no. 12 / wednesday / 22 June 2011
ELISA MONTESSORI With love, 2010 acquerello e collage su carta / 9,5 x 17,5 cm Elisa Montessori was born in Genoa and lives in a fabled studio in Trastevere. She followed the Italian abstract movement after world war two, its exponents like Mirko, Burri, Capogrossi, Afro etc. She participated in the Venice Biennale in 1982 and worked in egg tempera, mosaics, goldsmith work, but now mostly in fluid, vividly transparent, watercolour on paper. A gentle savvy lady, she professes herself infuenced by European and oriental poetry, and indeed some of her prettily succinct pages are brief but daring dashes and impressions, loosely and freshly thrown down like pure poems. Very prolific, hers is an intimate and European sensibility – a kissing cousin to much more rude abstract expressionism. In her show of recent work at Galleria Giulia in May, she revealed a new maturity: more than pleasing, her small paintings made of quirky signs and tinkling fragments in brimming petal colour were incisive and vibrant. Despite their dynamic motion they conveyed a rare sense of poise, painterly intelligence and cool brightness.
WHAT’S ON Linda Bordoni
Other covers in the Wanted in Rome Cover Art series 16 Feb, Simona Weller, Maschere in città 2 March, Bruno Ceccobelli, Lupa a Carne Vale 16 March, Alessandra Giacinti, Sunset 30 March, Paolo Gandolfi, Mundus 13 April, Luigi Ontani, Lapsus 27 April, Enzo Cucchi, Senza titolo 11 May, Enrico Luzzi, Niente storie, 2010 8 June, Ruggero Savinio, Rovine, 1997 Back copies are available from our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79, tel. 066867967
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Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl, Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico & impaginazione: Dina Dancu Stampa: Beta Tipografica, Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl, Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425. Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985. Finito di stampare il 20/06/2011 Copies are on sale at: Newsstands in Rome Feltrinelli International, Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878. The Almost Corner Bookshop, Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942. Early copies: (after 14.00 on the day before official publication): Wanted in Rome, Via dei Falegnami 79. The Anglo American Bookshop, Via della Vite 102.
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Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
a backdrop of discrimination and ROMA LIFE: Against forced re-housing, the Roma community plays an important role in recycling in Rome RACISM, RECYCLING AND RE-HOUSING
udi Salkanovic is one of Rome’s estimated 8,000 Roma. Born in Montenegro, he has been living in Italy for 30 years. He speaks and writes Italian well and has worked as a social mediator helping his community to integrate and access social services such as schools and healthcare. But like many Roma throughout Italy Salkanovic has been forcibly moved out of his home several times – last year he was made to leave Rome’s biggest camp for Roma, Casilino 900. He says: “After living there for many years, I was kicked out. This made me sad because, apart from losing my house – a spacious cabin we built ourselves where my whole family could live well – we also lost the small authorised market where we could sell second-hand goods.” So in just a few hours, Salkanovic lost not only his family home, but also his livelihood. This is part of the city’s plan to address the issue of illegal camp sites for nomadic ethnic minorities (called the piano nomadi – even though many Roma and Sinti are no longer nomadic). Salkanovic now lives in one of the city’s seven centres that house 1,200 Roma. But conditions, he says, are not ideal: “I live there with my wife and seven children in a camper van, which has electricity, water and a shower. We can cook there but it is really too small for us, and the children have to sleep in a heap.” Criticisms of the city’s re-housing plan focus on the policy of housing some families in separate locations. Being separated is unacceptable to many families and simply pushes them to leave sites earmarked for destruction and rebuild their homes on other unauthorised sites. The issue of housing for the Roma was in the news in February when four children were killed in a fire in an illegal Roma camp in Rome’s southern suburb of Tor Fiscale. This highlighted the need for safe and secure housing for the Roma, while emphasising the need for a solution appropriate for numerous extended families. The forced evacuations from camp sites made the headlines again when more than 150 Roma took shelter in the basilica of St Paul’s Outside the Walls for three days over Easter. Rome’s local government has now stopped its forced evacuations, but the issue of providing appropriate housing and social services for the Roma remains. A 2006 report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) was damning of the lack of progress made in Italy towards improving the lot of the Roma and Sinti. It said: “The use of racist and xenophobic discourse in politics [in Italy] has intensified and targets in particular non-EU citizens, Roma, Sinti and Muslims.” Between 120,000 and 150,000 Roma and Sinti live in Italy; about 60 per cent of these are Italian citizens while the remaining 40 per cent retain their original citizenship from the Balkans or Romania. However, they are among the most deprived communities in Europe, according to ECRI. One organisation that has been working with Roma and Sinti since 2003 is Occhio del Riciclone, a non-profit initiative to improve social integration for marginalised groups while addressing one of the country’s urgent issues: that of household waste. Gianfranco Bongiovanni from Occhio del Riciclone says: “At the moment, many objects end up in landfill and 60-70 per cent of these can be used Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
Gianfranco Bongiovanni from the Occhio del Riciclone organisation which provides social integration for the Roma community through recycling initiatives.
again. We aim to bring discarded objects back into commercial circulation. Items such as furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, kitchenware, electrical and automotive parts can be cleaned, repaired and recycled.” This philosophy ties in well with the way of life of the Roma, who also have a strong culture of mending, recycling and re-using. Bongiovanni explains that, since Rome’s local authorities shut down the second-hand flea markets, the Roma have had nowhere legitimate to sell the goods that they retrieve. If they set up unauthorised markets, they are forced to move by city police. The practice of taking discarded objects from communal (not recycling) waste bins is illegal, as well as being a risky activity exposing people to serious health hazards through toxic waste, excrement and broken glass or needles. However the Roma are obliged to do this work, partly because of the lack of other opportunities. Occhio del Riciclone estimates that, with 45,000 green (general mixedwaste) bins in Rome and an average of two re-usable objects thrown into each bin every day, there are potentially 33 million re-usable objects a year going into landfill. A solution it proposes is that Rome’s recycling centres, the so-called isole ecologiche, could sell objects to the Roma for a small fee. “At the moment there are no recycling islands that officially re-sell objects. This could be a way of formalising the presence of the Roma in Rome while at the same time avoiding the risks they face when sorting through rubbish,” says Bongiovanni. More than 2,200 Roma work on recycling in Rome. Salkanovic has been working as a collector of abandoned objects ever since he was a child. While his main job as a cultural mediator with Opera Nomadi has dried up, he continues to collect iron and sells it at flea markets. It is a job that Salkanovic claims can earn from €1,500 to €2,000 a month if the whole family is working on it. He explains: “I’m satisfied with my work because it feeds my family and we’re also doing good by reusing things that would otherwise be thrown away.” But overall, his view of the community’s current situation is bleak: “Unfortunately for the Roma here in Rome, as in the rest of Italy, it’s getting harder. There is a lot of racism and they don’t give us opportunities to work or get proper housing. They talk a lot, but if they close the flea markets and don’t allow us to work, how are we meant to feed our children?” Bija Knowles 3
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
uciano Pavarotti’s widow Nicoletta Mantovani answers questions put to her by Marco Venturini in a written interview to mark the opening of four weeks of music dedicated the great Italian tenor and to encourage young singers to follow in his tracks.
1. Almost four years on from his death, what – if anything – has changed in the affection with which the public at large remembers the maestro? Every time I organise an event in his memory, together with the foundation named after Luciano, I’m always overcome by the affection which so very many people continue to feel for him. I can’t say I’m surprised, but it’s an important confirmation. Luciano gave so much to his public with his voice and his charisma; he had this instinctive and natural affection for everyone he met, a spontaneous empathy he expressed by giving his best. This devotion, together of course with the beauty of his voice, has found a place in people’s hearts and I really believe this connection will last for a long, long time. 2. And what has changed in the opera world in these four years? I don’t believe a new “Pavarotti” has come onto the stage, if that’s what you’re asking. Certainly there are promising young singers who I hope will have every chance of making their mark. But one thing is sure: the voice alone isn’t enough, they’ll need dedication and determination – and intelligence – for this talent to ripen. Luciano told his pupils this repeatedly; he reminded them never to feel they had reached stardom and never to stop studying even when they achieved the success they sought. I think the problem of many young people today is that they want everything, and they want it now. But opera needs constant devotion, sacrifice and daily selfdenial, even for a lifetime. 3. What do you think is the current state of health of opera, and the general cultural climate, in Italy today? Opera, like many other arts and like entertainment in general, is suffering from the recent global economic crisis. Culture is the first victim of budget cuts and austerity measures. It often looks as though governments see the “nourishment of the spirit”, the drive to find a stimulus for our creativity and consciousness, the need to enrich and enlarge our interior horizons as a fancy, or a second-class necessity. But I believe it’s precisely in times of crisis that culture is a fundamental force capable of injecting new vigour, generating new projects, of breeding and ripening better people and citizens. 4. What are the reasons and motivations behind the initiative “Remember Pavarotti”, and what are its objectives? First off the initiative aims to offer a homage, an inspiration to remember a great man and an artist who left his mark on the history of music, and not only there. The initiative includes many photos, some costumes, personal papers and videos covering Luciano’s long and rich career. It also aims to give young artists the chance to make themselves known and heard: Luciano always said that young artists need a stage, an opportunity more than they need money. 5. Many people think of Milan as Italy’s opera capital. What was your thinking behind organising an event like this in Rome? Without a doubt Milan is an important capital of opera, and at its heart is the stage which is rightly considered a temple of music, Teatro alla Scala. But Rome is and remains a catalyst of international attention, a dream destination for millions of tourists from all over the world who often identify all of our country with the capital city. Since this event – which will be held in summer – is aimed not only at residents but also at an audience of visitors, coming as we said from all over the world, Rome seemed to us the most appropriate. 6. A talent, a charisma, and in general a man like the maestro are inevitably irreplaceable in the world panorama of opera, and not only there. But if you had to pick a personality, who could be a possible moral and artistic heir to the maestro? As I just said, I can’t see a “young Pavarotti” on the horizon. And anyway I don’t believe in imitations, in more or less successful copies or reproductions. Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
Nicoletta Mantovani stands in front of an image of her late husband Luciano Pavarotti.
I hope that talented youngsters can reap success if they make their way through their own authentic peculiarities and their talent, not because they are “another Pavarotti”. And among today’s successful singers I really couldn’t set out a table … it’s never a good idea to name names, especially for those who aren’t included! 7. If I may ask you something more personal, you recently told the media you were suffering from a terrible sickness, multiple sclerosis. How does one face up to such a frightening disease in everyday life? When I was diagnosed with MS about 20 years ago, Luciano said to me, “Try to take the illness as an opportunity, not a misfortune. If you concentrate only on the negative aspects, they’ll grow even bigger. Instead, try to learn to appreciate every fragment of life, every tiny moment, much more. This will help you avoid wasting your emotions.” And that’s what I try to do every morning when I get out of bed. Obviously it’s not easy … but trying to see things in this light helps to give a meaning to what has happened to me, to not fall a prey to anger and that “why me?” which would definitely be a tremendous, useless waste of resources, both physical and emotional. Illness is an opportunity to reset your scale of values and priorities, it forces you to look at what frenetic day-by-day activity loses along the way, what we ignore, what we take for granted. 8. What motivated you to make such a personal situation public? Luciano had wide shoulders, he was a real rock I could cling to and helped me share the weight of the illness throughout the 15 years I spent at his side. When he passed on everything collapsed around me; it was a dark and terrible time and perhaps I wasn’t able to carry the pressure of that weight on my shoulders alone. I have to admit that sharing the illness, opening to other people, made me feel less alone and made the burden bearable again. I met so many extraordinary people who told me their stories and reached out their hands; it was a great, collective embrace which gave me a precious impulse. 9. Recently you spoke out in favour of new medical discoveries to help alleviate the suffering of patients with MS. I’m thinking in particular of the socalled Zamboni therapy. Where has this research got to, and what is the reception for this new methodology in the Italian and the international scientific community? Prof. Zamboni’s research has uncovered a close connection between MS and a vascular condition known as CCSVI, or chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency. Recent estimates claim there are about 60,000 MS sufferers in Italy. At present there is no therapy that is able to definitively cure or even prevent the affliction, but Prof. Zamboni’s discovery is fundamental because it helps slow the course of the disease. The results of this research are at present facing obstructionism by practitioners of the older methods and are attacking habits and interests which have long been consolidated. However, I hope all those concerned, at every level, can learn to raise their eyes from their universe of acquired certainties and examine Prof. Zamboni’s results, and the important new issues they raise. Marco Venturini Remember Pavarotti. A night at the Opera. 8 June-9 July. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4, tel 800904560. Wed-Sat.
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
CINECITTÀ OPENS ITS DOORS Italy's Dream Factory is giving visitors a rare chance to peek behind the scenes war put an end to further development. The studios were heavily bombed and teenage Sofia Loren doing her first screen test, the dazzling the then-existing 16 sound stages were occupied by hundreds of refugees. costumes worn by Elizabeth Taylor as the Egyptian queen The 1950s, however, ushered in a golden age, producing a whole new school Cleopatra, a 19th-century Broadway in a New York before skyof brilliant Italian directors such as Visconte, De Sica, Fellini and Rossellini. scrapers – these are only some of the treats awaiting fans and This was when landmark productions like La Dolce Vita, Ben Hur, Quo Vadis cinema aficionados at Rome's mythical cinema “city”, Cinecittà, at the curand Roman Holiday were produced, and the Hollywood on the Tiber myth rently-running exhibition with a mouthful of a name: Cinecittàsimostra was born as American directors discovered that craftsmanship was superior (roughly translated as Cinecittà on show). and production costs were lower than on their home territory. In the theatre Rome's historic film studios are rarely open to visitors, so the exhibition there is a series of screen tests of actresses and actors who went on to bespanning 74 years of activity during which some 3,000 Italian and foreign come stars, including Sofia Loren, Claudia Cardinale and Catherine Spaak. films have been produced, including 47 Oscar winners and 90 nominees, There is a shuttle bus (or a walk past a monument dedicated to is an occasion not to be missed. Neapolitan comedian Totò) to two of the major outdoor sets: the Broadway Cinecittàsimostra takes us through the story of film-making, from black of The Gangs of New York and the Roman forum. The 19th-century and white to 3D, paying tribute not only to the great Italian directors and the Broadway, created by Oscar-winning set designer Dante Ferretti, with its actors and actresses who have worked here, but also the technicians, life-size hotels, shops and business frontages, looks a little battered after cameramen, dressmakers and artisans who contributed behind the scenes. ten years in the open, but is still impressive. Broadway then suddenly beWalking through the historic entrance on Via Tuscolana feels a bit like comes a French vie (for the Italian TV series about Coco Chanel), and then entering a secretive walled city. The studio area is spread over 40 hectares, transforms again into a typical old Italian village via. with vast stretches of green lawn and tree-shaded avenues leading off Further on is the towering Sound Stage 5 – the biggest in Europe – and towards the 22 sound stages. On the way to the Palazzina Presidenziale, a the astonishing Rome set, built in 2006 at a cost of $20m. Sprawling over squat, yellow pavilion in typical 1930s style where the first section of the four hectares, the paved Roman forum is surrounded by temples, basilicas, exhibition is set up, there is the showcase dedicated to the work of the De columns and arches, with flights of stone steps, walls and winding alleys Angelis family of craftsmen (over 70 years at the service of Cinecittà) and leading off into the depths of the low class Suburra district. This is not for the disquieting head of Venusia, the gigantic statue that emerged menacingly purists. A lot of licence has been taken with the positioning of the buildings from the Venetian lagoon in the opening scenes of Fellini's Casanova. to produce better effect. The Latin inscriptions too are somewhat fanciful. Surprises continue inside the pavilion, where floating images of scenes However, care has been taken to reproduce the actual buildings as they from various films glide over the floor and flash around the walls. A couple once must have looked and the effect is so realistic that you can hardly of rooms are dedicated to costumes – all masterpieces of tailoring and dressbelieve that it is all just fibreglass. The colours are also a little startling, but making. There are Violetta's ball dress from Zeffirelli's La Traviata, Silvana this, too, is historic fact: in Roman times edifices and statues were not white, Mangano's elegant coat dress from Visconte's Death in Venice, the cosbut brightly painted. tumes worn by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in Cleopatra and Michel According to Cinecittà Studios president, Luigi Abete, “this exhibition is Piccoli's papal outfit for Moretti's Habemus Papam, currently running in cinealso a pilot project for a future Museum of Cinema, which Cinecittà intends mas throughout Italy, along with a selection of accessories and jewellery. to create.” However, Rome's Dream Factory has no intention of rooting itself Other sections show us sketches, models and photos made for major films in the past. Normal work continues and visitors may be lucky enough to catch like Annaud's The Name of the Rose, Scorsese's Gangs of New York and a glimpse of Bertolucci, curthe more recent Anglorently directing his new film Io American TV series Rome. e Te, or Carlo Verdone, Snippets of scenes projected working on Posti in Piede in onto the walls illustrate phases Paradiso. Cinecittà also hopes of the production process, that this summer Woody such as mounting, soundAllen will choose the studios tracking and the creation of to make his next film, thus special effects. adding a little international The next stop, Palazzina glitter to the old “Hollywood Fellini, covers celluloid history. on the Tiber”. A series of photos documents the creation of Cinecittà and Margaret Stenhouse its inauguration in 1937 by Mussolini, who had decided to create the biggest cinema Cinecittàsimostra runs until 30 September. city in Europe in what was Daily except Tues 10.30-18.30. then open countryside six km A promotional image from the Rome series which was filmed in Cinecittá Via Tuscolana 1055, in a four-hectare reproduction of the Roman forum outside Rome. Unfortunately, Metro A Cinecittà.
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
In the footsteps of Keats and Shelley
Keats Shelley Poetry Prize AGE 5-9
AGE 14-18
Jaeho Song
Anna de Lemos
Age 7 St. George’s La Storta Junior School
Age 18 St George’s British International School
If I were invisible I would run before Miss Jones says go And win the cross country.
Lying in the lush green grass I think of you. Lying under the harsh sun I remember you. With the soft melodies that fluttered across the field as we waved our last goodbyes or, rather, as I waved to you as you drifted off Still. Peaceful. All in white.
If I were invisible I would not sleep On Christmas Eve And meet Santa.
Strange, now with the softer rhythms of our gathered breathing Your footsteps seem to glow and your feet stumble and your laughter echoes down the places we once knew. A small boy scampering across the playground with bright curious eyes and a mischievous smile. That was you. When we first met. And how you grew!
If I were invisible I would catch The greedy robbers And put them in prison. If I were invisible I would paint my house Drawing tigers, snakes And rabbits. If I were invisible I would swim with The dolphins and sharks peacefully And they wouldn’t see me. If I were invisible I would run In the corridor Bumping everywhere.
PRIMO PREMIO ITALIANO Celeste Rosi Età 9 Britannia International School VOLARE FRA LE NUVOLE Sarebbe bello volar fra gli uccelli sentirsi liberi, sentirsi più belli. Potendo volare potrei guardare tutto quello che accade sulla terra e sul mare. Potrei girare intorno al mondo e scoprire se lui è veramente rotondo. Veder tutte insieme le sue meraviglie: i fiumi, montagne e tante famiglie. Veder le gazzelle che corron felici vedere i delfini che son sempre amici. Veder le foreste. le bestie feroci di tanti animali sentirne le voci. Volare però io proprio non so ma fra le nuvole spesso ci sto, con fantasia volo senza confini, come san fare soltanto i bambini.
AGE 10-13 FIRST PRIZE ENGLISH Viktor Torhonen Age 12 Ambrit International School HARVEST the day has come, to take the gold, more gold must come, to feed the hungry ones, I think of it, as I walk through the gold, with my scythe I run it down, my hands pick it softly, like a baby from its cradle, and I know, this is a promising year.
Funny, to think we all lie here listening to your faint whisper that will never leave our ears. Your bright green eyes watch over the boys beside me. Forever young you will be and forever smiling. Funny, the scraps of photos you left with us we hold sacred and have your signature smile stamped on each one. and as we drift into a blissful silence A memory of you Sparks and an intrusive grin creeps onto my face, our faces, staring into the infinite blue sky.
Ciro Kevin Troisi
Martina Federico
Età 11 St George La Storta Junior School RACCOLTO Spighe: foglie dorate alla ricerca di amici. Spighe: germe lucente impaziente d’uscire. Lama tagliente fascetta morente. Baston battente cíccho saltante pane croccante.
SECOND PRIZE AGE 5-9 English Katie Kendrick, age 8, The New School. “Clouds” Italiano Maria Valentina Bezzi, età 8, Britannia International School. “Invisibile” AGE 10-13 Joint Second prize English: Lydia Fairey, age 13, St George’s International School. “Plums” Matilde Washington Emerson, age 11, St George’s British International School. “Enchantment” Italiano Cosima Rattizzi, età 12, Ambrit. “La città incantata” AGE 14-18 English Kristie Lee, age 16, Bronx High School of Science. “Malus Domestica (Apple Tree)” Italiano Veronica Joy Corales Alvarado, età 18, Liceo Scientifico Amedeo Avogadro. “Esilio d’un uomo” Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
Another bird skims the blue sky that You’ve become part of. The same sky you sailed beneath, the same sky we worked beneath. We had our adventures. We climbed infinite cliff faces and braved the icy waters of the rapids together. You braved the night Alone.
Età 17 Liceo Scientifico B. Pascal COME L’ONDA QUANDO ARRIVA LA MAREA Stillò da me in quell’oscuro chiarore Scivolando di colpo a solcare le mie voglie Una goccia d’anima, dallo sfrontato bagliore scintillò, e si perse tra le foglie. Come l’onda quando arriva la marea fu così che scelse la sua nuova direzione e, com’ella è attratta dall’astro della madre Dea si lanciò, traboccante d’illusione. Più tardi mi raccontò del suo male la sua stessa essenza l’annoiava coi suoi spasmi Difficile – mi disse – stabilir cos’è reale quando si è giudici in un tribunale di fantasmi. Il mio abbandono ora assaporerai a pieno mi congedo da tutto ciò che chiamata giusto Sono solo un’estensione del terreno, dalla terra traggo vita, come ogni arbusto. Affidate a lei la mia sorte e il mio spirito sarà eterno, senza dover essere buono Sarò più forte prima che ciò che voglio divori ciò che sono.
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
by Linda Bordoni
EXHIBITIONS ROME SPIRITUEL-HANJI Capolavori in carta di gelso dell’artigianato coreano 9 June-7 Aug Hanji is a traditional Korean rice paper made from the inner bark of mulberry trees. It has rich historical connections to Buddhism, as it was developed in Korean Buddhist monasteries which operated paper mills and used hanji to print Buddhist texts. This exhibition presents precious artefacts that illustrate that connection. Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia, Museo Nazionale per le Arti e le Tradizioni Popolari, Piazza Guglielmo Marconi 8/10, tel. 065926148, 065910709. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. NEW G.RANDI N.UCLEI A.RTE M.ODERNA II 24 June-23 Oct This is the second exhibition of a series in which the national gallery of modern art shows groups of works belonging to its own collection. This cycle is dedicated to Italian painters from the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, from Medardo Rosso to Pino Pascali. It includes works by Balla, De Pisis, Mafai, Morandi, Prampolini, Sironi and others, some of which have never been shown to the public before. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. NEW DESIDERO ERGO SUM 14-30 June A multi-disciplinary project that reflects on the themes of identity and thought in relation to man’s interaction with the outside world. The project features works by artists, performers, musicians and dancers who have focused on the concept of the fragmentation of “self” and “other” and the mutations of contemporary society. Sala 1 – Centro Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10, tel. 067008691. 16.30-19.30. Sat by appointment (tel. 3402874088). Sun and Mon closed. NEW ACQUARELLI D’INTERNO: 1810-1860 14 May-25 Sept This is an annual exhibition of selected paintings from the Praz Museum’s collection of watercolour interiors. 24 paintings created between 1810 and 1860 take their turn to be displayed as the rest of the collection is stored for reasons of space and conservation. They include works by Rudolf von Alt and Francis Peters, who were true specialists of the genre. Museo Mario Praz, Via Zanardelli 1, tel. 066861089. 09.00-14.00, 14.30-19.30. Mon 14.30-19.30. CINECITTÀ SI MOSTRA 29 April-30 Nov The famous Cinecittà film studios – the legendary Dream Factory of the 1960s and 1970s – are open to the public with an exhaustive exhibition that traces their history. Studios di Cinecittà, Via Tuscolana 1055. 10.30-18.30. Tues closed. Info See also page 7. Made in Italy at the Gagosian comprises works by international artists of the past 60 years, who have been inspired by Italy. Andy Warhol's Vesuvius, 1985.
GIACINTO CERONE 1957-2004 24 June-23 Oct This is the first retrospective dedicated to Giacinto Cerone organised by the national gallery of modern art. The exhibition focuses on the milestones of Cerone’s artistic development and includes sculptures made with ceramics, wood, chalk, plastic materials and different kinds of marble. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. IL SOGNO FOTOGRAFICO di Franco Angeli 1967-1975 26 May-4 Sept A yet unpublished collection of black and white photographs by Franco Angeli belonging to his former partner, Marina Ripa di Meana. Angeli is considered one of the main exponents of the Scuola di Piazza del Popolo art movement. Mercato di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Via IV Novembre 94. For info tel. 060608. 09.0019.00. Mon closed. NATURE/02 WEST 8 20 May-21 Aug This exhibition is the second part of a cycle of events in which MAXXI Architettura explores a diverse interpretation of the concept of monographic exhibitions. The works on show are by West 8, a group of Dutch architects, planners and landscape designers that takes its name from a strong North Sea wind. MAXXI, Via Giudo Reni 4/a, tel. 0639967350. 11.00-19.00. Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed. MADE IN ITALY 27 May-29 July Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Italy's unification, this exhibition comprises works by prominent artists of the past 60 years who have been inspired by Italy. Names on show include those of Georg Baselitz, Jean Michel Basquiat, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp, Alberto Giacometti, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Richard Serra and many others. Gagosian Gallery, Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498. 10.30-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. 10.30-19.00. Sat and Sun closed.
MASTERS OF MODERN CHINESE PAINTING 23 June-15 Sept To celebrate the Chinese cultural year in Italy this exhibition, entitled Beyond the Traditional, pays homage to the great masters of modern Chinese painting. On display are 100 works, coming from the National Art Museum of China (Namoc), divided into three sections: flowers and birds, portraits, and landscapes. These works were created between 1850 and 1950, a century which coincides with the introduction and spread of western artistic techniques, such as perspective, chiaroscuro and oil painting. The exhibition analyses how Chinese masters, fascinated by western techniques, have interpreted and reused the knowledge of western figur ative arts to influence traditional Chinese style. This event offers a comprehensive image of the artistic production of modern Chinese painting through the works of the most representative Chinese painters between tradition and modernity. Palazzo Venezia. Via del Plebiscito 118, Rome, tel. 066780131. Tue-Sun 10.00-19.00. NEW Gabrielle Bolzoni
RITRATTI Le Tante Facce del Potere 10 March-25 Sept The present exhibition, the second in the fiveyear project organised by the Capitoline Museums, I Giorni di Roma, focuses on ancient Roman portraiture with a selection of 150 heads and busts, as well as full-length statues mostly of Roman emperors. The exhibition starts with the late Roman republican period and ends with Imperial Rome. Musei Capitolini. Via del Campidoglio 1, tel. 0667102475, TueSun 09.00-20.00.
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
Degas and Renoir, while the Symbolist movement is perhaps the best represented, with paintings by Böcklin, Ensor, Moreau, Munch and Redon. Also featured are avant-garde movements that grew up around Expressionism, and ground-breaking later work by artists such as Ernst, Klee and Picasso. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500.
VANITAS: Lotto, Caravaggio and Guercino 21 May-25 Sept Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, the most important private museum in Rome, hosts Vanitas, an exhibition on the theme of the futility of earthly things. It follows the development of vanity and futility in European culture from its Christian origins to its presence in allegorical paintings and everyday objects such as a collection of 18th-century clocks crowned by the image of Time armed with a sickle to recall the fleeting nature of earthly time. Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 0669797767. 100 CAPOLAVORI dallo Städel Museo di Francoforte: Impressionism, Expressionism, Avant-Garde 1 April-17 July The collection of Frankfurt’s Städel museum was founded in 1815 by merchant banker Johann Friedrich Städel. The exhibition offers 100 masterpieces that serve as an overview on the history of European art and is divided into seven chronological categories. The French impressionist section features work by Corot, Courbet,
VENICE BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 4 June-27 Nov The 54th International Art Exhibition, directed by Bice Curiger, is entitled ILLUMInazioni – ILLUMInations. Although it unfolds in the central pavilion at Giardini, at the Arsenale and elsewhere around Venice, it is conceived as a single event that features 82 artists from all over the world, including 32 young artists born after 1975 and 32 women artists. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. Daedalus and Icarus by Andrea Sacchi in an exhibition about the futility of earthly possessions at the Doria Pamphilj gallery.
For a more complete list of exhibitions in Rome see
MUSIC ACCADEMIA FILARMONICA ROMANA Via Flaminia 118, tel. 063201752, 18 June-10 July. I giardini di luglio The Filarmonica’s brief summer season takes place as always in the lovely gardens where it has its headquarters. The initiative consists of a so-called Filarmonica open session which means that all music lovers, especially amateurs and beginners can make use of the garden every afternoon between 16.30 and 19.30 to play their own instruments in the shade. There is also a programme of professional concerts and dance performances. 28 June-2 July. Series of open sessions in collaboration with the Polish, French and Norwegian Institutes (20.00 and 21.30). 1 July. Recital by Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz. Programme of music by Scandinavian composers (21.30). 2 July. Recitals by Emanuela Orazi piano, Umberto Aleandri cello, Alessandro Soccorso piano, and Giulio Menichelli violin (19.00). Musical offerings continue with a piano recital by Alessandro De Luca who pays tribute to Franco Ferrara on the centenary of his birth and plays Alexis Weissenberg Jazz Sonata ending with the projection of Weissenberg’s film “I like music” (from 21.30). 3 July. Concert by the Mancuso Brothers dedicated to the musical tradition of the Mediterranean (21.00). Then Maria Rosaria Concertino accordion, and Umberto Vitiello vocals, guitar and percussions, play folk music from the south of Italy (22.30). 4 July. Open session Iran in collaboration with the Italian embassy in Teheran, by Kaylhan Kalhor, Ali Baharami Fard and Kasirossafar. Programme of traditional Persian music (21.30). 5 July. A marathon dedicated to Stockhausen and his musical legacy organised in collaboration with the Centro Ricerche Musicali and the S. Cecilia Conservatory (from 16.00). ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI S. CECILIA Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 068082058,
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
1 July. 1861-2011: Concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy by the Orchestra, Choir and Boys’ Choir of the Accademia di S. Cecilia and by the Brass Band of the Bersaglieri Brigade conducted by Carlo Rizzari. Programme of music dedicated to the Risorgimento (21.00). 6 July. Concert by the Choir and Percussionists of the Orchestra di S. Cecilia conducted by Ciro Visco. Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana (21.00). 8 July. Concert conducted by Ennio Morricone. Music by Morricone (21.00). ASSOCIAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE AMICI DELLA MUSICA SACRA Concerts in the Basilica of St Ignatius, Piazza S. Ignazio unless otherwise specified. For booking and information tel. 0668805816, 4 July. Concert by the International European College Choir of Seville. Sacred music programme (21.00). 9 July. Concert by the S. Sebastian Church Choir from the US. Sacred music programme (21.00). CONCERTI DEL TEMPIETTO Concerts at Teatro Marcello, Via del Teatro Marcello and at Villa Torlonia, Via Nomentana 70. For booking and information tel. 0687131590, This valiant association has organised music seasons in Rome for over 20 years. It promotes talent from all over the world and its long summer programme is called the Music Festival of Nations and is realised in collaboration with foreign embassies and cultural institutes. The programme unfolds in two stunning venues. Notti Romane al Teatro di Marcello (4 June-2 Oct) with an open-air recital or concert every evening inside the archaeological site of the Teatro di Marcello. Musica Sotto il Cielo Stellato di Villa Torlonia (1 July-7 Aug) has a programme that is very similar to that of the one at Teatro di Marcello, with chamber music and recitals. Concerts take place in front of the recentlyrestored Casina delle Civette each evening beginning at 20.30.
Celebrated composer Ennio Morricone conducts a concert of his own music at the Auditorium.
Monday 27 June & 4 July ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, PORTUGUESE: informal and fun lessons for beginners. Tuesday 28 June & 5 July CHIT-CHAT: The friendliest way to improve your Italiano, English, Español or Français language skills enjoying a glass of wine. EXTRA TIME: happy birra & new amici. Thursday 30 June International Meet Up @ Isola Tiberina More info on Old city and new friends... Live the Real Rome!
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER ENSEMBLE Concerts at Cortile di S. Ivo alla Sapienza, Corso Rinascimento 40. For booking and information tel. 0686800125, 5 July-9 Aug. The International Chamber Ensemble’s yearly summer festival entitled Serate di Grande Musica al Cortile di S. Ivo celebrates its 30th year with 15 musical evenings in the courtyard of one of the city’s most splendid examples of Renaissance architecture just a short walk from Piazza Navona. The courtyard – part of the original 15th-century university of Rome – lends its architectural and acoustical excellence to a pleasant and successful musical initiative. The season’s repertory consists of a varied selection of wellknown music ranging from Vivaldi and Mozart
to music from Argentina and songs from famous film tracks. All concerts begin at 21.30. 5 July. Concert by the orchestra of the International Chamber Ensemble conducted by Francesco Carotenuto, with Giuliano Bisceglia violin. Music by Vivaldi and Piazzolla. Repeated 6, 9 July. MUSICA PER ROMA Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel.892982, 29 June. Concert celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and China: recital by Jing Zhang soprano, with the participation of Massimo Di Franco tenor and Pietro Cangiano piano. Music by Gastaldon, Lehár, De Curtis, Puccini, Mascagni and Chinese folk music (20.30).
REMEMBER PAVAROTTI 8 June-9 July. Remember Pavarotti. “A Night at the Opera” is a music event organised to be performed every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 9 July. It includes an exhibition followed by a concert performed by a cast of singers and musicians selected by the Pavarotti Foundation under the artistic direction of the late Luciano Pavarotti’s widow, Nicoletta Mantovani. The event, which includes excerpts from great Italian operas, is to encourage talented young singers and give them a chance to perform to an international audience. The concert is followed by a buffet dinner. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4. Booking tel. 800904560,
OPERA MILAN ATTILA by Verdi 20 June-15 July Conducted by Nicola Luisotti, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Orlin Anastassov, Michele Pertugi, Marco Vratogna, Leo Nucci, Elena Pankratova, Lucrecia Garcia, Fabio Sartori. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744,
RAVENNA THE MAGIC FLUTE – IMPEMPE YOMLINGO by Mozart 30 June-3 July Directed by Mark Dornford-May, with artists of the Isango Portobello Theatre Company for the Ravenna Festival. Mozart’s much loved masterpiece performed the South African way; with 30 singers, marimbas, drums and township percussion. Played in a township setting and encompassing the nation's various languages, it’s the well-known story of Prince Tamino's quest to rescue Pamina, daughter of the Queen of the Night, from the Priest of the Sun. Dornford-May's production is faithful to the story and score of Mozart's opera, but also contains additional words and music. Critically acclaimed as a delight for young and old alike, with its message of reconciliation, the production won the 2008 Olivier Award for Best Musical Revival. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri, tel. 0544249244,
ROME LA BOHÈME by Puccini 16-26 June Conducted by James Conlon, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, with Ramon Vargas, Vito Priante, Hibla Gerzmava, Franco Vassallo, Marco Spotti, Patrizia Ciofi. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 06481601,
SPOLETO AMELIA AL BALLO by Gian Carlo Menotti 24 June-2 July Conducted by Johannes Debus, directed by Giorgio Ferrara, with Adriana Kucerova, Alfonso Antoniozzi, Sébastien Guèze, Alessandro Spina, Adriana di Paola. Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti. For booking and information tel. 0743776444,
A stage plan by the late set designer Pier Luigi Samaritani for La bohème at Teatro dell'Opera.
OPERA NOTES The one opera at the Ravenna Festival this year is I due Figaro by Saverio Mercadante conducted by Riccardo Muti and directed by Emilio Sagi. It is a co-production with the Salisburg Festival and the Teatro Real di Madrid. Composed in 1827 and influenced by Rossini the opera’s first performance in Spain had to be delayed until 1835 for political reasons. The Spoleto Festival celebrates the centenery of the birth of its founder Gian Carlo Menotti with a production of his first opera Amelia al Ballo composed in 1937 in Philadelphia. The opera is something of a parody on Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschera. Il Ravenna Festival al Teatro Alighieri propone, come unica opera in cartellone, I due Figaro di Saverio Mercadante (24 e 26 giugno) che sarà diretta da Riccardo Muti e messa in scena da Emilio Sagi, con i cantanti Antonio Poli, Asude Karayavuz, Annalisa Stroppa, Mario Cassi ed Eleonora Buratto. Lo spettacolo è una coproduzione con il Festival di Salisburgo e il Teatro Real di Madrid, che ha permesso anche la realizzazione dell’edizione critica della partitura originale. I due Figaro è su libretto di Felice Romani (l’autore della Norma di Bellini) ed è una sorta di “sequel” di Il barbiere di Siviglia di Rossini e di Le nozze di Figaro di Mozart, perché racconta del paggio Cherubino che si finge Figaro, per beffarlo e svelarne le macchinazioni. Saverio Mercadante compose la musica di I due Figaro con l’intento di farla ascoltare a Madrid nel 1827, ma sembra che il soggetto fosse poco gradito alle autorità spagnole per motivi politici, per cui la prima rappresentazione fu spostata al 1835. La musica risente dell’influenza di Rossini, ma evoca un’atmosfera spagnola grazie ai ritmi delle danze di bolero e di fandango, che sono largamente usati nell’opera. Il Festival di Spoleto festeggia i cento anni dalla nascita del suo fondatore Gian Carlo Menotti con Amelia al Ballo (24 giugno–2 luglio). La direzione d’orchestra sarà affidata a Johannes Debus e la regia all’attuale presidente e direttore artistico del Festival, Giorgio Ferrara; nei ruoli principali Adriana Kucerova (Amelia), Alfonso Antoniozzi (Il marito) e Sébastien Guèze (L´amante). Amelia al ballo è la prima opera che Menotti compose su libretto proprio e il suo primo successo; fu rappresentata all’Academy of Music di Philadelphia il 1 Aprile 1937, per poi essere ripresa nei più importanti teatri americani e europei. Non è un’opera avanguardistica, risente piuttosto della lezione del verismo, di Puccini e di un certo descrittivismo di Prokofiev; è tradizionale nell’uso della tonalità, nella divisione in numeri chiusi raccordati da recitativi accompagnati e nelle situazioni da opera buffa che racconta, è però possibile riconoscere una leggera ed elegante parodia delle consuetudini e degli stili musicali tipici dell’opera lirica. Amelia al ballo cita e fa dell’ironia, sia nel titolo e sia nella struttura narrativa, a Un ballo in maschera di Verdi, dove la protagonista si chiama Amelia ed è combattuta tra l’amore di un marito e di un amante. Paolo Di Nicola
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
FESTIVALS RAVENNA RAVENNA FESTIVAL 2011 7 June-9 July Fabula in Festival is both the title and the theme of the 22nd Ravenna Festival which is dedicated this year to the world of fairy tales. With The Magic Flute – Impempe Yomlingo (30 June-3 July) Mozart’s masterpiece is turned from Singspiel to musical thanks to the new setting chosen by English director Mark Dornford-May, in a South Africa balanced between modernity and a tribal past. The festival maintains a full dance programme and a solid calendar of symphonic concerts, with such protagonists as Michele Campanella (27 June) and Zubin Mehta (29 June). Festival founder and patron Riccardo Muti will also conduct his Cherubini Youth Orchestra in two replicas of I due Figaro and in the traditional closing concert at Palazzo De André (7 July). For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244,
ROME ROMA INCONTRA IL MONDO 18 June-29 July Rome’s world music festival is back on the shores of the lake in the gardens of Villa Ada and its programme features interesting multiethnic names and international music. The festival area opens at 20.00 so that the public can enjoy food and drink from one of the many multi-ethnic food stalls. Names to look out for this year include Sean Kuti (27 June), Jimmy Cliff (12 July), Suzanne Vega (20 July), Cesaria Evora (24 July). Concerts begin at 22.00. Villa Ada, Via di Ponte Salario. Infoline tel. 0641734712, 0641734648, 0641707101, 3472481011, LUGLIO SUONA BENE 23 June-2 Aug Since the inauguration of the Auditorium Parco della Musica, this initiative has gained a sturdy reputation for the quality and variety of its programme with a concert every evening throughout July in the auditorium’s open-air “cavea”. Opening the season this year is the much-loved Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio followed by an impressive line-up of international stars like Lou Reed, Sting, Elton John, Joe Cocker, Ricky Martin, Burt Bacharach, George Benson, Ringo Starr, Chicago, Cyndi Lauper, Buena Vista Social Club featuring Omara Portuondo, John Mayall, Primal Scream, Manhattan Transfer, John Mellencamp, Caro Emerald. All concerts begin at 21.00. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281, 199109783, CARACALLA FESTIVAL 2011 2 July-10 Aug The Teatro dell’Opera’s crowd-pleasing summer season opens at the magnificent Baths of Caracalla with a concert dedicated to the city of Rome, with music by Respighi conducted by Charles Dutoit. It is followed by the ballet Swan Lake choreographed by Galina Samsova (7-20 July), and continues with Puccini’s opera Tosca (21 July-10 Aug) and Verdi’s Aida (2-9 Aug). A gala ballet evening starring Roberto Bolle lights up the night on 23 July. Terme di Caracalla, Via delle Terme di Caracalla. For information tel. 06481601,
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
ROCK IN ROMA 18 June- 29 July The festival brings a line-up of big names on the rock music scene such as Fabri Fibra, Franco Battiato, Almanegretta, Ben Harper + Robert Plant, Skunk Anansie, Jamiroquai, Jack Johnson, Moby, Slash and many more. Concerts take place at the Ippodoromo delle Cappanelle, Via Appia Nuova 1245. For information tel. 0666182859, FESTIVAL AND Accademia Nazionale di Danza 21 May-9 July This initiative involves the utilising of the stage in the beautiful gardens of Rome’s National Dance Academy on the Aventine hill, and has blossomed under the direction of academy director Margherita Parrilla. Selected pupils from the academy and guest artists Petra Conti and Erik Nezha bring the ballet Excelsior accompanied live by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma to the academy’s gardens (23, 24 June). Then, dancers and choreographers Adriana Borriello and Giannandrea Poesio present Amor 2007 with pupils from the academy (27 June-1 July). The prestigious Rome Dance Prize is next, with competitions for dance and choreography and a final evening presided over by an international jury (2-6 July). The season comes to a close with a performance by the Beijing Dance Academy (8, 9 July). For booking and information tel. 065717621,
Platel (see also Dance), and Barak Marshall’s Rooster. The music line-up includes Italian rock/folk singer and songwriter Vinicio Capossela, a piano recital by Zhang Haocheng, a concert by jazz vocalist Cassandra Wilson and collaboration between playwright and stage director Pippo del Bono and violinist Alexander Balanescu. Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281,
VERONA FESTIVAL ARENA DI VERONA 2011 17 June-27 Aug Possibly the world’s most famous open-air opera festival, thanks to its breathtaking setting in the ancient Roman arena, this year’s season sees the staging of two new productions: Verdi’s La Traviata directed by Hugo de Ana, and Roméo et Juliette by Gounod, directed by Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak. As always, the pillars of the festival are represented by a mainly Verdi repertory, that this year includes Aida and Nabucco. Rossini’s Il barbiere di Siviglia and Puccini’s La Bohème complete a full programme that offers a different performance each evening. For tickets and information tel. 0458005151, see for dates of performances.
SPOLETO SPOLETO FESTIVAL 24 June-4 July The 54th edition of the famous arts festival in the Umbrian town of Spoleto is dedicated to the festival’s founder, composer Gian Carlo Menotti in the centenary of his birth. It opens with his opera Amelia al Ballo, directed by current festival director Giorgio Ferrara (24 June-2 July) see also Opera Notes. With the board’s strong emphasis on drama, stage director Luca Ronconi returns with the world première of Modesty by Rafael Spregelburd, one of the most prominent figures on the contemporary Argentine scene (24-26 June). The dance section offers an interesting line-up including the Corella Ballet, in Italy for the first time (8-9 July) see also Dance. For music fans, there are the midday recitals in the Teatro Caio Melisso and the evening concerts in churches, as well as the traditional final concert in Piazza Duomo, entitled Long Live Italy. Directed by James Conlon, this concert’s repertoire ranges from Verdi to Rossini, and its selection of Italian popular folk music from the Risorgimento pays homage to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy (10 July). The festival maintains its various sections devoted to cinema, science, cabaret and art. For booking and information tel. 0743776444,
TIVOLI FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI VILLA ADRIANA 16 June-20 July Events take place in the spectacular archaeological venue of Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli. The programme, which is co-produced with major European cultural institutions stars Lithuania’s stage director Eimuntas Nekrosius production of Caligula by Camus, the Belgium dance company Ballets C de la B in choreographies by Alain
A production of Caligula by Camus is staged at the Festival Internazionale in Tivoli. Photo: Sasha Ivanishin.
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
DANCE RAVENNA WIENER STAATSOPER BALLETT 2 July Gala evening. Excerpts from works by Kylian, Neumeier, Goeche, Bubenicek. With company director Manuel Legris, and soloists of the company. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri tel. 0544249244, L’ENSEMBLE 6 July In Le Troiane, choreography by Micha van Hoecke, with the participation of Lindsay Kemp. Van Hoecke is the current ballet director at Rome’s Teatro dell’Opera and a constant presence at the Ravenna Festival during which he invariably presents a new creation. This year he resumes his dialogue with Greek tragedy and brings Euripedes’s The Trojan Woman to the stage, thanks to the collaboration of Lindsay Kemp, the wellknown mime/dancer/actor/painter/artist in the role of Hecuba. For booking and information Teatro Alighieri, tel. 0544249244,
ROME ATERBALLETO 6 July Inaugurating this year’s Festival Invito alla Danza, Reggio Emilia’s resident dance company directed by Mauro Bigonzetti performs From music… with love. The evening includes Bigonzetti’s works Rossini Cards, with its selection of music by Rossini, and H+ with live soul, blues and jazz music performed by percussionist Federico Bigonzetti and vocalist Mark Borgazzi. Rossini Cards is a comical work whose sequence of duets and solos provides a brilliant showcase for the dancers, and the rousing end sees the whole cast jump into the orchestra pit. The second work on the programme, created in 2010, is dedicated to water with its purifying force and strong symbol of rebirth and renewal. Teatro Villa Pamphilj, Via di S. Pancrazio 10. For info tel. 0639738323,
THEATRE to the attention of the dance world as a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre. After more than 15 years with ABT, Corella turned elsewhere and in 2001 created the Angel Corella Foundation to promote classical ballet in Spain. In 2008, he founded the Corella Ballet, currently Spain’s only classical ballet company. In Spoleto the programme presents both classical and contemporary works, including the joyfully elegant Solea by María Pagés, and DVG: Dance a grand vitesse which is considered a Christopher Wheeldon masterpiece. Teatro Romano. For booking and information tel. 0743776444,
TIVOLI LES BALLETS C DE LA B 7, 9 July In Gardenia, conceived and choreographed by Alain Platel and Frank Van Laecke. This work is inspired by the film Yo soi así directed by Sonia Herman Dolz, in which the closing of a cabaret made up by transvestites of Barcelona, becomes the starting point of a journey in the private life of elderly artists. It all started for Platel when the actress Vanessa Van Durme gathered together a series of transsexual and transvestite friends and involved himself together with Frank Van Laecke and the composer Steven Prengels in this unique project. Gardenia – Platel points out – is not a work of fiction, and thus, it is an exceptional witness to reality. Each character has his or her own story, ambitions, hopes and despair. Villa Adriana, for booking and information tel. 0680241281,
ASZURE BARTON & ARTISTS 8, 9 July In Busk, choreography by Aszure Barton. Acclaimed as one of Canada’s most talented young choreographers, Barton is the resident choreographer for Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal, and an artist-in-residence at New York’s Baryshnikov Arts Center. Busk is a collaborative effort, resonant of Barton’s characteristic way of creating. “The idea came from busking, so spontaneity is at the core of the creation,” she says. “The piece will always be evolving throughout its life. But there are certain elements and ideas, such as certain moments of solitude and the energy of the collective that are captured in the piece.” Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti. For booking and information tel. 0743776444,
THE SEVEN KINGS OF ROME by Denise McNee 24 June-5 Aug With The Miracle Players. Known for their quirky humour take on ancient Roman history, and hilarious yet informative re-enactments of the glories of Rome brought to life in an unbeatable setting. This year the group of well-assorted actors (who are clearly having lots of fun) tell the story of the lives of the seven kings who forged the foundations of Rome. The Miracle Players are “back with their old style but new jokes, explaining, amongst other things, how she-wolves get themselves into history books, why you should shelter during a thunderstorm, what happens when Roman kings neglect the worship of the gods.” In English. At 19.30 every Friday in front of the Mamertine Prison at the Roman Forum. Entrance is free and booking is unnecessary. For information
TIVOLI CALIGULA by Albert Camus 1, 2 July Directed by Eimuntas Nekrosius. In this play focusing on the Roman emperor Caligula, Camus explores the absolutism of power and the catastrophe of tyranny. He contrasts collective and individual insanity and reveals collective evil is more dangerous than individual evil. It sounds like perfect subject matter for the award-winning Lithuanian director Eimuntas Nekrosius, who is known for the emotional intensity of his shows, the use of visual metaphors, of elements such as fire, ice and water, for his recorded soundtracks and above all for the “sounds” his actors elicit from objects onstage. In Lithuanian with Italian subtitles. Villa Adriana, tel. 0680241281,
CORELLA BALLET 8, 9 July In an evening of choreographies by Clark Tippet, Stanton Welch, Marìa Pagés, Christopher Wheeldon. Madrid-born Angel Corella first came
In Gardenia by Les Ballets C de la B each of the colourful characters has a story to tell.
CASINA DI RAFFAELLO 26 May-3 July Casina di Raffaello is holding two exhibitions on children’s illustration, under the title Le Favole raccontate dai Colori. On show are a selection of colourful illustrations, tables and drawings taken from two contemporary books for children entitled Gli Uccelli by Albertine and Germano Zullo and C’era tante volte una foresta by Élisa Géhin. Gli Uccelli, illustrated by Albertine Zullo and Italian writer Germano Zullo, is considered one of the most intense and poetical books recently published. It focuses on the importance of empathy, the intelligence of the good, the value of collective responsibility and the deepest meaning of love and happiness. The watercolours of C’era tante volte una Foresta tell a minimalist story of identity. The French illustrator, whose work is on show in Italy for the first time, focuses on the sad destiny of those who appear to be different and are regarded with fear and diffidence. Both exhibitions, followed by creative workshops, show children how it is possible to create something magical with simple pictorial techniques. Casina di Raffaello. Viale della Casina di Raffaello, Rome, tel. 060608. Tue-Fri 15.00, 17.00, 18.00, Sat-Sun 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, 17.00, 18.00. Gabrielle Bolzoni
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
IL BACARO Via degli Spagnoli 27 / tel. 066872554 / €€€
A quiet and secluded setting. Recommended in summer, when it’s possible to dine under the pergola. If it’s winter and you want to eat inside don’t forget to book in advance, as the premises are quite small. The cuisine is surprisingly adventurous. Perfect for romantic dinners. The restaurant’s specialty is that, along with the dish you have ordered, you will be served a small portion of the plate your partner has chosen, giving you the chance to taste your friend’s choice.
DARUMA SUSHI PIAZZA BOLOGNA Piazza Bologna 8 / tel. 064404962 / €€
SETTIMIO ALL’ARANCIO Via dell’Arancio 50 / tel. 066876119 / €€€
Daruma Sushi has always been ahead of the times, and has become the number one point of reference for fans of this Japanese culinary tradition. It now has six take-aways and two restaurants, the latest of which was opened last year in Piazza Bologna, the heart of one of Rome’s university areas. You pick your dishes from the Kayten conveyor, a rotating belt that winds through the restaurant, passing every table and counter seat.
Settimio all’Arancio is located in the historic centre of Rome not far from the intersection of Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, near Piazza Augusto Imperatore. It offers a traditional Mediterranean menu and a large choice of wines. Meat is the main attraction, but there are excellent first courses and fish dishes. The chef changes the menu every two weeks to offer new and exciting ideas. In good weather there are tables outside and air-conditioning inside. All major credit cards are accepted, but it’s advisable to book.
GUSTO RISTORANTE AND PIZZERIA Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9 / tel. 063226273 / €€
The restaurant is on the first floor, but you can also dine outside under the portico designed by the famous architect of the fascist period Pio Piacentini (of Via della Conciliazione fame) and look across at the contemporary Museum of the Ara Pacis by American architect, Richard Meier. The architecture of the restaurant is very simple and cosy. The menu is creative and focuses on the quality of its Mediterranean products. There is also a pizzeria on the ground floor.
INDIAN RESTAURANT HIMALAYA PALACE Circonvallazione Gianicolense 277-279 tel. 065826001 / €€
IL TIEPOLO Via Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 3 / tel. 063227449 €€
Established in 1993, Himalaya Palace is an authentic Indian restaurant nestled in Monteverde Nuovo close to Villa Pamphilj, Rome’s largest park. To the background of Indian music you can choose from a variety of genuine dishes, (Tandori and Tikka Masala chicken and lamb Korma) which include homemade Indian yoghurt and cheese. This is a special and affordable experience.
– starting from €30 per person
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
Tiepolo is a busy restaurant on a small street close to the Stadio Flaminio sports stadium and the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The atmosphere is perfect for an evening out with friends. The healthy menu is based on plenty of vegetables and no fries, with a touch of Swedish influence. The baked potatoes are among the specialties.
– starting from €20 per person
– starting from €15 per person
PASSAGUAI Via Pomponio Leto 1 tel. 06687451358
A meeting place just off Borgo S. Angelo on the edges of Prati where you can stop to relax in a simple and welcoming environment. It’s open for lunch, dinner and after dinner. This is a place where you can listen to good music and even discover new young artists. Passaguai has a few outdoor tables and a good wine list along with a range of homemade beers. WiFi connections are available.
Piazza di Pietra 42 tel. 066785804
Ranked one of the best 50 bars worldwide by “Drinks International”, Salotto is an elegant bar furnished in vintage style. It’s in a trendy location facing the ancient Roman ruins in Piazza di Pietra, a short walk from Fontane di Trevi, the Pantheon and Piazza Venezia. At weekends there is also brunch and a buffet. At night it becomes a cocktail bar with a diverse range of music and a good selection of drinks. Add the living room feeling provided by a vast and cosmopolitan selection of books on fashion, art and design, mix it all together and you get the “Salotto 42 feeling”.
Piazza Augusto Imperatore 28, tel. 0668134221
Tati’ al 28 is a trendsetting location and is home to contemporary design mobilia. On the ground floor there are no real tables, but a large living room with Chester traditional sofas and stainless steel chairs. During the aperitivo, you can get a combo buffet for €10, generally pasta and small cold dishes. The wine list and cocktail menu are extensive.
FRENI E FRIZIONI Via del Politeama 4 tel. 0658334210
Freni e Frizioni is just off Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. Once a garage (its name means brakes and clutches) it is a now a popular place to be seen, especially in the summer when crowds overflow into the square in front. Inside you will find a young and casual crowd among the mix of vintage furniture and contemporary prints. From 19.00 to 22.00, you’ll be served an extensive buffet with seasonal dishes, salads, pastas, pizzas, and much more.
Via della Pace 3/7, tel. 066861216,
Antico Caffè della was once the favourite meeting place for artists, writers and politicians. It is still the local bar for some residents in the Piazza Navona area but very popular with visitors to Rome who want to get a glimpse of what life used to be like in one of the oldest parts of the city. It’s also a good stopping place for anyone going to one of the many exhibitions in the magnificent Bramante cloisters in the nearby church of S. Maria della Pace. Drinks are expensive, but you can sit for as long as you like and take in the beautiful surroundings.
GIULIO PASSAMI L’OLIO Via di Monte Giordano 28 tel. 0668803288
If you happen to be walking in the historic centre near Piazza Navona, around 19.00, and feel like a drink and are overwhelmed by the hundreds of restaurants and cafes around you, Giulio Passami l’Olio is a safe choice. It’s a nice informal place just across the river from Castel S. Angelo where you can sit inside or out and choose a good glass of wine from a large selection. It’s also a popular meeting place for a number of foreign communities. 22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
Look for more classified ads on FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 23) must be submitted via our website at Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.
accommodation vacant in town APPIA ANTICA. In beautiful compound, different size villas, furnished or semi furnished, garden, terrace. Tel. 0654211074, APPIA ANTICA. Charming “casale” unfurnished, living room, 3 bedrooms, garden, €2.500. Also, lovely cottage bordering exclusive golf course, 2 living rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garden, Tuscan views. €1.500. Tel. 065813452, ARDEATINA - CRISTOFORO COLOMBO AREA. In lovely compound, 140sqm apartment, elegantly furnished, 1 bedroom with private bathroom, other 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, kitchen, 250-sqm private garden, individual heating. €2.000 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, ASSISTANCE TO FOREIGNERS PENTHOUSE IMMOBILIARE. We offer full service for property for long & short term rentals. Special assistance for FAO, IFAD, WFP, Embassies and Multinational Companies. Mother-tongue English staff. Tel. 065919125, ATTIC - CASSIA. Compound, living room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, terraced, southerly, panoramic, pools, tennis, 24hr consierge, furnished. Tel. 0862954111, 349 / 6953417, 348 / 3382100. AURELIA - AURELIA ANTICA VICINITY. In elegant compound, semi-detached villa, 400 sqm, bedroom with private bathroom, 2 other bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, furnished kitchen, hobby-room with 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room, washingroom, garage. 1.200-sqm private garden. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, AURELIA - AURELIA ANTICA VICINITY. In compound with beautiful park, swimming-pool, 240-sqm apartment on 2 levels, large terrace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, furnished kitchen, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871,
AURELIA - VICINITY VILLA PAMPHILI. Elegant 200-sqm apartment, refurbished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, lovely terrace, maid’s quarters, double car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, AVENTINO. 150 sqm, 3 bedrooms, study, living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, terrace, parking. Ref 1272. Tel. 063212341. AVENTINO. Semi-furnished apartment, top floor, living room, kitchen corner, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, storage, balcony, A/C, €2.200. Tel. 0654211074, AXA - CASALPALOCCO - INFERNETTO. Different sizes villas with garden in quiet, very nice compounds. Small apartments with terrace also available. Tel. 0654211074, BARBERINI. Via Rasella 137, furnished 2roomed flat with spacious terrace, living room, kitchenette, double bedroom on 2 levels, built-in wardrobe, bathroom with shower, T.V. Monthly rent: €1.700, daily rent: €140. Other, 2-roomed flats available in the same area. Monthly rent: €1.600, daily rent: €110. Please call Ms Franca tel. 068083375, mobile: 320 / 7047817. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED IN TESTACCIO. Available for academic year, CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. In compound, elegant 220-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, swimmingpool, tennis courts. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, CASSIA - S. GODENZO. Charming 150-sqm apartment, furnished / unfurnished, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, terrace, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, CASSIA - VIA QUADRONI near international schools, condominium park and swimming pool, furnished or semi furnished, lounge, 3 bedrooms, smaller room, terrace, garage, €2.100. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. CASSIA - VICINITY OVERSEAS SCHOOL. In compound with private park & tennis court, beautiful 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,
ample living / dining room, lovely terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, car-port, €3.000 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, CASSIA. Prestigious villas and apartments with garden or terrace, parking, furnished or semi furnished, different sizes available. Tel. 0654211074, CENTRE. Beautiful, furnished loft, 40 sqm, renovated, silent and comfortable, €1.300. Tel. 0669941681, CENTRE. Completely renewed penthouse, 80 sqm with pleasant 70-smq terrace. Classic furniture, €2.500. Tel. 0669941681, CENTRE. Furnished penthouse, 120 sqm, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, view, €3.700. Tel. 0669941681, CENTRE. Elegant, 150 sqm, entrance, large living room, dining room, equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, €5.900. Tel. 0669941681, CENTRE - NEAR COLOSSEUM. Charming cottage in park with own private garden, 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, sitting / dining room, veranda. Parking for 1 car. 6 month / 1 year contract only. No agents. Please contact owner at email: CENTRE - COLOSSEUM. Delightfully furnished, unusual, lounge, 2 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, €2.000. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. CENTRE - NEAR VIA GIULIA. Semi furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, delightful little terrace, €2.300. From 1 September. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. CENTRE - PENTHOUSE close to Navona, lovely attic on 2 levels, 220 sqm, spectacular 100-sqm terrace, guest annex, restructured, furnished, wooden beams, “cotto” (fired terracotta) flooring, fireplace, lift, €8.000, shortterm/provisional contract; Piazza Adriana, prestigious attic, 400 sqm, double entrance, 60-sqm terrace, spectacular views of Castel S. Angelo, door-
man building, €12.000; Piccolomini, view of cupola, 200 sqm, balconied, garage, €3.600; Trastevere at the foot of Gianicolo, prestigious doorman building, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, partial mezzanine storage, restructured, semi furnished, garage, €3.500; Colombo, close to the Aurelian walls, attic on 2 levels, unfurnished, 220 sqm, lounge, 4 bedrooms, equipped kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 150-sqm terrace with view of Rome, doorman, garage, €3.000. Tel. 065919125 CENTRE - VIA NAZIONALE. Lovely attic, finely refurbished, unfurnished, lounge with fireplace, study, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, terrace, €4.500. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. COLOSSEUM. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, A/C, near metro. Refs 150/697, €1.800. Tel. 063212341. EUR Outstanding, luxuriously furnished apartment, suitable top-ranking personality, large sitting room, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, all comforts, terraces, double garage, €3.500. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. EUR - MOSTACCIANO - TORRINO LAURENTINA. Apartments, elegant, furnished or unfurnished, nice compounds. Tel. 0652205391, EUR - PENTHOUSE. Ville Torrino Mezzocammino, lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, laundry room, hobby room, garage, garden, tele-heating, €2.200. Other, €2.000; Casalpalocco, swimming pool, tennis, 200-sqm villa, 160-sqm garden, lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hobby room, alarm, A/C; Castel di Leva, villa on 3 levels, 450 sqm, 1.500-sqm garden, well finished, €4.000. Tel. 065919125, EUR - TORRINO - NEAR PIAZZA CINA. Open view, charming condominium park (games-gazebo). Gracious, furnished, equipped, 2 bedrooms, living room, garage. Any term. Photos available. Tel. +39 392 / 6395182. EUR - VIALE AFRICA. Lovely attic on 2 levels, furnished or semi furnished, lounge, study, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, charming terrace, garage, €3.000. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426.
Office hours: Mon – Fri 10.00 – 16.00. Orari ufficio: lun – ven 10.00 – 16.00. Wanted in Rome does not accept jobs vacant ads that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion. Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma – Tel. 066867967 –
PUBLICATION DATES Giorno di pubblicazione Wed 20 July Wed 3 Aug Wed 14 Sept
FREE CLASSIFIEDS must be submitted on our website, Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted at our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
EUR CENTRE - PENTHOUSE. Tupini, restructure, 4th floors, furnished, large lounge, large kitchen, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, garage, €2.800; SS Pietro Paolo, prestigious apartment, 200 sqm, entrance, lounge, 90 sqm, kitchnen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, currently being refurbished, €4.500; Start of Laurentina S. Paolo, attic, completely refurbished, large lounge, kitchen with ‘tinello’, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace/portico, modern furnishings, A/C, garage, €3.000; Serafico, elegant apartment, refurbished, condominium garden, large lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, A/C, garage, €2.500; Torrino Sabatini, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large kichen, terrace, garage, €1.500; Mostacciano Vivanti, refurbished, furnished, lounge, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, finished to high standards, A/C, garage €1.600. Tel. 065919125, EUR PAVESE. Completely, well-furnished apartment, 2 large bedrooms, maid’s room, 2 bathrooms, living room, fitted closets, balcony, €1.500. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012.
EUR VIGNA MURATA. Fonte Meravigliosa. Very nice apartment, large living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, private garden, cellar and garage. Fully furnished. Non-residents and no agencies. Tel. 065414440 (Italian speakers). EUR. Different opportunities of apartments, living room, kitchen, 1-2-3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, terrace, parking place. Tel. 0654211074, FLAMINIO PANORAMIC SUMMER RENT. Lovely sunny high-rise (8th floor) apartment on Piazza Mancini. Fantastic view of Olympic Stadium, MAXXI Museum, Auditorium. 100 sqm, 1 double + 1 triple + 1 child’s bedrooms. Large living room with open kitchen. Fully furnished, utilities/air cond/TV/local phone internet included. Rents from June to September, €1.600 per month or €5.000 for 4 months. Deposit required. For further info: GARBATELLA. Furnished apartment, 4th floor, 65 sqm, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, parking, €1.000. Tel. 0654211074,
GIANICOLO. Historic villa, 500 sqm, over magnificent park 1000 sqm: fountains, swimming pool and terrace, €25.000. Tel. 0669941681, HISTORIC CENTRE - MONTEVERDE TRASTEVERE PARIOLI - AVENTINO. Various apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, HISTORIC CENTRE - TORRE ARGENTINA. Elegant restructured apartment, 180 sqm, entrance, large lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, large terrace, quiet, bright, cellar, doorman. €4.000 to referenced only., tel. 345 / 8238545. HISTORIC CENTRE SPAGNA. Nice, restored and furnished apartments, living room, kitchen, 1 or 2 bedrooms, bathroom, terrace. Tel. 0654211074, HISTORIC CENTRE. In prestigious building, characteristic, refurbished 85sqm apartment, exquisitely furnished, double bedroom, private bathroom, living room, dining room / open-space kitchen, guest toilet. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, HISTORICAL CENTRE. Pantheon, small flat (40 sqm) bedroom (double bed), private bathroom, dressing room inside furnished apartment, for non-smoker girl of English, German, Japanese mother-tongue. Monthly €800 including all expenses, use of kitchen, washing machine, internet and other utilities. Tel. +39 066793997, +33 148054283, email: INFERNETTO - AXA - CASAL PALOCCO. Various villas. Furnished or unfurnished. Garden and swimming pool. Tel. 0652205391, INTERNATIONAL POINT. Different size apartments and villas, assistance and professional service for the duration of contract. Tel. 0654211074,, LUMINOUS LUXURY APARTMENT. Apartment in Via F. Borgatti 25, north Rome, Fleming hill - Corso Francia Parioli area. Apartment of 170 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with shower and bath, kitchen, study, living room with 3 balconies, bookcases. Building with concierge, private outdoor parking. Monthly fee: €2.600, expenses: €300/month, central heating €200/month. Contract 4+4 or 3+2. Bank guarantee requested. Deposit of 3 months in advance of signing the contract. ASK FOR PHOTOS. For information contact: 338 / 6248372. MLD - CASSIA. Elegant complex, 24-hr security, large entrance, large living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, terrace, garage, €2.500. Vigna Clara, Via Nemea, exclusive complex with tennis and swimming pool, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, terrace, parking space, €1.000. Balduina, Via Massimi, elegant condominium complex, living room, 2 bedrooms, terraces. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - EUR - SIC. Luxurious swimming pool complex, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, garage, €2.300. Eur Torrino, very panoramic attic, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, furnished, garage, €900. Axa, elegant building in “cortina”, living room, open kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, 35-sqm terrace, double garage, €800. Castel di Leva, villa on 3 levels, finely finished, 450 sqm + 1.500-sqm garden, €4.500. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - FARNESINA - ATTIC. Attic in elegant condominium complex, small living room, bedroom, study, bath-
room, kitchen, terrace, €1.600; other, living room, 3 bedrooms, €2.500. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - HISTORIC CENTRE - ATTIC. Passeggiata di Ripetta, attic in elegant period building, finely restructured, large entrance, lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony overlooking rooftops, €2.300. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - PORTUENSE. Casetta Mattei, near Parco de Medici (World Food Programme) in new-build, high floor, finely finished, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, terrace, garage, €950. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - PRATI - PIAZZALE EROI. Near metro Cipro, high floor, large entrance, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, balcony, €1.500. Other, Via della Giuliana, elegant, living room, 2 bedrooms, garage, €2.200. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - S. LORENZO. Finely finished, small attic in elegant condominium complex with doorman, entrance, living room, open-plan kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, 40-sqm terrace. Tel. 065916760, email: MONTEVERDE. 120 sqm, 3rd floor, quiet, bright, semi furnished, living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished kitchen, balcony. Property International 0657284503,, MONTI - NEAR VIA NAZIONALE. Modern apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, living room, comfortable bathroom with shower, equipped kitchen, A/C, dishwasher and washing machine. Max 5 people. Tel. 339 / 5381750, MONTI. 80 sqm, walk-up, semi furnished, high ceilings, large living room, bedroom, bathroom, eat-in furnished kitchen, tiny balcony. Property International 0657284503,, MONTIPARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant 200sqm apartment, refurbished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871,
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
DO YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR APARTMENTS IN PARIS, BERLIN, LONDON OR MADRID? DO YOU HAVE A JOB TO OFFER IN DUBLIN, BARCELONA, BRUSSELS OR AMSTERDAM? Then go to and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06 6867967 or e-mail us at NOMENTANA - TORLONIA. Charming, 3rd floor, no lift, unfurnished, living room, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, €1.600. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. OLGIATA Semi-detached villa, 300 sqm, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, furnished kitchen, large hobby-room, maid’s quarters, 600-sqm garden, garage. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, OLGIATA. Beautiful villa, large living room, equipped kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, A/C, alarm, porch, garden, garage. Tel. 335 6174169, PANTHEON AND PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, PANTHEON. Beautifully renovated, 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room w/fireplace, kitchen, terrace. Refs 224/438/821. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI Archimede, 1st floor, living room with terrace, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, cellar, semi furnished, A/C, €1.400, for photos, Join us on Facebook, 068419827. PARIOLI. Elegantly furnished 130-sqm apartment, A/C, 1 double bedroom, 2 single bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, lovely small terrace, alarm system, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, PARIOLI. Spacious, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, balconies, possible parking. Ref. 1281. Tel. 063212341. STUDY CENTRE. A Study Center ( offersi to British-American, literary advanced man-woman college graduate, 5 months part-time job (20 hours weekly) €200,00 monthly scholarship and room & Italian breakfasti in agreeable country house in Rome (15km from the city center by bus), in exchange of 25 weekly working hours, translating and copywriting in literary advanced English one book in economic matter under help and control of the author. Preferred, but not requested, Italian knowledge. Word and Dreamweaver. Tel. +39 0671354004. Mail: PIAZZA BOLOGNA - METRO B. Delightful, 60 sqm, renovated apartment with terrace, furnished, bedroom, bathroom, equipped kitchen, living / dining area, A/C, WiFi, €1.300 including bills + weekly cleaning. Tel. +39 339 / 1893445, PIAZZA VENEZIA - MONTI - ATTIC. Duplex penthouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, panoramic terrace, doorman. Refs 758. Tel. 063212341. POPOLO - ATTIC. Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, A/C, balconies, near park. Ref 1087. Tel. 063212341. POPOLO. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, balcony, near park, metro. Refs 700/637. Tel. 063212341. PRATI Studio with kitchen corner, sofa bed, internet Wi-Fi, 2nd floor, elevator, close to metro A Lepanto. €850/monthly, utilities included. Tel. 334 / 3083034, email: PRATI. 140 sqm, high floor, bright, nicely restored, semi furnished, large
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony. Property International 0657284503,, PRATI. 180 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double living room, balconies, kitchen, parking, views. Ref 939. Tel. 063212341. PRATI. Furnished apartment, 130 sqm, large living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen with balcony, 2 bathrooms, doorman, €2.700. Tel. 0654211074, PRATI. Delightful furnished apartment, 35 sqm, living / dining room, equipped kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with shower, €1.250. Tel. 0669941681, PRATI. Furnished penthouse, 50 sqm, living room, dining room, equipped kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, lovely terrace, €1.600. Tel. 0669941681, PRENESTINA & COLLI DELL’ANIENE. We rent 2 renovated apartments: Colli Aniene area, furnished, €1.200; Villa Gordiani area, unfurnished, €1.000. 10 minutes by public transport to city centre, entrance hall, living / dining room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, balcony. Long or short term contract. Tel. +39 064062992, +39 349 / 0739296. ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. ST PETER’S STATION. 70-sqm unfurnished apartment, 2 sunny rooms, shower bathroom, live-in kitchen, small terrace, motorbike parking space, quiet and peaceful at Vicolo del Vicario, €1.000 monthly. Mobile 349 / 8648883. Kitchen and some furniture possible. ST PETER’S - AURELIO. In prestigious complex with greenery, 30-sqm studio apartment, furnished, parking space, 25-sqm balcony, short lets. €700 monthly. Photos on request. Tel. 328 / 8116804, ST PETER’S. Semi-furnished apartment, 100 sqm, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony. €1.800. Tel. 0654211074, TRASTEVERE near S. Maria, luxury furnished flat, double living room, dining room with chimney, kitchenette (supplied with washing machine, oven, dishwasher), 2 bedrooms for 2 people each, bathroom with shower, TV, A/C. Monthly rent €1.500, daily rent €130. Please call Ms Franca at 068083375 or mobile 320 / 7047817. TRASTEVERE - ATTIC. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, living room with fireplace, panoramic terrace. Refs 1280/213. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - MONTEVERDE. Pamphili Park, several quality 1 and 2 bedroom terrace apartments. €1.200 to €1.800. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE - PIAZZA S. MARIA. Lovely, living room, 2 bedrooms, balcony, old Rome charm, €1.700. Tel. 065813452,
TRASTEVERE - VIA DANDOLO. Private rent to one referenced person in renovated mini-studio (25 sqm) overlooking greenery, bright and elegantly furnished. Shared entrance, private equipped area, bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, and charming private garden. Fully equipped including ADSL. Rental from 1st July 2011, €800 all inclusive. One month deposit. Email:, tel. +39 335 / 7840489. TRASTEVERE - VIA DELLA SCALA. Characteristic, furnished, living room, bedroom, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, €1.400. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. TRASTEVERE - VIA MAMELI. Beautifully renovated, quiet, 3rd floor flat, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, lift, A/C. €1.600. Tel. 347 / 8796330. TRASTEVERE. Near Piazza Piscinula, delightful, bright, small flat in lovely, completely refurbished, 17th century building. Air-conditioning, wooden beamed ceilings, 1 bedroom, living room with fireplace, tiny kitchen, €1.200 monthly. Tel. 333 / 6874513. TRASTEVERE. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, balcony. Refs 1104/880/1113. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE. Well furnished, spacious living room, bedroom, wellequipped kitchen, bathroom, €1.700. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE/MAMELI MINI-APARTMENT. Quiet mini-apartment, with kitchenette, fully furnished, dishwasher, washing machine, lift, sleeps max 3. No agency. Shortest let 4 weeks €1.200. Available from August. TRIESTE - PIAZZA ACILIA. Semi furnished, living room with kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, €850. From September. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. VATICAN AREA. Spacious penthouse, lovely terrace, living room, bedroom, study, character, suitable as artist’s home. Tel. 065813452,
VIGNA CLARA - VICINITY MARYMOUNT SCHOOL. Beautiful, refurbished, 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, 2 terraces, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, alarm system, large car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, VIGNA CLARA - VICINITY MARYMOUNT SCHOOL. Bright, 120-sqm apartment, partially air-conditioned, 2-3 bedrooms, master bathroom, ample living / dining room, large balcony, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, garage, storage space. €2.200 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871,
accommodation vacant out of town PANORAMIC VILLA W. POOL UMBRIA. Prestigious stone villa heart of Umbria, uniquely situated overlooking vineyards olive trees and lake Corbara. Uniquely situated marble pool for luxurious laps. Large porch, veranda and terrace for wining and dining. Sleeps 11. 3 bathrooms, 2 en-suite. Situated bet. beautiful medieval villages of Civitella del Lago and Montecchio. 75 mins from Rome. Near Orvieto and Todi/ Perugia Assisi Siena within easy reach. Child’s play area. Activities for kids, pony riding, slide in pool. Great for couples privacy & tranquility. Good for businesses, good internet access wifi. Unique situation, near to Vissani and other great restaurants. Tel 320 / 9259868, June €250 per night. July €2.400 weekly. ACQUAPENDENTE. Orvieto, Bolsena, S. Casciano dei Bagni, Via Francigena. Country house, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, swimming pool, €1.900 per week + expenses. Contact:, tel. 066879939, CAPRANICA 50 KM FROM ROME. Good connections, furnished, delightful flat in historic centre of Capranica, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, bathroom, autonomous heating, fireplace, €480 monthly, minimum 6 months. Tel. 339 / 7464430.
FRASCATI. For rent, apartment in Frascati centre, 51 sqm, restructured, 1st floor, autonomous heating. Price depends upon length of stay, from €700 to €1.000 monthly. Tel. 346 9468990, TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old castle, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge, terrace, balcony, attic, unfurnished, €500 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.
bed & breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@,
holiday accommodation SABAUDIA NATIONAL PARK. August, 1 or 2 families, 90km south Rome, villa, 2.000-sqm garden, front lake near the sea, exclusive, private location, €5.000. Tel. 065115158, 328 / 5766170.
jobs vacant ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED. Established English School currently seeking full/part-time English mothertongue teachers for adult and children courses. Full training provided. Contact us on 0647823253 or send your CV to ENGLISH TEACHERS. Mother-tongue teachers required all year, Rome. Apply at “jobs” page or 0643419069 only if no internet. ESTABLISHED PRESTIGIOUS LANGUAGE school Rome seeks mother-tongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, HIGH COMMISSION PAID IN TOURISM. Tour Operator near Vatican looking for reliable, energetic hard-working promoters to join a young vibrant team. Immediate start. Contract offered to suitable applicants. Please call +39 388 / 1741148 for an interview. HOTEL FRONT OFFICE / RECEPTION. Hotel / Residence in Rome (Vatican Area) currently hiring personnel to join our Front Office / Guest Relations Team. The ideal candidate should have a fun personality
and excellent people skills. Hotel experience or similar preferred. Must be fluent in both Italian and English. Please send CV to INTERNET ASSESSOR ITALIAN. Required: Italian and English speakers. IT oriented, part-time from home, search relevance based. Email for more information. ITALIAN ELEM. AND MEDIA TEACHER. Southlands English School seeks a qualified and experienced candidate to teach the Italian “Programma Ministeriale”. A good knowledge of the international teaching system is essential. Casalpalocco area. QUALIFIED DRAMA & SPECIAL NEEDS TEACHERS REQUIRED. Rome-Italy, wellestablished and successful international school following the English National Curriculum, requires for September 2011 qualified teachers for the following positions: Drama teacher KS3-KS5, part-time. Special Needs teacher KS1-KS2, part time. The school is particularly interested in hearing from self-motivated, dedicated and energetic teachers. Applications by email with covering letter and C.V. Please include names, email addresses and telephone numbers of two referees. The Headteacher, The New School, email: Tel. 0039 063294269. Fax. 0039 063297546. Candidates selected for interview will be contacted by email and phone.
property for sale in town AXA PALOCCO TOWNHOUSE 4 FLOORS. Play room, 50-sqm garden, double living room, maid, living-in kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 balconies, spacious living-in loft, 1 garage + 1 outside parking spot, residential community: park, pool, tennis, Walking distance to shops and supermarket,
property for sale out of town FLAT FOR SALE IN PERUGIA. Beautiful flat in Perugia. 105 sqm, 5th floor, bright, living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 balconies, garage. €195.000. Tel. 338 / 3406545. TAGLIACOZZO - HISTORIC CENTRE. For sale, characteristic independent house in the historic centre of Tagliacozzo, close to the river and a mountain footpath. 90 sqm on 3 levels, restructured. €150.000. Tel. 346 / 9468990,
rooms and flats shares PARIOLI - ORIANI. Single room in apartment with lovely garden, shared bathroom and kitchen, WI-FI, €650 all inclusive. Available 1 July. Tel. 339 / 1419145, PIAZZA BOLOGNA. In delightful apartment with terrace, central location, 100m from metro, A/C, WiFi, room with private bathroom, use of kitchen. Weekly/monthly rates available. Tel. 0644290809, email:
PONTE MAMMOLO - TIBURTINA. Double bedroom, well-furnished, large terrace and garden, all comforts, linen service, metro B - Ponte Mammolo, €500 monthly expenses included. Tel. 0686801506, 347 / 3709585. RENT - METROB - S.PAOLO BASILICA. Furnished single room for rent, bathroom + kitchen share. Preferred female students/workers, €500 + bills, year contract. Marina: 338 / 2017799. ST PETER’S - FEW METRES. Large room in apartment with independent entrance, quiet, shared kitchen and bathroom. Females only. €540 monthly. Also short lets €160/week. Tel. 327 / 4541214, TRASTEVERE - VIA DELLA LUNGARA. Bedroom with private bathroom in private apartment, to rent from 20 June, €850 including expenses. Tel. 339 / 7857565.
short lets APARTMENTS - HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours,, CAMPO DE’ FIORI SPAGNA - NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fullyfurnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897,, CENTRE. Wonderful penthouse, 70 sqm, 2 bedrooms, charming green terrace, 1 week minimum. €4.500. Tel. 0669941681, HISTORIC CENTRE - TORRE ARGENTINA. Mini-studio apartment with kitchenette, bathroom, 100-sqm terrace, breathtaking view of historic Rome, weekly rent €500. Tel. 065919125, NAVONA - APARTMENT. Beautiful apartment, 2 rooms, double bed, A/C, Internet, TV, washing machine, fully furnished. Summer low price. Tel. 339 / 3998083. NAVONA - PENTHOUSE. Nice penthouse, 1 large room, double bed, small living room, beautiful terrace, TV, A/C, Internet. Summer low price. Tel. 339 / 3998083. PANTHEON - PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, PIAZZA FARNESE. To let for short periods, elegant apartment, 80 sqm, for further information email: ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580.
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at www.wantedinrome. com. We no longer accept Jobs Wanted ads in our office. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito Non si accettano più quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.
accommodation wanted APARTMENT WITH 2 BEDROOMS. Clean apartment, 2 bedrooms for September 2011. Professional married couple, 2 children. Excellent references. Email: or call USA 845-358-4724. EXPAT LOOKING FOR ACCOM. Looking for long-term apartment share in Rome from August / September, LOOKING FOR A ROOM URGENTLY. Female teacher looking for accomodation urgently. S. Paolo area. €350-400, tel. 380 / 2477921. NEED APARTMENT FOR 5. 5 locals need apartment this August - prefers S. Paulo / Gabatella area. Tel. 327 / 0064249, Kornelia. ROOM FOR 6 MONTHS NEEDED. Oct 2011- Apr 2012. With private bathroom, also internet connection. Up to €700 monthly. Please reply to: ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR EN LESSONS. Testaccio +bathroom, kitchen, share in exchange for 16hrs English lessons per month +€200. Tel. 347 / 8302036,
animals GOLDEN RETREIVER PUPPIES. Gorgeous Golden Retriever puppies, prestigious pedigree, born into family with small children. Tel. 320 / 9259868,, €800 neg.
events ARTISAN CERAMIC CLEARANCE SALE. For an original/unique ceramic, sculpture gift visit the artisans laboratory. Tel. 0664192837, Via Pennapiedimonte, 11. Cell. 339 / 577600. TOUR DE FRANCE. A road, A mountain, A romance. Truly Marco.
exchanges WEB SITE PROFESSIONAL. Need to make changes to my web site in exchange with Italian/English lessons, naturopathic or astrological counselling. Tel. 340 / 9452434.
health & fitness ADS AMERICAN DENTAL STUDIOS. ADS AMERICANO STUDIO DENTISTICO. English Spoken. Si Parla Inglese. (American Dentist) Dentista Americano Laureato in USA. Disponibile tutti i giorni anche Festivi. Abbiamo Canadese Endodonzia specialista (Root Canal Specialist) devitalizzazione "finished" in una seduta con tecnologie informatiche - uno in ortodonzia (Orthodontist) & uno in implantologia specialista (Implantologist); cure odontoiatriche con le più recenti tecnologie. Viale Europa 331 a 100 Metri EUR FERMI & Infernetto: Viale Castel Porziano 434/F. Solo su appuntamento. Tel. 333/ 9061799,, AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST. Individual psychotherapy for all mental health issues. Some insurances accepted. Metro Cipro. Rose Kazma 0639742957 or 333 / 5822808. ARE YOU IN PAIN? The revolutionary Bowen Technique in Rome, San Saba
Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
area, near Circo Massimo. For fast pain relief. Tel. 339 / 1237179. BLACK MASSEUR €30 PER HOUR. Black man Oriental Oil Massage ZENmasseur Overweight Cellulitis, relax, MEN €60/h WOMEN €30/hour. Tel. 347 / 7244003. CHIROPRACTOR. Specialist in neck/low back pain, headaches, and postural disorders. Contact: 0689829605, 348 / 5323622, email: ENGLISH DENTAL STUDIO ROME. Via della Fonte di Fauno, 29 - 00153 Rome. Tel +39 065783639, 24/7, cell. +39 320 / 3009440,, follow eds on facebook. FOREST YOGA RETREAT AUGUST 3-12. 10 days in a tree-house-village in the forests outside Budapest, Yoga and Thai Massage. August 3-12. Tel. 339 / 1237179, MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME. Qualified, experienced American therapist offers Ayurveda/Thai massage and Reiki. Trail offer €30 for 90 minutes. Tel. Enole 346 / 3577467. MASSAGES 7/7 PLACE OR STUDIO. Masseuse, back pain, sport, relaxing massages, Ayurvedic, Californian, Thai. Studio near Vatican museums, work on carpets. Tel. 340 / 9340064. MUSIC THERAPY @ CHAKRAS ALIGMENT. Music Therapy with experienced musician reduce stress improve your inner strength align your Chakras. Serious applicants considered. Tel. 339 / 8235186. POWER LIVES COACHING. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 339 / 3332547, for information. PSYCHOTHERAPY. Harold Bourne. Tel. 0639749171. Emeritus Consultant Psychotherapist, NHS London. THAI MASSAGE. Traditional energetic or relaxing aroma by masseur qualified. At your home only. Tel. 327 / 0151643. ZEN MASSEUR €30 YOUR/MY HOME. Black man massage therapist, floor oilmassage,, your/my home/hotel. MEN €60/h WOMEN €30/hour. Tel. 327 / 0610447.
household sales CARPET. Nepal original all wool from Paganini with guarantee. Blue/grey 260x170. Heavy. €180. Tel. 066634285, cell: 333 / 7490606. MOVING SALE. Many things for the home. Mirrors, pictures, cutlery, curtains, furniture. Call for list and prices. Tel. 066634285, cell. 333 / 7490606. MOVING SALE. Call for entire list. Can email list and prices. Tel. 066634285, cell: 333 / 7490606. REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER. Fisher & Paykel, frost-free, €250 Must collect in EUR. Email: SANTA SUSANNA USED BOOK SALE. Via XX Settembre, 15 Continuing during business hours call 064827510 for times. Everyone Welcome! SINGLE IKEA BED LIKE NEW. Wood base, Sultan mattress 20x200x90 original price €400, selling €100. Ponte Milvio area 338 / 8440069. WHITE DESK. with cupboard and 4 drawers, 137x56x71 high. Also 2 comodini with 1 drawer. Free parking. Tel. 066634285.
WINE MAGAZINES: FREE. 100's of wine magazines FREE: Decanter, Wine Spectator, Bibenda. Must collect in EUR. Email:
IT & computers COMPUTER ASSISTANCE/LESSONS. Native English, fluent Italian. Expert care in your home / office, whatever your PC problems / requirements. Thomas 347 / 7215686. EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R2400 FOR SALE. Barely used, 2006 model. €210. Includes some inks. Tel. 347 / 9017004. TV AND VCR STAND. Grey metallic finish, like new, €85. Cell: 347 / 9017004.
jobs wanted A SRI LANKAN LADY SEEKS A JOB. Cercare un lavoro come badante. 10 anni di esperienza. Ottime referenze. Tel. 333 / 1467018. AIRCON TECHNICIAN - ELECTRICAL. 20 yrs experience in air-conditioning / electrical. Has worked in hospitals. Looking for a job, speaks English and some Italian. Tel. 327 / 6808631. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. Designer. Consulting services, ideas and original solutions interiors /exteriors, building design concepts, landscaping, garden ponds, pet environments. Tel. 327 / 1038423. AYURVEDA MASSAGE THERAPIST. Indian ayurveda massage therapist looking job in Roma or out of Roma. Email: BABYSITTER - HOUSE CLEANER. Looking for work as babysitter or house cleaner, full or part-time. Speaks English and Italian, very reliable person. Please call with serious offers. Tel. Mina 347 / 5580732. Thank you. BABYSITTER MADRELINGUA INGLESE. Sono un giovane Californiano che offre il suo servizio come babysitter. Prezzi negoziabili. Email:, tel. 345 / 4470749. BANGALI CHRISTIAN MASCHILE. I have experience of hotel, restaurant, bar work. If need for work please call. Tel. 327 / 6765593. Thanks. CAMERIERA position, fluent in English, good enough Italian, ENGLISH ITALIAN BABYSITTER. English-Italian babysitter looking for work in Casalpalocco. Tel. 339 / 2328021. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE BABYSITTER. Fun-loving, energetic, responsible, American, looking for a full-time or part-time babysitting or nanny job. Salary negotiable. Email: ENGLISH SPEAKING NANNY. Philipina, university Graduate, fluent English/Italian, 7yrs experience as babysitter, referenced, seeks lungo/part-time employment. Tel. 392 / 8176761, ENGLISH TEACHER fun loving, experienced with kids of all ages, seeks summer work, ENGLISH TEACHER AVAILABLE. looking for teaching work in central area part time with a school or private. Tel. 347 / 4536421. ENTHUSIASTIC AND MOTIVATED. Looking for part-time work. Have experience in bartending, waitering and
more. Mother-tongue English and reasonable Italian spoken. Tel. 366 / 4941547, HANDSOME GUY SEEKS JOB. Guy 32, in Rome, seeking a any kind of full time job with acommodation. Pls email: HOUSE KEEPER - OLD AGE CARE. Young Female available immediately for job with room and board, anywhere in Italy or abroad. Tel 339 / 7762166. HOUSE KEEPER. Couple seeking employment as house keeper in Umbria. Tel. +39 7572341131. HOUSEKEEPER/NANNY. Filipina looking for a part time job. Please call Felicitas 328 / 2427397. INDIAN BOY needs a job of any type. Have much experience, email: INDIAN CITIZEN 31 YEARS OLD. Looking for work as: age care, cleaning, steward, office boy, gate keeper. Email:, cell: 329 / 5612872. INDIAN COUPLE. Sri Lanka couple looking job in Roma or out of Roma as house keeping / caretaker. Email: ITALIAN MOTHERTONGUE TEACHER. Enjoy a different kind of Italian class, visiting the city and speaking the real Italian language. Grammar lessons on demand.Tel. 392 / 4099477. JOB WITH ACCOMMODATION. British black female 61 looking for work with accommodation in Rome. Anything considered. Please contact me by email: LIVE IN. Sri Lankan English spoken, with driving license, seeks employment with a kind employer. Tel. 393 /4509546. LOOKING FOR A JOB boy from Asia looking for an cleaning job or gardening job. Speak English & Italian. Tel. 328 / 7870716. NANNY. Filipina looking for job as nanny w/ references and experience, speaks English and Italian. Contact no. 320 / 4822791. PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SEEKS WORK. Motivated, reliable, organized. Years experience: management, bookkeeping, payroll, coordination, Office/ Mac. English, some Italian/German. CV/Refs PROFICIENT ENGLISH SECRETARY. Customer service devoted, problem solving, computer, motivated, seeking job office / tourism sector. Tel. 328 / 6425491, QUALIFIED NANNY LOOKING FOR WORK. Reliable and fun 36 yrs Jap Female with experiences / qualifications / references looking for job from summer. Email: RAGAZZO CURDO CERCA LAVORO. Ragazzo curdo 38 anni referenziato affidabile cerca urgentemente lavoro come lavapiatti aiuto giardiniere pulizie etc. Tel. 327 / 5962439. RECEPTIONIST - FRONT DESK postition in a hotel or any business / organization, fluent English, good enough in Italian, SEARCHING FOR HOTEL WORK. English speaker looking for work in tourism or hotel receptionist. speaks Italian and Spanish call 347 / 4536421. SEEK PART-TIME JOB. 26 years old girl, with knowledge of English, Russian, Chinese, Italian languages seeks part-time job.
MUSIC INVESTMENT PARTNER WANTED. Music Production seeks investment partner please view and call Tel. 389 / 1886618. PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Your private or commercial photo low-cost, at your home, office, company. Tel. 333 / 1953311. THE GIFT OF MUSIC. A Song to tell somebody how you feel! Hire a professional songwriter to write it. Tel. 392 / 7388608. WANTED LADY FOR WED. Caribbean Dr. 60, wishes to marry European Lady Single without children or Widow e-mail:
schools and colleges FOR SCHOOLS OR PRIVATE. Mother tongue English & Spanish experienced teacher individual or group lessons social topic talking classes. Torpignattara. Tel. 327 / 1038423,
SEEKING BABYSITTER/HOSTEL WORK. 20 year old female with experience, seeking work in Rome, arriving June 8th! Email me at: STAGE WANTED. Motivated young Graduate (business management) would like to do a stage in Rome this summer. Fluent (spoken & written) English, French and Arabic, SUMMER NANNY AVAILABLE. EMT nanny available June 25 onwards. Happy to travel. Excellent references D/L. Please call 338 / 3003441. WEB SITE DESIGNER EURO 20 /PAGE. Build Your website,, €20 /page Tel. 0643405820. WEDDING SINGER. Professional soprano available to sing at wedding services, in and around Rome. Email:, tel. 377 / 2009190. YOUNG GUY SEEK FULL TIME JOB. I am a guy 32, honest and open minded, seeking a full time job with accommodation. Tel. 327 / 7735643.
personal SEEKING OPEN MINDED WOMAN. Handsome guy 33, honest and open minded, seek a serious woman for love, only real person, tel. 327 / 7735643. DRUM KIT FOR SALE. Full Drum Kit for sale, good condition, 350 Euro. Call 3395086180 or email ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS. Are you looking for a miracle in your life? Then check into GENTLEMAN SEEKING. Generous gentleman is searching for a serious transexual companion. Tel. 339 / 7762166. GLOBAL LANG PROJECT VOLUNTEERS. Searching 4 a group of dedicatd volnteers 2 reserch & develop New Global Language project.:, Patrick: 327 / 1038423. MASSAGE. Beautiful Italian lady performs romantic massage in the comfort of her house, available for out calls. Tel. 346 / 7375105.
Aeroporto Ciampino Aeroporto di Fiumicino Arrivi Airterminal Fiumicino Anglo American Book Shop Italia, 34 Corso Francia, 228 Corso Trieste, 90 Feltrinelli International L.go Argentina L.go Chigi L.go del Colonnato Largo Arenula, 12/B Largo Argentina, 14 P.le Albania P.le Cola Di Rienzo P.le Flaminio P.le Ponte Milvio P.zza Barberini P.zza Campo De’ Fiori P.zza Cola Di Rienzo P.zza Colonna P.zza del Parlamento P.zza della Balduina P.zza della Minerva
KIDS CAMPS IN ENGLISH! Corsi estivi di inglese con insegnanti di madrelingua. 20 & 27 GIUGNO, LUN-VEN: 10.00-13.00, €110/settimana +39 065806148, +39 320 / 1539798. SUMMER CAMP Centro Estivo in Inglese bambini 4/8 anni 12-16 LUGLIO 08.30 / 12.30, Ludoteca LA TANA DEL GIOCO, Fontenuova.
services CAR IMPORTATION. Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of importing your vehicles/motorbikes. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit FRENCH LESSONS. Teacher at Centre Culturel Saint Louis de France offers French lessons over the summer. Tel. 333 / 6868427. JEWELLRY. Exchange your old pieces of jewellery - chains etc-for new designer piece - FREE! Contact MODERN GUITAR LESSONS ROME. Canadian Professional Musician and songwriter offers lessons in the comfort of your own home. Tel. 392 / 7388608 or 333 / 3593523.
P.zza di Porta Pia P.zza di Spagna, 57 P.zza Euclide, 31 P.zza Farnese, 105 P.zza Giochi Delfici P.zza Mastai P.zza Pitagora, 6 P.zza Regina Margherita P.zza Repubblica, 6 P.zza Risorgimento P.zza S. Jacini P.zza S. Silvestro P.zza S.M. Trastevere P.zza Testaccio P.zza Trilussa P.zza Vescovio P.zza Vittorio P.zza Zanardelli, 16 P.zza in Lucina, 31 Salita De Crescenzi (Pantheon) Stazione Termini V.le Beethoven, 90/9 V.le G. Cesare Civ.17 V.le Parioli, 2
OVERSEAS, NOT OVERLOOKED! Show your loved ones back home that you care by sending them the perfect gift with our help - POLISH BUILDERS IN ROME!!! Polish painter, mason, tiles expert, long experience, regular company, staff , English speaking, any kind of jobs. Tel. 392 / 0928168. REFLEXOLOGY. English lady gives reflexology foot massage using essentail oils. Trained in India. Zone Villa Ada / centre. €30 for 45 minutes. Tel. 339 / 6675270. RELOCATING TO ROME? Let the experts at Principal Relocation Company take care of your relocation and immigration needs. Call +39 069094776 or visit THAI MASSAGE traditional energetic or relaxing aroma by masseur qualified. At your home also evening hours. Tel. 327 / 0151643. TRANSCRIPTION, DATA ENTRY AND TABULATION. Zoluzen, leading KPO and Market Research firm is offering online surveys, transcription, tabulation and data entry services. TRANSLATOR AVAILABLE (PROF.) For translations (Italian to English) excellent rates, English mother tongue professional translator contact Sarah 333 / 3510672. VISA PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE. Frequent traveler to India, China, etc. Principal Relocation Company can process all your Visa needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit WEB SITE - ONLY €20 A PAGE. Web designers build Your website only €20 each page., tel. 333 / 1953311. WEDDING SINGER. Professional soprano available to sing at wedding services in and around Rome. Email:, tel. 377 / 2009190.
transport MOTORINO. Motorino, good condition, 400 Euro. Call 3395086180 or email VOLKSWAGEN CARAVELLE. Seats 9. English no. plate. Right hand drive. Blue. 1998. €3.500 tratt. Tel. 349 / 0714886,
V.le Parioli, 54 V.le Trastevere Via Cassia 1839 Km.1 Via Cassia 993/995 Via Cassia Km 19.400 Via Cassia, 623 Via Cassia, 698 Via Cassia, 876 Via Cavour, 257 Via Celimontana, 5 Via Del Babuino, 150 Via della Magliana Via della Pace Via Flaminia 229 Via Gramsci, 1/B Via Gregorio VII, 55 Via Isola, 53 C. Palocco Via Marmorata Via Nazionale 7 Via Nomentana Via Orti Farnesina Via Valadier Via Veneto Viale Aventino/Fao
For further details check the full distribution list on
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome
For further information tel. 066867967, fax 066872996, e-mail:, Via dei Falegnami 79 (opposite the Turtle Fountain in Piazza Mattei)
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Wanted in Rome 22 June 2011
For office use only
% 23
St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic)
Via del Caravita 7 –
American International Club of Rome
The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.
Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30
tel. 0645447625 –
American Women’s Association of Rome tel. 064825268 – Association of British Expats in Italy
Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 in original language on Mon
Cineclub Detour
Association of Malaysians in Italy
Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845
Caledonian Society
Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526
tel. 389 / 1162161 –
Fiamma Multisala
S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic)
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00
St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic)
Canadian Club of Rome
Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987
Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00
Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli
Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)
Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 – fax 065413971
Via G. Bordoni 59, tel. 065745825
Commonwealth Club of Rome
Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068
International Women’s Club of Rome
Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 in original language on Mon when available
tel. 0633267490 –
Nuovo Olimpia Nuovo Sacher
Luncheon Club of Rome
tel. 0636307249
Professional Women’s Association
United Nations Women’s Guild
tel. 0657053628 –
Welcome Neighbor
tel. 347 / 9313040 –
EMERGENCY NUMBERS • • • • • • • •
Ambulance tel. 118 Carabinieri tel. 112 Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 Fire brigade tel. 115 Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 Police tel. 113 Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355
The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.
Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French)
All Saints’ Anglican Church
Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday.
Christian Science Services
Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637
Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425
Herder International Book Center (German)
Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464
Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 –
La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French) Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598
Libreria Feltrinelli International
Alcoholics Anonymous Archè (HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 –
Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306
Associazione Ryder Italia (Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580
Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 –
SUPPORT GROUPS tel. 064742913 –
Irish Club of Rome –
St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal)
Church of All Nations Church of Sweden
Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily
Caritas foreigners’ support centre Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 – 066861554
Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235
Caritas legal assistance Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369
Celebrate Recovery Christian group tel. 338 / 1675680
Comunità di S. Egidio
Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)
Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234
Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian
Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat
South Rome, tel. 0650917621 – 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371,
International Central Gospel Church
Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen Information line for the disabled tel. 800271027
Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878,
Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695
Libreria Quattro Fontane (international)
International Christian Fellowship
St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339
Jesus Cares Ministries
(Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 –
Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484
Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish)
Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00
Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950
S. Susanna Lending Library
Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00
The Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942
The Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222
The Lion Bookshop & Café Via dei Greci 33-36, tel. 0632654007
The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books – English, French, German, Italian) Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478
CHIAMAROMA 24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council.Tel. 060606.
Jewish Community
Jewish Reform Group in Rome
Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month
Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas
Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761
Lutheran Church
Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)
Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre Mason Perkins Deafness Fund
Overeaters Anonymous tel. 064743772
Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza) Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351
Support for elderly victims of crime (Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104
The Samaritans Onlus (Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022
Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church
Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30
Pontifical Irish College
(Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00
Rome Baptist Church
Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 – 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)
Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara
Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091
Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico)
Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 – 068082258
TRANSPORT • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021
22 June 2011 Wanted in Rome