The Wall St. Alpha Report - October/November 2009

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THE WALL ST. ALPHA REPORT The official Wall Street Alphas newsletter, Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter, NYC

October / November 2009

Vol. 3, No. 1


Former KXL President’s Bros. Tony Johnson and Shawn Curwen joined President Jioha Amatokwu (center) at the chapters Jewel Rechartering recognition on October 7.

Please join the Wall Street Alphas in recognizing October as “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH.” Visit Bro. Kevin Powell’s website for 7 Things you can do to support the victims and survivors of domestic violence.

THE WALL ST. ALPHA REPORT The official Wall Street Alphas newsletter, Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter, NYC

October / November 2009

Vol. 3, No. 1

Wall Street Alpha’s Road Runners Club by Bros. Nicolas J. Rosello, Jr. and Shawn A. Curwen

Out of our need to give Brothers an opportunity to get together outside of the general chapter meetings, and other chapter events, we started The Wall Street Alphas Road Runners Club (WSARR). WSARR’s purpose is to support a network of men and women that range from recreational walkers and joggers to competitive track athletes, road racers and marathoners. WSARR also embraces and supports multi–sport endurance activities, like marathons, duathlons and triathlons. Outside of the comradery you experience by running, there is an enormous health benefit to running that can reduce heart disease, cholesterol, body fat, and STRESS to name a few. Learning how to balance your schedule between family, work, friends and training demonstrates the dedication and determination of our club members. We have a lot to offer runners of every age and ability, including monthly group runs, speed workouts, hill workouts and a great atmosphere for all to participate. If you're a marathoner, we offer support before and after your race, including group training runs through the summer and fall as you build your mileage. We also will be attending running clinics hosted by the Continued on page 9

Inside this Edition 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

President’s Letter Editor’s Report WSA Road Runners Club WSACF Brother on the Move! Alpha GENTS …Toward the Light

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President’s Letter “In fact, I am the college of friendship; the university of Brotherly love; the school for the better making of men. I AM ALPHA PHI ALPHA!!!” – The House of Alpha, Bro. Sidney P. Brown

Dear Brothers and Guests, Welcome back for the start of another great fraternal year. At this time a year ago Kappa Xi Lambda, as well as other Alpha chapters in communities across the United States, was spreading the message that A Voteless People Is a Hopeless People and helping to elect our country’s first African-American President. Then Senator Barack Obama brought a message of Hope and Change that this country desperately needed and the country responded. He spoke about the importance of our communities and our ability to collectively meet the challenges we faced. Following the lead of our country’s young President and that of our Fraternity’s 33rd General President Herman “Skip” Mason, Jr., Change is also coming to Kappa Xi Lambda. This year’s theme is taken from the poem The House of Alpha by Bro. Sidney P. Brown: The School for the Better Making of Men. This is a theme we’ve always embodied, but never expressly focused on. As we celebrate our Jewel anniversary as a rechartered chapter (Oct. 5th, 2002) we are redefining our purpose. We are committed to the success of our Alpha G.E.N.T.S. (Gaining Essential Networking Tools for Success) mentorship program and on strengthening Our Brotherhood. Continued on Page 3

President’s Letter Continued from Page 2

As General President Herman “Skip” Mason, Jr. took office earlier this year, he challenged Alpha to dedicate itself to helping our young boys and young men achieve a brighter future. That is exactly what Kappa Xi Lambda had in mind when we began the Alpha G.E.N.T.S. program six years ago. This past school year, we watched our oldest G.E.N.T.S., those who entered the program as 7th graders, graduate from high school and head off to college. Renewed by their accomplishments, and the fruit of our hard work, this year we’ll see a dedication to our young men like no other. Bro. Dr. Ted Ingram, our Director of Educational Activities, and Bro. Shawn Curwen, the President of the Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation, Inc ( which funds our Education initiatives, will lead this charge. In addition to helping young men succeed in life, we are dedicated to helping one another succeed as well. A strong Brotherhood is like any other strong relationship: it takes work! It simply doesn’t happen by accident. That’s why Brothers will see an improvement in Brotherhood services, more workshops and increased opportunities for Brothers to get together and bond. Kappa Xi Lambda has always fostered a welcoming atmosphere and culture. And quite simply, that’s the secret to our success. I hope that you’re as excited as I am about the potential for this fraternal year. It will be a truly great one! Fraternally, Jioha Amatokwu President, KXL Chapter “Wall Street Alphas”

Our Alpha GENTS kick off event for the new year was held at MTV Networks on September 12. New Education Director Bro. Ted Ingram led the young men in the theme of the workshop: “Building Academic Survival Skills”

Mark your Calendar! 10/13: 10/17: 10/20: 10/30: 11/06: 11/10: 11/14: 11/15: 11/21: 12/04:

Chapter Meeting GENTS Workshop NYACOA Pre-Registration Ends GENTS College Tour NYACOA Conference Chapter Meeting GENTS SAT Prep Deadline for Grand Tax GENTS SAT Prep Founder’s Day

Visit the “Wall Street Alphas” on Facebook or My Space or at

THE EDITOR’S REPORT Welcome back Brothers, If you blinked you may have missed summer. At least that’s how I feel, with all of the rain we had around here that strangely replaced what were supposed to be sunny days. But I guess you have to take the good with the bad. As we kick off this new fraternal year we embrace the signs of an improving economy, a Nobel Prize winning President who seems dedicated to providing opportunity for EVERYONE, and a renewed focus in getting back to our Alpha roots. In keeping with this year’s theme: “The School for the Better Making of Men” the newsletter will continue to focus on the latest news concerning our Alpha G.E.N.T.S., as well as other fundraising and social events. But in addition to that, we will broaden our scope and touch on the physical and the spiritual. Sadly both don’t always play as prominent a role in the African-American community as they should. September was Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. If you were aware of that then it’s likely that you know of someone who has been impacted by prostate cancer and as a consequence, are aware that this particular disease is relevant to African-Americans. If you’re one of the few who aren’t up on what prostate cancer is all about, consider yourself very lucky, BUT get educated now and be PROACTIVE in your understanding of this disease. Bro. Allen Moton provides some essential information on some of the fundamentals.

from it having been born and raised in the Golden State. There were quite a few differences and difficulties in making that move to NY a few years ago, but one thing that was easy was affiliating with KXL. This Chapter is like NO OTHER. And that’s just fact. Bros. Parker, Johnson, and Curwen to name a few were really supportive and made the transition easy in finding my new Alpha home. And then there was Bro. Wiky Toussaint, always in a good mood, always encouraging, and always with something positive to say. I used to jokingly call Wiky “Mr. Alpha” because that moniker fit him perfectly. Wiky was Chairman of our early wine tasting fundraisers and is a big reason why it has been known as one of our signature events. When I was considering initiating a new feature in the newsletter for this fraternal year he was the first person I approached to participate. If you are fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of the daily inspirational text messages from Wiky, you’ll agree that words can be powerful and sometimes receiving a little encouragement or motivation at just the right time can make all the difference. So I’m very pleased to have Wiky kick off our inaugural “spiritually themed” feature. Please let us know what you think! Finally, as Bro. Amatokwu noted, there is a renewed focus on Brothers getting together and getting to know one another better. To that end, be sure to read about the KXL running club and learn more about the big things that Fall ’06 Bro. Brandon Ray is up to in our “Brother on the Move!” ‘06, Brian Pruitt Newsletter Editor in Chief Wall St. Alphas

As many people know I’m not a native New Yorker. I’m actually far


The Pruitt family had a great summer. Now it’s back to business.

Note: The Editor’s report reflects thoughts or opinions of the Editor and are not necessarily shared by the chapter or the Fraternity as a whole. 4

A Journey Back in Time

The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is a national initiative of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. that aims to develop a 21st century generation of leaders. This program was created when Brothers in the Southern region began working with a group of high school students on parliamentary procedures and public speaking. The program soon expanded to include many of the Fraternity's other national and special programs, such as voting, responsible sexual activity, and attending college. LDI was back as strong as ever this summer, hosting approximately 50 young men from the northern region, who among other activities, had an opportunity to explore New York City. Their excursion consisted of a day filled with visiting the African slave burial site, seeing a Broadway play “In the Heights”, dining in midtown and exploring historical Harlem. The “journey back in time” tour included an educational overview of the Harlem Renaissance. The renowned African-American writer and prominent member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Zora Neale Hurston is seen above with KXL’s high school ambassador, Lewis Jackson (center). For many participants, the outing was a unique opportunity to experience New York and an eye-opening experience to learn more about their history. LDI believes it is equally as important to provide cultural education as well as infusing practical competencies into our leaders as we prepare them for tomorrow. - Education Committee Chairman Bro. Ted Ingram For more information: The Leadership Development Institute Zora Neale Hurston 5

2009-2010 Chapter Officers and Board Members Kappa Xi Lambda Executive Board President:

Brother Jioha Amatokwu

Vice President:

Brother Damon Culcleasure

Recording Secretary:

Brother Christopher Hunt

Corresponding Secretary:

Brother Jamel Maloney


Brother Keith Harvey

Financial Secretary:

Brother Mel Myrie


Brother Dwight Tindall


Brother Jesse Owens

Coordinator of Intake:

Brother Nicolas Rosello, Jr.


Brother Lael Chappell


Brother Lino Solis

Dir. of Educational Activity:

Brother Ted Ingram

Assoc. Editor to the Sphinx:

Brother Tony Thompson

Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation Board of Directors President & Chairman:

Brother Shawn A. Curwen


Brother Tony Johnson


Brother Roy A. Williams

Board Member:

Brother Derrick Crawford

Board Member:

Brother Samuel Parker

Newsletter Committee Editor in Chief:

Brother Brian Pruitt

Assistant Editor:

Brother Tony Thompson


Brother Lino Solis


The Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation, Inc. A 501c 3 public non-profit organization by Bro. Shawn A. Curwen, President & Chairman Out of a need to build stronger ties to our community, and create funding opportunities to assist those in need, both individually and organizationally, the Brothers of Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (“The Wall Street Alphas”) created this non-profit organization in April of 2006 to help raise awareness and educate our communities of the many socioeconomic issues that plague all middle-class and impoverished people. With our feet firmly planted on the ground, we look to give back to those who need us the most. Through mentorship, leadership, and financial scholarship we fulfill our Mission to educate and uplift our young people. It has been an exciting year for the Foundation in carrying out our youth programs, building partnerships, and hosting various community events. We have begun our outreach and philanthropy by providing school supplies to other youth programs, and raising money for scholarships though our annual SIP fundraiser. We realize however there is still more work to be done to prepare our youth for adulthood. In a nation where black men are twice as likely to be unemployed than white men, seven times more likely to be incarcerated, and nine times more likely to die from homicide, our Mission is more important than ever. The W.S.A.C.F believes that “to whom much is given, much is expected”. Our flagship mentoring program G.E.N.T.S. (Gaining Essential Networking Tools for Success), is guided by that key belief. The program provides our mentees with essential lessons that encourage them to reach for their goals and keep them out of the prison system. Our volunteers serve as mentors and meet with the young men regularly, participating in workshops that are both fun and educational. The W.S.A.C.F. provides funds for programs, book scholarships, and academic incentives that will help “at risk” youth. The W.S.A.C.F. and our partners invest time and energy because we believe that our youth are important to the future of our country and our global community. Our upcoming “Miles for Mentorship” and annual fundraisers will surpass all others in style and dollars raised. In this economic time, we embrace the challenge with renewed vigor to provide for our programming and scholarships. We invite ALL to assist the foundation with achieving its Mission and Goals. We have much to do, but we will attempt to save our communities one child at a time. For more information on the Foundation and HOW YOU CAN HELP, please email

OUR MISSION W.S.A.C.F. has been formed to engage in activities that promote human rights and develop the leadership and strategic capabilities within the African & Latino-American community. W.S.A.C.F. intends to promote the rights of African and Latino-American communities and other immigrant groups by encouraging educational goals, fostering and assisting in community building, leadership development and strategic planning by providing: training and mentoring programs, strategic advice, promoting increased access to technology and assisting Boards of Directors of community-based organizations to effectively carry out their missions.

Continued on page 8 7

WSACF Continued from page 7

OUR GOAL W.S.A.C.F. intends to work in conjunction with the national network of African & Latino-American organizations and other organizations to promote events and programs that benefit the African & Latino-American communities such as round-table discussions, consensus-building initiatives and conferences to develop local agendas and increase community awareness of issues affecting the African & Latino-American community. Through sponsorship solicitation and fundraising, the W.S.A.C.F. will be able to donate money to many worthy charities and organizations. Over the course of two years, the fundraisers sponsored by W.S.A.C.F. have donated money to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Bailey House, Habitat for Humanity, and the Martin Luther King Memorial Project. An example of W.S.A.C.F.’s activities, in furtherance of its exempt purposes, is its mentoring program Alpha G.E.N.T.S. (Gaining Essential Networking Tools for Success). This program was designed to cultivate male students to become successful adults by adopting a focused and goal oriented philosophy through a structured atmosphere that provides them the foundation of life skills and continuous support. The G.E.N.T.S. program commits itself to each student throughout his academic experience and into the working world. The program will ensure success through ongoing evaluations of its workshops and activities. It uses a tiered curriculum that builds toward graduation from High School. The program may begin at the 8th grade level and end at grade 12. During the first year of the program to the last, they will receive a counselor to aid in further development, networking opportunities and scholarships. The G.E.N.T.S. program provides monetary funds for book scholarships and academic incentives. It provides items that aid and encourage them to work closer to their goals. Our members serve as mentors and meet with the young men at least one Saturday each month to participate in workshops that are both fun and educational. Some programs planned for the upcoming year include: High School Academic Excellence, Teenage Pregnancy/ STD prevention, Go-to-High School/ Go-to-College, Basketball Tournament, Career & Personal Goal Setting, Field Trips, college tours, starting your own business/Making Money, Dressing for Success, and Community Service. See our Calendar below for coming activities. Saturday, October 17 GENTS Workshop: NUL Topic: “Deconstructing Messages in Rap Lyrics” Friday, October 30 – Saturday, October 31 College Tour Location: University of Connecticut Saturday, November 14 SAT 10 Question Challenge Location: Kaplan Center (E. 4th & Cooper Sq.) Saturday, November 21 SAT Practice Test Location: Kaplan Center (E. 4th & Cooper Sq.) Saturday, December 5 GENTS Workshop: NUL Topic: “Choosing a Major” and KXL Career Fair 8

Wall Street Alphas Road Runners Club Continued from page 2

New York Road Runners. All members that want to run in any of the Road Races sponsored by the New York Road Runners will be required to register for the respective race online This year, the WSARR and The Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation, Inc. (WSACF) will collaborate to raise needed scholarship funds for our Alpha G.E.N.T.S. (Gaining Essential Networking Tools for Success) mentorship program through our inaugural “Miles 4 Mentorship” run. This fundraiser, created by Bros Shawn Curwen and Nick Rosello Jr., will help bring awareness to our mentorship program for "at risk" youth. They begin to realize and exceed their highest levels of academic and social achievement in an environment where they wouldn't otherwise have the funds or educational discipline to enter college. Bro Curwen will be our inaugural runner as he participates in his second NYC Marathon on November 1, 2009. The goal for this year is to raise $5000, 100% of which will go to the G.E.N.T.S. scholarships. If you want to make an online credit/debit card donation please see the Foundation website for information or remit a check to: The Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation, Inc. (WSACF) P.O. Box 948 Peck Slip Station New York, NY 10272-0948 All donations are 100% tax deductible. For club information or how you can contribute to the “Miles 4 Mentorship” run contact: Bro. Rosello - Bro. Shawn Curwen – OR

Bros. Derrick Weatherspoon, Jioha Amatokwu, Shawn Curwen, Nicolas Rosello, and Mel Myrie got together for the first WSARR race, the 2008 Coogan’s Salsa, Blues & Shamrocks 5K run. 9

…Toward the Light by Bros. Brian Pruitt and Bro. Wiky Toussaint On a given day most of us face challenges and decisions that will affect us both in the short term and possibly in the long term as well. Will you be tempted to fudge that expense report or embellish your tax return? Will you need to ask for forgiveness after getting caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing? Do you have faith that your next job interview will be the one that finally gets you off unemployment? Spirituality has long been something that AfricanAmericans among others have incorporated into their daily lives. It’s not just something reserved for “Trials are only opportunities! Sundays or at Christmas time. Alpha’s are no Opportunities for GOD to exception to this with Dr. King being the most prove his faithfulness/favor recognizable example of a Brother working through OR opportunities for SATAN the church to guide his actions and uplift his to get you to give up and community. Kappa Xi Lambda Brothers in their own cave in.” way have led both in their chapter and communities. Some continue to do the work locally, and some have - Bro. Wiky Toussaint relocated to new areas to work in new churches and new communities. I asked a few of these Brothers to briefly share their thoughts on what the Bible has to say about some key life issues and how they personally work through some of life’s challenges, moving from the darkness of uncertainty and toward the light. Hopefully their messages will resonate with you and be applicable in your lives. This month, Bro. Wiky Toussaint, a Deacon at First Baptist Church in Spring Valley, NY has blessed us with an incredible message on “Faith”. “Storms of Life” In today’s despairing times, we are often tempted to say, “what if” this or “what if” that. These are all rational questions, but the root of the “what if” question is a lack of faith. Not to say we don’t have faith (Mark 9:24), we just need to strengthen our faith muscle! How do you strengthen you faith muscle? You do it through storms. Storms come in many different forms (i.e. health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, etc.). The most recent downturn in the market was a STORM, the countless people that lost their jobs was a STORM, and what you may be going through right at this moment is a STORM. Understand you’re either in a storm, about to hit a storm, or coming out of a storm (we tend to gravitate towards the latter lol). HOWEVER, know this, “storms don’t last always.” Hold on to Jesus Brothers! In Matt 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:2225 a storm hit and the people were frightened. We see Jesus calm the storm and the question he asked in Matthew 8:26, “why are you so frightened…what little faith you have.” He didn’t say they didn’t have faith, they just had little faith. In essence, the storm came to help build their “little faith.” The problems we face help build our faith. To Continued on page 11 10

…Toward the Light Continued from page 10

truly understand why we need faith, we need to understand the definition of faith and its meaning in our life. Hebrews 11:1 describes faith as “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Webster’s dictionary describes faith as, “firm belief in something there is no proof.” What is the meaning of faith in our lives (i.e. faith we would cross the burning sands, faith the mortgage will be paid, faith for healing and restoration)? In all this we have to consider not the “what if” factor, but the “God factor.” The “God factor” is that thing that we believe exists but do we have FAITH it’ll work for us? Brothers, God cannot guide you without you stepping out on faith. You cannot see God’s miraculous power unless you step out towards it. I’ll give you a personal example, last year I was unemployed for 8 months. I applied for unemployment benefits and was DENIED (initially)! Well those who know me know I’m a faithful tither (10% to the church). I had money, but what do I do? Fear tried to come upon me that I needed to save/horde my money. The devil is a liar. Well I decided to pay my 10% with the expectation by faith that I would get unemployment. I appealed the denial and waited to hear back. I paid my 10% week after week and went online to do my weekly registration for unemployment benefits. Long story short, I did receive my unemployment (just in time lol) and a retroactive check of over $3,000 dollars. I was also able to give money to those in need, pay two mortgages, pay all my bills, and put food on the table. Mind you I did not have a plethora of money saved. God did over and above, but it’s only because I stepped out on faith and paid my tithes. Brothers, look to the “God factor” not the “what if factor”. The “what if factor has derailed many from the victory and favor God has in store for them. Now I won’t say it’s easy, however nothing is “impossible with God” (Luke 18:27). As black men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. we need to be the leaders in every facet; in the board room, with our families, and in our faith. President Barack Obama, Ken Rushing CEO of The Rehabber’s Superstore, Inc. (google him), and Bro. Skip Mason are examples of people who stepped out on faith and achieved success. Brothers, why are you not the next example of FAITH? Is there a dream in your heart that you’ve been pondering, but as quickly as the thought crosses your mind the “what if” factor comes as quickly? Cast it down and rebuke it. Move into the darkness with faith that it’ll be ok. As Alphas, when the “what if” question arises remember the poems you learned during your pledge process (i.e. Don’t Quit, Test of a Man, and Invictus-“Out of the night that covers me… which is similar to Psalm 23-“Yea though I walk through the valley of death…). I must warn you, faith works just as life principles work. Those who do not believe in God, but practice His prescribed principles will achieve the same level of success. However, when issues arise faith will bring you through, not principles.

Continued on page 12 11

…Toward the Light Continued from page 11

Brothers I leave you with this great story I came across (and subsequently hung it up at work). Enjoy… “Through the Storm” A father and daughter were driving when they drove into a terrible storm. The storm was really bad and violent. However, the father told the daughter to, "keep driving." (edit) The storm had gotten so bad that the daughter could barely see and many large tractor trailers were beginning to pull over to the side of the road. The father told the daughter to, "keep driving". By now the daughter thought to herself “we have to pull over,” but she remembered her fathers words, "keep driving." Pretty soon it was getting clearer, clearer, and finally it was completely clear. The father said to the daughter, "now pull over." The daughter thought to herself, "why now the storm is over?" When they pulled over he asked the daughter to get out of the car and look back at the storm. She did. He explained, "look how many people are still in the storm because they pulled over. You did not give up and now your storm is over." Be encouraged Brothers, keep the faith, the storm will pass. Fraternally and Believing God! Bro. Wiky Toussaint

Our FAITH needs to be so strong that we are not surprised when something happens. We are surprised when it DOESN'T happen. - Pastor Timothy McBride

Bro. Toussaint and Bro. Pruitt at a fundraiser for the WSACF.

“Don’t be afraid, I am with you! I am your God – let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you, I will protect you and save you.” (Isaiah 41:10)

In the next newsletter, Bro. Reverend Jay Williams of the Glendale United Methodist Church in Everett, Massachusetts will give a message on “hope.” 12

On October 5, 2002, Brothers and guests from the New York Metropolitan area convened to rededicate and celebrate the presence of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter in Lower Manhattan. Originally chartered in 1974, rechartering members included: Bros. Andre Allen, Frantz Jean-Baptiste, Marcus Broadhead, Shawn Curwen (President), Roy Anthony Williams, Nicolas Rosello, Jr., Leeroy Miller, Michael T. Smith, and Serge DeVilme, Jr.

Rechartering member Bro. Nicolas Rosello, Jr. (left) was on hand as were members of Spring ’08 (above), Bros. Kelso Anderson, Lino Solis, and Jesse Owens. RM


New leaders have emerged over the last 7 years ensuring that KXL remains committed to enriching its community, fostering brotherhood, and developing the youth who will be the leaders of tomorrow.



Photographer Bro. Russell Malbrough was in town for the celebration. For more photographs of the evening, please visit his website Malbrough Photos. RM


Brother on the Move! Bro. Brandon V. Ray by Bro. Brian Pruitt Some Brothers just can’t be ignored….and that’s a good thing. Since leading the inaugural KXL line across the burning sands in Fall ’06, Bro. Brandon Ray has been putting in the work to “make it happen.” He has quickly forged ahead and made himself one of the Brothers in the Chapter you can count on to get things done. Born and raised in Hempstead, NY, Brandon earned his B.A. in Management from Howard University in 2004 and in 2007 he received his Master of Public Administration from CUNY Baruch College School of Public Affairs as a National Urban Fellow. In the short time he has been with KXL, he has served as Treasurer, worked on committees, led successful fundraising endeavors for the chapter, and served as a mentor to our Alpha G.E.N.T.S. Following his recent appointment to serve as a Trustee on the Hempstead Public Schools Board of Education, I had an opportunity to sit down with Brandon and discuss some of his accomplishments.

Bro. Ray recently attended the fraternities Congressional Black Caucus Reception in D.C. Among the many notables in attendance were civil rights legend Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and Bro. General President Herman “Skip” Mason.

Congratulations on your appointment to the Hempstead Public Schools Board of Education. Can you talk about the responsibilities of the position and what it personally means to you? As a member of the Hempstead Public School Board, I am a voting member on issues such as Policy, Personnel, Facilities, Field Trips, Textbook Vendors, School Openings, anything that relates to the entire Hempstead School District. I am responsible for the academic enrichment of over 5,000 youth. It means the world to me because I am a product of the Hempstead Public Schools system. Being a member of the school board I want to show the youth of my community that number 1: you can achieve, and number 2: you must reach back to your community and pull forward.

Continued on page 16 15

Brother on the Move Continued from page 15

You also recently were accepted into the National Urban League/American Express Emerging Leaders Program. Can you speak about the aspects of this program? After I graduated from Howard University, I had the honor of interning in the office of Bro. Marc H. Morial (President/CEO) of the National Urban League. The relationship between Alpha and the National Urban League spans since the Urban League's inception as 5 of the 8 Presidents/CEO of NUL were Alphas including one of our founders Bro. Samuel Parker brought in Fall ’06, Jewel Eugene K. Jones. Under his “the 7 Sons of Sobek.” guidance, and Bro. Elvin Dowling’s I began to see the phenomenal work the National Urban League and its affiliates have done and continue to do. If it’s policy institutes, civil rights and economic empowerment programs, job training programs, or youth empowerment programs, the Urban League is there. Following the internship, I joined my local Young Professionals Chapter and was elected Vice President. I presently work at my local affiliate as an Outreach Manager for its Mature Worker Program. Next year the National Urban League will turn 100 years old. This program is geared at preparing the next generation of leaders to serve in the leadership role of the Urban League movement. I am honored and humbled to be a part of its inaugural class as it embarks on its centennial year. You were in the inaugural KXL line "Fall 06." Many of the Brothers on that Jewel line have already made notable contributions to the Chapter and have begun to distinguish themselves as leaders. Tell me about what Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has meant to you and if the journey was what you thought it would be. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc has meant the world to me. Alpha inspires me to continue to strive for greatness while being humble in my service to all mankind. Alpha is foundation, legacy, leadership, responsibility, character and it should never be taken lightly. The brotherhood is what keeps me afloat when things seem low. If you invest your heart into Alpha Phi Alpha, it will make you a better man each day. This is what I thought the journey would be and more. In past conversations you've mentioned to me a desire to eventually become involved in politics. Can you talk about your long term goals for higher public service? I have aspirations to enter the political arena due to my spirit of service. Our current President has proven that there is no ceiling where you can go in life but I would like to start locally. One day, I would love to be Mayor of my hometown of Hempstead, NY. I see the potential in my community and I believe that I can be a proactive leader to take my village to the next level one day. I hope to also continue and be a congressman, senator and hey you never know. But one thing for sure I will always have the aims of my fraternity, "Manly Deeds, Scholarship & Love for All Mankind," imbedded in my heart in whatever role I am blessed to serve. 16

The Wall Street Alphas Professional Development Series: Prostate Cancer by Bro. Allen Moton, PharmD Definition •Cancer that forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system, that produces seminal fluid, found below the bladder and in front of the rectum) •Other conditions which may mimic its symptoms include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)

Statistics •2nd most common cancer amongst males affecting nearly 200,000 men/year with over 27,000 of these men dying each year •In the US, one in 55 men between the ages of 40 and 59 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. This incidence climbs to almost one in six for men between ages 60 and 79 •Worldwide, ranks as 3rd in cancer incidence and 6th in cancer mortality among men •Incidence is higher in North America and Northern Europe

Risk Factors •Age—65 or older •Race—Black/African American (more than 200 cases per 100,000 black men) •Family History •Poor diet (high fat, refined sugar, caloric intake), only linked, not medically proven

Symptoms •Urinary problems (difficulty passing urine or starting/stopping the flow of urine) •Flow (Frequent urination, especially at night, Weak flow of urine, Urine flow that starts and stops, Pain or burning during urination) •Difficulty having an erection •Painful ejaculation •Blood in urine or semen •Frequent pain in lower back, hips or upper thighs

Detection & Diagnosis •Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)—Palpation of the prostate for hard or lumpy areas •Blood-Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test •Prostate biopsy, official method of diagnosis •Healthy men over the age of 40 should undergo both DRE and PSA screening annually

Treatment •Varies depending on age, life expectancy, PSA level, biopsy results, and extent of cancer

Resources National Cancer Institute, Urology Health, John Hopkins FREE Special Report (7 Keys to Treating Prostate Cancer)


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