WAHP Business Australia Summer 2014

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What insurances do you have in place?

Protect your Business Are you under-insured?

Put your best Business foot forward

Power of Written Word


Is your business on track?

10 Most Common Business Mistakes

WA H P Bu s i ne s s AUSTRALIA

2015 WAHP Business Awards

Summer 2014

Nominate your favourite Australian WAHP Business


Plan Ahead

Business Management Skills for your Business


Apps in Review

Use technology to help your business

Summer Giveaway 10 prizes up for Grabs


S.A. Market Bags Promoting Your Business for YOU

“Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents�

WAHP Business Australia

Financial Protect your Business Do you have adequate insurance to protect your business? Fringe Benefits Tax - How will it affect your business?


Social Media Power of the Writen Word Why use Google Plus for your business.


Interview SA Market Bags - assisting South Australian WAHP businesses to promote their businesses


Gadgets Apps in Review - Use technology to help your business.



WAHP Businesses Product Catalogue ShowcaseJust a sample of the delightful products by Australian WAHP businesses



Showcasing Work At Home Parents

Competitions Summer Giveaway 10 prizes from 10 amazing WAHP Businesses


2015 WAHP Business Awards Nominate your favourite WAHP Business


Business Plan Ahead - Business Management Skills for your Business


Don’t be that Business Customer Service Standards


Start your own Business 22 Business Startup Ideas to get you started


10 Most Common Business Mistakes Is your business on track?


Red Borders WAHP Business Australia Published by Goodnight Publishing Editor: Helen Dayman Website: www.wahpbusiness.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/wahpp Email: wahpbusiness@gmail.com WAHP Business Australia is an online magazine supporting Work at Home Parents and their businesses. Join us for networking with fellow Australian WAHP Businesses on our Facebook page. Check back regularly on our website for more exciting developments. Are you an expert on business management, financial or social media? We welcome article submissions to our magazine and website. Interested in promoting your business? Send us an email and ask about our advertising packages.

Summer Giveaway From 1st December 2014 to 15th January, 2015

10 Prizes up for Grabs Get your Entry - www.wahpbusiness.com.au/giveaway


Protect Your Business Do you have adequate insurance to protect your business?

Cyber Insurance for Small business Don’t get caught out by a hack attack.

The majority of small home based businesses are operated online. Their online presence may be via a website, online store, blog, Ebay and social media.

Home-based businesses make up a large percentage of the Australian Small Business community. Did you know that there are nearly one million people just like you, running their business from home? There are so many advantages to working from home - flexibility, convenience, opportunity to turn a hobby into a business, spend more time with family… I am sure you can add any more to this list. From day one of starting your business, your driving force has been to grow your business and to be successful. Did you now that the bigger your business grows, the more risk you and your business are exposed to? The decision to obtain insurance is about identifying and understanding the risks to your business.

What is Risk? We encounter risks in our daily lives from the moment you get up in the morning. Risks you are exposed to vary in degree from low to high risks. Slipping in the shower, burning yourself while cooking breakfast or a car accident on the way to work. Defining the exact nature of a risk varies on the type of business and other factors. In some cases the emphasis might be on the probability of a risk or event occurring and possible consequences. For small business, a risk or event may have a negative impact on your business with the risk of losing customers or money.

Online businesses have subscriber lists for email newsletters; they receive and process payments online; and they receive and are responsible for their customers’ personal information. Many small businesses don’t have the financial funds to spend big $$ on site security leaving them vulnerable to cyber-attack. A cyber-attack on your business could cost you customers. Studies have shown that 85% Australians would not stay with a business who suffered a data breach. Cyber Insurance covers your business in case of a breach or cyber-attack.

A risk can be broken down into two components - a) Uncertainty of potential outcomes; and b) Outcomes have to matter either financially or impact on your business.

Showcasing Work at Home Parents


Protect your Business Risk -vs- Reward There is always a relationship between Risk and Reward. To expand and grow your business, you need to be willing to expose yourself and your business to risks.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook)

Assets and Revenue - fire and burglary, glass breakage, perishable food, machinery breakdown, damage to goods, fidelity guarantee (employee dishonesty), loss of money, motor vehicle, product recall, business interruption, income protection, loss of profit, weather and more.

For your business, it is important to decide how much risk to take and what risks are critical to the success of your business. Insurance cover can mitigate these risks. Insurance protects your business against unforseen events - loss of business, loss or damage to assets, loss of revenue, legal claims and even injury to employees or customers. Being uninsured or

Insurance for your business can be divided into three categories assets and revenue; liability; and employees.

Liability - public liability; professional indemnity; product liability and specialised market/ fair insurance.

even under-insured leaves your business vulnerable to major losses which could cause its closure.

Apply sufficient funds to cover insurance premiums in your business budget is effective risk management.

Employees - firstly, workers compensation (compulsory); sole traders (not covered by workers compensation); and personal accident, illness or disability.

Time to Arrange your Insurance Once you have identified risks to your business, it is time to start shopping around for the policy that meets all your needs. Ask for quotes from different insurance companies, checking what is covered and those risks that are extra. You might find that you will use a couple insurance companies to get the broadest coverage, or one may be able to package all insurances under one policy. Don’t operate insurance.



WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014


Ask for a Cover Note to protect you and your business from a specific date - this can be done over the phone and cover in place immediately. Insurance policies are usually renewed annually, most occur automatically. Pop your renewal dates into your diary and reassess your insurance needs before this date. Your risks or assets may have increased or decreased over the past 12 months.


Power of Written Word Put your best Business foot forward With the increasing influence of technology, the written word is more powerful than ever. Sadly, that power doesn’t always pack a punch. Businesses suffer from not knowing how to best engage their audience. There is a basic rule when it comes to writing for your business - ‘put your best foot forward at all times’. The internet doesn’t sleep. You may be wondering how you do that with limited resources – but the answer is simple. Three pronged, but simple. Don’t Misspell Words (or use the wrong word).

I know it sounds obvious; although with the reliance on the red squiggly line in Microsoft products, many people are no longer able to tell the difference between your and you’re! It’s not a bad thing to own a dictionary and a thesaurus and to keep them on

Kira Duff

your desk for easy access and regular use. Your thesaurus can not only expand your vocabulary, but it will allow you to repeat your message without sounding like you’re repeating yourself.

Read aloud before you post or print If you read something aloud you will read what is actually written, not what your mind wants or thinks is written. Don’t worry about looking silly in the office, better there than somewhere your customers can see. When you’re silently reading something you have written, your brain will allow you to read what you intended to write. Also, by reading aloud you will hear if your work makes sense and flows. The most important step is the one that will affect you most long term.

Think before you Post This one I have said a lot to business people. Once a post goes live on the internet or into print you cannot get it back. You need to ensure that your piece of work, opinion and style reflects what you want to be known for. Do you want to be known for the dirty joke or for quality service? People will not quickly forget a mistake, even if it was meant to be funny. Just remember, some things are best kept between friends and not your business network. Your voice in print or on the internet will be the first thing potential customers see of you and your business. As a business owner, you have the power to decide how you and your business appear in writing. Don’t let yourself down; polish your words like you would your shoes for a first meeting.

Showcasing Work at Home Parents



with Erin Lang - SA Market Bags Helen Dayman

It was wonderful catching up with Erin Lang for a chat about her business SA Market Bags. Erin is one vey busy lady dividing her time between her family, and her other business (Ezza’s Inner Child Creations). You have also chatted with Erin in her role as admin on our networking Facebook page on Monday daytime and Friday nights each week.

Helen Dayman: How long have you been operating SA Market Bags? Erin Lang: SA Market Bags has been operating since 2011. I was very excited to have the opportunity to purchase the business in July 2014.

Helen Dayman: Can you tell us a little bit about SA Market Bags? Erin Lang: SA Market Bags is about bringing small business and communities together. It is wonderful to see communities and small business supporting each other. We promote businesses in our bags. The Market Bags are given out at events and markets that choose to use our service. At SA Market Bags ‘We do the work for you’ and assist in promoting your business both online and offline.

Helen Dayman: What materials are the bags made out of? Erin Lang: The bags are made out of paper, which are recyclable.

Helen Dayman: What types of items can businesses put in the Market Bags? Erin Lang: Many different types of items go into the bags ranging from peoples product samples, flyers, vouchers or other promotional goodies. It’s a good idea to make the item useful or fun so that you of course grab people’s attention when they are going through the bag.

Helen Dayman: Which markets do your Market Bags go to? Erin Lang: Various markets around Adelaide use our service and these are located in all different suburbs and also include the Adelaide Hills. Businesses can find our current Market schedule on our website.

Helen Dayman: Will you be taking on more markets? How can markets get involved? Erin Lang: We are happy to take on new markets around South Australia and work with the market and event organisers to give a little something extra to the first 100 or so through the door. Market organisers can contact us via our website and we cater to markets of all sizes. We do ask market organisers to book their markets at least 6 weeks before their date.

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014

Interview - SA Market Bags

Upcoming Markets 14th December 2014 Once Upon a Market Noarlunga Market Bags - 50 Bookings Close - 5th December Materials Deadline - 8th December Cost - $10 12 - 14 December 2014 Hahndorf Christkindlmarkt Cnr Main St & Auricht Rd, Hahndorf Market Bags - 100 Bookings Close - 5th December Materials Deadline - 8th December Cost - $15

Helen Dayman: How does it work and how does a business promote in SA Market Bags? Erin Lang: A Market or event organiser will register their event with SA Market Bags. The Market will then be advertised on the website and facebook page advising businesses that it is open for bookings. Businesses will book via the website. The booking process is simple. Simply add the market that you would like to participate in to your cart and then checkout. Payments are taken via our website using PayPal or credit card.

Helen Dayman: Is SA Market Bags only in South Australia? Erin Lang: At the moment SA Market Bags is run purely in South Australia but we have received enquiries asking us to expand into other states. We will be looking at this in 2015. We are constantly building a fantastic network, so it looks like some exciting new opportunities will present themselves coming into the New Year.

17th January 2015 Market Day SA The Denison Centre, Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes Market Bags - 100 Bookings Cose - 9th January Materials Deadline - 12th January Cost - $15 8th February 2015 Market Republic 69 Briar Road, Felixstow Market Bags - 100 Bookings Close - 30th January Materials Deadline - 2nd February Cost - $15 15th February 2015 Lollipop Markets Morphettviille Racecourse Market Bags - 200 Bookings Close - 6th February Materials Deadline - 9th February Cost - $25 Website: www.samarketbags.com

Showcasing Work at Home Parents



Plan Ahead:

Business Management Skills for your Business Starting a new business or looking to expand your growing business, you need to take a close look at your existing skill sets. Updating your skills and additional training might be an option. Working in your business and running your business require different skill sets. Business Management Skills are essential to run a successful business. Identify the skills that you and your staff already have. Know there strengths and weaknesses. If you identify a skill shortage there are a few options available - up-skill and train existing staff; recruit new staff or outsource specific tasks. Skills that you and your staff have should include the ability to communicate effectively, manage people and knowing what is best for your business - especially at challenging times.

Products • Excellent customer services leads to satisfied customers that in turn leads to higher profits and of course referrals to other potential customers. • Market and sell your products by targeting your potential customers with a marketing plan that outlines your product/service prices and sales strategies.

Let’s take a look at the skills you need to run a successful business: Manage your Business • Effectively manage your finances and cash flow, prepare financial documents and records. • Manage your staff to improve your employees’ productivity and job satisfaction, while ensuring a safe workplace. • Lead your team using your organisational, problemsolving and decision-making skills. Allocate time to mentor and coach your staff. • Organise, plan, schedule and prioritise your projects to ensure tasks are completed and delivered to your customers on time.

Build Relationships • Communication (written and verbal) builds good working relationships with your staff, suppliers and customers. • Networking is effective to identify potential customers and other opportunities for your business.

Comply with Legal Requirements Be aware of your: • business rights and responsibilities, • obligations and • legal requirements in running a business at both State and National level. Sell

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014





Plan Ahead: Business Management Skills


It is important to identify the skills that you and your staff already have. Equally important is to identify those skills that are not available for your business. Use this handy Skills Checklist. If you answer ‘No’ to any, you have identified a gap in your business’ skill sets.

Y/N Entrepreneural Skills

Business Management Skills Can you delegate tasks effectively?

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

Do you have problem solving and decision making experience?

Do set backs motivate you to try harder?

Do you know how to maintain and control stock levels?

Do set backs cause you to become frustrated and give up?

Do you have experience coordinating and planning important tasks and projects?

Can you turn your ideas into a business?

Do you have good time management skills?

Do you know how to evaluate your business idea?

Do you know how to negotiate successfully?

Can you find new customers?

Y/N Sales and Marketing Skills

Financial Skills Are you familiar with profit planning, financial forecasting, cash flow management and budgeting?

Can you analyse your competitors and your customers?

Do you know how to manage Payroll? Pay Superannuation?

Do you know how to research the market, test your product and advertise your product?

Can you cost your supplies, overheads and labour to price your products or services effectively?

Are you familiar with different marketing channels?

Can you manage purchasing for your business?

Do you know the best way to promote and sell your product or service?

Do you know how to manage debtors and creditors?

Do you have strong written and presentation skills?

Do you have bookkeeping skills?

Interpersonal Skills

Do you know your requirements for tax, goods and services tax (GST) and business activity statements (BAS)?

Can you lead, train, supervise, motivate and mentor employees? Do you know how to communicate and negotiate with employees and customers? Are you familiar with requirements for staffing and human resources?

Training Solution Certificate III, IV or Diploma in Business Management

Showcasing Work at Home Parents





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Showcasing Work at Home Parents


Don’t be THAT Business:

Shine with outstanding Customer Service Standards Anna Holdsworth Customer service standards are a common topic amongst small business owners, but what do they really mean? How will they transform your business? Customer service standards are delivery targets for your business. It is a commitment that you offer your customers, your staff and your suppliers. More importantly, it is about committing to your brand. Customer service standards are important because they are a method of holding your business accountable for the services it provides. It helps consumers and your employees understand what type of services and products to expect from your business. Customer Service Standards are an effective and essential management tool for your business. For a successful business, you need happy and satisfied customers.

Don’t be that Business - Customer Service Standards Having strong customer service standards will lead to an increase in client satisfaction. Your business public perception will become more positive and overall performance of your business will benefit. When dealing with customer service standards it is important to ensure that any changes that you implement are individualized to your business. Ideas that may work for some businesses might not work for others. The goal is to create meaningful, appropriate and measurable customer service standards that your business can meet - more importantly, standards that are appropriate to your brand. Be sure to consider the number of clients that you currently deal with and the way they purchase goods from your business. It is important to analyze how you and your staff interact with customers. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes - try to objectively experience the sale from their point of view.


Customer Service Standards Here are a few tips to develop your customer service standards:: Ask your customers and staff how your business can improve Customers and staff each offer a unique and different perspective on your business. They can often see changes that need to be implemented before you do. Both your customers and staff work closely with the product and point of sale systems, encountering any problems firsthand. Ask their opinions on how to improve your business. Study other similar-type businesses Learn from the mistakes of others instead of repeating them. Find out how how other businesses have dealt with similar situations. How have they expanded their business? What service standards do they provide? Model your business structure on a business that is successfully implementing good customer service standards and avoid any future pitfalls.

Develop a mission statement Mission statements aren’t just for fun. They give your brand and your staff direction. Mission statements are a short sentence about what your business stands for and what they strive to achieve. Develop a mission statement and consider this statement every time you apply decisions and actions for your business. Evaluation before and after change Monitor how changes to your business affect overall sales and the future of the business. This will help you maximize success and limit failure. Train employees Train your employees to follow your business’ customer service standards. Ensure all employees are working toward a positive expansion and evolution of your business. Your employees are in direct contact with your customers. Training your staff will give your customers a better experience and as a nice bonus you will see an increase in your profits.


2015 WAHP Business Awards Nominate your favourite WAHP Business Major Categories: 2015 Australian WAHP Business Champion 2015 State/Territory WAHP Business Champions

Minor Cateories (each State/Territory) Craft and Handmade Children Fashion, Accessories and Toys Adult Fashion and Accessories (male and female) Professional Services Trade/Handyman Decor Health & Beauty

Entry Forms and Conditions of Entry are on our Website: www.wahpbusiness.com.au WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014


Start Your Own Business Have you started your business yet? If not, you may be sifting through ideas for your new venture. There are so many potential business ideas out there, it can be hard to choose. Weigh up your skills and strengths, but it comes down to ‘what you enjoy’. You need to love what you do! If you love your work, love your business - then your potential for success is HIGH. You might find your new business venture among one of these.

1. Freelancing - the most in-demand

9. Editorial Service - Copy editing, proof

17. Photographer - There are niches you

freelance services are: data entry, academic

reading, indexing, copy writing

can explore for photography: portraits of

writing, Excel projects, data processing,

10. Event Planning - Weddings, birthdays,

people and their pets, families, and homes;

Web search and Facebook-based jobs.

corporate and community events.

photographs of holiday events, birthday

Hourly rates start at $30 an hour.

11. Household Organiser - We all need

parties or Christmas cards.

2. Mobile Consulting - Finding ways to

a little extra helping hand to bring some

18. Website Developer - Capture your

go mobile is a challenge for many business

order to our busy environment. In the home

client’s vision for the business and make it a

owners. If you are able o offer an affordable

or in the office.

reality with a functional website.

mobile solution to businesses that need



19. Family Day Care - Provide childcare in

them you’ll find this a profitable business

managers and executives working 7am to

the safety and security of your own home.


9pm need an efficient professional person

This is perfect for stay-at-home mums.

3. Translator - Can you fluent in another

who can do those tasks they don’t have

20. Recycling Pickup - Offer a service to

language? Both speaking and written?

time to do.

home owners to pick up all their e-waste

There are a wealth of opportunities

13. Gift Basket Service - Special occasions

— old televisions, broken laptops, defunct

available. Website translation, assisting

such as anniversary, birthday, engagement,

cellphones and dispose at a local recycling

in court proceedings and with business

baby shower or even retirement.



14. Graffiti Removal- Provide a regular

21. Food Truck/Smoko Van/Coffee Van

4. Mobile Salon - Hair, Beauty or Nails.

subscription to businesses, local councils or

- Mobile service with a smiile. Construction

Opportunities are endless. Seniors enjoying

homeowners for graffiti trouble areas.

sites, Industrial Areas, Office Complexes,

a home service. Busy Mums might find it

15. Herb or Vegetable Seedlins - Do you

Markets and Fetes.

easier to keep the kids occupied whike they

have a green thumb and enjoy nurturing

22. Craft/Hobby into a Business - Do

enjoy a little pampering.

herbs and vegies? Start growing and sell at

you enjoy a craft or hobby? Soapmaking,

5. Testing Service - Most businesses have

your local market.

Jewellery, sewing or crochet, leatherwork,

an online presence but don’t have the time

16. Moving Service - Provide a valuable

card making and embellishments. Any of

to test their websites and apps. You could fill

moving service to businesses and home

these crafts and more could be your new

this important niche market.

owners relocating.





6. Cleaning Service - Offices, restaurants, retail shops, bond cleans and domestic cleaning. 7. Computer Repairs and/or Training - All businesses have computers. They breakdown and need fixing. New staff need training. 8. Consultant - Are you an expert in your field? Large corporations and even smaller businesses require the assistance of an expert.

Showcasing Work at Home Parents


Fringe Benefits Tax: How will it affect your Business

As a small business, you are most likely aware of the main taxes - GST if your business is registered and PAYG if you have employees. If you employ workers, one tax that can be confusing for business owners is the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). From 1st April, 2014 FBT was raised to 47%.

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014

Fringe Benefits Tax What are Fringe Benefits? They are non-cash benefits paid to employees (current, past and future)or their associate (spouse or child) in addition to their wage or salary. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) states that a “Benefit is broadly defined and includes any rights privileges or services.” The benefit can be provided by you the employer, an associate or a third party in arrangement with your business. Fringe Benefits may include • Allow employee to use a work car for private use • Provide a cheap loan to employee • Reimburse a non-business expense incurred by an employee (eg. school fees or health insurance) • Provide entertainment which may include food, drink or recreation Residual Fringe Benefits include provisions by you as the employer to an employee of any right, privilege, service or facility that does not fall into any of the above specific categories. These may include • Use of an Employer’s property (eg video camera or television) • Provision of a Service (eg advice given by a solicitor) • Private use of a motor vehicle that is not a ‘car’ for FBT purposes (eg one tonne Ute) • Use of an Employer’s Electronic Toll Tag FBT is separate to Income Tax. The normal financial Income Tax year runs from 1st July to 30th June. The FBT year runs from 1st April to 31st March. As an employer you are required to assess your FBT liability annually and should be lodged by 21 May. Any Tax paid in the FBT year should also be reported on the relevant employee’s group certificate (payment summary) for that financial year.


The ATO suggests small business owners ask themselves the following questions. If you answer ‘YES’ to any, you may be providing a fringe benefit to your employees and be liable to pay FBT. Do you make cars or other vehicles owned or leased by the business available to employees for private use, including a car garaged at the employee’s place of residence? Have you paid for, or reimbursed, a non-business expense incurred by an employee? Do you provide your employees with entertainment by the way of food, drink or recreation? Do you provide your employees with loans at reduced interest rates? Have you released an employee from a debt? Do you provide an employee with a house or other accommodation? Do you provide your employees with board (meals and accommodation)? Do you, as an airline or travel agent employer, provide your employees with free or discounted air travel on a standby basis? Do you provide your employees with ’living away from home’ allowances? Have you, as a tax-exempt (not for profit/charity) organisation, provided your employees with food, drink or accommodation? Do you provide car parking for your employees within one kilometre of a commercial car parking station? Have you provided your employees with property, either free or at a discount, or with goods at a lower price than they are normally sold to the public? Do any of your employees have a salary package arrangement in place? Do you provide your employees with other fringe benefits not covered above?

Source - www.ato.gov.au

Showcasing Work at Home Parents

10 Small Business Mistakes


Mistakes can be costly. Lost opportunities, added expenses or in extreme cases possibly shutting your business down. Success in business is a juggling act of avoiding costly mistakes and doing the right thing for your business to succeed. Sadly there is a 50/50 chance of small business failure in the first five years. Every business is unique and may face different challenges. A bricks and mortar business may face different challenges to an online business. However, these common mistakes can affect virtually all businesses. Don’t fall into the trap of creating potentially expensive problems for your business by avoiding these common mistakes.

Failure to Plan = Plan to Fail

Boring -vs- Fun

Emotions -vs- Facts

Research is a good place to start as a great idea or

You started your business because you have a

You love your business and have a passion for

product won’t fly if there is no demand or market.

passion for what you do. It is easy to concentrate

what you do. It is easy to allow our emotions to

A Business Plan is THE most important basis

on those parts of the business that you love and

get in the way and make business decisions for

for any business. If you don’t have one… start

easy to ignore the boring bits. It is important to

the wrong reasons. Make business decisions by

researching and planning NOW. It is the basis for

manage and work on the whole of your business,

relying on facts and sound business judgement.

how your business will succeed. Remember, your

neglecting those boring tasks and your business

Expensive advertising - does it target a large

business and market are constantly changing,

will suffer or possibly fail.

section of your market; if yes, can your business

update your Business Plan to stay on the road to

Jack-of-all-Trades -vs- Specialising

cope with a large jump in orders. Using capital


While it is important not to put all your ‘eggs

to purchase equipment - how long till it pays for

Low Prices = Low Revenue

in one basket’, sometimes spreading yourself

itself; do you really need this equipment. Make

Undercharging to beat the competition might be

across too many different services or products

ALL business decisions based on facts and the

a good strategy when you are starting out. BUT…

can work against you. It is better to do a few

benefits for your business.

it can become a bad habit and will reduce your

things well instead of many things only so-so.

Continue Learning = Business Success

product value if done long-term. Consider your

Pick a group of products or services - specialise.

Never stop learning new skills and expand the

product costs, margin of profit that will make it

Become known as the business that specialises

potential for your business success. It said that we

worthwhile.and your time is important too.

in “your product/service”. Become the ‘go to’

continue to learn throughout our life, the same

Sales Only -vs- Whole Business Approach

business that everyone is talking about.

goes for business. Your business is continually

Don’t get lost focusing on Sales only. Let’s face

Customer Service

evolving, your customer base may expand or

it… if you don’t have sales, you don’t have

One of the biggest mistakes for any business, is

change and technologies are always advancing.

revenue - this can be a recipe for disaster. Sales are

bad customer service. The customer might not

Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest

just one part of your business. Don’t drop the ball

always be right, but the customer must feel that

business or industry standards. Developing your

in other areas of your business. Customer Service,

they are important to your business. If there is

leadership and business skills. Ask any successful

warehousing or delivery of items, accounts, after

a problem, resolve it quickly. You want every

business owner - they never stop learning.

sales service… these are just a few areas that

customer feeling happy and wanting to return to

could affect your sales. Take a Whole Business

your business. You want every customer to feel

Approach and offer a complete business to your

valued. Customer Service can make or break your

customers and watch your business grow.

business. Word of Mouth is the most successful

Extending Credit = Low Cash Flow

marketing strategy and costs you nothing.

It is tempting to offer credit to customers. This

I can do it All - or can you?

Take the time to assess yourself, staff

may entice new customers or repeat customers.

Saving money and working on a shoe-string is

and your business.

The biggest risk is unpaid accounts. Offering

important for any small business, especially a

If you find that your business is making

credit has its own set of procedures - establishing

start-up. BUT… can you do everything? Burn-

one of these mistakes, take this

credit policies, credit checks and chasing

Out is the major cause of business failure. Pick

opportunity to turn it around and point

payments. Costs may outweigh any benefits. The

the tasks that you love and do well. Look at

your business towards SUCCESS.

bottom line is that it reduces your cash flow.

employing staff or outsourcing the other tasks.

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014

How do you avoid these 10 Common Business Mistakes?


Small Business mistakes Put a group of small business owners in one room and conversation will eventually end up on the topic of those common mistakes. Yes‌ even the most successful business owner, from home run (WAHPs) to multi-corporation owners - every business owner has made a mistake or two, or more.

Showcasing Work at Home Parents



Cathy Ewald

Simple mobile Apps to organise your business.

Are you running a business and using a smart phone or tablet? Do you want a way of keeping track of what you have done and need to do without time sheet software? Reminder and notes apps make it easier to stay organised by helping you document activities like client meetings and schedule follow up actions. We examine three free or cheap reminder and note apps that will help turn your phone or tablet into a Personal Assistant.

Android Specific Apps The apps for this section are for Android devices only. If you are unsure if your device uses Android, go to its Settings menu and look up the ‘About Phone’ section or equivalent. If the word Android appears on this screen, you have an Android phone or tablet and these apps may be for you.


Gadgets - Simple mobile Apps to organise your Business

Cost: Limited Version - FREE Paid Version - $2.99 Available from Google Play Developer - APSoft Systems Reviewed Version - 2.1.27

appMemo is my personal favourite because it is simple to use and non-intrusive (i.e. does not pop up when you make a phone call). I use the same phone for business and private calls, so don’t want my business software nagging me if I’m calling a loved one. It is quick and easy to make a note, either by typing or drawing. Notes are stored locally but in the paid version, can be shared to Dropbox and other messaging and email applications.


Summary: Good points - Easy to use; Full version : easy to back up and share Adding a note - Sharing information

content; Data stored locally on phone; Full version : save and transfer

Sharing is as easy as selecting the

memos as a file, back up without relying on server; control backup and

Sharing option and then picking the

collaboration. Collaborators don’t need an account. Lots of choices for

way you want to share from the screen

how to share information; Can set reminder on any memo ( that’s what


the clock icon does).

Bad points - Required to pay for sharing/backup, which are This sharing gives you a totally

essential for business use unless you are prepared to constantly take

independent backup so you can

screenshots; Cannot do voice or photo/video memos; Android only.

access your information from other

Who is it for?

devices, share it with whoever you like

Businesses or individuals using Android phones or tablets who want a

even if they are not apNote , or access

quick and easy memo and reminder solution when on the go and who

it from any device.

want to be in control of the backup and sharing of their information. It could be used as a diary to track information gathered while on the move and set reminders to follow up.

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014

Gadgets: Simple Mobile Apps to organise your Business Col Reminders Cost: Limited Version - FREE Paid Version - $2.50 Available from Google Play Developer - ColApps Reviewed Version - 2.65.5


Col Reminders is an excellent reminder program and the free version has enough functionality to meet the needs of most small businesses looking for a quick, robust and simple reminder system. For this reason, we did not review the premium (paid) version. Summary:


Good points - Easy to use; Easy to back up and can be automated; Custom phone reminders are helpful if you make a lot of calls requiring followup.

Bad points - Not designed for long/detailed memos or specialised content such as pictures; Cannot enter notes without reminders so not a diary solution.

Who is it for? Image 1: Col Reminders allows you to create three types of reminders as seen

Businesses or individuals who are Android users want a quick and easy

in the picture.

reminder solution and to be able to back up their data to dropbox. It is

Image 2: Telephone call is a very useful one for business as it can be set to

especially helpful for those who want to set lots of phone call related

pop up when you finish a call (on phones) to enter followup actions. This can


be turned off if you don’t want to see it for every call (as I have done). You can enter details for any reminder and set a time. Parking allows details of where

Image 3: Backing up data is simple and can be done automatically. Dropbox

you are parked to be entered as well as the time parking expires. Here’s the

can be used, providing a place to store reminders that is accessible from

screen for entering a call and as you can see you can add details and the

every device and independent of Col Reminders.

number or select someone from your contacts.

For Everyone The third app will work on any device so if you are an Apple or Windows Phone user, this one may be for you. Also note that Apple provide a free Calendar. Reminders and a free Notes app on all IPhones and iPads. These are basic but will serve most simple needs.

Evernote Cost: Limited Version - FREE Paid Version - $45.00 (linked to all devices) Available from Google Play, Apple itunes, evernote.com Developer - Evernote Reviewed Version - 5 (iPad and Android)

Evernote is a very popular notetaking and reminder application. It is “cloud based” which makes sharing between users of Evernote very easy but the free version does not provide ways of exporting or sharing with people who are not Evernote users. Everyone who uses the system needs to have a (free ) account. For those in industries where offshore data security is a concern should note that the servers are located in the U.S.A. Be wary of posting sensitive client information. A highlight of Evernote however, is that it is available for almost all device.


Good points - Easy to use; Server based notes mean easy to share with other users; not reliant on mobile storage; requires an internet connection to access; paid premium account enables offline work; Allows voice and photo memos; Supports reminders; versions for Android, Windows phone, IPhone and iPad, Mac and PC.

Bad points - Server based, no local backup of data; no offline use on mobile in free version - limitation is removed in the paid version; Servers located outside Australia and subject to U.S law; Data limit in free version; Evernote business has a larger quota calculated by the number of paid users you have.

Who is it for? Businesses or individuals using any smart phone or computer who want an easy way to make and share a variety of notes when mobile or at the office. Its especially useful if you use more than one type of device or want to add photos, voice memos or other rich content to your notes.

Showcasing Work at Home Parents



Designs by McCamley


Beautiful Handcrafted Bookmarks Various colours, beads and charms available. Price - $10 each Postage - $1.50 postage within Australia Purchase at -

Website: www.designsbymccamley.com www.facebook.com/designsbymccamley Email: rachael@designsbymccamley.com

His and Herz - Cool Kids Clothing Frozen (theme) Earphones Price - $10 each Postage - $5.00 postage within Australia

Purchase at www.facebook.com/hisandherz

WAHP Business Australia • Summer 2014

Perfume Plus


Innocent Pleasure Blackberries “A Fun, Refreshing Blackberry Fragrance” EAU DE TOILETTE 1.7 fl.oz./50 ml Price - $28.50 each Postage - $6.00 postage within Australia Purchase at -

Website: www.perfumeplus.com.au


That We Do


Fanfare Maxi Disc Collection Handmade polymer clay necklace - beautifully wrapped and boxed for you to enjoy or send directly to a friend as a gift. Price - $35.00 each Postage - $8.00 postage in Australia Purchase at -

Website: http://tiny.cc/WAHPBigTop www.facebook.com/ThatWeDoDesign

His and Herz - Cool Kids Clothing



Pretty Organza dress with satin lining and net underneath Price - $20.00 each Postage - $8.20 postage within Australia Purchase at -


Minkiboo’s pads are made of suede cloth, dual core of super absorbent bamboo fleece, hidden bamboo PUL waterproof layer and pretty cotton outer layer with snaps to secure pad around your knicker. Night Pads - $12.00 each Day Pads - $10.00 each Liners - $8.00 Postage - $8.25 postage in Australia Purchase at www.facebook.com/minkiboo

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