2 minute read
Death Café The
A n e w a n d u n i q u e l o c a l o p p o r t u n i t y t o d i s c u s s a n y a s p e c t o f d e a t h a n d d y i n g o v e r a c u p p a .
M a r c h
1 9 t h
E v e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e t o j o i n D e a t h C a f e N o r t h C a n t e r b u r y o n t h e 3 r d S u n d a y o f e v e r y m o n t h a t 1 p m a t a l i b r a r y n e a r y o u .
To book or for more information call or email:
A c u p p a ' n ' c a k e w i t h a d i f f e r e n c e Liz: 0276184891 |
Anna: 0272841903 | anna.paterson@wmk.govt.nz
Waimakariri District Community Networking Forums 202 3
Gabrielle Barlow Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support c/Wellbeing North Canterbury Phone: 03 327 8945
Email: g.barlow@wellbeingnc.org.nz
Jo Ealam Manager, Oxford Community Rooms 37 Main Street Phone: 03 312 3006
Email: jo@oxfordtrust.co.nz
Serena Peychers Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council
Phone: 0800 965 468
Email: serena.peychers@wmk.govt.nz
Peter Johnston Pegasus Community Centre team
Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Venue and address
2 02 3 Schedule Location
Kaiapoi Ruataniwha Centre Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street
Venue :
9 February , 1 1 May, 1 0 August
Contact people Kaiapoi 12 noon –1pm
Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford 56 Main Street, Oxford
9 March, 8 June, 14 September
Rangiora War Memorial Community Centre corner of Albert & High Streets, Rangiora
Venue :
1 3 July, 1 2 October , 14 December
Oxford 12 noon –1pm
Rangiora 12 noon –1pm
Pegasus Community Centre 8 Tahuna St, Pegasus(just along from the Flat White Café)
1 3 April, 9 November
Pegasus 12 noon –1pm
Forums are second Thursday of a month12noon1pm . Tea and coffee will be providedbring your lunch if you wish.
NB :
Presentations (prior to networking meetings) will be notified in advance in Chatter .
P lease get in touch if there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on. We can also assist with carpooling from the Rangiora Se rvice Centre (215 High Street) to Kaiapoi , Oxford or Pegasus.

Celebrating different cultures
Poster competition
Use paint, crayons, felt pens, or coloured pencils to show what celebrating different cultures means to you as part of Race Unity Day 21 March 2023.

Great prizes! For age groups Drop entries to any Waimakariri
Terms and conditions
Competition open to participants from Waimakariri District schools and home schools only.
Prizes will be presented by Mayor Dan Gordon at a special ceremony on Friday 31 March at 4pm at the Waimakariri District Council Chambers.