Economic Development
A city that innovates more and more
Rodovia Castello Branco - Tamboré - Barueri - SP
The Innovation and Technology Center (CIT) continued to create tools that meet the needs of citizens and servers, bringing security, quality and agility to the processes and winning many awards and recognition, making Barueri an increasingly smart city.
2019. All the municipality’s technology projects are aligned UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2019, the Server APP was implemented, the digital signature in the City’s internal processes and a system for locating deposits during the Day of the Dead.
In the Connected Smart Cities ranking, Barueri rose to 11th place in the entire country in the “Technology and Innovation” segment (rising 22 positions since 2017). In July, the city received the “Inova Cidade” award for the technological solution for the General Ombudsman. In August, the city won for the second consecutive time the category “National Highlight” of the Learning & Performance Award. Barueri also received the “Highlight of Innovation and Sustainability” award, from the Poli/USP Production Engineering course.
In structure, the numbers for 2019 show how the city evolves. The number of live cameras available on the portal has increased from 40 to 56 units (the video surveillance circuit already has 455 surveillance cameras). The locations with free wi-fi went from 20 to 120 connection points. The fiber optic network grew from 350 to 410 km, which resulted in a city with a connection in all neighborhoods, 100% connected.
CIT also represented the municipality in several events, fairs and congresses, where it was possible to exchange experiences with other cities and even abroad (Barcelona), at the Smart City Expo World Congress 34
But if in the field of technology one cannot stand still, the municipality decided to encourage students from technical schools in Barueri to create technological solutions and prepare for the job market. Students from Fieb do Engenho Novo assisted in the development of an application for the Women Department and Parque Dom José hosted a robotics event.