THE WALL ST. ALPHA REPORT The official Wall Street Alphas newsletter, Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter, NYC
February / March 2010
Vol. 3, No. 3
Are you ready for “The Conversation?” by Bro. Sean Henry
The “Conversation” will be a small group townhall style discussion, centered on topics covered in Hill Harper’s new book, “The Conversation”. The event is jointly-sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha’s PKO chapter and the Wall Street Alphas. Potential discussion topics include: •The roots of the breakdown in the black family •The myth that there are no mature, single, black male professionals •What women can do to alleviate the “heaviness” they sometimes attach to dating •What men can do to break the cycle of being a “player” •The difference between sex and intimacy •Bridging the communication gap •Self-worth and net worth The “Conversation” will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010. Seating is limited and the location will be disclosed to invited guests that RSVP on a first-come, firstserved basis. Light appetizers/refreshments will be provided. Psychologist, Dr. Alexandra McGlashan, will help facilitate the forum and offer professional advice and commentary throughout the discussion. The goal of this event will be to open a dialogue so that men and women can begin learning new ways to foster more cohesive communication with respect to dating, relationships, and marriage. Please RSVP early and be prepared to engage in a lively discussion. See the flyer with contact details in this newsletter.
President’s Letter Dear Brothers and Guests, Happy Black History Month! As most of you know, Black History Month is a national annual observance for remembering important people and events in the history of the African Diaspora. Some may point out that the designated month of February is the shortest month of the year. I am one for observing Black history everyday but in the Age of Obama, how much significance do we still put on BHM? The remembrance originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson as “Negro History Week”. Woodson chose the second week in February because it marked the birthdays of two Americans who greatly influenced the lives and social condition of African Americans: former President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Over time Negro History Week grew to become Black History Month. While I was growing up, it seemed that great importance was put on BHM. In school, we learned of great inventors, civil rights leaders, authors, athletes and entertainers. We watched important movies and documentaries like Roots and Eyes on the Prize. In college, we also had activities and celebrations sponsored by Campus Programs as well as various departments and student organizations. Many of which I attended, participated or organized as a Continued on Page 2
President’s Letter Mark your Calendar! Continued from Page 1
student leader on campus. But as an adult I see very little being done to recognize this month. Perhaps I will catch a commercial here or there, or learn about an event but the fanfare that I came to get used to is gone. Is Black History Month no longer important as an adult? We, the Wall Street Alphas, don’t think so! That is why we have hosted several wellattended and received BHM events over the years. This year is certainly no different. In this issue of the newsletter you will learn about The Conversation, a moderated discussion based on actor and author Hill Harper’s book of the same name. In the book, he aims to instigate open dialogues on how Black men and women can build loving, trusting relationships. This program is being co-hosted with the Pi Kappa Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. As an adult, while it may be more difficult to find events that celebrate of Black History Month it is just as significant as it always has been. We must share information of the events that we’re aware of and plan new ones if there are not enough in our area. After all, our progress as a people should be celebrated with enthusiasm: 365 days a year.
2/23: 3/9: 4/4: 4/13: 4/25:
The Conversation Chapter Meeting Easter Sunday Chapter Meeting March for Babies
A SPECIAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH REPORT What made several brothers from KXL take a weekend road trip to Philly with video recorder in hand? A step show? A party? Nah! How about a meeting with fellow brother 91 year old Dr. Edward Robinson, the grandfather of chapter brother Russell “Ox” Robinson. Bro. Robinson had a few things to say about important African American issues and we were there to capture it all. For a teaser, check out this brief video. The one we recently shot will be on our website soon. Don’t miss it!
Fraternally, Jioha Amatokwu President, KXL Chapter “Wall Street Alphas”
Inside this Edition 9 9 9 9 9
President’s Letter Editor’s Report The Conversation Our MLK Day of Service Bro. Turner talks about self-image
Visit the “Wall Street Alphas” on Facebook or My Space or at
A Day of Service on MLK’s Day By Assistant Editor, Bro. Tony Thompson
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?" Each year, the Corporation for National and Community Service honors Dr. King's legacy by asking Americans to make the King Holiday a national day of service. Caring citizens around the country have come together to perform various community service programs in order to help those less fortunate. For more than 100 years, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc has been at the forefront of giving back to the community. On January 18, 2010 the brothers of the Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter decided to have a day “on” instead of a day off. Approximately 15 brothers came together and served lunch at one of the Momentum Project Soup Kitchens. The Momentum Project’s mission is to sustain health and foster wellness by providing communal meals and supportive services to any person living with HIV/AIDS, their family members, and loved ones in New York City. Momentum creates a caring environment in which hope can develop, the spirit is nurtured, and clients improve the quality of their lives.
A Day of Service Continued from page 3
Brothers met with site and volunteer coordinator Rahiem Brown. Rahiem, a Bronx native, has a degree in Business Administration and worked in the music industry before becoming a part of the Momentum Project. “I know I could be making more money but I enjoy my job” said Brown. “I am able to put a smile on peoples face.” He also said he enjoys the opportunity to network and meet various people. In today’s economic climate they are seeing more and more people - even some who work. The project is there to assist all those who are in need. The Momentum Project also provides comprehensive support services, including Substance abuse intervention, Prevention education, Mental health counseling, Life skills training, Housing and entitlements advocacy, and Nursing Services. Momentum serves nutritionally balanced, high nutrient hot meals required by people with HIV/AIDS. Meals are prepared with the freshest ingredients and according to strict food safety standards. All menus are designed to meet and satisfy the ethnic/cultural taste of their clients. They also provide grocery bags filled with seasonal fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains to supplement the dietary needs of people with HIV/AIDS. Brothers of KXL helped to serve the meals as well as create and distribute the grocery bags. Several brothers took the time to come out and give back on that day including Jioha Amatokwu, Brian Pruitt, Jamel Maloney, Jesse Owens, Thomas Mabry, Keith Harvey, Giovanni Gallaread, NaQuinton Gainous, Robert Poole, Tyrice Johnson, Larry Bannister, Imonite Okhiria, Tony Thompson, and Lino Solis who also brought his son and daughter to learn at an early age the importance of giving back. Friend to KXL, Charizma Williams, also came out to lend a helping hand and support the cause. We take for granted the little things. Marian Wright Edelman said "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee."
2009-2010 Chapter Officers and Board Members Kappa Xi Lambda Executive Board President:
Brother Jioha Amatokwu
Vice President:
Brother Damon Culcleasure
Recording Secretary:
Brother Christopher Hunt
Corresponding Secretary:
Brother Jamel Maloney
Brother Keith Harvey
Financial Secretary:
Brother Mel Myrie
Brother Dwight Tindall
Brother Jesse Owens
Coordinator of Intake:
Brother Nicolas Rosello, Jr.
Brother Lael Chappell
Brother Lino Solis
Dir. of Educational Activity:
Brother Ted Ingram
Assoc. Editor to the Sphinx:
Brother Tony Thompson
Wall Street Alphas Charitable Foundation Board of Directors President & Chairman:
Brother Shawn A. Curwen
Brother Tony Johnson
Brother Roy A. Williams
Board Member:
Brother Derrick Crawford
Board Member:
Brother Samuel Parker
Newsletter Committee Editor in Chief:
Brother Brian Pruitt
Assistant Editor:
Brother Tony Thompson
Brother Lino Solis Brother NaQuinton Gainous Brother Geshawn Williams
The Pi Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. & The Wall Street Alphas present
The Conversation Please join us for a FREE night of good food, good friends and good conversation – To discuss topics featured in Hill Harper’s book “The Conversation” …the Black relationship and how men and women should operate within… --------------Tuesday, February 23, 2010 --------------6:30 - 8:30 p.m. -------------For information and to RSVP by February 18, 2010 please contact Sean Henry @ or Denise Bennett @ Space is limited and admission is only guaranteed to people who receive an email confirmation with location details
A Discussion of Self Image by Bro. Rev. Dr. Eric B. Turner, PhD I’ve deliberated as to what to write that might reinforce the bonds of our chapter, therefore making us better Alpha Men – and more beneficial to society as a whole. After many revisions I’ve decided to address the inner MAN … Not the Business Man, the Family Man, or even The ALPHA Man. For these titles, tags or adjectives will never be ALL that God has destined if the Inner Man is not well balanced. I want to address your self-image. This is not to be made synonymous with your reputation - what others think of you. We have allowed our lives to be controlled by others’ thoughts and opinions of us far too long. What do you think about you? What is your self-image? Your self-image is simply a self-portrait that you carry around. It’s how you see yourself and how you think others see you. Just like those distorted mirrors at the amusement parks, Satan loves to distort the truth and convince you to believe it! From the moment you are born, he works overtime, trying to convince you that you are unloved, unwanted, insignificant, fat, ugly, deformed, crazy, or worthless! He wants your self-image distorted. WHY? Because if you have a poor self-image, you’ll never be confident enough to do what God put you on this earth to do. *According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 1 in 4 Americans are diagnosed each year with a psychological disorder, the majority for which low self-esteem and a poor self-image are underlying factors. The truth is, once you’ve accepted a poor identity – once that poor self-image is accepted – you make choices that support your beliefs about yourself. Your self-image can be seen in the way you dress, the way you talk about yourself, the relationships you choose, your career, your relationship with God … every area of your life is affected by your self-image. You behave in a manner consistent with how you see yourself. If you see yourself as having no value and no worth, then you’ll make decisions that reflect that. I read a story about a guy named Victor who, at 15, was told by his teacher that he wouldn’t amount to much and that he should drop out of school and learn a trade. Because he was told he was an idiot, he acted like one for the next 17 years! Then, when he was 32, he found out he had an IQ of 161. Since discovering how smart he really was, heAPhas written books, secured several patents, become a successful businessman and chairman of the Mensa Society, the largest high-IQ society in the world! It’s a society that requires a high IQ to gain admittance.
A Discussion of Self Image Continued from page 7
Take a retrospective look at your life. Do you have a poor self-image? Why? 1. Words spoken to you (by parents, teachers, coaches, peers) 2. Abandonment by parents or spouse 3. Divorce 4. Abuse (physical, verbal, sexual, emotional) 5. Rejection 6. Comparison to a sibling 7. Turmoil in the home 8. Marriage rejection, unfaithfulness 9. Rape or Molestation 10. Being made fun of or talked down to; and the list goes on…. Satan will use whatever situation he can to INSTILL a poor sense of self-worth. Why? If you don’t value yourself no one else will. When I served as youth pastor in Ohio, I invited all of the teenage girls to the church one night to talk to them about their self-image. I held up a fresh, cold can of Coke and asked, “Who wants the first sip?” Everyone raised their hands. “I do. I want the first sip.” I gave it to one girl and she took a big gulp. Then, I said, “Pass it to your best friend.” She took a sip. Then, she passed it to her friend. About 5 girls later, I got the Coke back and noticed there was about one “swig” left. I said, “OK. Who wants the last little sip?” They all yelled, “That’s disgusting. It’s backwash!” Nobody wanted it. I said, “Many times you see yourselves like this Coke can. You’ve been passed around from guy to guy, from relationship to relationship, from abuse to abuse, used up, washed up, nobody wants you – you’ve lost all of your value and worth. What do you have to offer anyone?” The point was well-taken. We assume we’re not valuable because of the experiences of our past, the words that have been spoken over us, so we behave in a manner consistent with how we see ourselves. We dress that way. We act that way. We talk that way. We choose friends who agree with our negative opinion of ourselves. And we don’t expect God to really bless us or use us in any meaningful way. Brothers, if you have low self-esteem, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says to you, how many compliments you receive, awards you are given, women you run through or fraternity or church functions you attend … if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never change. Bishop T.D. Jakes says, “You can’t take a person who feels ugly about themselves and make them feel lovely.” He said, “They cannot retain the encouragement because they are leaking from the inside. Only the Word of God will get down on the inside of your soul and fix the AP the Word of God can change a plumbing so you can retain what God has placed in you.” Only poor self-image into the image of God. Do you realize that from the time you were born Satan has had a plan to stop you from the plan of God for your life? It’s not haphazard or coincidental; it’s strategic and on purpose. Why? Because he does not want you to fulfill God’s plan for your life! He wants his plan for your life fulfilled: kill, steal and destroy (your self-image). 8
A Discussion of Self Image Continued from page 8
“Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work.” - Jeremiah 1:5 (NCV) God needs you. He wants to use you. He has a special plan and purpose - an assignment for you to fulfill during your time on Earth. Brothers, we DO NOT have time to waste. Maybe you’ve been abused – and never told anyone. Maybe you were wounded, rejected, abandoned, or violated. Maybe you’re consumed with guilt over your past: you had sex before planned, you got someone pregnant, you agreed to – or contributed to – an abortion. You let yourself down. Don’t let Satan paint a picture in your mind of who you were back then. If you’ve repented of your mistakes, then you’ve been made a new creation in Christ Jesus, old things have passed away and all things have become new . . . including your self-image! MAY YOU STAY IN ONE PLACE . . . FOREVER! I was reading a book the other day that told a story about a tribe from Asia who would yell curses at their enemies. The worst curses they could possibly think of were not, “May your swords rust and you die of a disease!” Instead they would yell, “May you stay in one place forever!” That’s exactly what Satan is yelling in your mind: “May you stay in one place for the rest of your life!” He wants you to stay locked in an experience of rejection, abuse, violation, intimidation forever! Why? Because ultimately, it distorts your self-image, crippling you from ever doing what God wants you to do with your life. I speak from experience. Because of the different things I’ve been through in my life, I had such a poor self-image, was very insecure and felt inferior. It didn’t matter what my parents told me, how “popular” I was in school or how many sermons I heard at church. I saw myself a certain way and, in my mind, that was final! It wasn’t until I began to fill my mind – I mean taking drastic steps to fill my mind – with God’s love for me that I began to change from the inside out. General Douglass McArthur said one of the most important rules of war is to know your enemy! You need to know, first of all, who you are fighting. Satan! He’s the thief who has stolen your identity and distorted your self-image. You can’t stay mad at the people who hurt you for the rest of your life. You have to get mad at the right enemy or else you’re AP in a losing battle. Once you’ve discovered that Satan is the one behind every touch of evil in your life, then you can target all of your pain toward him! How? Get on a quest to know God more intimately than ever before! Why is that? Because God’s love will drive fear out of your life. Insecurity, inferiority, and a poor self-image are all rooted in fear. God’s love will completely, 100% transform your self-image into the image and likeness of Jesus. Only God’s love can heal you everywhere you hurt and help you develop godly confidence! 9
A Discussion of Self Image Continued from page 9
I’m obviously an advocate of counseling and therapy, but I’m convinced that transformation can only happen in that private place in your life … when it’s just you and God. Being in God’s presence transforms us. Healing takes place in His presence from all those wounds and scars from your past. Taking that step to get in His presence and learn to receive His love is something only you can do. Nobody can do it for you. James 4:7-8 says, “Draw near unto God and He will draw near unto you.” You take a step closer to God and He’ll take a step closer to you. He’s just waiting on you to come to Him. He will wrap His arms around you and never let you go (unless you fight for the right to be on your own!). He wants to tell you how much He loves you. Other people may not love you, but He does! Go somewhere in your home where you can be alone and say, “Thank You, Father, for loving me.” Start confessing it even if you don’t feel very lovable. After a while, it will drop from your head to your heart and you will begin to hear God say it Himself. He loves you. He created you. He forgives you. He’s not mad at you. He knows why you’ve done what you’ve done. He’s made you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. And He has a special work, a unique assignment that He fully expects you to carry out. Remember this: God can’t use you publicly until you have obtained victory privately. Get alone with God and let Him completely transform your self-image. Submitted in Brotherly Love Bro. Rev. Dr. Eric B. Turner, PhD Counseling Psychologist- Marriage and Family
Remember to RSVP for
The Conversation Tuesday, February 23rd AP
Seating is limited.
ΑΦΑ - A Century of Leadership - ΑΦΑ
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Kappa Xi Lambda Chapter P.O. Box 5382 New York, NY 10185-5382
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