Social Education through sport The Active Life and Healthy Life projects, as well as the sports schools of Barueri Esporte Forte (a program that includes 18 sports, being completely free and serves about 12 thousand people per month, including children, teenagers and adults), were running at full speed in 2019 and continue at the same pace in 2020. The care that Barueri has with sport has attracted the attention of all of Brazil, mainly thanks to the implementation of the CBF Social Project, which promotes education through sport to teenagers during school hours. Profesp, in partnership with the Army, also works with the purpose of training citizens and nonathletes. Authorities from various locations (Campos do Jordão, Natal, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) visited Barueri to implement a similar model. Women’s volleyball was Barueri’s great highlight in 2019, bringing excellent results and many achievements of Barueri in 2019. The girls were finalists in the seven categories they competed and won three (U-14, U-21 and Professional). In the adult category, volleyball signed a partnership with São Paulo FC in July and has already reaped an expressive result shortly after: it overthrew the powerful Sesi Bauru and Osasco and became São Paulo champion of the sport, before starting the Superliga dispute. The base teams of Barueri Esporte Forte shone on the state scene. In men’s handball, the children’s team won the Super Paulistão Silver Series and the Cadet category, competing for the first time in the Super Paulistão Gold Series, won the runner-up. In professional football, the West disputed and remained in the Serie A1 of Paulistão and Serie B of the Brasileirão. In the state, Rubrão had the goal of Bruno Lopes elected the most beautiful of the championship. The Barueri Amateur Football and Futsal Championship continues as one of the largest in the State of São Paulo
and in 2019 it had more than 300 clubs and about 30 thousand athletes of all age groups. The renovation of the Arena Barueri lawn, carried out during Copa America, gave the stadium a Fifa standard. The Sports Department took advantage of the occasion to also recapture the stands and provide more comfort to the fans. The end of 2019 in sports in Barueri ended with the successful completion of the traditional São Silveira Race, which broke the public record in its 44th edition.
Arena Barueri was the main headquarters of Copinha 2020 In 2020, Arena Barueri had a special highlight in the São Paulo Junior Soccer Cup, the traditional Copinha, being the 51st edition of the competition. After 12 matches and 32 goals (plus 10 goals in penalty shootouts), Arena Barueri ended its participation in Copinha. No other stadium has hosted so many matches. The two semifinals were held in the city, an unprecedented fact until this edition. On 01/21, Internacional-RS beat Corinthians 3-1 and, on the following day, Grêmio-RS beat Oeste Barueri by 1-0. The grand final, being the famous classic Gre-Nal, closed the Copinha on 01/25, the capital’s birthday, at the Pacaembu Stadium, as traditionally occurs. The competition ended with the title of the Colorado team, winning the penalty shootout by 3x1 after a 1-1 draw in regular time. Oeste, a team based in the city, had an excellent campaign, with six victories and only two defeats. The team eliminated strong teams like Cruzeiro-MG, AvaíSC and even the traditional São Paulo, which was the champion of 2019, being eliminated only by GrêmioRS in the semifinal, by the minimum score. The club ended the competition among the four best clubs in Brazil in the category.