Barueri at a glance
Barueri, smart city
Monumento à Solidariedade
With a strong and consolidated economy, Barueri stands out in the region. Located 26.5 kilometers from Praça da Sé, ground zero of the capital of the State of São Paulo, the municipality of Barueri has approximately 274 thousand inhabitants (IBGE/2019) and an HDI of 0.786, which is considered high. Today, the city accumulates prominent positions in the national scenario: it has the 5th GDP of the State (IBGE/2016), 1st place in Economic Development (Urban SystemsExame/2019), 4th Best City to Do Business (Urban Systems-Exame/2019), among others. City Hall focuses efforts to increase its management capacity to solve the demands that are presented, using the available resources and without wasting public money, as preached by the Smart City concept.
The proximity to the state capital and the city’s road infrastructure, which is served by Rodovia Castello Branco and Rodoanel Mário Covas, attracts large industries and investments to the city, in addition to its excellent social indices and its low taxation economic policy. City Hall is also successful in communicating with the City Council, the Judiciary and neighboring cities, through Cioeste (Intermunicipal Consortium of the Western Region). And acting from local to global, as proposed in the ratification of the commitment to the Sustainable Cities Program, Barueri committed to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) outlined by the UN. Conducted by successive bold and progressive administrations, the city reached a prominent place among the metropolitan region municipalities.