After a dark, cold winter, it IS so nourishing to feel the warmth of spring’s light rising earlier every day. We begin to feel our body quickening and opening to the waves of fresh prana, life force, and vitality that is everywhere, pulsing with aliveness! Over the course of 5 millennia, the ancient sages studying Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda - The Science of Health, noted the changes taking place in the body and the mind during the shift from winter to spring. They discovered that the liver and gallbladder become very active in spring, and are key organs helping detoxify ama - our body’s natural waste products. The ama may have been stored up over a winter of heavy feasting and lack of movement due to inclement weather. So the time honored
tradition is to help the body awaken to and harmonize with the new prana bursting from the earth right now! These practices help us optimize the energy of spring, the energy of the new, the energy of growth and expansion in our lives, our work, and our relationships. Spring is the easiest and most optimal time to release ama from body and mind, and create space for the new. We use these practices to navigate between the vata dry air energy of winter season, with the kapha moist heavy energies of spring. 10