ISSUE 6: JULY 2016
Through this experience, I have learned one very important lesson: humility is crucial to a deeper relationship with God. Without failing, I would never have realised the ‘bubble of blessing’ He had kept me in my whole life, and probably would have taken credit for my own work, as always. It forced me to fully rely on Him (for once in my life) and dwell on his generous and forgiving character. I don’t know about you, but humility is something I’ve always struggled to understand, which is why I named this issue ‘the humble pie paradox’ (that, and it is also an excellent use of idiom and alliteration haha #anotherhumblebrag). For example, can one be both confident and humble, (Aunt Agatha has some very wise advice on page 9), and why is it so easy to be proud of being humble? Recently, God has put these questions on my heart. So, here is some food (humble pie) for thought: Ellen White says that ‘God’s promises are all on condition of humble obedience.’ Does this mean that His plans to prosper us and give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11) require us to be humble? I encourage you to search the pages of this issue and decide for yourself. Blessings from your humble-pie-eating-friend, - Maryellen xo
CONTENTS Clayto’s Corner Get To Know You(th)
Passionate Prodigies
Bible Study
Words of Wisdom
Tell Me A’More
Eclectic Collections
How To’s
Events and Updates
DESIGN/EDITORIAL: Maryellen Fairfax / Tyler Kuulkers
PHOTOGRAPHY: Robbie Fatt / Nicole Fatt / Tahlia Armstrong / Ryan Bridcutt / Mia Windus PUBLISHER: Precision Printers YOUTH LEADER: Scott Fatt (0421 743 001)
THE HUMBLE PIE PARADOX I know, I know... it’s late, I’m late, this is very, very late. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to what is perhaps the most overdue magazine issue in history! But rather than don a rabbit costume (complete with pocket watch and monacle) and hop around, announcing my tardiness to the world, I have chosen to adopt Rafiki’s attitude in the Lion King: ‘you can either run from [your mistakes], or, learn from them’. Rather than look inwards at my faults and failures, I am choosing to look upwards and give glory to God. I promised God that I’d tell you about a recent humble-pie experience I had. For those of you that know me, you will know that Maryellen (and I am not proud of this) is a competitive and high-achieving perfectionist who is practically allergic to failure. Not to #humblebrag, but until recently I’d never failed anything in my life (I have truly been living in a bubble of blessings), especially anything academic. That is, until I took corporate law: the most jargon-y, fluffy and uninteresting subject in the universe(ity). To cut a painful story short, I didn’t do the 100+ pages of readings each week (they were dryer than the Sahara), listen to the lectures (irrelevant rambles about capitalism ruining children’s lives), and as a result, failed the first assessment (worth 40%). Ouch. So, I licked my wounds, and started playing the blame game. I didn’t want to admit it was my fault. Why would you do this to me, God? Why would you let me fail? Why did you give me such an imcompetent lecturer? Slowly but surely, the final exam inched closer and closer, and I started panicking. I needed 60% in the exam to pass - a mark I was sure I couldn’t get. Thoughts raced through my head: what would a fail do to my future internship opportunities? Was I on the right career path? What would my parents and friends think? And most importantly, how would I live with myself? So, 2 weeks before the exam, I started praying really hard: for concentration, determnation, and a miracle. There was no way I would be able to summarise my 600 page textbook into 2 A4 pages by the exam. But, through God’s grace, He pulled me through, and answered my prayer. It was a miracle. I soon walked out of that exam, but still full of apprehension. Had I passed? There was no way to tell. God certainly works in myseterious ways though, because if this magazine had been on time, I wouldn’t be able to finish my testimony with a ‘yes, praise God, I passed!’
The rocks of life are big and heavy; they tend to take up a lot of space. A few weeks ago Pr Rangi took to the stage at the last Upper Room and demonstrated just how much of a toll they can take on us as he lugged the cumbersome stones across the stage and into the tub which stood as a metaphor for life. That wasn’t all. Smaller pebbles came next. Then sand. Then water. Finally the tub was full and the message was clear: some things in life take a lot of space and if you don’t fit them into your life first then you won’t be able to fit them around everything else. It had been almost a decade since Pr Rangi had spoken in Wahroonga SDA church and whilst many newer youth didn’t know who he was, others reminisced the adventures they had shared with this active and involved youth pastor. His life and the stories that he shared testified to the sentiments he shared with us that Friday night, sharing of his journey towards a greater trust in God to take care of the massive important things, and the small less important things. That’s what the Upper Room is about. Not just about coming to church because there is nothing else to do on a Friday night. Not just about coming to see your friends. Not even about being committed to your church community. It is about bringing God into everything that you do. Sure the sermon centres much of that message but it is there in the little things as well: the sound/audio team, the setup/pack-up team, the special items, the worship leaders, the organisers, the food organisers (praise God for them), the welcomers, the prayers… God is not just in Bible study or in prayer: he can be in every part of your life. Take those rocks, those pebbles, that sand and water and surrender it over to God, because he says if you do, he will give you rest for HIS yoke is easy and his burden is light.
laytos ORNER
Clayton loves to write and has submitted many articles to WAY. He will have his own ‘Clayto’s Corner’ in future issues because his opinions are strong, as is his love for God.
When I was asked to write an article on humility, I didn’t know where to start. I wouldn’t say humility is a new concept to me, but I’ve always struggled with whether I’m actually humble or not. Even the definition of humility, as a ‘modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance’ is difficult, because that assumes that you know how to estimate your own importance in the first place.
Another term we have all heard growing up in the church is ‘surrender’, which means giving God complete power over your life. Without the prompting of the Holy Spirit, this is almost impossible because we fail to realise our sinfulness and need for Him. Our sinful desire takes over and as a result we drift so far from God that we don’t even want to change our sinful behaviour.
The concept of humility got me to thinking: under what criteria do we rank people? Do we rank them based on their occupation and success, how talented a sportsman or musician they are, or how good looking they are? These things really have nothing to do with the essence of their humanity or how good or bad they are as people, and yet we treat them like they do. We worship musicians, models and sports people, and yet they are not humble. After all, if you are put on a pedestal by millions and millions of people (unless you are extremely well grounded) it is very unlikely that it won’t go to your head. Humility isn’t exactly a desirable quality in worldly terms.
The problem is surrender is so much harder than it sounds. To be honest I don’t even know how to surrender everything to God. I have been trying to do it for years, but I still like being the boss; like controlling my life way too much. It reminds me of the drama Rosie and Joy did at Weak At The Upper Room. They had a chair on the stage that represented the ‘drivers seat’ to Rosie’s life. For the entirety of this skit, Jesus (Joy) and Rosie were fighting over who would be in control. The punch-line was that because the decision to have Jesus in the drivers seat was too hard for Rosie to make, she unintentionally made the decision to rejectJesus.
So is humility really that important then? Well, what about friendships? Nobody wants to hang out with someone who treats them as second rate. We want to be treated on an equal playing field. But is there more to Christianity than just being kind? Of course. I think Christian humility also requires us not to laud our spiritual walk over others. We are all on a journey, and all equally precious in God’s sight. And yet, so often we make that judgement call and weigh up our spiritual walks with those around us. That just makes us Pharisees. The Pharisees looked at the rules and outward appearance. If, instead, you shift your focus towards God’s infinite goodness, and compare this to your heart, you will realise how sinful and unworthy of grace you truly are. That, friends, is humility.
This is a beautiful example that shows who we are as people. For anyone that has mastered the concept of surrender, can you teach me? I think this is one of the main struggles for every Christian. Our sinful desire, birthed in the Garden of Eden, was humanity’s decision to follow the devil and yield our desire to him. By doing this we lost our desire to follow God. Go back earlier than that to the war in Heaven. The whole dispute was over who was to be God, and what caused this? Pride. Humility and surrender mean putting aside pride, and allowing God to actually be God. It’s yielding our desire to Him instead of our own nature. I’m not for a second going to say that’s easy I know that better than anybody. But at the end of the day, who do you want to follow? Yourself... or God?
YOU th
CLAYTON HILl Where are you from? I’m Clayto, and I’m from Mirrabooka NSW. What is your hidden talent? Tricks with my hands. Favourite reads? A Thousand Shall Fall by Susi Hasel, and Hero by Fred Stoeker. Do you have a bed-time? If so, when? If not, why do you stay up? I stay up until about 1200 on basketball nights, or 1030 when I stay at Wahroonga and stay up ‘cos I’m a bit crazy. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I’d visit Paris or the Greek Islands to romance a special someone, or visit South Africa on my own to see the wild animals. Favourite Bible character? David. My faith probably isn’t as strong as his was when he faced Goliath, but a lot of the other issues in his life are true of mine. What Bible verse speaks a thousand words to you? Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Also Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners Christ died for us.
CHELSEA MITCHELL Where are you from? I’m Chelsea. I love Jesus, the ocean and mangoes. I’m from the Central Coast! What is your hidden talent? I can drink drinks really fast. Favourite reads? I reckon you should just have a library in your house. At the moment ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue - so creative, and will give you all the feels. And to be inspired to really surrender your everyday life to Jesus, ‘Girls with Swords’ by Lisa Bevere. Do you have a bed-time? [...] Sometime before midnight. Lots of good stuff happens when you’re half asleep. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? ICELAND! I’d love to get a van and just embrace nature and people! And I’ll bring the van home and have an around-Aussie road trip! Favourite Bible character? Rahab. And Joseph. Because of their faith, and who they were, and who they became and who they reached, because of who God is. What Bible verse speaks a thousand words to you? Romans 8:39 - Whether you’re elated to the utmost heights, or find yourself in the depths of the sea, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from My love, that is revealed to you in Christ Jesus. (Hannah McDonald’s version).
JODI LI Where are you from? Hey! I’m Jody Li and I’m from Thornleigh, NSW. What is your hidden talent? It’s not really a talent but i know a lot about Star Wars! Favourite reads? I don’t read often but To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is standout for me. Do you have a bed-time? If so, when? If not, why do you stay up? I usually aim to sleep before 10:30pm except Thursday’s because I work that night and when I get home, I always watch Law and Order SVU! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I would love to visit Morocco because of the architecture and culture there or to New York to watch an NBA game at the Madison Square Gardens! Favourite Bible character? My favourite bible characters would be Shadrach, Mescach and Abednego because of their persisting faith and loyalty. What Bible verse speaks a thousand words to you? John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
HUMILITY By Rose Miranda IS
A: I graduated at AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment) and studied an Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development and Screen and Media, specialising in Game Development. Coming up with games has been a passion ever since my childhood; however at the time, it had seemed like one of those silly ambitions like becoming an astronaut. (Being an only child, I believe this helped me develop my passion as I had always been the dreamer, off in my own world coming up with weird and fantastical things).
tions that people have is how long it takes to complete projects in this line of work. People think it’s a matter of waving my Wacom pen around and out pops a dancing dog. Ha, I wish! In reality these things take a lot of time. Next-Gen games and Blockbusters all start development years in advance to the release date, and that’s with many teams of professionals with years of experience. Another big misconception is how much it costs. When a client has no idea how long a project will take, and you return to them with the time frame and how much you’d expect to be payed for what they’re requesting, they often give you a blank look; as if you’re joking.
A: I don’t have any funny stories but one lesson that I have learned is that God doesn’t always lead us into a perfect situation; just because he leads us a certain Surprisingly, though, this was not the career I pictured for myself way doesn’t mean it will be easy. During during High School. Although I did very well in creative subjects, the final year of my course, we had to do like art (I was showcased in Art Express 2014), throughout the ena major project and the doors that would tirety of my senior years, my aim was a Bachelor of Engineering in have normally been open, were closing all Aeronautics or Mechatronics at UNSW or USYD. (And I did well at around me. I was in dire need so I prayed subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Ext2 Math). After my HSC to God for guidance and one door flew though, I started doubting if this was really what I wanted to do. wide open. It was an opportuDid I really want to take a career path just because I 11 was good at it? Or should I be re-thinking my idea of FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE nity to do my major project in conjunction with an indie comwhere I see myself in the future? This was something , pany to develop an app for really struggled with, and an area where God really FOR YOU,” DECLARES and Android. It seemed like answered my prayers. “PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND iOS it would be a big hit once we I had a distant friend from outside of school contact NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE released it. We had also been promised all these rewards me one day out of the blue. He asked the classic question: “What are your plans for university?” I told YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE . for our time in developing the game. It seemed like a great him I wasn’t sure, and he told me of this exciting JEREMIAH 29 :11 opportunity; and so I started course he had been recently accepted into: game working. That is, until I realised they had no development. I wanted to know more! So I pushed and squeezed intention at all to compensate me for all him for information and thought “This sounds like a great idea, I’ll the work I had already put in. But I believe request a course placement!” But unfortunately, enrolments had God put me in that situation for a reason; already closed. He has a greater plan and I am still yet to find out what that is. So one thing I want to Yet something was urging me to call up anyway. Afterall, what remind anyone reading this is that even if was there to lose? So I called the Institute and they told me the you feel empowered by God to do someobvious: ‘Sorry, enrolments have closed.” But, they added: “If thing and it all turns south, just remember any places become available, we’ll give you a call.” Reality to stay close to God for he has a greater dawned on me and I decided that it must have been a silly idea, plan for you happening behind the scenes. and tht I should just continue with life and forget about these We may not see this plan just yet, but somefantasies.Then one day, I got a call. It was them! They told me time in the future you will understand. someone had dropped out and asked me in for an interview 3 days before the course started. I was pumped! So I went in and did the interview, brought my portfolio of works I’d been doing Q: HOW DOES YOUR WORK HELP YOU SERVE GOD? over the previous years, and they told me they were amazed by WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN GOD LEADING? the quality of work and wanted me in their course. Well shucks! A: I am still waiting to truly find out how I will be able to use my skills to glorify God, but I God works in mysterious ways. A simple prayer had turned into am adamant that the day will come where an out of the blue conversation with a distant friend, which had God’s calling will bring me into action. Who caused me to find a completely new direction in life. So much knows? Maybe I will create an empowering so, that I didn’t even care that later on that year I received a letChristian movie or an kind of app or game ter of acceptance from UNSW. I was going to become a Game/ that helps people grow closer to God. But Film artist! that’s the fun part; trying to figure it out!
A: I would have to say the best part is the fact that I get to do what I
love! I get to dive into the depths of my imagination and wrangle out whatever strange idea comes to mind and make it a reality. I get to design and build games and apps for any platform. I get to test out fancy new technologies before they come out, such as trying out the Oculus Rift before society had even heard of it. I get to transform footage of mundane places into exciting settings for films. I get to design objects that I can can then 3D print, ranging from custom made gold rings to intricate statues and miniatures. So again, answering to the question: I love that the sky is the limit!
One of the reasons I am so certain that this is my calling is that God has opened many doors for me to get me to where I am today. God has blessed me with many talents to achieve the standard of excellence I perform to and to excel above the crowd to prevent me from falling between the cracks, but most of all, blessing me me by giving me the opportunity to get to know Him. So, someday soon I will return the favour and glorify God in all the ways I can.
1 Peter 5:6:
if HUMILITY was an action hero’s super power what would it do?
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” There are many circumstances where people brought themselves to the feet of Jesus.
READ LUKE 8:26-56 This gives a deeper picture of how humility is shown by Jesus and the other party in acknowledging who Christ was. Dropping to someone’s feet held a massive significance of calling out ‘I surrender’ or ‘I submit to you’. The posture of being at someone’s feet itself shows humility.
Why do we need humility?
Paul the apostle tells us to ‘die to self daily’. He describes everyday as a constant battle to give our thoughts captive to God and surrdender our lives and will to Him. When we die to self daily we are sacrificing our human nature and allowing Christ to reign in our lives.
READ PHILLIPIANS 2:3 It is hard to put others before ourselves, but Paul the apostle exemplifies LOVE in this verse. We need to stop thinking about ourselves. Once that happens serving is no longer a burden. It comes naturally.
What are we going to do today?
1. To depend on God alone 2. Paul the apostle- says ‘to die to self daily’ 3. To put others before yourself
Are we going to manifest humility for our own gain or allow CHRIST to transform us from the inside out?
Why should we integrate these 3 things into our lives? Because we become powerful instruments for God!
Matthew 6:33
READ ACTS 4:12, 2 COR 12:9
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
We can boast in our affirmities, not being proud because we sin, but proud because WE ARE FORGIVEN.
There is power in humility. Jesus was the greatest example of this. He was both man and God. He had the power to escape the punishment for sin. At any moment, He could have given up, or asked the angels to intervene, but He kept the faith of Jesus. He humbled Himself under God’s hand. We are encouraged to do the same.
READ Phillipians 2:5-8
It allows us to depend on God alone. Salvation is only found in Christ! When we are weak He makes us strong.
Lorelly Malletin
Lorelley is our head deaconess at Wahroonga church. She works so hard organizing many things and visiting those who can’t make it each week. We never hear about what she has done, as she doesn’t expect appraisal and recognition. She is a true product of her mother and father and always happily helps out where she can. She is a beautiful, humble faithful servant of God and is very much appreciated in our church.
Two of the humblest people I have ever known are my father & mother, Pr and Mrs George Burnside. My father came from a very humble beginning. He and his sister Mary ran a small diary farm while his father built and restored houses on the West Coast of South New Zealand. At 17 he heard a preacher, Pr J W Kent, preach on prophecy in Christchurch and thought he wouldn’t get out of the theatre before the end of the world was to come. “I better go and warn people!” he thought. From then on he dedicated his life and time to ministry. George decided to study to become an evangelist. After two years studying Bible subjects at Longburn College in New Zealand, he went colporteuring. He eventually became an evangelist and ran campaigns all over Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and Houston USA. Later on he started up campaign programs that would run every night for 3 weeks, preaching to those thirsty for Jesus.
My mother humbly supported him in all this work. They were married in Maryborough Queensland and had their honeymoon at Hervey Bay where Dad decided to run a mission to raise up a church there. My mother went with him to Bible studies on motor bike in the dead cold of winter in Tasmania and would catch bus, then train, then bus again to visit new interests. We moved to a new city at the end of each year, the houses were not very flash but this didn’t dampen their enthusiasm. My parents were all about “Serving the Lord with humility.” Acts 20:19.
My father became an evangelist not to bring honour to himself, but to warn people about the coming of Jesus and to show the Bible trustworthy and true. He was asked to be president numerous times but turned the offer down as he wanted to stay with evangelism. To me this shows true humility and the hunger to do God’s work for God’s sake.“Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth”. - Matt 5:5
We want to hear about it! Whether it is a strong opinion about the refugee crisis or Donald Trump getting the presidency, a testimony that God has put on your heart to share, a cool life-hack you’ve recently found out about, or even just a funny joke you want to flaunt to get the ladies, we will publish it! Contact, or send Maryellen a Facebook message.
TELL ME A’MORE Dear Aunt Agatha, It doesn’t make sense to me. I just can’t seem to get the balance right. My ex-boyfriend has left me so confused after the whole experience. Initially, when we started going out, he told me I needed to assert myself more and that I should let people know ‘how great I was’. He said my ‘insecurity’ was off- putting. So over time I made an effort to announce my achievements and the more I thought about it, I realised that I had a lot to brag about: I always get good marks at school, I’m captain of the dance team and I’m very attractive. It got to the point where all I could think about was myself and as a result of being too ‘arrogant and selfish’ he broke up with me. So here I am, feeling lost and in need of finding the balance between being assertive and humility. Dear Fumbling-with-humble-pie, I’m not going to lie, this is why I don’t listen to what other people think of me (that and I’m practically deaf in both ears). But seriously, if you were comfortable and content being
ment he had in making you arrogant, you were still the one lording it over everyone (truly a woman after my own heart). But enough passing the blame around, let’s talk about what being humble is actually about. Humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself, it’s more about thinking of yourself less. And no, I didn’t write that myself, I read it somewhere on the interwebs at 70x zoom. Basically, you don’t have to be insecure, unconfident or timid to be humble - you can be confident in who you are, just think about others more. But just because you’re not telling everyone about your achievements doesn’t mean you’re humble. If someone’s congratulating you and you’re saying ‘oh thanks so much, it was totally unexpected’ while thinking ‘I am the best, bow down before me mere mortals’ then you’re probably not really humble. But, we would be great friends. Being humble also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take compliments. Don’t be that person who rejects a compliment like: “oh please, I don’t know what you’re talking about, it was so awful”. People will hate you and think you are stupid (perhaps they already do #soznotsoz #lifereflections). I really hope that helps you find a balance. Who am I kidding, of course it’ll help, I am the best at giving advice. Don’t you just hate it when you’re right all the time? Not that you would know about that! Hahahahaha.” #humblebrag #muchirony #hypocrite #wherearemypills
Aunt Agz
tarving tudents
I absolutely love animation. And for me it is rare for any CGI film outside of Pixar to sincerely move me in an emotional way. But Zootopia managed to do that. The strength of the film is in it’s two lead characters. While the premise for the film and its overall plot is largely unoriginal and highly Americanised, the movie manages to ring true through its strong characters. If I was 12 years old reviewing this film I would have given it a 4.5 stars out of 5 but unfortunately, because of its unoriginal plot I must give it a 3.5 stars out of 5. I can’t even begin to express how much I love Ginnifer Goodwin (the rabbit)’s character. Never have I connected more strongly with a character in both thinking and mentality. The film does however, once again create “ideal characters” and “ideal plot scenarios” with the credits rolling at the “ideal point” in these character’s relationships. Despite this, I would recommend this film for anyone and I can connect strongly with its positive themes of “dreaming to be different” and “anyone can be friends”. The film does have many scary scenes though and I would not recommend the film for any child below the age of 10. I could write more but I don’t want to spoil the movie! But I must say this, the opening 30 minutes of the film had me completely hooked and up until that point in the movie I would have given the film a 5 out of 5 stars.
Jez, Jezza, Riddles. These are the names I call my favourite male vocalist. He doesn’t know and I certainly haven’t asked, but I’d like to think that we are on a first name basis with each other. Maybe. Maybe not….
Songs to check out:
Over the past few years I have really loved Bethel’s live albums, Tides, We Will Not Be Shaken and Have It All, have been the most recent three. Fantastic albums! In that time I have become sonically intimate with the voices on those albums, Hunter GK Thomson, Jenn and Brian Johnson, Steffany Gretzinger to name a few. But for me, the most powerful voice on these records has been Jeremy Riddle. His leading during worship has been fantastic and musically, his voice is just beyond words.
You can find a few of his talks on YouTube where he talks about worship leading, and what it means to be a leader both in and out of the sphere of music. Although not everyone might be a musician, I think everyone would benefit from listening to his talks as well as his music. I guess I’m drawn to Jez because I see him as an exceptionally inspiring leader, someone that I can look up to. Yes, maybe I have placed him on a pedestal, but when someone loves Jesus so much and reflects him in his ministry, it’s hard not to.
Jeremy Riddle
Be Enthroned
The theme for our Weak of Upper Room, back in March, was ‘my strength is made perfect in your weakness’; a Bible passage from 2 Corinthians 12:9.
spaghetti frittata
practical perspective,
INGREDIENTS: 100g leftover spaghetti 1 diced red onion 3 eggs 50ml milk 50g grated cheese 2 tomatoes, sliced 3 tbsp. Pesto HAVE NO IDEA Handful of peas WHAT DO WITH Salt, pepper + THOSE 3 DAY OLD olive oil LEFTOVERS? WHY
METHOD: 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees 2. Cook onion in a frying pan for 5 minutes 3. Whisk eggs, milk, cheese and pesto in a jug and set aside 4. Put the spaghetti in the pan with the onions, and give everything a stir. Then pour the egg mixture on top and cook for 5 minutes 5. Put the pan in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the frittata is firm and golden.
Jeremey Riddle
This is Amazing Grace
Jez Riddlez
Heavens Song Jezza!
GOOD AT COOKING? Send us your recipes to
When looking at our lives from a how should we approach this verse and similar verses within the context of addiction? There are a plethora of behaviours and substances for which people can become addicted, and an equal diversity of ways in which individuals respond. What might be an issue for one, may be a non-factor for another. Alternatively, one may find it relatively easy to overcome one addiction compared to another.
Christs’ power
How does impact our struggle of addiction and, just as importantly, is this verse telling us that in these moments of struggle we should not expect to fall?
1 2 3
Yeah I can fill in last minute and do the prayer up the front of church, my outfit is on point. I’m pretty good at being humble, I mean, I haven’t got much going for me to boast about anyway. That awkward moment when you’re trying to conceal that $20 note in your hand as the offering bag comes around because you can feel your neighbour’s eyes silently remembering whatever you put in that bag.
COMMUNITY How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1
EVENTS + UPDATES NEWS: EXCITING RE-BRAND Last weekend, I had the privelidge of going to the Digital Discipleship Conference at UNSW. I can’t even describe inspiring it was and how much the Holy Spirit was working on the hearts of everyone there. There were so many amazing tips and tricks presented by experts which can help expand church communities through social media, broadcasting, graphic design and much more. Needless to say, WAY is right on board! I thought I’d share a few things the Youth Leadership Team have been up to recently to fulfil this mission!
We’ve recently released a brand new WAY Email that is designed to keep you up to date with all the current events happening at church. A big thanks to Zoe for agreeing to do this for us! You are a blessing! If you aren’t signed up for the email list and would like to know the #current #haps, just send an email to and ask us to add you!
FRI 6:45 PM: Discussion Panel | SAT 4:00 PM: ‘A Tale of Two Faiths’. Come and be challenged! SAT 9:15 AM: Free delicious breakfast for teens and youth downstairs before the Sabbath School lesson. All welcome!
As of THIS WEEK, WAY has an instagram account! Follow us at @wahroongaadventistyouth. This way, we can reach out not only to you guys, but to people all around the world that need to hear the gospel. Stay tuned for inspirational Bible verses, awesome pictures of you guys, event udates, and cool contests!
Yes, these YOUth magazines are now available to read ONLINE! Head over to and search ‘Wahroonga Advetist Youth’.You can now share our past issues, and those #quiche pictures of yourself with your family and friends, and let them know that your youth group is #legit #thebestever.
If you have a knack for social media and would like to get involved, Maryellen wants to know about it! Come and see her after church, or shoot her a facebook message. She would love to have you on board!
29-01 AUG: Join the Adventist Youth of Sydney for what is perhaps the cheapest way to travel to the snowfields... like... literally EVER. It’s less than $200 for food, travel, AND accomodation, and you get to meet new people and experience God in a new way. Register now!
SAT 5:00 PM: Bonfire at the Weslake’s house, 25 Stringer Road, Kellyville! Bring a chair and marshmallows. Food and drinks provided.
11-17 SEP: Youth week of prayer will be held at Mountain View Church in a couple of months time. Why not rally the troop together and plan to join them for a couple of nights? Speaking of rally (hehe shameless reference), on that Sabbath, the Youth Rally will be on!