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NCNHS TOPS ENROLLMENT IN SHS IN OLONGAPO by Alexia Anne C. Bilog Accountancy, Business, Leading at 518 enrol- and Management (ABM), lees, New Cabalan Na- 72 enrolled, Humanities, tional High School - Social Studies (HUMSS), 35 enrolled, General AcSenior High School tops ademic Strand (GAS), 73 enrollment for Public enrolled; and Technical Senior High Schools in Vocational Livelihood -Olongapo City on the Information and Commufirst day of classes on nications Technology (ICT) 144 enrolled, CookJune 5 -- an increase ery (COMBO), 139 enfrom a total of 231 from rolled, and Home Ecolast year. NCNHS-SHS nomics (HE 1), 45

e n r o l l e d . Senior High School (SHS) is an additional two-year K-12 program that DepEd has been implementing since 2012 that will introduce students to their preferred career path with advanced education.

Oral Communication Culminating Activity and Entrepreneurship Trade Fair Celebrated

ideas, Grade 11 from Senior High School Department held a Culminating Activity in a core subject Context in Oral Communication last October 12, 2017 (Thursday) at the Upper Site, NCNHS. With the theme, “Speak, Speak Up, Speak Out, Commu-

2017 Academic Excellence Convocation: First Semester by Alexia Anne C. Bilog and Ryan James Vista

NCNHS---Mila, HUMSS -12, Miranda, ABM-11 earned high honors in the First Semester Senior High School Acaby Alexia Anne C. Bilog demic Excellence ConShowcasing, sharing, and speaking vocation last November nication Must Be Hot, try’s education system 10, conferring the highThat’s Honest and Two has improved. The event est ranking in their reWay,” the event aims to was participated by spective batch. A total enhance the effective Grade 11 students and of 51 honor students knowledge, attitude, t e a c h e r s . were awarded on stage, 27 of which were from leadership, and communication skills on the de- The program briefly start- Grade 12; 11 from ICTvelopment of speaking, ed at 8:00 in the morning A (Almodovar, Ayson, listening skills and strat- with singing the national Balandra, Carbon, Dionisio, Famuleras, Garegies, and serve as cen- anthem and a (continue to page 2) an, Morzo, Omemaga, tral proof that the coun-

Quintanar), 5 from HUMSS (Antonio, Blanco, Cunanan, Dela Cruz, De Vera, Policarpio), 3 from COMBO-1 (Carlos, Mabborang, Perez), 2 from COMBO 2AB (Marcelino, Quiambao), 2 from ABM (Bitago, Cervantes), 2 from GAS (Alaguena, Rodriguez), and 1 from ICT-B (Salgado). Meanwhile, Grade 11 tallied 24 honor students; (continue to page 3)



SHS Faculty Advocates Christmas Gift Giving by Alexia Bilog and Jinalyn Silvano December 20 --- Through the quintessence of yuletide season, SHS Faculty Members advocated a Christmas Caroling Project with an Outreach Purpose of a Gift Giving Noche Buena Package to Under Privilege Senior High School Students. The SHS teachers generate fund for the purpose of giving a Noche Buena package to extend help, joy and encouragement to less fortunate SHS students and their families. The teachers visited house-to-house in Tipo, Amelia Heights, and New Cabalan areas. The SHS teachers distributed letters on December 4-6. On

ICT, COMBO Passed National Certificates II by Alexia Anne C. Bilog December 8, they gloriously serenated a Christmas song in every household as an outreach purpose. On December 19, they packed grocery items, kilos of rice, and other relief goods. "It is joyful to give at least a little help to the needy during this yuletide season, indeed, joy of giving is the true gift of Christmas," expressed Mr. Solano.

(continuation from Oral Communication Culminating Activity and Entrepreneurship Trade Fair Celebrated; page 1)

—prayer. Louie Almodovar (G11-ICT A, Information and Communication Technology) and Camila Rae Miranda (G11-ABM, Accountancy and Business Management) were the masters of the ceremony. The highlight of the event were the different competitions in Speech Choir, Memorized Speech, Impromptu Speech, and Spoken Word Poetry. In Speech Choir Competition, 8 groups from different sections boasted their competitiveness with the piece, “I Have A Dream,” by Martin Luther King, Jr., which depicts the voice of a black citizen seeking for justice and freedom from discrimination and inequality. Grade 11COMBO 2B emerged as the first

place, with Grade 11-ABM and Grade 11-COMMS (COMBO and Humanities and Social Studies) snatching the second and third places respectively. In Memorized Speech Competition, Camila Rae C. Miranda seized first place, while Michelle Cironay (G11HUMSS) and Louie Almodovar earned in second and third places. In Impromptu Speech, Jason A. Quintana from G11-ICT B notched the first place. (continue to page 3)

Twelve Grade 12-ICT Senior High School students passed the Technical Drafting National Assessment (NCII) last December 15 at Micro Asia College of Science and Technology (MACSAT) which is accredited by TESDA. The said assessment was partici-

pated by Joshua Manila, Neil Justine Ringo, Nikko Carbon, Joshua Quintanar, Carlos Kim Garan, Marphine Balandra, Bryan Reiner Vidanes, Elizabeth Famuleras, Jaime Lou Ayson, Kimberly Dionisio, Lorie Joy Almodovar, and Joisephine Omemaga. Meanwhile, thirteen Grade 12COMBO 2AB students passed the Cookery National Assessment (NCII) last

year namely Jeric Santiago, Catherine Ambulario, Kaye Celyn Tuagnon, Leny Ann Tismo, Jobelle Deguzman, Ernesto Arenas,

Elaine De Leon, Luisa Carpio, Recca De Villa, Lorena Aguilar, Remdel Marcelino, and Roxanne Quiambao.

SHS Launches Stress Management Seminar By Alexia Anne C. Bilog The Senior High School Department held a seminar on Stress Management last November 23 in Room 104, SHS Building, NCNHS. Joana Carla Alejo lead the seminar with an opening prayer. Frederick

Dato, the emcee, introduced Mrs. Mary Eresa Venzon as the guest speaker of the seminar. Mrs. Venzon had discussed stress, its factors, its types, its positive and negative effects, its signs and symptoms, and its tech-

niques to manage them. Selected Senior High School students were the participants of the seminar. After the discussion, the participants had learned a lot about stress to assess themselves.


CAMPUS NEWS Olongapo Undertakes 1st Research Congress: SHS

by Alexia Anne C. Bilog Anchored on the theme, "Cultivating Research Skills Among 21st Century Learners," NCNHS Senior High School Department conducted its 1st Research Congress in line with DepEd's K-12 curriculum last December 18 at SHS Computer Laboratory. Practical Research I and II have been introduced in Senior High School Department in NCNHS, which students involved themselves in the core definition of research, a systematic or scientific process of studying a thing, a case, or a phenomenon and find a solution to it.

(continuation from Oral Communication Culminating Activity and Entrepreneurship Trade Fair Celebrated; page 2)

— In Spoken Word Poetry, Norman Austria (G11-ICT captured the first placement as well as the hearts of the audience and judges with his powerful piece about love. Jhoanna Marie Mateo (G11 -HUMSS) and Camila Rae C. Miranda (G11-ABM) tied in second (continuation from 2017 Academic Excellence Convocation: First Semester; page 1)

— 7 from ABM (Balbuena, Balmes, Gulayan, Laluces, Mallen, Masocol, Sardenia), 6 from HUMSS (Abuan, Cironay, Dela Cruz, Grueso, Mateo, Sumeguin), 5 from ICTA (Agno, Almodovar, Baesa, Bilog, Hizola), 3 from COMBO-2B (Gongora, Malobago, Velasquez), 2 from ICT-B (Austria, Quintana), and 1 from COMBO-2A (Martinez). The Academic Excellence Award within the quarter is given to learners from who have attained an average of at

The said research congress took 8 hours. At 8:00 am in the morning, Dr. Kristine Joy C. Manalo, the first resource speaker, has discussed Quantitative Research. In quantitative research, the researcher decides what to study, asks specific narrow questions, collects quantifiable data from participants, analyzes numbers using statistics, and conducts inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. It was followed by Dr. Froilan Mobo, the second resource speaker, who had discussed Qualitative Research. In qualitative research, the researcher relies on the views of the participants, asks broad general questions, collects

data consisting largely words from participants, describes and analyzes words for themes, and conducts the inquiry in a subjective, biased manner.

allotted time for questioning and games. After the resource speakers had discussed their topic, 10 research papers among Grade 12 students were presented which their abstracts can be At 1:00 pm in the afternoon, Dr. Arlene found in the handbooks. All the preDave had discussed the Abstract of senters had received their certificates Research. Dave tackled it as a quick after their research presentation. review of the main points and purpose of the paper. Mr. Amrah Phil Solano The said research congress was particthen had discussed Pananaliksik, a ipated by 2 resource speakers from research in Filipino language. Mr. other educational institution, 3 reDennis G. Sumaway, the last resource source speakers from NCNHS-SHS, 20 speaker, had discussed ethical con- student research presenters from siderations in research and plagia- Grade 12, 80 student participants rism. from Grade 11 and other respective individuals who supported the success Every after a discussion, there was an of this endeavor.

place, while Alexia Anne C. Bilog ti ng act iv it y p os s i b le. (G11-ICT A) finished in third Senior high school teachers place. financed for the medals and "It is our attitude at the begin- certificates during the event. ning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will After every competition, a short affect its successful outcome," awarding of the winners in the said Ms. Sherilyn Lucero, Oral recently held academic quiz Communication teacher. She bees in different core subjects extended that nothing can be was held; General Mathematdone without hope and confi- ics, Earth and Life Science, least 90 and passed all learning E n g l i s h , a n d o v e r a l l . areas in line with the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015. SHS teachers, administrators and staffs, along with the proud parents of the honor students were there to witness the milestone. The perseverance and hard work of the students from different tracks and strands for the academic year 2017-2018 were acknowledged as a showcase of New Cabalan National High School - Senior High School's Excellence.

The event was judged by Ms. Susan Padilla, Ms. Fe Concio, and Dr. Josephine A. Abarro. Meanwhile, Grade 12 also held a Trade Fair Culminating Activity in Entrepreneurship under Mr. Wilbert Venzon at NCNHS Quadrangle from 7:30 to 9:30 AM where they sell their own conceptualized products and show their wise marketing skills. Ms. Josephine A. Abarro,

P-II, cut the ribbon in the opening of Trade Fair, together with the Senior High School teache r s .

Onatomi from ABM notched the 1st place, accumulating P1,500 prize money, with Pie Winner, COMBO 2A and B clinching the 2nd prize and accruing P1,000 prize money. Massage Pa, COMBO 1, earned the 3rd placement with P500 p r i z e m o n e y . Winners are judged based on innovation and creativity, 50%, marketing skills, 30%, appearance and presentation, 20%, which sums up to 100%.






Up-Close with Multi-Award Winning Poster Making Artist Jamilyn Mila

February is LOVE R E S E A R C H MONTH 8 Reasons why Research is more important than your lovelife: 1. A research is defended. 2. A research has ethical considerations.

Photos courtesy of

3. A research has significant levels.


Interviewer: What does it mean to you to win in every poster making contest you join? Jamilyn: Another achievement! Interviewer: Can you tell us about a particular work of yours? Jamilyn: Sure! When I represented the province of Zambales in the regional level poster making contest about consumers rights, I won 3rd place. Interviewer: What motivates you to make quality posters?

4. A research has clear and specific objectives Jamilyn: It is my passion. Interviewer: How do you prepare for a contest? Jamilyn: I make some researches and make sure to get more practice. Interviewer: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Jamilyn: Just enjoy what you are doing and make the best of it. Interviewer: What words of encouragement can you say to aspiring poster makers? Jamilyn: Just have fun and be imaginative .

Bull’s Eye by Alexia Anne C. Bilog Keep work in silence and let the arrow make the noise," Bryan Vidanes said in our interview as he brings out his dynamic vigor as one of the school's archery player.

Raising the arrow to meet its flight path and relinquishing it forth with a great force, the archery team had already won 2nd place in the 2015 City Meet held at The Manila Times College of Subic. Vidanes landed 3rd place in the same competition last Sportsfest. Earning such a victory, Vidanes, with the guidance of

Interviewer: Looking back, what was it that started you to make posters? Jamilyn: I got interested in colors and sketching. Interviewer: Was there a lot of suspense leading up to the decision? Did you think you might win, or was it a total surprise? Jamilyn: Yes. It was a total surprise. Interviewer: How did you go about creating the idea that you eventually submitted? Did you have several ideas or did

his coach Mr. Jeffrey Alejo, is leading our school in a fresh start to put the said sport to prominence.

5. A research has proposal.

his first year of playing this sport, no wonder he is an inborn archer. He verbally expressed that to be good in sports, especially archery, staying in focus is the only tip he can give. Moreover, being impulsive with one's emotions is definitely not helpful. Continuous practice is also a must.

"I've always wanted to play archery. I learned it this year when NCNHS opened up this sport. At my first attempt, i hit on the yellow target, it was the highest score," he said. "When I became the captain, the feeling was different, and "Haters? I dont think I have that was when I played in the one. Every time the students see us playing, they are simpcity meet. ly astonished especially when I hit the yellow target," he "Granted to be the captain at said. "I dont think archery

Peaks Clairvoyant The unofficial Publication of NCNHS-SHS

Alexia Anne C. Bilog Editor-in-chief and layout designer Contributors:

Stephen Crisostomo

Maryrose Laureto

Jinalyn Silvano

Richie Deguzman

Ryan James Vista

Janrex Austria

Marilena Magcaling

Jemar Fontillas

Geno Maya

Jet B. Esteban

Kimberly Jacobo

has done something wrong to me. In fact, sports help you even more to be physically fit. Discipline is also being developed."

Vidanes also told us that there are times that he commited mistakes, and for that he was scolded. "Our coach is a constructive critic. He corrects our wrongdoings. I was once scolded, but I dont think Sir Alejo was not really that angry. He just wanted us to learn." His loved ones, family and friends are his inspiration. It motivates him

to strive better especially when they are watching the game. Though he is passionate about archery at this time, he still sees his future as a marine captain because it is his ultimate goal

Vidanes encouraged more students to join the archery club and be a player to represent our school in the future competitions. He even stressed that sports like this help one become healthier, focused, and disciplined.

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