WAHP Magazine January 2016 issue

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January/February 2016

Equal family work and life balance Stop wasting time

5 tasks you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant

2016 Social Media image sizes and tips

5 Tips to be a confident Business Owner

2016: Plan for Business Success showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w wahpbusiness.com.au e wahpbusiness@gmail.com (ISSN 2202-8102)

A bi-monthly digital magazine published Australia-wide and available online.

WAHP Business Australia November/December 2015

Editor’s Letter



2016: Plan for Business Success 5 Tips to be a Confident Business Owner Stop wasting time: 5 tasks you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant Key Ingredients for a Successful Business


Collecting Money from Businesses Budgeting Tips for your Business Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Lisa Phillips - PR for Entrepreneurs Paul Metcalf – CollectMORE Debt Solutions Katherine Hawes - New Age Legal Solutions Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia Graphic Design Digiwise Graphics e hello@digiwisegraphics.com.au w digiwisegraphics.com.au Find us on Facebook & Instagram @DigiwiseGraphics Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Product Catalogue (see page 20) Submit an Article e wahpbusiness@gmail.com

Published and Distributed by: Goodnight Publishing 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0437 726674 ABN 80 393 008 723

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Top 8 Social Media Trends for 2016 2016: Social Media image sizes and tips


Website Terms and Conditions Top 10 Business Apps trending in 2016


Family Work and Life Balance There is only ONE of me Tips for a Healthy Work Life Balance


Healthy Homemade Pizza Marinades and Blends Recipes Chocolate Mousse Strawberry & Custard Jelly Cups

Product Catalogue

4 6 8 10 12 14

16 19 22 24 26 26 27 28 30 32 33

This months hot products


Advertise your Business Gift Guides

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Editor’s Letter

Happy New Year!

Welcome to our January/February issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. This is a wonderful time of year as we are refreshed after the Christmas break. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. Tracey Convery from Digiwise Graphics has done a wonderful job with the design of graphics and layout for this issue. We have a bumper issue for you with more articles and even an extra section. Besides our regular Business, Money, Marketing and Technology, we now have a Home section. I think this issue may be our best EVER! To get you started right for 2016, we have articles – Plan for Business Success, Top 8 Social Media Trends, Social media image sizes and tips, and Top 10 Business Apps trending. Lisa Phillips from PR for Entrepreneurs provides her 5 Tips to be a Confident Business Owner. Katherine Dawe from New Age Legal Solutions shares the Key Ingredients for a Successful Business. Paul Metcalf from CollectMORE is back this issue and shares his experience with Collecting Money from Businesses. In our new Home section, we take a closer look at Family, Work and Life Balance with a few tips to enjoy all aspects of your life. We also have a delectable selection of recipes to tantalise your taste buds. Of course standard in every issue from our very first, is the Product Catalogue showcasing your WAHP products. Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is now bi-monthly. The next issue will be out on 15th March, perfect timing just before Easter. Interested in showcasing your business, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th February. Promote your business from as little as $10 in the Product catalogue; $40 quarter page; $70 - half page; and $100 - full page. We have had a small increase, but we will always keep the rates low to support Work at Home Parent businesses. Are you an expert in your field? You are welcome to contribute articles. This wraps it up for this issue and I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Business Australia

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2016: Plan for Business Success Written by Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

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Is your Business preparedBusiness for success in 2016? Everything changes and business strategies that were successful in years past, might not be as effective in 2016. Do you have a plan in place for the next 12 months? Is your Business prepared for success in 2016? Everything changes and business strategies that were successful in years past, might not be as effective in 2016. Do you have a plan in place for the next 12 months?

Evaluate your Business

Take a step back and reflect on 2015. How did your business perform? Celebrate your achievements for the year past. Take a closer look at strategies that worked and also those that didn’t. A SWOT Analysis will identify your business’ Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. You need a clear understanding of these factors which could affect your business. Plan to take advantage of your business strengths and opportunities. Change your strategies to deal with your business weaknesses and threats.

Emerging Trends

Get out in front early. Pick up on emerging trends in your industry sector, plan and deliver. A significant trend that has strengthened over the last two years is that Australian’s want to buy Australian Made. Roy Morgan Research (January 2016) shows that 89.2% of Australians in the 12 months to September 2015 sad they are more like to buy products made in Australia. On the other end of the scale, one of our top trading partners China, lost buying support down to 32.9%. In the past, China has been one the largest import markets for Australian small businesses. The NAB suggests that there is the opportunity for export in 2016. Dean Pearson, NAB’s Head of Industry Analysis advises that the services sector is the largest part of the Chinese economy and that Chinese businesses are keen to do business with Australia.


Roy Morgan Research – www.roymorgan.com.au/findings/6616-aussie-made-productssurge-in-popularity-201601042157 NAB – Opportunities for Australian SMEs in 2016 http://business.nab.com.au/where-are-the-opportunities-foraustralian-smes-in-2016-14529/ 2016 Emerging Cyber Threats Report http://www.iisp.gatech.edu/2016-emerging-cyber-threats-report

WAHP Business Australia

Benjamin Franklin said “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Wise words, now plan your business strategies and plan for success.

Review your Social Media Strategy

The choice of social media to use in promoting your business and engaging with your customers is growing. Don’t try to have a presence on every social platform. Identify those most popular with your target customer group and concentrate on the top three. Avoid the sell, sell, sell mindset. You want to engage with your customers. Give them insights into the ‘behind the scenes’ of your business. Give your customers the opportunity to ‘get to know you’. Building a relationship will create a long-standing customer.

Content is King

Create a content plan. This goes hand-in-hand with your Social Media strategies as well as website or blog. Use vibrant, but relevant images that complement your text. Video has gained considerable popularity over the past 12 months and can boost your brand.

Establish a Mobile presence

All businesses should have a mobile presence. This could be a mobile responsive website or a dedicated app. Increasingly customers are using mobile devices to access and interact with businesses. This may be finding your location, enquiring about services, browsing your products or actively purchasing.

Check your Cyber-Security

While there is no such thing as absolute network security, businesses should ensure they have regularly updated virus and malware protection. For online websites, ensure your web platform is updated regularly as they usually include important security updates. Remember it isn’t just your business information that is at risk. Your customers expect you to protect their personal information too.

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5 Confidence Tips for Business Owners Confidence is an important asset for parents and business owners.

Unfortunately, if you lack confidence in yourself and your business you may be undercharging for your services. You may find yourself holding back from promoting and marketing your services effectively. Self confidence in business is important. Let’s face it - if you don’t have confidence in your business or value your product and services, why should anyone else? Here are my top tips for being a confident business owner: 1. Get your pricing right As a Business Coach for small business owners for over 15 years, I can honestly say that over 80% are undercharging. Many undervalue their services and products. They fear putting up their prices in case they lose clients. Unfortunately, this results in small business owners working long hours and charging low rates. Often they feel resentful, discouraged and ultimately their business will fail. It’s important to be comfortable with your pricing and value yourself as the expert in your business. Make sure you cover all overheads including direct and non-direct costs, factor in your time and expertise. If you are dropping prices or giving away discounts frequently, create a PDF document which details your pricing schedule that can be sent out to prospective clients. If you find yourself competing on price, then it may be time to position yourself in the market more effectively. 2. Learn to say No! Many small business owners give away free add-ons or do extra work just because it is requested. They may not feel comfortable saying No and end up working for nothing! Care about your time enough that you stick to the hours you have quoted or the time you are actually paid to be with a client.

Written by Lisa Phillips PR for Entrepreneurs Make sure your terms and conditions also include information such as payment terms, cancellation fees and scope of service. Good terms and conditions will protect your business, define your procedures, limit your liability and explain what you have agreed to do. 4. Become Empowered Do you control your business? or Does your business control you? Pointing the blame finger at your suppliers, clients or employees are all signs of a disempowered business owner who will end up resentful and stressed out! Empowerment comes from choosing to take responsibility for solving issues that are not working, rather than just feeling helpless or resentful. Instead of complaining that your customers are always late paying your invoices, do something about it and put protective measures and processes in place to prevent this happening. 5. Don’t compare yourself with the competition

3. Have Terms and Conditions in Place

It’s easy to lose your confidence if you are always comparing yourself to other businesses. Every successful business started small. Be patient and encourage yourself rather than beating yourself up.

Good terms and conditions are the boundaries of your business and set clear expectations between you and your customers. It doesn’t matter how big or small the job is. Make sure you and your client are clear on what you can and can’t deliver within the price and scope you have set.

Lisa Phillips is an award winning Confidence and Empowerment Coach. Lisa appears regularly in the media and is the author of The Confidence Coach book (Exisle Publishing). To find out more about Lisa and her work. Visit www.amazingcoaching.com.au

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WAHP Business Australia

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Stop Wasting Time 5 tasks you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Written by Helen Dayman, WAHP Business Australia

Ask yourself these questions. Do you have a group of tasks that need to be done regularly? Are you too busy working in your business and missing out on opportunities? Do you constantly need extra hours in the day to get everything done?

If you answered YES to these questions‌

You need a Virtual Assistant Page 8

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Business What is a Virtual Assistant?

• Research

A virtual assistant is an extra pair of hands in your business. You’re not engaging an employee - a virtual assistant operates their own business. You don’t need to worry about pay as you go tax, superannuation or WorkCover.

Current data and information is essential for all businesses. A virtual assistant can do your research, gather key elements and present the information to you in a manageable format. Provide an outline of type of information you need as a research guide. Types of research – prospective suppliers or customers; comparable products in the market place; survey of current customers; the list is endless.

What tasks can you outsource to a virtual assistant? The answer is – any task you want to delegate! Tasks could include those mundane time wasting activities that take you away from growing your business. A project may require a specific skillset – virtual assistants can offer general services or specific skill areas. • Social Media How much time do you spend on social media marketing? If you are like many small businesses, social media is taking up a few hours each day. A virtual assistant will take the pressure off – manage your social media pages across all platforms; schedule daily posts; invite people to like your page; encourage engagement and more. • Content Management Content is King! You need regular fresh content for your business blog, website and to share across your social media platforms. A virtual assistant can manage your blog schedule - Create relevant content and respond to comments; Update your website with fresh content, make minor corrections and manage links.

WAHP Business Australia

• Bookkeeping Are you on top of your account keeping or is it a mad dash at the end of the financial year? A virtual assistance can take this worry off your hands. This is a specialised skillset, with many virtual assistants specialising in this area. An important area of your business - so shop around and ask for references. • Administration General administration tasks tie up important time that could be spent working on your business. A virtual assistant can handle - emails to contacts and follow-ups; newsletters; organise your schedule; assist with event management and more. The choices you make to increase your productivity are crucial to the success of your business. Outsourcing tasks to a Virtual Assistant saves you time and more importantly will save you money in the long-run. Focus your efforts on the parts of your business that need you.

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Written by Katherine Hawes New Age Legal Solutions 3 key legal ingredients you need to obtain before starting:

There are three main structures you can choose: sole trader, partnership or company.

1. Research, research and then research some more.

Each one has advantages and disadvantages, which you need to consider before starting your business.

Like baking a great cake, you can’t expect to win first prize if it’s not your recipe. If someone has the idea and started their business first, you need to consider the issue of intellectual property. Does the product or service already exist? Search not just in Australia, but overseas as well. It does not mean that you can’t change or modify the idea. If the idea already exists exactly the same, then you could be in breach of someone else’s intellectual property. It is better to know now and redesign your idea, than spend money only to be served a cease and desist letter. 2. Business Structure Is it just you in the business or are you entering business with a friend or family member. How are you going to run the business, not the product or service but the actual business? Who is making decisions? How are profits split, spending and income from the business? Page 10

3. Contracts Get the best ingredients to prepare your recipe means starting with your terms and conditions. All agreements should be written and clear between the parties. This leaves no room for confusion or misunderstandings. Even if it is a contra payment, it should still be in writing and clear about what each party in providing. You don’t make a cake with poor ingredients. Don’t start your business without considering the legal issues of starting and operating a business. Like any good chef, when starting your business your team should include experts such as a lawyer and accountant. Katherine Hawes is a Sydney based lawyer specialises in offering fixed fee and low cost legal advice to start-up businesses. For more information please see http://www.newagelegalsolutions.com.au/

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Key Ingredients for a Successful Business

Legal issues to consider for your new business. Is your New Year’s Resolution to start your own business? You have a great idea. It has been floating around in your head, crystallising for a number of years. It’s decided, this year you are going to start that business. Your business has not yet made it to the kitchen table. Now is the time to get the right legal ingredients together for your business to be a success. Starting a business is like baking a cake - first you need to collect the right ingredients.

Enjoy a break from life’s challenges! New Age Legal Solutions provides client-focused legal packages in the following areas:

✓ Wills and Testamentary Packages ✓ Family Resolution Packages ✓ Retirement Village and care Sessions ✓ Small Business Packages

WAHP Business Australia

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Written by Paul Metcalfe CollectMORE Debt Solutions www.collectmore.com.au

Collecting Money from Businesses Chasing other businesses for money is often harder than chasing individuals. However, the fundamentals remain the same.

In our experience, 70% of your debtors will be other businesses. Whilst it is easier to wind a company up than it is to go bankrupt, companies often have the capacity for higher cash flow than an individual person. The key is to speak to the correct person and make your invoice a priority. The person who engaged you isn’t always the one who will pay your bill. Often, the person who asked you to do the job or provide the goods will be different from the person responsible for paying you. It is vital you ask at the outset who this person will be and address your correspondence to them accordingly. If you are told to simply email the invoice to accounts payable, always ask for a name, including surname. If after submitting your invoice, waiting the terms period you have still not been paid then phone your contact. Explain your concern to them firstly asking them what you should do.

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Benefit of the doubt should always be given in the first instance You don’t want to jeopardise the chance of you receiving more work by coming across as pushy. If you are told to sit tight and just wait, reiterate what your terms are. Explain that you would prefer a part payment as a show of goodwill and ask if this can be facilitated. If after a week you still haven’t seen any money, bypass your contact and ring the company directly. Ask for the person in charge of accounts payable, or in the case of a larger company, the CFO. Explain the situation, that they are well beyond your terms and you would appreciate payment in full today. Ask them if they have a copy of your invoice and always offer to provide it if need be.

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Money The key is to speak to the correct person and make your invoice a priority. Regardless of if you know they have a copy, sending it again is a simple job that takes mere seconds.

This can be the difference between getting paid or not. Always get their personal email address, instead of sending it to a generic account where it may get lost. Asking them to hold whilst you do it and confirm once they have received it is a good tactic that works wonders. This ensures that there can be no confusion as to whether it was received or not as you have been told personally that it has. Ask if it can be paid that day, and if the answer is no, then ask for at least half as a show of goodwill. Any payment is always better than no payment and even a portion of what you are owed is a positive sign that you will be paid the balance.

WAHP Business Australia

A step by step guide to identifying the decision maker at your debtor company Businesses big and small all have a chain of command. To ensure your invoice is given the best possible chance of getting paid quickly, you must speak with the right person:

1. Ask your contact

The person who engaged you may only be staff member, but they clearly have influence at the company and will know who will be the one paying you. Just ask them.

2. Go to their website

90% of businesses in Australia have a website so use this window into their company to your advantage. Clicking on the “About Us” or “Our people” section will often reveal the business owners’ name and contact details. Once you have this information, you know Who to ask for and how to speak with them.

3. LinkedIn and Google

Google really is king when it comes to fact finding and many business owners have a presence on LinkedIn. Often contact details are also available as are other people involved in the organisation.

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Budgeting Tips for your Business

Written by Helen Dayman, WAHP Business Australia

It’s a brand new year and now is the time to revise your business budget. Six months into the financial year and your budget may need some fine tuning. Your growing business will change and evolve constantly The budget needs to keep up and stay in step with your business. Revising your business budget regularly will help you have better control over financial decisions. Remember… a budget is a forecast, a projection of anticipated income and expenses. It is not cast in stone. Let Strategy Drive your Budget Your business objectives should be the guiding hand of your budget. They will drive your budget in the right direction so that your business finances align with business goals.

Take advantage of Insights In other areas of your business you consult experts and your team. The budget should be no different. Take advantage of insights that will form part of your strategies for your business. Check reports generated from your account keeping software to assess if your business budget is on track.

Plan for the Unexpected Business expenses unpredictable.



Essential equipment breaks down, unforeseen project expenses or sudden illness. Put extra padding into your budget to leave a little wiggle room to accommodate these unexpected costs. Page 14

Your Time is Money Track your time spent on each job and include in your quotes. You are in business to make a profit. Don’t forget to allocate yourself a weekly pay as part of your budget.

Review past Trends Identify your business strengths and weaknesses. Is your budget meeting expected forecasts of income and expenses?

Don’t forget your Future Goals Your business budget should include both short and long-term goals. This is a critical part of your growth strategy and the business budget should mesh with your future goals.

Shop around for Deals Breakdown your costs and see if you can save by shopping around for deals. Review your suppliers and see if you can get a better deal. Published by Goodnight Publishing

first impressions Money


At Digiwise Graphics we understand that there aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on all aspects of your business. That’s why we offer home based businesses competitively priced graphic design packages. We believe that each business brand should appeal to your ideal target market. A good logo creates instant recognition. Let’s start off on the right foot. We can help you brand your business professionally. Contact us today for an obligation free quote.

w digiwisegraphics.com.au e tracey@digiwisegraphics.com.au m 0424050523 find us on facebook

WAHP Business Australia

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Top 8 Social Media Trends for 2016 Page 16

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Source – CJG Digital Marketing

WAHP Business Australia


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2016 Social Image Sizes


P rof ile I mag e 1 8 0 x 180

B a ckg round 1280 x 1024

Prof i l e I m a g e 165 x 165

Hea d er Photo 1500 x 500

B oa rd D i s p l a y 222 x 150

Prof i l e Photo 400 x 400

B oa rd T hum b na i l s 50 x 50

In- S trea m Photo 440 x 220

Pi n Si z es 2 3 6 wi dt h i n pi xe ls

C over Pho to 8 5 1 x 315 S h ared I mag es 1 2 0 0 x 630 Sh ared Li nk 1 2 0 0 x 627 High ligh ted Ima g e 1 2 0 0 x 717

P rof ile I mag e 1 1 0 x 110

Prof i l e I m a g e 128 x 128

P h oto Th u mbna i l s 1 6 1 x 161

I m a g e Pos ts 500 x 750

P h oto Si ze 1 0 8 0 x 1080

Prof i l e I m a g e 250 x 250 C over I m a g e 1080 x 608 Sha red I m a g e 497 x 373 Sha red L i nk T hum b na i l 150 x 150

Profi l e Ima g e 400 x 40 0 B ackg round Ima g e: B etween 1000 x 425 and 4000 x 4000 S tan da rd Log o: 100 x 60 C areer Cover Photo : 974 x 30 0 B an n er I mag e: 646 x 220 (mi ni m u m ) Sq uare Log o: 50 x 50

WAHP Business Australia

C ha nnel C over Photo: T V Di spl a y - 2 5 6 0 x 1 4 4 0 De s k to p – 2 5 6 0 x 4 2 3 Ta bl et – 1 8 5 5 x 4 2 3 M ob i l e – 1 5 4 6 x 4 2 3 (a l wa ys v i s i bl e ) V i d eo U p l oa d s : 1 2 8 0 x 7 6 0 a n d 1 6 :9 a s pe ct ra t i o

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Handmade natural soy candles, wax melts, soap and lip balm www.facebook.com/AvaAshleyScentsations

1/4 page - only $40 to advertise your business here 1/2 page - $70 | Full page - $100 Product Catalogue - $15 each or 3 items for $30 Page 20

Advertising enquiries - wahpbusiness@gmail.com Published by Goodnight Publishing

WAHP Business Australia

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Website Terms and Conditions Written by Katherine Hawes New Age Legal Solutions

Every website, particularly if you are selling products online, needs to have Terms and Conditions in place. These T&C’s are important. They will assist by giving you a level of legal protection and should include the following: Protect your images

In order to protect your images, blog posts and logo’s from being used without your permission, ensure your website includes appropriate copyright information.

Privacy policy

Are you collecting information from visitors to your website such as names, telephone numbers and emails? You need to assure them that this information is private and will not be distributed to third parties.

Website ownership

Your website terms and conditions should clearly state who is the owner of the company and website.

Cookies policy

If your site uses cookies, you need to identify how you use them. Being open about this will also increase the chance that people allow you to track cookies.

Visitor’s agreement

This is a statement that explains the purpose of the website and states that all visitors must agree to use it for only that purpose.

Liability agreement

This is an essential clause to add to your terms and conditions as it limits your liability regarding the use of the website and any material contained in it.

Third party publications

Make sure you clearly point out the owner of content that you share on your website such as outside links and articles.

Consequences of use of the website

This is the place to state that your website can only be used for lawful purposes and which State/ Country is the governing law for the website.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions

You should always include a clause that allows you to change the website, its content and the terms and conditions without any notice. Delivery, payment and refund policies Are selling goods or services on your website? Ensure you set out the sales relationship with your potential customers and make it clear to them what they can expect.

Check out pre-paid legal packages by New Age Legal Solutions at www.newagelegalsolutions.com.au Page 22

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Easter Mothers Day Fathers Day End of Financial Year Valentines Day Back to School Christmas

WAHP Business Australia

Our first Gift Guide will be for Easter Available on 22 February 2016 Advertising closes 8 February 2016

Showcase your Easter gifts for only $20 each Email - wahpbusiness@gmail.com

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Top 10 must have Business Apps for 2016


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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Technology Technology is changing faster than we can keep up! Did you know that 89% of Australians own a smartphone and 53% have either a smartphone, tablet or personal computer? There is an App for almost anything. Here are our top 10: Google Now Price: Free Category: Information/Lifestyle https://www.google.com.au/landing/now

Slack (Internal Communcations) Price: from $0/month Category: Productivity/Communication/Organisation https://slack.com/

The Google Now app tracks and collects information from your internet searches, emails, news and articles websites that you visit. While a little invasive, this app collates the information and delivers to you relevant items that you may be interested in. Latest news, trips, reminders, weather, traffic conditions and events.

Slack is the perfect app to streamline email communications. It is able to integrate into other platforms and apps and is ideal for multiple project teams. It is functional with users able to interact using the @ and # tags, already familiar in both Facebook and Twitter. Users are able to drag/drop files and have private chats in the sidebar.

HootSuite Price: from $0/month Category: Social Media Scheduling https://hootsuite.com/

Haystack (business card collector) Price: Free Category: Business/Organisation http://thehaystackapp.com/

Hootsuite is already well known and popular for social media schedule. An essential app to streamline your social media. A basic free plan is available, but to take advantage of more options you can choose one of the paid options. Depending on your plan, you can schedule regular posts across all of your social media platforms.

Haystack has to be #1 on our list. Collecting a zillion business cards at your next event is a thing of the past. Trying to find a contact in a pile of business cards is like looking for a needle in a haystack – hence the name. Now you can collect your business contacts, keep them updated and share your own business cards. Everything at the tip of your finger.

Medium (articles) Price: Free Category: News/Information https://medium.com/

Sunrise Price: Free Category: Organisation https://calendar.sunrise.am/

Medium is a new blogging-style platform serving up articles on Keeping you organised and on top of your appointments is extensive topics from writers around the world. Available for the what Sunrise does. It is comparable to Evernote and other organiser apps. Everything grouped together on one screen desktop or as an easy view app on your mobile device. showing you a birds-eye view of your calendar. Hopper Price: Free Category: Travel https://www.hopper.com/

Periscope Price: Free Category: Video/Social Media https://www.periscope.tv/

Do you travel for business? Hopper is the app for you. It scours the web and gives you a snapshot of fares and ideal travel dates. Hopper even has an easy-tap booking function and keeps you up-to-date with price changes.

Have you heard of Periscope? Many businesses have already jumped on board. Described as ‘Snapchat meets Instagram video’, users create short videos and social share on Twitter and Periscope.tv.

Unroll Me Price: Free Category: Organisation https://unroll.me/

Google Apps for Work Price: $5 or $10/month (30 day free trial) Category: Productivity/Communication/Organisation https://apps.google.com/intx/en_au/

Is your email inbox being clogged up with subscriptions and newsletters that you may not want to continue receiving? Unroll Me will do exactly that. This helps to declutter and with a swipe left you can choose to unsubscribe and swipe left to keep.

Google Apps for Work is the paid version of Gmail. It provides a professional email address, group mailing lists, enhanced security as well as chat and video. This app is compatible with desktop programs Outlook, Apple Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird. Outlook users are even able to sync emails, events and contacts to and from Google Apps.

WAHP Business Australia

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Family Work and Life Balance Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices. ~ Betsy Jacobson

There is only ONE of me T i m e i s a p r e c i o u s c o m m o d it y. F i ndi ng the b a l a n c e b et we e n wo r ki ng you r b u s i n e s s , f a mily a nd l i fe i n g e n e r a l c a n b e d i f fi cul t.

Achieve a healthy Work-Life Balance by -

You are in demand! Sometimes it feels like you are running in one spot and getting nowhere. Does this sound familiar?

Make sure you spend time with friends

Managing work, family and life in general, is not as simple as dividing your time equally. It is not realistic or rewarding to schedule an equal number of hours for your family, work and personal activities. Life doesn’t work that way.

Don’t forget a little bit of ‘ME’ time too.

Your work-life balance will vary, often on a daily basis. The right balance that works today, may need to be adjusted tomorrow. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ strategy.

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Setting routine work hours for your business. Allocate family time with your spouse and children. in a social setting outside of the home/ work environment.

Take time out, a few moments is all it takes to assess your lifestyle and ‘work life balance’. Make a few adjustments where it is needed most to ensure that you, your family and friends enjoy your new balanced lifestyle. Remember… there is no ‘one-size fits all’. It will take some time, but you will find a healthy balance of work, family and life. Published by Goodnight Publishing

Home a Never get so busy making living that you forget to make a life.

~ Dolly Parton

Written by Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Tips to achieve a better Work-Life Balance 1

Work Smarter

Win back time by being organised. Allocate time for different tasks and use your time efficiently. • • • •



List and prioritise your tasks daily Allocate time blocks and group tasks Put appointments and events Keep emails and meetings short

Learn to say NO A scary prospect, but for a healthy balance you might need to say No. It might be a great opportunity, but will the cost outweigh the benefits. Weigh up the pros and cons first, before making your decision. Include your family in the decision making process.

Switch OFF


What are your Priorities?

Take the time to ask the hard questions. What is important to you? What makes you happy? Working without the balance of quality time spent with family and friends isn’t healthy. Allocate your time according to your priorities. • Work time for your business is essential. It pays the bills as well as providing personal and professional satisfaction in a job well done. • Quality time with your spouse and children is not just important for them. This special time also balances out your quality of life. • Friends, social activities and that all important ME time all play their part and are equally important.

Keep your family and social time work-free wherever possible. Limit your work calls or emails in the evenings and weekends. Don’t be afraid to step away from the laptop or turn the mobile off. WAHP Business Australia

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Healthy Homemade Pizza Preparation Time: 40 minutes

Ingredients 1.5 cups warm Water 2 tsp Yeast 1 tsp Caster Sugar 4 cups Plain Flour 1 tsp Salt 60ml Olive Oil

Cooking Time: 15 minutes


Combine water, yeast and caster sugar in a small bowl. Set aside for 5 minutes until foamy.


Combine flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre.


Add oil to yeast/water mixture and pour into flour well. Use a rounded knife to combine all ingredients into a dough ball.


Knead dough until smooth and elastic. Put in a bowl brushed with oil and cover with plastic wrap. Place in a warm spot for 30 minutes until dough doubles in size.

Now... Create your Pizza Briefly kneed pizza dough then with heal of hand at centre spread out to the size of pizza pan. Brush pizza base with your choice of pizza sauce. Try a combination of tomato and bbq sauce. Spread grated cheese over the pizza base (Mozzarella, cheddar or even cheese slices) Now just add your choice of toppings. Top off with some more grated cheese and pizza sauce. Bake for 15 minutes in oven at 180-200 degrees.

WAHP Business Australia

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Zesty Chicken Marinade

Italian Marinade Suitable for Poultry, Beef and Lamb

Makes 1/2 cup enough for 4 chicken breasts



4 Garlic cloves - minced 1 small onion - chopped 1/3 cup cilentro - chopped 1/4 cup Olive Oil 1.5 tsp Paprika 1 tsp ground Cumin 1 tsp dried Parsley 1/2 tsp salt & ground pepper

1 cup Olive Oil 1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar 3 Shallots (peeled & chopped) 6 Garlic cloves (chopped) 1 tbsp fresh Rosemary chopped 1 tbsp Soy Sauce 2sp Pepper

Combine all ingredients.

Combine all ingredients.

Zesty Grilled Chicken: Prick chicken several times with a fork to allow marinade to penetrate meat. Place with marinade in a large freezer bag. Seal and marinade for 20-25 minutes in fridge. Can freeze up to 6 months. Cook – Thaw, then grill or in oven on medium heat for 10 minutes each side (or exterior is lightly charged and juices run clear)

Italian Steak: Place your choice of steak and Italian Marinade in a large freezer bag. Seal and marinade for 2 hours in fridge. Can freeze up to 6 months

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Cook – Thaw, then grill or in oven on mediumhigh for 8 minutes each side. Cut into thin slices and serve with salad or vegetables.

Published by Goodnight Publishing


Mediteranean Blend Makes 1/4 cup Suitable for Beef, Lamb and Chicken

Southwestern Spice Blend Makes 1/4 cup add flavour to beef, lamb poultry, fish & soups



2 tsp ground Sage 2 tsp dried Thyme 2 tsp Pepper 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Garlic powder 1 tsp dried Rosemary

1 tbsp Salt 2 tsp Garlic powder 2 tsp Chili powder 2 tsp ground Cumin 2 tsp Pepper 1/2 tsp unsweetened Cocoa

Combine all ingredients and store in air-tight container.

Combine all ingredients and store in air-tight container.

Mediteranean Steak: Combine Mediterranean Blend and 1 tablespoon olive oil; rub over your choice of steak. Place seasoned steak flat in a freezer bag and seal. Can freeze up to 6 months.

Southwestern Chicken: Combine Southwestern Spice Blend and 1 tablespoon olive oil; rub over 6 skinned and boned chicken breast halves. Place seasoned chicken breast flat in a freezer bag and seal. Can freeze up to 6 months.

Cook – Thaw, then grill or in oven on mediumhigh for 8 minutes each side. Cut into thin slices and serve with salad.

Cook – Thaw, then grill or in oven on mediumhigh for 6-7 minutes each side. Serve with salad or fried rice.

WAHP Business Australia

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Recipe Source – www.taste.com.au


Chocolate Mousse Preparation - 20 minutes Serves 8

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250g dark chocolate (broken into pieces) 600ml Thick Custard 30mml Thickened Cream White Chocolate (thickly grated)


Place chocolate and custard in heatproof bowl over saucepan of simmering water (bowl should not touch the water).


Use a metal spoon to stir until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Set aside for 15 minutes to cool.


Whisk cream in a bowl until soft peaks form. Add to chocolate mixture and gently fold until just combined.

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Spoon evenly between 8 x 200ml serving glasses. Cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge for 1 hour to set. Sprinkle grated white chocolate over each glass to serve. Published by Goodnight Publishing


Recipe Source – www.taste.com.au

Strawberr y & Jelly Custard Pots Serves 4

01 02 03 04 05

Ingredients 85g pk Strawberries & Creme Jelly Crystals 1 cup boiling Water 250g fresh Strawberries (hulled and halved) 1 cup thick Vanilla Custard 1 tsp Garlic powder 1 tsp dried Rosemary

Place jelly crystals in a large heatproof jug. Add boiling water and stir to dissolve. Stir in 200ml cold water and then refrigerate for 1 ½ hours or until just set. Reserve 4 strawberry halves (for decoration). Divide the remaining strawberries between four x 1 cup capacity glasses. Pour jelly over strawberries and refrigerate for 1 – 1 ½ hours or until firm. Spoon ¼ cup custard over each jelly, then top with 1 strawberry half. Serve.

WAHP Business Australia

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Product Catalogue

SteppinOut Kiddie Shoes

Beautiful soft Leather shoes for Little feet to step out in comfort and style! Price - $27.90 + $8 postage within Australia Purchase at - http://bit.ly/22h5rdT

Lil Sunshine Collections

Personalised Backpacks Price - $69 with Free Shipping (Australia Wide) The perfect personalised bag to stash all your little one’s goodies for day care, kindy or school. http://lilsunshinecollections.com.au/backpacks-bags/

Page 34

Doozie’s Creations

Applique T-Shirts Made in a range of designs and sizes, hand embroidered, each is unique and different from the last. www.facebook.com/dooziescreations1

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Product Catalogue

Handmade by Emily

Tula Pink Colouring Book Colouring in is a great way to destress! Price - $35 incl. post in Australia www.handmadebyemily

Doozie’s Creations

Zippered clutches They come in a range of fabrics and designs including embellished fronts and patchwork. Great for make up, small wash bags or storing jewelry. Purchase at www.facebook.com/dooziescreations1

Gayle’s Goodies

Winter Wonderland Beanies Price - $15 plus postage Gayle’s Goodies offers a wide range of lightweight embellished Beanies. Contact for colours and styles. www.facebook.com/gaylesgoodies

Gayle’s Goodies

Sockless Booties - matching Headband Sets Price - $12 plus postage Gayle’s Goodies offers a colourful range of Sockless Booties with matching headband. http://www.facebook.com/gaylesgoodies

chandelier earrings

27 inch long Silver Necklace Inscribed with ‘yesterday is history, today is a gift’ Price - $38.50 plus postage Purchase at www.chandelier-earrings.net WAHP Business Australia

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WAHP Business Australia - www.wahpbusiness.com.au Published by Goodnight Publishing Designed by Digiwise Graphics

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