Probation Awards 2015 Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Champion 2015: Wendy Hyett
Wendy Hyett is Probation Champion of the Year 2015 After an exciting presentation ceremony in Crewe, Wendy Hyett, winner of the Diversity and Equality category, was named as the overall winner of the Probation Awards 2015. Michael Spurr, NOMS’ Chief Executive Officer, chose Wendy from the category finalists, saying: “Her inspirational work with partners in Wales to tackle women’s offending has been really groundbreaking, providing a model for others.
“It has demonstrated the impact probation can have on other agencies to make positive change possible in those we work with.” Accepting the award Wendy said “I’m so thrilled for the project and everyone who is part of it. “The reason I look so good is because of the way everyone works in partnership. That is what all this is about it is the best way forward for this kind of work. I’m so thrilled we won.”
It is not only the impressive strategic vision but the sustainable nature of the project that is great Judging panel
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Category winners
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015
CHAIR Sarah Payne Director, NOMS in Wales
Category winners
Diversity and Equality Innovation
Sarah Chand Deputy Director, NPS Midlands
Diversity and Equality Wendy Hyett Project Manager Wales CRC
Innovation Rachael Smith
Probation Officer Staffordshire & West MIdlands CRC
Interventions Wendy Moore
Employer Support Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire & Rutland CRC
Offender Management
Alan MacDonald HM Inspector, HMIP Lynda Marginson Deputy Director, NPS North East Rob Menary CRC CEO, Dorset, Devon & Cornwall CRC Sandra Oluonye
Public Protection
ACO, NPS Merseyside Nick Smart
Victim Services Working in Partnership
Adela Kacsprzak ACO, NPS London
Offender Management Suzanne Edwards
Public Protection Mona Patel
Working in Partnership Neil Robertson
Team of the Year Community Reintegration Team
Probation Services Officer Wales CRC
Probation Officer NPS London
Victim Services Hani Macci
Women’s Safety Officer London CRC
Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Probation Officer NPS London
Merseyside CRC
t Lifetime Achievement Roger Kennington
Manager, Sex Offender Team NPS North East
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Diversity and Equality Winner
Wales’ women’s wonder This award recognises those who advocate and champion diversity and equality, an area where Wendy Hyett truly stands out.
Wendy Hyett Project Manager Wales CRC
Victim Services Working in Partnership
Diverting 117 women from caution or prosecution in 6 months is no small feat.
Team of the Year
But that is exactly what Wendy Hyett has achieved with Cymru’s Women’s Diversion Scheme, which did just that in a pilot covering Cardiff that has now been expanded across Wales.
Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Working with local stakeholders – including South Wales Police – and convincing them to reconfigure their resources, Wendy has driven the project forward in Cardiff. Now working with
Wales’ four police and crime commissioners, she has secured half a million pounds funding to spread the work Wales wide. This growing project sees CRC, NPS, police and local stakeholders working together to place a holistic approach to help women offenders at the centre of their work.
How Wendy has built partnerships, and looked at new ways of working, is exceptional Judging panel
View the other category finalists profiles
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Diversity and Equality Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Hannah Hunt
Megan Key
Manager - Quality, Essex CRC
Equalities Manager, NPS Midlands
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Taking the role of diversity officer by the scruff of the neck, Hannah ensured a leap forward for the Essex CRC’s already impressive Diversity and Equality effort. Forging a partnership with Stonewall, Hannah created a series of improved policies and procedures, now embedded, shared, and also used by organisations such as Essex University, Leeds Football Club and the City of London Police.
Her Straight Allies booklet not only increased the number of staff signing up to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender colleagues, but is now also considered an example of ‘best practice’ by Stonewall. Reaching the top 100 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index usually takes 5 years’ hard graft – but with Hannah Hunt leading the charge, Essex CRC reached the lofty height of 51st place in just 2.
Hannah’s evaluation skills make her an outstanding candidate Back
As a champion for transgender issues, Megan Key has a lifetime of experience to draw on, being openly transgender herself. Whether giving advice or support, raising awareness or taking referrals, Megan tackles the challenges her role as equalities manager sets her with a positive professionalism. Helping offender managers nationally through referrals from equality managers across the NPS, Megan ensures the needs
of transgender offenders – one of society’s most marginalised groups – are advanced. While harnessing the power of her own story, Megan shares her own experiences freely, using her honesty and openness to stimulate conversation, and bring about discussion, understanding and, ultimately, acceptance in others. As Megan’s deputy director says: ‘her drive, passion and honesty are inspirational’.
Megan has shown great bravery in challenging a hidden issue
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Innovation Winner
Heavyweight life changer This award recognises those who have delivered innovation with a measurable and beneficial impact. Rachael Smith’s inspirational work has done precisely that.
Rachael Smith Probation Officer Staffordshire & West Midlands CRC
Victim Services Working in Partnership
How would you engage Stokeon-Trent’s most prolific and priority offenders?
Team of the Year
If your first thought is to ‘knock some sense into them’ then you wouldn’t be far off the mark.
Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Rachael Smith has been teaching them to box. A keen amateur boxer herself, Rachael firmly believes in the power of exercise to empower and change. Together with two police colleagues, she secured funding to arrange free weekly sessions with a former professional boxer for her IOM
offenders, starting the ‘Fight for Change’ programme. Skip forward 18 months and around 10 offenders now attend the sessions regularly, with striking turnarounds in their lives, including a drug user of 22 years who has now been drug and medication free for many months. Through sharing her passion, Rachael has inspired others, and changed lives with this exciting initiative.
Rachael’s collaborative skills have been essential in bringing together diverse communities, to outstanding effect Judging panel
View the other category finalists profiles
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Roy Cook
Rob Marsh
Programme Facilitator, Merseyside CRC
Senior Probation Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight CRC
Public Protection Victim Services
Seven months. 32 referrals. No further arrests.
and supports them to be able to form healthy relationships.
Working in Partnership
So starts the legacy of Roy Cook’s early intervention domestic violence programme.
The results are striking, and the evaluation undertaken by Liverpool’s John Moore University resoundingly positive.
Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Unfolding over 15 sessions, the programme Roy has created is sophisticated and comprehensive, and takes a markedly modern approach to the issue of domestic violence. After meticulous research, Roy has created a programme that gives the perpetrator a voice
Whether generating referrals, negotiating support, training staff, trialling the programme in prisons, or further developing it to be delivered to children, Roy draws on his vast experience, and he delivers results.
Roy’s proactive work with domestic abuse is very impressive Back
From the expression of a germ of an idea at a CRC conference, to the delivery of a fully fledged new service in a matter of months – that is innovation Rob Marsh style. Giving those under probation supervision a ‘voice’ in service delivery design was the aim, and now, created by Rob and a team of dedicated officers, they have one, with Portsmouth: Voluntary Organisation Increasing Community Engagement.
The group has improved engagement and has already brought changes to case allocation, training links with Portsmouth City Council, and a through-care/ aftercare voluntary group. Suggested, scoped, established, evaluated and delivering – all within 5 months – Portsmouth VOICE continues to grow, placing offender engagement at the heart of the CRC.
Without additional resources, Rob has set up a really great project
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Interventions Winner
A bastion of bridge building This award recognises those who deliver high quality interventions, and it is here that Wendy Moore makes a difference.
Wendy Moore Employer Support Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire & Rutland CRC
Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Wendy Moore’s logical and persuasive approach has convinced large national and local companies, including Canal Engineering, M&S, Greggs, DHL, and North Midlands Construction, to come onboard and offer paid jobs and training to unemployed offenders. Her passion, commitment and determination, help to resolve problems that may initially appear insurmountable, convincing companies to engage at a local level and provide opportunities for offenders to rebuild their lives.
With a strong and enviable reputation for effective success, she attends to the individual needs of offenders, as well as the professional reputation of her CRC, and public confidence in probation services. Always impressive in action, Wendy sets a very high standard for both herself and her colleagues.
Wendy’s effervescent personality has been essential in breaking down barriers to major employers Judging panel
View the other category finalists profiles
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Laura Greenhill
Sian Waters
Offender Manager, Dorset, Devon & Cornwall CRC
Probation Service Officer, Wales CRC
When it comes to basing interventions in ordinary community organisations, Laura has led the way, setting up job clubs in both Exeter and Okehampton.
programme, targeted at 18 to 25 year olds. She worked tirelessly to ensure the programme’s success throughout, from promotion and recruitment, right through to motivating and supporting.
Innovative and imaginative, Sian is committed to ensuring offenders change.
Engaging with 20 to 30 people at a time, she helps them prepare CVs and get jobs and training to help them secure and keep accommodation.
The result? Education, Training and Employment outcomes of over 400% above the contract target.
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
In parallel, Laura set up a successful peer mentoring scheme and championed the SuperAct Creation of Space
In her chief executive’s words, Laura is “innovative, conscientious and committed – an excellent team player.”
Laura’s quiet commitment and persistence is to be admired
Whether being instrumental in setting up the Llanelli Service User Group or encouraging offenders to take part in consultations, she ensures those on probation have a voice. She also has a particular interest in working with those with drug misuse issues, working collaboratively, innovatively and enthusiastically with colleagues and local agencies to set up joint activities,
including sports and gardening, noticeably achieving results. Sian’s involvement with a project where offenders recycle and upgrade old and unwanted furniture is particularly impressive. Bringing community payback together with social enterprise, while making offenders more employable, is proving a winning combination. Whatever the situation, Sian always keeps the offender at the centre and ensures their needs are met.
Charismatic and creative, Sian is outstanding in her delivery
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Offender Management Winner
Champion of the complex caseload This award recognises those who go the extra mile to deliver services working directly with offenders, an area where Suzanne Edwards impresses. Whether providing extra rehabilitative support for an offender left paralysed after an attack, or helping women offenders with mental health issues, Suzanne has, with careful communication and management, demonstrated great skill in helping people with complex health needs. The time and effort that Suzanne invested to ensure that a difficult offender with serious spinal injuries received the best care, while balancing the risk of harm to hospital staff, reinforces probation’s
Suzanne Edwards Probation Services Officer Wales CRC
role as the bridge between our partners and public safety. Sensitive and intuitive, Suzanne has also helped women offenders with mental health problems to overcome those challenges, building trust while encouraging self-reliance. For her exemplary work, Suzanne is to be admired.
Outstanding work that really makes a difference, Suzanne is the benchmark to be measured by Judging panel
View the other category finalists profiles
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Offender Management Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Sheridon Phillips
Mike de Waal
Probation Officer, NPS South East
Probation Officer, London CRC
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Graduating from the fast track trainee probation officer scheme, Sheridon has an unwavering commitment to getting the job done, whatever comes her way.
and childhood detachment issues, Sheridon brought in a mentor trained by the charity User Voice. And it is this ability to understand the offender’s needs that defines so much of her work.
Through her work with other agencies, including Social Care and Women’s Aid, Sheridon consistently delivers an excellent standard of offender management.
An excellent role model, by adopting this human touch, Sheridon’s passion, commitment, and tireless energy, is a reflection of the high standards she has set both for herself, and for the probation service.
When a high profile offender needed help with compliance
Balancing determination, control and care, Sheridon is remarkable Back
A probation officer since 1981, Mike is a natural leader, gaining and sharing a wealth of experience. Since 2005, Mike has worked almost exclusively with those most at risk of reoffending. From prolific and priority offenders, to the drug rehabilitation requirement service, Mike always ensures that actions are taken quickly and decisively if there
are any concerns that offenders behaviour has deteriorated. Respected for almost 35 years in the service, Mike is a probation officer of the highest calibre.
Mike’s work across various boundries is to be applauded
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Public Protection Winner
Practitioner with impact This award recognises those individuals who work with difficult offenders, or in any area of work with a focus on public protection. Mona Patel excels in doing this.
Mona Patel Probation Officer NPS London
Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Mona has worked in Southwark for a number of years, and from 2013 to January this year, she was the Serious Group Offending single point of contact. An important part of Mona’s role had been her work with the Southwark Anti-Violence Unit, or SAVU, a multi-agency group offering mentoring and support to gang nominals who want to leave the gang lifestyle. Her outstanding ability to manage risk helped to ensure that engagement targets were
consistently met, including 84% of those referred to SAVU not going on to reoffend. These efforts have contributed to SAVU achieving Standard 2 on Project Oracle, London’s first children and youth evidence hub. Now a practice tutor assessor, Mona will no doubt bring the same exceptionally high standards to her new role.
An outstanding nomination. Mona delivers consistently strong results with exceptionally difficult offenders Judging panel
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Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Public Protection Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Paul Brown
Bushra Sheikh
Housing Liaison Officer, Essex CRC
Senior Probation Officer, NPS North East
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
An ability to motivate other organisations to help in demanding cases, is just one of Paul’s many skills. His commitment to finding accommodation in the most challenging of circumstances has seen Paul strive to do the best he can for all involved. When an 18 year old sex offender with severe learning difficulties needed re-housing, but was declined by the local council,
Paul refused to give up, with both the family’s interest, and the offender’s, his priority. This determined approach, in partnership with Social Care and Family Mosaic, as well as Shelter, eventually convinced a reluctant Council to house the individual. This is how Paul works, with a balanced eye, and dedication to match, to achieve the best results for everyone.
Paul’s enthusiasm is clearly infectious, an inspiration Back
With 20 years in the service, an MBE for her community work after the 2006 Bradford riots, and Bradford Woman of the Year 2012, Bushra is someone who knows how to get things done. Whether dealing with individuals with mental health issues, or those with potential extremist views, Bushra, as probation’s representative on the multiagency Silver Group that deals with preventing terrorism, has
been responsible for helping those partners to first locate and then deport possible offenders. In her excellent working relationships with both Home Office Immigration and Enforcement, and the Police Regional Counter Terrorism Unit, Bushra proactively steers MAPPA, keeping information sharing at the forefront, to best protect the public.
With such clear outcomes, Bushra’s work has exceeded all expectations
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection Victim Services
Victim Services Winner
Inspiring women’s advocate This award is made for the most impressive work in delivering services directly to victims. It’s here that Hani Macci delivers.
Working in Partnership
Hani is dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of those who are vulnerable.
Team of the Year
Her work with victims of domestic abuse and their children, at the Let’s Talk community programme in Hounslow, has received unprecedented levels of positive feedback, showing the effectiveness of her approach.
Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Her experience, knowledge and sensitivity have helped many women understand the impact that domestic abuse has on their family, and to find practical and emotional solutions to better manage
Hani Macci Women’s Safety Officer London CRC
relationships in the future. When a victim of domestic abuse faced deportation after leaving her husband, Hani worked tirelessly to make sure she could access the right help, supporting her throughout the process and giving her a sense of control back.
Hani has the admirable touch of compassion, and the sheer breadth of her work is impressive
Her commitment to the safety of women is second to none and her dedication should truly be applauded.
Judging panel
View the other category finalists profiles
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Victim Services Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Jan Desquesnes
Louise Brookes
Victim Liaison Officer, NPS South East
Practice Development Probation Officer, NPS North East
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Jan is caring, compassionate, and highly skilled in engaging with people who have been through traumatic experiences. In extremely sensitive and emotional cases, she demonstrates a deep understanding of the difficulties of mediation. She has the essential ability to show empathy for the offender, while ensuring that the victim’s needs remain the focus of all sessions.
When the Head of Probation for Bedfordshire was called on to meet with the victim of a high profile and traumatic crime, Jan was on hand to offer support and guidance. Jan was praised for her exemplary conduct, a sentiment that is frequently echoed by her manager and colleagues alike. Her calm and professional approach has brought comfort to many victims, and she is a valuable asset to the probation service.
Courageous and sensitive, Jan is extraordinary Back
It’s often thought that restorative justice is not an option for victims of harmful sexual behaviour; but Louise has proved that, when properly facilitated, it can be a positive, lifechanging experience. One victim Louise worked with was inspired to write an article called ‘the most empowering experience of my life’ after meeting her offender. The article went on to receive
positive media interest, and this success story was in no small part down to Louise’s hard work and commitment. Louise demonstrates her passion for restorative approaches by spending time and effort training staff from across the criminal justice system. The overwhelmingly positive testimonies of those she has worked with, show that her work is really something special.
So passionate, Louise’s work with victims is excellent
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Working in Partnership Winner
Master of collaboration This award recognises those individuals excelling at delivering offender management services in partnership with one or more agencies, which is where Neil ably achieves.
Neil Robertson Probation Officer NPS London
Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Neil has been described by his colleagues as ‘dedicated, passionate and brimming with enthusiasm’, and this is apparent in all his work with offenders. By the time the London Probation Trust was dissolved, all personality disorder pathway screening in his region had been completed, with treatment plans underway. The success of this challenging task was due to Neil’s dedication and close collaboration with clinical colleagues.
Neil holds a key role in the antisocial personality disorder pilot project, bringing offender managers on board to ensure offenders are referred appropriately and quickly. This collaboration is pivotal to the success of the project, and it is clear that Neil’s work is making a real difference to people’s lives. His achievements are a testament to his professionalism, dedication, and belief in everything he does.
An absolutely essential cog, Neil is making a real difference, and his impact cannot be underestimated Judging panel
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Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Working in Partnership Shortlisted finalists
Changing lives Champions
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management
Stanley Jacobs
Lindsey Pudge
Integrated Offender Management Project Lead, London CRC
Probation Officer, Wales CRC
Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Stanley’s practical and flexible approach means he is ideally suited to partnership working. His natural ability to get to the core of what each partner needs has helped many complex projects to succeed. When London’s central IOM team was set up in 2013, Stanley quickly became a key player in ensuring that the multi-agency team worked in a coordinated and efficient way. His work on the protocols for the
new framework helped to avoid confusion and duplication of work during the transition to the new probation structures in London.
Lindsey’s work is an excellent example of where innovative partnerships can really make a difference.
Stanley helped each London borough to adapt to the IOM framework. He was perceptive to each of their distinct offending profiles and tailored his approach to ensure their needs were met.
In her work with the Barnardos Community Support for Offenders’ Families pilot, Lindsey has been described as ‘the missing link between offenders and their families’.
His achievement in getting 98% of London using a consistent approach is truly impressive.
As the only full-time offender manager in the pilot for Wales, Lindsey plays an important
Stanley has made a massive impact in a short space of time Back
role in bringing together local services to coordinate better support for families. The policies and procedures she’s introduced have strengthened the way information is shared with all her project partners. Lindsey uses each partnership as an opportunity to share learning and enhance skills. And her positive and enthusiastic attitude is praised by her colleagues.
Lindsey is so prolific, she is clearly a determined individual
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Team of the Year Winners
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Community Reintegration Team Merseyside CRC
Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year
With a little help from our friends
Lifetime Achievement
This award recognises the outstanding work done by a particular team to help to change lives.
All winners and finalists
Our Team of the Year 2015 is Merseyside’s Community Reintegration Team.
Feedback on the Community Reintegration Team’s work has been overwhelmingly positive.
In little over a year, the team has transformed how offender support is delivered in Merseyside, combining in one place disparate specialist services – including mentors, volunteers and accommodation – and providing a joined-up, and comprehensive service.
“I think they are brilliant – without their help I don’t know what I would have done,” says one offender. “I would have been stuck if it wasn’t for their help and support,” says another.
In less than a year, the team has involved the whole community in reducing reoffending – truly impressive!
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
Lifetime Achievement Winner
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection
Roger Kennington Manager, Sex Offender Team NPS North East
Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Erudite agent of progressive practice This award recognises an individual who has served probation with distinction for more than 25 years. Roger has worked for the probation service in Northumbria for over 40 years, firstly as a probation officer, and for almost 18 years as a project coordinator for the Sexual Behaviour Unit.
treatment programmes over many years, have enhanced knowledge and understanding locally, nationally and internationally, and his numerous publications are testament to this.
Roger has become an expert in the field, developing an international reputation for his work with men who commit sexual offences.
Highly regarded by his peers within probation, by partner agencies, and others who specialise in working with sex offenders, Roger’s has been a lifetime of achievement for probation.
His work with offenders, and his development of
Probation Awards 2015
Probation Champion of the Year
Changing lives Champions
All winners and finalists
Probation Champion of the Year 2015 Category winners Diversity and Equality Innovation Interventions Offender Management Public Protection Victim Services Working in Partnership Team of the Year Lifetime Achievement All winners and finalists
Probation staff on parade: Michael Spurr with (l-r) Rob Marsh, Roger Kennington, Megan Key, Neil Robertson, Roy Cook, Laura Greenhill, Paul Brown, Hani Macci, Hannah Hunt, Mayling Diskaya, Louise Ingram, Jan Desquesnes, Suzanne Edwards, Stan Jacobs, Louise Brookes, Bushra Sheikh, Lyndsey Harrison, Leigha Aldridge, Sheridon Phillips, Wendy Hyett, Sian Waters, Wendy Moore, Rachael Smith.