Wairarapa Women’s Centre
Empowering women to empower others G é ral d i ne D urrant j oi ned the W ai rarap a W om en’ s Centre i n M ay 2 0 2 1 as i ts new co- ord i nator. A p oi g nant d ate, as i t coi nci d es w i th the publication of Women in Business 2 0 2 2 one year on. S he j oi ned the Centre at a time when its activities were curtailed due to covid restrictions. However, it allowed a settling-in period for her and now it’s full steam ahead with many of the old favourite events, as well as new ones. She is s up p orted b y the Centre’ s P rog ram m e Co- ord i nator, V onni e K ord el l , w ho i s celebrating her th anniversary with the organisation this year. W hi l e the Centre w as not ab l e to hold classes for a time, G raldine was thrilled to be open for anyone who cal l ed - and there w ere m any. “We are happy to provide a listening ear and practical advocate support, if required. Covid has caused increased anxiety for some, and many people have questions and sometimes struggle to m ak e d eci s i ons . ” Born in the oire Valley region of F rance, her earl y chi l d hood w as i n M orocco w here her p arents w ere teachers. She studied Business
Administration in ondon and met her N ew Z eal and hus b and - to- b e, M i k e in the U . They have three children and with Mike’s parents on the apiti Coas t, d eci d ed to m ak e N ew Z eal and hom e. G é ral d i ne s p ent tw o years i n the yrenees loving the mountain life and so the Tararua backdrop of Wairarapa appealed to her. The family took a fivem onth road tri p to g et to N ew Z eal and including extensive time in China. “I love meeting new people and b ei ng i m m ers ed i n cul tures . I al s o love helping people and seeing the transformation and confidence b ui l d i ng that can res ul t w i th nurture – that’ s w hy the W om en’ s Centre rol e es p eci al l y ap p eal ed to m e. It’ s a p l ace which makes such a di erence to people’s lives.” Classes & courses to watch for Expressive Art Workshop W end y K em p s el l Strengthen Your Relationship to Money Fiona Christie I ift Me - A method to overturn ‘stuckness,’ build confidence and courag e to tak e your p as s i on to the next level Fiona Christie and M anu M enard .
Is life tough on you, could you do with some guidance? Do you need a helping hand or a listening ear? Are you feeling stuck with your life? Recently moved to Wairarapa and want to meet people? Even if life is good for you, why don’t you get involved? E wairarapawomen@xtra.co.nz | P 06 378 2453 | or on Facebook
Creating life’s special memories at Brackenridge If you have your next Conference Function or Wedding at Brackenridge, then you’ll get to experience the warm embrace of Courtnay Fafeita. She’s the Event Manager tasked with making sure every aspect of a client’s vision goes to plan. She prides herself on being well organised, a good listener and being able to really connect with people. It’s these skills, along with her work ethic and friendliness that have made her valued and sought after within the Wedding & Events sector. Her huge smile and cheerfulness are reflective of how much she loves working there. “I’ve been here four years, but most of the team are longer serving. There is a real pride and passion in looking after our guests and making sure their stay with us is memorable and amazing”. She describes Brackenridge as ‘country elegance’ and a very special place where visitors can relax and experience rural hospitality at it’s finest. “We lean more towards a country cottage feel. Open fireplaces with homely tranquillity. We really want guests to feel like they’re at home with us.”
landscape. I’m there throughout, pouring myself into occasions, that are sometimes the peak highlight of someone’s life. I get the thrill of being part of it all and experiencing it with them, week in, week out, how lucky am I?”
Courtnay describes herself as “superpersonable”, a trait that helps her run seamless and stress-free events. She handles the small details with ease and knows that she has the absolute best job in the world. “I get to run events amongst this incredibly majestic
Brackenridge Country Retreat & Spa is tucked on the outskirts of the Martinborough wine village. Enquiries for Events conferences & weddings to be directed to Courtnay at Events@brackenridge.co.nz
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