Expat guide to rome 2015

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his guide, even in its pocket size, manages to collect the best that the city offers the tourist. I admired from the start the not very “conventional” approach taken by the designers of the “Free pocket guide Rome”. And in the same “unconventional” spirit, may I invite you to visit our city. Rome, after all, isn’t just the Colosseum, and is well worth a detailed visit to her monuments and her museums, testimonials to the past scattered all over the city. Even planning several visits in a lifetime. And anyway, one of her most famous traditions which every tourist knows is to throw a coin into the spectacular Trevi Fountain to ensure a return visit. There is no lack of reasons to come back, for probably a whole life isn’t enough to get to know the city. Here are just a few little suggestions. Only a few miles from the Colosseum, the verdant Appia Antica park has been enchanting visitors from around the world for centuries; it’s a stroll through history and nature to make you love a very different Rome. Another “unconventional” itinerary is the shoreline: a metro line runs from the city to Ostia. The area known as the Lido di Roma offers scores of kilometres of beaches and dunes with all the fascination of the Mediterranean shores, worth a visit in any season of the year. These are just two suggestions for different tourist itineraries. I would also invite you to wander among the greenery of some of Rome’s historic parks, or to ride a bike to enjoy the atmosphere of the river banks and fields – along the bike trails to the north and south of the city centre – or to step into some of the artisan workshops in the old town to buy a souvenir or just to breathe the air of times past, unchanged in the walls of the shop and in the hands of the upholsterers, framers, goldsmiths and carvers. In Rome, this walk among the workshops is sponsored by a map you can find on the website www.botteghiamo.it. And finally, 2015 is the year of Milan’s universal Expo, dedicated to the theme of “Feeding the planet, energy for life”. Rome has its culinary traditions and its local recipes, so another invitation might be to take a gastronomic tour among typical restaurants and places to buy food products made in Italy. Among these, I would like to point out the neighbourhood markets where Romans have been shopping for more than half a century: you can find everything in them, from fresh produce to the ingredients of the Mediterranean diet. And visiting them is an opportunity to see some of the traditions of the city and some of its folklore and typical Roman character. So enjoy an “unconventional” visit! And above all it may be the opportunity to make a long “wish list” of everything that will bring you back to Rome again soon. Marta Leonori, Rome councillor for productive services


uesta Guida, seppure in formato tascabile, riesce a raccoglie il meglio che la città offre ai turisti. Ho apprezzato da subito il lavoro poco “convenzionale” degli ideatori della “Free pocket guide Rome”. Con lo stesso spirito “non convenzionale” vi invito a visitare la nostra città. Roma non è solo Colosseo, insomma, e merita una visita approfondita a monumenti, musei, testimonianze del passato diffuse e disseminate ovunque sul territorio. Anche programmando una visita più volte nella vita. Del resto, una delle tradizioni più famose, e che ogni turista conosce bene, è proprio il lancio della monetina nella meravigliosa Fontana di Trevi per sperare di tornare. I motivi per tornare non mancano, perché per conoscere la città forse non basta neppure una vita. Ecco solo dei piccoli suggerimenti. A pochi chilometri dal Colosseo il verde del parco dell’Appia Antica da secoli incanta i viaggiatori di tutto il mondo: una passeggiata nella storia e nella natura che vi potrà far amare un’altra Roma. Altro percorso “non convenzionale” è quello al mare di Roma: una linea di metropolitana collega la città a Ostia. Il Lido di Roma ha decine di chilometri di spiagge e dune, che mantengono intatto il fascino del litorale mediterraneo, da visitare in tutte le stagioni. Sono solo due indicazioni di circuiti turistici diversi. Come pure vi invito a perdervi nel verde di alcune delle ville storiche romane o a usare una bicicletta per vivere l’atmosfera degli argini lungo il fiume e nel verde - nei percorsi a nord e a sud dal centro storico - o ancora a entrare nelle botteghe artigiane dei rioni del centro per fare acquisti o anche solo per respirare l’aria di altri tempi, rimasta immutata nelle mura dei locali e nelle mani abili di tappezzieri, corniciai, orafi o intagliatori. A Roma questo percorso tra le botteghe è sponsorizzato anche da una mappa reperibile su internet (www.botteghiamo.it). Infine, Il 2015 è l’anno di Expo Milano, dedicata al tema dell’alimentazione e del cibo. Roma ha le sue tradizioni culinarie e le sue ricette tipiche e un invito può essere anche quello di un tour gastronomico tra ristoranti tipici e luoghi dove acquistare prodotti alimentari made in Italy. Tra tutti, mi sento di segnalare i mercati rionali, luoghi dove i romani da oltre mezzo secolo fanno la spesa: dai prodotti freschi ai cibi della dieta mediterranea vi si trova di tutto. Visitarli è anche l’occasione per conoscere tradizioni tipiche della città e un po’ del folclore e del carattere tipici romani. Buona visita “non convenzionale”, allora. E soprattutto che sia l’occasione di una lunga lista di desideri che possano riportarvi presto a Roma.

Marta Leonori, assessore Roma Produttiva

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Direttore Responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice Società della Rotonda srl, Via delle Coppelle 9, 00186 Rome Supplemento al numero 3 Wanted in Rome di Marzo 2015 Registrazione in tribunale 118 del 30/3/2009, già inscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985 Project Manager: Marco Venturini Stampa: Graffietti Stampati snc Finito Di Stampare: Febbraio 2015 Graphics: Dali Studio srl www.dalistudio.com Special Thanks: Gabrielle Bolzoni, Alberto Paveri Fontana, Guido Favaro, Giacomo Matarazzo, Patrizia del Biondo, Federica de Carlo, Francesco Fornaciari, Paolo Ghiringhelli Contacts: editorial@wantedinrome.com advertising@wantedinrome.com Website: www.wantedinrome.com www.wantedineurope.com www.wantedinafrica.com www.wantedinmilan.com ©Wanted Worldwide Ltd. Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved


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his year, the sixth edition of our expat guide to Rome, it is also the 30th anniversary of the magazine Wanted in Rome, which was first published as a black-and-white free-sheet on 14 March 1985. Colour came later, then distribution via the newsstands, the website www.wantedinrome.com and finally the first of the expat guides (there is also one for Milan) in 2009. Since then they have become a firm and popular fixture in our publishing year for foreign and Italian residents, as well as for tourists. The 2015 guide covers the international schools, bookshops, foreign cultural academies, churches, social services, support groups, hospitals and emergency telephone numbers, car parks and some of the important (and more unusual) tourist sites. It also provides descriptions of Rome’s main residential areas, with a selection of places to eat and drink, to shop, to keep fit and stay healthy, all of which are marked on accompanying maps. This edition is only a sample of all there is on offer. You will find all you need to know on our website www.wantedinrome.com such as up-to-date listings of cultural events, local news, reviews and features. You can discover even more about the city in our magazine Wanted in Rome. Along with all our publications and back copies of the magazine, this guide can be downloaded from our website www. wantedinrome.com.


uest’anno, oltre che essere la sesta edizione della Expat Guide di Roma, è anche il trentesimo anniversario dalla nascita di Wanted in Rome, distribuito per la prima volta il 14 marzo del 1985. All’inizio era in bianco e nero, poi diventò a colori. Prima gratuito, poi in edicola. Nel 1997 il nostro primo sito web e nel 2009 la nostra prima guida. Da allora, grazie al vostro aiuto, siamo divenuti un punto di riferimento per la comunità straniera residente a Roma nonché per i turisti di passaggio. La guida fornisce informazionisui musei della città, le scuole internazionali, le librerie, le accademie culturali, le chiese, i servizi sociali e i gruppi di sostegno, gli ospedali, i servizi di emergenza. Inoltre, la guida fornisce anche una descrizione di Roma in base alle principali zone residenziali, con una selezione di luoghi per mangiare, bere, fare acquisti, per mantenersi in forma e restare in buona salute. L’idea alla base della guida è quella di fare sentire immediatamente a casa tutti coloro che arrivano a Roma. Questa edizione è solo un esempio di tutto ciò che la città offre. Troverete molte più informazioni sui nostri siti www.wantedinrome.com così come recensioni di eventi culturali e notizie aggiornate in tempo reale consultando la nostra rivista Wanted in Rome che potrete trovare in edicola. E’ inoltre possibile scaricare la Expat Guide di Roma e di Milano, nonché la Kids Activity Guide, dal sito www.wantedinrome.com.

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View of Ariccia with Palazzo Chigi and the monumental bridge.

ARICCIA: ART CITY OF THE CASTELLI Mention the name of Ariccia to any Roman and he or she will be sure to come up with the word porchetta. At weekends this small Castelli Romani town is invaded by hordes of hungry visitors from the capital who crowd into the string of fraschette (rustic hostelries) arrayed under the S. Rocco bridge and down the side of Palazzo Chigi park. The citizens of Ariccia have industriously elevated roast pig into an unrivalled porcine gastronomic treat, recognised by the EU in 2011 as an exclusive IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). However, there’s a negative side: making the name of Ariccia synonymous with porchetta has tended to overshadow all the other things the town has to offer. Few people think of Ariccia as primarily a città d’arte. And yet, of all the charming Castelli towns and villages, Ariccia is the most authentic and coherent example of a true art city, planned by no less an architect than Gianlorenzo Bernini as a harmonic unit around the noble country retreat of his patron, Pope Alexander VII of the wealthy Chigi family. 8

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The light-coloured Chigi palace is the true nerve centre of Ariccia. When the Chigi family took it over in 1661, it was a relatively modest hunting lodge. The pope, however, required a residence more suited to his status and commissioned his favourite artist to do something about it. In little over ten years, Bernini, assisted by his young apprentice Carlo Fontana, transformed not only the villa but the entire town into a baroque architectural showcase. Opposite the palace, he built the domed church of the Assumption, often compared to the Pantheon, flanked by twin colonnaded pavilions. Bernini also built the church of S. Nicola at the bottom of the main street, and the imposing Madonna di Galloro sanctuary at the far end of town. The ample space between became the scenic Piazza di Corte, decorated with two fountains and enclosed at the Albano end. The towering, three-tiered monumental viaduct and road leading into Ariccia came two centuries later. The palace was purchased from the Chigi heirs by Ariccia town council in 1988, along with all its original 18th and 19th-century art works, furnishings and fitments, and was

opened to the public in Jubilee Year 2000. Curator Francesco Petrucci has followed every phase of the delicate restoration work. “It’s practically been my life’s work,” he says. “My graduation thesis was about Palazzo Chigi and I’ve supervised all the conservation processes and cultural initiatives ever since.” Restoration is an on-going project. The most recent task has been the recovery and preservation of a series of rare 17th-century Cordoba leather wall hangings. “They are now back in position, so people can see the rooms as they originally were.” There are plenty of other treasures for visitors to enjoy, such as the extensive Chigi baroque art collection; a rare Bernini sanguigna (a drawing executed in reddish-brown chalk) in the chapel and two splendid gilded consoles, also by the master; the delightful old pharmacy, designed by Fontana; and sculptures, medallions, costumes and various art objects. Don’t miss the melancholy Nuns’ Gallery with the portraits of ten Chigi sisters, who all took the veil, and the Room of Beauties containing portraits of the pin-ups of the day, including the mistress of Cardinal Flavio I, the pope’s nephew.

Palazzo Chigi acts as the focal point of Ariccia.

The third floor contains the recently opened Museum of Baroque Art, enriched with recent donations, and considered to contain the most comprehensive collection of Roman Baroque painting in Italy. Not surprisingly, the palace has been used as the set for many period films, including Visconti’s masterpiece, The Leopard. The visit won’t be complete without a stroll in the shadowy paths of the Chigi park at the back of the palace. The 28 hectares of woodland constitute practically the last surviving example of the original wild wood that once covered the area that was, in ancient times, the realm of Diana Aricina, the goddess of nature. A later Chigi, Sigismondo, transformed the parkland under the residence into a romantic garden where nature was allowed to run riot; it became a favourite haunt of artists during the Grand Tour. The garden contains many points of interest, such as the 17th-century great aviary, built like a Roman ruin, the snow pit (neviera), where snow was stored to make sorbets in summer, and a Roman sarcophagus allegedly belonging to Simon Magus, Nero’s mysterious court magician. At the far corner of Piazza di Corte stands another treasure: the Martorelli Inn, where www.wantedinrome.com |


Where to eat Enjoy the view at La Nicchia at the Belvedere Terrace. Tables outside when weather permits, tel. 069331960. Things to do ▸ Palazzo Chigi opening hours & guided tours vary according to season, tel. 069330053, www.palazzochigiariccia.it. ▸ Locanda Martorelli, by appointment, tel. 069332990, archeoclubariccia@alice.it. ▸ The Sagra della Porchetta di Ariccia takes place each year in late summer and has been running since 1950.

The Bella Flora fountain in front of S. Nicola church.

Getting there Regular Cotral bus service from Tuscolana, journey takes about 45 mins. There is also a train service from Termini to Albano Laziale, about 2 km from the centre of Ariccia.

THE CHIGI FAMILY The powerful Chigi family came from Siena before it rose to prominence within Roman aristocracy during the 16th century. One of the family’s more important figures was the immensely rich Agostino Chigi “the Magnificent” (1465-1520) who was a major patron of the arts during the Renaissance. The inn is at the top of Corso Garibaldi, Cardinal Fabio Chigi was elected Pope Alexwhich is lined with historic buildings, many ander VII in 1655. dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The Corso leads down past the fountain of Bella Flora, the ruins of an ancient Roman temple and the Palazzo Primoli-Bonaparte, built by Napoleon’s brother as a summer retreat, to a spectacular finale: the Belvedere terrace, constructed on the old city walls, that opens onto a magnificent view over the Ariccia valley and Roman Campagna to the Margaret Stenhouse Mediterranean sea.

many famous 18th-and 19th-century artists and writers lodged. Their italicised names are inscribed on a plaque above the door: Guglielmo Turner, Cristiano Andersen, Enrico Longfellow. The inn possesses a series of enchanting frescoes on the legend of Diana by 18th century Polish artist Taddeo Kunze.


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There are spectacular views of the village.

CALCATA: THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT Less than an hour north of Rome lies Calcata, a mediaeval village clinging to a volcanic cliff surging out of the mists of the densely-wooded Treja valley. With its rugged tufa walls and steep pathways, entering this mystical, car-free hamlet is like stepping back in time or falling into a dream where Woodstock meets Hansel and Gretel. Calcata’s story is indeed the stuff of fairytales. Its history dates back almost 3,000 years and the presence of humans in the area can be traced to prehistoric times. However in the 1930s Calcata’s story very nearly came to a shuddering halt. The Fascist-era government condemned the craggy village due to fears that its foundations were subsiding, and by the 1960s the inhabitants had either relocated to the newly-built Calcata Nuova nearby or moved south to Rome. In the 1970s the old village received a new lease of life when Italian and international artists and hippies began squatting in Calcata’s abandoned houses and caves. They later bought and restored their homes, opened 12

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art galleries and cafés, and rescued an ancient village from being consigned to the cobwebs of history. The romantic tale was complete when the new residents succeeded in convincing the Italian authorities to reverse their decision condemning the village. Although only about 40 km from the hustle and bustle of the capital, Calcata feels light-years away. Those arriving by car will have to leave their vehicles outside the fortified gates of the 13th-century Palazzo Baronale – the village’s only access to the outside world – and once inside it is impossible to withdraw cash from a bank machine or even send a postcard, and forget about relying on mobile phones. The centre of the action is the main square which is at times a market, a playground, a concert arena, a meeting place, an open-air wine bar. The rambling alleys of the village centre are festooned with artisanal shops selling art work, jewellery, antiquities and the kind of essential retro-vintage items associated with the beautiful people. One of the village’s many artists is Caterina Satta, who has lived and worked in Calcata for three decades. She says the number of

The pace of life is relaxed in Calcata. Photo Anna Madden.

residents has gone up and down over the years but now “there are about 60 – one of whom is Belgian, one Spanish, one Dutch, and two English. Many people come here from Rome on day trips or stay for the weekend, but on weekdays and during the summer the village is often empty.” Some of Calcata’s best known long-term residents include Paolo Portoghesi – the distinguished architect who designed the mosque in the Parioli district of Rome and more recently oversaw the restyling of the capital’s Piazza S. Silvestro – and the painter and ceramicist Simona Weller, whose work has featured on a Wanted in Rome cover. Last year Portoghesi and Weller held a joint exhibition dedicated to Calcata in Palazzo Baronale, which acts as a visitor centre and whose recent restoration was supervised by Portoghesi. A gallery of Weller’s latest works is located in the middle of the village and is open to visitors.

Throughout the year, cultural association Il Granarone coordinates much of Calcata’s artistic activity, holding concerts, jam sessions, theatre and art exhibitions at its base on the evocative-sounding Via di Porta Segreta. The organisation’s founder is Marijcke van der Maden from Holland, who is celebrated for her marionette puppets. For 30 years van der Maden has presented the village with its own personalised nativity scene, displayed at Il Granarone each Christmas. “All the statues are handmade and represent the real people of Calcata. Every year I make a new person and I never tell who it will be,” she says. Most visitors get their photographs taken in the main square, sitting in the three oversized Etruscan-style thrones, the work of local sculptor Costantino Morosin. In 1996 Morosin and Anne Demijttenaere, a Belgian actress and painter, founded Opera Bosco, the Museum of Art in Nature. Spread out over two acres in the forests below Calcata, this open-air museum is filled with organic sculptures and art installations and has a soundtrack of streams, birdsong and croaking frogs. A tea drinker’s paradise can be found at La Sala dei 201 Thè – which boasts over 200 types of tea – while Caffè Kafir, whose Italian owner starred in 1970’s B-movies of the erotic variety, is the most eccentric coffee shop most people are likely to visit anywhere. Meanwhile the rock ‘n’roll-themed bar Rockcaffè, just off the central piazza, has a glorious secret. Enquire about sitting outside and you’ll be directed to a tiny private balcony, with a table for four and a breathtaking view of the woods 150m below. Accommodation I Sensi della Terra, Via S. Giovanni 1, tel. 0761587733, www.isensidellaterra.it, rooms and apartments for rent throughout village. www.wantedinrome.com | 13

in Rome to Saxa Rubra, then hop aboard one of the blue Cotral buses (www.cotralspa.it) to Calcata Vecchia. Buses leave regularly, and the trip takes a little over an hour. Things to do Simona Weller gallery, Via Garibaldi 4, generally open 11.00-13.00, 16.30-19.00. To visit after hours or to confirm the artist’s presence, tel. 0761587239. Palazzo Baronale visitor centre Mon-Fri 09.0017.00, Sat 15.00-19.00, Sun 11.00-19.00. Bring suitable walking gear when visiting the stunning Monte Gelato waterfalls in Parco de Treja, a few km outside Calcata, near Mazzano Romano. Open all year round and particularly beautiful in autumn and spring. Andy Devane

Artist Simona Weller strolling through the narrow streets. Photo Anna Madden.

Gisa, apartments in historic centre, tel. 0761587989, gisa.federici@libero.it. Food La Piazzetta, Via S. Giovanni 47, tel. 0761588078, honest-to-goodness fare including hand-made pasta, polenta and sausages. Booking advised. Il Tugurio, Via Sinibaldi 7, tel. 0761587388, cosy restaurant serving local specialities, open Sat, Sun only. Getting there The easiest way to reach Calcata is by car. From Rome, take the Cassia bis (SS2); exit at Settevene and follow the signs for Calcata. Alternatively take a 20-minute journey on the light-rail train service from Via Flaminia Marijcke van der Maden at work in her studio. 14

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TERRACINA This year the Rome guide suggests a trip to Terracina. This Lazio seaside town is often overlooked because of the more beautiful resorts of Sabaudia to the north and Sperlonga to the south. However it is an interesting old fishing port, has many little-known treasures and is the starting point for other destinations which can be easily explored in a day. It is also one of the terminals for ferries to the Pontine Islands, so have a look around if you are waiting for a boat or hydrofoil to Ponza or Ventotene. It is close to Fondi and is the gateway to the Ausoni and Auruni mountains. Temple of Jove Anxur The imposing ruins of the ancient Temple of Jove Anxur tower high over the fishing port of Terracina. From there, you get a breathtaking view that sweeps over the Riviera of Ulysses from the Circeo peninsula to Gaeta. Across the sea, the Pontine Islands bob mistily on the far horizon and, if it’s a really clear day, you can also make out Vesuvius and the blue outlines of Ischia and Procida off the Sorrento coast. Behind you glimmers the

TERRACINA Quest’anno la nostra guida di Roma suggerisce una gita a Terracina. Questa cittadina laziale di mare viene spesso trascurata a causa della vicinanza a Sabaudia, più nota località turistica a nord, ed a Sperlonga a sud. Ciononostante Terracina ha un interessante ed antico porto, costudisce molti tesori poco noti ed è il punto di partenza per altre destinazioni, falcilmente raggiungibili in giornata. Da Terracina partono inoltre numerosi traghetti per le isole Pontine. Quindi vi suggeriamo di darvi un’occhiata intorno se siete in attesa di una barca o di un aliscafo per Ponza o Ventotene. Terracina è vicina a Fondi ed è la porta di accesso ai monti Ausoni ed Aurunci. Tempio di Giove Anxur Le imponenti rovine dell’antico tempio di Giove Anxur emergono sopra al porto dei pescatori di Terracina. Da qui si ha una vista mozzafiato che spazia sulla Riviera di Ulisse dalla penisola del Circeo a Gaeta. In mezzo al mare le isole Pontine dominano l’orizzonte lontano e se è una giornata particolarmente limpida si vede il Vesuvio e le sagome blu di Ischia e Procida di fronte alla costiera sorrenwww.wantedinrome.com | 17

coastal Lake of Fondi and the surrounding plain, densely covered with olives and orange groves and various cultivations. You can walk or drive up Monte S. Angelo, as the temple hill has been called since Christian times. The summit with the archaeological remains, however, is laid out as a park, with winding footpaths leading up to the temple terrace on the old acropolis. There is a small entry charge to the enclosed area, where you can picnic under the shade of the olives and holm oaks, or you can purchase a snack at the Tempio di Giove café right at the top. This café has been run by the Campi family for three generations and is one of the most romantic spots you can possibly imagine. Their visiting cards carry the slogan: “Where sky and sea unite under the stars”. In summer, in fact, it is open in the evenings, complete with live music and comfortable divans, where you can admire the moon reflected on the water below. The old town Terracina has an attractive new town on the level land around the port, but its true fascination lies in its old town, which rambles steeply up the hill beneath Monte S. Angelo. For many centuries it was a key strategic point on the Old Appian Way leading south from Rome to Capua and the signs of its former importance and prosperity are everywhere. The Romans captured it from the Volschi people, who had called it Anxur (hence the temple name) and hacked out the great rocky cutting, known as the Pisco Montano, to allow the Appia to pass along the coast. The 38m-high split at the edge of town is Terracina’s most striking landmark. A section of the Old Appian Way runs along one side of the monumental main square of the old town, which was once the site of the Emilia Forum (named after local magistrate Aulus Aemiulius, whose name is inscribed on 18

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Temple of Jove Anxu

tina. Dietro di voi brilla il Lago di Fondi e la pianura circostante, densamente ricoperta di ulivi, aranceti e coltivazioni varie. Potete camminare o guidare in cima al Monte S. Angelo, come veniva chiamata la montagna del tempio sin dall’epoca Cristiana. La cima del monte, che custodisce dei reperti archeologici, è tuttavia disposta come un parco con sentieri sinuosi che conducono alla terrazza del tempio sulla vecchia acropoli. C’e un area circoscritta (si deve pagare per entrare), dove si può fare un picnic all’ombra di ulivi e lecci o si può acquistare uno snack al bar del Tempio di Giove. Da tre generazioni la famiglia Campi gestisce questa caffetteria, uno dei posti più romantici che ci si possa immaginare. Il loro biglietto da visita recita lo slogan: “Dove il cielo ed il mare si uniscono sotto alle stelle”. In estate, infatti, questo locale è aperto di sera ed offre musica dal vivo e comodi divani, da cui si può ammirare la luna riflessa sull’acqua sottostante. La vecchia città Terracina possiede un’attraente città nuova sulla piana intorno al porto, ma il suo vero fascino risiede nella città vecchia, che si estende ripida sulla collina sotto al Monte S. Angelo. Per molti secoli è stata un punto strategico sull’antica Via Appia, che conduce a sud di Roma a Capua ed i segni della sua passata im-

Capitolium Romano

the still-intact original paving). This square is like an open history book documenting the various phases of Terracina’s history. The modern town hall runs along one side, attached to the mediaeval Frumentaria (or grain) tower that incorporates an authentic little jewel of a museum containing a collection of Roman antiquities found in the area. The remains of the Roman theatre are scattered on the opposite side, alongside the Roman road. The top end is enclosed by the old bishop’s palace (you can walk through the garden) and the magnificent romanesque cathedral, with its grand entry porch of ancient Roman granite columns and its mediaeval bell tower decorated with polychrome ceramic plates that gleam in the sun. The new town Down in the “modern” town (we’re talking about buildings dating mainly from the 18th-19th century) with its busy little fishermen’s harbour and port where ferries leave daily for the Pontine Islands, you can eat freshly caught fish at the Fishermen’s Cooperative (Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori) on the side of the navigation canal that snakes through the town centre. Local fishermen and their wives got together a few years ago and extended the premises of the fish market to create an informal self-service

Terracina fishing harbour

portanza e prosperità sono visibili ovunque. I Romani la espropriarono ai Volsci, che l’avevano chiamata Anxur (da cui deriva il nome del tempio), e fecero un grande varco nella roccia, conosciuto come Pisco Montano, per permettere all’Appia di passare dalla costa. La spaccatura alta 38 metri ai margini della città è il simbolo più sorprendente di Terracina. Una sezione dell’antica Via Appia passa lungo un lato della monumentale piazza principale della città vecchia, che fu un tempo la sede del Forum Emilia (dal nome del magistrato del luogo Aulus Aemiulius, inciso sull’ancora intatta pavimentazione dell’epoca). Questa piazza è come un libro di storia aperto che documenta le varie fasi della storia di Terracina. Da un lato si trova il municipio della città moderna, situato vicino alla Frumentaria medievale che custodisce un piccolo gioiello: un museo che ospita una collezione di antichità romane rinvenute nella zona. I resti del teatro romano sono sparsi sul lato opposto della piazza, vicino alla strada romana. All’estremità superiore vi è il vecchio palazzo vescovile (si può passeggiare nel giardino), la magnifica cattedrale romanica con il suo grande portico d’ingresso, costruito con antiche colonne romane in granito, ed il suo campanile medievale, decorato con piatti policromi in ceramica che brillano al sole. www.wantedinrome.com | 19

restaurant. The menu changes every day, according to the catch, and prices are very reasonable. Be warned that the place has become so popular that in summer you may have to queue. Alternatively, you can try a couple of similar operations that have since sprung up, just round the corner. Ausoni and Aurunci mountains Terracina is virtually an oasis in the middle of the wild landscape of the Ausoni and Aurunci mountains. It only takes a short detour out of town to find yourself in another, primeval world that has survived from the Mesozoic era. The vast karst plateau of Campo Soriano is only a few kilometres from Terracina (the road is signposted at the northern entrance to the town, branching off from the Via Appia). A designated protected area since 1997, it extends over some three square kilometres, filled with the jumbled remains of a limestone bedrock stratum eroded over

The so-called cathedral in Campo Soriano


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Piazza del Duomo

La città nuova In basso, nella città moderna (stiamo parlando di edifici risalenti al 18esimo e 19esimo secolo), si trova un piccolo e trafficato porto di pescatori, da cui partono ogni giorno i traghetti per le Isole Pontine. Al Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori, situato lungo il canale di navigazione che si snoda attraverso il centro della città, si può mangiare pesce appena pescato. I pescatori del luogo e le loro mogli si sono riuniti diversi anni fa ed hanno ampliato la sede del mercato ittico per creare un informale ristorante self-service. Il menu varia ogni giorno in base al pescato ed i prezzi sono ragionevoli. Sappiate che il locale è diventato così famoso che in estate potrebbe esserci la fila. In alternativa potete provare un paio di posti analoghi che sono sorti dietro l’angolo. Monti Ausoni ed Aurunci Terracina è virtualmente un’oasi nel bel mezzo del paesaggio selvatico dei monti Ausoni ed Aurunci. Basta una breve deviazione fuori città per trovarvi in un altro mondo primordiale, sopravvissuto all’era mesozoica. Il vasto altopiano carsico di Campo Soriano si trova a pochi chilometri da Terracina (la strada è segnalata all’ingresso nord della città e si dirama dalla Via Appia). Un’area protetta, designata a partire dal 1997, si estende per circa tre chilometri quadrati di resti di roccia

countless millennia, creating an environment of haunting beauty and mystery. The road leads through a surrealistic landscape of jagged rock formations that look as if they had been tossed around heedlessly by giants. Patches of meadow and vineyards pop up among sinkholes and caves. An eight kilometre hike or drive takes you to the symbol of the park, a towering 18m-high monolithic crag known as the “cathedral” because of its pointed, gothic-like spires. Local people, however, give it other names, such as the “Artichoke”, the “Pinnacle”, the “Rock Pyramid”, or the “Rava di S. Domenico” and attribute to it mysterious powers.

calcarea, erosa nel corso degli innumerevoli millenni, che crea un ambiente di struggente bellezza e mistero. La strada si snoda attraverso un paesaggio surreale, fatto di formazioni rocciose frastagliate, che sembrano essere state gettate in giro distrattamente da dei giganti. Appezzamenti di prati e vigneti emergono tra sinkholes e grotte. Una passeggiata o un tragitto di otto chilometri vi porta al simbolo del parco: un’imponente rupe monolitica di 18 metri, nota come la “cattedrale” a causa delle sue guglie appuntite, quasi gotiche. La gente del luogo tuttavia la chiama con altri nomi, tra cui “Carciofo”, “Pinnacolo”, “Piramide Rocciosa” o “Rava di S. Domenico”, attribuendole poteri misteriosi.

Margaret Stenhouse

Margaret Stenhouse

Terracina is 100 kms south of Rome and Terracina si trova a 100 km a sud di Roma e can be reached by Via Appia (SS7) or Via può essere raggiunta dalla Via Appia (SS7) o dalla Via Pontina. Pontina. Useful contacts: Piano Bar Tempio di Giove, open all day and on summer evenings with live music: Monte S. Angelo, info & bookings, tel. 3392202865.

Contatti utili: Piano Bar Tempio di Giove, aperto tutto il giorno e le sere d’estate con musica dal vivo: Monte S. Angelo, informazioni e prenotazioni, tel. 3392202865.

Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori di Terracina, Via Lungolinea Pio VI, tel. Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori di Terracina, Via Lungolinea Pio VI, tel. 0773725905. 0773725905. For information on the Natural Monument of Campo Soriano, www.parks.it, www.millesentieri.eu/

Per informazioni sul Monumento Naturale di Campo Soriano, www.parks.it, www.millesentieri.eu

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Villa Adriana

TIVOLI AND PALESTRINA: THESE ANCIENT CITIES ARE WITHIN EASY REACH OF ROME Villa Adriana Before reaching the hill town of Tivoli stop off at the Roman villa built by the emperor Hadrian in the second century AD. This is an impressive site not only because of its size but also because of its complexity and sophistication. Mosaics, statutes and archaeological remains from the villa can be found in museums the world over. It was here that the emperor and his court relaxed away from the summer heat of Rome and it also became the administrative centre of the Roman empire during the intervals between Hadrian’s long overseas journeys. There were gardens, courtyards, porticos, a theatre, a stadium, three thermal baths, libraries, banquetting halls with guest accommodation and barracks for the military. There was also a minIature house surrounded by a canal 24

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TIVOLI e PALESTRINA: queste antiche città sono facilmente raggiungibili da roma Villa Adriana Prima di giungere in collina dove sorge la Tivoli rinascimentale e moderna, si sosta nella vallata dove troviamo la più incredibile villa imperiale romana, costruita da Adriano nel II secolo AD. Oltre alla vastità, stupisce la ricchezza e la complessità del progetto. Moltissimi mosaici, gruppi statuari e rilievi sparsi nei musei di mezzo mondo provengono da questa villa, che era in pratica una piccola città. Non era solo destinata al riposo dell’imperatore e della corte, ma anche all’amministrazione dell’impero nelle pause tra i lunghi viaggi che Adriano compì durante il suo regno. Vi si trovano giardini, cortili, portici, un teatro, uno stadio, tre complessi termali, biblioteche, sale per banchetti e per riunioni, ostelli per soldati, servitù e ospiti di vario rango, oltre a una curiosa casa in miniatura circondata da un cana-

le dove l’imperatore si isolava dal mondo. Tel. 0639967900, www.villaadriana.com. 09.00 al tramonto. € 10. D’estate si svolge un festival di musica classica e balletto presso le Grandi Terme con suggestiva illuminazione notturna.


where the emperor retreated from the world around him. Tel. 0639967900, www.villaadriana.com. 09.00 to sunset. € 10 entrance fee. In the summer it is the setting for an international festival of drama, dance and music. Tivoli Further on up the hill is Tivoli, the ancient Latin town of Tibur. Here there are still several ancient sites such as the Temple of the Cough and the Sanctuary of Hercules. There is still an interesting mediaeval part of the town where one of the most typical streets is Via Campitelli. Don’t miss the church of S. Silvestro which is the oldest in town. If you visit Tivoli on the first Sunday in May there is the flower festival dedicated to the Virgin of Quinteliolo, when Via Maggiore is decorated with a carpet of flowers in honour of the Virgin Mary.

Tivoli Giungiamo quindi a Tivoli. Antica città latina con il nome Tibur il cui centro storico conserva persistenze medioevali di rilievo e permette percorsi interessanti e pittoreschi. Una delle strade più tipiche del quartiere medievale è la Via Campitelli. Si trovano qui alcuni antichi siti archeologici urbani, come il tempio della Tosse ed il Santuario di Ercole Vincitore. Da vedere anche la chiesa di S. Silvestro, la chiesa più antica di Tivoli. e andate a Tivoli la prima domenica di maggio non perdetevi “l’infiorata” per i festeggiamenti della Beata Vergine di Quintiliolo, in occasione della quale vengono realizzati tappeti floreali di grande bellezza artistica e raffiguranti circa venti immagini della Vergine o splendide coreografie geometriche. In Via Maggiore. Villa d’Este Tappa d’obbligo nel centro storico di Tivoli è la villa rinascimentale del Cardinal Ippolito d’Este. Al di là delle sale affrescate, sono i giardini e le numerose fontane a stupire i visitatori. Nel XVI secolo nessuno aveva mai visto fontane di tale bellezza e così fantasiose da imitare la scenografia di un teatro. Addirittura si poteva ascoltare un breve concerto d’organo “idraulico” e si sospettava che un pianista si nascondesse dietro alle cascate! Soprattutto in una calda giornata estiva, è incredibile il fresco che si può godere in questo giardino, passeggiando come i nobili d’altri tempi. Piazza Trento 5, call centre tel. 199766166, www.villadestetivoli.info. Aperto tutti i giorni tranne il lunedì con orario variabile in base alle stagioni. € 11. D’estate aperture serali nel week-end. www.wantedinrome.com | 25

Villa d’Este

Villa d’Este A visit to Villa d’Este, the renaissance villa of Cardinal Ippolite d’Este and UNESCO World Heritage site, is a must, as well as the frescoed ceilings and rooms. The theatrical waterfalls and fountains were a marvel of the 16th-century world and the organ fountain, devised by the French hydraulic engineer Claude Venard, was so convincing that many visitors thought that there was an organist playing behind the waterfall. One of the distinguished guests at the end of the 19th century was Franz Listz who composed music for the giochi d’acqua and firework displays. In summer the gardens are invitingly cool. Piazza Trento 5, tel. 199766166, www.villadestetivoli.info. Opening hours depend on the season. In the summer the gardens are open on weekend evenings. € 11. Mon closed. Villa Gregoriana This magnificent site has re-opened to the public again thanks to a restoration by Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI) completed in 2007. These wonderful gardens offer walks, steep climbs and magnificent views over the waterfalls of the river Aniene. The villa is named after the 18th-century pope, Gregory XVI, who diverted the course of the Aniene 26

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Villa Gregoriana È l’ultimo tesoro aperto al pubblico a Tivoli, grazie all’intervento del FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano), che ha inaugurato la villa nel 2007. In questo parco si possono percorrere tre sentieri di semplice trekking ammirando la vegetazione e le cascate dell’Aniene, tra suggestive grotte e ruderi pittoreschi. Il nome è dovuto al papa Gregorio XVI, regnante nel XVIII secolo, che promosse in questo luogo un avveniristico progetto di deviazione del fiume Aniene per salvare la città di Tivoli dalle frequenti alluvioni. www.fondoambiente.it/ beni/parco-di-villa-gregoriana.asp. Apertura variabile in base alle stagioni.

Villa Gregoriana

through two tunnels cut through the hill to prevent the frequent flooding of Tivoli. www.fondoambiente.it/beni/parco-di-villagregoriana.asp. Opening hours depend on the season. The Temples of Vesta and the Sybil These two temples are the most obvious symbols of the Roman era and dominate an ancient acropolis. The Temple of Vesta dates from the first century BC and stands on a base surrounded by Corinthian columns. The Temple of the Sibyl is a second-century The Temples of Vesta and the Sybil BC rectangular Ionic structure. Both were the inspiration for countless painters and garden architects when Tivoli was an essential stop Tempio di Vesta e della Sibilla I due templi sono i simboli più evidenti for artists on the 18th-century Grand Tour. dell’epoca romana, e dominano l’antica acropoli da uno sperone di roccia. Il Tempio di La SIbilla restaurant This resturant, which first opened almost Vesta è del I secolo a.C. su base circolare con two hundred years ago, is probably the colonne corinzie, mentre il Tempio della Sibilmost famous in Tivoli. Here there is home- la risale al II secolo a.C. , è rettangolare ed in made pasta, a generous buffet of antipasti stile ionico. Un numero infinito di visitatori e and good traditional cook-ing. But its main artisti nei secoli passati ha ammirato, dipinto attraction is the view from the terrace over- o descritto questi templi all’epoca del Grand looking Villa Gregoriana from the shadow of Tour, quando Tivoli era una tappa imperdibile two Roman temples. Via della Sibilla 50, tel. del viaggio attraverso l’Europa. E la vista che si gode da qui vi renderà chiaro il perché! 0774335281, www.ristorantesibilla.com. La Sabilla restaurant

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Azienda Agricola S. Clemente

Ristorante La Sibilla È probabilmente il più famoso dei ristoranti di Tivoli, attivo da quasi due secoli. Qui si viene per la cucina tradizionale, per la pasta fatta in casa, per il ricco buffet di antipasti, ma soprattutto per l’atmosfera: pranzare su una terrazza naturale affacciata su Villa Gregoriana all’ombra di due templi romani è sicuramente un’esperienza unica. Via della Sibilla 50, tel. 0774335281, www.ristorantesibilla.com.

Dopo aver pranzato è tempo di acquistare il After your meal you could buy some excel- buonissimo olio di oliva laziale: lent olive oil at: Azienda Agricola S. Clemente È un agriturismo che dispone di un frantoio Azienda Agricola S. Clemente This is an organic agro-tourism establish- biologico dove viene prodotto l’olio “Fons ment that produces Fons Olei, one of the Olei”, uno dei migliori olii extra-vergine d’olibest extra-virgin olive oil in Lazio. At har- va del Lazio. È possibile acquistare i prodotti vest time you can also help in the entire e partecipare ai percorsi agro-educativi, ad production cycle, from picking to pressing esempio durante la raccolta delle olive è posthe olives. Strada S. Gregorio km 6,800, tel. sibile assistere a tutto il ciclo produttivo, dalla 0774411068, www.agriturismosanclemente. raccolta alla spremitura. Strada S. Gregorio km 6,800, tel. 0774411068, www.agriturismocom. sanclemente.com. If you still have time, relax at: E ora un po’ di relax alle Terme di Tivoli! Terme Acque Albule The mild climate and the beautiful setting Terme Acque Albule have attracted people here from Roman La mitezza del clima e la bellezza dei luoghi times onwards – Sallustius, Catulus, Mae- attirarono qui, già in epoca romana, illustri cenas, Horace. There are four thermal pools personaggi quali Sallustio, Catullo, Mecenate e with natural hydromassage, cascades and water games. There is also a sauna and a health and beauty centre. Via Tiburtina Valeria km 22.7, tel. 077435471, www.termediroma.org. Palestrina Palestina is not far from Tivoli. The ancient town of Praeneste was conquered by the Romans in 338 BC who linked it to the capital along Via Prenestina, which still exists today. The town is famous for the sanctuary 30

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Terme Acque Albule

Orazio. La struttura dispone di quattro piscine termali dotate di idromassaggi naturali, cascatelle e giochi d’acqua. La struttura dispone inoltre di un centro sauna ben attezzato e di un centro estetico per massaggi e trattamenti con prodotti cosmetici. Via Tiburtina Valeria km 22,7, tel. 077435471, www.termediroma.org. Palestrina

dedicated to the goddess Fortuna. But the archaeoligical museum is also worth a visit with its ancient sculpture, Roman epigraphs and its famous second-century AD polychrome mosaic of the Nile. The museum is located in the 17th-century Palazzo Colonna Barberini which is built above the site of the ancient sanctuary. Palestrina was the birth place of 16th-century composer Giovanni Pierlugi da Palestrina and at the end of the 19th century the German novelist Thomas Mann visited the town on a couple of occasions using it as the setting for one of the crucial scenes in Doctor Faustus. Piazza Cortina 1, tel. 069538100. By now it is probably time for dinner so why not try:

Palestrina Non lontano da Tivoli si trova l’odierna Palestrina, antica Praeneste, una cittadina molto antica conquistata nel 338 a.C. dai Romani che la collegarono a Roma con l’omonima Via Prenestina tutt’ora esistente. Ciò che rendeva celebre questo centro era un famoso santuario dedicato alla dea Fortuna. Da non perdere è la visita al Museo Archeologico Prenestino. È ospitato nel Palazzo Colonna Barberini di Palestrina, edificato nel ‘600 sui resti dell’antico santuario. Vi si trova una interessantissima raccolta di sculture ed epigrafi romane, ma anche oggetti della quotidianità e un celebre mosaico con un paesaggio nilotico risalente al II a.C. Palestrina è anche il luogo di nascita del compositore Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina e alla fine del 19° secolo il romanziere tedesco Thomas Mann ha visitato la città in un paio di occasioni ambientandoci alcune delle scene cruciali nel Doctor Faustus. Piazza Cortina 1, tel. 069538100.

Ristorante Zi Rico Ristorante Zi Rico in the centre of the town, a mix of old-style mediaeval grotto and modern functionality. There is a good A questo punto probabilmente è ora di cena. choice of food and wine. Via E. Toti 2-4, tel. Potreste provare al: 0683082532, www.zirico.it. Mon closed. Ristorante Zi Rico Nel centro storico di Palestrina, un locale che riesce a coniugare sapientemente lo stile tipico delle antiche grotte dei centri medievali con un arredamento moderno e funzionale. L’atmosfera è accogliente, le portate sono tutte di primissima qualità ed è presente un vasto assortimento di vini. Via E. Toti 2-4, tel. 0683082532, www.zirico.it. Lunedì chiuso per Ristorante Zi Rico riposo settimanale.

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Public art is central to urban regeneration in Rome’s S.Basilio district


though better known around the world for its church frescoes, Rome is once again leading the charge in a modern-day renaissance of urban art on the capital’s streets. Residents of districts such as Ostiense, Testaccio, Prenestina, S. Lorenzo and Garbatella will attest to the continuing explosion of street art, much of it bouncing off walls with vibrant colours and avant-garde designs. The growing number of designs being created by the world’s leading street artists – with the city’s firm approval – is helping to boost Rome’s street cred as an important hub for European street art, along with Berlin, Paris and Madrid. This new generation of murals should not be viewed as “street art” in the underground style of Banksy; rather they are “public art”, the result of successful collaboration be-


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tween the artist, the area and its residents. Central to the movement in Rome is WALLS, an association that promotes the value of street art and the right of artists to decorate public spaces (see Wanted in Rome article December 2013). Founded in 2008, the group has overseen numerous private and public projects in diverse locations around the capital, from children’s hospitals to universities and jails. Earlier this summer it was the driving force behind SanBa, a scheme designed to regenerate S. Basilio, a north-east Rome suburb more associated with crime than culture. The main idea of the project was to enliven this disadvantaged urban area with the help of permanent art installations by two young, internationally recognised street artists: Italy’s Agostino Iacurci and Spain’s Liqen. Both artists each completed two gigantic murals on four buildings


Liqen adds the finishing touches to El Renacer.

made available to them by municipal housing body ATER Roma, breathing new life into an otherwise forgotten neighbourhood. Located in the shadow of Rebibbia prison, the entire district shows signs of neglect and poverty, making the monumental SanBa murals all the more important, and indeed unexpected. Perhaps the most spectacular of them is El Devenir (see cover of this edition), a hugely colourful vision of blossoming flowers, complete with beetle and dragonfly and many other creatures not instantly familiar. Painted on the gable wall of a four-storey block of flats at the corner of Via Fabriano, the mural

looms above abandoned crashed cars and elderly residents playing cards in their gardens below. Testifying to S. Basilio’s tattered reputation, directly across the road is an unrelated piece of art work: a memorial to a local man shot dead over a traffic dispute last year, in a case which catapulted the district into the headlines again for all the wrong reasons. Unlike the joy of Devenir, this menacing mural features hooded, masked ultra football fans and a pit bull. The mood picks up again further down Via Fabriano with another eye-catching and powerful work by Liqen. Titled El Renacer www.wantedinrome.com | 33

CULTURE AND HISTORY (meaning “to be born again” in Spanish), it shows a red rake uprooting a monotone civilisation, spanning from ancient Rome to today’s technological age, allowing fresh new shoots to sprout up through the fertile soil. From a distance the mural seems relatively simplistic; it is only on closer inspection that the staggering level of detail can be appreciated. Ruined buildings and squashed machinery jostle with Roman soldiers on horseback and crumbling towers. Michelangelo’s statue of Moses even makes an appearance. Towards the end of the street in the direction of the jail is Iacurci’s The Blind Wall, which featured as the cover of the August edition of Wanted in Rome. Born in Foggia near the Adriatic Sea, the 28-year-old artist is already well known to many Romans, thanks in particular to The Swimmer, his image of a jolly bather near Ostiense train station. Iacurci’s mural on the corner of Via Fabriano is painted in his distinctive style, which relies on large areas of flat colour, and is more concise and stylised in comparison to Liqen.

El Renacer by Liqen.


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The image shows an elderly man with a white beard and a watering can in a garden under a starry night sky. At the base of the mural is a large roughly-mown green area – far less attractive than the vision above it. Iacurci’s second SanBa mural The Globe can be found at the opposite end of Via Recanati, which runs parallel to Via Fabriano. The minimalist image shows a hand cradling a glass ball containing a miniature natural world, surrounded by flying red birds. It too is painted in crisp lines and solid colours, and provides an uplifting feel to a street synonymous with drug dealing. During the two-month-long project, the artists engaged with the local community by holding meetings to explain the SanBa theme behind their designs, namely to give a positive message with hope for the future. In return, residents offered the artists lunches and coffees, as well as talking to them while they worked. It was Liqen’s first time making his mark in Rome and he lived in S. Basilio for the duration of the project, to get a better feel for the area. The level of hospitality afforded


The Globe by Agostino Iacurci.

curator of SanBa, described the project as “public art in the true sense of the word, that allows local residents to play an active role.” Pallotta said his association’s goal is to carry out similar projects in other areas “where they are needed”, adding: “Our hope is to nurture troubled neighbourhoods by creating new tourist flows from the centre out to the suburbs.” His vision is seconded by Rome’s councillor for the development of the suburbs, Paolo Masini, who said SanBa represents “an important step in the work we are doing in [regenerating] our suburbs, which begins with street art.” The project was also backed by the cultural association Fondazione Roma-Arte-Musei whose president Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele said there was no such thing as “Serie A or Serie B citizens, just a communal body of people, and we need to create exchange between all sections of the city.” The four murals are within about a five minute walk of each other and are absolutely worth the hike out of town, even if Metro SanBa is make-believe.

to him by locals is evident in his thanks to the “signore del pranzo” at the bottom left of Devenir. Born in Vigo in 1980, Liqen is based primarily in Mexico and is best known for his intricately detailed and highly imaginative murals around the world, from Latin America to Europe. Iacurci on the other hand is no stranger to the area. In 2011 he completed the project Punti di fuga (vanishing points) at Rebibbia prison. Curated by WALLS, the murals were Andy Devane painted in collaboration with a group of 15 inmates in the courtyard of the jail’s maxiHow to reach S. Basilio mum security unit. Each of the prisoners by public transport contributed ideas for the composition, leading to the creation of a surreal, dreamlike Take the Metro B to the end of the line, landscape of people and exotic animals. at Rebibbia. Cross the street from the staBy the time SanBa ended on 30 May it had tion and catch the 343 or 344 bus as far as turned into a sort of festival, with pupils the Casale S. Basilio/Sarnano stop. From from several local primary and secondary- here you can easily visit all four murals on level schools becoming involved in paint- nearby Via Recanati and Via Fabriano. ing, writing and film workshops based To learn more about Agostino Iacurci see around the murals. The students even cre- www.agostinoiacurci.com. ated a timber art installation representing an imaginary metro stop called SanBa, high- To see Liqen’s work visit www.liqen.org. lighting the desire of local residents to be For more information on WALLS better connected to the city centre. see www.onthewalls.it. Simone Pallotta, the head of WALLS and

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Exploring the Rome of books Angelica, Casanatense and Valicelliana


he city of Rome is a book of stone, monuments and ancient artefacts which make up and pass on the intriguing and complex chapters of an endless chronology. A thousand-year history to browse with the many vectors of mnemonic restoration. But its museums, which along with the ancient monuments are probably the most visited tourist locations, are not the sole custodians of the heritage of a civilisation. Libraries, too, in the silence and splendour of their spaces hidden from outside view, preserve the history of peoples. These temples of knowledge and institutions with centuries of history should therefore not be ignored in any guide dedicated to the city of Rome, the cradle not only of art but also of that erudite culture born in the humanistic atmosphere which, together with the invention of printing in the 15th century, led to the birth of a vigorous tradition of libraries and the founding of fascinating places dedi36

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cated to reading and the conservation of knowledge. Originally, libraries were simply collections rather than institutions dedicated to the education of the masses, and were also conceived as pure museums where books would be displayed together with ancient objects. In the late 16th century there was a division of the two spheres, and the patrimony of the libraries took on an identity of its own. In this way, during the Renaissance, the dream ideal of the Royal Library of Alexandria was united with a new public and universal mission for the institution. The Angelica Library, founded and dedicated by Angelo Rocca in the S. Agostino Convent in 1604, is remembered as Italy’s third public library, for it was intended for the use not only of the brothers but also of lay people, and the words of its founder, that it should be “for the public good, in particular for that of the poor and of the foreign-


Libreria Angelica

ers who find themselves in Rome without books and without money”, represent a seachange, a concept of the public good born in Germany’s Protestant reformation and imposed on Rome in the climate of Catholic renewal of the 16th century. The books and the readings became important instruments for the salvation of the human soul, and libraries rapidly became a powerful means of education and redemption. The public nature of the Angelica library is immediately clear from the dedication at the door, inviting “all those who would care to enter”. Everyone has an equal right to intellectual progress, and everyone is addressed in this

new concept of the library as a cultural arbitrator for the masses. Despite its historical importance and precocious public role, and despite its location along the traditional tourist itineraries, it is often ignored by uninterested passers-by. To see this splendid example of 16th century libraries, one needs only to pause in Piazza S. Agostino, perhaps after admiring Caravaggio’s Madonna dei Pellegrini, and enter at door No. 8 into the sanctity of the vision of a rich preserved patrimony of printed texts, many of them dedicated to St Augustine and his Order, arranged on antique wooden shelves. A collection which has been enlarged over the www.wantedinrome.com | 37

CULTURE AND HISTORY We find a third example of the passion for the collection of ancient material and of the biographical value of the institution in the Casanatense library, also numbered among the most beautiful and important libraries of Rome. In Via S. Ignazio 52, in the convent of the S. Maria sopra Minerva church at a stone’s throw from the Pantheon, Cardinal Girolamo Casanate left his precious collection of theology, law and Roman history to the Domenican fathers in 1701 to found this library as a place of “public benefit”. In part of the basilica’s cloister, an area which has always been dedicated to isolation and study by the devout, the architect Antonio Maria Bodioni built a section destined to hold the 400,000 volumes, 6,000 manuscripts and 2,200 incunabola bequeathed by the cardinal to the library bearing his name. Libraries are thus not merely dusty places of study but also the expression, perhaps among the least contaminated, of the social and cultural history of the city. This belief itinerary among important historical libraries in the centre of Rome may be seen as an invitation to visit and examine a paper legacy which opens the doors to a collective memory made of histories and of the numberless experiences which give a name, a voice and a sense to the external fascination of the eternal city.

centuries by important bequests, and which owes its fascinating name to its founder, showing that libraries in those days were in some way also the biographies of interesting men of the times. The Valcelliana Library, too, is connected with a famous personality of the 16th century: it was founded on an inherited stock of precious books bequeathed by one of the most influential figures of the Counter-Reformation, St Philip Neri. His Congregation of the Oratory, whose rules decreed that meals be accompanied by readings from religious texts, commissioned the creation of a suitable space to contain a library enjoying constant growth. The genius Francesco Borromini directed the work from 1637 to 1652, although his plan Arianna Farina was partly modified by Camillo Arcucci when completing the arrangement of the library in 1667. In Piazza della Chiesa Nuova 8, on the second floor of the Oratory next to the church of S. Maria in Vallicella, this library, open to the public, preserves the memory not only of 17th-century architecture but also of the culture of the period between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, safeguarding in its splendid setting some 130,000 books, as well as manuscripts and antique etchings. 38

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THE STUMBLING STONES OF JEWISH MEMORIALS The story behind Rome’s brass cobblestones


hile a group of young school children kick a soccer ball around in the Jewish ghetto, their ball bounces over the sampietrini but also on top of some brass cobblestones that have recently become ubiquitous in this neighbourhood and in other parts of Rome. Another family circles around the children, pushing an elderly relative in a wheelchair whose wheels plough over the

plaques. The top of the brass cobblestone is engraved and reads, “Here lived…..” These cobblestone-sized memorials are referred to as stolpersteine in German, or literally translated “stumbling stones” and are installed outside the last chosen place of residence of victims of the Holocaust. There are over a dozen in the Jewish ghetto and they are now part of the fabric of the

Viale Giulio Cesare 95. Photo Theresa Potenza.

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Via Flaminia 21. Photo Theresa Potenza.

neighbourhood, just as the victims once were, who themselves played soccer or strolled with their relatives over the same spot. Each plaque is detailed with the victim’s first and last name, date of birth, date and place of deportation, and date of death in a Nazi extermination camp. There are currently almost 200 stumbling stones installed in nine districts of Rome including Trastevere, Prati, Campo de’ Fiori, Flaminio, S. Pietro, Tiburtina, Prenestino, Appio Latino and Aurelio. A new tranche of stones is laid in Rome every January. The stolperstein memorial was designed by Berlin artist Gunter Demnig. On 16 December 1992 Demnig marked the 50th anniversary of Himmler’s order to deport Sinti and Roma to extermination camps by engraving the decree’s first sentence onto a stone which he laid in front of Cologne’s town hall. Demnig’s idea developed further after meeting a war-era Cologne resident who had no memory of Sinti or Roma having ever lived in her neighbourhood. Despite encountering difficulties in obtaining official support in the early stages of the project, within a 40

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few years Demnig was authorised by Cologne to install more stolpersteine and now there are thousands of these memorials across Germany. Today more than 27,000 of these brass cobblestones have been installed throughout eight European countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands, as well as Russia. Their installation only began in Rome in 2010, to become part of what Adachiara Zevi, manager of the Rome branch of the project, defines as “circuits of memory.” The memorial stones are commissioned by family members or often residents of the building from where victims were deported, a powerful reminder of a tragedy in the exact place it occurred, by people who were affected directly. The reactions to the commemorative effort have been mixed: to some they are unnoticeable, and to others unavoidable. Although the installations are discreet, a few were removed illegally from the Jewish ghetto and Monti disticts in 2012. The memorial for Don Pietro Pappagallo, the Resistance priest killed in the Fosse Ardeatine massacre in 1944 and whose character featured in Rossellini’s movie Open City, was stolen from outside his former home on Via Urbana, not once but twice. The installation is part of a larger effort in the capital to recover from its role in the earlier stages of world war two, on the 70th anniversary of Rome’s liberation. Author and docent Roy Doliner believes the brass cobblestones have a different effect to the numerous wall plaques around the city

CULTURE AND HISTORY because you stumble over them (often literally) and by doing so, open your eyes. On a walk through the city, Doliner points to several commemorative plaques honouring Holocaust victims that were installed more than a decade after the end of the war. A particularly agonising plaque to read is on the wall of a children’s day school near Via Portico d’Ottavia in the Jewish ghetto that states, “In perpetual memory of 112 students from this school killed in the Nazi extermination camps.” Another plaque that was installed in 1984 on the wall of a building on Via della Lungara in Trastevere reads, “On 16 October 1943 entire Jewish Roman families were ripped from their homes and brought to this place and then deported to concentration camps. Of more than 2,000 people, only 16 survived.”

Gunter Demnig installs stolpersteine on Via S. Maria in Monticelli 67 in May 2012.

The dawn raid in the ghetto around the synagogue involved the rounding up of 1,016 Roman Jews, including 200 children, who were then taken to the Collegio Militare building at Palazzo Salviati on Via della Lungara 82-83. Two days later they were sent to Auschwitz on a sealed train from Tiburtina station. Only six of them were to return to Rome, according to figures released by the city hall on the 70th anniversary of the deportation in 2013. That anniversary was marked with a ceremony at Tiburtina station in the presence of Rome’s mayor Ignazio Marino and the president of the city’s Jewish community Riccardo Pacifici. A plaque honouring the victims who were loaded on trains and deported to labour and concentration camps was reinstalled on platform one after its temporary removal during recent renovation works. Another district in Rome to suffer hugely during world war two was Quadraro – today’s Cinecittà off Via Tuscolana to the south-east of Rome – home to partisans and opponents of the fascist regime. There one can find a sculpture in the park recalling 17 April 1944 when the Germans raided the neighbourhood and took more than 700 men to labour camps. For Rome, in terms of size, the so-called Walfisch operation was second only to the raid at the ghetto six months earlier. The recent installation of the stumbling stones throughout the city is designed to tell the story of the Holocaust one tragedy at a time, each adult and child victim commemorated one by one in front of his or her home. Whoever wishes to dedicate a stumbling block to a friend or relative deported can do so by visiting the Casa della Memoria e della Storia in Trastevere, or download and compile the form online, www.arteinmemoria.com. Theresa Potenza www.wantedinrome.com | 41


ROME’S DECORATED HOUSES Skilled artists embellished the façades of buildings in 15th- and 16th-century Rome but few survive today


here exists – or rather, there used to exist – an “open-air art gallery” in Rome, most of which has nowadays been lost and the rest of which eludes the visitor’s eye. It is a mute, sometimes mysterious art, hidden among the alleys far from the traditional tourist routes. But if you look up you can sometimes make out the fresco or graffito decorations which adorned the façades of Roman houses and buildings between the end of the 15th and the first half of the 16th century, following a fashion which in Italy started out in Venice, then became popular in Florence, and triumphed in Rome. Here, among the numerous examples of classical, mediaeval and Renaissance beauty, skilled workers became expert in this decorative field, giving the city its “characteristic aspect, gay and triumphal,” as art historian Umberto Gnoli wrote in the review Il Vasari in 1937. The foremost among these was Polidoro da Caravaggio, a pupil of Raffaello and the major exponent of this “fashion”, together with Maturino da Firenze, thanks to whom – as 42

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Vasari himself wrote in 1550 – “smiling Rome was enriched by their labours.” Various sources, from the first guide-books on 17th-century Rome to the most modern studies, tell of more than 200 house-fronts decorated in techniques which developed over the years. It progressed from graffito work simulating diamond-pointed rustication to ever more elaborate compositions in fresco, portraying for the most part, mythological scenes or scenes from Roman history, so that “this rebirth in full flower intrudes, festive and pagan, into papal Rome,” as one guide put it. Even though it was a mainly northern practice, the origins of this explosion of decoration may be attributed not only to the presence of northern artists in Rome, but also to the rediscovery and revival of traditions such as the habit of hanging tapestries or carpets from the windowsills to mark processions or other festivities. The reasons for adorning the outside of buildings with this rather than other techniques, however, can surely be attributed to more than a mere matter of taste: a perceptive choice, in that the façades ap-


Remains of frescoes are still visible on the façade of 9 Via della Maschera D’Oro, near Piazza Navona.

peared larger, and an aesthetic choice, given the power of the decorations to make even the most simple buildings look majestic. And there was also the motivation of prestige coupled with the reasonable cost of the execution of the work, giving a noble air to the house at a reduced expense. Sadly, of the 200 decorated façades recorded at the end of the 16th century, a mere 30 or so have survived. Fortunately there are bibliographic sources, principally Vasari, and iconographic sources to preserve the memories: sketches, copies, prints and etchings like those by Alberti, Bonasone, Saenredam and Bartoli, or the 19th-century works by

Enrico Maccari, Genesio Morandi and the Frenchman Paul Marie Letarouilly. But the chance to enjoy and admire this particular aspect of 16th-century Rome isn’t limited to visiting archives and libraries. Thanks to restoration work carried out in the mid20th century, a few examples remain in situ. It’s possible to plan a walk to rediscover graffiti and frescoes which have been forgotten by art-history and guide books, relegating to oblivion works by artists of the calibre of Jacopo Ripanda, Baldassarre Peruzzi, Polidoro da Caravaggio, Perin del Vaga, Raffaellino da Reggio, Federico Zuccari, Maturino da Firenze or Daniele da Volterra. www.wantedinrome.com | 43

CULTURE AND HISTORY Some splendid examples are hidden along was named. Here, although we find the clasthe classical itineraries through the city cen- sical diamond-pointed rustication above it tre, which also show the evolution of the and the frieze with putti and girali (swirling techniques. Only a few steps from Piazza leaf designs), there is a medallion with war Navona, for example, in Via dell’Anima, we scenes – barely legible, but reproduced by can look up at Tor Millina and its palazzo, Maccari in the 19th century – which gives a whose decorations – dated at 1491 and at- grandeur to this little building which would tributed to Perin del Vaga – are sadly lost for otherwise be totally anonymous. the most part, but which survive in the draw- These are but a few examples of this alterings by Giovenale. Continuing to no. 65, there are still traces of the inscriptions, friezes and crests on the house of the notary Sander. In Via della Fossa, behind Piazza del Fico, a decoration in diamondpointed rustication still covers a large part of the façade of nos. 14-17, showing how this technique was used to simulate cladding in marble or other materials. Close by lies Via della Maschera d’Oro with two of the best façades, an undeniable example of the development in technique and composition: a graffito decoration at no. 9, attributed to Baldassarre Peruzzi and portraying scenes from Roman history, and the well-known Palazzo Milesi, frescoed by Polidoro da Caravaggio in which we can still make out a frieze of the story of Niobe taken from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Crossing Corso Vittorio Emanuele at Chiesa Nuova in a narrow alley at no. 31 we find a splendid decoraTor Mellina, once decorated with frescoes tion, perhaps by Benvenuto attributed to Perin del Vaga, is located behind Piazza Navona. Cellini after whom the street 44

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CULTURE AND HISTORY native route through the streets of beauty in search of that grandiose but at times forgotten 16th-century Rome, and which still have something to reveal to the observant resident, student or tourist. And without forgetting Guy Debord’s valuable advice: “You should be alienated and look at everything as though it were for the first time. One way to achieve this is to walk with measured steps and your gaze turned slightly

upwards, so as to bring architecture to the centre of your field of vision and leave the street level at the lower edge of your sight. You should perceive space as a single unit and let yourself be attracted by the detail.” Arianna Farina A longer version of this article can be seen on our website www.wantedinrome.com.

Some of the artists Polidoro da Caravaggio, 1496-1543. A Mannerist painter and a pupil of Raffaello. Maturino da Firenze, 1490-1528. Born in Florence he worked mainly in Rome, often with Polidoro da Caravaggio. JACOPO RIPANDA, 1465-1516. Born in Bologna he was part of Pinturicchio’s circle and worked on the Borgia apartments in the Vatican. Interested in historical scenes he also executed frescoes in the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Capitoline Hill and important drawings of the frieze on Trajan’s column. Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1481-1536. He was born in Siena and worked for both Bramante and Raffaello in Rome. His frescoes are also in Siena Cathedral. Perin del Vaga, 1501-1547. One of Ghirlandaio’s most talented pupils. In Rome he became an assistant to Raffaello. One of his works in Rome is the Pietà in the church of S. Stefano del Cacco. Raffaellino da Reggio, 1550-1578. A Mannerist painter from Emilia. His works in Rome are in the Oratorio del Gonfalone and Villa Farnese outside Rome at Caprarola. Federico Zuccari, 1540-1609. A Mannerist painter. Born near Urbino, he worked in Rome under his brother Taddeo. His works are also in Trinità dei Monti, S. Marcello al Corso, Oratorio del Gonfalone, Villa Farnese at Caprarola and Orvieto Cathedral. Daniele da Volterra, 1509-1566. A Mannerist painter who was a pupil of Perin del Vaga. In Rome he joined Michelangelo’s circle and based some of his works on sketches provided by the great artist. He is best known for painting the loincloths on the naked figures in Michelangelo’s Last Judgement, earning him the nickname of “Il Braghettone” (“the breeches-maker”). www.wantedinrome.com | 45

roman life

FROM ABBUFFATA TO A ZONZO A rough guide to some of Rome’s most used expressions


ondon has Cockney, Liverpool its Scouse, To start with, some attention-grabbing pet Newcastle its Geordie. Rome has a expletives. First the ubiquitous mannaggia: strange offshoot of Latin, known pejora- the stress – whether of annoyance, pain or tively as Romanesco by some, Romano by amazement – falls on the second syllable. others or, more usually, Romanaccio. The Once mal ne abbia, or “the devil take it”, this original form was extant in the time of the not so much a swear-word as the avoidance Rome poet Gioachino Belli (1791-1863) but of one. Or even more harmlessly – at least was duly supcompared to Anplanted by a glo Saxon’s fourlowly equivalent letter equivalent thanks to its sim– Mannaggia la plicity, concision miseria. and immediacy. Equally common Its expressions is li mortacci tua. pepper everyday Dare the rushdiscourse. To help hour traffic the non-native around Porta speaker replace Maggiore and bemusement the launch of this with amusement, phrase is almost here’s a brief linguaranteed from guistic vadema rolled-down ecum to some window or waspwords that no ish motorcyclist. conversation (or In fact the derivaargument) can tion is from anBelli wrote over 2,000 sonnets in Romanesco. do without. cient Roman an46

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roman life

Statue in Trastevere of Romanesco poet Carlo Salustri, popularly known as Trilussa.

cestor worship when forebears were treated with maximum respect. (See a statue in the Montemartini museum of a Roman worthy proudly carrying two heads of departed progenitors tucked fondly beneath his shoulders.) The expression also demonstrates how a swear word redoubles its force when directed against a family member. Alimorte, more in surprise than malice, is a more neutral variant. Ammazza meaning literally “kill” (ammappa its euphemistic version) is another favourite. Once this bloodthirsty cry of the plebs was directed, with thumbs down, at a losing gladiator, but it has been tamed over time to convey wonder or even admiration as in Ammazza, quant’è bella! Cazzo has also acquired meanings far removed from the original. With the unshockability and level-headedness of the true linguist, Giuliano Malizia in his Piccolo Dizion-

ario Romanesco devotes two columns to it. While acknowledging the obvious vulgarity, he also notes how it can “express disdain, boredom, wonder, anger or incredulity; or nothing and nobody, a good-for-nothing.” In the mouth of the people its use “reinforces discourse, to make it more credible, real, consistent.” If that’s not defence enough, he then cites its adoption by literary heavyweights Belli, Machiavelli and Leopardi to season their writings. Cacà (defecate) often becomes, less vulgarly, an all-purpose, self-evidently pejorative prefix. So cacadoji is the archetypal doommonger or oppressive pessimist, a Roman Jonah; cacadubbi labels someone hesitant, cacapepe someone on the touchy side, cacasotto coward, cacasentenze an opinionater. Lastly there is cacaversi, compared to which our own poetaster seems a compliment. Similar departures from original meaning www.wantedinrome.com | 47

roman life

Much-loved actor Alberto Sordi was famous for his Roman dialect particularly in films such as Un Americano a Roma.

occur with culo: Vaffanculo as vulgar as one can get (a Roman “Up yours!”) can also express joking incredulity before something unlikely or impossible – as in “Pull the other one!” The opposite of jella, (meaning misfortune) here beginning with a y sound, in avè culo, the noun referring not to the posterior body-part but to luck, perhaps plumpness in that area once being an indicator of wealth. Faccia da culo or faccia come il culo meanwhile expresses anything between cheek and downright shamelessness, as exemplified by certain chat show politicians. The history of mignotta (for prostitute, as in the title of a Pasolini short story set in Via Casilina) follows an opposite path, its origin in the less pejorative matris ignotae (of unknown mother) under which orphans were entered in the public register, or M. ignotae for short. Urban (not to say imperial) arrogance is expressed in a series of other pejoratives for provincials, unlucky or foolish enough to 48

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have been born outside the city wall: cafone, originally denoted people from Calabria. Then there are zappaterra (hoer of the earth) and buzzurro, originally denoting itinerant chestnut sellers from Switzerland, then anywhere from the north. Less specific is burino, showing that Romanesco goes back a long way, “buris” being Latin for plough-handle. Not that things end here. In the spirit of campanilismo (which itself means provincialism – campanile being the village spire) there is noantri – “we others”, in contradistinction to non-Romans everywhere, even within Rome: Trasteverini used to vie with Montosi from across the river in Rione Monti for the title of true sons of the soil, the Roman Forum becoming their annual battleground to dispute that very question. Like Cockney, Romanesco has a genius for short forms. If Cockney tends to leave off the ends of words, then Romanesco leaves off the beginning also. Immondizia (rubbish) becomes ‘monnezza; uno turns into ‘no, una

roman life into ‘na; andiamo becomes ‘nnamo, etc. The Romanesco èsse (to be) produces: io sò, noi semo, voi sete, loro sò. As befits the dialect of caput mundi, Romanesco has a hotline back to Latin: abbacchio (lamb), a delicious speciality of cucina romana, derives from ad baculam, “on the stick” the animal was attached to before being led to slaughter; the verb, abbacchiasse, by metaphoric extension means to be laid low or depressed. Pennichella, Rome’s siesta, stems from pendicare, the Latin for to lean; fiottà to lament from fluctuare. Hardly surprising given a Jewish presence going back over two millennia, there are also occasional etymological flashbacks to Hebrew. As in English, words are often not what they seem. Palo in fare palo has nothing to with a post, but is to stand look-out. If someone calls you selcio he’s not calling you a rock, but insulting your intelligence; dritto means not upright or straight but sly; strozzapreti (priest-strangler) is no criminal but a type of pasta. Buffi (a derivative of buffoon) means debts, anything but funny. Avé le purce in testa may mean to harbour dangerous thoughts rather than lice. On the literary front Cockney, for all its rhyming slang, has not got much beyond Chas and Dave or Joe Brown and the Bruvvers. Romanesco on the other hand can boast two world-class poets – Belli and Trilussa. Stroll (annà a zonzo) to Trastevere for a binge (abbuffata) and you’ll find a bar named after one poet, a trattoria after another. Putting Romanesco up where it belongs, both have statues. To cite Belli’s own introduction to his Sonnetti romanschi and read just the language hierarchy still further: “Given their bent for sarcasm, a genius for the rough-and-ready, our populace don’t mince words.” Martin Bennett

Romanesco has a lyricism all its own, thus vedé tutte le stelle metaphorises pain. The following are all phrases of which any writer would be proud. Cascarci come una pera cotta (Fall for it like a cooked pear) Pieno com’un ovo (Full as an egg) Liscio com’una palla de bijardo (Smooth as a billiard ball) Parlà come ‘naa sveja quanno se scarica (Talk like an alarm-clock) Barbottà come la pila ar foco (Stutter like a log on a fire) Avè molte face come ‘na cipolla (Have as many faces as an onion) Usà una cupola per spegne na canella (Use a dome to put out a candle) Montà la mosca ar naso (To have a fly up one’s nose) For more Roman expressions, and their unlikely English translations, see the Facebook page Never A Joy - Detti romaneschi per anglofoni. Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (1791-1863) was famous for his Romanesco sonnets which satirised the pursuits of working-class Romans as well as pimps, prostitutes and prelates. He left behind a staggering legacy of 2,279 sonnets, most of which veer between the humorous and the obscene. A white marble statue of the poet acts as a landmark at the Ponte Garibaldi end of Viale Trastevere. Born ten years after Belli died, Carlo Alberto Salustri (1873-1950) took up the mantle as the chronicler of Roman life in the city’s native dialect. Better known by his pen name of Trilussa (an anagram of his surname), the poet is remembered for his sonnets and poems which feature the petite bourgeoisie and the ruling classes. A statue of Trilussa can also be found in Trastevere, in the square named in his honour.

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legal affairs

Health care: service or sufferance?

A guide to the ins and outs of the Italian health system


n the World Health Organization’s last health care ranking in 2000, Italy’s health care system was regarded as the second best in the world after France, and according to the CIA World Factbook 2004 Italy has the 10th highest life expectancy, “thanks to its good healthcare”. Italy is host to many acclaimed medical professionals and supports a high level of medical and research excellence. Unfortunately, as is the case in many countries, spending on health care has been cut over the last couple of years resulting in decreased services, bottlenecks and increases in waiting time for visits to specialists and surgical operations, which often force people to turn to private medical care at their own expense. The Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) or na-

tional health service was established in 1978 to provide Italians and foreign residents with tax-funded health care provided by a mixed public / private system. The system is governed by the ministry of health on a national level but is administered on a regional basis through the coordination of local health agencies, Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL). Although tourists have access to all emergency services it is advisable to take out travel insurance to cover any prolonged therapy or hospital stays due to any accidents and misfortunes. All foreigners have the right to claim for damages through an Italian lawyer for any accidents they suffer while in Italy. Foreigners who are resident in Italy with a valid residency permit (permesso di sogwww.wantedinrome.com | 51

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giorno) which is obtained at the local police station (questura – polizia di stato) are required to register with their local ASL and have the same right as Italians to national health care. Foreigners entering Italy on a study visa or a visa to carry out au-pair services, although they are not considered residents, may register with the national health system for the period of their stay, subject to the payment of a fee. The fee varies from region to region but is on average ₏150 a year for a student and ₏220 for an aupair, payable on 1 January each year. 52

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In order to register at your local ASL you require a copy of a valid residency permit (permesso di soggiorno), a residency certificate from the municipality (comune) in which you are resident or auto certification of where you are resident, an Italian tax code (codice fiscale) or receipt that you have requested one. In the case of families you need the residency permit (permesso di soggiorno) for each dependent. After registration you receive a medical card (tessera sanitaria) which allows you access to national medical services. (This card is also a

legal confirmation of your tax code.) At the ASL you will be given a list of available local medical practitioners from which you are required to select a family doctor (medico di famiglia). For children up to six years of age you are allocated a paediatrician. After the age of six, children may remain with the same paediatrician until the age of 16 or opt to change over to the family doctor. If you are dissatisfied with your doctor you have the right to change doctors once a year. Although visits to your family doctor and paediatrician are free there are co-payments (pagamento ticket) for prescribed medicines. If the cost of the medication is less than €5 you pay €2.50 and if the cost exceeds €5 you pay €4. Obligatory vaccinations – namely diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio virus, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenza type b, mumps, measles, rubella (German measles) system is supposed to work it should be said – are free of charge and are administered by that the national health system is more than the staff of your local ASL. Specialist visits, adequate if you suffer from the occasional scans, examinations and tests prescribed by ‘flu, ache or pain. However, people with an family doctors are subject to co-payment ongoing need for specialist care should be (pagamento ticket) which, depending on the aware that the waiting period for specialist region and the nature of the visit, ranges visits on the national health service can take between €36-€51. Pregnant women and months, and taking into consideration the the chronically ill or disabled may register price of co-payments (pagamento ticket) it with their ASL for exemption from these is often more efficient to consult a private payments. Any operations specialist. In which case or hospital stays recomyou should consider taking Studio Legale Annino mended by specialists are out a reasonably priced www.annino-lawfirm.com covered by the national international health insurhealth system. ance or, if allowed, remain We welcome any In Italy, dental check-ups on your home country’s suggestions that readers may and orthodontic services national health scheme have. Please send these either are not covered by the nathrough which you may to editorial@wantedinrome.com tional health service and in be reimbursed for medical or directly to almost all cases the costs services in Italy. avv.annino@libero.it. are borne by the patient. Having outlined how the Studio Legale Annino www.wantedinrome.com | 53

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Sign on the dotted line without unpleasant surprises “Law benefits and protects Landlords over Tenants, Creditors over Debtors, Lenders over Borrowers. The poor are seldom among the favoured parties� – John Turner


his quote holds true pretty much everywhere in the world but it is also important to understand the differences in renting practices in Italy during and at the termination of a rental contract to avoid being faced with unexpected expenses. In Italy there are generally two types of residential contracts, the first being free market contracts (contratto di libero mercato). These are based on an agreement made between the owner (locatore) and the tenant (conduttore). The contract lasts for four years, with an automatic renewal of a further four years (often called 4+4). The second type is mutually agreed contracts (contratti concertati); these are more flexible contractual forms for particular situations and groups of persons. This 54

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type of contract allows for: residential (uso abitativo) with a duration of 3+2 years which can usually be increased to 4+2 and even beyond; transitory (uso transitorio) which has a duration of 1 to 18 months, and cannot be renewed, and is applicable usually to particular situations such as the need for the tenant to have the apartment available for a short period, for example a temporary work contract; student rentals (uso studenti universitari) with a duration of between 6 and 36 months. This can be used in municipalities where there is a university and in their neighbouring municipalities. Rental agreements in Italy differ quite a lot from those in most Anglo-American countries, where a lessee is normally responsible for paying a fixed rental, water and energy bills and the owner/lessor is responsible for maintenance of the property and any municipal and condominium levies. In Italy the lessees do not just pay rent but take on

legal affairs more of the financial obligations for the property they are renting. Here are some of the additions to look out for before entering into a rental contract: First and foremost always ask for proof of ownership (visura catastale – property deed) to ensure that the person you are paying the rental to is the bona fide owner and not a family member or a factotum renting out the property without the owner’s knowledge, which could lead to your contract being annulled and leave you looking for other accommodation. The costs pertaining to the registration of the contract should be borne in equal parts by the lessee and owner/lessor. With regard to the rent (canone), if you are asked to pay a deposit as a guarantee to the owner, always request a separate receipt as at the termination of the contract you are entitled to your deposit plus bank interest for the period it was retained. It is also advisable to include payment dates and method, i.e. bank transfer, cheque or cash. If paying in cash always demand an official receipt in order to comply with Italian tax laws. Also check to see if the owner has included an ISTAT (consumer authority) clause in the contract. ISTAT is the national statistics authority that calculates the value of price increases every

year; the owner of a property may increase the rent each year according to this percentage value. Over and above water and energy bills you will be responsible for all service charges pertaining to the property such as central heating, lift maintenance, stair cleaning, ordinary maintenance of the courtyard and garden, cold water from central systems, and any costs for the administration of the apartment building and waste tax. To establish the actual amount of the service charges it is advisable to ask the owner or estate agent for a copy of the previous year’s balance sheets, complete with a division of the costs, of which each apartment in a condominium pays a share, based on the size and value of the apartment, usually expressed in millesimi (thousandths of the total). Terms governing the maintenance of the property differ greatly in Italy. Repairs to the sanitary fittings, electrical system, plumbing, gas and hot water systems are your responsibility, including an annual emissions check on the boiler (caldaia). The repair of any drains and piping and the periodical maintenance of internal and external doors and windows (infissi) are also usually required. On expiry of the contract www.wantedinrome.com | 55

legal affairs the property must be returned to the owner grant you the same notice period, or you in the same condition, without prejudice to could find yourself paying a double rental normal wear. In order to protect yourself it is for a six-month period. advisable to take photographs of the interior For all matters not specifically covered in of the property before taking up occupation the contract, request that it should include and give copies to the agent or owner for ref- a clause with reference to the Italian Civil erence. Also check the painting clause in the Code and Italian law no. 431 of 1998. In this contract, as many owners hold the tenant re- way you are covered by the law in the event sponsible for of any other re p a i n t i n g unexpected the interior requests. of the propThe lessor erty at the cannot terend of the minate the lease. If this contract is included, early for specify that family reaprior to sons. The painting you lessor may will either only terselect the minate the contractor contract for to carry out the followthe work or that you have the right to ap- ing reasons: if the tenant infringes the rules prove a quote by the owner to prevent ex- laid down by a condominium; if the tenant travagant costs. wilfully damages the property; repetitive Check to make sure there is an early termi- non-payment of rental, condominium fees nation clause in the contract, which gives or services. the lessee the possibility to terminate the The items we have covered are by no means contract in advance, considering that most exhaustive of all the issues in a rental contract contracts are binding for but rather those that differ four years. But then also most from other countries, Studio Legale Annino keep in mind that it is so it is advisable to get the www.annino-lawfirm.com usually provided for by a contract translated into six-month notice period English so that you can go We welcome any and written notice must through it with a fine-tooth suggestions that readers may be sent by registered letcomb to make sure you are have. Please send these either ter with confirmation of happy with it before signto editorial@wantedinrome.com receipt (raccomandata a/r). ing it and buying a “Home or directly to If you have to transfer for sweet home� sign. avv.annino@libero.it. work, it would be prudent Studio Legale Annino to ask your employer to 56

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Index Art Galleries






Car Parks




Cultural Centres










Music Organisations


Parks and Gardens




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Support Groups




rome’s Well-Kept Secrets / I Segreti Nascosti Di roma


Activities for children


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art galleries A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna Via dei Banchi Vecchi 61, tel. 0668307537 www.aamgalleria.it

Galleria Lorcan O’Neill Via Orti d’ Alibert 1, tel. 0668892980 www.lorcanoneill.com

Associazione Culturale Valentina Moncada Via Margutta 54, tel. 063207956 www.valentinamoncada.com

Galleria Monserrato Arte 900 Via di Monserrato 14, tel. 066861767

Chiostro del Bramante Arco della Pace 5, tel. 0668809035 www.chiostrodelbramante.it Fondazione Volume Via S. Franceso di Sales 86/88, tel. 066892431 www.fondazionevolume.com Galleria Alessandra Bonomo Via del Gesù 62, tel. 0669925858 www.bonomogallery.com Galleria Extraspazio Via S. Francesco di Sales 16/a, tel. 0668210655 www.extraspazio.it Gagosian Gallery Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498 www.gagosian.com


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Magazzino d’Arte Moderna Via dei Prefetti 17, tel. 066875951 www.magazzinoartemoderna.com Sala Uno Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10, tel. 0670008691 www.salauno.com Sala S. Rita Via Montanara 8, tel. 0667105568 www.salasantarita.culturaroma.it Valentina Bonomo Roma Via di Portico d’Ottavia 13, tel. 066832766 www.galleriabonomo.com TRAleVolte Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 2, tel. 0670491663 www.tralevolte.org

associations American International Club of Rome Tel. 0645447625 www.aicrome.org

International Women’s Club of Rome Tel. 0633267490 www.pwarome.org

American Women’s Association of Rome Tel. 064825268 www.awar.org

Irish Club of Rome irishclubrome@gmail.com, www.irishclubofrome.com

Association of British Expats in Italy britishexpatsinitaly@gmail.com

Luncheon Club of Rome Tel. 3385094448

Apicolf (Associazione professionale dei collaboratori familiari) www.api-colf.it

Navy League of the United States Tel. 065828519 www.navyleague.org

Assindatcolf (Associazione sindacato nazionale Patrons of the Arts in Vatican Museums datore di lavoro dei collaboratori familiari) Tel. 0669881814 www.assindatcolf.it www.vatican-patrons.org Association of Malaysians in Italy Tel. 3891162161 malaysiansinitaly@gmail.com

Professional Women’s Association Tel. 065827657 www.pwarome.org

Canadian Club of Rome canadarome@gmail.com

United Nations Women’s Guild Tel. 0657053628 www.unwgrome.multiply.com

Circolo di cultura Mario Mieli Tel. 065413985 www.mariomieli.org Commonwealth Club of Rome Ccrome08@gmail.com

Welcome Neighbor Tel. 3479313040 www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

www.wantedinrome.com | 61

books Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942 Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222 www.aab.it Bibliotheque Centre d’Etudes St Louis Largo Toniolo 20/22, tel. 066802637 www.saintlouisdefrance.it Griot dall’Africa Via di S. Cecilia 1/a, tel. 0658334116 www.libreriagriot.it Herder Bookshop Piazza di Montecitorio 117, tel. 066794628 www.herder.it Il Mare, Libreria Internazionale Via di Ripetta 239, tel. 063612155 www.ilmare.com La Librairie Francaise de Rome, La Procure Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 www.librairiefrancaiserome.com Libreria Feltrinelli International Via V.E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878 www.lafeltrinelli.it


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Libreria Quattro Fontane Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484 www.libreriaquattrofontane.it Libreria Spagnola Sorgente Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950 www.libreriaspagnola.it S. Susanna Lending Library Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 The Open Door Bookshop Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478 www.books-in-italy.com

car parks ES Park Via G. Giolitti 267 (Termini station), tel. 0644704053 Parking dell’Auditorium Viale Pilsudsky 21 (Flaminio/Parioli), tel. 068081646 Parking Ludovisi Via Ludovisi 60 (Via Veneto), tel. 064740632 Parking Villa Borghese - Saba Italia Viale del Muro Torto (Villa Borghese), tel. 063225934 Piazza Cavour underground car park Piazza Cavour Terminal Gianicolo Piazza Rovere (Vatican/Aurelio), tel. 066840331

www.wantedinrome.com | 63

cinemas Alcazar Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 In original language on Mon Casa del Cinema Largo Mastroianni 1, Villa Borghese tel. 06423601, www.casadelcinema.it Cinema Lux Via Massaciuccoli 31, tel. 0686391361 Fiamma Multisala Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526 Filmstudio Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987 Greenwich Via G Bodoni 59, tel. 065745825


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Showing films in their original language Multisala Barberini Piazza Barberini 24-26, tel. 0686391361 Nuovo Olimpia Via in Lucina 16g, tel. 066861068 Nuovo Sacher Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 In original language on Mon when available

cultural centres American Academy in Rome Via Angelo Masina 5, tel. 0658461 www.aarome.org

Egyptian Academy Via Omero 4, tel. 063201896 www.egyptianacademyinrome.com

Austrian Cultural Forum Viale Bruno Buozzi 113, tel. 063608371 www.austria.it

French Academy Viale TrinitĂ dei Monti 1, tel. 0667611 www.villamedici.it

Belgian Academy Via Omero 8, tel. 063201889 www.academiabelgica.it

German Academy Largo di Villa Massimo 1/2, tel. 064425931 www.deutsche-kultur-international.de

British Council Via di S. Sebastianello 16, tel. 06478141 www.britishcouncil.it

German Historical Institute Via Aurelia Antica 391, tel. 066604921 www.dhi-roma.it

British School at Rome Via Gramsci 61, tel. 063264939 www.bsr.ac.uk

Goethe Institut Via Savoia 15, tel. 068440051 www.goethe.de

Casa di Goethe Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412 www.casadigoethe.it

Hungarian Academy Via Giulia 1, tel. 066889671 www.magyarintezet.hn

Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France Largo Toniolo 20/22, tel. 066802629 www.saintlouisdefrance.it

Istituto Cervantes Via di Villa Albani 16, tel. 068551949 www.cervantes.es

Danish Academy Via Omero 18, tel. 063265931 www.dkinst-rom.dk

Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient, (African section) Via Aldrovandi 16, tel. 063216712 www.isiao.it

Dutch Institute Via Omero 10/12, tel. 063269621 www.nir-roma.it

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cultural centres Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (Oriental section) Via Merulana 248, tel. 064874273 www.isiao.it Italian Institute for Latin America Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 3, tel. 06684921 www.iila.org Japanese Cultural Institute Via Gramsci 74, tel. 063224754 www.jfroma.it Norwegian Institute Viale XXX Aprile 33, tel. 0658391007 www.hf.uio.no Polish Academy of Science Vicolo Doria 2, tel. 066792170 www.accademiapolacca.it Polish Cultural Institute Via Vittoria Colonna 1, tel. 0636000723 www.istitutopolacco.it Romanian Academy Piazza Jose di S. Martin 1, tel. 063201594 www.accadromania.it Russian Institute of Culture and Language Via Farini 62, tel. 064870137 Spanish Academy Piazza S. Pietro in Montorio 3, tel. 065818607 www.raer.it


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Swedish Institute of Classical Studies Via Omero 14, tel. 063201596 www.isvroma.it Swiss Institute Via Ludovisi 48, tel. 064814234 www.istitutosvizzero.it

education Ambrit Rome International School Via F. Tajani 50, tel. 065595305/301 www.ambrit-rome.com

Greenwood Garden School Via Vito Sinisi 5, tel./fax 0633266703 www.greenwoodgardenschool.com

American Overseas School of Rome Via Cassia 811, tel. 06334381 www.aosr.org

Institut Saint Dominique Via Igino Leg 5, tel. 0630310817 www.institutsaintdominique.it

American University of Rome Via P. Roselli 4, tel. 0658330919 www.aur.edu

John Cabot University Via della Lungara 233, tel. 066819121 www.johncabot.edu

Britannia International School of Rome Via Ernesto Parisi 11, tel. 0671354252 www.britanniainternationalschool.it

Kendale Primary International School Via Gradoli 86, tel. 0633267608 kendaleprimaryschool@libero.it

Castelli International School Via degli Scozzesi 13, Grottaferrata, tel./fax 0694315779 www.castelli-international.it

La Maisonette Viale Monte Oppio 7, tel 064873185 and Viale dell’ Umanesimo 72/74, tel. 065910339 www.lamaisonnette.net

Castelli Kindergarten Via dei Laghi km 8,600, Marino, tel. 0693661311 www.castellikindergarten.com

Liceo Español Cervantes Via di Porta S. Pancrazio 9/10, tel. 065882225 www.educacion.es

Core International School Via Crati 19, tel./fax 068411137 www.coreinternationalschool.it

Loyola Universisty Via Massimi 114, tel. 0635344799 www.luc.edu/romecenter

Deutsche Schule Rom Via Aurelia Antica 397, tel. 066638776 www.dsrom.de

Lycée Chateaubriand Via di Villa Patrizi 9, tel. 064402654 www.lycee-chateaubriand.eu

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education Marymount International School Via di Villa Lauchli 180, tel. 063629101 www.marymountrome.org

St Stephen’s School Via Aventina 3, tel. 065750605 www.ststephens-rome.com

Rome International School Via Panama 25, tel. 0684482650/51 www.romeinternationalschool.it

Temple University Rome Lungotevere A. da Brescia 15, tel. 063202808 www.templerome.it

Scuola Giapponese Via della Casetta Mattei 104, tel. 0665670219 www.isbi.com

The New School Via della Camilluccia 669, tel. 063294269 www.newschoolrome.com

Scuola Svizzera Via Marcello Malpighi 14, tel. 064402109 www.scuolasvizzeradiroma.it

The Nomentana Junior School of St George’s British International School Via Spallanzani 12/14, tel. 0630860091 www.stgeorge.school.it

Southlands English School in Rome Via Teleclide 40, tel. 065053932 www.southlands.it St Francis International School Via delle Benedettine 50/b, tel. 0635511023 www.stfrancis-school.it St George’s British International School Via Cassia km 16, tel. 063086001 www.stgeorge.school.it St John’s University Via Marcantonio Colonna 21, tel. 06393842 www.stjohns.edu/rome


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Golf Castel Gandolfo Country Club (18 holes) Via S. Spirito 13, tel. 069312301 www.countryclubcastelgandolfo.it

Parco di Roma Golf Club (18 holes) Via dei Due Ponti 110, tel. 0633653396 www.parcodiroma.it

Circolo del Golf Fioranello (18 holes) Via della Falcognana 61, tel. 067138080 www.fioranellogolf.it

Sheraton Golf Parco de Medici (18 + 9 holes) Viale Salvatore Rebecchini 39, tel. 066553477 www.sheraton.com/golfrome

Circolo del Golf Roma Acquasanta (18 holes) Via Appia Nuova 716/a, tel. 067803407 www.golfroma.it Eucalyptus Golf Club (18 + 2 holes) Via Nettunense km. 26,400, Aprilia, tel. 0692746252 www.eucalyptusgolfclub.it Golf Club Arco di Costantino (18 + 9 holes) Via Flaminia km. 15,800, tel. 0633624440 www.golfarco.it Golf Club Le Querce (18 + 2 holes) Via Cassia km. 44,500, localitĂ S. Martino, tel. 0761600789 www.golfclubquerce.it Olgiata Golf Club (18 + 9 holes) Largo Olgiata 15, tel. 0630889141 www.olgiatagolfclub.it

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Health Fatebenefratelli Piazza Fatebenefratelli 2, tel. 0668371 www.fatebenefratelli-isolatiberina.it Forlanini Via Portuense 332, tel. 06551801 www.scamilloforlanini.rm.it Ospedale Oftalmico Via S. Onofrio 3, tel. 0668351

S. Eugenio Piazzale dell’Umanesimo 10, tel. 0651004555 S. Giovanni Addolorata Via dell’Amba Aradam 8, tel. 0677051 S. Spirito Lungotevere in Sassia 1, tel. 0668351

Sandro Pertini Via Monti Tiburtini 385, tel. 06415931 Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù Piazza S. Onofrio 4, tel. 0668591 (also Viale S. Spallanzani Paolo 15) - www.ospedalebambinogesu.it Via Portuense 292, tel. 06551701 Policlinico Agostino Gemelli Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, tel. 0630151 www.policlinicogemelli.it Policlinico Umberto I Viale del Policlinico 155, tel. 0649971 www.policlinicoumberto1.it Regina Margherita Via E. Morosini 30, tel. 0677301 S. Andrea Via Cassia 721, tel. 0633063612 www.ospedalesantandrea.it S. Camillo Circ. Gianicolense 87, tel. 0658701 www.scamilloforlanini.rm.it


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Museums Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700 www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it

Galleria Colonna Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350 www.galleriacolonna.it

Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608 en.museicapitolini.org

Galleria Doria Pamphilj Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323 www.doriapamphilj.it

Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111 www.castelsantangelo.com

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (GNAM) Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981 www.gnam.beniculturali.it

Centrale Montemartini Art Centre Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608 en.centralemontemartini.org

Galleria Spada Piazza Capodiferro 13, tel. 066861158 www.galleriaborghese.it/spada/it

Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo Palatine: Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30 Roman Forum: Largo Romolo e Remo 5/6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 tel. 0639967700 www.colosseo-roma.it

Keats Shelley House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235 www.keats-shelley-house.org Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608 www.arapacis.it

Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700 www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma (MACRO) Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608 www.macro.roma.museum

Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia Piazza Villa Giulia 9, tel. 063226571 www.villagiulia.beniculturali.it

Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848 www.mdbr.it

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Museums Museo Borghese Piazzale Scipione Borghese, tel. 06328101 www.galleriaborghese.it

Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832 www.museorientale.it

Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2, tel. 060608 www.museocanonica.it

Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo (MAXXI) Via Guido Reni 4, tel. 0639967350 www.fondazionemaxxi.it

Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera di Villa Borghese Viale Fiorello La Guardia, tel. 060608 www.museocarlobilotti.it

Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini Piazza G. Marconi 14, tel. 06549521 www.pigorini.beniculturali.it

Museo della Civilta’ Romana Piazza G. Agnelli 10, tel. 060608 en.museociviltaromana.it

Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700 archeoroma.beniculturali.it

Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Piazza G. Marconi 10, tel. 060608 www.popolari.arti.beniculturali.it

Palazzo Barberini Via Barberini 13, tel. 064824184 www.galleriaborghese.it/barberini

Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608 en.mercatiditraiano.it

Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608 en.museodiroma.it

Museo Hendrik C Andersen Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20, tel. 063219089 www.museoandersen.beniculturali.it Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608 www.museonapoleonico.it


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Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica Via della Lungara 10, tel. 0668802323 www.galleriaborghese.it/corsini Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500 www.palazzoesposizioni.it

Museums Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700 www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it Palazzo Venezia Museum Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0632810 www.museopalazzovenezia.beniculturali.it Scuderie del Quirinale Via XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500 www.scuderiequirinale.it Vatican Museums Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860 mv.vatican.va Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718 www.museiincomuneroma.it

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Music Organisations Accademia Filarmonica Romana Via Flaminia 118, tel. 063201752 www.filarmonicaromana.org

Oratorio del Gonfalone Via del Gonfalone 32/a, tel. 066875952 www.oratoriogonfalone.com

Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia Auditorium Parco della Musica Via P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 068082058 www.santacecilia.it

Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta Sala Giacomo Puccini Lungotevere Thaon de Revel 1, tel. 063236104 www.romasinfonietta.com

Amici della Musica di Roma Concerts at St Andrew’s Church of Rome Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 3336470115 www.amicimusicaroma.it

Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma Auditorium Conciliazione Via della Conciliazione 4, tel. 800904560 www.orchestrasinfonicadiroma.it

Auditorium Parco della Musica Fondazione Musica per Roma Viale Pietro de Coubertin 30, tel. 0680241281 www.auditorium.com

Roma Tre Orchestra Teatro Palladium Largo B. Romano 8, tel. 0645553050 www.operaroma.it

Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti Aula Magna Università La Sapienza, tel. 063610051 www.concertiiuc.it

Teatro dell’Opera Piazza Beniamino Gigli 7, tel. 0648160255, 064817003 www.romaeuropa.net

Musica per Roma Auditorium Parco della Musica Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281, 892982 www.auditorium.com


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Parks and Gardens Botanical Gardens of Rome Largo Cristina di Svezia 24, tel. 0649917106 Gardens of Ninfa, Fondazione Roffredo Caetani Onlus Via dell Fortezza 04010, Sermoneta (LT) Tel. 0773695404 www.fondazionecaetani.org Giardini della Landriana Via Campo di Carne 51, Tor S. Lorenzo, Ardea, tel. 0691014140 www.giardinidellalandriana.it Giardini La Mortella Via Francesco Calise 39, Forio d’Ischi (NA), tel. tel. 081986220 www.lamortella.org Roseto Comunale Via di Valle Murcia, tel. 065746810 S. Liberato Via Settevene Palo 33, Bracciano, tel. 0699805460 www.sanliberato.it

Vatican Gardens Viale Vaticano www.vatican.va Villa Ada Via Salaria (Via Ponte Salario for concerts) Villa Borghese Main entrances at Piazzale Flaminio and Porta Pinciana Villa Celimontana Piazza della Navicella Villa Doria Pamphilj Main entrance at Porta S. Pancrazio Villa d’Este (Tivoli) Tel. 199766166 (call centre) www.villadestetivoli.info Villa Gregoriana (Tivoli) Tel. 063996770 www.villagregoriana.it

La Tacita Country Club Vocabolo Palombara, Località Miniera, 02040 Roccantica, Rieti, tel. 076563626 www.latacita.it, info@latacita.it

www.wantedinrome.com | 81

Religious All Saints’ Anglican Church Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 & 10.00 www.allsaintsrome.org Anglican Centre Piazza del Collegio Romano 2, tel. 066780302 anglicancentre.churchinsight.com Bible Baptist Church Via S. Giovanni Re 1, tel. 334 / 29334593 Christian Science Services Via Stresa 41, tel. 0636014425 Church of All Nations Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464

Jewish Community Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061 Jewish Reform Group in Rome Congregation Lev Chadash Piazza della Libertà 10, tel. 3393824815 Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761 www.laycentre.org Lutheran Church (German) Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70, tel. 064817519 Sunday service 10.00

Church of Sweden (Swedish) Via A. Berolani 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15

Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30 www.methodistchurchrome.com

Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian South Rome, tel. 0650917621 - 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371 akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it

Pontifical Irish College Via dei Santi Quattro 1, 06772631 www.irishcollege.org

International Central Gospel Church Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695 International Christian Fellowship Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00


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Rome Baptist Church Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 Sunday service 10.30 (English), 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese) www.methodistchurchrome.com

Religious Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091 Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico) Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 www.centroislamicoculturale.it

St Paul’s Within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal) Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30, 10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish) www.stpaulsrome.it

Salvation Army S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) Centro Sociale Virgilio Paglieri, Via degli Apuli Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 0667977121 41, tel. 064451351 Sunday service 10.00, 17.30 www.sansilvestroincapite.com St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic) Sunday service 11.00 Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554 www.presbyterianchurchrome.org Sunday service 09.00, 10.30 www.santasusanna.org St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic) Venerable English College (Roman Catholic) Via del Caravita 7 Via di Monserrato 45, tel. 066868546 www.caravita.org S. Isodoro Church (Roman Catholic) Via degli Artisti 41, tel. 064885359 St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic) Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 0642903787 Sunday service 10.00 www.stpatricksrome.com

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Social Services Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a, tel. 0669700306 www.centroastalli.it Caritas canteen Via delle Sette Sale, tel. 064872237 www.caritasroma.it Caritas foreigners support centre Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228, 066861554 www.caritasroma.it Caritas health centre Via Marsala 97, tel. 064463282 www.caritasroma.it Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235 www.caritasroma.it


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Caritas legal assistance Via Labicana 3, tel. 067003951 www.caritasroma.it Comunità di S. Egidio Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234 www.santegidio.org Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre St Paul’sWithin-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339

Support Groups Alcoholics Anonymous Tel. 064742913 www.aarome.info Arch - HIV+ children and their families Tel. 0677250328, 0677250350 www.arche.it Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) Support for victims of stalking, tel. 066535499 Disabled information line Tel. 800271027

Overeaters Anonymous Tel. 064743772 Ryder Italia Support for cancer patients and their families Via Edoardo Jenner 70, tel. 065349622 www.ryderitalia.it The Samaritans Onlus Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed Tel. 800860022

Support for elderly victims of crime Mason Perkins Deafness Fund Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104 Support for deaf and deaf-blind children, tel. 0644234511 www.mpdf.it Narcotics Anonymous Tel. 068604788

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Theatres Globe Theatre Villa Borghese, tel. 0682059127 www.globetheatreroma.com

Teatro Palladium Roma 3 Piazza Bartolomeo Roman 8, tel. 0657067761 www.teatro-palladium.it

Teatro Argentina Torre Argentina 52, tel. 06684000346 www.teatrodiroma.net

Teatro Sistina Via Sistina 129, tel. 064200711 www.ilsistina.com

Teatro Brancaccio Via Merulana 244, tel. 0698264500 www.teatrobrancaccio.it

Teatro Valle Occupato Via Teatro Valle 21, tel. 0668803794 www.teatrovalleoccupato.it

Teatro Eliseo Via Nazionale 183, tel. 064882114 www.teatroeliseo.it Teatro India Lungotevere Vittorio Gassman 1, tel. 06684000314 www.teatrodiroma.net Teatro Olimpico Piazza Gentile da Fabriano 17, tel. 063265991 www.teatroolimpico.it


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Theatres English Theatre in Rome Arts in English This Ostia-based company produces popular song and dance shows. www.artsinenglish.it English Theatre of Rome Rome’s busiest English theatre stages diverse productions near Piazza Navona. www.rometheatre.com Independent English Theatre Polished productions by English-speaking actors and directors. www.independentenglishtheatre.com

Miracle Players Open-air comic adaptations of classics at the Roman Forum every summer. www.miracleplayers.org Rome’s Comedy Club Enjoy stand-up comedy in English at Rome’s monthly comedy night. www.romescomedyclub.tumblr.com The Rome Savoyards Rome’s longest-running theatre company generally stages comedic productions. www.romesavoyards.it

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rome’s well kept secrets i segreti nascosti di roma

Parcheggio Ludovisi


Parcheggio Ludovisi. There is an antique and craft collectors’ market every first Sunday of the month in the Ludovisi underground car park not far from Via Veneto and Villa Borghese. From October to April. Tel. 0636005345. Villa Glori. In the elegant Parioli area of the city there is a collectors’ market every second Sunday of the month. The stalls are close to the pony rides in Villa Glori. September to June. Viale Pilsudsky, tel. 068541461. Monti Market. The Monti Market offers good bargains to be proud of. It is held one Sunday

Villa Glori


Parcheggio Ludovisi. Ogni prima domenica del mese, nel parcheggio sotterraneo Ludovisi si tiene un mercato d’antiquariato e di artefatti artigianali. Il parcheggio si trova vicino a Via Veneto e a Villa Borghese. Da ottobre ad aprile. Tel. 0636005345. Villa Glori. Nell’elegante quartiere Parioli, ogni seconda domenica del mese si tiene un mercato per collezionisti. Le bancarelle sono vicine alla stalla dei pony di Villa Glori. Il mercato è aperto da settembre a giugno. Viale Pilsudsky, tel. 068541461. Mercato Monti. Il Mercato Monti offre la possibilità di fare qualche affare di cui vantarsi. Si tiene una domenica al mese presso la sala conferenza dell’Hotel Palatino, Via Leonina 46/48. Anche questo mercatino si tiene una domenica al mese dalle ore 10.30 alle 20.00 presso il Radisson Blu es. Hotel, Via FilippoTurati 171. Per indicazioni sui giorni della manifestazione controllate www. mercatomonti.com o scrivete a info@mercatomonti.com; ornella@mistybeethoven.it. curiosità

Monti Market


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Le migliori viste di Roma. Ci sono molti punti da qui poter godere le bellezze di Roma. I più famosi sono la vista dal Pincio, dal Fontanone del Gianico-

a month at the conference room of the Hotel Palatino, Via Leonina 46/48. This market also takes place one Sunday a month from 10.30 to 20.00 at the Radisson Hotel, Via Filippo Turati 171. For the dates check www.mercatomonti.com or email: info@ mercatomonti.com, ornella@ mistybeethoven.it. Curiosities

Best views in Rome. There are as many good views of the city as there are hills of Rome. The famous ones are the view from the Pincio, from the Fontanone on the Gianicolo and from the top of St Peter’s dome. But there are three that are less well-known. The first is from the Victor Emmanuel monument in Piazza Venezia, now reached by a lift that goes right to the top. The second is from inside the Scuderie del Quirinale, one of Rome’s major art spaces, and the third is from the top of Palazzo Caffarelli on the Campidoglio. Take Via di Villa Caffarelli from Piazza del Campidoglio and half way up on the left there is a small door. Go inside and up the steep steps to the first floor (no lift). You will find one of the best views ever, as well as a bar and a restaurant. The Cappuccini on Via Veneto. In the basement of the Capuchin church in Via Veneto, there is an unusually artistic cemetery where the bones of 4,000 monks who died between 1600 and 1800 decorate the vaults and walls of four chapels in rather questionable

Best views in Rome

lo e dalla cupola di San Pietro. Ma ce ne sono altri tre che sono meno conosciuti. Il primo è la terrazza del monumento di Vittorio Emanuele in Piazza Venezia, ora raggiungibile con un ascensore. Il secondo è dalle Scuderie del Quirinale, uno degli spazi d’arte più importanti di Roma, e il terzo è dal Palazzo Caffarelli in Campidoglio. Prendete Via di Villa Caffarelli da Piazza del Campidoglio, a metà strada sulla sinistra c’è una piccola porta. Entrate e salite per le ripide scale fino al primo piano (senza ascensore). Li troverete una delle migliori viste di tutta Roma, oltre che un bar e un ristorante. I Cappuccini a Via Veneto. Nei sotterranei della chiesa dei Cappuccini in Via Veneto esiste uno strano cimitero artistico, nel quale sono raccolte le ossa di circa 4.000 frati morti tra il 1600 ed il 1800, le cui ossa ricoprono volte e pareti di quattro cappelle. Il gusto è discutibile, ma vale una visita. Via Veneto 27.

The Cappuccini on Via Veneto


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taste. A touch of the macabre, but it is worth a visit during a holiday in Rome. Via Veneto 27.

Caravaggio Mosque


Caravaggio. Start the visit at the church of S. Luigi dei Francesi (Largo Toniolo close to the Pantheon), which hosts the three masterpieces of the St Matthew cycle by Caravaggio. Then walk round the corner to the church of St Augustine (Piazza S. Agostino) where you will find the Madonna of the Pilgrims. In S. Maria del Popolo (Piazza del Popolo) you can admire two famous paintings depicting the Conversion of St Paul and the Crucifixion of St Peter in the Cerasi Chapel. These are just the masterpieces that you can see in the churches. There are other Caravaggio paintings in the Galleria Borghese, the Galleria Barberini and the Capitoline Museums.

Caravaggio. L’inizio consigliato del percorso parte dalla Chiesa nazionale di Francia, S. Luigi dei Francesi (Largo Toniolo) che contiene ben tre opere del grande Maestro: la Vocazione di S. Matteo, il Martirio di S. Matteo e S. Matteo e l’Angelo. La seconda tappa è la Chiesa di S. Agostino (Piazza S. Agostino) dove, sull’altare della prima cappella a sinistra, si trova la Madonna dei Pellegrini. Per finire si può visitare S. Maria del Popolo (Piazza del Popolo) dove, nella cappella Cerasi, sono esposti due celebri quadri raffiguranti la Conversione di S. Paolo e la Crocifissione di S. Pietro. Altri capolavori del Maestro si trovano nella Galleria Borghese, nella Galleria Barberini e nei Musei Capitolini.

Architettura contemporanea. Roma è famosa per la sua architettura Antica, Rinascimentale, Barocca e del 19 ° secolo. Ma non bisogna dimenticare i capolavori contemporanei. Gli edifici da non perdere sono: la moschea di Paolo Portoghesi (Viale della Moschea), l’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Renzo Piano (viale Piero de Coubertin 30), l’Ara Pacis (piazza Augusto Imperatore) la Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso (Largo Terzo Millennio 8-9, Tor Tre Teste) di Richard Meier, il Museo Nazionale d’ Arte del 21° secolo (MAXXI) di Zaha Hadid (via Guido Reni 4) e il Museo d’ Arte Contemporanea della Contemporary architecture. città (MACRO) di Odile Decq (Via Rome is known for its Ancient, Reggio Emilia 54). Roma è anche Renaissance, Baroque and 19th- una città moderna. century architecture. But don’t forget the contemporary mas- Palazzo Spada. Al pianterreno

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terpieces. Here is an impressive list of buildings completed within the last decade. The mosque by Paolo Portoghesi (Viale della Moschea), the Auditorium Parco della Musica by Renzo Piano (Viale Piero de Courbertin 30), the Ara Pacis (Piazza Augusto Imperatore) and the Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso (Largo Terzo Millennium8-9, Tor Tre Testa) by Richard Meier, the national museum of art of the 21st century (MAXXI) by Zaha Hadid (Via Guido Reni 4) and the city’s museum of contemporary art, (MACRO) by Odile Decq (Via Reggio Emilia 54). Rome is a modern city too. Palazzo Spada. On the ground floor of the elegant Palazzo Spada you can admire a magnificent colonnade with an enormous statue of Mars at the end. This is a clever trick of perspective by Borromini, because the gallery is really only about nine metres long and Mars is less than one metre high. Piazza Capo di Ferro 13. Roma underground organises tailor-made guided tours to underground archaeological sites normally closed to the public. Tel. 0654221988, www. romasotterranea.it, attivita@ romasotterranea.it.

si può ammirare il colonnato con in fondo l’imponente statua di Marte. Si tratta di uno «scherzo» di Francesco Borromini, perché la galleria è in realtà lunga circa nove metri e il Marte è inferiore ad un metro di altezza. L’immagine di grandiosità è data da un effetto di prospettiva che fornisce l’interessante illusione. Piazza Capo di Ferro 13. Roma sotterranea organizza visite guidate ai siti archeologici sotterranei normalmente chiusi al pubblico. Tel. 0654221988, www.romasotterranea.it, attivita@romasotterranea.it. Il Segway Tour di Roma è il mezzo più originale e veloce per visitare l’intero centro storico rispetto ad una classica passeggiata nel cuore della città: dal Colosseo ai Fori Imperiali, dalla Città del Vaticano alla splendida Piazza di Spagna, www.italysegwaytours.com/ rometours.asp.

Palazzo Spada

Segway Experience Tour

Roma underground

Rome Segway Experience Tour. A quicker and more original way of visiting the historic centre of Rome than on foot, from the Colosseum to the Imperial Forums, from the Vatican City to Piazza di Spagna, www.italysegwaytours.com/rometours.asp.

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Tram/bus 3


Tram/bus 3. If you want to travel as the Romans do and get a good glimpse of many of the city’s sites, all for a €1.50 tram ride, then jump on Tram 3. You can catch it just outside Trastevere station. It will take you to Porta S. Paolo and the Protestant cemetery, one of the most beautiful graveyards in the world, along the side of the Colosseum, past three basilicas – S. Giovanni, S. Croce in Gerusalemme and S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura – within walking distance of Rome’s La Sapienza University and into Parioli, one of the most fashionable areas in town. The ride ends at the Museo Nazionale d’ Arte Moderna and after a visit to this modern art collection you could then continue to Villa Giulia the world’s best museum of Etruscan civilisation. From here you can walk through Villa Borghese into the historic centre of the city. The only site you won’t see is St Peter’s but you can do that on Rome’s other famous (or infamous) bus, the 64. But hang on to your possessions as this is a favourite for pick-pockets. Fabulous food

Vivi Bistrot


Vivi Bistrot. It changes atmosphere throughout the day, offering breakfast, lunch, tea and dinners by candlelight. The restaurant is in Villa Doria Pamphili, use the Via Vitellia 102 entrance. Open seven days a week. Tel. 065827540, info@ vivibistrot.it.

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Tram/bus 3. Se volete vedere e vivere Roma come fanno i romani, il tutto al modico costo di € 1, allora un giro sul tram numero 3 è quello che fa per voi. Potete prendere il tram davanti alla stazione ferroviaria di Trastevere. Da li, in breve, vi ritroverete a Porta S. Paolo ed al cimitero protestante, uno dei cimiteri più belli al mondo. Proseguendo il viaggio arriverete al Colosseo, passando prima davanti a tre delle principali basiliche romane - S. Giovanni, S. Croce in Gerusalemme e S. Lorenzo fuori le mura. Il viaggio termina al Museo Nazionale d ‘Arte Moderna e, dopo una visita alla collezione d’arte moderna, potreste proseguire verso Villa Giulia, il museo più ricco al mondo di reperti risalenti alla civiltà etrusca. Da qui potrete camminare attraverso Villa Borghese, per arrivare in men che non si dica nel centro storico della città. L’unica meraviglia che il tram numero 3 non offre è San Pietro, ma potrete rimediare salendo sul famoso, o famigerato, autobus numero 64. Se lo fate tenete gli occhi aperti in quanto questo è il bus preferito dai borseggiatori. cibo da provare

Vivi Bistrot. Un locale la cui atmosfera si trasforma, durante la giornata, per offrire colazioni, lunch, tea time e cene a lume di candela. Ristorante nel parco di Villa Doria Pamphili entrata da via Vitellia 102 Aperto sette giorni su sette. Tel. 065827540, info@ vivibistrot.it.

Dessart. Gorgeous homemade works of culinary art, biscuits, birthday cakes, mouth watering desserts and more. All made by Costanza Fortuna who has a passion for the art of home baking. She is now in the new covered Testaccio market. www.dessart.it.

Dessart. SSplendidi dolci fatti in casa. Vere e proprie opere d’arte culinaria, biscotti, torte di compleanno e molto altro ancora. Il tutto realizzato da Costanza Fortuna, vera artista della panificazione domestica. La trovate nel nuovo mercato coperto di Testaccio. www.dessart.it.

Taverna Trilussa. Real Roman cuisine. The speciality is that most dishes are served straight from the pan. Via del Politeama 23/25, tel. 065818918, 065818918.

Taverna Trilussa. La vera cucina romana. La particolarità sta nel fatto che molti piatti vengono serviti nella pentola di cottura. Via del Politeama 23/25, tel. 065818918, 065818918.

Daruma Sushi. The first sushi with a home delivery and catering service in Rome. It offers the flavour and fragrance of traditional Japanese cuisine in the comfort of your home or in the new Kaiten Restaurants in Eur and Piazza Bologna. Formore details check the website www.darumasushi.com.

Daruma Sushi. Il primo sushi catering & delivery di Roma offre i sapori e le fragranze della cucina tradizionale giapponese, direttamente nella comodità delle vostre abitazioni o nei nuovi Kaiten Restaurants dell’Eur e di Piazza Bologna. Per maggiori dettagli sui ristoranti e sul take away consultate www.darumasushi.com.

Open Baladin. Beer and more Open Baladin. Birra e non solo. beer. This is a gastro pub for beer Si tratta di un gastro pub per gli lovers with an extensive choice of amanti della birra, con una buo-

Open Baladin


Taverna Trilussa

Daruma Sushi

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Gelateria del Teatro

Italian and foreign brands, good na scelta di marche italiane ed food and cool surroundings. Via estere, un’ottima cucina ed un degli Specchi 5/6, tel. 066838989. ambiente accogliente. Via degli Specchi 5/6, tel. 066838989. Gelateria del Teatro has been so successful that it has moved from Gelateria del Teatro Ha riits small shop close to the theatre scontrato un tale successo from which it takes its name into che si è spostato dal piccolo larger premises onto the corner locale accanto al teatro ad of Via dei Coronari. As well as uno spazio più grande sulla the large selection of ice creams Via stessa. Ottimi i gelati per there are also water ices and celiaci e divertente il laborayou can watch everything being torio a vista. Via di S. Simone made. Via di S. Simone 70 (Via dei 70 (Via dei Coronari, vicino a Coronari, close to Piazza S. Salva- Piazza S. Salvatore in Lauro), tore in Lauro), tel. 0645474880. tel. 0645474880. Outlets - Shopping malls

Castel Romano Valmontone


Outlets - Centri commerciali

Castel Romano. Open Monday to Thursday from 10.00 to 20.00 and Friday to Sunday from 10.00 to 21.00. Take Exit 26 on the Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA), in the direction of Pomezia or Via Pontina and exit for Castel Romano. Outlet Castel Romano. Info tel. 065050050.

Castel Romano. E’ aperto dal lunedì al giovedì dalle 10.00 alle 20.00 e venerdì, sabato e domenica dalle 10.00 alle 21.00. Castel Romano Outlet si trova all’uscita 26 del G.R.A. (Dir. Pomezia), oppure in Via Pontina all’uscita Castel Romano. Info tel. 065050050.

Valmontone. This is the bestknown and therefore the most crowded of Rome’s shopping malls. Open Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 20.00. Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00 to 21.00. To reach Valmontone from Rome take the A1 motorway (Roma-Napoli) and after about 40 km, exit to Valmontone. Info tel. 069599491 website: www.fashiondistrict.it.

Valmontone. Questo outlet è il più conosciuto e quindi anche il più affollato. E’ aperto dal lunedi al venerdi dalle 10 alle 20. Sabato e Domenica dalle 10.00 alle 21.00. Per raggiungere Valmontone da Roma prendere l’autostrada A1 (Roma -Napoli) per circa 40 km, uscita Valmontone. Info tel. 06 9599491, website: www.fashiondistrict.it.

Soratte Outlet Shopping. To reach this shopping mall from Rome take the A1 motorway towards Florence and exit at

Soratte Outlet Shopping. Per raggiungere l’outlet da Roma prendere l’autostrada A1 verso Firenze uscita Ponzano

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Ponzano Romano - Soratte. Then follow the signs in the S. Oreste direction. It has never been as popular as Rome’s other shopping centres. Tel. 076156541, www.soratteoutlet.it.

Romano - Soratte direzione Sant’Oreste. L’outlet è relativamente recente e, per ora, non viene preso d’assalto dalle folla. Tel. 076156541, www.soratteoutlet.it.

Porta di Roma. This is a huge shopping mall and includes one of the two branches of Ikea in Rome. There is plenty of well-organised parking. Porta di Roma is easy to reach on the Grande Raccordo Anulare, exit at Bufalotta. Via Alberto Lionello 201, tel. 0687074216, www.galleriaportadiroma.it.

Porta di Roma. Qui potrete trovare, tra le altre cose, anche una delle due sedi di Ikea. Il tutto è ben organizzato con un’ottima disponibilità di parcheggio. Porta di Roma è facilmente raggiungibile dal GRA, uscita Bufalotta. Via Alberto Lionello 201, tel. 0687074216, www. galleriaportadiroma.it.

Street Markets


Porte di Roma

Mercati rionali

Porta Portese market is held every Sunday from 06.30 to 14.00 in the area between Porta Portese and Trastevere. This flea market is extremely popular with Romans and also attracts many foreigners who flock from dawn onwards along the chaotic streets of the market, hoping to pick up bargains.

Porta Portese si svolge ogni domenica, dalle 06.30 alle 14.00, nella zona compresa tra Porta Portese e Trastevere. Frequentatissimo dai romani, Porta Portese attira anche molti stranieri che si riversano lungo le strade del caotico mercato romano, nella speranza di poter accaparrarsi l’affare migliore.

Il Mercatino stores have a simple concept; you can sell anything you don’t use any more to someone else who might appreciate it. Ostiense, Via Manfredo Camperio 25, tel. 065748288: Gregorio VII, Via Ludovico Micara 32, tel. 0639388832: Marconi, Via Antonio Roiti 46, tel. 065530182: Porta Maggiore, Via Sebastiano Grandis 7, tel. 067024299: Eur, Piazza Beata Vergine del Carmelo, tel. 0697603111: AXA,

Il Mercatino. I punti vendita Mercatino si basano su un concetto semplice: quello di vendere al negozio un oggetto che il proprietario non usa più e di farlo poi acquistare a chi invece può ancora apprezzarne l’utilizzo. Ostiense, Via Manfredo Camperio 25, tel. 065748288: Gregorio VII, Via Ludovico Micara 32, tel. 0639388832: Zona Marconi,Via Antonio Roiti 46, tel. 0655301827: Porta Maggiore, Via Sebastiano Grandis

Porta Portese Il Mercatino

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Piazza di Fontanella Borghese

Borghetto Flaminio

Casal Palocco, Via Carneade 11, tel. 0683606157: Monteverde, Viale dei Quattro Venti 77, tel. 065895258. There is also a good website, www.mercatinousato.com where you can browse the items for sale in the shops in your area.

7, tel. 067024299: Eur, Piazza Beata Vergine del Carmelo, tel. 0697603111: Axa, Casal Palocco, Via Carneade 11, tel. 0683606157: Monteverde, Viale dei Quattro Venti 77, tel. 065895258, www.mercatinousato.com.

Piazza di Fontanella Borghese. This market specialises in antique prints. It is located in Piazza Fontanella Borghese, between Via del Corso, Piazza in Lucina and Lungotevere. Open every day except Sunday from 09.00 to 19.00.

Piazza di Fontanella Borghese. Il Mercato dell’Antiquariato e delle Stampe in Piazza Fontanella Borghese è specializzato in stampe antiche. Si trova a Piazza di Fontanella Borghese (vicino Via del Corso). Tutti i giorni, tranne la domenica dalle ore 9.00 alle 19.00.

Borghetto Flaminio. With over 240 stands, you can find everything you might ever need: CDs, vinyl discs, books, as well as military clothes, linen, towels and jewelry. The market is open every Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00. Piazza della Marina 32, tel. 065880517, www. 060608. it. Entrance ticket € 1.60.

Borghetto Flaminio. Con ben 240 stand, questo mercatino offre la possibilità di trovare di tutto: cd musicali, dischi in vinile, libri, abiti firmati, asciugamani di lino e bigiotteria. Ogni domenica dalle 10.00 alle 19.00. Piazza della Marina, 32, tel. 065880517, www.060608. it. Il biglietto di entrata costa Via Sannio. Here you can find € 1,60. clothing and items for camping, fishing and hunting as Via Sannio. Vi si possono trowell military uniforms and last vare articoli da campeggio, da season’s fashions, all at knock- pesca, per la caccia e militari, down prices. From Monday to oltre che capi d’abbigliamento Friday 08.00 to 13.00. Satur- dell’anno precedente. Il tutto days from 08.00 to 18.00. Via a basso prezzo. Aperto dal luSannio (S. Giovanni). nedì al venerdì dalle 08.00 alle 13.00. Il sabato dalle 08.00 alle 18.00. Via Sannio (S. Giovanni).

Via Sannio

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Sala 1. Paper, fabrics and photographs are just some of the materials provided by the artist Martina Hass to inspire children aged 4-8 from Oct-May. Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10 (S. Giovanni), tel. 067008691, www. salauno.com/sala-1-lab.html.


Sala 1. Da ottobre a maggio l’artista Martina Hass mette carta, stoffa, fotografie ed altri materiali a disposizione dei bambini dai 4 agli 8 anni. Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10 (S. Giovanni), tel. 067008691, www.salauno.com/sala-1-lab.html.

Casina di Raffaello. To coincide with exhibitions there are also creative workshops to give kids aged 3-10 some simple pictorial techniques to fire their imagination. Mon closed. Viale della Casina di Raffaello, tel. 060608, www.casinadiraffello.it.

Casina di Raffaello. In concomitanza con le mostre offre svariati laboratori creativi, volti ad insegnare ai bambini dai 3 ai 10 anni alcune tecniche pittoriche ed a dare libero sfogo alla loro immaginazione. Lun chiuso. Viale della Casina di Raffaello, tel. 060608, www.casinadiraffello.it.

Explora. The Children’s Museum organises weekend workshops for children aged 3-12. On Sat at 16.00 it also holds a series of animated lectures for the smallest, as well as meetings with authors of children’s books. Booking required. Via Flaminia 80/86, tel. 063613776, www.mdbr.it.

Explora. Durante il fine settimana il Museo dei Bambini organizza dei laboratori per bambini di 3 ai 12 anni. Il sabato alle 16.00 si tengono una serie di letture animate per i più piccoli oltre ad incontri con alcuni autori di libri per bambini. Prenotazione richiesta. Via Flaminia 80/86, tel. 063613776, www.mdbr.it.


Biblioteca Centrale Ragazzi. This library is for children of all ages. It includes a video library and almost 2,000 for­ eign-language books, as well as a multicultural section on the history and culture of people from around the world. It also organises film screenings for children on Fri and animated lectures for children aged 2-6 on Sat. Sun and Mon closed. Via S. Paolo alla Regola 15/18 (Campo de’

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Biblioteca Centrale Ragazzi. Questa biblioteca è dedicata ai bambini di tutte le età. Essa ospita una libreria mediatica ed oltre duemila libri in lingua straniera, oltre ad una sezione multiculturale sulla storia e la cultura di paesi e popolazioni di tutto il mondo. Organizza inoltre proiezioni di film per bambini il venerdì e letture animate per bambini dai 2 ai 6 anni il sabato. Domenica e lunedì chiuso. Via S. Paolo alla Regola 15/18 (Campo

Fiori), tel. 0645460391, www. de’ Fiori), tel. 0645460391, www. bibliotechediroma.it. bibliotechediroma.it. Casina di Raffaello. This play centre, located in the heart of Villa Borghese, offers animated lectures, manual and creative workshops, cultural projects and educational activities for children aged 3-10. There is also an outdoor playground for the very young. Tues- Fri 09.00-15.30, Sat-Sun 10.00-18.00. Viale della Casina di Raffaello (Porta Pinciana), tel. 060608, www.casinadiraffaello.it.

Casina di Raffaello. Questa ludoteca, situata nel cuore di Villa Borghese, offre eventi mensili tra cui letture animate, laboratori manuali e creativi, progetti culturali ed attività educative per bambini dai 3 ai 10 anni. Vi è anche un piccolo parco ricreativo per i più piccoli. Martedì-venerdì 09.00-15.30; sabato-domenica 10.00-18.00. Viale della Casina di Raffaello (Porta Pinciana), tel. 060608, www.casinadiraffaello.it.

Libreria Ponte Ponente. Animated lectures, readers’ workshops, artistic workshops and English classes for children up to 10. Via Mondovì 19-23 (S. Giovanni), tel. 0645426682, www.ponteponente.it.

Libreria Ponte Ponente. Letture animate, laboratori per lettori, laboratori artistici e lezioni di inglese per bambini fino ai 10 anni. Via Mondovì 19-23 (S. Giovanni), tel. 0645426682, www.ponteponente.it.

Il BrucaLibro. Afternoon activities, including creative writing classes, artistic workshops, English courses and animated lectures to explore the world’s best children’s authors. For children aged 3-11. Via Martignano 8/12 (Trieste), tel. 068543931, www. ilbrucalibro.it.

Il BrucaLibro. Attività pomeridiane, tra cui lezioni di scrittura creativa, laboratori creativi, corsi di inglese e letture animate per avvicinare i bambini dai 3 agli 11 anni ai più noti autori mondiali di letteratura infantile. Via Martignano 8/12 (Trieste), tel. 068543931, www.ilbrucalibro.it.


Teatro Le Maschere. A course, entitled Musicainfasce, for tots up to the age of 3 based on E. E. Gordon’s Music Learning Theory, which helps develop musical aptitude through the expressive use of bodies and instruments. A course for kids aged 3-5 devel-


Teatro Le Maschere. Un corso, intitolato Musicainfasce, per infanti fino ai tre anni, basato sulla teoria dell’apprendimento musicale di E. E. Gordon, che aiuta a sviluppare un’attitudine musicale attraverso l’uso espressivo del corpo e degli strumenti musicali. Un corso per bambini

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ops their musicality through movement, songs and games. Via Aurelio Saliceti 1/3 (Trastevere), tel. 0658330817, ww.teatrolemaschere.it. Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. This prestigious music academy offers children a series of concerts and workshops. Consult the academy website for full details. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Largo Luciano Berio 3 (Flaminio), tel. 068082058, www. santacecilia.it.

dai 3 ai 5 anni sviluppa la loro musicalità attraverso i movimenti, le canzoni ed i giochi. Lunedì chiuso. Via Aurelio Saliceti 1/3 (Trastevere), tel. 0658330817, ww.teatrolemaschere.it. Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Questa prestigiosa accademia apre le sue porte ai bambini di tutte le età offrendo una serie di concerti e laboratori. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Largo Luciano Berio 3 (Flaminio), tel. 068082058, www.santacecilia.it.

Video Ambiente. Individual music classes for kids aged 6 and older. Via Ostiense 193/d (Ostiense), tel. 0697997869, www.videoambiente.it.

Video Ambiente. Corsi di musica individuali per bambini dai sei anni in su. Via Ostiense 193/d (Ostiense), tel. 0697997869, www.videoambiente.it.

Il Melograno. Courses for kids aged 3-5 to develop their musical aptitude through the expressive use of their bodies and instruments, creative workshops for kids aged 1-4 and English for kids up to the age of 3. Via Saturnia 4/a (S. Giovanni), tel. 0670475606, www.melogranoroma.org.

Il Melograno. Corsi per bambini dai 3 ai 5 anni per sviluppare l’attitudine musicale attraverso l’uso espressivo dei loro corpi e di strumenti musicali oltre a laboratori creativi per bambini da 1 a 4 anni e corsi di inglese per bambini fino ai 3 anni. Via Saturnia 4/a (S. Giovanni), tel. 0670475606, www.melogranoroma.org.


Teatro Verde. Courses for kids aged 4-6, 7-10 and 11-14 on Mon-Fri. On Thurs there is an English workshop, entitled Polvere di Stars, for kids aged 5-9. Circonvallazione Gianicolense 10 (Trastevere), tel. 065882034.


Teatro Verde. Corsi infrasettimanali per bambini dai 4 ai 6, dai 7 ai 10 e dagli 11 ai 14 anni. Il giovedì c’è un lavoratorio in lingua inglese, intitolato Polvere di Stars, per bambini dai 5 ai 9 anni. Circonvallazione Gianicolense 10 (Trastevere), tel. 065882034.

Teatro Le Maschere. Weekly Teatro Le Maschere. Da ottobre

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theatrical workshops to stimulate children’s expressive and communicative skills: Arte Giocando on Weds for 7-11 year olds; Tutti in Scena Allegramente on Mon for 11-13 year olds, Fri for 14-17 year olds; Let’s Play Together is a theatrical workshop in English on Sat for children aged 8-11 and Thurs for 11-13 year olds; iVamos a actuar! is a theatrical workshop in Spanish on Thurs for aged 11-17 year olds. Oct-May with an end of year performance. Via Aurelio Saliceti 1/3 (Trastevere), tel. 0658330817, ww.teatrolemaschere.it. THE GREAT OUTDOORS

a maggio organizza laboratori teatrali settimanali per bambini per approfondire le loro techniche espressive e communicative, tra cui il mercoledì Arte Giocando per bambini dai 7 agli 11 anni; il lunedì Tutti in Scena Allegramente per bambini dagli 11 ai 13 anni ed venerdì per ragazzi dai 14 ai 17 anni; il sabato il laboratorio teatrale Let’s Play Together per bambini dagli 8 agli 11 anni ed il giovedì per bambini dagli 11 ai 13 anni; il giovedì il laboratorio teatrale in spagnolo iVamos a actuar! per ragazzi dagli 11 ai 17 anni . E’ prevista una recita di fine anno. Via Aurelio Saliceti 1/3 (Trastevere), tel. 0658330817, ww.teatrolemaschere.it. ALL’ARIA APERTA

Agricoltura Nuova Farm. Parents and children can have fun on this farm and learn how to grow organic products. It also organises guided tours for schools and workshops for children. There are organic fruit and vegetables on sale at the farm’s store, as well as a picnic space. A cheap and healthy restaurant is open at lunchtime. Sun 08.3018.00. Via Valle di Perna 315 (Trigoria, near exit 26 of the Grande Raccordo Anulare), tel. 0650828294, 065070453, www.agricolturanuova.it.

Fattoria Agricoltura Nuova. Genitori e bambini possono divertirsi in questa fattoria ed imparare a coltivare prodotti organici. Organizza inoltre visite guidate per le scuole e laboratori per bambini. Frutta e verdura biologica sono in vendita nel negozio della fattoria. Vi è anche uno spazio aperto per i picnic. Il ristorante, economico e sano, è aperto la domenica a pranzo. 08.30-18.00. Via Valle di Perna 315 (Trigoria, vicino all’uscita 26 del GRA), tel. 0650828294, 065070453, www.agricolturanuova.it.

Bioparco. Over 1,000 animals and special activities for children and their families at weekends. Kids can help feed the macaques, chimpanzees, hippopotami and farm

Bioparco. Oltre mille animali ed attività uniche per bambini e famiglie durante i fine settimana. I bambini possono aiutare a nutrire i macachi, gli shimpanzé, gli ippopotami e gli animali

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animals, watch reptiles or ride through Villa Borghese on an electric train. Viale del Giardino Zoologico 20 (Villa Borghese), tel. 063608211, www.bioparco.it.

della fattoria, osservare i rettili o attraversare Villa Borghese su un trenino elettrico. Viale del Giardino Zoologico 20 (Villa Borghese), tel. 063608211, www. bioparco.it.

Bowling Silvestri. This sports club has an 18-hole mini golf course, the first in Rome with good facilities for children aged 4 and over, adults and disabled children. There are also tennis courts, a table tennis room and a pizzeria. Via G. Zoega 6 (Monteverde/Bravetta), tel. 0666158206, www. bowlingsilvestri.com.

Bowling Silvestri. Questo club sportivo offre un corso di minigolf (18 buche) ed è il primo a Roma con buone attrezzature per bambini dai 4 anni in su, oltre che per adulti e bambini disabili. Vi sono anche dei campi da tennis, una sala per il ping pong ed una pizzeria. Via G. Zoega 6 (Monteverde/ Bravetta), tel. 0666158206, www. bowlingsilvestri.com.

Casa del Parco. This regional nature reserve organises numerous activities during weekends for children aged 4-10 to encourage respect for the environment and recycling. In the spring environmental educators teach kids how to grow vegetables, interact with farm animals and recognise different plants. There is also a biological cuisine course for kids aged 6-11; an English course for kids aged 3-6 on Tues; a theatrical workshop, entitled Teatro e Natura, for kids aged 4-10 on Thurs. Booking is essential. Via del Casaletto 400 (Monteverde/Portuense/Gianicolense), tel. 0645476909, www.valledeicasali.com.

Casa del Parco. Durante i fine settimana questa riserva naturale regionale organizza numerose attività per bambini dai 4 ai 10 anni, volte ad incoraggiare il rispetto per l’ambiente e la cultura del reciclo. In primavera alcuni educatori ambientali insegnano ai bambini come coltivare un orto, interagire con gli animali della fattoria e riconoscere svariate piante. Vi è inoltre un corso di cucina biologica per bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni; il giovedì si tiene un corso di inglese per bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni, oltre ad un laboratorio teatrale, intitolato Teatro e Natura, per bambini dai 4 ai 10 anni. Prenotazione obbligatoria. Via del Casaletto 400 (Monteverde/Portuense/Gianicolense), tel. 0645476909, www.valledeicasali.com.

Go-Kart. Club Kartroma is a circuit with karts for children over 9 and two-seater karts for an adult and a child under 8. Via della Muratella (Ponte

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Go-Kart. Club Kartroma è un circuito di go-kart per bambini di minimo 9 anni e go-kart a due posti per bambini sotto

Galeria), tel. 0665004962, agli 8 anni accompagnati da un adulto. Via della Muratella (Ponwww.kartroma.com. te Galeria), tel. 0665004962, La Fattorietta. On Sun this www.kartroma.com. farm and cultural association on four hectares near St Peter’s La Fattorietta. La domenica basilica offers seasonal work- questa fattoria ed associazione shops and activities for chil- culturale, distesa su quattro dren over 4, including helping ettari vicino a St. Pietro, offre with the harvest, learning how laboratori stagionali ed attività to grow vegetables, making per bambini sopra ai 4 anni, bread, jam, fresh pasta and che aiutano a mietere, imparacheese and milking a goat. no a coltivare un orto, a fare il Vicolo del Gelsomino 68 (S. Pi- pane, la marmellata, la pasta etro), tel. 338/2916918, www. fresca ed il formaggio oltre che associazioneculturalepasseg- a mungere un capretto. Vicolo del Gelsomino 68 (S. Pietro), tel. giatadelgelsomino.org. 338/2916918, www.associazioLooney’s Entertainment neculturalepasseggiatadelgelCentre. This mega play- somino.org. ground for children aged 0-14 Entertainment includes frames, trampolines, Looney’s bouncy castles, etc. Via R. B. Centre. Questo grande parco Bandinelli 130 (Ciampino), tel. ricreativo per bambini dai 0 0679321977, www.looneys.it. ai 14 anni offre trampolini, castelli gonfiabili, ecc. Via R.B. Nella Vecchia Fattoria. Dur- Bandinelli 130 (Ciampino), tel. ing the Christmas and Easter 0679321977, www.looneys.it. holidays this farm organises kids’ camps with Italian as well Nella Vecchia Fattoria. Duas English-speaking teams. rante le vacanze di Natale e di Children are entertained with Pasqua questa fattoria orgagames, sports tournaments, nizza campi per bambini con creative workshops, animated educatori italiani ed inglesi. lectures and treasure hunts. I bambini sono intrattenuti Day packages include break- con giochi, tornei sportivi, fast, lunch and a snack. Via Ca- laboratori creativi, letture anisale della Crescenza 12 (Cas- mate e caccie al tesoro. Pacsia/Due Ponti/Flaminia), tel. chetti giornalieri includono 0633220472, 334/6440802, colazione, pranzo e merenda. www.scuoladueponti.it, www. Via Casale della Crescenza 12 (Cassia/Due Ponti/Flaminia), asilodueponti.it. tel. 0633220472, 334/6440802, Teatro di Pulcinella al Giani- www.scuoladueponti.it, www. colo. This famous open-air asilodueponti.it. puppet theatre on the Gianicolo has seen many genera- Teatro di Pulcinella al Giani-

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colo. Questo famoso teatrino di marionette all’aperto, situato al Gianicolo, ha visto creascere diverse generazioni di bambini. Il sabato e la domenica organizza svariati spettacoli di Pulcinella e Colombina. Ingresso libero. Gli orari variano a seconda del Vivibistrot. This bistro, lo- tempo. Piazza Giuseppe Garibcated in the heart of Villa aldi, tel. 065827767. Pamphilj, sells only organic products. It is possible to grab Vivibistrot. Questo bistro, situate a bite in the cafeteria, organ- nel cuore di Villa Pamphilj, vende ise a last-minute picnic in the esclusivamente prodotti organici. park and rent a bike. Via Vitel- E’ possible mangiare un boccone lia 102, tel. 06 5827540, www. nella caffetteria, organizzare un picnic nel parco ed affittare una vivibistrot.com. bicicletta. Via Vitellia 102, tel. 06 Zoo Marine. This amusement 5827540, www.vivibistrot.com. and aquatic park outside Rome offers performances Zoo Marine. Questo parco acwith dolphins, parrots and quatico fuori Roma offre spetother animals for children tacoli per bambini di tutte le età of all ages. It is also possible con delfini, pappagalli ed altri to rent little play carts. Chil- animali. E’ possible affittare picdren under 10 must be ac- cole macchine. I bambini sotto companied by an adult. Via ai 10 anni devono essere accomCasablanca 61, Torvaianica, pagnati da un adulto. Via CasaPomezia, tel. 06915331, www. blanca 61, Torvaianica, Pomezia, tel. 06915331, www.zoomarine.it. zoomarine.it.

tions of children grow up. On Sat and Sun it stages several shows by Pulcinella and Colombina. Entrance free. Show times depend on the weather. Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, tel. 065827767.



Baby swimming Il Melograno. This association holds courses for kids from 5 months to 3 years on Wed and Sat morning and afternoon. Via Saturnia 4/a (S. Giovanni), tel. 0670475606, www.melogranoroma.org.

Baby nuoto Il Melograno. Il mercoledì ed il sabato (mattina e pomeriggio) questa associazione tiene corsi per bambini dai 5 mesi ai 3 anni. Via Saturnia 4/a (S. Giovanni), tel. 0670475606, www.melogranoroma.org.

Accademia del Nuoto. This academy has half-hour sessions for babies (after their first vaccination) and children

Accademia del Nuoto. Questa accademia organizza lezioni di mezz’ora per neonati (dopo la prima vaccinazione) e per

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up to 3 and their parents. Tues, Wed, Fri and Sat. Via Poggio Ameno 61 (Eur/Laurentino), tel. 065940169, www.accademiadelnuoto.it. Roma Uno. This public swimming pool organises baby swimming classes for children aged 0-3 and their mothers. Sat. Largo Ascianghi 4 (Trastevere), tel. 0658332757. Movement Associazione Culturale Eppursimuove. This association organises a Baby Moves Group based on Infant Developmental Movement Education (IDME) for babies aged 0-6 to enhance learning potential through touch and natural movement. Piazza S. Giovanni di Dio 4a (Monteverde), tel. 380 / 7911803, Angelica Costa. Yoga Associazione Il Nido. This maternity centre organises yoga classes for pregnant mothers and children 0-2. Classes focus on the mothers’ posture during the post-natal months, helping the body regain strength, tone and emotional balance. Tues. Via Marmorata 169 (Testaccio), tel. 0657300707.

bambini fino a tre anni accompagnati da un adulto. Marted’, mercoledì, venerdì e sabato. Via Poggio Ameno 61 (Eur/Laurentino), tel. 065940169, www. accademiadelnuoto.it. Roma Uno. Il sabato questa piscina pubblica organizza classi di baby nuoto per bambini fino ai tre anni e le loro mamme. Largo Ascianghi 4 (Trastevere), tel. 0658332757. Movimento Associazione Culturale Eppursimuove. Questa associazione organizza dei gruppi Baby Moves, basati sull’educazione del movimento in età evolutiva (IDME) per bambini dai 0 ai 6 anni per valorizzare il loro potenziale di apprendimento attraverso il tatto ed il movimento naturale. Piazza S. Giovanni di Dio 4 a (Monteverde), tel. 380 / 7911803, Angelica Costa. Yoga Associazione Il Nido. Il martedì questo centro per la maternità organizza corsi di yoga per madri incinte e bambini dai 0 ai 2 anni. I corsi di concentrano sulla postura delle madri nel periodo post parto, aiutando il corpo a riacquistare energia, tono ed equilibrio emotivo. Via

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Marmorata 169 (Testaccio), tel. 0657300707. danza Insieme Per Fare. Questa associazione tiene dei corsi di danza moderna e contemporanea, hip hop, break dance e danza classica oltre a corsi di karate e mini-basketball (minimo 4 anni). Le lezioni di un’ora hanno luogo due volte alla settimana. Via Pelagosa 3 (Montesacro), tel. 068185374, Dance Insieme Per Fare. This asso- www.insiemeperfare.it. ciation organises courses in contemporary and modern Associazione Il Fiume. Questo dance, hip hop, break dance centro di yoga organizza corsi and classical ballet as well as di psicomotricità per bambini karate and mini-basketball dai 0 ai 2 anni ed i loro geni(minimum age 4). Lessons tori (lunedì), corsi di danza per take place twice a week for an bambini dai 3 ai 12 anni (merhour. Via Pelagosa 3 (Monte- coledì), corsi di yoga per bamsacro), tel. 068185374, www. bini dai 6 ai 9 anni (martedì). Dal lunedì al venerdì vi è anche insiemeperfare.it. un nido per bambini dai 0 ai Associazione Il Fiume. This 3 anni. Via dei Dalmati 37 (S. yoga centre organises move- Lorenzo), tel. 064451244, www. ment courses for tots aged 0-2 centroilfiume.it. and their parents (Mon), dance courses for kids aged 3-12 Mini-volley (Wed, Thurs), yoga classes for ASCR Dilettantistica Kronos. kids 6-9 (Tues). There is also Mini-volley con insegnanti day care for babies aged 0-3 professionisti per bambini di (Mon-Fri). Via dei Dalmati 37 minimo 5 anni. Scuola Media (S. Lorenzo), tel. 064451244, Edoardo de Filippo. Via Sesto Miglio 78 (Cassia). Scuola Mewww.centroilfiume.it. dia Don Morosini. Via di Val Favara 31 (Torre Vecchia), tel. Mini-volleyball ASCR Dilettantistica Kronos. 0664202251, 338/ 9011241, Mini-volleyball with profes- www.askronos.it. sional teachers. Minimum age 5. Scuola Media Edoardo Pony de Filippo. Via Sesto Miglio Circolo Ippico La Perna. Corsi 78 (Cassia). Scuola Media di equitazione per bambini dai Don Morosini. Via di Val Fa- 4 anni in su. Da martedì a dovara 31 (Torre Vecchia), tel. menica. Via Valle di Perna 315

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0664202251, 338/ 9011241, (Spinaceto), tel. 065084523, www.circoloippicolaperna.it. www.askronos.it. Riding Circolo Ippico La Perna. Riding courses for kids aged 4 and older. Tues-Sun. Via Valle di Perna 315 (Spinaceto), tel. 065084523, www.circoloippicolaperna.it. Tennis Circolo Tennis Oasi di Pace. In the heart of the Appia Antica park. 18 tennis courts as well as football pitches, a gym, a swimming pool with baby parking, etc. There are separate mini-tennis courses for children aged 5 years and over (Thurs and Sat). Private lessons with professional teachers are also available. Via degli Eugenii 2 (Appia Antica), tel. 067184550, www.ct-oasidipace.it.

Tennis Circolo Tennis Oasi di Pace. Questo circolo, situato nel cuore del parco dell’ Appia Antica, ospita 18 campi da tennis, campi di calcio, una palestra, una piscine coperta, un baby parking, ecc. Vi sono anche dei corsi di mini-tennis per bambini dai 5 anni in su (giovedì, sabato) oltre a lezioni private con insegnanti professionisti. Via degli Eugenii 2 (Appia Antica), tel. 067184550, www.ctoasidipace.it.

Acrobatica Circus Scuola Romana di Circo. Da ottobre a maggio questa scuola di circo organizza corsi per bambini dai 5 ai 7, dai 7 agli 11 e dai 13 ai 17 anni, tra cui corsi di circo, di acrobatica e di danza con spettacolo finale di fine anno. Lunedì, mercoledì Acrobatica Circus Scuola Romana di e venerdì. Via Prenestina 230 Circo. This circus school or- (Largo Preneste), tel. 338 / ganises courses for children 3552831. aged 5-7, 7-11, 13-17 including circus, theatre, acrobatics Arrampicata and dance classes. At the end Associazione Sportiva Climbof the year there is a final per- ing Side. Corsi base ed agonisformance. Oct-May. Mon, Wed, tici per bambini dai 6 ai 18 anni. Fri. Via Prenestina 230 (Largo Martedì e giovedì. Via Cristoforo Colombo 1800 (Torrino/MoPreneste), tel. 338 / 3552831. stacciano), tel. 335/6525473. Climbing calcio Associazione Sportiva U.S. Boreale ASD. Questa Climbing Side. Basic and competitive courses scuola di calcio, fondata nel for 6-18 year olds. Tues, Thurs. 1946, organizza corsi annuali Via Cristoforo Colombo 1800 per bambini di minimo 5 anni (Torrino/Mostacciano), tel. con insegnanti professionisti. Viale di Tor di Quinto 57b (Tor 335/6525473.

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Football U.S. Boreale ASD. This football school, founded in 1946, organises yearly courses for children (minimum age 5) with professional teachers. Viale di Tor di Quinto 57b (Tor di Quinto), tel. 339/ 6297714, www. usboreale.it. Martial Arts Otzuka Club. This martial arts school organises various courses for children, including Junior Bushido for kids aged 3-9 (Tues, Thurs), Kudo for 9-15 year olds (Wed, Sat), Hwa Rang Do for 9-15 year olds (Mon, Fri). Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 147 b, tel. 347/ 6548657, www.otzukaclub.com.

di Quinto), tel. 339/ 6297714, www.usboreale.it. Arti Marziali Otzuka Club. Questa scuola di arti marziali organizza vari corsi per i più piccoli, tra cui Junior Bushido per bambini dai 3 ai 9 anni (martedì e giovedì), Kudo per bambini dai 9 ai 15 anni (mercoledì e sabato), Hwa Rang Do per bambini dai 9 ai 15 anni (lunedì e venerdì). Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 147 b, tel. 347/ 6548657, www.otzukaclub.com. Immersione Salaria Sport Village. Corsi di immersione di due ore per bambini dagli 8 ai 10 anni due volte alla settimana in piscina o nel mare toscano di fronte alla penisola dell’Argentario. I corsi durano sei settimane con rilascio di un brevetto internazionale finale. Via S. Gaggio 5 (Settebagni), tel. 328/ 9652101, www.salariadiving.it.

Sub acqua diving Salaria Sport Village. Underwater diving courses for children aged 8-10 with twiceweekly two-hour sessions in the swimming pool or in the sea off Tuscany’s Argentario peninsula. The courses last six weeks and children receive an international diving per- Gli orari ed i prezzi dei corsi mit at the end. Via S. Gaggio 5 sono disponibili sui siti elencati. (Settebagni), tel. 328/ 9652101, Gabrielle Bolzoni www.salariadiving.it. All times and prices for the courses listed above are available on the websites provided. Gabrielle Bolzoni

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map 18

Aventino s. saba A

predominantly residential area, the Aventino is ideal for those looking for a quiet spot with plenty of greenery within a stone’s throw of the historic centre. However, the Aventino has few shops; it is therefore essential to have a car even though it is difficult to find parking. Cross over Viale Aventino and you reach S. Saba, a slightly busier version of the Aventino with better shopping facilities. It is a perfect place to live for those working at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it is close to the sports facilities near the Baths of Caracalla and there is also an international school, St Stephen’s, an American-run secondary school that offers the International Baccalaureate. There are also several embassies and religious houses in this area. The Palatine and the Colosseum are within easy walking distance and it is not far from Testaccio with its markets and shops. 120 | www.wantedinrome.com


ona prevalentemente residenziale, l’Aventino è l’ideale per chi cerca la pace, la tranquillità e l’abbondanza di verde a pochi passi del centro storico. Tuttavia l’Aventino ha pochi negozi ed è quindi essenziale disporre di una macchina, anche se è difficile trovare parcheggio. Attraversando Viale Aventino si raggiunge S. Saba, una versione leggermente più caotica dell’Aventino, ma con una maggiore offerta per lo shopping quotidiano. E’ un luogo ideale dove vivere per coloro che lavorano presso la Food and Agriculture Organization delle Nazioni Unite (FAO). E’ vicino agli impianti sportivi nei pressi delle Terme di Caracalla e vi è anche una scuola internazionale, il St Stephen’s, una scuola secondaria americana che offre il baccalaureato internazionale. In questa zona della città ci sono anche diverse ambasciate e sedi di ordini religiosi. Il Palatino e il Colosseo sono facilmente raggiungibili a piedi. In più il quartiere non è lontano da Testaccio e dai sui mercati.

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Apuleius is on the Aventino surrounded by the magnificence of ancient Rome in a charming and characteristic setting. In the dining room you will find ancient capitals, marble columns and the original wall of the temple of Diana dating from the 6th century BC.

A typical trattoria with traditional Italian cuisine. The surroundings are simple, cosy and welcoming but with an eye to detail. The extensive menu offers the traditional meat and fish (“di terra” and “di mare”) dishes of Italian cuisine.

Il ristorante Apuleius sorge sul colle Aventino, immerso nella magnificenza della Roma archeologica. L’ambiente è suggestivo e caratteristico, per via delle reminiscenze del passato. Nella sala s’incontrano capitelli, marmi, colonne e la murata originale del tempio di Diana risalente al 6° sec. AC.

Al Callarello è una trattoria tipica, legata alla tradizione italiana della cucina. L’ambiente è semplice ma curato nei dettagli che risultano accoglienti e caldi. Il menù, molto ampio, propone sia pietanze “di terra” che “di mare” nelle più classiche delle ricette italiane.

Via del Tempio di Diana 15, tel 0657289229 www.apuleius.it

Via Salvator Rosa 8, tel. 065747575

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The Corner

A boutique hotel, restaurant, bistrot bar, club and lounge garden. Its elegant restaurant has an exclusive atmosphere but is quite expensive, serving a mixture of antipasti, pasta and fish dishes, while the trendy “bistreet” bar below serves street food and drinks from 07.00 to 01.00. There is also a small “secret” night club at the back of the bar, offering cocktails and live dj sets, open from midnight until 04.00.


Cafe du Parc

Close to the Pyramid at Porta S. Paolo there’s a lovely park with a retro-looking cafè where you can sit and have an ice cream, a “cremolato” or a drink. The British romantic poets Keats and Shelley are buried in the Protestant cemetery nearby.

Nella direzione opposta alla Piramide in un bel parco c’è il “Cafè du park”, un piccolo bar in Un boutique hotel, un cui ci si può sedere per ristorante, un bistrot, un un gelato o un “cremolocale ed un lounge garden. Il suo ristorante gode lato”. I poeti romantici inglesi Keats e Shelly di un’atmosfera esclusiva. Gli antipasti, le pase e il pe- sono sepolti nel cimitero sce sono deliziosi. Al piano protestante adiacente. di sotto, nel “bistreet” bar potrete invece assaggiare alcuni tra i migliori drink della capitale, dalle 07.00 alle 01.00. C’è inoltre un piccolo, e ben nascosto dietro una porta segreta, un piccolo night club aperto fino alle 04.00.

Viale Aventino, 123 tel. 0645597350 thecornerrome.com

Piazza di Porta S. Paolo

aventino - S.Saba


Hotel S. Anselmo

Decorations and elegant furnishings blend with a comfortable family atmosphere to create the feeling of being in a private house where you immediately feel at ease. Le decorazioni e gli arredi eleganti si fondono con l’ambiente raccolto e fami-liare, esprimendo l’ospitalità di una casa privata, nella quale ci si sente da subito a proprio agio.

Piazza S. Anselmo 2, tel. 06570057 www.aventinohotels.com



Sigma is a supermarket for everyday needs that offers its clients a combination of quality, good prices and reliability, plus an extensive range of products. Sigma è un supermercato vicino alla quotidianità del consumatore ed offre qualità, convenienza e fiducia a tutti i propri clienti, oltre ad una grande varietà di prodotti.

Viale Aventino 50, tel. 065754315


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C.S Aventino

With some 40 years of experience, C.S. Aventino has high professional and international standards. All the staff work to an educational and organisational model, which is essential to the success of the courses. There is a 25-metre swimming pool as well as a sauna and a gym. Il C.S. Aventino, grazie alla quarantennale esperienza maturata in ambito internazionale, garantisce agli iscritti un livello di professionalità ai più alti standard del settore. Il modello didattico e organizzativo, condiviso da tutti gli operatori del Centro, è la base essenziale del successo dei corsi.

Via Mormorata 14, tel. 065740637 www.csaventino.it

Farmacia Cestia di Pompei Roberto This pharmacy sells homeopathic, veterinary and dermo-cosmetic items as well as dietary products for coeliacs to order. Mon-Fri 8.3019.30, Sat 8.30-13.00. Questa farmacia vende prodotti omeopatici, veterinari e dermo cosmetici oltre che prodotti dietici e per ciliaci. Lun-Ven 8.3019.30, Sab 8.30-13.00.

Viale della Piramide Cestia 19, tel. 065743895

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Campo de’ Fiori T

his area is in the heart of the historic centre, sandwiched between Piazza Navona and the meandering narrow streets that lead to the Tiber. There are probably more craft workshops and restorers’ studios, as well as family-run neighborhood stores, than in any other part of the city. Campo de’ Fiori is the hub of the area, presided over by the statue of the brooding Giordano Bruno who was burnt at the stake in 1600 for heresy. In the morning it is home to the city’s most colourful, if most expensive, street market. This was once the place for the best food at the best prices in the centre but now it is mainly a tourist attraction. At night Campo de’ Fiori is a very active and rowdy nightspot with its square-side cafés, pubs and bars. If you want somewhere quiet, find an apartment away from both Campo de’ Fiori and Piazza Farnese, home of the majestic French embassy. There is limited street parking for residents but public transport is good and the clothes shops along Via dei Giubbonari are a real bonus. 124 | www.wantedinrome.com


uesta zona si trova nel cuo-re del centro storico, tra Piaz-za Navona e le strade strette e serpeggianti che portano al Tevere. Probabilmente ci sono più botteghe artigiane, studi per il restauro e negozi a conduzione familiare che in qualsiasi altra parte della città. Piazza Campo de’ Fiori, centro nevralgico della zona, ospita tra le altre cose la statua di Giordano Bruno, mandato al rogo nel 1600 perché accusato di eresia. Di mattina la piazza ospita il mercato a cielo aperto più colorato, ma anche più costoso, della città. Una volta il mercato era il posto migliore per fare la spesa, al miglior prezzo, di tutto il centro storico, ma ora è principalmente un’attrazione turistica. Di notte diventa una zona mol-to vivace e frequentata. Se si desidera un posto tranquillo in cui vivere, conviene trovare un appartamento lontano da Campo de’Fiori e dalla maestosa e vicina Piazza Farnese, sede dell’Ambasciata francese. Degni di nota sono i negozi di vestiti lungo Via dei Giubbonari.


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Campo de’ Fiori


Da Francesco

This used to be a good cheap restaurant frequented mainly by locals, but over the years it has become more expensive and very crowded. It now concentrates mainly on pizzas but you can still get good meal if you wait a bit. In the summer there are tables outside. Questo era un buon ristorante, economico e frequentato principalmente da gente del posto, ma nel corso degli anni è diventato più costoso e molto affollato. Ve lo consigliamo soprattutto per la pizza, ma se avete un po’ di pazienza e non vi dispiace aspettare un po’ anche i primi ed i secondi non sono male. In estate ci sono tavoli all’aperto.

Piazza del Fico 29, tel. 066864009



Character, vivacity, courtesy and quality all combine to make the restaurant a point of reference for Roman and international diners alike, and the preferred choice of anyone who appreciates good food. The place is known for its vast choice of fish dishes, but pasta and meat are high quality as well. Pierluigi is not at all cheap, but you won’t regret the experience. Booking is necessary. Cortesia, professionalità e qualità sono le caratteristiche principali di quello che è a tutti gli effetti uno dei ristoranti più famosi di Roma. Anche se il locale diventa famoso per i suoi piatti di pesce, oggi come oggi, da Pierluigi potrete gustare piatti a base di carne o anche pasta di altissima qualità. Purtroppo, come sempre accade, la qualità si paga. Preparatevi a dover mettere mano al portafoglio. Prenotare è fortemente consigliato.

Piazza dé Ricci , 144 tel. 066861302 – 066868717

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In the beating heart of the Capital, a few steps from Piazza Navona, Circus is a small and eclectic bar. Tea-room, cocktail bar, wine bar and expo spaces for exhibitions by young artists modern, Circus offers the opportunity to drink well, from wine to cocktails after dinner, but also pies, cheesecakes and cookies. Appreciated by foreigners this bar also offers theme nights and cultural events.


Drunken Ship

The Drunken Ship is an American owned and managed bar with an international clientele. It is located in Campo de’ Fiori, known for its colourful food market and nightlife. The Drunken Ship is open seven days a week from 16.00-02.00.

Il Drunken Ship è un american bar frequentato da una clientela internazionale. Nel cuore pulsante della Si trova in Campo dei Capitale, a poche centinaia Fiori, una delle piazze di metri da Piazza Navona, più visitate del Centro il Circus rappresenta uno dei locali più eclettici della storico di Roma, nota per il suo colorato zona. Ottimo per un the pomeridiano è anche indi- mercato alimentare e la vita notturna. Il Drunken cato per aperitivi e serate Ship è aperto sette in compagnia. Ogni tanto si trasforma nuovamente giorni a settimana dalle per diventare spazio 16.00-02.00. espositivo o un locale con musica dal vivo. Colorato, moderno, divertente offre ai romani, ma anche ai turisti, una valida alternativa per la serata. Via della Vetrina, 15 tel. 0697619258

Piazza Campo de’ Fiori 21, tel. 0668300535 www.drunkenship.com

Campo de’ Fiori


D.O.M hotel

Situated in the heart of Papal Rome, D.O.M is a 5 star luxury hotel set in a 17th Century aristocratic palace with 24 rooms including 1 D.O.M Suite with a private terrace of 250 sq.ft. The ambience is enriched by numerous works of art and carefully chosen elements of design. Each hotel’s area has been specifically designed. Nel cuore della Roma aristocratica e papalina, il D.O.M è un hotel 5 stelle con 24 camere e suite, tutte direttamente affacciate sulla celebre via Giulia, tra cui una D.O.M suite con terrazza privata di 25 metri quadri tra i tetti e i campanili del Rione Regola.

Via Giulia 131 tel. + 39 06 6832144 or tel. + 39 331 1221427. domhotelroma.com


Punto Sma

This supermarket carries a vast selection of exclusive brands ensuring the best quality at the lowest price. Meat and fresh fruit, as well as a variety of detergents and products for animals are also stocked. Sugli scaffali del supermercato su può trovare una vasta scelta di prodotti con marchi esclusivi che garantiscono la migliore qualità al minor prezzo. Grande varietà: dai detersivi al cibo per cani, dalla carne alla frutta.

Via Monte della Farina 51, tel. 0668134070


map 11


Palestra Farnese

An oasis right in the center of Rome, tucked behind Campo de’ Fiori in a 500-year-old building. Farnese Fitness is a local gym catering to the neighborhood and welcoming. Perfect if you want to keep in shape while on vacation with a temporary membership or if you are looking for a long term membership. Workout machines, weights and classes, ranging from pilates to step aerobics, as well as personal trainers.


This pharmacy sells homeopathic products, cosmetics, veterinary medicines and dietary aids. Mon-Fri 8.30-19.30. Questa farmacia vende prodotti di omeopatia, cosmetica, veterinaria e dietetica. Orari non-stop lun-ven 8.30-19.30.

Un oasi di benessere nel centro della città, dietro Campo dei Fiori situato in un palazzo del 500. La Palestra Farnese è una palestra di quartiere, ideale per residenti e turisti. Offre abbonamenti di qualche giorno assieme ad membership di lungo periodo. La sala macchine è ben attrezzata e vengono svolte anche classi di Pilates e Step, il tutto sotto lo sguardo attendo di trainer professionali. Vicolo delle grotte, 35 tel. 066876931

Piazza Farnese 42, tel. 0668806684

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flaminio T

his is a pleasant district close to the centro storico that has now become the city’s centre of culture. It is the location for the Renzo Piano designed Auditorium Parco della Musica and MAXXI, the national museum of art of the XXI century by Zaha Hadid. The national museum of modern art is also here, the Teatro Olimpico as well as many of the city’s foreign cultural academies and Rome’s two main sports’ stadiums. Close to Piazza del Popolo there is an attractive area of three to four-storey buildings, but around the Auditorium there are tall, rather anonymous mid-20th century apartment blocks, as well as the 1960s Olympic village now a fashionable place to live. There are parks and treelined streets and public transport is excellent. It’s not the best shopping area in town, but you will find everything you need, as well as many good local restaurants. Street parking here is easy and there is a large underground car park at the Auditorium.

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uesta piacevole zona è vicina al centro storico. Il quartiere è ormai divenuto anche uno dei centri culturali della città. Infatti il Flaminio ospita l’Auditorium Parco della Musica progettato da Renzo Piano e la nuova MAXXI museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo ideata da Zaha Hadid. Il Museo Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e il Teatro Olimpico - un centro per la danza, concerti e spettacoli teatrali - sono anche in zona, così come molte delle accademie culturali straniere della città e i due stadi sportivi di Roma. Vicino a Piazza del Popolo vi è una zona attraente con edifici a due, tre o quattro piani, ma nei pressi dell’Auditorium ci sono condomini più alti, piuttosto anonimi costruiti verso la metà del 20° secolo, così come il villaggio olimpico risalente al 1960. Ci sono parchi e viali alberati e il trasporto pubblico è eccellente. Non è la migliore area commerciale della città, ma troverete tutto ciò di cui potrete avere bisogno, così come molti buoni ristoranti.









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A small restaurant with salads, excellent dishes of the day, delicious desserts and a good wine list. A friendly and simple environment provides an ideal setting for a romantic dinner by candlelight. Un piccolo locale dove potrete gustare ricche insalate e ottimi piatti del giorno, lasciatevi guidare dai consigli della casa. Ottimo Bistrot con un’ ampia scelta di vini completa di rinomate etichette. Molto accogliente e semplice l’ambiente, ideale per una cenetta romantica a lume di candela. Deliziosi i dolci.

Via G. B. Tiepolo 3, tel. 063227449


Lo Sgobbone


Bar Red

This is an excellent choice if you have just been to the Auditorium and you are bound to rub shoulders with famous people here. Bar Red prides itself on its elegant design, its cuisine and wine list. It also hosts art shows, book presentations and other C’è un piatto su tutti, in stagione, che rende ne- events to accompany cessaria la visita a questa your evening out. piccola trattoria sul Lungo Tevere Flaminio: i Perfetto se siete appena tagliolini al tartufo. Una stati all’Auditorium. Il montagna di tartufo. Per Red va fiero della sua clientela, del suo design il resto, ottima cucina elegante nonché della casalinga di stampo sua cucina e carta dei romano. vini. Ospita anche mostre d’arte, presentazioni di libri e altri eventi per accompagnare le vostre serate. There is one dish above all that makes a visit to this small restaurant on Lungotevere Flaminio a must: the tagliolini al tartufo, with a mountain of truffles. Excellent Roman-style home cooking in general.

Via Podesti 10, tel. 063232994

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Viale Petro de Coubertin 12/16, tel. 0680691630


Tree Bar

The Tree Bar is a welcoming bar, home to a pleasant clientele. Located in the gardens just off Viale Tiziano, near the Flaminio Stadium, it is built entirely in wood and eco-friendly materials. Il Tree Bar è un accogliente locale che ospita una clientela varia ed eterogenea. Situato nel verde dei giardini su viale Tiziano, poco prima dello Stadio Flaminio, è ricavato in una suggestiva location interamente in legno e materiali eco-sostenibili, progettata da un team di architetti davvero lungimiranti.

Via Flaminia 226, tel. 0632652754




B&B a Villa Riccio

VF Supermercati

A cosy bed and breakfast close to Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, the Spanish Steps and the Ara Pacis. B&B a Villa Riccio is comfortable and inexpensive and is located in a quiet, leafy area.

You will find everything you need here, from pasta, meat, vegetables and fruit, to household products such as brooms and detergents. The prices are less expensive than other supermarkets in the centre of Rome.

Il B&B a Villa Riccio è un confortevole ed economico bed and breakfast nel centro di Roma. Si trova in una zona verde e tranquilla a due passi da Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Piazza di Spagna, l’Ara Pacis.

Viale del Vignola 75, tel. 0636000426

Potrete trovare tutto quello di cui avete bisogno. Dalla spesa quotidiana come carne, pasta e frutta al necessario per la casa, come scope e detersivi. I prezzi sono quelli della grande distribuzione e meno cari rispetto ad altri supermercati del centro di Roma.

Via Flaminia 314, tel. 063232433


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Carpe Diem

The perfect synthesis of eastern and western approaches to fitness, where strength, flexibility, balance and control are combined in one discipline. The objectives are to strengthen the abdominal muscles, the lumbar and pelvic area. La sintesi perfetta tra approccio orientale e occidentale all’allenamento, dove forza, flessibilità, equilibrio e controllo, si fondono in un’unica disciplina. Gli obiettivi che questo metodo si prefigge sono: il potenziamento della muscolatura addominale, lombare e inguinale.

V. L. Signorelli 10, tel. 06235040

Gallotta Dr Domenico This is a well-stocked pharmacy. It also sells homeopathic, veterinary and dermo-cosmetic products, as well as galenic preparations, food supplements and gluten-free items. Mon-Fri 8.30-19.30, Sat 8.30-13.00. Questa farmacia è molto fornita e offre prodotti di omeopatia, veterinaria, sanitaria, dermo-cosmetica, preparazioni galeniche, integratori ed è specializzata in prodotti per celiaci. Orario nonstop lun-ven 8.30-19.30, sab 8.30-13.00.

Via Fracassini Cesare 26, tel. 063227507

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Ghetto T

his is the small area that stretches from Largo Argentina to the river. Not much of the original ghetto remains as it was razed to the ground after the unification of Italy when the Jewish inhabitants, once restricted to its confines by the papacy, were allowed to live in other parts of the city. The imposing synagogue, which was built at the end of the 19th century, is still the centre of the area and large apartment blocks of the same era were built around it. The only remaining parts of the old ghetto are around Portico d’Ottavia and the narrow lanes that lead to Largo Argentina. Considerable restoration has been done in the area over the last decade and it is now a busy pedestrian precinct with new street restaurants cropping up almost every month. The old feel of the one-time ghetto is disappearing fast under the onslaught of tourists. There is a choice of kosher food, two excellent bakeries, and hardware supermarket. There is some street parking along the river. 132 | www.wantedinrome.com


uesta è una piccola zona che si estende da Largo Argentina fino al fiume. Non rimane molto del ghetto originale, visto che è stato raso al suolo dopo l’unificazione d’Italia quando gli abitanti ebrei, una volta confinati nel quartiere dal papato, furono autorizzati a vivere anche in altre parti della città. La Sinagoga, costruita alla fine del 19° secolo, è imponente ed è ancora il centro vitale della zona attorno al quale sono stati costruiti grandi condomini risalenti alla stessa epoca. Le uniche parti restanti del vecchio ghetto sono intorno al Portico d’Ottavia e intorno alle stradine che portano a Largo Argentina. Un restauro considerevole è stato effettuato nella zona nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni e la maggior parte del quartiere è ora una tranquilla area pedonale. Nonostante la vecchia atmosfera sita scomparendo sotto una sempre più intensa invasione di turisti, vi è ancora una buona scelta di attività commerciali

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Giggetto al Portico d’Ottavia


Da Benito

Located in a quiet street just off Largo Argentina Benito is always full at lunch-time but the service is quick so you never have to wait long. There are many typical Roman dishes, such as bucatini all’amatriciana, spaghetti all’ arrabiata and a variety of vegetable dishes, sausages Nel cuore di Roma antica, accanto al Portico and mashed potatoes. d’Ottavia in una delle Situato in una zona cenpiù suggestive trattorie tralissima, a due passi da romane, da “Giggetto”, potete gustare le specia- Largo Argentina, Da Belità dell’autentica cucina nito è una vera e propria osteria, in un ambiente romana ed ebraica. piccolo e raccolto. A mezzogiorno si possono degustare al volo dei veri e propri piatti caratteristici della città, bucatini alla matriciana, spaghetti all’arrabbiata verdure a base de cicoria, melanzane e purè. In the heart of ancient Rome, near Portico d’Ottavia is one of the most charming trattorie in Rome. At Giggetto’s you can enjoy the specialties of authentic Roman and Jewish cuisine - but they come at a price.

Via del Portico d’Ottavia 21, tel. 066861105 www.giggetto.it

Via dei Falegnami 14, tel. 066861508

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Just between the Ghetto area and Campo de Fiori (1 min walk), Il Vinaietto is one of Rome’s oldest wine bars. The atmosphere is extremely relaxed and you will be able to taste excellent wines at a very reasonable price. This “vineria” is a mix between a store and a wine bar. There isn’t much room for seating, just two or three tables and some stools. It’s more of a get-your-glassand-stand-outside kind of place. Very relaxed place. A must.


Ducati Caffè

The perfect place for an aperitivo, that classic moment in our modern urban life style. Salami, cheeses and an assortment of wines and teas blend with wonderful flavours and aromas.

L’aperitivo, classico momento di aggregazione tipico dello spirito urbano contemporaneo, trova tutta la sua convivialità nel Ducati Caffè. La degustazione di prelibatezze come salumi e formaggi e quelle di Situato a tra il Ghetto e Campo dei Fiori Il Vinaietto un’assortita selezione di è una delle vinerie storiche vini avviene miscelando sapori e profumi. di Roma. L’atmosfera è estremamente rilassata e famigliare. Il posto ideale per poter assaggiare un bicchiere del vino preferito ad un prezzo più che ragionevole. I posti a sedere sono pochi ed è quindi probabile che gusterete il vostro vino in piedi. Il posto vale assolutamente una visita. Via Del Monte Della Farina, 38 Tel. 0668806989

Via Botteghe Oscure 35, tel. 0668891718 www.ducaticafferoma.com



B&B Reginella

LB&B Reginella is on the 4th floor of a historic building in Rome’s Jewish ghetto, near the famous Turtles’ Fountain. It has large rooms with private bathroom. The Reginella’s rooms are air-conditioned and overlook the rooftops of Rome’s historic centre. (from booking.com) Bed & Breakfast Best Comfort Reginella è una piccola ma lussuosa residenza situata al 4° piano di un palazzetto storico, senza ascensore. Tutte le camere hanno bagno privato con doccia.Bed & Breakfast Best Comfort Reginella offre colazione continentale a buffet self service in un apposito spazio. (da booking.com).

Via Della Reginella 22, www.booking.com



Despar is an association of wholesalers and retailers that offers the very best to consumers in terms of goods and services. Despar è un’associazione tra grossisti e commercianti per offrire il massimo, in termini di prodotto e di servizio, ai consumatori.

Via S.B. di Vaccinari 74


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Acquamadre Hammam The Hamman, or Turkish bath, has its origins in the Greek and Roman cultures. Here time stands still, and the perfume of incense and the sound of running water invite inner harmony and tranquility. L’Hammam nasce nella cultura Greco-Romana. E’ un luogo senza tempo dove il profumo di incensi e il lento scorrere dell’acqua rievocano la quiete di un ventre materno. Un invito all’ascolto di se stessi.

Via di S. Ambrogio 17, tel. 066864272 www.acquamadre.it


This pharmacy is one of the few open at night. Just ring the bell and a pharmacist, usually sleepy, will answer. It is well stocked and you will find all the usual medicines for children. Questa farmacia è una delle poche sempre aperte durante la notte. Basta suonare il campanello e un farmacista, di solito assonnato, risponderà. La farmacia è fornita e potrete trovarci dai medicinali più comuni per i bambini.

Via Arenula 73, tel. 0668803278

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monteverde M

onteverde is situated above and beyond Trastevere, on one side of the Gianicolo. It has charming old-fashioned three or fourstorey apartment blocks and tree-lined streets. The main attraction of the zone is Villa Pamphili, one of Rome’s largest parks. It is a good place for joggers and fitness freaks and offers a series of attractions, several lakes and plenty of woodland. The district is quiet and relatively traffic-free, except the Via Dandolo area, which links Monteverde to Trastevere, and around Porta di S. Pancrazio. There is a scarcity of public transport but it offers a pleasant and seemingly unhurried way of life. It is the home of the American Academy and the Spanish Academy and therefore has a turnover of visiting fellows throughout the academic year. There are also various embassies and religious houses and the Spanish Liceo. The Salvador Mundi private clinic, much-favoured by foreigners, is here and the Bambi Gesù hospital for children is just across the Gianicolo. 136 | www.wantedinrome.com


onteverde si trova al di là di Trastevere, su un lato del Gianicolo. E’ un quartiere pittoresco costituito prevalentemente da edifici a tre o quattro piani circondati da viali alberati. L’attrazione principale della zona è Villa Pamphili, uno dei più grandi parchi di Roma. Ottimo per fare jogging e offre una serie di attrazioni, numerosi laghi e boschi. Il quartiere è tranquillo e poco trafficato, se si escludono le zone di Porta di S. Pancrazio e di Via Dandolo, che collega Monteverde a Trastevere. I collegamenti sono pochi, ma il quartiere offre un modo piacevole e rilassato di vivere la città. Monteverde è anche la sede della American Academy e dell’Accademia Spagnola. La zona risente quindi della presenza dei visitatori che frequentano le due accademie. Ci sono anche diverse ambasciate e centri religiosi ai quali si aggiunge il Liceo Spagnolo. La clinica privata Salvador Mundi, molto apprezzata da stranieri, è qui e l’ospedale Bambi Gesù, specializzato nella cura dei problemi sanitari infantili, è proprio di fronte al Gianicolo.








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Il Vascello

This restaurant offers the possibility to taste typical Sardinian specialties, the classic Mediterranean cuisine and pizza cooked in a wood oven. All in a pleasant environment that puts us within walking distance from the wonderful panorama of Rome visible from the Gianicolo hill. Il ristorante offre la possibilità di degustare portate tipicamente sarde, la classica cucina mediterranea e la pizza cotta nel forno a legno. Il tutto in un piacevole contesto che colloca a breve distanza dal meraviglioso panorama di Roma, apprezzabile dal Gianicolo.

Via G. Massari 8/10, tel. 065806517


Il Cortile

Home and friendly atmosphere and many good things to eat, starting with the large choice of different appetizers: fried potatoes, fried broccoli, rice balls and artichokes. When the season is right even porcini mushrooms and truffles. Un’atmosfera cordiale e casalinga e tante cose buone, a cominciare dal grande tavolo degli antipasti dove potete scegliere tra frittata di patate, broccoli fritti, supplì, carciofi alla romana. In stagione incantevoli i piatti ai porcini e al tartufo.

Via Alberto Mario 26, tel. 065803433 www.ristoranteilcortile.it

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Bar Gianicolo

Very close to the Gianicolo, this bar is a pleasant and characteristic place that dates from the ‘60s. It has a clientele of regulars customers that mix with the many tourists and Americans from the nearby American Academy. You can have breakfast in the morning, a leisurely lunch or a drink at the end of the day. Vicinissimo al Gianicolo, Il Bar Gianicolo è un luogo piacevole e caratteristico che risale agli anni ‘60. Posto di passaggio, ha una clientela di habitué a cui si mischiano i numerosi turisti e gli studenti americani della vicina Accademia. Ci si può fare colazione la mattina, una piacevole pausa pranzo o un aperitivo a fine giornata.

Piazzale Aurelio 5


Al Grammelot Wine Bar On the premises of a former grocery shop, the Grammelot is a real jewel. Located on the Gianicolo overlooking Trastevere, (one of the best and most romantic views in Rome, especially at night) the bar is one of the few options in the area. (from www. spottedbylocals.com) Ex negozio di alimentari, il Grammelot è un vero gioiello. Situato nella zona di Monteverde, la collina che domina Trastevere, a pochi passi dalla terrazza del Gianicolo (probabilmente il posto con la miglior vista di Roma- e tra i più romantici), è una delle poche proposte per l’aperitivo della zona.

Via Giacinto Carini 39, tel. 065800166.



Villa Maria Guest House



Villa Maria is situated near the two parks of Villa Sciarra and Villa Pamphili. Thanks to its strategic position you can reach the Vatican and Castel S. Angelo in about a 20 minutes’ walk.

This supermarket carries a vast selection of exclusive brands ensuring the best quality at the lowest price. Meat and fresh fruit, as well as a variety of detergents and products for animals are also stocked.

Villa Maria è circondata dal verde, confina con Villa Sciarra ed è vicina a Villa Pamphili. La sua posizione strategica, vicinissima al Vaticano e Castel Sant’Angelo, vi permetterà di raggiungerli a piedi in circa 20 minuti, attraversando la passeggiata del Gianicolo.

Questo supermercato offre una vasta selezione di marchi esclusivi per garantire la miglior qualità al prezzo più basso. Potrete trovare carne e frutta fresca, come pure una varietà di detergenti e prodotti per animali.

Largo B. Berchet 4, tel. 065852031 www.villamaria.pcn.net

Via Fonteiana 59-73, tel. 0658332152


map 16


Pamphili Fitness Club Pamphili Fitness Club’s philosophy is to allow maximum flexibility of the lessons, using the latest machinery, with the guidance of highly qualified personnel. La filosofia del Pamphili Fitness Club si traduce nella flessibilità dell’orario delle lezioni, nell’utilizzo di macchinari di ultima generazione e nella possibilità di avere sempre a propria disposizione personale altamente qualificato e professionale.

Via A. Calabrese 7, tel. 065342233 www.pamphilifitnessclub.it

Farmacia Pamphili It’s a neighborhood pharmacy part of the community of Monteverde Vecchio. It ‘s an “old” pharmacy, not because of the date of its opening (1975), but for the care and kindness of the staff. Mon - Fri 8.3013.00, 16.00-19.30. Farmacia di quartiere legata alla comunità di Monteverde Vecchio. E’ una “vecchia” farmacia, non tanto per la data della sua apertura (1975), quanto per la cura e la cortesia del personale. Lun - Ven 8.30-13.00, 16.00-19.30.

Via F. Bolognesi 27, tel. 065897083 www.farmaciadiflumeri.it

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monti M

onti, between Termini station and Via dei Fori Imperiali, has a genuine village atmosphere even though it’s close to some of the city’s main tourist sites. There are characteristic centuries-old buildings and a small market, as well as the good-value Piazza Vittorio market on the Esquilino hill. The best thing about Monti is its position: near to everything but at the same time a world of its own. As its name suggests, it is on a hill and the winding roads are steep and narrow. There are plenty of excellent restaurants, good local grocers and artisan workshops. Buses run frequently along Via Nazionale to the north and Via Cavour to the south, where there is also a metro stop. The basilica of S. Maria Maggiore, in neighbouring Esquilino, is only minutes away, as are the Imperial Forum and Trajan’s Market. It is also the location of a number of good, recently renovated hotels. Parking in the heart of Monti is impossible although there are garages in the surrounding areas.

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onti si trova tra la stazione Termini e Via dei Fori Impe-riali ed offre un’autentica atmosfera da piccolo villaggio anche se è vicino ad alcuni dei siti più turistici della città. Ci sono alcuni vecchi edifici caratteristici e un piccolo mercato. Il quartiere è inoltre vicino al mercato di Piazza Vittorio che offre un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo per la spesa di tutti i giorni. La cosa migliore di Monti è la sua posizione: vicino a tutto, ma al tempo stesso un mondo a sé stante. Come suggerisce il nome, è situato su una collina e le strade tortuose sono strette e ripide. Ci sono ottimi ristoranti, una buona scelta di negozi di generi alimentari e botteghe artigiane. Gli autobus sono frequenti lun-go la Via Nazionale a nord e Via Cavour a sud, dove c’è anche una fermata della metropolitana. Il suo simbolo più importante è la basilica di S. Maria Maggiore dal-la quale con una rapida passeggiata si arriva al Foro Romano. Il quartiere ospita an-che un certo numero di buoni hotel, re-centemente restaurati. Parcheggio difficile.


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Tourists are welcome but most customers are Italian, including many politicians and show-biz stars. There are few but high quality wines. There is a good choice of classic dishes on the menu and you will also find sukiyaki. Jazz plays in the background. Pronti ad accogliere qualsiasi turista, ma in realtà quasi tutti i clienti sono italiani, tra cui parecchi politici e gente dello spettacolo. Musica jazz in sottofondo. Cantina con pochi vini, ma di qualità. Il menu è classico e abbastanza completo. E’ presente anche il sukiyaki.

Via dei Serpenti 27, tel. 06483648


Alle Carrette

One of the better pizzerie in Rome. There is a wide range of pizzas on the menu and the fritti are renowned, particularly the fiori di zucchine and supplì. Frequented by a mixture of locals and tourists, the informal style of this busy pizzeria makes it a perfect venue for meeting up with a big group of friends. Heated outdoor seating in winter, big queues in summer. Open every day and serves until relatively late. Una delle migliori pizzeria di Roma. Vi si possono ordinare diversi tipi di pizza assieme ai fritti. Particolarmente consigliati sono i fiori di zucca ed i supplì. Il locale è frequentato sia da turista anche se la maggior parte degli astanti sono romani. Lo stile è informale e spesso caotico. In pratica un posto perfetto per una pizza tra amici. Potrete mangiare sia dentro che fuori. Aspettatevi lunghe attese per un posto in estate. Aperto tutti i giorni fino a tardi. Via Madonna dei Monti, 95 tel. 066792770

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Libreria Bohèmien

Stairs and shelves, tables and occasional lamps, painted walls and comfortable armchairs create a fascinating and retro atmosphere. Drinks are between 19.00 and 22.00, all for €5… quite cheap for a journey of mind and spirit. Scale e mensole, tavolini e abatjour, pareti dipinte e poltrone in fine tappezzeria portano in un’atmosfera affascinante e un po’ retrò. Immancabile il ricco aperitivo dalle 19.00 alle 22.00, al modico costo di €5…biglietto ben poco caro per un viaggio della mente e dello spirito.

Via degli Zingari 36, tel. 3281730158


Tre Scalini

A true wine bar, or rather a bottiglieria, whose key features are the wine and the atmosphere. The Bottiglieria Tre Scalini is rustic and informal but well-run and it offers genuine quality products. Una vera vineria, o meglio bottiglieria, il cui elemento fondamentale è il vino e la compagnia; La Bottiglieria ai Tre Scalini, in un ambiente rustico ed informale ma certo carino e curato, propone un’offerta di qualità nella genuinità dei prodotti.

Via Panisperna 251, tel. 0648907495 www.aitrescalini.org



Il Covo B&B

Il Covo features spacious and comfortable guest rooms set in ancient Roman buildings. It has excellent transport links by both metro and bus and is just one stop away from the main station, Termini. (from booking.com)


Supermercato Conad Il Boschetto Conad has built up a good national distribution system and offers a wide range of products and services in tune with the everyday realities of its customers.

Conad ha costruito un forte sistema distributivo e con un’ampia offerIl Covo dispone di came- ta di prodotti e servizi. Ha creato una presenza re spaziose, accoglienti e ubicate in storici edifici capillare sul territorio nazionale, integrandosi romani sparsi nel rione perfettamente nelle Monti,. La struttura è ben servita dai mezzi di tante realtà in cui vivono i clienti. trasporto della metropolitana e dell’autobus e dista solo una fermata dalla stazione ferroviaria centrale di Termini. (da booking.com).

Via Del Boschetto 91, tel. 064815871 www.bbilcovo.com

Via del Boschetto 52, tel. 064880341


map 12


Monti Fitness

Monti Fitness is a new gym in Monti. It provides jazz dance, pilates, postural training, hip hop, break-dance, activities for children, boxing exercise, weights room, cardio fitness. Qualified instructors. Monti Fitness è la nuova palestra del Rione Monti: fitness, danza jazz, pilates, posturale latinoamericano, hip hop, breakdance, attività per bambini, prepugilistica, boxe, sala pesi, cardio fitness. Istruttori qualificati.

Via di S. Agata dei Goti 19, tel. 064743293

Farmacia Savignoni di Maria Bartoleschi

This pharmacy was founded in 1740 and in addition to the usual range of products it also sells homeopathic medicines. Mon-Fri 8.3013.00, 16.00-19.30. Questa farmacia risale al 1740 e vende tra gli altri prodotti omeopatici e preparazioni galeniche. Lun-ven 8.30-13.00, 16.00-19.30.

Via Dei Serpenti 125, tel. 064882973

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pantheon campo marzio T

his is the political centre of the capital. Within a few metres of the massive columns of the Pantheon you can watch most of the country’s politicians go by, to the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the government offices or just to the restaurants and bars that crowd the narrow streets. Whereas in other countries the parliament and government buildings shelter behind impenetrable security fencing, in Rome anyone can gaze at them from only a few metres away. Apartments to rent here are scarce and the family-run shops and street markets have been squeezed out by supermarkets, night-time drinking places, pizzerie and smart restaurants. The most elegant part of the area is around Piazza in Lucina, which is now a pedestrian precinct, just off the busy Via del Corso. There are probably more baroque churches here than in any other city in the world. Most of the area is now closed to cars, street parking is very limited and the existing garages are always full. 144 | www.wantedinrome.com


uesto è il centro politico della capitale. A pochi metri dalle massicce colonne del Pantheon è possibile incontrare molti politici che si spostano tra il Senato, la Camera dei Deputati, gli uffici governativi o semplicemente passeggiano tra i ristoranti e i bar che si trovano nelle strade strette e affollate. Mentre in altri paesi il Parlamento e gli edifici governativi sono al riparo e sono protetti da sistemi di sicurezza impenetrabili, a Roma chiunque può passarci a pochi metri di distanza e osservarli. Trovare un alloggio in questa zona è difficile e nel quartiere i negozi e i mercati a conduzione familiare sono stati quasi tutti sostituiti da supermercati, ristoranti, pizzerie e locali notturni di tutti i tipi. La parte più elegante della zona si trova nei pressi di Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina, che ora è una zona pedonale, a due passi dalla frequentatissima Via del Corso. Probabilmente ci sono più chiese barocche in questa zona che in qualsiasi altra città del mondo.



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Casa Coppelle

Just behind Piazza Navona in the heart of Rome you can find the Casa Coppelle restaurant. It was founded in 2009 with the aim of creating a new space in which to fuse the magic combination of genuine Roman and French cuisine. The bread and desserts are made in Casa Coppelle, and the meat is of the finest quality. A due passi da Piazza Navona e dal Pantheon c’è Casa Coppelle. Inaugurato nel 2009 questo ristorante nasce con l’obiettivo di fondere la cucina romana con quella francese. Carne, pane e dolci sono di primissima qualità. Gli arredamenti sono stati scelti appositamente per rendere il locale il piu confortevole possibile.

Piazza delle Coppelle, 49 tel. 0668891707


The Perfect Bun

The Perfect Bun serves up American style food and has a bar and a two-level dining area close to Piazza Navona and the Pantheon. The ambience is nice and the food makes it all the more worthwhile. Menu is a bit pricey, it’s worth it. Burgers are a must. Service is fast and friendly, and the bartenders make good drinks besides the choice of draft beers. The Perfect Bun è un locale su due livelli che serve cibo americano a due passi da Piazza Navona e dal Pantheon. L’ambiente è gradevole e il cibo è all’altezza delle aspettative. Un po’ caro ma ne vale la pena, soprattutto gli hamburger. Il servizio ai tavoli è amichevole e i baristi riescono a creare ogni tipo di cocktail. Largo Del Teatro Valle 4 Tel. 0645476337

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Salotto 42

An elegant bar for the select few, furnished in vintage style. A trendy location facing ancient Roman ruins in the heart of the centre with a mix of beautiful and normal people, locals and foreigners (expats, not tourists), not many beyond their forties. At the weekend brunch and a buffet are served. Voted one of the world’s best bars it definitely worth a visit during the day or at night time. Un locale elegante e caratterizzato da uno stile vintage. Un posto alla moda con un incredibile affaccio sua alcune delle più spettacolari rovine romane. Il Salotto 42, votato uno dei migliori bar al mondo, è frequentato sia da romani che da stranieri, questi ultimi per la maggior parte residenti e non turisti. La clientela è giovane e difficilmente l’età media supera i 40 anni. Perfetto per un drink la sera o un brunch nel fine settimana. Piazza di Pietra 42 Tel. 066785804



If you are living or working in the Pantheon area you must absolutely stop by and visit this small family-run Enoteca. Here you will be able to taste excellent salads along with very good raw fish. The wine list offers a vast selection. Service is friendly and professional. This Enoteca isn’t exactly cheap but it’s worth a try. Chi vive o lavora nel centro di Roma capita spesso in questa piccola enoteca, gestita da una coppia molto gentile ed attenta alla cura del cliente. Le insalate sono ottime nonché i piatti di pesce crudo misto, il tutto accompagnato da ottimi vini. I prezzi non sono proprio modici ma la qualità è ai massimi livelli.

Via S. Eustachio 5, tel. 066833691

pantheon - campo marzio


Albergo Abruzzi

Set in the heart of the historic centre, this hotel is ideal for those of you who really want to get a feel of Rome. The historic building is typical of those found in this area and was completely renovated in 2006. It now features modern facilities, including Wi-Fi access. (from booking.com) Sito nel cuore del Centro storico, questo hotel è l’ideale per coloro che desiderano vivere appieno Roma. L’edificio storico è tipico della zona ed è stato completamente rinnovato nel 2006. Oggi presenta attrezzature moderne, come la connessione internet Wi-Fi in tutta la struttura. (da booking.com)

Piazza della Rotonda 69, tel. 066792021 www.hotelabruzzi.it



DíperDí is a chain of supermarkets that provides food, goods and services on your doorstep. It will meet all your daily needs, from fresh and organic food to a complete range of high quality brands. DíperDí è una catena di supermercati che coniuga in maniera efficace l’offerta di prodotti e servizi con la vicinanza a casa. E’ il supermercato di quartiere in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di spesa giornaliera, con un’offerta di prodotti freschi completa e prodotti ad alto contenuto qualitativo.

Via Giustiniani 18, tel. 0668891452


map 11



International Chemist

Fitness for women and man in the centre of Rome. Here you will find innovative methods, the latest equipment and competent personal trainers. Il fitness riservato alle donne e uomini nel centro di Roma. Potrai allenarti con metodi innovativi con macchinari all’avanguardia e sarai seguito da personale preparato e competente.

Via dei Coronari 46 Tel. 06/6864989

One of the most popular pharmacies in the centre thanks partly to its location. It is often open late at night and you will find almost everything you need, from the most basic medicines to beauty creams and toys for children. Una delle farmacie piu frequentate della città grazie anche alla sua posizione. Spesso aperta durante la notte la farmacia offre tutto quello che può servire. Dai più comuni medicinali, alle creme di bellezza ai giochi per bambini.

Piazza Capranica 96 Via Colonnelle 1/3, tel. 066794680

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popolo spagna I

f you are looking for somewhere to live in this part of town head for the charming Via Margutta nestled under the Pincio hill. It was once a warren of artists’ studios, but is now an upmarket area where you will be paying over the odds. There are picturesque apartments on the numerous streets that lead from Via del Babuino to Via del Corso but they are almost inaccessible by car. It is still the best, most fashionable and most expensive shopping area in town and you can wander from Bulgari, to Gucci, Fendi, Max Mara, Armani and plenty more in just a few minutes. It is full of restaurants, which are no longer as good as they used to be, but this is the place for the city’s top hotels such as the Hassler, d’Inghilterra, the Plaza and de Russie. Head towards Piazza del Popolo if you are looking for some quiet or up the Spanish Steps to the area around the French Academy at Villa Medici. There is a busy metro stop in Piazza di Spagna and one just off Piazza del Popolo; there are always plenty of taxis but hardly any buses.

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e siete alla ricerca di un posto dove vivere in questa parte della città, l’affascinante Via Margutta, situata proprio sotto la collina del Pincio, rappresenta la scelta migliore. Un tempo era un labirinto di studi di artisti, ma ora è una lussuosa e costosa zona della città. Ci sono appartamenti prestigiosi lungo le strade che portano da Via del Babuino a Via del Corso, ma sono quasi inaccessibili in auto. E’ ancora la zona migliore, più alla moda e più costosa della città per lo shopping. Si possono raggiungere Bulgari, Gucci, Fendi, Max Mara, Armani e molte altre boutiques in pochi minuti a piedi. La zona è piena di ristoranti (non buoni come una volta), come pure di alberghi prestigiosi come il Hassler, l’Hotel d’Inghilterra, il Plaza e il De Russie. Il quartiere è effervescente, ma se siete alla ricerca di tranquillità dirigetevi verso Piazza del Popolo. Vi è una fermata della metropolitana in Piazza di Spagna e una appena fuori da Piazza del Popolo. Ci sono sempre molti taxi, ma quasi nessun autobus.


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The pizzeria is on the ground floor, but the dining area extends under the arcade around Piazza Augusto Imperatore. Inside it is a bit like a factory; iron beams are combined with wood but all in inviting neutral tones. Il piano terra del locale ospita la pizzeria, ma anche questa zona si moltiplica nel portico. All’interno la sensazione è quella di una factory industriale, dove le travi in ferro si miscelano al legno, tutto giocato sui toni neutri ed accoglienti.

Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9, tel. 063226273 www.gusto.it


Settimio all’Arancio


Hotel Locarno



Don’t miss this unusual location in the heart of Rome, especially on warm evenings. Today the Locarno’s prestigious top floor terrace is open to the public for excellent cocktails and dinner. At weekends there is live jazz.

Elegant with a very professional service, similar to the old coffee shops. As well as the restaurant, Buvette also has a tearoom. Well prepared dishes, including excellent homemade desserts. It is advisable to book.

Ecco una location insolita da non lasciarsi sfuggire nel cuore di Roma, specie per chi Il Ristorante Settimio si trova da quelle parti all’Arancio offre cucina al calar del sole e nelle tradizionale mediterstagioni più calde. Oggi ranea, ampia scelta di il Locarno accoglie vini, tavoli all’aperto e anche il pubblico locale climatizzato. Si accettano tutte le carte sulla prestigiosa terrazza all’ultimo piano, dove di credito, gradita la prenotazione. Specialità è possibile prendere un carne alla brace e pesce. aperitivo, cenare o, nei Ottimo rapporto qualità weekend, ascoltare live musica jazz. - prezzo.

Locale elegante e con un servizio molto professionale, simile alle antiche caffetterie, che oltre al ristorante comprende anche una sala da te’. Piatti ben eseguiti, ottimi anche i dolci preparati rigorosamente in casa. Si consiglia la prenotazione.

Settimio all’Arancio offers traditional Mediterranean cuisine, an extensive wine selection, tables outside, but also an air conditioned area. All major credit cards are accepted and reservations are advisable. The specialties are grilled meat and fish. Good quality at reasonable prices.

Via dell’Arancio 50, tel. 066876119 www.settimioallarancio. com

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Via della Penna 22, tel. 063610841 www.hotellocarno.com

Via Vittoria 44, tel. 066790383

popolo - spagna


Hotel Forte

Hotel Forte is situated in a historic building in Via Margutta, a nice little street in Rome’s historic centre, near the Spanish Steps and the Spagna metro station, line A. L’Hotel Forte occupa un edificio storico di Via Margutta, nel Centro storico di Roma nei pressi di Piazza di Spagna e della fermata della metro Spagna, Linea A.

Via Margutta 61, tel. 063207625 www.hotelforte.com



A small supermarket in the centre of Rome, but despite its size it provides everything you might need. Frozen food and fresh fruit, household goods and detergents. The prices are higher than in other areas of the city. Un piccolo supermercato nel centro di Roma. Anche se le dimensioni del negozio non sono enormi, qui potrete tutto quello che vi puo servire. Surgelati e frutta fresca. Ogetti per la casa e detersivi. I prezzi sono relativamente piu alti rispetto ad altre zone della città.

Via Soderini 10, tel. 0636005377


map 8


Linea Fitness Club

Farmacia Trinita’ dei Monti

In the historic heart of Rome, near famous designer shops, Linea Fitness Club has offered its clients a high-quality professional service for more than 25 years.

This pharmacy offers, among other products, homeopathic, health and dermocosmetics ones. Mon-Sat 08.3020.00.

Nel cuore della vecchia Roma, tra le vetrine degli stilisti più famosi, Linea Fitness Club offre alla propria clientela, da oltre 25 anni, un servizio di alta qualità e professionalità.

Via Bocca di Leone 60, tel. 066798356 www.lineafitnessclub.it

Questa farmacia offre tra gli altri prodotti di omeopatia, sanitaria e dermocosmetica. Orario non-stop lun-sat 08.30-20.00.

Piazza di Spagna 30, tel. 066790626

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prati B

uilt at the end of the 19th century, Prati is one of the few examples of rational city planning in Rome. It has wide streets, well-built apartment blocks around internal courtyards and a solid, respectable air. This is a good place for both food and clothes shopping and is much cheaper than the historic centre (the most important streets are Via Trionfale for food and Via Cola di Rienzo for clothes). Prati offers a great variety of attractions, from restaurants to cinemas and night clubs. It is near St Peter’s and not far from the centro storico. Public transport is excellent (both buses and underground) and it’s a good solution for those who want to be close to the centre, but who can’t afford the prices. Apartments are more spacious and cheaper than in more central zones and there is plenty of street parking for residents and offstreet parking in private garages. Prati is the home of Rome’s criminal and civil courts and many lawyers have their offices here. 152 | www.wantedinrome.com


ostruito alla fine del 19° secolo, il quartiere Prati è uno dei pochi esempi di urbanistica razionale a Roma. Ha strade larghe, palazzi ben costruiti attorno a cortili interni e gode di una certa rispettabilità. Questo è un buon posto sia per la spesa quotidiana che per il vestiario. In generale lo shopping è molto più conveniente rispetto al centro storico (la via più importanti per fare la spesa è Via Trionfale e Via Cola di Rienzo lo è per l’abbigliamento). Prati offre una grande varietà di attrazioni, dai ristoranti ai cinema ai locali notturni. E’ vicino a S. Pietro e non lontano dal centro storico. Il trasporto pubblico è eccellente (sia autobus che metropolitana), ed è una buona soluzione per chi vuole essere vicino al centro, ma non può permettersi gli altissimi costi della zona. Il parcheggio si trova facilmente, sia per strada che nei garage privati. In Prati si trovano inoltre il tribunale civile e penale di Roma. La zona è quindi frequentata da avvocati.









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map 4



Zen Sushi Restaurant Inspired by the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, this restaurant is designed to meet the most demanding customers’ requests with a careful selection of raw seafood and expertly combined vegetables. Animato dall’atmosfera e dalla cultura del Sol Levante, questo ristorante si presta a soddisfare la clientela più esigente con un menù dei più variegati, proponendo una vasta e curata selezione di crudità di mare e verdure sapientemente mixate.

Via degli Scipioni 243, tel. 063213420


Dal Toscano

A fine selection of Tuscan dishes. Tuscan starters, fagioli al fiasco, pappardelle and pici alla toscana, ribollita, all with a good bottle of Chianti and above all the best grilled meat, have made this famous among the capital’s restaurants. Un’accurata selezione dei piatti tipici toscani: fagioli al fiasco, ribollita, pappardelle e pici alla toscana, antipasto toscano il tutto accompagnato da un buon fiasco di Chianti e soprattutto le migliori carni alla griglia, che nel panorama della ristorazione della capitale, hanno reso il ristorante famoso.

Via Germanico 58, tel. 0639725717 www.ristorantedaltoscano.it

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Il Sorpasso

A very nice place where you can start with an aperitivo (good choice of wines and cocktails) and continue with dinner. All dishes are good and the staff is pleasant and welcoming. Finally a friendly place in Prati. Just of Piazza Risorgimento. A due passi da piazza Risorgimento. Un posto accogliente e alla moda dover poter gustare un ottimo aperitivo (la scelta dei vini e dei cocktail è notevole) oppure cenare. Tutti i piatti sono buoni e il personale è educato ed efficiente. Finalmente un posto in Prati da consigliare.

Via Properzio, 31 Tel. 0689024554



At the cocktail hour Vanni is crowded with people on their way home from work or waiting to sit in on a television programme broadcast by the national TV, the RAI (Vanni is right in front of one of the RAI’s famous studios), or just to see who might be coming out of the theatre. All’ora dell’aperitivo Vanni si riempie di professionisti a fine giornata e di quanti si recano nelle vicinanze per assitere ad un programma RAI (il locale si trova di fronte al famoso Teatro delle Vittorie) o di quanti escono da un teatro.

Via Col di Lana 10, tel. 0632649001 www.vanni.it



Hotel Metropolis


Tuo Spa

Hotel Metropolis is near the Vatican City and Villa Borghese, 200 metres from Lepanto metro station. The modern rooms have air conditioning, TV and minibar. The Metropolis is set within a traditional-style building, just ten minutes’ walk from St Peter’s Square and the Vatican Museums.

This supermarket aims to sell as many products to as many customers as possible for as little as possible, but at the same time guaranteeing both safety and quality.

V. delle Milizie 26, tel. 0637512539 www.hotelmetropolisrome.com

Via Ferrari Giuseppe 43, tel. 0637518144

La missione è di vendere al maggior numero di clienti un numero sempre maggiore di prodotti ai prezzi più bassi possibili, soddisfacendo i bisogni quotidiani A 200 metri dalla alimentari e non stazione metropolitana Lepanto, vicino alla Città alimentari, garantendo del Vaticano e a Villa Bor- sicurezza e qualità. ghese, l’Hotel Metropolis offre camere moderne con TV, aria condizionata e minibar. Il Metropolis occupa un edificio in stile tradizionale che dista soli 10 minuti a piedi da Piazza San Pietro e dai Musei Vaticani.


map 4



Giulio Cesare

In the heart of Prati, among the many elegant buildings along Viale Giulio Cesare, the 1,300 sqm of Dabliu Prati, is dedicated to your physical and mental well-being. This is a place to keep fit but also to escape from everyday stress. Al centro del quartiere Prati, tra i maestosi palazzi di Viale Giulio Cesare, trovi gli oltre 1.300 mq del Dabliu Prati; dedicati interamente alla tua forma fisica e mentale, un luogo dove tenersi in forma ma anche incontrarsi e liberarsi dallo stress quotidiano.

Viale Giulio Cesare 43, tel. 0632110214 www.dabliu.com

This pharmacy was founded in 1838 and sells veterinary products, cosmetics, homeopathic medicines, gluten-free items, galenic preparations and Chinese remedies. Mon-Sat 8.30-19.30. Questa farmacia è stata fondata nel 1838 e offre prodotti di veterinaria, cosmetica, omeopatia, cibi senza glutine, preparazioni galeniche e cinesi. Orario nonstop lun-sab 8.30-19.30.

Viale Giulio Cesare 209-211, tel. 0639725493

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map 7

st peter’s L

ife here centres on St Peter’s and the pilgrim trade but the surrounding “borghi”, as they are known, are an indication of what the area was like before Mussolini knocked most of it down to drive Via della Conciliazione straight through to St Peter’s Square. Full of tourists, pilgrims, priests and Vatican officials, the area is always crowded and is not for anyone with a car. The residential area is Borgo Pio, now a pedestrian precinct, where some Romans still live and work. There are a few good and reasonably priced hotels but the restaurants are generally expensive and poor quality. Going towards the Tiber, you will see Castel S. Angelo, once a fortress for the popes, now a museum, surrounded by one of the few green parks in the centre. There is an interesting residential area just behind Castel S. Angelo where the apartment buildings are of solid, late 19thcentury construction.

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a vita qui gira prevalentemente intorno a S. Pietro ed ai pellegrini venuti in visita. I “Borghi” vicini, come sono chiamati, danno un’idea di ciò che la zona era prima che fosse in parte abbattuta da Mussolini per far posto a Via della Conciliazione, strada che porta direttamente a Piazza S. Pietro. Piena di turisti, pellegrini, sacerdoti e funzionari del Vaticano, la zona è sempre affollata e non è consigliata a chi gira in macchina. L’area residenziale si chiama Borgo Pio. È oggi una zona pedonale frequentata ancora da alcuni romani che ci vivono o ci lavorano. Ci sono numerosi alberghi a prezzi ragionevoli anche se i ristoranti sono in genere costosi. Andando verso il Tevere, si vedrà Castel S. Angelo, un tempo una fortezza per i papi, ora un museo, circondato da uno dei pochi parchi verdi del centro. Vi è una zona residenziale interessante appena dietro Castel S. Angelo in cui gli edifici sono risalenti alla fine del 19° secolo.




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St. Peter’s


Castel S. Angelo

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map 7

st peter’s


Da Benito e Gilberto Just a few steps from St Peter’s, the restaurant has room for just 30 seats and offers a good variety of fish dishes and wide selection of fresh seafood every day, as well as an excellent wine list. A pochi passi da S. Pietro, il locale dispone di 30 posti e offre una cucina tutta a base di pesce, una vasta scelta di frutti di mare crudi tutti i giorni e un’ottima lista di vini.

Via del Falco 19, tel. 066867769 www.dabenitoegilberto. com





Warmth and simplicity are the main elements in this venue with its unfussy design. The fittings and decor are of wood and simple materials, but are nevertheless elegant and exclusive. There are two dining All’ingresso padroneggia rooms separated by the kitchen and cloakroom. il banco delle carni, gestito sapientemente Calore e semplicità la dal macellaio che confanno da padroni in uno siglia il taglio migliore spazio dalle linee essenda cucinare in 4 modi diversi: crudo, cotto alla ziali, elementi di arredo e decor fatti di legno griglia, cotto in padella e materiali poveri, ma o fritto. non per questo meno eleganti o esclusivi. Nuvolari ospita il pubblico in due sale, divise da una cucina e dai serivizi. You will find the meat counter at the entrance, wisely presided over by a butcher who recommends the best cuts, to be prepared in four different ways: raw, grilled, fried or pan-baked.

Borgo Vittorio 92, tel. 0668804299 www.maxela.it

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Via degli Ombrellari 10, tel. 0668803018



A meeting place where you can stop at all times of day to relax in a simple and welcoming environment. It is open for lunch, for dinner and after dinner. This is a place where you can listen to good music and even discover new young artists. Un luogo d’incontro dove fermarsi per godere di un ambiente semplice e accogliente nei diversi momenti della giornata: aperto fin dal mattino per la colazione, poi per cena e per il dopocena, un valido indirizzo dove ascoltare della buona musica o scoprire giovani artisti.

Via Pomponio Leto 1, tel. 06687451358 www.passaguai.it

st peter’s


Hotel S. Anna


Il Vantaggio

The lounge and the enchanting courtyard are pleasant places to meet and relax. Hotel St Anna is an upper 3-star hotel and guarantees its guests a charming and comfortable atmosphere.

The supermarket in your neighbourhood. You will find all you need. From food to detergents. Everything in just a few minutes walk from your apartment. You will also find all your favourite brands.

Il Salone e l’incantevole cortile offrono piacevoli occasioni d’incontro e di relax. L’ Hotel S. Anna, albergo a 3 stelle superiore, garantisce ai propri ospiti un’atmosfera incantevole e familiare.

Il supermercato nel vostro quartiere. Troverete tutto il necessario. Dal cibo ai detergenti. Tutto in pochi minuti a piedi dal vostro appartamento. Troverete anche molte delle vostre marche preferite.

Borgo Pio 133, tel. 0668801602 www.hotelsantanna.com

Largo di Porta Castello


map 7


Sporting Prati

This gym offers a wide range of aerobic activities, including pump, GAG, back exercises and stretching, but also martial arts such as taekwondo, bodybuilding and cardio-vascular activity. There is also a sauna. Questa palestra offre una ricca gamma di attività aerobiche, tra cui pump, GAG, ginnastica posturale e stretching, ma anche arti marziali quali il taekwondo, body-building ed attività cardio-vascolari. Tra le altre cose i clienti possono usufruire della sauna.

Via Germanico 101, tel. 063219132

Lazzaro Raffaella This pharmacy sells homeopathic, veterinary and cosmetic products as well as galenic preparations and gluten-free food. Mon-Fri 8.30-19.30, Sat 8.30-13.00. Questa farmacia vende prodotti di omeopatia, veterinaria, cosmetica, preparazioni galeniche e cibi senza glutine. Orario non-stop lun-ven 8.30 19.30, sab 8.30-13.00.

Borgo Pio 44/a, tel. 0668802889

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map 17


uilt in the 19th century to house the workers in the slaughterhouse and the industrial zone of the Ostiense, today Testaccio is a popular residential area. Just across the river from parts of Trastevere it gives a good idea of the real Roman life, and also offers a variety of night life and excellent restaurants. What was once the slaughterhouse has now been transformed into a cultural complex, MACRO, with its recently restored gallery spaces for contemporary art. About ten minutes by bus to the historic centre, Testaccio is good value for money. Large apartment blocks surround internal courtyards and there is still a village feel about the area. The much-loved street market that was once in Piazza Testaccio is now operating out of its new complex in Via Galvani and the square itself has now been beautifully restored with a fountain in the centre. Both buses and the metro connections are excellent and there is also an electric train to Ostia Lido on the coast. 160 | www.wantedinrome.com


ostruito nel 19° secolo per ospitare gli operai del vicino macello e della zona industriale di Ostiense, Testaccio, è oggi una zona residenziale. Appena oltre il fiume, vicino a Trastevere, il quartiere offre una buona idea della vita romana e offre anche una vivace vita notturna e ottimi ristoranti. Il macello di una volta, ormai in disuso, è stato trasformato in centro culturale. Dista circa dieci minuti di autobus dal centro storico e offre un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo. Blocchi di appartamenti di grandi dimensioni circondano cortili interni e vi si respira ancora un certa aria di paese. Il mercato tanto caro ai residenti che una volta era in Piazza Testaccio è ora stato trasferito nel nuovo complesso di Via Galvani. La Piazza è stata restaurata e al centro della stessa è stata posta una bellissima fontana. I collegamenti con i bus e la metropolitana sono ottimi. Vi segnaliamo in particolare il treno che porta al mare e che parte dalla vicina stazione dell’Ostiense.

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map 17



Da Felice

A Roman trattoria frequented mainly by Romans. Excellent amatriciana and cacio e pepe. The abbacchio (lamb) is excellent as well. Don’t forget to try the home made tiramisu in a glass. Trattoria storica che molti romani conoscono ma che oggi rivive con un’anima nuova. Ottima amatriciana, il cacio e pepe da primato, l’abbacchio dal sapore nitido e il tiramisù della casa nel bicchiere.

Via Mastro Giorgio 29, tel. 065746800 www.feliceatestaccio. com


Pizzeria Nuovo Mondo This is one of many pizzerie in Testaccio. There’s nothing unusual about their pizza, but it is bigger and thicker, with standard toppings such as scamorza and speck, aubergine, cherry tomatoes and buffalo mozzarella; you can even personalise the ingredients for no extra cost, as long as you are not too fussy. Di pizzeria in Testaccio ce ne sono diverse. Questa pero è una delle piu buone. Potrete ordinare la pizza come meglio preferite. Con scamorza, speck o qualsiasi altra prelibatezza vi venga in mente. L’ambiente è spartano ma allo stesso tempo accogliente. I camerieri, nonostante siano sempre indaffarati, sono gentili e cortesi. Di buono poi, oltre alla pizza, c’è anche il prezzo. Via Amerigo Vespucci, 15 Tel 065746004

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L’Oasi della Birra



You will find rare grain beers and some Scottish brands too. At the Oasis of Beer you can also order all kinds of salami, exceptional local and foreign cheeses plus soups, goulash, pies, sandwiches and salads.

For the last eight years Ketumbar has been at the centre of Rome’s night life. The atmosphere and the surroundings, the lighting and music are designed to make Ketumbar a special meeting place.

Potrete trovare le rarissime birre di grano, le trappiste belghe e le birre scozzesi da meditazione, sul versante del cibo potrete ordinare salumi eccezionali e formaggi frutto di un’ attenta selezione nazionale e straniera, zuppe, goulash, torte salate, panini e insalate.

Dalla data dell’apertura ad oggi sono passati quasi otto anni, anni in cui il Ketumbar è stato al centro della notte romana; si è lavorato molto per creare e mantenere quell’atmosfera e quell’ambiente, che fa del Ketumbar un luogo speciale di incontri, di luci, di piacere, cultura e musica.

Piazza Testaccio 38, tel. 065746122

Via Galvani 24, tel. 0657305338 www.ketumbar.it



B&B Testaccio


Testaccio Market

The new covered market is finally up and running. Good quality meat, fish, fruit and vegetables at excellent prices. Also a pastry shop, a kitchen shop, antiques, books and shoe stalls. Between La formula è quella Via Galvani and Via classica del bed and breakfast, pernottamen- Manuzio. to e prima colazione l nuovo mercato di e tanta originalità e Testaccio e finalmente simpatia. Un ambiente funzionate ed in piena unico e accogliente, attività. Ottima scelta raffinato e pulito. di carne, pesce, frutta e verdure a prezzi abbordabili. All’interno della struttura potrete inoltre trovare una pasticceria, un negozio dedicato alla cucina nonché articoli d’antiquariato, libri e calzature. Il mercato si trova tra Via Galvani e Via Manunzio. The formula is the classic bed and breakfast with plenty of originality and atmosphere. Unique, welcoming, stylish and clean.

Piazza S. Maria Liberatrice 4, tel. 0657289562

Via Galvani and Via Alessandro Volta


map 17


C.S Aventino

With some 40 years of experience, C.S. Aventino has high professional and international standards. All the staff work to an educational and organisational model, which is essential to the success of the courses. There is a 25-metre swimming pool as well as a sauna and a gym. Il C.S. Aventino, grazie alla quarantennale esperienza maturata in ambito internazionale, garantisce agli iscritti un livello di professionalità ai più alti standard del settore. Il modello didattico e organizzativo, integrato in un metodo di lavoro uniforme è la base essenziale del successo dei corsi.

Via Mormorata 14, tel. 065740637 www.csaventino.it

Farmacia De Angelis This pharmacy has existed for decades and offers gluten-free products, galenic preparations, homeopathy and veterinary products. Also a section dedicated to perfumery and to health care. Mon-Fri 08.30-19.30. Questa farmacia esiste da trent’anni ed offre prodotti senza glutine, prepara-zioni galeniche, prodotti di omeopatia e veterinaria. Ha inoltre una sezione dedicata alla profumeria ed alla sanitaria. Orario non-stop lun-ven 08.3019.30.

Via Marmorata 133, tel. 065740941

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map 14


rastevere used to be defined as the most Roman of all the districts, but not many real Romans live here any longer. Sandwiched on a narrow strip of land between Monteverde Vecchio and the Tiber, it is as picturesque as the historic centre. Once a favourite location for foreigners living in Rome, recently it has become too expensive and too crowded. There are still numerous good restaurants and nightspots but they are being squeezed out by pizzerie and ice cream parlours. The public transport is good so you could do without a car, especially as parking is almost impossible. There are still some street markets, although the one in Piazza S. Cosimato has lost its local charm since it was modernised. Along Porta Portese, which skirts the Tiber, you will find endless accessories for cars, motorbikes and bicycles but there are few real bargains now at the famous Sunday market of the same name.

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rastevere è famoso per essere il più romano di tutti i quartieri, ma non molti veri romani vivono più qui. Costruito su una stretta striscia di terra tra Monteverde Vecchio e il Tevere, Trastevere è pittoresco almeno quanto il centro storico. Una volta luogo preferito per gli stranieri che decidevano di vivere a Roma, di recente è diventato troppo costoso e troppo affollato. Ci sono ancora numerosi ristoranti e locali notturni, ma vengono troppo spesso sostituiti da pizzerie a taglio e gelaterie. Il trasporto pubblico è buono, quindi si può fare ameno della macchina, specialmente visto che parcheggiare è quasi impossibile. Ci sono ancora alcuni mercati all’aperto, anche se quello in Piazza S. Cosimato ha perso il suo fascino a seguito della recente ristrutturazione. Lungo Porta Portese, che costeggia il Tevere, troverete accessori per auto, moto e biciclette, ma ci sono poche vere occasioni visto che il mercato domenicale che ne prende il nome è diventato troppo famoso e frequentato.

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map 14



Dar Poeta

Dar Poeta is a popular pizzeria. The environment is lively and entertaining and the excellent pizzas are made from quality natural ingredients. The menu includes very good bruschette, try the one with the excellent ciauscolo, a soft salami from the Marche, and a wide variety of salads. Dar Poeta è una pizzeria sempre frequentatissima, per l’ambiente vivace e divertente e, soprattutto, per le ottime pizze, preparate con impasto di qualità a lievitazione naturale. Nel menù spiccano anche le numerosissime bruschette, ottima quella con il ciauscolo, e un’ampia varietà di insalate.

Vicolo del Bologna 46, tel. 065880516 www.darpoeta.com


Surya Mahal

Chicken curry, veal or lamb meatballs, but also tandoori, samosa, kofta, shishkebabs and other specialties for the curious and for those who are fond of Indian cuisine. Curry di pollo, di polpettine di vitellone o di agnello, ma anche tandoori, samosa, kofta, spiedini al forno ed altre specialità per i curiosi o gli appassionati di questa cucina.

Piazza Trilussa 50, tel. 065894554 www.ristorantesuryamahal.com

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FrenieFrizioni is cool. A few steps from the picturesque Piazza Trilussa, it is simply furnished with salvaged furniture, but at the same time it is elegant and welcoming. FrenieFrizioni è un ritrovo cool di Trastevere. A pochi passi dalla suggestiva Piazza Trilussa, ecco un locale semplice, arredato con oggetti di recupero, ma allo stesso tempo, assai elegante ed accogliente.

Via del Politeama 4, tel. 0658334210 www.freniefrizioni.com



A wine bar and a cafeteria known for its music (live jazz on Friday evening). Ombre Rosse offers a selection of meats and cheeses, salads and other cold dishes, excellent wine cellar and a large selection of liqueurs and spirits. Un wine bar, caffeteria. Il locale, è noto per la sua offerta musicale (jazz, live il venerdì sera) propone una selezione di salumi e formaggi, insalate e diversi piatti freddi, molto buona la cantina, ampia la scelta di liquori e distillati.

Piazza S. Egidio 12, tel. 0697616676



Residenza Belli Inn Residenza Belli’s rooms are comfortable and well-kept, with air conditioning and minibars. Free wired internet access will be provided for you if bring your own computer and Residenza Belli’s friendly reception staff will give you free tourist maps on arrival. (from booking.com)




Mercato Rionale

L’albero e la mano

Farmacia Dr Rellecati Fabrizio

This market in Trastevere is a busy outdoor food and flower market where customers can buy fresh products or just watch the locals shopping and bargaining with stall owners. The market is open Mon-Sat from 06.0013.00.

A series of activities and services including shiatsu and massage. Here you can practice various types of yoga and follow related courses.

This pharmacy, founded in 1734, sells homeopathic products, dermo-cosmetics, galenic preparations and products for coeliacs. The pharmacist speaks good English. Mon-Sat 08.30-20.30.

Offre al suo interno una serie d’attività e prestazioni. Per esempio si effettuano trattamenti shiatsu e vari tipi di massaggi. Presso il centro si Questo mercato molto Le camere della struttura frequentato dai residenti possono praticare vari sono confortevoli e ben della zona vende cibo e tipi di yoga e relativi fiori. I passanti potranno corsi. tenute, tutte dotate di farci la spesa di tutti i aria condizionata e di minibar. La connessione giorni o solo farsi un’idea internet cablata è gratu- della vita trasteverina. Il mercato è aperto tutti ita e potrete utilizzarla tramite il vostro compu- i giorni, ad eccezione della domenica, dalle ter portatile personale. 06.00-13.00. Il cordiale personale della struttura vi fornirà delle mappe turistiche omaggio all’arrivo. (da booking.com)

Via Goffredo Mameli 47, tel. 0645428696 www.residenzabelli.it

map 14

Piazza S. Cosimato

V. Pelliccia 3, tel. 065812871 www.lalberoelamano.it

Questa farmacia, nata nel 1734, offre prodotti di omeopatia, medicina estetica, cosmetica, preparazione galeniche e cibi per celiaci. Farmacisti parlano molto bene inglese. Orario non-stop lun-sab 08.30-20.30.

Piazza di S. Maria In Trastevere 7, tel. 065803776

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useful numbers Ambulance




Electricity and water faults (ACEA) Fire Brigade Forestry Corps (forest fires) Gas leaks (Italgas-ENI) Municipality of Rome Municipality Police Police Road Rescue

800130336 115 1515 800900999 060606 0667691 113 803116

Rubbish (AMA)


Traffic Police


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Linea B

Linea A

i ld ba u Rebibbia i ia gl el i no to io in lia de aur a P. Mammolo t n i n i e tis n do lle pro tav pa am a na ni t at or i al o gn S. M. Soccorso i B C O Le Fl B Va C ag ic ni lo p er o n a i i o S b l na ilia r c i r B i c t o l a t r li Pietralata a nt B re Po ub zz ibu ui .p P. T Q ep C R M. Tiburtini



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