WAHP Business Australia magazine - December 2019

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+ More

New Gift Card Laws

StepUp your business - Peek Inside

+ tasty DELIGHTS Scrumptious recipes for Christmas


December 2019 - February 2020

Rural Spotlight on Gin Gin


TECHNOLOGY Top 10 Tech Checklist

5 Christmas Tips to Market your Business


Late Invoices Chasing that Payment

Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w wahpbusiness.com.au e wahpbusiness@gmail.com (ISSN 2202-8102)

A quarterly digital magazine published Australia-wide and available online.

Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia Caitlin Dayman

WAHP Business Australia November/December 2015

Editor’s Letter



New Gift Card Laws Industry OneCARD - Interview


5 Christmas Tips to Market your Business Anne Higgs Photography - Showcase


Late Invoices - Chasing that Payment Top 3 Accounts Software

Technology Graphic Design In-House @ WAHP Business Australia

Top 10 Tech Checklist Why Buy a Printer? When you can loan one

Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Individual Products Business Directory


Submit an Article or Advertise e wahpbusiness@gmail.com

Published and Distributed by: WAHP Business Australia 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0402 146 371 ABN 80 393 008 723

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Blissful Boxes Australia - Interview Rural Spotlight - Gin Gin, QLD Errands ‘n Things - Showcase Everything Gin Gin - Showcase

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Business Directory




Media Kit 2020


Published by WAHP Business Australia

Editor’s Letter

Welcome to our Summer December - February issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. This is a busy time of year as we work on our business ready for Christmas. This is an exciting time as we say goodbye to one decade and welcome the new one in 2020. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. This issue is especially rewarding as we have returned after a 12 month hiatus, rejuvenated and re-energised. We have an interesting balance of articles for you this issue. 2020 is looking exciting. Are you ready to tackle a new decade? This issue we have focussed on showcasing Australian Small Businesses. We have also introduced a new segment - Rural Spotlight. This issue we introduce the rural community of Gin Gin in Queensland. We are always looking for article contributors. If you are an expert in your field, drop us an email or phone call to discuss articles you wish to see published in our next issue. We also have a delectable selection of recipes to tantalise your taste buds for Christmas. Visit the back of the magazine to get ideas for Christmas breakfast, lunch or dinner. There are even a few refreshing drinks to entice (non-alcoholic and alcoholic). Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is back in 2020 with three issues for the year. The next issue will be March 2020. See our media information on page 34. Interested in showcasing your business, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th February. Promote your business from as little as $100. This wraps it up for this issue and as always I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Business Australia

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New Gift Card Laws Have you made the changes? Have you updated your Gift Cards? From 1st November 2019, the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) has been updated and amended to provide protections for gift card consumers across Australia. These changes apply nationally to all gift cards sold or supplied on or after 1st November 2019. Any cards or vouchers sold before 1st November will continue to have their same expiry period an any applicable fees that applied at the time of purchase. What does this mean for your business?

It’s all in the terms and conditions of the gift card. If they do not comply with the reforms, the gift cards will be void and all new requirements will be applied regardless of what is written on the card. All gift cards sold after 1st November will need to comply with the updates to the Australian Consumer Law.

What do you need to do now? • • • •

Update gift card terms and conditions on your website and all other promotional material, including on the actual gift cards; Update all business processes, training and any compliance manuals; Position signage on gift card displays and at point of sale; All changes should be on all receipts issued when gift card is purchased.

Key points to know about the gift card legislation 1.

Minimum three year expiry period for gift cards is required The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) requires that most gift cards or vouchers are sold with a mandatory minimum expiry period of three years. This begins from date gift card is sold. Businesses have the discretion to apply a longer expiry period and no maximum period applies.


Gift cards must display expiry dates All gift cards must display the expiry date prominently as either a full date or period of time. If expiry is shown as a period of time, then it must also include the date of supply or purchase. The gift card mush also state if there is no expiry date. “Supply date: March 2020. This card will expire in 3 years” “This card expires in 5 years after supply. Supply date 5/12/19.” “Valid for 3 years from 12/19.”

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Published by WAHP Business Australia


Most post purchase fees on gift cards are • Sold for a particular good or service at a genuine banned discount (i.e. $50 card for salon service valued at Once a gift card has been issued there is a ban $100); on any further charging of post-purchase fees • Supplied as part of an employee rewards program; including activation fees, account keeping fees • Given as a bonus with a purchase of a good or service or balance enquiry fees. for use in the same business (i.e. customer loyalty program); This ban does not include those fees charged • Second-hand gift cards; as part of a sale to cover the cost of processing • Part of a temporary promotion (i.e. customers a payment. Post purchase fees do not include buy a product from Business A, then receive a $50 – overseas transaction fees; booking fees; voucher to use at Business B). payment surcharge fees; fees charged for reissue of lost, stolen or damaged card. Businesses are able to charge an upfront fee Ouch… the Penalties for non-compliance when a consumer purchases a gift card. A breach of the laws could attract a $30,000 fine in the Which cards are included or excluded? case of a body corporate, or $6,000 for individuals. The law applies to all gift cards or vouchers sold after 1st November 2019 unless specifically Plus, the ACCC can impose infringement notices. Each excluded. This also includes gift cards for online infringement notice is 55 penalty units (currently stores that trade in Australia. $11,500) for a body corporate and 11 units (currently $2,420) for persons other than a body corporate. The three (3) year expiry requirement does not apply to gift cards that are: New South Wales and South Australia have local • Able to be reloaded or topped up; gift card laws in place. You should in the first • Any good or service available for a limited time instance check with your state or territory consumer where the card or voucher expires at the end protection agency. of that period (i.e. entry to a concert or museum exhibition); • Supplied to a purchaser as part of a temporary Further information can be found in the Explanatory marketing promotion (i.e. wine voucher valid for Memorandum to the Treasury Laws Amendment one month mailed to a consumer as an extra free (Gift Cards) Act 2018 and the Explanatory Statement bonus with a purchased item - not part of the to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Gift Card) original purchase); Regulations 2018. • Donated free of charge for promotional purposes (i.e. a one-day marketing promotion where each The regulations set out exemptions to the visitor to the store on that day is handed a $20 gift arrangements and a small list of allowable postcard that is valid for use for that day only); purchase fees. 3.

WAHP Business Australia

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How did you get your idea or concept for Industry OneCARD™ 20 years’ experience as Enterprise Training Manager for blue-collar and resource industries, I had a unique helicopter view of the escalating issue around Employee Skills Matrix and evidence of training and licence records impacting on all business large and small. I was responsible for mobilising blue-collar employees to most major resource, oil and gas sites and was dealing daily with the mis-management of training and licensing records. This problem was systemic across the industry and business were struggling to keep on top of their compliance. So why was this an issue? In Australia, all employer have a legal responsibility to keep evidence of a trained and competent workforce and underpins their efforts to provide a safe work environment.

Kareena Waters What was your key driving force to start your own business? Two reasons that have driven me to start Industry OneCARD™ 1. Opportunity to make a change In 2016 I could see a perfect storm on the horizon, and the majority of SME business were unaware of the impact of evidence of a trained and competent workforce could have on their business.

I spent a lot of time thinking there has to be an easier and more cost-effective way… and this is where the idea of Industry OneCARD™ was born. An opportunity came in 2016 … so I bit the bullet and started Industry OneCARD™. 2. Supporting my family in a changing employment market I was in my mid 50’s when I was made redundant and I had a good look at the future. Unfortunately in Australia there is a disturbing growing trend for the experienced older worker to be a diversity group when seeking re-employment. With a school-age daughter to provide for and knew I had to future proof my family by taking control of my employment.

Love your business name. How did you decide on Industry OneCARD™ Originally due to our blue-collar experience the business was going to be called Tradie Card, but once we researched other industries we realised the systemic issue that Blue collar/resource industry was Majority of SME’s and Contactors don’t know they facing was wider spread, and the issue affected ALL are non-compliant until they are audited by client Industries hence the change of name. or regulators! If a business thinks maintaining Hospitality, manufacturing, aged and disability care, compliance is expensive, try non-compliance. transport and logistic the list goes on. NO industry is unaffected. Recent publicity over increased fines, penalties and even industrial manslaughter charges relating to breaches of employers providing a safe workplace. The employers ability to have accurate and current evidence of employees training and licences is critical.

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Published by WAHP Business Australia

Interview What service or product does your Industry OneCARD™ offer? As a tech start-up company that is a little different, I am asked this a lot. My response is - Industry OneCARD deals with waste! • Waste of time • Waste of data • Waste of productivity • Waste of resources • Waste of training • Waste of margin • Waste of opportunities The Industry OneCARD™ team supports SME and contractors to manage their legal requirement to have the correct evidence of a trained and competent workforce.

Business What has been your most satisfying moment in business? My first client that engaged Industry OneCARD™ that was not part of my established network ….. it was proof of concept for me and turning point Do you have one piece of advice that you would give to someone just starting a new business? For me, in the beginning, maintaining the ‘Motivation of One’ was hard. I have always been a team member and leader, and the challenge in starting up on your own was a lonely road and calling a strategy meeting with yourself, you always win, but you are often not right! Seek out others, don’t be afraid to ask for advice.

We provide high-level professional training services and advice without an overhead cost. Best way to describe our business model is that services myself and the team used to cater to one large company we now do for many smaller business who don’t have access to training professionals, so we are like your Virtual Training Team.

And network, network and network … the power of the tribe

We do more than other cloud-based platforms and systems; we will to talk to you, work out your pain points and understand your processes and barriers to compliance. This enables us to make informed decisions on the best way to support your business.

I got all my time frames wrong from building the platform to obtaining proof of concept.

If you could start over, is there anything you would change? Heaps but if we all had hindsight where would the challenge be. Your timeline would be top of the list.

In my enthusiasm, I forgot to factor in what I was doing was managing change and change takes a while to be implemented and be accepted.

What our clients love is that we do all the data entry for you and will save between 30-70% off your Who has been your greatest inspiration? administration cost. My Dad, he never gives up. Describe your typical workday I usually start around 4:30 am with a coffee, chuck the cats out, let the dog in and hit the home office. I am a morning person and find this is when I am most productive. We are based in WA starting early allows me to have contact with any Eastern State clients in a time appropriate manner. Around 7.30 I will stop and take youngest daughter to school. Each day is different, and as a start-up founder there is a blend of administration, development, networking promotion and business essentials. I am a nanapreneur and juggle a tech start-up business, four children and now two granddaughters, so life is busy. WAHP Business Australia

Where do you see Industry OneCARD in 5 years? In the start-up community, a founders exit plan is a crucial part of any pitch to investors and one many struggle with. I started Industry OneCARD with my exit plan very firmly in place to ensure the sustainability of the business. I see Industry OneCARD™ building on solid foundations and being managed by next generation to make significant changes to the way employer and employee manage workforce compliance

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5 Christmas Tips

to Market your Business

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Published by WAHP Business Australia


The holiday season is the perfect time for business to boost their turnover and profits. Does your business take advantage of the Christmas spending? Have you aligned your marketing towards letting your customers know about what’s this season? Use effective marketing and these 5 Tips to boost sales for Christmas. 1. Early Sales As most sale periods coincide with a holiday weekend like Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and Boxing Day... small businesses should take advantage of these sale periods. Your customers want to get a good bargain. 2. Customer Problems What problems are your customers wanting to solve this Christmas season? You can grow your business by introducing your solutions to new customers. Make their shopping experience smooth and enjoyable. Can you offer better delivery time? Are your products priced to attract your ideal customer? Attract new business by solving customer problems. 3. Last year’s sales How did your business perform in last year’s sale? Did you check out your competitors? What worked? What didn’t work? How did your customers shop - online or in store? Out perform last year’s sales by repeating what worked and adjusting what didn’t. 4. Keep the holiday Consistent Ensuring all your branding and marketing material is consistent with the holiday sale. Remember to adjust any branding to reflect the season. This also depends on who is your customer. Families will enjoy the season represented by Christmas decorations. Meet the expectations of your customers with the right branding will keep them coming back regularly throughout the year. Keep your marketing consistent across all platforms - in store signage and point of sale, website, social media and emails. This includes marketing on your social media and websites all the way down to electronic mail and in store signage and point of sale. 5. Electronic mail effectively Personalising all emails and speak to your customers by name. Your customers will appreciate your personal attention. Consider what phases will speak directly to your customers. Get their attention and they will want to stick around to find that perfect gift.

WAHP Business Australia

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Anne Higgs Photography Photography… there are many different styles and genres of photography. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Anne from Anne Higgs Photography.

Anne has many goals and with the Studio, she has ventured into different styles of photography. Glamour, portraits, newborn and maternity sessions, couples and also corporate photography. The Corporate sessions include both head shots and branding. I loved my recent photography session with Anne – see our front cover of this issue for one of my favourite photos.

Anne’s interest in photography started at a young age. Her Father was a professional Photographer. On weekend’s, he photographed weddings and Anne goes above and beyond to make sure the during the week he was a Photographer for the customer is getting what they want. In the corporate Police department. session, Anne wants to know more about your business and how you want it portrayed. Her parents owned a Photography studio and as a young child she would spend many evenings “You might get someone who is a naturopath that helping her father in the dark room. This was where prefers to be photographed in a nature setting, not her love of photography grew. in the studio”. Anne will make sure that your photo “Back in those days we had a dark room,” said Anne. As Anne got older, she would help her father on weekends photographing weddings. After her father passed, Anne continued to learn about photography, mostly self-taught. Her passion for photography has helped her along this path. Like her father, Anne started her career as a Wedding Photographer. She also photographed portraits on location. Four years ago, Anne took the big step and opened her own Studio in Wynnum, Brisbane. Page 10

session is exactly what you want.

Anne Higgs photography has regular promotions on Groupon and on her business Facebook page. You can book your photography session with Anne Higgs photography via the Facebook page or call on 0412 974 426. Facebook - Anne-Higgs-Photography-7111304375 Website - www.annehiggsphotography.com Published by WAHP Business Australia

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WAHP Business Australia

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Late Invoices

Chasing that Payment You have completed the work, invoiced and now waiting for that payment to arrive. We have all been there and will be again in the future. Unfortunately, while you wait for payment… your bills still need to be paid. Your family needs a roof over their heads, food on the table and with Christmas just around the corner a few presents under the tree. A recent survey “The Grapple Payment Report”, found that nearly three out of ten small business owners have used funds taking it from family needs to cover late invoices. 47 per cent surveyed said that late invoice payments caused them ‘significant’ stress while 18 per cent used funds set aside for their own and family’s medical needs to cover late invoices. The survey conducted in September 2019 surveyed SME owners, CEOs and decision makers across Australia in both regional and metropolitan areas on how late invoices affected their business, supplier relationships and personal lives.

The CEO of Grapple, Stephen Dawson said, “In the past 12 months alone, those surveyed estimated that nearly one in five of their invoices had been paid late with one in three businesses experiencing astonishing delays of three years or more at one time or another in the past. “To address this cash flow issue, more than four out of ten people surveyed had drawn on personal funds with some even tapping into pools set aside for further education, school fees and even medical expenses,” said Stephen Dawson.

85 per cent of surveyed SME decision makers believe The survey was completed by independent research that it is unfair that large businesses dictate payment house Nature and commissioned by invoice financing terms to small businesses and seven out of 10 agree company, Grapple. that government should protect small businesses from late invoice payment. Page 12

Published by WAHP Business Australia

Money Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that approximately two in five businesses do not survive past four years of trading. The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman says a lack of cash flow is the leading cause of business insolvency. A series of surveys and reviews conducted in 2018 and 2019 have found similar results.

Most popular are Zippay, Zipmoney and Afterpay. These are mostly aligned for product based businesses who deal directly with customers (non-business). If your customer is other businesses or you have a service based business you may need to look for other alternatives.

Xero Small Business Insights identified “late payment of client invoices to small business can impact their performances”. On average small businesses received invoice payments late, arriving on average 23 days after their due date. Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman March 2019 review found that “cash flow is a key concern for small businesses” and “late payment is responsible for 43% of worsening cash flow”. 92% of small businesses believe if their cash flow was improved, they would have generated more revenue. Explore these options and see if they are a good fit for your business: “The reality is that for many SMEs their business is their life blood and the primary vehicle that supports PayItLater – receive full payment, customer pays both their workforce and their family,” said Stephen installments Dawson. LatitudePay – receive full payment, customer pays 10 37 per cent of respondents said that late invoice installments payment caused them to have to pay their own Splitit – receive payment via installments invoices late and 39 per cent said that they Grapple – invoice financing had to redirect funds that were designated for business growth to cover late invoices. Zip Pay Zip Money

What is the Solution?


There are more options available now to receive payments on invoices. The standards of credit card, Source Reports – direct debit, cash or electronic transfer work well. What can you offer customers that help them to pay “Review of Payment terms, times and practices” – March 2019, Australian Small Business and Family you on time? Enterprise Ombudsman Deferred payments for online purchases are a new “Small Business Counts – Small business in the evolution in Australian e-commerce. It is an easy Australian Economy” – July 2019, Australian Small process for both the business and customer. Your Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman business gets paid in full, while your customer makes an arrangement to pay in easy installments via your “Paying the price: the economic impact of big business paying Australian small businesses late” payment processor. 2019, Xero Small Business Insights Advantages are that business have found a higher “Grapple Payment Report” - Grapple rate of re-order and also increase in order size. WAHP Business Australia

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Money Are you frustrated with the amount of time you spend: • • • • • • •

Recording receipts Reconciling and balancing accounts Keeping track of debtors or creditors Manually entering data into excel spread sheets Filing away documents Processing Payroll manually Working out how much money your business actually makes

It might be time to invest in accounting software to suit your business. There are so many out there! How do you find the small business solution that is best? Let’s take a quick peak at the pros and cons of the three most popular accounting software.

Top 3 Accounts Software • • • •

Ideal for larger more complex business Experiencing rapid growth of planning to grow Complex payroll system Ability to download business performance reports


• Popular with small business as it is affordable and grows with the business • Powerful payroll system • Largest range of business reports • Integrates with add-on Apps • Able to invoice on job progress • Can predict future expense allocations based on previous activity


• Full features can be cost prohibitive, but these are offset for small business options which are affordable • Software is not as user-friendly as others • Reporting has limited customizable features

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Published by WAHP Business Australia

Money • Ideal for small to medium business owner • Does not require extensive experience in accounting software • Looking for a low cost option • Ability to download customizable business reports

Pros • • • • • •

Excellent user-friendly interface. Integrates easily with an vast set of additions and integrations Cheaper option to Xero Able to invoice on job progress Can predict future expense allocations based on previous activity Large range of customizable reporting functions


• Does not offer direct bank feeds with all banks (major banks are active) • Suggestions for expense allocations may be incorrect (always check)

• Ideal for small business owner • Some experience with MYOB but is the lower cost and simpler alternative • Does not require payroll • Basic invoicing


• Cheaper alternative to the MYOB Account Right Live full suite (with same reliability) • Easy to learn • User-friendly interface


• Has limited business reporting options • Does not have the full features of invoicing and payroll

** MYOB for larger businesses is MYOB AccountRightLive and includes all features of the major account software. WAHP Business Australia

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Top 10 Tech Checklist Whether you are a start up business or a small business, technology is something that is constantly evolving. Technology advances provide newer and easier options for businesses to streamline their processes. The opportunities that we are given each year with advancing technology is beyond words so I guess the question comes down to how do we keep our business in the know, how do we make sure that our business is using the latest equipment that will continue to streamline and advance the business in a effective way. Our top 10 technology tools can help your business: 1. Customer Connection Management (CRM) Whether you are a retail store selling goods or a service-based business, everyone has customers. Having a good connection with those customers, is what keeps your business growing.

Popular CRM tools are Salesforce, BPM Online, HubSpot and Insightly. There are others, so do your homework first. Choose the right CRM for your business.

Knowing what your customers want is just the beginning of the story. You also need to know what they want down the track and stay on top of your customers expectations. The right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, will help you manage and understand your customers needs better. CRM’s use a series of data insights and analytics to predict how your business is tracking and what your customers want. Page 16

Published by WAHP Business Australia

Technology 2. Artificial Intelligence

6. Social Media

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may sound like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. As they say… times are a changing, and so is technology. AI is used to solve problems and learn what your business needs.

Every business needs to have a digital and social media presence. This is separate from your personal life. Whether a website or social media, your business exists as a separate entity.

Business applications of AI are used for streaming operations and improving efficiencies with automation, data analytics and natural language processing.

Customers first place to look for a business is online. Social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn is usually one of the first contact points. Social media can be overwhelming. Start off with the platform that you feel most comfortable with (usually Facebook). After your business is established on one social media, expand out to embrace more.

AI apps that assist business include Clara – automates meeting schedules, confirmations and follow-up for businesses; can reserve a conference room and integrate with unlimited calendars. AnswerRocket – performs “search-based data discovery”. Ask a question in plain English and it answers in detailed reports and charges. This AI app converts natural language into detailed business intelligence. Fyle – automates your business expense reporting. Includes a mobile app so you can scan, upload and track business receipts. The AI extracts information from receipts to automate expense approvals to increase productivity.

3. Productivity Apps One of the many challenges of your own business is staying organised. Stay on top by setting up your business and team with an app to stay productive. Keeping on top of current and future projects and ensure good communication is important. Try these apps - ToDoList, Calendar, Cloud App and Trello. Again do your research to find the most productive apps to suit your business.

4. Invoicing/Payment Systems Most challenging for businesses is invoicing clients, getting paid and keeping track of it all. There are a lot of software programs that will help your business to stay on top of accounts.

7. Web Design All businesses – big and small, need to appear professional to their clients. A website that is easy for your customers to connect with is the first step. To get started, you can use one of the many DIY platforms or you can engage a professional to build your website. Most popular platform for websites is WordPress.

8.Email Marketing Engaging with existing and potential customers through email marketing is still a very effective tool. It is important to be aware of privacy and spam laws. Set up a marketing program via email correctly and you will have a good customer database. Check out - Constant Contact, Drip and Sendinblue.

9. Employee Management

A few popular accounts software are FreshBooks, Xero Standard, Zoho Invoice and Invoicely. Each has different features, so do your research to select the right one for your business. See our article on “Late Invoices – Chasing that Payment” on page 12.

Once your business develops a team you will need to consider employee management. The size of your team and business will reflect the employee management system you will use. Consider these systems - Gusto, Connect Team, WorkDay and PeopleSoft. Do your research to find the right management system for your business.

5. Budgeting

10. Tax

Budgeting software will help to streamline your business. It is important to track your cash flow, make projections and meet budgets. Software that may meet your budgeting needs are CountAbout, Mint, YNAB and Quicken. Most account keeping software have these features included.

Tax time comes around, but once a year. The rest of the year we are making sure we dot the I’s and cross the T’s. You can streamline this process and make it easier for your business by choosing the right accounting software. Popular are MYOB Account Right, Xero and CCH Ifirm Tax

WAHP Business Australia

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Does your business need a quality Laser Printer? Cartridge World’s new “Why Buy a Printer’ program may be the answer for small to medium businesses wanting to reduce printing costs. How does it work ? Under the ‘Why buy a printer’ program, a business receives a quality brand printer on loan at no cost for a period of up to two (2) years. This includes free delivery and the option of a low-cost installation service (if needed).

Your commitment The business must commit to using the Cartridge World branded toners (suitable for that printer) purchased from a local Cartridge World store.

Program benefits Your business needs a new printer. Cartridge World handles all delivery, installation, ongoing service, toner supply and monitoring. Businesses also benefit from Cartridge World’s real-time monitoring to ensure that you never run out of toner. Save valuable time - no more wasted business hours on service and mantenance solutions. Cartridge World takes care of it all. Take advantage of the printer features of new functionality, scanning, faxing and copying abilities. Save money - with 30 per cent savings on Cartridge World’s branded toners compared to other brands .

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“In addition to the tangible product benefits, businesses can also potentially improve on printer supply costs, security, and environmental sustainability. By using our toner monitoring solution, customers can better manage their cashflow by only purchasing toner as required, lock in prices to avoid any increases and stop having to purchase multiple sets of toner cartridges that just sit in the cupboard collecting dust.” In addition, the Cartridge World store team will also provide a personalised consultation tailoring a printing solution that best meets and SME’s requirement and budget. “To thrive in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, organisations must completely rethink their approach to technology. There’s an urgent need to harness emerging devices, software and services while at the same time extracting maximum value from existing investments.” “Faced with digital disruption and constantly changing customer demands and a rapidly evolving competitive landscape, an organisation’s technology infrastructure must be able to change just as quickly. This loan program enables Cartridge World to support successful businesses where change is constant and frees up management to focus on their business rather than be constrained by technology,” says Mitropoulos.

Published by WAHP Business Australia



Ultimately, Cartridge World is providing complimentary delivery of business class printers and multi-function devices with all printer maintenance, repair, and service included.

About Cartridge World Cartridge World rs one of the world’s dedicated specialty retailers of ink and toner printer cartridges and one of the world’s fastest growing franchises. With over 120 stores nationwide, Cartridge World carries a large supply of hardware and consumables to suit most home, office and educational needs. The company supplies top quality inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges that are compatible with all of the leading printer brands: HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark, Brother, Samsung and more. Cartridge World is so confident that its ink and toner cartridges will match, or perform even better than printer branded cartridges that the company offers a 100 per cent satisfaction guarantee.

For further information please visit: www.catridgeworld.com.au or call 1300 666 122.

Trusted Printing Solutions


Blissful Boxes Australia Leanne and Shaniah Baker

Do you have one piece of advice that you would give to someone just starting a new business

Our biggest advice is just go for it - if this business is your dream and you know you’re passionate, DON’T GIVE UP. Everything can change in literally one second - just be confident that your product is the best it can be and good things will happen. Page 20

If you could start over, is there anything you would change?

Yes and no. We often wonder if things would have been different if we did a longer pre-launch but, we learned a lot over the last year and this has helped us grow and learn more about our business.

Published by WAHP Business Australia

Interview How did you get your idea or concept for Blissful Boxes? Blissful Boxes was originally my daughters idea as she wanted to do something on the side to assist with paying off her $100,000 HECS debt. Shaniah wanted something a bit more flexible as she’s doing her Masters. She approached me as I am no longer working due to illness (Crohns Disease) and got me on board with the idea of a subscription type business. In the past I have started up a few small businesses but none of them took off as I found that the niche’s I was in were too competitive. With that in mind, we wanted to use the experience we have with small businesses and use that as a core value when deciding what goes in our boxes. We really want to support small businesses and help to showcase their products. Our Blissful Boxes are also targeted towards women as we understand the importance of looking and feeling good. We feel that every woman deserves to treat themselves so we create our boxes to ensure that there is something that will satisfy every girl! What was your key driving force to start your own business? The main driving force was that my daughter and I both wanted to start a business that would not only help us become more productive but also help other people along the way, by ensuring that we include small businesses every month. Having the support of friends and family as well as the small businesses we approached with our idea helped us to move forward with the box. Love your business name. How did you decide on Blissful Boxes? When we were deciding on the name, we were really unsure of what would be appropriate. We agreed on Blissful when we came across the definition of “Bliss” “supreme happiness, utter joy or contentment”, which is what we hope will be the reactions of our customers every month when they receive their box. What service or product does your Blissful Boxes offer? We offer a monthly subscription box which is created with the busy woman in mind. Our boxes are filled with around 5 - 8 products a month, including cosmetics, hair care, skincare, accessories and snacks - and at least one or more of these items are from a small business. We also offer a mini version of our subscription box so that people who are on a tighter budget don’t need to miss out. As well as the subscription we also offer one off boxes and mystery boxes so that our customers can try a bunch of new products at any time.

WAHP Business Australia

Lifestyle Describe your typical work day There’s not really a typical day for us. Everyday is different. Some days, we are looking for products to put in our box - others we are networking and collaborating with small businesses. The end and start of every month is typically our busiest period as this is when we put together boxes, and pack them with an array of goodies - we are also getting shipments ready to go out during the first week. Being the only employees of the business means we have to focus on every element ourselves - from social media scheduling, photography, packing and sending orders, advertising and more. It can get really full on but we love it. What has been your most satisfying moment in business? A really satisfying part of this business is being approached by not only small businesses but also larger companies who are interested in what we are doing. We have been approached by magazines and Groupon which is really exciting for us and helps to clarify that we are doing something right. As well as this, we also love hearing the positive feedback from our customers and the businesses that we work with. Hearing that our subscribers have become loyal to those we feature also highlights that our mission is working. Who has been your greatest inspiration? Not “one” person has been our inspiration - rather hearing the stories and meeting small business owners, have really kept us inspired. We love to hear stories of businesses who have started from nothing and slowly built their empire. Where do you see Blissful Boxes in 5 years time? If things go well, hopefully within 5 years we will move out of our garage and be able to function in our own office or warehouse space. We have recently started our own small business facebook group so ideally we would want to be able to become more involved with our members and incorporate them in our boxes a bit more. We are looking into a better way to showcase our businesses that are in our boxes by providing more information on who they are and their product using an in depth insert in our box each month. As well as that, we would love to have a bigger team of staff to work with, to help us be more creative in aspects like social media, photography, etc.

Website - www.blissfulboxes.com.au Facebook - "Blissful Boxes Australia" Instagram - “blissfulboxesaustralia” Small Business Group - Facebook Group

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Rural Spotlight Rural communities are doing it tough. A combination of floods, droughts and fire are making it difficult for these communities. This is an ongoing worsening situation affecting rural communities as a whole. The largest employers in these regions are from the agriculture sector - livestock and crops. A drive through the farmland surrounding the Gin Gin community you will see dams, creeks and even a few rivers that are dry. Any blade of grass you see are all dry, brittle and brown. Gin Gin is just one rural community who have been working towards finding solutions within their own community. Families are struggling with limited available employment opportunities. Towns like Gin Gin are supported by the families on surrounding farms and properties. Indirectly, these circumstances also affect other businesses within the town (retail, trades and others). Farmers and other business owners within Gin Gin are looking to find alternate sources of income to support their families. Livestock and crop producers are selling direct from the farm gate. In some instances, farmers are using their produce/product to create value-added products - goat milk soaps, honey, leather dressing. To stay in business... you need to get creative. Let me introduce you to two Gin Gin businesses - Errands ‘n Things and Everything Gin Gin (E.G.G) Page 22

Published by WAHP Business Australia


www.errandsnthings.com.au/ I had the pleasure of sitting down with Mica from Errands ‘n Things to find out more about her business. Mica has been operating her business for 2 years providing an errand service for the Gin Gin community. Her aim is to assist people with all aspects of daily life. Looking at things from a different perspective, Mica provides a service that helps people to do the things they don’t like/want to do or may not have time to do themselves. “Gin Gin being a small country town, if I just focus on one thing I probably would not get enough work. So I thought I would diversify and offer a broad range of services”, said Mica.

Other services offered include – running of errands; shopping trips; courier serviced for documents or small items; home help cleaning or ironing; gardening; office personal assistant or even help to plan your holiday. A new service now available is – Waiting service. If you are at work and need someone to wait at home to be there for a trades persons, or to collect a package delivery, etc…

Errands ‘n Things offers a wide range of services, with more being added as a need arises. Most recently, Then Mica and Errands ‘n Things can be there to help pet and baby sitting in your home has been added to out. the list of services.


A new exciting venture fresh on the Gin Gin business scene is E.G.G – Everything Gin Gin. Mary-anne Watts is the face behind this new platform to help creatives by providing an online selling platform. I recently had the pleasure of meeting Mary-anne Mary-anne enjoys carving, painting, drawing in and a few of her fellow creatives at the Courthouse pastels and watercolours. Gallery at Gin Gin. Malina Morley, another Gin Gin artist said she enjoys “My ultimate dream with E.G.G. is that Gin Gin grows the mediums of “colour pencils, painting and working as a community while encouraging local artists to get with clay”. value for their creations”, said Mary-anne Watts. E.G.G. is an online selling platform available on the Each artist spends hours into the creation of their Everything Gin Gin website. Local creative artists handmade items. E.G.G. raises awareness of both can become involved via an affordable membership the value of their creativity and also the town of program. The platform includes the opportunity to Gin Gin. This online platform gives local creatives an have artists handmade items available for sale online. opportunity to showcase their handmade items to a Support your rural community by buying local. Visit much wider audience. the E.G.G. website to support Gin Gin local artists. WAHP Business Australia

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Business Directory Ann Higgs Photography


Blissful Boxes Australia www.blissfulboxes.com.au

Cartridge World


Errands ‘n Things www.errandsnthings.com.au

Everything Gin Gin (E.G.G.) www.everythinggingin.com.au

Industry OneCARD


Lenz Studios www.facebook.com/lenzstudio18

Transformations Coaching & Hypnotherapy Ph: 1300 645354

The Powerfull You


Your Business Name

Advertise your products. Includes a photo, brief description and clickable purchase link.

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Reserve your spot today. Email - wahpbusiness@gmail.com

Transformations Coaching & Hypnotherapy

WAHP Business Australia

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Tasty Delights

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Published by WAHP Business Australia


Source –www.delicious.com.au

Preparation - 15 minutes Cook time - 15 minutes

Ingredients 500g fresh Ricotta 1/3 cup Parmesan - finely grated 1/2 tsp dried Mint 1/4 cup Mint leaves - chopped 100g baby Spinach 1 garlic clove - crushed 1 egg, lightly beaten 1/3 cup wholemeal Flour

Recipe - Phoebe Wood

Ricotta & Mint Fritters 1/2 cup extra virgin Olive Oil 2 tsp wholegrain mustard 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 2 cups Sugar Snap Peas - blanched 2 cups Watercress Sprigs 1 Avocado - cut into wedges Micro Cress

Place ricotta, parmesan, dried and fresh mint, spinach, garlic, egg and flour in a bowl. Season and stir to combine. Heat 1/3 cup oil in a frypan over medium heat. Use 2 tbsp ricotta mixture for each fritter - shape into balls with floured hands. Flatten slightly, then work in batches cook, turning once for 5 minutes until golden and crisp. Keep warm until all ricotta mixture finished. Whisk mustard, vinegar and remaining 2 tbsp oil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.. Arrange fritters, peas, watercress and avocado on serving plates. Drizzle dressing over top and sprinkle with micro cress. WAHP WAHP Business Business Australia Australia

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Recipes Breakfast

Recipe Source –www.taste.com.au

Breakfast Bruschetta Preparation - 10 minutes Cook time - 20 minutes 12 servings

Ingredients 500g trussed Cherry Tomatoes 400g Portobello Mushrooms (tops) 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 24 slices mild Pancetta 2 bunches English Spinach 12 slices Sourdough Bread 250g fresh Ricotta

Preheat oven to 160°C. Place tomatoes and mushrooms in roasting pan. Drizzle with 1 tbsp oil, season with salt/pepper. Bake in oven (20 min) until tomatoes begin to collapse. Remove from oven and set aside. Heat large frying pan over high heat. Add pancetta and cook for 5 minutes until crisp. Transfer to plate. Reserve and set aside one-quarter of the pancetta. Heat half remaining oil in pan and add spinach. Cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes until spinach just wilts. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat. Brush bread slices with remaining oil. Preheat a char-grill or barbecue. Cook the bread slices for 1 minute each side or until toasted. Spread ricotta over bread slices. Top with spinach, pancetta, mushrooms and tomatoes. Serve immediately. Page 28

Published by WAHP Business Australia


Recipe Source – www.taste.com.au

Panettone French Toast

with mixed Berries Preparation - 15 minutes Cook time - 15 minutes 4 servings

Ingredients 3 eggs 1/3 cup Thin Cream 1/3 cup Milk 2 tbsp Caster Sugar 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract 2 x 1.5cm thick rounds of Panettone quartered 250g frozen Mixed Berries 2 tbsp Icing Sugar 40g unsaled Butter Thick Cream or Yoghurt

In bowl - beat eggs, cream, milk, sugar and vanilla. Add panettone, turn to coat and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Press down occasionally to ensure batter soaks up. Next, place half of berries in blender with icing sugar and 1 tbsp of water. Blend until smooth. Combine with remaining berries and set aside. Heat half the butter in frypan over medium heat. Drain excess egg mixture from half the panettone slices and cook for 1-2 minutes each side until golden. Keep warm while repeating with remaining butter and panettone. To serve, place two slices on each plate and dust with icing sugar. Top with berry compote and a dollop of cream. WAHP Business Australia

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Recipes Lunch/Dinner

Recipe Source –www.taste.com.au

O ra n ge a n d 5 spiced

G l a ze d H a m Preparation - 30 minutes Cook time - 1.45 hours 20 servings

Ingredients 7kg whole Leg Ham Whole Cloves to stud 3/4 cup Brown Sugar (lightly packed) 1/2 cup orange Marmalade 1 tsp Chinese Fie Spice 2.5 tbsp Masterfoods Dijon Mustard 2 cups of fresh Orange Juice

Preheat oven to 170C. Use sharp knife to cut around shank in zigzag pattern, about 10cm from the end. Carefully run knife under rind and around edge of ham. Gently lift rind off by running fingers between rind and fat. Score fat in a diamond pattern about 5mm deep. Stud centres of diamonds with cloves. Combine sugar, marmalade, Chinese five spice and mustard in a bowl until smooth. Place ham, fatside-up in a baking dish. Pour orange juice into the dish. Brush one-third of glaze over the ham. Bake the ham for 30 minutes. Brush with half remaining glaze. Bake, brushing once with remaining glaze, for a further 1 1/4 hours or until ham is cooked through and the surface is sticky and golden. Set aside for 15 minutes to rest before carving.

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Published by WAHP Business Australia


Recipe Source – www.taste.com.au

Peach, Lime and Chilli Salad Preparation - 15 minutes 10 servings

Ingredients 1 tbsp fresh Lime juice 3 tsp extra virgin Olive OIl 1 tsp Raw Sugar 2 Limes 8 yellow Peaches - halved, stoned and cut in thick wedges 1/2 red Onion - cut in thin wedges 1 long fresh Red Chilli - halved, seeded and thinly sliced

Whisk the lime juice, oil and sugar in a jug until well combined. Use zester or a vegetable peeler and small sharp knife to remove rind from 1 lime. Hold second lime over a bowl to catch any juice and use sharp knife to cut along either side of the white membrane to remove the segments. Arrange peach, lime rind, lime segments, onion and chilli on a large serving platter. Drizzle the dressing over the salad.

WAHP Business Australia

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Source - www.tastes.com.au

Watermelon Slushie Ingredients

Recipe Source -www.bbcgoodfood.com

Serves 4 Preparation time - 4.25 hours Non- Alcoholic

3kg Watermelon - rind removed, coursely chopped, plus slices to serve 125g punnet fresh Rasberries 1 tbsp Vanilla Bean paste Soda Water - to serve Optional (to decorate and serve) Persian Fair Floss Edible Flowers Blend watermelon until smooth. Strain through sieve into jug, press with back of spoon to extract most liquid. Discard solids. Reserve 500ml (2 cups) watermelon juice in jug and place in fridge to chill. Pour remaining watermelon juice into a large plastic container or ice-cube trays. Place in the freezer for 4 hours or until frozen. Clean the blender. Blend raspberries, sugar and vanilla bean paste in the blender until smooth. Strain mixture with sieve into bowl, press to extract liquid. Discard solids. Clean blender. Remove frozen watermelon juice from freezer and set aside for 10 minutes. Turn onto board and coarsely chop. Place in blender with chilled watermelon juice and blend until smooth.

Classic Snowball (Alcoholic) Serves 1 Preparation time - 5 minutes

Ingredients 500ml Advocaat 50ml sparkling Lemonade Ice - to serve For the Garnish 1 Marashino Cherry

Add the advocaat and lemonade to a tall glass filled with ice. Stir gently until the outside of the glass feels cold. Garnish with a Marashino Cherry

Use star-shaped cutter to cut stars from extra watermelon slices. Divide raspberry puree among 4 large serving glasses. Top with watermelon mixture and soda water. Decorate with watermelon stars and fairy floss and edible flowers (optional). Page 32

Published by WAHP Business Australia


Recipe Source - www.bbcgoodfood.com

Christmas Punch (Alcoholic) Serves 15 Preparation time - 10 minutes Freezing - 8 hours

Ingredients 1 bunch of Red Grapes 750ml Prosecco

1 Clementine

250ml Sloe Gin


50ml Herbal Liquear (Jagermeister) 1 ltr Cloudy Apple Juice 1 ball Stem Ginger - finely sliced plus 2tbsp of the syrup

Recipe Source - www.tastes.com.au

Santa Clause Punch Serves 10 Preparation time - 4 hours Non- Alcoholic

Ingredients 250g punnet Strawberries - hull, wash and half 1/2 x 125g punnet Rasberries 1/2 x 150g punnet Blueberries 1 ripe Kiwifruit - peal and finely chop 4 cups chilled Cranberry and Rasberry Fruit Juice 4 cups chilled Lemonade 2 cups chilled Pineapple Juice 1/4 cup fresh Mint leaves

3-4 sprigs Rosemary Freeze grapes day before for 8-12 hours or until frozen. Chill Prosecco and apple juice in fridge. When ready to serve, put frozen grapes and handful of ice in large 2-3 ltr punch bowl. Pour all remaining ingredients. Stir gently to combine and serve. WAHP Business Australia

Divide strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and kiwifruit evenly among 2 ice-cube trays. Cover with cold water and place in freezer for 4 hours or overnight until set. Combine the fruit juice, lemonade and pineapple juice in large serving jug. Add ice cubes and mint, and stir to combine. Serve immediately.

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Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

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