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no. 13 wednesday 7 July 2010
Silvia Stucky, Roma. Silvia Stucky, the seventh of Edith Schloss’s invited cover artists, lives and works in Rome. Her work encompasses painting, artists’ books, installation, video, photography and performance and key themes are water and the simplicity of everyday life. She has exhibited in solo and group shows in Italy and abroad. Since 1999 she has been working with photography on the theme of landscape shaped by human intervention.
Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma Tel. 066867967 Fax 066872996 Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico: Marco Viola Impaginazione: Giovanni Salerno Progetto e impaginazione What’s On: Dina Dancu Realizzazione grafica: IGEI Srl Stampa: Beta Tipografica Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425 Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985 Finito di stampare il 5/7/2010
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Water, water everywhere…
A tough budget for tough times
Classified columns
Laura Clarke
James Walston
Blues jazz under the waterfall
Useful numbers
Margaret Stenhouse
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7 July 2010
What’s on and where to go in Italy
Linda Bordoni
Wanted in Rome
Water, water everywhere… Laura Clarke
alk through any major square in Italy over the next couple of weeks and chances are you will be stopped and asked to lend your support to a campaign titled “L’acqua non si vende”, or “Water is not for sale”. The campaign, which runs until 24 July, is an initiative of the Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua, a network of national associations and local committees that is collecting signatures for a referendum against the liberalisation of Italy’s water system. As of 21 June over one million signatures had been gathered – 500,000 more than are needed to call a referendum – according to the Forum’s website In Rome in mid-June protesters covered the characteristic public drinking fountains or nasoni (literally meaning “big nose”, a reference to the nose-shaped spout) with black plastic bags, padlocks, chains, posters and Opponents of the privatisation of water services demonstrate other material to draw attention to the camin Rome ahead of World Water Day last spring. paign. The government, through European affairs minister Andrea Ronchi At the heart of the protest is the so-called Ronchi law of 2009 who gave his name to the law, insists that the provisions are needed to paving the way for the greater participation of private investors in the bring Italy into line with European regulations. However opponents management of water services which, despite earlier moves towards argue that water is a common good and that access is a fundamental privatisation, is still largely the prerogative of the local authorities (see right and as such that it cannot be subject to the laws of the free marWater services in Italy box). Under the new law from 2012 water supket. Local authorities across Italy immediately expressed their opposiplies must be managed exclusively by private companies or by mixed tion to the changes and seven regions – Puglia, Liguria, Piemonte, public-private enterprises where the private investor holds at least 40 Marche, Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany and the autonomous province of per cent, and contracts must be awarded by tender. In addition local Trento – have appealed to the constitutional court against the law, authorities with a stake in utilities listed on the stock exchange are claiming it violates regional autonomy. Meanwhile three referendum asked to reduce their shareholding gradually to a maximum of 30 per questions have been drawn up by eminent Italian jurists and deposited cent by the end of 2015. The ownership of the infrastructure (aquebefore the supreme court of cassation (see Referendum box). ducts, water treatment plants etc) remains in the hands of the state. Italy prides itself on having one of the lowest water rates in Europe. In Rome, where supplies are managed by the listed water and energy Water services in Italy utility ACEA SpA, water costs on average just over €1 per cubic metre, compared with €2.7 per cubic metre in London, €3.1 per cubic metre In 1994 the Italian parliament approved a water and sewerage services in Paris and €6.3 per cubic metre in Berlin according to figures from reform (the so-called Galli law) to increase the efficiency of what had until the World Water Forum 2009. However at the same time the country then been a highly fragmented sector. This law provided for the restructurloses about 30 per cent of its water (although in some areas the figure ing of the industry by the regions through the aggregation of municipalities is much higher) from leaky aqueducts and theft, compared to a maxiinto single areas known as optimum territorial entities (ambiti territoriali ottimum of 20 per cent in other developed nations. This translates into mali, ATOs) – usually corresponding to the region or province – with a sinlosses for the water management companies of €226 million per year gle water provider and a unified tariff system in each area. The law did not and, together with waste in agriculture and industry, is also responsible require local utilities to be privatised but it gave ATOs considerable flexibilifor shortages and rationing particularly in southern Italy and during the ty in deciding how to manage their water services: through a public entersummer months. prise (so-called “in house provision”) or by concession to a private operator Supporters of liberalisation argue that greater private investment in or a mixed public-private company, where private partners would be selectItaly’s water system will make it more efficient and generate capital for ed by tender. Tariffs in any given ATO are set by a special authority and must much-needed investment in infrastructure and maintenance. However guarantee the provider at least a seven per cent return on their investment. recent experiences of public-private management in various parts of the To date 92 ATOs have been created under the terms of the Galli law, country suggest that this is not always the case. of which 69 have appointed a provider (in some cases more than one), In 2002 in the province of Latina in southern Lazio the management according to the 2009 report to parliament of the Commissione Nazionale of local water supplies passed to AcquaLatina SpA, a mixed capital di Vigilanza sulle Risorse Idriche. Currently there are 114 providers opercompany controlled by the local municipalities and with a 49 per cent ating in Italy, of which 58, or over 50 per cent, are public enterprises. shareholding by the French water giant Veolia. Since then rates for conThe Ronchi law does not alter the basic organisation of the industry sumers have risen by up to 500 per cent, while investments totalled with respect to the Galli law but rather increases the requirement for pri€74.5 million to 2008 against €146 million stipulated under the origivate participation in the delivery of services. nal management contract according to Fabrizio Consalvi of the 2
Wanted in Rome
7 July 2010
Comitato Cittadino Difesa Acqua Pubblica di Aprilia. This has prompted residents of one town, Aprilia, to refuse to pay their bills and demand that the local council resume management of the water supply. In the province of Terni in Umbria residents currently pay an average of €2,11 per cubic metre to their water provider, a mixed capital company called Servizio Idrico Integrato (SII) which was awarded the concession in 2003. This compares with an average rate of €0.61 per cubic metre in 2002. Local Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua representative and Terni resident Maria Cristina Garofalo says that in her neighbourhood services have deteriorated over the same period, with supplies failing to keep pace with new building and increased demand. Similar tariffs apply in the province of Arezzo and part of the province of Siena in Tuscany, where water services have been managed since 1999 by Nuove Acque SpA, a public-private company owned to 46.16 per cent by the consortium Intesa Aretina led by Gas de France (GDF) Suez and with participation by ACEA SpA. However here price hikes have corresponded to a real improvement in water quality, prompting many consumers to shift from bottled mineral water to tap water. In light of the Ronchi law in May Italian utility group Iride and investment fund F2i announced a voluntary total takeover bid for Mediterranea delle Acque SpA, the company that currently Provisions to privatise manages water serfurther the management vices in most municipalities in the province of Italy’s water supply of Genova, as part of a project “for the conhave met with opposition centration and development of water activfrom consumers ities” according to a joint Iride and F2i press release. Iride already owns just over 68 per cent of Mediterranea delle Acque SpA through its subsidiary Iride Acqua e Gas SpA. Likewise the main private shareholders in ACEA SpA, Roman real estate developer and media magnate Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone and GDF Suez (the same group that has stakes in Nuove Acque SpA in Tuscany), recently increased their shares in the company to just under 13 per cent and just over 10 per cent respectively, possibly in anticipation of the obligatory sale by Rome city council of at least 21 per cent of its present 51 per cent stake. ACEA SpA was once a local Rome company but according to its website it is now the largest supplier of water in the country, with interests in Tuscany, Umbria and Campania as well as Lazio. Experts say clear rules on privatisation and an independent water business regulator are still needed before there can be a significant increase in private investment in Italy’s water industry. These, according to EU affairs minister Ronchi, should be in place by the end of the year. So it may only be a matter of time before these early manoeuvrings by providers give way to a flurry of merger and acquisition activity in the sector. The result could be a concentration of the management of water supplies in the hands of just a small number of private operators with uncertain benefits for consumers and services at large.
Referendum The Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l’Acqua is promoting a referendum against the privatisation of public water management services. Three questions have been put forward. The first seeks to repeal the part of the 2009 Ronchi law about the greater participation of private capital in water management services; the second to repeal part of the earlier Galli reform concerning the assignment of water management concessions to thirdparties; and the third to repeal part of the same reform requiring water rates to allow for “an adequate return on invested capital” on grounds that any profits should be reinvested back into the improvement of services. For the referendum to go ahead the supreme court of cassation first needs to validate the 500,000 signatures needed and the constitutional court to confirm the constitutionality of the proposal. Only then can a date be set for the referendum. If all goes to plan the vote will be held in spring 2011.
7 July 2010
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7 July 2010
A tough budget for tough times Austerity is the keyword in this year’s budget, with the regions, local administrations and public sector workers bearing the brunt of the cuts
James Walston
Left: economy minister Giulio Tremonti must persuade Italians to accept the proposed budget cuts. Right: the normally retiring Gianni Letta, Berlusconi’s right-hand man, had to tell the country that the economy is in a sorry state.
fter two years of hearing prime minister Silvio Berlusconi tell Italy that the economy was in fine shape and that Italians were better off than their European fellows, the message has been reversed. Berlusconi, the eternal optimist, could not bring himself to break the news so it was delivered by Gianni Letta, who is officially just an undersecretary in the prime minister’s office but in practice has been Berlusconi’s principal advisor and confidant since he went into politics in 1993. The fact that the otherwise retiring Letta spoke in public showed the gravity of the situation. The minister for the economy, Giulio Tremonti, had been saying for months that cuts and savings were necessary and he is now the person who will have to pilot the budget through parliament and deal with the rising opposition to the proposed cuts in services. Berlusconi and government insist that there will be no new taxes: “We won’t put our hands in Italians’ pockets,” the prime minister has repeated, as well as promising that there will be no business taxes. The proposal instead is to cut. The budget will be reduced by €24 billion in 2011-2012. Despite the fierce debate that it has provoked, the figure is relatively small compared to almost all European economies. Italy’s cuts are 0.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) for this year and 0.8 per cent for next year, compared to 2.5 per cent and 2.9 per cent for Spain, 2.5 per cent and 3.1 per cent for Portugal, 3 per cent and 2 per cent for Ireland and, not surprisingly, a massive 7 per cent and 4 per cent for Greece. Even virtuous Germany is due to cut €80 billion over the next four years (0.4 per cent of GDP in 2011). Outside the eurozone, the new British government introduced an emergency austerity budget in June. Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, has praised the Italian plan. The commission is concerned that all members of the European Union (EU) keep within the budget deficit and national debt limits for the eurozone, and Italy is way over both. In 2009 the budget deficit was 5.3 per cent of GDP and the latest proposed cuts and savings are designed to bring it down to 2.7 per cent of GDP, which is within the 3 per cent allowed by the EU. The public debt, which was around 115 per cent of GDP in 2009, is one of the highest in the eurozone and is set to rise (maybe even to 118 per cent this year) if the economy stagnates as a result of the budget cuts. The biggest single saving comes from cuts to regional governments (€10-11 billion) and local administrations. In Italy almost the whole of local and regional government income comes from Rome and these cuts will bite deeply. The regions and the cities spend but they do not tax. Some have been very efficient in industrial development, transport, health and welfare. Others have used their funds to build electoral support rather than long-term growth. In Lombardy there is one regional employee per 1,800 residents. In Campania there are four times as many, one per 472, and in Molise eight times as many, one per 226. In Sicily in 2008 the average annual wage 7 July 2010
for the 19,129 regional civil servants was €42,756, or 40 per cent more than for ministerial civil servants. Between 2004 and 2008 wages rose by 38 per cent despite central government instructions to reduce them. It is little wonder that the president of the Lombardy region, Roberto Formigoni, accused the government of destroying the proposed fiscal federalism and even went so far as to call the proposed budget “unconstitutional”. The president of the conference of regional presidents, Vasco Errani of Emilia Romagna, called the budget’s indiscriminate cuts “unsustainable”. Formigoni is centre-right and Errani centre-left but they are united against the measure. Former economy minister and university economist Tiziano Treu said that “linear cuts across the board are not only unjust but they don’t work.” The government is going to have to work very hard to get its own supporters on board in the regions and the cities. One item is for a €10 tourist tax in Rome and the centre-right mayor, Gianni Alemanno, has accepted it, but the new president of Lazio, Renata Polverini, also centre-right, has criticised it and, not surprisingly, the hotel trade hates it. The proposal is liable to change in parliament and it is not clear when it would come into effect if passed. Most of the rest of the savings will come from public sector pay cuts or lack of pay rises. Automatic cost-of-living pay rises for seniority will go and the proposal has produced a storm of protest from unions which feel that public sector workers are being forced to carry most of the weight of the cuts. Magistrates even decided to take symbolic action, striking for an hour. Other measures include small reductions in politicians’ wages and in perks such as official cars. As in most budgets, there is a call to reduce tax evasion, reckoned to be around €120 billion per annum, or five times this austerity budget. This time any city administration that uncovers evasion will be able to keep a third of what is recovered. And, once again, there is an amnesty, this time for so-called “ghost houses”: houses that have been built but were never registered so are not subject to taxation. The first draft of the budget law included the abolition of smaller provinces. The intention was that all provinces should have been abolished when the regions were set up in 1970, but instead they have grown in number. This time eight were supposed to be suppressed, then it was five by excluding the mountainous ones. Now it seems that all will survive the axe. Even though the budget was shown to president of the republic Giorgio Napolitano and apparently given his unofficial approval in May before it went to parliament, the government will have to fight hard to overcome the opposition from the regions and the unions. Berlusconi clearly dislikes introducing unpopular measures but if he does not he will appear weak, which is much worse. There will be an austerity budget but there will also be much debate around it. Wanted in Rome
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7 July 2010
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EUR - CENTRE - VIALE AMERICA. View of the lake, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, classically furnished, balcony, €1.400. Tel. 065919125, EUR - CLOSE TO METRO FERMI. Bright, comfortable apartment, double living room, 3 bedrooms, smaller room, 2 bathrooms, balcony, perfect condition, €2.300. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR - CLOSE TO METRO LAURENTINA. Semi-furnished and restored apartment, 2nd floor, large sitting room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, 30 sqm terraces, storage, parking, €1.450. Ref 35. Tel. 0654211074, EUR - COPENHAGEN. Furnished restored apartment, 100 sqm, 5th floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large terrace, parking places, A/C. Ref 19. Tel. 0654649582, 0654211074, EUR - FUNGO - LARGO DELL’ARTIDE. Restructured, furnished apartment, 55 sqm, ground floor with paved garden, sitting room with kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, €1.200. Tel. 065919125, EUR - FUNGO. Prestigious apartment on 2 levels, condominium swimming pool, double living room, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, smaller room, 3 bathrooms, large terrace, well furnished, garage, €3.800. Tel. 065919125, EUR - MONTAGNOLA BENEDETTO CROCE. Furnished apartment, 50 sqm, 24/7 guard, entrance hall, living room with sleeping area, kitchen, bathroom, large balcony, non-residents, €1.000. Tel. 065919125, EUR - PAVESE. Well furnished apartment, 2 large bedrooms, maid’s room, 2 bathrooms, living room, fitted closets, balcony. €1.500. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR - SERAFICO - LILIO. Newly restructured apartment, furnished, 5th floor, 150 sqm, double living room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 balconies, finely finished, A/C, €2.300. Tel. 065919125, EUR - SHANGRILA’. 170 sqm apartment in villa, 2nd floor, double living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 small room, 2 bathrooms, ground floor porch and garden. €3.500. Tel. 065919125, EUR - SIC - COPENHAGEN. Finely finished, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, well furnished, garage, A/C, autonomous heating, €2.400, temporary contracts. Tel. 065919125, EUR - SS. PIETRO E PAOLO. Loft, 50 sqm + 200 sqm terrace, living room, kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, fireplace, furnished, A/C, €1.500 including condominium charges. Tel. 065919125,
Wanted in Rome
EUR - TINTORETTO. Elegant condominium, swimming pool, doorman, refurbished, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, furnished, A/C, €2.000. Tel. 065919125, EUR - VALLERANO MARILYN MONROE. Independent apartment in villa, finished to high standards, living room with kitchen corner, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, €1.300. Tel. 065919125, EUR - VIALE AVIGNONE. Furnished new apartment, 65 sqm, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, terrace, parking. Ref 81. Other apartments furnished and semi-furnished, different sizes in EUR. Tel. 0654211074, EUR - VIALE EUROPA. Close to metro Palasport, furnished apartment, 120 sqm, 2nd floor, large sitting room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, service area, bathrooms, balconies, €2.300. Ref 71. Tel. 0654211074, EUR - VILLA. 350 sqm, spacious, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, living room, dining room, terrace, large private garden, parking. Ref 395. Tel. 063212341. EUR NEAR METRO. Beautiful mansard, semi-furnished, suitable for single or couple, 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, fitted closets, A/C, perfect condition. €1.400. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR. Prestigious, semi-furnished villa, 400 sqm on 3 levels, sitting room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, walk-in cabinet, kitchen, 4 bathrooms, patio, 1.000 sqm garden. Ref 57. Tel. 0654649582, EUR. Mostacciano, Torrino, Laurentina, elegant apartments, furnished or unfurnished, nice complexes. Tel. 0652205391, EUR. Via Vigolo, beautiful apartment, living room, small kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, large terrace, tastefully furnished, €1.200. Tel. 065919125, EUR. 120 sqm, living room, study, 2 bedrooms, large terrace, views, A/C, parking, doorman, tree-lined street. Ref 168. Tel. 063212341. FLAMINIO AUDITORIUM. Sunny, furnished apartment, 65 sqm, living room, bedroom, bathroom, live-in kitchen, terrace, €1.100. Tel. +39 333 / 3388795, FORMELLO. 300 sqm, unfurnished, refurbished house, private pool, €3.000. Please ask for photos. Other availabilities same area. Tel. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, GARBATELLA. 80 sqm, upper floor, semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, equipped kitchen, balcony, €1.100. Property International 0657284503,, GIANICOLO - ATTIC. Furnished, 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, balcony, bright, silent, views of St Peter’s. Ref 314. Tel. 063212341. HISTORIC CENTRE - COLOSSEUM - SERPENTI. Elegant condominium, 130 sqm, restructured, sitting room, live-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, €3.000. Tel. 065919125, HISTORIC CENTRE - GHETTO. High floor, lift, unusual, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, view. €1.800. Tel. 065813452,
HISTORIC CENTRE - METRO CAVOUR. Quiet, semi-furnished apartment, 3rd floor, 90 sqm, entrance hall, large sitting room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, walk-in closet, storage room, no lift, €1.800. Ref 48. Tel. 0654211074, HISTORIC CENTRE. Beautiful view, semi-furnished apartment, 85 sqm, 3rd floor, sitting room, bedroom, study corner, small kitchen, renovated bathroom with shower, €1.900. Ref 15. Tel. 0654211074, HISTORIC CENTRE. Beautiful, luxuriously furnished apartment, 110 sqm, 5th floor, lift, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, kitchen, den. Tel. Edwards 068610871, HISTORIC CENTRE. Penthouse on 2 levels with terrace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, laundry room, furnished, A/C, €3.200. For photos,, find us on Facebook, tel. 068419827. INFERNETTO - AXA - CASAL PALOCCO. Various villas, furnished or unfurnished, garden, swimming pool. Tel. 0652205391, INFERNETTO. New semi-furnished villa, 160 sqm on 2 levels, sitting room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, study, large kitchen, 2 bathrooms, patio, nice garden, parking, A/C. €1.500. Ref 20. Other different sizes in same area. Tel. 0654211074, INTERNATIONAL POINT. We offer you many different size apartments and villas, furnished and unfurnished, short and long rental period, our assistance and our professional service for all duration of your contract. Tel. 0654211074, 0654649582, MONTE SACRO - CITTA’ GIARDINO. Newly restored, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, large private terrace. Ref 1157. Tel. 063212341. MONTEVERDE - DE LELLIS. Restructured apartment, 1st floor, living room with kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, terrace, parking space and garage, €1.100. Tel. 065919125,
MONTEVERDE VECCHIO / SCIARRA PARK. Romantic, living room, bedroom, garden, terrace, well furnished, €950. Tel. 065813452, MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Quiet and furnished, hall, room, kitchen, bathroom. please leave your tel. number at 065898677. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. 2 bedrooms, garden flat, near park, transport. Refs 574/601. Tel. 063212341. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Close to AUR, American Academy, Spanish Academy, bright apartment, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. MONTEVERDE. In quiet and very nice location, semi-furnished penthouse, 85 sqm, large sitting room with fireplace, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, 35 sqm-terrace, good condition. Ref 6. Other: 100 sqm. Tel. 0654211074, MONTEVERDE. 90 sqm, 3rd floor with terrace, furnished, newly restored, living room with kitchen corner, 2 bedrooms, bathroom. Property International 0657284503,, MONTI - ATTIC. 60 sqm, 1 bedroom, living room, restored kitchen, bathroom, balcony with breathtaking views, A/C, parquet. Ref 289. Tel. 063212341. MONTI - NEAR VIA NAZIONALE. Modern apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, living room, comfortable bathroom with shower, equipped kitchen, A/C, dishwasher and washing machine. Max 5 people. Tel. 339 / 5381750,
7 July 2010
MONTI. Top floor on 2 levels with terrace, walk-up, semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, eat-in equipped kitchen. Property International 0657284503,, MONTI. Furnished, 1 bedroom, bathroom, sunny living room, new kitchen, parquet, balcony. Refs 803/1085/1158/888. Tel. 063212341. NAVONA. Beautiful apartment, 2 bedrooms, 4 beds, nice living room, kitchen, furnished, A/C, TV, internet, washing machine. Tel. 339 / 3998083. NAVONA. 85 sqm, entrance, living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, sunny, doorman building. Ref 1137. Tel. 063212341. NAVONA. Furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining room, historic building. Ref 1175. Tel. 063212341. NOMENTANA. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, spacious kitchen, balcony, period building, parquet floors. Ref 420. Tel. 063212341. OLGIATA. Semi-detached villa, 500 sqm, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fireplace, furnished kitchen, den, vast hobby room, 1.200 sqm park, double garage. Tel. Edwards 068610871, OSTIENSE - ACILIA. Lovely cottage within prestigious horse riding school property. Living room, bedroom, garden. City train 20 minutes to Piramide, €800. Same Olgiata, condominium, A/C included, €900. Tel. 347 / 9409679, OSTIENSE. Between Piramide and Ostiense metro stations, restored, semi-furnished apartment, 85 sqm, 5th floor, sitting room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, €1.500. Ref 49. Tel. 0654211074, PANTHEON. Beautifully restored, 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room with fireplace, high ceilings. Ref 438. Tel. 063212341. PANTHEON. Spacious, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, large living room, parquet floors, lovely views, A/C, lift. Ref 1174. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI - MONTI PARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant, 170 sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living / dining room, large terrace, maid’s room, kitchen, garage, 24hr doorman, storage room. Quiet building not on the road. Tel. Piero 340 / 4168137, PARIOLI - MONTI PARIOLI. Elegant condominium, 80 sqm on 2 levels, living room, kitchen, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, furnished, 2 balconies, parking space, A/C, €2.000. Tel. 065919125, PARIOLI - MUSE. Lovely duplex penthouse, 170 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, study, 50 sqm terrace, furnished kitchen, car-port. Tel. Edwards 068610871, PARIOLI - VILLA. Living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, maid’s room, 3 bathrooms, large garden, terraces, sunny, silent, garage. Ref 616. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant, 200 sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, large balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. Tel. Edwards 068610871, PARIOLI. Elegant, quiet, 120 sqm apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, furnished kitchen, storage room, €2.000 monthly. Tel. Edwards 068610871,
7 July 2010 Do you want to advertise your apartment in Paris, Berlin, London or Madrid? Do you have a job to offer in Dublin, Barcelona, Brussels or Amsterdam? Then go to and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06.6867967 or email us at PARIOLI. 220 sqm, spacious, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, study, maid’s room, parquet floors, doorman, garage. Refs 1073/1146/1171. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI. Spacious, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, study / dining room, new kitchen, doorman, A/C, parking. Refs 1135/1145. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI. Large, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, triple living room, dining room, maid’s quarters, panoramic terrace. Ref 1166. Tel. 063212341. PIAZZA VENEZIA - ATTIC. Large open-space living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, 3 panoramic terraces. Ref 974. Tel. 063212341. POPOLO. 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, private terrace. Refs 1110/861. Tel. 063212341. PRATI - ATTIC. Renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen, sunny, lift. Refs 621/1172. Tel. 063212341. PRATI. Walk to Spanish steps, beautifully furnished 1-bedroom apartment, quiet. €1.100. Tel. 065813452,
PRATI. Completely furnished, remodelled, bright, 2 bedrooms, living room, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, A/C, €1.600. Also short lets. Tel. 065296634, 335 / 8123428. PRATI. Modern, restored, bedroom, bathroom, near Metro, doorman building, sunny, fully equipped. Ref 748. Tel. 063212341. ROME CENTRE. Monteverde, Trastevere, Parioli, Aventino, various apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 066990667 - 335 / 7713580. ROME VERY NEAR CENTRE. Delightful flat, recently restructured, fully furnished, 50 sqm, 4th floor, lift, washer, dishwasher, TV, free now short/medium/long-term, English landlady. Tel. 338 / 3606849.
S. GIOVANNI. Renovated, furnished, 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom, spacious kitchen, sunny, near metro, FAO. Ref 912. Tel. 063212341. SPAGNA - ATTIC. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, 3 bathrooms, large balconies, lift, A/C, parquet floors. Refs 1161/1074. Tel. 063212341. SPAGNA. Spacious, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, high ceilings, small terrace, bright, A/C. Ref 1116. Tel. 063212341. ST PETER’S. Restored, 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen, balcony, parquet floors. Ref 578. Tel. 063212341. STUDIO FLAT STAZIONE TRASTEVERE. Piazzale della Radio, near Trastevere St. and Porta Portese, sunny, quiet, 7th floor, furnished, large room with kitchenette, bathroom, small balcony. A/C. €900 monthly, utilities excluded, condominium included. Short lets €500 p/week. Tel. 389 / 9710451, TESTACCIO. 75 sqm, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, beautifully restored, internet, A/C. Ref 259. Tel. 063212341. TORREINPIETRA. Flat in fully restored 19th-century farmhouse, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, family room with bright modern kitchen. Looks out onto the countryside with immediate access. Adjacent to a working farm, just minutes from Via Aurelia, 5 minutes from Maccarese railway station, 30 minutes drive from Rome, 20 minutes from Fiumicino Airport. €800 per month, unfurnished or partially furnished on negotiation. Please send inquiries or request for the floor plan to TRASTEVERE - ATTIC. 140 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, large private terrace. Ref 320. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - NEAR S. MARIA. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, terrace, exposed woodbeamed ceilings, fully equipped, double-glazing, A/C, web. €1.300 monthly including heating, condominium and refuse tax. Available from 1 July. Tel. 06632619, 333 / 9493496, TRASTEVERE - PIAZZA TRILUSSA. Studio apartment, 35 sqm, furnished, kitchen, balcony, bathroom with bathtub, TV, A/C, washing machine, available 1 Aug. €1.100. Tel. 339 / 7907305, TRASTEVERE / PISCINULA. Lovely apartment on 2 levels, private garden, living room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, A/C, country atmosphere, quiet, €2.200. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE, VIALE GLORIOSO. Trastevere, viale Glorioso, elegant, bright 140 sqm apartment, 3rd floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, kitchen, 2 storage rooms, A/C, €2.600 monthly, Tel. 349 / 4962562. TRASTEVERE. Nice, bright, furnished apartment, 130 sqm, 4th floor, sitting room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, storage, walk-in cabinet, A/C. Ref 34. Tel. 0654211074, 0654649582, TRASTEVERE. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, high ceilings, sunny. Refs 1106/883/1168/391. Tel. 063212341. cont. page 10
Wanted in Rome
ST PETER’S - VIA DELLE FORNACI. 60 sqm, sunny, quiet, elegantly furnished, ideal for 2-4 people, living room with double sofa bed, 1 double bedroom, equipped kitchen, bathroom. Minimum 1 week - maximum 1 year. Tel. +39 347 / 1885266.
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Jobs Vacant
Via Genova 30 00184 Roma Repubblica Tel: 064747955 TRIESTE - ATTIC. Spacious, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, balconies, bright, quiet. Ref 1082. Tel. 063212341. VATICAN - PICCOLOMINI. Elegant penthouse, spacious terrace, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, unfurnished, lift, porter, €2.000. Tel. 065813452, VATICAN. Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, spacious kitchen, balconies, A/C, parking. Ref 600. Tel. 063212341. VIGNA CLARA. Near Marymount School, bright 120 sqm apartment, partial A/C, vast living / dining room, large balcony, 2 bedrooms, main bathroom, maid’s quarters, furnished kitchen, garage. Tel. Edwards 068610871, VIGNA CLARA. 250 sqm, bright, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining room, terrace, quiet, swimming pool. Ref 653. Tel. 063212341. VILLA PAMPHILI. Beautiful 200-sqm apartment, completely renovated, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, lovely 50 sqm terrace, maid’s quarters, double car-port. Tel. Edwards 068610871,
Accommodation Vacant out of Town FIANO ROMANO - 25 KM NORTH ROME. Quiet, bright, independent house, historic centre. Two floors: living room, kitchen, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, panoramic terrace. Almost furnished. Connected highway, train, bus. €600 monthly. Email, tel. 333 / 9287835.
Bed & Breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Tel. 347 / 3884032,,
Holiday Accommodation NEAR TIBURTINA STATION. 2 nice apartments (1 with garden), close to each other. €30 nightly per person., tel. 335 / 263070,
NICE LOFT WITH GARDEN AT PIGNETO. Beautiful loft apartment with garden, washing machines (clothes and dishes), heating on site, internet. 2 people €75, 4 people €120 per night including taxes and cleaning. HD SAT TV and WI-FI INTERNET ON SITE, PC rent available. for more info. S. MARINELLA. 60 km from Rome, charming 1-bedroom apartment in elegant condominium with private beach. Only referenced people. €700 weekly. Tel. 349 / 5256391.
Property for Sale in Town AURELIA ANTICA - PLEASANT COMPLEX. VIA DELLA PISANA, 140 sqm, bright and quiet, completely refurbished, in pleasant complex with ample gardens and trees. Double living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, autonomous heating, terrace, basement, garage. Convenient for St Peter’s and Fiumicino Airport. Pics available. €690.000 BALDUINA. Four (4) bedroom house, first floor, double living room, reception, small additional room, 3 balconies, windows with metallic gates. Double entrance (one to reception and one to kitchen. Two bathrooms (one with shower, one with bath-tub). Fully fitted kitchen, garage for 1 car with electric gate, storage room (cantina). For queries email: Mario at or call Massimo at 335 / 6609778. Price: €890.000. PORTO DI ROMA. Exclusive apartment in one of the most beautiful areas of Rome with panoramic views of the sea. Price €530.000 or annual rent €24.000. Tel. 349 / 8514436, 0656030047.
Rooms and Flat Shares LA STORTA. Independent room for female. Kitchenette, washing machine, wi-fi, tv. 10 minute walk from Olgiata train station. €600. Available August. Email: PARIOLI - ORIANI. From 15 July, single room in apartment with garden, shared bathroom and kitchen, WIFI. References needed, €650 all inclusive. Tel. 339 / 1419145,
SINGLE ROOM. S. Maria Maggiore Metro A/B, available immediately, shared bathroom, kitchen and washing machine, €400. Tel. 338 / 7911289. ST. PETER’S. With independent entrance, very quiet, shared kitchen, also short lets. Females only. €540 monthly, €160 weekly. Tel. 366 / 4303699, TESTACCIO. Large room in bright 2-bedroom apartment, share with one other, WiFi, cleaner, €700 monthly. Tel. 347 / 3584974.
Short Lets APARTMENTS, HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours,, CAMPO DE’ FIORI - SPAGNA NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possiblities. Tel. / fax 0648905897,, PANTHEON - PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Short lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 066990667 - 335 / 7713580.
ARI’S NAILS SEEKING AESTHETICIAN. Professional & qualified in nail enhancements and / or body treatments / facials (Bi-lingual & Massage license is a plus). Contact: ESTABLISHED ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL seeks sales consultant. English mother-tongue and good Italian is required. Please send your CV to or call 0647823253. ESTABLISHED ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL seeks full-time receptionist. English mother-tongue and good Italian required. Please send your CV to or call 0647823253. ESTABLISHED LANGUAGE SCHOOL in Rome seeks mother tongue, certified EFL instructors for part-time / full-time positions teaching English to adults and children. Send CV to INFANTS SCHOOL TEACHER SEPT 2010. Ostia International School is looking for a full-time INFANTS SCHOOL teacher to start IN SEPTEMBER 2010. All candidates must be mother-tongue English, have legal working documents and possess a valid degree in early childhood education. Graduate degree in education is preferred. Please email CV and cover letter to head teacher at Tel. 0656470549. JOURNALIST STILL NEEDS extra typing help at relaxing, cool seaside office. Tel. 0665088152, 388 / 1052956. OFFICIAL GUIDES WANTED with degree in Art History or Archaeology and excellent English skills to collaborate with a cultural association which organizes highquality cultural guided tours ( mentioned in prestigious guide books. Please send your resume to:
Berlitz Language Centers in Rome and Milan are currently seeking Adults’ and Summer Camp teachers.
• Outgoing, enthusiastic, reliable people required to join our ever-growing team of teachers. Fancy a change, come and join the fun at Berlitz Summer Camps! June-July in Tuscany (2 weeks minimum) Fixed pay includes accommodation and food. Please contact: Louise Thorne at - -
Wanted in Rome
7 July 2010
STUDIO FLAT NEEDED SEPTEMBER. 1-bedroom studio needed in September for music student. Refernces provided. Responsible 23 yr old. Centrally located, furnished. Maximum €600 contact 348 / 0024065 or
Events A NEW POPULAR AUTHOR: ASKIN OZCAN. Books available at under the author’s name. ARPISTA - MUSICISTA. Official web site Esecuzioni classiche, celtiche e contemporanee per meeting e ricevimenti. Cell. 347 / 4129652. WATCHING THE STARS. I found interesting translate Mariù de Luca’s poetry (see 23 June 2010 poetry prize for schools) - Watching the Stars - I fished starfishes from the water among dark blue waves I would like to put them into the aquarium with a lonely fish they moved me, so with great wisdom I throw the stars in the air and now they sparkle. Really!!! Truly Marco.
OUTGOING PEOPLE. Looking for outgoing people to work as tour operator in English, Spanish, German. Tel. 393 / 9948175. PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH TEACHER. Language Consultants Srl, established Language Training Institute, seeks professional English teachers with teaching qualification (min 3 years experience) for in-house company training in Multinational Companies based in ROME, POMEZIA, APRILIA, LATINA and ANAGNI. Excellent conditions. Contract work in block hours. Own transport essential. CV to: or call Amanda Franklin, D.O.S., on tel. 392 / 9479165. SUMMER JOB. International Real Estate Agency looking for flexible, dynamic, bilingual person to help out in Rome office. Send CV to
FREE ADS ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito Non si accettano più quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.
Accommodation Wanted AUGUST ROOM. Female graduate (23) seeks room to rent / share in August in female / mixed flat. 500 euro max. CARETAKER SITUATION. Experienced. Reliable. Available Now. Long-term (six months +) Preferred. Stipend Desired. M: +39 366 / 2070524 SAI. ENGLISH SPEAKING FLATMATES WANTED. Italian student looking for a single in gay-friendly apartment with American-British students. Up to 400 euros / month.
7 July 2010
Exchanges APPLE IPADS / APPLE IPHONE FOR SALE. We deal in electronics generally. For more inquiries due reply to ukmobiles. ARE YOU LEARNING ITALIAN? Socialise, make new friends and practice your Italian. We look forward to hearing from you. Email: EXCHANGE ITALIAN / ENGLISH. Help me improve English conversation and I’ll help you learn Italian. Email Francesco
Health / Fitness ADS AMERICAN DENTAL STUDIOS. Open in August. Team of 3 dentists, hygienist & assistant.Via delle Terme di Tito 92 (80 m metro Colosseo) or our Infernetto studio, American dentist is available for emergencies every day. We provide complete dental care with the latest dental technology and our new colleague offers free cosmetic surgery consultation, including laser, botox, fillers, peeling etc. Appointment only. Tel. 333 / 9061799,, 10 DAYS X 10 EURO BIKRAM YOGA. Sweat, laugh and do more for your health and body than you ever imagined possible! English classes available. 20 EURO SHIATSU MASSAGE. Every Saturday at Bikram Yoga Roma you can book this traditional hands-on therapy. Call us at 0639366357 or email AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST. Provides psychotherapy for all mental health issues. Offices: Metro Cipro and Metro Manzoni. Rose Kazma 0639742957 or 333 / 5822808. ANCIENT AYURVEDA MASSAGES. Professional Ayurveda Doctor from India. Special in curing disease like HIV, Cancer, Bone/Joint pain, Diabetes, Beauty, Massage therapy. Contact BIG SAVINGS ON ACAI LIQUID. Acai Liquid is most beneficial, compare and buy products at discounted price at FREE SELF-DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER. Articles, inspiring stories, tips, life-enhancing strategies and much more. Sign Up Today! or 339 / 3332547. cont. page 12
FIFA Fever Top spots to watch the football World Cup in Rome. 1. 3D at Space Cinemas FIFA has licensed just 20 cinemas in Italy to screen matches in 3D and developed the technology with Sony to make it possible. In Rome you can catch 12 World Cup matches in 3D at the Space Cinema Moderno (Piazza della Repubblica) or the Space Cinema Parco de’ Medici (Via Salvatore Rebecchini 3). For more information or to book tickets go to or call 892111. Tickets cost from €10-15, depending on the match. 2. Abbey Theatre With 16 screens in six rooms, the Abbey is screening every single match live. Open from 12.00 to 02.00 every day, no entry fee. Via del Governo Vecchio 51. For more information go to or tel. 066861341. 3. Finnegan Irish Pub Five brand-new 46” screens broadcasting every match in high definition. Open daily. Via Leonina 66/67 (Metro Cavour). For more information tel. 064747026. 4. Hard Rock Café Your table is guaranteed if you book the World Cup menu in advance (€29 per person) or the aperitif menu (€10 per person), which will apply for all matches being played at 16.00. Via Vittorio Veneto 62. For more information go to or tel. 064203051. 5. International FIFA Fan Fest Roma (Villa Borghese) Live broadcasts of all matches from Piazza di Siena in the Villa Borghese park, plus interactive games for children, South African dancers, goalkeeping school, live link-ups with six other FIFA Fan Fest cities around the world, football training for adults and children and a benefit tournament. Capacity for 20,000 people, open every match day from 10.00 to 02.00, entry free. For more information go to 6. Noche de Roma A Latinamerican-style holiday village with swimming pool, sports centre, Cuban and Brazilian restaurants and giant screens for the football. Via Pontina 501. For more information go to or tel. 065082272. 7. Rock City 2010 Concerts, cabaret, restaurants, children’s area and, this summer, every World Cup evening match on giant screens. Parco degli Acquedotti, Via Lemonia. For more information go to or tel. 339/4925942. Free entrance to children under 13, monthly pass €5. 8. Rooftop Zest Bar Watch the matches on a giant screen from the side of Rome’s most stunning rooftop pool. No fee for entry and there is also a screen inside the bar. Radisson Blu es. Hotel, Via Filippo Turati 171. For more information tel. 06444841. 9. Scholars Lounge Huge sports bar in the historic centre with eight giant screens on which to watch all matches. Open every day from 11.00 to 03.30. Entry free. For more information go to or tel. 0669202208. 10. The Drunken Ship Open daily until 02.00 with coverage of the World Cup. Campo de’ Fiori 20/21. For information tel. 0668300535. 11. The Perfect Bun Large, modern and buzzy American-style restaurant is screening matches while you eat. No entry fee and you can book a table online in advance. Largo del Teatro Valle 4. For more information go to or tel. 0645476337. Open every day from 18.30 to 02.00. 12. The Stravinskij Bar Showing Italian games, quarterfinals, semi finals, playoff and final. Entry free. Hotel de Russie, Via del Babuino 9. For more information and full games calendar go to or tel. 0632888870.
Wanted in Rome
LOOK GREAT! Makeup artist, English speaking, day / evening / bride / special occasions. Tel. 328 / 8148949. No time wasters. NY-LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Deep Tissue / Swedish Massage. Good pressure. Professional only. Tel. 339 / 5399550, PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER. Physical education teacher with degree and qualification to teach disabled, looks for job in school. Also teaches judo. Tel. 337 / 921553. POWER LIVES COACHING. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 339 / 3332547, for information. PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY. UK trained Clinical Psychologist offers individual therapy sessions. Tel. 338 / 7164478, ROME BLACK MASSEUR YOUR / MY HOME. At your / my home, hotel. Black man. Oriental Oil Massage. MEN €60/h WOMEN € 30/h. Tel. 068271618. THAI MASSAGE. Traditional or relaxing ayurvedic at your domicile by man with certificate. Cell. 338 / 7967377.
Household Sales BEDROOM SET. Solidwood wall 2 wall (light colour), marine style, bed + orthopaedic base and mattress. Euro 260. You pick-up. Tel. 340 / 7821586. FAMILY MOVES AND SELLS ALL! €3-1,500 Furniture (inc. 2 leather sofas, side-by-side Refrigerator / Freezer, arm-chair / bed, sink...), air-conditioners, toys, children’s clothes, etc. Tel. 065110052. FREE BIKE. Children’s bike. Red / Black. 26cm frame. FREE. Call 331 / 2964230 by 24 June. HIP / THIGH EXERCISE MACHINE. Almost New Body by Jake of California hip and thigh machine. For viewing call 339 / 7636677 or JACKSON 5 2LP COLLECTION. Bought in Canada in the late 70s, Pickwick edition. This edition is very hard 2 find. 10.000 euro negotiable. Tel. 392 / 7388608. KITCHEN FURNITURE. Solid wood kitchen cabinets (5 pieces). Clean, well-kept. Give-away price of Euro 150. You pick-up. Anna cell 339 / 7636677. PIANOFORTE VERTICALE. Marca: YOUNG CHANG, comprato nuovo, usato solo per 2 anni, ottimo stato, accordato, di colore nero. 1.000 euro. Tel. 334 / 5713270. WOMAN’S BICYCLE. Good condition, for sale €80, pick up in Parioli. Tel. 339 / 1419145.
IT and Computers APPLE IPHONE3G 32GB @CHEAP PRICE. Brand New Factory Unlocked 3GS 32gb Apple Iphone. Inquiries: +44 7024063011, BE FIRST ON GOOGLE!! Professional service for Web-site improving and Google positioning. DOMAIN-HOSTING - JOOMLA WEBDESIGN. Hello, if you or your company needs domain name, webHosting or professional Joomla WebDesign please contact me. CEO |
Jobs Wanted PERSONAL TRAINER / YOGA AVAILABLE. English-speaking personal trainer and yoga instructor available in Rome for group classes or one-on-one training:
Wanted in Rome
ACCOUNTANT. Contabile 6 anni di esperienza presso multinazionali esperta partita doppia pagamenti riconciliazioni bancarie lingua inglese cerco full time. Tel. 329 / 3296332. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION WANTED. British university lecturer in Rome seeks senior administrative position. PhD psychology. Experience of Microsoft Office. Contact for curriculum vitae. AMERICAN GRAD STUDENT BABYSITTER. Fluent Italian & Russian, 15 E/hr. Tel. 340 / 5052836, Due to school, NOT available Wed-Fri 16.00-20.00. ARCHITECT’S ASSITANT OR BEGINNER. 45yo. Bi-national, seeks entry lev in Design studio. Degree in Architecture. Landscaper, Internet Resume: dmDF5FgsJX7ZGhoOTJ4MzdfMTYzZ zljOW16ZjI&hl=en. Tel. 327 / 1038423. BABY SITTER - PARIOLI AREA. I am looking for a job as a babysitter in Parioli (centre, Prati). I’m Moroccan and married to an Italian. I speak Italian. Tel. 333 / 7921553. BABYSITTER AND / OR TUTOR. Mother-tongue English speaker available as a babysitter and / or tutor and for English lessons / conversation. BABYSITTING. I am seeking employment as a baby sitter. Fluent English and Russian. Ingrida mobile 348 / 7535301. CERCASI INSERIMENTO LAVORATIVO. Tre lingue per ONG Agricolt. Progetti educaz bambini, beneficenza FAO Habitat Architettura, Urbanistica etc. Laurea BA. Tel. 327 / 1038423 CV: dmDF5FgsJX7ZGhoOTJ4MzdfMTU4Y 3ZyendkZGs&hl=en. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE NANNY. EMT 10 anni esperienza, ben referenziata, automunita, affidabile e sincera, chiama Kathleen 338 / 3003441. ENGLISH MT TEACHER JUNE / JULY. Canadian lady available for teaching and / or baby sitting. 10-15 euro an hour. Experienced, friendly, professional. Contact ENGLISH TUTOR AVAILABLE. Affordable English teacher available for students in Rome. For more info: contact Robert ENGLISH / RUSSIAN / JAPANESE TEACHER. I’m 24, can work as teacher, babysitter, house help. 1 year of teaching experience. Good Italian, tel. 366 / 1971869, EXPERIENCED GARDENERS. We look after planting, irrigation, furnish and fix pergolas, create and maintain terraces and small gardens. Tel. 329 / 4244224. GHANAIAN WOMAN. 35 years old, seeks work as Babysitter or Homehelp. Please call 320 / 6421354. HOSPITALITY PROFESSIONAL SEEKING. English / Italian / Spanish / German speaker, degree, 8+ years of hospitality experience seeking position in high-end hotel. HOUSE KEEPER / OLD AGE CARE. Worker available immediately for any job with room and board anywhere in Italy and / or abroad. Tel. 339 / 7762166. INDIAN CITIZEN, 30 YEARS OLD. Looking for a job as a house cleaner & old age care with exp. & ref. (8am-6pm). Cell: 329 / 5612872, e-mail:
LANGUAGE EXPERT LOOKING FOR JOB! Dutch mother tongue: degrees in tourism, applied linguistics, interpretation / translation Eng / It, journalism —> available 1 Sept. Interested? LESSONS IN ITALIAN - ALL LEVELS. Qualified teacher (2 degrees; specialisation; Ditals) available for private lessons in Italian language and culture; individual and groups; LIVE-OUT DOMESTIC HELP. Will take care of your house and children. Excellent cook. Long exp. diplomatic household. English and Italian. References. Teresa 380 / 4790771. LOOKING FOR ‘ANY’ PART-TIME JOB. My name is Trisha, I am born in Italy. I speak Italian & English. My no. 329 / 2656057. Thanks. LOOKING FOR JOB IN ROME. Woman with university education looking for a job at international organizations, schools or companies. English, Russian fluent; Italian basic. LOOKING FOR JOB. Italian woman with experience in international organizations is looking for a job as secretary or receptionist. English, French fluent; MADRELINGUA INGLESE CERCA LAVORO. Cerco lavoro qui a Roma come receptionist in un albergo o qualcosa nel settore del turismo. Tel. 347 / 4536421. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH. Any jobs for unqualified English mother tongue young woman in Rome for weekdays from October 1st? MULTILINGUAL ADM. ASSISTANT / PR. Excellent Italian, several languages, shopping / liaison. Diplomatic & International environment. Serious enquiries only. Call 339 / 7636677 or NEED ANY KIND OF JOB IN ROME. email :, tel. 388 / 1874790. PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER. Physical education teacher, with degree, judo instruction, also has qualification to teach disabled, looking for job in school. Tel. 333 / 7921553. PROFESSIONAL MOROCCAN COOK. English, French, Italian, Arabic speaking cook seeks employment. Specializes in delicious Moroccan and local cuisine, catering services available. Tel 338 / 1276448.
SEEKING A JOB FOR SRI LANKAN MALE. Seeking job in Napoli (restaurant or looking after elderly care). 4 years’ experience working restaurant. With work permit. Tel. 333 / 4520909, 327 / 3487971. SEEKING ANY KIND OF JOB SOON. 30 y Asian male, various kinds of experience, reference, good Italian, seeking any kind of job. Tel. 328 / 6322935. SRI LANKAN BOY. Looking for a job, experienced as a steward, gardener, hose keeping. Good references. Tel. 334 / 6140595. TEFL TUTOR. Qualified TEFL tutor available for English lessons at your home. NW-Rome. Tel. 340 / 0734911. TRANSLATOR / EDITOR. Translator / editor Italian and English to Dutch. UOMO INGLESE RICERCA LAVORO. Cercasi lavoro in Roma e dintorni. Considerer˜ quasi tutti i lavori. Sono inglese madrelingua e sto imparando l’italiano. US COLLEGE GRAD & AU PAIR. My name is Laura and I am a College grad and nanny. Please contact me at Thanks! WEB DESIGNER + PC ASSISTANCE. Build Your WebSite, euro 20 /page other service: do your PC home assistance. Tel. 327 / 0610447. WRITER ARCHITECT LANG TEACHER. Male 45. Three languages. Architectural Designer. Soci-Cult. Activist Writer. Teacher, Nutritionist. resume address: mDF5FgsJX7ZGhoOTJ4MzdfM3B6azh jbWRt&hl=en ZAMBIAN ENGLISH SPEAKER looking for house cleaning or office cleaning job. Work Monday to Friday long hours. Tel. 347 / 0446114, 0668307999. Rome.
Lessons BUSINESS ENGLISH LESSONS for companies and preparation for examinations (FAO / Cambridge / Alitalia), mothertongue teacher and translator. Dott. Parry 338 / 4357243. CONVERSATION ENGLISH LESSONS. Tefl-certified English teacher offers conversation lessons for beginners to advanced in the centre of Rome. Contact steppe: 366 / 2648591
International Child care Center and nursery school English – French – Italian Integrated pedagogical models: Malaguzzi, Freinet, Montessori, Rodari, Gardener. Music lessons Internal garden Summer camps – School camps
Arabic courses French courses English courses
Open Mon-Fri 07.30-18.30 Own canteen
Organic food
Viale del Monte Oppio 7 – tel. 06/4873185 – fax 0647826024 Viale dell’Umanesimo 72/74 – tel. 06/5910339 fax 0654229393 –
7 July 2010
COOKING COURSES IN NEMI. I do cooking courses in typical Cucina Romana in a beatiful setting in the valley of Nemi. ENGLISH LESSONS. Experienced Mother Tongue English Teacher Offers Lessons at 20 Euro an Hour. Centro Storico. Call 347 / 3633431 or email ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE TEACHERS give lessons to children and adults. Also babysitting to young kids. Call 340 / 8589249 or 338 / 1506620. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE. Available to teach children in particular. Sean 340 / 8589249, Serena 338 / 1506620, thank you. ENGLISH TEACHER. American New York mother tongue, 21 years experience, degree, specialized in business, marketing, economics, medical, law, acting. Cell 348 / 4511565. FORMER TEACHER. UC Berkeley graduate provides expert tutoring in mathematics and English conversation 20 euro / hr. Tel. 067803157, cell 333 / 3725713, IMPROVE YOUR ITALIAN EUR / S. PAOLO. Mothertongue teacher who also speaks advanced English. Italian private lesson. Eur / S. Paolo €15/hr. Tel. 347 / 4900597, ITALIAN CLASSES. 10 years of experience in teaching Italian. Communicative approach. Classes at your / my place, any level. E-mail for more info: ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN! Italian lessons to any level, private and groups. Very experienced teacher. Even August. Mobile 347 / 4857070 or answer this email. ITALIAN LESSONS (ROME CENTRE). Italian Mothertongue Tutor with teaching experience abroad, available for cheap Private Lessons (grammar / conversation / speaking / writing / reading / listening). Tel. 328 / 3756855. ITALIAN LESSONS BASIC & ADVANCED. Native-language teacher offers cheap and customised Italian courses for beginners and advanced. Pronunciation, grammar, listening, writing tests. Email:
ITALIAN LESSONS. Mother-tongue experienced certified teacher offers all levels individual and group lessons €20 per hour Monteverde area. Tel. 328 / 3588614, LEARNING SPECIALIST. Berkeley graduate helps with SAT, GRE, GMAT, IB, GCSE, TOEFL, FCE, IELTS. 20 euro / hour. Tel. 067803157, cell 333 / 3725713, LESSONS. English-speaking experienced teacher for Italian and French lessons any level. Tel. 338 / 6314646, mail to: MADRELINGUA. Profesoressa americana offre lezioni d’inglese, anche spagnolo. Certificate tefl experienza con tutti livelli e preparazione per esame. Tel. 327 / 6151360. MODERN GUITAR LESSONS SUMMER. Canadian Professional Musician and songwriter offers lessons in the comfort of your home. Tel. 392 / 7388608 or 333 / 3593523. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER. Very experienced, available for private lessons. Business & General English. Travel to your office or home. Tel. 340 / 0774397. MOTHER-TONGUE ENGLISH. English lessons. Adults or children. Flexible. Rome from October 1st, week days. Mother-tongue English. Contact me: PIANO, VIOLIN LESSONS. Piano, violin lessons given by Royal Academy Music teacher, leader of Rome orchestra, tel. 347 / 3391235 all day, 0697998887 after 20.30. VACANZA STUDIO INGHILTERRA. Si offrono corsi d’inglese 4 settimane, vitto / alloggio €1.200 presso Bournville College, Birmingham. Tel. Clare 338 / 7164478. VUOI IMPARARE L’INGLESE? For: single, group or intensive lessons, contact John at With a fully qualified, mother-tongue teacher. From Euro 25 per lesson.
Personal BOLLYWOOD EVENING WEAR. High fashion oriental 3-piece evening wear. Rich stone / gold embroidery. Fascinating colours. Unique & Trendy. Please call: 339 / 7636677.
CANADIAN MUSICIAN SEEKS. Canadian singer, guitarist, songwriter, seeks English mother tongue musicians in Rome (bass, keyboards, drummer, guitar). Tel. 392 / 7388608. FOR WEDDING. French Caribbean Medical Doctor 60 Single wishes to marry Educated European Lady. No divorced, e-mail: MASSAGE 4 LADY EXCHANGE WT ENG. Black man therapist looking for lady 32-79yo to exchange massage with ENGLISH at your or my home. Tel. 347 / 7244003. MUSIC INVESTMENT PARTNER WANTED. Music production seeks investment partner please view and call tel. 389 / 1886618. PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Your private or commercial photos, low-cost service, at YOUR Home Office Company. Tel. 333 / 195331. RELIGION. A new religion group is born in Rome. Interested? Only sincere people are welcome. Tel. 346 / 2280495, Mr Bruno. SEARCHING FOR FRIENDSHIP. Italian man 46 y.o., from Rome, nice, serious, sensitive, ironical, interesting person, looking for lady, friendship and ...who knows?!? SONGS NOW ON SALE. On Itunes and Amazon Mp3!!! PUT YOURSELF IN A GOOD MOOD BUY NOW!! follow the links.
MASSAGES STUDIO PLACE HOTEL. Ayurvedic, traditional Thai, Californian, lomi lomi nui, close to Vatican museums or comfortably at your place. Sundays on reservation. Tel. 340 / 9340064. PROFESSIONAL MOROCCAN COOK. English, French, Italian, Arabic provides exquisite Moroccan catering services for private parties, highly referenced. Tel. 338 / 1276448. Thank you. RELOCATING TO ROME? Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of your relocation and immigration needs. Call +39 069094776 or visit VISA PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE. Frequent traveler to India, China, etc. Principal Relocation Company can process all your Visa needs. Tel. +39 069094776 or visit WEB SITE BUILDING €20 A PAGE. Web designers build website only €20 per page, Tel. 333 / 1953311. WWW.CLASSICGIFTSPUNE.COM. Send fresh flowers and exclusive gifts to all over Pune. For details, visit WWW.GIFTBASKETSITALY.IT. We deliver flowers, fruits, chocolates, wines, gift hampers and more gifts on same day all over Italy. Please visit:
Transport Services ARPISTA - MUSICISTA. Official Web Site Esecuzioni classiche, celtiche e contemporanee per meeting e ricevimenti. Cell. 347 / 4129652. BE FIRST ON GOOGLE!! Professional service for website improving and Google positioning. DECEIVING. Are you an ex mormon? Have you left the church? Would you like to talk about it? Tel. 346 / 2280495, DESTINATION BRIDES. Professional makeup artist and hairstylist available for on-location sessions. Native English speaker. Over 20 years of experience.
FOR SALE! BMW 320I. Model Sept 2007. Blue metallic. Almost full option 19.000 km. CD plates €20.000. Tel. Egyptian Embassy from 09.30-17.00 tel. 0684401934/56, 320 / 4008447.
Travel SINGLE IN ROME? Socialize with other foreign or Italian singles while visiting new interesting places supported by a specialized organization. Weekend breaks, beach resorts, cruises. Tel 0697841354 - 340 / 4572153, TOURING. Do you need a taxi? Anywhere, anytime. 24-hour service. Tel. 346 / 2280495,
IRISH PUB Irish owned
Pool, darts, live sports’ coverage
7 July 2010
Wanted in Rome
classified advertising - annunci economici For further information tel. 066867967, fax 066872996, e-mail:, Via dei Falegnami 79 (opposite the Turtle Fountain in Piazza Mattei)
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Wanted in Rome on-line - Place classified ads directly on our website yourself. - Submit forthcoming events for the on-line What’s on section. - Submit information for our on-line Directory. - Use the advanced search facilities to find information in all these sections, plus news and articles. Società della Rotonda srl reserves the right to refuse or withdraw advertisements at its absolute discretion and without explanation and does not accept responsibility for the content of the advertisements it publishes. Detailed conditions for advertising are available at our office. Wanted in Rome does not accept advertisements for job vacancies that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion.
Wanted in Rome
For office use only
7 July 2010
wh t’ where to by Linda Bordoni
On n
in Rome
pick of the next two weeks
1 V exhibit ions
Everybody Welcome, Everything Fr ee
10 June-31 O This exhibi ct tion traces the between th e Knights of relationship Catholic la C y order, an olumbus, a d the city Rome in th e 20th cent of ury. Capito line M tel. 060608 useums, Palazzo Nuovo . 09 , See Exhibitio .00-20.00. Mon closed ns for more . details.
3Q 1X
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music, 7 24 June-1 mme of drama, by the ra d og se pr ni ga This readings or spaces dance and useums and public is a film m st re es te us in r ty la ci French e. Of particu as its stag the gardens of the Etoiles titled en i ic festival in ed at Villa M ly), which pays triAcademy Ju es (12-23 eyrig and us Mysterie tresses Delphine S ac to bute dinale. 1. For full Claudia Car ici, Trinità dei Monti ails see et ed d M a e ill nu V eatre for e and ve programm See Th ei www.mus . ils more deta
1 Q cine ma L’Isola a de
19 June-5 l Cinema This pop Sept u on the Is lar film festival ta o ke the river la Tiberina in the s place T m evening iber, with screen iddle of from 19.0 ings eve 0. ry Fo r info www.isola rmation tel. 0 6689663 delcinem 9, for more S details. ee Cinem a
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7 July 2010
exhibitions theatre cinema music festivals dance
Concerts music se in this open-air summer Fondazio ason produced ne Musica by the place P e r R o every evening ma take Auditoriu m a V ia le -Parco della Musi t the ca. 0680241 P. d e C o u b e rt in , te 281, ww l. w See Fest ivals for m . ore details .
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Wanted in Rome
wh t’ where to
On n
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see V
Rome 1V page 15 Everybody Welcome, Everything Free.
10 June-31 Oct. Organised to celebrate 90 years of friendship between the Knights of Columbus and the city of Rome. This exhibition traces the history of the Catholic mutual aid society founded in 1881 by Father Michael J. McGivney. Photographs, portraits, documents and newspaper articles are on show, as well as fragments of the Allied bombs that fell on the Knights of Columbus’ playground in S. Lorenzo in 1943 and the original letter from Pope Pius XII to US president Franklin Roosevelt – carried by the Knights of Columbus’ representative in Rome – pleading that the city be spared from Allied bombing. “Everybody Welcome, Everything Free” was the motto of the Knights when they first came to Rome serving US troops stationed in Italy and throughout Europe during world war one. The initiative so impressed Pope Benedict XV that he invited the society to maintain a permanent presence in Rome. Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, tel. 060608. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. NEW 2V page 15 Drawn with light. 28 April-18 July. Carl
Blechen’s Amalfi sketchbook from the collection of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. The curators of this exhibition explain that “In September 1828, landscape painter Carl Blechen (1798-1842) left for a 14-month sojourn in Italy, first to Rome and then Naples in 1829. The following winter he returned to Berlin, taking with him the 1,000 drawings, oil sketches, watercolours and sepia drawings that would form the basis of his work for years to come.” Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412. 10.0018.00. Mon closed. NEW Piranesi,, Rembrandtt delle e rovine. 27 July-26 Sept. What did Rome look like during Goethe’s time? This exhibition answers this question with a selection of works by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) belonging to the museum’s permanent collection. Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. NEW 3V page 15 La Svezia e il suo patrimonio naturale, sugge-
stioni per un equilibrio socia ale e sostenibile. 15 June-15 July. This initiative consists of two exhibitions: Giardini di Svezia. Dove il gioco della natura crea futuro, made up of photographs by Jens Markus Lindhe; and IKEA di Svezia. Dove il rispetto della natura crea futuro, with a selection of furniture and objects designed for IKEA in the name of sustainable development. The aim is to establish a connection between design and sustainability. Casina di Raffaello, Viale della Casina di Raffaello, Villa Borghese, tel. 060608. 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. NEW Jean-A Auguste-D Dominique Ingres / Ellsworth Kelly. 20 June26 Sept. The exhibition examines the links between the contemporary abstract American painter and the 19th-century director of the French Academy. The exhibition, curated by the Academy’s director Éric de Chassey, displays some of Kelly’s recent abstract works as well as his drawings of flowers and figures, together with key Ingres works from the Louvre, Montauban and Besançon museums selected by Kelly. Grandes Galeries, Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1, tel. 0667611,
Le meraviglie di Roma antica e moderna. 9 June-31 July. Landscape drawings, plastic models and projects for Rome from the collection of the Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte. The works on show date from the 16th to the 18th century. Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia, Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. Rendering. Traduzione, citazione, contaminazione. Rapporti e visiva. 21 May-18 July. This overview tra i linguaggi dell’arte of the relationship between graphic art, painting and sculpture has been organised by the Istituto Nazionale per La Grafica to celebrate the 35th anniversary of its foundation. Palazzo Poli, Via Poli 54, tel. 0669980242. 10.00-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. Gladiatores. 26 March-3 Oct. A vast exhibition of epigraphs, frescoes, mosaics, statues and other historical documents narrate the history of Roman gladiators, focusing on their art of fighting, their psychology and their social status. Colosseum. For booking and information tel. 0639967700. 08.30-19.15. I colori del buio. I Caravaggeschi nel patrimonio del Fondo Edificii dii Culto. 15 April-18 July. Organised to mark the fourth centenary of the death of Caravaggio, this exhibition shows 39 canvases by painters chosen to represent the large circle of the artist’s followers. Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Via del Corso 418, Booking is obligatory, tel. 0646527715, 0646425207. 10.0019.00. Fri, Sat and Sun 10.00-22.00. Mon closed. L’Età della Conquista. Il fascino dell’arte greca a Roma. 5 March-5 Sept. The works on show have been selected to represent one of the most significant eras for the development of all western art: the period following the Greek campaigns at the end of the third century BC until the first half of the first century AD. The exhibition features imposing marble, bronze and terracotta statues including cycles and friezes as well as domestic decorative elements. Capitoline Museums, Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608. 09.00-20.00. La forma del Rinascimento. Donatello, Andrea Bregno, Michelangelo e la scultura a Roma nel quattrocento. 21 May-5 Sept. This exhibition focuses on the work of the three great 15th-century sculptors during the period of stylistic renovation in the Rome of the so-called humanist popes, from Pius II to Leo X. It includes a precious highrelief by Michelangelo that has never been shown in public before. Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia, Via del Plebiscito 118, tel 060608. 10.00-19.00. Mon closed. Nedko Solakov. 20 May-3 Oct. This exhibition is part of a project, Committenze Contemporanee, launched by the Galleria Borghese, the Fondazione MAXXI and UniCredit Group to explore and experiment with the Borghese gallery’s collection. The Bulgarian artist Nedko Solakov is the fourth artist chosen to be part of the project. Galleria Borghese, Piazzale Scipione Borghese, tel. 068417645, 068413979, 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Philip Guston, Roma. 26 May-5 Sept. Over 40 works from the series Roma, painted by Philip Guston between 1970 and 1971, are shown together for the first time. Organised in conjunction with the American Academy in Rome and curated by Peter Benson Miller, the works are on loan from international museums and private art collections. The focus of the exhibition is on Guston’s life-long interest in Italian art and culture and his late return to figurative painting. Museo Carlo Bilotti, Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Viale Fiorello La Guardia, tel. 060608, 09.00-21.00. Storia di un’anima. Immagini e memorie dal Diario di Olivia 7). 4 June-3 Oct. Paintings, photoCushing (1871-1 1917 graphs and other documents illustrate the life and work of Olivia Cushing, the Boston-born sister-in-law of Hendrik Christian Andersen. Museo Hendrik C. Andersen, Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20, tel. 063219089. 09.3019.30. Mon closed. For a more comprehensive list of exhibitions in Rome and in other Italian cities as well as for museum times in Rome see our website
1 X page 15 Roma in Scena. 24 June-17 Sept. This ini-
tiative organised by the city sees a varied programme of drama, music, dance and readings in museums and public spaces throughout the summer. Many of the performances have been selected from a public competition endorsed by Rome’s civic museums. Of particular interest are the film festival in the gardens of the French Academy in Villa Medici entitled Etoiles Mysterieuses (1223 July), which pays tribute to actresses Delphine Seyrig and Claudia Cardinale; and SensationalScience at Technotown in Villa Torlonia (1 July-12 Sept) with events for children, teenagers and families every day until 23.30. For information tel. 060608, 2 X page 15 The History of Rome - Part I. 18 June-6 Aug. By and with The Miracle Players. This year’s show is a collection of highlights from previous performances collated into an original comedy, using Roman history as the narrative thread. The words of ancient Roman writers are used to set the play in a historically accurate context. In English. Every Fri at 19.30. In front of the Mamertine prison in the Roman Forum. For further information tel. 0670393427,
Aurélia’s Oratorio. 8-10 July. For the FestiVAl Internazionale di Villa Adriana, directed and created by Victoria Thierrée Chaplin, starring Aurélia Thierrée. Nothing is as it seems in this display of stage illusion. Here is a fantasy world where dresses dance, kites fly their people, and puppets run amok while Aurélia emerges from a dresser drawer only to escape to the top of the red velvet stage curtain. Conceived and directed by Chaplin especially for and with Thierrée. Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281,
Q cinema Open-air cinema festivals are extremely popular in Rome during the summer. Here is a list of the major initiatives in the city centre, but open-air screens pop up in parks and squares all over the city and on the coast. Most festivals offer refreshments and other forms of entertainment such as music as well. Look out for details in the daily press. 1 Q page 15 L’Isola del Cinema. 19 June-5 Sept. This multi-faceted film festival lights up the Isola Tiberina in the middle of the river Tiber every evening from 19.00. For information tel. 066896639, 2 Q page 15 Notti di Cinema a Piazza Vittorio. 22 June6 Sept. Last season’s blockbusters and winning films from international film festivals in original language. Piazza Vittorio. For information tel. 064451208, 3 Q page 15 Cinema al Belvedere. 26 June-9 Aug. One of this festival’s main attractions remains a cocktail bar with a breathtaking view of the archaeological ruins. Belvedere Antonio Cederna, Via dei Fori Imperiali. For information tel. 334/3914182.
Portrait de Jean-Baptiste Desdéban (circa 1810) by Ingres from the Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’archéologie in Besançon, © Charles Choffet.
Wanted in Rome
Self-portrait (1949) by Ellsworth Kelly, © the artist.
For open-air arenas, which focus mainly on last season's box office hits and award-winning films, consult the web page at
7 July 2010
wh t’ where to
On n
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see O music 2 O page 15 Accademia Filarmonica Romana. I giardini di luglio. 5-10 July 2010. Concerts in the gardens of Filarmonica and in the Sala Casella, Via Flaminia 118. For information tel. 063201752, The Filarmonica’s brief summer season takes place as always in its lovely gardens. The novelty this year is the so-called Filarmonica open session: all music lovers, especially amateurs and beginners, can use the garden every afternoon between 16.30 and 19.30 to play their own instruments in the shade. There is also a programme of professional concerts and dance performances. 8 July. Bayan accordion recital by Maria Rosaria Convertino. Music by Bach/Busoni, Piazzolla, Angelis (20.00). 8 July. Sonnets by Gioacchino Belli recited by Elio Pandolfi accompanied on the piano by Marco Scolastra. Music by Clementi, Donizetti, Rossini (21.15). 9 July. Piano recital by Alice Baccalini. Music by SchuContemporary dancer mann and Chopin Ileana Citaristi performs in Shakti, (20.00). 9 July. Enzo de Caro il femminile di Dio on 10 July. recites verses from Siddartha accompanied by pianist Silvia Cappellini Sinopoli. Music by Cage, Debussy, Satie, Bach (21.15). 10 July. Percussions by Michele D’Urso. Music by Cendo, Stout, Xenakis, Rosauro, Séjourné (20.00). 10 July. Performance by the contemporary dance company of Ileana Citaristi entitled Shakti, il femminile di Dio (21.15).
Serate di Grande Musica al Cortile di S. Ivo. 2 July-10 Aug. Concerts at the Cortile di S. Ivo alla Sapienza, Corso Rinascimento 40. For booking and information tel. 0686800125, The International Chamber Ensemble’s annual summer festival celebrates its 29th year with 15 evening events in the courtyard of one of the city’s most splendid examples of Renaissance architecture. Just a short walk from Piazza Navona, the courtyard – part of the original 15th-century university of Rome – and its excellent acoustics lend themselves to a pleasant and successful musical initiative. The programme includes a varied selection of well-known music ranging from Vivaldi and Mozart to music from Argentina and the melodies of the Beatles. It also includes four fully-staged and costumed performances of the J. Strauss Jr operetta Die Fledermaus, presented together with the Opera Academy company of singers. All concerts begin at 21.00. 9 July. Concert by the Orchestra of the International Chamber Ensemble conducted by Francesco Carotenuto. Music by Mozart. Repeated 10, 13 July. 20 July. Performance of the operetta Die Fledermaus by J. Strauss Jr conducted by Francesco Carotenuto, directed by Peter Atherton, with soloists and choir of the Opera Academy Company and with the Symphonic Orchestra of the International Chamber Ensemble. Repeated 21, 23, 24 July (21.00). 3 O page 15 I Concerti nel Parco. 30 June-31 July. Villa Doria Pamphilj, Via di S. Pancrazio 10. For information tel. 065816987, 339/8041777, Organised by the pianist Teresa Azzarro, this festival takes classical music and its protagonists from their traditional venues and into real life. It is held in the popular gardens of Villa Pamphilj with a varied programme of artists and genres. Look out for a performance by actress Valeria Golino accompanied by pianist Roberto Cominati in an evening dedicated to the life and the music of Chopin (16 July), as well as the new American star of jazz, Peter Cincotti (31 July). 4 O page 15 MAXXIMALISM. 17 June-15 July. MAXXI, Via Guido Reni 4/a, tel. 0639967360. For information, Art and music at Rome’s new museum of XXI century art and architecture, MAXXI. Every Thursday from 19.00-22.00 there is a concert in the museum in line with the director’s vision of interdisciplinary arts. The ticket includes museum entry.
For other concerts see our website
7 July 2010
Bolzano Bolzano Danza. 19-31 July. One of Italy’s oldest and most established dance festivals celebrates the meeting between the arts and encourages a mix of different cultures and ideas. The theme this year is Made in Italy, but it also has an important subtitle, Going Green, and organisers experiment with an ecological festival at different levels of sustainability. The programme includes 14 dance performances, six of them world premieres, and big names such as the Stuttgarter Ballet, the Royal Ballet of Flanders, Virgilio Sieni and the Ballet d’Europe. The festival also encourges new companies and choreographers. Teatro Comunale and in other venues. For booking and information tel. 0471313800, See also Dance.
Perugia Umbria Jazz 2010. 9-18 July. This international jazz festival is probably one of the best-known in Europe. This 37th edition offers nine days of concerts on nine different stages including an open-air arena, city theatres, squares and restaurants. Many of the events are free of charge, and as always the programme is varied and features big names not only in the field of jazz. Participants to look out for this year include 80-year-old Sonny Rollins, Pat Metheny, Chick Corea, The Manhattan Transfer, Melody Gardot, Enrico Rava, Stefano Bollani, Gabriele Mirabassi, Renato Sellani, Mitch Woods, the Hilary Kole Quintet, the Roy Hargrove Quintet, the Trio Reinhardt and many others. For booking and information tel. 0755001904,
Rome 1 Q page 15 Luglio Suona Bene 2010. 29 June-31 July.
This open-air summer music season produced by the Fondazione Musica Per Roma presents Jeff Beck, Mark Knopfler, the original formation Earth, Wind and Fire, Pat Metheny, Keith Jarret, Gary Peacock and Jack Dejohnette Trio, Crosby Stills and Nash, Paolo Nutini, Nora Jones, Simply Red, Ludovico Einaudi and Giovanni Allevi. All concerts begin at 21.00. AuditoriumParco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281, 2 Q page 15 Caracalla Festival 2010. 1 July-8 Aug. The Teatro dell’Opera’s summer season continues at the magnificent Caracalla Baths with Verdi’s Aida (15 July-5 Aug) and Rigoletto (28 July-8 Aug). Terme di Caracalla, Via delle Terme di Caracalla. For information tel. 06481601, 3 Q page 15 Roma Incontra il Mondo. 18 June-7 Aug. Rome’s world music festival is back on the shores of the little lake in Villa Ada with a programme of interesting multiethnic names and international music. The festival area opens at 20.00; concerts begin at 22.00. Villa Ada, Via di Ponte Salario. Infoline tel. 0641734712, 0641734648, 0641707101, 347/2481011,
Rock in Roma. 5-30 July. This festival presents a line-up of big names on the international rock music scene including The Cranberries, Mika, ZZTop, Skunk Anansie, Gary Moore and Shaggy in addition to Italian artists Litfiba, Daniele Silvestri, 99Posse and Piotta. Concerts take place at the Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Via Appia Nuova 1245. For information tel. 0666182859,
4 Q page 15 Villa Celimontana Jazz 2010. 1 July-5 Sept. Rome’s lovely jazz garden is back for its 17th edition. As usual the rich programme includes a line-up of big names in the world of international jazz and pop and you can wine and dine under Rome’s ancient pines as you listen to the music in this beautiful setting. Villa Celimontana, Via della Navicella. For information tel. 0658335781,
Sermoneta (Latina) Festival Pontino di Musica 2010. 29 June-29 July. Now in its 46th edition, this top-class contemporary and chamber music festival features tributes to Heinz Holliger and Luis De Pablo. For organisers it’s a particularly significant edition as it celebrates 40 years of activity by its promoter, the Campus Internazionale di Musica di Latina. As usual the programme features many big names including old friends Charles Rosen, Heinz and Ursula Holliger, Elisso Virsaladze, Michele Dall’Ongaro, Ennio Morricone and Alessandro Solbiati. The Year of Chopin, celebrating the bicentenary of the composer’s birth, is not overlooked, and as always there is a rich section dedicated to contemporary music. All events are in charming venues including Sermoneta’s Castello Caetani and Valvisciolo Abbey, the Fossanova Abbey in Priverno, the Cortile della Giudea in Fondi, the auditorium in Sperlonga and Piazza Duomo in Lenola. For information Campus Internazionale di Musica, tel. 0773605551,
Siena 67th Settimana Musicale Chigiana. 9-17 July. This worldclass music festival includes recitals, chamber music and symphonic music concerts. Organised by the prestigious Accademia Musicale Chigiana, it is inaugurated by conductor Philippe Herreweghe and the Orchestre des Champs Elisées performing Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis. The programme, which unfolds in beautiful venues in the city of Siena, also includes an event dedicated to Anais Nin and German artist Ute Lemper in Last Tango in Berlin. It ends with a concert by the Orchestra da Camera di Mantova with Alexander Lonquiche conductor and pianist in a programme dedicated to Beethoven’s concerts for piano and orchestra. For booking and information tel. 057722091,
Tivoli FestiVAl Internazionale di Villa Adriana. 15 June-18 July. The festival is produced by the Musica per Roma Foundation and events take place in the spectacular archaeological venue of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. The programme, which is co-produced with major European cultural institutions and artists, features Belgian choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in Babel. The music section stars Elvis Costello, the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, jazz musician Enrico Rava and the Parco della Musica Jazz Lab and there is also a “circus” performance entitled L’Oratoria d’Aurélia conceived and directed by Victoria Chaplin. Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281, See also Dance and Theatre.
Turin Teatro a corte. 8-25 July. The best of the European performing arts scene with carefully selected performances of contemporary theatre, dance, nouveau cirque, street art, videos and installations. This interesting festival focuses on the artistic and historical value of the palaces of the House of Savoy. It features 31 companies from eight countries performing in eight different cities, each one with its own palace. Names to look out for include Philippe Genty, Camille Boitel – the enfant prodigé of street theatre – the Portuguese Teatro do Mar, choreographer Rui Horta, the French circus artists Les Colporteurs, the former stuntman Gregory Feurté working with choreographer Kitsou Dubois, and the equestrian theatre performance with Bruno Dizien. For more information For other festivals in Rome and Italy see English vocalist Skin is at the Rock in Roma festival with Skunk Anansie on 15 July.
Wanted in Rome
wh t’ where to
On n
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see Z dance Bolzano Ballet d’Europe. 19 July. In Hevea, Schubert in love, Folavi, choreographies by Francesco Nappa and Jean-Charles Gil. The inauguration of the important Bolzano Danza festival has been entrusted to this young company founded by Gil, former étoile of the Marseille Ballet. The company counts 12 brilliant dancers with a solid classical formation and a contemporary repertory. Schubert in love, with music by Schubert, and Folavi, with music by Vivaldi, are recent creations by Gil, while Hevea by Francesco Nappa is a world prémière. Teatro Comunale, tel. 0471053800,
Milan Balletto del Teatro alla Scala. 25 June-16 July. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Kenneth McMillan. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744, The Tokio Ballet. 11 July. In The Kabuki, choreography by Maurice Béjart. The Tokyo Ballet is one of the largest dance companies in ballet-loving Japan. It is renowned for its association with Béjart; 18 of his ballets – including original pieces – are currently in its repertory. Béjart, fascinated by the Japanese Poet Yukio Mishima who represented a fusion of ancient Japanese traditions and post-war modernism, created The Kabuki for the company in 1986. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744,
Rome 1 Z page 15 Invito alla Danza 2010. 1-30 July. The following
are part of Rome’s annual appointment with dance, which celebrates 20 years of activity with a programme subtitled “The best…”. Performances are in Villa Doria Pamphilj, Via di S. Pancrazio 10. For booking and information tel. 0639738323, Notte di Stelle. 9 July. A gala evening of ballet conceived by Maria Grazia Garofoli to celebrate the festival’s 20th anniversary. Guest stars include Giuseppe Picone, Igor Yebra, Oksana Kucheruk, Vladimir Shishov, Olga Esina, Marzia Falcon. Soloists of the Staatsballet Berlin. 13 July. In Casanova, il sorriso del diavolo, choreography by Mauro de Candia with the étoile Beatrice Knop. One of Invito alla Danza’s main objectives has always been to promote young choreographers, particularly Italians working in other countries. De Candia has blossomed since his participation in the festival in 2005 with the creation of works for the Hannover Opera Ballet, the Royal Flanders Ballet and the Berlin Staatsballet, for which Casanova, il sorriso del diavolo is his latest effort. Balletto dell’Esperia. 15 July. In Scenario Natura, choreography by Thierry Malandain, Jacopo Godani, Paolo Mohovich. This Italian company was founded by Mohovich in 1999 and prides itself on having a varied repertory that includes ballet, contemporary dance and flamenco. The neo-classical ballet is a testament to Mohovich’s training at the Tuscany Ballet and Saragossa Ballet, where he performed works by George Balanchine, Nacho Duato and William Forsythe among others. The company consists of highly technical dancers. Homage to the Royal Ballet. 21 July. The prestigious English ballet company and its soloists perform a gala evening with a selection of excerpts from the classical repertory. The dancers include the étoile Mara Galeazzi.
P opera Opera Notes Both the Festival della Valle d’Itria in Martina Franca and the Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano in Tuscany offer opera fans the chance to hear unusual and rarely performed works. La 36a edizione del Festival della Valle d’Itria prende il via a Martina Franca (15 luglio-4 agosto) con diversi nomi importanti e affermati tra i partecipanti. Tiziana Fabbricini (la prima Violetta alla Scala con Muti dopo Maria Callas) e Alfonso Antoniozzi canteranno in Napoli milionaria di Nino Rota (15 e 17 luglio): un dramma lirico in tre atti tratto dall’omonima “pièce” di Eduardo De Filippo, data in prima assoluta a Spoleto nel 1977 e da allora mai più riproposta. Gianni di Parigi (18 e 20 luglio) è un titolo tra i meno noti di Donizetti, ma è ricco di trovate sceniche e di pregevole musica; tra i protagonisti ci saranno Antonio Di Candia e Ekaterina Lekhina, il soprano di coloratura che è stato molto apprezzato come Olympia nell’ultima edizione di Les contes d’Hoffmann di Offenbach a Montecarlo. Il festival si chiude con Rodelinda di Händel (2 e 4 agosto), un’opera che alla protagonista affida ben nove arie tutte molte belle, alcune poi sono addirittura memorabili; sarà interpretata da Sonia Ganassi, attualmente uno dei nomi eccellenti sia nel repertorio “belcantistico” sia in quello francese.
Il 35° Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano propone tre opere. La prima è Un giorno di regno di Verdi (15, 17 e 18 luglio): l’unico lavoro giocoso del compositore se si eccettua Falstaff (che è più una commedia crepuscolare) e scelto per ricordare il 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia. Seguirà Albert Herring di Britten (24 e 25 luglio): un’opera da camera che al posto dei dialoghi parlati ha i recitativi accompagnati dal pianoforte e che deve le sue suggestive sonorità a un’orchestra di soli 12 elementi. Entrambe le opere saranno affidate a Roland Böer (il direttore musicale del festival) e alla Royal Northern College of Music Orchestra di Manchester. In programma anche Luci mie traditrici di Salvatore Sciarrino (31 luglio e 1 agosto), un’opera composta nel 1998 che arriva in prima assoluta italiana dopo numerose rappresentazioni all’estero; sarà diretta da Marco Angius e suonata da Ensemble Algoritmo. Gran finale con la IX Sinfonia di Beethoven e Un sopravvissuto di Varsavia di Schönberg (1 agosto); il celeberrimo “Inno alla gioia” e gli orrori nazisti dell’ultima guerra uniti insieme per bandite dal mondo tutte le guerre e tutti gli odi. Paolo Di Nicola Festival della Valle d’Itria. For information tel. 0804805100, Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano, 15 July-1 Aug,
Bologna La Serva Padrona by Pergolesi and Pomme d’Api by Offenbach. 22-24 July. Conducted by Salvatore Percacciolo, directed by Stefania Panighini, with Mariangela Sicilia, Lavinia Bini, Davide Bartolucci, Mattia Campetti, Anna Maria Sarra, Laura Baldassari. Teatro Comunale, tel. 199107070,
Martina Franca 36th Festival della Valle d’Itria. 15 July-4 Aug. This worldclass music festival encourages the production of forgotten titles and rare works and promotes up-and-coming musicians and singers. The 2010 programme presents the rarely performed opera Gianni di Parigi by Donizetti, Handel’s Rodelinda, Regina de’ Longobardi and Nino Rota’s Napoli Milionaria on a libretto by Eduardo De Filippo, staged for the
Tivoli Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. 16, 17 July. In Babel, choreography by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. For FestiVAI Internazionale di Villa Adriana. This latest work by the Flemish-Moroccan choreographer has been co-written with Damien Jalet and has a set designed by Antony Gormley. It is the last installment of a triptych that began with Foi and Myth. The work is described as a kaleidoscopic musing on language and humanity. Cherkaoui’s trade-mark is the use of hand movements to create alternative languages, and it is used to brilliant effect in Babel. Gormley’s simple empty cubes and rectangles are transformed by the dancers into a series of sets, culminating in the shape of the tower of Babel. Cherkaoui intersperses comic interludes with manic dances and geometric arrangements, accompanied by Asiatic percussion and chanting. Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281, For more dance events in Rome and Italy see
Wanted in Rome
first time since its premiere in 1977 at Spoleto’s Festival of Two Worlds. The programme also includes concerts and recitals in venues throughout the city and its surroundings. For information tel. 0804805100, See Opera Notes.
Milan Il barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini. 9-24 July. Conducted by Jean-Christophe Spinosi, directed by Jean-Pierre Ponnelle, with Juan Diego Florez, Alessandro Corbelli, Joyce DiDonato, Franco Vassallo. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744,
Torre del Lago 56th Puccini Festival. 16 July-21 Aug. This festival takes place in an open-air theatre on the shores of lake Massaciuccoli near the Tuscan town of Lucca, just a stone’s throw from Villa Puccini where the composer lived, worked and is buried. Directed by Alberto Veronesi, it’s the only opera festival in the world entirely dedicated to the works of Puccini. The operas this year are Fanciulla del West, Tosca, Turandot and Madama Butterfly. For booking and information tel. 0584359322,
British sculptor Antony Gormley has designed the set for Babel by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Photo by Koen Broos.
88th Opera Festival dell’Arena di Verona. 18 June-29 Aug. This famous opera festival is entirely dedicated to film and stage director Franco Zeffirelli, who has staged all the productions this year. The operas are Turandot, Aida, Madama Butterfly, Carmen and Il Trovatore. However the only new production is Turandot; all the others are from past editions of the festival. Singers to look out for include Marcelo Alvarez, Maria Guleghina, Amarilli Nizza, Fiorenza Cedolins, Svetla Vassileva, Tichina Vaughn, Carlo Ventre. For booking and information
7 July 2010
Blues jazz under the waterfall Margaret Stenhouse
ou wouldn’t expect American blues stars such as Luther Allison, Ruthie Foster, Derek Trucks and James Brown’s solo saxophonist Maceo Parker to be performing in a backwater in the heart of an obscure area of the Ciociaria region, half way between Rome and Naples. And yet every July the little town of Isola Liri in the province of Frosinone stages a world-class blues festival that attracts thousands of fans. Isola Liri is a typical example of the cultural vitality to be found in small communities all over Italy. In addition to the blues festival, during the course of the year there is a poetry festival, a light music festival, a sounds of the world ethnic event and a musical band review, as well as the usual annual sagre, or religious and gastronomic feast days, and folklore events that are staged by almost every community throughout the country. Liri Blues Festival is, however, the big event of the year and it would be hard to imagine a more stunning setting. Isola Liri is, as the name suggests, an island town set in a fork of the Liri river and linked to the surrounding valley by bridges. In the town centre, two magnificent waterfalls plunge down from a crag crowned by the mediaeval Boncompagni-Viscogliosi castle.
The 23rd edition of the Liri Blues Festival opens in Isola Liri on 15 July with five nights of concerts by top American musicians
The festival was founded 23 years ago by two men who shared a passion for American blues music. “Luciano Duro, who was a town councillor for education and culture in Isola Liri, had the idea,” explains Tommaso Cerroni, who organises the event through his company, Duke and Bird. Cerroni, thanks to his organisational skills and contacts with the American music world, brought in the big names and transformed the event into what the Musical News website describes as “one of the most important blues festivals in Italy and perhaps the most truly authentic.” Because of the festival, Isola Liri is twinned with New Orleans and Cerroni has become an honorary citizen of the city. 7 July 2010
“We don’t see this festival as a business. It was born from our love of music and the desire to revitalise one of the most beautiful towns in Ciociaria and create work opportunities for the young people,” says Cerroni. Attendance at the festival is free of charge. The performances, which sometimes last from dusk to dawn, take place in the open, in the town’s main square, Piazza Boncompagni. Last year’s edition featured 70 international musicians spread over five evenings, with an average audience of 6,000, including tourists from all over Italy, as well as Sweden, Switzerland and France. This year’s programme bills Texan star vocalist Foster, a Grammy award nominee for the 2009 Best Contemporary Blues Album; Earl Thomas, four-times winner of the San Diego Blues Music Award with his unique soul-funky sound; Malcolm Rebennack, better known as Dr John and the Lower 911, who is considered the most important jazz pianist of New Orleans; writer, lecturer and guitarist Rusty Wright with Michael Burks; and the Dr Sunflower brass quartet with Daniele Sepe and Otis Taylor, hailed as one of the greatest and most provocative bluesmen of the last 20 years. “We identify with the ‘Delta’ – that’s the area around the Mississippi river delta, where the blues was born. The slaves on the cotton plantations would gather at the end of the day to console themselves with songs and music on the banks of the river,” Cerroni explains. “Isola Liri was once a thriving industrial centre for paper making, so this was a working-class community. Here in the evenings too the workmen would meet up on the banks of the river Liri to play their guitars and sing together.” The paper-making industry suffered a progressive decline from the 1970s onwards, when paper mill production dropped as more efficient manufacturing methods came in. The old factories now lie abandoned and the machinery and mill wheels have become museum pieces, displayed in the park around Above: Texan vocalist Ruthie the public library at the foot of the Valcatoio falls near Foster opens this the Roma bridge, the town’s main entrance coming year's line-up on from Rome. The town still preserves traces of its for15 July. Photo mer prosperity, in the mansions of the old paper by Scott Newton. barons in the so-called “Little Paris” area. The scenic Via della Cascata, as its name suggests, leads to Isola Left: the waterfall in Isola Liri Liri’s most stunning “sight”: the Great Falls, a wall of provides a water with a 27 metre-drop that was a favourite subspectacular ject of 18th-century foreign artists on the Grand Tour. backdrop for The festival’s main problem is funding. The small the annual festival community has to make a heroic effort each year to dedicated to supplement the meagre financing it receives from the blues jazz. town council and the provincial and regional administrations. With the cuts to cultural activities recently announced by the present government, the situation has become even more dramatic. Cerroni, however, is determined to manage somehow: “We don’t intend to compromise on the quality of the festival,” he says firmly. Liri Blues Festival, 15-19 July, Isola Liri is about 100 km from Rome and can be reached by the A1-Autostrada del Sole, exit Frosinone, and then by state road S.S.214. Where to stay: Locanda Mingone (where the festival artistes will also be staying) is offering special discounted rates for audience members. For infomation: Proloco (local tourist office), tel. 328/9585986,,
Wanted in Rome
USEFUL NUMBERS associations American International Club of Rome tel. 0645447625 -
American Women’s Association of Rome
cinemas The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.
tel. 064825268 -
Association of Malaysians in Italy
Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099. In original language on Mon
tel. 389/1162161
Caledonian Society
Canadian Women’s Association
Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli Gay and lesbian international contact group, tel. 065413985 - fax 065413971
Daughters of the American Revolution
Cineclub Detour Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845
Filmstudio Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987
Metropolitan Via del Corso 7, tel. 063200933.
Nuovo Olimpia Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068
Nuovo Sacher
International Women’s Club of Rome
Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116. In original language on Mon when available
tel. 0633267490 -
Warner Village Moderno
Irish Club of Rome
Piazza della Repubblica 44, tel. 0647779111
tel. 0636307249
Professional Women’s Association
United Nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628,
Welcome Neighbor tel. 3479313040
books The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.
Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091
Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico) Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 - 068082258
St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic) Via del Caravita 7 -
S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121, Sunday Service 10.00 and 17.30
S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic) Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627, Sunday service 11.00
St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic) Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121, Sunday service 10.00
St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal) Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339, Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)
support groups Alcoholics Anonymous -
Luncheon Club of Rome
Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara
emergency numbers • Ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355
religious All Saints’ Anglican Church
tel. 064742913 - www.aarome.imfo
Archè HIV+ children and their families. tel. 0677250350
Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306
Associazione Ryder Italia Support for cancer patients and their families, tel. 065349622/0658204580
Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 -
Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30, tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily
Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881, Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 nd th Kids Rock children’s service every 2 and 4 Sunday of the month at midday.
Caritas foreigners’ support centre
Bible Baptist Church
Caritas legal assistance
Herder International Book Center (German)
Via Castel di Leva 305, tel. 0659602991 - 334 / 29334593
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369
Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 -
Christian Science Services
Celebrate Recovery Christian group
Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425
tel. 338 / 1675680
La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French)
Church of All Nations
Comunità di S. Egidio
Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464
Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234
Church of Sweden
Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen
Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474, Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)
Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat
Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian
Disabled information line
South Rome, tel. 0650917621 - 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371
tel. 800271027
Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20/22, tel. 066802637
Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 -
Libreria Feltrinelli International Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878
Libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484
Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish) Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950
S. Susanna Lending Library Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00
The Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942
The Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222
The Lion Bookshop & Café
Mason Perkins Deafness Fund
International Christian Fellowship
Support for deaf and deaf-blind children, tel. 0644234511,
Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266, Sunday service 11.00
Jesus Cares Ministries
Jewish Community, Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061
Jewish Reform Group in Rome Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10, tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month
Lutheran Church
Wanted in Rome
Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre
Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695
The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books) (English, French, German, Italian)
24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council. Tel. 060606
Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235
St Paul’s within-the-Walls, Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339
Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas
Caritas hostel
International Central Gospel Church
Via dei Greci 33/36, tel. 0632654007
Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478
Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 - 066861554
Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761 Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70, tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)
Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314, Sunday service 10.30
Rome Baptist Church Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 - 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)
Overeaters Anonymous tel. 064743772
Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza) Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri”, Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351
Support for elderly victims of crime (Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104
The Samaritans Onlus Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed, tel. 800860022
transport • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, • Taxi tel. 060609 - 065551 - 063570 - 068822 064157 - 066645 - 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021,
7 July 2010