Int strategy meeting process

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International Strategy Meeting “Climate change, trend on forest management and land grabbing” Mataram, Lombok Island April 15th – 16th, 2015

Background Climate crisis --- trend on forest management  land grabbing/green grabbing • International policy and scheme to address climate crisis have failed --- (COP) • Trend on forest management driven by international policy related to the scheme in climate mitigation (REDD+, Conservation, Restoration, etc.,). It just gives more benefit for corporations because policies were driven to support/protect the interest of corporations and Annex 1 countries (can’t stop the monopoly and expansion of extractive industries) • The position of the people became weak day by day because policies at national and local level have designed to support the insrest of extractve industries (monopoly and epxansion on land and forest) and the scheme on forest mangement which covered the issues on climate crisis. Community faced land grabbing conflict, limited access (rights) to forest and land, violence, criminalization, intimidation, and displaced. In terms of international climate negotiations, demands of community weren’t became main consideration (ignored).

Objectives of the meeting



• Analyze the development of efforts to address climate change in various countries and trends of forest and land management that can cause conflict of land grabbing. • Analyze schemes and international policies to address climate change and its relevance in forest and land management, and land grabbing conflicts. • Formulate policy advocacy strategies and strengthening the position of civil society in efforts to address climate change, management of forest, and halt land-grabbing.

• Menganalisis perkembangan upaya mengatasi perubahan iklim dari berbagai negara dan trend pengelolaan hutan dan lahan yang dapat melahirkan konflik perampasan tanah. • Menganalisis skema dan kebijakan internasional dalam mengatasi perubahan iklim dan relevansinya dalam pengelolaan hutan dan prkatik perampasan tanah. • Perumusan strategi advokasi kebijakan dan penguatan posisi masyarakat sipil dalam upaya penanganan perubahan iklim dan perampasan tanah.

Activities in 2 days meeting Presentation


Formulating startegy

Issues to share and discuss 1. Strategies and efforts addressing climate change in many countries and regions. 2. Trend on forest and land mangement, and land grabbing conflicts in many countries and regions. 3. The schemes and international policies to address climate change and it’s relevance to the policy of forest management and land grabbing conflict in various countries. • Adding specific issu: review and analysis the decisions of COP Lima, Peru.

Expected results from the meeting



Provided a comprehensive overview of the development of efforts to address climate change and trends of forest and land management that can cause conflict of land grabbing in various countries.

Diperoleh gambaran komprehensif tentang perkembangan upaya mengatasi perubahan iklim dan trend pengelolaan hutan dan lahan yang dapat melahirkan konflik perampasan tanah di berbagai negara.

Provided an analysis of schemes and international policies to address climate change and its relevance in forest management and land-grabbing conflicts.

Diperoleh analisis skema dan kebijakan internasional dalam mengatasi perubahan iklim dunia dan relevansinya dalam pengelolaan hutan dan prkatik perampasan tanah.

Provided the formulation of strategies for policy advocacy and strengthening the position of civil society in efforts to address climate change, forest and land management, and halt land grabbing.

Diperoleh rumusan strategi advokasi kebijakan dan penguatan posisi masyarakat sipil dalam upaya penanganan perubahan iklim dan perampasan tanah.

Schedule International Meeting Strategy Day, Date, Time Activities Day 1: Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 08.30 – 09.30  Opening  Orientation and introduction 09.30 – 12.30 Presentation and discussion session 1: information sharing from many countries and region.

12.30 – 14.00 14.00 – 16.30

Lunch Presntation and discussion session 2: Focus Group Discussion (FGD)


Closing for day 1


Presenter/Resource person and Facilitator Committee and Facilitator


Strategies and efforts addressing climate change 2. Trend on forest and land mangement, and land grabbing conflicts in many countries and regions. 3. The schemes and international policies to address climate change and it’s relevance to the policy of forest management and land grabbing conflict in various countries. Adding specific issu: review and analysis the decisions of COP Lima, Peru.

Formulate advocation startegy and efforts to strengthening position of civil society in addressing climate change, forest and land management, and halt land grabbing.

Presenter:  Winnie  TuK Indonesia  WALHI (Region and National)  Partcipants from international network organizaion 10 minutes to each presenter

Committee Group I: Strategy toward schemes and International Policy on Climate change and forest management. Group II: Strategy to strengthening position of civil society in addressing climate change, forest and land management, and halt land grabbing

Day 2: Tuesday, April 16th, 2015 08.30 – 09.30 Discussion session 1:

Review of the process of day 1


09.30 – 12.30

Discussion session 2:

Drafting and launching press release


12.30 – 13.00

Closing of the meeting


Group I: Strategy towards schemes and international policy on climate change and forest management.

1. Please mentions/describes international policies or schemes on climate change and forest management that potential to lead land grabbing in various countries!! 2. How does our position and demands towards these schemes and policies? 3. How to implement our position and demands in international level?

Group II: Strategy to strengthening position of civil society in addressing climate change, forest and land management, and halt land grabbing

• Please mentions/describes international policies or schemes on climate change and forest management that potential to lead land grabbing in various countries!! • What should be done to strengthening the position of the people and to halt land grabbing?

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