Wanted in Rome 2012-03-21

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21 March 2012


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Mario Sasso, “Frammenti morali di contemporaneità”, Mara Coccia Arte Contemporanea

in Rome

Art & Culture eNtertAINMeNt NewS uSeFul NuMberS

Poste Italiane S.p.a. Sped. in abb. post. DL 353/2003 (Conv. in L 27/02/2004 N.46) art. 1 comma 1 Aut. C/RM/04/2012 - Anno 4, Numero 5

no. 5 / wednesday / 21 March 2012








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Mario Sasso “Frammenti morali di contemporaneità”, 2012 Mara Coccia Arte Contemporanea 5 - 31 March See more details on page 10










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21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

CY TWOMBlY BY EDITh SChlOSS “Cy’s death is a blow and quite haunts me. Ceccobelli was here and told me about his funeral at Chiesa Nuova, OUR ChURCh. I wondered why he came to Rome to die. Then it dawned on me that he wanted to be near Keats. It was true. I am writing about all our delicious meetings… Will send it soon.” Edith. Pietrasanta, 17 July 2011.*


n the Gianicolo hill a little cannon in an ornamental lighthouse used to boom every day at noon. Just before this lola and I would amble over to Cy and Tatia’s house. It was said to have been inhabited once by a pope, had great marble floors, rows of gilded baroque chairs and wicked emperors’ busts on marble columns, as well as choice modern artefacts, for instance a Duchamp spinning disk. A few years before, when I was still an art critic at Art News, Cy Twombly had been something of a sensation in the New York art world. The followers of the conservative Dr Frankfurter, who was responsible for the articles on art history and antiques, objected to a review by some unknown poet, Frank O’hara, not an art historian, who for his living sold postcards and tickets at MoMA. he had written a rave about some beige dense abstractions. “Cream-coloured screams,” he had called them. There had even been a special editorial conference at Art News if there was such a thing as creamcoloured screams. Fairfield Porter, larry Campbell, Jimmy Schuyler and I were on the side of Frank and Tom [hess, the editor – ed.]. Frankfurter thought Frank’s praise was madly exaggerated and that such absurd stuff should have no place in an art magazine. But Tom’s way was set. At the Castelli Gallery, I saw rows and rows of charcoaly scrawls like keening writing, rows and rows leaning in a sideways crowd, as close as stalks on a wheat field or toilet markings, the loose scrawly technique like writing. I didn’t particularly like or dislike them. here in Rome, over us hung huge canvases. I looked at them while I listened to art world gossip. Now the writing was much looser and it was interspersed with feathery squeaky daubs of paint in petal colours, thumbmarks, splotches. After a few noon sittings in the Twomblys’ apartment one day I was caught. These pictures were blazing. They were both about an old world and a new one. I could suddenly see with rapture. On white woven and smoothed fields all those fresh bits of paint, crumbly, juicy, smeary. Rose pinks, blood reds, larkspur blues, jonquil yellows, bile greens and death and hell black. Athena with wiggling snakes and owl; Europe riding a beast; bubbling birth of Apollo; leda and billowing swan. Zeus and Bacchus frolicking in earnest; Danae embracing clouds of gold; hero and leander sinking in cruel turmoil of purples. All in vast Mediterranean sky. All those creepy needs of gods like everyone else in the grip of domineering, leering flight and tender surrenders. Cy himself Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

Edith Schloss (left) with Karmen Corak Rinesi at the Twombly exhibition at GNAM in 2007. Photo by Jacob Burckhardt.

sat enthroned under them in smiling appreciation. “I like my last paintings up while I still have a crush on them,” he said. Early in Rome, when I was stuck with my still lifes in front of Siena or Rome views, Umberto [Bignardi – ed.], who painted a sort of refined pop art, said, “I’m going to tell you something Cy showed me.” he commenced to draw haphazard phrases and names on the white paper, rows of scrawly scrawls. Tattery like the edges of clouds, involved like bumblebee flight. he told me to do the same. We made patterns and patterns and webs. All this was to catch the dabs and dashes of paint and voilà – the beginning, no, also the end of a picture. This was a lesson I never let go and I practice it today. As a new ploy Galleria Arco di Rab, a gallery run by friends, hosted a series of shows in which a double was featured. One was a well-established artist, the other was less known; the lesser was introduced by the big shot, so to speak. My friend Gina Spengler had an idea. “hey, Edith,” she said, “you are friends with Cy Twombly so why don’t you ask him to introduce you?” When I did Cy had a fit on the phone. “Oh baby, I can’t do that,” he wailed. “I have been to these introductions in Germany, so solemn and jabbering. You stand around drink in hand waiting to drink it while someone goes on and on, saying perfectly meaningless stuff.” “Oh, no,” I interrupted, “not that kind of introduction, not a speech, Cy, all I ask is to lend me some of your pictures, to hang alongside my own, to show you support me.” “If that is all…” he relaxed at once. “Well, of course,” he said with relief, “just come at once and choose some.” I went over to Piazza Ricci where I met him at Pierluigi’s, a simple trattoria then, where all the poor writers, composers and painters ate. he turned open a complicated number of old locks. The apartment was melancholy now, the parties gone, the family dispersed – he lived in a farm in Alto lazio and a palazzo in Gaeta – but the pictures had increased. They were stacked and stacked, leaning face to the wall, jammed. I had to smile. Cy had a dirty secret like the rest of us: a surfeit of unsold work. he turned things over here and there. “Is this alright – that?” Everything is alright, I thought gratefully, and let him choose. he carried several of his unwieldy works unwrapped under his arm, trudging across Corso Vittorio Emanuele, past Borromini’s lofty oratorium for St Filippo Neri, past the church of Chiesa Nuova where Rubens and Tiepolo looked down, until he came to my apartment in Via del Corallo. looking out of the kitchen window he exclaimed at my glassed-in balcony over the humdrum courtyard with the washing lines criss-crossing and weeds on the roof nodding down.“This reminds me of Istanbul,” but he hardly looked at the paintings, mine and those of the others on the walls. 3

Twombly was captivated by the hooker's Green colour of the plates. Photo by Jacob Burckhardt.

When he came to show openings he usually smiled around politely, then signed the book. There was one exception, Giancarlino, who used to stand in front of his tiny shop-studio in an alley in old Rome where he had a raw duck canvas nailed to the wall, covering it with his crafty signs. Giancarlino’s very bright and knows to be pure and truly instinctive. Cy bought his work. Now he was arrested by my piattiera, an oak antique I had bargained for at the flea market, Porta Portese. It was filled with a row of plates on a yellowish beige clay ground. But the potter had swept green glazes over them. The green wept and ran in fringes and rains and jittery splashes down each one. It was pungent and bad. It is called hooker’s Green. Cy stared and stared at this green. It was the event of his morning. he had met some sour new being. I saw years later at the Gagosian Gallery that he had absorbed that pungent but thirst-stilling green on a large canvas about an oasis. A colour assaults a painter like an emotion, like a food. It’s visceral. The shock brings you delight and despair: red, the squeezed blood of murder or sacrifices or ripe grapes. Green like the still pond with moss ferns or worms in its depth, violet in waves violently choking left lovers; yellow, running pus or sinking summer sun. It’s a taste, leaving something new and full inside you. Was I wrong or had hooker’s Green hooked him in Via Corallo? New Yorkers didn’t pay much attention to his occasional shows here at all and considered him not really into things, simply not tough enough. Not facing the dirt and hardships of New York was treachery. We were sitting in the trattoria at the corner of Via Monserrato and Piazza Moretta, where once the gallows had stood. I liked the place because they filled a huge vase with fresh flowers from their orchard each morning. Cy liked it because they made desserts from American cake mixes. “They say you come from the New York Expressionists,” I dared to say. “I haven’t got much to do with them,” he replied. “You know in Black Mountain I had a teacher who showed me older Germans, before even Nolde. There

was Max Slevogt and lovis Corinth. I studied those dirty, crumbly, wild crummy paintings, much terrific loose colour.” In New York they think you are too Europeanised,” I ventured politely. I meant the Roman leisurely upper-class life with Tatia and family, the dregs of Dolce Vita surrounding him had estranged him from New York hardship and roughness (not that later his friends Bob Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns had ever laboured too much in that respect either). I told him that Rackstraw Downes, the stern realist painter, had said to me: “That Cy is spoilt.” At which my companion grinned sheepishly, a forkful of delicious Aunt Jemima chocolate cream pie poised on his fork. “You mean like this?” he said, before gobbling it up with childish delight. Cy was wily and savvy and he was still the unbound American. he could demolish a rave of mine in one instance. “have you been to the School of Athens lately?” he would tease gaily. In those days I still wondered what he saw in Raphael but we agreed on Poussin’s triumphs. I told him how I liked the shepherds at the altar in Arcadia in the exquisitely restrained show Balthus had arranged at the French Academy, and he shared my admiration. Anybody newer (contemporary – ed.) was not mentioned and he liked to scatter mischief when I raised my modern preferences. I went on about Klee’s harbour I had recently seen at the Kunstmuseum in Basel. “Oh yeah,” he sighed, “I too liked Klee when I was a teenager.” And when I mentioned the shows of Piranesi’s wallowing etchings of Roman archaeological sites, he said: “Every dentist I know has one in his waiting room.” When I talked about a recent Eric Fischl show in New York he nodded. “Oh yes, that porn Fairfield Porter.” That hurt. When I went to Cy’s solo show at GNAM it was vast and brimming. After my hours under his paintings on the walls of Via Monserrato I was primed. There were scrawls and clouds and ledas and Danaes now meant sound and fury. We studied and enjoyed scrawls and quicksand divings and concise signs and portents. The tales of gods and mortals were around us, spidery traces, excrements, pastel pollen, petal smears, rustling, stirring, sweetly funky, milky or hairy thick, garlands of events screaming and dreaming, funny, daily, wicked or mild, tearing at our innards. Wide open your eyes! After Cy’s death people sometimes would stop me and ask: “What do you really see in Twombly’s work?” The question itself reveals they don’t want to see anything for themselves. So I only replied as defiantly as I could: “he is the most lyrical painter of our time.” To my sorrow the sophisticated, rich and instructed think so too. But let them. Edith Schloss * This was on a postcard from Edith to me last summer. Edith did not complete the article before she died in December 2011 but left a folder with enough material for me to reconstruct what her tribute to Twombly probably would have been. Mary Wilsey. A longer version is on the Wanted in Rome website: www.wantedinrome.com.

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21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

TERRACINA: BETWEEN SEA AND SKY A sunny seaside resort and fishermen's port is full of surprises


he imposing ruins of the ancient Temple of Jove Anxur tower high over the fishing port of Terracina. From there you get a breathtaking view that sweeps over the Riviera of Ulysses from the Circeo peninsula to Gaeta. Across the sea, the Pontine Islands bob mistily on the far horizon and, if it’s a really clear day, you can also make out Vesuvius and the blue outlines of Ischia and Procida off the Sorrento coast. Behind you glimmers the coastal lake of Fondi and the surrounding plain, densely covered with olives and orange groves and various cultivations. You can walk or drive up Monte S. Angelo, as the temple hill has been called since Christian times. The summit with the archaeological remains, however, is laid out as a park, with winding footpaths leading up to the temple terrace on the old acropolis. There is a small entry charge to the enclosed area, where you can picnic under the shade of the olives and holm oaks, or you can purchase a snack at the Tempio di Giove café right at the top. This café has been run by the Campi family for three generations and is one of the most romantic spots you can possibly imagine. Their visiting cards carry the slogan: “Where sky and sea unite under the stars”. In summer, in fact, it is open in the evenings, complete with live music and comfortable divans, where you can admire the moon reflected on the water below. Terracina has an attractive new town on the level land around the port, but its true fascination lies in its old town, which rambles steeply up the hill beneath Monte S. Angelo. For many centuries it was a key strategic point on the Old Appian Way leading south from Rome to Capua and the signs of its former importance and prosperity are everywhere. The Romans captured it from the Volschi people, who had called it Anxur (hence the temple name) and hacked out the great rocky cutting, known as the Pisco Montano, to allow the Appia to pass along the coast. The 38m-high split at the edge of town is Terracina’s most striking landmark. A section of the Old Appian Way runs along one side of the monumental main square of the old town, which was once the site of the Emilia Forum (named after local magistrate Aulus Aemiulius, whose name is inscribed on the stillintact original paving). This square is like an open history book documenting the various phases of Terracina’s history. The modern town hall runs along one side, attached to the mediaeval Frumentaria (or grain) tower that incorporates an authentic little jewel of a museum containing a collection of Roman antiquities found in the area. The remains of the Roman theatre are scattered on the opposite side, alongside the Roman road. The top end is enclosed by the old bishop’s palace (you can walk through the garden) and the magnificent romanesque cathedral, with its grand entry

The ancient Temple of Jove Anxur sits high above Terracina.

porch of ancient Roman granite columns and its mediaeval bell tower decorated with polychrome ceramic plates that gleam in the sun. Down in the “modern” town (we’re talking about buildings dating mainly from the 18th-19th century) with its busy little fishermen’s harbour and port where ferries leave daily for the Pontine Islands, you can eat freshly caught fish at the fishermen's cooperative (Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori) on the side of the navigation canal that snakes through the town centre. local fishermen and their wives got together a few years ago and extended the premises of the fish market to create an informal self-service restaurant. The menu changes every day, according to the catch, and prices are very reasonable. Be warned that the place has become so popular that in summer you may have to queue. Alternatively, you can try a couple of similar operations that have since sprung up, just round the corner. Terracina is virtually an oasis in the middle of the wild landscape of the Ausoni and Aurunci mountains. It only takes a short detour out of town to find yourself in another, primaeval world that has survived from the Mesozoic era. The vast karst plateau of Campo Soriano is only a few kilometres from Terracina (the road is signposted at the northern entrance to the town, branching off from the Via Appia). A designated protected area since 1997, it extends over some three square kilometres, filled with the jumbled remains of a limestone bedrock stratum eroded over countless millennia, creating an environment of haunting beauty and mystery. The road leads through a surrealistic landscape of jagged rock formations that look as if they had been tossed around heedlessly by giants. Patches of meadow and vineyards pop up among sinkholes and caves. An eight-kilometre hike or drive takes you to the symbol of the park, a towering 18m-high monolithic crag known as the “Cathedral” because of its pointed, gothiclike spires. local people, however, give it other names, such as the “Artichoke”, the “Pinnacle”, the “Rock Pyramid”, or the “Rava di S. Domenico” and attribute to it mysterious powers. Margaret Stenhouse

Nearby Campo Sorano is home to the 18m-high Cathedral rock.

Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

Terracina is 100 kms south of Rome and can be reached by Via Appia (SS7) or Via Pontina. Useful contacts: Piano Bar Tempio di Giove, open all day and on summer evenings with live music: Monte S. Angelo, info & bookings, tel. 3392202865. Centro Ittico Cooperativa dei Pescatori di Terracina, Via lungolinea Pio VI, tel. 0773725905. For information on the Natural Monument of Campo Soriano, www.parks.it.


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21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

A NEW lOOK AT ThE ETRUSCANS Two valuable Etruscan collections in Rome have been enlarged and reorganised


he question of what came before the Romans is as irrelevant to The city of Tarquinia – home of two of the most prominent kings of some as to what occurred before time. however the Etruscan civilearly Rome – and its necropolis is located some 65 kms north of Rome. isation that pre-dates the Roman one contributes to what many The city is now a UNESCO World heritage site comprising 6,000 undereither take for granted or erroneously attribute to the Romans. In ground tomb chambers and 200 fresco paintings dating from the 7thfact even legendary gladiator fighting, considered the core of Imperial 2nd centuries BC. Thanks to the delicate instalment at Villa Giulia of the Roman entertainment, derived from an Etruscan funeral ritual. Tomb of the Funeral Couch (Tomba del letto Funebre), dating from 470 The study of Etruscan archaeological sites and material culture is proBC and discovered in 1873, visitors to the museum can view one of the viding increasing insights into the people who gave Rome its earliest walls, finest and oldest frescoes in Italy, which had been painted onto the first kings, the advanced drainage system of the Cloaca Maxima, nobility walls of an underground tomb chamber cut out of soft rock into a slopconcepts and the arts of divination, banqueting hillside. ing, fresco painting and metal working. Villa Giulia has also recreated a tomb The National Etruscan Museum housed in from the city of Cerveteri, the largest Villa Giulia and the Vatican Museums have necropolis in the Mediterranean, where recently invested in the display of their burial grounds were made of mounds of Etruscan collections, showing hundreds earth and built on ground level to resemble more artefacts excavated from pre-Roman a domestic dwelling. The tomb resembles tombs and urban settlements. a sixth-century tumulus from the The expansion of the National Etruscan Bandidaccia necropolis, in which a male Museum into nearby Villa Poniatowski and female were buried together, as indimeans that items previously in storage from cated by the interior carvings. Inside are Etruscan communities in Umbria (Terni, Todi, personal items of the deceased, discovGualdo Tadino and Nocera Umbra) and from ered inside the actual tomb in Cerveteri. south of Rome (lanuvio, Segni, Nemi and The Vatican Museums have also Palestrina) are now on display. This new enhanced their extensive Etruscan collecexhibition space, presented to the public in tion, which is one of the most important in January, is part of a programme that started Europe. last year two new rooms were with last year’s reorganisation of an entire added to the existing 23 displaying artefacts wing in Villa Giulia dedicated to the promisuch as bronze vessels and jewellery, nent Etruscan cities of Vulci, Cerverti and engraved hand mirrors, pottery vases, Tarquinia. cinerary urns and sarcophagi from the early Among the highlights of the main collecIron Age (ninth century BC) to the hellenistic tion in the new wing of Villa Giulia are the period (second century AD). golden tablets from the sanctuary of Pyrgi, The Vatican collection comes from the discovered in 1964 in the coastal city of main Etruscan settlement area referred to Santa Severa, 50 kms north of Rome. They as Etruria, corresponding roughly to modcontain the largest extant Etruscan inscripern-day Tuscany, extending from the Arno tion and contribute to today’s understandriver valley and running through the cities ing of the language. Etruscan writing was of Pisa and Florence to the Tiber in Rome. phonetic and usually written from right to Before the unification of Italy many of these left. It remained obscure for centuries sites were on papal territory, which because important literary evidence was explains how these Etruscan treasures The bronze Trono Barberini from Palestrina at Villa Poniatowski. lost with the assimilation of Etruscan into ended up in the Vatican Museums. Roman culture. By 100 AD the Romans had conquered most of the however, the Etruscan galleries are among the least visited and least Etruscan cities, some dating back to the 10th century BC, and replaced well-known part of the Vatican’s collection, partly because they are not their language with latin. on the direct route to the Sistine Chapel. Nevertheless they are well With the discovery of the three golden tablets that record a dedication worth a detour, not least because so few people visit the galleries. made in 500 BC by the King of Cerveteri to a Phoenician goddess – two inscribed in Etruscan and one in Phoenician – the mystery of the Etruscan Theresa Potenza language is easier to solve. Despite the fact that the language died over 2,000 years ago, several words in English are believed to have derived Villa Giulia is open from 08.30-19.30, Mon closed. Visits to the new exhibition space in Villa from Etruscan, such as “autumn” from an Etruscan earth deity named Poniatowski are in groups of not more than 25 people on Tues, Wed and Thurs 10.00, 11.15 and 12.30. Guided tours of Villa Poniatowski may be booked on Fri, Sat and Sun 10.00, Voltumna, as well as “person” from the Etruscan word for mask, phersu. 11.15 and 12.30. www.villagiulia.beniculturali.it. Part of the new wing in Villa Giulia also contains tombs from the cities of The Etruscan Museum in the Vatican Museums should be accessible whenever the museums are open, however you may find that the galleries are closed in the afternoon because Tarquinia and Cerveteri. The burial practices of the Etruscans are what disso few people visit them. The Vatican is lending some of the items in its collection for an tinguish them most from their Greek and Roman counterparts, as their funerexhibition in Asti, Piedmont, entitled Etruschi: l’ideale eroico e il vino lucente from 18 March al architecture and rituals are closer to those of Egypt and the Orient. to 15 July. Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012


For more details see www.museiincomuneroma.it and www.beniculturali.it. Below is a lIsT of ThE major musEums and arChaEoloGICal sITEs In romE; in general, ticket offices shut approximately one hour before final closing time. In most cases admission is free for EU citizens under 18 and over 65 and reduced for those aged 18-25. Book tickets for many Rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at www.060608.it. Book tickets for the Borghese Museum, Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at www.beniculturali.it.

vATiCAN MusEuMs Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860, mv.vatican.va. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. Mon-Sat 09.00-

18.00. Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry. For group tours of the museums and

Vatican gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January, Easter Sunday and Monday.

Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums, tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons.org. For private behind-the-scene tours in the Vatican Museums.

Italian tools, crafts, clothing, furniture, musical instruments, jewellery. Tues-Fri 09.0018.00, Sat-Sun 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on prior booking.

Italian artefacts and ethnological material from various cultures. 10.00-18.00.

sTATE MusEuMs Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l

l Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101, www.galleria.borghese.it. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 17.00. Guided tours in English and Italian.

Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111, www.castelsantangelo.com. Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. l

Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700, www.colosseo-roma.it. 08.30-19.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). Guided tours in English and Italian. l

Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700, www.archeologia.beniculturali.it. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian.


Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia Piazza Villa Giulia 9, tel. 063226571, villagiulia.beniculturali.it. National museum of Etruscan civilisation. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed.


Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981, www.gnam.beniculturali.it. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed.


MAXXI Via Guido Reni 6, tel. 063210181, www.fondazionemaxxi.it. National Museum of 21st-century art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Tues-Sun 11.00-19.00, Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed.


Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608, en.mercatiditraiano.it. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.


Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Piazza G. Marconi 10, EUR, tel. 060608, www.popolari.arti.beniculturali.it. Traditional


Palazzo Corsini Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica Via della Lungara, 10, tel. 0668802323, www.galleriaborghese.it/corsini/en. National collection of ancient art, begun by Rome's Corsini family. Tues-Sun 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. l

l Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832, www.museorientale.it. Interesting national collection of oriental art with some special exhibitions from its own collection and special loans. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.0014.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00). l Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285, www.museopalazzovenezia.beniculturali.it. Residence of Pope Paul II in the 15th century, it was the embassy of the Republic of Venice and then of the Austrian Empire. Paintings, sculpture, bronzes by Pisanello and Bernini. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed.

Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini Piazza G. Marconi 14, EUR, tel. 06549521, www.pigorini.beniculturali.it. Prehistoric l

l Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Ancient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184, www.galleriabarberini.beniculturali.it. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. l Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and antiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l Scuderie del Quirinale LVia XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500, www.scuderiequirinale.it. The museum opposite the residence of Italy’s president stages major exhibitions. Sun-Thurs 10.0020.00, Fri-Sat 10.00-22.30. l Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718, www.museiincomuneroma.it. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Italian unity. Also Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. 10.0016.00. Mon closed. Entry free.

CiTY MusEuMs ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608, en.centralemontemartini.org. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English for groups if reserved in advance.


l Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608, en.museicapitolini.org. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun.

Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna Via Francesco Crispi 24, tel. 060608, www.museiincomuneroma.it. The municipal modern art collection. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed.


MACRO Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608, www.macro.roma.museum. The city’s collection of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. Via Reggio Emilia 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Also MACRO Future, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions only 16.00-24.00. Mon closed.


Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848, www.mdbr.it. A collection of


pRivATE MusEuMs

Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323, www.doriapamphilj.it. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 10.0017.00. l


Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350, www.galleriacolonna.it. Private collection of works by Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Sat 09.00-13.00 only. Private group tours are available seven days a week on request. For wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance.


mainly pre-Roman sculpture. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. l Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608, www.arapacis.it. Home of the Roman altar to peace commissioned by Emperor Caesar Augustus in the 1st century AD. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.

l Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608, en.museodiroma.it. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127.

l Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608, www.museonapoleonico.it. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English.

l Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500, www.palazzoesposizioni.it. Large space which hosts several travelling exhibitions each year. Tues, Wed, Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Sun 10.00-20.00. Mon closed.

l Keats-Shelley Memorial House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235, www.keats-shelley-house.it. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00; Sat 11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00. Guided tours on prior booking.

l Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608, www.museocanonica.it. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance).

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

Design by Dina Dancu

exHIBITIonS THE MEANING OF LIFE 10 March-13 May A new exhibition by national Geographic featuring works by the society’s photographers. Following in the footsteps of the previous Water, Air, Fire and earth, these works take spectators on a journey that highlights four themes: Love, Work, Peace and Health. Palazzo delle esposizioni, Via nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500. 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Mon closed. NEW SO NEAR THE GARDEN BUT STILL MILES AWAY 29 Feb-7 April organised with the support of the Royal norwegian embassy in Rome, this exhibition shows works by Stian Adlandsvik, Keren Benbenisty, Jacqueline Doyen, Sarah ortmeyer and Giuseppe Pietroniro. The exhibition explores the meaning of displacement. Some of the works were created especially for this occasion. Galleria 1/9 unosunove arte contemporanea, Palazzo Santacroce, Via degli Specchi 20, tel. 0697613696. 11.00-19.00. Sat 15.00-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. NEW MORENO BONDI LA LUCE E L’OMBRA DI CARAVAGGIO NEL CONTEMPORANEO 21 March-25 April Works by the “neo-Caravaggesque” painter Moreno Bondi are the result of years of passionate study into the art of Caravaggio. This exhibition shows a cycle of oil paintings: 15 large works and 23 small ones, all of them containing marble sculptures. Palazzo Venezia, Via del Plebiscito 118. Info tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. NEW SALVADOR DALI’ AND ITALY 10 March-30 June organised in conjunction with the GalaSalvador Dalí Foundation, the exhibition investigates the artist’s complex personality, his relationship with Italy and new aspects of his art. Featuring a selection of paintings, illustrations, theatre and cinema costumes, the curators highlight every aspect of the Spanish painter’s activities. Documents, photographs, drawings, letters and objects document his journeys through Italy, and his encounters with Anna Magnani and Luchino Visconti. Complesso del Vittoriano, Via S. Pietro in Carcere, tel. 066780664, 066780363. 09.3019.30. Fri and Sat 09.30-23.30. Sun 09.3020.30. NEW VERBUM DOMINI 29 Feb-15 April The 150 biblical artefacts illustrate the history of the Bible. The exhibition was made possible thanks to loans from private collections, and in particular from the Green Collection, the largest private holding in the world of rare biblical texts and documents. Braccio di Carlo Magno, Piazza S. Pietro. 09-00-18.00. Wed 13.00-18.00. NEW WALTER DE MARIA: THE 5-7-9 SERIES 22 March-29 May This 1992 installation by US artist Walter De Maria of The 5-7-9 Series is composed of 27 sculptural elements that exemplify De Maria’s exploration of measurement and numbers as compositional principles. Born in 1935, De Maria is best known for his pio-


The exhibition of Dali's work at the Vittoriano takes a new look at the artist's ties with Italy.

neering work in the Minimal and Land Art movements with seminal projects such as The Lightning Field in new Mexico. Gagosian Gallery, Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498. 10.30-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. NEW NE’ QUI NE’ ALTROVE 1 March-29 April This project by Giuseppe Pietroniro and Marco Raparelli explores the theme of space and its perception. The two artists offer a reinterpretation of the museum’s permanent collection with an installation composed of photographs and other materials. Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen, Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20, tel. 063219089. 09.30-19.30. Mon closed. NEW MIRO’! POESIA E LUCE 16 March-10 June over 80 works by Juan Mirò that have never been shown in Italy before. There are large oil paintings, watercolours, terracotta and bronze sculptures, all on loan from the Fundaciò Pilar i Juan Mirò in Palma de Mallorca, the institution which owns most of the artist’s patrimony. Although the works span the entirety of Mirò’s career, the exhibition focuses on the works he created during the 30 years he lived in Mallorca, from 1956 to his death in 1983, a particularly serene and productive time for the artist. Works on show include Femme dans la rue (1973), Untitled (1978) and the bronze Femme (1967). Chiostro del Bramante, Arco della Pace 5, tel. 0668809035. 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. NEW VETRI A ROMA 21 Feb–16 Sept Roman and Hellenistic objects trace the history of glass and glassmaking during antiquity. The display focuses on the art of glassmaking and illustrates the many different uses man had for glass, ancient glassmaking techniques and how glass was used by all social classes, both in the creation of luxury items as well as for useful everyday objects.

Curia Iulia, Roman Forum, Via dei Fori Imperiali, tel. 063996770. From 08.30 to one hour before sunset. MARIO SASSO, CÒLLANT 5-31 March For decades, Mario Sasso has explored the theme of the city, and the possibilities of painting, video, electronics, and unorthodox materials. These aspects are also present in his latest solo exhibition at Mara Coccia Arte Contemporanea, entitled Còllant. The exhibition consists of two parts, each with a different installation, title and curator (Silvia Bordini and Annalisa Filonzi respectively), and is connected to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy – though it rather hints at its current fragmentation. The main work of the first part, Dove si incontrano le città (3 Feb-3 March), was a wall-bound piece whose inkjet-printed, shaped, padded PVC elements are based on a Piranesi print from Le Antichità Romane, of fragments of the Forma Urbis, the monumental marble map of Rome created under Septimius Severus at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. The second part, Frammenti morali di contemporaneità (5-31 March), presents a wall-sized video projection of a walk, made at the first lights of dawn, through the centre of Rome in places historically associated with power (See cover of this edition). Here too there are inkjet-printed, padded PVC elements, shaped like the 20 regions of Italy, in two different configurations: as a floor piece, with the ‘regions’ arranged in three groups, each painted with one colour of the Italian flag; and as a wallbound tableau, where the magnetised elements can be arranged as desired by the public. Is a different Italy possible?, the artist seems to say. Mara Coccia Associazione per la promozione dell’arte contemporanea, Via del Vantaggio 46/a, tel. 063224434, www.maracoccia.com. Mon-Sat 15.30-19.30. Jacopo Benci

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

VEDUTISTI FRANCESI A ROMA 8 Feb-27 May This exhibition is dedicated to French landscape painters of the 18th- and 19th-centuries and features a selection of 70 works, including watercolours and engravings by French artists working in Rome. on display there are works by Hubert Robert, Charles Joseph natoire, VictorJean nicolle, Abraham-Louis Rodolphe Ducros and Jean-Louis Desprez. Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi, Piazza di S. Pantaleo 10. For information tel. 060608. 10.0020.00. Mon closed. GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION: THE AMERICAN AVANT-GARDE 1945-1980 7 Feb- 6 May The exhibition examines major developments in American art in the years following world war two, when the US emerged as a global centre for modern art, drawing international attention to the Abstract expressionists working in new York. It goes on to focus on Pop Art, Conceptualism, Minimalism and Photorealism. The exhibition also highlights the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s role in shaping these. The works on show are mainly from the museum’s permanent collection in new York, but also include works by Jackson Pollock and Arshile Gorky from the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and Robert Rauschenberg’s Barge from the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

Palazzo delle esposizioni, Via nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500. 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Mon closed. TINTORETTO 25 Feb-10 June A major exhibition curated by Vittorio Sgarbi focuses on the three main themes that distinguish Tintoretto’s work: religion, mythology and portraiture. It is strictly monographic and is divided into sections comprising a handful of carefully-selected and unquestioned masterpieces, beginning and ending with his two celebrated self-portraits as a young man, from the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, and as an old man, from the Louvre. Scuderie del Quirinale, Via xxIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500. 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.0022.30. Mon closed. I BORGHESE E L’ANTICO 7 Dec-9 April A unique opportunity to see 60 precious works on loan from the Louvre Museum in Paris. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy these works, once belonging to the Borghese family, are back home for the first time in 200 years. Galleria Borghese, Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Booking is necessary, tel. 0632810, www.ticketeria.it.

by Linda Bordoni

THE TALE OF CUPID AND PSYCHE 16 March-10 June This exhibition marks the end of the restoration of Perin del Vaga’s frieze in Castel S. Angelo and examines the influence of this important myth on art from antiquity to Canova. on display are 100 paintings, drawings, sculptures, engravings, tapestries and ceramics from Italian as well as foreign museums. The tale of Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius (125-180 BC) is part of the picaresque novel, Metamorphoses, also known as the Golden Ass. The tale of the love of Cupid and Psyche and the jealous intrigues of the goddess Venus has inspired masterpieces through the ages, such as the cycle by Raphael in Villa Farnesina, the paintings by Giulio Romano at Palazzo Te in Mantova, Canova’s sculptures dedicated to the myth of Psyche, as well as the frieze by the Italian painter Perin del Vaga (1501-1547) commissioned by Pope Paul III for his apartments in Castel S. Angelo. Museum of Castel S. Angelo. Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 0632810, 066819111, www.poloromano.beniculturali.it. Tue-Sun 09.0019.30. Gabrielle Bolzoni For a more complete list of exhibitions in Rome see www.wantedinrome.com.

MUSIC ISTITUZIONE UNIVERSITARIA DEI CONCERTI 31 March. Piano recital by emanuele Arciuli. Music by Beethoven, Schumann and others (17.30). 3 April. Concert by the orchestra Roma Sinfonietta conducted by Andrea Morricone. Music by Casella, Petrassi, Ghedini, A. Morricone (20.30). 14 April. Piano recital by Michele Campanella. Music by Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms (17.30). Aula Magna, Università la Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. For booking and information tel. 063610051, www.concertiiuc.it.

ACCADEMIA FILARMONICA ROMANA 2 April. The Seventh Seal: in this production the Quartetto Sinopoli performs Haydn’s The Passion oratorio, and an actor reads a text by Josè Saramago (21.00). This performance takes place at the Sala Casella. 12 April. Concert by the ensemble Arte Musica, with Francesco Cera conductor and harpsichord. Music by Luzzaschi, Gesualdo, Frescobaldi, Wert, Selma (21.15). This event takes place at Teatro Argentina. 19 April. Violin recital by Isabelle Faust. Music by Bach (21.00). Teatro olimpico, Piazza G. da Fabriano, tel. 063265991. For information Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Via Flaminia 118, tel. 063201752, www.filarmonicaromana.org. ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE S. CECILIA 23 March. Chamber music concert by the Hagen Quartet. Music by Beethoven, Verdi, Mozart (20.30). 24 March. Concert conducted by Thomas Adès, with Audrey Luna and Lida Milne sopranos, David Portillo tenor and Christopher Maltman baritone. Music by Tchaikovsky, Sibelius and Adès (18.00). Repeated 26 March (21.00), 27 March (19.30). 25 March. Family Concert conducted by Thomas Adés. Music by Tchaikovsky and Adés (12.00). 30 March. Chamber music concert by I Musici. Music by Vivaldi (20.30). 31 March. Concert conducted by James Conlon, with Aleksandrs Antonenko tenor, Luciana D’Intino and Marta Vulpi mezzosopranos, Roberto Frontali baritone and elena Zilio contralto. Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana in concert form (18.00). Repeated 2 April (21.00), 4 April (19.30).

Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

MUSICA PER ROMA 21 March. 10 & Lode: The orchestra di Piazza Vittorio celebrates its tenth anniversary with a programme of original music to be recorded live for its fourth album (21.00). Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 0680241281, 892982, www.auditorium.com.

Mezzosoprano Cecilia Bartoli performs at the Auditorium Conciliazione for S. Cecilia.

5 April. Chamber music concert by the orchestra La Scintilla, with Cecilia Bartoli mezzosoprano. Music by Porpora, Caldara, Araia, Leo, Vinci (20.30). Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4. For information and booking tel. 068082058, www.santacecilia.it.

ORATORIO DEL GONFALONE 29 March. An evening of poetry and music by Milena Vukotic actress, Mario Ancillotti flute, and Alessandro Marangoni piano. Programme unavailable at press time (21.00). 4 April. easter Concert by the ensemble Mare nostrum with Andrea De Carlo conductor and viol, nora Tabbush soprano, Margaux Blanchard, François Joubert-Caillet, Sarah Van oudenhove viols and Anna Fontana organ. Bach’s “orghelbuchlein” (21.00). oratorio del Gonfalone, Via del Gonfalone 32, tel. 066875952, www.oratoriogonfalone.com. ORCHESTRA ROMA SINFONIETTA 25 March. Concert conducted by Patrizio esposito, with Daminana Mizzi soprano, Moises Marin Garcia tenor and Dario Ciotoli baritone. Music by orff, Stravinsky, Santi Gubini (18.00).


by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

22 March. Concert by the orchestra Sinfonica di Lecce conducted by Marcello Panni, with Valentina Coladonato soprano, and Brizio Montinaro actor. Music by Satie/Debussy and Fedele (18.00). Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For information tel. 063236104. Box office tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com. ORCHESTRA SINFONICA DI ROMA 25 March. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Bruno Canino piano. Music by Casella, Petrassi, Mussorgsky (17.30). Repeated 26 March (20.30). 1 April. Concert conducted by eduard Topchjan, with Giuseppe Ciabocchi bassoon. Music by Martucci, Vivaldi, Mozart (17.30). Repeated 2 April (20.30). 5 April. Concert conducted by Reinhard Seehafer. Music by Ives, Hindermith, Schumann (17.30). Repeated 6 April (20.30). Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4, tel. 800904560, www.orchestrasinfonicadiroma.it. JAMES TAYLOR 30-31 March. James Taylor stops off in Rome during his tour of Italy, on 30 and 31 March. The award-winning American singer/songwriter is best known for his 1970s’ hits “Fire and Rain” and “You’ve Got a Friend”. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione, tel. 06684391, www.auditoriumconciliazione.it.

FeSTIVALS FESTIVAL DI PASQUA 2012 31 March-8 April In its 15th edition, Rome’s annual easter Festival is, as always, organised by enrico Castiglione in collaboration with the Vatican. The programme unfolds throughout Holy Week and ends on easter Sunday with concerts in some of the city’s most beautiful basilicas. There is much baroque music but the programme also touches on some romantic repertory. Concerts are free but availability depends on the capacity of the venue so get there early. 31 March. Concert by the Rome Baroque orchestra conducted by Christian Deliso, with Marina Zyatkova soprano. Baroque music programme (18.00). Basilica dei Santissimi xII Apostoli. 1 April. Palm Sunday concert by the orchestra Harmonia Urbis, with Paul Glatier conductor and harpsichord, and with Min Ji Kim soprano. Music by Bach (20.30). Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo. 2 April. Concert by the Schola Cantorum and orchestra Mandolinistica and the Upter Choir of S. Lorenzo in Lucina conducted by Giovanni Gava, and with Ilaria Galgani and Ilaria Piccin sopranos, Luciano Ganci tenor, Giuliano Casali bass. Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle (20.30). Basilica di S. Lorenzo in Lucina. 3 April. Concert by the Choir and Symphonic orchestra of the Festival di Pasqua and by the orchestra Benedetto

Marcello conducted by Antonella De Angelis, with Chiara Taigi soprano. Mozart’s Requiem (20.30). Chiesa del Gesù. 5 April. “In Coena Domini” concert by the Schola Cantorum Passio et Resurrectio. Sacred Motets by Palestrina (18.00). Basilica di S. Sabina all’Aventino. DANZA CON ME 3 March-5 May This festival is for dance lovers and students of dance. organised by Rome’s national Academy of Dance on the Aventine Hill, which is also where the events take place, the programme has been drawn up by dance critic Rossella Battisti to offer different genres of dance and their derivations. each event sees the presence of dance teachers and experts of the field who hold workshops and seminars within the academy. Folk dancing is highlighted by the Russian choreographer Ioulia Sofina on 24 March and the popular Musical format is presented by Saverio Marconi on 31 March. After the easter closure, under the banner “Crashing Test”, there are three encounters with young protagonists of Italian contemporary dance. Finally, “Danza con me” comes to an end with an event entitled Trailer And presenting the academy’s upcoming summer events. All performances take place on Saturdays at 18.00 at Teatro Ruscaja, Accademia nazionale di Danza, Largo Arrigo VII 5. Info tel. 065717621.

DAnCe FERRARA COMPAGNIA ENZO COSIMI 29-30 March In Calore and in odetteodile Investigations, choreography by enzo Cosimi. Two works by the contemporary Italian choreographer who is probably best known internationally for his collaboration in the opening ceremony of the Winter olympics in Turin in 2006. The works are performed as part of a project entitled RIC.CI – Reconstruction Italian Contemporary Choreography of the 80s/90s, which examines the activity of choreographers in Italy during those years and highlights their value. The 1982 Calore marked Cosimi’s debut in Rome bringing him to the attention of critics; and his recent odetteodile Investigations is a contemporary reworking of Swan Lake. Teatro Comunale, tel. 0532218311, www.teatrocomunaleferrara.it. Singer/songwriter James Taylor comes to Rome during his european tour.

TEATRO DELL’OPERA 4 April. easter Concert by the orchestra and Choir of the Teatro dell’opera di Roma conducted by erik nielsen, with ekaterina Sadovnikova soprano, Alisa Kolosova mezzosoprano, Pavel Kolgatin tenor, and nicola Ulivieri bass. Mozart’s Requiem Mass (20.30). Teatro nazionale, Via del Viminale 51. For booking and information tel. 06481601, www.operaroma.it.


MILAN BALLETTO DEL TEATRO ALLA SCALA 31 March-13 April In L’altra metà del cielo, choreography by Martha Clarke, music by Vasco Rossi. Among the many prestigious accolades received by American choreographer and director Clarke was the 2010 Samuel H. Scripps/American Dance Festival Award for Lifetime Achievement, the most important of its kind for choreographers. Clarke is lauded the world over for her highly original, multi-

disciplinary approach to dance, theatre and opera productions. An early member of Pilobolus Dance Theatre and founder of Crowsnest (now Spring Lake Productions), Clarke has choreographed for such dance titans as nederlands Dance Theater, the Joffrey Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, Rambert Dance Company, and The Martha Graham Company. This is her first work commissioned by Milan’s Teatro alla Scala and it is dedicated to the female universe. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744, www.teatroallascala.it.

ROME CLUB GUY & RONI 27 March In Alpha Boys, choreography by Guy Weizman and Roni Haver. The Club Guy & Roni set-up was founded in 2002 by Haver and Weizman. It is described as a “collaborating force, which brings together dancers and other artists from around the world to create a melting pot of ideas”. In its quest for innovation, the Club works with artists from other disciplines such as music, film, theatre, science and visual arts. A key feature of the Club is to generate new music so composers such as Heiner Goebbels and Michael Gordon have written original scores for the Club’s creations. Alpha Boys is based on the Language of Walls which was originally created for women, but this new version is performed entirely by men. It tells the story of a band of seven men, as they hang around in a bar and

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

Alpha Boys tells the story of seven men who dream of their breakthrough.

dream of their breakthrough. Until that day arrives, this band of anti-heroes is dealing with a series of issues related to adulthood and social constrictions. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4, tel. 800904560, www.auditoriumconciliazione.it. ACCADEMIA TEATRO ALLA SCALA 21-25 March In nuove Stelle. A corps de ballet comprising selected young dancers from the dance academy of the Teatro alla Scala performs works from

the classical and contemporary repertoire. The evening opens with an excerpt from La Bayadère by Petipa, followed by Larmes Blanches by Preljocaj, and ends with Jiri Kylian’s evening Songs. Teatro olimpico, Piazza G. da Fabriano, tel. 063265991, www.teatroolimpico.it. MK 31 March-1 April In Around the World in eighty Days, choreography by Michele Di Stefano. Di Stefano has found


THeATRe LA NATURA MORTA 15-26 March By Bart Bolander Presented by the english Theatre of Rome, directed by Molly Zimmelman. This is the english Theatre of Rome’s annual world première which showcases a new author and director. It features Vlad Beffa, Dave Folsom, Zita Meluso, Steve nacher, Rita neveckaite, elizabeth Saragnese, Madeleine Taylor and Theodora Voutsa on stage and is not recommended for anyone under 16 years of age. Performances on Sat 25 March (16.00 and 20.00), Sun 26 March (16.00 and 20.00). In english (20.30). Teatro L’Arciliuto, Piazza Montevecchio 5. For information tel. 066879419, 064441375, 3489355626. SKYLIGHT 21-24 March and 27-31 March By David Hare Presented by the Independent english Theatre, directed by Psyche Stott, with Sandra Paternostro, Rinaldo Rocco, Vico de Carle. “Skylight”, winner of the olivier Award for Best new Play in 1996, explores the highlycharged relationships of Tom and his former lover Kyra, and their unexpected reunion ignites not just viable passion but their longstanding ideological differences. In english. Performances from 21-24 March and from 27-31 March (21.00). Sun 25 March and 1 April (17.30). Teatro dell’orologio, Via dei Filippini 17, tel. 066875550. Info tel. 3496703331.

Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

inspiration in Jules Verne’s novel that offers a way to express new views and a new vision. The multi-disciplinary work reflects the complexity of a journey where each destination is replaced by “everywhere”, and every encounter implies negotiation. Di Stefano conceives the active participation of performers, musicians, designers and visual artists as an integral part of his creative intent. Teatro Palladium, Largo Bartolomeo Romano 8, tel. 0657332768, 0645553050, www.teatro-palladium.it.

EDWARD ACZEL 6 April edward Aczel is a stand-up english comedian. He comes to Rome courtesy of the oppio Caffé, whose new initiative called “Cocktail Comedy Club” makes it the first Italian comedy club with an international vocation. Reviewing his show in edinburgh last summer, The Guardian critic described Aczel as “the least funny comic on the fringe. Forget jokes, timing and technique: Aczel serves up rumpled, shuffling, semi-audible comedy. His genre is really “anti-comedy”, embraced by comics who get their laughs by being so-badthey’re-good.” In english. oppio Caffé, Via delle Terme di Tito 72, tel. 064745262, www.cocktailcomedyclub.it.

english comic edward Aczel brings his unique form of comedy to Rome. Photo Steve Ullathorne.

READING CLUB IN ROME on Wednesday nights the Reading Club in Rome gathers over a glass of wine to discuss themes associated with great literary minds, including Descartes, Huxley, Carver, Freud, einstein, Planck and Gogol. Founded by Louise Vinciguerra, the Reading Club in Rome is inspired by Vienna’s Psychological Wednesday Society where Sigmund Freud assembled his learned contemporaries every Wednesday to discuss the “oh-so-pressing” issues of life. The process begins when Vinciguerra selects a piece, in english, and emails it to members who then collectively choose a new rendezvous. The meeting centres around a series of questions on the text’s theme. Vinciguerra says that the only requirement is that members read the piece beforehand, communicate if they are attending, and bring an open mind. The pieces are rarely more than 10 pages long, and are usually extracts from novels or plays, poems or essays. “It never fails, when you put a few curious people in one room over a bottle of wine and an amazing literary piece, after just a few questions I find magic begins to happen – says Vinciguerra – the pieces really come to life when you start discussing them and more than that, ideas which once seemed so certain, slowly begin to change – which for me is the essence of the group. openness to seeing, appreciating and sharing the many perspectives the world has to offer.” All newcomers are welcome. Contact readingclubinrome@gmail.com or on Facebook under “Reading Club in Rome”.


oPeRA FLORENCE ANNA BOLENA By Donizetti 15-24 March Conducted by Roberto Abbado, directed by Graham Vick, with Roberto Scandiuzzi, Mariella Devia, Sonia Ganassi, Konstantin Gorny, Shalva Mukeria, José Maria Lo Monaco. Teatro Comunale, tel. 055213535, www.maggiofiorentino.com.

MILAN DIE FRAU OHNE SCHATTEN By Richard Strauss 11-27 March Conducted by Marc Albrecht, directed by Claus Guth, with Johan Botha, emily Magee, Michaela Schuster, Samuel Youn, Mandy Fredrich, Alexander Kaimbacher, Talia or. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org. LE NOZZE DI FIGARO By Mozart 23 March-17 April Conducted by Andrea Battistoni, stage direction by Giorgio Strehler, with Fabio Capitanucci, Pietro Spagnoli, with Dorothea Roschmann, Aleksandra Kurzak, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org.

NAPLES I MASNADIERI By Verdi 21-31 March Conducted by nicola Luisotti, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Giacomo Prestia, Aquiles Machado, Lucrecia Garcia, Vladimir Stoyanov, Walter omaggio, Dario Russo, Massimiliano Chiarolla. See opera notes. Teatro S. Carlo, tel. 0817972111, www.teatrosancarlo.it.

PALERMO BORIS GODUNOV By Mussorgsky 23-30 March Conducted by George Pehlivanian, directed by Hugo De Ana, with Ferruccio Furlanetto, Anna Kraynikova, Marco Spotti, Mikhail Gubsky, Anna Victorova, Igor Golovatenko. See opera notes. Teatro Massimo, tel. 0916053111, www.teatromassimo.it.

ROME DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE by Mozart 27 March-1 April Conducted by erik nielson, directed by David McVicar, with Peter Lobert, Juan Francisco Gatell, olaf Bar, Saverio Fiore, Michael Kranebitter, Cyndia Sieden. Teatro dell’opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160, www.operaroma.it.


Die Zauberflöte by Mozart comes to Rome in the David McVicar production from London's Covent Garden.

OPERA NOTES Both naples and Palermo are staging new productions at the end of March. I Masnadieri, one of Verdi’s lesser-known operas, goes on stage at the S. Carlo in naples conducted by nicola Luisotti and directed by Gabriele Lavia, well-known in Italian theatrical circles. In Palermo Hugo de Ana is responsible for a new production of Boris Godunov by Mussorgski. Die Zauberflöte at Rome’s opera house is the David McVicar production first staged at Covent Garden ten years ago. Il Teatro S. Carlo di napoli presenta un nuovo allestimento di I Masnadieri, (21-31 marzo), una delle opere meno conosciute e poco rappresentate di Giuseppe Verdi, che fu scritta nel 1847 per il Her Majesty’s Theatre di Londra e per Jenny Lind, un soprano popolarissimo all’epoca, che arrivava a note acutissime ed eseguiva agilità difficili e spericolate. I masnadieri napoletani vedranno Lucrecia Garcia nel ruolo che fu della Lind, con al fianco cantanti che frequentano spesso i palcoscenici italiani: Aquiles Machado, Vladimir Stoyanov e Giacomo Prestia; la direzione d’orchestra sarà affidata a nicola Luisotti. La regia sarà di Gabriele Lavia, nome noto della prosa italiana, che mise in scena l’opera al Teatro Verdi di Pisa quasi trent’anni fa, come ha fatto più volte (anche sostenendovi un ruolo da attore) con «I Masnadieri» di Friedrich Schiller, la “pièce” teatrale che ha ispirato il libretto del titolo verdiano. Al Teatro Massimo di Palermo sarà rappresentato Boris Godunov di Modest Musorgskij (23-30 marzo), in una nuova produzione di Hugo de Ana, regista di due apprezzati spettacoli già visti in questo teatro negli ultimi anni: «Lohengrin» di Wagner e «Senso» di Tutino. Musorgskij realizzò una prima stesura di Boris Godunov nel 1869, che però fu bocciata dal Comitato dei Teatri Imperiali per la novità e il carattere inconsueto della musica; seguì una seconda versione nel 1872 che attenuava le “originalità” della prima, fu ugualmente respinta ma venne però rappresentata due anni dopo con un sostanzioso numero di tagli, ottenendo un sensazionale successo di pubblico nonostante la condanna della critica. A Palermo Boris Godunov sarà presentata in questa seconda versione, con Ferruccio Furlanetto nella parte del protagonista e la direzione di George Pehlivanian. Al Teatro dell’opera di Roma arriva Die Zauberflöte di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 marzo-1 aprile) con la direzione di erik nielsen e con l’affermato Markus Werba e l’emergente Juan Francisco Gatell, nei ruoli dell’eroico Tamino e dello spassoso “uccellatore” Papageno. David McVicar sarà il regista di un allestimento realizzato una decina d’anni fa per il Covent Garden di Londra, con architetture classiche come scenografie e costumi di epoche diverse che vanno dal Settecento al novecento. Die Zauberflöte è l’ultima opera scritta da Mozart, a metà strada tra uno spettacolo serio e uno favolistico, che parla di misteriosi percorsi iniziatici massonici e lotte senza quartiere tra regine cattive e re buoni e saggi. Paolo Di Nicola



AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME 14 April. Workshhop on the topic of Luigi Moretti at the Foro Mussolini (later Foro Italico). The day is dedicated to the architect Luigi Moretti and specifically to the years in which he worked at the Foro Mussolini (1933-1941), a period in which he moved from interior design to drawing up the overall plans for what was designed as both a citadel of sport and a new monumental entrance to the city (09.30-18.00). Villa Aurelia, Largo di S. Pancrazio 1. For info tel. 065852151, www.aarome.org.

EUREKA LE GENIALI INTUIZIONI DI ARCHIMEDE 18 Feb-13 May explora displays this interactive exhibition for children aged six and older, focusing on the ingenious inventions of Archimedes (287-212 BC). There are multimedia works and some audiovisual material from the Arkimedeion museum in Syracuse, Sicily, which illustrate the history and legend of the ancient Greek scientist and inventor. Among his discoveries were the foundations of hydrostatics, statics and an explanation of the principle of the lever. He also designed some innovative machines, including siege engines and the screw pump that bears his name. This exhibition allows children to observe some basic rules and laws of physics. A special workshop, entitled Archimedes and the Thrust of Water, takes place at weekends. explora Museo dei Bambini di Roma, Via Flaminia 86, tel. 063613776. Tue-Fri 15.0017.00, Sat-Sun 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, 17.00. www.mdbr.it. Gabrielle Bolzoni

JAPAN FOUNDATION 23 March. Lecture entitled Un anno dopo in Giappone: comments and considerations on the social and economic consequences of the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011 by Francesco Paolo Cerase (18.30). 6 April. Contemporary music recital for sho and soprano. Details unavailable at press time (20.00). Via Antonio Gramsci 74, tel. 063224794, www.jfroma.it.

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

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Via Pomponio Leto 1 tel. 06687451358 www.passaguai.it

A meeting place just off Borgo S. Angelo on the edges of Prati where you can stop to relax in a simple and welcoming environment. It’s open for lunch, dinner and after dinner. This is a place where you can listen to good music and even discover new young artists. Passaguai has a few outdoor tables and a good wine list along with a range of homemade beers. WiFi connections are available.

salotto 42

Piazza di Pietra 42 tel. 066785804 www.salotto42.it

Ranked one of the best 50 bars worldwide by “Drinks International”, Salotto is an elegant bar furnished in vintage style. It’s in a trendy location facing the ancient Roman ruins in Piazza di Pietra, a short walk from Fontane di Trevi, the Pantheon and Piazza Venezia. At weekends there is also brunch and a buffet. At night it becomes a cocktail bar with a diverse range of music and a good selection of drinks. Add the living room feeling provided by a vast and cosmopolitan selection of books on fashion, art and design, mix it all together and you get the “Salotto 42 feeling”.

antico caffè della Pace

tatì al 28

Piazza Augusto Imperatore 28, tel. 0668134221 www.gusto.it/n28-bar-ristorante-roma.html

Tati’ al 28 is a trendsetting location and is home to contemporary design mobilia. On the ground floor there are no real tables, but a large living room with Chester traditional sofas and stainless steel chairs. During the aperitivo, you can get a combo buffet for €10, generally pasta and small cold dishes. The wine list and cocktail menu are extensive.

freni e frizioni

Via del Politeama 4 tel. 0658334210 www.freniefrizioni.com

Freni e Frizioni is just off Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. Once a garage (its name means brakes and clutches) it is a now a popular place to be seen, especially in the summer when crowds overflow into the square in front. Inside you will find a young and casual crowd among the mix of vintage furniture and contemporary prints. From 19.00 to 22.00, you’ll be served an extensive buffet with seasonal dishes, salads, pastas, pizzas, and much more.

Via della Pace 3/7, tel. 066861216, www.caffedellapace.it

Antico Caffè della was once the favourite meeting place for artists, writers and politicians. It is still the local bar for some residents in the Piazza Navona area but very popular with visitors to Rome who want to get a glimpse of what life used to be like in one of the oldest parts of the city. It’s also a good stopping place for anyone going to one of the many exhibitions in the magnificent Bramante cloisters in the nearby church of S. Maria della Pace. Drinks are expensive, but you can sit for as long as you like and take in the beautiful surroundings.

Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

Giulio Passami l’olio

Via di Monte Giordano 28 tel. 0668803288

If you happen to be walking in the historic centre near Piazza Navona, around 19.00, and feel like a drink and are overwhelmed by the hundreds of restaurants and cafes around you, Giulio Passami l’Olio is a safe choice. It’s a nice informal place just across the river from Castel S. Angelo where you can sit inside or out and choose a good glass of wine from a large selection. It’s also a popular meeting place for a number of foreign communities. 15

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ai marmi Viale Trastevere 53, tel. 065800919

€ This pizzeria is also nicknamed “L’Obitorio” (the morgue in English) because its tables are covered with slabs of marble. The pizza is thin, Roman style, and good. Even fried appetisers (fiori di zucca and supplì) are not bad. Prices are very reasonable in relation to the quality and quantity of food. The atmosphere is chaotic, but it can also be fun. The only real drawback is the queue if you arrive at rush hour (around 21.00) especially on weekends.

Benito e GilBerto Via del Falco 19, tel. 066867769, www.dabenitoegilberto.com €€€

a la maison - organic restaurant-boutique Via del Collegio Nazareno 14, Albano Laziale / tel. 069322251

The restaurant was opened in 1976 by Benito and his son Gilberto and after 30 years it still maintains the same welcoming and homely environment. Just a few steps from St Peter’s, the restaurant has room for 30 and offers an excellent variety of fresh fish dishes as well as an excellent wine list. It is well known by many celebrities and ideal for every occasion. Reservation is recommended.


In the heart of Albano-Laziale, in the Castelli Romani area, this small bistrot offers you genuine and organic Italian dishes, with fresh pasta, local meat and homemade desserts, in a family atmosphere. Not only a restaurant, you can find in the wine shop a large range of wines and products from Italy and France (like Champagne). A little corner is dedicated to children, with books, dvds, and toys so that parents can enjoy their meal in this very unique place. The wine shop is open from 10.00 to 19.00 whilst the restaurant is open from 12.00 to 15.00 and from 19.30 to 23.00. Closed Sunday evening and Tuesday.

Gusto ristorante and Pizzeria Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9 / tel. 063226273 / www.gusto.it


The restaurant is on the first floor, but you can also dine outside under the portico designed by the famous architect of the fascist period Pio Piacentini (of Via della Conciliazione fame) and look across at the contemporary Museum of the Ara Pacis by American architect, Richard Meier. The architecture of the restaurant is very simple and cosy. The menu is creative and focuses on the quality of its Mediterranean products. There is also a pizzeria on the ground floor.

indian restaurant Himalaya Palace Circonvallazione Gianicolense 277-279 tel. 065826001 / www.himalayapalace.com €€

Bla KonGo Via Ofanto 6/8, tel. 068546705

Established in 1993, Himalaya Palace is an authentic Indian restaurant nestled in Monteverde Nuovo close to Villa Pamphilj, Rome’s largest park. To the background of Indian music you can choose from a variety of genuine dishes, (Tandori and Tikka Masala chicken and lamb Korma) which include homemade Indian yoghurt and cheese. This is a special and affordable experience.

€€€ 16

– starting from €30 per person


Bla Kongo is a sophisticated bistro that mixes Scandinavian culture with the Mediterranean and Indian cuisine. The menu is creative and exciting, ranging from savarin of basmati rice with shrimps and Swedish salmon to meatballs with brie. Desserts are excellent. Interesting wine list, friendly and efficient service, good value for money.


– starting from €20 per person

– starting from €15 per person

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

Look for more classified ads on www.wantedinrome.com Free ClassiFied advertisements All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 23) must be submitted via our website at www.wantedinrome.com. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted ads may once again be submitted through our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.

accommodation vacant in town 1 bedrOOm aPartment. Spacious one bedroom apartment (54 sqm) for rent close to Piazza S. Giovanni. Fully furnished: a large double bedroom, kitchen, lounge / dining room, bathroom and lots of storage. Convenient location, less than 10-min walk from Metro (Re di Roma), 20 min. walk from train station (Termini).Available from the 15th of March. Rent is 970€ + bills. Contact Giancarlo 340 / 6068001 after the 5th of March. APPia antiCa - ardeatina. Beautiful country houses, 2 / 3 / 4 bedrooms, Tuscan views, near golf course, 20 min. ride to city centre. €1.500 to €2.400. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. aPPia antiCa. Beautiful 180 sqm villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ample living-dining room, maid's quarters, large furnished kitchen, lovely 1.000 sqm garden. Rent: € 3.400. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. aPPia antiCa. Restored beautiful villa, unfurnished, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, spacious reception room, dining room, modern furnished kitchen, domestic quarters, patio, parking and large park area. Tel. 064881384. aPPia antiCa. In beautiful and quite compound, different size villas, furnished or semifurnished, garden, terrace, parking. Tel. 0654211074. email: info@internationalpointgroup.com. aPPiO ClaudiO - statuariO. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, apartment: lounge / dining room, eat-in kitchen, 2 verandas, parking, cellar, roof terrace, newly refurbished. ben_ohad@hotmail.com. assistanCe tO FOreiGners PentHOuse immObiliare. We offer full service for long & short term rentals. Special assistance for FAO, IFAD, WFP, Embassies and Multinational Companies. Mothertongue English staff. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. aurelia antiCa. Beautiful villa, 320 sqm. Large living room, furnished

kitchen, 6 bedrooms, bathrooms, garden, parking. Tel. 0654211074. info@internationalpointgroup.com. aventinO - CirCO massimO. Near Metro. 240 sqm prestigious unfurnished apartment. Gorgeous view. 4th floor. Refurbished. Two balconies. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, studio_elle@tin.it. aventinO - near FaO. Cosy apartment, 2 bedrooms, living room, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, 45 sqm garden. Available after 14 April. Tel. +39 0693461203. aventinO. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, kitchen, big terrace near FAO. Ref 1138. Tel. 063212341. aventinO. Bright, 120 sqm 3rd floor, partially furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, furnished kitchen, large balconies, parking. Property International 065743170, rome@propertyint.net. www.propertyint.net. aventinO. Furnished apartment, 150 sqm. Sitting, dining, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony. €2.700. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. aXa / CasalPalOCCO / inFernettO. Various size villas with garden in very nice compounds. Available also small apartments with terrace. Tel. 0654211074. info@internationalpointgroup.com. CasalPalOCCO . Le Terrazze compound. 140 sqm unfurnished and sunny apartment. Excellent conditions. Second floor. Large terraces. Parking. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, studio_elle@tin.it. Cassia (viCinitY Overseas sCHOOl). In compound, park, tennis, beautiful 250-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living-dining room, panoramic terrace, maid's quarters, box. €2.800 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. Cassia. In compound with swimming-pool, tennis. Charming 100-sqm penthouse, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living-dining room, lovely small terrace, furnished kitchen. Rent: €1.750 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

Prestigious properties in and out of Rome English, Spanish, French spoken Tel. 066871301 - 335 / 7106545 monicagiurlani@hotmail.com Cassia OlGiata. 350 sqm, unfurnished house with 1.000-sqm garden and private pool. Five bedrooms. Air conditioning. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, studio_elle@tin.it. Castel di leva. Lovely villa, 120 sqm + garden, view, parking, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, €1.800/monthly, info_rent@yahoo.it, tel. 349 / 6451790, 348 / 2600764. Castel di leva. Furnished / unfurnished, elegant villa, 200 sqm + terrace, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, furnished kitchen, €2.400/monthly. Tel. 349 / 6451790, 348 / 2600764, info_rent@yahoo.it. Castel di leva. Top floor, 100 sqm, elegant country house + terrace of 50 sqm, 3 bedrooms. Furnished / unfurnished, short / long rentals, inside green private estate, €1.300 / monthly, €490 / weekly. No agencies. Tel. 349 / 6451790, 348 /2600764, info_rent@yahoo.it. Castel di leva. Furnished / unfurnished apartment, 60 sqm, 1 double

bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, €1.000/monthly and furnished / unfurnished apartment, 120 sqm, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, terrace, garden, parking, €1.800 / monthly. No agencies. info_rent@yahoo.it, tel. 349 / 6451790, 348 / 2600764. Centre - PiaZZa adriana. View of Castel S. Angelo, semifurnished restored apartment, 220 sqm, sitting room, 5 rooms, kitchen, bathrooms. Tel. 0654211074. info@internationalpointgroup.com. Centre. Last floor, 90 sqm, semi-furnished. Living / dining, live-inkitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Renewed. € 2.200. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. Centre. Wonderful furnished penthouse 100 sqm. Living / dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Beautiful terraces. € 2.500. Tel. 0669941681. www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it.

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PUBLICATION DATES Giorno di pubblicazione Wed 4 April Wed 18 April Wed 2 May

Free ClassiFieds must be submitted on our website, www.wantedinrome.com. Free ads are downloaded and published in the magazine space permitting. Jobs Wanted ads may once again be submitted at our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79.

Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012


Centre. Elegant apartment, 180 sqm, living, dining, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Mansard with terrace. €5.500. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. Centre. Renovated, 200 sqm, living, study, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maid's quarter. Beautiful terrace. € 5.500. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. CentrO PentHOuse. Navona, remodeled, modern, furnished bedroom terrace €3.200. Celio, remodeled, modern 2 bedroom €1.900. Monti, remodeled, 2 bedrooms, balcony €1.800. Trastevere, unique, characteristic, study, 2 bedrooms, terrace €1.800. Monteverde, lovely, furnished, 2 bedroom,s balcony, €1.800. Other semi-furnished €1.800. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. COlOsseum. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, A/C. Near Metro. Ref 150. €1.350. Tel. 063212341. CristOFOrO COlOmbO (ardeatina). Elegant 140-sqm apartment, lovely 250-sqm garden, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living-dining room, furnished kitchen, box. Individual heating. €2.000 monthly. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. eur PentHOuse. Tupini, remodeled, 3 bedrooms, balconies, parking, € 2.100; other, furnished, bright, 2 bedrooms, balcony, parking, € 1.700; Egeo/Dodecanneso, 150 sqm, 3 bedrooms, semi-furnished, € 1.800; Oceano Atlantico, furnished, penthouse, bilevel, 200 sqm, huge terrace, parking, € 2.500; Colombo / Aurelian Walls, 3 bedrooms, balconies, parking, € 1.700; other, 2 bedrooms, € 1.600; Colombo / S. Paolo, elegant, panoramic, remodeled, top floor, furnished, 3 bedrooms, € 1.800; Torrino Mar della Cina, 2 bedrooms, terrace, parking, tennis court € 1.600; Torrino Mezzocammino, brand new, bright, 3 large bedrooms, terrace, garage, € 1.800; 2 townhouses 180 sqm, garage, garden, € 2.000; Mostacciano, villa, 250 sqm, elegant, 3 bedrooms, garden, pool € 2.500; Villaggio Azzurro, very bright, spacious, 3-levels, fireplace 270 sqm, terraces, € 2.500; Casalpalocco, stunning villa, 350 sqm, large yard, 3 bedrooms, livable attic w/bath, € 3.500. Tel. 065919125. info@penthouseimmobiliare.it

eur. Luxuriously refurbished, 160 sqm, A/C apartment, triple living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, partly / fully furnished, 3 minutes from Laurentina underground. Particularly suitable for FAO, IFAD, WFP personnel. Paola 333 / 3353723, paola.amit@gmail.com. €3.000 monthly. eur. Outstanding, luxuriously furnished apartment, suitable top-ranking personality, large sitting room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, all comforts, terraces, garage, €3.000. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. eur. Near metro beautiful mansard perfectly restored: 3 rooms, bathroom, kitchen, individual heating, A/C. Suitable for single-couple €1.200, Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. eur. EUR centre (Australia / Caucaso) elegant apartments unfurnished in skyline building 2/3bedrooms, Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. eur. Delightful penthouse on two levels, 140 sqm, sitting room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, large terrace, parking. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. Garbatella. Close to metro, furnished restored apartment, third floor, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony. €1.100. Tel. 0654211074. info@internationalpointgroup.com. Garbatella. 80 sqm, semi-furnished, 3rd floor, view, recently renovated, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, furnished kitchen balconies. Property International 065743170, rome@propertyint.net www.propertyint.net. GianiCOlO. Restored furnished apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living/dining room, modern kitchen and large terrace. Tel. 064881384. Heart OF trastevere. Near S. Maria, 45 sqm: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, fireplace. Exposed wooden beams, terracotta tiles. Fully equipped, double-glazed windows. € 1.200, from April. Tel. 333 / 9493496, 06632619, 335 / 6090827 sylcouppe@hotmail.it. HistOriC Centre (viCinitY sPanisH stePs). Elegant 90-sqm apartment, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living-dining room, ample furnished kitchen, built-in closets, €2.500 monthly, EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

HistOriC Centre. Cosy top-floor apartment, living / dining room, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, autonomous heating, terraces with panoramic view, €2.300. Tel. 339 / 3421012 - 065037468. laurentina. Elegantly furnished 160-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living-dining room, lovely terrace, kitchen, box. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. mld - eur umanesimO. Elegantly beautifully furnished, triple living room, 2 bedrooms, dining room, study, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 car parking spaces, €2.300. Mostacciano, Via Umile, penthouse, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom terrace and garage, €1.000, Tel. 065916760. email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - aPPia antiCa. Overlooking Scott Park, sunny top floor living / dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony €1.350 including condominium. Ardeatina near Meropia beautifully finished double living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, balconies, garage €1.600. Other in Via Sartorio, 2 bedrooms, living room €1.250. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - Cassia. Elegant apartment in compound with 24 hours security guard, panoramic top floor with beautiful view, large living room with dining area, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 150 sqm terrace, garage, partially furnished €2.500. Other independent villa 200 sqm €2.800. Phone 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - CentrO stOriCO. Via Barberini, beautifully finished, living room, kitchen, bathroom, furnished, parking €1.000. Prati, penthouse in elegant period building overlooking S. Peter's, bedroom, living room, kitchen, balcony, €1.000, Aventino S. Prisca, independent apartment in an exclusive context, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, small garden €1.700 including all expenses. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare @ gmail.com. mld - nuOvO salariO. Apartment in elegant compound with pool. Beautifully finished, large living / dining room, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, garage €2.200. Other in Talent, Via Guerrini, in new condominium complex, bedroom, living room kitchen bathroom, full optional, €1.100. Phone 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - Orti Farnesina. In elegant condominium, appartment on high floor, completely renovated, double entrance, large living / dining room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms,live-in kitchen, terrace, spacious balconies, garage, cellar €3.200. Phone 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - Prati. Near Metro Station Cipro, high floor, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony €1.400. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Vicinity Villa Pahphili. Casaletto, in compound, lovely, 165 sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living-dining room, terrace overlooking park, furnished kitchen, box. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

enette, garden. Tel. 340 / 7187012, and 333 / 8539280, Vittoria. mOnteverde. beautiful and bright penthouse, 120 sqm. Spectacular, furnished, terrace. €2.200. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. mOnteverde. Wonderful penthouse, 170 sqm with 3 terraces (200 sqm). Panoramic view on the city. €4.000. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. mOnti - near via naZiOnale. Bright apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, bathroom with shower, A/C, washing machine, dishwasher. Email: monti35@fastwebnet.it, mob. 339 / 5381750. mOntiPariOli. Beautiful 200-sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, vast living-dining room, balcony, guest toilet, furnished kitchen, car-port. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. near st Peter's statiOn. 80 sqm completely furnished: bedroom, living room, big kitchen, 1st floor. Sunny spacious entrance. €1.100 from 15 March. Tel. 06632619, 335 / 6090827, sylcouppe@hotmail.it. nOmentana marYmOunt sCHOOl viCinitY. Elegant compound 250 sqms unfurnished penthouse on two levels. Gorgeous terraces. Parking. Cellar. Tel. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, studio_elle@tin.it. OlGiata. 280 sqm villa, 3 bedrooms (air-conditioned), 3 bathrooms, ample living-dining room, study, furnished kitchen, large hobby-room, shower-bath, box. 600 sqm private garden. Rent: €2.900. EDWARDS Tel. 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. PantHeOn. Splendid terrace, elegant penthouse duplex, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, quiet, max 6 months. € 2.300. Same Trastevere, 3 months. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PariOli - via antOnelli. Elegant, spacious 1 bedroom apartment, private garden. Unfurnished. Quiet. €1.700. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PariOli. 180 sqm, unfurnished and bright apartment with 250-sqm private garden. Air conditioning. Parking. Other availabilities. Tel. 0664490644, 335 / 8434722, studio_elle@tin.it. PentHOuse studiO + bedrOOm area. Attic 50 sqm with 150 sqm terrace garage doorman. Central

mOntePariOli. Apartment for rent. All renovated, first floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies, kitchen. Tel. 064873556. mOnteverde - via POeriO. Unusual garden apartment, well furnished, fully equipped, terrace, patio, living room, 1 bedroom. Quiet, €950. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Delightful loft with two rooms, bathroom, kitch18

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

Do you want to aDvertise your apartments in paris, Berlin, lonDon or maDriD? Do you have a joB to offer in DuBlin, Barcelona, Brussels or amsterDam? then go to www.wantedineurope.com and place your ad directly online. or come to our office at via dei falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. tel. 06 6867967 or e-mail us at advertising@wantedinrome.com rOme HistOriC Centre - riOne bOrGO. Near Castel S. Angelo, weekly rent, charming small vacation house for 2 people. www.angelicohouse.it, tel. 335 / 256560. rOme sWeet HOme HistOriC Centre. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.travelbusinessapartments.it, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580.

air conditioning and heating are included in 1250 Euro rent. Living / dining room + separate bedroom area. Semi furnished. Safe elegant area. Walking distance from main services shops public transportation to Downtown. Close to highways and International schools. Ideal for single or couple. From owners. Minimum 1 year rent. Photos info 3338989378. PiaZZa bOlOGna - metrO b. Delightful renovated apartment, 60 sqm, with terrace, furnished, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, living/dining area, A/C, WiFi, € 1.350, including bills + linens + weekly cleaning. email: b.palozi7@gmail.com. PiaZZa dei naviGatOri area. Sunny, semi-furnished 80-sqm flat in Via dell'Arcadia, in a quiet and green condominium. Large entrance, lounge, bedroom, eat-in kitchen, bathroom. Fully refurbished. Private parking. € 900 + expenses. Please call: 333 / 7185237. PiaZZa del POPOlO. Restored unfurnished apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, spacious kitchen area and 4 balconies. Tel. 064881384. PiaZZa del POPOlO. Restored furnished apartment, bedroom, bathroom, living / dining room, small kitchen and balcony. Tel. 064881384. Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

PiaZZa navOna area. Unique town house, well furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. €1.800. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PiaZZa navOna. Restored furnished apartment, bedroom, bathroom, spacious living room and large live-in kitchen. Tel. 064881384. PiaZZa navOna. Beautiful view. Building with doorman. Furnished, completely restored apartment, third floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. Tel. 0654211074. info@internationalpointgroup.com. Prati. Furnished apartment, 55 sqm. Living, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. Lovely terrace. € 1.450. Tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. rOman FOrum. Restored furnished penthouse with views over the Roman Forum, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, study, kitchen and terrace. Tel. 064881384. rOme - FOrmellO. Historic centre, independent unit on 2 levels with terrace: living room with fireplace, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, €1.500, for photos: www.casaitaly.it, find us on Facebook, Tel. 068419827. rOme Centre / PariOli. Via Po, unfurnished penthouse with terrace, various flats furnished or not, Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it.

s. saba. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, large balconies, well maintained baths, parking. Ref 1167, tel. 063212341. settebaGni - salaria. In a residential castle, houses, semi-detached apartments €1.000 - €3.000. Parking, garden, night guard. 9 km from Rome, train available every 15 minutes. Bank guarantee required. Tel. 329 / 6084225, agrimarcigliana@alice.it. sPanisH stePs - trastevere. Piazza di Spagna, Via Sistina, Via Giulia, Trastevere, charming studio apartments. Quiet. €800 to €1.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. sPanisH stePs. Restored penthouse with lovely views, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, small kitchen and large terrace with views and outdoor furnishings. Tel. 064881384. st. Peter's. 75 sqm. bright, quiet, furnished and renovated, 3rd floor with elevator. Living room, 2 other rooms, kitchen and bathroom. €1400 monthly. Agreement from 1 to 4 years. 333.3955.283 (only italian spoken) testaCCiO (bridGe). Apartment on 6th floor, renovated and furnished composed of hallway, open space lounge with kitchen, large double bedroom and toilet. Very bright and panoramic. €1.300 monthly including condominium expenses and heating. Only with references. Phone 340 / 6237669. testaCCiO. 115 sqm, sunny, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, excellent location, restored kitchen. Ref 829, Tel. 063212341. trastevere - s. COsimatO. Furnished, bright, quiet, sunny, 50 sqm studio, 5th floor, elevator. All comforts, internet, €1.100 condominium included. Immediate availability. tel. 329 / 1672593, katie.sancosimato@gmail.com. trastevere - GianiCOlO. Garden / terrace, elegant, furnished, spacious living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study. €2.100. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it.

trastevere. Furnished, bedroom, living, small kitchen. €1.000, €1.100. Refs 890/1113/994. Tel. 063212341. trastevere. Close to station, 100sqm top floor, furnished, living room with dining area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, newly furnished eat-in kitchen, balcony. Property International 065743170, rome@propertyint.net, www.propertyint.net. trastevere. Well furnished, modern, just redone, living room, 1 bedroom, air conditioned. €1.400. Also cottagelike, charming on 2 levels, livingroom, 1 bedroom, veranda. €1.250. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. via Giulia. Restored furnished penthouse, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, living room, dining room, modern kitchen and terrace. Tel. 064881384. via venetO. Restored apartment, elegantly furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living/dining room, breakfast room and kitchen. Tel. 064881384.

accommodation vacant out of town Ostia, inFernettO, valleranO. Ostia, beach apartment, penthouse, furnished. Infernetto, villas in elegant shape, with garden. Vallerano, villa, unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. PrettY HOuse COmmutable tO rOme. Situated a few minutes outside of the picturesque village of Nemi in the Castelli Romani, this pretty stone built detached house has; 3 bedrooms, kitchen / dining room, bathroom, generous sitting room with fire place, French doors opening onto a garden facing terrace, underground garage, front and back garden, cantina and studio with en-suite bathroom. Partially furnished with fully fitted kitchen and white goods. Gas centrally heated, satellite dish, Internet access, alarm. 55 minutes to Rome, 20 minutes from Ciampino, 20 minutes to train station. Euro 1,000 per month plus bills. Available May 1st 2012. For photos see http://deependable.com/nemi/. tivOli mandela. 50 km from Rome, in 19th-century tower, completely restored 90 sqm furnished apartment with entrance, 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen, €500 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.

bed & breakfast navOna. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@ hotmail.com, www.navonaloft.com.


PiaZZa bOlOGna. Near Metro B, well connected, about 2,5km from historic centre, stylish building, charming, sunny, quiet rooms with TVs, refined furniture. Excellent prices, especially for long term. €40 per person per night, breakfast included. Sleeps 8 people. Tel. 347 / 6156955, le.streghe@tin.it.

holiday accommodation easter in umbria-laKe trasimenO. Beautiful, very panoramic apartments in 17th-century farmhouses on organic olive oil-producing estate. www.collesanpaolo.it. casali@collesanpaolo.it. Tel. 064741919 - 389/6433852.

jobs wanted artistiC manaGement aGenCY is looking for young-looking actresses, perfectly bilingual Italian-English, for important film production. Send photos and curriculum: sergio.martinelli@studioemme.net. business enGlisH rOma CentrO. We are recruiting a part-time trainer with experience of General Business English for high profile client. Courses Tuesdays and Wednesdays 5-7 pm and possibly Mondays too. Please write to info@ktts.it or phone 3345921318. enGlisH teaCHer urgently required, must be mother tongue CELTA qualified, experienced, competent, serious, resident Rome: children / adults, afternoons / evenings, Piazza Irnerio. Cvs: info@accademiabritannica.it, Tel. 333 / 7813026. enGlisH teaCHers needed. Established English School currently seeking full/part-time English mothertongue teachers for adult and children courses. Full training provided. Contact us on 0647823253 or send your CV to teachers@angloamerican.it. enGlisH trainers reQuired. We need exp English trainers to work in the banking and finance sector. Must have University degree and / or exp preferrably in the finance sector. Positions available in both Milan and Rome. Part time and full time. Tel. 340.168.7235 info@thelanguagegrid.com. establisHed lanGuaGe sCHOOl in central Rome needs native speaker qualified teachers. Min 3 years' exp, aged 26+. Send CV to coordinators1@trinityschool.it. establisHed PrestiGiOus lanGuaGe school Rome seeks mothertongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, newbritishcentres@gmail.com. event OrGaniZers & team leaders. Fun, flexible work with a leading UK children's publisher, introducing 2000+ English titles into your local community and schools. emma@mylittleyellowduck.co.uk eXtra Gardener for park near Colosseum. Gardening experience necessary. Timetable by arrangement. Italian or EU citizen. please apply with CV / references: valleycastle@compuserve.com. internatiOnal CHild Care Centre. An International child care centre and a Nursery School recruits English mother-tongue personnel with Italian, full time. We have a vacancy at the pre - school (3 -5 years old). Send CV with photograph: infotripolitania@lamaisonnette.net, tel. 0686214960. italian teaCHer. Rome-Italy, wellestablished and successful international school following the English National Curriculum, requires for


Important international market research Company urgently requires FRENCH, ENGLISH, SPANISH, GERMAN, SWEDISH, FINNISH, NORWEGIAN, DANISH, DUTCH Mother-tongue speakers. Monthly payment, paid training. Via di Priscilla 101-Roma Freefone: 800 12 29 28 September 2012 qualified teacher for the following position: Italian teacher KS3-KS5 (age 14-18 years) - part-time position. The school is particularly interested in hearing from self-motivated, dedicated and energetic teachers. Applications by email with covering letter and C.V. Please include names, email addresses and telephone numbers of two referees. The Headteacher, The New School, email: info@newschoolrome.com. Tel. 0039 063294269 Fax. 0039 063297546. Candidates selected for interview will be contacted by email and phone. PresCHOOl teaCHer needed. Preschool teacher needed. Must be certified in Early Childhood education with past experience. English mothertongue only. Call 328 / 1858195, 0633266703. sales aCCOunt FOr Wanted in milan. Wanted in Milan is on the lookout for an Advertising Sales Account. Payment is based on commission. Candidates must be living in Milan, be ideally Italian and English mother tongue, or at least one mother tongue and full fluency in the other, and have some experience in sales, preferably advertising sales. Send applications with CV to info@wantedinmilan.com. tHe britisH sCHOOl at rOme. Britain's leading research institute abroad, is seeking a part-time, selfmotivated, Residence Manager with mother-tongue English (or equivalent capability) and fluent Italian, who will maintain our reputation for the highest standards of courtesy and professional service to support our residents. For further particulars and details of how to apply see http://www.bsr.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/Residence-manager2.pdf. Closing date for applications: 16 March, those called for interview will be notified by 20 March. Start date 9 April or as mutually agreed thereafter.

lessons italian COurse dOWntOWn Or sKYPe. Experienced native teacher of Italian as a foreign language offers cheap and customized tutoring. Any age or level. Teaching resources and first trial lesson are free. Write me back or call 328-3756855. italian lessOns. Mothertongue professional teacher offers Italian lessons Rome center or Trastevere. Individual 1h €20, 2h 35; couples 25-40. Also Skype. info@italianoastranieri.it. leZiOni tedesCO. Ragazza laureata madrelingua tedesco impatisce lezioni di lingua tedesco. Disponibile per lezioni di conversazione e/o grammatica. Prezzi modici. Cell: 346 9724732 email: eisenwagen_sandra@hotmail.com. russian teaCHer. I am a native Russian speaker and offer lessons of Russian language. Alina 3315329237.

property for sale in town aPPia PiGnatelli. Appia Antica Park, in quiet street, for sale beautifully restored corner villa, 270 sqm, on 3 levels + garden of 160 sqm, composed of: 4 bedrooms, kitchen, large living room, 2 terraces, hobby room with fireplace, 2nd kitchen, laundry room, 2 covered parking spaces. Elegant environment, unique opportunity in the area, attractive price €850.000, commissions only 1.5%. Tel. 0680660205, 334 / 7016400, aphomes@hotmail.it, www.aphomes.it. Cassia. Just before St Peter's Hospital, in elegant and quiet compound with park and swimming pool, for sale beautiful apartment of 160 sqm with two entrances, living room with large windows, eat-in kitchen, 3 bathrooms one of which is in the master bedroom, 75

ENGLISH TEACHERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Berlitz Italy is among the world leaders in the field of language learning services. We are currently seeking full-time and part-time teachers in Rome and Milan. Candidates must be native speakers and have a degree, preferably with some teaching experience or teaching certification. Berlitz teachers are motivated, enthusiastic and open to new experiences. Would you like to work in a dynamic, international environment, then this is the job for you! Interested? Please contact Louise Thorne at workinrome@berlitz.it or workinmilan@berlitz.it

sqm of terrace, plus garage, cellar, 2 uncovered parking spaces. Unique opportunity in this area. €1.150.000. Tel. 0680660205, 334 / 7016400, aphomes@hotmail.it, www.aphomes.it. COlOsseum. Representative apartment of 400 sqm on 2 levels for sale. Private negotiation. Tel. 0680660205, 334 / 7016400, aphomes@hotmail.it, www.aphomes.it. via COla di rienZO. Sunny elegant finely restored apartment, 150 sqm, 2nd floor of beautiful building, a few minutes from S. Peter's. High ceilings, parquet floors, armored entrance door, A/C, independent heating. Click virtual tour www.ire4g.com, Call +39 328 / 1640901.

property for sale out of town albanO laZiale. A few minutes from Castelgandolfo tophill location, charming, exclusively restored two-flat villa, total 400 sqm with top quality interiors + private garden with ancient trees. Video intercom, water system, burglar alarm, power-operated gate. Click virtual tour www.ire4g.com, call +39 328 / 1640901. turKeY - seavieW WitH POOl. Turkey, delightful seaview villa near Alanya in Norwegian-English compound with pool, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with open-plan kitchen, €110.000. No agencies. Tel. 349 / 3614269, email: molanuova@libero.it. tusCanY near areZZO. Land of supreme artistic treasures, rural stone house, well restructured, on 3 levels, 340 sqm, plus 3.700-sqm surrounding grounds with the possibility to be divided. €500.000. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468.

rooms and flats shares larGe briGHt rOOm. Metro B Garbatella 2 stops from FAOCOLOSSEO. Kitchen washing machine freeinternet. E475 expenses included only owner living in. Tel. 3478588544, 065140512. massimo.mongai@gmail.com. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Delightful room (in Liberty villa), with private entrance, kitchenette, wardrobe, garden. Free from 1st June. Tel. Victoria: 340 / 7187012, 333 / 8539280. PiaZZa bOlOGna - metrO b. In delightful apartment with terrace, central location, 100 meters from Metro, A/C, WiFi, room with private bathroom, use of kitchen, €650 / month, email: b.palozi7@gmail.com. PinCianO - villa bOrGHese. Bright room in delightful loft near Villa Borghese. €450/monthly from 1st April. Foreigners only. No Erasmus. Tel. 320 /0946659, gabistudio8@gmail.com. rOOms tO let in mOnteverde. Ideal for students. Spacious house 4 rooms varying cost 300 / 400 / 500 Euros. Facilities include large bathroom, livable kitchen, two balconies. Close to bus stops towards Trastevere and the city centre. Tel. 333.5868324, nk71ln@hotmail.com. st Peter's - FeW metres. Large room, independent entrance, quiet, shared kitchen, bathroom. Females only. €530 monthly. Short lets €160/week. Tel. 327 / 4541214, giomontanaro@hotmail.it. trastevere - via della lunGara. Large room with personal bathroom to rent in private apartment, expenses and internet included, 850. Available from 24 March. Tel. 339 / 7857565.

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

short lets aPPia PiGnatelli. APARTMENTS HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours, info@flatinrome.com, www.flatinrome.com. CamPO de' FiOri sPaGna - navOna. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897, info@shortletsassistance.com, www.shortletsassistance.com. COlOsseum. Penthouse with veranda and terrace, lovely view. Sleeps up to 5 people. A/C, internet connection, TV, stereo €1.200/weekly, available from 10 May to 31 October. Tel. 333 / 3325299, tanalaura70@gmail.com. PantHeOn - POnte milviO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, inroma@libero.it. rOme sWeet HOme HistOriC Centre. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.travelbusinessapartments.it, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0669924091 - 335 / 7713580.


The classifieds in the following sections are free.

accommodation wanted aPt Wanted HistOriC area rOme. Seek 2 bed apartment, start April 1, one year, light, balcony / terrace, furnished, historic area, quiet. Contact: martindaly1@gmail.com. FrasCati aPartment Wanted. Want two bed or large one bed apartment central Frascati historic area for 3 months-plus, light, balcony / terrace, furnished. Contact: 39.342.559.7162. rOOm FOr enGlisH teaCHer una molto tranquille persone. Cerco per una stanza per una messa viccino di Ottaviano. English lessons whenever you like! 3278794184. seeK 3-mOntH Plus One bed rOme. Want large one bed apartment, start April 1, for 3 months-plus, Rome historic area, light, balcony/terrace, furnished,contact: 39.342.559.7162.

animals dOGsittinG / CatsittinG reliable dog / catsitter in town references available. 389.886.6839 rod063081@gmail.com.


Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012

TIONAL MUSIC AND DANCE. BASILICA DI SAN NICOLA, TEATRO DI MARCELLO, ROME @20.30. meditatiOn- First time Free. Meditation, Satsang and Mantra class in Trastevere. 25 March 2012. Sessione in Italiano 2.30-4.30 PM. English Session 5.30-7.30PM. Call to reserve: 339 1915 444. musCular intriGues. Between and among make love All night long. Truly Marco.

exchanges eXCHanGe. Give me an elegant room in center of Rome and I will give you cheap international flight tickets l 3396675270.

health & fitness CertiFied baCH FlOWer tHeraPist. Counseling and Flower Remedy support for stress, depression, anxiety. English and Italian. Tel. 3409452434. enGlisH dental studiO in rOme. Via della fonte di fauno 29, 00153 rome, italy /phone 39.065783639 / englishdentalstudio@yahoo.com/. 24/7 mobile 39.3203009440/ follow eds on facebook. Free selF-develOPment neWsletter. Articles, inspiring stories, tips, life-enhancing strategies and much more. Sign Up Today! www.damienofarrell.com or 339/3332547. mama and babY YOGa. Exercise, stretch, relax and rejoice together! yogamammebimbi.blogspot.co. INFO: uttamjit.k@gmail.com. massaGes YOur PlaCe alsO sundaYs. Very expert masseuse, lomi lomi nui, californian, ayurvedic, sport and therapeutic massages, your place or studio 50 euro /1h 3337441093. masseur €30 at YOur HOme. Black man massage therapist, on.floor oil-massage, www.abcdservizi.com at your home-hotel. Men €50/h Women €30/h Tel. 3270610447. PersOnal trainer. Do you like work-out in the open air of Rome? Call me for personal training sessions: 3339352666. Pilates GrOuP reFOrmer - 15 eurO. Pilates Group Reformer Hours: Monday and Wednesday @ 18:00 hrs & 19:00 hrs. Call 331.855 6197 or email info@sportpilates.it. POWer lives COaCHinG. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 3393332547, www.damienofarrell.com for information. sHiatsu massaGes. Namikoshi Shiatsu massages. Years of experience. Other skills: Traditional Massage, Sport Massage, CranioSacral. One massage 60 minutes/50 euro. Mobile: 3339352666.

tHai massaGe Traditional or relaxing aromatheraphy by masseur with thai certificate. At your home only. Cell. 3270151643. YOGa Classes in trastevere! YOGA CLASSES for women in English! Tuesdays & Thursdays 19:30-20:45. All levels, E15 per class. Bring a yoga mat. Please email: anniface@gmail.com.

household sales bOOKs, bOOKCases, videO taPes. Free: VHS NTSC assorted video tapes, Stephen King and cook books. 3 bookcases 15 Euro each. Can send photos. kathyinrome2003@yahoo.com. Cd / radiO / Cassette PlaYer. Silver all in one (model-mp man). For sale E10 for quick sale. Very good condition. Parioli. 3459235341. GivinG aWaY neW dresser and old kitchen cupboards. S. Paolo area. 349/1322869 - jesmith627 at gmail.com. iKea WOOd Frame CHair. IKEA wood frame chair with separate foot rest, red cushions on chair and footrest, 30E can send photos kathyinrome2003@yahoo.com. OaK and Plain WOOd bOOKCases. 4 solid oak bookcases, 4 shelves, 40E each 3 plain wood bookcases, 15E each, can send photos kathyinrome2003@yahoo.com. OaK tv Cabinet. TV can be placed in and doors can close, 2 drawers below 250E, can send photo, kathyinrome2003@yahoo.com. Printer HP desKJet F2180 PERFECT CONDITION. All-in-one printer, scanner, photocopier for sale.

Good as new, 12 months old, 30 euros. Area-Piazza Buenos Aires. 3459235341. sale a leatHer sOFa + unit Wall. Modern red leather sofa 3 seats + chair Modern unitwall made wood cherry color beautiful modern good conditions. Euro 600. Call331.378.4006. E-mail bonasiacarlo@hotmail.com.

IT & computers COmPuter assistanCe serviCe. Professional on-site computer assistance for your home / office. Notebook and desktop repair. Internet setup. Data recovery. contact: 334/2133214, info@vanguardpc.com. COmPuter assistanCe. Native English / fluent Italian. Expert care in your home / office, whatever your PC problems/requirements. Thomas 3477.21.56.86.

jobs wanted ameriCan marKetinG/Pr sPeCialist. American woman (28yrs) with experience working in Italy seeks full-time marketing, PR, event organization job. Speaks Italian. Email: srobrts1@gmail.com. ameriCan teaCHer W/ m.s. American Teacher w/ Master's in Social Studies looking for employment in international school please email if interested msauter10@jcu.edu. babYsitter. BABYSITTER IS LOOKING FOR WORK. CASALPALOCCO ONLY. TEL. 339 23 28 021. babYsittinG JOb Wanted. Canadian girl looking for part time

PhotograPhs We are opening the pages of Wanted in Rome to budding photographers of the eternal city. What we are looking for are topical and out-of-the-ordinary scenes about everyday life in the Rome, not the usual "postcard" images of tourist sites. Any high-quality, unusual photos we receive will be considered for publication in the magazine or as covers. Please send any images in high resolution digital format to editorial@wantedinrome.com.


babysitting/english lessons work. Available anytime. Contact me at cberry610@hotmail.com. beYbisister, COllabOratriCe. Giovanne cerca lavoro a tempo full time,partime,ho esperienza con bambini e come aiuto a casa. parlo(spagnolo-italiano) tel: 3276663463. deutsCHe suCHt arbeit in rOm. Sprachen: deutsch, italienisch, englisch - Erfahrung: Sekretärin, Eventorganisation Wissen: MS Office 3668192564. dOGsittinG / CatsittinG. reliable dog / catsitter in town. References available. rod063081@gmail.com. 389.886.6839. dOmestiC JOb. English / Italian speaking, well experienced and recommended, with Italian driving licence, free, seeks full or part time domestic. Tel. 388 / 9323795. enGlisH tutOr / babYsitter. American English, female. Offering English lessons, tutoring, and babysitting. Have experience working with children and tutoring English. Please contact jamarcusa1@yahoo.com. FiliPina dOmestiCa Parla inGlese. Domestica / Baby Sitter / Old-Age Care. Certified Caregiver. Contact 3382276888 / 3890106010. Part-Time / Live-in / Lungo Orario. FiliPinO COuPles lOOKinG FOr JOb. Wife experience in domestic works and nursery school for kids. husband knows electrical / aircon jobs and domestic / gardening 3276808631 / 3291637460. FiliPPinO seeKs dOmestiC WOrK. Male Filippino seeks full or part time domestic or eldercare work. Axa / Casalpalocco / Eur area. 329/3497855. FiliPPinO seeKs dOmestiC WOrK. Male Filippino seeks full or part time domestic or eldercare work. Excellent gardener. Axa / Casalpalocco / Eur area. 329 / 3497855. Graduated in antHrOPOlOGY speak 6 languages, worked as a secretary and as a journalist, seeks work. Email to Aleksandra: sandroula@gmail.com Graduated in antHrOPOlOGY. speak 6 languages, worked as a secretary and as a journalist, seeks work. Email to Aleksandra: sandroula@gmail.com.

Great babYsitter available! Live-in position in Italy wanted! Spanish mother tongue, Inglish and French speaker babysitter/ Nanny. diayi41@hotmail.com Mobile, 33 0679288499. Guitar instruCtOr seeKs WOrK. Professional Guitar and music teacher seeks part-time, morning job as teacher, studio session, song writer etc...tel 392 / 7388608. HellO! hi!i am kennette 26 female, i'am looking for a job, its either live-in, part time or lungo. thanks! 3282182131. HOuseKeePinG-babYsister. Female, fluent English, good in babysister / house cleaning. Available immediately. Tel. +39 327 / 3669697. indian CitiZen (m) 31Yrs & eduCated looking a job like PORTIERE DI NOTTE with 3 years exp.& Ref. CELL: 3295612872, E-mail:prinsonperumalil@gmail.com. indian Girl, 24 Yrs, (nurse). Speak only English looking a job like Baby sitter/tuition teacher for primary students / Oldage care & Cleaning. Cell: 3347693994, monisha.annamma.antony@gmail.com. industrial Cleaner / General maint. cleaner : flats, apartments ( five star level), general main.. speaks Italian with Italian drivers licence. Contact Pat 334 / 8038975. interPreter. Mother-tongue English-Italian freelance interpreter. Contact: tanalaura7@gmail.com, Tel. 333 / 3325299. lOOKinG FOr a Part-time JOb. 19 yr Italian girl speaking perfect English, fluent French / Spanish. Could be receptionist, shop assistant, babysitter or language teacher. 3337630103. 7 lOOKinG FOr a suitable JOb. Indian Male, good spoken english, experience in Hospitality, looking for a suitable job immediately. tel. 3891667145. Francis. lOOKinG FOr HOsPitalitY JOb. MALE, HAVE 21 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN FOOD AND BEVE. MOTIVATION WORKING WITH TOURIST AND TRAVELLERS, TEL NO. 3888222215. maintenanCe. 34yr English male seeking employment , property maintenance, cleaning etc. speaks Italian please contact me Pat on 3348038975. marCO madOnna GraPHiC desiGner. m.madonna1@hotmail.it

Aeroporto Ciampino Aeroporto di Fiumicino Arrivi Airterminal Fiumicino Anglo American Book Shop C.so Italia, 34 Corso Francia, 228 Corso Trieste, 90 Feltrinelli International L.go Argentina L.go Chigi L.go del Colonnato Largo Arenula, 12/B Largo Argentina, 14 P.le Albania P.le Cola Di Rienzo P.le Flaminio P.le Ponte Milvio P.zza Barberini P.zza Campo De’ Fiori P.zza Cola Di Rienzo P.zza Colonna P.zza del Parlamento P.zza della Balduina P.zza della Minerva

3337620608. Very reasonable prices for your logos - logo animations and any other graphic service that you may need! raGiOniere/ resP.amministraZiOne. qualificato con anni di esperienza cerca lavoro anche part time in Roma e provincia. Tel. 3349908047. seGretaria di direZiOne. Parlo 3 lingue (tedesco, italiano, inglese), più che 20 anni esperienza, conoscenza progetti IT. Capacità di organisare. +393668192564. sri lanKan need dOmestiC JOb. HI SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENT, ALSO HAVING EXPERIENCE IN TOURISM. NEED DOMESTIC OR ANY JOB CALL 3894676621 OR MAIL sugeeswara.dissanayake@yahoo.com. WOrK as Waitress Wanted. Looking for job as waitress. Languages: English, german, italian (little french). Organized events before. 3668192564. YOur Web desiGn eurO 30 /PaGe. Build Your website, €30 /page Tel. 0643405820.0:45. All levels, E15 per class. Bring a yoga mat. Please email: anniface@gmail.com.

personal Cd / radiO / Cassette PlaYer. Silver all in one (model-mp man). For sale E10 for quick sale. Very good condition. Parioli. 3459235341. enerGetiC enGlisH Female, young 60's, S. Paolo area, speaks Italian, seeks partner for evenings dancing the night away! 338 3501571. lOOKinG FOr a Part-time JOb. 24 yr sri lankan boy speaking English, any kind of job. house till work expert and meson. 3275665313. maniCure & PediCure. International student experienced on manicure and pedicure contact 00393806363375 or julesgoodfellow@yahoo.com. massaGe bY eXPert YOur - mY HOme. Black man massage since 1994, expert at your Home or Hotel WOMAN € 30/hour MAN € 60 Tel. 068271618. Printer HP desKJet F2180. PerFeCt COnditiOn. All-in-one printer, scanner, photocopier for sale.

P.zza di Porta Pia P.zza di Spagna, 57 P.zza Euclide, 31 P.zza Farnese, 105 P.zza Giochi Delfici P.zza Mastai P.zza Pitagora, 6 P.zza Regina Margherita P.zza Repubblica, 6 P.zza Risorgimento P.zza S. Jacini P.zza S. Silvestro P.zza S.M. Trastevere P.zza Testaccio P.zza Trilussa P.zza Vescovio P.zza Vittorio P.zza Zanardelli, 16 P.zza in Lucina, 31 Salita De Crescenzi (Pantheon) Stazione Termini V.le Beethoven, 90/9 V.le G. Cesare Civ.17 V.le Parioli, 2

Good as new, 12 months old, 30 euros. Area - Piazza Buenos Aires. 3459235341.

schools and colleges enGlisH lanGuaGe COurses in uK. Courses for teenagers and adults. Residential or family accommodation. Free consultancies for selection of school and enrolment. info@ingleseingranbretagna.it. Tel:0655285664. tOddler eduCatiOnal GrOuPs. English Play-Classes taught by mothertongue, certified teachers. For more information, please contact us 06.375.00196 or treehouserome@gmail.com. 30-40 eur per day. WeeKend teFl in FlOrenCe. April 20-22nd. TEFL Certificate (20 hours) Cost: 195 euro. Europass: 0552345802 www.teachingenglishinitaly.com. E-mail europass@europass.it to enroll.

services HOuse CleaninG Wanted. English speaking couple seeking house cleaner. Once / week, in Garbatella. We provide supplies. Email anfarber@comcast.net if interested. la verZura Garden desiGn It's time to renew terraces and gardens. Garden designer Anne Hanley works throughout central Italy. www.laverzura.com anne@laverzura.com, (+39) 349 3607431. Web site OnlY € 30 A PAGE. Web designers build Your website only € 30 each page. Tel. 3331953311.

transport van needed. Need to transport sofa small distance. Don't want to spend much. Just need someone with a van/truck. 389 047 2516.

travel WeeKend teFl in FlOrenCe. April 20-22nd. TEFL Certificate (20 hours) Cost: 195 euro. Europass: 0552345802 www.teachingenglishinitaly.com Email europass@europass.it to enroll.

V.le Parioli, 54 V.le Trastevere Via Cassia 1839 Km.1 Via Cassia 993/995 Via Cassia Km 19.400 Via Cassia, 623 Via Cassia, 698 Via Cassia, 876 Via Cavour, 257 Via Celimontana, 5 Via Del Babuino, 150 Via della Magliana Via della Pace Via Flaminia 229 Via Gramsci, 1/B Via Gregorio VII, 55 Via Isola, 53 C. Palocco Via Marmorata Via Nazionale 7 Via Nomentana Via Orti Farnesina Via Valadier Via Veneto Viale Aventino/Fao

For further details check the full distribution list on www.wantedinrome.com.


21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

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Wanted in Rome 21 March 2012


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st Francis Xavier del Caravita (roman Catholic)

american international Club of rome

The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.

s. silvestro Church (roman Catholic)

Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 in original language on Mon

Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30

tel. 0645447625 – www.aicrome.org

american Women’s association of rome tel. 064825268 – www.awar.org association of british expats in italy britishexpatsinitaly@gmail.com

association of malaysians in italy

tel. 389 / 1162161 – malaysiansinitaly@gmail.com

Caledonian society


Canadian Club of rome canadarome@gmail.com

Circolo di Cultura mario mieli

Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 – fax 065413971

Commonwealth Club of rome ccrome08@gmail.com

international Women’s Club of rome tel. 0633267490 – www.pwarome.org

luncheon Club of rome tel. 0636307249

Patrons of the arts in the vatican museums tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons.org.

Professional Women’s association www.pwarome.org

united nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628 – unwg@fao.org www.unwgrome.multiply.com

Welcome neighbor

tel. 347 / 9313040 – dearprome@tele2.it www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

s. susanna Church (roman Catholic)

Cineclub detour

st andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845

Fiamma multisala

The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.

bibliothèque Centre Culturel saint-louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637 www.saintlouisdefrance.it

Herder international book Center (German) Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 bookcentre@herder.it – www.herder.it

la librairie Française de rome la Procure (French)

Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 www.librairiefrancaiserome.com

libreria Feltrinelli international Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878, www.lafeltrinelli.it

st Patrick’s Church (roman Catholic)

Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987 www.filmstudioroma.com

st Paul’s within-the-Walls (anglican episcopal)



Via G. Bordoni 59, tel. 065745825

nuovo Olimpia

Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068

nuovo sacher

Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 in original language on Mon when available

RELIGIOUS Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday.

associazione Centro astalli

(Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306

associazione ryder italia

(Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580 www.ryderitalia.it

astra (anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 – www.differenzadonna.it

Caritas soup kitchen

(Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily

Caritas foreigners’ support centre

Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 – 066861554

Church of all nations

Caritas legal assistance

Church of sweden

Celebrate recovery Christian group

Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235

Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464

Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369

Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)

tel. 338 / 1675680

Footsteps inter-denominational Christian South Rome, tel. 0650917621 – 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371, akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it

international Central Gospel Church Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695

international Christian Fellowship

Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00

Jewish reform Group in rome

Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month

lay Centre at Foyer unitas

Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761

lutheran Church

Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)

the anglo american bookshop

Ponte s. angelo methodist Church

the Open door bookshop (second hand books – english, French, German, italian)

Pontifical irish College

Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30

Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478 www.books-in-italy.com

(Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00


Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 – 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)


(HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 – www.arche.it

Caritas hostel

Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061

24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council.Tel. 060606.

tel. 064742913 – www.aarome.info

Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425

libreria spagnola sorgente (spanish)

Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222


Christian science services

Jewish Community

Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942

Via di Monserrato 45, tel. 066868546. Sunday service 10.00.



the almost Corner bookshop

venerable english College (roman Catholic)


Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484

Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00

Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)

• ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355

Jesus Cares ministries

s. susanna lending library

Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00

alcoholics anonymous

libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950 www.libreriaspagnola.it

Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00

Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526

all saints’ anglican Church


Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30


irish Club of rome

irishclubofrome@gmail.com – www.irishclubofrome.com

Via del Caravita 7 – www.caravita.org

rome baptist Church

rome buddhist Centre vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091

rome mosque (Centro islamico)

Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 – 068082258

Comunità di s. egidio

Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234

Comunità di s. egidio soup kitchen Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat

information line for the disabled tel. 800271027

Joel nafuma refugee Centre

St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339

mason Perkins deafness Fund

(Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 – masonperkins@gmail.com www.mpds.it

Overeaters anonymous tel. 064743772

salvation army (Esercito della Salvezza) Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351

support for elderly victims of crime

(Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104

the samaritans Onlus

(Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022

TRANSPORT • atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, www.atac.roma.it • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, www.adr.it • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, www.adr.it • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • traffic info tel. 1518 • trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021 www.trenitalia.it

21 March 2012 Wanted in Rome

associazione negozi storici di eccellenza di roma association of the historical stores of excellence in rome Ristorante Il Vero Alfredo Ristorante tipico romano Typical roman restaurant

Palazzo del Freddo di Giovanni Fassi Gelateria Ice Cream

Piazza Augusto Imperatore, 30 · Roma

Via Principe Eugenio, 65 · Roma

Babington’s Sala da The e Pasticceria Tea Room and Patisserie

Forno Pasticceria Angelo Colapicchioni Forno Pasticceria Confectionery-Bakery

Piazza di Spagna, 23 · Roma

Via Tacito,76-78/Via Properzio, 23-25 · Roma

Banchetti Sport Abbigliamento sportivo per uomo e donna Sportswear for man and woman

Macelleria Feroci Macelleria Butcher’s shop and food

Via di Campo Marzio, 38 · Roma

Via della Maddalena, 15 · Roma

Bar Ciampini Ristorante, Bar e Gelateria Restaurant, Bar and Ice Cream

Stilo Fetti Penne e Regalistica di Lusso Pen and Luxury Gift

Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina, 29 Via della Fontanella di Borghese, 59 · Roma

Bedetti Orologi e Gioielli Watch and Jewellery

Via degli Orfani, 82 · Roma

Giolitti Gelateria, Bar e Tavola Calda Ice Cream, Bar and Restaurant

Piazza San Silvestro, 11 · Roma

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 45 · Roma

Bertoletti Pelliccerie Pellicceria Furrier’s shop

Antico Caffè Greco Bar, Caffè, Museo d’Arte, Ristorante Bar, Caffè, Art Museum, Restaurant

Via Vittoria, 16/a · Roma

Via dei Condotti, 86 · Roma

Bulgari Orologi e Gioielli Watch and Jewellery

Hausmann & Co. Orologeria e Gioielleria Watch and Jewellery

Via dei Condotti, 10 · Roma

Via del Corso, 406 · Roma

Burchi & De Sanctis Penne e Regalistica di Lusso Pen and Luxury Gift

Paolucci Falegnameria, Coloreria ed Hobbistica Carpentry, Paint and Leisure

Via Frattina, 124 · Roma

Via di Montoro, 5 · Roma

Galleria Ca’ d’Oro Galleria d’Arte Art Gallery

Lina Rocchi Abbigliamento per donna Clothing for woman

Piazza di Spagna, 81 · Roma

Piazza del Parlamento, 5-6 · Roma

Caleffi Abbigliamento per uomo e donna Clothing for man and woman

Trattoria Da Romolo alla Mole Adriana Trattoria tipica cucina romana Typical roman restaurant

Via Colonna Antonina, 53 · Roma

Via delle Fosse di Castello, 19 · Roma

Ottica Calò Occhiali ed Ottica Glasses and Optician

Tebro - Biancheria dal 1867 Biancheria per la casa, intimo uomo, donna e bambino/Luxury bedding and linen, underwear for man, woman, baby

Piazza Risorgimento, 34-35 · Roma

Via dei Prefetti, 48-56/Via di Campo Marzio, 23 · Roma

Ciampini Caffè du Jardin Ristorante, Bar e Gelateria Restaurant, Bar and Ice Cream

Terracina Store Abbigliamento per uomo e donna Clothing for man and woman

Piazza Trinità dei Monti, snc · Roma

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 2-4 · Roma


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