Commerce & Industry 29.03

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‘Let’s Talk Business’

ISSN: 2056-8371



Energy & Renewable Experts

Visit us at Offshore Wind Connections - 3rd - 4th May at The Doubletree by Hilton, Hull - STAND 7 Kestrel are market leaders in the shipping, handling & management of energy sector projects & components, to read more see page 07...


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04. Three more directors in restructure at East Yorkshire law firm 05. ‘People set our property service apart’

30 06

OWC2023 06. No one gets you closer Associated British Ports

11. Offshore Wind Connections Programme 13. Ørsted invest in award-winning safety leadership programme as part of the development of Hornsea 3



ISSN: 2056-8363 All rights reserved. No part of Commerce & Industry Magazine may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, without prior written permission of the publishers. The publishers do not accept responsibility for views expressed, or statements made, or in those reproduced from any other source. No responsibility is borne by the publishers for any errors made in any advertisement, or for claims made by any advertiser which are incorrect. The publishers cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from any material supplied. This includes editorial and/or advertisement copy, design and/or images.

The Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce is proud to once again host the 2023 Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards.

06 25 06 26


Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved

30. The Grimsby Institute has officially launched the Elite Centre, a sustainable energy engineering hub developed in collaboration with the Greater Lincolnshire LEP and supported by the Midlands Engine.

08. OWC 2023 – a decade of world-leading offshore wind Influential speakers will share thoughts on the Humber’s pioneering approach to the vibrant sector.

TWITTER: @ci_mag

SUBSCRIPTIONS: 6 ISSUES - £32 (inclusive of postage anywhere in the UK)


07. Kestrel are market leaders in the shipping, handling & management of Energy Sector projects & components.

TELEPHONE: (01472) 359036

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Join our ever-growing community of over 1400 followers


A look at what’s going on within industry in and around the Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the Humber regions.

06 28 06 29

VPI IMMINGHAM VPI expands Immingham energy hub

STAY SAFE East Riding of Yorkshire Council - The Spring Booster is back

31. Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery and HETA launch a new, first-of-its kind apprenticeship opportunity in the Humber region











Off-Shore wind, On-Shore Manufacturing!

The Tax Changes Affecting Profit Withdrawal

36. Business School students develop brand new product concept for Cranswick

38. University and industry partnership propels the future of renewable energy

Lifestyle change programme Healthier Futures launches for East Riding residents

Staff and customers of major retailer step up to support the Daisy Appeal

Dangerous Goods Training

37. Local businesses to be celebrated as University of Hull launches business awards



New bridge will provide link to Rotherham’s past, present and future


GREATER LINCOLNSHIRE LEP University Vice Chancellor is Chosen to Lead the LEP



Marketing Humber team joins C4DI community as new partners support region’s investment drive Marketing Humber has moved its expanded team into the C4DI tech hub in Hull’s most vibrant commercial community.

The region’s economic place marketing organisation has grown to a six-strong team and relocated to a new base at the C4DI (Centre for Digital Innovation) building in the flourishing Fruit Market area. The move means Marketing Humber is now operating from one of Hull’s most sought-after office locations in a building that is a key gathering place for the region’s business community. C4DI opened in 2015 as the first phase and centrepiece of Wykeland Group’s @TheDock waterfront tech campus. Since then it has been the catalyst for the launch of scores of tech businesses, creating hundreds of highly-skilled digital jobs, as well as inspiring safety business Arco to relocate to a new state-of-the-art head office close by. Moving into a third floor office at C4DI further aligns Marketing Humber with the region’s tech sector, which has grown rapidly since the opening of the building in 2015 provided a focal point for the previously fragmented digital community. The Marketing Humber team – Managing Director Dr Diana Taylor; Engagement and Stakeholder Manager Leahann Barnes; Marketing Manager Paige McGowan; Marketing and Communications Executive Alicia Woodward; Office Administrator Saffron Gregg; and latest recruit, Digital Marketing Executive Joanne Brady – are now enjoying being part of

the collaborative C4DI community. Wykeland has also become a Marketing Humber Principal Partner, joining a powerful line-up of the region’s leading businesses who are at the forefront of promoting the Humber as a great place to invest. Meanwhile, C4DI has also become a Major Partner and will support Marketing Humber’s vital work, further underlining the close relationship between the tech hub, Wykeland and Marketing Humber. Dr Taylor said: “We’re excited to have moved into our new home in such a prestigious location. “Joining the C4DI community reinforces the strong relationship we have with Wykeland and C4DI, who are both long-standing members of our Bondholders network of business ambassadors and have now become Principal Partners and Major Partners respectively. “It also underlines the importance of the evergrowing tech sector and the region’s impressive digital capabilities to the Humber’s investment proposition. It’s important to us that we can help weave digital technologies into all of our business sectors, supporting all our members as we look to thrive in a prosperous and sustainable future. “Our team are really enjoying being in such a vibrant working environment with so many creative and innovative companies around us. “It’s a fantastic place to take forward our work promoting and celebrating the Humber as a

The expanded Marketing Humber team has moved to Hull’s C4DI tech hub. Pictured in the reception area at C4DI are front, from left, C4DI’s Louise Cooke, Marketing Humber’s Diana Taylor and Wykeland Group’s Ian Franks with Marketing Humber team members, from left, Joanne Brady, Alicia Woodward, Leahann Barnes, Saffron Gregg and Paige McGowan.

great place to invest, work, live and study.” Ian Franks, Finance Director of Hull-based Wykeland, said: “We’re excited to welcome one of the region’s leading business organisations and the voice of the Humber to C4DI. “We’re also delighted to become a Principal Partner and to play an even bigger role in supporting Marketing Humber’s crucial work promoting the region nationally and internationally, to attract investment and stimulate economic growth. “Our developments across the Humber, such as the Melton West and Bridgehead business parks in East Yorkshire, and Europarc in Grimsby, are among the region’s primary locations for inward investment, so we have a strong, shared interest with Marketing Humber in showcasing the area and the many exciting opportunities it offers.” C4DI and @TheDock are well established as a place where digital start-ups and scaleups collaborate with some of region’s biggest businesses for mutual benefit.

Early Bird stand deal now available as Chamber Expo 2023 opens for bookings – so don’t delay . . . book today! ONE of the Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce’s flagship events is back with its successful one-day format retaining its place taking centre stage in the heart of Humber Business Week 2023. The date is Tuesday, June 6, and this year’s venue will again be the Mercure Hull Grange Park Hotel, Willerby, Hull, HU10 6EB. Stands are now available for booking through the Chamber’s website or by contacting David Hooper or Janice Harrison who will be happy to help. As usual, Chamber Expo 2023 will host all kinds of businesses from both banks of the Humber and the spacious venue can accommodate some outside stand space for larger exhibitors. This year’s standholders can look forward to a hot buffet lunch and electricity included in the price of the stand, while parking and entry to Chamber Expo 2023 will be free. The Chamber’s famous Speed Networking

will also return this year, providing a great opportunity to meet some new business people from around the region - and we are planning a few informative break-out sessions and a couple of fun surprises! Anyone is welcome to visit – you don’t have to be a Chamber member to exhibit, or to attend on the day. The Chamber’s ever-popular event provides a great opportunity for networking and making introductions to potential suppliers of everything from cakes to cranes. So don’t miss out, book your stand now and take advantage of our Early Bird stand deal – £350 per stand if you book before 30th April, after which date the cost will be £450 per stand Book online: Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce (

Chamber Expo Early Bird stand deals now open for booking!

Call (01482) 324976 to speak with Janice or David, or email with your requirements.

To read the full version of each of these press releases visit




Regional Accountancy firm promotes more homebred talent.

Forrester Boyd Chartered Accountants is delighted to announce the promotion of four of its home-grown accountants. Alex Shreeve and Katie Reeson celebrate being promoted to manager positions, whilst Amelia Jacklin and James Sykes celebrate becoming assistant managers. Carrie Jensen, partner and HR lead for the firm said, “We are delighted to be able to promote four of our accountants into management roles. They all started their careers with Forrester Boyd on our training programme. These promotions reflect the success of our training and how we help our staff to continually develop in their career paths.” Alex Shreeve joined the firm in 2009 and became an assistant manager in 2018. This promotion to manager sees him take the next step in his career, sharing his time between the firms’ Grimsby and Scunthorpe offices. When not at work, you can normally find Alex getting involved in some kind of sporting activity, whether football, golf, cricket or anything else he can find time to get involved in. Katie Reeson has also been promoted to manager. Katie works in the firms’ Louth office having joined in 2015. She has built in-depth knowledge and expertise in the Academies and Charities sectors. Katie manages a wide portfolio of clients working particularly closely with Chief Financial Officers and School Business Managers. Another keen fitness fanatic, when not at work or in the gym, Katie enjoys travelling and visiting new places on holiday.

Celebrating promotion to Assistant Manager is James Sykes. Based in the Scunthorpe office James joined as a trainee accountant in 2017 going on to qualify in 2021. James has a particular interest in personal tax planning and VAT. James is another keen sportsman in his spare time. Rounding up the promotions is Amelia Jacklin. Amelia who is based in the firms’ Louth office has been promoted to assistant manager. She joined in 2016 originally working in the Grimsby office. Amelia later moved to the Louth office, qualifying in 2021. She works with a wide portfolio of clients from individuals through to partnerships and companies. Outside of work Amelia loves to explore new cities and going on road cycling trips, as well as spending time with family and friends.

Carrie continued, “These achievements are just another example of the success in our strategy in recruiting and developing local and home grown talent. I myself, like most of the partners

L:R Amelia Jacklin, Alex Shreeve, Katie Reeson, James Sykes

in the firm, started on Forrester Boyd’s trainee accountancy programme so it is great to see even more of our talent progressing internally with their careers.” Forrester Boyd is one of the leading independent chartered accountancy practices in Lincolnshire and the Humber region, with 16 partners and over 150 staff based at offices at Grimsby, Louth, Scunthorpe, Skegness, Beverley and Hull.

Associated British Ports welcomes Colin McLoughlin to the Humber as Head of Operations Associated British Ports (ABP) welcomes Colin McLoughlin as Head of Operations for the Humber. With an established career in operations management from his time with Stanton Grove and Peel Ports, Colin joined ABP Humber in 2015, and has played a valuable role in delivering many of ABP’s key operation and warehousing projects. As Head of Operations, Colin will now be responsible for ABP’s diverse portfolio of terminal operations across its four Humber Ports of Immingham, Grimsby, Hull, and Goole; handling in excess of 58 million tonnes of cargo between them each year, worth approximately £75 billion. Simon Bird, Regional Director of ABP Humber, said: “Colin will be continuing his great work here at ABP Humber, ensuring all operations delivered for ABP’s customers are carried out safely and efficiently. In the coming years Colin and his team will be supporting a huge transition for the Humber, as ABP sets its focus firmly on becoming a Net Zero business by 2040.” Colin said: “It is an exciting time across the Humber Ports. Having launched its sustainability strategy, ABP’s commitment to becoming a Net Zero business will be at the heart of our operational delivery. Over many years now, ABP Humber has made great strides to reduce emissions generated across its operations, by

ABP Humber Head of Operations Colin McLoughlin

investing in hybrid and electric port equipment, supported by roof mounted solar installations. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues to further reduce our operations emissions and continue to develop sustainable supply chains for our customers.” ABP’s sustainability strategy, Ready for Tomorrow, outlines a plan to support the

acceleration of the UK’s energy transition with continued investment in the necessary port infrastructure for the advancement of offshore wind, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage development, that in turn, will facilitate economic growth in the region and enhance career opportunities.

To read the full version of each of these press releases visit




Three more directors in restructure at East Yorkshire law firm Well-known faces at Williamsons Solicitors join leadership team as local talent forms part of growth plans


From left to right: Amanda Hewson, Wayne Walker and Rebecca Bisby

illiamsons Solicitors has appointed three new directors in the second phase of a significant restructure of the firm’s management. Wills and probate specialist Rebecca Bisby, licenced conveyancer Amanda Hewson and clinical negligence solicitor Wayne Walker, will also each lead their respective departments.

Riding of Yorkshire and has a reputation for the quality of its services which are provided by a 122-strong team working from the head office in Hull, and branches in Bridlington and Driffield.

All three were born and educated in East Yorkshire and are examples of Williamsons Solicitors’ commitment to investing in local talent.

Rebecca Bisby, who is a chartered fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, said: “This hugely successful firm still has so much potential, and it is exciting to explore the opportunities with such a strong leadership team.”

They join fellow operational and finance directors Neil Waterhouse and John Auld whose appointments were announced in January, along with established owner-directors Sarah Clubley and Jane Cousins.

It provides comprehensive private client law services along with a commercial law and commercial property.

The new seven-strong leadership team will develop and implement the firm’s growth plans, which include operational enhancement, service and staff development.

Wayne Walker, who is a recognised expert in medical negligence dealing with awards ranging from a few thousand pounds to the multiple millions, said that he was proud of the achievements of his department and the firm as a whole. “I am looking forward to playing a more strategic role and making a significant contribution to the development of our services,” he said.

Williamsons is well known throughout the East

Amanda Hewson, who joined the firm as a


school leaver in 2004, said: “It is thrilling to be able to lead the department and to be made a director. The personal service provided to clients from committed staff has been key to our success and I want to assist in building on this strength.” Owner-director Sarah Clubley, who is also head of the family and childcare department, said that the refreshed leadership team was bringing new energy and perspectives to the firm. “I warmly welcome Wayne, Rebecca and Amanda to the board to join myself, Jane, Neil and John. This new team will be instrumental in securing continued development and success as we look after the legal interests of the people of East Yorkshire.” Williamsons Solicitors started in Hull 133 years ago, and has grown steadily through service development, expansion of its client base and acquisitions. It provides a range of essential services including crime, probate, conveyancing, family law, civil litigation, personal injury, clinical negligence and business property.



‘People set our property service apart’. A new director at Williamsons Solicitors is relishing her role at the successful regional firm.


or Amanda Hewson, becoming a director and now leading the busy conveyancing department is a source of great pride.

Amanda is stepping into the shoes of director Jane Cousins, who is now adopting a more strategic role as the firm implements its growth plans. Amanda, who is one of a new cohort of directors, joined Williamsons in 2004 and has been helping clients buy and sell houses since 2013. She says that it’s the people and teamwork which sets the service apart. She has been busy working with her conveyancing colleagues across the Hull, Driffield and Bridlington branches, ensuring they all maximise the benefits of a new case management system and continue to work well together to offer the best level of service to clients. “We operate in small teams at the branches and our clients benefit from having a single point of contact who they get to know. Clients are made to feel valued and not like a number on a tick list, but also have the advantages that only larger firms can offer. Most of our work comes via recommendation, and we are extremely proud of many excellent reviews.” Amanda is an excellent example of what can be achieved with hard work and commitment and Williamsons’ investment in training and developing employees. A pupil of the former Isaac Newton school in Hull, she joined as a school leaver and is now an ‘official success story’. “I started as a general office assistant gradually progressing to qualify as a licensed conveyancer. “I never imagined I’d be a department head or director when I joined nearly 20 years ago. I’m grateful for the faith Williamsons have placed in me and am extremely thankful to the other directors.”

Like many firms, the pandemic resulted in an exponential rise in conveyancing work when the ‘race for space’ and government incentives combined to result in an exceptionally buoyant housing market. “The market has calmed down and the cost-ofliving crisis is making people more cautious, but we still have a very healthy and consistent case load and are looking at continued growth,” said Amanda. Jane Cousins, one of two owner-directors, said: “We are committed to helping our staff reach their potential and are so pleased that Amanda will lead our vibrant conveyancing department. She is a superb example of how, with the right level of support and commitment, you can have a successful career in law without taking the traditional educational route.”


Amanda added: “I’m really looking forward to embracing new challenges and working with my team to enhance our service to clients.” Williamsons Solicitors employs more than 120 staff across its Hull head office and East Yorkshire branches, carrying out expert work in most areas of private client law including family and childcare, wills and probate, defence advocacy, civil litigation, personal injury, and clinical negligence.

Good, reliable legal advice is just a phone call away. Contact Williamsons Solicitors on Telephone: 01482 323697 or visit:

0WC 2023


No one gets you closer Associated British Ports

Henrik L. Pedersen, ABP’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “Climate change is an era-defining challenge, but it is also an opportunity to scale innovative new industries to leave an optimistic legacy for generations to come.”


ssociated British Ports (ABP), the UK’s leading ports group, new sustainability strategy, Ready for Tomorrow is backed by a plan to invest £2 billion in decarbonising its own operations by 2040 at the latest and in major infrastructure projects to enable the wider UK energy transition. For ABP this includes continuing to develop its leading offshore wind manufacturing and support hubs.

Delivering Green Energy infrastructure ABP is at the heart of some of the UK’s largest industrial clusters, which have a significant role to play in driving economic growth and regeneration in regions and nations around the country. Humber The Humber has been identified as the first cluster demonstrator project, recognising the region’s critical role in accelerating

Above image: Green Port Hull

decarbonisation and delivering the UK’s Net Zero objectives. ABP has and continues to develop new facilities and opportunities for offshore wind. ABP’s Port of Grimsby is strategically located adjacent to the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Hornsea 2. It is the UK’s largest offshore wind operations and maintenance port, supporting wind-farm operators and the wider supply chain. Green Port Hull, the UK’s world class centre for renewable energy, was developed with a £310m ABP and Siemens Gamesa partnership investment. Offshore wind turbine blade manufacturing, assembly, and servicing facilities make up its centrepiece. Siemens Gamesa’s facility is set to double in size as development in the North Sea accelerates. To further enhance the area’s offer, the Humber Freeport’s ambitious business aims to energise investment and growth across the offshore wind energy sector for years to come, bringing 7,000 new high-quality jobs.


Wales and South West England Floating offshore wind is an emerging technology. The Celtic Sea surrounding Wales and South West England has been identified as a major development opportunity for this technology due to its high average wind speeds in deep waters. ABP has relationships with several significant offshore wind developers. Port infrastructure will be key to ensuring regional supply chains benefit from floating offshore wind. Port Talbot and the Port of Milford Haven in South Wales have been identified as two early sites for supporting the deployment of floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea. ABP is in a unique position to support the acceleration of the UK’s energy transition by providing the necessary port infrastructure to support offshore wind that will help to create a more sustainable future and deliver the significant investment, economic growth and thousands of new, high-quality jobs in local communities.

0WC 2023


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OWC 2023


OWC 2023 – a decade of world-leading offshore wind

Influential speakers will share thoughts on the Humber’s pioneering approach to the vibrant sector.


nother record-breaking decade is in store for the Humber’s offshore wind industry. That’s the message from the OWC 2023 keynote speaker and headline sponsor.

The opportunity for the supply chain will be the subject of a panel discussion, members of which include Danielle Lane, director of offshore development UK and Ireland, RWE; Andrew Elmes, head of business development UK and Ireland, Siemens Gamesa; and Len Taylor, sector specialist at the Department for Business and Trade .

Orsted’s head of European execution programmes Patrick Harnett will address delegates at the leading conference organised by Humber Marine & Renewables. He will share plans for the company’s Hornsea 3 offshore wind farm which is expected to be almost double the size of Hornsea 2, currently the world’s largest. Ahead of the 10th anniversary conference in Hull on May 3 & 4 he said that the Humber ‘will continue to be a game changer in offshore wind.’ With the agenda focused on the UK target of 50GW by 2030, OWC 2023 will look at the opportunity for the Humber and the major contribution it can make. RenewableUK will speak about the government and industry ambition to achieve the goal, while closer to home, the advancement of the Humber Offshore Wind Cluster will be discussed.

Offshore Wind Connections 2023 will combine networking, speakers, workshops and an exhibition at the Double Tree by Hilton. It attracts delegates from the Humber region, the UK and overseas and has built a reputation as an essential fixture on the offshore wind sector calendar.

Patrick Harnett, Orsted


The anniversary event will shine a spotlight on the 10,000 additional skilled employees needed in the region. A ‘People Power’ afternoon panel session will be led by Jane Cooper, director of offshore wind at RenewableUK, and will include Sarah Rodgers, HR business partner at Siemens Gamesa and Zoe Keeton, head of stakeholder and local markets UK and Ireland at RWE, along with experts from education and training.

OWC 2023


Colleges and academic institutions will attend with the aim of inspiring a generation of young people to choose careers in the vibrant sector.

Industry puts its weight behind OWC 2023

Simon Bird, Associated British Ports’ regional director for the Humber, will speak on behalf of Humber Freeport which was conditionally approved by the Treasury in late March. The Freeport status, which is the culmination of more than two years’ work, is expected to be a catalyst for economic growth, paving the way for new jobs and investment in the region.

Offshore Wind Connections has attracted high profile support in its 10th anniversary year, securing leading developer Orsted as its headline sponsor, with other major players in the offshore wind sector signing up.

The need for further innovation, the environment and infrastructure will also be discussed. Andrew Oliver, chair of Humber Marine & Renewables, said: “We have a very solid line-up of speakers and panel sessions which look at the opportunities and challenges that must be met if we are to maintain a pole position.

Sarah Rodgers, Siemens Gamesa

“It’s incredible to think how far the Humber has come in the space of a decade, and while OWC will celebrate this anniversary, the focus will be on what needs to happen over the next ten years.”

RWE and has taken platinum sponsorship and Associated British Ports is the lanyard sponsor. Andrew Jackson Solicitors, Carlbom Shipping, Mindmap Productions, MMS Ship Repairs and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult have all taken gold. Other support for OWC 2023 comes from the Humber Offshore Wind Cluster (which has shaped the agenda for the event), RSM, Hull City Council, The Department for Business and Trade, RenewableUK and The Supply Chain Network. Media partners are Reach plc, Business Works magazine, Wind Energy Network, Commerce & Industry magazine, RE:News, Mapa PR and Mindmap Productions. Camilla Carlbom Flinn, a director of Humber Marine & Renewables and director of Carlbom Shipping, said that the level of support for OWC 2023 demonstrated how important the conference had become since it started in 2013. “From small beginnings when the sector was in its infancy, it is now regarded as an essential annual gathering to get up-tothe-minute information, identify current opportunities and collaborate to ensure that the Humber stays front and centre as a global leader.”

For tickets, and more information, please visit or contact Mary Green at marygreen@

Andrew Oliver, Humber Marine & Renewables


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OWC 2023


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OWC 2023


Day 1 : 3rd May

Offshore Wind Connections 2023 held at the Double Tree by Hilton



16.00-17.00 REGISTRATION 3rd May

Day 1 Offshore Wind Connections Connections Conference & Exhibition 2023 - 3 May The event opens at 17.00 with opening speeches at 18.00 from high profile guest speakers and the customary and enjoyable RenewableUK Connect event. The exhibition will also be open, allowing exhibitors, delegates and guests to mix and mingle. Networking drinks and a buffet supper will be available. The bar(s) will be serving drinks and further networking will take place until late! The Lexington Bar (roof top bar) will be open for late networking! A very convivial evening is anticipated.

Day 2 : 4th May TIME


07.30-09.00 REGISTRATION 4th May

Day 2 Offshore Wind Connections Connections Conference & Exhibition 2023 - 4 May Day two commences with a light breakfast and refreshments. The exhibition will be open and a further opportunity to network with speakers, exhibitors and delegates will be on offer before the conference begins at 09.00!

09.00 - 9.10 4th May

WELCOME - Andrew Oliver, Chair of Humber Marine and Renewables Andrew will open Day 2 of the event.

09.10-09.25 4th May

UK Government and Industrial Ambition to enabling 50 GW - RenewableUK RenewableUK will take to the stage.

09.25-09.35 4th May

Advancing the Humber Offshore Wind Cluster - Emma Toulson, Humber Offshore Wind Cluster Industry Champion

09.35-09.55 4th May

Headline Sponsor: Orsted - Keynote Speaker - Patrick Harnett, Head of European Execution Programmes Patrick will share plans for the company’s Hornsea 3 offshore wind farm which is expected to be almost double the size of Hornsea 2, currently the world’s largest and will continue to be a ‘game changer in offshore wind’. The audience will also be able to hear more about our other leading projects in the region and find out about future opportunities to supply Orsted.

10.00-10.20 4th May


10.20-11.20 4th May

THE SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITY - ENTRY, EXPORT AND EXPANSION Danielle Lane – Director of Offshore Development UK and Ireland, RWE Julian Cattermole – Boston Energy Andrew Elmes – Head of Business Development UK and Ireland, Siemens Gamesa Ian Coates – Managing Director, SMC Duncan Slater – International Trade Advisor, Department for International Trade

11.20-11.45 4th May

PANEL DISCUSSION : THE SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITY - ENTRY, EXPORT AND EXPANSION • CHAIR: Danielle Lane – Director of Offshore Development UK and Ireland, RWE • Julian Cattermole – Boston Energy • Andrew Elmes – Head of Business Development UK and Ireland, Siemens Gamesa • Ian Coates – Managing Director, SMC • Duncan Slater – International Trade Advisor, Department for International Trade • Marc Adams – Senior Supply Chain Development Manager, Orsted

11.45-12.00 4th May

CELEBRATING A DECADE! - Time to celebrate the past 10 years and what has been achieved!

12.00-13.00 4th May

LUNCH - A two-course lunch with refreshments will be provided.

12.00-13.00 4th May

LUNCH WITH THE CAREERS LEADERS - BREAKOUT DISCUSSION - AGENDA TBC Careers leaders and students interested in offshore wind and maritime are invited to attend a break-out session to discuss careers in the offshore wind industry. A separate lunch will be provided in the breakout room.

13.00-13.45 4th May

PEOPLE POWER! - GROWING OUR HUMBER WORKFORCE BY 10,000! CHAIR: Jane Cooper, Director of Offshore Wind, Renewable UK Iain Elliot – Chief Executive, HETA and Humber Marine and Renewables Skills Chair Adrian Clarke – TEC Partnership Agota Mockute – Lecturer in Renewable Energy and NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellow, University of Hull Glenn Jensen – Senior Assistant Principal – Employer Engagement, Ron Dearing UTC Sarah Rodgers – HR Business Partner, Siemens Gamesa Zoe Keeton – Head of Stakeholders and local markets UK and Ireland, RWE By 2030 we will need 100,000 people to work in the offshore industry, at present we have 30,000! The Humber region alone will need 10,000!

13.45-14.30 4th May

INNOVATION Katharine York – OMCE Manager, ORE Catapult David Bould – Lead R&D Specialist, Orsted David Bacon – Managing Director, Bacon Engineering

14.30-15.00 4th May

BREAK AND A TIME TO NETWORK A short comfort and refreshment break between the first and second sessions of the afternoon. An opportunity to visit exhibitors and chat to other delegates.

15.00-15.50 4th May

INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THE INDUSTRY • Simon Bird – Regional Director Humber, ABP • Joe Booth – Business Development Director, Hobson & Porter

15.50-16.00 4th May

CONFERENCE CLOSE Andrew Oliver – Chair of Humber Marine and Renewables will once again take to the stage!


OWC 2023




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OWC 2023


Ørsted invest in award-winning safety leadership programme as part of the development of Hornsea 3 Ørsted are delighted to fund the operations of the award winning Thrive safety leadership programme until 2025, as part of the development of Hornsea 3.


esigned and delivered by training specialists Active Training Team (ATT), Thrive is a multi-media immersive safety leadership programme at a purpose-built centre close to Immingham Docks on the Humber. The programme is designed to transform behaviours and attitudes to safety and was originally developed to induct all personnel working on Hornsea 2. Thrive has received consistently positive feedback across a vertical slice of the organisation’s staff; 96% of participants have stated that they would apply what they learned on the programme in the workplace, encouraging Ørsted to extend its offer and ensure that Thrive supports those building and maintaining Hornsea 3.

impact and helps keeps safety at the forefront of our minds. We look forward to introducing more colleagues over the coming years.”

our supply chain. Ørsted’s continued support will help sustain close to 60 local jobs created by the facility.

The innovative programme will continue to benefit industries across the Humber. This initiative demonstrates Ørsted’s continued commitment to the region and the importance we place on safety both within our business and

Dermot Kerrigan, Co-Director of Active Training Team (ATT) said: “We’re delighted to be able to work with such innovative and forward-thinking organisations as Ørsted, who continue to uphold safety, health and wellbeing as a core value. The Thrive Safety Leadership Centre is here to support the burgeoning renewable and maritime sectors, setting the benchmark for safety leadership and creating a legacy for the industry.” The original wind-power-themed scenario was developed in partnership with Ørsted as part of a 1.4 million-pound investment in safety, health and wellbeing. Thrive is also relevant for renewables, maritime and a range of other sectors. The facility is now increasingly utilised by other companies including: ABP, Siemens Energy and SSE.

Jason Ledden, Ørsted Deputy EPC Director for Hornsea Three and the Project manager for the Thrive facility development said: “We’re proud to continue our support with Thrive. With safety as our number one priority, the immersive experience is like no other, it leaves a lasting


OWC 2023


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OWC 2023


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OWC 2023



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OWC 2023


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Haveyou you joined Have joined Have Have you joined joined Have youyou joined The Supply Chain Network The Supply Chain Network The Supply Chain Network Have you joined The The Supply Supply Chain Chain Network Network Have you joined Supplier Directory? The Supply Chain Network Supplier Directory? Supplier Directory? Supplier Supplier Directory? Have youDirectory? joined The Supply Chain Network Have you joined Supplier Directory? Making opportunities visible, you Register your joined business to: Thewinnable Supply Chain Network Supply ChainHave Network accessibleThe and • Showcase your company’s is a free to access, central

The Supply Chain Supplier Directory? The Supply ChainNetwork Network Supplier Directory?

hub for the region’s suppliers. Supplier Directory? Register your business to: Register your business to: The Supply Chain Network The Supply Chain Network • Increase your visibility It has been developed to • Showcase your company’s is a free to access, central RegisterRegister your your business to: to: Register your business to: business The Supply Theinvestors Supply Chain Network Chain Network The Supply Chain Network • Showcase your company’s is a free to access, central allow suppliers, and Supplier Directory? • Generate enquiries products and services hub for the region’s suppliers. developers and • Access information • Showcase • Showcase your company’s your company’s and services is asuppliers. free istoto aidentify free access, to access, central central • Showcase your company’s is a been free toThe access, central • Increase your visibilityproducts hub for the region’s It has developed to Register your business to: Supply Chain Network on developments and pursue strong commercial allow suppliers, investors and • Generate enquiries products products and services and services products and services hub for hub thefor region’s the region’s suppliers. • Increase your visibility •suppliers. Showcase your company’s aregion’s freepartnerships. to access, central It hasfor been developed to opportunities hub theishub suppliers. developers to identify Register your business to: • Access information products and services The Supply Chain Network forand the region’s suppliers.Chain Register your business to: The Supply Network • Receive alerts to new Increase • Increase your visibility your visibility It developed has been It to has been developed to allow suppliers, investors and •your Generate enquiries on developments and pursue commercial •to Increase your• visibility • Showcase your company’s • Increase visibility is a free to access, central It hasstrong been developed to developed It has been opportunities / tenders products and services opportunities Showcase your company’s hubinvestors for enquiries region’s suppliers. partnerships. allow is a free toand access, central suppliers, investors • Generate developers to identify and allow suppliers, allow suppliers, investors and and •• Generate • Generate enquiries enquiries • the Access information allow suppliers, • Generate enquiries • Increase your visibility It to has been developed to developersinvestors to identify and and • Receive alerts new • Access information products and services Create your free business listing at hub for the region’s suppliers. Register your business to: on developments and pursue strong commercial suppliers, investors and • Generate enquiries information and pursue strong developers developers to identify toonallow identify and and opportunities /developments tenders Thecommercial Supply Chain Network • Access • Access information developers to identify anddeveloped • Access opportunities developers to identify and information partnerships. • Access information • Increase your visibility opportunities It has been to partnerships. orpursue The Supply Chain Network developments on developments and and pursue strong strong commercial commercial • on Showcase your iscontact aatfree to access, central on developments and company’s pursue strong commercial • Receive alerts to new onalerts developments and pursue strong commercial Create your free business listing team on 01482 391640 or email opportunities opportunities / tenders partnerships. • Receive to new allow suppliers, investors and • Generate enquiries opportunities opportunities products and services partnerships. partnerships. hub for the region’s suppliers. opportunities • Receive alerts to new partnerships. or contact The Supply Chaindevelopers opportunities / tenders to identify and Create your free business listing at information or post • Access Receive • Receive alerts toalerts new to new Increase your visibility ItNetwork has been developed to opportunities / tenders team on 01482 391640 or email • Receive alerts to new on developments and/ tenders pursue strong opportunities / tenders opportunities or contactallow The Supplysuppliers, Chain Network commercial Create your free business listing at investors and • Generate enquiries @Supplychainnet team on 01482 391640 or email opportunities / tenders Create your free business listing at opportunities partnerships. products and services

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Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards 2023

The Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce is proud to once again host the 2023 Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards. This year the Black Tie Gala Dinner & Presentation Evening will be held at The Baths Hall Scunthorpe on Friday 12th May. Headline sponsors and partners of the Awards are Phillips 66.


ntries for this year have been judged and the three nominees in each category chosen. All that remains is to see who are the outright winners of the 13 awards that can be applied for and who will be joint runners-up in each category. The Chamber is particularly pleased this year to bring in two new awards – the HETA Green Sustainability Award and the Dataplan Employee of the Year. Of course our ultimate accolade remains the Forrester Boyd Business of the Year. It cannot be entered for but instead is chosen by the judges and awarded to the most outstanding entry. Who will be the winner in 2023? All will be revealed on the night.

Chamber President Albert Weatherill

The Chamber President Albert Weatherill will be making a key note speech on the evening. Albert commented “We are all looking forward to this highlight of the south bank business calendar and getting ready to applaud business excellence across the board of our local businesses and organisations. These still remain difficult times for business so those that show aptitude and success in the current climate are to be particularly lauded.”


As well as a glittering Awards ceremony, Drinks Reception and three course quality Dinner catered by Steve Bennett of The Lincolnshire Chef, guests will enjoy an After Dinner Show, based on the musical Les Miserables, performed by both professional West End performers and local students. The evening will be hosted by Richard Askham. So look out those posh frocks and bow ties and book now to be part of the celebrations!

Further information and Dinner Tickets which are still currently available are all via the dedicated website

All enquiries should be sent to >>> continued on page 22...






Business Awards 2023 - Nominees AWARD




The University of Lincoln Small Business Award


AmbiSpace Ltd

Victor Finance

The HBP Systems Business Growth Award

Davis Wagon Services Ltd

The Positive Co – Trading as GCW Retail, Ashtons Louth, Carpet Express, New Home Build and runrug International

Card Industry Professionals

The Wilkin Chapman Business Person of the Year Award

Lawrence Marsh Landmark Cafe and Restaurant

Ciaran Savage Card Industry Professionals

Rob Burgin CorrBoard UK

The Technical Absorbents International Trade Award

Bradbury Group

Medibiosense Ltd

The Positive Co trading as and GCW

The Bridge McFarland LLP New Business Award

Grimsby Fish Limited (GYF)

CineShow UK

RSUK Group

The North East Lincolnshire Business Development Award

Stallingborough Grange Hotel

Landmark Cafe and Restaurant

St Andrew’s Hospice Ltd

The North Lincolnshire Business Investment Award

HBP Systems Ltd

Rocal Insulating Panels Ltd T/A Endurance Doors

San Pietro

The Grimsby Institute Training Excellence Award

Creating Positive Opportunity

DSV Transport Ltd (Immingham)

PLUS Skills Development Ltd

The Pepperells Innovation Award

Technical Absorbents

AmbiSpace Ltd

Harrisons Laser Technology

The HETA Green Sustainability Award

PPS Midlands Ltd

Rocal Insulating Panels T/A Endurance Doors

CorrBoard UK

The Dataplan Employee of the Year Award

Katie Evans - Knapton Wright

Jenna Shelby Bird - San Pietro

Paul Walker – The Positive Co – Trading as GCW Retail, Ashtons Louth, Carpet Express, New Home Build and runrug International

The Sylvester Keal Young Business Person of the Year Award

Cameron Huggins, Cameron Huggins Blacksmith, Redbourne

Bailey Greetham-Clark, BeGreat Fitness, Grimsby

Jack Lobaczewski, RSUK Group,Grimsby

The Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Community

Creating Positive Opportunity

YMCA Humber

St Andrew’s Hospice Ltd





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Willow Lakes Leisure Park

Business accommodation solutions for staff and Conference Facilities. Willow Lakes provides a range of self-catering accommodation solutions for staff working in the local area, ranging from multiple occupancy of our cottages for those on a budget, right up to lakeside lodges with hot tubs - where all the accommodation is offered with plentiful secure off road parking (where we can take larger commercial vehicles), staff on-site 24/7, CCTV throughout the park, Smart TV’s with freeview, free Wi-Fi access, and serviced weekly. We can also offer our clients “The Pavilion”, a business conference suite designed to host board meetings, seminars, training sessions and even residential business conferencing for up to 10 delegates, with the option to stay in our beautifully appointed lodges. With ample car parking, located in a peaceful setting on our 44 acre country park and an adjacent open area {suitable for team building events), it can also be catered for with snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by our Landmark Cafe & Restaurant. Contact Rachael, our events co-ordinator, for further details.

Tel: 01472 826183 Email: Barton Street, Ashby-cum-Fenby, DN37 ORU




VPI expands Immingham energy hub • VPI to add 349MW of hydrogen-capable generation to fleet • Expansion is part of £500 million investment plan for VPI • Carbon Capture and Storage project progresses with licensing applications


PI is set to expand its energy hub by investing in nearly 350MW of rapidresponse power generation.

This is part of VPI’s broader £500 million investment in new generation capacity and upgrading its existing plants. The new development includes a 50MW gas reciprocating peaking facility which will be operational next year, and a 299MW open cycle gas turbine (OCGT), expected to enter service by summer 2025. The rapid-response generators will use established technology that has a track record of highly efficient and reliable operation and will provide dispatchable power quickly to ensure a secure supply during peaks of demand when renewable generation is low. In support of the UK government’s commitment of achieving fully decarbonised electricity by 2035, the new plants may be converted to run on a proportion of hydrogen, once industrialscale production is established. In addition to the new power facilities, planning and permitting applications for VPI’s carbon capture plant as part of the Humber Zero project have also been submitted. The 1.2GW

combined heat and power (CHP) station at VPI Immingham, North Lincolnshire has been providing energy to homes and businesses on a 24/7 basis since 2004 and, under this project, a significant proportion of carbon emissions will be captured. This will make it a major source of lower-carbon electricity. Carbon capture and storage (CCUS) is an emerging sector in the UK that is central to the government’s plans to deliver Net Zero, and their recent Energy Security Plan recognises the significant economic opportunity it presents. VPI Chief Executive, Jorge Pikunic said: “Decarbonising and expanding existing energy production sites can help deliver Net Zero at lower cost to consumers, maintain energy security, and support local economies across the UK. We are expanding Immingham energy hub to offer additional flexibility to the national grid, solving for the system whilst progressing plans to major contribution to the UK’s net zero goals.”


The planning and permitting applications for the Humber Zero carbon capture project mark the culmination of the front-end engineering and design phase and work is already underway on the next stage of the development, preparing for operational readiness. The project will capture more than 3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year in this first phase, which will be transported via a new plant to safe storage in depleted gas fields offshore. VPI has been working closely with the operators of the Viking CCS transport and storage system, which was recently announced as meeting the eligibility criteria for Track -2 of the government’s Cluster Sequencing programme.










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STAY SAFE Free waste audits

The Spring Booster is back The autumn booster campaign and the first booster offer closed in England on 12 February 2023. A new COVID-19 top-up vaccination programme has just launched in England, but who is eligible and why it is needed? The latest ‘Spring Booster’ will strengthen COVID-19 immunity levels in eligible groups and specifically help protect more at-risk residents from serious illness throughout the spring and summer months until the next autumn booster programme. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended to government back in January that the following groups should be offered a booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine this spring; • those aged 75 years and older • residents in care homes for older people • those aged 5 years and over with a weakened immune system. This advice comes after the 2022 autumn booster programme and the original booster offer both closed on 12 February 2023 Public health and the local NHS vaccine team advise that eligible residents should wait until around six months since their last dose for maximum effectiveness, although it

can be given after three months. Individuals should wait to be contacted by the NHS or their GP in the East Riding, as care home and housebound vaccinations will take priority for the first few weeks, although invitations will go out from early April to book for clinics from mid-April onwards. This offer will remain until 30 June 2023. Depending on where you live, both GP practices and community pharmacies will be providing the Spring Booster vaccine. There are currently 12 pharmacies across the authority planned to support GP clinics. The local NHS team will advertise forthcoming East Riding clinics here: https:// Once invited, residents can book through their GP, on the NHS website: covidvaccine, by calling 119 or using the NHS app. Depending on age and religious background, eligible people will be given a booster dose of a vaccine made by Pfizer, Moderna or Sanofi - all approved in the UK. These vaccines have been updated since the original vaccines and target different COVID-19 variants.

The COVID-19 vaccination programme continues to reduce severe disease, whilst also helping to protect the NHS – which is why the JCVI have asked that plans are made for those at higher risk of severe COVID-19 to also be offered another booster in autumn 2023 – eligible groups will be announced later in the year. Public health would like to reassure residents that should the current situation change, for example, if a new variant of concern was identified with significant differences to the Omicron variant, the national vaccination programme would be stepped up to wider groups. Can someone get this booster if they haven’t had a primary dose/s yet? No – to be eligible for a booster vaccine you need to have received your full primary dose (i.e., both initial and second vaccine). Please be aware that after the 30 June 2023, first and second doses will only be available for people who are at higher risk from severe COVID-19. If someone still needs to come forward, they are encouraged to get their COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as possible. For more helpful advice and common questions, head to: springbooster2023

Encourage colleagues to take part in the East Riding Health and Wellbeing survey East Riding of Yorkshire Council has recently launched a survey as part of their Health and Wellbeing Partnership to hear about residents’ health and wellbeing.

The anonymous survey is open to all residents over the age of 18 and it will help the council and local health partners, including the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Healthwatch East Riding develop public health and care services that effectively support people in the East Riding to improve their health and wellbeing. The survey takes around ten minutes to complete and asks questions about issues affecting people living in the East Riding; from cost of living, mental health and social connections to physical activity, COVID-19 and smoking and alcohol use. Paper versions are also available on request, as are versions in braille and in different languages, by calling the council’s customer services team: (01482) 393939. Carers can also complete the survey on behalf of people they are caring for. The survey will be open for at least 12 weeks, and the results will be shared with residents later in the year.




Lifestyle change programme Healthier Futures launches for East Riding residents

Looking to stop smoking or manage your weight? Register for the new service today


he East Riding healthtrainers and stop smoking service moved to a new provider from 1 April 2023, Xyla Health & Wellbeing. If you or someone you know in the East Riding is thinking about stopping smoking or would like support in managing their weight, they can register now for public health’s new free lifestyle change programme Healthier Futures, in partnership with Xyla Health & Wellbeing. East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s newly commissioned integrated lifestyle service, Healthier Futures will offer holistic healthy lifestyle support, including a Tier 2 weight management programme for adults, a weight management programme for families and a dedicated quit smoking programme for East Riding residents aged 12 years and over. The team of health coaches will also offer low level holistic support to empower people to make changes towards a healthier future. Find out more and fill in a referral form here:

The Healthier Futures team will get in touch to start your journey. Jayney Gascoigne, Operations Manager for Xyla Health and Wellbeing, said: “Xyla Health and Wellbeing is dedicated to making the UK’s local communities healthier by working with public health teams, local authorities, the NHS and primary care to help people understand and take control of their health, transforming services and lives for the better. “As one of the leading providers of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, Diabetes Remission and NHS Digital Weight Management Programme, Xyla achieve lasting results through a positive, personable approach, backed up by clinical expertise. We care passionately about people and their health and have supported over 211,000 people to lose weight and reverse or reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes.”




WHAT IS AN ALTERNATIVE LENDING A leading medical research charity has secured the PROVIDER? support of one of Yorkshire’s favourite retailers in a Staff and customers of major retailer step up to support the Daisy Appeal

One of the questions I am often asked is how organisations like Finance For Enterprise differ from a traditional high street lender.

partnership which will raise funds and awareness.

Claire Levy (centre) with two of the team at the Boyes store in Hessle Road from Hull. Sales assistant Elaine Ledger (left) and assistant supervisor Lesley Johnson.


Jeremy Meadowcroft is a business lending manager at Finance For Enterprise.

The joint campaign has kicked off with the 22 Boyes branches in the Daisy Appeal’s catchment area setting up collection boxes in the checkout areas.

Claire Levy, Fundraiser for the Daisy Appeal, said: “Everyone at the Daisy Appeal is extremely grateful to Boyes for coming on board as the charity’s latest business partner. “It’s great to see the store collection pots being filled quickly and merchandise flying off the branded display units as the Daisy Appeal is supported by the Boyes staff and their customers.

In addition 10 of the stores are selling the charity’s promotional products, with eye-catching displays of branded mugs, water bottles, aprons, oven gloves and other items. Other joint fundraising activities are being planned for later this year.

“It’s also a great way of raising awareness of our work. The Boyes team will help us build on that with some exciting, fun activities later in the year and we’re also in discussions with other businesses about new partnerships.”

Richard Boyes, Managing Director of the business which was founded in Scarborough in 1881, said: “We decided to support the Daisy Appeal because it is carrying out world-leading medical work and it operates across Hull, East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire, which matches a large part of our footprint.

Since its foundation in 2002 the Daisy Appeal has raised more than £22m. The Daisy Appeal Medical Research Centre opened on the Castle Hill Hospital site in 2008 and was followed, in 2014, by the opening of the Jack Brignall PET-CT Scanning Centre, housing the first in a new type of Siemens scanner in the country.

he Daisy Appeal is being backed by management and staff of Boyes, which employs 1,700 people in over 70 stores across northern and central England.

“Some of our staff have directly benefited from the Daisy Appeal’s activities over the years, and many of our customers will also have had reason to be grateful to the charity. “We’re hearing from the stores that people are buying the Daisy merchandise and giving generously into the collection boxes, and we look forward to raising a significant amount during the year.”

The latest addition is a Molecular Imaging Research Centre (MIRC) which has been built at a cost of £8.8m and will improve accuracy and detection rates for cancer, heart disease and dementia in Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. To find out more please visit


Sometimes referred to as Community Development Finance Institutions (or CDFIs), alternative lending providers are committed to helping businesses to overcome barriers to growth. A key difference between the way Finance For Enterprise and other CDFIs operate when compared with mainstream lenders is that they are not-for-profit organisations, which exist solely to bring about positive social change by helping businesses overcome barriers to growth. According to data published by the British Business Bank, over 200,000 viable businesses across the UK saw lending applications declined last year. However, the role of organisations like Finance For Enterprise isn’t to compete against mainstream lenders, but instead to deliver greater access to finance for SMEs that fall outside of the processes commonly used by banks to determine the outcome of a loan application, such as not meeting a rigid lending criteria. With loans available up to a value

of £250,000, funds secured from Finance For Enterprise can be used for any legitimate business. We act as a delivery partner for the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund, the British Business Bank backed Recovery Scheme, and have also allocated specific funds to support businesses operating in the Humber region. When you apply for funding with Finance For Enterprise, you will receive your own dedicated Investment Manager, who will take time to learn about your business, discuss your future plans and guide you through the application process. But perhaps most importantly of all, your Investment Manager will work with you to help your business secure the financial support needed at the times when it is needed the most. So when people ask me what an alternative lending provider is, I say that I am proud to work for a not-for-profit lender, which is committed to helping SMEs grow, that create jobs, and bring about positive social impact in the communities they serve.

To find out more about how Finance For Enterprise can help your business, call 0333 014 3455 or visit our website



The Grimsby Institute has officially launched the Elite Centre, a sustainable energy engineering hub developed in collaboration with the Greater Lincolnshire LEP and supported by the Midlands Engine. The facility will bring a cutting-edge curriculum specialising in low-carbon learning to the region, including 12 brand new training courses, offering students the opportunity to train as engineers for a greener future.


he project benefited from £1.4m of funding from the LEP which has helped to transform the existing facility into a dedicated low-carbon, engineering, and ports and logistics space. The state-ofthe-art, green-focused hub will offer training on automation, electric vehicle technology and carbon reduction. Guests from across industry attended the opening event.

Pat Doody, Chair of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, said: “I’m delighted to be here at the opening of this flagship facility, which brings another level of specialism to the Grimsby Institute. “The Greater Lincolnshire LEP is proud to have been leading on economic growth with our partners in local government for the last 11 years, and we work with our fantastic education and training providers to help them meet the needs of local businesses and create the workforce of the future. “We supported the development of the Elite Centre with £1.4m of LEP funding, and it’s a great pleasure to see the centre finished and ready to grow the next generation of green engineers and professionals.”

Former Grimsby Institute Engineering student Lee Sutton (pictured), now CEO of myenergi, officiated at the event with a ribbon cutting. Declaring the facility officially open, he said: “I was an engineering student at the Grimsby Institute, and coming back today to officially open the Elite Centre is fantastic. It is so important to train people with the skills we need for this electrical revolution. “We are going to see many more electric vehicles on the road in the future, and we are now seeing three more times solarpowered systems than we saw a year ago. There’s rapid growth in this sector and we need so many more trained people in this industry. “As a big employer in the region myenergi is proud to be able to offer quality jobs in the sector. It’s great to see facilities like this opening today and students training for a career in renewable energy.”

Pat Doody, Chair of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP




PRAX LINDSEY OIL REFINERY AND HETA LAUNCH A NEW, FIRST-OF-ITS KIND APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNITY IN THE HUMBER REGION Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery, a member of the Prax Group of companies, and apprenticeship provider, HETA, are proud to launch a new apprenticeship – the first of its kind to be offered in the region – as the refinery embarks on a low carbon future.


he Non-Destructive Testing Engineering Technician Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to become a highly skilled Non-Destructive Testing Engineering Technician working on a full range of static and pressurised equipment, such as vessels, heat exchangers, storage tanks, and the network of pipelines at Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery. The programme, which lasts from between 36 to 42 months, will see Apprentices based at HETA’s facility for the first year, with the remainder of the apprenticeship based on site at Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a testing and analysis technique used by industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure or system for characteristic differences or welding defects without causing damage to the original part. These testing techniques include radiography, ultrasonics and penetrant testing, all vital for the safe and reliable running of the refinery and industrial sites.

Luc Smets, General Manager at Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery, said: “The foundations for transforming Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery into a low carbon refinery for the next generation are in place, and our commitment is strong to deliver. So is our unwavering commitment to supporting the communities we operate in. As we embark on our low carbon transition, it is essential we have the right people and skills supporting our next generation transition. Apprenticeships are a great route for enabling local people to gain the experiences and qualifications to support our energy transition and be at the heart of that journey with us, as they begin their own career paths. We are delighted to be working with HETA on our trade apprenticeships and delivering the first non-destructive testing apprenticeships in the region.” Iain Elliott, CEO at HETA added ‘We are absolutely delighted to be working closely with PRAX Lindsey Oil Refinery on this exciting and innovative approach to developing nondestructive testing engineers. Our core ethos


since our formation in 1967, is to listen to the requirements of employers and support them in achieving their skills ambitions. With research suggesting that the pool of highly skilled engineers is diminishing year on year apprenticeships are the perfect solution to ensuring that Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery has the skills required in their workforce to meet the challenges of the future.”

To find out more about HETA’s Apprenticeships in the region, visit



New bridge will provide link to Rotherham’s past, present and future

The team delivering the flagship Forge Island development in Rotherham got a first look at progress of the manufacturing of a new pedestrian bridge earlier this month. The bridge will offer a vital connection from the town centre to the new family-friendly leisure destination – as well as link to the town’s incredible engineering heritage.


he 46m metre-long bridge is currently being constructed in North Yorkshire before being installed on site in June and will become a key element of the new landmark place which is being delivered by nationwide placemaker, Muse, in partnership with Rotherham Council. The design takes inspiration from the worldfamous Bailey Bridge; a portable, steel truss bridge designed and developed by Rotherham-born civil engineer, Donald Bailey, which was used by the military throughout Europe during the Second World War. The Bailey Bridge was a feat of engineering; lightweight and simple to erect without the use of tools, but also strong enough to withstand huge weights including military vehicles. It has secured a place in history as one of the most important engineering and technological advances of WWII – playing a major role in helping Allied Forces to victory. Bailey Bridges have continued to be used extensively in civil engineering construction projects across the world, often to provide temporary crossings for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The new bridge offers a contemporary take on the original design to create a permanent structure for the town. It was designed by FaulknerBrowne Architects and is being fabricated and manufactured

by SH Structures, specialists in the design and manufacture of complex steel structures. The diamond truss steel design that is synonymous with Bailey Bridges will be clad with red/brown perforated steel panelling that tonally matches the colour of planned Forge Island buildings and celebrates history of the area, which originated as a steel forge in the 19th century. It will also be illuminated at night to make a stunning visual feature of the unique structural elements of the Bailey Bridge.

Work on the £47m Forge Island – which was announced as 100% let in October 2022 – started on site in November 2022 overseen by lead contractor Bowmer + Kirkland working alongside the wider project team which also includes Arup, Helm Consulting, Arcadis and re-form Landscape Architecture. Forge Island is set to open to the public in 2024.

The bridge will provide pedestrians and cyclists with an eye-catching crossing from the town centre to the new landmark destination which will feature a mix of independent eateries alongside boutique cinema operator, The Arc and national hotel chain, Travelodge, all set within attractive new public realm.

Visit the Forge Island website at




Dangerous Goods Training Did you know that that is a requirement by law that all staff who are involved in the packaging documentation and handling of dangerous goods must be given comprehensive and affordable training? If your company ships dangerous goods such as radioactive materials or lithium batteries by air, sea or land, then you need to get up to speed.


t is imperative that any company who ships hazardous goods via air is informed about the updates and changes of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) Manual and fortunately there are a number of training options available that will help you and your employees and for those individuals who require full certification, there are courses (usually lasting between 1 and 3 days) which will educate them on essential skills, such as interpreting dangerous goods lists and how to apply the information given in ICAO and IATA regulations. There are also refresher courses available as knowledge has to be updated every two years.

An economical option is in-house training delivered by a government approved training organisation. This may benefit any company with large numbers of employees involved in shipping dangerous goods on a regular basis. Companies involved in the shipping of dangerous goods via road or sea also need to be aware of the mandatory training requirements laid down in

the codes of the ADR (European Road Regulations) and IMDG (International Maritime Organisation). There is also an EC directive which requires all companies who ship dangerous goods to appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA), DGSA must sit and pass an examination set and administered by the Scottish qualifications Authority. 5 day courses are available which prepare would-be DGSA’s for this exam. Getting the right training will help guarantee that your business doesn’t fall foul of the law and will ensure that your shipments can be made without delay, whilst investing in the development of your staff at the same time.

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Cargo Training International For all your dangerous goods training needs CTI provides specialist training for shippers, agents, forwarders and airlines who handle and transport dangerous goods by air, sea or road. Also included in our course portfolio is a DGSA Preparatory course, Radioactive Materials and Lithium Battery Programmes. Cargo Training International are market leaders in Dangerous Goods Training. Our fully qualified trainers have been running regular UK courses for 30 years. We also run specialist in-house courses worldwide.

Air, Sea & Road Training

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Off-Shore wind, On-Shore Manufacturing! As the UK ploughs on with its efforts to increase the amount of renewable energy, improve on its efficiency and reduce its cost per hour of production, there is an inevitable increase in the activity of the supply chain.


his article applies not only to the Supply Chain within the Wind and other Renewables Sectors, but also those in Automotive, Aerospace and any other Supply Chain. It also doesn’t matter where you sit within that supply chain, you could be the lowest cog in the wheel or you could be the OEM, the work that you are doing has the scope to be eligible for R&D Tax Credits. The legislation for R&D Tax Relief talks defines eligible activity as a project that creates an advance in Science or Technology through the resolution of scientific or technological uncertainty that a competent professional operating in the field cannot readily deduce. There are some key areas here: Project - there must be one, a eureka moment won’t be eligible, but a project to replicate the Eureka moment and maximise its benefits, may well be. A project is also structured activities carried out to a plan and has a defined start point and a defined end point. Ongoing continuous improvements aren’t generally accepted by HMRC as R&D Activity, but if you can create a series of smaller projects within the ongoing improvements you will be able to benefit. Advance – generally this means new knowledge over and above what existed before, it is also intended to be a “global advance”, but if you have the existing know how for manufacturing something and you improve on that, you can meet the criteria. In general terms it is aligned with the creation of a new product, material, process or device or a significant improvement to an existing one.

Scientific or Technological Uncertainty – in essence this means there was no preexisting knowledge of how to do something in the public domain, the knowledge of your competent professionals doesn’t allow you to deduce a solution from either their own knowledge or from reviewing the work of other people in the industry. You’ll also have to be trying to over come technical challenges arising from the uncertainty, this would be through extensive periods of iterative improvements and failures within the project. Competent Professional operating in the field– this is quite simply someone with qualifications or experience in the area within which the project Is being undertaken. So, whilst a nuclear scientist is clearly a competent professional, if you are designing a new wind turbine, he may not have sufficient transferrable knowledge. So if you are looking at ways to change your manufacturing process to reduce the cost of an item or you have been asked to increase the estimated life of a product, or to reduce the weight of a product without affecting its performance, or anything else that requires a change to what you have been doing, just run through the four things above and workout whether you can say yes to each of them. If you can, you probably ought to be claiming R&D Tax Relief. f you are an SME working on your own project you could be able to claim up to 33.35% of your eligible spend (or 21.5% for expenditure after 1 April 2023), however recent changes mean that if you are doing this for a customer you will


only be able to claim the less generous R&D Expenditure Credit if the customer is large or international. We’ve recently helped a Chemical Engineering business in the Aerospace and Automotive sectors to make a six-figure R&D Tax Relief claim and last year we helped all of our clients to claim in excess of £5m of tax savings.

If you’d like to discuss your potential to claim with an expert, you can arrange a free no-obligation conversation with one of our team by booking discovery session at discovery-candi Article supplied by Simon Bulteel, Lead Consultant of Cooden Tax Consulting



The Tax Changes Affecting Profit Withdrawal


Recent Tax changes have already impacted how owner-managers withdraw profits from their company. Dividend vs Remuneration. Dividends always stood tall due to the national insurance contribution saving, but now it appears it might not be such an attractive option for everyone.

he current 19% rate of corporation tax will only be available for the first £50,000 of profits. On profits between £50,000 and £250,000, the effective rate will be 26.5%, with 25% payable thereafter. As far as personal tax is concerned for 2023/24: • The tax-free dividend allowance will be cut from £2,000 to £1,000; and • Dividend tax rates are not reduced by 1.25% in line with the reduction to NIC rates. The profit withdrawal decision will differ for each owner-manager, but let’s take a situation where company profits are forecast to be £150,000 for the year ended 31 March 2024. Subsequently the owner-manager wants to withdraw £50,000 (this will be their only income and the company does not have any other employees). Dividend: After allowing for corporation tax, a dividend of £36,750 can be taken. Income tax

on this will be £2,028, so net of tax income is £34,722.

tax year before deciding on a profit withdrawal strategy, as the tax position will not change.

Remuneration: After allowing for employer NICs, gross remuneration of £45,040 will be paid. After income tax and employee NICs, the net of tax income is £34,650. There is virtually no difference between the two options. However, the remuneration option would be better if some or all of the £5,000 employment allowance was available to set against employer NICs. At higher levels of income, dividends has the advantage with £1,793 more in net of tax income for a £100,000 withdrawal. However, the availability of the employment allowance could swing this around but it is not available if a director is the sole employee. Directors who want to take regular monthly or quarterly dividend payments will need a fairly accurate forecast of company profits. Assuming directors have sufficient funds already, they have the option of waiting until towards the end of the


If you would like further advice on this or any other tax or accountancy issues, please do not hesitate to contact Forrester Boyd Chartered Accountants for a free initial consultation. Contact: 01472 350601 or email



HUBS Cranswick Placement Group

Business School students develop brand-new product concept for Cranswick


Students from Hull University Business School have had a fantastic opportunity to take up work experience at Cranswick after winning a ‘pitch’ as part of a live business project.

tudents Molly Brook, Jasmine King, Annalise Beharrell, Sapphire JacksonYoxall, Natalia Mrozek developed a brand-new product concept for Cranswick as part of their assessment for a firstyear marketing module.

Molly Brook, whose idea Spicy Korean Gochujang Chicken won Best New Product Development Concept, said: “Working on a live project as part of the module has been a brilliant experience, allowing me to gain an insight into what it would be like working in the industry. Cranswick, which worked closely with the Business School throughout the semester, as well as during the final presentations allowed me to gain a boost in confidence in my work and presentation skills. I am over the moon to have won.” One of the judges of the competition from Cranswick, said of Molly’s concept: “Molly’s passion and excitement shone through in her product proposal, and we were blown away. She appears to be a true foodie, which usually goes down well with the Cranswick panel. “But what really stood out, was the research and creative thinking that was clearly put into the market research, GAP analysis and the multi-channel promotional campaign. Excellent product idea showing strong creative thinking. Good sustainability awareness demonstrated within product and packaging concepts, referencing Cranswick’s sustainability initiative, Second Nature. Well done Molly.”

Jasmine King, who picked up Best Presentation Winner, said: “Working on this module allowed myself to gain a key understanding of the ways I can efficiently manage my time, expand my presentation skills, and engage my critical thinking. Winning this award has not only given me the confidence to achieve more but has also allowed myself to be proud of the work I have created.” The students spent a week at Cranswick where they utilised their time with different teams in the organisation - which will help them in shaping their career choices in future. Annalise Beharrell, said: “Completing my work experience placement at Cranswick truly opened my eyes to what working within a corporate setting is like. It helped me to see that there are many roles within marketing that may interest me as a graduate that I had never considered before, such as NPD (New product development). This was because every day we got to spend time with a different team within the company. “I would absolutely recommend looking at internships for any Hull University Business School students as I think the experience they provide is invaluable when considering what field you may want to seek future employment in.” Sapphire Jackson-Yoxall, said it was a brilliant opportunity which gave her insight into the world of work.


She said: “I particularly enjoyed NPD and Marketing. The teams worked very closely together and both roles involved getting hands on and stuck in. We toured the fresh pork factory and came up with our own ideas for a new product.” “The NPD team brought them to life and we were able to see and taste our ideas. It was also fun being able to help the marketing team think of strategies to increase sales of pork in the younger generation. It was inspiring to learn about the different roles and what really goes on behind the scenes. I would thoroughly recommend taking an internship there if ever presented the opportunity.” Dr Fannie Yeung, Lecturer in Marketing and module leader, said: “it is absolutely clear that our students benefit hugely from our Authentic Business Leaning approach where they have first-hand experience on how their knowledge is applied in the real world and ideas could potentially benefit a real business. The amount of support Cranswick has given to our students is truly invaluable, it helps prepare them to be ‘work ready’, in fact, Sapphire (above), has been offered a placement by Cranswick to start this summer. Articles supplied by



Local businesses to be celebrated as University of Hull launches business awards


The University of Hull will celebrate local businesses with the new ‘Innovate North Awards’.

he awards, which will take place on Tuesday 9 May 2023, follow on from four EU-funded innovation programmes, that have enabled small businesses to develop and thrive. Over the last six years, the University has provided innovation support to 675 businesses across the Humber, North Yorkshire and beyond. This has resulted in: • 170 new products • 400 tonnes of carbon emissions reduced • 195 jobs created • £85m SME increased sales Small businesses have benefited from European Union-funded innovation support through University programmes such as Aura Innovation Centre, SparkFund, Flood Innovation Centre and the Humber Internships Programme. Across the programmes, SMEs have been able to access a breadth of funding and support, providing opportunities for innovation and growth. The funding has allowed SMEs to access academic research, specialist facilities, and business support to connect them with the right partners to deliver their ambitions. To celebrate their success over the years, the Innovate North Awards will highlight businesses that have excelled in areas including Innovation, Growth, Talent and Net Zero.

An external judging panel will decide on the winners for each category and is made up of Paula Gouldthorpe (Development Manager Hull & Humber at the Federation of Small Businesses), Antonio Tombanane (Founder of Tech Week Humber and the Edge Hub), Alan Raw (BBC Presenter of Ecotime and Sustainability Practitioner) and Maggie McGowan (Deputy Director in the Government Office for Technology Transfer). The winner for the special category, ‘The People’s Choice Award for Outstanding Contribution’ will be decided by guests at the exclusive Innovate North Awards ceremony on May 9 2023. Inspirational speaker and businesswoman Nicky Pattinson will host the night of celebration. Speaking on how impactful the last few years have been, Sarah Clark, Aura Operations Manager, said: “It’s been amazing to see the phenomenal achievements of local SMEs over the last six years and it’s been a real team effort from all those involved. “The region’s businesses have received muchneeded support throughout the years, which was especially helpful when a boost was required during the pandemic. “From brand new products being launched onto the market, improved supply chains,


lowered C02 emissions and utilising academic research, it’s been inspiring to see the power of collaboration between the University (and its partners), with local businesses.”

The nominees include: For Innovation: Testcard Ltd, Salt Architects, Smartflow Couplings Ltd, Qudos Energy, York Probe Sources Ltd, Synergi Finance, Blue Marble Communications Ltd, iMist, Brandfixx, Floodjack International Ltd, Pulse EV. For Growth: Specialist Marine Consultants, Mad About Horror, Vuba Chemical Innovations Ltd, Testcard Ltd, M.B. Roche. For Talent: Floodjack International Ltd, 2B Landscape Consultancy, Skills Forge, Copernus, UK STEM, Chopsticks, Spectrum, Tick9. For Net Zero: Brandfixx, Floodjack International Ltd, Sustainable Pipelines Ltd, Lindum Packaging Ltd, Cooper King Distillery Ltd, Rainbow Professional, Patrington Haven Leisure Park, Premier Plants, Ryedale Organics, The Three Trees Care Home, Walker Grains. People’s Choice Award for Outstanding Contribution: iParcelBox, Fitmums & Friends, HFR Solutions



University and industry partnership propels the future of renewable energy • Major collaboration between universities and industry has made vital improvements to offshore wind production • Partnership between Universities of Hull, Durham and Sheffield and energy companies Siemens Gamesa and Ørsted is making the production of offshore wind energy more economical and sustainable • Collaboration has developed novel ways to design, manufacture and control wind turbine components to improve their performance and increase their reliability.


major collaboration between universities and energy companies has made vital improvements to offshore wind turbines, which could help them generate more renewable energy and reduce

the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels. The £7.7 million partnership between the Universities of Hull, Durham and Sheffield and two global energy companies, Siemens Gamesa


Renewable Energy and Ørsted, is contributing significantly to making the production of offshore wind energy more economical and sustainable through innovation in advanced technologies.



Dr Arwyn Thomas, Industrial Principal Investigator from Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE), one of the world’s leading providers of wind power products and solutions, said: “This collaboration allows SGRE to steer the University to apply its excellent track record for innovation towards real life issues facing the industry. It helps to focus the research into areas that are far more relevant and which will have much more immediate, positive impacts. This, in turn, ensures that our graduate and postgraduate researchers develop the right skills to enter industry and help meet the current skills shortage.”

Dave Bould, Senior Project Representative from Ørsted, which develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, said: “ Modern wind turbines are massive structures that, ideally, should last for the entire life of an offshore wind farm without needing replacement or significant maintenance. Replacing a structure of this size in the harsh offshore environment is a very costly and time consuming exercise that results in significant amounts of lost electricity generation. “Overall, improvements in health monitoring, operations and maintenance helps us to continually drive down the cost of offshore wind energy – savings that are passed on to the consumer.” As part of the collaboration, which included several projects at each university, a team of researchers in Hull’s School of Engineering, led by Professor James Gilbert, has developed methods to monitor the manufacture of wind turbine blades to improve quality and reduce waste. Professor James Gilbert, from the University of Hull, said: “The research at the University of Hull addressed specific challenges in design, manufacture and control of wind turbines but working with colleagues in other research groups often inspires new ideas and approaches. “The close collaboration with the industry partners ensures the work remains focussed on real industry challenges and aligns to wider needs of the sector. It also provides great opportunities for wider collaboration and helps develop the future highlevel skills needed to grow the sector.”

These advancements, along with research being carried out at Sheffield and Durham universities, will help ensure that manufacturers can have better control over the manufacturing process, improving yield and ensuring that offshore wind turbines are operating more efficiently and continue operating for much longer periods of time. This in turn will help to reduce the UK’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources and enable a greater percentage of the UK’s overall energy usage to be provided by renewable sources. The technology can also help introduce new turbine models more quickly helping expand the deployment of offshore wind turbines to meet government and industry targets. The partnership was funded by the UKRI Prosperity Partnership programme, which specifically aims to support research into real-life problems and issues identified by our industrial partners. As a result, the outputs of the project can be quickly adopted into the research and development and production strategies of the offshore wind sector.


It is estimated that the cost of energy from offshore wind farms is now one quarter of what it was in 2009, thanks in part, to advancements made from these types of partnerships. Another key outcome of the collaboration has been in helping to identify where the next stages of research need to be concentrated, to allow even more improvements to be developed. Funding for a number of followon projects has already been secured thanks to the excellent collaboration between all the partner institutions. For more information please email or call 07484 534322 Article supplied by



University Vice Chancellor is Chosen to Lead the LEP The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln is to lead the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership as the new Chair of its Board of Directors.


rofessor Neal Juster will replace the outgoing Chair Pat Doody, who is stepping down after serving three years as Chair.

Professor Juster took over as Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln from Professor Mary Stuart in October 2021. He holds a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Computer-Aided Design, both from the University of Leeds,and has extensive experience of management in higher education including Senior Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Glasgow, and Pro Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. His research interests were in the area of computer-aided design including rapid prototyping and the use of virtual reality in design and manufacturing processes. Professor Juster said: “I am honoured to have been asked take on the role of Chair of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP following from the two, very inspirational, previous Chairs. They, together with Ruth Carver as CEO and the wider team, have given the Board a clear strategy to help the county achieve economic growth. “I would like to thank Pat Doody for his last three years as chair and eight years as a member of the Board. It is an incredibly exciting time for Lincolnshire as we discuss devolution, attract and create new businesses, create jobs and develop critical infrastructure. This cannot be done by any one institution and I look forward to working with partners across the region to achieve collective success.”

LEP Chief Executive Ruth Carver said: “Bringing in Neal Juster to lead our Board of capable Directors is a tremendous opportunity for the LEP. Following in the footsteps of Ursula Lidbetter and Pat Doody will be tough, but we know that Neal has a wealth of experience, knowledge and business acumen as well as the high profile and excellent far-reaching contacts that this role requires. “His deep knowledge of the engineering sector will be an advantage as we promote and strengthen the manufacturing and engineering heritage of Greater Lincolnshire. Never has the business voice been more important in driving forward the economy, and Neal and the Board will bring fresh ideas to help us navigate the period of change that we’re facing. “We’re looking forward to welcoming Neal and getting started on the task in hand, which is to represent the business voice for our area at a regional and national level, build on our four game-changing sector developments across energy, food, ports and defence, and lead projects and programmes which are all aimed at driving economic growth.” Joining Professor Juster on the LEP Board will be four new non-executive directors drawn from the private sector and the third sector: • Liam Scully, CEO of Lincoln City FC • Shaun Povey, Head of Strategic Planning & Projects at Siemens • Nikki Cooke, CEO of LIVES • Mark Webb, CEO of Grimsby-based business support group E-Factor


Pat Doody, Dean Fathers and Professor Andrew Hunter will all be stepping down from the LEP Board this year. Since 2010 the LEP has created over 3,500 jobs and 800 new businesses and delivered 75 major growth projects and programmes, bringing jobs and skills to the region. The LEP has supported over 8,500 learners and apprentices, and through its Careers Hub more than 100 Enterprise Advisers from across business and industry are supporting students in their career choices. The LEP has unlocked investment worth over £500 million for transformational schemes and is fundamentally improving the economy and infrastructure of Greater Lincolnshire. To find out more about the Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s Board of Directors and what it does, visit: https://www.greaterlincolnshirelep.

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