Wanted in Rome - January 2017

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January 2017 â‚Ź 2,00

The english language magazine in Rome

where to go in rome

art and culture entertainment GALLERIES MUSEUMS NEWS Poste Italiane S.p.a. Sped. in abb. post. DL 353/2003 (Conv. in L 27/02/2004 N.46) art. 1 comma 1 Aut. C/RM/04/2013 - Anno 9, Numero 1



no. 1 / january 2017 editorials

INTERVIEW WITH IGNAZIO MARINO Marco Venturini. . . . . . . . . . . 2 THE LONG ROAD TO ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP Laura Clarke . . . . . . . . 6 40 YEARS OF FIDDLER’S ELBOW Andy Devane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

what’s on

EXHIBITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 classical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 POP, ROCK, JAZZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 DANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 OPERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 OPERA NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 THEATRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Academies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CHILDREN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


classified columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 MISCELLANY

MUSEUMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 art galleries in rome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 wanted in rome junior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 useful numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Next publication and classified dates Next publication dates are 1 February and 1 March. Classified advertisements placed through our office, Via di Monserrato 49, should arrive not later than 13.00 on 22 January (for 1 February) and 19 February (for 1 March). However classifieds may be published around the clock on our website www.wantedinrome.com. They will appear in the next available paper edition of the magazine.

Roma, la notte Pen on cardboard + digital December 2016 Arch. Fabio Barilari, FBA www.fabiobarilari.com www.fabio-barilari.blogspot.com

Wanted in Rome office Via di Monserrato 49 - tel/fax 066867967 advertising@wantedinrome.com editorial@wantedinrome.com www.wantedinrome.com www.wantedinmilan.com

Direttore responsabile: Marco Venturini Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl, Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico e Impaginazione: Monia Lucchetti - Dali Studio Srl Stampa: Graffietti Stampati S.n.c. Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl, Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425. Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985. Finito di stampare il 09/01/2017


Copies are on sale at: Newsstands in Rome Feltrinelli International, Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878. Anglo American Bookstore, Via della Vite 102. Wanted in Rome, Via di Monserrato 49. You can find us on

31 January 2017 | Wanted in Rome



Marco Venturini

INTERVIEW WITH IGNAZIO MARINO Rome’s former mayor Ignazio Marino speaks to Wanted in Rome Wanted in Rome. Professor Marino, among the things achieved or not achieved during your tenure as mayor of Rome, what are you proud of and what do you regret? Ignazio Marino. Rome has been dragging some things along since the liberation from the Nazi occupation on 4 June 1944. And ever since then it’s been covering its deficit in the easiest way: with state contributions, which just create debts for our children and grand-children. One of the first things I discovered in 2013 was anything but encouraging: the city of Rome hadn’t yet finished paying for some of the land used to build the Olympic Village for the 1960 games. Between 1944 and 2008 we were looking at 64 years of investment in housing, infrastructure and architectural works, some useful, some incomplete, carried out by loading debt onto the shoulders of future generations. In this way Rome had collected a total of €22.5 billion of debt by 2008 at the end of the Rutelli and Veltroni administrations. And then, from 2008 to 2013, the council chaired by Gianni Alemanno opened the floodgates to spending, especially in the municipal companies where staff and management were re-


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Ignazio Marino was mayor of Rome from 2013 to 2015.

cruited who were often of no use to the services provided. This is why I decided in 2013 to ask the then prime minister Enrico Letta and economy minister Fabrizio Saccomanni for an inspection of the city accounts. The report described a legacy by the Alemanno administration of almost total financial ruin.

So while drawing up a recovery plan, I focussed on two priorities: slashing with no qualms all wasteful public resources, and getting certain and stable resources allotted for the functions befitting for the capital of a G7 country. I managed to bring Rome’s balance sheet back into legality by 2014, and to have the council approve the spending forecast for 2015.

POLITICS Transplant surgeon Marino has returned to his academic work following his tenure as Rome mayor.

I decided to cut unacceptable waste and to reduce council spending €440 million by 2016. We slashed the cost of phones, electricity, water, security guards, cleaning, photocopier hire, insurance, fuel for vehicles, rent (over €100 million a year) that the city was paying to private businesses, stationery and so on. In the 28 months I was in office, we shut down the world’s largest landfill, built 21 new metro stations, put unproductive real estate and companies onto the market, financed the substitution of 192,000 bulbs for street lights, launched car sharing and the purchase of 150 new buses, but I regret that I never managed to complete the total repair of the city’s roads. Once the accounts were back in the black we were ready to invest several hundred million euros in repairing the potholes.

in liver transplants, and that’s the way I reasoned. I thought I’d see the results at the end of the day, just like in the operating theatre. I had five years to work with, but back-stabbing by the political parties to the left and right forced me out after just over two years.

Wanted in Rome. Looking back, what do you think might have been your worst mistake?

Wanted in Rome. For many residents, both Italian and foreign, Rome today seems to be abandoned. Is that the fault of politics, or is governing Rome simply a Herculean task?

Ignazio Marino. Not paying enough attention to the political parties and the media. I’m a surgeon specialised

Wanted in Rome. What did you like most about being mayor? Ignazio Marino. Being able to improve people’s quality of life: starting to build a new primary school closer to the kids’ homes, finding a place to live for the homeless, recognising the rights of people denied them, and taking care of that extraordinary archaeological, artistic and cultural patrimony of the capital of Italy, Rome, with its almost 3,000 years of history.

Ignazio Marino. It’s the fault of the

people who think politics means exercising power as a noun, not as a verb. “Power”, instead of making things happen, change, improve. Rome could be a world-ranking capital with the best quality of life, but it needs an adequate ruling class – and by ruling class I mean politics, but also business. Wanted in Rome. How do you appraise Mayor Raggi? Do you think we have to give her more time? Ignazio Marino. I can’t pass judgement on her. Six months after the election, she still hasn’t begun her work as mayor. Wanted in Rome. What can be done about the problem of the publicprivate businesses, starting with AMA and ATAC? Ignazio Marino. Rubbish collection and disposal managed by AMA would have benefitted considerably from opening up to private investors, as I demanded a few weeks before resigning. The transport company ATAC was runJanuary 2017 | Wanted in Rome


POLITICS ning losses of €900 million when I was elected in 2013. We started balancing the books, and now it needs to renew its buses and trams and the rolling stock and rails of the A and B metro lines. Wanted in Rome. In the light of recent events, for example the vandalising of Bernini’s elephant in Piazza della Minerva, what do you think would be the best way to defend and protect the capital’s artistic patrimony? Ignazio Marino. You can only protect culture by generating culture. Since I opened Augustus’s and Caesar’s Fora to the public, over a million visitors have enjoyed the light-shows that tell the story of Rome in nine different languages, but still fully respecting these unique sites. Wanted in Rome. Is the Vatican a resource or a burden for the city of Rome? Ignazio Marino. It’s a resource to be used with reciprocal respect. Wanted in Rome. In your view, how can these two realities cohabit in the interests of the city? Ignazio Marino. Through full awareness of their different roles: Rome is the capital of a lay state; the Vatican is the capital of a confessional state and the point of reference for Catholics throughout the world.

Marino’s book Un Marziano a Roma recounts his time in office as Rome’s first citizen.

Wanted in Rome. How would you assess the management of the constitutional referendum issue by Prime Minister Renzi?

Wanted in Rome. You are a surgeon who was “loaned” to politics. Do you believe more qualified professionals ought to take the field?

Ignazio Marino. It was a mistake to turn it into a vote on himself. In every country the constitution is the fundamental charter to bring the people together, not an instrument to divide them.

Ignazio Marino. I think it’s useful to have qualified professionals decide to spend a period of their life serving their country, and then going back to their calling. Professional politicians are often not free because

they have no trade outside politics. Wanted in Rome. Was it difficult to go back to a normal life after your experience as mayor? Ignazio Marino. It was wonderful to get back to a normal life and resume the academic work that I love very much.

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome



Laura Clarke

THE LONG ROAD TO ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP The process of applying for Italian citizenship is complicated and costly and the treatment reserved for future Italians leaves much to be desired


o become or not to become an Italian citizen? That is the question this British national living in Italy since 1999 asked herself for many years before eventually deciding to take the plunge.* However, it soon became clear that what is in theory an entitlement under certain conditions in practice is a bureaucratic concession issued begrudgingly by the state and at considerable cost and effort on the part of the applicant. Not to mention the disrespect shown to prospective Italian citizens at least by staff at the citizenship office at the Rome prefecture, which has to be experienced to be believed. Citizenship applications must be made online through the Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration (DLCI) section of the interior ministry website (https://nullaostalavoro.dlci.interno.it). Prospective applicants must first register with the website and sign in before selecting Cittadinanza in the left-hand vertical menu bar for the introductory explanation and application forms.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

A new Italian citizen swears allegiance to Italy’s laws and constitution at the town hall in Cisterna di Latina south of Rome.

The then mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi conferred Italian citizenship on three Senegalese survivors of a racially-motivated gun attack in 2011.

Applications can be made on two grounds, marriage to an Italian citizen or naturalisation (see Side Notes page 9). However, the supporting paperwork is the same in both cases and must be obtained and scanned in readiness for upload before compiling the online form. Preparing the paperwork is a time-consuming and costly process. Applicants from countries with a slow civil service or where official documents cannot be requested online are at a major disadvantage. All applicants are required to present a full birth certificate (certificato di nascita) and a criminal record certificate (certificato penale) from their country of origin and from other countries where they have been residents. These documents must all be legalised with an apostille (official authentication) from the issuing country and accompanied by a sworn translation (including of the apostille) in Italian. The exact name and procedure for obtaining these documents and the associated cost varies from country to country. This British national for example had to produce a police certificate for immigration purposes, which needed to be requested online from the UK ACRO Criminal Records Office at a cost of £45 including postage; this and her birth certificate then had to be sent by post to the Legalisation Office of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

(FCO) to be apostilled at a total cost of £74.50 including postage; and then the sworn translations in Italian cost another €135.70 (prices vary). The whole process took the best part of six weeks to complete and cost around €300. In addition, citizenship applicants must provide a copy of a valid identity document and the receipt of payment of the €200 application fee (instructions for payment are on the website). Once these documents have been assembled they must be scanned for upload in pdf format as four separate files not exceeding 3MB each. The two certificates and their respective apostille stamps and sworn translations must each form a single document. Now it is possible to begin the online application process by signing into the system and then clicking on Compila e invia la domanda in the Cittadinanza section in the lefthand menu bar. The first step is to choose the correct form from the four available according to the grounds for application. The forms vary in length and in terms of the informa-

tion that is required; in this respect, it is essential to note that applicants are expected to provide a certain amount of supporting information that is not specified in the introduction to the Cittadinanza section and that they might not have readily at hand. This includes a full migration history to Italy including dates and details of the permesso or carta di soggiorno and a full residence history from the age of 14, also including dates. In the

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome




Italian-born children receive citizenship in Pontedera, Tuscany.

case of naturalisation, applicants must also provide their official declaration of income for the last three years. The application form is difficult to navigate and the online instruction manual only goes some way towards answering the many questions that inevitably arise. For example, this writer had difficulty fathoming the requirement on the penultimate page to provide the serial number of a €16 tax revenue stamp (marca da bollo telematico) that needs to be purchased beforehand from a tobacconist. Applicants who are less proficient in Italian or less familiar with the country’s red tape might require expert support. One positive aspect of the online system is that it is possible to save an incomplete application and return to it at a later date, once doubts have been resolved or missing information acquired. (In order to compile a full residence history this writer had to make trips to the local registry office in two separate municipalities). The final step is to upload the four supporting documents in pdf format. It is then advisable to print a preview of the completed application form before hitting ‘send’.

However, this is by no means the end of the road, as applicants will be summoned to present the original supporting documentation for verification at their local prefecture. All notifications concerning the application, including summonses, are posted to Comunicazioni in the Cittadinanza section of the website, and applicants are sent an email telling them to check. Be aware that applicants are required to present all the paperwork including a print-out of the completed application form and €16 tax stamp, regardless of what it says in the summons. This writer received instruction to present only her birth certificate and had to make a second trip to the Rome prefecture in Via Ostiense to present the other ‘missing’ documentation. It is then a matter of waiting; a clerk at the Rome prefecture said in May 2016 that processing applications now takes the full two years allowed by law. Successful applicants are summoned back to the prefecture to receive their decree and must then swear allegiance to Italy’s laws and constitution at their local registry office within the next six months in order for the citizenship rights to become effective.

The grounds for applying for Italian citizenship are set out in Law 91 of 1992 and subsequent modifications. Citizenship can be claimed through marriage to an Italian after two years of residency in Italy or three years if the couple lives outside the country. These terms are reduced by half in the presence of children. Citizenship by marriage is awarded by prefectorial decree; in the event that no pronouncement is made within 730 days (two years) from the date of application it is possible to claim the entitlement via a separate procedure through the courts. It is also possible to request Italian citizenship on the grounds of legal residence in Italy. This is commonly referred to as ‘naturalisation’ and is more discretionary in nature. EU citizens must have been legally resident in Italy for four years and non-EU citizens for ten years in order to apply. Foreigners who have been employed in the Italian civil service for a period of at least five years in Italy or abroad can also apply for naturalisation. Citizenship by naturalisation is awarded by presidential decree and in the event that no pronouncement is made within two years, applicants can take up their request with the interior ministry’s inspector general for administration, who is required to take a decision within a year. *The decision to apply for Italian citizenship was taken before and partly in view of the June Brexit referendum in the UK. In October 2016 newspapers reported that the number of British people seeking citizenship in other EU countries had surged since the start of the year, and particularly after the Leave victory. Official figures for Italy were not available at the time of writing, but anecdotal evidence obtained by this writer through online contact with worried expats would suggest that this is true specifically of this country as well. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome



Andy Devane

40 YEARS OF FIDDLER’S ELBOW Rome’s oldest Irish pub has been an expat oasis for four decades


here were queues outside every night,” Gino Bottigliero reminisces with a nostalgic twinkle in his eye, “we were packed from the start.” With his silver moustache and darting eyes, Bottigliero’s face is synonymous with the bar he co-founded four decades ago, long before mainland Europe embraced the now ubiquitous Irish pub. Over the chatter and hum of the bar’s front parlour, Bottigliero recalls the autumn night in 1976 when he launched the Fiddler’s Elbow – Italy’s first Irish bar – together with business partners Orazio Cancanelli and Antonio Shorthose. Crucially, Bottigliero’s wife, Mary Pyne from Dublin, was also by his side, providing an authentic link between curious Romans and the city’s expats. The idea to open the pub came about when Bottigliero worked with Shorthose, whose father was English, at Singapore Airlines in Fiumicino airport. Shorthose was a “hugely important figure” behind the novel plan – Bottigliero says – and what a novelty it was. Until the advent of Fiddler’s Elbow, foreigners living in Rome had nowhere to go for a libation, let alone a pint of the black stuff. “The notion of meeting for a drink in the evening, outside of a restaurant, was unheard of in Rome at the


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Fiddler’s Elbow founders Orazio Cancanelli, Gino Bottigliero and Antonio Shorthose in 1977.

time,” says Bottigliero. That all changed when word began trickling out about Fiddler’s, then located on Via Sforza in the capital’s Monti district. At the beginning its main customers were expats – many from the city’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – happy at the thought of a night of beer and banter. In those pre-internet days, tourists had difficulty finding the bar, which was initially classed as a “cultural association”, meaning it required a

membership card and was obliged to close one night a week. Bottigliero says that early clients also included “American and Australian soldiers, left over from the Vietnam war – half crazy and a bit shocked.” However the bar’s “most important” clientele, according to Bottigliero, were priests and seminarians from Ireland and Britain, including noted traditional Irish musicians. There was enthusiastic support from the students of the Pontifical Irish Col-

Mary Pyne, far right, enjoying some traditional Irish music at Fiddler’s Elbow.

lege, as well as a handful from the Venerable English College, and the Benedictines at S. Anselmo. However it was the Beda College, for older seminarians, that provided the most interesting characters, Bottigliero maintains. Beda regulars included the nephew of Winston Churchill, the brother of a serving British Foreign Secretary, a descendant of Oliver Cromwell, a man who gave up his string of night clubs to serve God, and the son of the inventor of the zip, who waived his royalties for a greater glory. By 1979 the growing number of customers required larger premises and so the pub switched to its current address on nearby Via dell’Olmata 43, where Monti borders the Esquilino, in the shadow of the Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore. It was around this time that Shorthose left, for health reasons, and was replaced as a partner by English rock musician Richard Sherwood. Located on a quiet side-street between a convent and the Guardia di Finanza, the new venue had its own stories even before the Fiddler’s Elbow sign was hung outside. A former trat-

Lee Bimm was one of the many colourful characters associated with Fiddler’s Elbow.

toria once popular with the city’s Russian diaspora, it was said that Lenin had a meal here during a visit to Rome in 1911. As Fiddler’s reputation grew, so began a glorious new era, a “super-boom”, says Bottigliero: “We had a monopoly for years, from 1976 to 1986, even later.” The pub was the first in Rome to serve draft Guinness, in 1981, as well as the first to employ Irish staff, while the hordes of customers were vetted by bouncers, another first for the capital. In 1985 Fiddler’s availed itself of a loophole in its

cultural association status that so long as it was not open all day, it could open seven nights a week. Several other Irish pubs followed suit, including Four Green Fields in Prati, which opened in 1980, and Druid’s Den which Bottigliero opened with his brother Tonino, around the corner on Via di S. Martino ai Monti, in 1982. Over the years Fiddler’s has provided a refuge for some of the city’s most eccentric and interesting expat characters, who Bottigliero takes clear delight in remembering. There was Tony Giannone, who ran an underground pub where people could drink while cheering over Bangkok-style boxing matches, or Séamus who consigned his shoes and socks to the bar owners each night, for safe-keeping, while he imbibed. Then there was “The Constable”, as he was nick-named, in honour of his jolly disposition, rotund figure and “laughing policeman” moustache. It was only after his departure that his stunned name-givers learned that The Constable was in fact a secret service agent with MI6. Other intriguing customers included January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


EXPATS the art historian Lee Bimm, who swilled Bloody Marys while refusing to speak to fellow Americans. When an elderly and family-less Bimm was in his final months in 2010, the humanity of Fiddler’s Elbow came to the fore. A small but loyal circle of regulars would visit him on his deathbed and when he passed away the pub took care of his funeral arrangements. Fiddler’s has always been a magnet for journalists, including former CNN International anchorman Jim Clancy, who was a regular while at the Rome bureau (1982-1996) and who once introduced the pub to CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour. Although still frequented today by senior expat figures from Italian media, the journalist best associated with the pub was the legendary Derek Wilson, il giornalista inglese. Hard-living but always dapper and polite, Wilson’s name preceded his arrival in Rome in the mid-1980s. Wilson had continued to file news from South Vietnam after the fall of Saigon – among other precarious postings such as Buenos Aires under the military dictatorship – before settling for a quieter life in Monti, where he spent his days writing articles for Wanted in Rome. Since his death in 2007 his framed obituary from The Times rests opposite the bar where he so often sat. The longest-serving customer awards go to Rachid Deflì, an artist from Casablanca, and John Armstead, a Kung Fu grandmaster and actor from the west of Ireland. Both have been regulars since the early days. Armstead is an imposing 73-year-old strongman, known to all as “Big John”, while the popular yet mysterious Deflì is, like Dorian Gray, noted for his ever-youthful appearance. Over the decades numerous celebrities have passed through the pub’s doors including tennis star John McEnroe, former British Labour leader Neil Kinnock, Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern, and the behatted British singer Jay Kay, of Jamiroquai fame, who enjoyed

Richard Sherwood, Gino Bottigliero, former manager Silvia Cahenzli and Orazio Cancanelli in more recent times.

himself to such an extent that he ended the night on the floor. During the 1980s the pub welcomed the cast of Dallas for extended periods while it filmed scenes in Italy, and in 1993, while filming Cliffhanger, Hollywood A-lister Sylvester Stallone hired the bar’s staff to serve his private birthday party at Rome’s Hilton Hotel. Fiddler’s hosts regular cultural events, with particular emphasis on Irish music and literature. Professor John McCourt of Università Roma Tre describes it as “one of Rome’s great Irish cultural institutions”, praising its important role in supporting conferences of Irish studies and organising “lively, entertaining celebrations of Irish writing.” It has also hosted countless meetings of the Irish Club of Rome during the organisation’s 25-year history. In addition the pub is home to Open Mic Rome, an opportunity each Thursday for singers, musicians and poets to perform in front of an audience. The initiative is run by musician Salvatore Benintende, who says: “It is not unusual that during a night we have over 20 musicians who cover genres from blues to jazz, from rock to swing to Irish folk.” It might be difficult to imagine for today’s readers, but in the 1970s the concept of an Irish pub in Rome, with Irish beer and authentic Irish trappings, would be the modern-day equivalent

of opening a tea house with Tibetan monks or a restaurant offering delicacies from the Amazon jungle. “We were exotic,” Bottigliero looks back with a sardonic chuckle, although he admits that for some early customers the prospect of meeting foreign au pair girls was as enticing as quaffing a pint of stout. Indeed the pub has been the catalyst for many romances, often between Italians and expats. A recent post about the Fiddler’s Elbow anniversary on Wanted in Rome’s Facebook page prompted a flurry of nostalgia and gratitude, including a comment from one lady who stated: “I met my husband here!” Fiddler’s was ahead of the crowd, acting independently of Guinness marketing heads who opened a wave of pubs across Europe in the 1990s. However in recent years the Irish bar phenomenon has waned and the “Fiddler’s brand has been diluted,” according to Bottigliero. There are more Italian regulars than expats now, and less business during the week. Despite changes in drinking habits and challenges in the era of “super pubs” and loud sports bars, the Fiddler’s Elbow is a bastion of quiet eccentricity and old-world charm. Marinated slowly by generations of Romans and anglophones, it remains a welcoming place where Italian and expat culture, humour and traditions collide. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


rome’s major

Museums vatican museums

For more details see www.museiincomuneroma.it and www.beniculturali.it.

Below is a list of the major museums and archaeological sites in Rome. Book tickets for many Rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at www.060608.it. Book tickets for the Borghese Museum, Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at www.beniculturali.it.

Vatican Museums

Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860, mv.vatican.va. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. MonSat 09.00-18.00. Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry. For group tours of the museums and Vatican gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January, Easter Sunday and Monday. Advance booking online: www.biglietteriamusei.vatican.va. Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums Tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons. org. For private behind-the-scenes tours in the Vatican Museums. state museums Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101, www.galleria. borghese.it. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paint­ings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 17.00. Guided tours in English and Italian. Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111, www.castelsantangelo.com. Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. COLOSSEUM, ROMAN FORUM AND PALATINE Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700, www. colosseo-roma.it. 08.30-19.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). Guided tours in English and Italian.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700, www.archeologia.beniculturali.it. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian. Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia Piazza Villa Giulia 9, tel. 063226571, villagiulia.beniculturali.it. National museum of Etruscan civilisation. 08.3019.30. Mon closed.

of 21st-century art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Tues-Sun 11.00-19.00, Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed. Palazzo Corsini Via della Lungara, 10, tel. 0668802323, www.galleriaborghese.it/corsini/en. National collection of ancient art, begun by Rome’s Corsini family. 08.3019.30. Tues closed.

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981, www.gnam.beniculturali.it. 08.3019.30. Mon closed.

Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832, www.museorientale.it. Interesting national collection of oriental art with some special exhibitions from its own collection and special loans. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.00-14.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00).

MAXXI Via Guido Reni 6, tel. 063210181, www. fondazionemaxxi.it. National Museum

Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. An-

Castel S. Angelo

Roman Forum

cient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184, www.galleriabarberini. beniculturali.it. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.3019.30. Mon closed. Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and an­tiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.0019.45. Mon closed. VILLA FARNESINA Via della Lungara 230, tel. 0668027268, www.villafarnesina.it. A 16th-century Renaissance villa with important frescoes by Raphael. Mon-Sat 9.00-14.00 excluding holidays. city museums Centrale Montemartini Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608, en.centralemontemartini.org. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English for groups if reserved in advance. Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608, en.museicapitolini.org. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun. Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna Via Francesco Crispi 24, tel. 060608, www.museiincomuneroma.it. The mu-

nicipal modern art collection. 10.0018.00. Mon closed. MACRO Via Nizza 138, tel. 060608, www. en.museomacro.org. The city’s collection of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. 10.30-19.00. Mon closed. Also MACRO Testaccio, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions 14.00-20.00. Mon closed. Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848, www.mdbr.it. A collection of mainly pre-Roman sculpture. 09.0019.00. Mon closed. Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608, www.museocanonica.it. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance). Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608, en.mercatiditraiano.it. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608, www.museonapoleonico.it. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.0019.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English. Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608, en.museodiroma.it. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127.

private museums Casa di Goethe Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412, www. casadigoethe.it. Museum dedicated to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 10.0018.00. Mon closed. CHIOSTRO DEL BRAMANTE Bramante’s Renaissance building near Piazza Navona stages exhibitions by important Italian and international artists. Arco della Pace 5, tel. 0668809035, www.chiostrodelbramante.it. Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323, www.doriapamphilj.it. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 09.00-19.00. Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350, www.galleriacolonna. it. Private collection of works by Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Sat 09.00-13.00 only. Private group tours are available seven days a week on request. For wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance. GIORGIO DE CHIRICO HOUSE MUSEUM Piazza di Spagna 31, tel. 066796546, www.fondazionedechirico.org. Museum dedicated to the Metaphysical painter Giorgio de Chirico. Tues-Sat, first Sun of month, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. Guided tours in English, advance booking. Keats-Shelley House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235, www. keats-shelley-house.it. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Mon-Sat 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00. Guided tours on prior booking. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


rome’s most active and contemporary

art galleries 1/9 Unosunove 1/9 Unosunove focuses on emerging national and international contemporary artists and explores various media including paintings, sculpture and photography. Via degli Specchi 20, tel. 0697613696, www.unosunove.com. A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna Gallery housing numerous works of contemporary design, photography, drawings and architecture projects. Via dei Banchi Vecchi 61, tel. 0668307537, www.ffmaam.it. Associazione Culturale Valentina Moncada Gallery holds exhibitions of international artists who are active in the international scene today. Via Margutta 54, tel. 063207956, www.valentinamoncada.com. Dorothy Circus Gallery Prominent gallery specialising in international pop-surrealist art. Via dei Pettinari 76, tel. 0668805928, www.dorothycircusgallery.com.

Galleria Lorcan O’Neill

FONDAZIONE MEMMO Contemporary art space that hosts established foreign artists for site-specific exhibitions. Via Fontanella Borghese 56b, tel. 0668136598, www.fondazionememmo.it.

Galleria Frammenti D’Arte Gallery promoting painting, design and photography by emerging and established Italian and international artists. Via Paola 23, tel. 069357144142, www.fdaproject.com.

Fondazione Volume! The Volume Foundation exhibits works created specifically for the gallery with the goal of fusing art and landscape. Via di S. Francesco di Sales 86-88, tel. 06 6892431, www.fondazionevolume. com.

Galleria Lorcan O’Neill High-profile international artists regularly exhibit at this gallery located near Campo de’ Fiori. Vicolo Dè Catinari 3, tel. 0668892980, www.lorcanoneill.com.

Ex Elettrofonica This architecturally unique contemporary art gallery promotes and supports the work of young international artists. Vicolo S. Onofrio 10-11, tel. 0664760163, www.exelettrofonica.com.

Franz Paludetto Gallery in S. Lorenzo that promotes the work of Italian and international contemporary artists. Via degli Ausoni 18, www.franzpaludetto.com.

Federica Schiavo Gallery Hosts large solo and group shows of well-known contemporary artists. Piazza di Montevecchio 16, tel. 0645432028, www.federicaschiavo.com.

Frutta This contemporary art gallery supports international and local artists in its unique space. Via Giovanni Pascoli 21, tel. 06 68210988, www.fruttagallery.com.

Fondazione Giuliani per l’Arte Contemporanea The Giuliani Foundation for Contemporary Art is a private non-profit foundation that produces three contemporary art exhibitions each year. Via Gustavo Bianchi 1, tel. 0657301091, www. fondazionegiuliani.org.

Gagosian Gallery The Rome branch of this international contemporary art gallery hosts some of the biggest names in modern art. Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498, www.gagosian.com.

Fondazione Pastifico Cerere This non-profit foundation develops and promotes educational projects and residencies for young artists and curators, as well as a programme of exhibitions, lectures, workshops and studio visits. Via degli Ausoni 7, tel. 0645422960, www.pastificiocerere. com.

Galleria della Tartaruga

Galleria Marie-Laure Fleisch This contemporary art space is dedicated to exhibiting works on paper. Via di Pallacorda 15, tel. 0668891936, www.galleriamlf.com. Galleria della Tartaruga Well-established gallery that has promoted important Italian and foreign artists since 1975. Via Sistina 85/A, tel. 066788956, www.galleriadellatartaruga.com. Galleria Il Segno Prestigious gallery showing work by major Italian and international artists since 1957. Via Capo le Case 4, tel. 066791387, www.galleriailsegno.com. GALLERIA MUCCIACCIA Gallery near Piazza del Popolo promoting established contemporary artists and emerging talents. Largo Fontanella Borghese 89, tel. 0669923801, www.galleriamucciaccia.com. Giacomo Guidi Arte contemporanea This contemporary art gallery presents exhibitions from a diverse group of Italian and foreign artists. Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Corso V. Emanuele II 282-284, tel. 0668801038, www.giacomoguidi.it. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


MAC Maja Arte Contemporanea

GALLERIA VARSI A small but dynamic gallery near Campo de’ Fiori, known for its stable of street artists. Via di S. Salvatore in Campo 51, tel. 0668309410, www.galleriavarsi.it.


STUDIO SALES DI NORBERTO RUGGERI The gallery exhibits pieces by both Italian and international contemporary artists particularly minimalist, postmodern and abstract work. Piazza Dante 2, int. 7/A, tel. 0677591122, www. galleriasales.it.

Il Ponte Contemporanea Hosts exhibitions representing the international scene and contemporary artists of different generations. Via di Panico 5559, tel. 0668801351, www.ilpontecontemporanea.com. La Nuova Pesa Well-established gallery showing work by prominent Italian artists. Via del Corso 530, tel. 063610892, www.nuovapesa.it. MAC Maja Arte Contemporanea Gallery devoted to exhibitions by prominent Italian artists. Via di Monserrato 30, www.majartecontemporanea.com. Magazzino d’Arte Moderna Contemporary art galley that focuses on young and emerging artists. Via dei Prefetti 17, tel. 066875951, www.magazzinoartemoderna.com. Monitor This contemporary art gallery offers an experimental space for a new generation of artists. Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Via Sforza Cesarini 43 A, tel. 0639378024, www.monitoronline.org. Monserrato Arte ‘900 This gallery in the Campo de’ Fiori area represents a range of contemporary Italian artists. Via di Monserrato 14, tel. 348/2833034. MONTORO12 Gallery promoting work by contemporary Italian and international artists. Via di Montoro 12, tel. 0668308500, www. m12gallery.com. Nomas Foundation Nomas Foundation promotes contemporary research in art and experimental exhibitions. Viale Somalia 33, tel. 0686398381, www.nomasfoundation.com.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

tography. Via degli Ombrellari 25, tel. 0664760105, www.stsenzatitolo.it.

Operativa Arte Contemporanea A new space oriented towards younger artists. Via del Consolato 10, www.operativa-arte.com. PIAN DE’ GIULLARI Art studio-gallery in the house of Carlina and Andrea Bottai showing works by contemporary artists from Rome, Naples and Florence capable of transmitting empathy and emotions. Via dei Cappellari 49, tel. 339 / 7254235, 366 / 3988603, www.piandegiullari2.blogspot.com. PLUS ARTE PULS Cultural association and gallery showing work by important contemporary Italian and international artists. Viale Mazzini 1, tel. 335 / 7010795, www. plusartepuls.com. RvB ARTS “Affordable art” gallery specialising in contemporary painting, sculpture and photography by Italian artists. Via delle Zoccolette 28, tel. 3351633518, www. rvbarts.com. Sala 1 This internationally known non-profit contemporary art gallery provides an experimental research centre for contemporary art, architecture, performance and music. Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10, tel. 067008691, www. salauno.com. s.t. foto libreria galleria Gallery in Borgo Pio representing a diverse range of contemporary art pho-

T293 The Rome branch of this contemporary art gallery presents national and international artists and hosts multiple solo exhibitions. Via G. M. Crescimbeni 11, tel. 0688980475, www.t293.it. The Gallery Apart This contemporary art gallery supports young artists in their research and assists them in their projects to help them emerge into the international art world. Via Francesco Negri 43, tel. 0668809863, www.thegalleryapart.it. TraleVolte This contemporary art gallery focuses on the relationship between art and architecture and hosts many solo and group shows of Italian and international artists. Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10, tel. 0670491663, www.tralevolte.org. Valentina Bonomo Located in a former convent, this gallery hosts both internationally recognised and emerging artists who create works specifically for the gallery space. Via del Portico d’Ottavia 13, tel. 066832766, www.galleriabonomo.com. Wunderkammern This gallery promotes innovative research of contemporary art. Via Gabrio Serbelloni 124, tel. 0645435662, www. wunderkammern.net. Z20 GALLERIA SARA ZANIN Started by art historian Sara Zanin, Z2o Galleria offers a range of innovative national and international contemporary artists. Via della Vetrina 21, tel. 0670452261, www.z2ogalleria.it.

where to go in rome

Anish Kapoor at MACRO. 09c Sectional Body.

exhibitions RAFAEL Y. HERMAN: THE NIGHT ILLUMINATES THE NIGHT 25 Jan-26 March Exhibition by Israeli artist Rafael Y. Herman who is known for his groundbreaking photography of moonlit night scenes which appear to have been taken in daylight, without the use of electronic or digital manipulation. MACRO Testaccio, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, www.museomacro.org. GIOVANNI PRINI: IL POTERE DEL SENTIMENTO 21 Dec-26 March Rome’s municipal modern art gallery presents an exhibition showing the art of Giovanni Prini (1877-1958). The exhibition features marble and bronze sculptures, paintings, drawings, ceramics, furniture and toys. Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale, Via Francesco Crispi 24, tel. 060608, www.galleriaartemodernaroma.it.

Giovanni Prini at Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale. Gli Amanti.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

ANISH KAPOOR 17 Dec-17 April British-Indian sculptor Anish Kapoor returns to exhibit in Rome after more than a decade. Considered one of the most significant artists on the contemporary international art scene, Kapoor won the Turner Prize in 1991, and in 2013 he received a knighthood for services to visual arts. The exhibition is

curated by Mario Codognato and has the patronage of the British embassy in Rome. MACRO, Via Nizza 138, tel. 06671070400, www.museomacro.org. IL MUSEO UNIVERSALE: DAL SOGNO DI NAPOLEONE A CANOVA 16 Dec-12 March Exhibition highlighting the 200th anniversary of the 1816 repatriation of Italian cultural heritage looted by Napoleon in 1796. The exhibition displays a range of Italian masterpieces of art and archaeology that were plundered from Italy, including works by Carracci, Guercino, Reni and Vecellio. Scuderie del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 639967500, www.scuderiequirinale.it. CONVERSATION PIECE: PART 3 16 Dec-2 April The third installment in the exhibition cycle Conversation Piece which charts the presence of Italian and foreign artists currently living in Rome, or with an attachment to the city, focusing in particular on the artistic contribution made by Rome’s foreign academies and cultural institutes. As with previous editions, artists have been invited to gain inspiration from the nature of objects and their specific use in their artistic practice, reflecting on a statement by American artist Jasper Johns

from the early 1960s: “Take an object / Do something to it / Do something else to it.” The exhibition features work by British artist Jonathan Baldock, Neapolitan artist Piero Golia, Magali Reus (Dutch Fellow at the American Academy in Rome), and Berlin-based Claudia Wieser (Fellow at the Accademia Tedesca di Roma Casa Baldi). La Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea, Via Fontanella Borghese 56b, tel. 0668136598, www.fondazionememmo.it. I PITTORI DEL ‘900 E LA CARTE DA GIOCO 15 Dec-30 April Palazzo Braschi presents works from the original collection of 20th-century Italian writer, intellectual and art collector Paola Masino. The works, which are now part of the Museo di Roma collection, are shown together in public for the first time. On display are paintings by important Italian artists such as Accardi, Burri, Carrà, Guttuso, Levi and Prampolini. Palazzo Braschi, Piazza di S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608, www.museodiroma.it. SIANE YOO: SHADOW RIFT 13 Dec-11 Feb The Gallery Apart presents a new series of works by young Korean artist Sinae Yoo whose style incorporates elements of pop culture and historical motifs. Curated by Domenico de Chirico, the exhibition features a video accompanied by its soundtrack, alongside installations, drawings and ceramics. See illustration page 23. Via Francesco Negri 43, tel. 0668809863, www.thegalleryapart.it. MANZÙ: DIALOGHI SULLA SPIRITUALITÀ CON LUCIO FONTANA 8 Dec-5 March This exhibition contrasts the work of two significant Italian artists, Giacomo Manzù (1908-1991) and Lucio Fontana (18991968) who are best remembered for their sacred art, as well as competing for important church commissions in the mid-20th century. The show takes place at the museum at Castel S. Angelo in collaboration with the Museo Giacomo Manzù di Ardea. Museo Nazionale di Castel S. Angelo, Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111. CITY LEGO 8 Dec-29 Jan A giant Lego city comes to the former barracks building in Rome’s Flaminio district. Designed by LAB Literally Addicted to Bricks, the City Booming project comprises seven million blocks and, in addition to buildings, features all aspects of urban life from public transport and construction sites to theatres and amusement parks. For details including prices and opening times see

Il Museo universale. Dal sogno di Napoleone a Canova exhibition at Scuderie del Quirinale. La strage degli innocenti (1611) by Guido Reni.

website. Ex-Caserma, Via Guido Reni 7, www.guidorenidistrict. com. DALL’ANTICA ALLA NUOVA VIA DELLA SETA 6 Dec-26 Feb Palazzo Quirinale hosts an exhibition celebrating the long history of relations between China and the west, and Italy in particular. Featuring silks, ceramics, precious metals, gems and antique maps, the exhibition is dedicated to the overlapping cultures and religions of countries in the Middle and Far East located along the ancient caravan routes known as the Silk Roads. The show is divided into several sections that display 80 ancient masterpieces from some of the most important museums in Europe alongside 20 works by contemporary Chinese artists. See illustration page 23. Galleria di Alessandro VII, Palazzo del Quirinale, Piazza del Quirinale, www.palazzo.quirinale.it.

I Pittori del ‘900 e la carte da gioco exhibition at Palazzo Braschi. Sette di cuori by Orfeo Tamburi. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


City Lego exhibition at the ex-Caserma in Flaminio. Photo ©GiuliaFedel.

REMBRANDT AT THE VATICAN: IMAGES FROM HEAVEN AND EARTH 24 Nov-26 Feb The Vatican Museums host an exhibition of works by Dutch master Rembrandt (1606-1669) for the first time, following the pope’s visit to Sweden in October. On display are 55 engravings and two paintings from the Zorn Museum in Mora, Sweden, and the Kremer Collection in the Netherlands. The exhibition, which was opened by Queen Silvia of Sweden, is held in collaboration with the Swedish and Netherlands’ embassies to the Holy See. Vatican Museums, Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860, mv.vatican.va.

from the Ragazzi del Cinema America Occupato to the Piazza Tevere project by Kristin Jones, including William Kentridge’s Triumphs and Laments frieze. The show also includes Silvia Stucky’s Opera senza io work, inspired by Trastevere’s Botanic Gardens. Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Piazza S. Egidio 1B, tel. 065816563, www.museodiromaintrastevere.it.

TRASTEVERE INTRECCI D’ARTE E DI VITA 18 Nov-26 Feb Exhibition showcasing the cultural and social life of Rome’s Trastevere district, including the memories of local residents and traders and their houses, restaurants and workshops, collected in a video documentary. In addition the exhibition examines how cultural activities have reanimated the Trastevere neighbourhood in recent years, Manzù. Dialoghi sulla spiritualità, con Lucio Fontana exhibition at Castel S. Angelo. Il Cardinale by Manzù. Photo Giuseppe Schiavinotto.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Rembrandt exhibition at the Vatican Museums. Bust of an old man with turban (1627/28).

STILL SHOWING ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI 30 Nov-8 May Major exhibition dedicated to the Italian Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 – c.1656), today considered one of the most accomplished painters in the generation following that of Caravaggio. The exhibition spans from 1610 to 1652, examining Gentileschi’s career in Florence, Rome, Venice and finally Naples where she worked until her death. There are approximately 90 works on loan from around the world, with highlights including Judith slaying Holofernes, Esther and Ahasuerus, and Self portrait as lute player. Museo di Roma a Palazzo Braschi, Piazza di S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608, www.museodiroma.it. CARAVAGGIO E IL MAESTRO DI HARTFORD 16 Nov-19 Feb Exhibition examining the origins of Italian still life in a Roman context at the turn of the 17th century. The exhibition features still life works by the so-called Maestro di Hartford, a mysterious artist whose paintings – according to some theories – are rumoured to be the work of a young Caravaggio. The artist’s fictitious name stems from his best-known painting (Still life of Flowers and Fruit) at the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut. The exhibition features works by Caravaggio and the Maestro di Hartford alongside their peers. See illustration page 24. Piazzale del Museo Borghese, tel. 0632810, www.galleriaborghese.it/barberini/it/. ARTE E POLITICA: OPERE DALLA COLLEZIONE #4 21 Oct-10 May MACRO shows a series of works with political and social themes. The display spans from the 1930s, with the celebrated demolition paintings by Roman artist Mario Mafai, to more recent works examining contemporary socio-political events. Part of a cycle of exhibitions from the permanent collection of MACRO. Via Nizza 138, www.museomacro.org. TIME IS OUT OF JOINT 11 Oct-5 April Exhibition displaying the completed refurbishment and reorganisation at the Galleria Nazionale which began in June under the new director Cristiana Collu. Taking its title from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the exhibition explores the fluidity of the concept of time, displaying works of art from various centuries side by side, without regard to chronological order. It includes works by artists such as Giacomo Balla, Gustav Klimt, Lucio

Dall’Antica alla Nuova Via della Seta exhibition at Palazzo Quirinale. Concerto Donne fresco from Museo Archaelogico Nazionale, Naples.

Fontana, Alberto Giacometti, Cristina Lucas, Adrian Paci, and Sophie Ristelhueber. Separately, the gallery’s online beauty contest, based on its portraits of 35 women and 35 men, continues until 31 Jan. The public is invited to select the most beautiful portrait based on “physical appearance, demeanour and attitude, regardless of the style or the technical quality of the works.” The 36 shortlisted candidates will go on display from February to March, when the winning Miss and Mister Galleria Nazionale will be announced. Galleria Nazionale, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel.

0632298221, www.lagallerianazionale. com. ARTURO DAZZI 1881-1966 ROMA, CARRARA, FORTE DEI MARMI 16 Oct-29 Jan Exhibition dedicated to the Italian painter and sculptor Arturo Dazzi, on the 50th anniversary of his death. The exhibition features around 65 paintings and sculptures, from public and private collections, dating mainly from between 1914 and 1935. Musei di Villa Torlonia, Casino dei Principi Nomentana 70, tel. 060608, www.museivillatorlonia.it.

Sinae Yoo at The Gallery Apart. The Dead by Many Firsts. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


Caravaggio e il Maestro di Hartford exhibition at Villa Borghese. Vaso di fiori e frutta su tavolo coperto da tovaglia bianca by Maestro di Hartford. Photo Allen Phillips-Wadsworth Atheneum.

L’ARA COM’ERA Until 31 Oct The rich history and legends of Imperial Rome is displayed in an exhibition at the capital’s Ara Pacis, using 3D technology to revive the original colours of the museum’s altar to peace. Titled L’Ara Com’Era (The Ara as it was), the installation involves “augmented reality” scenes illuminating the first-century AD altar which was commissioned by Emperor Augustus to celebrate the peace he established throughout the Roman empire. The multimedia exhibition runs every Friday and Saturday night from 13 Jan to 25 March, from 19.30 until midnight, with last entry at 23.00. Museo dell’Ara Pacis, Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 06820771, www.arapacis.it.

EDWARD HOPPER 1 Oct-12 Feb The Vittoriano presents an exhibition dedicated to the celebrated American artist Edward Hopper (1882-1967) whose paintings provided anecdotal insights into the day-to-day banality of American culture. The show spans Hopper’s entire career, from early Parisian watercolours to later urban scenes of New York. The 60 works on display include South Carolina Morning (1955), Second Story Sunlight (1960), New York Interior (1921), Le Bistro (1909), and Summer Interior (1909). Complesso del Vittoriano - Ala Brasini di Roma. LOVE. L’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA INCONTRA L’AMORE 29 Sept-19 Feb Rome’s Chiostro di Bramante celEdward Hopper exhibition at the Vittoriano. Le Bistro.

ebrates its 20th anniversary with an exhibition dedicated to contemporary art and the multiple interpretations of the universally popular theme of love. The colourful show includes works by artists of the calibre of Yayoi Kusama, Tom Wesselmann, Andy Warhol, Robert Indiana, Gilbert & George, Francesco Vezzoli, and Tracey Emin. Organisers describe the exhibition as a “360° sensory experience”, granting visitors access throughout the museum with permission to photograph all the exhibited works, before sharing their images via the official hashtag #chiostrolove. Chiostro del Bramante, Via della Pace, tel. 06916508451, www.chiostrodelbramante.it. PICASSO IMAGES 14 Oct-19 Feb An exhibition featuring almost 200 photographs accompanied by a significant selection of prints, sculptures and paintings from the Musée national Picasso-Paris, illustrates the professional and private life of Pablo Picasso. The exhibition is divided into various sections examining the artist’s relationship with photography and his use of the medium to cultivate his persona as both a legendary artist and celebrity. Museo dell’Ara Pacis, Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 06820771, www.arapacis.it.

See other exhibitions on our website www.wantedinrome.com.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017


L’Arte Differente: Mocak al MAXXI. Mercy! (Pietà) by Pola Dwurnik.

L’ARTE DIFFERENTE: MOCAK AL MAXXI 7 Dec-22 Jan The exhibition features over 50 works from the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków. Work by Polish artists such as Paweł Althamer, Zbigniew Libera and Wilhelm Sasnal are displayed alongside pieces by foreign artists that are part of the MOCAK collection. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków has over 4,500 works of art by 235 artists from 32 countries. LETIZIA BATTAGLIA: JUST FOR PASSION 24 Nov-17 April More than 200 photographs, contact sheets and vintage prints from the archive of Letizia Battaglia, known to many as the “Photographer of the Mafia.” The exhibition, which testifies to “40 years of Italian life and society” according to MAXXI, also includes magazines, publications, interviews and film footage relating to the celebrated Italian photographer. ÁLVARO SIZA: SACRO 9 Nov-26 March Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza is honoured with an exhibition of drawings, plans, projects and models which highlight his contribution to sacred architecture. THE JAPANESE HOUSE: ARCHITECTURE & LIFE AFTER 1945 9 Nov-26 Feb Exhibition highlighting the importance of house design in Japan, showing the work of celebrated architects such as Kenzo Tange, Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima and Shigeru Ban alongside their lesser-known contemporaries and a younger generation of Japanese architects. The exhibition presents the essential elements of the Japanese house, showcasing the convergence of tradition and innovation, and the architectural harmony between mankind and the environment. The exhibition is co-organised by the Japan Foundation, the Barbican Centre in London, and Tokyo’s Museum of Modern Art Tokyo. PREMIO MAXXI 30 Sept-29 Jan The 15th edition of the Premio MAXXI, an award created to nurture the development of young Italian art, features installations by four finalists: Riccardo Arena, Ludovica Carbotta, Adelita Husni-Bey and ZAPRUDER filmmakergroup. MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, Via Guido Reni 4, tel. 0632810, www.fondazionemaxxi.it.


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Letizia Battaglia exhibition at MAXXI. L’arresto del feroce boss mafioso Leoluca Bagarella, Palermo 1980.

CLASSICAL ROME For details of the main musical associations and auditoriums in Rome see: Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4, www.auditoriumconciliazione.it. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, www.auditorium.com. Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Teatro Olimpico, Piazza Gentile da Fabriano 17, www.filarmonicaromana.org. Accademia S. Cecilia, www.santacecilia.it. All the concerts take place at the Auditorium Parco della Musica (see address above). Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti, Aula Magna, Università la Sapienza, www.concertiiuc.it. Oratorio del Gonfalone, Via del Gonfalone 32a, www.oratoriogonfalone.com. Roma Sinfonietta, Teatro Italia, Via Bari 18, www.romasinfonietta.com. Roma Tre Orchestra, Teatro Palladium, teatropalladium.uniroma3.it.

The Kelemen Quartet plays all six Bartok string quartets at the IUC. See page 28.

SENTIERI SELVAGGI 19 Jan Sentieri Selvaggi is an ensemble formed by two Italian composers Carlo Boccadoro and Filippo Del Corno to promote and perform contemporary compositions, whether by international or Italian composers, often in unusual setting such as art galleries, squares, streets and commercial centre. Two new works by Marco Quagliarni and Gabriele Cosmi are included in the programme. Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano 8, teatropalladium.uniroma3.it. UTO UGHI 26 Jan This concert, by Italy’s ever-popular violinist Uto Ughi, is the first in a series of nine at the Teatro Argentina organised by the Accademia Filarmonica Romana between January and April. Ughi plays music by Vitali, Brahms, Prokofiev and Wieniawski, with Marco Grisanti at the

piano. Teatro Argentina, Largo Argentina. www.filarmonicaromana.org. ROSSINIMANIA 28-29 Jan Music from Rossini’s comic and serious operas as well as Petite Messe Solennelle. The final of the masterclasses held by Angelo Gabrielli. Sala Casella, Accademica Filarmonica, Via Flaminia 118, www.filarmonicaromana.org. SCHUBERTIADE 2 Feb This is the second in the series of concerts at the Teatro Argentina. The Bennewitz string quartet, Pietro De Maria piano and Alberto Bocini double bass perform music by Schubert to re-live the times of the Schubertiade, or the informal musical encounters when some of the composer’s masterpieces were created and performed by his young friends. Teatro Argentina, Largo Argentina, www.filarmonicaromana.org.

ACCADEMIA FILARMONICA ROMANA IL PIANOFORTE NEL JAZZ 11 Dec-5 March The subtitle of these concerts is Da Scott Joplin a Keith Jarrett. In this fourpart series on the theme of the piano in jazz the two concerts in February are Harlem e I suoi pianisti on 5 Feb and I pianisti attraversano gli Oceani on 15 Feb. The final concert Il jazz di oggi e I suoi pianisti is on 5 March. Sala Casella, Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Via Flaminia 118, www.filarmonicaromana.org.

Seong-Jin Cho performs at S. Cecilia, conducted by Valery Gergiev. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


SCHUMANN AND ANGELIKA KIRCHSCHLAGER 9 Feb An evening of Schumann’s Lieder with the Austrian mezzosoprano Angelica Kirchschlager with Julius Drake on the piano makes the third of the Filarmonica-Teatro Argentina series. Teatro Argentina, Largo Argentina, www.filarmonicaromana.org. ACCADEMIA S. CECILIA PAPPANO CONDUCTS RADU LUPU 12-14 Jan Radu Lupu plays Beethoven’s concerto number 4 and Antonio Pappano conducts Bruckner’s 7th symphony. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Via Pietro De Coubertin 30, www.santacecilia.it. HANDEL A ROMA 16 Jan S. Cecilia’s Accademia Barocco orchestra performs music by Handel. Concerto number 3, Laudate Pueri, Concerto Grosso 2 and Dixit Dominus. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Via Pietro De Coubertin 30, www.santacecilia.it. CIAK MUSIC IN THE STARS 23-24 Jan Film music for all ages in collaboration with the Festival Internazionale del Film di Roma. Live music played by the band of the Guardia di Finanza accompanies a selection of some famous films. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Via Pietro De Coubertin 30, www.santacecilia.it. GALA MOZART 27 Jan To mark the 261st anniversary of the birth of Mozart, Antonio Pappano conducts and accompanies mezzosoprano Cecilia Bartoli. Auditorium Parco

della Musica, Via Pietro De Coubertin 30, www.santacecilia.it. VALERY GERGIEV SEONG-JIN CHO 2-4 Feb Valery Gergiev conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of S. Cecilia performing Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring and South Korean pianist Seong-Jin Chio, who won the 2015 Chopin competition, playing Rachmaninoff’s 3rd piano concerto. Viale P. de Coubertin 30, www.auditorium.com. DANIELE GATTI 9-11 Feb Daniele Gatti conducts Schumann’s Das Paradies und die Peri with the S. Cecilia Orchestra and Chorus. Classified as a secular oratorio, it is based on an episode in the oriental romance Lalla Rookh by the Irish poet and song writer Thomas Moore, published in 1817. It is a favourite of British conductor Simon Rattle who will become the music director of the London Symphony Orchestra at the end of 2017. Viale P. de Coubertin 30, www.auditorium.com. ISTITUZIONE UNIVERSITARIA DEI CONCERTI ESPLORANDO BEETHOVEN QUARTETTO DI CREMONA 14 Jan The Cremona Quartet, one of the most dynamic on the international scene, returns to the Aula Magna of the Sapienza University to explore more of Beethoven’s string quartets. Aula Magna La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, www.concertiiuc.it. LILYA ZILBERSTEIN 17 Jan This Russian-born pianist won the prestigious Concorso Busoni in 1987 soon

Marlene Kuntz take to the stage at Quirinetta Caffè Concerto on 9 Feb.

after she graduated and then went on to debut at Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. She now lives in Germany and records mainly for Deutsche Grammaphon. She is the first woman to chair the classical piano department at Vienna University. At the IUC she plays music by Schubert, Liszt, Beethoven and Chausson. Aula Magna La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, www.concertiiuc.it. I MUSICI SERGEJ NAKARIAKOV 21 Jan The Russian trumpeter plays music by Bach, Mendelssohn, Corelli, Arban and Geminiani. Aula Magna La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, www.concertiiuc.it. TALLIS SCHOLARS 31 Jan The Tallis Scholars return to the IUC with a programme of mainly Monteverdi music. They will sing two works for the first time in Rome, Alexander Campkin’s Miserere mei, which the Tallis Scholars commissioned as a new setting for Allegri’s Miserere mei Deus (Psalm 51), which they will also sing, and Nico Muhly’s Lamentations commissioned by the Lincoln Center. Aula Magna La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, www.concertiiuc.it. MARATONA BARTOK 4 Feb The Kelemen Quartet, founded in Budapest in 2010, plays all Bartók’s six string quartets. The quartets influenced many subsequent composers, including Benjamin Britten and Elliott Carter. Aula Magna La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, www.concertiiuc.it. ROMA TRE ORCHESTRA 7-8 Feb Two evenings on the theme Diamo il la, based on music in A major and A minor with the Roma Tre university orchestra. Beethoven’s 7th symphony (in A major), and Schumann’s only concerto for piano and orchestra (in A minor) which was first performed by Clara Schumann on 1 January 1846. Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano 8, teatropalladium. uniroma3.it.

POP, ROCK, JAZZ MARLENE KUNTZ 9 Feb This Italian act was formed in Cuneo in 1990, initially inspired by the sound of New York alternative rock band Sonic Youth. The group is known for tracks such as La canzone che scrivo per te and


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Impressioni di settembre. Quirinetta Caffè Concerto, Via Marco Minghetti 5, www. quirinetta.com.

Macy Gray performs at Auditorium Conciliazione on 11 March.

MACY GRAY 11 March This American R&B, jazz musician and soul singer is best known for her distinctive raspy voice, and her major international hit single I Try from her multi-platinum debut album On How Life Is. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4, tel. 06684391, www.auditoriumconciliazione.it.

Dance MILAN TEATRO ALLA SCALA ROMEO E GIULIETTA By TCHAIKOVSKY 20 Dec-19 Jan This is the well-tried Kenneth Macmillan choreography which has been an old favourite at La Scala for many years. The dancers are Roberto Bolle and Misty Copeland, from the American Theatre Ballet who is making her debut at La Scala. Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodramamatici 2, www.teatroallascala.org.

ROME TEATRO DELL’OPERA DI ROMA SLEEPING BEAUTY BY TCHAIKOVSKY 8-15 Feb This a Teatro dell’Opera production with choreography by French choreographer

Jean-Guillaume Bart from the Paris Opera Ballet, and guest dancer Iana Salenko, principal dancer of the Berlin State Ballet and guest artist with the Royal Ballet. Bart has progressed from dancing the Prince in Nureyev’s version of the Tchaikovsky masterpiece, to teaching and now to choreography. He and Eleonora Abbagnato, who heads the ballet company of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma share a background at the Paris Opera, where she also danced in Sleeping Beauty. Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Piazza Beniamino Gigli 1, www.operaroma.it.

TEATRO VASCELLO THE MALE3 PROJECT 23-24 Jan Choreography by Michele Pogliano with the dancers of the Compagnia MP3. Tension, conflict, love and hate are worked out within the symbolism of the square, one of the four basic geometric shapes – triangle, rectangle, circle and square. Teatro Vascello, Via Giacinto Carini 78, www. teatrovascello.it.

Iana Salenko at the Berlin Staatsballett in the Nacho Duarte version of The Sleeping Beauty in 2015. She will dance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma in February.

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


opera MILAN DON CARLO BY VERDI 17 Jan-12 Feb This is the first time in the last 40 years that Verdi’s opera will be performed in its original five-act version, since it was first seen in Paris in 1867. The late Claudio Abbado was the last to include the Fontainebleu Act in the opera at a La Scala performance back in 1977. Here Myung-Whun Chung, one

of the world’s most experienced Verdi conductors, returns to the original, directed by Peter Stein in a production for the Salzburg Festival, which was conducted there by Antonio Pappano with the tenor Jonas Kaufmann. In Milan the top-notch cast includes Ferruccio Furlanetto, Krassimira Stoyanova, Ekaterina Semenchuk and Francesco Meli, one of the best Verdi tenors of the moment. The Financial Times critic was not impressed by the 2013 Salzburg production, maintaining that Stein “had outdone himself in cringe-inducing dullness.” Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 2, www. teatroallascala.org.

FALSTAFF BY VERDI 2-21 Feb Conducted by Zubin Mehta and directed by Damiano Michieletto with Ambrogio Maestri in the main role. The Italian director Michieletto was inspired by the idea that Verdi was building his home for retired musicians in Milan, La Casa di Risposo per Musicisti, at the same time as he was composing this last opera. Michieletto therefore reproduces the Casa Verdi, as it was then called, faithfully on stage. This production was first staged in Salzburg of 2013, also conducted by Mehta, and with Maestri in the part of

Opera Notes Several Italian opera seasons open in January, with some lesser-known operas and interesting productions. Verdi’s Macbeth in Palermo, produced by Emma Dante, will also be staged in Turin in July. Bellini’s La straniera in Catania is not often found in today’s repertoire. Didone abbandonata in Florence is by one of Naples’ foremost 18th-century composers and will be performed in Pisa on 26 March. Si apre la Stagione Lirica del Teatro Massimo di Palermo con Macbeth (21-29 gennaio). Il capolavoro di Giuseppe Verdi che ebbe la sua prima a Firenze nel 1847 e fu poi rivisto e corretto per Parigi nel 1865. Verdi amò moltissimo il teatro di Shakespeare e soprattutto mostrò di comprenderlo appieno. Nel Macbeth sentì che i momenti culminanti del dramma erano due, li musicò splendidamente e li volle preparati con scrupolo e lunghissimi tempi di prove: il duetto tra Macbeth e sua moglie (l’ambizione sfrenata che porta al delitto più efferato) e la scena del sonnambulismo di Lady Macbeth (il male che tormenta l’anima di Emma Dante chi lo commette). L’allestimento palermitano prevede la regia di Emma Dante e la direzione di Gabriele Ferro e doppi cantanti per i protagonisti: Luca Salsi e Anna Pirozzi (21, 24, 26 e 29 gennaio) e Giuseppe Altomare con Virginia Tola (25 e 28 gennaio). Lo spettacolo è una coproduzione con il Teatro Regio di Torino dove sarà in scena dal 21 giugno al 2 luglio 2017. Altra apertura di stagione in Sicilia: quella del Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania con La straniera di Vincenzo Bellini (21-29 gennaio). Ebbe la sua première al Teatro alla Scala il 14 febbraio 1829 con un buon successo, anche se ben presto uscì dal repertorio, forse per le difficoltà vocali e per le novità del linguaggio musicale: ad esempio il finale del primo atto non è affidato al classico pezzo concerto, ma a un assolo di grande libertà formale intonato dalla protagonista. Gli interpreti principali furono quattro star dell’epoca (Henriette Méric-Lalande, Carolina Ungher, Antonio Tamburini e Domenico Reina), oggi a ripercorrerne le orme spetterà a Daniela Schillaci, Gabriella Colecchia, Vittorio Vitelli e a Emanuele D’Aguanno. La direzione d’orchestra sarà di Fabrizio Maria Carminati e la regia di Andrea Cigni. L’Opera di Firenze con il nuovo anno presenta Didone abbandonata di Leonardo Vinci (8, 10 e 12 gennaio). é uno dei più importanti operisti (poco noto e ancora poco studiato) della scuola napoletana settecentesca, dalla quale uscirono anche altri nomi illustri: Alessandro Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Paisiello e Cimarosa. Pietro Metastasio è l’autore del libretto di Didone abbandonata, considerato uno dei massimi successi del “Poeta Cesareo” musicato da ben più di sessanta autori diversi. L’opera di Vinci sarà diretta da Carlo Ipata e messa in scena da Deda Cristina Colonna, con i cantanti Roberta Mameli (Didone), Gabriella Costa (sua sorella Selene), Raffaele Pé (il pretendente Iarba) e Carlo Allemanno (Enea). Sarà replicata al Teatro Verdi di Pisa domenica 26 marzo 2017 alle ore 16.00. Sempre all’Opera di Firenze va in scena Faust di Charles Gounod (20 gennaio – 3 febbraio). Sul podio ci sarà Juraj Valčuha, l’attuale Direttore Principale del Teatro S. Carlo di Napoli, mentre David McVicar curerà la regia. Lo spettacolo di grande successo è già stato visto a Trieste e a Montecarlo nel 2005 e a Londra nel 2014, ed è ambiento anziché nel XVI secolo come da libretto nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento, all’epoca della composizione del Faust. Rappresentato la prima volta al Théâtre Lyrique di Parigi il 19 marzo 1859, inizialmente prevedeva i dialoghi parlati che vennero poi mutati in recitativi musicati nel 1860; la partitura fu ulteriormente modificata nel 1864 (con l’aggiunta di un’aria per il baritono) e nel 1869 (con l’inserimento del balletto nel terzo atto). In quest’ultima versione Faust è solitamente rappresentato in tutto il mondo. I ruoli principali a Firenze saranno sostenuti dal tenore Wookyung Kim (Faust), dal basso Paul Gay (Méphistophélès), dal soprano Carmela Remigio (Marguerite) insieme al baritono Serban Vasile e al mezzosoprano Laura Verrecchia che sosterranno i ruoli da coprotagonisti di Valentin e di Siebel, il fratello di Marguerite e il di lei innamorato respinto. Paolo Di Nicola


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

other interesting new departure for the Rome opera house. Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Piazza Beniamino Gigli 7, www. operaroma.it.


Speranza Scappucci makes her debut at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma conducting Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte for the first time.

Falstaff. Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 2, www.teatroallascala.org.

ROME COSÌ FAN TUTTE BY MOZART 18-27 Jan This is a new production by the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma directed by Graham Vick. Speranza Scappucci, who is conducting at the Rome opera house for the first time is also making her debut with Mozart’s masterpiece. Scappucci is already well known abroad, especially in the US where she graduated from the Juilliard before going on to S. Cecilia, but Malika Ayane stars in Evita at Teatro Sistina.

she first came to the attention of Italian audiences at the Macerata opera festival in 2014, which was dedicated to women conductors, and then at the Rossini opera festival this summer. She has already been compared favourably to Gustavo Dudamel at the Los Angeles Opera when she conducted there in June 2016 and the New York Times has said that it is now time that she conducts at the Met. Director Vick hasn’t tackled Così Fan Tutte for many years. Francesca Dotto who sings the part of Fiordiligi (alternating with Federica Lombardi) performed in the same opera at the Spoleto festival in 2015. Chiara Amarù who sings Dorabella (alternating with Paola Gardina) is new to the role. The production is an-

EVITA 14 Dec-15 Jan Italian adaptation of the smash-hit musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, directed by Massimo Romeo Piparo. The story focuses on the life of Argentine political leader Eva Perón, the second wife of Argentine president Juan Perón, from her early days to her rise to power and eventual death. The production stars Malika Ayane, with Filippo Strocchi, Enrico Bernardi and Tiziano Edini, accompanied by live orchestra. Teatro Sistina, Via Sistina 129, tel. 064200711, www.ilsistina.it. TEATRO VITTORIA 12-29 Jan Terapia di gruppo, directed by Stefano Messina, is based on the play Beyond Therapy by Christopher Durang. A farcical and complex comedy about couple Prudence and Bruce who seek professional help to retrieve their ailing relationship only to discover that their respective therapists are even more troubled than they are. In Italian. Teatro Vittoria, Piazza S. Maria Liberatrice 10, Testaccio, tel. 065781960, www.teatrovittoria.it. TEATRO INDIA 17-22 Jan Reality and fantasy are intertwined in the best Latin-American tradition in this Italian adaptation of Amuleto, the short novel by Chilean author Roberto Bolaño (1953–2003). The story is centred around poet Auxilio Lacouture, who gains fame as the only person to symbolically resist the army’s 1968 invasion of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), by hiding “for thirteen days” in a fourth-floor lavatory cubicle. Riccardo Massai directs Maria Paiato in the lead role. In Italian. Teatro Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina 52, www.teatrodiroma.net. THE WINTER’S TALE 31 Jan-5 Feb The Rome Savoyards and Plays in Rome stage an English-language production of The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare, originally published in 1623. Due to its mix of intense psychological drama, comedy and happy ending, the work is considered by some critics to be one of the Bard’s “problem plays” due to


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

School at Rome, Via Antonio Gramsci 61, tel. 063264939, www.bsr.ac.uk.

Maria Paiato in Amuleto for Teatro India. Photo Alessandro Botticelli.

CASA DI GOETHE 30 Nov-12 March The Casa di Goethe presents Costellazioni 1, the first in a series of three annual exhibitions highlighting stories and treasures rediscovered recently by Germans in Rome. The exhibition focuses on how German scholars have stumbled upon lost antiques and mastepieces hidden among the bric-a-brac in the city’s market stalls during 2016. On display are rare etchings by Manet and Renoir, original prints by Albrecht Dürer and Francis Bacon, and unpublished letters relating to the lives of noted German intellectuals and artists. Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412, www.casadigoethe.it.

its ambiguous tone. Directed by Sandra Provost. 31 Jan, 1-3 Feb 20.30. 4-5 Feb 17.30. For tickets tel. 347-8248661 or email playsinrome@yahoo.com. Teatro S. Genesio, Via Podgora 1, www.romesavoyards.it.


selected ports, and their inter-connections, shedding light on their role in promoting the cohesion of the Roman Mediterranean during the imperial era. Papers include ongoing research in Italy, Turkey, Tunisia and Spain. British

KEATS SHELLEY-HOUSE 28 Nov-3 June Pens to Paper. Autograph Letters from the Keats-Shelley House. With the subheading From Sir Walter Scott to President Theodore Roosevelt, this exhibition at the Keats-Shelley House focuses on the art of letter-writing and the changes in the industrial production of paper and writing materials between the early 19th century and the early 20th century. The exhibition includes a series

Costellazioni 1 exhibition at Casa di Goethe. Francis Bacon litografia da Derrier le miror.

ACADEMIA BELGICA 8 Dec-26 Feb The Belgian Academy presents Alla Luce di Roma: I disegni scenografici di scultori fiamminghi e il barocco romano, at Rome’s Istituto Centrale per la Grafica. The exhibition comprises 17thand 18th-century drawings and prints from important public and private collections in Belgium. The show includes more than 100 works by artists including Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, Alessandro Algardi, Pieter Verbruggen, Philipp Schor, Pieter De Jode, Peter Paul Rubens, Andrea Pozzo, and Domenico Fontana. Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, Via della Stamperia 6, tel. 06699801, www.grafica.beniculturali.it. BRITISH SCHOOL AT ROME 26-27 Jan This two-day conference entitled Rome’s Mediterranean Portus Project (RoMP) appraises recent archaeological fieldwork undertaken around the Mediterranean as part of the wider Portulismen: Rome’s Mediterranean Ports Project. The event presents research relating to the capacities of 30 January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


of autograph letters by figures such as Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Francesco Crispi, Henry James, Eleonora Duse, and Rudyard Kipling. Entrance to the exhibition is included in the standard museum ticket price. Keats-Shelley House, Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235, www.keats-shelley-house.org.

CHILDREN ICE SKATING AT THE AUDITORIUM Until 29 Jan The highlight of the annual Christmas festival at the Auditorium Parco della Musica is undoubtedly the outdoor ice-skating in the frozen-over Cavea. Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com. CASINA DI RAFFAELLO Until 12 Feb Located in Villa Borghese park, this play centre offers a programme of animated lectures, creative workshops, cultural projects and educational activities for children from the age of three. Tues-Fri 14.30, Sat-Sun 11.00 and 17.00. Viale della Casina di Raffaello (Porta Pinciana), tel. 060608, www. casinadiraffaello.it. IL MELOGRANO 13 Jan This centre in the S. Giovanni area provides creative musical workshops for small children. There are musical development sessions for kids aged three to five each Saturday morning, and Musicainfasce each Thursday evening for various ages from 0-36 months. On Saturday mornings there are yoga games for children aged three to five and six-10 years. Percussioni Creative classes take place each Friday for kids aged three-four, five-six, and seven upwards. The Melograno’s cycle La Tana dei Lettori continues on 13 Jan with Gioco, tocco, leggo: i cinque sensi per scoprire e leggere, for children aged one to four. Via Saturnia 4/a, tel. 0670475606, wwww.melogranoroma. org. EXPLORA 14-29 Jan The Explora children’s museum organises creative workshops for kids between the ages of 3-5 and 6-11 on the following weekends in January: 14-15, 21-22, 28-29. The younger children will learn how to “tinker” with science and technology, while the older kids will


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Ice skating at Auditorium Parco della Musica. Photo Musacchio & Ianniello.

learn how to assemble new games using ingenuity and recycled materials. There is also an ongoing cooking class teaching kids how to make salame di cioccolato. For details see website. Via Flaminia 80/86, tel. 063613776, www. mdbr.it. STORIE IN MUSICA 16, 23, 30 Jan Based in Testaccio, the Associazione Il Nido is dedicated to expectant mothers, parents, babies and small children. On Monday evenings it offers Storie in Musica with story-teller musician Cristiano Gullotta Pianista, for children aged 3-5 years old, 17.00-17.45. Via Marmorata 169 (Testaccio), tel. 0657300707, www.associazioneilnido. it/blog.

Explora children’s museum.

ARTandSEEK 28 Jan-5 Feb ARTandSEEK organises English-language cultural workshops and visits to museums and exhibitions for children in Rome. 28-29 Jan. Let’s play with contemporary art. A programme in collaboration with British Council and MAXXI. 4 Feb. Inside and Outside: drawings and paintings by E. Hopper. Programme for children aged 6-12 and their families taught entirely in English. 5 Feb. Inside and Outside: drawings and paintings by E. Hopper. Programme for children aged 6-12 (English learners) and their families taught in Italian with the introduction of words and expressions in English. For all event details tel. 331 / 5524440, email artandseekforkids@gmail.com, or see website, www.artandseekforkids.com.



Jonah Giuliani plays violin for the Winter Recital at Ambrit International School.

Jonah Giuliani, aged eight, writes about life at Ambrit International School


y name is Jonah and I am an Ambrit student. Ambrit is an international school in Rome. It has kids from all around the world. It is an opportunity for kids to learn happily and meet new friends. Ambrit is a big school, which has all kind of lessons, from nursery to the eighth grade. It also offers after-school activities, such as sports (soccer, tennis, yoga), arts (ceramics, sketchbook, theatre, crafts), and music (piano, cello, violin). In my opinion these afterschool activities are a great way to have new experiences, and it is an important time to enjoy yourself and have fun together. In the atrium of Ambrit are flags from all the countries of the world from which the students come. On the walls visitors can admire a collection of sea shells,


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

minerals, and some animals (a baby alligator, a frog, a turtle, a snake, and seahorses). I am in third grade, and my teacher’s name is Ms Rinaldis, and she is very funny. I have been at Ambrit for almost four years. The head of the elementary school is Monica Barden. She is kind and gentle. This year some of the things we are learning include multiplication and facts about the earth (volcanoes, earthquakes, layers of the earth, sink holes). We are also writing a National Geographic book for our final evaluation, where we have been collecting all the information and pictures we have studied. The holiday time is special at Ambrit. Every year, we have the tradition called the “winter recital” (with free entrance) in which students play instruments, sing to parents, and perform in artistic ways. Kids learn beautiful songs taken from different cultures and countries and in different languages: for example,

African folk songs, American traditional tunes, Chinese melodies and German lullabies. It is also a chance for kids to have solos and show what they have learned on instruments. The songs are very meaningful and full of happiness. I played my violin for a song. I felt scared, but with the support of my friends I felt amazing. Mrs Paige Short, who is the very good music teacher of the elementary school, is always very proud of her students. After the performance, all of us (students, teachers, and parents) gather in each of the classrooms to share some yummy treats. I believe that every child works hard to learn the words in only a couple of months. We have another school tradition: organising bake sales and bazaars for special occasions to raise money and learn how we can help others. We have bake sales twice a year to support two orphanages, one in India and one in Haiti. At home we prepare cookies or other baked goods, and we also collect

There are more than 60 nationalities at Ambrit International School.

toys. Then we sell them, and the money goes to those who need it. Recently in the atrium of the school we had the Giving Back Bazaar to raise money and donate items to several organisations in Rome that support homeless people and refugees. At home, we, the students, made crafts, toys, and simple things people could play with, and sold them so we could ‘give back’. The theme of this year’s event was ‘home’, so we could understand the meaning of having a family, a nice place to eat and sleep and play. A home is a place to love. There was a stand where you could write a thank-you letter to someone who was nice to you and have it delivered. The day of the bazaar was filled with lots of crafts, singing, and having fun all over the school. There were so many colours and music in the atrium that it could have filled a rainbow. It is the happiest time of the year. Another activity at Ambrit is sports. Every once in a while I participate in soccer tournaments, which are played among the international schools in Rome. The last one in December was held at the Ambrit soccer fields: we have four of them. I like to play soccer (it is my favourite afterschool activity). As a school, we have two teams, Red and White. I am on the White team. To be in the finals, a team has to have 50 points. We only got 36 points. We

played against the Castelli team and the one from St George’s. Guess what? Castelli won. I forgot to mention that in the fall we have a great event called the International Fair and Barbeque. It is an amazingly fun moment: on a Saturday morning, in October, every student with their family gathers at school and brings food specialties from their own countries, so that everybody can have a taste of so many kinds of international dishes. Plus we have a huge inflatable castle and different stations where we can visit ‘countries’ and play games, earn points, and get prizes. This year there also was a theme: “exploring the world”. The school provided a special passport and we received a stamp with the name of all the countries we ‘visited’ during the Fair. I got 13 stamps on my passport. One of the best things I have done after the full year of school is Mr Alessandro’s summer camp in the mountains, at Monte Livata. There we stayed in a hotel (three or four in a room, by ourselves) and during the day we walked in the woods, played tennis, and other sports. In the evenings we performed a “talent show”, and I won it, which means I got the first place for writing a poem. One of my good friends got third place. But the coolest sport was rafting on the local river and

rock climbing. While rafting, I almost got totally wet. I hope to go back to Monte Livata next summer as well. I think that Ambrit is a beautiful place for kids to learn and enjoy themselves in a happy way. Ambrit International School, Via F. Tajani 50, www.ambrit-rome.com.

WANTED IN ROME JUNIOR For young writers and artists Wanted in Rome is accepting contributions from students in all international schools in Rome. Articles on topics related to either the student’s life in Rome or their school projects can be submitted by their class teachers. The work should be no more than 1,000 words and all contributions should contain the name, age and school of the student. We also accept illustrations. Any class teachers who would like to propose a project please contact editorial@wantedinrome.com.

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


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COLUMNs Accommodation vacant in town APARTMENT FOR RENTAL. Fully furnished apartment available two minutes away from Piazza di Spagna. Located in Via Del Corso, windows facing in inner courtyard, quiet, two bathrooms, one bedroom and one living room with kitchenette. Short medium and long stays. Long con-

Free Classified Advertisements All classified advertisements in the free categories must be submitted via our website at www.wantedinrome.com. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted classifieds will no longer be accepted in our office but must be placed directly on our website www.wantedinrome.com

tracts only with ”cedolare secca” and fideiussione. admin@relaisrome.com. ATELIER FLAT TO RENT. Fully furnished apartment, five minutes away from Metro Station Furio Camillo, 1 bus away from FAO, windows facing in inner courtyard, quiet, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and one living room with kitchenette. 2/3 floor with lift, new building. Long stays. 3 month deposit. Info luisadelcampo@hotmail.com. COSY APARTMENT PIAZZA EPIRO - S. GIOVANNI. Beautiful, cosy, quiet, elegant, fully furnished & equipped renovated, living room, two sunny bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom. 1930s condo + garden. Near FAO, 12 mins walk from Colosseum. €1.500 month. Other pics available. airleas.rome@ gmail.com.

DOUBLE ROOM IN PIAZZA BOLOGNA. 20 sqm double room €450 sixth floor (top floor) panoramic view refurbished for female students or workers, expenses included. lorenzocoretti@ gmail.com. STANZA 20 metri quadrati doppia ad uso singola Piazza Bologna €450 mensili sesto ed ultimo piano assolato e panoramico 500 metri da università appartamento ristrutturato studentesse fuori sede/lavoratrici no matricole spese incluse. lorenzocoretti@gmail.com. EUR SERAFICO. Quiet furnished apartment near Metro. Two entrances, living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 small bedroom with bunk bed, two bathrooms, two large terraces, covered parking, porter, A/C, canteen. Tel. +39 348 / 7206333 or +39 328 / 3644171. mattonepingue@ libero.it or pinguesenior@alice.it. MANZONI AREA. Furnished studio: For single person €480 monthly minimum 6 months. Email: dellascala4@ gmail.com. MANZONI AREA. Studio flat with garden €750 per month. Minimum six months. Email: dellascala4@gmail.com. NEAR PONTE MILVIO - DELIGHTFUL 50 SQM FLAT. English/Italian lady rents sunny fully-furnished flat, 4th floor, lift, living/kitchen, appliances, large bedroom, wall-to-wall closets, bathroom (tub/shower), TV, excellent bus service, poss. small car/moto park, free Wi-fi, electricity/heating on con-

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Wanted in Rome does not accept jobs vacant ads that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion. Via di Monserrato 49, 00186 Roma – Tel./fax 066867967 advertising@wantedinrome.com - www.wantedinrome.com

1 Feb 1 March

FREE CLASSIFIEDS must be submitted on our website, www.wantedinrome.com. Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting.

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


sumption. Free after Christmas, also short periods. More photos on request, references required. Also short lets. terrypeppiatt@alice.it.

beautifully restored, furnished mediaeval tower, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, terrace 160 sqm, perfect condition. judyharris123@gmail.com.

NUOVO SALARIO - VIA SALARIA / VIA NOMENTANA NEIGHBORHOOD. Elegant, bright and fine furnished. Composed of living and dining room, 2 double bedrooms, equipped kitchen, 2 baths (equipped with shower, sauna and Jacuzzi), 3 balconies, garage. Elegante, luminoso, ammobiliato, termoautonomo, impianto allarme, cassetta sicurezza, composto da: soggiorno/salotto, cucina abitabile, 2 camere doppia/matrim., 2 bagni (con vasca idromassaggio e con doccia e sauna), 3 balconi, posto auto in garage condominiale.federico.fusano@gmail. com.

TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, two apartments in old castle, completely restored, living room, 2 bedrooms. Unfurnished. €310 + 40 condominium. Other: 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, balcony, terrace. €450 + 40 condominium. Tel. 066786400. fedel@ email.it.

REFURBISHED APARTMENT IN MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Looking for flatmate in a refurbished two-bedroom apartment (Monteverde Vecchio). It consists of a large bathroom, kitchenette with dining area and spaciousbedroom (fully furnished). Females only. Must be ok with cats. Price: €500 + bills. Contact for more info: robertapt2015@gmail.com. ST PETER STUDIO APARTMENT. Independent apartment. Furnished, Composed of living room, bedroom, kitchen corner, bathroom, A/C, wifi, fridge, washing machine. Tel 340 / 3106079, m.rita.salustri@virgilio.it. ST PETER’S. Small furnished studio apartment: bathroom, kitchen corner, TV, A/C, wifi, garden, washing machine. Renting daily, weekly, monthly, tel. 340 / 3106079, 329 / 6050514, email: m.rita.salustri@virgilio.it. Via S. Maria Mediatrice. Accommodation vacant out of town

MEDIAEVAL TOWER - SUTRI. Sutri centre, 50 km Rome, good bus link:


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

Jobs vacant THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME - TEACHING POSITION OPEN. The American University of Rome’s Business Administration program is now accepting CVs from potential Adjunct Professor candidates for the “Marketing Research” course in Spring 2017. The upper level elective in the marketing area provides students with an overview of the research process, sampling techniques and qualitative and quantitative data collection methods of primary data. Adjunct faculty are expected to teach to the designated syllabus, provide support and guidance to students; and develop strategies to teach the course for the entire semester, using the course syllabus, objec-

tives, and curriculum. PhD in relevant field, and/or experience teaching at University level. Italian working papers essential. Availability from 30 Jan to 15 May required. Interested candidates should send a CV immediately to humanresources@aur.edu (Ref. HR13/2016). Interviews will start immediately and continue until the post is filled. CONTENT AND SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER WANTED. Rebrandly, a startup nominated as one of the top 20 Social Media Tool for 2017, is looking for a talented Content Marketing Manager and a Growth Hacker. English is the first language. Full-time. Awesome Work environment. Info: Rebrandly.com/Jobs. jobs@rebrandly. com. TOUR LEADERS WANTED. You have to be fluent in English and/or Spanish! Do you live in Rome and like to show the city to tourist who visit Rome? Are you willing to work and

you are flexible? You are passionate and know how to tell a story. You are a guide with experience or you are willing to learn. You are able to work by yourself. Then this job is for you. Send us your CV and we will get back to you. www.freetourrome.cominfo@ freetourrome.com. EN ESTE MOMENTO ESTAMOS BUSCANDO GUíAS. ¿Vives en Roma y te gustaría enseñarle la ciudad a los turistas?¿Eres entusiasta, ya tienes experiencia o estás dispuesto a aprender? Envíanos tu CV: info@freetourrome.com y puede ser que te demos la bienvenida en nuestro equipo. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE BABY SITTER. English mother-tongue baby sitter required to converse/play 2 afternoons per week with an 11 year old girl. Driver’s license required. claudio. peroni1@gmail.com. LOOKING FOR OUTGOING PEOPLE. Looking for outgoing people to work in English to give info to tourists and guide. Part time job. Send email to mackhugs@gmail.com or tel. 347 / 7791856. Please call after 18.00. ENGLISH BUSINESS TRAINER. The Language Grid seeks motivated EMT trainers to work in a business environment. Offering part-time and full-time positions on long term contracts with paid holiday, bonuses & benefits. Opportunity for career development. Apply via email: info@ thelanguagegrid.com with CV, photo & cover letter. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEEKING QUALIFIED ENGLISH TEACHERS. Established English School seeking qualified English mother-tongue teachers for young children and adult courses for immediate start. Must have valid working documents. Please send your CV to job@angloamerican.it. ENGLISH TEACHERS REQUIRED IN ROME - IMMEDIATE START. Berlitz

Italy is among the world leaders in the field of language learning services. We are currently seeking English Language Instructors available immediately. Candidates must be native speakers and have a degree, preferably with some teaching experience or teaching certification. Relevant working papers or visa a must! Would you like to work in a dynamic, international environment? Then this is the job for you!Interested? Please contact Ennio Recchioni at: workinrome@berlitz.it or ennio. recchioni@berlitz.it.

Monteverde and all Rome. italianculturalsensivity@gmail.com. MY ITALIAN WAY - ENJOY LEARNING ITALIAN. Online and face to face Italian language courses!! Find you own Italian Way together with me!! francesca@myitalianway.it.

ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE TEACHERS. Full time English Language Teachers for our schools in Rome. Candidates must be native speakers and have: a degree, teaching experience, relevant teaching certification. Positions starting from November. info@englishscool.it.


TRAINING SCUOLA DI LINGUE IS SEEKING. Mothertongue qualified English teachers required for company courses in Rome. Please send CV to info@trainingclub.com.

4 DECEMBER 2016. One day I will know if I had said Yes or Not to the constitutional reform instead of our sons. sernicolimarco@gmail.com.

LESSONS ITALIAN LESSONS. Italian professional teaches Italian in Trastevere,

BELL TOWER. This time there is no fire to go out for the firemen in Amatrice. There is only the tricolour flame to warm the heart of every earthquake victims. Of every Italian. sernicolimarco@gmail.com. January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


DAMNED ILLUSION. The way you kiss is like the one of a wife hardly left by her husband which goes to work. The difference is that you haven’t nor husband nor work. But kiss well. sernicolimarco@gmail. com. MARCO E LAURA. Our story is full of love like the one of a mother for her son, the difference is that not only grew but last a life. sernicolimarco@gmail.com. MUSIC. Your heart beat like the beat of a percussion.The difference is which doesn’t play.Loves.sernicolimarco@gmail.com. STATUS QUO. States whithout money, men whithout work, children whithout food. They fight to cope. Somebody tell to believe in the church and in Francis. The pope. sernicolimarco@gmail.com.

TO LAURA, A FRIEND OF MINE. Falling in love is like simmer, unfortunately my flame was too high, but I don’t burned Laura, because. Once she made me taste her... biological apples! sernicolimarco@gmail.com.

rooms, one kitchen, 1 bathroom. Price € 550.000. Please contact 3442933591 or send email at alizzzarine@gmail. com.

YOU LAURA. You, always around you beloved by somebody you sweet and clever you beautiful and stop you only for you and me. sernicolimarco@gmail. com.

Property for sale out of town

Property for sale in town FLAT FOR SALE IN TRASTEVERE. Apartment for sale in Trastevere. Via Natale del Grande, near Piazza S. Cosimato. 100sqm apartment, fifth floor with a lot of light. View on the cloister of Regina Margherita. One large entrance with big living room. Two bed-

CHARMING PRE-WAR VILLA IN GROTTAFERRATA. A fine example of the Castelli Romani era of the 1920s, this enchanting property features a 4BR home, a barn, a storage shed and 2,500 sqm of parkland with pine and olive trees, fruit orchards and a vineyard with grapes for eating and winemaking. From the monumental gate, a gently sloping driveway over 120m long leads to a decorative fountain, twin marble staircases and a bright sun terrace with sprawling views of Mount Cavo. segreteria@zucchettire. com.

January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


Rooms and flat shares CLOSE TO FAO AND HISTORIC CENTRE. Single furnished room available in 125 sqm apartment with 3 single bedrooms, A/C, shared living room. Only females. €550/monthly, all included. Email: malfimarialuisa@gmail.com, tel. 338 / 4657292, photos available on request. TRASTEVERE - VIA DELLA LUNGARA. Large bright room with private bathroom, comfortable and well equipped. The room has a big bed, two armchairs, a desk, a wall cupboard with linen. Kitchen use. Including internet. Tel. 339 / 7857565. annabutticci@alice.it.

Schools and colleges ESE ROME SHORT COURSES, JANUARY INTAKE 2017. The European School of Economics (ESE) graduates are among the most competitive business professionals on the market, prepared for leadership roles in international marketing, finance, communication and management. With the ability to individually tailor their course of study, ESE students: study abroad with ESE centres world-


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

wide; specialise in cuttingedge business sectors, such as fashion, film industry, events, music, sport, art, media and human resources among others; complete internships, selecting from more than 1500 leading organisations around the world. ESE Short Courses have been created especially for managers, professionals andaspiring professionals who prefer short, highly focused training to longer periods ofstudy. Professional Programmes provide participants with the knowledge necessaryfor specific occupational opportunities, and are open to a broader public: Film Business Management, Deal-making, Marketing & SalesEvents Management Hospitality Management Specialised Programmes in Marketing, Management and Finance Intake Dates: January, April, September 2017 Courses Duration: 3-month in class course + minimum 3-month internship (optional) 12 in-class hours per week (Monday-Friday) Language of Instruction: English Please do not hesitate to contact our centre for further details: ese.roma@uniese.it +39 06 48906653www.uniese.itwww. eselondon.ac.uk. ITALIAN BEGINNER LANGUAGE COURSE – LEARNING ITALIAN LANGUAGE. • 10 weeks of Italian classes. • 30 hours of classes, twice a week. Come enjoy and experience Rome while you learn Italian. • We also help in the search for housing and accommodation (accommodation fees not included). The goals of the program:

This program is designed exclusively for students who want to learn Italian through linguistic and cultural immersion in Italy (Rome). Program’s duration and schedule: From January 23rd to April 7th, 2016 (10 weeks) 3 hours of Italian classes per week, Monday to Friday. Place: European School of Economics, Rome campus (Via della Cordonata 7- 00187) Course structure: The Italian Beginner module holds a weekly 3-hour class. Assessment Structure: Minor assessment – Three Short Quizzes (35%) Major Assessment - Final Written Exam + Oral test (65%) Program fees: 300 €/person, the basic fee includes 30 hours of Italian classes. Accommodation is not included in the basic fee.Upon completion of the program, students receive a certificate of attendance plus progression report showing the assessments results, awarded by the European school of Economics. Application Process: To apply for the course, candidates are required to contact the ESE Rome Admissions Dpt by email at ese. roma@uniese.it and fill out the application form you’ll be provided with. All application must be submitted by January 10th 2017. Entry requirements: • Application form• High School or Undergraduate Degree Diploma• Résumé / CV (include reference to all previous education)• Photocopy of passport / ID document and three passport-sized photographs Maximum number of admittance: 30 (in order to provide a unique learning experience with a ratio between Professor to students, no more than 30 students will be admitted into this programme)Include the following code in the email subject: #ESEwantedinrome.By using this code you will be able to enroll into the course at this special price! Offer valid to January 30th 2017. Feel free to contact us for any details: European School of Economics, Rome, Via della Cordonata 7 - 00187. E: ese. roma@uniese.it T: 0648906653S: ese. roma.


numbers ASSOCIATIONS American International Club of Rome tel. 0645447625, www.aicrome.org American Women’s Association of Rome tel. 064825268, www.awar.org Association of British Expats in Italy britishexpatsinitaly@gmail.com Association of Malaysians in Italy tel. 389 / 1162161, malaysiansinitaly@ gmail.com Canadian Club of Rome canadarome@gmail.com Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli Gay and lesbian international contact group, tel. 065413985, fax 065413971 Commonwealth Club of Rome ccrome08@gmail.com International Women’s Club of Rome tel. 0633267490. www.pwarome.org Irish Club of Rome irishclubofrome@gmail.com, www.irishclubofrome.org Luncheon Club of Rome tel. 333 / 8466820 Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons.org Professional Women’s Association www.pwarome.org United Nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628, unwg@fao.org, www.unwgrome.multiply.com Welcome Neighbor tel. 347 / 9313040, dearprome@tele2.it, www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637, www.saintlouisdefrance.it La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French) Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598, www.librairiefrancaiserome.com Libreria Feltrinelli International Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878, www.lafeltrinelli.it Libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484, Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish) Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950, www.libreriaspagnola.it Open Door Bookshop (second hand books – English, French, German, Italian) Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478, www.books-in-italy.com S. Susanna Lending Library Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00

The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see Wanted in Rome website for details. Casa del Cinema Largo Marcello Mastroianni 1, Villa Borghese, tel. 06423601, www.casadelcinema.it Cinema dei Piccoli Viale della Pineta 15, Villa Borghese, tel. 068553485 Cinema Doria Via Andrea Doria 52, tel. 0639721446. Farnese Persol Piazza Campo de’ Fiori 56, tel. 066864395 Fiamma Multisala Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526 Filmstudio Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 334 / 1780632, www.filmstudioroma.com Greenwich Via G. Bodoni 59, tel. 065745825 Intrastevere Vicolo Moroni 3, tel. 065884230 Lux Via Massaciuccoli 31, tel. 0686391361 Multisala Barberini Piazza Barberini 24-26, tel. 0686391361 Nuovo Olimpia Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068 Nuovo Sacher Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 Odeon Piazza Stefano Jacini 22, tel. 0686391361 emergency numbers



The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.

24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council, tel. 060606

Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942 Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222


• Ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355 January 2017 | Wanted in Rome


religious All Saints’ Anglican Church Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881, Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Anglican Centre Piazza del Collegio Romano 2, tel. 066780302, www.anglicancentreinrome.com Beth Hillel (Jewish Progressive Community) tel. 389 / 9691486, www.bethhillelroma.org Bible Baptist Church Via di Castel di Leva 326, tel. 334 / 2934593, www.bbcroma.org, Sunday 11.00 Christian Science Services Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425 Church of All Nations Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464 Church of Sweden Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474, Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish) Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian South Rome, tel. 0650917621, 333 / 2284093, North Rome, tel. 0630894371, akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it International Central Gospel Church Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695 International Christian Fellowship Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266, Sunday service 11.00 Jewish Community Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061 Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761 Lutheran Church Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70, tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German) Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314, Sunday service 10.30 Pontifical Irish College (Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00 Rome Baptist Church Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652, 066876211, Sunday


Wanted in Rome | January 2017

service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese) Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091 Rome International Church Via Cassia km 16, www.romeinternational.org Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico) Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167, 068082258 St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627, Sunday service 11.00 St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic), Via del Caravita 7, www. caravita.org, Sunday service 11.00 St Isidore’s College (Roman Catholic) Via degli Artisti 41, tel. 064885359, Sunday service 10.00 St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic) Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 0642903787, Sunday service 10.00 St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal) Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339, Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish) St Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121, Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30 St Susanna Church (Roman Catholic), Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30 Venerable English College (Roman Catholic), Via di Monserrato 45, tel. 066868546, Sunday service 10.00 support groups Alcoholics Anonymous tel. 064742913, www.aarome.info Archè (HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350, www.arche.it Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a, tel. 0669700306 Associazione Ryder Italia (Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580, www.ryderitalia.it Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499, www.differenzadonna.it

Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30, tel. 0647821098, 11.00-13.30 daily Caritas foreigners’ support centre Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228, 066861554 Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235 Caritas legal assistance Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369 Celebrate Recovery Christian group tel. 338 / 1675680 Comunità di S. Egidio Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234 Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327, 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat Information line for the disabled tel. 800271027 Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Mason Perkins Deafness Fund (Support for deaf and deaf-blind children), tel. 0644234511, masonperkins@gmail.com, www.mpds.it Overeaters Anonymous tel. 064743772 Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza) Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri”, Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351 Support for elderly victims of crime (Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104 The Samaritans Onlus (Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022 transport • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, www.atac.roma.it • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, www.adr.it • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, www.adr.it • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 – 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021, www.trenitalia.it

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