Women in Business 2022

Page 47


Adelaide Eliza’s


Experience the new in A store which lights up your housing life JENNY EWEN AND CATHERINE Mc INLAY.

Cat h erine M cK inlay adm it s sh e is “ nut s ab out Ch rist m as” and J enny E w en loves all things beautiful. T h ese int erest s h ave result ed in t h e beautiful store they have created A delaide E liz a’ s in G rey t ow n’ s ‘ T h e Hubb’. T h e t w o t h eat re nurses h ave not only w ork ed t oget h er at W airarap a H osp it al but are great friends and together h ave creat ed t h e st ore w h ich is a j oy to wander into. It helps that one entire w all is glass and op ens on t o a h erit age and p rot ect ed w alnut t ree – glorious in all seasons. Its beauty competes with the array of items in-store. Catherine and Jenny set up as the ‘Night Before Christmas’ store as part of Greytown’s midwinter Christmas festival. A er last Ch rist m as, and loving t h e sp ace, t h ey never moved out. The name, Adelaide E liz a, is a nod t o Cat h erine’ s p at ernal grandmother. Cat h erine and J enny collect t h eir homewares from throughout N ew Z ealand and A ust ralia w it h their point of difference being the fresh flowers they create into either b ouq uet s or in a sp ecial b lack and gold

coloured sleeve of cut flowers. Their range of exquisite bed linen is by Bianca L orenne and t h ere’ s a k it ch enw are range designed b y an engineer w h ich is so clever and practical. Check out Dream arm. There’s an indestructible garlic p ress, a cook ing sp oon w h ich won’t tip over and a whisk which flattens for storage. Shelli illar is a Masterton artist and theatre nurse colleague whom they support. Her work adorns the walls. There’s also a great collection of crystal and silver – timeless beauty. The Night Before Christmas Store has been operating for the past eight years and will do so again this year from A delaide E liz a’ s w h ich h as b ecom e the home for the Christmas store. Catherine says that for the past two y ears, G rey t ow n’ s W int er Ch rist m as estival has attracted thousands and is on track to be even larger in July 2022. Jenny has retired from nursing a er nearly 5 0 y ears service t o W airarap a DHB. Catherine has been seconded to the role of Cancer and Complex Benign Disease Nurse Co-ordinator.

Fresh Flowers  Kitchenware  Linen and more

Claire Iggulden loves clever design – even better when it is translated into a beautiful home that reflects the owners living within. With partner Mike, they like nothing better than a drive around different towns checking out developments and new builds, gleaning ideas, and inspiration. “It drives the kids mad.” She laughs. Claire and Mike purchased the Wairarapa franchise for David Reid Homes in July 2021. “We like the high-end homes David Reid is renowned for – the quality and innovative personalisation of its designs” says Claire who has a background in building estimations and operations. They decided to take the exciting opportunity of purchasing the David Reid franchise, bringing it to Wairarapa. David Reid has been a proud New Zealand brand since 1993 and has grown to have franchised branches throughout the country. There are stunning display homes scattered around New Zealand too and several have won Master Builder House of the Year awards. David Reid’s inaugural display home in Wairarapa is due to start construction in Greytown. The four-bedroom home offers the elegant, yet laidback, open plan living which New Zealanders embrace.

Claire says it will give people a chance to see first-hand the stunning product that David Reid Homes produce. Claire grew up in South Taranaki. She is familiar with Wairarapa as her parents had purchased land outside Martinborough and she was among the so-called ‘family labour’ who visited and helped develop the block. Later when working with a council planning department, she discovered her interest in building. With David Reid Homes in Wairarapa, she runs the sales and operation side of the business. She enjoys dealing with clients and will dip into project managing when construction is occurring. “We are there from the very first design idea to handing over the keys. It’s such a rewarding role.”

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