July 2016 issue - WAHP Business Australia

Page 1

Pricing Strategies that Work

Are you Living... or Existing?

Part 3


Your Business really can catch ‘em all

Business Style

Customer Service

Make it your #1 Goal

The Art of

July/August 2016


Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w wahpbusiness.com.au e wahpbusiness@gmail.com (ISSN 2202-8102)

A bi-monthly digital magazine published Australia-wide and available online.

Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Tracey Hall - Success in E.D.S. Katherine Hawes - New Age Legal Solutions Shar Moore - YWoman Kirsty Ferguson - (August 2012 reprint) Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia

Graphic Design Goodnight Publishing

Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Product Catalogue

Submit an Article or Advertise e wahpbusiness@gmail.com

WAHP Business Australia July/August 2016

Editor’s Letter



Pokemon Go - Your Business really can catch ‘em all Customer Service - Make it your #1 Goal Protect your Business

Page Page22

9 11


12 The Art of Storytelling Low cost Marketing ideas for your Business 16 18 Content Calendar - Plan Ahead!


Keep the Money flowing Create a Pricing Strategy that Works - It's a numbers game (Part 3)


Free Update to Windows 10 ends July 29 App in Review - Accello CRM and TalkDesk - Freshbooks and LogIt by Fleetcare


Are you Living... or Existing? Balancing Act Insurance and Working from Home


Entertaining - Business Style Published and Distributed by: Goodnight Publishing 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0402 146 371 ABN 80 393 008 723


Product Catalogue This months hot products

21 23

24 26 27

28 30 32



Published by Goodnight Publishing

Editor’s Letter

Welcome to our July/August issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. This is a fresh start to a new financial year. It is also a busy time of year as our businesses are busy planning ahead. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. We have an interesting balance of articles for you this issue. I know I keep saying it, but i think this issue may be our best EVER! Timing couldn’t be more perfect with the release of the new Pokemon Go app with this issue. So... your business really can catch ‘em all. Read all about how you can use the popularity of this app to benefit your business on page 4. We have a new contributor this issue with Shar Moore’s article Are you Living... or Existing? on page 28. Tracey Hall returns this issue highlighting Customer Service - Make it your #1 Goal on page 9. Katherine Hawes brings her expertise to address the importance of Insurance and Working from Home on page 32. We are at the half-way point of 2016 already... Doesn’t time fly when you are busy and enjoying what you do! Our recipes this issue focus on Entertaining - Business Style with a delectable selection to tantalise your taste buds. Of course standard in every issue from our very first, is the Product Catalogue showcasing your products. Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is bi-monthly. The next issue will be out on 15th September. We will have just missed Fathers Day, but you may be Interested in showcasing your Fathers Day gift items in our Fathers Day Gift Guide for only $20. To promote your business in our September issue, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th August. We will always keep the rates low to support Work at Home Parent businesses from as little as $50 - Quarter page/ $70 - half page / $100 - full page. Are you an expert or leader in your field? We invite you to contribute articles on topics of interest for small businesses. This issue we were a little low on contributors, so keyboard at the ready, I jumped in and wrote up a storm. I hope you enjoy the selection of articles in this issue. This wraps it up for this issue and I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Business Australia

Page 3


Your Business really can

catch ‘em all Cries of ‘Gotcha’ can be heard everywhere. Not just from Pokemon trainers and players. You and your business can catch ‘em all too –customers and sales, that is. Pokemon Go is sweeping the globe and this phenomenon kicked off here in Australia as well as New Zealand and the US. The app has been so popular that its servers have crashed multiple times, but this hasn’t stopped players. Latest stats have Pokemon Go with more daily users than Twitter and Snapchat. So how does the game work and how can you make it work for your business? Pokemon Go is based upon real-world locations and presented via Google maps style layout. Players must get out and about walking to find and catch pokemon. To level up, players need to catch more pokemon and once they have reached Level 5 players can also battle other players. Page 4

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Published by Goodnight Publishing


Supplied image obtained Thursday, July 14, 2016 of Police in Mount Isa escorting a Charmander from a local school after Pokemon Go users trespassed onto the property. (AAP Image/Queensland Police)

How can Pokemon Go benefit your business? The important keys are two elements within the game – PokeStops and Gyms. Jump into the app now and check if your business location is either a pokestop or gym. PokeStops are locations where players are able to collect Pokeballs, potions and other items. Gyms are where Pokebattles are fought between the three different teams Red – Blue – Yellow. If you are lucky to have a one of these prized locations at your business, then Pokemon players are already starting to visit. You just need to turn them into customers. Don’t despair if your business is not yet a Pokestop or Gym. App developers Niantic are rumoured to be exploring business partnerships. While the website states they are ‘currently not accepting submissions for new PokéStops or Gyms’, there is an email address for partnership enquiries. Links are also on the website to report game problems with a PokeStop or Gym, as well as requesting the removal of a location. WAHP Business Australia

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Poke Gym

PokeStops (too far away - not active)

PokeStop (active)

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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Business Over the week and a half since the Pokemon Go app’s release, businesses have been exploring the various ways to attract players. PokeSales have been on the increase as Australian businesses jump on the Pokemon phenomenon. Location is everything, so if your business is near a PokeStop or Gym, then you are set. Here are just a few ideas to get your creativity flowing: 1. Lure Module – can be activated at any PokeStop and is active for 30 minutes attracting wild Pokemon to the location. The players will follow. Try a Lure Party Event combined with special deals for Pokemon players. 2. Gym Tournaments – Discount to current Gym Leader (won all battles and their team is in control of the Gym) 3. Promote and share screenshots of Pokemon caught at your location. Pair them up with a social media deal for players. 4. Poke-Hunt – collaborate with other businesses in your community and host a Pokemon Hunt that visits each business Pokostop/Gym location. Include special discounts only available to participants. Incorporate an active social media campaign leading up to and during the Poke-Hunt. 5. Open up charging stations for Pokemon players to charge their smartphones. Include a discount offer coffee or other item while they wait. While the app doesn’t use much data, it is battery power hungry. Players can recharge while their device does too. 6. Discounts for all team members (red, yellow or blue). Avatar shows team affiliations. 7. Put signs in prominent positions out front of your business with Pokemon discounts. 8. Set up a strategic Social Media campaign to let players know you are a PokeStop or Gym. Get the word out!

If your business is not near a PokeStop or Gym location, you can still use some of these strategies. You could also cultivate relationships with businesses who are in these locations. Alternatively, you could go mobile with a pop-up shop at a popular PokeStop or Gym location could be an easy option.

Your imagination and creativity is the only barrier to you getting some PokeSales. Your Business really can catch ‘em all!

Links – Report PokeStop or Gym issues https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/221968408-Reporting-Pok%C3%A9Stop-or-Gym-Issues For partnerships inquiries, please email partnerships@nianticlabs.com

WAHP Business Australia

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Tracey Hall Success in E.D.S. www.facebook.com/hallsheroes www.successineds.com

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Customer Service Make it your #1 Goal “

Brian Tracy, Author and Motivational Speaker

When you hear the word customer service what feeling does it generate in you? I know I feel grateful when a company treats me well, listens to my needs. Being in business is hard work and knowing how to deal with customers is another ball game altogether. You don’t go into business thinking of all the systems you will need in place I certainly didn’t. I didn’t realise that my customers wouldn’t come to me or that I would have to follow them up. Never would I have dreamed that looking after my customers with thank you cards, remembering their birthday would bring me such rewards. Well it isn’t rewards as such it is that feeling of satisfaction that I am helping others with their problem. Satisfying your customers is your primary goal in your business. People who are unsatisfied tell more and more people than ones that are happy. The customer is still the life line of your business. There are so many ways now to keep in contact with your customers some that I use are: face to face, phone, email, cards and vouchers. Face to Face: This is still the best form of contact with customers at events or at their home or workplace. Phone: Getting on the phone to see if there was anything to help them with. Email: The use of email with campaign to inform my customers. Cards: This is important as we don’t get a lot of things via snail mail anymore, using it for birthdays, thank you and if there is a special that is being released for those that don’t have email. Vouchers: For birthdays and using them as a thank you to customers for referrals. WAHP Business Australia

Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?''

5 Tips to keep Customers Loyal 1.

Add value to them


Solve their problem


Keep them informed


Reward Loyalty


Acknowledge birthdays

By giving tips to your customers that save them money. Giving information without charging. Helping without the thought of receiving in return.

Their issue becomes your issue and you help them. Eg: if they need their tax sorted if you can help find someone who can.

Inform customers of specials for things they love. Utilise email systems with helping your customers.

Reward your customers for being loyal to you. Have a VIP card so they receive a discount or something free after so many visits.

With a card and a voucher for their birthday month. Page 9

Advertise your Products for only $20 Business

E ma il - wa hp b u s in es s @ g m a il.c o m t o s ec u r e yo u r s p o t

Fathers Day

Page 10

www.businessbusinessbusiness.com.au Published by Goodnight Publishing

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia


Protect your Business Working hard to make your business successful takes time and lots of hard work. One day you turn around to find that another business has copied yours. While flattering and acknowledgement of your success, it can be disheartening to find a business feeding off your hard work.

We also see copycat activities that use other business’ branding, logo and name. This is illegal and comes under copyright and possibly a few other laws. You cannot use another business’ legal business name in Australia.

To register your business name, it must be unique and not able to be confused with another business Copycats - they copy your products, copy your name. There is now a central registration point for brand. Unfortunately, the internet has made this business names as opposed to the old system that more prevalent and we are hearing more and more was regulated by the States. about this practice. You CANNOT operate a business without it being Any new business starting up requires a certain registered, have an ABN and a Tax File Number (TFN). amount of market research. This involves researching the types of products that are already in the market. Actions you can take to protect your branding or unique products is to have it trademarked. This can apply to images (logo) or text such as product names What is popular; or a slogan. How much will it cost you to make or purchase it wholesale; If it is something that is clearly identified as your Who are your competitors; business, it can be trademarked (as long as no-one else has done it first). How much of the market share do they have; Is there room for another business of this type; It is up to you to protect your business and its reputation and these are just a few actions you can Most of these activities are undertaken by looking take to do that. at business websites and google search is wonderful to find out how many are stocking specific products. Links This is good business practices, but we are now Register a Business Name seeing some businesses cross the line. http://asic.gov.au/for-business/registering-a-business-name/ But... the act of duplicating products, many WAHP businesses are seeing this happen to their business, borders on being an act of ‘Industrial Espionage’. Sounds like a big grand term and many only think of this happening in big corporations. I don’t see any difference.

Apply for ABN https://abr.gov.au/For-Business,-Super-funds---Charities/ Applying-for-an-ABN/Apply-for-an-ABN/ Apply for Tax File Number (TFN) https://abr.gov.au/For-Business,-Super-funds---Charities/ Applying-for-other-registrations/Apply-for-a-TFN-for-business/ Reprint - Source WAHP Published August 2013

WAHP Business Australia

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The Art of

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Storytelling Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

WAHP Business Australia

Page 13

Marketing There are a zillion buzzwords and each have their own lifecycle. Some shining brightly for only a short time and then discarded in the pile of other tired old terms. Storytelling is the current HOT buzzword, but just how new is it? Take a stroll down the advertising and business marketing history. You will find both good and bad examples of storytelling. It isn’t just an in vogue buzzword, storytelling is a timeless skill and talent.

Do you remember Rhonda and Ketut? All of Australia followed their love story eager to see the next instalment in the AAMI car accident insurance advertisements.

Good stories surprise us. They have compelling characters like Rhonda and Ketut who make us feel and stick in our minds. A good story will persuade someone to support a project, explain how an employee might improve or inspire a team to face challenges.

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Marketing Your story may need to convey a bunch of boring and uninspiring facts and figures. How can you include this information, but tell a good story? Rhonda and Ketut are ‘sticky’ memories as they are attached to emotions. Rhonda and Ketut took us on their journey as part of AAMI’s storytelling. Attach a sticky memory to convey those facts and figures for good storytelling.

We listen to stories to find out more about and to create a deeper belief in ourselves. If the storyteller is only talking about their achievements and how great they are… the audience shuts down and will not connect with your message.

You are not the hero or star of your story. While you may still be a central figure, the focus should be on lessons learned, events witnessed and other people.

Keep to the core message and avoid excessive details that detract. “Less is more” should be your guiding principal. A few well-placed details can transport the audience and move the story forward, driving home your message.

Every story needs a conflict. No conflict equals a very boring message that no-one wants to hear. What is Start off with a message. Begin by asking – Who is my the challenge or issue that needs to be resolved or audience? What is the message I want to share? How overcome? Tell it how it is, don’t sugar-coat it – “This is going to be tough”. Encourage unity not going it alone. can I boil it down to a compelling single statement? You are there to help them on their journey. Use your own memories and life experiences through key events in your life that illustrate the message. These A well-crafted story at its central focus is simplicity. The real life experience give authenticity, show vulnerability most memorable stories are simple and straightforward. Remember Rhonda and Ketut? and make you appear more accessible.

Your audience should be the hero. How is the information important to them? Why should they want to listen? Increase audience engagement and their Link – willingness to hear your message. Rhonda and Ketut -AAMI Advertisements (YouTube)

The affordable way to get better leads for your business

Contact Michael EMAIL: michael@bettersmallbusinesssolutions.com.au

Add subheading bettersmallbusinesssolutions.com.au

WAHP Business Australia

We find you customers who want you, but don't know you exist.

20 warm leads for $70.00

Page 15


Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Low cost Marketing ideas for your Business

Page 16

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Marketing Referral or Brand Ambassador program

Your existing customers can benefit your business by helping you find new customers. It can take the form of as an affiliate, customer or partner program. The right referral program for your business will prompt people to invite their friends. Popular referral programs using social media are Brand Representatives on social media such as Instagram or Pinterest. We delved into this topic in depth in our May 2016 issue – Read it here.

Content Marketing

Content is still King! Content for your website, social media and blog. Content to drive traffic to your website and increase your customer base. Good content might be informational (ebooks, blog posts, infographics, case studies), promotional (podcast, video, image), educational (course, webinar, white papers). Great content doesn’t just attract traffic to your website… it converts this traffic into action – repeat customers and sales. Content Marketing incorporates each of these elements and varied content types into a program schedule that tells a story. (see articles - The Art of Storytelling - and - Content Calendar Plan Ahead!

Host a MeetUp or Networking Group

Networking isn’t always online and a MeetUp group gives the opportunity for small businesses to network in a face to face setting. Businesses are able to increase their offline network and build relationships. Your business increases exposure and brand awareness building a positive effect on customer relationships.

Participate in Online and Social Media Groups

LinkedIn groups and Google+ communities allow you to increase your online network with potential new customers. Engage in conversation, share insights and build your brand credibility. Share links to your blog posts that are relevant to the conversation topic. Expand your social media networking with popular Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Market your business in a social way in networking or interest groups. You can reach potential customers outside your geographic location and promote products, events and activities.

Collaborate and Team Up with other Businesses

Create business partnerships for an event or activity to raise brand awareness. Read up on a business community based Pokemon Hunt on page 4 This is just one example, but consider what other areas you can build partnerships and collaborate with other local businesses.

WAHP Business Australia

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Content Calendar Plan Ahead!

Consider each piece of content part of a jigsaw puzzle that when it all comes together in a certain order tells a story. You don’t want to drop all the information in one hit. A Content Calendar allows you to strategically plan your content and drip-feed your story to potential customers.

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Page 18

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Marketing 9 key elements make up good content. Get each of these elements right and you will be onto a winner.

1) Create Original Content – new concepts and ideas 2) Strong Headlines – sparks interest and invites readers to read the 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

rest of the content Be Actionable – offer tips on how this information can be used now Provide Answers – content is easy to scan for key information elements Check Facts and Sources – all content information should be verified for accuracy Engaging Content – comments on blog and social media posts get the attention of search engines Use Images and Video – images add value to content, explain or give more visual detail Concise and to the Point – eliminate excess word usage, be direct and informative Update and Follow-Up – regularly blog updates and follow-up content on the same topic

Your content calendar should be telling a story about your business. Find out more about the Art of Storytelling on page 12 Each piece of content should include the 9 elements. As part of the storytelling process each part of the story will be shown in different formats. Variety is the spice of life! So keep it interesting. You might start off with a blog post, podcast and then an image shared on Pinterest. Each of these content tell a part of the story building on the previous. Incorporate a few of these content types into your Content Calendar – Lists – 5 tips for better networking Successes and Failures – How your product has solved issues; How the company has faced challenges How To – step-by-step how to information Why – powerful with fact-driven information based Guides – Worksheets – Checklists – Templates: on research

Case Studies – Testimonials – Quotes: tells your

customer’s story in their own words and how your business has helped them. Q&A – works best in video format as a webinar or podcast Company News – share information from the latest adventures to the simple daily news

detailed, step-by-step information in a printable or downloadable format Ebooks – White Papers – Audio Books and Infographics: add value with additional content providing detailed or summary information Data Visuals – pie charts, bar and line graphs show raw data in a visual context Photography – Memes – Cartoon – Screenshots: digital visual content that complements text

These are just a sample of the various content types that you can use to inspire interest and exposure for your business.

Brainstorm creative ideas with your team!

WAHP Business Australia

Page 19


Administration Outsourcing and Office Support Solutions for all size businesses. Take your business to the next level and let me help your business succeed. Special Trial Offer available for all new clients – 5 hours for $100 + GST Email: carlene@swsvirtualassistant.com Web: www.swsvirtualassistant.com Phone: 0412 880 875 Find me on Facebook ­ 'swsvirtualassistant'

Display Adver�sing 1/4 page - $50 1/2 page - $70 Full page - $100

Next Issue out 15 September

Product Catalogue

Deadline 15 August

only $15 each

(includes direct link to your website)

Emporium Plus Online Markets An In Style Indoor and online Market Held on the fi rst friday of every month Close the following Monday

Emporium Plus Online Markets

Friday August 5th Supporting Small Business To f i n d o u t m o r e a n d h o w yo u c a n b e c o m e a s t a l l h o l d e r. . . E m a i l ‐ o n l i n e m a r ke t 2 @ h o t m a i l . c o m

Page 20

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Keep the


Money flowing Money makes the world go around… or keeps our business wheels turning. How do you keep the money flowing into your business?

Now play the “What If” game. What if the product stops selling? What if a competitor sells a similar product for less? What if manufacturing costs increase?

Markets change, some products sell better at different times or seasons. It’s time to take a To keep the money flowing, it is better to diversify close look at your products, how well they sell your business income. Identify slow periods and find another product that will be popular for that and when sales are higher. market. Basically you are doing an analysis of your cashDon’t rely on just one product to hold up your in-flow. entire business. While sales might be fantastic Overall, your business expenses will stay now, they won’t be always. Look for products marginally at the same levels. Your incoming that complement or extend what you offer cash flow is the big concern and often fluctuates. customers. For every customer that visits your business, you will have a product they want now. There is an old saying – “Don’t put all your eggs in the one basket”. Many businesses do exactly Your business may only need 3 product lines this. They are rightly excited about their product. to keep the money flowing into your business. It has taken off, sales are soaring and the money Choose wisely, revisit and reassess your business is flowing in. income regularly.

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

WAHP Business Australia

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Create a Pricing Strategy that Works (Part 3)

It's a numbers game!

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

In our May 2016 issue we talked about ‘Influencing your customers Perception’. Remember we are delving into the psychology behind pricing and what influences your customers to purchase products or ser vices. Let’s take another step forward and Use a smaller font size look at how we can influence people’s The physical size of your price can also influence perception through general magnitudes. people’s perception. Due to processing fluency, people perceive your price to be smaller if you display that price in a smaller font.

If you want people to perceive your price to be smaller, you need to associate This is especially effective when you contrast your all of its related features with a small price with a larger sized reference price. Smaller spaces between each number also influences the magnitude. perceived price as lower.

Position prices towards Bottom-Left

If you want people to perceive your price to be smaller, you should physically position your price to be on the left. People generally see numbers on an imaginary horizontal line, with numbers growing larger from left to right. Since we see smaller numbers as belonging on the left, positioning prices toward the left can trigger people’s seeing a smaller magnitude and altering their perception of your price.

Remove Comma in Price

Punctuation is important and removing the comma can influence people to perceive your price to be lower. Surprisingly, it isn’t the physical length of the price, but the phonetic that is the main influencer. $1,499: One-thousand four hundred and ninetynine (10 syllables) $1499: Fourteen ninety-nine (5 syllables)

As we also associate numbers with a vertical magnitude (with smaller numbers positioned toward the bottom), position prices toward the bottom-left would be more effective. No comma = only 5 syllables = a perceived lower price

More strategies next issue... WAHP Business Australia

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FREE Windows 10 Upgrade ends 29 July Love it or hate it, but time is running out to get your free Windows 10 update. Who can get it?

Only computers running Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) and Windows 8.1 are eligible. Sadly, earlier versions of Windows (XP, Vista, Enterprise) or devices running Windows RT and RT 8.1 are not able to get the free Windows 10 update.

How do I get the Upgrade?

What version of Windows 10 will I get? The version of Windows 10 you receive is based on the older version of Windows that you were running before updating.

Eg: Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium and Windows 8.1 will update to Windows 10 Home.

The Get Windows 10 app has the option to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate and reserve, start or schedule an upgrade to Windows 8.1 Pro or Pro for Students will the new operating system. You will find the update to Windows 10 Pro. Windows logo for this App in your notification/ status/task bar. Page 24

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Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Source: Microsoft

What should I do before updating to Windows 10?

Most issues and problems with updating to Do a full system Back-Up of the whole Windows 10 have been due to the existing computer. This way, if there are any issues operating system not being up-to-date. with the update, you will be able to safely revert back to what you had before. This This also includes all software too. Before will be sizeable and take some time. updating Windows 10, first run software updates on your previous version of windows as well as all other software. When to update Windows 10? Include updates to any hardware/software Days are numbered as the free upgrade drives too. to Windows 10 ends July 29th. Take the steps of updating your existing system, We recommend backing up to either the then doing a back-up before you upgrade Cloud or a portable hard-drive. to Windows 10. WAHP Business Australia

Page 25


Apps in Review Accelo CRM

Starting from: $16.00/month Pricing model: Subscription Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card required) Key Features Seamless Gmail and Outlook/ Office365 integrations Smart & shared address book Synchronized calendar & schedules Powerful search & filtering Track opportunities, pipeline & conversions Customer relationship management Task tracking and management Task boards Gmail gadget Sales triggers & reminders Custom fields, lists & categories

Forecasts, reports & dashboards Custom sales types and processes Quote Roller integration Record notes, schedule meetings & calls Integrated, automated work logs Automatic email attachment storage Calendar & task synchronization with Google Apps & Microsoft Instant financial and pipeline reporting Powerful team collaboration

Devices Supported Android, iPhone-iPad, iPhone, Linux, Mac, Windows, Web-based, Windows Phone, Mobile Web App


Starting from: $29.00/month Pricing model: One-time License/Open-Source/Subscription Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card required) Key Features One click integrations with Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zoho Customizable call queues

Customizable outbound caller ID Desktop and email notifications

Devices Supported Mac, Windows, Web-based

Page 26

Published by Goodnight Publishing



Starting from: $12.95/month Pricing model: Freemium/Subscription Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card required) Key Features Online invoicing Time tracking Recurring invoices & auto payment Team timesheets Late Payment Reminders Expense tracking

Accounting reports & taxes Automatic expense import Mobile apps Attach receipts (PDF or Image) Touch ID Data import Invoice Management

Devices Supported Android, iPhone-iPad, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows, Web-based, Mobile Web App

LogIt by Fleetcare Pricing model: FREE Download from: AppStore or Google Play Key Features Fully ATO compliant Vehicle logbook app Record journey with GPS Publish Logs at end of each 12 week period. No paper logbook needed Remembers your end odometer readings Logs into next journey with start odometer.

Remembers frequent journey purposes (can edit) Manual Record trips at later date Keeps logbooks for up to 2 vehicles. Review and edit trips at any time Easily publish logbook by emailing and publish expense reports

Devices Supported Android and Iphone

WAHP Business Australia

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Are you Living... Or Existing? How do we know if we are living or existing? and Why is it important to understand the difference you ask? Well, I’m hoping by the time you read this, you will have a better idea. For most people, we flow from one week to the next, one month to the next and one year to the next.

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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Home We then get to Sunday night and we feel a slight sadness, as our weekend filled with family time and friends comes to a close. We know that when we wake tomorrow, our cycle continues. We keep making the ‘one-day’ promise. You know the one… ‘One day I’m going to (insert biggest, wildest dream here)’. One day… does it ever come? For most, unfortunately it doesn’t.

You are in full control of what happens now and like everything, it’s a choice.

So how do we determine if we are truly living If you want to choose a different outcome for our purpose in life, or as I like to call it… yourself, you will need to firstly understand exactly where you are and then find someone to guide you from just existing, to truly living.

Our Y?

Well, here are some things to ask I get asked a lot, ‘Shar, what does it feel like to yourself: truly live and know that you are living your Y Do you feel like you are stuck in your own life?

and making a difference’.

The best way I feel I can describe it is, pretend You can’t wait for the weekends to come, as you are a large bird and you are gliding you hate what you’re doing during the week through the sky on a beautiful summers day You are so sick and tired of not having enough and you are soaring. In every direction you look, you see the most beautiful scenery and money to do everything you want to do life is easy and in flow. You watch other people that are truly happy and want to know how they got that way That’s Y I’m so passionate about helping you find your flow and truly living. So, for those You know that there is a bigger purpose in serious about understanding where you are, your life, but don’t know how to find it please take this quiz now https://livingorexisting.securechkout.com/

Don’t panic, it’s not all doom and gloom!

Remember, we only have one life, so please don’t spend too long existing in it. One of my favourite quotes by Mark Twain is ‘The two most important days in your life, are when you are born and when you know Y”.

Shar Moore YWoman www.sharmoore.com.au www.facebook.com/SharMoore/ WAHP Business Australia

Page 29


Balancing Act

24 hours in a day is Just Not Enough!

No matter which way you look at it, something always falls by the wayside. Whether it is that pile of washing that has grown so tall it is threatening to topple over and bury your child at any moment or those breakfast bowls you had to throw out because you couldn’t scrape the dried Weetbix off them. I don’t think that anyone understands the enormous juggling act of balancing working, raising a child and remaining mentally stable than a mother. I am a part time stay at home mum after going back to work when my son was 18 months old. I now work 15 hours a week and spend the rest of my time at home taking care of him and trying to study so I can gain qualifications that will allow me to work from home full time.

You see where I’m going with this? The worst part is when your other half gets home - surveys the toys strewn all over the floor, the half folded pile of laundry on the couch and their child with Vegemite still smeared over their face. And they say those horrible words ‘So, what did you do today?’

So how do you balance working from home with a child? There is no simple answer. I know you were probably waiting for some type of life-changing revelation. Maybe a secret passed down from generation to generation, but each family, each child is different.

It’s tough and I’m sure every mum who has ever worked from home has had this same experience: you’ve just set up your child on the couch with a pillow, doona, favourite toy and a kid-friendly movie with snacks and a drink in easy reach.

My advice would be to roll with it. Work when you can and do what I do, put on earmuffs. These years go by so fast and before you know it, they will be at school and you’ll miss the messy house and long for the silence to be broken by giggles.

They’re comfortable and happy so you sneak away into another room so you can begin working. You open your laptop, get in the zone and start typing only to have a small child clamber up onto your lap, deleting your work and spitting cookie crumbs all over your keyboard.

By Kirsty Ferguson

August 2013

Work time is now officially over. It’s not that they actually wait until the most inconvenient time to want to play with you; it just feels that way. I don’t know about you, but on the odd moments when I get time to study or work, I can’t actually begin until my house is tidy. I try to ignore it and say that it’s unimportant, but I cannot work with a messy house. I can almost see the sign of ‘lazy mother’ flashing above my head in pink neon. Cleaning the house proves quite challenging when my son is home. I clean before I start work then he comes along and tornados through the house, making a mess of everything so I have to clean it again … Page 30

Reprint - Source WAHP Published September 2012

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Page 31

Home Katherine Hawes New Age Legal Solutions www.newagelegalsolutions.com.au

INSURANCE and Working from Home

Working from home is great way to stay at home with the kids, save money on business overheads while still making money to support your family. However, unlike more traditional employment, you also need to make sure that you have adequate insurance in place just in case things don't turn out as planned. Think about it! If you fall ill and can’t work for a few months, will you be able to manage? Or what if someone trips and falls on your premises, would you be able to cover the medical or legal fees that could occur? Let's get honest here. You wouldn’t want to lose all of your hard work just because there was an accident on your premises, or you yourself end up unable to work. To maintain your working arrangement, you may want to invest in a quality insurance policy that covers your premises, equipment, clients and income. Home and contents insurance Your home and contents insurance should also cover many of your important work assets such as your laptop and printer. Some policies include a special category covering home office damage and loss. However, most standard policies don't cover any specialised equipment that you use. For example if you are a photographer and own an expensive camera and photo printer, it probably won’t be covered by standard home and content insurance. Do your research and choose a policy which covers all your valuable business assets.

Public liability insurance If you have clients or suppliers coming into your home office, you should invest in public liability insurance. While this is not compulsory, it is highly advisable. In the event of an accident on your premises, you could be held personally liable. The cost of the policy is nothing in comparison to what you may be ordered to pay by a court if an accident does occur in your home office. Page 32

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Enjoy a break from life’s challenges! New Age Legal Solutions provides client-focused legal packages in the following areas:

✓ Wills and Testamentary Packages ✓ Family Resolution Packages ✓ Retirement Village and care Sessions ✓ Small Business Packages

Income protection When you work for yourself, it is important to make sure that you will still have an income if for some reason, you are no longer able to work. While it won’t cover your whole income, it will help your family to keep up with day to day expenses such as mortgage repayments, bills, school fees and groceries.

Specific work from home insurance policies The big insurance providers in Australia have noticed the growth in the work from home market and are now providing specific insurance for people who work from home. For example, AAMI provides a Business@Home Insurance Policy that combines home and contents insurance with personal valuables insurance and motor vehicle insurance. NRMA has a similar policy called Home Business Insurance which is specifically designed for home businesses. This policy covers your equipment, content and stocks against fire and other defined event, the breakdown of electrical equipment, public and product liability and income protection, all in one policy. WAHP Business Australia

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Business Style

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Page 35


Biscuit Dough (American Style)

Pizza Bombs (makes 16 balls)


Ingredients 3 cups Self-raising flour 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tbsp Sugar 1/2 cup Butter - chopped up 180ml Milk 1 Egg

1 2 3 4

Mix flour, salt and sugar - then rub butter into mix until it has a crumb texture. Combine milk and slightly beaten egg with dry ingredients. Mix with knife until it looks sticky, moist and lumpy. Knead on lightly floured board until it is a smooth dough.

1 quantity of Biscuit Dough Marinara Sauce Mozzarella Cheese (cut in cubes or shredded) 3 tbsp butter - melted 2 cloves garlic, minced Salt and Pepper to taste 1 tbsp Italian Seasoning Shredded Parmesan cheese for topping

1 Biscuit Dough - cut rounds with biscuit 2 3

For American style biscuits roll out until desired thickness and use a round biscuit cutter. Bake in oven at 180c for 15-20 minutes until tops lightly golden.


Also see Pizza Bombs and Pigs in Blanket recipes.


Page 36

cutter and then cut each one in half. Press each half into a circle with thumb. Place a small dollop of marinara sauce, one pepperoni and one cube of cheese in each round. Bring edges up and over, press together to make a ball. Check there are no gaps to leak. Combine melted butter, garlic, salt/ pepper and seasoning in a small bowl. Brush over pizza bombs then sprinkle with parmesan. Bake at 175c for 15-20 minutes until lightly browned. Once cool enough to handle, serve immediately. Published by Goodnight Publishing










Vol-au-Vents with 3 Fillings

Source: www.taste.com.au

Piglets in Blanket



Vol-au-Vent cases Corn Filling (makes 12)

2kg Cheerios/frankfurter Cheese Slices Biscuit Dough

50g butter 1 tbsp mustard 50g grated cheese 75g sweet corn Salt/Pepper

Mix a roux by melting butter and whisk flour to form smooth paste. Gradually add milk constantly stirring over medium heat until thickened. Asparagus Filling (makes 12) 1 can Asparagus pieces 50g butter 1 tbsp plain flour

Mix a roux by melting butter and whisk flour to form smooth paste. Gradually add liquid from can of asparagus. Once cooked (sauce coats pan), add asparagus pieces. Mushroom Filling (makes 48)

1 2 3 4 5

Preheat oven to 175c Wrap cheese around each Cheerio. Then wrap long strips of bread dough around each one. Place baking paper on biscuit pan. Put each one on pan with the overlap of dough face down. Bake in oven until lightly brown for about 10-15 minutes.

1 can Mushroom condensed soup 3 bunches Shallots 100g Cheese - shredded

Saute shallots, then add mushroom soup and cook for 2 minutes Spoon choice of filling into cases and in oven 10-15Australia minutes. WAHPfor Business

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Source: Super Food Ideas June 2012 Page 95 Recipe by Lucy Nunes

Photography by Jeremy Simons

Wagonwheel Slice

Ingredients 235g butter, softened 1/3 cup caster sugar 1 1/2 cups plain flour 1/3 cup self-raising flour 1/2 cup rasberry jam 145g white marshmallows, halved 185g dark chocolate - broken into pieces

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Preheat oven to 180c, grease 3cm deep, 16cmx26cm slice pan. Line base and sides with baking paper.


Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Sift flours over butter mix. Stir until dough comes together. Press mix into pan. Bake for 20 minutes until golden.


Spread warm base with jam. Cover with marshmallows, cut side down. Bake for 2 minutes. Remove from oven and press down on marshmallows to a level surface. Cool in tin.


Combine chocolate and remaining butter in saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes until melted. Pour over marshmallows. Tap pan to level surface and refrigerate for 2 hours until set. Stand at room temperature for 5 minutes before cutting pieces and serving. Published by Goodnight Publishing


Source: Australian Good Taste - February 2013 Page 112 Recipe by Michelle Southan Photography by Jeremy Simons

Passionfruit Cheesecake Slice


Coconut Slice Base 150g butter 1/3 cup caster sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 egg 3/4 cup plain flour 2 tsp self-raising flour 1/4 cup milk 1/4 cup desiccated coconut Topping 500g cream cheese 3/4 cup caster sugar 1/2 cup sour cream 2 eggs 1/2 cup passionfruit pulp WAHP Business Australia


Preheat oven to 180c. Grease and line 16x26cm slice pan.


Beat butter, sugar and vanilla in bowl until pale and creamy. Beat in egg Fold in combined flour, coconut and milk.


Spread evenly over pan base and bake for 15-20 minutes until an inserted skewer comes out clean.


Beat cream cheese and caster sugar until smooth. Beat in 1/2 cup sour cream and eggs, then 1/4 cup of passionfruit.


Pour over base and then swirl remaining passionfruit over top. Bake at 160c for 30 minutes or until just set. Cool in pan and cut into pieces. Page 39

Product Catalogue

Oz-tralian Signature Animals

Signature Giraffe A unique Australian made Signature Giraffe. Very popular for Baby showers and many other occasions Make any occasion memorable by using one of my Signature Animals. Approx. 38cm high and 17cm long Price: $32.00 plus P/H of $7.50. Purchase at - www.oztraliansignatureanimals.com.au/ www.facebook.com/oztraliansignatureanimals.com.au

Ark Angel Creations

Bean Bags Old-fashioned fun! Size: 14cm x 11cm Price: $25.00 - Postage: $14 Purchase at - www.etsy.com/au/shop/Arkangelcreations14 www.facebook.com/Arkangelcreations2014/

Page 40

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Product Catalogue

Bewitching Jewels

ID Bangles Available in gold, rose gold or silver. The charms are only available on the silver bangles. They come stamped with a name of your choice. Price: Child is $15 and adult is $20. Postage: $3.50 regular or $7 tracked Purchase at - www.facebook.com/BewitchingJewels/

Baby Jam Nappy Cakes and Gifts Bakers Beginning Gift

Includes: Pot holder and Oven Mitt Set Silicone Spatula Spoon and Whisk Cookie Jar classic Book 2 x Teatowels and paper towel Comes gift wrapped. Price - $35.00 Postage - $18.40 Purchase at -


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Page 41

Product Catalogue Oz-tralian Signature Animals

Small Signature Kangaroo A unique Australian made Signature Kangaroo. This little guy will be adorable for any occasion. Perfect for Graduations, Birthdays, any special event. Make any occasion memorable by using one of my Signature Animals. Approximately 32cm high and 27cm long Price: $30.00 plus P/H of $7.50 Purchase at http://www.oztraliansignatureanimals.com.au/ www.facebook.com/oztraliansignatureanimals.com.au

Baby Jam Nappy Cakes and Gifts Princess Nappy Cake

Includes Huggies newborn nappies Flannelette wrap Facewasher Mittens Disney Princess Bath toys Lamaze Princess Doll Comes gift wrapped. Price - $35.00 Postage - $22.90 Purchase at www.facebook.com/babyjamnappycakesandgifts

Page 42

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Product Catalogue

Fundraising Events by Christina

The Entertainment™ Book, and the Entertainment™ Digital Membership Your guide to the most popular restaurants, attractions, shopping, travel and more, all with valuable up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers. Price: $55-70 depending on location. Pick up available at no cost. Postage: $12 or $15.50 express. Digital membership no cost. Purchase at - www.facebook.com/FundEventsChristina/

Ark Angel Creations

Weighted Lap Blanket - 1kg Provides deep pressure, helps to calm and improve attention. Weight: 1kg - Size: 34cm x 44cm Price: $35.00 plus Postage: $14 Purchase at - www.etsy.com/au/shop/Arkangelcreations14 www.facebook.com/Arkangelcreations2014/ WAHP Business Australia

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