March 2016 issue - WAHP Business Australia

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March/April 2016

Embrace a Mobile Office

Keep pace and change your view

Coach yourself for Daily Success

Create a Pricing Strategy that Works

Key Elements of a Successful Website

Network like a Pro Tips for Face-to-Face Networking

Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w e (ISSN 2202-8102)

A bi-monthly digital magazine published Australia-wide and available online.

Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Stacey Ashley -Ashley Coaching & Consulting Jean Sheehan - Absolute Empowerment Katherine Hawes - New Age Legal Solutions Tracey Daniels - Real Business Group Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia

Graphic Design Goodnight Publishing

Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Product Catalogue

Submit an Article e

Published and Distributed by: Goodnight Publishing 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0437 726674 ABN 80 393 008 723

Page Page22

WAHP Business Australia November/December 2015

Editor’s Letter



4 Business Feature - Charlie Pop Designs Legal - Choose the right business structure 6 9 Embrace a Mobile Office 10 Coaching Yourself for Daily Success


Network like a Pro - tips for face-to-face networking 3 Networking Tips for Introverts Networking Group

15 16 19


What is a Balance Sheet? How you can use it for your business Create a Pricing Strategy that Works - It's a numbers game Scammers target Small Business


Key Elements of a Website Apps in Review


20 23 24 26 28

When does your Hobby become a Business? A Quiet Place to Work - your home office




Product Catalogue


Mothers Day Gift Guide



This months hot products

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Editor’s Letter

Welcome to our March/April issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. This is an exciting time of year as our businesses are full-steam ahead. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. We are back to all design in-house, but we appreciate all the work Tracey of Digiwise Graphics did as part of our redesign. We have a bumper issue for you with even more articles. I think this issue may be our best EVER! Business Feature is shining the spotlight on Charlie Pop Designs this issue hop on over to page 4 to read more about this inspiring business. To keep you going in 2016, we have articles – Embrace the Mobile Office, new regular Network Group Feature Profile and Price Strategies that Work series, Key Elements of a Website and Apps in Review. Scammers are hitting small business big time - read our article on this issue and protect your business. Katherine Hawes from New Age Legal Solutions introduces Choose the Right Business Structure for your Business; Stacey Ashley from Ashley Coaching & Consulting shares Coaching yourself for Daily Success; Jean Sheehan from Absolute Empowerment shares 3 Networking Tiips for Introverts; and Tracey Daniels from Real Business Groups fills us in on What is a Balance Sheet. In our new Home section, we revisit your home office and turning your hobby into a business. We also have a delectable selection of recipes to tantalise your taste buds. Of course standard in every issue from our very first, is the Product Catalogue showcasing your products. Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is now bi-monthly. The next issue will be out on 15th May, perfect timing leading up to the end of the financial year.. Interested in showcasing your business, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th April. Promote your business from as little as $15 in the Product catalogue; $40 quarter page; $70 - half page; and $100 - full page. We have had a small increase, but we will always keep the rates low to support Work at Home Parent businesses. Are you an expert in your field? You are welcome to contribute articles. This wraps it up for this issue and I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Business Australia

Page 3

Business Feature

Charlie Pop Designs Charlie Pop Designs is not just one business. Charlie Pop Designs is a combination of three unique businesses that complement each other. Life can throw us a few curve balls. For Naomi Buckingham it was when her daughter was diagnosed with severe Autism and Fragile X Syndrome. Naomi made the decision not to return to work and concentrate on her daughters’ therapy. This placed a lot of pressure on her husband as the sole income provider. In August 2015, Naomi saw an opportunity and joined Life Lockets as she could work this business and care for her daughter. Drawing on her previous direct sales experience from her 20s, Naomi was able to contribute to the household income and she loves the products. Life Lockets is an Australian business with a point of difference. Their floating lockets can have anything engraved on a variety of coloured backing plates with a range of hand stamped sterling silver that never goes out of style. “You can have names, handprints, photos or your child’s artwork engraved”.

Naomi Buckingham and daughter Charlotte Poppy affectionately nicknamed Charlie Pop

The owners of Life Lockets are open to new ideas. As Naomi received increasing requests, she started holding parties. Life Lockets then developed an easy system for affiliates to incorporate party plan into their business model.

No one was more surprised than Naomi to see it literally take off overnight. She received more orders in two days than a weekend at the markets.

Life Lockets is only the first part to the story of Charlie Pop Designs.

It was at this point that Naomi was approached by Ocean Spirit, an aromatherapy based direct sales company who were keen to add her jewellery to their range.

Drawing on her love of natural therapies, Naomi looked for natural ways to supplement her daughters’ therapies. She started hand stamping and making her own Jewellery out of Lava Stone. Naomi found that Lava’s porous nature allows aromatherapy oils to soak in and release slowly with body heat. This was an added advantage for her 4 year old daughter as Naomi was able to use some of the stronger blends. Naomi’s Lava Stone Aromatherapy Jewellery range was launched on Boxing Day 2016. In part this was due to an organiser who was keen to see Naomi’s products on the market.

Page 4

What started initially as selling her jewellery wholesale to this company, Naomi found that she also loved their products and they complemented her existing business. Jumping on board as an Ocean Spirit agent made sense as they are an Australian business with organic, vegan friendly products and supported organic farmers. Naomi was able to purchase the aromatherapy oils she needed for her products and they also had a broad range of skin care and family lifestyle products. Charlie Pop Designs was born as Naomi’s range of products increased combining with Life Lockets and Ocean Spirit.

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Business Feature Customers are able to purchase both Charlie Pop Designs range of Lava Aromatherapy Jewellery and Ocean Spirit products on the website at au. There is also a link on the website to purchase Life Lockets products. “It made sense to combine the three businesses on one website. I love to promote Australian owned and I love the KISS model. Simple and flexible.” Naomi finds that both Life Lockets and Ocean Spirit are great companies that are a pleasure to work with. Owners are accessible with simple and flexible business models. There is no pressure to sign up or schedule in a set number of parties a month. The products almost sell themselves and customers are interested in starting up their own businesses too. Since August 2015, Naomi have signed up 7 affiliates with Life Lockets and 4 agents with Ocean Spirit since January 2016. Less than a year later, Charlie Pop Designs has a loyal customer base with 2,000 Facebook followers. Naomi has her own business incorporating her handmade natural Lava Aromatherapy Jewellery, Ocean Spirit and Life Locket products.

Recently, Naomi also started wholesaling her products to a few stores. Life is looking good and Naomi through her business Charlie Pop Designs, has the freedom to expand her business and there are no limits. “I love the freedom and flexibility to think outside the box and try different things. I have eased the financial pressure off my husband and am able to be around for both my children. I don’t feel a great need to chase down business as I have regular weekly retail orders and wholesale orders.” Choosing a business name is usually difficult for most businesses. The daily inspiration behind Charlie Pop Designs is Naomi’s daughter Charlotte Poppy – her first nickname was Charlie Pop. This is not the end of the Charlie Pop Designs story and we look forward to seeing what the future holds. The journey has just begun…

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Charlie Pop Designs

Unique - Personal - Australian - Hand Made

Lava Stone Aromatherapy Jewellery handmade with complimentary essential oil blend or organic perfume of choice

Therapeutic grade essential oil blends, organic, vegan friendly skin care & lifestyle products for the whole family exclusively made by Ocean Spirit Therapies

Personalised Hand Stamped Sterling silver pendants, floating lockets with over 500 charms to choose from & custom engraved backing plates from Life Lockets Australia

* Flexible easy business opportunities available from

3 Australian made & owned ethical companies that work well with an existing business or by themselves Find out more -



Legal -

Katherine Hawes New Age Legal Solutions

Choose the right business structure One of the first decisions you will make when setting up your business is choosing the right business structure. Getting it right from the outset will set a firm foundation for your business. More importantly, you will have a clear understanding of your taxation, financial, licencing and legal obligations. The structure you choose will depend on the size and type of your business, your personal circumstances and also your plans for future growth. You can always change your structure later if you need to.

Page 6

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Business If you get it right first time - it will save you valuable time, money and also provide you with greater legal protection. Whatever business structure you choose, ensure that you are able to comply with the various legal requirements it carries. Key issues to consider are: Ease and cost of establishment – Consider how much money and time you wish to invest in the business during the start-up phase. Liability of participants – do you want to place your personal assets at risk in the business? Sale/transfer of assets – how easy is it to sell your share in the business? What is the exit strategy, if the partnership does not work?

2. Partnership is a relationship between 2 - 20 persons who carry on business in common with a view to profit. Although not mandatory, it is advised that a partnership agreement is put in writing to ensure that obligations and liabilities of all partners is clear. Remember you are liable for any decisions and debts of the partnership jointly, so if your partner can not pay the debt you may have to pay from your own personal assets. Advantages


Lack of formalities and inexpensive to form

Unlimited Lliability of partners, as partnership (like a sole trader) is not a separate legal entity from its members

Limitations of business life – how much time do you have to devote to the business?

Nature of business can be easily changed by agreement between the partners

Lack of permanence as partners and business synonymous

For partnerships - How well do you know your partners? What are your partner’s financial statuses?

Potential for partners to pool capital and experience

Difficulty in selling one’s interest

Raising capital – do you need plant and equipment?

The three most common business structures in Australia: 1. Sole Trader is the simplest form of business structure to create. It means that the business is owned and operated by just one person with all profits or losses attributed to the owner. Advantages Keeping all the profits

Disadvantages Unlimited Liability - business and private assets of sole trader are at risk if business fails because the business and the sole trader are synonymous)

Ownership and Control of Business

Degree of personal element can make the business difficult to sell

Lack of formality and inexpensive to form

Difficulty in raising large amounts of capital

3. A Company is an incorporated body created by a process called incorporation. Unlike a sole trader and partnership, a company is a separate legal entity to its members. Advantages


Separate legal entity from Cost of establishment and shareholders or members, and ongoing fees those who control its operation Limited liability for members (depending on the type of company)

0nerous reporting and administrative requirements required by law

Perpetual succession – ongoing as it doesn’t depend on its participants

Limited management role for shareholders

Natural person – meaning the company is sued, not you personally

Increasingly onerous legal responsibilities placed on Directors and company officers

Company can now be created with one or more members

Possible loss of control of the company to shareholders

Whatever structure you decide upon, it is advisable to get assistance from a financial or legal expert about your circumstances. Each structure has its own advantages and disadvantages - make sure it is ‘fit for purpose’ for your individual business needs. Also keep in mind that it is important to determine your business structure before you register your business as the steps may differ. WAHP Business Australia

Page 7


Enjoy a break from life’s challenges! New Age Legal Solutions provides client-focused legal packages in the following areas:

✓ Wills and Testamentary Packages ✓ Family Resolution Packages ✓ Retirement Village and care Sessions ✓ Small Business Packages

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Georgina Dawes Style Dot

Founding Australia Bou� que Partner


Page 8

Email: h� p://

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Embrace a Mobile Office


Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Do you have your smartphone, tablet and laptop? Have you uploaded important documents to Dropbox? Got change for a cup of coffee?

Sounds like you're all set - ready to take your office & go mobile What about internet I hear say‌ No problems! It is 2016 and most everyone is connected. Yes – free wifi in cafes, restaurants and popular public spaces. You will find a hotspot almost everywhere, well except off the beaten track.

Mobile Office - 1961

WAHP Business Australia

Mobile Office - Cafe

Mobile Office - Beach

Page 9

Business Running your own business from home can be challenging When things are going well, your family is on board and positive. Everything runs to plan and it feels like a great job. However, on other days it can be an uphill struggle! Despite these challenges, you need to be performing at your best. You need to keep delivering and offer the best products, services and customer experience.

Coaching Yourself for Daily Success Imagine how great it would be to have someone supporting you at work each and every day, particularly on those 'uphill days'. Someone who will listen to what you’re feeling and experiencing without judging you. Someone who will encourage you to find a way forward. Someone who recognizes your strengths and assist you to maximise them. Someone who will equip you to deal with whatever situation you find yourself facing and in turn make your work at home more enjoyable? Sounds good doesn't it?

You can be that person for yourself “Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them” John Whitmore. Self-coaching means you can bring out your own best every single day. Whether for yourself or others, coaching is a powerful technique of listening and questioning. It provides a myriad of benefit on many levels. Coaching improves retention of learning and offers opportunities to discuss what has been learned from an experience or situation and to apply this learning into action. Continue on p12

Stacey Ashley Ashley Coaching & Consulting

Stacey Ashley, PCC, is based in Sydney and is Managing Director of Ashley Coaching & Consulting. As well as working with many of Australia's leading organisation, she also offers a range of accredited coaching programs, both online and face to face.

Page 10

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Business If you’re not making progress with a piece of work or something you need to take action on you could ask yourself:

"What do I already know that might help me with this task/problem?"

WAHP Business Australia

Page 11

Business The next time you find yourself procrastinating, feeling frustrated, annoyed or simply not focusing, try using a simple coaching approach like the GROW model. This model will help you find your own way forward with the problem, challenge or situation.

Goal Reality Options Way Forward

Using a coaching approach, the questions you could ask for each of these steps are as follows:



What would I like to achieve? What is happening now? What options do I have to move just one step forward? What will I actually do?

Simply ask good questions and see what answers you can come up with - Knowing that you do have the answer.

Continued from p10

Page 12

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Business This open style questioning and reflecting allows you to understand the situation and come up with a way forward for yourself. It will create clarity, ownership of any actions to be taken and also a sense of feeling empowered. One of the benefits of coaching is it helps you to respond with a resourceful mindset. One where you can look for options and opportunities. You can see choices and make great decisions for yourself and people around you. This is more proactive than being stuck on what’s too hard or impossible, or focusing on hoping someone or something else will change to make it all better.


If you hear your mind chatter saying something like ‘It’s all too hard’, ask yourself a simple open question such as: ‘How can I make it easier?’ The aim is to have you focus on what you can do, rather than what you can’t. The objective of a reframe is to shift your mindset into a more resourceful one. A mindset that supports you taking ownership of the situation and taking action. You will be more empowered in situations that previously, you have felt a lack of control.

Try these reframing statements: What can I do right now?

So… the next time you start focusing on problems or challenges you are having at work, try to support yourself become more resourceful in solving the problem.

How can I help/change the situation?

You can also try the technique of ' reframing.

How can I change this customer’s experience right now?

What one thing can I finish/change/ start/fix today?

Daily success is just one great question away. Try self-coaching and reap the rewards.

WAHP Business Australia

Page 13

Become a coach and

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Stacey’s online coaching course offers quality and insightful information delivered in a highly convenient way. Feedback and answers to questions are delivered promptly. I have no hesitation recommending this valuable course to those who want to enhance their coaching skills in a convenient and supportive environment. – Tania Schaller, Master Teacher, Department of Education and Training (QLD)

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Network like a Pro

Tips for Face-to-Face Networking It is easy to get caught up in online networking via social media platforms. These are integral to your business marketing plan, but should not be your only networking activity. There is no substitute to networking and meeting people face-to-face. Do you attend networking events as part of a group? It is easy to squander networking opportunities by staying in your comfort zone and talking to friends. Take the plunge and attend events by yourself. It is easier to approach a single person than approach a group. You are likely to make more connections too. Be selective in the types of networking events you attend. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve. Do you want to build collaborative relationships? An industry or like-minded networking event would meet your needs. Do you want to introduce your product to potential customers? You may find a more general networking event business people from all industries would be suitable. Arrive on time or early, this will give you opportunities to meet more people. Although don’t rush your conversations, it is unrealistic to expect to meet all attendees. A productive conversation with one person will be of more benefit than fleeting conversations with ten.

Take the initiative and introduce yourself first. Once this is done, the pressure is off and you can give the other person your full attention. Meet the other person’s eyes, smile warmly and shake their hand. Once you’ve introduced yourself, you can focus more fully on the other person. Show your interest by listening and responding. You will find that most people respond positively to confidence. Make sure you have a supply of business cards to exchange with other networkers. It is also important to follow up within a week of the event. Connect on social media the same day while your shared networking experience is still fresh. Follow up with an ecard, handwritten note, text or phone call. Leave a message letting them know you enjoyed meeting the person. Don’t rely on email alone as it may not make it to the intended inbox – email filters sometimes do too good a job. Connections made at these events can then be continued through phone and social media contact. Networking face-to-face will expand opportunities for your business.

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

WAHP Business Australia

Page 15


We are all introvert on some level depending on the situation. The key to feel empowered is to be organised and know what you want to get from that experience.


Networking Tips for Introverts Jean Sheehan Absolute Empowerment

With a background in nursing, pathology, autopsy knowledge, Jean Sheehan is an award winning and internationally recognised Medical intuitive. Her unique systems for adults and children have been taught at QLD University, within Australian Schools and on a global basis. Jean has also been featured in numerous radio, TV and magazine articles. To find out about Jean and her work, please see Page 16

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Marketing In business we are always required to create new leads and contacts. In theory it sounds easy! If you are like me, a bit of an introvert then it can feel like a daunting task. Even the thought of networking with a group of strangers can be a torturous concept. Introverts often feel they are missing out on opportunities.

1. The easiest way to overcome anxiety and perceived nervousness when networking is by being organised. When we have a plan, set a goal and a vision of what we want - there is a sense empowerment. At each social/business function, make a commitment to leave with one or two new people who may support YOU and meet YOUR personal and or professional goals. Introverts may feel alone and isolated, preventing you from networking. If you set an intention that you want to meet people who will support you, it makes networking more fun and inviting.

1 ll we d r an ls a e l c goa ite d e Wr n defi your ities v for acti g rkin o w net


ou y t ssis and a g to ps orkin ssful ti 3 etw succe n in ding : ips l i h s u b tion a l re

ckly i u q up you w e o l l Fol eop cted p h wit conne e hav

2. Before you attend the network event, create a template email which thanks the people you connected with. Have it ready to email as soon as you return to your office.

our y e Hav s card ines s u b he at t y! read

3 3.

Make sure your business card is easy to read with a photo of you and gives your information. Use both sides of the card. Your business card is your best form of advertising.

For introvert personalities it is important to keep the momentum going by staying in touch with people you have met.

It needs to be clear, something to remember and specific on what you do. With your photo on the business card people will remember you. Ensure to have your cards ready - in your pocket or hand.

Try also connecting on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media.

As an introvert personality it means that you will feel organised and empowered.

WAHP Business Australia

Page 17






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Internationally Recognised & Award Winning Medical Intuitive Page 18

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Network Groups Victoria Thinking Local – an active, supportive referral-based network with a range of business-building guest speakers and lots of good information to share. Connect -

Locations – Upstairs meeting room at Melbourne Property Managers, 347 Riversdale Road, Hawthorne East Every Wednesday 7am to 8.30am Foxtrot Charlie Cafe, Sydney Road, Brunswick Every Thursday 7.45am to 9am The Knox Club Wantirna 7am to 8.30am

Welcome to Buttontopia ­ your Australian supplier of buttons & ribbon. Direct to public & wholesale to businesses around the world.

WAHP Business Australia

Page 19


What is a Balance How you can use it for

Regardless of your business size, there are three basic financial statements that are important for your business. They constitute the core of any business - income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet. Your business Balance Sheet provides you with the clearest picture of your business’ health. Let's introduce you to what a balance sheet is and what it can be used for. What is a Balance Sheet?

You can expect to see items such as cash, accounts receivables (i.e. money owed by customers and suppliers) and notes receivables in this section.

A balance sheet is simply a snapshot of the overall financial health of your business at a given moment in time. It’s divided between two sides representing Long-term or fixed assets on the other hand, refer assets on one hand, and liabilities and shareholder to items such as property, land and equipment or equity on the other. machinery used in your business – the majority of these are depreciated over time. By adding up your Reviewing a balance sheet is the quickest way of current and fixed assets, you’ll arrive at a figure cutting to the chase and getting a clear picture of representing your total assets. where your business stands. Let’s look at its key elements in more detail. You’ll see a similar breakdown on the negative side of your balance sheet with both current/shortWhat are the Key Elements of a Balance Sheet? term liabilities and long-term liabilities and owner equity listed. Current liabilities include items such On the positive side of a balance sheet, you’ll find as accounts payable, notes payable and accrued items divided out across current assets and fixed/ payroll. long-term assets. In this context, current assets refer to anything that can be easily converted to cash Long-term liabilities include items such as mortgage within twelve months. balances beyond the current year, owners’ equity, common stock, and retained earnings. Page 20

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your business

Tracey Daniel Real Business Group

Tracey Daniel and Jane Challinor are the founders of Real Business Group, an organisation which assist entrepreneurs and business owners to reach the next level in their business. To double your sales and profits in the next 90 days, sign up for the free Path to Profit event at:

Now that we know the basic parts of a balance sheet, let’s consider how they can be employed. How can you use the Balance Sheet?

Knowledge, as the old saying goes is power. Once you have a clear picture of both assets and liabilities, you will be in a position to quickly do any or all of the following: • Assess working capital to see if your business may have potential short-term difficulties. • Analyse trends across receivables and payables. • Evaluate the scope of expansion possibilities. • Identify long-term opportunities and threats at a glance. • Compare performance to other businesses across industries. In a nutshell, being able to read a balance sheet will give you the ability to objectively assess your business’ past, present and future performance in a short period of time, with a minimum amount of hassle. WAHP Business Australia

If you haven’t yet tackled it, make this the year you commit to turbo-charging your overall financial literacy by learning to master the basics of balance sheets. It’s a core skill that will stand by you for decades to come! Page 21

Money Attention Business Owners: Would you like to be

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Create a Pricing Strategy that Works It's a numbers game!

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

You know your costs, overheads and ideal profit margin. You also know who your customers are and your market. What if I told you it is just a numbers game? If you could increase sales using psychology as part of your pricing strategies? Large companies know these strategies. They use them every day. You will notice them in supermarkets, large department stores and retailers. Pricing strategies are based on cognition and behaviour. How people process numeric values and why certain prices are more effective than others.

Rounded Pricing – is rounding out the price to whole dollars ($40) and these are easily processed by customers. Non rounded prices ($23.48) require more thought to process as the numbers don’t flow as fluently. Researchers have found that both pricing models work, but for different customer-product relationships.

Charm Pricing – for decades, consumers have been inundated with this strategy. Have you For emotional purchases where the product is ‘must noticed that most prices end in 9, 99 or 95? Which have it now’ producing an emotional response, rounding the prices to whole dollars works better. of these prices appear cheaper? The customer is able process the price quickly and it “just feels right”. On the opposite scale are purchases that require a decision making process (benefits vs cost). Rational purchases are more suited to non-rounded prices.

Surprisingly, it is not the 99 cents that is influencing customers. Who cares if a price is reduced by one cent? Would the lower price here influence you in If your purchase is based on emotion, then leave purchasing a product? out the cents.

tt is all about the left digit. Our brain encodes numeric values far quicker than our consciousness. Our eyes encounter the digit 3 and we become If your purchase is based on rationale, then add some cents. anchored on that left digit. It becomes more significant than the $4.00. You can take it a step further to emphasize the new base digit by reducing the cents like this.

WAHP Business Australia

There is a long list of pricing strategies that large companies use to influence customers purchasing, we will continue bringing you more of these in upcoming issues. Test them out and find out what works best for your business. Page 23


Scammers target

Watch out Australian small businesses, scammers have you in their sights. Data released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission shows that over $2.2M was scammed out of small businesses over the last six months. Scammers know that you are busy. They know that small businesses may not have the resources of large companies. Scams are big business. False Billing – a request by phone or email to pay fake invoices. Using falsified documents, scammers pretend to be from a legitimate business. • Fake directories or advertising • Domain name renewals • Payment redirection Overpayment – In this scam, a scammer will send you a cheque in payment for services or goods that is greater than the agreed price. Before the cheque can be cleared, the scammer will contact you apologising for the overpayment. You will be asked for a refund, usually as a wire transfer to Western Union, before you discover the cheque has bounced. Malware & Ransomware – scammers deliver links via emails, social media, websites and popups offering a great deal, something of interest and even free downloads. Malware - installs software on your computer or mobile device that allows scammers to access your files and watch what you do on your computer. The ultimate aim of scammers is to steal your personal details and use them for fraudulent activities – credit card purchases, opening accounts (banking, telephone or loans). Ransomware – this type of software blocks or limits your access to your computer and files. To unlock and regain access, the scammer will demand a ransom. Unfortunately, paying the ransom does not guarantee your computer will be unlocked. This could lead to ongoing extortion and threats. Page 24

Whaling & Spear Phishing – targeting businesses to obtain confidential information. Recently this scam has also been dubbed the CEO scam. A senior employee will receive supposedly from the business owner. It may ask to clarify information like banking details or in the recent case of Snapchat – employee personal information. Read the blog post from Snapchat - Links Scam Watch - Australian Competition & Consumer Competition (Small Business Scams pdf) - ASIC -

Australia Post has warned that there is a new email scam circulating that could leave their computers vulnerable to ransomware. The email appears to come from Australia Post and advises people that a package has arrived for them at a local Australia Post store. The email directs people to download and print the attached shipping information. The download link contains ransomware known as 'Locky'. Once the ransomware has downloaded, users are prevented from accessing their files until a ransom fee has been paid.

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Small Business


Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Protect your Business Type

$ - Lost

False Billing: 2016 107,805 2015 616,239 2014 509,605 Over Payment 38,579 2016 2015 179,112 2014 1,521,374 Malware/Ransomware 2016 26,402 388,167 2015 727,044 2014 Online Shopping 205,833 2016 1,458,858 2015 2014 2,134,246 Whaling/Spear Phishing NO DATA

Highest Jan Mar/Aug Jan Feb Dec July Feb Feb/Dec Aug Feb Sept Apr/Oct

Online Shopping Scams – pretending to be legitimate online sellers or businesses, scammers set up fake websites, emails and social media. Over the past week I have spoken with two small businesses who have discovered their business has been victim to this scam. Each have found fake websites using their logos and image/products from the genuine website. The website contact point goes to a fake Gmail account and in one case the fake website is sitting in prime position on page 1 in google search. The fake business details have been submitted to numerous online business directories. Long-term, the hijacking of this business’ identity could adversely affect the brand and its future. Potential customers going to the fake website, business lost and potentially could lead to bad reviews and loss of confidence in the genuine business. So… what can you do? WAHP Business Australia

1. Keep software updated, since updates often include security patches. 2. Educate all staff regarding the risks and how to protect themselves and the business. 3. Demand strong passwords for all applications, not just key applications like banking or invoicing. 4. Use up-to-date security solutions including antivirus, firewalls, intrusion detection and threat detection. 5. Never click on links to banking sites in emails or texts. If in doubt, call the bank directly. 6. Treat mobile devices the same way you would treat computers - they are equally if not more vulnerable to attack. 7. Ensure your files are backed up regularly and reliably. 8. Get professional, external advice to improve your security posture, and conduct a risk assessment. 9. Limit how many people have authority to buy or order something for your business. 10.Keep your filing and accounting systems well organised—this will make it easier for you to detect bogus accounts and invoices. Double check every request for payment. 11. If you notice a supplier’s usual bank account details have changed, call them to confirm. 12. Don't let tactics like bullying, negotiations for a lower price, or charges for unordered or unused goods affect your decision.

If you think a request is suspicious, independently check business details and do a search online. Page 25


Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Key Elements of a Successful Website Your website is your business’ digital home. It will be open for business 24/7, even while you sleep. Thanks to the internet, your business website is reaching out to all corners of the globe. Make a good first impression.

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Your website is the front door to your business. So make it shine!

It only takes one click for a potential customer to leave your website. You don’t want that! We live in a visual world, so it is important that your website looks good. Don’t crowd too much information and elements together – a cluttered website is confusing to sift through. Use White Space to define and separate elements of your web page. It will draw potential customers in and they will be more likely to stick around. A website full of only text will turn most people away quickly. Break up blocks of text with enticing images and graphics. These will draw the eyes first, then your visitor will continue on to read that all important text. High quality images are a must-have. Avoid downloading images from a google search, you could be infringing on someone’s copyright. It is better to have original images that make your website stand out from the rest. Spend a little on a good graphic designer or photographer. Types of images you can use? You want quality, but not at the expense of your website taking forever to load. SVG images are quick loading, but don’t sacrifice quality. PNG images also are higher quality.

WAHP Business Australia

Visitors to your website want information, and they want it NOW! Potential customers want to know the answers to 3 important questions. Who are you? What do you do? What benefit or value do you offer. All this information should be on your main page. Contact information should be readily available. Include your phone, email and social media links. You want your visitors to see them straight away. Put them at the very top of your page in a bar across the top. Put your contact details in the footer. You can also include a small contact form in the footer to make it easy to contact you. Your potential client has found your website. What should they do now? Create a clear Callto-Action – Call Me, Shop Now, Buy Now, Sign

Up, Contact us. Besides your main home page, the About Us page is also important. Where do you go to find out more about a business? Yes, the

About Us page! This page should be kept up to date. Create engaging content that keeps your visitor interested and wanting to take the next step.

Remember, your website is often your first point of contact. Make it count!

Page 27

Technology Video Teleprompter

Cost – Free (Premium - $7.99) Available – IOS

– record video while reading your script

Video Teleprompter streamlines professional video creation. You can record video and read your script at the same time. Your script automatically scrolls in clear, bright type on the display at the side of the video panel. This means when you read your script, you are looking straight at the camera, rather than off-camera. You are in control - adjust the font size and scrolling speed to suit you. Another feature is the countdown timer – set the time up to 30 seconds.

Apps in Review Pocket – browse, store and read it later Cost – free (Premium - $4.99/month or $44.99/ year) Available – Android and IOS Pocket is a handy organiser to save links to read later. Put articles, videos or pretty much anything into Pocket. You can save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite. View when you are ready. If it's in Pocket, it's on your phone, tablet or computer. You don't even need an Internet connection view at a later date. Page 28

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Technology Humin – your digital assistant

Cost – Free Available – Android and IOS

Humin is an app that remembers all the tiny details about how and where you met someone. Ideal for business contacts and to refresh your memory. You can focus on the meeting instead of remembering all the tiny details. All you need is a person’s number and Humin will do the rest. You can easily search through your contact using familiar phrases like 'met last week' or 'lives in Sydney.'

VideoSlam – create video snap-

shots Cost – Free (with in-app purchases) Available – IOS

VideoSlam lets you combine various photos and videos into a fast-moving summary of a point in time. It also organizes your past footage for easy access into sections - “Last Hour,” “24 Hours,” “Today,” “Yesterday,” “Last 7 Days,” “This Month,” “Last Month” and so on. You can quickly assemble a video of your moments with little effort. The app has a remind feature to film by setting an alarm –useful if you’re doing a larger compilation.

WAHP Business Australia

Page 29


When does your Hobby become a Business? Many creative businesses start off as hobbies. Sewing clothes for your own children, making jewellery, scrapbooking and card making, propagating and growing your own plants, the list goes on. Every hobby has the potential to be a successful business. A hobby is any regular activity or interest that is done for pleasure, typically, during one's leisure time. By definition, if you are selling the product of your hobby, you then have the intention of being a business. Intention and if you are going about your activity or interest in a business-like manner is what defines ‘running a business’.

If you have just discovered you are running a business and not just enjoying a hobby, you have two options. Option 1 - take a few steps back and just enjoy your hobby, you don’t want the hassles of running a business.

Option 2 - Get organised, you have a business on the road to becoming successful. Register A hobby is where the main return is enjoyment a business name, ABN and Tax File Number. and not making an income or profit. You might Open a bank account in your business’ name be making pretty hair accessories for your and maybe a Website too. children, family and friends. Yes you sell them, but there is no organisation. You make one and Did you choose Option 2? sell it ad hoc to a person you know well. Let’s take a closer look


Your hobby becomes a business when you get organised. Maybe you have an ebay or other I know you are starting to think ‘GST’. Not to online store, selling via your Facebook Page or worry. If you are just starting out, you don’t at Markets. You have the intention to make an need to be registered for GST. Only businesses income or a profit. over a specific income/profit threshold need to worry about GST unless your customers are Yikes… I am a Business! Council or Government. Once your business grows and becomes successful, you may need to revisit the GST issue, but your Accountant will be able to advise you best. Welcome to the world of small business!

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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Home Dreaming of a 15-second commute to work? Dreaming of a quiet place, where you can shut out the household noise and catch up on your paperwork? A home office is the answer…

Working from home can be interesting at times, especially with babies or young toddlers. It can be done, but your work schedule may need some flexibility to adapt to family demands. Setting a few rules for yourself is a good idea - take a break every hour; stretching exercises are great to work out any kinks; take your children out for a play in the garden or walk to the park.

To make your home office work for you, in needs to be set up right and in a way that works for you. In a perfect world, the ideal solution is a separate room with a door to shut out any distractions. We wish…  There is a host of gadgets, services and strategies available that can help your business run smoothly At the minimum, you need to set aside a special and professionally. A desktop computer might space for your office. Location is everything, so seem ideal and is much easier to upgrade, a laptop pick a spot that has limited distractions like TV or will give you much more autonomy especially if games. You know the saying… kids will be kids, and you visit clients. this often means noise. Another good investment is an external hard drive. Comfort is very important, especially if you will It Is always a good idea to keep a backup of your spend a lot of time in this space. This could mean important files. shopping for that perfect office chair (check if it is ergonomic); selecting a desk with a good height Internet is the must-have to run a business proportion to your chair; relaxing background anywhere. If you are lucky enough to have NBN, music to name a few. you are enjoying wonderful fast speeds. It is a good idea to have a wi-fi network setup. Each member This is your office space, so you know what will of your family is able to access the internet at the make you feel comfortable and able to work same time - kids for homework and you for your effectively. Basic essentials you will need are a business. desk, office chair and filing cabinet. You might also find it handy for your office space to have a The battle for whose turn to use the internet is a whiteboard within easy reach. frustration and headache you don’t need. Set yourself a work schedule, after all, you are a work at home parent and all that entails - young children, school pickup/drop-off, shopping, housework, chauffeuring the kids to sport events… the list goes on. You might find that evenings or early mornings are your ideal ‘home office’ scheduled times. The beauty of working from home is that you can set your office hours.

Working from home and operating a small business is very attractive. With all the technology available today, you can easily keep in contact with your clients. Knowing what you want to achieve in your home office is the first step in planning layout and all other features. Once setup, you will have a comfortable work environment with everything at your fingertips.

A Quiet Place to Work your home office WAHP Business Australia

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Slow Roast Greek Lamb Preparation Time: 15 minutes Serves: 10

Ingredients 2kgs Leg of Lamb 8 sprigs fresh Rosemary 8 cloves Garlic - sliced 1 Lemon - zest and juice 1/4 cup Honey 2 brown Onions - sliced

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cooking Time: 9 hours

Now... Create your Pizza Briefly kneed pizza dough then with heal of hand at the size of pizza pan.

Brush pizza base with your choice of pizza sauce. T tomato and bbq sauce.

Spread grated cheese over the pizza base (Mozzare cheese slices) Now just add your choice of toppings.

Top off with some more grated cheese and pizza sauc Bake for 15 minutes in oven at 180-200 degrees.

Place lamb on foil (enough to fully wrap later) Make cuts in lam b and insert slivers of garlic. Combine the rest of ingredients and cover the lamb. Then wrap the lamb in foil. Place balls of foil in bottom of slow cooker and rest the foil wrapped lamb on top. Cook in Slow Cooker for 9 hours (will vary depending on your cooker) Pour off liquid and remove any oil in saucepan. Boil rapidly and reduce. Adjust falvour - add wine, salt, pepper, extra honey or mint. Thicken with cornflower mixed with water if needed. Pour gravy over the leg, garnish and serve

WAHP Business Australia

Page 33


Baby Potato Salad with Honey, Mint and Mustard Dressing Ingredients


Boil potatoes whole until just tender, then drain.


Combine herbs, spring onions, honey and mustard in a food processor. Once combined drizzle oil over and gently combine.

1 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard 1/2 cup Olive Oil


Season well with sea salt and black pepper.

Sea Salt & Black Pepper


Combine well with potatoes.Serve hot or cold

2kg Baby Potato 1 cup fresh Mint 1 cup fresh Parsley 2 Spring Onions - thin sliced 2 tbsp Honey

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Rocket and Parmesan Salad Ingredients 3 tbsp Olive Oil 2tbsp Balsamic Vinegar 1 clove Garlic - crushed 1 tsp Brown Sugar 200g Baby Rocket leaves 75g Parmesan Cheese - shaved

WAHP Business Australia


Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic and brown sugar in salad bowl.

2 3 4

Place baby rocket in bowl and toss through the dressing. Add parmesan Cheese. Serve

Page 35

Easter Good Friday Recipes

1 2 3 4 5

Zucchini Slice

Prawn Linguine

Family favourite for picnics and school lunches

Quick and Easy to make. Can substitute with chicken or seafood mix.



1 Onion - grated 1 zucchini - grated 4 Egg 1/2 cup Plain Flour 300g light Evaporated Milk 1tbsp Sour Cream 1 cup Cheese - grated (half cheddar/half parmesan) 3 bacon rashers - trimmed/ diced 1tsp garlic - crushed Salt and Pepper to taste

750g cooked Prawns - peeled and deveined 120g Butter 2 cloves Garlic - minced 250ml Thickened Cream 1/2 bunch Parsley - chopped 1/2 cup fresh Basil - chopped 100g Parmesan Cheese - grated 1 pk linguine (500g) Salt and Pepper to taste

Lightly beat eggs and milk. Squeeze juice out of grated onion and zucchini. Add to egg mix. Cook diced bacon and add to egg mix with remaining ingredients. Mix well and ensure flour is evenly mixed. Pour into a slice tin lined with baking paper. Cook in a moderate oven until set in middle. (40 minutes approx)

Page 36

1 Cook paste in boiling salted water until al 2 3 4


dente (9-11 minutes) Melt butter in frying pan, add garlic and saute briefly. Add cream, just heating to boiling and stir frequently. Lower heat and stir in prawns, parsley, basil and thyme. Cook until prawns are just heated through, then remoe sauce from heat. Drain pasta and toss lightly in sauce. Add cheese, salt and pepper - toss again. Serve immediately Published by Goodnight Publishing

Easter Good Friday Recipes

Fish or Chicken Batter

Vegetarian Risotto

Delicious as a Main or side-dish with Chicken Add vegetables of your choice

Serve with Chips or Salad



1 tbsp Olive Oil + 20g Butter 1 brown Onion - finely chopped 3 medium Zucchini - chopped 250g cherry tomatoes 2 carrots - finely chopped 1 yellow Capsicum - chopped 1/4 cup frozen peas and corn 2 cups Arborio Rice 1/4 cup White Wine (optional) 4 cups Vegetable or ChickenStock 1/3 cup Parmesan Cheese - grated Salt and Pepper to taste

1 cup Plain Flour 1 tsp Baking Powder 1/2 tsp Salt 1/2 cup Milk 1/2 cup Water 1 Mix flour, baking powder and salt together. 2 Add milk and water slowly, beat until batter

is smooth.

to drain.

3 Dip fish or chicken into batter. Allow excess 4 Deep fry until golden brown.

1 Put vegetable or chicken stock in pot on



Add freshly cracked black pepper or lemon pepper to dry ingredients to give it a little extra zing.


Try this batter with onion rings - add garlic and onion salt to dry ingredients.


Fish with Tartare Sauce and Chips Chicken with Sweet Chilli Sauce and Wedges. WAHP Business Australia

4 5 6

stove, leave to simmer until needed. Heat oil and butter in pan, fry onion on medium heat for 5 minutes. Add vegetables and cook for 3-5 minutes Add rice, stir until rice is transparent. Add wine. Add one ladle of liquid stock (hot). Stir well, cover and cook on low heat for several minutes. Continue Step 4 until all stock is used and rice is cooked. (20-30 minutes) Stir in parmesan cheese and seasoning

Page 37


Passionfruit Slice Ingredients 1 cup Self-Raising Flour 1 cup Coconut 1/2 cup Sugar 125g Butter - melted Topping 395g Condensed Milk 3 Passionfruit 2 Lemon - juiced

Page 38

1 2 3 4 5

Melt butter and add flour, coconut and sugar. Mix well and press into pan. Bake for 15 minutes on 180c - Cool Topping - Combine all ingredients and pour over base. Bake in a slow oven for 10 minutes.

Published by Goodnight Publishing


Swedish Apple Dessert Ingredients 1kg Apples - cooked/puree 1 Lemon 100g Caster Sugar 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Sugar 100g Butter 225g Dried Breadcrumbs 1tbsp Icing Sugar 1/2 cup Toasted Almonds

WAHP Business Australia


Peel, core and slice apples. Cook apples in a covered saucepan with 6 tablespoons of water.


When apples are soft, add grated rind of one lemon, 4 tbsp of lemon juice, sugar and sinnamon. Beat apple mixture well to puree apples.


Melt butter in saucepan, stir in breadcrumbs until butter is completely absorbed.

4 5

Grease and line bottom of 15-18cm cake tin. Press 1/3 of breadcrumb mixture in base of tin, add half of apple mixture. Add another layer 1/2 of breadcrumbs and then add remaining apple.


Finish with a layer of remaining breadcrumbs on top.


Bake for 30 minutes at 180c. Cool in cake tin before removing.


Once cooled, sift icing sugar on top and decorate with toasted almonds. Page 39

Product Catalogue

Oz-tralian Signature Animals

Signature Cocky A unique Australian made Signature Cocky. Perfect for birthdays, graduations, retirements, weddings. Make any occasion memorable by using one of my Signature Animals. Price: $25.00 plus P/H of $7.50. Purchase -

Charlie Pop Designs

Funky Tourmaline & Lava Stone Aromatherapy Necklace Funky Tourmaline & Lava Stone Aromatherapy necklace on adjustable leather. Comes with complimentary therapeutic blend of choice, instructions & a Jewellery bag of natural fibres. Special: $20.00 Be Quick. Purchase - lifelocketspersonalisedjewelry

Charlie Pop Designs

Large Silver Floral Lava Aromatherapy Pendant Small Pewter Circular Pendant Silver Floral Lava Aromatherapy pendant $35 Small Pewter Circular Pendant $30 Both come on 30 inch silver chains with complimentary blend & Jewellery bag with instructions. Purchase - Page 40

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Product Catalogue

Loulala Boutique

Vintage Elizabeth Pinafore This stunning pinafore is perfect for all seasons, it can be worn with a blouse in the warmer months, and layered during the cooler months. This beauty has serious WOW factor. Pattern by Handmaidens cottage and Created by Loulala Boutique We offer this item as made to order in your choice of fabric, embellishments Sizes 2-4 for $45 Sizes 5-8 for $50 Plus $8 tracked postage. Purchase and send a private message

SteppinOut Kiddie Shoes

Check out the Beautiful range of soft Leather walker and pre-walkers in-store now! Priced from only $19.90 to $27.90 + $8 nationwide postage. Purchase at

WAHP Business Australia

Page 41

Product Catalogue Charlie Pop Designs

White Jade & Lava Aromatherapy Bracelet Comes with complimentary blend in a natural fibre Jewellery bag with instructions. Price: $32 Purchase at -

Georgina Dawes Style Dots

Flourish necklace Multi-strand cord with falling leaf design, inset with crystals. 43.2cm with 7.6cm extender Price - $54.95 Purchase at -

Georgina Dawes Style Dots

Style Dots has over 200 12mm Dot and 20 30mm to chose from that you can then snap into your favourite foundation piece. 12mm Dots $12.50 30mm Dots $22.50 Purchase at -

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Page 43

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