Pia bennett

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Matauranga & the RMA! Realizing the potential: a Ngati Makino experience

Overview !   No wai a Ngati Makino! !   What does matauranga mean (to me)?! !   How it all started! !   What we did next! !   What we have achieved! !   What have we learn’t along the way?! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


He paruparu nga kai" He taniwha nga tangata ! Rarereiao o Waitaha! ! Nga tapuae: mai Te Awa o te Atua ki Mauao! ! Otamarakau centre of Makino nationhood! !   Ngati Makino Claims Settlement Act 2011!

He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata

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Ko te Mana te Matauranga !   Information belonging to whanau, hapu, iwi! ! Tipu ake, Tuku iho - New & Old information! !   Adapted & Original! !   Observation & theoretical! !   Ecological & Technological! !   Entrenched in reo rangatira! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


The Day the Awa Died" where our journey began..! !   The Winstones case! !   Cameron Quarry Expansion! ! Waitahanui: awa tupuna, awa!

He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


Waitahanui Awa tupuna


!   Identity!

Big drain !   Quarry discharges & draw down!

! Kuha o Makino (source/ headwaters)!

!   Wastewater proposal (2011)!

!   Home of Taunapaki! !   Sustenance & safety!

!   Over-allocation of surface water (theoretical) !

!   Source of water for marae!

!   Agricultural discharges!

!   Significant ecological values! 6

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Generation RPS

!   Scope of appeal ! !   Integrated management chapter! !   Water quantity chapter! !   Iwi Resource Management chapter! !   Substantive hearing! !   Co-governance/co-management! !   Water management, IMFR’s, limits & allocation ! !   Taking on the Big Boys! !   Fonterra, Fed Farmers, Trustpower! !   Outcomes! He paruparu nga kai, 7 he taniwha nga tangata

He taonga te wai" challenges to RMA hierarchy Makino submission

EDS v King Salmon !   Challenged accepted approach to decision making ! !   Overall broad judgement! !   Part 2 Section 5 hierarchy!

!   “With a cognisance of the usual hierarchical approach to considering the matters… the degree of interrelationship between the provisions tend to suggest that a contextual evaluation of the requirements could also be adopted so that they are considered together at every step of the planning process”!

!   Must be applied in context! !   Objectives & Policy not always just guiding! 8

Variation 1 (Coastal Policy) !   Natural Character or Natural Features?! !   NZCPS Policy 13, 14 & 15! !   Natural character (areas, assessment methods, attributes, policy)! ! Matauranga Maori! !   Strike out ! !   Accusations included vexatious abusers of Courts processes, resiled from mediated agreement!

He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata

Comparative experience !   Ngati Ranginui engaged in 3 yr long process! !   Decision insufficient and unacceptable! !   Cultural impacts ignored! !   Cumulative effects not addressed! !   Privatization of moana space for the elite - not offset & removes ability to apply MACA! !   Natural character & other deficiencies! !   59 interested parties including a hapu all opposing Ngati Ranginui appeal & relief! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


Blazing the Trail " what we have achieved !   Co-management of Waitahanui! !   Mauri strong feature throughout policy statement! !   Developing framework for determining cultural flow component for in-stream flow requirements! !   Setting limits and allocation! !   Established tuapapa for cultural allocation! !   Established tuapapa for recognition and application of cultural attributes within framework for assessment of natural character! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


Blazing the trail… !   Established tuapapa for co-governance arrangements! !   Established tuapapa for co-management arrangements! !   Established shift with accepted legal opinions on application of RMA hierarchy (basis of EDS v King Salmon arguments)! !   Restoring Waitahanui lower reaches! !   Developing innovative cultural effects monitoring & mitigation framework! !   Achievements never before achieved! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


Key constraints to growth !   Own worst enemies! !   Reluctance to admit flaws ! !   Money over Mana! ! Mana before tangata! !   Village instead of Vision! ! Puhaehae instead of puawai! !   Institutional cover! !   Destructive Treaty Settlement processes! He paruparu nga kai, he taniwha nga tangata


So what’s it got to do with matauranga? Key messages! !   Kaitiakitanga is only constrained as much as we allow it to be! ! Rangatiratanga is not about getting paid ! ! Mana whenua can be respected & so can kaitiakitanga! !   Wins realized through application of existing matauranga and growth along the way! !   Opportunities not maximised! !   Opportunities to apply & grow matauranga within the RMA framework are endless! 14

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