no. 15 / wednesday / 3 August 2011
DIANA TAYLOR Plummet, 2011 oil / varnish and gloss on birch plywood / 110 x 62 cm “A sense of journey across the shifting, crumbling landscape, and the relationship this has with mass-produced images, which travel our own consciousness are central to my practice. Patterns from domestic settings, diagrams, classifications from guide-books and other printed ephemera appear amongst floating elements, forming a non-linear narrative within the pictorial ground. These images, like ruins, become fragments of our past, falling through time and constantly replacing one another. Spills and drips interrupt the flow and pattern. This is the point where things collapse, opening up an emotional space shaped by alphabets of lost times. The landscape is not static, the ruin is not static, they live on, and slowly, they change with memory.” (DT) Diana Taylor received her MFA in Painting from the Slade School of Fine Art in 2010 and has since exhibited in London and Salzburg. Forthcoming shows in 2011 include the Royal Academy Summer Show, London and Volta fair, Basel.
HARRY James Walston
WHAT’S ON Linda Bordoni
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Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl, Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico & impaginazione: Dina Dancu Stampa: Beta Tipografica, Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl, Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425. Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985. Finito di stampare il 1/08/2011 Copies are on sale at: Newsstands in Rome Feltrinelli International, Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878. The Almost Corner Bookshop, Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942. Early copies: (after 14.00 on the day before official publication): Wanted in Rome, Via dei Falegnami 79. The Anglo American Bookshop, Via della Vite 102.
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Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
Italy’s finance minster has managed to patch up faith in the country’s economy but how long will this last?
wo things are surprising about the Italian debt crisis that hit the country in mid-July. The first is that it didn’t happen earlier, and the second is that, when it did happen, both government and opposition parties agreed remarkably quickly on what they had to do. Two of the reasons for the crisis – enormous public debt coupled with an unstable government – are nothing new in Italy. The country’s public debt has always been high. This year it has gone up month by month and is now estimated close to €1,900 billion, over three times the combined debt of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the European Union’s other failing economies. It amounts to 120 per cent of Italy’s GDP and is second only to that of Greece, now estimated to be around 150 per cent of GDP. (Ireland and Portugal were around 96 per cent and 93 per cent respectively in 2010). But if public debt is staggeringly high, private debt in Italy is much lower than in other economies of similar size, which is one of the reasons why the country weathered the world financial crisis in 2008 better than many others. It is also a reason why repeated Italian governments have believed that public debt could be financed largely from the private purse. With few outlets for family savings available, short-term government bonds at relatively decent interest rates appeared remunerative and safe for small Italian investors. Italian governments were therefore able to finance their borrowing from the private sector at relatively little cost. At a time when the economy was growing and producing more in family savings and taxes than the government was paying in interest on its borrowings, there was comparatively little to worry about. Economists warned that this could not go on forever, but politicians, both on the left and the right, preferred not to look too far ahead. It was only when growth slowed, spluttered and eventually stopped that the trouble started. On the one hand lack of economic growth meant that individual income levelled off, savings went down and the government’s tax-take got less. On the other it meant that, without a steady source of income, the government found it more difficult and more expensive to pay for its borrowings. Fewer savings, declining or static taxable income and rising interest rates were pushing the public debt still higher. When this was coupled with a feeling that the electoral luck of the country’s scandal-ridden prime minister was finally running out, it was hardly surprising that international confidence in the country suddenly took a tumble. But what to do? If government bonds can be repaid over a longish term, as for example in the United Kingdom, a government can hope that inflation combined with creeping devaluation will depreciate the real value of what it owes by the time it has to be repaid. But Italian bonds have a relatively short life and the eurozone makes devaluation impossible for a single nation. So what options are left? Increasing taxes, cracking down on tax evasion and cutting the budget deficit. Higher taxes are unpopular and also siphon off money that might other-
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
Tensions between Berlusconi and Tremonti are reportedly at breaking point.
wise be available for investment in economic growth. Measures to prevent tax evasion are popular but unwieldy, and tend to catch the smaller rather than the bigger fish. And although the stereotype of the tax-dodging Italian dies hard, and governments still find this a popular rallying cry, most of the glaring loopholes have long been blocked. Cutting the budget deficit means politically unpalatable measures, such as fewer and more expensive social services, a longer working life (in other words a higher pensionable age), and public investment in infrastructure, remodernisation and public sector employment. Many people fear – including Mario Draghi who will move from head of the Bank of Italy to the top slot at the European Central Bank in November – that although austerity measures are certainly necessary, the more draconian they are (and cuts of €45 billion in government spending over three years look pretty steep), the more likely they are to stifle economic growth. And without growth all the rest unravels anyway. The big question therefore is whether growth and austerity are compatible. The reaction of the international markets in mid-July and the downgrading of Italy’s creditworthiness by the rating agencies would indicate that the answer is “no”. However the fact that many of the measures will not kick in for another three years, perhaps when the global markets are over the worst of their woes, could mean that Italy will pull off another economic miracle. The speed at which parliament passed the budget measures, which in normal times take months to creep from chamber to chamber, was also an impressive message and a sign that opposition parties are not going to stand in the way when urgent action is needed. With nothing to lose (the signs are that Berlusconi’s time has almost run its course) and lots to gain (if the measures work, parties on the centre-right under new leadership could go into the 2013 elections with their heads held high), maybe this government has found the strength to take the right measures to restore international confidence. Finance minister Giulio Tremonti may have an unfortunate way of getting his message across (his reported statement that if he falls Italy falls, and if Italy falls the euro falls, will not have made him many friends) but he has certainly come up with a package that will put the brakes on the budget deficit. But ill-feeling between Tremonti and Berlusconi is high and the rumourmill is already churning to undermine the finance minister’s integrity. Would Berlusconi dare to get rid of him at this delicate moment? Probably not, but the signs are not auspicious. If he is forced out of office or decides to resign, much will depend on the international standing of his successor. If on the other hand Berlusconi who has little credibility left abroad were finally elbowed aside or to fail to win the parliamentary votes that count (an unlikely but not a totally unrealistic scenario), Italy might be able to recuperate some of its lost prestige. It could then rebuild its image on the international stage and boost faith in its once powerful economy – still one of the eighth largest in the world. Mary Wilsey 3
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
HARRY Harry Shindler hasn’t stopped fighting since he landed on the Anzio Beachhead in 1944
he older we get, the more important memory becomes. The past becomes increasingly relevant as we have more and more of it and less and less future. And we want to come to terms with that past and put it in order. Politicians write (usually self-serving) memoirs; others try and pass their experiences on to children and grandchildren. Harry Shindler, who turned 90 last month, is doubly entwined with memory: his own and that of an increasing number of people who turn to him for help in resolving their past. Together with La Repubblica journalist, Marco Patucchi, he has written a moving account of two threads of his life: his time as a soldier in the 8th Army in Italy in 1944-45, and the last decade or so in which he has uncovered other people’s world war two past, as part detective, part historian. The soldier Shindler (the book uses different fonts for Shindler’s personal narrative, Patucchi’s comments and their combined research) was a 20year-old Londoner, called up with his two elder brothers as well as millions of others to serve in the British Army, first in the Royal Fusiliers and then in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. After training in Britain, his unit went to Algeria and then to Naples waiting to go into action. Its baptism of fire came in January 1944 when British and American troops landed at Anzio, just south of Rome. It was supposed to be a surprise attack to cut off German supply lines to Montecassino along the Via Casilina, but Major General John Lucas hesitated. He could have moved rapidly across the undefended Roman campagna from the beachhead to take the road; instead he waited and consolidated the landing, and Field Marshall Albert Kesselring had time to bring in reinforcements. Without that delay, Montecassino might have been a battle of days rather than months, becoming the bloodiest of the Italian campaign. The monastery and tens of thousands of lives would have been spared. And for Shindler and his comrades, it would have avoided four months of hell. He describes the details of his life as a soldier both in battle and on leave, how he met his future wife, Ida, in S. Benedetto del Tronto as the 8th Army fought its way up the Adriatic coast, and how the war ended when he was in Trieste. All of this was more than 60 years ago and it is the detached picture of the older man looking at himself. Then there are some of the episodes in which Shindler has tried to find people or memories for others. He has earned the reputation of a conjuror able to pull wartime rabbits out of the hat, working carefully and methodically, going from the Public Records Office in Kew in London to embassies and ministries of defence, using the media to look for traces and invite possible survivors to contact him. There is the “Unknown Englishman” killed at La Storta just north of Rome as the Americans were coming in from the south: he turned out to be a Hungarian Jew, Gabor Adler alias the Scottish soldier, John Armstrong, landed as a special operations agent of the SOE in Sardinia in 1943, captured and then transferred to the Gestapo prison in Via Tasso in Rome. There is the Tuscan girl who wants to find her father: she doesn’t, but she does find a brother in South Africa. Another daughter hoped to find out where her father’s plane went down; Shindler looked for it in Lake Bolsena. Each of the stories gives individual detail and humanity to the grand operations of war and gives flesh to the reasons for the war itself. As a veteran, Shindler works for the Italy Star Association and every year organises and takes part in the Anzio landing commemorations. He takes a very active part in the sensitive and often controversial Italian memories Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
Harry celebrating his 90th birthday on 17 July. Image Giuseppe Troiani.
of world war two. For years now, he has spoken in schools and at conferences about the importance of the Italian Resistance and worked with partisan veterans in Rome and S. Benedetto to explain what they were fighting for and keep that memory alive. Almost ten years ago he started a campaign to put up a monument to the liberation of Rome. No one in the city council was actively against the idea but no one, even in a centre-left council under Walter Veltroni, was prepared to actually do it. But Shindler did not give up, and finally a plaque commemorating 4 June 1944 was erected in Piazza Venezia, at the moment in a temporary site under the Vittoriano next to the Mamertine Prison. When the political heirs of Italian fascism, Gianfranco Fini’s Alleanza Nazionale which had risen out of the ashes of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, became part of the Italian government in 1994 and once again “respectable”, Shindler worked hard to warn Italians and other Europeans of the possibilities of a resurgence of fascism, or just the dangers of somehow “rehabilitating” Mussolini. For years he worked as a Labour Party agent in London, and after retiring set up a branch of Labour International in Rome. Since then, he has given up partisan politics, founding the Association of British Ex-Pats in Italy and is now campaigning everywhere to get their vote back. As the law stands at present, UK citizens who have been abroad for more than 15 years are disenfranchised. Shindler has taken the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (Shindler v. the UK) and observers say looks like winning it. But in the meantime he is mobilising Britons abroad in Europe and beyond and lobbying MPs for an All Party Committee to prepare suggestions for legislation for voting rights for Britons living overseas. That young man on Anzio beach is still fighting not quite so dramatically, but for the same principles. James Walston SHINDLER Harry, PATUCCHI Marco La mia guerra non è finita. Storia del soldato inglese che dà pace alla memoria, Milan, Baldini Castoldi Dalai; 2011 to be published in English in the autumn.
Via Pomponio Leto 1 tel. 06687451358
A meeting place just off Borgo S. Angelo on the edges of Prati where you can stop to relax in a simple and welcoming environment. It’s open for lunch, dinner and after dinner. This is a place where you can listen to good music and even discover new young artists. Passaguai has a few outdoor tables and a good wine list along with a range of homemade beers. WiFi connections are available.
SALOTTO 42 Piazza di Pietra 42 tel. 066785804
Ranked one of the best 50 bars worldwide by “Drinks International”, Salotto is an elegant bar furnished in vintage style. It’s in a trendy location facing the ancient Roman ruins in Piazza di Pietra, a short walk from Fontane di Trevi, the Pantheon and Piazza Venezia. At weekends there is also brunch and a buffet. At night it becomes a cocktail bar with a diverse range of music and a good selection of drinks. Add the living room feeling provided by a vast and cosmopolitan selection of books on fashion, art and design, mix it all together and you get the “Salotto 42 feeling”.
ANTICO CAFFÈ DELLA PACE Via della Pace 3/7, tel. 066861216,
Antico Caffè della was once the favourite meeting place for artists, writers and politicians. It is still the local bar for some residents in the Piazza Navona area but very popular with visitors to Rome who want to get a glimpse of what life used to be like in one of the oldest parts of the city. It’s also a good stopping place for anyone going to one of the many exhibitions in the magnificent Bramante cloisters in the nearby church of S. Maria della Pace. Drinks are expensive, but you can sit for as long as you like and take in the beautiful surroundings.
Piazza Augusto Imperatore 28, tel. 0668134221
Tati’ al 28 is a trendsetting location and is home to contemporary design mobilia. On the ground floor there are no real tables, but a large living room with Chester traditional sofas and stainless steel chairs. During the aperitivo, you can get a combo buffet for €10, generally pasta and small cold dishes. The wine list and cocktail menu are extensive.
FRENI E FRIZIONI Via del Politeama 4 tel. 0658334210
Freni e Frizioni is just off Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. Once a garage (its name means brakes and clutches) it is a now a popular place to be seen, especially in the summer when crowds overflow into the square in front. Inside you will find a young and casual crowd among the mix of vintage furniture and contemporary prints. From 19.00 to 22.00, you’ll be served an extensive buffet with seasonal dishes, salads, pastas, pizzas, and much more.
GIULIO PASSAMI L’OLIO Via di Monte Giordano 28 tel. 0668803288
If you happen to be walking in the historic centre near Piazza Navona, around 19.00, and feel like a drink and are overwhelmed by the hundreds of restaurants and cafes around you, Giulio Passami l’Olio is a safe choice. It’s a nice informal place just across the river from Castel S. Angelo where you can sit inside or out and choose a good glass of wine from a large selection. It’s also a popular meeting place for a number of foreign communities. 3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
ON THE SACRED MOUNTAIN In addition to dominating the skyline, Mt Soratte looms large over local mythology, history and nature he rugged, 691m-high limestone hulk of Mt Soratte juts up from the middle of the Tiber plain 45km north of Rome. It’s an unmistakeable and isolated landmark, clearly visible from many high points in the city and beyond. With its air of solitary mystery, it has always fascinated the people who lived around it. In Roman times it was the domain of the sun god, Apollo. Later it was where the hermit Sylvester healed Constantine, the would-be Roman emperor, of leprosy. In an earlier, darker, age it was the centre of wolf-worship. During the last war, the Germans concealed (it is said) 68 crates of Italian and Jewish gold in its secret underground tunnels. All this makes Soratte, the Sacred Mountain, a very special place and it is hard to understand why it is so little-visited. You can get to Mt Soratte very easily, either by the old Roman Flaminia consular road or the Roma-Florence motorway, exiting at Ponzano-Soratte and following the signs for S. Oreste. A winding country road takes you up the 5 or 6km to the village of S. Oreste, which teeters on the verge of a ridge and commands a stunning view. Mt Soratte is a nature reserve with many animals that have become rare in the Roman countryside, such as pine martens, porcupines, badgers and wild boar, as well as many bird species. Declared a regional park in 2000, it extends over 410 hectares of unspoiled wilderness, scattered with the ruined hermitages and shrines that once made it a fulcrum of early Christianity. The local tourist office (the Pro Loco) advises visitors to get in touch before they venture onto the maze of paths that wind around the hilly slopes. A series of trails with picturesque names have been mapped out, but not all should be tackled unaccompanied. There are no wolves now – they disappeared 200 years ago – but there are other potential perils, like vipers. In pre-Roman times the mountain was the cult centre of the Etruscan wolf god Soranus, who symbolised fertility. The wolf was also sacred to the Sabines and the Latins, whose god of shepherds, Luperco, was half wolf, half goat. Such a powerful symbol could not be ignored by the Romans, who systematically took over their neighbours' religions and customs, so it can hardly be a coincidence that the legendary founder of Rome, Romulus, was suckled by a she-wolf. The Mt Soratte priests were put in charge of the Roman Lupercalia festival, a fertility ritual celebrated in February that was later converted into St Valentine’s Day. The Romans erected a temple to the sun god Apollo on the summit. In due course this was replaced by the sanctuary dedicated to St Sylvester, an early Christian holy man and pope between 314 and 335 AD. Sylvester is Soratte’s dominant figure. According to tradition, he was hiding on the mountain to escape persecution when he was sought out by Constantine, who was camped with his army at nearby Malborghetto in preparation for the battle against Maxentius for the Roman throne. Constantine had leprosy and Sylvester miraculously healed him, contributing to the emperor's conversion to Christianity. The legend was very much alive in the Middle Ages. The story was cited by Dante and is depicted in a series of 13th-century frescoes in the church of SS. Quattro Coronati in Rome. The monastery of S. Silvestro on the peak of Soratte was once so famous that it welcomed members of the rank of Charlemagne's brother, who joined the community in 746. However, at the end of the 16th century the monks moved down to a more sheltered spot because the monastery was frequently hit by lightning. The “new” monastery, called the Madonna delle Grazie, is still a centre of pilgrimage and has a guest house for spiritual retreats. In May, the local community holds a spectacular fire festival in
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
honour of the revered image of the Lady of Grace kept in the sanctuary. The entire hillside, however, is dotted with votive chapels and the ruins of the many other hermitages that once flourished on the Sacred Mountain. The story of Mt Soratte does not end with the Middle Ages. In 1937 Mussolini dug out some four kilometres of tunnels to serve as a bomb-proof shelter for the Italian high command. German troops under Field Marshall Albert Kesserling occupied the site in 1943, allegedly with a treasure of stolen Italian and Jewish gold. A year later, after an Allied bombing attack, they mined the galleries and abandoned the area. The gold, alas, has never been found, but the Soratte bunker can occasionally be visited (see below). Don’t leave without visiting S. Oreste, a walled mediaeval township, with three city gates still intact, a maze of quiet alleyways and squares flanked by aristocratic residences and lovely old churches. The architect Vignola designed the 16th-century church of S. Lorenzo Maggiore, constructed on top of a pre-existing Romanesque church, the remains of which can be glimpsed through a glass panel in the floor. The frescoed ceiling by the Flemish artist Bartholomeus Spranger was only recently discovered during restoration work. Margaret Stenhouse For information: Bruno Paolucci, President Pro Loco S. Oreste, tel. 339/7175120, 327/3823671. To find out about the next bunker visit (programmed for Sept), contact Where to eat: La Griglia specialises in grills and local dishes like nettle gnocchi, porcini mushrooms and pappardelle al cinghiale (pasta with wild boar sauce). Via Flaminia km 41.600, tel. 0761508660. Wed closed. Ristorante Alessandro al Campanile. Good family management, tasty local dishes and a superb view from the terrace. Via Filippo Leoni, S. Oreste, tel. 0761579950, 338/8428685. Mon closed. Agriturismo Panta Rei at Loc. Ristretto di Capone, tel. 0761578728 also offers horse riding and guided tours of the nature reserve.
Mt Soratte still has an air of solitary mystery as it rises out of the Tiber plain north of Rome. Image
For more details see and Below is a LIST OF THE MAJOR MUSEUMS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN ROME; in general, ticket offices shut approximately one hour before final closing time. In most cases admission is free for EU citizens under 18 and over 65 and reduced for those aged 18-25. Book tickets for many Rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at Book tickets for the Borghese Museum, Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at
VATICAN MUSEUMS Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. Mon-Sat 09.00-18.00.
Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry. For group tours of the museums and Vatican
gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January, Easter Sunday and Monday.
Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981. National collection of modern art. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in English (on prior booking) and Italian.
Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.
Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.0019.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 17.00. Guided tours in English and Italian.
Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111. Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700. 08.3019.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). Guided tours in English and Italian. l
Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian.
MAXXI Via Guido Reni 6, tel. 063210181. National Museum of 21th-century art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Tues-Sun 11.00-19.00, Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed.
Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Piazza G. Marconi 10, EUR, tel. 060608. Traditional Italian tools, crafts, clothing, furniture, musical instruments, jewellery. Tues-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat-Sun 09.0020.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on prior booking. l
l Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832. Interesting national collection of oriental art with some special exhibitions from its own collection and special loans. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.00-14.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00).
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285. Residence of Pope Paul II in the 15th century, it was the embassy of the Republic of Venice and then of the Austrian Empire. Paintings, sculpture, bronzes by Pisanello and Bernini. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed. l Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini Piazza G. Marconi 14, EUR, tel. 06549521. Prehistoric Italian artefacts and ethnological material from various cultures. 10.00-18.00. l Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700. Ancient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.3019.30. Mon closed. l Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and antiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.
Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Italian unity. Also Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. 10.00-16.00. Mon closed. Entry free.
CITY MUSEUMS ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English for groups if reserved in advance.
Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun.
MACRO Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608. The city’s collec-
tion of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. Via Reggio Emilia 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Also MACRO Future, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions only 16.0024.00. Mon closed.
Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848. A collection of mainly pre-Roman sculpture. Tues-Sun 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608. Home of the Roman altar to peace commissioned by Emperor Caesar Augustus in the 1st century AD. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English.
Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127. Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500. Large space which hosts several travelling exhibitions each year. Tues, Wed, Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Sun 10.00-20.00. Mon closed.
PRIVATE MUSEUMS Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 10.00-17.00.
Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350. Private collection of works by
Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Open Sat 09.00-13.00 only. Private group tours of the collection are available seven days a week on request. For visitors with special needs such as wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance. Keats-Shelley Memorial House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron.
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00; Sat 11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00. Guided tours on prior booking. Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance).
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
EXHIBITIONS ROME CALCE VIVA I romani grandi costruttori nei Mercati di Traiano 13 July-25 Sept This exhibition highlights the value of the important restoration work that has recently taken place inside Trajan’s Markets. It also includes material, architectural elements and ceramics that have never been shown before. Mercati di Traiano, Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. NEW IL SOGNO DI PIERO 20 July-4 Sept The exhibition illustrates a project launched by Piero Gabanelli back in 1981 of a theatre workshop for the social integration of disabled boys and girls. The workshop for young people, with and without disabilities, was eventually put on an established footing by the city in 1995. The exhibition tells of what participants describe as a “wonderful experience” and demonstrates the value of cooperation between public and private cultural organisations. There are photographs, theatre programmes and posters, objects and documentaries on display. Casa dei Teatri, Villino Corsini, Villa Doria Pamphilj, Largo 3 giugno 1849, tel. 060608, 0645460693. 10.00-19.00. Mon closed and from 8-29 Aug. NEW LUNGO I FIUMI DI BABILONIA 20 July-9 Oct An installation by Chiara Castri inspired by an Assyrian relief of the seventh century BC from the Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh. The spirit of the time and place, that evokes memories of a fairy tale, is here represented by the deportation of a group of Babylonian captives in a landscape punctuated by palm trees. At the centre of the sculpture is the image of a woman with a child, while her partner looks back in a gesture intended to convey poignant regret for the lost land. Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 166a, tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. NEW
MARIO TESTINO Todo o Nada 8 July-23 Nov The exhibition was inaugurated in Rome to coincide with the opening of the city’s Fashion Week. It brings together 54 photographs by Mario Testino which reveal two opposing directions in his work: fashion and the nude. The show highlights both Testino’s well-known published oeuvre as a fashion photographer as well as his personal work, and includes a num-
Palazzo Ruspoli displays 54 images by provocative fashion photographer Mario Testino in an exhibition that contrasts his public and private work.
ber of photographs specially taken for the exhibition. Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Via del Corso 418, tel. 066874704. 10.00-19.30. Fri, Sat, Sun 10.00-22.00. Mon closed.
thousands of artisans and technicians who worked behind the scenes. Studios di Cinecittà, Via Tuscolana 1055. 10.30-18.30. Tues closed. Info
TOMAS SARACENO Cloudy dunes 25 June-9 Oct The project by the Argentinian artist is subtitled “When Friedman Meets Bucky on an Air-Port City” and it is a site-specific installation for the MACRO’s large Enel room. Saraceno is a visionary artist who aspires to bridge the gap between art and science. Knowledgeable about principles of physics, chemistry and architecture, he has made use of high technology to design cities in the air. In Rome he develops his dialogue with Yona Friedman and the theories of Rihard Buckminster Fuller and transforms Macro space into an “Airport City”. MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, Via Nizza 138, tel. 060608. 11.00-22.00. Mon closed. NEW
G.RANDI N.UCLEI A.RTE M.ODERNA II 24 June-23 Oct This is the second exhibition of a series in which the national gallery of modern art shows groups of works belonging to its own collection. This cycle is dedicated to Italian art at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, from Medardo Rosso to Pino Pascali. It includes works by Balla, De Pisis, Mafai, Morandi, Prampolini, Sironi and others, some of which have never been shown to the public before. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221, 08.3019.30. Mon closed.
YAP MAXXI 24 June-28 Aug New York’s Museum of Modern Art has joined forces with MAXXI to launch the first Italian edition of the established “Young Architects Program”. Each year YAP invites emerging architects to design an installation for the museum’s summer events programme and an area with “shade, water and repose” for visitors. As well as emphasising the public status of the MAXXI garden space, the objective is to promote innovative designers sensitive to the environment. The exhibition shows all five MoMA finalists and the five MAXXI finalists. MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Via Guido Reni 4a, tel. 0639967350. 11.00-19.00. Thur and Sat 11.0022.00. Mon closed. NEW
RITRATTI Le tante facce del potere 10 March-25 Sept The present exhibition, the second in the five-year project organised by the Capitoline Museums, I Giorni di Roma, focuses on ancient Roman portraiture with a selection of 150 heads and busts, as well as full-length statues mostly of Roman emperors. The exhibition starts with the late Roman republican period and ends with Imperial Rome. Musei Capitolini. Via del Campidoglio 1, tel. 0667102475, TueSun 09.00-20.00.
ARTISTI EUROPEI A ROMA NEL 1911 8 July-2 Oct 24 paintings by European artists acquired by Italy’s national gallery of modern art at Rome’s international expo in 1911. That grandiose cultural operation, which saw the participation of Hendrick Christian Andersen, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen, Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20, tel. 063219089. 09.30-19.30. Mon closed. CINECITTÀ SI MOSTRA 29 April-30 Nov The famous Cinecittà film studios – the legendary Dream Factory of the 1960s and 1970s – are open to the public with an exhibition that traces their history. Different sections focus on famous sets, costumes, actors, film directors and producers as well as on the work and on the skill of the
Fearsome Roman emperor Caracalla is included in the Ritratti exhibition at the Capitoline Museums.
For a more complete list of exhibitions in Rome see
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
by Linda Bordoni
MUSIC CONCERTI DEL TEMPIETTO Concerts at Teatro Marcello, Via del Teatro Marcello and at Villa Torlonia, Via Nomentana 70. For booking and information tel. 0687131590, This valiant association has organised music seasons in Rome for over 20 years. Its long summer programme is called the Music Festival of Nations and is realised in collaboration with foreign embassies and cultural institutes. The programme unfolds in two stunning venues. Notti Romane al Teatro di Marcello (4 June-2 Oct) with an open-air recital or concert every evening inside the archaeological site of Teatro di Marcello. Musica Sotto il Cielo Stellato di Villa Torlonia (1 July-7 Aug) has a similar programme to Teatro di Marcello, with chamber music and recitals. Concerts take place in front of the recently-restored Casina delle Civette every evening beginning at 20.30. INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER ENSEMBLE Concerts at Cortile di S. Ivo alla Sapienza, Corso Rinascimento 40. For booking and information tel. 0686800125, 5 July-9 Aug. The International Chamber Ensemble’s yearly summer festival entitled Serate di Grande Musica al Cortile di S. Ivo is held in the courtyard of one of the city’s most splendid examples of Renaissance architecture just a short walk from Piazza Navona. The courtyard – part of the original 15th-century university of Rome – lends its architectural and acoustical excellence to a
pleasant and successful musical initiative. The season’s repertory consists of a varied selection of well-known music ranging from Vivaldi and Mozart to music from Argentina and songs from famous film tracks. All concerts begin at 21.30. I MUSICI VENEZIANI Every Tues, Fri and Sat Lyrical concerts with excerpts and arias from well-known operas or fully-costumed productions of operas. Church of St Paul’s inside the Walls, Via Nazionale 16a, tel. 064883339, ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI S. CECILIA 16 Sept Concert by the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Denis Matsuev piano. Music by Puccini, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky (20.30). Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680242501, MUSICA PER ROMA 28 Sept Toque, a guitar recital by Paco de Lucia precedes the Auditorium’s Flamenco Festival by a few days. The festival itself takes place in October (516 Oct), and De Lucia, who is considered a global ambassador of flamenco music and the world’s greatest flamenco guitarist, has been invited to set the atmosphere (21.00). Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281,
S. CHIARA MUSIC FESTIVAL 1 June-11 Sept In the heart of Rome there is a small theatre called Palazzo S. Chiara Teatro. As well as its annual drama season, it organises this varied summer music jamboree with some 30 different artists or groups and 70 evenings of music. There is a break between 7 Aug and 2 Sept. The festival comes to an end with Orpheus, written, directed and with Daniela Giordano, dance and choreography by Lamine Dabo, live music performed by Sena Mbaye and Gjibril Gningue. The show, chosen to represent Italy at last year’s Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre, is a multidisciplinary and multicultural project that reflects on the transformation of society in a globalised world (6-11 Sept). Piazza di S. Chiara 14, tel. 066875579, FESTIVAL CHITARRISTICO INTERNAZIONALE 8-26 Sept This festival takes place in two cities, the first being the northern town of Treviso with a programme of concerts and recitals from 8-17 Sept. After that, all events take place in Rome in Teatro Ghione, the dominant theme chosen for this year being “Europe”. The festival is entirely dedicated to the guitar, and includes concerts and recitals by world-class musicians such as Andrew York (20 Sept), Bruno Giuffredi (22 Sept), Javier Garcia Moreno (24 Sept), the Trio Rhapsody (25 Sept) and the Candeli-Menconi Duo (26 Sept). Teatro Ghione, Via delle Fornaci 37, tel. 066372294,
ROME FESTIVALS CARACALLA FESTIVAL 2 July-10 Aug The programme of the Teatro dell’Opera’s crowd-pleasing summer season includes Puccini’s opera Tosca (21 July-10 Aug) and Verdi’s Aida (2-9 Aug). Terme di Caracalla, Via delle Terme di Caracalla. For information tel. 06481601, VILLA CELIMONTANA FESTIVAL 1 July-12 Aug Rome’s much-loved jazz festival in the gardens of Villa Celimontana is no more. Founder and director of the well-established annual jazz event, Giampiero Rubei, was recently nominated director of the city’s Casa del Jazz and that is where he has taken his know-how and decades of experience to create a new jazz festival along the Aurelian Walls (see below). Villa Celimontana offers a programme (subtitled Circus) dedicated to different forms of contemporary performing arts. The new director of the festival is Ilaria d’Alberti who says she wants to attract a wider audience. For information tel. 0658335781, 3297826420, See page 12 for details. CASA DEL JAZZ FESTIVAL 21 June-15 Sept A long and intense programme of top-class jazz concerts focuses on the importance of Rome’s “Home of Jazz” and creates serious competition for other city jazz institutions. Recentlynamed director, veteran jazz event organiser Giampiero Rubei (founder of Rome’s other jazz festival, Villa Celimontana Jazz), has pulled all the strings to draw up a programme second to
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
none. There are many big names on the calendar including those of Stewart Copeland, John McLaughlin, Robben Ford, Steve Lukather, Eddie Palmieri, Joe Lovano, Michael Brecker and Sarah Jane Morris. Rubei has focused on different themes highlighting “guitar legends”, “protagonists of the international jazz scene”, “Brazilian music”, “emerging Italian jazz artists”, “Latin Jazz”, “Jazz & Tango”, “Blues” and “Manouche”. Concerts take place in plein-air in the park of the Casa del Jazz, Viale di Porta Ardeatina 55, tel. 06704731, GAY VILLAGE 23 June-7 Sept This is one of the liveliest events of the Roman summer, attracting over 200,000 people every year. This year the initiative turns ten and features concerts, cabaret, drama, the innovative “Gender DocuFilm Festival”, sports activities, literary readings and of course lots of great disco music and live dj sets. There are also stalls selling clothing and gadgets as well as bars and restaurants galore. Free entrance before 21.00. EUR, Parco del Ninfeo, Via delle Tre Fontane, tel. 065809098, FONTANONESTATE 21 June-11 Sept This varied festival has changed hands and has new directors Enzo Aronica, Riccardo Barbera and Roberto Della Casa. As always, the programme features a mix of events in which theatre and drama stand out. All in all 50 companies present a calendar of music, dance, cinema and theatre, many of them paying tribute to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Performances take place on
Celebrated Israeli conductor Asher Fisch leads the orchestra in Tosca at the Caracalla Opera Festival.
a specially-built stage in front of the beautiful fountain (il “Fontanone”) on the Janiculum hill. It is flanked by a panoramic bar and restaurant overlooking the rooftops of Rome. Giardino della Fontana dell’Acqua Paola al Gianicolo, Via Garibaldi 30. Tickets and info tel. 065883226,
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
FESTIVALS NOTTI D’ESTATE AL CENTRAL PARK 5 July-end Sept This brand new initiative picks up where “Fiesta!” – the popular summer festival dedicated to Latin music and dance – left off. Some 4,500 sqm in EUR’s Rosati Park have been decorated and set up to accommodate two dance floors, a stage for live concerts, a restaurant and a couple of bars. The programme features a few well-known artists in the field of Latin music. Wednesday evenings are dedicated to Salsa music and dance, whilst Fridays are all for vintage commercial disco music of the 1970s and 1980s. Central Park Music Club, Parco Rosati, Via delle Tre Fontane 24, tel. 065916849, VILLA CELIMONTANA FESTIVAL Throughout August Villa Celimontana organises Circus, a festival with a rich programme of theatrical and musical live shows. 5 Aug. Partitura per un Massacro (Score for a Massacre), a theatrical piece written by the controversial writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894-1961) and interpreted by two actors, a bass player and a dancer. Words, music and dance give shape to a lucid delirium, which dates back to half a century ago but seems contemporary. 6 Aug. Felliniana by and with Ondadurtoteatro, which was conceived in 2006 for the First International Festival of the Cinema of Rome. This open air show pays homage to the great Italian film director Federico Fellini (1920-1993) and is inspired by some of his most famous movies in a mixture of video images, acrobatic choreographies, live music, light effects, water games and live performances. 7 Aug. A musical performance by Ruggero Artale Afro Percussion, a mixture of talking drums, djembe, guitars and others instruments. This ensemble of Italian and Senegalese musicians, percussionists and dancers takes the public on an original journey through the musical cultures of Africa and the Mediterranean. 8 Aug. The comedy Canta che ti Passa, written and directed by Fabrizio Romagnoli, focuses on the artists’ world, in which the talent is not always awarded, luck is not always generous and contacts do not always help. 9 Aug. The musician Naif Herin presents her new album Tre Civette sul Comò, 11 music tracks which show the maturity of the songwriter from Val d’Aosta. 10-12 Aug. Part of the Rock’n Roll Circus Festival is the Ballroom Kings Show, a burlesque performance by a very elegant orchestra, which tells the story of the 1950s through rock’n roll, swing, rhythm and blues. 11 Aug. The Roman group Four Vegas performs music from the 1950s and 1960s with pieces inspired by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Charles and The Beatles. 12 Aug. The crazy band Dennis and the Jets from Florence performs its Italian rock’n’roll. Villa Celimontana, Piazza SS. Giovanni e Paolo, tel. 0658335781. All performances begin at 22.00. Gabrielle Bolzoni
ANCONA XI PERGOLESI SPONTINI FESTIVAL 2-17 Sept Born in Jesi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi was one of the most important early composers of “opera buffa”. He also composed “opera seria”, sacred music and instrumental works, and many of his compositions were “reworked” by other composers across the centuries. His early death in 1736 (he was only 26 years old) provoked a flourishing of false attributions, spurious works printed with the name of the artist in vogue to feed the publishing market of the time. During the 19th century his myth continued to be enriched with romantic implications and untruths. But his fellow musicians from the Marche region among them Spontini and Rossini acknowledged his Stabat Mater and La Serva padrona as the archetypes of spiritual expression and of comic theatre. In 2000 the Pergolesi Spontini Foundation was founded to enhance the work of the two composers. In 2010, to celebrate the third centenary of the composer's birth, it also published the national edition of Pergolesi’s works and kickedoff a project which foresees the performance of his Opera omnia, which continues in this edition of the festival. Events take place in the towns of Jesi, Ancona, Maiolati Spontini, Montecarotto and Monte S. Vito with the participation of world class musicians. For information Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini, tel. 0731202944,
CITTÀ DI CASTELLO FESTIVAL DELLE NAZIONI 23 Aug-4 Sept To promote the rich artistic and cultural patrimony of the upper Tiber valley, the festival focuses each year on a different guest country, and this year the spotlight is on Italy. There is also a focus on Liszt for the centenary of his birth and a specially-commissioned world premiere of Salvatore Sciarrino’s latest work. The inauguration concert sets the tone beginning with music by Rossini and Verdi performed by the Virtuosi Italiani ensemble and ending with the suite composed by Nino Rota for Visconti’s cinematographic masterpiece Il Gattopardo.
Two concerts are dedicated to the Venetian and to the Neapolitan schools of music with the participation of violinist Massimo Quarta. The young pianist, Ramin Bahrami – best known for his interpretations of Bach – performs music by Domenico Scarlatti. The programme includes an original version of the popular Italian work for children Gian Burrasca by the singer and composer Elio (of Le Storie Tese). The final concert, by the Orchestra Sinfonica Gioacchino Rossini, presents excerpts from the great Italian melodramatic repertory. For booking and information tel. 0758521142, 0758522823,
CORTONA CORTONA TUSCAN SUN FESTIVAL 31 July-7 Aug The Tuscan Sun Festival in the little Tuscan village of Cortona is produced by IMG Artists who organise similar events in other nations. This year’s event, which as always celebrates a somewhat romantic American idea of Tuscan lifestyle – coupling enogastronomic events with music, dance and visual arts. For booking and information tel. 0575606887,
MACERATA MACERATA OPERA 22 July-11 Aug This excellent opera season takes place in the long, oval-shaped “Sferisterio” arena that was originally built as a playground for the game of the ball and bangle but now features some legendary productions. The programme this year includes Un Ballo in Maschera, Rigoletto by Verdi, Mozart’s Così fan tutte and a recital by soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci dedicated to Monteverdi alongside a programme of concerts and conferences. A special event is represented by a dance performance by the Bolshoi Ballet featuring ballerina Svetlana Zhakarova. For booking and information tel. 0733230735,
MONTALCINO 2ND HAR(T)VEST FESTIVAL 2-4 Sept This international festival of avant-garde music, theatre, visual and performing arts provides a stage for the languages of artistic communication in the digital era on the theme The Territories of Sound. Set in the Sienese hills, festival organisers describe it as an occasion to “dissect” sounds and images from different cultural traditions. Info tel. 3470308984,
A specially-commissioned world premiere by Sicilian composer Salvatore Sciarrino is part of the Festival delle Nazioni in Cittá di Castello.
2011 ROSSINI OPERA FESTIVAL 10-23 Aug This unique festival is entirely devoted to Gioacchino Rossini. It takes place in the town of his birth and aims to revive, perform and study the musical heritage connected with the composer. Rossini left his considerable fortune to the town which gave birth to the conservatory of music and the foundation that bears his name. The festival was established in 1980 in collaboration with the Rossini Foundation and has led to the performance of many controversial, daring and iconoclastic productions of the composer’s lesser-known works. For booking and information tel. 072138001, See Opera notes page 15 for details.
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
Vacchi, Fabio Nieder, Ivan Fedele, Francesco Antonioni and Matteo Franceschini. This year’s edition features new works by Harrison Birtwistle (UK), Pascal Dusapin (France), Michael Daugherty (USA), Toshio Hosokawa (Japan), Guo Wenjing (China), Louis Andriessen (Netherlands) and Arvo Pärt (Estonia). Tickets are on sale now and it is advisable to book well in advance. For booking and information tel. 0288464725, 0114424703,
The annual Ravello music festival boasts an unbeatable view of the Amalfi coast.
RAVELLO RAVELLO FESTIVAL 2011 8 July-27 Aug This festival boasts a magnificent setting overlooking the Amalfi coast. This year’s festival has a theme and a leitmotiv: The Journey, which is interwoven through each event. For tickets and information tel. 089858360, 0668809816,
STRESA STRESA FESTIVAL Settimana musicale di Stresa e del Lago Maggiore 21 Aug-4 Sept This is only a segment (entitled Notes from a Journey) of a wide-ranging festival that runs from spring to autumn. It was founded in 1961 by Venetian lawyer Italo Trentinaglia de Daverio, inspired by his great love of music and the fact that musical personalities such as Umberto Giordano, Arturo Toscanini and Victor de Sabata were regularly entertained in his Stresa villa. Throughout the years some of the world’s most important musicians have participated in the festival that has also launched the careers of musicians such as Michele Campanella, Garick Ohlsson, Christoph Eschenbach, Murray Perahia, Jeffrey Swann and, more recently, Andrea Lucchesini, Maurizio Zanini and Nikolaj Znaider. Besides the leading instrumental competitions, Placido Domingo’s “Operalia” competition has joined the list of collaborating organisations. The festival boasts a list of unique venues on Lake Maggiore and surrounding region. For booking and information tel. 032331095, 032330459,
TAORMINA TAORMINA ARTE 5-24 Aug At the heart of the little town of Taormina on the top of a hill overlooking the Mediterranean is a beautiful Greek theatre built in the third century BC. Each year it comes to life during the summer with an intense programme of theatre, dance, cinema and music. The music and dance sec-
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
tion, directed by Enrico Castiglione, takes place during August. This year the programme offers Verdi’s opera Nabucco (5, 9, 13 Aug) and Aida (7, 10, 12 Aug), an evening of tango entitled Aria de Buenos Aires (16 Aug), a George Balanchine gala with dancers from the New York City Ballet (17 Aug), and a Bellini opera gala with a programme of excerpts and arias from Bellini operas (24 Aug). For booking and information
TORRE DEL LAGO PUCCINI FESTIVAL 15 July-27 Aug The Festival Puccini takes place on the shores of Massaciuccoli Lake, near the Tuscan town of Lucca. Performances take place in an open-air theatre, just a stone’s throw from the Villa Puccini where the composer lived, worked and is buried. Directed by Alberto Veronesi, it’s the only opera festival in the world entirely dedicated to the works of Puccini. The operas this year are Bohème, Tosca, Turandot and Madama Butterfly. In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy there are two performances of Leoncavallo’s patriotic (and very rarely-performed) opera Mameli. For booking and information tel. 0584359322,
FESTIVAL ARENA DI VERONA 17 June-27 Aug Possibly the most famous open-air opera season in the world thanks to its breathtaking setting in the ancient Roman arena, this year’s season sees the staging of two new productions: Verdi’s La Traviata directed by Hugo de Ana, and Roméo et Juliette by Gounod directed by Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak. As ever, the pillars of the festival are represented by a mainly Verdi repertory and this year include Aida and Nabucco. Rossini’s Il barbiere di Siviglia and Puccini’s La Bohème complete the long programme that offers a different performance each evening. For tickets and information tel. 0458005151, see for dates of performances. FESTIVAL BAROCCO 10 July-11 Sept This well-established festival that had vanished from the scenes due to lack of funding, has been resuscitated thanks to the intervention of Tuscia Operafestival director Stefano Vignati and his partnership with The Italian American Opera Foundation. This edition comprises a top-class chamber music programme that features the Concerto Italiano headed by Rinaldo Alessandrini for the inauguration event. It is followed by Il Giardino Armonico conducted by Giovanni Antonini, the presence of countertenor Martin Oro, of the Ensemble S. Felice conducted by Federico Bardazzi, and the performance of Bach’s Goldberg Variations by international piano star, Ramin Bahrami. The closing concert sees the participation of soprano Mariella Devia, but there are lots of other little gems on the calendar that unfolds in beautiful venues like the Cistercian abbey in S. Martino al Cimino, the Church of S. Cristina in Bolsena, and the splendid Room of the Conclave in the Papal Palace of Viterbo. For information
TURIN/MILAN MITO SettembreMusica 3-22 Sept Starting out as an offshoot of the old “Settembre Musica Festival”, MITO sees the two main northern Italian hubs of Turin and Milan join forces for a sophisticated international music jamboree, with a passion for the latest developments in musical research and a love for grand traditions. The festival pervades both cities with performances in squares, museums, theatres, concert halls and non-traditional stages, with a wide-ranging programme of musical genres: classical, pop, jazz, world music, avant-garde and beyond. The festival has commissioned pieces by some of the greatest living composers to be showcased in world premieres in both cities. These include works by Italian composers Salvatore Sciarrino, Fabio
Haitian singer Moonlight Benjamin performs in Turin as part of the MITO Settembre Musica festival.
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
BOLOGNA FESTIVAL DANZA URBANA 1-15 Sept This is the 11th edition of the festival dedicated to contemporary dance and performing arts in urban environments. Organised by the Associazione Culturale Danza Urbana, it unfolds in non-theatrical venues and contexts, offers a new choreographic idiom and a new approach to performing arts. It is part of an international network called “CDQ – Ciudades Que Danzan” that was created in Barcelona in 1997. Conscious of the lack of connection between dance and the public, the Spanish organisation created its first site-specific dance festival to create dance in a seductive space: Gaudì’s Park Guell. It has since coordinated an international circuit integrated by independent festivals. For info
ROME CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN DANCE AT VILLA MEDICI 5-15 Sept This is a new project of the French Academy that marks the opening of the academy’s choreographic activity. It’s described as a “Contemporary dance Residence with performers, dancers and choreographers of African origin”. The dance styles of the eight invited artists are inspired by the dynamism and originality of typical contemporary dance in Africa, the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa: the dancers are from Tunisia, Mali, Algeria, South Africa and Madagascar. The goal is to enable African pioneers of contem-
porary dance to collaborate with the best talents of the new generation in a prestigious place such as Villa Medici. At the end of this residence, the artists show the result of their work in a site-specific performance open to the public (15 Sept). Afterwards the performances will be hosted by the Teatro Quirino (19-21 Sept). Accademia di Francia, Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1, tel. 0667611,
ROVERETO FESTIVAL ORIENTE OCCIDENTE 1-10 Sept This contemporary dance festival has become a research centre for eastern and western cultures as well as different contemporary genres. With the title “On the route of Ulysses”, the theme this year is a Mediterranean one, and focuses on the close ties of vastly different worlds and cultures that have clashed, co-existed and collaborated over the centuries. The festival presents artists and companies from Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece and Algeria. Look out for Mercedes Ruiz and her Flamenco dance company, Josef Nadj of the Centre Choréographique National d’Orleans in Les Corbeuax, Walid Aouni and the Egyptian Moderne Dance Theatre, the Isreali Batsheva Dance Company led by Ohad Naharin, the Turkish Ziya Azazi company and the Greek Apotosoma Dance Company in their own version of Romeo and Juliet. As always, masterclasses and lectures for professional and amateur dancers are included in the programme. For booking and information tel. 0464431660,
THE SEVEN KINGS OF ROME by Denise McNee 24 June-5 Aug With The Miracle Players. Known for their wacky take on ancient Roman history, and hilarious yet informative re-enactments of the glories of Rome brought to life in an unbeatable setting. This year the group of well-assorted actors (who are clearly having lots of fun) tell the story of the lives of the seven kings who forged the foundations of Rome. In their own words, The Miracle Players are back with their old style but new jokes, explaining, amongst other things, how she-wolves get themselves into history books, why you should shelter during a thunderstorm, what happens when Roman kings neglect the worship of the gods and just who exactly is King Flame Head! In English. At 19.30 every Friday in front of the Mamertine Prison at the Roman Forum. Entrance is free and booking is unnecessary. For information SHAKESPEARE IN GLOBE 1 July-18 Sept The summer drama season at Rome’s Silvano Toti Globe Theatre comprises five plays by Shakespeare (all of them translated into Italian), and two study/workshops dedicated to texts by the bard. As usual, the artistic director of the season is popular Italian actor Gigi Proietti. The theatre in the heart of Villa Borghese is a fullscale reproduction of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, copied from the original designs, and almost identical to the one that stands on London's South Bank. Upcoming plays include Sogno di una notte di mezzestate, La dodicesima notte and Riccardo III. For information tel. 060608, For a more complete list of theatre in Rome see
Kettly Noel performs as part of Danza Contemporanea Africana at Villa Medici. Image Antoine Tempe.
SUMMER AT TECHNOTOWN Until 11 Sept Technotown, the scientific space located inside Villa Torlonia, offers a programme with many entertaining shows, educational activities and open-air games for small children. Throughout the summer it extends its opening hours until 23.00 to allow children and their families to spend the warm summer evenings immersed in science and nature. Among the initiatives is the Technotown Night show, during which the façade of the Technotown building is transformed and its architectural elements are highlighted by incredible interactive video projections. Furthermore, the Garden of Science offers a well-equipped area, where kids can come closer to science through games and experiments such as optical illusions, manual batteries, talking tubes and anti-gravity mirrors. Every Thursday at 21.00 is a special meeting entitled Sciencenight. The spaces of Technotown are transformed into a scientific living room open to children and adults, who are invited to explore some major scientific issues. Visitors can also take part in the ordinary interactive programme of adventures in 3D, Scultorobot, Sbong!, Interactive Pavements, Virtual Set, Seing Music and Future Materials. Technotown. Villa Torlonia, Via Spallanzani 1 A, tel. 060608. Tue-Sun 10.00-23.00. Gabrielle Bolzoni
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
by Linda Bordoni
for up-to-date what’s on listings see
OPERA NOTES Adelaide di Borgogna opens the Rossini Festival (10-23 Aug) in Persaro with a new production by Pier’Alli conducted by Dmitri Jurowski. Soprano Daniela Barcellona is well known at the Persaro festival but British-born Jessica Pratt is making her debut. Mosè in Egitto is also a new production by Graham Vick conducted by Roberto Abbado with the mezzosoprano Sonia Ganassi. There are also three other Rossini operas, La scala di seta, Il viaggio a Reims and Il barbiere di Siviglia in concert form as well as four concerts. Il Rossini Opera Festival (10-23 agosto) apre con Adelaide di Borgogna (10-23 agosto). È un’opera in cui Rossini, per problemi di tempo, utilizzò musica propria già composta in precedenza e diversa ne fece scrivere al suo amico Pratt (here in Lucia Lammermoor by Donisetti) debuts Michele Carafa de Colobrano; alla at theJessica Rossini festival in Adelaide di Borgogna. Photo by Marcello Orselli. prima romana del 1817 il lavoro non piacque, oggi è apprezzato anche se è considerato piuttosto convenzionale per la drammaturgia. Questa Adelaide di Borgogna è una nuova produzione di Pier'Alli con la direzione di Dmitri Jurowski e i cantanti Daniela Barcellona, affermata rossiniana che canta spesso al ROF, e Jessica Pratt, una giovane promessa al suo debutto pesarese. Un nuovo allestimento è anche quello di Mosè in Egitto (11-20 agosto), curato dal regista Graham Vick e diretto da Roberto Abbado; vi parteciperà il mezzosoprano Sonia Ganassi che, grazie alla facilità del registro acuto, sempre più spesso si cimenta nei ruoli sopranili scritti da Rossini per la moglie Isabella Colbran. L’anno successivo alla prima del 1818, che fu un fiasco, Mosè in Egitto ottenne il dovuto riconoscimento grazie soprattutto a “Dal tuo stellato soglio”, la preghiera che chiude l’opera, sublime per musica e ispirazione. Terzo titolo in cartellone è La scala di seta (12-21 agosto) che sarà diretta da José Miguel Pérez-Sierra e allestita da Damiano Michieletto. Particolarmente bella è la sinfonia per la freschezza melodica e l’indiavolata scansione ritmica, ma non sono da meno la gradevolezza di alcune arie e l’irresistibile comicità di certi concertati. Come ormai è consuetudine da anni, Emilio Sagi mette in scena Il viaggio a Reims (14 e 17 agosto) diretto da Yi-Chen Lin e interpretato dagli allievi dell'Accademia Rossiniana. Per una sola sera (22 agosto) sarà eseguito in forma di concerto Il barbiere di Siviglia diretto da Alberto Zedda, uno stimato studioso di Rossini nonché il direttore artistico del ROF; sarà cantato da Mario Cassi (Figaro), Juan Francisco Gatell (Il Conte d’Almaviva), Marianna Pizzolato (Rosina) e Nicola Alaimo (Bartolo). Il cartellone del ROF si chiuderà con i concerti di canto di Marianna Pizzolato (13 agosto), Dmitry Korchak (16 agosto), Nicola Alaimo insieme a Mario Cassi (19 agosto) e Marina Rebeka (21 agosto). Paolo Di Nicola
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Gaetano Filangieri Until 31 Aug An exhibition of the philosophical writings of Neapolitan jurist and philosopher Gaetano Filangieri (1752-1788) in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (IISF) in Naples. Filangieri’s magnum opus “The science of legislation” which espouses legislative and economic reform, unlimited free trade and the promotion of national well-being, carried significant clout in 18thcentury Europe. Some say that Filangieri’s correspondence with Benjamin Franklin influenced America's founding fathers in the writing of the Declaration of Independence, particularly the concept of the “pursuit of happiness”. The American University of Rome, Via P. Roselli 4,, tel. 0658330919, ext. 209. Mon-Fri 10.00-17.00. JOHN CABOT Poetry reading by Kimberly Johnson 3 Aug American poet and Renaissance scholar Kimberly Johnson is giving a poetry reading as part of the Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation programme at John Cabot University. Johnson is the author of two collections of poetry, Leviathan with a Hook and A Metaphorical God, and a translation of Virgil’s Georgics. She has edited a collection of essays on Renaissance literature and her work has appeared in publications including The New Yorker, Slate, The Iowa Review and Modern Philology. Founded by director Carlos Dews in 2009, the Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation has established itself as a bustling point of reference for writers in Rome, and hosts international poets, novelists and writers in its year-round reading series. The institute holds workshops in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and literary translation, and offers literature courses designed specifically for writers, taught by leading faculty from around the world. John Cabot University, Aula Magna Regina, Guarini Campus, Via della Lungara 233, (20.00).
CINEMA Open-air cinema festivals are extremely popular during the summer in Rome. Here is a list of the major initiatives in the city centre, but openair screens pop up in parks and squares all over town and well into the suburbs and on the beaches. Most of them offer refreshments and other forms of entertainment such as music as well. Look out for details in the daily press. L’ISOLA DEL CINEMA 16 June-4 Sept This multi-faceted film festival lights up the Isola Tiberina in the middle of the river Tiber every evening from 19.00. This year, celebrating 150 years of the unification of Italy, it is subtitled “Italian Talents”, and has two sections: “New Italian Cinema” to promote new names in cinema, and “Cantiere Italia”, dedicated to already successful personalities, plus of course, all the usual sec-
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
tions dedicated to shorts, international film making, Hollywood, etc. For information tel. 066896639, NOTTI DI CINEMA A PIAZZA VITTORIO 8 July-11 Sept Last season’s blockbusters and selections from international film festivals in original language make up the programme. The pride and joy of this festival is its selection of winning films from the international film festivals. Piazza Vittorio. For information tel. 064451208,
John Madden, Prospero’s Book by Peter Greenaway, Love’s Labour Lost by Kenneth Branagh, Twelfth Night by John Sichel, Richard III by Laurence Olivier, and Richard III by Al Pacino. In the same venue, a separate film programme celebrates the great film music composer Nino Rota on the centenary of his birth with the projection of films by Visconti, Monicelli, Fellini, Zeffirelli, Wertmuller and others. Open air theatre at the Casa del Cinema, Largo Marcello Mastroianni 1, Villa Borghese. For information tel. 060608.
SHAKESPEARE AL CINEMA 11 July-12 Sept The Silvano Toti Globe Theatre and the Casa del Cinema screen a Shakespeare-based film every Monday evening – the day the Silvano Toti Globe Theatre is closed. The programme includes Shakespeare in Love by
LE ARENE DI ROMA… E DINTORNI The city sponsors a number of open-air film arenas in conjunction with local administrations across the city. The programme for all of them focuses mainly on the past season’s box office hits and award-winning films. For details consult the webpage at
IL BACARO Via degli Spagnoli 27 / tel. 066872554 /
A quiet and secluded setting. Recommended in summer, when it’s possible to dine under the pergola. If it’s winter and you want to eat inside don’t forget to book in advance, as the premises are quite small. The cuisine is surprisingly adventurous. Perfect for romantic dinners. The restaurant’s specialty is that, along with the dish you have ordered, you will be served a small portion of the plate your partner has chosen, giving you the chance to taste your friend’s choice.
DARUMA SUSHI PIAZZA BOLOGNA Piazza Bologna 8 / tel. 064404962 / €€
SETTIMIO ALL’ARANCIO Via dell’Arancio 50 / tel. 066876119 /
Daruma Sushi has always been ahead of the times, and has become the number one point of reference for fans of this Japanese culinary tradition. It now has six take-aways and two restaurants, the latest of which was opened last year in Piazza Bologna, the heart of one of Rome’s university areas. You pick your dishes from the Kayten conveyor, a rotating belt that winds through the restaurant, passing every table and counter seat.
Settimio all’Arancio is located in the historic centre of Rome not far from the intersection of Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, near Piazza Augusto Imperatore. It offers a traditional Mediterranean menu and a large choice of wines. Meat is the main attraction, but there are excellent first courses and fish dishes. The chef changes the menu every two weeks to offer new and exciting ideas. In good weather there are tables outside and air-conditioning inside. All major credit cards are accepted, but it’s advisable to book.
GUSTO RISTORANTE AND PIZZERIA Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9 / tel. 063226273 /
The restaurant is on the first floor, but you can also dine outside under the portico designed by the famous architect of the fascist period Pio Piacentini (of Via della Conciliazione fame) and look across at the contemporary Museum of the Ara Pacis by American architect, Richard Meier. The architecture of the restaurant is very simple and cosy. The menu is creative and focuses on the quality of its Mediterranean products. There is also a pizzeria on the ground floor.
INDIAN RESTAURANT HIMALAYA PALACE Circonvallazione Gianicolense 277-279 tel. 065826001 /
IL TIEPOLO Via Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 3 / tel. 063227449
Established in 1993, Himalaya Palace is an authentic Indian restaurant nestled in Monteverde Nuovo close to Villa Pamphilj, Rome’s largest park. To the background of Indian music you can choose from a variety of genuine dishes, (Tandori and Tikka Masala chicken and lamb Korma) which include homemade Indian yoghurt and cheese. This is a special and affordable experience.
€€€ 16
– starting from €30 per person
Tiepolo is a busy restaurant on a small street close to the Stadio Flaminio sports stadium and the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The atmosphere is perfect for an evening out with friends. The healthy menu is based on plenty of vegetables and no fries, with a touch of Swedish influence. The baked potatoes are among the specialties.
– starting from €20 per person
– starting from €15 per person
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
Look for more classified ads on FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 23) must be submitted via our website at Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details.
Our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79 will close on 3 August and open again on Monday 29 August. Throughout the summer break classified advertisements may still be placed directly on our website On July 19, Lisa Marini Finerty (originally from California by way of Chicago, resident in Otricoli, Terni) passed away at age 57 due to illness at Ospedale San Camillo in Rome. She was surrounded by family and friends and received excellent and caring attention by her doctors. Lisa was an energetic, loving and active member of our community covering, among others, the role of Rome Chapter Chair for Democrats Abroad where she became an international example of fervid voters registration drives. She also founded Secret Gardens Italy and, most recently with her husband, the social network for gardeners, Her energy, her eloquence, her amazing and sometimes superhuman creativity and zest for life sparked an entire universe of friends from all walks of life, all languages and cultures. She will be missed on every continent and each time zone. In honor of Lisa, the caretakers of the Roman garden, Il Roseto Comunale, the Rose Garden of the City of Rome normally closed this time of year, will open its gates exceptionally on Saturday morning, July 23 from 11:00 am – 12:30. The family will be happy to greet friends of Lisa on that occasion and commemorate her wonderful contribution to all of our lives. Lisa is survived by her husband, Tom Finerty, her children, Marin and Ry and her siblings.
accommodation vacant in town A HAUS. Tel. 0039 065898677. APPIA ANTICA - ARDEATINA. Beautiful country houses, unfurnished, living room, dining room, 2/3/4/5 bedrooms, garden, exclusive estate, Mediterranean country atmosphere, 20-min ride to FAO and WFP, €2.000/€2.300/€4.000. Also lovely cottage bordering exclusive golf course, 2 living rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, garden, Tuscan views, €1.500. Tel. 065813452,
APPIA ANTICA. Villa, completely restored to perfection, situated in beautiful grounds, 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, living room, dining room, library, spacious modern fully equipped kitchen, study, patio, terraces, domestic quarters, garage and cellar. Tel. 064881384. APPIA ANTICA. In beautiful and quiet compound different size villas, furnished or semi furnished, garden, terrace, parking. Tel. 0654211074, ARDEATINA - CRISTOFORO COLOMBO AREA. In lovely compound, 140-sqm apartment, elegantly furnished, 1 bedroom with private bathroom, other 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, kitchen, 250-sqm private garden, individual heating. Photos available. €2.000 monthly. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, ASSISTANCE TO FOREIGNERS PENTHOUSE IMMOBILIARE. We offer full service for long & short term rentals. Special assistance for FAO, IFAD, WFP, Embassies and Multinational Companies. Mothertongue English staff. Tel. 065919125, AURELIA - CASAL SELCE. in compound, villa with garden, living room with terrace, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hobby room, maid’s room, garage, A/C, €2.300. For photos: Join us on Facebook, tel. 068419827. AURELIA - GREGORIO VII. Lovely penthouse, semi furnished, entrance, living room, bedroom, smaller room, kitchen, veranda, bathroom, large terrace, €1.500. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. AURELIA - VICINITY AURELIA ANTICA. In elegant compound, semi-detached villa, 400 sqm, bedroom with private bathroom, 2 other bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, furnished kitchen, hobby-room with 1 bedroom, bathroom, living-room, washing-room, garage, 1.200-sqm private garden. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871,
AURELIA - VICINITY VILLA PAMPHILI. Elegant 200-sqm apartment, refurbished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, lovely terrace, maid’s quarters, double carport. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, AURELIA ANTICA. Beautiful villa, 320 sqm, large living room, furnished kitchen, 6 bedrooms, bathrooms, garden, parking. Tel. 0654211074, AVENTINO - S. SABA (PIRRO LIGORIO). 3rd floor, semi furnished, living / dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livein kitchen, small room, wrap-around balcony, parking spot in garage, cellar. Centralized heating, €2,750. Tel. 347 / 7010805, 335 / 8123428. AVENTINO. Furnished apartment, 2nd floor, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, €1.500. Tel. 0654211074, AXA - CASALPALOCCO - INFERNETTO. Different size of villas with garden in very nice compounds, small apartments with terrace also available. Tel. 0654211074, BRIGHT-VIEW GARDENS-METRO CAVOUR. Colosseum/Monti Cavour metro bright quiet flat 2d floor (17th century building) no lift - view on gardens living room (sofabed) bedroom bathroom kitchenette fully furnished A/C dishwasher washmachine internet - monthly €1350 + charges (available from August). Tel. +39 335 / 6326980, CAMPO DE’ FIORI. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bright, silent, living room, balconies, new kitchen. Refs 1095/661. Tel. 063212341. CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. In compound, elegant 220-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, swimmingpool, tennis courts. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, CASSIA - NEAR AMERICAN OVERSEAS. Apartment, 200 sqm, well furnished, large entrance, wide kitchen, double living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, large terrace, 3 regular terraces, A/C, TV, parking place, near shopping centre, €2.300/monthly, Tel. 0636304772, 347 / 8291064.
CASSIA - S. GODENZO. Charming 150-sqm unfurnished apartment, 2 bedrooms bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, study (or 3rd bedroom), lovely terrace, furnished kitchen, car-port. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, CASSIA - VICINITY OVERSEAS SCHOOL. In compound with private park & tennis court, beautiful 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ample living / dining room, lovely terrace, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, car-port, €3.000 monthly. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, CASSIA. Prestigious villas and apartments with garden or terrace, parking, furnished or semi furnished, different size available. Tel. 0654211074, CASTEL DI LEVA AREA Inside green and elegant private estate: villa 120 sqm with a big terrace, gardens and parking: 2 bedrooms, studio, dining room, living room with fire-place. €2.000/monthly. No Agencies.Email:, tel. 349 / 6451790. CASTEL DI LEVA AREA. Inside private estate with private park elegant casali of various sizes with private gardens, parkings and wonderful wiew. No agency fees. Casale 220 sqm, 3 bedrooms, €2.600, Casale 120 sqm, 2 bedrooms €2.100. For pictures:, tel. +39 349 / 6451790. CENTRE - NEAR COLOSSEUM. Charming cottage in park with own private garden, 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, sitting / dining room, veranda. Parking for 1 car. 6 month / 1 year contract only. No agents. Please contact owner at email: CENTRE - NEAR VIA GIULIA. Semi furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, delightful little terrace, €2.300. Available from 1 September. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. CENTRE - PENTHOUSE close to Piazza Navona, wonderful penthouse on 2 levels, 220 sqm, spectacular 100sqm terrace, annex, refurbished, furnished, exposed wooden beams, fired terracotta floor tiles, fireplace, lift, €8.000; Parioli, elegant, bright, very
Office hours: Mon – Fri 10.00 – 16.00. Orari ufficio: lun – ven 10.00 – 16.00. Wanted in Rome does not accept jobs vacant ads that discriminate on the basis of age, race, nationality, gender or religion. Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma – Tel. 066867967 –
PUBLICATION DATES Giorno di pubblicazione Wed 14 Sept Wed 28 Sept Wed 12 Oct
FREE CLASSIFIEDS must be submitted on our website, Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted at our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
large lounge, dining room, live-in kitchen, furnished, 3 bedrooms, smaller room, 3 bathrooms, balconies, A/C, garage, €4.500; Trieste/Salario, bright, lounge, dining room, live-in kitchen, furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balconies, laundry room, A/C €3.600; Trastevere at the foot of Janiculum, prestigious doorman building, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, partial mezzanine, refurbished, semi furnished, garage, €3.500; Colombo close to the Aurelian Walls, penthouse on 2 levels, unfurnished, 220 sqm, lounge, 4 bedrooms, equipped kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 150-sqm terrace with view of Roma, doorman, garage, €3.000. Tel 065919125 COLOSSEUM. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, A/C, near metro. Refs 150/697, €1.700. Tel. 063212341. EUR - PENTHOUSE Torrino Mezzocammino, small villa, lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, laundry room, hobby room, garage, garden, €2.000; Casalpalocco, 200-sqm villa, 160-sqm garden, swimming pool and tennis courts, €2.100. Tel. 065919125, EUR - PENTHOUSE. At the start of Laurentina / S. Paolo, completely refurbished penthouse, large lounge, kitchen with small dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace/porch, modernly furnished, finished to high standards, A/C, garage, €3.000; Serafico, lounge, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with small dining area, panoramic terrace, furnished, €1.600. Other,elegant, refurbished, large lounge, kitchen 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, garage, €2.500; Ardigò, 24hr doorman, furnished, panoramic, finished to high standards, lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, A/C, garage, €2.200; Tecnica, newly refur-
bished, lounge, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, €3.200; Mostacciano Vivanti, refurbished, furnished, lounge, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, finished to high standards, A/C, garage, €1.600; Fonte Meravigliosa, panoramic, large lounge, kitchen, 3 bedooms, 2 bathrooms, large terrace, parking space, €1.800; Mezzocammino Torrino, lounge, kitchen, furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, A/C, terrace, garage, €1.800; SIC Budapest, prestigious condominium, swimming pool, lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, large terrace, A/C, garage, €1.500. Tel. 065919125, EUR - TORRINO - NEAR PIAZZA CINA. Open view, charming condominium park (games-gazebo). Gracious, furnished, equipped, 2 bedrooms, living room, garage. Any term. Photos available. Tel. +393926395182. EUR TORRINO. Furnished apartment, 5th floor, living room, 3 bedroom, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces, balcony, parking, €1.800. Tel. 0654211074, EUR VIGNA MURATA. Fonte Meravigliosa. Very nice apartment, large living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, private garden, cellar and garage. Fully furnished. Non-residents and no agencies. Tel. 065414440 (Italian speakers). EUR. Different opportunities of small or large apartments, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, terrace, parking place. Tel. 0654211074, FLAMINIO – VILLA RICCIO. To rent beautiful apartment completely furnished, 3rd floor, 120 sqm: living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with dining corner, €2.500/monthly. Tel. 347 / 5349704.
FLAT IN EUR- MONTAGNOLA. Private individual rents a flat in Roma, in the area of EUR (digit “41 50 26 N, 12 28 56 E” in Google Earth), made up of a dining room, a kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Fully furnished and equipped with air conditioning. Sunny, quiet and facing South. Third floor with a large balcony. Modern building with park and concierge open 24/24. Immediately available. €1.950. Possibility of a lock-up garage. Email:, tel. 389 / 4877372. I send photos, if required. GARBATELLA. 100 sqm, nicely furnished, spacious living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, balconies. Property International 0657284503,, HISTORIC CENTRE. Pantheon, small flat (40 sqm) bedroom (double bed), private bathroom, dressing room inside furnished apartment, for nonsmoker girl of English, German, Japanese mother-tongue. Monthly €800 including all expenses, use of kitchen, washing machine, internet and other utilities. Tel. +39 066793997, +33 148054283, email: INTERNATIONAL POINT. Different size apartments and villas, assistance and professional service for the duration of contract. Tel. 0654211074,, MLD - APPIO LATINO Via Etruria, high floor, refurbished, living room, bedroom, bathroom, well furnished, €1.200. Tel. 065916760. MLD - AURELIA - VIA COVIELLO. Prestigious, large entrance, large lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, spacious terrace, well furnished, option to remove some furniture, €3.000. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - CASSIA - NEAR OVERSEAS SCHOOL. Prestigious residential condominium, 24hr security guard, large entrance, lounge + dining area, 4 bedrooms, study, eat-in kitchen, 3 bathrooms, large perimeter terrace, €2.500. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - EUR - CENTRO CAUCASO. Top floor apartment, entrance, lounge, open-plan kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, €1.400; Serafico, elegant condominium, high floor, large entrance, large lounge, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, live-in kitchen, terrace, garage, cellar, semi furnished, €2.200; Cesare Pavese, finely finished, lounge, 3 bedrooms, kitchen with small dining area, laundry room, 2 bathrooms, terrace, garage, furnished, €2.000; Torrino, lounge, 3 bedrooms, smaller room, well furnished, €2.000. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - HISTORIC CENTRE. Passeggiata Ripetta near Piazza del Popolo, penthouse, refurbished to high standards, large entrance, lounge, kitchen, bedroom with fireplace, bathroom, balcony overlooking rooftops, semi furnished, €2.000. Tel. 065916760, email: MLD - INFERNETTO. Recent construction, villa on 2 levels + groundlevel semi-basement with independent entrance, 250 sqm, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious hobby room + 1.000-sqm garden, semi furnished, €2.000. Tel. 065916760. MLD - PORTUENSE - CASETTA MATTEI close to WFP, new build, top floor, lounge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, terrace, garage, semi furnished, €900. Tel. 065916760. MLD - PRATI - PIAZZALE EROI. Near metro Cipro, high floor, large entrance, lounge, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, balcony, €1.400; Via Simon de Saint Bon, lounge, 2 bedrooms, furnished, garage, €1.800. Tel. 065916760, email:
MLD - S. LORENZO. Characteristic penthouse, living room, open-plan kitchen, bedroom, terrace, €950. Tel. 065916760, email: MONTEPARIOLI. Beautiful, elegant 200-sqm apartment, refurbished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, MONTEVERDE VECCHIO - GIANICOLO. Nice apartment, 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, terrace. Email: MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. 1 bedroom, semi furnished on split level, quiet, sunny, €800. Ref 573. Tel. 063212341. MONTI - NEAR VIA NAZIONALE. Modern apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, living room, comfortable bathroom with shower, equipped kitchen, A/C, dishwasher and washing machine. Max 5 people. Tel. 349 / 8767996, NOMENTANA - NEAR XXI APRILE. Top floor, refurbished, furnished or semi furnished, lounge, study, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, €2.350. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. NOMENTANA - PIAZZA BOLOGNA. Bright, quiet, refurbished, unfurnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies, €1.300. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. OLGIATA. Semi-detached villa, 300 sqm, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, furnished kitchen, large hobby-room, maid’s quarters, 600-sqm garden, garage. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, PANTHEON. Beautifully renovated, 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room w/fireplace, kitchen, terrace. Refs 224/438/821. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI - VILLA BORGHESE. 230 sqm, large lounge, study, dining room, 3 bedrooms, maid’s room, 3 bathrooms, little terrace, garage, furnished or semi furnished. GENESI tel. 0637517066. PARIOLI. Penthouse apartment, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living/dining room, study, furnished kitchen with breakfast room, very large terrace with outdoor dining facilities and sitting area, car park. Tel. 064881384. PIAZZA VENEZIA - MONTI PENTHOUSE. Duplex penthouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, panoramic terrace, doorman. Ref 758. Tel. 063212341. POPOLO - PENTHOUSE. Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, A/C, balconies, near park. Ref 1087. Tel. 063212341. POPOLO. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, balcony, near park, metro. Ref 700. Tel. 063212341. PRATI. 140 sqm, 5th floor, semi furnished, large living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, small balcony. Property International, 0657284503,, PRATI. 180 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double living room, balconies, kitchen, parking, views. Ref 939. Tel. 063212341.
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
DO YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR APARTMENTS IN PARIS, BERLIN, LONDON OR MADRID? DO YOU HAVE A JOB TO OFFER IN DUBLIN, BARCELONA, BRUSSELS OR AMSTERDAM? Then go to and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06 6867967 or e-mail us at RENT-PENTHOUSE T. ARGENTINA. Stunning 120 2 bedroom penthouse apartment in beautiful historic palazzo. 200 of terraces spanned over 2 levels with 360 degree views over Rome. Newly refurbished, A/C. Available August 1st. Please contact Celeste Oliphant,, +393497226924. REPUBBLICA - CENTRE. Penthouse, spacious, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, new kitchen, panoramic terrace, lift. Ref 624. Tel. 063212341. ROMAN FORUM. Completely restored semi-furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, furnished kitchen, also garage available. Tel. 064881384. ROME HISTORIC - TRASTEVERE. Quiet, sunny, air-conditioned, 2nd floor, bedroom (queen), living / dining room, sofa bed, independent kitchen (hotplates, linenwasher, fridge, oven), large bathroom, double glazing, autonomous heating, max 2 people, €1.300/month, minimum 1 year. Tel. 339 / 8765137,, ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. ROOM TO LET TRIONFALE IGEA. Room to let in apartment, well furnished for a female. Well connected to Rome Center. Separate bathroom, use of kitchen e wi-fi. Even for short periods. Tel: 348 / 4115823. S. SABA. Nice, bright, furnished apartment, 50 sqm, living room, kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, storage, €1.100. Tel. 0654211074,
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
SPAGNA - PENTHOUSE. 3 bedrooms, study, 3 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, panoramic terrace, lift, doorman. Ref 674. Tel. 063212341. ST PETER’S. Elegantly furnished apartment, fully equipped, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, live-in kitchen. No agencies. Rent weekly / monthly, tel. 333 / 3424166, 345 / 1309312, TALENTI. Delightful mansard, refurbished, furnished, living room with kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, €700. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. TESTACCIO METRO B. Sunny furnished double bedroom, living room with sofa bed, bathroom, kitchen €1.100 + expenses. Tel. 347 / 4132554 Cristina. TRASTEVERE & S. COSIMATO. 2 apartments. Trastevere: bright studio flat, 2 windows overlooking lovely condominium garden, bathroom, shower, kitchenette, €800/Monthly. S. Cosimato: lounge / bedroom, bathroom, kitchen corner, 3 windows looking over splendid garden. €1.300/ monthly. Tel. 328 / 7045710, 333 / 2880085. TRASTEVERE - PAMPHILI PARK. S. Giovanni, Prati, several quality 1 and 2 bedrooms terrace apartments, €1.200 to €1.850. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE - PENTHOUSE. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, living room with fireplace, panoramic terrace. Refs 1280/213. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - PIAZZA S. MARIA. Lovely, living room, 2 bedrooms, balcony, old Rome charm, €1.700. Same square, charming 1 bedroom apartment, balcony, view, €1.450. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE - S. COSIMATO. Furnished, all inclusive, bedroom, living room, A/C, washing machine, TV, HiFi. Max 4 people, €300 weekly. Tel. 333 / 3250906, TRASTEVERE - VIA DELLA SCALA. Characteristic, furnished, living room, bedroom, live-in kitchen, bathroom, €1.400. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426.
TRASTEVERE, VIALE GLORIOSO. Trastevere, Viale Glorioso, elegant, bright 140 sqm furnished apartment, 3rd floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, kitchen, 2 storage rooms, air-conditioning, €2500 monthly,, tel. 349 / 4962562. TRASTEVERE. Gorgeous and sunny flat for rent in Trastevere (Via della Scala) available from 1 July. Double room, veranda, bathroom, kitchen, 2 lovely small terraces, WiFi, A/C. Really delightful. Weekly / monthly rates available. Email:, tel. 335 / 6219599 (Carla) - 335 / 6651140 (Cristiano) - 348 / 3339245 (Claudio). TRASTEVERE. 150 sqm, characteristic furnished apartment on 2 levels with terrace, living room, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen. Property International tel. 0657284503,, TRASTEVERE. Elegant, spacious living room, 1 bedroom, well equipped kitchen, bathroom, €1.700. Also cottage-like, very charming on 2 levels, 1 bedroom, veranda, €1.250. Tel. 065813452, TRASTEVERE. Refurbished loft, complete with all comforts (including sauna), ideal as open space, 100 sqm, €100/day during August. Email: TRASTEVERE. Nice restored and completely furnished apartments, living room, kitchen, 1 or 2 bedrooms, bathroom. Tel. 0654211074, TRASTEVERE. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, balcony. Refs 1104/880/1113. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE/MAMELI. Quiet miniapartment, fully furnished and equipped, bedroom, bathroom with shower and living room with kitchenette. Short and long term. €1.200, discounts for longer periods. For info: TRIESTE - VILLA TORLONIA. Various availabilities for apartments, unfurnished or semi furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, live-in kitchen, bathroom, €1.600 Fidia immobiliare 0639736426. TUBE A COLLI ALBANI. 4th floor w/elevator, 300 meters from the tube. Fully furnished,TV, wi-fi, VATICAN - PENTHOUSE. Sunny, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, terrace, lift. Ref 363. Tel. 063212341. VATICAN AREA. Very interesting penthouse, lovely terrace on 2 levels, living room, bedroom, study, furnished, €2.000. Tel. 065813452,
VIGNA CLARA - VICINITY MARYMOUNT SCHOOL. Beautiful, refurbished, 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, 2 terraces, furnished kitchen, maid’s quarters, alarm system, large car-port. Photos available. EDWARDS tel. 068610871, VILLA FOR RENT: CASAL PALOCCO/ IN. New villa bi-familiare, close to Southlands International School, 180 sqm on 3 levels, living room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, patio, garden 300sqm, air-cond. parking. Prefer to rent furnished, but can be flexible. Photos are available upon request. Call 334 / 6480591.
accommodation vacant out of town CASTELLI ROMANI. Lovely stonebuilt farm house, very charming, fully furnished, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, dining room, study, spacious kitchen, beautiful patio area with pergola, garden and parking. Tel. 064881384. TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old castle, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge, terrace, balcony, topfloor apartment, unfurnished, completely restored €450+ €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.
bed & breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032,,
jobs vacant ART HISTORY LECTURER. Rome based International Institute seeks experienced lecturer in the area of modern and contemporary Art History, starting September 2011. Proficient in English, candidate should have a PhD or a record of research. Please submit CVs to: COME JOIN AN INTERNATIONAL TEAM! 3D2B is searching for business savvy multi-lingual representatives in French, German, English, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Spanish! We are searching for excellent communicators and sales driven enthusiasts to support our Client’s Sales teams with opportunities in the various European markets. Working on multi-national IT Client
accounts such as; Microsoft, SAP, Novell, and others. The job involves liaisoning with Sales, and driving business opportunities, sales, sales leads and marketing. You will be working in your native language (with some English) and in a team. Our facility is state of the art, we are an American company and our business workspace, and management methodology reflects that. Candidates must have relevant work experience in sales and/or mktg. Experience in IT sector a plus! Positions to start immediately. The compensation reaches 2000+€ gross/monthly with achievement of realistic targets. No non-Italian residents please - must have working permit and/or work visa and reside in Rome. Please note interviews will be held in English or relevant language. If interested send CV to:, tel. 0697844620. ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED. Established English School currently seeking full/part-time English mothertongue teachers for adult and children courses. Full training provided. Contact us on 0647823253 or send your CV to ESTABLISHED PRESTIGIOUS LANGUAGE school Rome seeks mother-tongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, HIRING MT TEACHERS & AUPAIRS. Teach toddlers, preschoolers, preteens, adults. Preferred qualifications: degree, CELTA/CELTYL, Rome resident, experience, energetic. Training, materials provided. Send resumes: OFFICIAL GUIDES WANTED. Official guides wanted, with degree in Art History or Archaeology and excellent English skills, to collaborate with a cul-
tural association which organises highquality cultural guided tours ( Mentioned in prestigious guidebooks. Please send your resume to RECEPTIONIST. Established English language school seeks part-time and full-time receptionist. English mothertongue and good Italian required. Please send your CV to or call 0647823253.
rooms and flats shares LARGE ROOM - MARCONI for rent near Trastevere station, bright, quiet apartment located Via Enrico Fermi, €500 monthly all inclusive, 347 / 4544076, METRO LEPANTO - SINGLE ROOM private bathroom and terrace, to referenced, quiet female, non-smoker. Only €500 monthly. Tel. 333 / 2385331. METRO S. GIOVANNI. Panoramic topfloor, view of S. Giovanni statues, bright, comfortable, restored room, €600 monthly, including bills, linen, maid service. Free wireless adsl connection and local calls. Shared kitchen and bathroom, 25-sqm terrace. Pictures on request. Tel. 333 / 7490206, email: PARIOLI - CENTRE AREA. Small room, bright top-floor apartment, terrace, washing machine, dishwasher, €400 all inclusive. Deposit required. Women only. Tel. 068076910, 338 / 2413805, ST PETER’S VICINITY. Large room, independent entrance, quiet, shared kitchen, bathroom. Females only. €530 monthly. Short lets €160/week. Tel. 327 / 4541214, TRASTEVERE. Bedroom with bathroom in private apartment near LungaraTrastevere, every comfort, internet, €900 including bills. Tel. 339 / 7857565.
VIA MERULANA. Single room, between S. M. Maggiore and S. Giovanni, metro A/B, share bathroom, kitchen and washing machine. Tel. 338 / 7911289, 377 / 8179515.
short lets APARTMENTS - HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours,, CAMPO DE’ FIORI SPAGNA - NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897,, HISTORIC CENTRE - TORRE ARGENTINA. Mini studio apartment with kitchenette, bathroom, terrace, 100 sqm, breathtaking view of historic Rome. Weekly rent €400. Tel. 065919125,
PANTHEON AND PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double / triple bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, RENT IN CENTRE in the are of Piazza Navona - Campo de’ Fiori, furnished studio apartment, available from September to mid-December 2011. For non-smoker girl, €700 monthly including all expenses. Telephone and internet 24hr. Tel. Alex +39 348 / 5429314, email: ROME SWEET HOME HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets., Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580. TRASTEVERE - S. COSIMATO. Furnished, all inclusive, bedroom, living room, A/C, washing machine, TV, HiFi. Max 4 people, €300 weekly. Tel. 333 / 3250906,
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at www.wantedinrome. com. We no longer accept Jobs Wanted ads in our office. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito Non si accettano più quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.
accommodation wanted 21 Y/O STUDENT NEEDS ROOM. Student (Johnnie,21) wants to live in Trastevere. 4 months: SeptemberDecember 2011. Fun but hardworking. Prices w/photos please. 4 AND 5 BEDROOM PROPERTIES. Principal Relocation is looking for 4 and 5 bedroom properties in Paroli. Please call 069093396. A ROOM NEAR FAO WANTED E600ISH. Hi female, with fast wifi, close to FAO, Aug. Thanks. SEEKING SM ROOM/LIVING ARRANGMN. Teacher, architecture degree, landscaper. Seeking room or share. Under €300 or partial exchange 4 housework Tel. 327 / 1038423.
animals ABANDONED KITTENS NEED HOME. Found almost dead: html PLEASE ADOPT!
household sales APRILIA SCARABEO 50CC €600. Urgent sale as returning to England. Electrics work perfectly, new battery, free top box, lock, spare keys. Contact Chris 327 / 4647666. Brand Canon EOS Rebel T3i Black SLR Digital Camera. Price: $350USD Shipping: FREE. More info contact: DOUBLE BED. Ikea 'Leirvik' great condition, almost new. Cream metal frame. Includes mattress 'sultan florvag' €150. 377 / 2009190, MOVING SALE. Many things for the home. Can email list and prices and foto. Tel. 335 / 6697424. THE ART OF CROCHET. Hand made scarf, baby plaid bedspreads etc You commission I will make it. Tel. 329 / 7843257.
TIZZIE THE TOASTER! €10. Urgent sale as returning to England. Cute little toaster, used 3 times, like new. Contact Chris 327 / 4647666.
IT & computers COMPUTER ASSISTANCE OR LESSONS. Native English / fluent Italian. Expert care in your home/office, whatever your PC problems/requirements. Thomas 347 / 7215686.
jobs wanted NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING NANNY. I am an American student looking to be a wonderful help to a family. Please email me at: AIUTO CUOCO. Salve, ragazzo 28 anni cerco lavoro in ristaurante, trattoria etc. parlo (spagnolo-italiano) massima serietà, 389 / 9488212.
ANY JOB. Male 35, looking for any suitable job, speak english and italian with work permit. Pls call or contact, 389 / 9818703. ANY KIND OF JOB. David various kind of work experiences specially hotels & restaurants, please contact me 327 / 0233543 for any blank vacant, good Italian. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. Designer. Consulting services, ideas and original solutions interiors /exteriors, building design concepts, landscaping, garden ponds, pet environments. Tel. 327 / 1038423. AUGUST NANNY AVAILABLE. English Mother Tongue Experience Nanny Available For August. Happy To Travel. Great Refs. Call Kathleen 338 / 3003441. BABYSITTER WITH GOOD EXPERIENCE. English speaker, references available from Uk and Italian fami-
12 July 2011, Rome
Letters to the Editor
Dear Wanted in Rome an open letter
events THE SECOND VENICE. An extraordinary funny book by Askin Ozcan.
exchanges LOOKING FOR BIBLE STUDIES in English on a daily or weekly basis. Tel. 370 / 1049808.
health & fitness ADS AMERICAN DENTAL STUDIOS. OPEN ALL AUGUST! ADS AMERICANO STUDIO DENTISTICO. English Spoken. Si Parla Inglese. (American Dentist) Dentista Americano Laureato in USA. Disponibile tutti giorni anche Festivi. Abbiamo Canadese Endodonzia specialista (Root Canal Specialist) devitalizzazione "finished" in una seduta con tecnologie informatiche - uno in ortodonzia (Orthodontist) & uno in implantologia specialista (Implantologist); cure odontoiatriche con le più recenti tecnologie. Viale Europa 331, 100 Metri EUR FERMI, & Infernetto: Viale Castel Porziano 434/F. Solo su appuntamento. Tel. 333/ 9061799,, AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST. Individual psychotherapy for all mental health issues. Some insurances accepted. Metro Cipro. Rose Kazma 0639742957 or 333 / 5822808. BLACK MASSEUR €30 PER HOUR. Black man Oriental Oil Massage ZENmasseur Overweight Cellulitis, relax, MEN €60/h WOMEN €30/hour. Tel. 347 / 7244003. ENGLISH DENTAL STUDIO IN ROME. Via della Fonte di Fauno, 29 00153 Rome, Italy / phone (39)065783639ï24/7 mobile(39)3203009440 / follow english dental studio on facebook. NATUROPATHIC CONSULTATIONS. Re-establish your body-mind-spirit balance. or call 340 / 9452434.
Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
I have often wondered if Rome has a heart, or whether it is a city dead to anything but tourists and the limited rump of foreigners that are not in diplomatic service or one of the smattering of foreign correspondents, or surveyors like me who are put out to grass here. The sight of two old ladies, they must be both in their sixties the pair of them, permanently camped on Piazza Cinquecento immediately outside the Museo Nazionale di Romano, opposite the brand new brass open arms of the statue of JP convinces me otherwise, and raises one or two fundamental question marks about this city. Permanent is the wrong word, for surely in one more year they will be gone, perhaps sooner, say another three months to add to the three months that I have seen them daily after my commute into Termini and the short walk to my Via Veneto office, both to and fro. They shelter behind an old pram, though without any shade to speak of. One of them is always on the pavement, in the foetal position. The other, she must be the stronger, perhaps the leader and more mentally fit, sits on guard, to the left as passers by see them, pram-side. I cannot get any sense out of the upright lady, who this morning wasn’t in fact on guard, as she was defecating, bent over with her skirt lifted hip height. I have asked, two weeks ago, but I was ineffective in getting through – I do speak Italian – and felt ineffective. Surely, I thought, when I returned from a week’s holiday, they would be gone, and I would have forgotten that I had walked past them daily for the last three months, early on in the long forgotten Spring rain and now in the full radiation of the sun. Can they survive much longer in this sun? Sitting, and lying respectively in the full radioactive glare in this heat wave day in day out? I couldn’t, and none of my fellow commuters could, we wouldn’t last an hour, let alone the eight or so we otherwise spend in our chilled offices, arguing over the temperature controls. I wonder, are they insane? Have they been released into the care of community as part of the longer term cost savings that needs must be made in the Italian civic service? Do they choose to live on the pavement? Perhaps they are making a statement? Perhaps like in India they have chosen to relinquish the trappings of a material life, the commute, the mobile phone, the brands, and have gravitated to this stretch of busy road as many gravitate to a simple life of mendicancy next to Mother Ganges? I doubt that we will ever know and I doubt that the streams of tourists that struggle past on Piazza dei Cinquecento will ever care or remember, except to perhaps comment once or twice in mock horror over pizza before moving on. The ladies appear to be able to look after themselves, to a degree, within some sort of fuzzy context. Give them a small allotment, a hut in the mountains, for surely they would prefer ‘monte’ to ‘mare’ in the summertime and I am sure that they would survive just fine, with even the most basic amenities and perhaps a bread oven. As I said earlier, I have tried to communicate with them and I have failed. I wondered if there maybe any other regular readers of Wanted in Rome that may have noticed these two old ladies and if so if anyone has the heart to give even the basic consideration to what might be done to help. I am willing to help, I have no limit on time for this and limited but some resource otherwise if appropriate, and welcome any suggestions at the address given below. With kind regards, Ralph Holland
Via Redina Pennacchi 72, Velletri 00049, tel. +3933568044936,
Wanted in Rome welcomes letters to the editor. Please send emails to
lies. Looking for part time job for the Summer in Rome. ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE. Looking for work in English lessons or nanny/babysitter with experience in both. Can speak Italian. Available immediately. 334 / 8525496, ENGLISH TUTOR AVAILABLE. Native English speaker from Canada who is available to teach and perfect your English speaking skills. Please e-mail me HOTEL RECEPTION. Professional Male US Resident seeking relocation to Rome. Conference Centre or Hotel Reception Guest satisfaction is number 1 LOOKING FOR ANY KIND OF JOB. Female, looking for job as domestic worker or baby sitter. Speak Italian and English. With regular docs. Mobile 320 / 8703865. LOOKING FOR WORK. I'm Ben 23 from England currently in L'Aquila looking for work anything considered. Thanks. QUALIFIED PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER. Scottish girl 25, available for babysitting, tutoring, english lessons etc in the centre evenings, weekends, holidays SRILANKAN MALE. English & Italian speaker with italian driving licence, work permit, experience, tel. 393 / 4509546. TRADUTTRICE MADRELINGUA INGLESE. Traduzioni ITA->ING / Elevati standard di qualità, e rapidity / Tariffe piacevoli / Preventivo gratis TRILINGUAL SECRETARY. Secretary 16 years of experience very good knowledge of English and French some Spanish. Immediately available. Emanuela 333 / 2238138. WEDDING SINGER. Professional soprano available to sing at wedding services in and around Rome. Email:, tel. 377 / 2009190. WORK WANTED L'AQUILA. My name is Ben I'm 23 from England. I'm looking for work in L'Aquila or close. YOUNG ITALIAN LADY. Looking for work as babysitter, work in a shop or cleaner. Doesn’t speak english, tel. 339 / 6675270. YOUR WEB DESIGN EURO 20/PAGE. Build Your website,, €20 /page Tel. 0643405820.
lessons NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING TEACHER. I am an American student looking to teach english to an eager student. Please email me at: COOK AND SPEAK. Cook and speak. Learn Italian recipes while chatting in Italian. Three-hour lessons, including dinner, with Sandra, tel 328 / 8398875 , ENGLISH EXAM PREPARATION. English teacher qualified to help you with TOEFL, CAE, FCE, IELTS exam preparation. 20 euro per hour. Email: ENGLISH LADY, OXFORD GRADUATE. English lady, Oxford University graduate, long experience, offers English lessons/conversation (adults only). Tel 068105213/3405161007. ENGLISH MUSIC LESSONS CHILDREN. Creative music lessons for families with babies and young children. Via Nazionale Call or email Charlotte 377 / 2009190,, ITALIAN AND SPANISH LESSONS. Bilingual teacher offers Italian and Spanish lessons, all levels. Flexible hours, also on weekends. €14/hour., 3392993611. MUSIC AND SINGING. Keyboard, piano, guitar, clarinet, saxophone and singing lessons are available in rome, contact Emad 3338455348 or email PHD TUTOR: ENGLISH. Central Rome. English revision/conversation; ex UK Public School tutor. Uni Professor, €30/hour. or call 346 / 1814565. PIZZA. Original recipe worth $50 million a year, smoothing by hand, 4 lessons, 5 hour each. Euro 1000, tel. 333 / 3593523. RITMI DELL'INDIA. CORSO DEL TABLA. Corso di Tabla con maestro BHATT USO RITMO VOCALE, APPLICAZIONE TABLA ALLA MUSICA ELECTRONICA/ JAZZ, BHAJAN, KIRTAN, WORLD MUSIC. Rashmi tel.335-6024518. TANDEM LESSONS. I'm looking for an english mothertongue to teach me english in exchange for italian conversations., 347 / 2985042.
Aeroporto Ciampino Aeroporto di Fiumicino Arrivi Airterminal Fiumicino Anglo American Book Shop Italia, 34 Corso Francia, 228 Corso Trieste, 90 Feltrinelli International L.go Argentina L.go Chigi L.go del Colonnato Largo Arenula, 12/B Largo Argentina, 14 P.le Albania P.le Cola Di Rienzo P.le Flaminio P.le Ponte Milvio P.zza Barberini P.zza Campo De’ Fiori P.zza Cola Di Rienzo P.zza Colonna P.zza del Parlamento P.zza della Balduina P.zza della Minerva
personal MALE SEEK ENGLISH LADY. Im a male live in Rome, seeking english speaking lady for friendship, CHOIR VACANCIES. New Chamber Singers have vacancies for sopranos and men. Purcell, Bach, Martin, Liszt etc For information contact or 065022624. GLOBAL LANG PROJECT VOLUNTEERS. Searching 4 a group of dedicatd volnteers 2 reserch & develop New Global Language project:, Patrick: 327 / 1038423. LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDSHIP. Italian man 47 y.o., living in Rome area, nice, serious, sensitive, witty, interesting person, looking for lady, whatever nationality. MAN SEEKING SERIOUS WOMAN. Tall handsome guy seek a serious woman for serious love. lps email MASSAGE BY EXPERT YOUR - MY HOME. Black man massage since 1994, expert my practice or your Home-Hotel WOMAN €30/hour MAN €60 Tel. 068271618. MASSAGE. Beautiful Italian lady performs romantic massage in the comfort of her house, available for out calls. Tel. 346 / 7375105. NUDE MODEL FOR PRESTIGIOUS ASSIGNMENT. 18-35 year old beautiful girl (preferably British and non-professional) to model nude as Eve for a prestigious historical book. Well-paid 3 to 5 days work, CV and photos requested Please send to: PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Your private or commercial photo low-cost, at your home, office, company. Tel. 3331953311.
schools and colleges ENGLISH MUSIC LESSONS - CHILDREN. Creative music lessons for families with babies and young children. Via Nazionale Call or email Charlotte 377 / 2009190 PLAY SCHOOL IN ROME. Tots World English play school for children under 4. Outdoor play area in quiet san saba area. 389 / 5420632.
P.zza di Porta Pia P.zza di Spagna, 57 P.zza Euclide, 31 P.zza Farnese, 105 P.zza Giochi Delfici P.zza Mastai P.zza Pitagora, 6 P.zza Regina Margherita P.zza Repubblica, 6 P.zza Risorgimento P.zza S. Jacini P.zza S. Silvestro P.zza S.M. Trastevere P.zza Testaccio P.zza Trilussa P.zza Vescovio P.zza Vittorio P.zza Zanardelli, 16 P.zza in Lucina, 31 Salita De Crescenzi (Pantheon) Stazione Termini V.le Beethoven, 90/9 V.le G. Cesare Civ.17 V.le Parioli, 2
services BIOGRAPHICAL COUNSELLOR, MBACP. Help with anxiety, stress, depressive symptoms, rhythms, relationships, life-patterns, facing own life, biography work for understanding, health 327 / 8137497, CARICATURE PORTRAITS. Hi Im an italian designer specialized in Caricature portraits, family also, check me out on COACHING. Do you want to develop your effectiveness? Reach your goals? Improve your communication and public speaking? Manage your stress and become more self-confident? Book your coaching session before the end of August and you will have a free taster session (value 60 euro). Phone: 340 / 5604344, email:, ENGLISH CAMERAMAN/EDITOR. Experienced cameraman/editor available, using high definition equipment, professional sound and lighting, glidecam. Samples on request. +39 346 / 0987595. ENGLISH SPEAKING HAIRDRESSER. English-speaking hairdresser for women and men. Tuesday - Friday 9am to 9pm. Sandra Kennedy +39 065895793, Via A. Jandolo, 8 - Trastevere. PRIVATE MASSEUR WITH LICENSE. Available in/out call, massage for women and men. Indian Ayurveda, California Relax, Full massage. Michele 388 / 6520857. TRANSLATIONS. English Mothertongue fluent in Italian offers translations from Italian to English. Call 339 / 5086180 or email VISA PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE. Frequent traveler to India, China, etc. Principal Relocation Company can process all your Visa needs. Call +39.06.9094776 or visit
transport APRILIA SCARABEO 50CC €600. Urgent sale as returning to England. Electrics work perfectly, new battery, free top box, lock, spare keys. Contact Chris 327 / 4647666.
V.le Parioli, 54 V.le Trastevere Via Cassia 1839 Km.1 Via Cassia 993/995 Via Cassia Km 19.400 Via Cassia, 623 Via Cassia, 698 Via Cassia, 876 Via Cavour, 257 Via Celimontana, 5 Via Del Babuino, 150 Via della Magliana Via della Pace Via Flaminia 229 Via Gramsci, 1/B Via Gregorio VII, 55 Via Isola, 53 C. Palocco Via Marmorata Via Nazionale 7 Via Nomentana Via Orti Farnesina Via Valadier Via Veneto Viale Aventino/Fao
For further details check the full distribution list on
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome
For further information tel. 066867967, fax 066872996, e-mail:, Via dei Falegnami 79 (opposite the Turtle Fountain in Piazza Mattei)
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Wanted in Rome 3 Aug 2011
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% 23
American International Club of Rome
The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.
tel. 0645447625 –
American Women’s Association of Rome tel. 064825268 – Association of British Expats in Italy
Association of Malaysians in Italy
tel. 389 / 1162161 –
Caledonian Society
Canadian Club of Rome
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Fiamma Multisala
St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic)
Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845 Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526
Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 – fax 065413971
Via G. Bordoni 59, tel. 065745825
Commonwealth Club of Rome
Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068
Luncheon Club of Rome tel. 0636307249
Professional Women’s Association
United Nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628 –
Welcome Neighbor
tel. 347 / 9313040 –
Nuovo Sacher
Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 in original language on Mon when available
The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.
Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637
Herder International Book Center (German) Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 –
La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French) Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598
Libreria Feltrinelli International
EMERGENCY NUMBERS • Ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355
All Saints’ Anglican Church
Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday.
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00
The Almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942
The Anglo American Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222
The Lion Bookshop & Café Via dei Greci 33-36, tel. 0632654007
The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books – English, French, German, Italian) Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478
CHIAMAROMA 24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council.Tel. 060606.
SUPPORT GROUPS Alcoholics Anonymous Archè (HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 –
Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306
Associazione Ryder Italia (Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580
Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily
Caritas foreigners’ support centre Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 – 066861554
Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235
Caritas legal assistance Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369
Church of All Nations
Celebrate Recovery Christian group
Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464
tel. 338 / 1675680
Church of Sweden
Comunità di S. Egidio
Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)
Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234
Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian
Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat
South Rome, tel. 0650917621 – 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371,
Libreria Quattro Fontane (international)
S. Susanna Lending Library
Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)
Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425
International Christian Fellowship
Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950
St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal)
Christian Science Services
International Central Gospel Church
Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish)
Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00
tel. 066535499 –
Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878, Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484
Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00
tel. 064742913 –
Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30
Nuovo Olimpia
Irish Club of Rome –
Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30
Cineclub Detour
Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli
tel. 0633267490 –
S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic)
Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 in original language on Mon
International Women’s Club of Rome
Via del Caravita 7 –
Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987
St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic)
Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695
Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00
Jesus Cares Ministries
Jewish Community
Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061
Jewish Reform Group in Rome
Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen Information line for the disabled tel. 800271027
Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339
Mason Perkins Deafness Fund (Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 –
Overeaters Anonymous tel. 064743772
Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month
Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza)
Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas
Support for elderly victims of crime
Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761
(Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104
Lutheran Church
The Samaritans Onlus
Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)
Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351
(Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022
Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30
Pontifical Irish College
(Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00
Rome Baptist Church
Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 – 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)
Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091
Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico)
Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 – 068082258
TRANSPORT • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021
3 Aug 2011 Wanted in Rome