ISSUE 6: DEC 2016
CONTENTS Upper Room Recap
The Towns We Lived In 3 Community
Get To Know You(th)
Whaddya Reckon?
Words of Wisdom
Tell Me A’More
Eclectic Collections
Events and Updates
DESIGN/EDITORIAL: Maryellen Fairfax
PHOTOGRAPHY: Robbie Fatt / Nicole Fatt / Tahlia Armstrong / Ryan Bridcutt / Mia Windus PUBLISHER: Precision Printers
YOUTH LEADER: Scott Fatt (0421 743 001)
So 2016 is nearly over (yes, thank you Melon, we had no idea). Despite my poor attempt at joke-making (clearly that’s not my spiritual gift - see page 8), I find that coming up to Christmas often gives me new-found time to reflect, consolidate and do some serious soul-searching. Now, this is something I usually try to avoid at all costs, mostly because it usually leads to self-doubt and internal conflict. Nevertheless, over the last few weeks I’ve had a difficult pill to swallow. I’ve realised that I’m the rich-young-ruler who can’t give it all to God. I’ve realised that this year I buried my talents deep in the ground. I’ve realised that I haven’t been making disciples of all nations. I haven’t brought a single person to the feet of Christ. I am a failure in my own eyes. I am hugely disappointed in myself. I’m thinking: ‘Gee, I really mustn’t love God enough because my actions sure don’t show it!’ But the mind-boggling thing is that despite all of my failures, God loves me unconditionally. Nothing I do can make Him love me any less. His grace is enough. (Romans 8:39). So if God loves me unconditionally, why is it that I am so quick to criticise myself? I’ve realised a large part of it is because my perspective is so skewed. I’m so self-preoccupied; so much of my energy is expended thinking about ‘me me me’ that I don’t have the energy to care about others, or listen to God’s calming voice. And I’m sure you’ve experienced this too. We get so caught up in our own failures that we fail to see the infinite value Jesus placed on us when He died on that cross. And because we fail to see our value, we are scared to exercise our talents; our gifts; our courage. We bury them deep in the ground and tell ourselves that we’re not good enough. We care more about social etiquette and ‘fitting in’ than about spreading the gospel. We measure ourselves through the world’s eyes rather than through God’s eyes. Our faith is shaky because we’re too scared to exercise it (see page 8). As many of you know, tonight marks Robbie’s feature film release. I am amazed at the courage he has shown to put this film together - in the face of potential criticism, and road-blocks at every corner, he is bravely showing part of his testimony to the world. And it has served as a huge reminder to me that I should be exercising my talents and spiritual gifts in the same way. And so, I’ve dedicated this magazine to that purpose. This issue of YOUth explores how and why we exercise our God-given talents, and the concept of stewardship. Ultimately, it asks the question:
where does my value and worldview lie? In the world, or in eternity? I believe this really ties into one of the major questions asked in The Towns We Lived In, that is: Why do young people leave the church? And also, why are we so quick to judge people who leave the church? Why don’t we instinctively care, encourage, or love them instead? (see page 4). It’s a hugely challenging question that this film left open for me, and one which I’ve come to a personal conclusion about: It’s because we are so self-preoccupied. We don’t exercise our faith. We are too scared, or sometimes too broken to share the gospel because we’re so caught up in our failures. You know the ol’ cliche: ‘faith is like a muscle’? (While I don’t have a huge personal affiliation with muscles, I’m pretty you have to work them to make them grow). We need to experience that radical change of perspective. We need to look out and up rather than inwards and downwards. But how can we do this? How can we exercise our talents for God, and be courageous when we feel like a failure and lack confidence? If you cast your mind back to February, you might remember this: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Tonight as you are watching the film, and pondering these questions for yourself, I challenge you to consider this - where is your trust placed? In yourself, or in your all-powerful Father who died for you, personally?
The rocks of life are big and heavy; they tend to take up a lot of space. A few weeks ago Pr Rangi took to the stage at the last Upper Room and demonstrated just how much of a toll they can take on us as he lugged the cumbersome stones across the stage and into the tub which stood as a metaphor for life. That wasn’t all. Smaller pebbles came next. Then sand. Then water. Finally the tub was full and the message was clear: some things in life take a lot of space and if you don’t fit them into your life first then you won’t be able to fit them around everything else. It
Big thanks to Chris who inspired us with some encouraging words from Job. He spoke about how Job’s first reaction was to bow down and worship (Job 1:20) after he lost everything, been and how his perspective was linked to his most purpose and value in Christ, rather than his de-transient pain. cade This really links into the theme(s) that come since Pr Rangiacross in this issue of YOUth. Why do we use our talents? Because they are from God, given had to us so we can praise him. Why do young spoken people leave the church? Maybe it’s because in Wah-their perspective is so caught up in their pain, roongathat they’ve lost their purpose; they can’t see SDA God anymore. Why should we be good stewards? Because everything we own belongs to churchGod in the first place, so we should give back and to Him. whilst many If you’re struggling in your walk with God, maynew- be take a step back - find a new perspective and put your life back in the context of what really matters.
I’m 23. And that means I’m at a good age to leave the church. If I make it to 25 then I’ve done well to stay. And if I make it to 30, well then I know for sure that I’m a good Christian. But here’s the thing; I’ve never wanted to be just a “good Christian”. By that I mean I’ve never wanted to be someone who just “stayed” in the church and never did anything else. No, no, to be completely honest, I’ve always wanted to be someone who’s life is 100% surrendered to Christ to the point where my actions and existence, are all motivated by my desire to share Him with everyone around me. And I’ve come to realise, this year more than ever, that my desire to have God in life, isn’t just a “want” but certainly an intrinsic “need”. Now, I’ve always thought about life’s big questions, and I’ve never been one for small talk. So imagine with me for a second that you are on your death bed. And you are looking back at your life at all the things that you’ve done and valued so highly. Saving for a house, travelling the world, building a successful career or hobby, having a family and friends (and these are all great things). But now you’re looking back at your life and thinking… hmmm… now what?
them. That’s a harsh truth. I watched them leave, I judged them as they left, I never reached out to them when I knew why they were struggling, and to be brutally honest, I never even prayed for them. But now I know it isn’t too late for me to change the way I’ve been in the past. And I’m really excited because I’m convinced more than ever that the future is going to be much better, because I can see a group of passionate young people who want to be there for others. I can see a group of youth who knows just how important it is to have Christ in their lives. And I can see a society which finally has the resources and abilities to globally spread the truth of the gospel, to a world which is in desperate need for it.
I’m certainly not a perfect person, not even close. I am in no way, shape or form better than any single person who is reading this. But I do know that there are so many people out there who are struggling. And I feel awful that some of you have never had anyone who put an effort in to be there for you.
So please, if you need someone to talk to, get in touch with someone who you know you can trust. Here is my personal email What happens now? What do I believe in? which anyone can contact if they would And ultimately, what’s the point of anything like to ask any more questions about my I did with my life? personal story and journey: robbie_fatt@ hotmail.com Growing up in the church I’ve seen more than half of my friends leave. And sure, I And if anything, please remember this: could blame the church or the pastors, or God loves you. Regardless of what you do their parents or even the people themor who you become. He will accept you selves for the decisions they’ve made. But how you are. And he will certainly bring at the end of the day, they’ve left... that’s you an internal peace all that matters. which surpasses all underBut do you know what hurts me most about standing. all of this? It’s the fact that I wasn’t there for
COMMUNITY How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1
ZACH AND BRADY'S BAPTISM Last week we witnessed two of our teens: Zach Ferris and Brady Boehm, devote their lives to Christ at Narrabeen Lakes. We just want to wish you another huge congratulations boys! You have just courageously made the best and most important decision of your lives and we’re so glad we could share your special day!
WAHROONGA SOCIAL SOCCER For the last few months, Wahroonga youth have been playing soccer on Sundays! It’s been so much fun with about 20 players coming each week to show off their skills (ranging from zero to amazing). If you enjoy soccer, banter, or just want some good exercise, join us at Carrington Park, Wahroonga, 4:30pm on Sundays. Check out the Facebook page for more details.
Big thanks to Rosie for organising this one! It was great fun dressing up eating food and competing for points. Congrats to Nicole for best dressed!
UPPER ROOM:STORMS We had an awesome turn-out at the last Upper Room in October! For a detailed recap on the haps’, see page 2.
MIA WINDUS Name/nickname? Mia Paige Windus
WESLEY RAYMOND Name/nickname? Wesley “Wez” Raymond
Occupation/life status? Occupation/life status? Student in year 8 at Hills Adven- I recently finished my undertist College graduate degree of commerce and science. I have been workBest weird food combination? ing for over 4 years in outdoor Celery and peanut butter recreation. I have been married almost a year now to the most If you could live anywhere in amazing woman I’ve ever met. the world, where would it be? I’d love to live in America so I Best weird food combination? can work at Disney Land! Crunchy peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches What is one talent you are thankful for? If you could live anywhere in Being able to see Gods the world, where would it be? creation and capture it on a Somewhere with mountains, camera to share with others. good food and very spiritually I have been travelling to Fiji focused… maybe Bhutan? since I was a baby and have developed a love for the What is one talent you are country but especially the thankful for? beautiful people. A talent I I think God has given me a have is to adapt to another talent in outdoor recreation. I culture different to mine and haven’t had extensive training, be able to share and serve but I pick up many outdoor skills where I can. easily and execute them well. This has been a blessing for me What does the word ‘steward- to serve the pathfinders on variship’ mean to you? ous expeditions and hikes, helpNothing really belongs to us, ing to bring many young people God owns everything and we to Christ through the exploration are responsible for how we of His awesome creation. treat what he gave us and what we do with it. What does the word ‘stewardship’ mean to you? Favourite Bible verse? It means being responsible to Psalms 136:1 “Give thanks to manage and use all that God the Lord, for He is good. His has privileged you with to furlove endures forever.” ther His kingdom here on Earth.
Favourite Bible verse? Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.”
MIRIAM MILIVOJEVIC Name/nickhame? Miriam Milivojevic - ‘Mim’, ‘Mims’, ‘Mimi’ Occupation/life status? Fulltime student, studying Law at Macquarie Best weird food combination? Greek yoghurt on pizza is my fave! What is one talent you are thankful for? I am thankful for the gift of music. It has become a big part of my life, and helped me get through highs and lows with encouraging words and beautiful melodies. Being able to lead a congregation in worship, sing songs that are meaningful to me, and working with amazing band members is an aspect of service that I’m really thankful for. I pray that I am using it in order to reflect Christ’s love and character. What does the word ‘stewardship’ mean to you? It means that God has entrusted us with something. We are asked to take care of it, use it to serve others, be faithful with it and avoid letting it go to waste. I think of the parable of the 10 talents in Matthew 25:14-30. It reminds me that God has blessed everyone with talents, and being a faithful steward is using it to the best of our abilities for His glory. Favourite Bible verse? Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.”
Frankly, when Melon asked me to write about how I use my talents for God, I felt pretty hesitant — I mean, it feels pretty egocentric to ‘blow your own trumpet’ in 100 words. But upon further reflection, the things that I am good at are not virtues of anything that I’ve done, they’re God-given talents. That’s why we call them spiritual gifts, isn’t it?
As some of you will know, I love to sing and play music at church and with the youth band. It’s a blessing to be able to praise God with your voice and I thank Him for giving me the ability to sing - I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t (I’d probably still sing, just a lot worse). I also think God gave me a pretty good sense of humour (and I’m sure some will disagree). But seriously, laughing and seeing someone smile or just exhale more air from their nose than normal (you know what I’m talking about), are some of my favourite things. Although humour doesn’t always fix the problem when people are struggling, it does remind you that there is joy in this world (and no I’m not talking about Joy Akrawi, but she is very funny too). I could go on (because I have sooo many good attributes - cough cough) but I think I’ll end by saying: sure, talents and gifts are great, but a person who is kind and genuinely cares about others is truly special. Make the most of your talents, and God will take care of the rest. :3
I guess I have a few talents, but I wouldn’t call myself stand-out-talen ed at any of them. Even so, this year I made the resolution that if someone gave me an opportunity to serve in church, then I would accept it. Why? Well I’ve decided that the attitude of not helping because you feel you’re not talented enough or that you wouldn’t like it doesn’t help you, or anyone. You’ll never get better at something, or discover that you like it until you actually give it a go. So I've taken that on and it’s opened up quite a few opportunities that have made be grow spiritually. In October, Chel sea asked me to give my testmony at the Upper Room. I was quite hesitant because I thought my testimony was boring and not very influential - why would anyone want to hear it? But then I remembered my resolution that I would take on more opportunities and because of this, I said yes. I do like being the centre of attention so I told myself that I might as well use that for God! Even though I was nervous and wasn’t sure if people would like it, God calmed my nerves, and when people said ‘you did such a good job’ I was able to give the glory to Him. So this resolution has enhanced by ability to trust God. It was his work that made it good, not my own.
"Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others as a faithful steward of God’s Grace’ - 1 Peter 4:10. Am I using my talents to their full potential like God intended? Think about that for a moment... The talents and gifts you have should be used to glorify God. It’s as simple as that! God’s Grace is the only reason you have that gift to begin with. Now that might be pretty confronting for most people, and for others, like myself, a rather large wake up call. As sad as it is, I don’t feel like I have been using my talents to their full potential. God has blessed me in many ways, and when I think about it, I feel as though I do not live a life that reflects the countless amazing things that the Lord has done for me. That’s getting pretty deep, huh? I’m always the guy that’s happy to be involved, help out, lead where it is needed, but I still have that little angel on my shoulder saying ‘Come on man, what else can you do? There’s more!’ I guess that’s part of growing up and learning how to listen to that voice and understand it. However when I came across that verse in Peter, I realised that there is a reason God has blessed me in many ways. I need to make a daily choice to use my gifts to glorify God as best as I can. Will you?
of Words Wisdom Alban is our fearless head pastor at Wahroonga, passionate about personal discipleship and stewardship. These are his words about giving back to God:
Why do we have to give money to the church? Many of us often face that question. Some of us struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing cost of living and on top of that, make generous financial provision in church. So why do have to give money to the church? What is the right motive to give? Joseph McCabe says: “The problem in [every] church is... getting people to stop giving money to the church budget, and to begin responding to the gospel in terms of discipleship. ... All the devices and methods of raising money that are not founded on man’s response to the gospel will go to pieces on the rock of man’s selfishness.”—The Power of God in the Parish Program, p. 14. My experience as a church pastor over the years tells me that people give for various reasons. Some give because they want to keep up with what others are doing. We see that often when a church sets up a financial goal, which often results in pressure on each member of the congregation to give. The motive here is not to lose face. So the response is often a grudging one, with no great spiritual benefit.
Another motive worthier than the above one is when we appeal to the sense of member responsibility. Often we strongly advertise what is needed in the church and hope that people will feel responsibility to give generously. This is often a very successful approach because people react positively to the sense of responsibility.
The problem with that, though, is that clubs and political parties operate on the same principles. I believe the reason why a Christian should give is not just a sense of responsibility, but a sense of thanksgiving and gratitude. The heart of a true Christian is not concerned with what others are doing and it does not operate only in the face of immediate needs. Generous giving; it is a natural heart felt response to God’s love. “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits?”
I like the following lines: “True Christian benevolence springs from the principle of grateful love. Love to Christ cannot exist without corresponding love to those whom He came into the world to redeem. It must be the ruling principle of the being, controlling all the emotions and directing all the energies. Redeeming love should awaken all the tender affection and self-sacrificing devotion that can possibly exist in the heart of man. When this is the case, no heart-stirring appeals will be needed to break through their selfishness and awaken their dormant sympathies, to call forth benevolent offerings for the precious cause of truth.”—Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 396.
The heart of a true Christian is not concerned with what others are doing
When God calls us to be disciples for his kingdom he calls us to be partners with Him in the business of saving the lost. That is a tremendous privilege. We are partners with God! This is the foundation of our generosity. God loves a cheerful giver. The one that has experienced his redemption gives because, they know Jesus, who gave his all. The heart of a Christian does not give grudgingly, or only at the face of necessity. His generosity springs up from gratitude to Christ.
Amore Dear Aunt Agatha, I wouldn’t go as far as saying that money is the root of all my problems, but it’s certainly the root of some conflict right now. I’ve been dating this guy for like 6 months and he’s a total gentleman. We have the best chats and he totes gets me but I’m starting to get the feeling we have a problem. I really don’t mind but every time we go out and do things, I end up paying - which doesn’t bother me because it’s my parents money and they’ve got plenty. His family is struggling with money at the moment and he’s working just to support them so he can’t afford to keep eating out at restaurants and going to the movies, which is cool, so I just pay. He keeps trying to find lame things like picnics to do together, which don’t cost like anything but it’s really annoying. Should I just give him money so he doesn’t have to worry about working and not being able to afford things?
Dear Privileged-Ungrateful-Child, I wouldn’t go as far as saying that money is the root of all your problems either, but your lack of insight certainly is. While this may seem like a romantic scenario where ‘your’ (i.e. your parents) money can save him from an disadvantaged upbringing, let me tell you now, it’s not that simple (unlike you, clearly). This guy obviously doesn’t want you to just give him money, he wants to earn it! Anything worth having is worth working for. #workworkworkworkworkwork
And the fact that this guy who seems to like you (for reasons I can’t possibly imagine) is trying to organise activities at all, should tell you that he wants to make this work despite the differences in your finances. Have you ever considered that maybe he just likes going to a park and having a picnic, not because it’s cheaper, but because it’s actually a nice thing to do? You can’t only do what you want all the time when there’s someone else in the equation… On a more serious note, you should probably have a long (well, very long for you) think about the whole money issue in general. Have you had a chat with your boyfriend about money? For different people, money will mean different things. For some people, money means freedom and independence, while it’ll mean power for others, or even insecurity if you don’t have ‘enough’. Money is everything to some, and for others, it is the last thing they worry about. That should at least start you on the right path. Oh and I suggest you try and get a job, it’ll make you appreciate what your boyfriend is going through and the value of money too. Although I’m not totes sure you’ll be able to get one #growup Yours truly,
Aunt Agz
WHY DO I LOVE LEELAND? JOSH HACKO Earlier this year, I went to a Christian youth camp called Converge (I highly recommend that you all go next year!) where I met a bunch of people all over Australia from an array of different churches. A few weeks after Converge, one of my friends I made, contacted me asking if I was interested in coming to his church for a concert. He was vague and didn’t describe the details, but I pencilled in the date and said I’d think about it.
So far this has been a fantastic story about how much I love bands and how obsessive I become, but the question goes unanswered, why do I love Leeland? Well, I could tell you that I love them because the lead singer (Leeland Mooring) has an angelic voice, or that the lead guitarist (Casey) has the best guitar tone that has ever been recorded, or that Leeland as a band explores the character of God so uniquely and thoroughly in their music that it brings a new facet to the term At the same time, I spent those few weeks after ‘worship’, or even that Leeland has the most lusConverge growing to like/love an American Con- cious red hair ever, but none of these points would temporary Christian Worship band out of Nashville really be addressing why I love Leeland. called Leeland. The concert was fantastic, and, yes, Leeland’s When I start to like a band I become obsessed. voice and the guitars sounded incredible and the As I begin to like a few songs, I start to search for songs showed the congregation God, and Leetheir more popular hits, and then I search for oth- land’s hair flowed over his shoulders majestically. er less famous songs, and then delve deeper into But there was one thing that made me love Leethe older catalogue and then open spotify and land: ...‘I just love God’ binge listen to their whole discography and then stalk them on Facebook and then find out which He said, ‘I just love God so much that I can’t guitar/synth/drum/amplifier each member uses get enough! I love Him so deeply that I want and then send each member a friendly private to be in His presence constantly... when I’m message saying how indispensable their music is not there I am searching constantly for it. My life to my life and how I wouldn’t be a human being doesn’t make sense without God.’ Leeland’s love with a full taste of existence without their songs, for God is inspiring, it’s life changing. His passion and then finally check if they are doing a tour and for searching for Christ’s presence is contagious if it contains Australian dates. ...Yeah. and makes you want to fill your life with just that search. I love Leeland because he made me love I ended up searching Leeland’s tour dates and to God. my absolute luck and immediate bewilderment, they were touring in Australia, and had a tour My relationship with God is not based on Leeland, date only an hour north of Sydney! I guess many but I am eternally grateful that Leeland has shown of you know where this story is going - and yes, you me how to love Him. Have a listen to ‘Where You are right, my friends church was hosting Leeland. Are’ by Leeland and definitely check out their He had invited me. It was fate, I had to go. most recent release ‘Invisible’.
When I first researched ‘stewardship’, I didn't know what a steward was beyond the male version of stewardess on a plane! But upon further inspection, ‘Steward’ has 7 definitions in the dictionary. This is the one I went with: ‘A person who manages another’s property or financial affairs.’ When God created the world, He gave us dominion over everything and told us to look after it. We became stewards.
laytos ORNER
At various points in history, whether it be war or greed or corruption, we've broken the world down. Adelaide University’s Professor of Climate Change, Barry Brook, estimates that raising animals for human consumption is responsible for half of Australia's short-term global warming gasses — that’s more than the coal industry. Also, the earth only has enough resources to sustainably support 2 billion people.1 It’s no wonder, then, that the planet isn’t coping with 7 billion! Can what we eat affect our spiritual health? Ellen White In The Ministry of Healing, 307, 1905 {CD 46.1} says that what we eat has a direct effect on our spiritual life:
I won't lie, I like a good piece of meat, so I contribute to all of this just as much as the next person. So should I start driving an electric car? Should I only catch public transport? Should I turn off my air conditioning to protect the planet? We live in a world of convenience, and in a sea of 7 billion people collectively polluting the world, is there really any point in being a ‘good steward of creation’ when it ultimately won’t make a difference?
“We should not provide for the Sabbath a more liberal supply or a greater variety of food than for other days. ...The food should be more simple, and less should be eaten, in order that the mind may be clear and vigorous to comprehend spiritual things. A clogged stomach means a clogged brain. The most precious words may be heard and not appreciated, because the mind is confused by an improper diet...”
Well, what about Noah? Jonah? Joseph?... even Ellen White! Each of these people were good stewards despite the world being against them, and look at the legacy they left! While we can’t fight against the system and win, we can live a life that testifies of God’s goodness and providence and maybe... just maybe that will bring others to Him. It will have eternal value.
Recent scientific studies confirm that our gut bacteria arising from what we eat significantly effects cognition.1,2 If you’ve been trying everything to draw closer to God and hear His voice, but nothing is happening, have you checked the health of your gut? #foodforthought 1) http://articles.mercola.com/sites/ articles/archive/2015/11/12/mentalhealth-gut-flora.aspx 2) Li, Wang, et al. “Memory and learning behavior in mice is temporally associated with diet-induced alterations in gut bacteria.” Physiology & behavior 96.4 (2009): 557-567.
Remember, this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. (Matt 24:8) Any mother reading this will tell you that labor starts and it hurts and just before the baby comes the pain is just excruciating. In the same way, Jesus is coming soon. The pain will soon be worth it. All I'm hoping is Jesus comes back in the next few years before our "stewardship" does more damage than we can survive.
BBC Earth Statistics: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160311how-many-people-can-our-planet-really-support
We want to hear about it! Whether it’s your opinion about the refugee crisis or Donald Trump, a testimony that God has put on your heart to share, a cool life-hack, or even just a funny joke, we’d love to hear it Contact youth@wahroongasdachurch.com, or send Maryellen a Fb message.
Josh, Chelsea, Rosie, Richie
Audiovisuals: Jason, Paul, Ella, Jodi, Brady, Mason
David, Michael, Wayne, Richie, Kirsten
Robbie, Mia, Ryan, Nicole, Tahlia
Miriam and Daniel
Zoe and Christeen
BREAKFAST Joy and her helpers
Miriam, Brendan, Josh, Robbie and others!
Leaders: Scott, Jessica Assistants: Joy, Josh, David
If you’d like to be involved in 2017, or have hidden talents you’d like to use for God’s glory, let Scott know and we’ll be over the moon to have you on the team!
Michael, and everyone who ran a social!
We want to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone who helped out this year! It takes a LOT of work to make so many events happen. To those who took on roles, the youth wouldn't run without you so thankyou! And to all the humble helpers who worked behind the scenes (who aren't listed here), you are so appreciated by your church! 2016 has been awesome!
IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO BOOK! $149 for the weekend. come and BE BLESSED! BOOKINGS CLOSE SOON:
http://aucyouth.adventist.org.au/ converge
SUPERCAMP IS FAST APPROACHING! STAFF: 7-9th jan | junior: 10-15 jan | Teen: 16-22 jaN.
FEB DO YOU HAVE AN EVENT WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT? EMAIL: youth@ wahroongasda church.com
FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDIES WILL CONTINUE ON THE 9TH and 16TH December at 7:30pm. Guest speaker Rob Pertzel will be takING IT. Don’t miss it!
9 +16
see facebook for more details