Services (BP)

On the Cruise Terminal Roundabout 4 Welcome to Dover

DOVER CRUISE TERMINAL SHUTTLE BUS To The Town Centre & Dover Castle www.ymstravel.co.uk

01227 456331

Your ticket is valid for one person per day.

You can get off the bus at the stop of your choice at any time, but you must take the bus back to the same stop. There is an extra hourly bus that connects the city to the White Cliffs Experience. The cruise terminal shuttle runs every 30 minutes every stop but usually more frequently. Ihre Fahrkarte ist für eine Person an einem am gewählten Tag gültig. Sie können an jeder Haltestelle aussteigen und Ihre Reise mit einen späteren Bus fortsetzen. Es gibt einen zusätzlichen Bus, der einmal stündlich vom Stadtzentrum die ‘White Cliffs Experience’’ anfaehrt. Der Kreuzfahrtterminal Shuttle-Bus faehrt die einzelnen Haltestellen im 30 Minuten Takt an, häufig sogar noch in deutlich kürzeren Zeitabständen. Il biglietto è valido per un giro di andata e ritorno. Si puó scendere a qualsiasi fermata e prendere l’ autobus seguente per proseguire il giro. Si riprende l’ autobus da dove si è scesi precedentemente. Per l’ autobus non si deve aspettare più di 30 minuti , ma non ci sono orari fissi.

Votre billet est valide pour une personne par journée. Vous pouvez descendre du bus à l’arrêt de votre choix à tout moment, vous devez cependant reprendre le bus au même arrêt. Il y a un bus supplémentaire toutes les heures qui relie la ville aux “White Cliffs Experience” (les falaises blanches). La navette du terminal de croisière passe à chaque arrêt environ toutes les 30 minutes mais habituellement plus fréquemment.

Y ONL $8 7


Fo r

ay t he D

SUPPLIED BY Welcome to Dover 5

vinto il premio Daily Telegraph High Street of The Year Award. A piedi, in taxi o con la navetta, il centro di Dover dista poco dal Cruise Terminal: arrivarci è quindi semplicissimo.


inkaufen in Dover und im Land der weißen Klippen hat viel zu bieten.Von einem hervorragenden Outlet am Rande von Dover Marina bis zum einzigartigen Einkauf an der Küste in Dover und Deal, die eine Reihe von unabhängigen und nationalen Handelsketten bieten und eine erstaunliche Auswahl für das spezielle Geschenk oder Andenken ermöglichen. So war es nicht verwunderlich, dass Deal High Street die Daily TelegraphAuszeichnung „High Street of the Year“ gewonnen hat. Dovers Stadtzentrum liegt nur einen kurzen Fußweg, Taxifahrt oder Fahrt mit dem Shuttlebus vom Kreuzfahrtterminal entfernt, sodass es ganz einfach zu erreichen ist.


hopping in Dover and White Cliffs Country has so much to offer. From a superb outlet on the edge of Dover Marina to unique seaside shopping in both Dover and Deal offering a range of independent and national chain stores, giving an amazing choice for that special gift or memento. It was no surprise that Deal High Street won the Daily Telegraph High Street of The Year Award. Dover’s Town Centre is only a short walk, taxi journey or shuttle bus ride from the Cruise Terminal, so getting there couldn’t be easier.


n termini di shopping Dover e la terra delle Bianche Scogliere hanno molto da offrire. L’eccellente outlet in prossimità della Marina di Dover e una varietà di esclusivi negozi indipendenti e catene di punti di vendita nazionali al centro di Dover e Deal offrono un’incredibile scelta per trovare regali speciali o souvenir. Non c’è da stupirsi che la High Street abbia


ouvres et sa localité offrent un excellent choix de magasins et boutiques. Grâce à un grand complexe de magasins d’usine situé à proximité de la marina de Douvres et aux rues commerçantes pittoresques de Douvres et Deal, en bord de mer, bordées de boutiques indépendantes et de chaînes de magasins nationales, il y en a pour tous les goûts et chacun peut trouver un cadeau ou un souvenir spécial à ramener de ses vacances. Il n’est donc pas surprenant que le journal britannique The Daily Telegraph ait récompensé Deal pour la diversité de ses rues commerçantes, en lui décernant le titre de Ville commerçante de l’Année. À deux pas du port d’embarquement des croisières, le centre-ville de Douvres est facile d’accès à pied, bien que les visiteurs qui le souhaitent puissent également s’y rendre en navette ou en taxi.

Like a beer festival every day ENGLISH & KENTISH WINES, CIDERS AND REAL ALES • 5 Real Ales • Still and Sparkling Kentish Ciders • Wines from Kent Vineyards

Local branch • No Gimmicks – No Schemes Just Good Real Ales at Real Good Prices Open Monday 12-6pm • Tuesday-Saturday 12-11pm • Sunday 1-11pm

15 Worthinghton Street, Dover CT17 9AQ 07504 258332 3 minutes from Pencester Road Bus Station, just off Biggin Street

6 Welcome to Dover



Canterbury ÂŁ35

Leeds Castle ÂŁ60 For london and all other destinations and tours, please ask driver Fur london und alle anderen destinationen und touren, bitte fragen fahrer Per londra e tutte le altre destinazioni e tour, si prega di chiedere autista

euros & dollars accepted all airports & out of town tours Welcome to Dover 7

Advertiser Index 1 1

Dover Eurochange Bureau De Change (Dover South Services BP)

2 2

Dover Eurochange Bureau De

3 3

Cullins Yard Restaurant

4 4

De Bradelei Wharf Outlet

5 5

Little Kitchen CafĂŠ

6 6

Illy CafĂŠ


Oriental Mini Mart


Eight Bells Traditional Pub

9 9

The Lanes Micro Pub


Shopping Centre


10 10 White Horse Traditional Pub 8



7 Development 6 Area


2 4 3



Dover Museum Market Square CT16 1PB Tel 01304 201066 email tic@doveruk.com

Published by What Where When (Kent) Ltd 01303 863050 w3@whatson.plus.com Map and Images courtesy Dover District Council 8 Welcome to Dover

Cruise Terminal 1

Cruise Terminal

Cruise Terminal 2

Cullins YaRD R Es Ta u Ra n T B a R B R EW ERY M aR i n a V i EW



WALK & CYCLE ROUTES Walk to Western Heights Walk to Dover Castle


Walk to the Cliff top Walk to Dover Town from Cruise Terminals River Dour Walk National Cycle Routes Viewing Points

SERVING FOOD DAILY from 11am - 9.30pm



01304 211666

Welcome to Dover 9

Cafe, Pubs & Restaurants F

inding somewhere to eat or drink in Dover couldn’t be more fun, with a host of cafes serving great coffees, classic cream teas, light bites or full meals, there’s bound to be something for every palate. The traditional British pub, of which there are several throughout the area, are great places to relax, meet locals and sample some well-known ales, beers and fine wines, many now offer speciality spirits such as a range of Gins to give a modern twist to the experience and most offer some great dining for the hungry traveller. The rise of locally run micro pubs has added another dimension to the great British pub scene, here you can experience excellent local ales (Kent has over 40 local micro-breweries), as well as more speciality beverages. The Micro pub is an ideal place to indulge in the art of conversation, a great way to learn about the history and culture of the local area.


rovare un posto dove mangiare o bere a Dover è un vero e proprio piacere. Grazie a una moltitudine di locali che servono ottimi caffè, classici “cream tea”, spuntini o pasti completi, di certo c’è qualcosa per tutti i gusti. Questa zona vanta numerosi pub inglesi tradizionali, luoghi ideali per rilassarsi, incontrare la gente del posto e gustare alcune birre di marca conosciuta e vini pregiati. Molti offrono ora superalcolici particolari, come diverse varietà di gin per dare un tocco moderno a un’esperienza tradizionale, e la maggior parte offre ottimo cibo ai viaggiatori affamati. La diffusione di micro-pub a conduzione locale ha aggiunto un’altra dimensione al mondo dei grandi pub inglesi. Qui si possono gustare eccellenti birre locali (il Kent vanta oltre 40 micro-produttori di birra locali), così come altre bevande particolari. I micro-pub sono luoghi ideali per dedicarsi all’arte della conversazione, un ottimo modo per conoscere la storia e la cultura del territorio locale.


s könnte nicht mehr Spaß machen, in Dover einen Platz zum Essen oder Trinken zu finden. Mit einer Menge Cafés, die großartige Kaffees, klassische Cream Teas, kleine

Snacks oder vollwertige Mahlzeiten servieren, muss es zwangläufig für jeden Geschmack etwas geben. Der traditionelle britische Pub, von denen es einige in der Gegend gibt, ist ein großartiger Ort zum Erholen, um Einheimische zu treffen und einige berühmte Ales, Biere und feine Weine zu probieren.Viele bieten jetzt spezielle alkoholische Getränke wie eine Reihe von Gins an, um dem Erlebnis eine moderne Note zu geben und hauptsächlich um den hungrigen Reisenden großartige Speisen anzubieten. Die Zunahme von lokal geführten Mikro-Pubs hat eine andere Dimension zur großartigen britischen Pub-Szene hinzugefügt. Hier können Sie hervorragende lokale Ales (Kent verfügt über 40 lokale MikroBrauereien) sowie weitere Spezialgetränke erleben. Der Mikro-Pub ist ein idealer Ort, um die Kunst der Unterhaltung zu genießen, eine großartige Möglichkeit, um etwas über die Geschichte und Kultur der Region zu lernen.


Douvres, profitez d’une excellente sélection de restaurants, bars et cafés. Servant de délicieuses boissons chaudes, des « cream teas » (goûters typiquement britanniques où l’on sert du thé et des scones avec de la crème et de la confiture), des snacks ou des repas plus consistants, les nombreux cafés de la ville satisferont tous les palais. La localité est ponctuée de plusieurs pubs authentiques, où l’on peut se détendre, rencontrer les habitants locaux et déguster d’excellentes bières anglaises (« ales »), des bières plus traditionnelles et de bons vins. Nombreux sont ceux qui offrent désormais des alcools de spécialité, tels d’excellents gins contemporains, et des plats délicieux qui raviront les visiteurs affamés. Sans oublier les micropubs gérés par les habitants locaux, dont la montée en puissance a ajouté à la diversité des débits de boisson proposés. Vous pourrez y déguster d’excellentes bières anglaises de fabrication locale (il y a plus de 40 microbrasseries dans la région du Kent) ainsi que des boissons de spécialité. Le micropub est l’endroit idéal pour se perdre dans de longues conversations et en découvrir davantage sur l’histoire et la culture de la région.

Getting Around

Monday to Saturday times from Dover, Pencester Road to: Dover Castle & Deal (15/15X) 0707, 0729, 0755, 0834, 0900, 0934, thereafter 04 and 34 minutes past the hour until 1434, 1504, 1534, 1604, 1646, 1716, 1746, 1820

Canterbury (15/15B) 0830, 0940, 1040, 1140, 1240, 1340, 1440, 1540, 1640, 1740

Sandwich (87/88/88A) 0858, 1010, 1110, 1146, 1255, 1410, 1507 (Sats & School Holidays), 1627 (Sats & School Holidays), 1713


Canterbury (15/15A/15B/15X) 0800 (Saturdays only), 0818 (Not Saturdays), 0838, 0853, 0906, 0923, 0940, 0953, thereafter 10, 23, 40 and 53 minutes past the hour until 1510, 1523, 1545, 1553, 1610, 1628, 1650, 1705 (Not Saturdays), 1720, 1740, 1835, 1935, 2035, 2145, 2255 Sunday times Dover Castle & Deal (15) 0905, 1105, 1305, 1505, 1705, 1905 10 Welcome to Dover

Traveline public transport info: 0871 200 22 33 (calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge) High Speed Train Times From Dover Dover to London St Pancras Travel Time 1 hr 5 min Stopping at - Folkestone, Ashford, Ebbsfleet, Stratford International and London St Pancras at 49 minutes past the hour every hour from 08.49. Saturday & Sunday High Speed Service to London from Dover 49 minutes past hour every hour from 05.49

Times may be different at weekends and with the possibility of engineering works times should always be checked if possible in advance. Every effort is made to ensure the information shown is correct at the time of going to print (April 2017). Website: southeasternrailway. co.uk Phone: 0345 322 7021 (calls are charged at local rate and may be recorded) Twitter: @Se_Railway For information to help passengers with mobility problems plan a hassle-free journey: Phone: 0800 783 4524 Textphone: 0800 783 4548

Welcome to Dover 11


Square, Dover, Kent, 1PH CT16 1PH are, Market Dover, Kent, CT16 OPENING TIMES: March to October: Monday to Saturday 09.30 -17.00

ES: ber: April to September: rday 09.30 -17.00 Monday to Saturday 09.30 - 17.00 and Sunday’s 10.00 - 15.00

mber: Situated in the town centre and set over three floors, Dover rday 09.30 - 17.00 and Museum has a range of fascinating real objects, models and original pictures showing the history and archaeology of Dover. 15.00 See the oldest known sea-going boat in the Bronze Age Boat Gallery

at Dover Museum. in 1992, just yards from where it is n centre and set overDiscovered three floors, Dover exhibited, the boat is thought to be some 3000 years old and is now e of fascinating models and original housed in anreal awardobjects, winning gallery. he history and archaeology of Dover.

wn sea-going boat in the Bronze Age Boat Gallery

Discovered in 1992, just yards from where it is FOR MORE ON is thought to beINFORMATION some 3000 years old and is now DOVER MUSEUM: winning gallery. Visit our website: www.dovermuseum.co.uk Follow us on Twitter: @DoverMuseum museumenquiries@dover.gov.uk • 01304 201066


ww.dovermuseum.co.uk r: @DoverMuseum @dover.gov.uk • 01304 201066 12 Welcome to Dover

Market Square, Dover The Little Kitchen serves the finest Italian Coffee, Fresh Pastries, Baguettes, Sandwiches and…

BUY 1 COFFEE .. ...GET 1 FREE !! with this voucher at

The Little Kitchen

Lowest Priced Coffee is Free

Valid ‘til end November 2017

…the Best Breakfast in Dover* (*Dover Express) Try a Traditional English Breakfast, Eggs Benedict, or Smoked Salmon on Scrambled Eggs… you can ejoy our breakfasts all day. Drop in just for a drink or try Delicious Cakes, Quiches, Paninis, Salads, Jacket Potatoes and more, come and see us at the Little Kitchen… it is a “must” visit in Dover. We are open from 8am and you can find us at the Shuttle Bus drop off in the Market Square. audrey@nicolejamescatering.com

Events 2017 April Friday 14th - Monday 17th Medieval Easter Weekend at Dover Castle Activities for children to be medieval knights and princesses Saturday 29th April - Monday 1st May Sandwich Salutes the 1940’s A weekend of 1940’s revival and re-enactments in the medieval town of Sandwich

May Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th Sandwich Food Fayre Two day food fayre in the heart of historic Sandwich Town with stalls focused on quality local products. The event celebrates the sandwich itself, named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich in 1762, so come to Sandwich and enjoy a quality sandwich in Sandwich!

Soak up the atmosphere in the military encampments and get up close to a full size replica Spitfire before stepping into the heart of action with the explosive battle

June Saturday 10th Sunday 11th “Le Weekend” Sandwich Two day festival in Sandwich including an authentic Normandy Market, food stalls, music, classic cars and Can Can Dancing. Sunday 18th Western Heights Open Weekend View the Western Heights during one of the Open Weekends when the Drop Redoubt, one of the two forts on the Western Heights and the Grand Shaft will be open to visitors.


Sunday 21st - Monday 22nd Western Heights Drop Redoubt Open Weekend Come and join us for an open weekend of entertainment. The Western Heights Preservation Society presents the 2017 Drop Redoubt Weekend

Friday 30th June - Sunday 16th Deal Festival of Music and the Arts International and national artists perform at venues in Dover, Deal and Sandwich at the annual popular two week festival showcasing everything from street music to opera and local art.

Saturday 27th – Mon 29th WW II Weekend - Dover Castle For a full-on forties experience, it has to be WWII Weekend at Dover Castle. This very weekend marks 77 years to the day since Operation Dynamo.

Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th Sandwich Folk & Ale Festival Annual festival with music and dancing in Sandwich pubs and streets. Range of folk musical styles with an outdoor stage on the Guildhall Forecourt. Welcome to Dover 13

Fully Licensed

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner


14 Welcome to Dover

Come and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere… Enjoy freshly ground coffee and great tasting food in our restaurant, or al fesco on our pavement patio Traditional English Breakfasts served all day 7am Dover’s only Café / Bar serving Coffee

16 Market Square, Dover 00044 (0) 1304 211565 • Illy Dover

Thursday 24th - Wednesday 30th White Cliffs Walking Festival Huge variety of walks to suit all abilities and interests. Whether your interests cover history or geocaching or flora and fauna, the festival has a walk for you. Saturday 26th - Monday 28th Sandwich Festival Popular annual event with street stalls, Italian food market, street music and classic car meets. Saturday 26th - Monday 28th Castle Live! at Dover Castle An action-packed adventure through history. What the Romans did for us to Medieval encampments. With Napoleonic soldiers, cold war stories and anti-aircraft gun drills, discover the castle’s past from the Iron Age to the Cold War in an incredible journey through time

Sat 22nd – Thursday 27th Deal Carnival and Regatta Week Considered the South East’s oldest and finest carnival and regatta. The packed programme includes live music, firework displays, a rowing regatta, culminating with a colourful carnival. Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th Peasant Life at Dover Castle Experience Peasant Life at Dover Castle

August Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th The Joust: Battle for Good at Dover Castle Witness the spectacular medieval art of jousting at the castle’s first ever tournament. Step back in time and experience a spectacular tournament full of rich pageantry and excitement.


Find us in

De Bradelei Wharf Shopping Outlet

September Saturday 2nd –Sunday 3rd & Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th Medieval Falconry Dover Castle Gaze skywards in awe as hawks, owls and falcons soar above the castle. Discover the art of training, exercising and hunting with birds and hear the stories and legends from medieval times

Events are subject to change, for more detailed information log on to the What’s On page at www.whitecliffscountry.org.uk.

Oriental Mini-Mart

Stockist of Filipino, Thai, Indonesian, Chinese & other Oriental Groceries

Beautiful waterfront setting “Best coffee in town”

Light Breakfasts, Lunch, Afternoon Tea Panini, Baguettes, Toasties, Soup, Pastries, Cakes, Scones, Latte Art The Boardwalk CafÉ de Bradelei wharf CamBridge road dover kenT CT17 9BY

Thursday 31st Family Day at Dover Museum: Seaside Themed Activities For a great day out for the whole family, come along to the Seaside Themed Family Day at Dover Museum

@boardwalkcafeuk @boardwalkcafedover


Cup and sachet noodles Lucky Me, Mama, Indomie, Nissin and Nong Shim Crisps and snacks Chicharon, Chippy, Boy Bawang, Skyflakes, etc Bottle sauces and pastes, Mang Tomas, Maggi, Kecap Manis Hopia, Siopao, Siomai, Dimsum, Bak chang Coconut juice, Mango juice, A&W rootbeer, Moutain Dew

Money remittances and International Pay as you go SIMS We are here

Balikbayan boxes to the Philippines starts from £40, free storage in store

12 MARKET SQUARE, DOVER 01304 242226

Cruise Terminal

Welcome to Dover 15

Steaks from the Grill We offer a range of steaks from the grill, all served with chips, tomato, peas and mushroom

Hand-battered Fish & Chips


Whole fillet of sustainable Cod Hand-battered in our own recipe crispy golden batter, with peas or mushy peas

Traditional Breakfast Fried egg, bacon sausage, baked beans, hash browns, half a grilled tomato and a slice of toast Breakfast available 8am-midday






5-9 BURGATE, CANTERBURY TEL: 01227 463339

1-3 NORTH LANE, CANTERBURY TEL: 01227 464329

19 CANNON STREET, DOVER TEL: 01304 205030

18/20 QUEEN STREET, DEAL TEL: 01304 382930

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.