Wanted in Rome 2011-03-02

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BRING COLOUR TO YOUR DREAMS Thousands of shades from selected color charts Beautiful finishes and effects, best quality, ecological paints, professional advise, design, project and supervision of works from start to finish colour consultancy by appointment. English and French spoken. Mon-Fri 09.00-13.00 15.00-19.00 SAT. 10.00-13.00 Viale Pinturicchio 10 - Rome - Tel. 063260 9448 www.bludiprussia.net - info@bludiprussia.net

no. 3 wednesday 16 February 2011


5 Simona Weller. Maschere in città, 2010 acquarello su carta, 28 x 22 cm. Simona Weller, who studied at the proper academic art institutions in Rome, travelled extensively during her student years in Thailand, India, Egypt, Spain getting ever more intrigued and learning from foreign sign languages and marks. Alien lettering and writing, weathered inscription on Roman ruins, delected her eye in their manifold, often impenetrable manifestations. In the late 1960s she became involved in the feminist movement and put together a deeply informative volume about women artists called “Il Complesso di Michelangelo” (1976). She exhibited widely in Italy and at the Venice Biennale in 1978, ever enriching her pictorial vocabulary, mostly insisting on marks and lettering in varying configurations, fragments of words, mosaics of phrases, in other words the painted alphabet or written paint: “Pittura scrittura”. Oddly Novelli, Gallian, Twombly are not mentioned in reviews of her work but rather her adherence to Seurat’s way of splitting colour, and to Balla and Dorazio. Though she has varied her styles over the years the handsome aura of her Pittura Scrittura periods rises over everything and are her happiest inventions. Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma Tel. 066867967 Fax 066872996 advertising@wantedinrome.com editorial@wantedinrome.com Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico: Marco Viola Impaginazione: Giovanni Salerno Progetto e impaginazione What’s On: Dina Dancu Realizzazione grafica: IGEI Srl Stampa: Beta Tipografica, Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl, Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425. Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985. Finito di stampare il 15/2/2011



Twelve new covers


Real role models for women


Bringing ancient Rome to life


Classified columns


Edith Schloss

Mary Wilsey

Margaret Stenhouse

Useful numbers


Copies are on sale at:


Newsstands in Rome: Feltrinelli International, Via V.E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878.

Early copies (after 14.00 on the day before official publication): Wanted in Rome, Via dei Falegnami 79 The Anglo American Bookshop, Via della Vite 102

Publication dates

Classified deadlines

Wed 2 Mar Wed 16 Mar

Wed 23 Feb Wed 9 Mar

Paid classified ads must be submitted before 13.00 on the deadline date. Free ads must be submitted through our website www.wantedinrome.com.

16 February 2011



What’s on and where to go in Italy

Linda Bordoni

Wanted in Rome


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Wanted in Rome

ITALIAIDEA – via dei Due Macelli 47 - 00187 Roma (Metro Spagna) email: information@italiaidea.com, www.italiaidea.com

16 February 2011

cover art Twelve new covers Simona Weller Edith Schloss Dear readers, You may have noticed that recently some of our covers were designed by some especially arresting artists. Mary Wilsey, the editor, asked me to approach them. Trained as “fine artists”, they rose to the challenge of tackling a commercial medium –“cover art” – its particular demands of size, colour, placement, outlay and specifically its content. Wanted in Rome was to offer space to Romans, or people living in Rome, to interpret their complicated city – one of the most fantastic collages of history, in any way they please, on their own terms, to a general and not a specialist public. As a painter and writer I chose colleagues and friends I knew who did not just sit musing in their studios but mixed with the maddening crowd, right out there, fighting for space in galleries, while also being keenly aware of the international scene and often happily merged with it – in other words those who are engaged and deserve recognition. I confess that to me the New Yorker magazine is the example of superb cover art: it is the first to catch the eye on a newsstand, coffee table or office desk. It prides itself on class and wit. Of course it has existed since the 1920s and has vast advertising capital behind it and would be nothing without its peculiar New York humour, but in our little ways, I think it’s the best model to strive after. Though here in Rome the echoes of history drift around us, as wide awake fine artists, we are open to a variety of styles: the cover girls and boys of “Wanted” range from the plainly figurative to broody surrealism; from abstract to near-abstract and sheer painterliness, most often to neo-expressionism which used to be called transvanguardia – all solemn, funny, wicked and true. In the maze of today’s installation art, the sea of photography, the grisly and costly super-inventions, we give you painters who through trouble and contemplation, with work-a-day tools and medium, have decoyed and ensnared what they have seen, the happy moment. Truly they are committed. 16 February 2011

16 February

Bruno Ceccobelli 2 March

Alessandra Giacinti 16 March

Paola Gandolfi 30 March

Luigi Ontani 13 April

Enzo Cucchi 27 April

Enrico Luzzi 11 May

Pupillo 25 May

Ruggero Savinio 8 June

Elisa Montessori 22 June

Giancarlo Limoni 6 July

Enrico Gallian 20 July Wanted in Rome


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Wanted in Rome

16 February 2011

editorial Mary Wilsey Emma Marcegaglia Susanna Camusso

Anna Maria Tarantola Ilda Boccassini

Silvana Arbia Giulia Bongiorno

Emma Bonino Anna Finocchiaro

Debora Serracchiani Rosy Bindi

Rita Levi Montalcini Margherita Hack

Federica Pellegrini Francesca Schiavoni

Emma Dante Carla Fracci

Alessandra Ferri Viviana Durante

Silvia Venturini Fendi Frida Giannini

Dacia Maraini Franca Rame

Lina Wertmuller

Real role models for women


he latest scandals surrounding the life of Italy’s prime minister are promoting one image of Italian women. But there is another one. As the dynamic head of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia pointed out in a television interview: “Most of us get up early, work hard all day and go to bed early.” Berlusconi’s look-alike women, whose names are too numerous to remember – and if we were up-to-date with them today we would be out-of-date tomorrow – are young, good looking, long-haired (dark or fair) and usually provocative. Most of them don’t have steady jobs, seem to be in difficulties of one sort or another and have financial problems. They have plenty of time, and transport available, to follow the prime minister around, whether to summit conferences abroad or just to evening events at Arcore, Berlusconi’s house close to Milan, in the province of Monza. It is probably true to say that these women get up late, hardly work at all and go to bed very, very late. Is this snap-shot of Berlusconi’s women – the one that is grabbing the headlines in the Italian and foreign media – really the new role model for Italy’s women of today? It is sad to feel that lists are necessary. Nor should women need to be singled out. Why do people write about women painters, women authors, women politicians, women doctors, when to write about men painters, men authors, men politicians or men doctors would seem absurd? However as so many people seemed fixed on these “bimbos” – as they are sometimes called – perhaps it is worth highlighting other women, many of whom are already known abroad, some of whom are now making their way. Marcegaglia, as head of the industrialists’ powerful confederation, Confindustria, is moving into the vacuum left by the government’s evident lack of economic policy. The same is true of Susanna Camusso, who has recently taken over the presidency of Italy’s largest trades’ union federation, CGIL. She has only been in the job for a few months and is already proving a foil for Fiat’s chief executive officer, Sergio Marchionne. At the Bank of Italy Anna Maria Tarantola, the only woman on the board, is reforming the selection process to make it fairer for women, whom she believes miss out on appointments because they are less inclined than men to take risks. On the legal front Ilda Boccassini has been prosecuting the mafia and terrorists for years, as well as corrupt politicians, most famously in the Mani Pulite scandals of the 1990s. Silvana Arbia as registrar of the International Criminal Court is its principal administrative officer. Another cutting-edge legal mind is Giulia Bongiorno who has defended Giulio Andreotti and Gianfranco Fini successfully and has made a name defending sports’ celebrities. In the world of politics, the Radical Party’s Emma Bonino is best known abroad for her time as a very determined European Commissioner for consumer policy and humanitarian affairs. Anna Finocchiaro is better known at home as head of the Partito Democratico (PD) in the senate. A new face to follow is Debora Serracchiani, a member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the PD, head of its section in Udine, as well as a journalist working for the successful and rel-

Luciana Littizzetto Cont. on page 13.

16 February 2011

Wanted in Rome



Bringing ancient Rome to life Margaret Stenhouse


few years ago, most people would walk past the offices of Rome’s provincial government just off Piazza Venezia on Via Quattro Novembre without a second glance. Not many people even knew that the building was called Palazzo Valentini and that it had an illustrious history, which included hosting musicians of the calibre of Handel, Scarlatti and Corelli when a previous occupant, the Marquis Francesco Maria Ruspoli, installed a sumptuously appointed theatre within its walls in the early 18th century. The name Palazzo Valentini was acquired in 1827, when it was purchased by the banker Vincenzo Valentini. He was the last private owner before the building was taken over in 1873 by Rome’s provincial government, which has been installed there ever since. An even more surprising aspect of the building’s history goes back, however, much further, to the times of imperial Rome. This has led to the installation of a fascinating museum that promises to turn a littlePalazzo Valentini’s glass floor provides a daunting known block of bureaucratic offices and departments into one of but magical walk over ancient Rome. Rome’s most exciting visitor attractions. rooms caused problems as the site had been built on so many times over Backing onto Trajan’s forum at the foot of the Quirinale – one of the centuries, with no regard for what lay underneath. During the tour, Rome’s original seven hills – it is no secret that this entire area covers, our guide pointed out the 16th-century bearing wall that split a magnifilayer upon layer, the heart of ancient Rome. However, archaeological cent second century polychrome floor of precious marbles laid out in explorations are virtually impossible, due to lack of access. In the case intricate patterns of rays, crosses, wheels, sun symbols and Solomon’s of Palazzo Valentini, however, a sympathetic administration allowed knots. Even more incredible is the sight of second to third century sculpexperts to poke around in its cavernous basements. What little they tures incorporated heedlessly into later walls as reinforcement. were able to see among the stacks of mouldering old papers and longInaugurated by Italy’s president, Giorgio forgotten files convinced them that a full-scale Napolitano, on 3 December 2009, access to the excavation campaign was well worth undertakThe headquarters site was limited until October last year when it was ing. With the financial backing of the provincial finally opened to the general public on a daily government, work began in 2005 after the area of Rome’s provincial basis. In order to make visits more meaningful, the had been cleared of 136 truck-loads of rubbish Palazzo Valentini team have employed the services that had accumulated over the years. The result government is of Italian journalist, Piero Angelo, who runs a of four years of painstaking research is Italy’s a showcase museum highly popular TV science series. With the help of first and (as yet) only multi-medial museum physicist Paco Lanciani, Angelo has devised a virwhere the life and times of the imperial era are of ancient Roman times. tual reconstruction of the rooms, projected onto brought vividly to life with clever visual effects, the surrounding bare walls and accompanied with recorded commentaries and computer graphics. background sound effects, like the voices of children splashing in the The total visible area of 1,800 sqm contains portions of two aristocratthermal pool and the murmur of conversation in the reception hall. ic dwellings that once overlooked the forums of the Caesars and “It’s useless if people enter and leave without understanding anyextended, one of them under the present Assicurazioni Generali buildthing about it,” he explained at the museum opening. “You have to put ing on the corner of Piazza Venezia, and the other below Via S. yourself in the public’s shoes, show them what they might have seen in Eufemia. High-class homes in a prime location, they probably the past, let them feel the atmosphere of the ancient world.” belonged to magistrates of senatorial rank. The illusion of entering another world is enhanced by the dim lightThe Palazzo Valentini site is on different levels, spanning an era from ing and the glass floor, which creates the impression of being suspendthe second century to the fourth-fifth century AD. Identifying the various ed in space over the excavated area. This can take a bit of getting used to and several people in my group preferred to hug the walls rather than walk straight across the glass surface. However, the general effect of the projected images is so captivating that any inconvenience is soon forgotten. The virtual reconstruction is scrupulously based on the archaeological evidence recovered through fragments of wall paintings, columns, statues, ceramics, mosaics and furnishings. A last surprise is a bird’s eye view of the city of Rome as it must have appeared looking out of the windows of the houses, with Trajan’s column and the magnificent forum designed by the imperial architect, Apollodorus of Damascus, spread out below. Archaeologists hope to finish the project by connecting the Roman houses under Palazzo Valentini directly with Trajan’s forum as they must have been in the past. The passageway exists. All that is needed is the required permit.

Detail of the museum’s polychrome mosaic floor.


Wanted in Rome

The Domus Romane in Palazzo Valentini, Via IV Novembre 119/A, tel. 0632810. 09.30-17.00. Tuesday closed. Booking necessary. Only tours in Italian are available at the moment.

16 February 2011

AUDREY STAINTON NOHRA passed away peacefully on the 25 January in Palombara Sabina. She was the wife of the late Movie Producer Anis Nohra. Audrey wrote the lyrics for many of the songs in films and worked extensively with Sergio Leone, Orson Welles, Sergio Endrigo and Theodorakis. Audrey also wrote lyrics for Ennio Morricone, Bruno Nicolai, Bacalov, Trovajoli (Armando), Irene Papas and Don Davis, to mention a few. Audrey Nohra also wrote the book "Sweet Rome" which was a very great success. She will be greatly missed by Marcia Stewart and all her friends in Palombara.

Accommodation Vacant in Town APARTMENT IN TESTACCIO. 55mq, 3rd floor with bedroom, small bedroom or studio, bathroom, living room with separated kitchenette. €1.200. Tel. 339 / 8986127. APPIA ANTICA. Beautiful villas, furnished or semi-furnished, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, terrace, garden. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Refs 39-23. ASSISTANCE TO FOREIGNERS. PENTHOUSE IMMOBILIARE. We offer full service for property for long & shortterm rentals. Special assistance for FAO, IFAD, WFP, embassies and multinational companies. Mother-tongue English staff. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. ATTIC - COLOSSEUM. Beautiful, new, 1 bedroom with panoramic terrace. Quiet, silent, safe, elevator. Ref 1182. Tel. 063212341. ATTIC - FORUM. Furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, panoramic terrace, quiet, bright. Ref 1215. Tel. 063212341. ATTIC - TEULADA CLOSE TO RAI. Delightful, top floor attic with view of the Monte Mario hill, 2 terraces, lift, autonomous heating, living room, dining room, with sofa-bed, bedroom, small kitchen, bathroom, parking space, furnished, €1.300/month. References required. Also short-term. Tel. 348 / 1317490. AURELIA (10 minutesʼ drive to German School). In compound, with beautiful park, swimming-pool, 240-sqm apartment on 2 levels, large terrace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, furnished kitchen, car-port. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

Free Classified Advertisements All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 14) must be submitted via our website at www.wantedinrome.com. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79. AVENTINO - FAO. Semifurnished, 3/4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, walking distance FAO. Available immediately. Optional garage. Tel. owner 065115158, 328 / 5766170. AVENTINO - GIOTTO. Prestigious condominium, doorman, 40 sqm, ground floor, patio & garden, living room, bedroom, kitchen, parking space, cellar, €1.200. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. AVENTINO - VILLA. Period villa, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, private terrace / garden, possible parking. Ref 1251. Tel. 063212341. AVENTINO. Beautiful, completely redecorated, 185-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, small terrace overlooking greenery, furnished kitchen, maidʼs quarters, car-port, storage space. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. AXA - MADONETTA. Apartment, 3rd floor, sitting room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large terrace, garage and parking space, furnished, €1.200. Tel. 339 / 6973410. AXA - PALOCCO. Villa with private entrance in a 3-villa complex, sitting room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, maidʼs room, hobby room, mansard, garage, garden, €1.800 monthly. Tel. 339 / 6973410. BALDIUNA. Balduina piazza, semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, smaller room, 2 bathrooms, veranda, livable balcony, €1.600. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. BARBERINI. Beautifully restored, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, fireplace, A/C, high ceilings. Ref 119. Tel. 063212341. BORGO PIO - VIEW OF ST PETERʼS. Delightful attic, very large terrace, lift, 2 bedrooms, veranda, kitchen, bathroom with bathtub, A/C, autonomous heating, very elegant, furnished. Photos at: www.kavee.net/borgopio. €1.900/month. References required. Tel. 338 / 3241830. CADLOLO HILTON. Compound, large, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, service room, terrace, communal garden, garage, €3.500. GENESI tel. 06/37517066.

CASALPALOCCO - INFERNETTO. Semi-furnished new villa, 200-sqm on 2 levels, sitting room with fire place, 4 bedrooms, studio, large kitchen, 3 bathrooms, patio, hobby room, nice garden, parking, A/C. Other different sizes in same area. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 23. CASSIA (vicinity Overseas School). In compound, private park, tennis court, 210-sqm apartment, air-conditioned, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, terrace, lovely view, furnished kitchen, maidʼs quarters, box. €2.700 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. In compound, beautiful 220-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, terrace, furnished kitchen, maidʼs quarters, swimming-pool, tennis. €3.000 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. CASSIA-VICINITY OVERSEAS SCHOOL Just off Corso Francia, also close to Marymount, 70 sqm fully furnished apartment, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, parquet floors, very large private garden. Elegant condominium, quite. Pets are welcome. €1.200. Tel + 39 349 / 8895929, alecontri@tiscali.it. CASSIA. Semi-furnished apartment, quiet and sunny, sitting room, 4 bedrooms, completely furnished kitchen, 3 bathrooms, terrace, garden, patio, parking. Tel. 0654211074, 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 2. CENTRE - BORGO. Attic, spacious, 2 bedrooms, living room, study, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, kitchen, balconies, A/C. Refs 207/600. Tel. 063212341. CENTRE - NEAR COLOSSEUM. Charming cottage in park with own private garden, 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, sitting / dining room, veranda. Parking for 1 car. No agents. please contact owner at email: valleycastle@compuserve.com.

CORONARI. Prestigious apartment, 100 sqm, furnished and restructured, entrance hall, bedroom with bathroom, sitting room, small study, bathroom, kitchen, €2.400 negotiable. Mercati Immobiliare Tel. 335 / 8791026, 349 / 5286354. CORTINA DʼAMPEZZO - VIA MISURINA. Prestigious, entire floor (2nd floor), triple sitting room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large eat-in kitchen, 2 terraces, 1 parking space, €3.600. Mercati Immobiliare 0632652817, 335 / 8791026. CORTINA DʼAMPEZZO. Prestigious condominium complex, restructured, immersed in greenery, 250 sqm, 2 large terraces, triple living room, eat-in kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, maidʼs room, cellar, parking space. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR near metro Laurentina, apartment on 2 levels, double living with terrace, dining, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, for photos, www.casaitaly.it, find us on Facebook. Tel. 068419827. EUR - CENTRE - PASTEUR. Prestigious apartment, 5th floor, furnished or semifurnished, triple living room, dining area, open-plan kitchen, study, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking space, €3.800. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - CENTRE - UMANESIMO. 5th floor, apartment in ʻcortinaʼ building, restructured, large lounge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 small bedroom, 2 bathrooms, terrace, €1.600. Furnished optional. Tel. 065919125, info@penthuseimmobiliare.it. EUR - COLOMBO - VIA RUZZANTE. Prestigious attic on 2 levels, double sitting room, veranda, lovely terrace, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, 4 bathrooms, furnished, would suit diplomats, €4.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - COPENHAGEN. Prestigious condominium on 2 levels, 120 sqm, sitting room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, very large terrace, garden, €2.400. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - LAGO VIALE AFRICA. Living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, terrace, high floor, furnished, 2 parking spaces, €1.300. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - LAURENTINA. Prestigious condominium, 2nd floor, furnished, large sitting room, large live-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, 2 balconies, parking space, condominium park, €1.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. cont. page 8

Wanted in Rome does not accept responsibility for the content of the advertisements it publishes. All details on page 14. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE DATES Date di scadenza Wed 23 Feb Wed 9 Mar Wed 23 Mar

Office hours: Mon - Fri 09.30 - 17.00. Orari ufficio: lun - ven 09.30 - 17.00. Wanted in Rome does not accept jobs vacant ads that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion. Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma - Tel. 066867967, fax 066872996 E-mail: advertising@wantedinrome.com - Website: www.wantedinrome.com

PUBLICATION DATES Giorno di pubblicazione Wed 2 Mar Wed 16 Mar Wed 30 Mar

FREE CLASSIFIEDS must be submitted on our website, www.wantedinrome.com. Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted at our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.

16 February 2011

Wanted in Rome


EUR - MONTAGNE ROCCIOSE. Furnished, large living room with balcony, bedroom, smaller room, kitchen, bathroom, €1.100. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. EUR - MONTAGNOLA. Furnished, top floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, 2 delightful terraces, €1.200. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. EUR - MOSTACCIANO - BONETTI. Villa on 3 levels, 300 sqm, completely renovated, semi-furnished, porch, large garden, €3.800. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - MOSTACCIANO - VIVANTI. Elegant condominium, double living room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, large terraces overlooking greenery, A/C, €2.000. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - MUSICA. Very prestigious complex on 3 levels, restructured villa and splendidly furnished, 350 sqm, live-in kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, basement hobby area, maidʼs quarters, terrace, 200-sqm garden, €5.000. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - SERAFICO - LILIO. Prestigious condominium apartment, doorman, restructured, 100-sqm garden, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, parking space, €1.800. Bank guarantee €1.800. Tel. 065919125 EUR - TOLOSA. 1st floor, 85 sqm, sitting room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, balcony,garage, cellar, autonomous heating, €1.300. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - TORRINO. Fiume Giallo, elegant compound, double living room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces, €2.200, garage and parking space. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - VIGNA MURATA. Very nice apartment, large living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, private garden, cellar and garage. Fully furnished. Non residents and no agencies. Tel. 065414440 (Italian speakers). EUR MOSTACCIANO. Excellent 170-sqm apartment on 2 levels with garden and terrace, furnished / semifurnished, living room, 3 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, spacious eat-in kitchen, parking. Property International tel. 0657284503, property.rm@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. EUR SERAFICO. In nice compound, different size apartments, entrance, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, terrace, parking. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 61-29.

EUR TORRINO. Different opportunities of furnished apartments, living room, kitchen, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, parking place. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 68. EUR, Mostacciano, Torrino, Laurentina, elegant apartments, furnished or unfurnished, nice complexes. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. EUR. Prestigious, semi-furnished villa, 400-sqm on 3 levels, 2 sitting room, 4 bedrooms, walk-in wardrobe, kitchen, bathrooms, patio, 1000-sqm garden, service area. Tel. 0654649582, 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 57. FAO - S. SABA. Elegant, panoramic, bright, quiet, 70-sqm apartment, libertystyle building. Luxuriously furnished, living / dining room, large bedroom, small balcony with view, kitchen, bathroom with shower, A/C, autonomous heating, 2nd floor, no lift. €1.150 monthly plus expenses, long-term rental. Tel. 065757886, 349 / 2827237. FARNESE. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, large panoramic terrace, silent, bright, elevator. Refs 1232/292. Tel. 063212341. FLAMINIA - KM34.600. “Casale” on 2 floors (2 independent entrances), 190 sqm per floor, 3.000-sqm fenced garden with swimming pool, well-connected to Rome by train. Photos available on request. Tel. 0668803130, l.pallavicino@hotmail.it. FLAMINIO - MAXXI AREA. Splendid penthouse, terrace, living room, 1 bedroom, €1.400. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. GIUSTINIANA CASSIA BIS Villa in compound, garden, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms, large salon, beautiful patio, garage, €4.300. GENESI tel. 0637517066. HISTORIC CENTRE. Silent, sunny, 65 sqm, restored, fully furnished, top floor, lift, A/C, fireplace, balcony, satellite TV, near metro. Tel. 064746127, 328 / 9481174, federicasoria@gmail.com HISTORIC CENTRE - GIULIA. Splendid, unfurnished, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, balcony. €2.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. HISTORICAL CENTRE - SPAGNA. Nice, restored and furnished apartments, living room, kitchen, 1 - 2 bedrooms, bathroom, terrace. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 19. INFERNETTO - AXA - CASAL PALOCCO. Various villas, furnished or unfurnished, garden and swimming pool. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it.

INTERNATIONAL POINT. We offer you many different size apartments and villas, furnished and unfurnished, short and long rental period, our assistance and our professional service for all duration of your contract. Tel. 0654211074, 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com, www.internationalpointgroup.com. MLD - BALDUINA. Via Massimi, elegant condominium complex, sitting room, 2 bedrooms, terraces, €1.500. Other, Cassia/Giustiniani, large sitting room, bedroom, walk-in wardrobe, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, €1.400. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - CASSIA - NEAR OVERSEAS SCHOOL. Prestigious condominium, sitting room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, equipped terraces, garage, semi-furnished, €2.500. Vigna Stelluti, elegant condominium complex, high floor, restructured, large entrance hall, sitting room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage, semi-furnished, €3.000. Via Nemea, living room, bedroom, €1.300. Tel. 06/5916760, email : mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - EUR SIC. Luxurious, lounge, 2 bedrooms, garage, €2.400, Cesare Pavese, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, €2.000. Same Via Saba. Garbatella Tito Omboni, high panoramic floor, lounge, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, garage, €1.300. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. MONTEVERDE - BRUZZESI. Apartment in period building, furnished, living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, €1.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. MONTEVERDE - CASALETTO. Exclusive neighbourhood, lovely cottage, living room, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garden / terrace. €1.700. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Lovely 140-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, small terrace, beautiful view, furnished kitchen, car-port. €2.800 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Spacious, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, terrace with panoramic view, parking. Ref 1236. Tel. 063212341. MONTI - ATTIC. 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen & panoramic terrace. Ref 1220. Tel. 063212341. MONTIPARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant 200-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living / dining room, balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. €3.500 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

NAVONA. Furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room w/fireplace, kitchen, dining, historic building. Ref 1175. Tel. 063212341. OLGIATA. Semi-detached villa, 450 sqm, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathroom, vast living / dining room, fireplace, furnished kitchen, den, large hobbyroom, 1.200-sqm private garden, double-box. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. PANTHEON Beautiful furnished apartment, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, dining room. €1.300 monthly plus bills. Tel. 0033148054283, 0039066793997, tony75011@hotmail.com. PARIOLI - B. BUOZZI. 3rd floor, 150 sqm, elegant building, furnished, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, garage, €3.000. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. PARIOLI . 110-sqm apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, balcony, furnished kitchen. €1.900 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. PARIOLI. Elegantly furnished 130-sqm apartment, air-conditioned, 1 double-bedroom, 2 single bedrooms, living / dining room, lovely small terrace, kitchen, alarm system, car-port. EDWARDS. tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. PIAZZA EPIRO Beautiful, fully furnished & equipped renovated, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom. 1930s condominium with garden. 10 mins walk from Colosseum. €1.500. Also short lets. Email: airleas.rome@gmail.com. PORTUENSE. Beautiful view, completely furnished apartment, 4th floor, 55 sqm, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, large terrace, storage, A/C, doorman, €1.100. Tel. 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Ref 15. PRATI & TRASTEVERE. Several elegant 1-2 bedroom apartments. €1.300 to €1.700. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PRATI - PIAZZA MAZZINI. Loft with terrace, 1 bedroom, living room joining terrace, lift, furnished, €1.350 including condominium fees. Mercati Immobiliare 0632652817, 335 / 8791026. PRATI. 100 sqm, 3rd floor, quiet, nicely furnished, large living room, 3 bedrooms, bathroom , eat-in kitchen. Property International Tel. 0657284503 property.rm@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. PRATI. Well furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, study. Max 6 months. €2.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it.

We select furnished and unfurnished apartments and villas for rent and sale.

Professional service. Tel. 0654211074 - 0654649582. Tel./fax 0659299101 info@internationalpointgroup.com www.internationalpointgroup.com


Wanted in Rome

16 February 2011

ROME CENTRE, Monteverde, Trastevere, Parioli, Aventino, various apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.travelbusinessapartments.it, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. S. GIOVANNI. Sunny, quiet, 2nd floor apartment in a ʻvillinoʼ close to underground (Re di Roma) and railway station Tuscolana. Large living room with kitchen, bedroom, semi-furnished, fireplace, autonomous heating, A/C. €1.200. Tel. 338 / 3816675, tinti.odorisio@tiscali.it SPAGNA. Modern, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, A/C, period building. REF 1250. Tel. 063212341. ST PETERʼS - AURELIO. in prestigious building, well connected, studio apartment, car port, balcony, also short lets. €700 monthly. Tel. 328 / 8116804, vannafantini@fastwebnet.it. ST PETERʼS - AURELIO. In prestigious complex, well connected, studio apartment, car port, balcony, short lets. €700 monthly. Tel. 328 / 8116804, vannafantini@fastwebnet.it. TESTACCIO. Lovely, furnished, large living room, bedroom, live-in kitchen, bathroom, €1.500. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. TRASTEVERE - MAMELI. Open-plan apartment, completely furnished, all comforts, telephone, satellite TV, great location. Available 1 March. €1.200 monthly. Tel. 338 / 4676961, rainbowinrome@gmail.com. TRASTEVERE - NATALE GRANDE. Restructured loft, very modern, large living room, kitchen corner, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large terrace, €2.850. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. TRASTEVERE. Comfortable, fullyfurnished studio apartment, photos and info at http//www.romerenthome.it, €900 all included. bruno.trast@gmail.com. TRASTEVERE. Nicely furnished, 3rd floor, sunny, entrance, living room, 1 bedroom, live-in kitchen, bathroom with shower, independent heating, air conditioning, internet with all appliances, available from 11 February. €1.400 monthly. Tel. 333 / 2843762, delpinto@hotmail.it. TRASTEVERE. In the heart of beautiful Trastevere, restored, furnished, 53-sqm apartment, living room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen corner. €1.200 monthly. No agency fee. Tel. 340 / 3804357. TRASTEVERE. Charming townhouse, private garden, living room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, A/C, country atmosphere. €2.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. TRASTEVERE. Lovely, furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, apartment on 2 levels. Old Rome charm. Quiet, sunny. €1.500. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. TRASTEVERE. Lovely, furnished, independent, on 2 levels, living room with fireplace, dining room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, €1.600. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. TRIESTE - VIA PICCINNI. Lovely restructured, semi-furnished attic, living room with fireplace, study, 2 bedrooms, smaller room, 3 bathrooms, terrace, garage, €3.200. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. VATICAN HILL - AURELIA ANTICA. Lovely penthouse, terrace, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, unfurnished, lift, porter. €1.800. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. VATICAN HILL - PICCOLOMINI. 240 sqm, furnished, terrace, living room, study, 3 bedrooms, maidʼs quarters, excellent building. €4.300. Tel. 5813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it.

16 February 2011

wantedineurope.com Do you want to advertise your apartment in Paris, Berlin, London or Madrid? Do you have a job to offer in Dublin, Barcelona, Brussels or Amsterdam? Then go to www.wantedineurope.com and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06.6867967 or email us at advertising@wantedinrome.com VATICAN. 100 sqm, attic, terrace with great views, furnished, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, eat-in kitchen. Property International tel. 0657284503 property.rm@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. VIGNA CLARA (vicinity Marymount School). Beautiful, redecorated, 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, fireplace, 2 spacious balconies, furnished kitchen, maidʼs quarters, alarm system, large car-port. €3.300 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. VILLA ADA (Salaria). Elegant 140-sqm apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ample living / dining room, fully-equipped kitchen, den, guest-toilet, storage space. €2.000 monthly. EDWARDS Tel.068610871, imm.edwardsgmail.com. WONDERFUL STUDIO APARTMENT Wonderful, elegant 38-sqm studio apartment located in Piazzale delle Medaglie dʼOro. Fully furnished & equipped. A/C, autonomous heating, washing machine. Spacious entrance hall, very big living room with 2 sofa (1 is matrimonial sofa-bed), very big bathroom with shower. Independent kitchenette, balcony. Marco: 347 / 7654077.

TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old castle, bedroom, living room, unfurnished. €200 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400. TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old castle, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge, terrace, balcony, attic, unfurnished, €500 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.

Accommodation Vacant out of Town

CENTRAL AREA NEAR A HUGE PARK Sunny, quiet, large room with balcony. €600. Kitchen, bills, cleaning, linen, TV, Wi-Fi adsl. Excellent connection. Photos. Info. angiola.janigro@gmail.com, 348 / 2435329. MONTEVERDE. Independent studio apartment, kitchen corner, bathroom, €500 all inclusive. Long or short lets. Tel. 340 / 7022582, 06885422582. MONTEVERDE. Via G.S.Roccatagliata, tram 8, bus 44. Single room, own bathroom, in furnished large apartment, shared entrance and kitchen with English speaking landlady until April. No pets. Rent €350 + expenses €150 per month. Call or send text message 335 / 6065162.

Bed & Breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@hotmail.com, www.navonaloft.com.

Property for Sale in Town BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT in Parioli, 110 sqm, 4th floor terrace, all furnished, cellar, Please contact Tiziana: 335 / 432679.

Rooms and Flat Shares CASSIA - TREVIGNANO. Beautiful, lake view, panoramic villa, close to Rome, quiet, comfortable, spacious, serene decor, 280 sqm on 3 levels, 3+1 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, jacuzzi, vast living room with fireplace, semi-professional kitchen, hobby room, laundry room, large garden, outdoor facilities, BBQ, €2.200/month inclusive, weekly cleaning and garden maintenance. Also weekly rent with linen/maid service. Tel. 347 / 3469550, b.panatta@inlink.it. ROVIANO. 50km from Rome, independent apartment, 1 living room, 1 bedroom, beautiful view, equipped, €300/month. Tel. 339 / 4123302.

NEXT TO ST PETER AND SUBWAY Large and fully equipped single room with private bathroom in one of the most beautiful Roman attics. €600 per month, breakfast, dinner included, daily cleaning but three afternoon evenings babysitting required. Only reliable people with references and English fluent. FEMALE. Email. stefania.grippo@libero.it PRATI - PIAZZA CAVOUR NEAR VATICAN. Prestigious building, single/double room, shared kitchen and bathroom, washing machine, quite, well connected. €450. Tel. 331 / 1460110. S. GIOVANNI. Rent single room, near metro A (Manzoni). Shared kitchen and bathroom, €500/4 weeks all inclusive. Tel. 347 / 1748925, lunac_@libero.it ST. PETERʼS - FEW METERS. Large room in apartment with independent entrance, quiet, shared kitchen and bathroom. Females only. €550 monthly. Tel. 327 / 4541214, giomontanaro@hotmail.it.

Short Lets APARTMENTS - HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours, info@flatinrome.com, www.flatinrome.com. CAMPO DEĘź FIORI - SPAGNA NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897, info@shortletsassistance.com, www.shortletsassistance.com. HISTORIC CENTRE. Silent, sunny, 65 sqm, restored, fully furnished, top floor, lift, A/C, fireplace, balcony, satellite TV, near metro. Tel. 064746127, 328 / 9481174, federicasoria@gmail.com PANTHEON - PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, inroma@libero.it. ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.romesweethome.com, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580.

cont. page 10

Wanted in Rome


S. MARIA IN TRASTEVERE. Renewed studio, bright, elegant, 3rd floor, elevator, double bed, armchairs, table, wardrobe, kitchenette, bathroom,/shower, A/C, heating, Wi-Fi, €490 weekly, €900-€1.200 monthly, depending on length of stay. Weekly cleaning + all expenses included. Photos/viewing: ftrastevere@yahoo.com. TOURIST IN ROME? Rent an apartment affordable price, fully nicely furnished. Max 6 people. Near underground. Tel. +39 3471141091, shortrental.rome@gmail.com. TRASTEVERE. Low seasonʼs tariff, €300/weekly, all inclusive, 4 adults max, cycle park, tv, internet wireless. Tel. 339 / 6149317, risvil@mclink.net, www.risvil.it. TUBE LINEA A “COLLI ALBANI” 300 mts from tube stop and Parco Appia Antica, 2/3 sleeps, fully furnished flat. sarah.giannelli@tin.it.

Jobs Vacant BRITISH SCHOOL: TEACHERS REQUIRED for children and adults. Experience and Celta required. Full-time and part-time. Tel. 0633220960, fleming@britishschoolroma.it. COME JOIN AN INTERNATIONAL TEAM! Seeking French, German, English, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Spanish natives! Young, dynamic and international US company located in Rome EUR area seeking native speakers with basic English for multinational accounts. World class clients such as Microsoft, Novell, SAP, HP, etc. Pre-sales and marketing activity. Candidates must have relevant work experience in sales and/or mktg. Experience in IT sector a plus! Positions to start immediately. Primary duties; business development, marketing support, data entry. No travel required. Competitive salary with 6-12 month contract. Full time only please. No non Italian residents please - must have working permit and/or work visa and reside in Rome. Please note interviews will be held in English or relevant language. If interested send CV to: jobs@3d2b.it, tel. 0697844620. DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Director of studies required for efl school in Italy, near Naples. Full-time 1 year renewable contract. Immediate start. Delta (or equivalent) plus relevant experience CV and cover letter to recruiting@britishschool.it quoting sv-dos. ENGLISH TEACHERS. Mother-tongue teachers required all year, Rome. Apply at www.eilschool.com “jobs” page or 0643419069 only if no internet. ESTABILISHED ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL seeks full-time receptionist. English mother tongue and good Italian required. Please send your CV to: info@angloamerican.it or call 0647823253. ESTABLISHED LANGUAGE SCHOOL in Rome seeks mother tongue, certified EFL instructors for part-time / full-time positions teaching English to adults and children. Send CV to teachers@angloamerican.it. ESTABLISHED LANGUAGE SCHOOL in central Rome is recruiting native speaker qualified teachers. Min 3 yearsʼ exp, aged 26+. Send CV to coordinators1@trinityschool.it. ESTABLISHED PRESTIGIOUS LANGUAGE school Rome seeks mother-tongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, newbritishcentres@tiscali.it. EXPERIENCED ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE Celta qualified childrenʼs teacher required immediately for afternoon/evenings Piazza Irnerio Metro Cornelia. Tel.066626722-333 / 7813026, CVs:info@accademiabritannica.it.


Wanted in Rome

FREELANCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS required, general English, business English courses, applicants must have working papers, relevant qualifications and experience. Send CV to info@trainingclub.com. Tel. 0669792112, 340 / 7760020. INTERNATIONAL COMPANY specialising in language training for business, needs qualified Rome-based English teachers for evening courses (various locations in Rome). Immediate start. CV to roma@linguarama.com or Tel: 0685355707. LANGUAGE CONSULTANTS SRL seeks professional Business English teachers for in-house training in multinational companies based in Rome, Pomezia, Aprilia, Latina, and Anagni. Essential requirements are: English mother-tongue, formal teaching qualification, minimum 3 years teaching experience, own transport, and resident in Lazio. Excellent conditions. Contract work in block hours. Send CV to: Amanda Jane Franklin, Director of Studies, at amanda@language.it. OUTGOING PEOPLE. We are looking for outgoing people to work outdoor with tourists, flexible scheduling, based on commission. Tel. 393 / 9948175, mybestjob2010@yahoo.it. POSITION OPENING. The Dominican Order located at Santa Sabina is searching for a part time position (20hours/week) to serve in the General Secretariat. This person would need to be a native Spanish/English speaker who knows Spanish/English as well as Italian. Expectations are for normal secretarial services involving translation, broad computer skills, and some experience in organizing programs. Salary commensurate with experience and Italian legal norms. Please send a CV to secretarius@curia.op.org. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER - NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER. Join our team! dp corporate language training awardwinning specialist for premium language training. Currently seeking for companies in the Rome area, Milan, Genoa, Turin, Trieste, Naples. Native English speaker to teach English. Language Coach for executive business English. Teaching experience for corporate clients & CELTA equivalent qualification required. Please send your CV: selezione@digitalpublishing.it, www.digitalpublishing.it SUBSTITUTE / SUPPLY TEACHERS. Qualified, experienced teachers required for all levels for elementary, middle and high school as substitutes/supply teachers at American Overseas School of Rome. Italian/EU citizens or valid permit of stay for US citizens required. Please email detailed CV to principalsoffice@aosr.org.

TRANSLATING WORK IT & EN. Translators wanted to work in centrallylocated Rome-based company. Applicants should be English mothertongue or equivalent, with excellent writing skills. Most translations will be Italian into English, therefore an excellent understanding of Italian is essential. Subjects to be translated include economics, politics, current affairs, surveys, energy, etc. Work is to be carried out mainly on the premises. Hours are flexible and arranged on a monthly basis. Candidates with specific experience in one or more fields (legal/finance/economics/energy/pharma ceutical/ etc.) preferred. If you are interested, of proven language proficiency, plan to stay in Rome for at least 6 months and have regular working papers, please apply by sending your CV and a covering letter to contratti31dic@yahoo.it.

Accommodation Wanted HOUSE WITH LAND. Looking for furnished house with land for a woman and two dogs. Tel. 348 / 4875384. RENTAL PROPERTIES WANTED. Relocation company seeks properties for its international clientele. Send information & detailed description by fax 069094661 or email contact@reloprc.com.

Animals DOG SITTING - DOG WALKING. Hello dog owners! I am Daniela, dog sitter, dog taxi driver and dog walking. Loving and caring your dogs! Email: daniela.marmentini@gmail.com.


FREE ADS ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at www.wantedinrome.com. We no longer accept Jobs Wanted ads in our office. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito www.wantedinrome.com. Non si accettano piĂš quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.


MAKEUP ARTIST / LOOK MAKER. Makeup Artist, UK qualified, available for day, evening, bridal, special occasions, individual makeup lessons. Call for appointment at 328 / 8148949. USED BOOK SALE. Books of every kind for every kind of book lover. OPEN DOOR BOOKSHOP, Via della Lungaretta 23 (Trastevere).

Exchanges BENZINA. Con che cosa posso sostituire la benzina? Email: brunomartini@hotmail.co.uk. I CAN HELP YOU WITH ITALIAN. I offer help with Italian in exchange for conversation in English. Francesco, email address fdimario@hotmail.it. LANGUAGE EXCHANGE. IĘźm Italian from Rome, looking for English, Spanish or French people for conversation exchange. Please call 328 / 1924223 ciao! THE ENGLISH PACKAGE. Native English teachers are available for lessons for all levels - at your home / office. Britishenglishinroma@gmail.com.

Health / Fitness Berlitz Italy is among the world leaders in the field of language learning services. We are currently seeking full-time and part-time teachers in Rome and Milan. Candidates must be native speakers and have a degree, preferably with some teaching experience or teaching certification. Berlitz teachers are motivated, enthusiastic and open to new experiences. Would you like to work in a dynamic, international environment, then this is the job for you! Interested? Please contact Louise Thorne at workinrome@berlitz.it or workinmilan@berlitz.it

ADS AMERICAN DENTAL STUDIOS. Team of 3 dentists, hygienist & assistant. Via delle Terme di Tito 92 (80 m metro Colosseo) or our Infernetto studio, American dentist is available for emergencies every day. We provide complete dental care with the latest dental technology and our new colleague offers free cosmetic surgery consultation, including laser, botox, fillers, peeling etc. Appointment only. Tel. 333 / 9061799, info@americandentalstudios.com, www.americandentalstudios.com. CORE-BASED PERSONAL TRAINING. Improve strength, posture, flexibility, coordination, breathing. Dance degree, massage license & 10 years teaching experience. Tel. 339 / 5399550, jenifer_vinson@hotmail.com. ENGLISH DENTAL STUDIO. Via Della Fonte di Fauno, 29 Rome, Italy Ph. (+39) 065783639, Mobile (+39) 320 / 3009440, englishdentalstudio@yahoo.com. Follow EDS on Facebook.

16 February 2011

FREE SELF-DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER. Articles, inspiring stories, tips, life-enhancing strategies and much more. Sign Up Today! www.damienofarrell.com or 339 / 3332547. MAKEUP ARTIST / LOOK MAKER. Makeup Artist, Look Maker, available for day, evening, bridal, special occasions, individual makeup lessons. Call for appointment at tel. 328 / 8148949. MASSAGES STUDIO PLACE HOTEL. Massages any kind for sport people, oriental massages, auyrveda, lomi lomi, back pain. 7 days also Sundays and evenings 340 / 9340064. NY-LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Professional Deep Tissue/Swedish Massage 7 days/wk. NY License #015833. Tel. 339 / 5399550, jenifer_vinson@hotmail.com. POWER LIVES COACHING. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 339 / 3332547, www.damienofarrell.com for information.

Household Sales ENGLISH LANGUAGE BOOKS, FREE. Fiction, English language, hardback, paperback, James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, etc. Free, if you can pick them up. Call 0670495924. JACKSON 5 2LP COLLECTION. Bought in Canada, late 70s, pickwick edition. This edition is very hard to find. €10000.00 negotiable. Tel 392 / 7388608. SYNTHETIC FUR COAT/COFFEE MAKER. very nice, size 48/50, leopard pattern, Eletrolux coffee maker. €250 coat €180 coffee maker. THE ART OF CROCHET. Hand made scarf, baby plaid bedspreads etc www.lavoricrea.webs.com. You commission I will make it. Tel. 329 / 7843257.

Jobs Wanted ASSISTANT DRIVER. Personal assistance and driver to people unable to walk/ move around independently. Area Monteverde and Portuense. Email: daniverna@libero.it. A MAN. Need a job. Who can give me a job. Tel. 327 / 6765593. ACCOUNT - ASSISTANT - PART-TIME. Italian woman, wide experience in the field of business development and as Office Manager/Executive Assistant. Tel. + 39 349 / 8895929, okkale1@yahoo.it. AKTER MOLLAH. IĘźm need a job of faccino, pulizia, lavapiatti. Tel:3388231577.

AMERICAN BABYSITTER OR TUTOR Au Pair looking for an extra babysitting or tutoring job for Sundays only. Contact 334 / 9081443 or ooo2sweet4u@hotmail.com. BABY SITTER 32YO, IT/FR/EN/DE Loving children, non smoking, with experience, car, best Roma Nord, available also evenings and w/e. erica.p@mac.com. BABYSITTER - ENGLISH LESSONS. 10+yrs childcare exp./TEFL certified & 2 yrs teaching kindergarten. Avail to babysit&help w/ homework, also Eng. lessons. Email: veronicapiombo@yahoo.com. BABYSITTER - HOUSEKEEPER. 32yrs.old, filipina, university graduate, fluent in english/italian. looking for morning parttime job. 3287731696. msfg.sarmiento@gmail.com. BABYSITTER ITALIAN-ENGLISH Italian babysitter fluent in english has experience with international children. Please contact Silvia at northernlight83@hotmail.it. BABYSITTER. Finnish lady 55, fluent in English, Italian seeks a babysitting/teaching job (also part time) Pref. central Rome. soili_r@virgilio.it. BABYSITTER/AU PAIR: 10+YRS EXP. 24,ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE AMERICAN.2YRS TEACHING EXP! CAN HELP W/ ENG HWK! AVAIL. FOR PRIVATE LESSONS! veronicapiombo@yahoo.com. BABYSITTER/CHILDCARE. American lady, fluent in Italian seeking babysitting/nanny position in the Castelli Romani or south of Rome area. Tel. 348 / 0483525, b.hazelt@tin.it. BABYSITTER/ENG. MOTHER TONGUE. 10+ YRS BABYSITTING EXPERIENCE AS WELL AS 2 YEARS TEACHING KINDERGARTENERS. AVAILABLE MORNINGS UNTIL 2PM. email- veronicapiombo@yahoo.com. BABYSITTER~CHILDCARE Available for babysitting jobs morning or afternoon, Filipina, 31, has experience with children and speaks good English. Tel. 320 / 1796332. BABYSITTING, HOUSE MANAGEMENT Filipina, experienced nurse and all household chores, 10 years in Italy, with reference and trustful, Please contact 388 / 9393170. BABYSITTING/ELDER CARE/HOUSEKEEP Referenced, responsible and skilled person looking for part-time job afternoon only. Tel. 340 / 5114522. BILINGUAL BABYSITTER / HOUSEKEEPER. 33y.old, Filipina, university graduate, fluent in English / Italian. can tutor kids with school work. looking for morning part-time job even housekeeping. Tel. 328 / 7731696, msfg.sarmiento@gmail.com.

CHILDCARE - BABYSITTER- American lady, fluent Italian seeking position as childcare / personal shopper in Castelli Romani south of Rome. Tel. 348 / 0483525, b.hazelt@tin.it. CHILDCARE, 10+YRS EXPERIENCE 24-yr old American, English mothertongue. Loving & responsible! Also 2yrs exp. teaching children. Please email: veronicapiombo@yahoo.com. CHILDRENĘźS ESL TEACHER. TEFL certified, native speaker, more than 5 years experience, works exclusively with children,seeks tutoring opportunities on Mondays, echo_me_you@yahoo.co.uk. COLLABORATRICE DOMESTICA. SALVE! Donna rumena cerco lavoro come baby sister, pulizie, aiuto domestico a ore, lungo orario. Tel: 327 / 4916005. COURT SWORN/OTHER TRANSLATIONS. Embassy Administrative Accounts assistant looking for work as freelance translator in English Italian Swahili Luganda. Contact: akirunda92@hotmail.com for more information. CUCINA E PREPARAZIONE DOLCI. Hai bisogno di una mano in cucina e altri lavori di casa? Visita il mio blog: http://pausagolosa.wordpress.com/. CUSTOMIZED ENGLISH LESSONS. English Mother-tongue teachers giving grammer, conversation and writing lessons. At your home and for all ages. britishenglishinroma@gmail.com. DALLĘźITALIANO ALLĘźINGLESE. Traduttore madre-lingua con 30 anni di esperienza. Tel. 0644243464, 328 / 9589569, email: jgillin@tiscalinet.it. DJ/BARMAN/WAITER/COOK JOB NEEDED Seeking job, deejey. I have 4 years exp. in London top bars. Also 4 in restaurants. Krystian dnbholik@googlemail.com, tel. 393 / 2215175. DOMESTIC WORK. Lady from Ghana, 38 yrs , trustworthy and referenced, seeks part time domestic work. working permit. Tel. 380 / 9005930.

ENGL. HOMEWORK HELP/BABY SITTER. 32 years old bilingual Italian / English girl. Available help children with English homework or baby sitting 15€/h. lisuccia19@virgilio.it. ENGLISH BABYSITTER/TUTORING. Australian mother-tongue 29 yro female, experienced to babysit children of all ages and/or for private tutoring. Morn/Evening. Tel. 389 / 8778413, nicolemonaco81@hotmail.com. ENGLISH LESSON & EXAM PREP. Mother-tongue, experienced, certified English teacher. Individual (€18/hour) + Group Lessons (€12/hour). Tel. 393 / 3347562. ENGLISH LESSONS &CV TRANSLATION. English classes: General, business, conversationspecified English. All ages/levels. Also translation of CVs etc Italian-English. Contact: Lina_e_roma@yahoo.com. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE NANNY Worked with ages 2-18 English teaching & childcare. Also playgroups, great with children! available 20-30 hours per week. Please contact: xchanningx@hotmail.co.uk. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE SEEKING. English Mothertongue (Male ,33 yr) seeking work in and around Rome NO TIME WASTERʼS. Email: colin_james@libero.it. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE FOR ADMIN. Duel Australia / English Citizen seeks Admin / Office work in Rome. Over 4 years experience. Email Russell at: Russell.raccoon@gmail.com, or call: 348 / 2776310. ENGLISH TEACHER Native speaker, many years experience, offers private tutoring. Email: echo_me_you@yahoo.co.uk. ENGLISH TEACHER AND LINGUIST. Mother-tongue English Teacher, degree in linguistics, offers lessons and tutoring in English/French/Spanish to adults and children. sandralaville@yahoo.ca. ENGLISH TEACHER. Native speaker, experience with young learners, seeks private tutoring on Mondays. echo_me_you@yahoo.co.uk. ENGLISH TEACHER. Qualified, experienced, mother-tongue freelance English teacher for private lessons. Well structured courses. Availability from April, 9-13 hours. Tel. 333 / 5743960. ENGLISH TUTOR FOR ADULTS ONLY! American Tutor for Adults in any level of english, can come to office or home. Contact me at ooo2sweet4u@hotmail.com. ESL CHILDRENʼS TEACHER. Native speaker with many years experience, offers fun interactive lessons. Email: bsorin8@yahoo.com. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT/SECRETARY Higly motivated, fluent English, customer service oriented, back office support, invoicing, credit recovery, payroll. Tel. 328 / 6425491 or langley57@yahoo.it. FILIPINA LOOKING FOR JOB AS HOUSECLEANER/DOMESTIC HELP FULL-TIME PART TIME, WITHIN ROME CENTER&VICINITY. 329 9886289. FINANCIAL - LEGAL TRANSLATIONS. Technical translations (financial legal documents) from English French into Italian and viceversa. 333 / 2730981, expertise in international law offices.

cont. page 12

16 February 2011

Wanted in Rome


FIND A WORK IN ENGLAND. Srilankan 33yrs girl find a family in UK well qualified. With references. desilva.dacr@yahoo.com. GRAPHIC AND PRODUCT DESIGNER. Recent graduate at IED in Product Design, currently freelance graphic designer. Fluent in Italian, English and Arabic. Email: Lamis.al@hotmail.com, tel: 331 / 5814484. HOUSE KEEPER - OLD AGE CARE female available immediately for any job with room and board anywhere in Italy and / or abroad. Tel 339 / 7762166. HOUSE KEEPER. I have experience of house keeper job. Tel. 327 / 6765593. INDIAN BOY. I have many experience of the different type job. Now Iʼm looking a job for me. Tel. 333 / 3176347. ITALIAN - ENGLISH TRANSLATOR available for translation work from home, for companies or individuals. Long experience of Psychology, Art and literary texts. Tel. 340 / 2358749. ITALIAN LADY PROFESSIONAL NANNY is looking for a part-time job: Babysitter and/or house help, good ironing, cooking. Tel. 338 / 8975749. ITALIAN/ENG. TRANSLATION SERVICE. Mother tongue Italian/English expert translating team for websites, businesses, etc. Efficient, reliable, mistake-free translations guaranteed. Price negotiable. Tel. 338 / 8479008, 388 / 9862091. JOB REQUEST - SINGER. Professional singer looking for job in restaurants and as an event manager in clubs. Clio_si@mail.ru, +39 347 / 9030934. LANGUAGES. Italian/Spanish native speaker fluent in English, advanced in French, Internet seeks a serious and challenging job. Email: mariela.bernardini@gmail.com. LOOKING 4 A JOB. Pakistani male excellent English, good Italian. Computer Diploma, Graduate seeking work in tourism, hotel, restaurant etc. Phone: 389 / 0918695. LOOKING FOR JOB IN F & B DPT. looking for the job in food and bavarege dipartment. as a BARMAN 18 years experience in the above sector. 3279430376. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH PROFESSOR. Qualified, experienced, 4 priv./bus. courses. All ages/levels. General, business, conversation, specified English. Prices starting at €30. Contact Jennifer tel. 346 / 5141260. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER available for private lessons or childcare. Currently tutoring for PET & Cambridge exams & Callan method. Also available for conversation. xchanningx@hotmail.co.uk. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER. Experienced. Qualified. Work on conversation, vocabulary, pronunciation-accent elimination. Private and small groups. Price: €30/hour. Contact: 389 / 0472516. MULTILINGUAL ASSISTANT. Mothertongue Dutch, fluent Italian, English and German, excellent organization, communication and computer skills. tibrcath@gmail.com. NINERA O AYUDO EN CASA. Joven peruana busca trabajo como ninera o ayudo en casa. Tengo esperienzia y recomendacion. Gracias. vanessita_turri@hotmail.com o 3888788988.


Wanted in Rome

PAINTER - DECORATOR. Painter /decorator looking for work. Good references & competitive prices! Tel. Luigi 346 / 0825130. PERSONAL TRAINER. 10 years experience, elderly, weight loss, postural tone, disease-specific training. Available Monday-Sunday. Please e-mail rokkuccia@gmail.com. PRIVATE ENGLISH LESSONS AVAIL. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE, TEFL CERTIFIED + 2 YEARS TEACHING EXPERIENCE. NIGHT TIME PREFERED. EMAIL: veronicapiombo@yahoo.com PRIVATE ENGLISH TEACHER. TEFL certified, mother tongue English teacher offering private/ semi-private lessons. First lesson free. For more information please email alypcasey@yahoo.com. SERVICES MAID IN ROME. Albanian, 47, regular permit of stay. Good Italian, nursing experience caring old people. Searching for a part/full time job. Tel. 346 / 5229596, eni.viv@gmail.com. STUDENT WANTING PART-TIME WORK. Fluent in English, French and very good Italian. Contact: stefanoghirardi@hotmail.com. THE ENGLISH PACKAGE. We have many (Amercian/British) teachers currently teaching to all levels at the comfort of your home/office. britishenglishinroma@gmail.com TRANSLATOR Mother-tongue Dutch translates from Italian and English to Dutch. Email: barbroder@yahoo.it. TRANSLATOR. Translationas Italian to English. Very competitive rates. Contact for more information. abrecandelphis@yahoo.it. TRANSLATOR. Italian mother-tongue 2 degrees translates from English/French/Spanish/Portuguese into Italian. Contact me for a quote. e-mail: newsunrise@tiscali.it. tel. 333 / 9958157. TYPING OR DATA ENTRY. Looking for typing or Data Entry job in Rome. Long experience, for full-time or part-time. jamalbdit@gmail.com. WANTED DOMESTIC WORK. Female living in Pzale MĘźDoro, Rome seeks any domestic job (babysitting, house made, cooking, cleaning etc). Tel. 03343609250. WANTED HOTEL OR TOURISM WORK. English speaker looking for work in tourism or hotel receptionist. Speaks Italian and Spanish. Tel. 347 / 4536421. YOUNG MOTHER TONGUE NANNY/TUTOR. Young British female, experience working with children of different ages available for nannying/tutoring in Frascati. lpring9@hotmail.com.

CHEAP ITALIAN TUTORING - ON LINE TOO. Mother-tongue teacher (trilingual) gives custom-tailored lessons in Rome center. Individual and group classes. All ages and levels. Affordable prices. italian-tutoring@gmx.com. DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY. Gives lessons in Chemistry and Biology at your home. Tel. 340 / 8589249. ENGLISH GROUP LESSONS EXPERIENCED, CERTIFIED, PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH TEACHER OFFERS GROUP LESSON (2-4), @ 7EURO/HR. 3933347562. EUR, OSTIA, MOSTACCHINO, SPINACETO, ACILIA. ENGLISH IN CENTRAL PARIOLI! Oxford educated Professor offers intensive coaching for Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT. Colin 392 / 4448136, 2colinbiggs@gmail.com. ENGLISH LADY - OXFORD GRADUATE. English lady, Oxford University graduate, long experience, offers English lessons, conversation (adults only) and translations. Tel. 068105213, 340 / 5161007. ENGLISH LESSON & EXAM PREP. Mother-tongue, experienced, certified English teacher. Individual (€18/hour) + Group Lessons (€12/hour). Phone: 393 / 3347562. ENGLISH LESSONS Experienced and qualified (Cambridge diploma) English Teacher from UK gives lessons or conversation. Call/email for info. 328 / 9017835, carolineprosser1@gmail.com. ENGLISH LESSONS FOR KIDS. Cambridge CELTA qualified British teacher offers English lessons for children: games, crafts and songs. Call, email or sms 328 / 9017835. ENGLISH LESSONS IN PARIOLI. Cambridge CELTA qualified British teacher and journalist offers lessons, conversation and exam preparation. Call, email or sms 328 / 9017835. ENGLISH LESSONS IN THE MORNING. UK qualified teacher gives individual or group lessons zones Villa Ada, Africano in the morning. Tel. 339 / 6675270. ENGLISH LESSONS MONTEMARIO PRATI. English mother-tongue qualified teacher gives lessons. All levels. All exam prep. Tel. 347 / 4515234. ENGLISH LESSONS,MOTHER TONGUE 24yr old American, college grad. looking to give english lessons-any age. TEFL certified, 2yrs exp. teaching children. Email: veronicapiombo@yahoo.com. ENGLISH LESSONS. Bilingual gives English lessons. Marco 338 / 6159615. ENGLISH LESSONS/ HOMEWORK Qualified UK teacher gives English lessons and help with school humanities subjects. Call/email for info. 328 / 9017835.

ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE University professor, all levels, business financial English, preparation Cambridge, Ielts exams, Ostiense, Acilia. Tel. 347 / 3391235. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE TEACHER English mother tongue University teacher, 27 years experience commercial, financial English gives lessons in companies, Partita Iva. Tel. 347 / 3391235. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE TEACHER gives lesson to adults or children at your domicile. Tel 340 / 8589249 or 338 / 1506620. ENGLISH TEACHER AND EFL TRAINER. Mother-tongue qualified teacher in Business, Legal and general English & teacher trainer gives private lessons. Email: ester1966@hotmail.it. ENGLISH TEACHER. Qualified, Experienced, Mother tongue Freelance English Teacher for Private lessons. Well structured courses. Availability from April, 9-13 hours. Tel. 333 / 5743960. ESL CHILDRENʼS TEACHER many years experience,loves kids, offers fun interactive lessons in your home. bsorin8@yahoo.com. EXPERIENCED ENGLISH TEACHER. TEFL-certified, 6 years experience. All levels, business English, exam preparation. Your home or office. Tel. 340 / 0774397. FINANCIAL - LEGAL TRANSLATIONS. Technical translations (financial legal documents) from English French into Italian and viceversa. 333 / 2730981, expertise in international law offices. FRENCH LESSONS Experienced teacher and translator gives French lessons to beginners and advanced students. 15€/hour INGLESE INGLESE INGLESE Madrelingua Inglese. Lezioni private traduzioni di articoli e testi scentifici dallʼItaliano allʼInglese 388 / 3878023, www.scambiodilingua.com. ITALIAN COURSES AT PRATI AREA & ON LINE. Native-language Teacher offers cheap and customized Italian courses for beginner and advanced. Pronunciation, grammar, listening, writing tests. Call 0636003421. ITALIAN COURSES IN ROME Koiné Centre, Italian Language School for Italian Courses!Online, group & One-toOne lessons!www.koinecentre.com, languagecourses@koinecentre.com. ITALIAN EXPERIENCED TEACHER to improve your Italian (grammar, style, art...) good prices, high quality. Rome area. marzia.fichera@fastwebnet.it. ITALIAN LESSONS (EUR/SAN PAOLO). Mother-tongue teacher, also speaks advanced English. Improve your Italian level. Eur / San Paolo €15/hr. Tel. 347 / 4900597, antonellaficor@libero.it.

Lessons AMERICAN ENGLISH LESSONS OFFERED Experienced teacher offers lessons. University degree, background in consulting and business operations, and 2 years teaching. BILINGUAL TRANSLATOR available for lessons : Italian / English, grammar, conversation at your office or at a cafè. Also on weekends. Translations. Tel. 0639730649. CERTIFIED ENGLISH TEACHER. American English lessons. TEFL certified native speaker. Individual and group. 15-25 euro/hour. Contact me at 320 6662599 or janelle.m.h627@gmail.com.

16 February 2011

Real role models for women Cont. from page 5.

atively new daily, Il Fatto Quotidiano. And of course Rosy Bindi, in her uncompromising opposition to Berlusconi, is putting many men politicians to shame. Science is dominated by Nobel prize-winner Rita Levi Montalcini, now a life senator, who discovered the nerve growth factor (NGF), and most television viewers know Margherita Hack who has managed to make astrophysics a household word. In sport two outstanding successes are swimmer Federica Pellegrini and the tireless tennis player Francesca Schiavoni whose endurance in the Australian Open recently left audiences aghast. Emma Dante is sweeping the stage in opera and theatre productions. And following in Carla Fracci’s footsteps are the younger dancers Alessandra Ferri and Viviana Durante. Who to choose in design and fashion? Silvia Venturini Fendi is a Fendi, which speaks for itself, and Frida Giannini, who comes from the Fendi background, now controls almost everything at Gucci. Dacia Maraini author, Franca Rame actress, Lina Wertmuller film director, and so the list goes on. But finally to add a bit of light relief, there is writer, actress and television comic/satirist Luciana Littizzetto. If you don’t know her, then tune in to Che Tempo che Fa on RAI3. Mary Wilsey ITALIAN LESSONS - DYNAMIC & LIVELY. Motivated teacher with a music, drama degree, all ages. Experienced, patient, reasonable rates, ascol15@yahoo.it. ITALIAN LESSONS IN THE CITY. New Italian language school Individual and small group lessons, check it out www.centrostudigaia.it. ITALIAN LESSONS. Experienced Italian teacher and translator gives Italian lessons for foreigners, €15/hour. Beginners and advanced welcome. Email: angiedesu@yahoo.it. ITALIAN TEACHER Experienced and qualified Italian teacher offers specific lessons and conversation for all levels. Nice and patient. Giulia 348 / 9240778, italianoroma@tiscali.it. ITALIAN TEACHER. Experienced and qualified italian teacher offers lessons and conversation. Nice and patience. 3489240778 italianoroma@tiscali.it. LEZIONI DʼINGLESE. Madrelingua, CELTA,MALing (London) offre: General, Business, Academic English + preparazione GMAT, GRE, SAT, CambrdigeESOL. Tel. 392 / 1368116, antonia4english@gmail.com. LONG ESTABLISHED IN ROME. Mother-tongue English teacher gives lessons in grammar, conversation including 1st certificate. Tel. 0676966961. MADRELINGUA Profesoressa americana offre lezione dʼinglese anche spagnolo. certificate tefl experienza con tutti i livelli e preparazione per esame. Tel. 327 / 6151360. MAKEUP ARTIST / LOOK MAKER Makeup Artist / UK qualified, available for day / evening / bridal / special occasions, individual makeup lessons. Call for appointment at 328 / 8148949. MATH & PHYSICS BILINGUAL TEACHER Italian native fluent English (CAE), teaching math&physics to high school & Univ students. Guaranteed results, 30-60 €/hour (home on-demand). Tel. 335 / 7521584. MODERN GUITAR LESSONS ROME. Canadian Professional Musician and songwriter offers lessons in the comfort of your own home. Tel. 392 / 7388608 or 333 / 3593523. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER. Experienced. Qualified. Work on conversation, vocabulary, pronunciation-accent elimination. Private and small groups. Price: 30 Euro per hour. Contact 389 / 0472523. PIANO, VIOLIN LESSONS. Piano & Violin lessons given by Leader of Rome orchestra and Royal Academy teacher, €35/hour. Tel. 347 / 3391235, 0688540540.

16 February 2011

PROFESSIONAL ARTIST. Fully qualified English Art teacher gives lessons in his studio Friday mornings. Individual tuition. Beginners and advanced. Tel. 340 / 3415028. SCHOOL OF ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS. located downtown, intensive and extensive, morning and afternoon classes, discounts for Wanted in Rome readers. CIAO ITALIA 064814084, info@ciao-italia.it. SCIENCE TEACHER with degree in chemistry gives lesson to adults or children at your domicile. Tel. 340 / 8589249. SINHALESE LANGUAGE CLASSES. Sinhalese language classes for Sri Lankan school students living in Rome. Tel. 03317248359, chadilhas@yahoo.com. SPANISH CLASSES. Experienced mother-tongue Spanish teacher gives lessons to children and adults. Excellent knowledge of grammar. Conversation. Literature. Call Martin 345 / 6257714. TEFL-CERTIFIED PRIVATE TUTOR. From California, Stanford graduate, offers English/math lessons, exam prep (Cambridge, IELTS, GMAT). 4 years experience. Prati. Contact Vlad 392 / 9262715. THE ENGLISH PACKAGE. Native English teachers are available for lessons for all levels - at your home/office. Britishenglishinroma@gmail.com. THE SECRETS OF ITALIAN CUISINE. Lessons at your place or our flat. I cook and organize meals at your place. Tel. 333 / 2730981, (from €25). TRANSLATION AND ENGLISH TEACHING Bilingual English/Italian graduate in Italian literature offers translation services and online English lessons. CELTA certified. Contact Angela at apitassi@gmail.com. NATIVE FRENCH TEACHER. Qualified, experienced, native French teacher taking on new students (children and adults), business, grammar, test preparation DELE, DALF, conversation improvement. Tel. 328 / 1094001.

INDIAN MESSAGE FOR YOUR ITALIAN. Hello. I am 24/M indian. If u teach me Italian Language I will do bodymessage 1Hour@your place. LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDSHIP. Italian man 46 y.o., living in Rome, nice, serious, sensitive, witty, interesting person, looking for interesting lady. lanfry1000@yahoo.it. MAKEUP ARTIST / LOOK MAKER Makeup Artist / UK qualified, available for day / evening / bridal / special occasions, individual makeup lessons. Call for appointment at 3288148949 MUSIC INVESTMENT PARTNER WANTED. Music Production seeks investment partner please view www.myspace.com/reymore and call Tel. 389 / 1886618. PIANO LESSON FOR KIDS AND ADULTS. Fun Piano lesson for Kids and Adults at any levels. Grade 8 Qualification of Royal Schools of Music, experienced teacher, charis421@gmail.com. THE GIFT OF MUSIC. A Song to tell her / him how you feel! Hire a professional songwriter. Great gift idea. Tel. 392 / 7388608.

Schools and Colleges ITALIAN COURSES IN ROME KoinĂŠ Centre, Italian Language School in Rome for Italian Courses!www.koinecentre.com, languagecourses@koinecentre.com. TOTS WORLD INSCRIPTION 2011. English play-school in the Piramide area for children under 4. Full and half day places available. Tel. 0657289765, totsworldplayschool@gmail.com.

Services AMERICAN EXPATRIATE TAX Affordable tax return preparation for U.S. expats residing abroad. Our flat-fee covers your entire U.S. tax return. www.expatriate1040.com, info@expatriate1040.com.

CAR IMPORTATION. Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of importing your vehicles/motorbikes. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit www.reloprc.com. PRIVATE MASSEUR WITH LICENSE. Available in and out/call, massage for women and men. Indian Ayurveda, California Relax, Full. Michele 388 / 6520857. PRIVATE TOUR GUIDE (AMERICAN). Friendly American guide offers private tours of Rome and Florence. Classical Civilization degree from Wesleyan University. Visit http://littleivytours.tk. RELOCATING TO ROME? Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of your relocation and immigration needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit www.reloprc.com US TAXES. Alexander v.Pinoci, IRS Registered Tax Practitioner. Formerly traded as H&R Block. avpinoci@gmail.com * Skype avpinoci Tel. 328 / 1620531 * Fax 06233241949, http://web.tiscali.it/avpinoci. VISA PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE. Frequent traveler to India, China, etc. Principal Relocation Company can process all your Visa needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit www.reloprc.com.

Transport BEAUTIFUL SCARABEO 50CC 700 EURO Perfect condition 1999 scooter, 50cc, 11000km, Red, with a wind shield and storage box. 700 euro, Monte Mario, jolly_jam@hotmail.com

Travel CYCLING WEEK ENDS. See Italy in a new way. Easy Cycling weekends are offered in April. Bicycle rental possible. simonettabiketours @Roberto killerdwarf@email.it.

Personal ENGLISH CONVERSATION EXCHANGE. IĘźm Andrew male from Rome, work in the media. Look for international friends share interests and practice English, andreatinari@gmail.com. GOOD LOOKING ASIAN GUY Date with a friendly Italian girl 18-28. IĘźm 26, fluent English, good Italian. Call 393 / 3347562, hasan_navid@yahoo.com. Kisses.

Wanted in Rome



Wanted in Rome

16 February 2011

wh t’ where to by Linda Bordoni

On n

1V exhibitio ns Paul Morrison

24 Feb-25 Mar ch British artist Paul Morrison , best known for his monoc who is hr botanical lan dscapes, trans omatic forms the Fondazione Vo lume in Traste vere with a mural in wh ich tiny plant s become larger-than-life while massiv shrink into th e background e trees . Fondaz ione Volume, Via Francesc di Sales 86/88, o tel. 06689243 1. Tues-Fri 17.30-19.00.


in Rome

pick of the next two weeks



Jin Ju

17 Feb ncert on spectacular co Jin Ju gave a Pope Benedict XVI in for seven pianos Hall. Now at the Nervi autumn 2009 n, Mozart, yd Ha by music at the she performs rt be hu Sc and Beethoven . ica armon Accademia Fil atro Olimpico, Piazza Te Concert at 991. o, tel. 063265 G. da Fabrian

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exhibitions music opera festivals dance theatre academies

16 February 2011

lectures at the Academ y A Attitudes by Leonard B merican arkan o Towards n the Italia Food an n d explores Renaissance in Wine in which h connectio e culture ns betw and the world o een high drink. f food a nd Via Ang www.aaro elo Masina 5, te l. 065846 me.org. 1,

Wanted in Rome


wh t’ where to

On n

by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

British muralist Paul Morrison transforms Fondazione Volume into a black and white botanical vision, 24 February - 25 March.



Rome Art in Memory 6. 30 Jan-3 April. The International Day of Memory, established by the United Nations in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, goes beyond remembrance to make sure that new generations know this history. It also encourages us to apply the lessons of the Holocaust to today’s world. In this exhibition contemporary artists have created site-specific works for the Ostia Antica synagogue. The artists who have been invited to participate this year are Jochen Gerz, Richard Long, Liliana Moro and Giuseppe Penone. Ostia Antica archaeological site, Ostia Antica, tel. 0656358099. 11.0016.00. Mon closed. NEW 1V page 15 Paul Morrison. 24 Feb-25 March. The British artist transforms the gallery Fondazione Volume in Rome with one of his murals. In his black and white wall paintings Morrison creates larger than life close-ups of plants and nature. Fondazione Volume, Via Francesco di Sales 86/88, tel. 066892431. Tues-Fri 17.30-19.00. 2V page 15 Gregory Crewdson. 3 Feb-5 March. Sanctuary is the title of American artist Gregory Crewdson’s latest photographic series. The digitally photographed and produced black-and-white works are shot on location at the Cinecittà studios in Rome, and are virtually devoid of human presence. Crewdson has made the abandoned outdoor film sets the subject rather than the mere setting for his pictures. Gagosian Gallery, Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498. 10.00-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. NEW 3V page 15 Sguardi su Roma. 2 Feb-15 May. To mark the 250th birthday of landscape painter and etcher Johann Christian Reinhart (1761-1847) this exhibition presents a selection of his Roman work. It also explores cultural aspects of the German colony of artists in Rome in Goethe’s time – in documents of artists’ parties, of the association of artists and two recently acquired autographs by Reinhart. Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. NEW 4V page 15 Fernanda Gattinoni. Moda e stelle ai tempi

della Hollywood sul Tevere. 28 Jan-10 March. The famous Gattinoni fashion house puts part of its historic archive on show. It focuses on the relationship between Fernanda Gattinoni and some of Hollywood’s stars


Wanted in Rome

during the so-called Dolce Vita years. Amongst Fernanda Gattinoni’s clients the names that stand out are those of first ladies and ambassadors, from Evita Peron to Claire Boothe Luce, as well as Anouk Aimée, Ingrid Bergman, Lucia Bosé, Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, Rossella Falk, Audrey Hepburn, Gina Lollobrigida, Anna Magnani, Kim Novak, Lana Turner and Monica Vitti. A special section of the exhibit is dedicated to Audrey Hepburn and to the costumes Fernanda Gattinoni created for her in her role as Natasha in War and Peace. Museo Boncompagni Ludovisi, Via Boncompagni 18, tel. 064282074. 08.3019.00. Mon closed. NEW Rituals of Life. Until end 2011. The exhibition, focusing on Australian aboriginal culture, inaugurates a new space in the Vatican Museums. It includes works by Aboriginal communities, mainly in western Australia and the Tiwi Islands, sent as a gift to Pope Pius XI almost a century ago. Vatican Museums, Viale Vaticano, tel. 0669884676, 0669883145. 09.00-16.00. Sun closed except for the last Sun of the month 09.00-14.00. NEW Tamara de Lempicka. La regina del moderno. 11 March-3 July 2011. The Complesso del Vittoriano starts its new season with this major exhibition by the Polish art déco painter Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980). This extravagant and cosmopolitan painter was one of the exponents of the art déco period. Her style re-elaborates and mixes elements of French and Russian cubism and futurism with elements of Italian painting and German and Polish realism. Her female nudes portray emancipated, free, independent and transgressive women. De Lempicka was born into a wealthy family of professionals. During the Russian Revolution in 1917 she escaped with her first husband, the Russian lawyer Tadeusz Lempicki, to Paris, where her clean, elegant and sensual art déco style was influenced by French cubism. In 1925 she had her first major exhibition in Milan and soon became the most fashionable portrait painter of her generation. This sophisticated and elegant artist loved portraying members of the haute bourgeoisie and aristocracy as well as female nudes. During the 1920s she was part of the bohemian circle that included Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau and André Gide. She was

also a part of bisexual women’s artistic groups along with Violet Trefusis and Colette and her bisexuality aroused considerable social scandal until she married her second husband Baron Kuffner in 1933. With Kuffner she moved to the United States, where she became the so-called Baroness with a Brush, as well as the favourite artist of Hollywood celebrities. Complesso del Vittoriano. Via di S. Pietro in Carcere, Rome, tel. 066780664. Mon-Thurs 09.30-19.30, Fri-Sat 09.3023.30, Sun 09.30-20.30. NEW Gabrielle Bolzoni Caravaggio a Roma. Una Vita dal Vero. 11 Feb-15 May. Among the initiatives organised for the fourth centenary of the death of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, the state archives display original documents covering the years that Caravaggio spent in Rome (1595/96-1606). Over 30 restored volumes reveal central episodes and news about the private life and artistic career of the great painter. On display are original and unpublished documents, which testify to the arrival of Caravaggio in the capital at the age of 25 and not 20 as believed so far, and his lodging in Via della Scrofa at the shop of Lorenzo Carli, a Sicilian painter. These until-now unknown details centre on the intellectual, cultural and artistic environment frequented by Caravaggio in Rome, which throw new light on his life. This survey, conducted by seven young art historians, is a sort of detective story in a succession of anecdotes, testimonials, reconstructions by registers, protocols, complaints, trials, topographic plans and tenancy contracts. From these documents emerges a unique period of Caravaggio’s life characterised by key encounters in a kaleidoscope of relationships. Original documents are placed next to some of Caravaggio’s masterpieces as well as works by other artists of the time. Particularly meaningful is the choice to hold this exhibition close to the church of S. Ivo alla Sapienza, built by Francesco Borromini between 1642 and 1660, where many of the narrated events took place. Guided tours for maximum 30 people take place every 30 minutes, which offer visitors the exceptional occasion of re-living the urban atmosphere experienced by Caravaggio in Rome. Archivio di Stato. S. Ivo alla Sapienza, Corso Del Rinascimento 40, Rome, tel. 0668190830. www.archiviodistatoroma.beniculturali.it.

16 February 2011

Europunk, the visual culture of punk, 1976-8 80. 21 Jan-20 March. Born 35 years ago punk continues to influence most art and cultural forms, from music to literature, from visual arts to fashion. No exhibition or publication has yet been devoted to the artistic dimension of this movement in itself. This exhibition fills the void. It focuses on punk culture in Europe in the second half of the 1970s, showing the revolutionary change of imagery created by graphic designers, illustrators, image makers and agitators. Rather than telling the story of the musical influences of punk it shows the works of those artists who, while strongly denying they were making art, wanted their images to change the world. The exhibition gathers over 550 items, some of which are well-celebrated, others unfamiliar or not seen for decades, from private and public collections: clothes, fanzines, posters, flyers, drawings and collages, record covers, films. Symbolically, the event starts with the first appearance on television of the Sex Pistols, in 1976 – the year punk was born. It also features four site-specific projects especially conceived by Francis Baudevin, Stéphane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat and Scott King. Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1, tel. 0667611. 10.45-13.00, 14.00-19.00. Monday closed. See www.wantedinrome.com for other exhibitions.


Villa Medici provides an unlikely backdrop to an exhibition exploring Punk’s anarchic but iconic artistic legacy.


Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Concerts at Teatro Olimpico, Piazza G. da Fabriano, tel. 063265991. For information Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Via Flaminia 118, tel. 063201752, www.filarmonicaromana.org. 1O page 15 17 Feb. Piano recital by Jin Ju. Music by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert (21.00). Jin Ju consolidated her fame with a spectacular concert at the Nervi Hall for Pope Benedict XVI in October 2009, performing on seven historical instruments.

20 Feb. Family Concert: cello recital by Mario Brunello. Bach’s Suite n. 1 (12.00). 25 Feb. Cello and piano recital by Mario Brunello and Andrea Lucchesini. Music by Rossini, Donizetti and others transcribed by Liszt (20.30). 26 Feb. Concert conducted by Yannick Nézet-Seguin, with Martha Argerich piano. Music by Prokofiev and Ravel (18.00). Repeated 28 Feb (21.00), 1 March (19.30). Amici della Musica di Roma. Concerts in St Andrew’s Church, Via XX Settembre 7. For booking and information tel. 3336470115, www.amicimusicaroma.it. 26 Feb. Piano and violin recital by Laura Ruzza and Alessandro Miele. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, J. Strauss (18.30). Associazione Roma Sinfonietta. Concerts at the Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Auditorium Ennio Morricone, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. For booking and information tel. 063236104, www.romasinfonietta.uniroma2.it. 16 Feb. Cello recital by Enrico Dindo. Music by Bach (18.00). 23 Feb. Piano duo by Michele Campanella and Monica Leone. Music by Schubert and Brahms (18.00).

Oratorio del Gonfalone. Via del Gonfalone 32, tel. 066875952, www.oratoriogonfalone.com. 17 Feb. Danze nel mondo: concert by the Fabrizio Siciliano Group, with Fabrizio Siciliano piano, Gianluca Casadei accordion, Paolo Camerini double bass, and Vincenzo Gagliani percussions. Programme of classical and traditional dance music from around the world (21.00). 24 Feb. Guitar recital by Giorgio Albiani. Music by Sanz, Villa-Lobos, Reis, Rodrigo (21.00). Romatreorchestra. Concert at Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano. For information tel. 0657338522 www.r3o.org. 24 Feb. Concert conducted by Pietro Mianiti, with Laura Pietrocini piano. Music by Soderlind, Chopin, Schubert (20.30).

Concerti Aperitivo al Teatro Nazionale. Organised by the Teatro dell’Opera, these concerts take place in the Teatro Nazionale, Via del Viminale 51, tel. 06481601, www.operaroma.it. 20 Feb. Concert by Soloist and Choir of the Teatro dell’Opera conducted by Roberto Gabbiani. Music by Ramirez and Britten (11.00). At Teatro Vittoria, Piazza S. Maria Liberatrice 10. 27 Feb. Chamber music concert by the Soloists of the Orchestra del Teatro dell’Opera. Music by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Beethoven (11.00). At Teatro Manzoni, Via Monte Zebio 14/c.

Pianist Jin Ju plays at the Accademia Filarmonica Romana.

24 Feb. Piano recital by Mariangela Vacatello. Music by Debussy, Chopin, Lieti, Liszt (21.00). Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 068082058, www.santacecilia.it. 18 Feb. Recital by Monica Baccelli soprano and Antonio Ballista Canino piano. Music by Wolf and Debussy (20.30). 19 Feb. Concert conducted by Alan Gilbert, with Nelson Freire piano. Music by Brahms and Debussy (18.00). Repeated 21 Feb (21.00), 22 Feb (19.30).

16 February 2011

Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Concerts in the Aula Magna of the Università La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. The programme unfolds in two cycles of concerts: on Saturday afternoons at 17.30, and on Tuesday evenings at 20.30. Season tickets are available with special prices for university students. For booking and information tel. 063610051, www.concertiiuc.it. 2 O page 15 22 Feb. Chamber music concert by I Musici, with Alison Balsom trumpet. Balsom has been playing the classical trumpet professionally since 2001 and received the Young British Classical Performer award in 2006. She has released three albums. Music by Vivaldi, Albinoni, Handel, Telemann (20.30). 3 O page 15 1 March. A Little Nightmare Music with Aleksey Igudesman and Richard Hyung-Ki Joo. The two virtuoso classical musicians give a hilarious performance during which all sorts of little “nightmares” unfold. (20.30). Musica per Roma. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com. 4 O page 15 26 Feb. For the cycle of events entitled “Contemporanea”, concert entitled Being Dufay by the tenor John Potter accompanied by Ambrose Field, electronics (21.00).

Prize-winning British musician Alison Balsom plays the classical trumpet with I Musici at the IUC.

Wanted in Rome


wh t’ where to

On n

by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com P


Opera Notes The production of Samson and Dalila at the opera house in Trieste is the one staged in Bologna in 2008, a monolithic and menacing interpretation of the biblical story. The English tenor Ian Storey sings the part of Samson. In Palermo La Gioconda returns to stage for the first time in 40 years, with Daniela DessĂŹ, who at the height of her career and maturity is singing the lead role for the first time.

This production of Samson and Dalila first went on stage in Bologna in 2008.

l Teatro Lirico “Giuseppe Verdi” di Trieste mette in scena Samson et Dalila di Camille Saint-Saëns (18-26 febbraio). È una produzione che è stata già presentata a Bologna nel 2008 per la regia di Michal Znaniecki, che ha realizzato una scena fissa, monolitica e incombente, all’interno della quale si racconta il conflitto d’amore tra Samson e Dalila, che riflette lo scontro tra le diverse culture a cui appartengono. Protagonista maschile sarà Ian Storey, già applaudito interprete del Tristan un Isolde scaligero di Patrice Chéreau; sua partner, seduttrice e distruttrice, sarà Elena Bocharova (che sostituisce l’annunciata Luciana D’Intino). Gli altri interpreti saranno il promettente baritono Claudio Sgura (Il sommo sacerdote) e il tenore Alessandro Spina (Abimélech), dirigerà Boris Brott. La storia narrata in Samson et Dalila è tratta dal libro dei Giudici della Bibbia; fu probabilmente questo soggetto, unito a un certo carattere oratoriale, a non piacere agli impresari dell’epoca che ne evitarono la messa in scena, fino a quando l’opera andò in scena tradotta in tedesco (e per le pressioni di Liszt) a Weimar nel 1877 con successo trionfale, che ne garantì così l’apprezzamento e la rapida diffusione.

a Gioconda di Amilcare Ponchielli (24 febbraio-3 marzo). È un’opera di passaggio, che da una parte guarda alla tradizione, con l’uso di belle meloIl Teatro Massimo di Palermo propone La die e sapiente scrittura, e dall’altra apre al moderno con l’impiego di un’orchestrazione ricca ed elaborata. L’opera fu il secondo titolo della prima stagione del Massimo nel 1897, con un giovane Enrico Caruso nelle vesti del protagonista maschile principale. Adesso torna nel teatro palermitano dopo quarantuno anni dall’ultimo allestimento e si annuncia come un evento, che ha il suo centro in Daniela Dessì: un soprano affermato e apprezzato, che è all’apice della carriera e della maturità artistica e che affronta per la prima volta il difficile e temibile ruolo di Gioconda. Con lei altri nomi noti del panorama lirico internazionale: Salvatore Licitra (Enzo), Marianne Cornetti (Laura), Alberto Mastromarino (Barnaba), Alexander Vinogradov (Badoero) ed Elisabetta Fiorillo (la cieca). Dirige Srboljub Dinic e allestisce lo spettacolo Jean Louis Grinda, il regista dell’ultima Manon di Massenet presentata a Roma nell’estate scorsa. Paolo Di Nicola




Manon Lescaut by Puccini. 18-26 Feb. Conducted by Bruno Bartoletti, directed by Olivier Tambosi with Adina Nitescu, Roberto De Candia, Walter Fraccaro, Danilo Rigosa. Teatro Comunale, tel. 055213535, www.maggiofiorentino.com.

Tosca by Puccini. 15 Feb-25 March. Conducted by Omer Meir Wellber, directed by Luc Bondy, with Oksana Dyka, Jonas Kaufmann, Zelijko Lucic. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org.

1P page 15 L’elisir d’amore by Donizetti. 4-18 Feb.

La serva padrona by Pergolesi. 19-23 Feb. Conducted by Massimiliano Caldi, directed by Curro Carreres, with Walter Franceschini, Mina Yamazaki and the Camerata Strumentale Barocca. Teatro Goldoni, tel. 055213535, www.maggiofiorentino.com.

Il naso by Shostakovich. 1, 2 March. Conducted by G.N. Rozdestvenskij, directed by Boris Pokrovsky, with soloists of the Moscow B. Pokrovsky Chamber Music Theatre. Teatro Valli, tel. 0522458854, www.iteatri.re.it.


Rome 1Q page 15 Tribute to Pina Bausch. 11-20 Feb. This mini

film fest is really part of the seventh edition of Equilibrio festival of new dance, which includes a performance by Cristiana Morganti, who was a soloist dancer of Pina Bausch’s Tanztheater Wuppertal for 18 years. The initiative paints a portrait of the great German choreographer who died in 2009, with a selection of films, videos and documentaries that focus on Bausch herself, and on her legendary Tanztheater. Dance critic Leonetta Bentivoglio has curated the project which features a couple of extremely interesting documents for dance fans. Teatro Studio, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com.

Ortona and Chieti Donne in Jazz 2011. 13 Feb-13 March. This music festival entirely dedicated to the genius of women takes place this year in the region of Abruzzo, the birthplace of a couple of well-known female jazz artists. This 11th edition of the festival also offers a series of side-events such as film projections, exhibitions and jazz and wine evenings. However, it’s the programme itself that is the most remarkable feature of the event, featuring many big names on the international jazz scene. They include the Sheila Jordan Quartet (13 Feb), Gemma Ray (11 March), Tania Maria (12 March) and Maria Pia De Vito (13 March). Infoline tel. 0854917312, 3355941950, www.donneinjazz.it.


Wanted in Rome

Venice La Boheme by Puccini. 25 Feb-13 March. Conducted by Juraj Valcuha/Matteo Beltrami, directed by Francesco Micheli, with Lilla Lee, Ekaterina Sandovnikova, Sebastien Gueze, Seung-Gi Jung. Teatro la Fenice, tel. 041786511, www.teatrolafenice.it.

Cristiana Morganti pays homage to Pina Bausch at Auditorium Parco della Musica.


Reggio o Emilia

Conducted by Bruno Campanella, directed by Ruggero Cappuccio, with Adriana Kucerova, Saimir Pirgu, Fabio Maria Capitanucci, Alex Esposito. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 06481601, www.operaroma.it.

wh t’ where to

On n

by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com Z dance Rome Balletto del Teatro dell’Opera. 10-20 Feb. In Swan Lake, choreography by Galina Samsova from Petipa/Ivanov. With guest artists Alessandra Amato/Vladimir Shklyarov and Viktoria Tereshkina/Robert Tewsley. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160255, www.operaroma.it. 1Z page 15 Equilibrio. Festival della Nuova Danza. 1-27 Feb. In its seventh edition, this annual rendezvous for fans of contemporary dance is directed this year by acclaimed choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui whose work has been featured in the past editions. The programme is varied and extremely interesting, studded with big names from the international panorama of contemporary dance. The festival also includes the continuation of the project for emerging artists that foresees a competition and the award of the “Premio Equilibrio Roma” for up-and-coming artists active in Italy. Advance booking is strongly advised for the better known names on the programme. Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com.

petitions and studied modern dance in New York. She established the first modern dance company in the People’s Republic, the Beijing Modern Dance Ensemble, in 1996. She now leads her own company, Jin Xing Dance Theatre, which has received much international acclaim and she says she is on a mission to develop contemporary dance culture in China. The choreography draws on Chinese and contemporary dance, and the results sparkle. Peeping Tom. 26, 27 Feb. In 32, rue Vandenbranden. Choreographers Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier of avant-garde Belgian dance company Peeping Tom examine family relations and intergenerational conflict with an international cast of contemporary dancers, a contortionist and a

classically trained singer. 32, rue Vandenbranden was reportedly inspired by Shohei Imamura’s 1983 film The Ballad of Narayama, which tells the story of a village where everyone who reaches the age of 70 must go to a mountaintop to die. The action takes place in a cluster of rickety mobile homes under a wide-open sky – an appropriate backdrop for exploring the characters’ interior emotional landscape. Compagnia Virgilio Sieni. 26-27 Feb. In Tristi Tropici, choreography by Virgilio Sieni. This work is freely inspired by Tristes Tropiques by Claude Lévi-Strauss. It is not a literal transcription and sees two female couples on stage together with a blind girl. Teatro Palladium, Largo B. Romano 8, tel. 0657067761, 0657067766, www.teatro-palladium.it.

Rosas/Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. 18-19 Feb. In En Atendant, choreography by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. In this work of 2010, the Belgian choreographer takes yet another step in her trademark exploration of the combination of music and dance. After Bach and Webern, The Beatles and Mahler, this time her starting point is the “Ars Subtilior”: a complex and intellectual form of polyphonic music from the 14th century that is based on dissonance and contrast. Ars Subtilior developed on the ruins of the plague and the Church at a time when the social, political and religious pillars of mediaeval society were fragmenting. De Keersmaeker remarks that “Nowadays this upheaval seems more relevant than ever. In the light of today’s increasingly confusing events and the complexity of the choices we face, the question of our mortality and physicality is becoming ever more crucial.” Jin Xing Dance Theatre Shanghai. 22 Feb. In The Closest, The Furthest, and Shanghai Beauty. Choreography by Jin Xing who is the only child of Korean immigrants, trained in ballet in the army, became a colonel, won national com-



1X page 15 L’ultima volta che vidi mio padre. 17-20 Feb.

By Chiara Guidi and Scott Gibbons. This music drama with animated cartoons has been conceived and directed by Chiara Guidi who has worked alongside the composer Scott Gibbons for the creation of the original sound and music. It’s an exploration of a “fairy-tale” like universe in which a child journeys through life in search of his father and faces a series of initiation rites and processes on the road to adulthood. In Italian. Teatro Palladium, Largo B. Romano 8, tel. 0657067761, 0657067766, www.teatro-palladium.it. 2X page 15 Angels in America. 8-20 Feb. By Tony Ksuhner, with Elio De Capitani, Ida Marinelli, Elena Russo Arman, directed by Ferdinando Bruni and Elio De Capitani. Angels in America is the first major work of playwright Tony Kushner, and its astounding success has turned the man and his writing into cultural icons of the late-20th century. The work has been described as ‘’a turning point in the history of gay drama, the history of American drama, and of American literary culture.” The plot unfolds over great distances of time and place, involves many characters, and more than one story line. Two complete plays form the entire plot: the first part, Millennium Approaches and its second instalment, Perestroika. For all its intricacies, however, the play’s plot is quite simple. It is the story of two couples whose relationships are disintegrating, set in America in the 1980s against a backdrop of greed, conservatism, sexual politics, and the discovery of an awful new disease: AIDS. It is this backdrop that gives Angels in America its magnitude and sets it apart from other love stories. Teatro Valle, Via del Teatro Valle 21, tel. 066869049, www.teatrovalle.it. 3X page 15 Il malato immaginario. 8-27 Feb. By Molière, directed and with Gabriele Lavia. In Italian. Teatro Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina 52, tel. 06684000346, www.teatrodiroma.net.

16 February 2011

Jin Xing Dance Theatre Shanghai, a driving force in developing contemporary dance in China, performs as part of Equilibrio dance festival




page 15 American Academy in Rome. Accademia. Stanze. Persone. Until 3 March: exhibition of work by Italian fellows. The show presents Italian artists in residence at the American Academy working across multiple artistic disciplines that encompass the visual arts, literature, musical composition, architecture and design. 09.3012.30. Sat and Sun closed. 9, 11, 12, 14, 16 March: In the course of five lectures entitled Attitudes Toward Food and Wine in the Italian Renaissance, Leonard Barkan explores connections in the Renaissance between what is called “high culture” – poems, paintings, musical composition-and the world of eating and drinking (18.00). 18 March: A Tribute to Joseph Brodsky. A reading of poems in English, Russian and Italian of the Nobel Laureate poet Joseph Brodsky by writers including Italian prose writer and publisher Roberto Calasso, American poets Mark Strand and Mary Jo Salter, Nobel Laureate poet Derek Walcott, and Polish poet Adam Zagajewski. A discussion of Brodsky’s life and his literary legacy in Russia, Europe and the United States will follow (18.00). Via Angelo Masina 5, tel. 0658461, www.aarome.org 2 \\ page 15 British School at Rome. 16 Feb: Art History lecture by Inge Lyse Hansen entitled Favoured by Aeneas and Augustus. Patronage at Butrint and the impact of Actium (18.00). 20 Feb: viola and piano recital by Daniel Palmizio and Giacomo Ronchini. Music by Bridge, Britten, Schumann, Brahms (18.00). The first in the concert series, the Spirit of British Music, dedicated to modern and contemporary British music. 23 Feb: History lecture by Carlo Carletti and Emanuele Castelli entitled Dolger, Ichthys e l’Ancora – in Italian (18.00). 2 March: Architecture seminar entitled Grand Paris organised by the French Academy in Rome. The BSR is hosting this event on the Grand Paris urban schemes as part of the programme “Three Cities in Flux”. The seminar, chaired by

Antoine Vialle, sees the participation of Djamel Klouche, architect and urban designer; Dominique Perrault, architect and urban designer and member of the Grand Paris’s scientific committee; Cyrille Poy, journalist and critic; Francis Rambert, journalist, critic and director of the Institut Français d’Architecture. Via Gramsci 61, tel. 063264939, www.bsc.ac.uk. 3 \\ page 15 French Academy in Rome. 27 Jan-10 March. In occasion of the ongoing exhibition entitled Europunk – la cultura visiva punk in Europa 1976-1980, the French Academy opens its doors each Thursday evening to present a series of correlated events such as documentaries, dj sets, concerts and film projections. Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1/a. For information tel. 0667611, www.villamedici.it.

Forum Austriaco di Cultura. 25 Feb: piano duet by Laura Ruzza and Omar Darder. Music by Mozart and Beethoven (20.00). Viale Bruno Buozzi 113, tel. 063608371, www.austriacult.roma.it. 4 \\ page 15 Centre Culturel Saint Louis de France. 28 Feb: Conference by Jean-Robert Armogathe, Maria Lupi and Roberto Rusconi entitled Une Histoire GĂŠnĂŠral du Christianism est-elle possible? (20.30). Largo Toniolo 21/22, tel. 066802606, www.saintlouisdefrance.it.

Japan Foundation. 18 Jan-24 March: Film retrospective dedicated to film director Yasuzo Masumura. Projections every Tues and Thurs at 19.00. 21 Jan-23 Feb: Giappone900. The collection of the Japan Foundation in Rome. The first part of the project to display the wealth of the foundation’s collection is dedicated to prints and includes works by Shiko Munakata, Yozo Hamaguchi and Yayoi Kusama. The second part (14 March to 2 May) includes paintings, ceramics and applied arts. 09.00-12.30, 13.30-18.30. Wed until 17.30. Sat 09.30-13.00. Sun closed. 18 Feb: classical guitar recital by Masao Tanibe. Music by Tadashi, Piazzola, Ginastera and others (20.00). Via Antonio Gramsci 74, tel. 063224794, www.jfroma.it.

Wanted in Rome


USEFUL NUMBERS associations


Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091

Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico) Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 - 068082258

St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic) Via del Caravita 7 - www.caravita.org

S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic)

American Women’s Association of Rome

The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.

tel. 064825268 - www.awar.org

Alcazar, Via Merry del Val 14 tel. 065880099

Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30

Cineclub Detour, Via Urbana 107

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

tel. 064747874, www.cinedetour.it Fiamma Multisala, Via Bissolati 47 tel. 06485526 Filmstudio, Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c tel. 066819287, www.filmstudioroma.com Greenwich, Via G. Bordoni 59 tel. 065745825 Nuovo Olimpia, Via in Lucina 16/g tel. 066861068 Nuovo Sacher, Largo Ascianghi 1 tel. 065818116, www.sacherfilm.eu

Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00

American International Club of Rome tel. 0645447625 - www.aicrome.org

Association of Malaysians in Italy tel. 389 / 1162161 - malaysiansinitaly@gmail.com

Caledonian Society info@caledoniansocietyofrome.org

Canadian Club of Rome canadarome@gmail.com

Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 - fax 065413971

Daughters of the American Revolution darpaxromanachapter@gmail.com

International Women’s Club of Rome tel. 0633267490 - www.pwarome.org

Irish Club of Rome tel. 0636307249

Professional Women’s Association www.pwarome.org

United Nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628 - unwg@fao.org www.unwgrome.multiply.com

Welcome Neighbor tel. 347 / 9313040 - dearprome@tele2.it www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

books The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.

S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic)

St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic) Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00

St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal) Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)

support groups Alcoholics Anonymous

irishclubofrome@gmail.com - www.irishclubofrome.it

Luncheon Club of Rome

Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30

emergency numbers • Ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355

religious All Saints’ Anglican Church

tel. 064742913 - www.aarome.imfo

Archè (HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 - www.arche.it

Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306

Associazione Ryder Italia (Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580 www.ryderitalia.it

Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 - www.differenzadonna.it

Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily

Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday.

Caritas foreigners’ support centre

Christian Science Services

Caritas legal assistance

Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425

Church of All Nations

Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a tel. 0669886369

Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 bookcentre@herder.it - www.herder.it

Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464

Celebrate Recovery Christian group

Church of Sweden

tel. 338 / 1675680

La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French)

Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)

ComunitĂ  di S. Egidio

Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian

ComunitĂ  di S. Egidio soup kitchen

South Rome, tel. 0650917621 - 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371 akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it

Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat

International Central Gospel Church

tel. 800271027

Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695

Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre

International Christian Fellowship

St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339

Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637 www.saintlouisdefrance.it

Herder International Book Center (German)

Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 www.librairiefrancaiserome.com

Libreria Feltrinelli International Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878 www.lafeltrinelli.it

Libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484

Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish) Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950 www.libreriaspagnola.it

S. Susanna Lending Library Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00

The Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942

The Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222

The Lion Bookshop & CafĂŠ Via dei Greci 33-36, tel. 0632654007 www.thelionbookshop.com

The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books) (English, French, German, Italian) Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478 www.books-in-italy.com

Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00

Jesus Cares Ministries jesus.cares@usa.net

Jewish Community Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci tel. 066840061

24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council. Tel. 060606


Wanted in Rome

Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235

Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234

Information line for the disabled

Mason Perkins Deafness Fund (Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 - masonperkins@gmail.com www.mpds.it

Overeaters Anonymous tel. 064743772

Jewish Reform Group in Rome

Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza)

Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della LibertĂ  10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month

Support for elderly victims of crime

Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Largo della SanitĂ  Militare 60, tel. 067726761

Lutheran Church Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)

Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30

Pontifical Irish College (Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00


Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 - 066861554

Rome Baptist Church Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35 tel. 066876652 - 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)

Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351 (Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104

The Samaritans Onlus (Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022

transport • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, www.atac.roma.it • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, www.adr.it • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, www.adr.it • Taxi tel. 060609 - 065551 - 063570 - 068822 064157 - 066645 - 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021 www.trenitalia.it

16 February 2011

After five Pool, darts, live sports’ coverage

This historic Irish pub has been around since 1995. Sample Ireland just steps away from Campo de’ Fiori, and order from a wide selection of Irish beers, cocktails, Irish whiskeys and rums. The music is always on, and satellite TV screens on every wall show every sports event. Wireless internet and dart games available, and the hungry ones can order a meal or a snack from the extensive lunch and dinner menu. Large outdoor space. Open non-stop from noon to 3am. Closed Monday. www.madjacks.it - WI-FI - Via Arenula 20. Tel. 0668301060. info@madjacks.it

There are a lot of contenders for the best pizza in Rome, and Wanted amongst them. It’s a stone’s throw away from the Colosseum so you can stumble in after a day’s sightseeing and restore your sprits. Desserts are delicious and home-made. Open daily from 12:00pm _ 12:00am.

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