no. 11 / wednesday / 8 June 2011
tecnica mista su carta intelata, 29x21 cm Ruggero Savinio was born in Turin in 1934, lived in Paris and Milan, had his first solo show in Rome in 1956, and settled here in 1984. He had special halls in the Venice Biennales of 1988 and 1995, was in many other international shows, is in the collection of the Guggenheim Museum in New York. He comes from a family of illustrious painters and is married to a poet. Intensely erudite and thoughtful, he has written novels, essays, thoughts about other painters and taught in institutions in Italy and in the United States. Savinio is a subtle, slowly revealing painter. His work is darkly glowing, made of many layers of musings. There are the landscapes: a woodland of bushy trees and hedges around lush grassy meadows sown with a misty wildflower or a dapple of sunlight here and there, welling with sparkling hidden springs or little waterfalls, they are garnered near dusky arcadian places like the wild pagan altars of Poussin. There are the interiors: quickened by fireplaces and lamps, they are faintly stirring with unrecognised personnages engaged in reading or other very private activities. In today’s work, Savinio is close to yesterday’s Symbolism, where the idea, not the reality of the given, counts. Deliberate, meditatively wrought, his painting leads us into dreamy freshening haunts which are timeless.
JOYCE IN ROME Jonathan deBurca Butler
Other covers in the Wanted in Rome Cover Art series 16 Feb, Simona Weller, Maschere in città 2 March, Bruno Ceccobelli, Lupa a Carne Vale 16 March, Alessandra Giacinti, Sunset 30 March, Paolo Gandolfi, Mundus 13 April, Luigi Ontani, Lapsus 27 April, Enzo Cucchi, Senza titolo 11 May, Enrico Luzzi, Niente storie, 2010 27 May, Pupillo, Finestra, 2010 Back copies are available from our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79, tel. 066867967
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Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl, Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico & impaginazione: Dina Dancu Stampa: Beta Tipografica, Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl, Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425. Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985. Finito di stampare il 6/6/2011 Copies are on sale at: Newsstands in Rome Feltrinelli International, Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878. The Almost Corner Bookshop, Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942. Early copies: (after 14.00 on the day before official publication): Wanted in Rome, Via dei Falegnami 79. The Anglo American Bookshop, Via della Vite 102.
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Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
LIFE FOR REFUGEES IN ROME Even when they receive official status, life can be tough for refugees in Rome and many have to rely on religious organisations for help
n a sunny April morning in Rome, crowds are bustling past the fashionable shops on Via Nazionale. Few notice the side-entrance to St Paul’s Within the Walls, the striking pink and cream American Episcopal church, or the people who slip in and out discreetly. But descending the narrow steps to the church’s crypt, you feel as though you are entering another world. In the basement more than 100 young men – there is just one female refugee at the centre that morning – mill about, some playing ping-pong, others sitting about in their ethnic groups chatting. Half of them are sitting quietly in front of a television screen at one end of the crypt. Bizarrely, these young African, Middle Eastern and Asian men in their 20s and 30s are completely engrossed in the British royal wedding being broadcast live. The crypt doubles as the Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre and it receives up to 250 political refugees a day, most of them from Afghanistan and Somalia. Not to be confused with other immigrant groups such as economic migrants, the people who use the centre have fled political persecution and wars in their homelands and are in the process of claiming political asylum in Italy. The centre is an important social hub for them to meet others who speak their language. It provides meals, classes and basic provisions such as second-hand clothing. Akbatan Abdulla, known by all as Tuana, is the coordinator of refugee services at the centre. He first came to Italy himself a refugee from Iraqi Kurdistan, but his grasp of five languages enabled him to take on this multitasking and frenetic role. In between answering questions in Arabic and Farsi from the young men who surround him, registering their personal details and smoothing over minor disputes, Tuana explains some of the problems faced by refugees in Rome. “It’s very difficult. To get a bed in one of the city’s hostels, they need to show documents, and even so there’s a waiting list. So most people who come here are sleeping on the streets.” The centre receives those who have been granted political asylum or subsidiary protection as well as those whose asylum application has been refused pending an appeal hearing. Most of the young men at the centre don’t want to stay in Italy – their ambition is to go to other European countries. Many have spent time in the UK – hence their interest in British events – but the UK authorities have sent them back to the first country in Europe in which they arrived: Italy. Tuana explains with great regret that there is nothing for them here: “For them, Italy is no better than Afghanistan. Here they are sleeping rough in the street. There at least they have homes.” He believes that the European Union should be doing more to address the issue of political refugees and that all EU countries should share the burden of providing services for asylum seekers. According to figures from Eurosat, the EU’s statistics body, 11,325 decisions were made on asylum requests in Italy in 2010 and 4,305 – or 38 per cent – of these received a positive decision, i.e. they were granted refugee status, subsidiary protection or permission to stay for humanitarian reasons. The average percentage of positive asylum decisions for EU member states is 25 per cent. The main groups of asylum applicants in Italy in 2010 were from Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
So what are the prospects for a political refugee in Italy? Tuana believes they are bleak. He says: “Most of these people [at the centre] don’t have a future in Italy. The situation is very difficult and now there is the economic crisis too. Many people who come here don’t have high school education, they don’t speak Italian. Female refugees can at least find jobs as domestic helps, but many men will not find work.” The difficulties are confirmed by Vincent and Sam*, two refugees in their mid-30s from Sierra Leone, who fled their country before the end of the civil war there in 2002. Even though they have subsidiary protection status in Italy, they are now eager to get back to their homeland. The reason? After years in Italy and despite being physically fit and able to speak English and Italian, both men are still homeless and relying on food hand-outs. They have stories of racism and intimidation from the police, bureaucratic difficulties and lack of integration with the community. “Do you know how many Italian friends I have here?” Vincent remarks with ironic amusement. These two men are not alone in having come to Italy looking for sanctuary from a war-torn country, only to find that the welfare services needed to support political refugees are not in place. It is a story familiar to Donatella Parisi, communications officer at the Centro Astalli Foundation a few steps from Piazza Venezia, which provides 300 meals to political refugees in Rome every day. She is now seeing refugees asking for assistance over a much longer time-frame. “We are seeing people continuing to ask for meals after six months because they don’t have an alternative. There is no social assistance for them.” Centro Astalli, the Italian arm of the Jesuit Refugee Service, is in the front line of refugee assistance in Italy. It offers support, advice, food or beds to 26,000 people each year, 16,000 of them in Rome. Stricter border controls meant that fewer new asylum seekers came to Centro Astalli last year – in the first ten months of 2010 some 8,800 people reached Europe by sea (arriving in Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Malta), compared with 32,000 in the same period of 2009. Parisi adds: “We have seen a drop in the number of people asking us for assistance, but we are seeing people in worse conditions.” Parisi explains that many of the refugees have endured the most gruelling and horrific traumas, ranging from torture in their homelands and at the hands of human traffickers, dangerous overland journeys hidden in and under haulage trucks, or hazardous sea crossings (many cannot swim). Traffickers can demand US$5,000-€6,000 for a voyage to Europe and people are made to work – or are abused – to pay the traffickers before reaching their destination. According to Father Giovanni La Manna, president of Centro Astalli, the Italian government needs to do much more to provide international protection to refugees. He writes in the association’s 2011 report: “The national system of assistance [for refugees] is seriously insufficient (in 2010 it provided about 3,000 places). The right to asylum therefore becomes a tragic game of roulette, in which there are the lucky few and many who are excluded.” Bija Knowles *not their real names St Paul’s Within the Walls, Via Napoli 58, tel. 064883339, Centro Astalli, Via degli Astalli 14a, tel. 0669700306,
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
good part of Italy has spoken very loudly. The centre-left won resounding victories in key local elections in the cities of Milan and Naples and also in a host of other comuni. Milan. After a very bitter and divisive campaign, the centre-left candidate for mayor of Milan, Giuliano Pisapia, increased his first round lead over the outgoing mayor, the centre-right’s Letizia Moratti, winning 55.1 per cent of the vote. The result has some relevance to Milan’s day-to-day administration, which is why voters went to the polls (at least in theory), but it has a major effect on Italy’s government. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi staked his reputation on Moratti’s winning in the first round. He lost, and there were rumblings in the government coalition between Berlusconi’s Popolo della Libertà (PdL) and Umberto Bossi’s Lega Nord. They papered over their differences to fight a united campaign for the second round of voting, but this was not enough to persuade Milan to support Moratti and Berlusconi. The result has also energised the centre-left parties who will now do their best to bring out the voters for next week’s referendums to maintain the antiBerlusconi momentum. Berlusconi and his government have tried to ignore the issues, but with the victory of the opposition in Milan the government now risks a third defeat if the four motions, all of which supported by the centre left, should win (see below); this would increase the likelihood of a reshuffle and maybe even of a new government. Naples. The election in Naples, pitching Luigi De Magistris on the left against Gianni Lettieri on the right, which was fought more on local issues than the one in Milan, was always going to be less important of the two, but with the massive centre-left victory the opposition has shown that its different elements can work together to beat Berlusconi and the centreright parties. Above all the Neapolitans have shown that they are fed up with the established parties. The centre left has governed the city for almost 20 years and recently has made a terrible mess of it. But then Berlusconi promised miracles and succeeded only in sweeping the rubbish under the carpet. So Naples has elected De Magistris, a crusading prosecutor who will have to show that he really is different and can solve the problems of Italy’s most turbulent city. It was always going to be a tough campaign for the local elections, but the risk of losing control of the city governments in both Milan and Naples raised the stakes for the centre-right parties of Berlusconi’s governing coalition. Even before her defeat in the first round of voting, Moratti had been overly strident, even falsely accusing Pisapia of having been convicted of a terrorism-related offence. After the first round all the centre-right’s spokespeople hammered on the presumed extremism of the opposition, trying to paint its candidates as communists, mosque-builders and protectors of irregular immigrants and Roma, often getting close to explicit racism. Berlusconi blatantly used his own television networks and the public broadcaster RAI to get his message across without any regard for the equal-access provisions of the laws regulating the media, so much so that the regulatory authority fined the broadcasters for breach of the regulations. The carrots that the centre-right parties offered voters included the suggestion that there would be an amnesty for illegal building in Naples and another for traffic fines in Milan. There was a tug-of-war over transferring one or more ministries from Rome to the north to keep Bossi happy (and maybe one to Naples). This only accentuated the splits within the Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
The referendums on 12-13 June are the next test for Berlusconi’s government.
centre right, with the PdL and Rome’s centre-right mayor Gianni Alemanno trying to stop ministries migrating. In Milan, there were accusations of physical violence on both sides. It was a campaign that showed more signs of desperation than of normal political issues. Now that the local elections are over the four referendums on 12 and 13 June are the next test for the government. A referendum can be called if half a million citizens request it, but only to repeal an existing law. Since 1974, when the first referendum was held, they have been used to push governments to address issues such as abortion or to change a law by removing key phrases or articles, as was the case in the early 1990s for election law reform. This year there are four questions. The most controversial is whether Italy should restart its nuclear energy programme, stopped by a referendum in 1987. In 2009 a law was passed allowing the government to restart the construction of nuclear power stations, and it is the abrogation of this law that is being voted on in the present referendum. However Berlusconi has tried to prevent the vote from taking place by saying that the government will delay the start of the new nuclear building programme on the grounds that the Fukushima disaster in Japan has prevented a reasonable debate taking place at present. But on 1 June the Court of Cassation ruled that it was legitimate for the referendum to take place. Another question for the voters is whether to maintain the so-called “legitimate impediment” law, passed last year by the Berlusconi government and allowing ministers not to appear in court if they had a “legitimate impediment” due to their government duties. In practice the law was almost annulled when the Constitutional Court decreed in January that it had to be the courts themselves and not ministers who decided what was or was not a legitimate impediment. This is why Berlusconi has had to appear in court on his four criminal charges. The other two referendums involve issues about the pricing of water and the extent of private investment in municipal water utilities. In practice, the only real issue is whether the quorum of 50 per cent plus one vote of the electorate will be reached. It is highly likely that the motions to repeal the laws will pass in all of the referendums but if there is no quorum the results will be invalid. The government has done its best to sideline the referendums from the start. First it refused to allow the vote to be on the same day as the local elections in May. Then it chose the latest date possible in the hope that voters would be at the seaside that weekend. Finally they have hardly campaigned on the issues so as not raise interest in the subjects and so increase the turnout. Once again, as with the local elections, the real issue is not so much the subject of the referendums but Berlusconi’s support in the country. James Walston 5
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
JOYCE IN ROME Although Rome may have provided inspiration for one of James Joyce’s classic tales, the writer did not enjoy his time in the capital
ome was rather tense in 1906. Pope Pius X, still smarting from his loss of the papal states some 30 years earlier, refused to move beyond the sanctuary of St Peter’s while the Savoy family, his rivals and Italy’s new monarchs, built rather grand monuments, empty gestures of grandeur. Into this tension walked 24-year-old James Joyce; a man desperately trying to escape tensions of his own. Since leaving Dublin, Joyce had been living in the Adriatic coastal town of Trieste, in northeast Italy. He had made quite an impact on the expatriate community and their hangers-on. Many people befriended Joyce and seemed endlessly willing to help him and his wife as they struggled to come to terms with the realities of raising a young family. But Joyce was a restless and flamboyant character whose fondness for alcohol worried his wife and riled his English school employers. Joyce even lured his brother Stanislaus to Trieste, knowing full well the extra income would help maintain his indulgent lifestyle. To make matters worse, the school director absconded, leaving the school in disarray and Joyce without a regular income. There was always trouble in Trieste. Perhaps Rome, with all its mysterious splendour and history, could inspire him to greatness. Destiny and fame surely awaited him. This was the city of the Caesars. It was where Keats died, where Goethe had roamed the Forum and Joyce’s great hero Ibsen spent many happy months. Joyce fixed his mind on the eternal city and went about securing a job for himself with little difficulty. Aided by a letter of recommendation from a former lord mayor of Dublin, Timothy Harrington, Joyce was offered a temporary post in the bank of Nast, Kolb and Schumacher, which stood at the corner of Via del Corso and Via S. Claudio, today the site of a large department store. Arriving in Rome on 31 July 1906, the Joyce family took lodgings on the third floor of a house at 52 Via Frattina, where today a plaque commemorates his stay. The accommodation was small but close to his work and the bars and cafés around the Spanish Steps. From the very beginning, however, his letters to Stanislaus speak negatively of the city and its people. According to Joyce, the area around the Colosseum was simply “like an old cemetery with broken columns of temples and slabs.” In a letter to his brother, he wrote, “Rome reminds me of a man who lives by exhibiting to travellers his grandmother’s corpse.” It’s clear that the city’s former glories did nothing for such a modern man. But he clearly admits his own shortcomings and demonstrates his indignation in another letter to Stanislaus, lamenting: “I wish I knew something of Latin or Roman history. But it’s not worthwhile beginning now. So let the ruins rot.” His work in the bank was soul-destroying. He often had to work 12 hours a day, copying up to 200 letters in an office where he had no interaction with the public. He had nothing but contempt for his colleagues who spoke endlessly of their ailments. His brother received constant updates on how difficult life in Rome was. And although Joyce was earning more money in the bank, he frequently begged his brother to send more cash. By November, Joyce’s landlady was tiring of his excessive alcohol abuse Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
Portrait of Joyce as a young man.
and requested that he leave the accommodation on Via Frattina. Joyce expected to charm his way out of the tight spot but the signora stuck firmly to her guns and Joyce found himself homeless with his young family. After four days spent searching, the young writer moved into Via Monte Brianzo 51, near Piazza Navona. By Christmas, Joyce was forced to take another job as a teacher, but it wasn’t enough and the family dined on pasta on a thoroughly depressing Christmas Day. While he struggled to make ends meet in Rome nothing came from his pen. He found no time to write and no immediate inspiration. The Roman ruins compounded his misery. He complained of nightmares involving “death, corpses, assassinations, in which I take an unpleasantly prominent part.” The intrigues and gore of ancient Rome infiltrated his psyche and it seems he began to develop a strange appreciation of his native Dublin, something not so keenly felt since his departure. It was at this time that the ideas for his wonderful short story, The Dead, began their gestation. Perhaps the simple Christmas lunch and signora Dufour’s apparently barbarous treatment of his family led to dreams of more lavish feasts and what the story’s hero Gabriel Conroy refers to as unique Irish hospitality. In the same breath Joyce, through Gabriel, a character all the while fixated on the attractions and trappings of continental Europe, acknowledges those things that Ireland has to offer the world by way of this tradition. Rome’s somewhat crude irreverence for the dead who are constantly on display, whether through imperial Rome’s whimsical caesars or greedy popes, is in sharp contrast to the quiet, melancholy image of Dublin covered in snow. The romance and bombast of Michelangelo, Bernini and Borromini contrasts with the humble but no less passionate Michael Furey in The Dead who, we find out, courted Gabriel’s wife Gretta and died of consumption but may, as Gretta reveals, have “died for me.” Eventually, Joyce had had enough and he decided to leave Rome. The day before leaving he was given his last pay cheque from his bank job, and splashed out on a few farewell drinks. As he drank, two men managed to get a look inside his wallet and when Joyce left the café they attacked and robbed him. Luckily, he had left some of his pay at his lodgings and with it he packed his son and his wife onto a train for Trieste and left Rome. He never returned. Jonathan deBurca Butler The writer used to live in Rome but now works in Dublin. Bloomsday, to celebrate the events in Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses, is on 16 June each year. The annual Joyce School in Trieste is held from 26 June-2 July. For details see
For more details see and Below is a LIST OF THE MAJOR MUSEUMS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN ROME; in general, ticket offices shut approximately one hour before final closing time. In most cases admission is free for EU citizens under 18 and over 65 and reduced for those aged 18-25. Book tickets for many Rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at Book tickets for the Borghese Museum, Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at
VATICAN MUSEUMS Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry. For group tours of the museums and Vatican
gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January, Easter Sunday and Monday.
Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.
O Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981. National collection of modern art. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in English (on prior booking) and Italian.
O Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.0019.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 17.00. Guided tours in English and Italian.
O MAXXI Via Guido Reni 6, tel. 063210181. National Museum of 21th-century art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Tues-Sun 11.00-19.00, Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed.
O Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285. Residence of Pope Paul II in the 15th century, it was the embassy of the Republic of Venice and then of the Austrian Empire. Paintings, sculpture, bronzes by Pisanello and Bernini. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed.
Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. Mon-Sat 09.00-18.00.
Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111. Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. O
Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700. 08.3019.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). Guided tours in English and Italian. O
O Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian.
O Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. O Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Piazza G. Marconi 10, EUR, tel. 060608. Traditional Italian tools, crafts, clothing, furniture, musical instruments, jewellery. Tues-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat-Sun 09.0020.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on prior booking. O Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832. Interesting national collection of oriental art with some special exhibitions from its own collection and special loans. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.00-14.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00).
O Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini Piazza G. Marconi 14, EUR, tel. 06549521. Prehistoric Italian artefacts and ethnological material from various cultures. 10.00-18.00. O Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700. Ancient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. O Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.3019.30. Mon closed. O Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and antiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. O Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Italian unity. Also Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. 10.00-16.00. Mon closed. Entry free.
CITY MUSEUMS ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English for groups if reserved in advance. O
Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun. O
O MACRO Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608. The city’s collec-
Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 10.00-17.00. O
Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350. Private collection of works by O
tion of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. Via Reggio Emilia 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Also MACRO Future, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions only 16.0024.00. Mon closed. O Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848. A collection of mainly pre-Roman sculpture. Tues-Sun 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. O Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608. Home of the Roman altar to peace commissioned by Emperor Caesar Augustus in the 1st century AD. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Open Sat 09.00-13.00 only. Private group tours of the collection are available seven days a week on request. For visitors with special needs such as wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance. O Keats-Shelley Memorial House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron.
O Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English. O Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127. O Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500. Large space which hosts several travelling exhibitions each year. Tues, Wed, Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Sun 10.00-20.00. Mon closed.
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00; Sat 11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00. Guided tours on prior booking. O Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance).
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
Photo by Dina Dancu.
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
by Linda Bordoni
EXHIBITIONS ROME MADE IN ITALY 27 May-2 29 July Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Italy’s unification, this exhibition comprises works by prominent artists of the past 60 years who have been inspired by Italy. The artists include Georg Baselitz, Jean Michel Basquiat, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp, Alberto Giacometti, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Richard Serra and many others. Gagosian Gallery, Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498. 10.30-19.00. Sat and Sun closed. NATURE/02 WEST 8 20 May-2 21 Aug This exhibition is the second part of a cycle of events in which MAXXI Architettura explores a diverse interpretation of the concept of monographic exhibitions. The works on show are by West 8, a group of Dutch architects, planners and landscape designers that takes its name from a strong North Sea wind. Maxxi, Via Giudo Reni 4/a, tel. 0639967350. 11.00-19.00. Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed. IL SOGNO FOTOGRAFICO DI FRANCO ANGELI 1967-1 1975 26 May-4 4 Sept A yet unpublished collection of black and white photographs by Franco Angeli belonging to his former partner, Marina Ripa di Meana. Angeli is considered one of the main exponents of the Scuola di Piazza del Popolo art movement. Mercato di Traiano, Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Via IV Novembre 94. For info tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. GIACINTO CERONE 1957-2 2004 24 June-2 23 Oct This is the first retrospective dedicated to Giacinto Cerone organised by Italy's national gallery of modern art. The exhibition focuses on the milestones of Cerone’s artistic development and includes sculptures made with ceramics, wood, chalk, plastic materials and different kinds of marble. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. VESTI D’ARTE 26 May-2 26 June To inaugurate her new gallery, Patrizia Pieroni, with the help of Valentina Bonomo, has organised this show that features fashion designed by the likes of Andy Warhol, Andrea Massaioli, Kevin Walz and many others. Patrizia Pieroni, X Arsenale Gallery, Via del Pellegrino 172, tel. 0668802424. LA RESISTENZA A ROMA FATTI, LUOGHI E SIMBOLI 26 May-2 2 July Over 70 photographic panels illustrate a tragic time in the history of Rome from the bombings on 19 July 1943 to the liberation of the city in June 1944. Casa della Memoria e della Storia, Via S. Francesco di Sales 5, tel. 066876543, 060608. 09.00-19.00. Sun closed. IL PALAZZO FARNESINA E LE SUE COLLEZIONI 20 May-3 3 July For the very first time the works belonging to the Farnesina Collection are shown outside of the building that has hosted the Italian ministry for foreign affairs since 1959. Museo dell’Ara Pacis, Lungotevere in Augusta. For info tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
PRIVATO ROMANO INTERNO Fernando e Humberto Campana Brazilian Baroque Collection 25 May-2 24 June The Campana Brothers are well known Brazilian designers who create furniture made of waste products such as cardboard, rope, fabric and wood scraps, plastic tubes, aluminum wire. Their furniture is on show as part of a project by Emanuela Nobile Mino and the Galleria O, inside the baroque Galleria Cortona of Palazzo Pamphilj, that was designed by Borromini and frescoed by Pietro da Cortona. Brazilian Embassy, Palazzo Pamphilj Galleria Cortona, Piazza Navona 14. For information tel. 3393473629036. MADONNE RINASCIMENTALI AL QUIRINALE 11 May-1 19 June Eight precious 15th-century busts and reliefs of the Madonna and Child have been chosen to celebrate 20 years of activity by ARPAI, the Association for the Restoration of Italian Artistic Patrimony. The exhibition includes a work attributed to Filippo Brunelleschi which is considered one of the best preserved examples of renaissance gilded and polychromed terracotta relief. Palazzo del Quirinale, Sala delle Bandiere, Piazza del Quirinale. 10.00-13.00, 15.30-18.30. Sun 08.30-12.00. Mon closed. CINECITTÀ SI MOSTRA 29 April-3 30 Nov The famous Cinecittà film studios – the legendary Dream Factory of the 1960s and 1970s – are open to the public with an exhaustive exhibition that traces their history. Different sections focus on famous sets, costumes, actors, film directors and producers as well as on the work and on the skill of the thousands of artisans and technicians who worked behind the scenes. Studios di Cinecittà, Via Tuscolana 1055. 10.30-18.30. Tues closed. Info ERCOLE DREI. SCULTORE A ROMA 5 May-2 25 Sept Ercole Drei was born in the northern town of Faenza in 1886 but lived and worked in Rome for many years. Drei was a sculptor, painter and draftsman, and expressed his creativity both in major public works commissioned by the city of Rome and in small sculptures for private collectors. Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese, Via Pietro Canonica 2. Info tel. 060608. 09.0019.00. Mon closed. SIMONE REA. UOMINI E ALTRI ANIMALI 12 May-3 3 July This exhibition is dedicated to the acclaimed illustrator of children’s books, Simone Rea. For Rea, animals are an endless source of creative inspiration as demonstrated in his work for a new translation of Aesop’s Fables. Casina di Raffaello, Viale della Casina di Raffaello, Villa Borghese. For info tel. 060608. Until 12 June 09.00-19.00. Sat, Sun and holidays 10.00-19.00. From 14 June 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. 1860 ACQUARELLI D’INTERNO: 1810-1 14 May-2 25 Sept This is a yearly exhibition of selected paintings from the Praz Museum’s Collection of watercolour interiors. 24 paintings created between 1810 and 1860 take their turn to be displayed as the rest of the collection is stored for reasons of space and conservation. They include works by Rudolf von Alt and Francis Peters, who were true specialists of the genre. Museo Mario Praz, Via Zanardelli 1, tel. 066861089. 09.00-14.00, 14.3019.30. Mon 14.30-19.30.
VANITAS: LOTTO, CARAVAGGIO AND GUERCINO 21 May-2 25 Sept Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, the most important private museum in Rome, hosts Vanitas, an exhibition on the theme of the futility of earthly things. It follows the development of vanity and futility in European culture from its Christian origins to its presence in allegorical paintings and everyday objects such as a collection of 18th-century clocks crowned by the image of Time armed with a sickle to recall the fleeting nature of earthly time. Throughout the centuries the Doria Pamphilj family commissioned many paintings on this theme by such artists as Caravaggio, Lorenzo Lotto, Jusepe de Ribera, Domenico Fetti, Guercino, Andrea Sacchi, and Mattia Preti, which now form part of the Dorja Pamphilj collection. Also on display are sculptures, decorative objects, books and musical compositions, which present a modern and interdisciplinary reflection on this theme in various historical and cultural contexts. The first section focuses on still life paintings, the second on religious objects, the third on portraiture and the final section is dedicated to Cardinal Benedetto Pamphilj, patron of the arts and a poet who wrote the famous oratorio Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno set to music by Georg Friedrich Händel in 1707. Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323. Gabrielle Bolzoni LORENZO LOTTO 1480-1 1556 2 March-1 12 June This retrospective covers Lotto’s artistic life and highlights the poetic qualities of the artist who combined some of the traditional elements of 15th-century art with the innovative elements of the baroque age. Scuderie del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500. 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Mon closed. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI, EDWARD BURNE-J JONES Il mito dell’Italia nell’Inghilterra Vittoriana 24 Feb-1 12 June This exhibition dedicated to the British PreRaphaelites shows over 100 works on loan from international museums and private collections. The core of the show features paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris and explores the classicism of artists such as Frederick Leighton. There is also a section that focuses on the relationship between English works and Italian prototypes with paintings by Giotto, Botticelli, Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto and others. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. UNIVERSO RIETVELD 14 April-1 10 July This is the first Italian monographic exhibition dedicated to the Dutch architect, craftsman and designer Gerrit Rietveld. Born in 1888, the work of Rietveld is considered a forerunner of many of the developments in current architecture and the contemporary idea of democratic design in which quality is married to mass production. The exhibition, which features some 400 items, includes drawings, photos and models. MAXXI, Via Giudo Reni 4/a, tel. 0639967350. 11.00-19.00. Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed.
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
An exhibition by contemporary Chinese artist Xu Longsen at the Museo della Civiltá Romana includes his large-scale works on rice paper.
RITRATTI Le tante facce del potere 10 March-2 25 Sept The present exhibition, the second in the five-year project organised by the Capitoline Museums, I Giorni di Roma, focuses on ancient Roman portraiture with a selection of 150 heads and busts, as well as full-length statues mostly of Roman emperors. The exhibition starts with the late Roman republican period and ends with Imperial Rome. Musei Capitolini. Via del Campidoglio 1, tel. 0667102475, Tue-Sun 09.00-20.00. XU LONGSEN Dall-a alto di due imperi 22 June-2 24 July Museo della Civiltà Romana displays the first Italian exhibition of Xu Longsen, one of the main protagonists of the Chinese contemporary art scene. This exhibition embraces Longsen’s career from his early beginnings to his latest large-scale works made on rice paper. There is a special focus on the differences and similarities between eastern and western art. Longsen’s works express the deepest essence of eastern spirituality. The artist’s rocky landscapes invite
viewers to take their own individual path through the natural areas represented, which seem to lead to a ritual of regeneration. If in the west beauty and art have always been linked to the concept of power and pomp, in the great Chinese tradition art was primarily an instrument of inner reflection and purification of the soul. Museo della Civiltà Romana, Piazza G. Agnelli 10, Rome, tel. 060608. Tue-Sat 09.00-14.00, Sun 09.00-13.30.
VENICE BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 4 June-2 27 Nov The 54th International Art Exhibition, directed by Bice Curiger, is entitled ILLUMInazioni – ILLUMInations. Although it unfolds in the central pavilion at Giardini, at the Arsenale and elsewhere around Venice, it is conceived as a single event that features 82 artists from all over the world, including 32 young artists born after 1975 and 32 women artists. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. For a more complete list of exhibitions in Rome see
Thursday 9 June INTERNATIONAL ROOF TOP PARTY Monday 13, 20 June ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, PORTUGUESE: informal and fun lessons for beginners. Tuesday 21 June CHIT-CHAT: The friendliest way to improve your Italiano, English, Español or Français language skills enjoying a glass of wine. EXTRA TIME: happy birra & new amici. Sunday 19 June BIKE TOUR in Villa Pamphilj. More info on Old city and new friends... Live the Real Rome!
MUSIC ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI S. CECILIA Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 068082058, 16 June. Concert conducted by Gabriele Ferro, with Andrea Lucchesini piano. Music by Ravel (21.00). 17 June. Concert conducted by Gabriele Ferro, with Roberto Cominati piano. Music by Ravel (21.00).
ASSOCIAZIONE ARTE DEL SUONARE Concerts at Centro Elsa Morante, Piazza Elsa Morante EUR. 18 June. Le sonate barocche: violin and harpsichord recital by Giulio Menichelli and Catia Capua (21.00). 24 June. La tradizione napoletana nel 700: guitar duo by Damiano Mercuri and Massimo Baiocco. Music by Cimarosa, Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Paisiello (21.00).
AGIMUS. PERCORSI MUSICALI 2011 A cycle of concerts organised by composer Ada Gentile, president of Agimus Rome. For booking and information tel. 065021208. 27 June. Sacred music concert with the vocal Ensemble De Poche conducted by Laurent Gay and the participation of Leila Shirvani cello. Music by Monteverdi, Frisina, Part and others (17.00). Pantheon, Piazza del Pantheon.
ASSOCIAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE AMICI DELLA MUSICA SACRA Concerts in the Basilica of St Ignatius, Piazza S. Ignazio unless otherwise specified. For booking and information tel. 0668805816, 11 June. Concert by the Egersunds Mandssangforening from Norway. Sacred music programme (21.00).
Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
Violinist Giulio Menichelli (Arte del suonare, 18 June) and guitarist Damiano Mercuri (24 June) performed together in Rome in March 2011.
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
REMEMBER PAVAROTTI A night at the Opera 8 June-9 9 July. Remember Pavarotti: A Night at the Opera is a music event performed every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 9 July. It includes an exhibition followed by a concert performed by a cast of singers and musicians selected by the Pavarotti Foundation under the artistic direction of the late Luciano Pavarotti’s widow, Nicoletta Mantovani. The event, which includes excerpts from great Italian operas, is to encourage talented young singers and give them a chance to perform to an international audience. The concert is followed by a buffet dinner. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4. Booking tel. 800904560, The Remember Pavarotti concerts are dedicated to the music most associated with the great Italian operatic tenor.
CONCERTI DEL TEMPIETTO Concerts at Teatro Marcello, Via del Teatro Marcello and at Villa Torlonia, Via Nomentana 70. For booking and information tel. 0687131590, This valiant association has organised music seasons in Rome for over 20 years. It promotes talent from all over the world and thus its long summer programme is called the Music Festival of Nations and is realised in collaboration with foreign embassies and cultural institutes.
The programme starts with Notti Romane al 2 Oct) with an open-air Teatro di Marcello (4 June-2 recital or concert every evening inside the archaeological site of the Teatro di Marcello. FESTIVAL SUONA FRANCESE Concert at Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano. For information tel. 0657332768, 15 June. For the ongoing Festival Suona Francese organised by the Institut Francais, con-
by Linda Bordoni
cert by the songwriter Piers Faccini and by the composer, songwriter and singer Barbara Carlotti who present their own work. ISTITUZIONE UNIVERSITARIA DEI CONCERTI Concert at Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 063610051, 20 June. A special concert by Neue Philharmonie München conducted by Yoel Gamzou. This is the first time that the orchestra, one of the best German youth orchestras, performs in Rome. Music by Mozart, Mahler and Mendelssohn. Aula Magna della Sapienza Universitá di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. MUSICA PER ROMA Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel.892982, 11 June. Arte e Archeus: Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica Solisti Aouroboros with Ciro Gerardo Petraroli piano. Music by Petraroli (20.30). 12 June. Diwan – L’essenza del reale: a project by Franco Battiato. For the cycle of events entitled Contemporanea, concert by Franco Battiato and other vocalists and musicians dedicated to the art of Ibn Hamdis, the 11th-century SicilianArab poet (21.00). 19 June. Concert by the Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio conducted by Gianpaolo Bisanti, with Francesca Gavarini soprano. Music by Beethoven (18.00). 20 June. Fiaba Musica Universale: Charity concert by the Band of the Italian Army conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Fulvio Creux and Lieutenant Antonella Bona, with Claudia Toti Lombardozzi soprano. Music by Bellini, Holst, Verdi and others (20.30).
FESTIVALS FLORENCE FESTIVAL DEL MAGGIO MUSICALE FIORENTINO 1 May--3 30 June This famous arts festival offers an interesting programme of opera, ballet, and classical music. 18-2 20 June. La Coronazione di Poppea by Claudio Monteverdi. Rounding out the festival programme are orchestral and choral concerts featuring Zubin Mehta, Andrey Boreyko, and Daniele Callegari. Teatro Comunale, tel. 05527791, See also Opera Notes.
RAVENNA RAVENNA FESTIVAL 2011 7 June-9 9 July Fabula in Festival is both the title and the theme of the Ravenna Festival which is dedicated this year to the world of fairy tales testifying – organisers say – to the enduring vitality and necessity of fairy tales in the modern world. Highlights of this world class festival are re-workings of Cinderella and The Magic Flute. Cinderella comes to the stage in British choreographer Matthew Bourne’s version set in a bombed and devastated London during world war two (see also Dance). With The Magic Flute – Impempe Yomlingo Mozart’s masterpiece is turned from Singspiel to musical thanks to the new setting chosen by English director Mark Dornford-May in a South Africa in balance between modernity
and a tribal past. As always the festival has a rich dance programme and a solid calendar of symphonic concerts with such protagonists as Claudio Abbado on the podium for his Mozart Orchestra (7 June), Kent Nagano (19 June), Zubin Mehta (29 June), Esa-Pekka Salonen (18 June), Michele Campanella (27 June). Festival founder and patron Riccardo Muti will also conduct his Cherubini Youth Orchestra in two replicas of I due Figaro and in the traditional closing concert at Palazzo De André (7 July). For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244,
ROME FESTIVAL AND ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI DANZA 21 May-9 9 July This initiative of using the stage in the beautiful gardens on the Aventine hill belonging to Rome’s National Dance Academy has blossomed in the past few years under the direction of academy director, Margherita Parrilla. Selected pupils from the academy and guest artists Petra Conti and Erik Nezha bring the ballet Excelsior to life with live accompaniment by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. This event debuts at Rome’s Auditorium Conciliazione (12, 13 June), and is repeated in the gardens of the Academy (23, 24 June). For booking and information tel. 065717621,
LETTERATURE 10° FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI ROMA 20 May-2 22 June The festival, which celebrates international writers and the written word, comes to life once again on the magnificent stage at the Basilica di Massenzio. For ten evening events, authors are invited to discuss and focus on a particular topic, and this year’s theme is History/Histories. Writers read from yet unpublished works of their own and then proceed to explore the connections between literature and history and analyse the relations between fiction and fact. Entry is free, but tickets must be picked up at least two hours before the event. For information tel. 060608,
Selected pupils from Rome’s National Dance Academy perform in the ballet Excelsior at the Auditorium Conciliazione and in the academy’s gardens on the Aventine hill.
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
OPERA MILAN ROMÉO ET JULIETTE by Charles Gounod 6-2 23 June Conducted by Yannick Nezet-Seguin with Nino Machaidze and Vittorio Grigolo. Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 1, tel. 028791, ATTILA by Verdi 20 June-1 15 July Conducted by Nicola Luisotti, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Orlin Anastassov, Michele Pertugi, Marco Vratogna, Leo Nucci, Elena Pankratova, Lucrecia Garcia, Fabio Sartori. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744,
FLORENCE L’INCORONAZIONE DI POPPEA by Monteverdi 18-2 22 June Conducted by Alan Curtis, directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi, with Marina Comparato, Anna Kasyan, Francesca Lombardi, Anders Dahlin, Susan Graham. Teatro della Pergola, tel. 055213535, See Opera Notes.
NAPLES L’OSTERIA DI MARECHIARO by Paisiello 11-1 14 June Conducted by Donato Renzetti, directed by Roberto De Simone, with Monica Bacelli, Mina Yamazaki, Arianna Donadelli, Antonio Siragusa, Filippo Morace. Teatro S. Carlo, tel. 0817972301, See Opera Notes.
ROME LA BOHÈME by Puccini 16-2 26 June Conducted by James Conlon, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, with Ramon Vargas, Vito Priante, Hibla Gerzmava, Franco Vassallo, Marco Spotti, Patrizia Ciofi. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 06481601,
OPERA NOTES L’osteria di Marechiaro by Paisiello tells the tale of rich nobles, poor fishermen and the beauty of nature. It is staged in a successful 2001 version by Roberto De Simone. The final opera in the Maggio Musicale programme is L’incoronazione di Poppea by Monteverdi conducted by Alan Curtis and staged by Pier Lugi Pizzi. Il Teatro S. Carlo di Napoli apre già la propria stagione estiva con L’osteria di Marechiaro di 14 giugno). Fu rappresentata a Napoli nella seconda metà del Settecento Giovanni Paisiello (11-1 e si scrisse che ottenne un “indicibile concorso”; la musica sa ben presentare la comicità dell’azione e i sentimenti dei personaggi, ma sa descrivere adeguatamente anche gli eventi magici (c’è uno spiritello da “Mille e una notte” che salta fuori da una bottiglia), la vita dei nobili ricchi e dei pescatori poveri e le bellezze naturali (Marechiaro è da sempre un luogo di culto da visitare e da immortalare nelle pitture). Tra i momenti migliori c’è il finale, un largo di sorprendente cantabilità a più voci, scritto come un pezzo di musica da chiesa. L’osteria di Marechiaro torna al San Carlo in un allestimento di successo del 2001 per la regia di Roberto De Simone, che ha riscoperto e rivisitato anche la partitura. Direttore d’orchestra sarà Donato Renzetti, e tra i numerosi interpreti ci saranno Monica Bacelli, Antonio Siragusa e Marina Comparato, esperti di “belcanto”. Il Maggio Musicale Fiorentino è in dirittura di arrivo; come ultimo titolo operistico propone al Teatro alla Pergola L’incoronazione di Poppea di Claudio Monteverdi (18, 20 e 22 giugno). È un capolavoro del teatro barocco per l’attenzione che riserva alle psicologie e ai comportamenti dei personaggi; racconta l’amore illecito di Poppea per Nerone, usato come merce di scambio, con effetti disastrosi: Ottone, che ama Poppea, è condannato all’esilio; Ottavia, che è la legittima moglie di Nerone, è esiliata e l’onesto filosofo Seneca, la guida spirituale di Nerone, è costretto al suicidio. La critica ha supposto che molta musica di L’incoronazione di Poppea sia stata scritta con il contributo di Francesco Cavalli, allievo e pupillo di Monteverdi; il duetto finale “Pur ti miro” sicuramente non è di Monteverdi, ma resta in ogni caso una delle pietre miliari della musica di ogni tempo. Lo spettacolo sarà diretto da Alan Curtis e allestito da Pier Luigi Pizzi, gli interpreti principali saranno: Susan Graham (Poppea), Jeremy Ovenden (Nerone), José Maria Lo Monaco (Ottavia), Anders Dahlin (Ottone) e Matthew Brook (Seneca). Alan Curtis conducts L'incoronazione di Poppea by Monteverdi, Paolo Di Nicola
the final opera in Florence's Maggio Musicale programme.
DANCE RAVENNA CINDERELLA by Matthew Bourne 8-1 12 June This 1997 creation by the iconoclastic British choreographer Matthew Bourne, takes the traditional Cinderella fairy tale and turns it upside down. The heroine is a bookish and oppressed girl in a well-to-do society house, and an injured RAF pilot replaces the prince. And although there are many changes to the plot, the basics remain. The story is set in the bombed streets of world war two London and the ball itself takes place in the Café Du Paris, the infamous underground dance hall that was heavily shelled, killing 34 revellers in the process. Though Prokofiev’s fairytale score is sometimes in striking contrast to the destruction and clamour of war, it works well probably because he composed the work in the middle of the
Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
war. Bourne has also introduced new elements that make the noise of war still louder. Wailing sirens, the rattle of anti-aircraft fire and the crashing of bombs merge seamlessly with the music, while a screen shows a propaganda newsreel of burning buildings, and what to do when the bombs fall on London. The ballet contains many touching scenes, and in the end, Cinderella turns into another kind of fairytale: the miracle of love in war. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244, ARTEMIS DANZA 9, 10 June In CorpOmbra. Indonesia, choreography by Monica Casadei. The choreographer created this work during her company’s artistic residence in Indonesia when the dancers came in contact and learnt the codes of the ancient Javanese dance theatre. CorpOmbra is a work “for six bodies, six shapes and shadows” in which the
silhouettes, the bodies of the dancers and shadows intertwine and interact. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244, NEDERLANDS DANS THEATER II 15, 16 June In Gods and Dogs choreography by Jiri Kylian, and Minus 16 choreography by Ohad Naharin. NDT2 is the Amsterdam company for younger dancers, up to the age of 23, preparing to join the main ensemble, and they are invariably excellent. Gods and Dogs, the final ballet that Kylian created for NDTII in his role as resident choreographer, is a mysterious ballet in which Kylian shows the narrow dividing line between normality and madness. Naharin’s “Minus 16”, something of a crowd-pleaser, has become a signature work for the company that actively inviting audience participation. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244,
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME The American Academy’s academic year draws to a close with a series of open studios, Readings and concerts showcasing the work of the Academy Fellows during the past year. 15-1 16 June. International Conference dedicated to History and Environment in the Ancient Mediterranean. Via Angelo Masina 5, tel. 0658461,
THE END IS NIGH 9, 10, 12 June Presented by The English Theatre of Rome, this is the second part of a trilogy conceived by Matthew Reynolds, directed by Molly Zimmelamn. The End is Nigh showcases a dynamic ensemble cast of writers and actors each performing their own original monologue on the theme of “endings”. In English. Teatro L’Arciliuto, Piazza Montevecchio 5, tel. 066879419. On 9 and 10 June (20.00). On 12 June (17.00 and 21.00).
The surreal family circus act Le Cirque Invisible led by Jean-Baptiste Thierrée takes place in Tivoli’s Villa Adriana.
With and by Victoria Chaplin and JeanBaptiste Thierrée. Directed by Thierrèe and his wife Victoria Chaplin, and with their two children James and Aurelia, this enterprise has been delighting audiences for over 40 years. It’s the prototype of the contemporary circus with lots of surreal illusions, magic tricks and outrageous outfits on the part of Thierrée, that contrast with the delicacy and poetry of Chaplin with her ingenious transformations. Full of clever ideas, it is a show for everyone but the most hard-hearted. Try and get a seat close to the front as it’s the details that really make the magic… Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281,
BRITISH SCHOOL AT ROME 8 June Lecture by Cordelia Warr on Alternative Stigmatics (18.00). 10-1 18 June Fountains and Drains is the third and final exhibition for the 2010-11 British School at Rome Fine Arts Programme. Mon-Sat, 16.30 to 19.00. Via Gramsci 61, tel. 063264939, Sian Bonnell (Photoworks Fellow, April-June 2011) is a UK-based artist and curator. Educated at Chelsea School of Art and Northumbria University, her work has been exhibited and published widely. Her latest book Everyday Dada was published in 2006 by Dewi Lewis Publishing. More recently, she was nominated for both the 2009 & 2010 Prix Pictet photography prize and her work is featured in the book Growth along with shortlisted and selected artists. Joanna Bryniarska (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October 2009-June 2011) received her BA in Fine Art from University College Falmouth in 2004 and was subsequently awarded a Spike Island Graduate Fellowship. In June 2009 she completed her postgraduate diploma at the Royal Academy Schools, London. Bryniarska has recently had her first solo show in London at the Post Box Gallery. Richard Gasper (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October 2010-September 2011) graduated from The Slade School of Art in 2005 with a BA Hons in Painting and in 2007, graduated with a MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art. Since then he has actively been exhibiting and curating in London and Europe. His most recent exhibitions (2011) include Apocalypstick at The Nunnery Gallery, London, and a two-person show with the Dutch artist Bas van den Hurk at Rod Barton, London.
EUROPRIDE 1-12 June Be there! As we go to press more and more celebrities show support to the Rome 2011 Europride. Among these the well-known singer Fiorella Mannoia and former MP and television star Vladimir Luxuria. The Europride festival will climax on Saturday 11 June with one of the largest gay pride parades ever seen in the capital. The assembly area is in Piazza dei Cinquecento, in front of Termini train station. The parade will set off from there at 16.00 and proceed down Via Cavour, making its way along Via dei Fori Imperiali before reaching the Colosseum and moving on to Circo Massimo. It will be an exciting event with colourful floats, music and community groups. A flamboyant, humourous, creative and friendly celebration of gay pride in a country like Italy where same sex unions are still banned. After the march there will be an unforgettable night club party called Euphoria. Up-to-date information on Europride is available on or at the info points located at the Europride Park (Piazza Vittorio) or at the ‘Souvenir’ shop on Via S. Giovanni in Laterano, the gay street next to the Colosseum. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Varda Caivano (Abbey Fellow in Painting, AprilJune 2010) studied at the Royal College of Art, London (MA Painting, 2004), and Goldsmiths College, London (Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art, 2001). Her recent solo shows include Voice, Victoria Miro Gallery, London (2011); The Inner Me, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Kyoto (2009); Galerie Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf; Chisenhale Gallery, London (2007). Her work is included in Bob Nickas, Painting Abstraction: New Elements in Painting Today, (Phaidon, London, 2009), and in the forthcoming book, Vitamin P2: New Perspectives in Painting (Phaidon, London, 2011). Kevin McKay (William Fletcher Foundation Scholar in Painting, April-June 2011) graduated from National Art School, Sydney in 2008 with a BFA Hons in Painting, and MFA (by research) 2011. In 2010 he had a solo show at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, was a finalist in the Plein Air Painting Prize (NSW Parliament), The Mosman Art Prize and the Paddington Art Prize, and the Blake Prize Directors Cut. He currently has a major work in a touring exhibition, May’s Lane Street Art Project, and is scheduled to be Artist in Residence at Sydney Grammar School at the end of his term in Rome. Rosslynd Piggott (Australia Council Resident Artist, April-June 2011) has been working in the mediums of painting, object and installation since the 1980s. She has held over 40 solo shows and participated in numerous important group shows in Australia, Japan, Belgium, Italy and UK. Recent commissions include an artefact display for architect John Wardle for The Urban Workshop, Melbourne, a major installation, Extract: in 3 parts for The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art , a video work, Yamazakura, for Shinsei Bank produced by A.R.T Tokyo. She was included in The 17th Biennale of Sydney curated by David Elliot, The Beauty of Distance: Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age (2010). Diana Taylor (Abbey Scholar in Painting, MarchJune 2011) received her MFA in Painting from the Slade School of Fine Art in 2010. In 1999 she graduated with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art, Painting, from Bath Spa University College. Solo shows comprise Alpha Beta, R O O M, London, and Climbing Falling, Intervention Gallery, London. Recent group shows include Hybird, Vitrine Gallery, London; Worlds within Worlds, BEARSPACE, London; and The Secret of England’s Greatness, Hangar-7, Salzburg, Austria. In November 2011 she will be creating a large-scale wall painting in the group show Two Peacocks at Gallery North, Newcastle. See also inside cover of this edition of Wanted in Rome.
CHILDREN EXPLORA Maths without numbers Throughout 2011 Explora Museo dei Bambini organises activities for children aged three to 12 to demonstrate that there is more to maths than learning mechanical formulas and rules by heart. Children are given experiments and games to demonstrate how to formulate thoughts and apply intuition to scientific subjects. Explora Museo, Via Flaminia 80, tel. 063613776, Tue-Sun 17.00, Sat-Sun 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, 17.00. Gabrielle Bolzoni
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
IL BACARO Via degli Spagnoli 27 / tel. 066872554 /
A quiet and secluded setting. Recommended in summer, when it’s possible to dine under the pergola. If it’s winter and you want to eat inside don’t forget to book in advance, as the premises are quite small. The cuisine is surprisingly adventurous. Perfect for romantic dinners. The restaurant’s specialty is that, along with the dish you have ordered, you will be served a small portion of the plate your partner has chosen, giving you the chance to taste your friend’s choice.
DARUMA SUSHI PIAZZA BOLOGNA Piazza Bologna 8 / tel. 064404962 / €€
SETTIMIO ALL’ARANCIO Via dell’Arancio 50 / tel. 066876119 /
Daruma Sushi has always been ahead of the times, and has become the number one point of reference for fans of this Japanese culinary tradition. It now has six take-aways and two restaurants, the latest of which was opened last year in Piazza Bologna, the heart of one of Rome’s university areas. You pick your dishes from the Kayten conveyor, a rotating belt that winds through the restaurant, passing every table and counter seat.
Settimio all’Arancio is located in the historic centre of Rome not far from the intersection of Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, near Piazza Augusto Imperatore. It offers a traditional Mediterranean menu and a large choice of wines. Meat is the main attraction, but there are excellent first courses and fish dishes. The chef changes the menu every two weeks to offer new and exciting ideas. In good weather there are tables outside and air-conditioning inside. All major credit cards are accepted, but it’s advisable to book.
GUSTO RISTORANTE AND PIZZERIA Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9 / tel. 063226273 /
The restaurant is on the first floor, but you can also dine outside under the portico designed by the famous architect of the fascist period Pio Piacentini (of Via della Conciliazione fame) and look across at the contemporary Museum of the Ara Pacis by American architect, Richard Meier. The architecture of the restaurant is very simple and cosy. The menu is creative and focuses on the quality of its Mediterranean products. There is also a pizzeria on the ground floor.
INDIAN RESTAURANT HIMALAYA PALACE Circonvallazione Gianicolense 277-2 279 tel. 065826001 / €€
IL TIEPOLO Via Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 3 / tel. 063227449
Established in 1993, Himalaya Palace is an authentic Indian restaurant nestled in Monteverde Nuovo close to Villa Pamphilj, Rome’s largest park. To the background of Indian music you can choose from a variety of genuine dishes, (Tandori and Tikka Masala chicken and lamb Korma) which include homemade Indian yoghurt and cheese. This is a special and affordable experience.
€€€ Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
Tiepolo is a busy restaurant on a small street close to the Stadio Flaminio sports stadium and the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The atmosphere is perfect for an evening out with friends. The healthy menu is based on plenty of vegetables and no fries, with a touch of Swedish influence. The baked potatoes are among the specialties.
– starting from €30 per person
– starting from €20 per person
– starting from €15 per person
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
Look for more classified ads on FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 23) must be submitted via our website at Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.
accommodation vacant in town APPIA ANTIA. Beautiful old “casale” bordering exclusive golf course, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, unfurnished, A/C, garden, Tuscan views, €2.300. Several houses on Appia Antica, €1.100 to €2.500. Tel. 065813452, APPIA ANTICA. Beautiful villas, furnished or semi furnished, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, terrace, garden. Tel. 0654211074, ASSISTANCE TO FOREIGNERS PENTHOUSE IMMOBILIARE. We offer full service for property for long & short term rentals. Special assistance for FAO, IFAD, WFP, Embassies and Multinational Companies. Mother-tongue English staff. Tel. 065919125, AURELIA - NEAR VILLA PAMPHILI. Elegant 200-sqm apartment, refurbished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, lovely terrace, maid’s quarters, double car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, AURELIA. In compound near GRA, terraced house with garden, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hobby room, maid’s room with bathroom, garage. A/C, 24 hours guard, €2.500, for photos,, Join us on Facebook! 068419827. AURELIA. 10 minutes’ drive to German School, in compound, with beautiful park, swimming pool, 240-sqm apartment on 2 levels, large terrace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, furnished kitchen, carport. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, AVENTINO. 150 sqm, 3 bedrooms, study, living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, terrace, parking. Ref 1272. Tel. 063212341. CAMPO DE’ FIORI - PALLARO Charming unfurnished apartment on 2nd floor: living room, bedroom,
kitchen, bathroom. €1.200/monthly. Tel: 347 / 5349704 e-mail: CAPRANICA 50KM FROM ROME. Good connections, furnished, delightful flat in historic centre of Capranica, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, bathroom, autonomous heating, fireplace, €480 monthly, minimum 6 months. Tel. 339 / 7464430. CASSIA - CLOSE TO OVERSEAS SCHOOL. In compound, beautiful 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, lovely terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, car-port, tennis court, €3.000 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871. CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. In compound, lovely 220-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, swimmingpool, tennis. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871. CASSIA - S. GODENZO. Charming 150-sqm apartment, furnished / unfurnished, 2 - 3 bedrooms, living / dining room, terrace, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, CASSIA. Prestigious villas and apartments with garden and parking, furnished or semi furnished, quite and sunny. Tel. 0654211074, CASTEL DI LEVA AREA. Lovely villa, 140 sqm plus terrace, garden and parking, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, €2.300. 5 minutes from NATO, 25 minutes from FAO, IFAD, WFP. No agency fees. Tel. 349 / 6451790, CENTRE - NEAR COLOSSEUM. Charming cottage in park with own private garden, 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, sitting / dining room, veranda. Parking for 1 car. 6 month / 1 year contract only. No agents. Please contact owner at email: COLOSSEUM. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, A/C, near metro. Refs 150/697. Tel. 063212341.
EUR - MOSTACCIANO - TORRINO LAURENTINA. Apartments, elegant, furnished or unfurnished, nice compounds. Tel. 0652205391, EUR - MOSTACCIANO. Beautiful, modernly furnished apartment, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, sitting room, terraces, garage, all comforts, compound with tennis courts, €1.800. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. EUR - PENTHOUSE. Torrino Mezzocammino, villa, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, laundry room, basement hobby room, garage, garden, tele-heating, €2.200. Other same, €2.000; Mostacciano Vivanti, restructured, furnished, living room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, finished to very high standards, A/C, garage, €1.600; Casalpalocco, condominium tennis and swimming pool, 200-sqm villa, 160-sqm garden, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathroom, basement hobby room, antitheft, A/C. Castel di Leva Fosso Casteluccia, 450-sqm villa on 3 levels, 1.500-sqm garden, well finished, €4.000. Tel. 065919125, EUR - TORRINO. 120 sqm, bright, semi furnished, 5th floor, large living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, parking. Property International0657284503,, EUR - TORRINO - NEAR PIAZZA CINA. Open view, charming condominium park (games-gazebo). Gracious, super-furnished equipped, 2 bedrooms, living. Garage. Any term. Photos available. Tel. +39 392 / 6395182. EUR CENTRE - PENTHOUSE. SS Pietro Paolo, prestigious apartment, 200 sqm, currently being refurbished, €4.500. Sic, condominium, doorman, swimming pool, well-furnished, double living room, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, very large terrace, garage, €3.000. Beginning of Laurentina, prestigious, attic, refurbished to high standards, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, splendid veranda, modern furnishing, parking space, €2.600.
Serafico, elegant apartment, double living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace garage, €2.000. SIC, prestigious condominium, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, very large equipped terrace, garage €1.700. Torrino, double living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped terrace, €1.800. Eur Ardeatina Dea Roma, elegant compound, furnished, lounge, live-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garden garage, €2.000. Pasteur, restructured, double living room, large kitchen, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, garage, €2.800. Tel. 065919125, EUR PAVESE. Completely, well-furnished apartment, 2 large bedrooms, maid’s room, 2 bathrooms, living room, fitted closets, balcony, €1.500. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR VIGNA MURATA Fonte Meravigliosa. Very nice apartment, large living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, private garden, cellar and garage. Fully furnished. Non-residents and no agencies. Tel. 065414440 (Italian speakers). EUR. Different opportunities of apartments, living room, kitchen, 1-2-3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, terrace, parking place. Tel. 0654211074, EUR. Outstanding, luxuriously furnished apartment, suitable top-ranking personality, large sitting room, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, all comforts, terraces, double garage, €3.500. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. GARBATELLA. Furnished apartment, 4th floor, 65 sqm, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, parking, €1.000. Tel. 0654211074, GARBATELLA. 100 sqm, 1st floor, bright, furnished, living room with dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balconies. Property International 0657284503,, GIANICOLESE - MONTEVERDE NUOVO. Furnished studio flat for rent, fully serviced, PC, desk, large bookcase, parking space, 4th floor, residential area. Tel. 335 / 6773629.
Office hours: Mon – Fri 10.00 – 16.00. Orari ufficio: lun – ven 10.00 – 16.00. Wanted in Rome does not accept jobs vacant ads that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion. Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma – Tel. 066867967 –
PUBLICATION DATES Giorno di pubblicazione Wed 22 June Wed 6 July Wed 20 July
FREE CLASSIFIEDS must be submitted on our website, Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted at our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.
Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
HISTORIC CENTRE - MONTEVERDE - TRASTEVERE PARIOLI - AVENTINO. Various apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, HISTORIC CENTRE - PENTHOUSE. Aventino, living room, bedroom, bathroom, paved garden, €1.200 including expenses. Gregoriana, delightful, 2nd floor, furnished, large living room, fireplace, bedroom, kitchen, refurbished bathroom, €1.500. Appia Colli Albani, Botero, restructured, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, finished to high standards, modern furniture, €1.700. Trastevere, at foot of Gianicolo, elegant condominium, lift, garage, valet service, on 2 levels, lounge, 3 bedrooms, study, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, finished to very high standards, €3.500. Piccolomini, view of cupola, prestigious, 200 sqm, balconies, €3.600. Tel. 065919125, HISTORICAL CENTRE SPAGNA. Nice restored and furnished apartments, living room, kitchen, 1 or 2 bedrooms, bathroom, terrace. Tel. 0654211074, INFERNETTO - AXA - CASAL PALOC CO. Various villas. Furnished or unfurnished. Garden and swimming pool. Tel. 0652205391, INFERNETTO. Different opportunities of furnished or unfurnished villas on 3-levels with garden. Tel. 0654211074, INTERNATIONAL POINT. Different size apartments and villas, assistance and professional service for duration of contract. Tel. 0654211074,,
MLD - CASSIA. Elegant complex, 24hr security guard, large entrance, double lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, terrace, garage, €2.500; Vigna Clara, Via Nemea, exclusive complex with swimming pool and tennis courts, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, terrace, parking space, €1.000; Balduina, Via Massimi, elegant condominium complex, lounge, 2 bedrooms, terraces, €1.600. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - EUR - SIC. Luxury swimming pool complex, lounge, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, garage, €2.300; Eur Torrino, very panoramic attic, lounge, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, furnished, garage, €1.000; Axa, elegant building in “cortina”, living room, open-plan kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, 35-sqm terrace, double garage, €800. Castel di Leva, villa on 3 levels, finished to good standards, 450 smq 450 + 1.500-smq garden, €4.500. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - FARNESINA - ATTIC. Elegant condominium complex, small living room, bedroom, study, bathroom, kitchen, terrace, €1.600; other, living room, 3 bedrooms, €2.500. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - HISTORIC CENTER - ATTIC. Passeggiata di Ripetta close to Piazza del Popolo, attic in elegant period building, finely restructured, large entrance, lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, panoramic balconies overlooking rooftops, semi furnished, €2.300. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - PRATI - P.LE EROI - METRO CIPRO. High floor, large entrance, lounge, 2 bedrooms, bathroom,
kitchen, balcony, €1.600; Prati / Mura Vaticane, attic, finely finished, lounge, 2 bedrooms, furnished, €1.800; Prati, Via della Giuliana, elegant, lounge, 2 bedrooms, garage, €2.300. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - S. LORENZO - SMALL ATTIC. Finely finished, small attic in elegant condominium complex with doorman, entrance, living room, open-plan kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, 40-sqm terrace. Tel. 065916760, email: MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. 100 sqm, top floor with view, nicely furnished, large living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen. Property International 0657284503,, MONTI - ATTIC. Piazza Venezia, duplex penthouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, panoramic terrace, doorman. Ref 758. Tel. 063212341. MONTIPARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant, 200-sqm refurbished apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, OLGIATA. Semi-detached villa, 300 sqm, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathroom, vast living / dining room, furnished kitchen, large hobby-room, maid’s quarters, 600-sqm private garden, garage. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, PANTHEON AND PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, PANTHEON. Beautifully renovated, 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room w/fireplace, kitchen, terrace. Refs 224/438/821. Tel. 063212341. PANTHEON. Beautiful penthouse, terrace, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, quiet. Max 6 months. €2.500. Tel 065813452, PARIOLI 2 BEDROOM AND GARDEN. Parioli Bertoloni area, 2 bedroom, well furnished, ground floor with adorable garden, easy to share, no fee, available September, €1.200. Tel. 328 / 15756. PARIOLI. Elegantly furnished 130-sqm apartment, A/C, 1 double bedroom, 2 single bedrooms, living / dining room, lovely small terrace, kitchen, alarm system, car-port, €2.500 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, PARIOLI. Beautiful 180-sqm penthouse, A/C, vast living / ding room with fireplace, beautiful panoramic terraces, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maid’s quarters, ample fully-furnished kitchen, individual heating, double car-port, storage space. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, PIAZZA BOLOGNA - METRO B. Delightful, 60 sqm, renovated apartment with terrace, furnished, bedroom, bathroom, equipped kitchen, living / dining area, A/C, WiFi, €1.300 including bills + weekly cleaning. Tel. +39 339 / 1893445, PIAZZA S. MARIA IN TRASTEVERE. Last minute: studio, 3rd floor, lift, double bed, kitchenette, bathroom, A/C, WiFi. Available from 10 - 20 June, and 24 - 30 June. €400 for 10 days or €50 daily. Email for photos or viewing: POPOLO. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, balcony, near park, metro. Refs 700/637. Tel. 063212341.
PRATI. 180 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double living room, balconies, kitchen, parking, views. Ref 939. Tel. 063212341. PRATI. Furnished apartment, 130 sqm, large living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen with balcony, 2 bathrooms, doorman, €2.700. Tel. 0654211074, ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. S. GIOVANNI. Furnished apartment, 2nd floor, 120 sqm, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, storage, balcony, €1.600. Tel. 0654211074, S. PIETRO. Semi-furnished apartment, 100 sqm, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, €1.800. Tel. 0654211074, SAN SABA- FAO- FURNISHED FLAT. Restructured and furnished 65-sqm apartment, large entrance, living room, 1 bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Very quiet, walking distance metro Piramide and FAO. Tel. 347 / 9302207. SPAGNA. Renovated, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, dining room, terrace, lift, parquet floors, A/C. Refs 1250/1279. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - ATTIC. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, living room with fireplace, panoramic terrace. Refs 1280/213. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - MONTEVERDE Pamphili Park, several quality 1 and 2 bedroom terrace apartments. €1.200 to €1.800. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE - PIAZZA S. MARIA. Lovely, living room, 2 bedrooms, balcony, old Rome charm. €1.700. Also very special penthouse, 1 bedroom, terrace, view, €1.500. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE - VIA DANDOLO. Private rent to one referenced person in renovated apartment overlooking greenery, 25-sqm studio, bright, elegantly furnished. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, entrance, charming private garden. Fully equipped including ADSL. Available monthly from June €850 all inclusive. Email:, tel. +39 335 / 7840489. TRASTEVERE. Furnished, 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, A/C. Refs 72/880/1113. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, balcony. Refs 1104/883. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE. Elegant, bright, living room, dining room, bedroom, wellequipped kitchen, bathroom. Suitable also for shorter rental. €1.700. Tel. 065813452,
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
DO YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR APARTMENTS IN PARIS, BERLIN, LONDON OR MADRID? DO YOU HAVE A JOB TO OFFER IN DUBLIN, BARCELONA, BRUSSELS OR AMSTERDAM? Then go to and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06 6867967 or e-mail us at VATICAN - ATTIC. Fully restored, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, terrace, parquet floors, A/C. Ref 1268. Tel. 063212341. VATICAN AREA. Spacious penthouse, lovely terrace, living room, bedroom, study, character, suitable as artist’s home. Tel. 065813452, VIA CASTEL DI LEVA AREA. Beautiful villa, 220 sqm, garden, terrace, parking, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, 25 minutes from IFAD, WFP, FAO, €2.800 + expenses. No agency fees. Tel. 349 / 6451790, VIGNA CLARA - CLOSE TO MARYMOUNT SCHOOL. Beautiful, refurbished 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, 2 terraces, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, alarm system, large car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, VIGNA CLARA - CLOSE TO MARY MOUNT SCHOOL. Bright 120-sqm apartment, partial A/C, 2 - 3 bedrooms, master bathroom, living / dining room, large balcony, equipped kitchen, maid’s quarters, garage, storage space, €2.200 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871,
accommodation vacant out of town FRASCATI. For rent, apartment in Frascati centre, 51 sqm, restructured, 1st floor, autonomous heating. Price depends upon length of stay, from €700 to €1.000 monthly. Tel. 346 9468990, OSTUNI - PUGLIA. Rent in the countryside of Ostuni - famous “città bianca” perfectly restored “lamia” (comfortable modern living with charm and character of traditional stone construction, with barrel vaulted ceiling and flat external roof). Total 160 sqm in 2 independent constructions within 9.200 sqm farmland with 60 old olive trees and many fruit trees. Sleeps 6. 3 separate bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 stone fireplaces, 3 reversible air-cons, 3 water heaters. Fully furnished including 2 TVs (1 satellite). Torre Guaceto (natural state reserve/marine protected area) 20km away. Other beaches closer: Ionian beaches 40-50km away. Weekly/monthly let from June to October. For further info and photos please contact te. 348 7482660, email: ROCCA PRIORA. For rent: little cosy house, 1 bedroom with covered veranda, sitting / dining room with fireplace, open kitchen, 2 bathroom, roof-terrace, garden. Email:
Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old castle, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge, terrace, balcony, attic, unfurnished, €500 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.
bed & breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032,,
holiday accommodation EGADI - ISOLA DI FAVIGNANA (TRAPANI). In an exclusive residential area, 1.600-sqm garden with pine trees, 150 metres from the sea, 3 bedrooms (sleeps 6: 3 couples or 2 families), 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room opening onto patios and large external paved area, arranged and furnished with the aim of increasing the pleasure of your stay. Possibility of parking in private garden for at least 3 cars. Photos available. Tel. +39 347 / 5290223, + 39 0669920914, VILLASIMIUS - SARDEGNA. 150 mt from the sea, 4 bedrooms, sleeps 8 people, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, equipped veranda with panoramic view, barbeque, private gazebo overlooking sea side. Weekly and monthly let. Tel. 339 / 2787679,,
jobs vacant CLERICAL TEMPORARY ASSISTANT ROSTER. The world’s largest humanitarian agency, the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency fighting the global war on hunger, is seeking to replenish its roster for temporary clerical assistance at its Headquarters in Rome, Italy. WFP recruits local clerical staff for short term assignments at the entry levels of the General Service category. The duration of the short term assignment may vary from 1 to 11 months. For full job description and to apply online, please go to: vacancies/04-0004100. COME JOIN AN INTERNATIONAL TEAM! 3D2B is searching for business savvy multi-lingual representatives in French, German, English, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian,
Swedish, and Spanish! We are searching for excellent communicators and sales driven enthusiasts to support our Client’s Sales teams with opportunities in the various European markets. Working on multi-national IT Client accounts such as; Microsoft, SAP, Novell, and others. The job involves liaisoning with Sales, and driving business opportunities, sales, sales leads and marketing. You will be working in your native language (with some English) and in a team. Our facility is state of the art, we are an American company and our business workspace, and management methodology reflects that. Candidates must have relevant work experience in sales and/or mktg.
Experience in IT sector a plus! Positions to start immediately. The compensation reaches 2000+€ gross/monthly with achievement of realistic targets. No non-Italian residents please - must have working permit and/or work visa and reside in Rome. Please note interviews will be held in English or relevant language. If interested send CV to:, tel. 0697844620. ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED. Established English School currently seeking full/part-time English mother-tongue teachers for adult and children courses. Full training provided. Contact us on 0647823253 or send your CV to
QUALIFIED MOTHER-T TONGUE TEACHERS. Well-established language institute located in Rome seeks qualified English mothertongue teachers with teaching experience. Accommodation available. Reply with CV to: SAILOR. Looking for a sailor with experience to work on a motorboat, length 18 mt. must speak English and conversational Italian, must be able to cook Italian food, must be able to clean. Period: June - only weekends. July & August - Full time. Compensation: €3.000 including bed and board. Serious people need only reply! Email: THEATRE SHIP TOUR COORDINATOR. Adventurous person to help book shows in Italy for Caravan Stage Company, Canadian theatre company. Fluency in Italian, English. Starts immediately, work & tour with an international cast & crew. Non profit, not a cruise ship.
property for sale out of town ENGLISH TEACHERS. Mother-tongue teachers required all year, Rome. Apply at “jobs” page or 0643419069 only if no internet. ESTABLISHED PRESTIGIOUS LANGUAGE school Rome seeks mother-tongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, INFANTS SCHOOL TEACHER SEPT 2011. La Carica dei 101 is looking for a full time INFANTS SCHOOL teacher to start IN SEPTEMBER
2011. All candidates must be mother-tongue English, have legal working documents and possess a valid degree in early childhood education. Graduate degree in education is preferred. Please email CV and cover letter to Conti Anna Paola 0656470549 or e-mail MOTHER-T TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER. Kindergarten looking for English mother-tongue teacher experienced in working with children. Send curriculum to
BRACCIANO. Charming, 52-sqm apartment in Historic Centre with lake view, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room. Available on a mixed formula of bare-ownership (nuda proprietà)/time-share for 15 days per year. €120.000. Photos available. Email:, tel. 0668691677. ORTE - COUNTRY HOUSE 40 km from Rome, habitable all year long, commutable from Rome. Comfortable old country house with annex, completely renovated down to the last detail, 400 sqm plus 5.000-sqm park. Approved license for B&B. €820.000 negotiable. Tel. 339 / 7420099. TAGLIACOZZO - HISTORIC CENTRE. For sale, characteristic independent house in the historic centre of Tagliacozzo, close to the river and a mountain footpath. 90 sqm on 3 levels, restructured. €150.000. Tel. 346 / 9468990,
rooms and flats shares EUR - S. PAOLO. Single room for rent, 5 minutes walk to MM S. Paolo, in 80-sqm apartment, clean, well connected, close to shops, bus, metro. Nice, safe, quiet area. Washing machine, internet, TV all included €500. Tel. 0659602026, 349 / 5227012, MONTEVERDE Close to centre, private, large, furnished beautiful room for short or long periods. Top floor, large terrace, kitchen, services included (telephone and internet). Quiet and comfortable €600 for 1 person (negotiable price for 2 people.) From end of June, no agencies. Tel. 333 / 9377242, email: PIAZZA BOLOGNA. In delightful apartment with terrace, central location,100m from metro, A/C, WiFi, room with private bathroom, use of kitchen. Weekly/monthly rates available. Tel. 0644290809, email: PIAZZA ISTRIA Corso Trieste, single room in a flat with 2 other young graduates, only up to Christmas, €400 monthly. Tel. 339 / 8466643. PRATI Room available August for single female in elegant apartment in centre of Rome. A/C, WiFi, €600. Tel. 329 /0035741.
METRO B, S. PAOLO BASILICA. Furnished large room for rent, bathroom + kitchen share. Preferred female students/workers, €500+bills, year contract. Marina: 338 / 2017799. ST PETER’S - ROOM. 2 minutes St Peter’s Square, lovely double room in shared flat, beautiful view, €40 per person per night, €80 two people. Contacts: 339 / 7458886, TRASTEVERE - LUNGARA. Furnished bedroom with bathroom in private apartment. Separate entrance. Trastevere near Lungara, every comfort, €900 including bills. Tel. 338 / 4186328.
short lets APARTMENTS - HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours,, CAMPO DE’ FIORI SPAGNA - NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897,, EUR - CENTRE - VIALE AMERICA. Opposite lake, elegant condominium, 80 sqm, open-space, lounge, kitchen corner, bedroom, terrace, internet, A/C, Sky TV, bedlinen, €500/week. Tel. 065919125, HISTORIC CENTRE. Trastevere Gensola, large wooden-beamed ceilings, living room, dining room, fireplace, bedroom, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, balcony, weekly rent €1.050. Tel. 065919125, HISTORIC CENTRE - TORRE ARGENTINA. Mini-studio apartment with kitchenette, bathroom, 100-sqm terrace, breathtaking view of historic Rome. Weekly rent €500. Tel 065919125, NOMENTANA - PORTA PIA. Restructured Liberty-style building, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, A/C, WiFi, €4.000 including expenses. Tel 065919125, PANTHEON - PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, PIAZZA FARNESE. To let for short periods, elegant apartment, 80 sqm, for further information email: ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. TRASTEVERE. August low season €1.900 only monthly, all inclusive, 4 adults max, cycle park, TV, internet wireless. Tel. 339 / 6149317,, TRIESTE - VIA NEROLA. Furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 small room, double living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, balcony. Weekly and monthly let. Tel. 333 / 2024804,
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at www.wantedinrome. com. We no longer accept Jobs Wanted ads in our office. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito Non si accettano più quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.
accommodation wanted APARTMENT FOR OCTOBER 2011. Clean 2 bedroom apartment for October. Family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children). Excellent references. Reasonable rent. Email: FURNISHED ROOM - 4 MONTHS. Exchange student looking for room from September until end of December, preferably close to city center, max. €550/month, SEEKING SM ROOM OR WORK EXCHANGE. Teacher, architecture degree, landscaper. Seeking room, share or other. Close to transportation. €200 or work-exchange. Tel. 327 / 1038423.
events ROME'S COMEDY CLUB. Grotta Pinta Lounge (Campo de' Fiori). Last show before Summer break: 24 June, 9pm. Sketches, stand-up & joke-telling. Regulars/first-time performers plus aftershow band. Entrance €5 (drink & aperitivo buffet). Info:, tel. Marsha De Salvatore 338 / 4313158. THE ROME SAVOYARDS PRESENT - RUMORS! A comedy in 2 acts by Neil Simon, directed by Sandra Provost and produced by special arrangement by Samuel French Inc. Performances. Wed to Fri 15, 16, 17 June at 20.30, Sat & Sun 18 and 19 June at 17.30. Teatro San Genesio, Via Podgora 1 (near Viale mazzini; nearest metro stop Lepanto). Tickets: full €15, reduced €12, students €10. Booking & info:, tel. 347 8248661, 320 3099873.
exchanges BANGLADESHI COOKING. If you are interested in South-Asian cuisine, we can exchange our recipes. I'm friendly and love cooking. Tel. 393 / 3347562. ENGLISH CHILDREN PLAYDATE. English-speaking Italian family with 2 children (4&7) seeks native Englishspeaking family with young children to play in Italian&English. Alessandro 329 / 0135214. ITALIAN FOR ENGLISH. In Anzio / Nettuno area I'm looking for english mother-tongue person to do serious and profitable language exchange Italian/ English. 328.6534010 or replay here. LOOKING FOR BIBLE STUDIES. in English on a daily or weekly basis. Tel. 370 / 1049808. NEED GERMAN LESSONS! Ich muss mein Deutsch verbessern! Exchange: English/Italian lessons, classical voice lessons, piano lessons, or music-reading lessons! 366 / 4864477. ROOM IN EXCHANGE. ACCOMMODATION free of charge in exchange for 3 hours/day housing, gardening, internet / computer help., cell. 328 / 4099687.
Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
(American Dentist) Dentista Americano Laureato in USA. Disponibile tutti i giorni anche Festivi. Abbiamo Canadese Endodonzia specialista (Root Canal Specialist) devitalizzazione “finished” in una seduta con tecnologie informatiche - uno in ortodonzia (Orthodontist) & uno in implantologia specialista (Implantologist); cure odontoiatriche con le pii recenti tecnologie. Viale Europa 331 a 100 Metri EUR FERMI, & Infernetto: Viale Castel Porziano 434/F. Solo su appuntamento. Tel. 333/ 9061799,, AMER DENTAL HYGIENIST - FREE EXAM. FREE exam that includes x-rays and exam. Email: Studio di OdontoiatriaRicostruttiva: Via della Balduina, 114 - 00136 Rome. AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST. Individual psychotherapy for all mental health needs. Experienced, licensed practitioner. Metro Cipro. Rose Kazma 0639742957 or 333 / 5822808. CHEAP BEAUTY SERVICES. Finnish hairdresser, make-up artist and nail technician in Rome/Italy Contact me by e-mail: Services only for women! -Janita. CIRCULAR TRAMPOLINE. For sale 1.23m diameter, rarely used, as new €50, tel. 388 / 1943535. CORE-B BASED PERSONAL TRAINING. Improve strength, posture, flexibility, coordination, breathing. Dance degree, massage license & 10 years teaching experience. Tel. 339 / 5399550, ENGLISH DENTAL STUDIO IN ROME. Via della Fonte di Fauno, 29 - 00153 Rome, Italy. Tel. +39 065783639. 24/7. Mobile +39 320 / 3009440. email: Follow eds on facebook. ENGLISH SPEAKING HAIRDRESSER. Looking for an English-speaking hairdresser or makeup artist assistant urgently? Contact me by email: FOOT-R REFLEXOLOGY SHIATSU MASSAGE. Comfortably at your house by experienced professional. Call 339 3896029 or 06 7024388. FREE SELF-D DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER. Articles, inspiring stories, tips, life-enhancing strategies and much more. Sign Up Today! or 339 / 3332547. ITALIAN RELAXING MASSAGE. is a whole-body hands-on treatment that uses pressure, stroking and rubbing of your skin to help you relax. €25/1hr, NATURAL THERAPY. Improve your health in a natural way, professional and licensed practitioner. Contact 349 / 6366848 or PILATESPACE, NY CERTIF'D EXPER'D. Are you resolved about getting into shape? Want fast, guaranteed results? Private lessons on equipment., tel. 334 / 6157494. POWER LIVES COACHING. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 339 / 3332547, for information. RELAXING OLISTIC MASSAGES. Whether you're home, hotel or passing through, I can indulge your desire to
be totally pampered. Mario 339 / 4272677 expert masseur. THAI MASSAGE. Relaxing aroma with oil or traditional by masseur with experience and certificate. At your home till late, anytime. Tel. 327 / 0151643.
household sales 3-S SEATER CUSTOM-M MADE SOFA BED. Single bed dark turquoise with attached side tables, €150. Call 338 / 4927144. BABY FURNITURE ETC. Cot IKEA Leksvik €50, Highchair Chicco Polly €30 Carseat €35, Play-pen €20, Folding Cot €70, Babybjorn carrier €20. Tel. 333 / 5985348, DINING TABLE. Closes down on both sides (gate type). Open 150cm X 104 in mahogany with 4 chairs. Also bookcase. Tel:06.6634285. FOR SALE! vacuum (like new!), coat rack, and English books (email for titles) for sale! email for more details HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. Leaving Rome. Call or email for list. Tel. 066634285, cell. 333 / 7490606. Many useful items. Free parking space. JACKSON 5 2LP COLLECTION. Bought in Canada, late 70s, pickwick edition. This edition is very hard to find. €10000.00 negotiable. Tel 392 / 7388608. MOVING SALE - FIANO ROMANO. Many items, great prices! In a castle, 20 minutes from Rome. Tel. 339 / 2849038, email: for details & photos. Open House Sat 18th & Sun 19th June. Ample parking. MOVING SALE. Fridge, 3-seat couch w/bed, buffet, grandfather clock, table & 6 chairs. Call 331 / 5474822. MOVING SALE. Divan-bed, bookcase, kitchen table with 4 chairs, cutlery, angoliere and many others. Free parking. Must collect. Tel. 066634285. ROCKING ARMCHAIRS. 2 beautiful new armchairs, rocking and reclining, blue alcantara, with footrest, €200 each, can be sold separately, tel. 345 / 5900413. SAMSUNG I900 GERMAN SOFTWARE. SAMSUNG sgh i900 omnia 16 gb, wi-fi, hard case, German software, tom tom, touchscreen, €125 tel 338 8640956. THE ART OF CROCHET. Hand made scarf, baby plaid bedspreads etc You commission I will make it. Tel. 329 / 7843257. VARIOUS IKEA FURNITURE, LCD TV. for sale in perfect state, low price. Ikea double bed, bookcase, table/chairs; Philips LCD TV; call 348 / 4246637 (EUR area).
IT & computers COMPUTER ASSISTANCE/LESSONS. Native English/fluent Italian. Expert care in your home/office, whatever your PC problems/requirements. Thomas 347.7215686.
LOOKING A JOB WITH ACCOMODATION.WITH GOOD REFERENCES. 333 7897981. AFTERNOON JOB. Romanian, 33 years old, looking for a job for afternoons, speak English and Italian, tel: 3801712630. ANGUILLARA/ROME. English lady looking for work, many years experience with pre-school aged children. Patient, kind, fun, reliable. Hana 3459235341. AYURVEDIC MASSAGE THERAPIST. Ayurvedic massage therapist looking job in Roma. long and good work experience in India and Italy. mail / phone / 3883510546. BABY SITTER/ DOMESTIC WORK. Experienced lady/student, looking for babysitting job, caregiver, domestic work preferably from 2pm. Fluent in English and Italian., tel. 334 / 5845227. BABY SITTER/AU PAIR. SpanishItalian excellent English, experienced including babies, training in communicating with deaf-dumbblind children. email: BABYSITTER IN CASALPALOCCO. ENGLISH ITALIAN BABYSITTER IS LOOKING FOR WORK IN CASALPALOCCO. Tel. 339 / 2328021. BABYSITTER. with excellent knowledge of English is available day and evening. Please contact 347 / 8403801. BILINGUAL ITALIAN/ENGLISH, with extensive work experience in Italy and Uk in Communication, Sales, Marketing, Teaching, Translating and Interpreting seeks job. Tel. 347 / 8403801. DRIVER. Filippino 49 yrs old looking for job as embassy driver speak English & Italian practical Rome, tel. 347 / 6474870. ENGLISH LADY looking for work, many years experience with pre-school aged children. Patient, kind, fun, reliable. Hana 345 / 9235341. ENGLISH MOTHER-T TONGUE NANNY. Caring, experienced, Nanny with good Italian & French. Live-in/out; summer/permanent. Excellent references, ENGLISH NANNY/BABYSITTER. Qualified and over 14 years experinece working with children. Can speak Italian and Spanish. Excellent refernces from UK and Italy. Thanks. ENGLISH SPEAKING BULIDER. English builder looking for work specialist in roofing looking for work in rome from june. Cell. 07821239304, email:, kind regards Tony. ENGLISH TEACHER. Young fun loving, great with kids seeks summer job, either teaching or baby sitting, ENGLISH TEACHER/NANNY. English lady, 49, degree educated, many years childcare experience in Rome seeks live-in position with immediate start. 0044 7729 929825. ENGLISH TUTOR want to speak real English, well traveled teacher will teach you. likes to put the fun in learning. Reasonable rates. Cell. 07021239304, email: Tony.
ENGLISH/ITALIAN BABY SITTER. Large experience with babies from 0 to 12 months. Available to work part time in Flaminio or Parioli area. Silvia 339 / 8810446. GRADUATE WOMAN LOOKING A FULL TIME HOUSE KEEPING JOB WITH ACCOMODATION, WELL EXPERIENCED AND GOOD REFERENCES 333 / 7897981. GUITARIST, SONGWRITER TEACHER Canadian Professional musician offers lessons in the comfort of your own home. Will evaluate professional entertainment offers. Tel. 392 / 7388608. HOUSE KEEPER - OLD AGE CARE. Young Female available immediately for job with room and board, anywhere in Italy and/or abroad. Tel 339 / 7762166. HOUSEKEEPER. Eu couple seeking employment as house keeper in Gaeta. tel. +39 / 7572341131. INDIAN CITIZEN 31 YEARS OLD. Looking a job like PORTIERE DI NOTTE with 2 years experience. Cell. 329 / 5612872, email: INDIAN MATURE PERSON. Indian mature person looking job in Roma as care taker/ house keeper / cleaning. mail / phone / 3883510546. LOOKING FOR ANY KIND OF FULL TIME. Young handsome guy looking for any kind of full time job in rome or out. Pls call or sms 327 / 7735643. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Ayurvedic massage therapist looking job in Roma. long and good work experience in India and Italy. mail /, phone / 3883510546. MULTILINGUAL LAW DEGREE. Business development, marketing, speaks four languages, English/talian mother tongues; law degree, Italian work permit; please call or email: NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER young, active, fun-loving, seeking opportunity to work with children during summer. Has good amount of experience. Please contact: OFFICE ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST. Trilingual Spanish-Italian-English, Italian national, with typing and IT skills, motivated seeking full/part time work. Contact
PROFICIENT ENGLISH SECRETARY. Extensive working experience, customer service devoted, highly motivated, reliable seeking job office/tourism field. Contact 328 / 6425491 or PUB JOB. Mother-tongue English girl looking for pub work asap. 380 / 2477921. RAGAZZO CURDO CERCA LAVORO. Ragazzo curdo 38 anni affidabile cerca lavoro come lavapiatti aiuto giardiniere pulizie etc. urgente miti pretese Tel. 327 / 5962439. SEARCHING FOR HOTEL WORK. English speaker looking for work in tourism or hotel receptionist. speaks Italian and Spanish call 347 / 4536421. TOURIST GUIDE. Experienced/ Professional Tourist guide looks for a job in Rome. E-mail or call me 340 / 2157445. TRANSLATION ITALIAN INTO ENGLISH. Mother-tongue translator with 30 years experience. Tel. 0644243464, cell 328 / 9589569, WAITRESS/ BAR ENGLISH. Experience in bar and hospitality, English only language. call 3926760685 Laura.
personal BANGLADESHI COOKING. Looking for people who are interested in south-asian cuisine. I will teach you some mouthwatering recipes. Tel. 393 / 3349562. COOK AND SPEAK. Cook and speak. Learn Italian recipes while chatting in Italian. Three-hour lessons, including dinner, with Sandra, tel. 328 / 8398875. ENGLISH SPEAKING HAIRDRESSER. English speaking hairdresser, makeup artist and nail technician. Contact: janita-helova. LIFE COACH. Life Coach professionista, certificato da NLP Italy, offre sessioni in persona e a distanza (attraverso Skype)., tel. 347 / 3259016. MASSAGE. Beautiful Italian lady performs romantic massage in the comfort of her house, available for out calls. Tel. 346 / 7375105.
Aeroporto Ciampino Aeroporto di Fiumicino Arrivi Airterminal Fiumicino Anglo American Book Shop Italia, 34 Corso Francia, 228 Corso Trieste, 90 Feltrinelli International L.go Argentina L.go Chigi L.go del Colonnato Largo Arenula, 12/B Largo Argentina, 14 P.le Albania P.le Cola Di Rienzo P.le Flaminio P.le Ponte Milvio P.zza Barberini P.zza Campo De’ Fiori P.zza Cola Di Rienzo P.zza Colonna P.zza del Parlamento P.zza della Balduina P.zza della Minerva
MUSIC INVESTMENT PARTNER WANTED. Music Production seeks investment partner please view and call Tel. 389 / 1886618. SMART ITALIAN LADY. 50 yrs, seeks English or American boyfriend, up to same age, good looking, fit, smart and considerate! e-mail with photo. THE GIFT OF MUSIC. A Song to tell somebody how you feel! Hire a professional songwriter to write it. Tel. 392 / 7388608.
schools and colleges ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES IN UK. Courses for teenagers and adults with residential or family accommodation. Advisory and placement service. Tel. 0655285664, 339 / 3202916. ENGLISH PLAY SCHOOL IN ROME. Inscription open for Tots World 20112012.Piramide area, for children under 4. Call 06-57289765 or 3895420632. ROME ART PROGRAM. The Rome Art Program-New York is in Rome / Florence this summer. We have scholarships! Paint with us in June-July.
services APARTMENT INSPECTION FOR YOU. I will do the site visit, provide photos, info, etc. Don't sign a contract w/o an inspection ARTGALLERY/STUDIO SPACE. We offer space in artgallery in Monti, for artists, architects, designers, musicians, events etc. daily to yearly lets. Contact 3496366848. BEAUTIFUL GIFTS. beautiful hand painted glass plates and vases from euro 5 - euro 50 tel3396675270. CAR IMPORTATION. Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of importing your vehicles/motorbikes. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit LIFE COACH. Life Coach professionista, italiano e inglese. Website: Sessioni anche a distanza attraverso Skype. LIFE COACHING. Professional Life Coach, officially certified by NLP Italy,
P.zza di Porta Pia P.zza di Spagna, 57 P.zza Euclide, 31 P.zza Farnese, 105 P.zza Giochi Delfici P.zza Mastai P.zza Pitagora, 6 P.zza Regina Margherita P.zza Repubblica, 6 P.zza Risorgimento P.zza S. Jacini P.zza S. Silvestro P.zza S.M. Trastevere P.zza Testaccio P.zza Trilussa P.zza Vescovio P.zza Vittorio P.zza Zanardelli, 16 P.zza in Lucina, 31 Salita De Crescenzi (Pantheon) Stazione Termini V.le Beethoven, 90/9 V.le G. Cesare Civ.17 V.le Parioli, 2
bilingual (English and Italian), sessions in person and distance (through Skype). 3473259016. OUR LOCATION SEGMENTATION LETS Y. deliverylocations.asp brings you the entire info to plan the gift delivery accordingly. RELOCATING TO ROME? Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of your relocation and immigration needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit SEND FLOWERS TO INDIA SAME DAY. Since the concept of gifting originated, flowers occupied the top spot among the gift item list. VISA PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE. Frequent traveler to India, China, etc. Principal Relocation Company can process all your Visa needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit WEDDING SINGER. Professional soprano available to sing at wedding services in and around Rome. 3772009190. WWW.STORE4PERFUMES.COM. Fragrances to define your own style statement.
transport DAEWOO LANOS 1.6 FOR SALE. Daewoo Lanos 1.6, 199,000 KM, year 05/2011 only €600. Call Anna on 346 / 5000200 or email HONDA CR-V V 2.2I-C CTD EXECUTIVE. Nov 2007, CD plate, blue met, navipack, leather equipment, new distribution chain, Km 120.000, full optionals, €16.700. Tel. 335 / 7767634. MERCEDES CLK 200. Mercedes CLK 200 Elegance Coupi (Fastback) for sale. Silver. Year: 2000. 124000 km. Always Mercedes serviced. 2 owners. Price: €5.400. Call 333 / 6325945.
travel WE OFFER FREE HOLIDAYS IN GREECE IN RETURN FOR MUS. The Hellenikon Idyllion offers free accommodation for you in return for creative workshops
V.le Parioli, 54 V.le Trastevere Via Cassia 1839 Km.1 Via Cassia 993/995 Via Cassia Km 19.400 Via Cassia, 623 Via Cassia, 698 Via Cassia, 876 Via Cavour, 257 Via Celimontana, 5 Via Del Babuino, 150 Via della Magliana Via della Pace Via Flaminia 229 Via Gramsci, 1/B Via Gregorio VII, 55 Via Isola, 53 C. Palocco Via Marmorata Via Nazionale 7 Via Nomentana Via Orti Farnesina Via Valadier Via Veneto Viale Aventino/Fao
For further details check the full distribution list on
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
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Wanted in Rome 8 June 2011
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Via del Caravita 7 –
American International Club of Rome
The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.
Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30
Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 in original language on Mon
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30
Association of Malaysians in Italy
Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845
Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00
Caledonian Society
Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526
Canadian Club of Rome
Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987
tel. 0645447625 –
American Women’s Association of Rome tel. 064825268 – Association of British Expats in Italy
tel. 389 / 1162161 –
Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli
Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 – fax 065413971
Cineclub Detour
Fiamma Multisala
Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)
Via G. Bordoni 59, tel. 065745825
Nuovo Sacher
Irish Club of Rome
tel. 0636307249
Professional Women’s Association
United Nations Women’s Guild
tel. 0657053628 –
Welcome Neighbor
tel. 347 / 9313040 –
St Paul’s within-tthe-W Walls (Anglican Episcopal)
Nuovo Olimpia
Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 in original language on Mon when available
Luncheon Club of Rome
St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic)
International Women’s Club of Rome –
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00
Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068
tel. 0633267490 –
S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic)
Commonwealth Club of Rome
S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic)
EMERGENCY NUMBERS • • • • • • • •
Ambulance tel. 118 Carabinieri tel. 112 Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 Fire brigade tel. 115 Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 Police tel. 113 Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355
RELIGIOUS All Saints’ Anglican Church
SUPPORT GROUPS Alcoholics Anonymous
tel. 064742913 –
(HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 –
Associazione Centro Astalli
(Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306
Associazione Ryder Italia
(Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580
Astra (Anti-sstalking risk assessment)
tel. 066535499 –
Caritas soup kitchen
(Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily
Caritas foreigners’ support centre
Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday.
Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 – 066861554
Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637
Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369
Herder International Book Center (German)
Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464
tel. 338 / 1675680
Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)
Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234
The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.
Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-L Louis de France (French)
Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 –
La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French)
Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598
Libreria Feltrinelli International
Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878,
Libreria Quattro Fontane (international)
Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484
Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish)
Christian Science Services Church of All Nations Church of Sweden
Footsteps Inter-D Denominational Christian
South Rome, tel. 0650917621 – 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371,
International Central Gospel Church
Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695
International Christian Fellowship
Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00
Jesus Cares Ministries
Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950
S. Susanna Lending Library
Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00
The Almost Corner Bookshop
Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942
The Anglo American Bookshop
Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222
The Lion Bookshop & Café
Via dei Greci 33-36, tel. 0632654007
The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books – English, French, German, Italian)
Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478
CHIAMAROMA 24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council.Tel. 060606.
Jewish Community
Jewish Reform Group in Rome
Caritas hostel
Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235
Caritas legal assistance
Celebrate Recovery Christian group Comunità di S. Egidio
Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen
Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat
Information line for the disabled
tel. 800271027
Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre
St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339
Mason Perkins Deafness Fund
(Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 –
Overeaters Anonymous
tel. 064743772
Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza)
Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month
Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351
Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761
(Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104
Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)
(Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022
Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Lutheran Church
Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church
Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30
Pontifical Irish College
(Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00
Rome Baptist Church
Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 – 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)
Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara
Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091
Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico)
Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 – 068082258
Support for elderly victims of crime The Samaritans Onlus
TRANSPORT • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021
8 June 2011 Wanted in Rome